#Lu Bu guy heres your chance
berserker-showdown · 1 year
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ON the Right wielding a blade too big to be called a sword... Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough more akin to a heap of raw Stone. the bearer of the God Hand and champion of the Greeks. The OG berserker himself: Herakles! and illya
ON the Left stands the General of Repetition, the second half of Red Hare, the famed warlord of the chinese Three Kingdoms Era, a Mobile Fortress of a Servant: Lu Bu Fengxian! and Rani viii
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soleilenchaine · 1 year
Limbus Sinner Chess Headcanons
yes, that's right. chess hcs
they need to play some boardgames to pass the time so here we goooo
Yi Sang
has the stockfish calculator in his brain. each time a sinner makes a stupid move it just goes into the red and it confuses the hell out of him. constantly muses to himself and to others if they are listening when the pieces are not in their ideal positions
either at IM or possibly GM rating. is extremely good at decimating almost any opponent and will be extremely smug about it. she is constantly giving the side-eye to anyone who plays badly when she spectates
Don Quixote
i know we joke about her eating the pieces but i just think she keeps asking Yi Sang for help. she also constantly calls the knights Rocinante. if there is any chance for her Rocinantes to claim an opponents piece she will announce it in the most DonDon way possible
plays chess like shogi.
no really. she just thinks shogi allows for more artistic expression in the endgame. also because she keep yelling at the opponent when she claims an opponent's piece with the pawn by moving it forwards rather than diagonally and the opponent says that's an illegal move.
but if she was forced to play by the rules (and she will threaten to C.Y.U), she would make the most bizarre plays by claiming as many pieces as possible to create the most elaborate endgame
his poker face gives him the advantage in almost any match. each time he leaves a piece hanging the opponent gets increasingly more nervous because what if he left that piece to psyche them out.
Sinclair especially gets very nervous when playing against Meursault and ends up fumbling, but Meursault will explain to the little chicky man what happened and teaches him how to counter but in the most deadpan voice known to man.
Meursault: On move 12 you had compromised the bishop's position by moving your rook from b4 to f4. That was how I was able to claim your bishop. Sinclair: Wait, move 12?! When was that??? Meursault how on earth have you been keeping track?
Meursault: I had merely been observing (:meursault-stare:)
he claims a piece en passant and some of the sinners think he's done an illegal move until Faust (and possibly Yi Sang) corrects them. the guy is very good, will always play with the most efficient openings possible and can hold his own if someone were to pull a surprise move on him.
Hong Lu
he's a very competent player. knows all the fancy openings and endgame setups, and is extremely good at countering. he's also very good at bluffing and ends up stumping his opponents during the endgame
he finds joy spectating other sinners' matches and will ask throughout the match if a move is a special opening or counter that they do in the Backstreets. he needs to know!!
he also pulls an en passant on Heathcliff, but just to rile him up. he secretly finds it funny.
ahh, Heathcliff. see you would probably think that Heathcliff is bad at chess but on the contrary.
he probably tried to learn it to impress Cathy, and eventually learned certain openings and counters that Cathy was fond of.
but overall his playstyle is simple, direct. no bells and whistles. he gets extra angry at Meursault for pulling an en passant (we need that Brit/French hatred).
any match with Ishmael ends just as how you would expect it to end.
she's pretty good at playing chess. she can play blitz chess against Faust and hold her own (though she always loses because Faust is just far too good)
she has surprisingly good knowledge of the most niche openings and would troll Heathcliff by playing them. but otherwise, she would also play with very few bells and whistles. a straightforward playstyle for the most Normal Sinner(TM) on the bus
Rodya constantly played with Sonia back when she was still with the Yurodiviye, so she is at least 1800 rating.
she is extremely good at blitz chess. she thrives in a high stakes, fast paced game and with her constantly chatting with the opponent throughout the match she decimates the opponent purely because she just keeps distracting them with her friendly banter and quips.
she's also really good at adapting her playstyle to match her opponent. that's why Sinclair likes playing with her because she patiently waits for Sinclair to make his moves and she doesn't pull weird fancy openings on him or else he gets very confused.
she is super competitive, but is a very good sport.
my sweet chickadee. he used to compete in chess competitions back in school, and he got pretty good at blitz chess. but he's always dreading LCB tourneys because he will have at least three sinners backseat playing behind him while the opponent just crushes him.
but if he plays with his seatmates, he gets increasingly exasperated at Don with her increasingly chaotic plays while Yi Sang just quietly keeps score.
her experience commanding her team during the smoke war is reflected in her playstyle. she plays very aggressively and will taunt the opponent if they make a mistake. she is brutal with her openings and will attempt to immediately conquer the chessboard until either the opponent forfeits or is forced into an unwinnable corner.
once you see her set up a Sicilian defense it's basically over for you.
our dearest roach man.
if he plays against the rest of the sinners, he takes it easy. he's a chill player and doesn't pull any complex endgame shenanigans unless the opponent tries to pull a fast one on him. he will also happily teach Sinclair and Don some cool openings if they ask him to play a match.
but when he plays against Outis, it's a completely different story. he is surprisingly good at countering even the most aggressive opening, and any match against Outis ends in a stalemate. his easygoing uncle vibe dissipates and you're suddenly reminded that he, too, is a Smoke War veteran. he's also had a lot of experience on the battlefield, so he knows full well what kind of tactics Outis would use during a match.
this is also the only time Outis doesn't taunt the opponent: she's too focused on trying to get out of a stalemate.
he also likes to pull meme openings every once in a while. man just does a bongcloud opening and Faust is at the side giving him the BIGGEST side eye. BUT he actually manages to win with that and Faust has to admit that she is quite impressed.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Our Souls Crave This Magic- Chapter One
Pairing: Prince Caspian x Reader
Summary: All you want is a quiet year of university as you and your best friend, Edmund move to New York City. Though, that all changes when you meet the spoiled trust fund brat, Caspian. College au.
Warnings: fluff, slow burn romance, swearing
Words: 2619
Disclaimer: Everyone in this fic is 18+ and this gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: Here we are, first part of my college au! It was a little weird to be writing a Narnia college au, I’d never thought of writing one before! Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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next part   masterlist
Chapter One - Once Upon a Time in New York City
The air in New York was hot and muggy, even with the roof of your rental car being down there wasn’t much of a breeze and you were beginning to feel irritable and the smog in the air was heavy. The traffic over here was slow, somehow even slower than it was in London but you knew that it was a small price to pay for your freedom.
When your best friend, Edmund received a chance to study overseas in New York for his final year of college he took the chance straight away and he had pretty much begged you to go with him. You had never known Edmund to beg for anything so you knew that this was serious. You didn’t want to lose your best friend so you agreed to go with him, as did his little sister, Lucy but you didn’t mind, it was her first year at college.
From the back seat you could hear Lucy gasping in awe as she glanced up at the impossibly tall skyscrapers that were beginning to make you feel a little sick, “I love this city already, thanks for letting me come with you guys!”
Ed grimaced as he leaned forwards to turn your rock music down which earned him a scathing glare, “it’s not like we had much of a choice,” he muttered.
You rolled your eyes at Ed before smiling at Lucy in the mirror, “ignore him, Lu. I’m glad that you’re here.”
“Thanks Y/N,” she grinned at you before pulling a tongue at her brother, “I can’t wait to see the loft,” she sighed happily.
Neither of you wanted to stay in some shitty dorm room on campus so ever since you were accepted into NYU, you had begun saving money from your bar job and your student loan. Between the three of you the most you could afford was a loft apartment in Brooklyn. You spotted the moving van a couple of doors down from the loft and got ready to turn into a parking space on the busy street.
As you were reversing into the space, a yellow taxi blared its horn at you as it zoomed past you, “yeah, very nice, arsehole!” you yelled out of the window, knowing the driver couldn’t hear you but it made you feel better all the same.
Edmund rolled his eyes as he fixed you with an unamused look as he ran his fingers through his hair, “I’m beginning to regret asking you to come with me.”
You laughed, winking at him as you got out of the car, “you know that you love me.”
Ed laughed before he bit his lip, looking at you nervously, “you should call your mum, and tell her that you made it here in one piece. I know that you’ve been putting it off Y/N,” he sighed and pulled you into a one armed hug, “you can catch up with us in a bit.”
You sighed as you watched Ed and Lucy walk towards the moving van, he was right – most of the time he was right – you had been putting it off, and for good reason. You dialled your mum’s number as you lit up a cigarette and took a long drag of it. Just as you suspected, you were met with your mum’s voicemail. She was probably out, spending time with her new family, she was almost too happy when you told her that you were moving to New York.
“Hey mum, I’m just calling to let you know that I made it to New York, safe and sound. I didn’t want to call but Ed thought that I should, anyway call me back if you get this. Or don’t, it really doesn’t matter to me either way.”
The lie tasted bitter in your mouth but you didn’t want to dwell on it any longer so you quickly hung up the phone. You rubbed your temples as you took another drag off your cigarette, blowing out a large billow of smoke.
“Do you mind?” you heard a cough with the sound of a smooth honeyed accent. Your gaze started at his feet and you quirked an eyebrow when you saw that he was wearing expensive leather shoes. You travelled up his body with your eyes and they finally came to land on his face.
He had deep brown eyes that were almost black and he was very handsome with thick dark hair and clean stubble along his jaw, he looked just like the brooding hero in all those romance novels. You didn’t want to judge but he looked exactly like a trust fund baby, someone who got whatever they wanted on a silver platter. He coughed again as you blew out more smoke and he ran a hand through his hair, narrowing those gorgeous eyes at you.
“You can clearly see that I’m smoking here, it’s your fault for getting in my way, pretty boy,” you didn’t miss the scowl he shot you as you crushed the stub of your cigarette beneath your shoe as you turned away. You couldn’t let a stranger piss you off, no matter how good looking he was.
As you walked into the loft you were immediately taken aback by how spacious and beautiful it was, it seemed like good value for your money which was extremely rare in a big city. You decided that you were going to take the smallest room – you wanted Ed and Lucy to have the most luxurious rooms – but it seemed that you definitely got the room with the best view. New York was such a beautiful city and you were so glad that you got to live here.
As you were coming out of the room that you had claimed as your own, you noticed that the handsome stranger was in your apartment. Suspicion ran through your body as you narrowed your eyes at him, “what the fuck are you doing here?”
He opened his mouth to reply but before he could, Edmund came striding into the apartment, carrying a cardboard box, “Y/N, this is Caspian; he’s offered to help us move in.”
“How nice,” you smiled tightly, Caspian was a trust fund name, you were sure of that.
Caspian raised an eyebrow and he smirked at you, and you ignored the way that his deep brown eyes sparkled. You just wanted a quiet final year of college; you wouldn’t let a handsome young man ruin it. You had worked too hard to be here.
When Caspian walked out of the loft with Ed, Lucy smirked at you, “Caspian’s cute isn’t he?”
You laughed as you unpacked the kitchen boxes, “suppose so, for a trust fund baby.”
“What makes you think that’s he’s got a trust fund?” Lucy asked as she leaned against the kitchen counter.
“Come on Lu, his shoes cost more than our rent, it’s obvious that he’s rolling in money, and with a name like Caspian,” you let out a low whistle, “the evidence speaks for itself.”
Finally, you were all moved in – and Caspian had thankfully left, turning down Edmund’s offer to stay for a drink – it was early evening and your breath was stolen away by how pretty the sky looked. It was all pink and orange hues, and you were almost certain that you’d enjoy living here. New York seemed like such a romantic city – despite the smog – every story that was worth reading began in New York City.
Edmund grinned at you and flung an arm around your shoulders, “are you hungry? We were thinking about ordering pizza.”
You shook your head, although the notion of pizza sounded amazing, “no can do I’m afraid, I gonna go out and actually look for a job. How else are we going to be able to pay the rent?” you smiled.
Lucy raised her eyebrow at you, “Y/N, we’ve literally been here for a few hours and already you’re thinking about getting a job?”
You nodded at her as you kissed Edmund’s cheek, “you guys know how much I worry,” you laughed as you shrugged on your leather jacket, “I’ll see you guys later, and make sure to save some pizza for me.”
“I can’t make any promises,” Ed called after you, making you laugh.
You forgot just how hard it was to get a bartending job as you walked down the streets of New York, it had grown cool now and you wrapped your jacket tighter around your body. Finally, you came up outside a bar called; Aslan’s which had a golden lion on a field of red on the sign. Even from the outside it looked like a dive bar but you supposed that beggars couldn’t be choosers.
The bar stank of stale beer and cigarette smoke, and the floor was incredibly sticky. There was a pool table in the middle of the room and a juke box in one corner, playing loud music. The bar was a complete dive to be sure but you could also tell that it held a lot of character. You smiled at the sandy haired bartender; “I was wondering whether I could speak to the manager?” the bartender nodded and smiled at you as he walked into the back.
A couple of moments later, the bartender returned with an older man, the older man grinned at you as he offered you his hand, his eyes twinkling kindly, “I’m Aslan, the owner,” his voice had an Irish twang to it and you offered him a small smile. You were kind of surprised that he was the owner, he looked like a complete dad, and you had expected someone with tattoos and piercings, not a man in a cable jumper with his hand wrapped around a Spiderman mug.
“I’m Y/N; I was wondering whether I could give you my resume?”
“Certainly,” he smiled and you handed it over and his eyes scanned it before he glanced at you with a raised eyebrow, “are you a university student?” he smiled when you nodded, “have you done bar work before?”
“Yes sir,” you nodded, “I worked in a busy bar in the centre of London for a couple of years,” his eyes widened slightly and you could tell that he was impressed.
“Come in for a trial shift on Saturday so I can see what you’re made of.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, this was better than you could have hoped for, “I’d be glad to, thank you so much, Aslan.”
Caspian knew that pre law would be difficult but he just had no idea, after only a couple of days he was exhausted. It seemed strange but he was happy, no matter how exhausted he was. He had a deal with his parents where they agreed that he could go to a school of his choice where nobody knew him. He didn’t want people to treat him any differently.
Edmund – one of his first friends from class – grinned as he clapped Caspian on the shoulder as they made their way across campus, “that Professors kind of a hard arse, huh?” he chuckled, mirth lighting up his freckled face.
Caspian smiled in response as he ran a hand through his hair, “I think that’s the lawyer that we should all strive to be.”
Ed chuckled as he looked across the quad and pointed, “oh, hey there’s Y/N. You remember her?”
Caspian glanced up and saw the pretty girl in a Sex Pistols shirt and ripped jeans with red converse. She carried an easel over her shoulder, she didn’t strike Caspian as the artistic type, “how could I forget?”
Edmund smiled as he pulled his friend into a hug, “hey, Y/N, you remember, Caspian?”
Y/N smirked as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and she looked Caspian up and down in a way that made him feel small. He flushed and looked away from her burning gaze, “of course I remember, Cas.”
“Caspian,” he spoke through gritted teeth as he felt a wave of annoyance wash over him as she smirked.
If Ed sensed the tension he didn’t say anything, instead he flung an arm over her shoulders, “are you coming to the party tonight?”
Y/N grimaced as she shook her head as she placed a cigarette between her red painted lips, “Aslan needs me to work a shift tonight, clearly I got through the trial period successfully,” she laughed.
Caspian raised his eyebrow at her in surprise, “you work at Aslan’s?” he chuckled, “isn’t it a shit hole?” he had never gone in and he had no intention of doing so.
Y/N glared at him, if looks could kill, he’d already be six feet under, “it’s got character, I wouldn’t expect someone,” she trailed off as she looked him up and down, a scowl on her face, “like you to understand.”
Her insinuation made his blood boil, he was starting to like her less and less by the second, “what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Y/N opened her mouth to answer, most definitely with a scathing retort on her lips but Ed cut her to the chase, “I’m gonna go get a pretzel, does anyone want one?” he walked off before either of them could reply.
The tension was unbearable in the hot and heavy air, Caspian scowled at Y/N while she looked up at him as she took another drag of her cigarette, she looked completely unbothered. In fact, Caspian thought he saw amusement glitter in her eyes. Caspian coughed as the billow of smoke she blew out went right in his face. Normally he wouldn’t have cared but there was just something about Y/N that made him want to piss her off.
“Do you really have to do that here?” he grimaced.
Y/N smirked around the end of her cigarette but Caspian noticed that she turned to the side slightly so the smoke went in the opposite direction and he opened his mouth to thank her, stopping short when she replied, “last time I checked, this was a free country, Cas.”
Caspian clenched his jaw so tightly that he was afraid that he’d break his teeth but he didn’t bother correcting Y/N on his name. He wanted to ask her why she had it out for him, it had seemed that way ever since they met. Instead, what came out of her mouth was a stupid observation.
“I didn’t peg you for the artistic type,” he swallowed as she paused and looked up at him, the glimmer of a scowl on her face, “I had you down for a Psychology major or something, maybe that would explain why you’re manipulative,” his words were harsh but she didn’t even flinch as she crushed the stub of her cigarette beneath her shoe.
She looked away from him, wrapping her arms around herself, even though the day was warm. A flicker of emotion that he hadn’t seen before flickered across her face, “I used to paint with my dad, from a young age,” she looked back at him, that smirk was back on her face, “pre law, huh? That’s exactly the sort of major I’d expect from a trust fund baby.”
He let out a laugh and noticed that Ed was finally on his way back, pretzel in hand, “what makes you think that I’m a trust fund baby?” he asked, biting his lip.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, “oh sweetheart, with expensive clothes like that,” she gestured down at his outfit, making him scowl, “and such a pretty face, how could you not be?” she turned around to take a bit out of Edmund’s pretzel, laughing when Ed shouted out in dismay.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @generalblizzarddreamer​ @blackbirddaredevil23​ @whiskeywinter89​
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legendofzelda4life · 4 years
The Divide and Return
Okay we goin day 13 strong and today I gift you with some Legend and Ravio non-platonic angst.
I said Legend instead of Link bc this has the other LU boys in it lmao.
… hopefully…
Link stood behind everyone as they walked to Lorule’s Sacred Realm. This was how Zelda and himself would go home but…
He looked over to a certain merchant.
That was why he didn’t want to leave.
Look, Link may hate to admit it. But he’d grown quite… attached to this boy.
He thought about this as he stood behind said boy, eyes basically boring holes into the back of his head as he remembered all the times he treated Ravio poorly.
Why couldn’t Hyrule’s hero express his emotions towards the boy? Why did he always push him away? Why? WHy? WHY?
Link didn’t know the answer.
“Quite ironic I have the triforce of courage and can’t even confess to this idiot.” Link thought, moving his head down to the floor.
“Please now, if you will give me your bracelet, Link.” Hilda said, reaching out for Link’s bracelet. This snapped the boy out of his trance-like state. He handed the bracelet over, sneaking a quick glance at Ravio as he did so.
Hilda took the bracelet carefully and approached the giant stone thingy in front of them. “I should be able to use the last of its power to send the both of you home to Hyrule.” She spoke.
Suddenly, Link’s hands were grasped by Ravio’s own.
“It’s been a pleasure, my friend. I got to meet a real, live, genuine hero.”
Link felt his face heat up and tried to look away. “Th-thanks, Rav.” He muttered.
Link’s friend.
Link’s only love interest.
A whole world between the two.
After restoring the triforce and sealing the entrance too and from Lorule, Link brooded.
And sulked.
And cried.
And went through all five stages of grief.
This took weeks.
But Link finally accepted, no matter how much he loved Ravio…
They were divided.
Time skip to LU
Legend walked through a forest in his Hyrule. Was that always there? Who knows.
And yeah, his name is Legend now.
He was on a journey with eight other incarnations of the hero’s spirit. So basically, eight more of him.
It’s actually going a lot better than you’d think.
“Okay so basically, if we take a left here we should reach-”
That voice…
Out of everything he could’ve forgotten…
Why not his voice?
Legend felt his heart clench and he stood up straight. “I need you guys to leave.” Legend said, not turning to face anyone.
“Sailor, just leave it.”
“That sounded harsh, captain.”
“Sorry, Twi”
Legend didn’t doubt that at least someone smirked during that conversation. He couldn’t check either, the words were exchanged as they left.
The voice again.
He loved to hear it.
But wanted so desperately for it to leave.
Legend ducked his head, hands in fists at his sides.
“Why did you never come back?” Legend asked. “I didn’t have magic.” “When did you come here?” “Like a week ago. Why are you asking so many questions?” Ravio asked. Legend turned further away from the boy’s voice. “Link! Look at me!” The boy paused and Legend could hear his voice break.
Legend felt his heart shatter. Ravio’s voice was barely a whisper as he pleaded for the hero’s attention. Said hero resulted in looking in Ravio’s direction, but still at the floor.
“I missed you.” Ravio said quietly. Legend scoffed. “It didn’t seem like it Ravio.” That’s right, Legend dropped the nickname. “I spent weeks and weeks, crying because I felt like I lost a part of me. I was home for months and months and I know it doesn’t take that long to get magic.” Legend looked up at Ravio, tears running down his cheeks silently.
“So what took this long?”
Ravio’s shoulders dropped. “Y-you really dropped the nickname? Wow.” His voice became more saddened and quiet as he spoke. Had he just lost Link?
“You do know that restoring the triforces closed the gateways right? I had to have an insane amount of magic to get here. I only came here once every six months because of that and Zelda always said you were busy.”
Six months?
Legend looked Ravio in the eyes as he thought for a bit.
Then it hit him.
“That fucking bitch.” He snarled. Legend was home all of those times except for one and that’s because he had met the other Links.
Legend looked up at Ravio.
“Alright well, Zelda’s an asshole but so am I. I’ve changed Rav, I’m not the same Link you once knew.”
“You called me Rav though.”
“Force of habit.”
“You haven’t had to say it for three years.”
Who said he hadn’t?
Legend looked back at the floor.
“It was the only thing keeping me going.” He mumbled. “What?” Legend repeated what he said, but loud enough for Ravio to hear it.
The Lorulean turned scarlet but Legend didn’t see it.
“Better now than never.” Legend thought.
“I was- am in love with you Rav - goddesses I sound crazy. When the gateway closed-” Legend got choked up. “I was miserable. I sulked, I brooded, fuck me I even cried. I was crazy for you.” He looked Ravio in the eyes.
“But as time passed-” “So did hope.” Ravio had cut him off and he nodded in response.
“I tried so hard to forget you Rav but… anytime I saw something purple, something you gave me, or even a little white bird, I’d remember everything and it hurt.”
Suddenly he was engulfed in a hug.
It was soft…
“I missed you too! I didn’t sleep properly for weeks because I wanted to see you again!” Ravio squeezed Legend a little and cried into the hero’s chest. Legend, in short, was shocked.
Ravio missed him…?
Legend wrapped his arms around the, slightly smaller, boy and squeezed back. “Y’know, I say I only cried for months…” Legend chuckled a little. “When things get hard, I sit and hug that dumb bunny plush you gave me until I get a chance to cry.”
“Good.” “Good?!? How is that good Rav?!?!” “You think of me.” Ravio smiled innocently. “Oh my god. Fuck off.” 
“There he is!” Ravio said in a sing-song voice.
“Who-” Legend was cut off by a pair of lips on his.
They were tender, soft as they moved slowly. Legend leaned into it but it ended pretty soon.
“The Link I fell in love with has returned.” He cheered, wrapping his arms around Legend tighter.
Ravio was back.
Had returned.
Hi, yes, this obviously wasn’t the original plan. They were meant to have a huge argument (nothing physical tho), one of them would confess - the other following suit.
And then Legend would have his heart broken.
Ik, I’m an asshole lol
Hope ya’ll enjoyed tho.
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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op-peccatori · 5 years
coup de foudre | MLQC Shaw/Ling Xiao (M)
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Fem!Reader/Shaw
Rating: 18+/Explicit/NSFW
Words: 5k
Summary: He hadn’t planned on getting sucked in, unable and unwilling to free himself. But they’ve all had their chances and now, it’s his turn.
coup de foudre (‘stroke of lightning’): a sudden unforeseen event, in particular, an instance of love at first sight
A/N: i have nothing to say. except that this was supposed to be a filthy hookup thing but I should have known better. please...don't look at me lmao
(tags under the cut)
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Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content, mild language, vaginal sex, ... minor electric play, please don’t try this at home, chapter 19/20 spoilers...ish
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Rain-soaked bangs cling to a crinkling forehead, hanging over amber eyes squinting through the unforgiving downpour. 
His heart pounds, tremulous and worried, within the confines of his chest–because of all the running, he tells himself repeatedly–as the heavy soles of his combat boots splash through puddles, drawing peeved looks from the people passing by. 
Annoyance and concern twist and twine around his lungs as there’s no sign of that familiar face, the sparks on the tips of his fingers deadly in his urgency, and if he doesn’t find what he’s looking for right now–
The fates conspire as the thought crosses his mind, as if unwilling to draw his ire, and his path leads him to a park near Loveland University. There aren’t a lot of people nearby or in the park itself; he wanders in through the wrought iron gate, already thinking of turning back and going back to the cafe in the hope that you’ll be there–and then he catches a glimpse of the now-familiar silhouette, curled up on a bench, seemingly unbothered by the rain.
Drenched to the bone with your hair glued to your face and your clothes clinging to your skin in a way he tries really hard not to notice, you almost remind him of a lost kitten he’d come across as a child. Even the way you shiver is similar, although the way his body responds to you is very different.
You haven’t noticed him yet. Your palms are spread open in front of you, exposed to your unfocused gaze. There’s a sinking feeling in his chest as the thought of why you’re here comes to mind, so close to a man you should be staying far away from. 
Shaw swallows the lump in his throat, mouth curving in that cocky way he knows will annoy you. With any hope, enough to wipe that miserable look off your face. 
“There you are,” he calls, grinning at the way you jump and twist in place. Your eyes flash with immediate recognition and he’s near sickened by the elation that courses through him. You know him now, and that shouldn’t delight him half as much as it does. 
It’s just because it would piss, well, quite a lot of people off.
“Oh, it’s you.” Your eyes, previously dull, spark with curiosity. “Shaw.”
“Mm.” There’s an umbrella clutched in his hand, one he’d brought along with you in mind, but it feels awkward in his grip now. He wants to open it and tug you closer, draw you into his arms and warm you up; he tosses the umbrella at you instead, trying to keep from shuffling in place as you stare at it in quiet surprise. “Y’know, I like parks as much as the next guy, but this isn’t really the kind of weather you should be out in.”
“More friendly advice?” you ask, eyes twinkling, and his mouth dries up. You sigh and open the device he so thoughtfully handed you. You don’t think you can get any wetter, but you might as well use it. “I know. I just...” 
Visited Loveland Uni. Ran into Lu-Ares. You had felt so drained, so defeated, that you had, in all your wisdom, decided to stop by the park you had frequented so often with the professor by your side. It hadn’t been your intention to be caught in this rain.
“What are you doing here?” you ask instead. 
He clears his throat, not wanting to answer or continue standing around here. But with your eyes fixed on him so intently, he isn’t sure if he’s even capable of moving a muscle, let alone leave. 
“I was just passing by. Saw you here, lookin’ like a drowned rat, and I’m just too nice to walk away.” 
“Sure you are.” You get up with some effort, hating the way your clothes stick to you, missing the way he stiffens. You raise the umbrella until it covers most of him and you, stepping closer and steering your thoughts away from the heat you feel coming off him. “Well, thank you.” 
“No problem. We’re friends now, yeah?” He watches you, your small smile, and the way it twitches before it crumbles, his heart lurching as you drop your forehead onto his chest. “You okay?” 
He resists the urge to curl himself around you.
“Yeah.” His hand comes up to rest on your head. He had meant for it to feel like he’s petting a cute animal, but instead, he wants to take his glove off so he can feel your hair in all his tangled glory. He ruffles it gently, and your hand comes up to fist in his shirt. “...No, not really.” 
“Thought so. Think you could go mope somewhere drier?” 
“I’m not moping,” you grumble, pulling away, much to his disappointment. “But yeah. Mind walking me home?” 
“Sure. I don’t have anything better to do, thanks for asking,” he drawls, taking the umbrella from you and drawing closer as you begin to walk out of the park. He’s overcome, just for a moment, by the urge to grab your hand. 
It’s funny, he thinks. He’d thought the rest of them pathetic for the lengths they’d go to for you, the way they seemed to orbit around you as if you were the centre of their worlds. Even now, despite having no recollection of you, they aren’t impervious to your pull.
And neither is Shaw. 
All he had planned on doing was to wait and watch, derive amusement from you stumbling around like a lost little lamb, help out whenever the mood struck him.  But ever since that one time he’d sat next to you on the bus, watching you study him suspiciously, the way you had fidgeted when his jean-clad thigh pressed into yours–ever since then, a certain, dark hunger had taken root in him. 
It was when he ran into you here, separated from your guard dogs, that he realized it was just you and him. For now, but it was still a golden opportunity to play with you. To touch you. 
He hadn’t expected to be drawn in like the rest. To want you so bad it filled him with warmth on the best of days and burned him inside out on the worst of them. 
“If you had anything better to do, you wouldn’t have come looking for me in this kind of weather.” 
Shaw scoffs, refusing to turn his head and expose himself to your knowing gaze. 
You know better though. Not with how often he seems to find you no matter where you are in the city. It’s something he has in common with a certain someone, and the thought has you aching with something bitter. 
Your current companion may be a strange one but you can’t deny the relief you feel when he’s around; he’s the only person in this strange new world who remembers you, who knows things aren’t quite right. He doesn’t seem to care much, but you’re grateful for his presence nonetheless. 
It’s with that thought in mind that you come to a stop. “I...don’t want to go home.” The silence had been particularly stifling today, prompting your escape, even if it was to grey skies and raging clouds. 
Shaw studies you carefully, the stubborn set of your jaw and the quick flicker of panic in your eyes. You look like you expect him to mock and dismiss you, and while the former would be all too easy, he can’t dismiss your subtle request.
And living up to expectations has never been his style.
Saying no to spending more time with you? He’s not an idiot. He’ll take his entertainment where he can get it, and things around you are never dull. 
“Alright. Wanna come over to my place?” 
The words are out before he could rethink them, and he prays you don’t take it in the wrong way. 
“I mean, we can find something to make you feel better.” Ugh, shut up, Shaw.
Would it be so bad, though–
Yes, it would. You’re not his to take. No matter how badly his mouth waters at the very thought of getting a taste, of sinking his teeth into your skin; no matter how often dreams of you shake him awake with sparks crackling along his limbs, his pants embarrassingly tight. 
You agree without much thought, and he wants to scold you for it. You trust too easily, even after everything with that Professor. 
“Come on, then.” Because his body and mind slip from his control whenever you’re around, his thoughts turn to the dream he’d woken up from last night, hard and throbbing with raging lust, fingers trembling as they were forced to his cock. He had still been half-asleep as he spilt himself onto his sheets, shame eventually creeping up his spine as his mind drifted toward awareness. 
You’re oblivious to the turn his mind has taken, wrapped up in your own thoughts. You have so many questions, most of which you know by now won’t get an answer. But as he leads you up the stairs in a small building, you’re caught off guard by the thrill of anticipation building in you. Your eyes linger on the broad expanse of his back, the studded leather jacket stretching over his shoulders, the way his jeans cling to the round curve of his ass.
“I’m in the mood for pizza. There’s a great place nearby, if you’re cool with it. Oh, we could watch–“ He pauses just outside the door to 3B, fingers hovering over the keypad. “Oh, uh, give me a few minutes.” 
With that he taps in the password and slips into the apartment, leaving you outside, perplexed. You wait in silence, realizing quickly that he hadn’t exactly expected to bring a guest along, and hadn’t had a chance to clean up, if that’s what he’s doing. 
‘Maybe he’s hiding stuff. Clues to the current situation,’ you think suspiciously, before dismissing the idea. You’ve come here to spend time with a new friend, not snoop around. For the first time in what feels like ever, you’re not going to snoop. You’re going to eat pizza and watch whatever Shaw had been about to mention. You need a goddamn break and you’re going to take it. 
The door opens then, with Shaw’s head still turned away as he appears to sweep his eyes over the room once more, as if checking to make sure everything’s in place. 
“Right, come on in,” he steps back to let you through, glancing around the hallway before closing the door. You slip your shoes off at the entrance, looking around curiously as you step into the room, smiling gratefully when he hands you a towel. 
His jacket is hanging on a rack at the entrance, leaving him in his shirt. His bangs are slicked back and there’s a towel around his neck, the beads wrapped around his wrist clattering as he dabs one end of the towel over his skin. It all makes an enticing, domestic picture, one that has you swallowing nervously.
“Nice place,” you comment, hiding a smile as you spot what looks like a pair of boxers next to the couch, pretending not to notice when he kicks the garment behind it. 
“Thanks. Um, do you maybe wanna change?” Neither of you had considered your soaked clothes, and you feel like a complete idiot. 
Shaw, on the other hand, has to tear his eyes away from the sheer fabric of your shirt, the way it hints at the tempting swell of your breasts. It’d be better for you both if you spend the rest of your time together in a sweatshirt. 
“...That would be really great, thank you.”  
“Wait here, I’ll go, uh, find you something to wear.” 
You feel awful about putting him out like this, but he’s vanished through a door before you can say anything, and you focus on drying your hair. He comes back with a bundle of clothes and an endearingly nervous expression. 
“I thought it might be better if you just shower, if you want to, I mean. I mean, do whatever, I’ll just order us some food,” Shaw mumbles, handing you the clothes. 
“Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting, you can go first,” you offer awkwardly, laughing weakly when he rolls his eyes and pushes you towards the bathroom. 
“And that’s very gracious of you, but you’ll catch a cold if you don’t get warm soon, so go.” It’s more of a demand than anything and you can’t help the ‘yes sir’ as you shuffle towards the door. “Mushroom and cheese okay with you?” 
“That’s my favourite!” you call back, closing the door behind you as you step into the bathroom. Placing the clothes on the counter, you take in the products scattered over the surface. Namely, the various types of hair products and perfumes. 
You feel oddly shy as you undress, mind swimming with scenarios involving Shaw stumbling into the bathroom somehow while you’re naked. You can almost picture the flushed cheeks he tries so hard to hide, the slight bobbing of his throat you’ve caught so often, and the way he tries to avert his eyes but fails.  The thought of him pressing you into the tiled walls has you clenching, your cheeks blazing as you turn on the water.
You wonder if he’s thinking about you naked in his shower right now. 
What you don’t know is how right you are, and how miserable it’s making him. Shaw has never felt the kind of shameful thrill that races through him now, as a part of him wonders what you would do if he joins you, if he sinks to his knees and licks into you like a starved, depraved creature.
You're out in ten minutes, smelling of his favourite body wash, and it takes everything in him not to bury his nose in your neck. That scent has never smelled half as good on him as it does on you. Your cheeks are still rosy from the shower, and he watches mutely as you wrap a towel around your head.
Then, with a smothered groan, he realizes you’re in his old sweatshirt and shorts, both too baggy and more adorable than he’d expected. 
“I’m done! Thank you, Shaw,” you murmur softly, and he nods, dazed and dismayed at the thought of having to tighten his leash. 
“You can put your clothes in the dryer.” He shows you to the machine, starting it for you before handing you his laptop, surprisingly you with the show of trust. “Don’t snoop around too much. You can’t blame me if you find something you don’t want to see.” With the taunt thrown, he turns on his heel and saunters off.
You browse YouTube for a bit before setting the laptop aside and curling up on the couch. It’s been a few days since you woke up in this reality, but it feels like forever. You had almost forgotten what safety felt like. And you can’t quite believe you feel that way with Shaw. 
A mesh of stress and worry wound tight in your chest for so long, finally loosens a little as your limbs relax, and you nearly melt onto the cushion as you drift off, knowing you’re not alone, for once not uneasy at the thought. 
He finds you dozing lightly, tiptoeing into the room, crouching down once he reaches you. The frown that had come to find a near-permanent place on your face seems to have almost faded, and his thumb comes to rub away the last traces of it from your brow. 
Shaw’s eyes, lidded and intent, come to rest on your parted mouth, and yearning throbs hot in his belly. His fingers, helpless against the softness of your skin, trace the sharp bridge of your nose, your full cheeks, the plump curve of your lips. He’s so transfixed by the sight, fighting back the urge to dip his head for just a quick taste, that it takes him a moment to realize he’s being watched. 
Caught, he locks eyes with you and freezes, his pulse quickening when he sees no sign of fear or distrust in them. Instead, you tilt your head the slightest bit and–his breath catches in his throat when he feels your tongue flick at the rough pad of his thumb. 
Stunned, he can only watch as your mouth parts further to suck the tip in, tongue stroking it in an erotic imitation of an act he’s only ever dreamed of.
It’s when your lips curl up, amused by his stupefied expression, that he frees the digit from your mouth with a low pop and daubs the wetness from it down your chin. You don’t say a word but the look in your eyes tells him everything he needs to know; he’s shaken by the way desire seizes him then, roaring and commanding him to take, to please, to wreck.
“You’ve had a bad day,” he tells you, hoarsely and weak in the face of his burning thirst, pulling his hand back. 
“I’ve had a bad month. But I thought you brought me here to make me feel better?” you ask, blinking innocently as you rise up, leaning your weight on one elbow.
His low chuckle sets your nerves alight, as does the way his eyes can’t seem to decide between staying fixed on your eyes and mouth. “With pizza and Netflix.” 
“Mm. You can just say no,” you say, even though you’re already leaning in. Your lips brush the corner of his and he sucks in a sharp breath, eyes sliding shut as he feels your breath on his face, warm and beckoning.
You must know that he–
“I can’t,” he breathes and captures your mouth with his. He can’t fathom a situation where he would deny you, when you’re ready and willing to let him in. When he’s been longing for this for so long. 
It’s slow, a sweet claiming, relief and destruction bound together intimately. Any thoughts of resistance are abandoned, left in the dust for the exquisite flavour of your mouth. He groans at the slow drag of your teeth over his lip, shifting onto the couch to lean over you without breaking contact, tilting his head to go deeper, take more.
Satisfaction courses through him, visceral and grasping, as you turn onto your back, hands clenching in his shirt to pull him down from his careful hovering. 
You’re lost, sinking into each other with every moan, your fingers digging into his shoulders as his finally tangle in your hair. His tongue slides along yours, and you’re overwhelmed by the desire to feel every inch of him, on you, in you, firm and warm.
“Good,” you gasp out, planting swift kisses along his jaw before he groans and crushes his mouth against yours again, intent on having his fill, knowing he never will; he will never get enough. His hand, splayed across your abdomen, slides down. He can nearly feel the coiled tension in you, desperate for him to unravel it, begging for his attention.
The doorbell rings, startling and shrill.
Shaw pulls away, breathing hard, the tips of your noses brushing. You pant lightly, a moan stuck low in your throat as you feel his hard bulge pressing into your belly. His desire is an unmistakable as yours; you ache to take his cock in you, your lust for him dripping from your cunt. 
His amber eyes, glossed over as he fights to control himself, clear slightly at the second ring. 
“I’ll be right there,” he yells in the direction of the door, before diving in to kiss you, hard and quick, all teeth and tongue, and then he rips himself away and staggers over to the door; your soft whine rings in his ears and chipping away at his composure. 
He greets the delivery man with a strained grin, his mind occupied with the temptress he left on his couch. The man eyes him weirdly as he takes the cash, taking in the state of his hair and lips, eyes flitting over his head; he averts his eyes when Shaw sheds his pleasant demeanour, his expression edged with threat. He grabs the pizza, shooting a quick thanks at the man and barely restrains himself from slamming the door shut.
The haze of desire lifts. You’re probably hungry, and he needs to think. 
You have other plans.
He’s barely left the boxes on the counter and turned around before he finds himself with an armful of determined girl pressing up against him, arms wrapping around his neck as you press your mouth to his. 
“Ah, baby,” it slips out and he blushes at the low, needy sound that escapes you. “D-don’t you wanna eat-?” 
“I want you,” you say, demanding and fierce and he doesn’t stand a chance. “Please, Shaw.” 
His hands are clutching at the backs of your thighs before his mind can catch up, hauling you up until your legs wrap around his hips. A lazy grin splits his lips at the squeal that escapes you, that then melts into a moan as he sucks your tongue into his mouth. 
He presses you into the wall and drags his tongue down the length of your neck, pleased by the way you shiver. “You need to be specific.” 
His teeth sink into pliant flesh and the back of your head hits the wall, hips bucking up involuntarily. “Ah, I-I–“
“You want something, baby?” His hands knead the plump flesh of your ass as he sucks a blooming mark into your skin. “You gotta ask for it.” 
He lets you slip down, just a little until you can feel him against you, just as desperate but better at controlling it, and using it against you.
“I-I want you to touch me, Shaw.” The heel of his palm slips between your bodies to press between your thighs, putting enough pressure that you grind your hips into it, desperate for the friction. 
“Like this?” he asks, smirking impishly when you glare at him in frustration, pulling at his hair.
“More,” you whine. He laughs and adjusts his grip so he can carry you further down the hall. 
“Tch. Greedy.” You nip at his earlobe in retaliation and his hands squeeze your ass in warning, this time as a warning–one you dismiss right away.
“I want your cock too,” you whisper, so softly he would’ve missed it if your lips weren’t ghosting the shell of his ear, your cunning tongue tracing the delicate skin. “I want you to fuck me, use me–“ 
The rest of your words are lost in a yelp as he throws you onto the bed, slipping his T-shirt off with one hand as he reaches for your ankle with the other. His abdomen, all taut muscle, his shorts resting low on his hips–you could run your fingers all over him for hours. The skies flash through the window, angry and eager, the rain still falling mercilessly, and you think it matches the look in his face perfectly.  
“Careful what you wish for, baby,” he says in a half purr, his eyes dark with ruthless promise as he drags you closer. “I won’t be so nice if you tease me.” 
His thumbs hook into the waistband of your (his) shorts and tug them down, only to pause, swallowing the sudden flood of moisture in his mouth as your glistening cunt is exposed to his ravenous gaze.
“My underwear got wet earlier,” you hurry to explain, nervous and embarrassed at the way he’s staring at you, his tongue darting out to wet his mouth.
“Your underwear isn’t the only thing-” He’s cut off by his own laughter as you kick him lightly in the stomach, attempting to close your legs–that he puts a stop to at once. “Now, now. I’m not complaining.” The foxy curve of his lips meets the arch of your foot, sliding across the skin over your ankle. He crawls onto the bed as he kisses his way up your leg, the tip of his tongue dipping into the crease at the back of your knee.
You can only watch in breathless silence as he nips his way up the tender flesh of your thigh, never breaking the meeting of your eyes. He parts your legs, fingers slipping through your slick curls to spread your folds before a long digit pushes in.
“So wet. Is it all for me?” 
Shaw’s gaze doesn’t waver once and you throw your head back, cunt clenching around his finger and heart racing from the hunger in his face.
A second finger slides in, rubbing at your slick walls as you moan and rock your hips up. You glance at him, teeth digging into your lip at the sight of his pupils blowing wide as he looks at his fingers coated with your arousal. 
“Look at you,” he growls, pumping his fingers faster as his tongue flicks at your swelling clit and you whimper and try to jerk your hips away. “Who would’ve thought you’d be such a dirty slut, begging for my fingers.” 
With his other hand, he pushes the hem of your sweatshirt up until your breasts spill free from beneath it, the cloth folded under your chin. His hot mouth tugs at a nipple, nipping and sucking as his fingers stroke you to a slow ruin. 
“Shaw.” You’re half cursing, half pleading and then you’re yelling in outrage as he slips his hand away. “You ass–“ But your voice dies in your throat when you spy him tugging at the cords of his shorts, yanking them down his hips. You can’t even call him out on his own lack of underwear, distracted as you are by his cock, by the way his lips close around his fingers as he licks them clean.
He lashes flutter at the taste, the little sample of your flavour rich on his tongue, and he vows to spend more time with his face buried between your legs, to grab a proper meal. His mouth waters at the thought of you coming on his tongue.
“You sure about this?” He asks, reaching into a drawer in his bedside table and pulling out a square foil.
You lock eyes with him and it hits you. You’ve got a lot, and nothing at all on your plate, you have mysteries to chase and thing to set right, because you’re in a reality where nobody remembers you. Nobody, except for this gorgeous, infuriatingly cavalier man standing in front of you, stroking his cock slowly and waiting for your permission. 
You deserve this, damn it. 
“Absolutely,” you respond with a touch of finality, rising up to your knees to reach for him, sliding the sweatshirt off as you go. His knee rests on the bed as your fingers wrap around his length, covered by his own as you prime him together, drawing the first drop of arousal from his tip.
He kisses you, once, twice, and then again. Your lips slide down his throat, placing sweet, wet kisses along the flexing muscle of his shoulders. Down and down you go, dipping your tongue into his bellybutton, smiling at the way his hips jerk. 
You glance up at him and open your mouth, lips forming a wide O, tongue out; he shoots a prayer up before guiding the head of his cock in. 
His fingers dig into the back of your head as you swallow as much of his thick length as you can, tongue pressing flat as you move back and forth along it. His thrusts are shallow, his scent musky as your nose brushes his unruly curls. 
“Pretty, pretty baby,” Shaw growls, the sweet words warped and filthy as they fall from his lips, hands tugging at your hair. “You look perfect like this, with my cock in your mouth.” 
Your moan vibrates around him and he stiffens, easing you off, plucking the condom off the bed and ripping it open.
“As much as I’d love to,” he mutters, pushing you onto your back, climbing over you fluidly. “You asked to be fucked, and I intend to deliver.” 
He fits himself between your legs, kneeling between them as he slides the latex on. You can’t help but clench in anticipation, watching him position himself at your entrance. 
“Last chance,” he whispers, teasingly. He isn’t completely sure if he can stop, if you do choose to tell him to. You look beautiful, your hair spilt across his messy bedspread and your eyes, vulnerable and filled with desire, waiting for him. 
He slides the head of his cock along your folds and a shudder runs through you.
“Fuck me,” you rasp, eyes sliding shut as he slides in. Your thoughts, your problems, your loneliness–everything numbs and fades away. All you smell is him, sharp and heady. All you feel is him, his cock sheathed in you and his lips on your cheek. 
“As my lady commands,” he mutters sarcastically, with a touch of sincerity as he grinds against you, drawing a sweet moan from you. Your walls squeeze him, hot and slick and possessive, pleasure sinking into his bones, scraping him raw; he will never let you go, now that he has you. It doesn’t matter which world or which reality you find yourselves in. 
‘You’re mine now,’ he thinks darkly, greedily. He, who refuses to tie himself to any side, will bind himself to you so deeply you will never escape him. He will sink his claws so deep they would never be able to rip you from his grasp. 
You gasp his name and the sound travels through him with a jolt; he thrusts hard, eager to see what other sounds he can draw from your lovely mouth.
Shaw tries to be gentle. He tries really hard. He’d wanted his first time with you to be sweet and slow, gentle and lasting as long as he could physically make it. But you shred any remnants of his control with the way you twist and writhe beneath him, meeting his thrusts with urgent rolls of your hips and moaning for him, so sweetly it threatens to unravel him. 
Your whispers of how good he feels, how you never want him to stop, of please please please push him until he’s pounding into you with reckless abandon, riveted by the sight of you falling apart, your head thrown back and your breasts bouncing with every snap of his hips. 
He can’t help it; his hand reaches for your cunt, fingers pressing to your swollen clit. The barest whispers of static spark to life on his fingertips, just for a second–your body reacts before your mind can process it, convulsing and twisting as he rubs tight circles, a scream tearing from your throat as he pins you in place. 
Your walls clench him so tightly he nearly chokes, plunging into his own ruin as his pace falters, turning wilder and unmeasured, as he comes with your wrecked visage burned into his mind. Your eyes are wet, your limbs trembling weakly.
You kiss his face sloppily as he tries to catch his breath, drawing him in until his face presses into the side of your neck. He takes a long moment to breathe you in, the scent of sex and sweat intoxicating, his mind still consumed by you as he turns you both over to hold you close to him.
Your fingers creep up his side, and a mortifying, high-pitched noise of protest escapes him when you pinch him hard. "You better not have fried my vagina," you mumble tiredly. 
"Chill. You're fine." It's not the first time he's tried it, but he wisely keeps that to himself. You snort, nuzzling his chest as a satisfied sigh leaves you.
Triumph courses through him, as does fear; he’s not one to lie to himself. This will not be a one-time thing. He will have you, again and again. He will stay by your side, regardless of what others will think or do. 
His heart squeezes at the thought of Gavin. What would he think of the fact that Shaw has stolen you away while he remains oblivious, with no plans of letting go? 
That is, if you’re on board. 
In all honesty, he can't bring himself to regret any of it. They've all had their chances and now, it’s his turn.
You press your ear to the rapid thumping of his heart, not attempting to untangle your legs from his. You hum when he kisses your hair, turning to catch his mouth in a soft kiss. A low grumble breaks the tranquil silence, and you purse your lips when he turns to you with that familiar mocking stare.
“So,” you begin nervously, trying not to squirm. “Pizza?”
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chcnce · 4 years
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guess the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD OCTOBER baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because HWA YOHAN / CHANCE HWA  is just as CRISP as the month of OCTOBER. wait, why do they remind me of BANG CHAN? beyond that, they seemed RELIABLE AND PASSIONATE upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of SELF-CONSCIOUS AND CAUTIOUS though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX # 4 / APARTMENT # 1 / FLOOR # 2 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as STREAMER.
hi! i’m lu and i’m really happy to present to you to my mess of a son. he’s certainly a hard pill to swallow but he’s not as bad once you get to interact with him. chance is his real english name, but also the persona he’s crafted to remain popular and relevant to the masses. he’s blunt and brutally honest, but mostly when he’s streaming. all in all: a whole ass mess, i insist.
without further ado, here are his basic stats, a trivia and wanted connections under the cut. however you can find his background and plots linked accordingly ( i’ll add other pages eventually ). i’m really fine with talking either here or discord, so whichever works fine for you, works fine for me too! i’ll be reaching to everyone go gives this a like soon enough <3
basic information
― full name: hwa yohan / chance hwa ― nicknames: yohwa ― age: twenty four ― date of birth: october 3rd, 1996 ― birthplace: cheonan, south korea. ― hometown: sydney, australia ― current location: seoul, south korea ― living arrangements: dallyeog / complex # 4 / apartment # 1 / floor # 2 ― ethnicity: korean ― nationality: dual, korean (natural born) and australian (naturalized) ― gender: cis male ― pronouns: he / him ― orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: streamer ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent) ― accent: heavy australian accent
physical appearance
― faceclaim: bang chan / christopher bang of stray kids. ― hair: naturally brown, though he often dyes to a variety of colors, mostly black and blue. right now, it’s a purple color that’s already fading. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 171cm ― weight: 56kg ― tattoos: none at the moment. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe on both ears. anti-tragus, orbital and rook on the left one. double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: regularly techwear when he goes out and athleisure at home.
― label: the cynical ― positive traits: attentive, dependable, reliable, passionate, brave, energetic, honest, humorous, clever, versatile, truthful, affectionate, sociable ― negative traits: self-conscious, cautious, opinionated, arrogant, detached, critical, tactless, stubborn, loud, quick-tempered, harsh, unfiltered, cynical, restless, ambitious, ― hobbies: baking, collecting enamel pins and funkos, jigsaw puzzles, skateboarding, reading, listening to music, curating playlists when he has time, learning origami. ― habits: obsessively organising, borrowing books and rarely ever returning them (he forgets who they belong to ok), really bad road rage, awful at keeping track of time, people watching, always wears a black ring on his left index finger, always hugs something when sleeping, gets easily impressed by things, quotes movies and shows in regular conversations, knuckle cracking, snacking between meals, eye rolling without noticing, squinting when concentrated, crossing his arms over his chest, running hands through his hair, slouching, rolling his shoulders. ― zodiac sign: sun libra, moon gemini, ascendant libra. ― mbti: infp-t “the mediator” ― enneagram: 8w7 “the nonconformist”. ― temperament: melancholic ― hogwarts house: ravenclaw ― moral alignment: chaotic neutral ― primary vice: greed ― primary virtue: diligence ― element: air
― he’s played all kind of games and his twitch channel was created 9 years ago (whew) and it currently has over 5 million subscribers. currently, he streams mostly genshin impact, valorant, league of legends, overwatch, spider-man: miles morales, cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher iii. every now and then he makes charity streams. he also makes special lives with other gamers and figures where they play games like among us, minecraft, fortnite (though he absolutely hates it), party animals, fall guys and other party games. ― despite the rumours around him and his parents, he’s never talked about them to the media. it’s not like chance hides the information, after all it’s online, but he swerves questions about them and pretty much decides to not say anything about them just to avoid controversy. his parents didn’t mind until last year the company they worked at offered him a sponsorship and yohan turned it down. it’s safe to say they were pretty hurt over this and they haven’t talked much recently. ― yohan is, in his words, the biggest fan of spiderman (not really) but he’s his favorite heroe of all times and he collects everything and anything that has him in it. his biggest collection is funko pops with over 30+ figurines. he collects funkos of various other interests of him as well as enamel pins. ― lowkey a weeb. he likes watching anime in his spare time and if he likes it too much, he’d buy the manga and read it as well. his latest obsessions are kimetsu no yaiba, boku no hero academia, haikyu and jujutsu kaisen. ― won’t ever admit this out loud, but almost every ghibli movie makes him cry his eyes out, even when he’s watched the same one over and over again. he prefers to watch these on his own. his favorite one is grave of the fireflies. ― it took him a while to get used to korean culture, a part of him is still trying to. luckily, his family would speak in korean in their household most of the time and this helped him not struggle as much when it came to the language. his streams are most of the time in english to cater to a bigger audience, but recently he’s got himself a small team of an editor and a translator that’s helped him add subtitles to the videos he uploads in youtube. ― his current setup is completely sponsored except for a few extra things he’s bought himself and he has minimal experience when it comes to builds, though he’s really interested in learning and has recently researched more about the whole topic, hoping to get his first custom build by the end of the year. ― has terrible road rage and this is the reason why he doesn’t own a car or a driving license, even being in the backseat makes him anxious and would much rather prefer to use the bus, a bike or his skateboard to commute between places. taxis and other rides are his last option, if he’s quite honest. ― as a neighbour, he’s polite and tries to be mindful just to avoid needless problems. the first thing he did was soundproof his office in order to not disrupt others, but sometimes this doesn’t work as well due to how loud he can be. chance will try to greet every neighbour he encounters either with a wave or a simple nod. ― loves dogs but doesn’t feel he’s responsible enough to take care of one yet, though he will certainly volunteer to pet-sit his friends’ dogs.
wanted connections:
― life in seoul: he’s been wanting to start a podcast that has nothing to do with his main channel, aka a podcast about the culture in seoul from different perspectives, he wants to know about other people’s experiences. can be people that have lived all their life here or foreigners that, like himself, are pretty much new or can’t get enough of the city. it’d be a pretty chill podcast and anyone can participate! ― people that know about him and lowkey follow his streams (or just play them in the background while doing other stuff) ― or people that know about him but dislike him because he’s said stuff before about other public figures you’re a fan of. or he just simply rubs you the wrong way. ― people who absolutely hates when he streams late at night and he’s full on screaming at the screen (he tried to soundproof his streaming room but someone he can be way too loud, sorry) ― he’s always up for a good collaboration regardless of the topic: food, art, random tags and challenges. even if it's not up to his alley, he's likely to always say yes just for the laughs. ― the group of friends yohan met in different ways. they're not all strictly gamers, streamers or anything of the sort, but whenever they get together to play some games, it's a total chaos. and he wouldn't change it at all. ― the one person that always gets his packages delivered by mistake to your place instead of his. or the other way around. ― more: friends, enemies, a penpal, a platonic soulmate, workout buddies, etc.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 4 years
@taznovembercelebration - Day 21 - College/school
BUT ALSO this is the first chapter of that blupjeans college fic i mentioned yesterday. i’ll probably post it to ao3 or something later, but yea :O!
Being in college and opening a bakery at the same time was not the smartest choice, but Lup couldn’t really stop doing one or the other. There was no way in hell she was going to waste the scholarship she had been given, but the idea of leaving her brother to open and manage a bakery by himself was ridiculous in its own rights. Still, they were only three weeks into the semester and Lup’s schedule was overbooked and crumbling apart.
And now, on top of it all, her math professor had told her to go to tutoring to make sure she was able to do the work. If he listened to one goddamn thing she said, then he’d know that she could do math perfectly fine, she just needed a little extra time to fit it in with the rest of her schedule.
Also who the fuck needed to do college-level math while getting a goddamn music degree?
Lup made her way into the campus library, already ten minutes late. She spotted a library volunteer and made her way over, putting on her best smile to hide how frazzled she was.
“Hey,” Lup said and they looked up at her. “Do you know where the uh, student-led intro to algebra study group is? We were supposed to be meeting here at three.”
“Should be in the corner over there,” the person said kindly, sitting up a little to point towards the back of the library. “Behind the whole non-fiction section.”
“Thank you so much,” Lup said, adjusting her bag and turning away. Just as the volunteer said, the study group collected back there, spread out over two tables. It only had about six people, two of whom were obviously in charge. Lup dropped herself into a chair and put her stuff down. One of the tutors looked up. Lup couldn’t help but notice how obnoxiously thick his glasses were.
“You here for the study group?” he asked and Lup nodded.
“I don’t need help,” she said before he could get another word in. “I just haven’t had time to do my assignments and my professor told me to come. I can do it by myself, thanks.”
“Oh,” the man said. “I- alright. Well, I’m here if you need anything, okay? My name’s Barry.”
“Charmed,” Lup said, not feeling charmed at all as she pulled her book out of her bag. She didn’t tell him her name. He didn’t need to know it. There was always the chance that if she did tell him her name, word would get out that she needed to come here for help. Lup knew it wasn’t high school anymore. She knew gossip didn’t travel like that and that probably no one would care if she came here, but she couldn’t shake the habit quite yet.
She tried to ignore the group as they talked. The other tutor was named Lucas and he had a nasally voice and bandaids on all his fingers. Lucas wasn’t particularly trying to hide the fact that he thought he was better than everyone here. Maybe because of that, the other students flocked towards Barry. From what Lup could tell, though, Barry wasn’t the greatest either. Don’t get her wrong, he seemed like a decent guy, tutor, whatever. But he kept asking her if she needed help. She’d always say no. Then she’d go back to work and ten minutes later, he’d be asking again.
“Hey so-” Barry started, but Lup cut in again.
“I don’t need help,” Lup said, looking up at him. That’s when she realized there was no one else besides them here. The chairs were all empty. Barry was cleaning up the table.
“I… wasn’t gonna ask,” Barry said uncomfortably. Okay, Lup felt kind of bad for that. “Everyone else went home. I was gonna go home. Just wanted to make sure you, uh, you realized.”
“Oh,” Lup said blankly. And then, “Yeah, okay. I’ll pack up, too, I guess.”
“Alright,” Barry said. The silence was terribly awkward as they both gathered their things. Even more awkward when Lup remembered that the library only had one exit and they both were heading that way. She sped up and got ahead of him, reaching the door before he said anything else.
“Uh, hey!” Barry called out and Lup cringed, pausing at the doorway. “You coming Thursday?”
“Maybe,” Lup said, which meant yes because her professor wanted her to go to at least three groups. “I’ll check my schedule and see.”
“Cool,” Barry said. “Um, see you then. Maybe, I guess.”
“Yeah,” Lup said offhandedly. “See ya, Bluejeans.”
“I- what?”
“Blue jeans,” Lup said, waving a hand at his pants. “You wear ‘em. Like… the mom-type too. Don’t expect me not to say anything about it.”
She walked away. Calling him Bluejeans was better than calling him Thick Glasses, so she didn’t feel to bad about his flustered look.
The bus ride home was okay. Well, not okay because it was a bus ride, but, still, she was used to it. Plus side was that there were fewer people than usual. She got off at the stop closest to her apartment and climbed up the stairs until reaching her door. There was a slight moment of panic where Lup couldn’t find her keys, but it was fine because they had just fallen off her keychain and into her bag.
The apartment was… still a mess. Not that she expected any different. She flicked on the lights and set her bag down near the door. She heard movement and talking from the kitchen and went to check it out.
Taako was there, hunched over some papers, talking to someone on speakerphone. His hair was a mess and he was still in pajamas, which probably meant he hadn’t left the apartment all day. There was a bowl of baby carrots near him, a half-eaten one sitting next to his papers.
“...just got home, so I gotta go,” Taako said saying. “I’ll call soon, yeah? You’re a fuckin’ miracle worker, Steven.”
“Eh, it’s all in a day’s work,” Steven’s voice said from the phone. “We’re on your side here, kiddo.”
“Not a kiddo,” Taako said, like he always did.
“Uh-huh,” Steven said, in his the same doubtful tone he always replied in. “Talk to ya soon. And get some rest, huh? Bye.”
“Bye,” Taako said, hanging up. He turned to face Lup, looking tired but happy. “How’d your study sesh go?”
“Fine, I guess,” Lup said, sitting next to him. She grabbed a few of the baby carrots from the bowl and he scowled at her. She grinned. “It was just a buncha nerds doing nerd things.”
“Bet Luce would love it,” Taako said and Lup shook her head.
“Nah, Luce is better than these nerds. Get this- one of the tutors claims that his grandfather made millions off inventing stuff. And he’s just bragging about it. He’s a fuckin’ prick, Koko.”
“Ouch,” Taako said.
“Yeah,” Lup said. “And the other dude kept asking me if I needed help every three seconds and I was like, pssh do I look like I need help? I’m only here because my professor fuckin’ made me come. Lemme work in peace.”
“Double ouch,” Taako said. “I’m sorry, Lu. I can help you if you want. Or maybe we can call up Dav and he can-”
“No,” Lup said. “I- no. You’ve got the bakery to work on, right? We need to get that set up. And Dav is probably on a business trip, who knows.”
“He’s not, actually,” Taako said, which surprised Lup. “Luce texted me earlier to tell me he came back early. There was a situation.”
“A bad situation?” Lup asked.
“Maybe,” Taako shrugged. “Luce said he hasn’t talked since he got back so I’m guessing something happened and he’s gone non-verbal for a while again.”
“Damn,” Lup said, leaning back in her chair. She took a bite of one of the baby carrots. “That sucks.”
“Yeah,” Taako said. “Brighter news, though? Steven’s helpin’ me with the business shit now.”
“For what price?” Lup asked.
“We gotta let Julia work there,” Taako said. “For experience, you know? But Maggie’s already wormed his way into our staff, so no doubt Julia was gonna end up with us anyway.”
“That’s true,” Lup said. “But hey, more hands can’t be bad, right?”
“Right,” Taako said. He shuffled through a few papers. “We’re still going with ‘For Goodness Bakes” for the name, right?”
“As long as ‘let’s bake the world a better place’ is still our tagline, for sure,” Lup said, snorting. They had come up with the name on the fly, after a night of no sleep and then never fulfilled their promise to choose something better. She shoved another baby carrot in her mouth. “What are we doing for dinner? Have you even eaten today? Besides baby carrots.”
“Baby carrots are food, Lup,” Taako said, snatching the bowl away from her. “And I have work to do.”
“Let’s get some takeout or something, then,” Lup said. “Put on a movie.”
“Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2,” Taako said. “And maybe some good takeout rather than the shitty burger place down the street. We’ve fuckin’ earned it, Lulu.”
She stole the carrots back with a scowl.
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The Wedding (Part 1) The Trap is Laid
Oh yeah... It’s all coming together... @rurifangirl
Thanks to an entire bottle of vodka you slept soundly. The sun was well up on the horizon when you crawled out of bed and took your time in the Jacuzzi. Your heart was beating fast both with excitement and nervousness.  But you had to stay in character. You loved Chime. He was wonderful, sweet, shy and beautiful, so beautiful. You dressed in a comfortable robe and reminded yourself of Z’s advice on the night of Chance’s death. Ignore everyone and speak to no one unless absolutely necessary. 
You open the shades to the windows over Tokyo and gasp.
Hydra’s minions had all left last night. The owner of the Takamagahara had a 75% stake in Hydra assets. If she sold it all, she could bankrupt the entire organization in an instant. So she had forced them to hold off on their assault for 24 hours.
But the Hydra were still the owners of Tokyo itself. Hydra still blockaded the area and controlled the subway station from the outskirts a few kilometers from here. The vast majority of merchants cooperated with them and the streets were desolate. This is called ‘clearing the area’, clearing out all the irrelevant people before the important people meet. After the clearing is done, Takamagahara will become the lone store on the street. If the negotiations failed, Hydra could go on a killing spree. The police department won't care about it, and there won't be anyone on the street to bail you out.
The streets were deserted, businesses were closed. There were signs on the doors saying "Sorry for the suspension of business". The police have set up barricades at both ends of the road so that cars without special permits cannot enter.
Taking advantage of the empty streets, the staff had lined both sides with garlands of roses, lilies, poppies and baby’s breath. Ribbons were tied to every tree. Ice sculptures of famous romantic scenes from classic literature were on the way. They were setting up stations with booths for food and souvenirs. Huge banners announcing the marriage between the “Dragon Lord Chime Gen and his Dragon Lady MC” hung over every major intersection. It looked more like a fairy tale royal wedding than a meeting between the Yakuza leaders of Japan.
Your heart beats faster and you hurry out of your executive level bedroom and head to the first floor where redecorating was in full swing! With the help of the construction team they had dressed it up as a night scene of the Shinjuku district, with neon signs of all sizes and an elevated bridge spanning from above.
“I hope everything is to your liking?” Su Enxi, the owner of the Takamagahara smiles smugly behind you.
“This is amazing! It’s like Tokyo Nightlife has come inside!” 
“We chose the theme of a Yakuza wedding! So everyone here will be dressed as gangsters.” She held out one of the fancy invitations. The art was in the style of a Yakuza Tattoo with dragons, koi fish and tigers crawling in that traditional Ukiyo-E style that the Hydra Executive Board were famous for. On the inside was a lot of Japanese text you couldn’t read, but the art depicted shadow figures standing in a desolate alley.
“I love it!” You hand it back to her.
“Good. Here’s the guest list.” She hands it to you.
You blinked a bit. You didn’t recognize any of these names. 
“We didn’t know who you would like so we invited pretty much every major powerplayer and celebrity in Japan. Only women of course.” 
“These are all celebrities?” You stare at the list trying to find at least one name you knew.
Enxi frowned slightly and you flinched. How should you know? You were born nearly 40 years ago and you didn’t know any of these people from Adam. She expected you to be impressed. “Oh, right! Yes, I … yes I”m happy they’re coming!” You say, trying to recover.
It didn’t work and she takes back the list with an annoyed huff. “Don’t worry about learning their names. They’re only here to serve as shields and bargaining chips. The Hydra won’t be able to clear the area quickly if these celebrities are having a great time. If they try, it will be too much of a propaganda scandal.”
“I see.” You nod sagely. “Thank you.”
“Now go upstairs, eat, and get to the salon at 4 pm.” She checks her watch. “Guests will start to arrive at 8 pm tonight.”
“Where’s Chime?” 
“The groom? Hiding. It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.” She doesn’t even look at you as she walks away and claps her hands. “Chop! Chop! Let’s get moving!”
You return to your room with breakfast and hear a soft knock on the door. You open to Caesar who steps inside. “Ready for your big day?”
He was dressed casually again, just jeans and a muscle shirt. After all, he was going to work soon and probably wanted to relax.  He looks over at the bottles of vodka and the bit of cigar you’d left on the table and raises an eyebrow. It looked like you had guests last night. “Did you party without me?”
“You can say that. Just some old friends.” You walk over to the massive floor to ceiling liquor cabinet and open the door. “Can I get you something?”
“I’m good.” He pauses again. He didn’t follow you. He’s staring at you.
“What?” You stare right back.
“Aren’t you going to ask about Zero?” Caesar asks.
You frown and close the cabinet. “Oh, that girl? Is she recovering alright?”
“She is. Lu Mingfei is looking over her for now. I’m surprised you didn’t come down to visit?”
You bat your eyes innocently. “Did she ask for me?”
Caesar turned away and walked over to the dining table, dropping the subject. The man was sharp. No doubt he saw the photo of Renata and immediately recognized Zero. When you met Zero, he likely noticed your reaction. He didn’t understand but he would drop it for now since it was clear that despite your obvious past affection you weren’t going to talk about her. “I want to say you came through again with this sudden wedding. I did not think you would go this far. How did you convince that Gen brother?”
“I just framed it as a way to convince Chisei. Is it extreme? Yes, but he’s that desperate.” You deliberately avoided mentioning anything about King General and moved away from the liquor cabinet to make tea instead. “Have you talked with Chime?”
“He’s still asleep.” Caesar picked another cigar from the box and lit it. “I trust you’ve thought through all the implications for going through with this?”
“Yes.” You say, putting the tea kettle on and waiting for it to boil. “I’ll start with the implications if things go badly. Let’s say that Chisei is a bigger idiot than we thought and he does kill Chime. As his wife, I won’t be spared. This marriage puts me not only in the Devil Clan officially but also in the upper rankings. At best, I’ll be imprisoned forever. But more likely I’ll be killed as a Devil.”
“Should our special guest arrive and I can’t use my love effectively, hundreds of people could die, all of them top celebrities. More importantly, I’ll lose my entire world even if I do manage to survive.” Everyone you ever knew was here. Z, Renata, Caesar, Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei and Fingel. If they all died tonight, you would be desolate with nothing left.
You return with the tea and sit down across from him. “If things go right, then a lot of things will be in your hands, not mine. You’ll be negotiating my place in Japan with Chisei. Once all the things are completed, I’ll be in a position to help run the Devil Clan just by my position alone as his wife and I'll be easily installed as Japan Branch lead should Chisei and Chime follow through on their desires to vacate those positions.”
Caesar nodded slowly but then he shuddered. “So cold.”
“What?” You look up.
“If you marry that guy I won’t see you for quite some time. You won’t be coming back with us.”
You smile over your cup. “Oh don’t give me that. An old friend is better than two new ones. As the saying goes.” You quip, slyly referencing Chime’s split persona. “I still have your wedding to attend. And I consider you my best man at this wedding.”
“Brides can have a Best Man?” Caesar asked.
“It’s my wedding. I do what I want.” You rest your chin on the heel of your hand.
Caesar took a deep breath and took the cigar with him as he stood. “Well, I gotta do what I gotta do. There’s going to be shows before your appearance and I'm in one of them.”
“Break a leg.” You say as he leaves.
You still feel uneasy. You want to talk to Z. You stand up and leave that room and go to the bathroom, a spot Fingel had described as a blind spot. The bathroom was empty when you got there but when you turned to the mirror, Z was standing behind you. 
You whirl, with a ferocious look.  “Stop doing that!”
“Why? It’s fun!” He’s dressed in a tuxedo with golden cufflinks in the shape of dragons. “Why are you the only one who gets to have a good time? Enjoying the festivities?” He asked coyly.
“Yes I am. You’ve really outdone yourself. Thank you.”
Z suddenly frowned. And then he smiled again. “Hahaha… you almost had me there.”
“Yep! I hate you. You didn’t tell me Renata was alive. Go find a city bus to lay under.” You wink, but your words are serious.
“I’ve got my finger in so many pies right now. It’s not even funny. Show some respect. I just stopped by because I’m just so excited for this!” He held up a poster.
“I can’t read that.” The poster was of an evil man with a white rose in his mouth and a blood-stained sword across his chest, his eyes fierce, yet irresistibly sultry.
“It’s a wanted notice for the dangerous Ruri the Midnight Ripper!” He breathed excitedly, reading the poster. “The dangerous killer Midnight Ruri is active in the nights of Tokyo. He has killed countless young women, and the yakuza clan has offered a reward of 10 million yen for his head. Every woman going home tonight should be careful. It is said that he only attacks the most beautiful women, so the most conservative dress is the safest.” Z licked his lips and chuckled.
“Ugh. That’s insulting to the groom! Why would you do that?”
“It is the groom! You marry one, you marry the other!” Z laughed incredulously, slapping at the poster with his hand. “Did you forget? Or do you think it doesn’t matter who he kills so long as you’re alive?” He gives you a long glaring smile.
You gaze at him silently while he rolls up the poster. “It’s a beauty contest! All the ladies will read this and get excited. They’ll say ‘I’m the most beautiful. I hope to get targeted by Ruri!’ They will dress provocatively in hopes of attracting the attention of Ruri the Ripper. The venue will be loaded to the brim with delicious tempting targets!” He lets out another bird-like ‘ke-ke-ke’.
You can only scowl because you can’t argue.
“I didn’t tell you his true nature when you fell in love with him, I just told you not to do it. So… you can be forgiven for that. But this? Oh no, sweetheart. This is on you.” He points the poster at you. “But, don’t back out now!”
“I won’t. A lot is riding on this.  I feel like there’s a dagger at my back if I don’t go through with it…” You trail off, eyes lowering to the dagger that Z always kept at his side.
“It’s a hot, sexy dagger right?” Z swayed his hips and then turned around. “You kids have fun playing dress up. I’m going to get back to work.” 
He took one step and vanished.
You would spend the rest of the day in the beauty salon. Your dress was pure white, embroidered with pearls and diamonds that gave off the impression of scales, as though you were dressing up as the White King Izanami herself. Your hands were covered with elbow length princess gloves to hide the black veins on your skin, but then they stuck jewels in a mask like pattern on your face, trading your real scales for artificial ones. Your hair was piled high on your head in a traditional Japanese bun with silver sticks resembling horns.
The night fell and the desolate streets flooded with hundreds of Tokyo society elites as well as Hydra elite warriors. It turned out that Enxi used her financial clout to grant traffic passes to all the guests. Traffic was bumper to bumper. Every guest invited showed up to this wedding that shut down a major part of the city for an entire day. No one wanted to miss such an exclusive event.
The Takamagahara was filled to the brim with sleeveless and backless dresses, fishnet stockings in high heels, dangerously short skirts and perilously low cleavage.
The waiters wear black uniforms. They roll up their sleeves to reveal dragon and tiger tattoos. To light a customer’s cigarette they will draw out a waist pistol. The muzzle of the gun produced bright flames. It was impossible to tell who was armed with the real thing or with these toys. Because everyone was dressed as a Hydra Yakuza, it was hard to tell the Hydra members from the guests! 
The men and women shouted and played craps. The wine flowed endlessly. Occasionally the Whale came on stage to say two silly and majestic words, followed by a performance. Diamond was here to do his sexy rodeo strip show. There were popular shows such as BasaraKing's "Cleopatra" and Ukyou's "Sakura Falling on Itsuru Island". Armani was here to entertain guests with card tricks. Calypso dazzled a few of the younger guests. 
The sound of a powerful engine drowned out the music. A Harley Davidson motorcycle pulled into the middle of the dance floor. Caesar was dressed in a tight leather jacket, all covered in silver chains, with a shiny Desert Eagle stuck in his belt. He took off his sunglasses and threw them at the guests, "My engine is burning hot, are you ready?"
“BasaraKing! BasaraKing!" Hundreds of roses were thrown onto the stage.
White rose petals fell from the sky, and Chu Zihang, wearing a red leather trench coat with a skull mask, crashed from the sky to the center of the stage. Caesar drove his motorcycle towards Chu Zihang, and the two faked a fight, as if they were performing some kind of gangster stage show.
You watch from a hidden spot near the stage. You still have not seen Chime and Chime hasn't seen you. But it was almost time for the main event. Your wedding. All of this celebration was a luxurious trap for the King General and you searched the crowd looking for him. But if he was here, he wouldn’t be in the crowd. He’d be somewhere where he could see you. You were his target. You were his prey.
After a few rounds of fighting, Chu Zihang had picked up Caesar's dropped Desert Eagle and shot him through the chest, but then he suddenly swooped in and hugged Caesar, who was about to fall down.
The scene is about a pair of mob brothers, Caesar as the unruly brother and Chu Zihang as the lonely and sensitive brother. They grew up alone, but determined to be the best of the best. The brothers heard that politicians and gangsters must cooperate with each other in order to go higher and higher. So the two brothers drew lots, one to grow up as a gangster to defeat various gangs as the king of the gangsters; one to go to the University of Tokyo as a famous lawyer, and then enter the political world as a great politician. The result of the lottery is that the unruly brother Caesar is going to be a politician. While the sensitive brother Chu Zihang is going to break into the difficult underworld.
But they obeyed their destiny, and the two agreed not to contact each other again. But they always helped each other in critical moments. No one knew that the brother of the mob boss was a rising star in politics, and no one understood why the brother's gang always survived in the anti-gang operations.
Twenty years later Caesar’s politician character became a member of parliament and became even more headstrong, wanting to be the overlord of all Japan. So he set off a storm of anti-gang raids, and all the gangs were badly hit. Chu Zihang’s character had to intervene to stop the brother, saying that the yakuza had a long history in Japan and many people depended on them for their livelihood. If the yakuza were destroyed, it would be impossible for the brother-led government to support so many of the underprivileged in society, which would be tantamount to destroying the underprivileged in society. But Caesar’s character said that there is no such thing as the yakuza in his future plans, and it doesn't matter if he sacrifices some people's interests. Everything has to make way for his political future.
Finally, the brothers meet under the Over-Sea bridge in Tokyo Bay and duel in the same way they did at the place where they first drew lots and parted ways. In the end, it is the Gangster who shoots through the Politician brother's heart.
Chu and Caesar are acting out the ending of this ski.  Caesar is dying when he finally tells the truth. Because he has a terminal illness and can no longer protect Chu Zihang secretly. He fears that after his death his introverted brother will not be able to control so many yakuza gangs, so he sweeps the yakuza with his own iron fist.
"Remember our original agreement to be the number one yakuza emperor of Japan!" The brother's last words, "My brother will be number one in Japan!"
The applause was deafening and the guests were in tears. The play actually was acted very silly. Chu Zihang's mouthful of second-hand Japanese looked like he learned it off Duo Lingo, but the women who came here either loved BasaraKing and Ukyo or both, and those flaws were overlooked. 
A sad song started playing as the cherry blossoms fell over the two brothers. It was a popular song, only marginally appropriate, and the gist of it was two people who declare to each other how much they truly mean to each other, only after it was too late.
You didn’t know they were going to put something on like this. It was clearly directed at Chisei. Even though you were the main act, Caesar and Chu Zihang were supporting you and Chime in their own way.
Once the stage was cleared. The lights went up. Caesar hurried backstage. “Hey!” He whispers. “Knock ‘em dead!” 
You give him a grin and a thumbs up.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
SR Muku [Midsummer’s Unison!]: Backstage Translation
Muku’s learning how to do freestyle dance from Citron for the upcoming performance.
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A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment
Wandering off a Freestyle Dance 
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Then, only Yuki-kun won’t have any dance scene, everyone, please think if a freestyle dance to do in the play.
Alright, understood.
Wh, what to do…
I wonder if I can think of a frestyle dance.
Of course, if you have any issue, feel free to consult me anytime.
You can consult me too~
Courz, me too! You’re always welcome!
Well, I can also give you some opinions.
Everyone… Thank you!
But everyone has to think of their own freestyle dance too right…
I’ll start by trying my best!
Yeah. I’m looking forward to see Muku’s dance.
Let’s do our best together!
<Shifts to Courtyard>
Since it’s a dance club, I wonder if it should be a cool dance…
Ah, let’s try to search for what’s trending now.
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Freestyle dance…
Woah, there are a lot of varieties.
Umm, which one will be good…
Muku, what are you doing?
Ah, Citron-sama.
Are you worried about anything?
Actually, there will be a scene with freestyle dance on the upcoming performance.
And then, I’m supposed to think about the dance on my own, but I’m kind of lost…
Oh! Freestyle dance sounds great~!
I can dance with Hisoka quite well!
Muku, come with me!
Wah wah, wait a minute, Citron-sama…!
<Shifts to Hisoka/Homare’s Room>
Excuse me!
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Excuse me.
Oh, what is it?
Is Hisoka in?
If you’re looking for him, he’s sleeping over there.
Hisoka, Hisoka, wake up~
Oh, he’s not waking up at all.
Citron-sama, he’s sleeping so soundly like this, I don’t think it’s a good idea to wake him just for my sake…
It’s not a problem if you have things to do with him.
It’s the usual thing anyway, Muku-kun, you don’t need to think so much about it.
Here, Hisoka-kun, it’s marshmallow.
…Hmm, marshmallow…
Hisoka’s awake!
Muku’s worried about his freestyle dance for the upcoming performance!
Let’s go and do some street act with me!
…Muku, are you going to do freestyle dance?
Ah, bu, but it’s fine if you want to sleep…!
…It’s fine. Let’s go.
Eh, really? Thank you so much…!
Ho, a dance street act.
That sounds pretty interesting.
I have no plans after this, let me tag along with you.
Then, let’s go and do our 4 men street act!
<Shifts to Corridor>
Alright, I guess it’s time to go out to buy ingredients for dinner… Eh?
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Everyone, you’re going somewhere?
We’re going to do some street act.
It’s rare to see you going with these members.
Citron-sama and Hisoka are going to show me their dance.
I see, Citron-kun and Hisoka-kun always dance for the street act.
Since I got the chance, I would like to showcase my dance as well.
Woah, really!? Thank you so much!
It will be great if you can get some tips for your dance.
Right, Director-san.
Why don’t we go together halfway?
You’re right, then let’s go.
<Shifts to Veludo Way>
Then, I’m going this way.
Muku-kun, do your best!
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Everyone, I’ll leave Muku-kun in your care.
Leave it to us.
Director, see you later!
<End of Part 1>
This area seems to be widely used.
Then, let’s start immediately!
~ ♪ ~~ ♪
Muku, look properly.
I’ll participate as well!
La~ lalala~ ♪
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(I’ve never seen this kind of dance before, but it’s amazing)
~ ♪ ~~ ♪
Lu~ lulu~ ♪
<Short Time Skip>
That was so cool!
That dance, what genre is it?
…I don’t know.
It’s RonronNairo Dance!
It’s Caprichoso Poem dance.
Ronron Nairo dance, Caprichoso Poem dance…  That’s my first time hearing about it.
As I thought, I’m still way no good compared to others, I’m just an empty useless radish…
No-no-, it’s not that Muku’s no good!
You’re right, if you don’t know, then you just need to get to know it from now right.
Citron-sama… Arisu-san…
…Anyway, those are not even genre.
It’s our original dance!
An original dance!?
Umm, if you don’t mind… Can you show it to me one more time?
Of course!
I’ll dance for you how many times you want~!
~ ♪~~ ♪ ♪
Lalalala~~ ♪
Ah, Zen-san…!
Good afternoon.
Oh! It’s the first gen Autumn Troupe leader~ ♪
A chance encounter in this kind of place…
Ha! A poem has surged within me!
A hello in Veludo, everything smile dancing~!
Alice, you’re noisy.
The three of you can dance while reciting poetry and having a conversation, amazing…!
What a dexterous bunch.
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Anyway, I don’t know what kind of dance it is, but you look like you’re having so much fun doing it.
It’s not half bad.
It’s a dance that ends up catching your attention right.
Are you not dancing?
Umm, actually…
<Short Time Skip>
I see.
A freestyle dance huh.
A dance is an expression. It’s not something that you should think hard about using your head. Even more when it’s a freestyle.
It’s fine to just follow the melody and let your body moves accordingly, it’s no good when you’re bounded by a certain form or genre.
It’s just like those guys, dance freely with your instinct.
Let my body moves freely…
(…I see, I think too much about it)
Zen-san, thank you so much!
I feel like I should be able to do a freestyle dance now.
I’m going to dance freely with everyone!
Yeah. Good luck on your performance too.
Then, see you.
~ ♪ ~~♪
Let me dance with everyone too!
Of course! Everyone, let’s dance~ ♪
Yeah, let’s do it together.
Then, Muku-kun, together~ ♪
~ ♪~ ♪
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<Shifts to Lesson Room>
…So, how is it?
I tried to create a dance that came to my mind when I listen to the music.
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Yeah, I think it’s great!
Really!? I’m so glad…!
There’s still some time, we can continue to brush up slowly from now on.
Anyway, you decided pretty fast after following Citron-kun and the others for their street act.
You also got some advice from Zen-san, I wished I could have been there with you at that time.
Choice 1: Next time, I want to go with you too
Next time, I want to go with you too.
Of course! Everyone’s dance was so cool.
I also danced with them, it was so much fun.
(Fufu. Muku-kun, your eyes are shining.
I’m glad you’re enjoying this)
Me too, I’m looking forward to see Muku-kun and everyone’s dance.
Yes! I’m going to show an even more wonderful dance for Director-san, so I’ll do my best for the practice!
Choice 2: I’m looking forward to everyone’s dance
I’m looking forward to see everyone’s dance.
Yes! I’m really looking forward to it.
I wonder what kind of freestyle everyone will come up with.
It’s likely to express each of their own individuality.
Fufu, you’re right!
Even in Muku-kun’s dance, I can feel Muku-kun’s usual atmosphere and individuality, it’s such a good feeling.
Wah, I’m really happy if you say so…!
Thank you so much!
Muku, are you done with practice?
Ah, Citron-sama!
We just ended.
I thought of a good dance.
I’m pretty sure it will make a good reference for a freestyle dance!
Really!? Please teach me!
Of course!
Let’s go to the courtyard now!
(Citron-kun, it’s a cool dance, but he always dance without any boundaries…
There was even a time when he’s dancing like he’s scooping a loach out of the water…
Muku-kun has a very good form on his dance right now, it will be great if it doesn’t go to a weird direction…)
<End of Part 2>
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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Summary: Anon request- I may have sent this request to you last week so if I did just ignore me. 🤦🏻‍♀️ So I NEED a one shot/fic where Luke’s twin sister just got out of a bad relationship and comes on tour with the boys. Luke is really protective over her and he finds out she’s been dating/sleeping with Ashton behind his back. Idk why I’ve had this story in my mind forever but I’m a horrible writer. 😂 Thanks!!
A/N: Thanks for the request! Gave the reveal some fluff because the idea of the brothers hating the boyfriend dating their sister always rubbed me the wrong way.
Content: Abuse, protective dynamics
Word Count: 3.3k
And away and away we go!
“Is there anybody you’d like us to call?” the nurse asked her.
Leia Hemmings shook her head. She couldn’t tell her family about this. Not that they wouldn’t rally behind her, but because despite all the pain Wyatt Miller had caused her, she didn’t want to return the favor. Wyatt could break her ribs, but he could never break her spirit which was to love with all she had.
“Do you have a safe place to go?” was the follow up question.
Leia nodded. “Yeah. I’m good.”
The nurse pushed a few pamphlets for domestic abuse services and women’s shelters into her hand anyway. “I’m going to sign your discharge papers, but feel free to stay in here as long as you need, okay?”
Leia let out a sigh of relief as the nurse left her. She was grateful that for all her stupidity, she had kept her apartment, not giving into Wyatt’s demands for her to move in with him. It had earned her three broken ribs and the worst bruising of her life, but she was steadfast that in all her bad decisions with Wyatt, that wasn’t one of them. That being said, she knew she couldn’t stay at her apartment. So with shaking fingers, she dialed her brother.
“Hey!” Luke greeted happily, picking up on the first ring.
“Hey,” she answered.
“What happened?” he asked, detecting the slight wobble in her voice.
“Wyatt and I broke up,” she whispered, offering up the simplest part of the truth.
“Oh, Leia” was the heartbroken response.
“It’s fine, Luke. I’m fine. It just… uh… gonna need to get a new place.”
“Shit,” he cursed. “What happened?” The question was repeated with a much sterner tone than the first time.
“It didn’t end well. It’s fine. Hey, I gotta go. But we’ll talk later to make plans for when you’re back out here, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course. Hang in there.”
“Who was that?” Ashton asked as Luke ended the call.
“Leia. Wyatt and her broke up.”
“Fuck. Is she okay?” He had always liked Leia, more so than the other siblings of his bandmates. It was something in the way she held herself in a manner that made her seem older but still clung to the childhood innocence that spoke to him right from the get go.
“I don’t think so.”
“How can I help?”
“I’m fine!” she huffed for the millionth time.
“No, you’re not. You’re coming with me. End of discussion.” Even through Facetime she could see the hard glint in his eyes. As the youngest boy, Luke had learned the mannerisms of getting his way. But Leia was the only girl, and the baby by five minutes. And she could be just as stubborn as he was, if not more.
“I’m fine at home with Mum and Dad.”
“Fine with sulking in bed you mean?”
“Oh, because sulking on a tour bus is so much better? C’mon, Lu-lu,” she pleaded, using a nickname only she had ever called him. “I’m just gonna bring everybody down. It’s better if I stay here.” At home with her parents, she could hide the bruises on her body better. At a week, the bruises only looked worse, making her more certain of her decision to hide it from her family. All they knew was that her and Wyatt had broken up and that she was looking for a new apartment to get a fresh start. And that was the way she wanted it.
“Le-le,” he used, using her nickname only he had ever called her in retaliation, his blue eyes pleading softly. “You’re not gonna bring anybody down. We want you with us.”
“Really?” she asked, trying to keep the hope out of her voice and remain skeptical. She didn’t get a lot of time with Luke these days, what with his band constantly traveling and him living on the other side of the globe. And she always got along with his bandmates, especially Ashton. But ten months of touring? It had been a long time since she had spent that large amount of time in such a confined space with her twin brother. Add three other fully grown men and a crew to the mix? Well, it would be a good way to ensure a certain you-know-who stayed far away from her mind.
He was still talking as her mind went through her thoughts. “So you’ll just meet us at the show and we’ll go from there. Le-le? Leia! Are you listening?”
Her long blonde curls shook with her head as she cleared her thoughts. “Sorry, what was that?”
Luke’s eyes rolled in feigned annoyance. “Our first leg starts in Sydney. So you don’t have to worry about traveling to us. You can just meet us at our first show and we’ll go from there.”
“Yeah, I just have to worry about my job… Not all of us can just pack up and leave, Lucas...”
“Hey!” was the hurt and offended retort. “You think that I don’t miss always being there for you like when we were kids? God, Leia, if I could be there all the time, don’t you think I would?”
“Alright, alright!” Leia huffed, feeling her eyes water at his sentiment. “It’s okay. We’re okay. I’m okay.”
“Well, I think the family can handle running Hemm Clothing without you for a while. And you can put those marketing skills to use by helping Andy and Ryan with merch?”
“Wow, way to sweeten the deal…” The eye roll was playful.
“So is that a yes? You’ll come?”
“See you in a few days, Lu-lu.”
“Fancy seeing you here,” a voice breathed and Leia’s body tensed.
“Get away from me,” came the barely audible reply through clenched teeth as her vision blurred with unwanted tears.
“Came to see big brother play?” was the sneer. “Think he’s gonna protect you from up there?” Wyatt’s head nodded towards the stage.
“I don’t need protection…” She threw as much malice and venom as she could muster behind the words but her shaky voice betrayed the fear that had seized her body.
The laugh was anything but humorous as it entered her ear.
“Go away. Please…”
“Aw, c’mon. Aren’t we having fun?”
“Hey, she said leave,” a voice barked and a tall figure strode toward the pair. Two shocks of pitch black hair framed the set of hazel eyes as Ashton’s large arms crossed in front of him as he tried to come across as menacing as possible. Leia felt herself relax at the sight of him alone. “Now leave, or I’ll gladly call security to throw you out,” Ashton used his slight height advantage to tower over Wyatt. “On second thought, I think I’ll just throw you out myself. Save security the trip.”
Wyatt, smart enough not to start a fight in public, muttered under his breath about how this wasn’t over and slunk off.
Ashton’s demeanor dropped the tough guy act and his hand was soft as it rested on Leia’s shoulder. His voice was equally soft as it asked, “Hey, you alright?”
Leia looked up at him and shook her head before letting out a blubbering wail.
Ashton’s eyes went wide before he was wrapping the younger woman in a tight hug. “Hey, it’s okay. Shh. He’s gone. I got ya.”
She froze, her body tensing immediately, and when her face involuntarily flinched, Ashton dropped his hold, a wave of disgusted horror washing over him. When Leia had called Luke up to tell him about her breakup with Wyatt, she had severely downplayed the damage he had inflicted if she was jumping away from a touch she knew she could trust. His heart shattered in his chest for her and he knew he had to keep this from Luke the same way she had. The look of pity in his eyes as she turned to look at him made her throat close up. “Please don’t tell, Luke,” was the pleaded request of a woman who was barely holding it together.
“Hey, look at me,” he implored and blurry blue met steady gold. “I’m going to get security to make sure he stays far away from you. He’s never getting near you again. I promise.”
“Ash, you can’t promise that. Eventually I have to come home. And he’ll be waiting. And the longer he was to wait, the angrier he’s going to get. And the angrier he gets…”
“I wouldn’t promise it if I didn’t think I could keep it. I’ll figure something out.”
“Promise me you won’t tell Luke.”
“I won’t,” he said, holding up his pinky. “But why didn’t you? Why didn’t you tell him the truth?”
“Because it makes me feel weak? Because I feel like I should’ve known better? That I should’ve fought harder? Take your pick…”
“None of this is your fault and you’re stronger than you think.”
She gave a sad shake of her head. “I shouldn’t be here. I should just go home. I’m just gonna bring everybody down. Tell Lu- Tell Luke I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I can’t be here.” The words fell from her mouth and she stumbled backwards away from Ashton, tears streaming down her face.
“Whoa, easy there,” Ashton said, keeping his voice calm and low. “We want you here.”
“You guys really want me here?” she asked skeptically.
Ashton nodded. “We really do. I do. C’mon, give this a chance. Please stay. Please?”
How could she say no to that dimple and those soft eyes?
“Let’s play a game of spot the goth,” Calum laughed at the camera before Ryan was moving the shoot upwards to Ashton and Leia, hiding in the shade.
The duo waved and shared a laugh. “You sure you don’t wanna go for a swim?” Ashton asked her. “Awfully hot out.” He was still in a pair black jeans with rips in the knees, but his shirt had been discarded long ago, while she stayed clad in her shirt and shorts.
She shook her head. Her sides still ached terribly when she laughed, but she could finally withstand a hug without having to excuse herself to cry out in pain after. The bruises, while no longer a horrendous shade of blues and purples, were a sickly faded yellow. No. She would much rather hide out with Ashton.
Ashton sighed. While she hadn’t actually confessed the truth of what Wyatt had done to her, Ashton was highly certain his speculations about what had happened were closer to the truth than what she had been telling Luke. “He hit you didn’t he? That’s why you’re hiding up here with me, isn’t it? To hide the bruises?” His voice held only concern, not even the slightest trace of judgement, which somehow made it worse. She didn’t deserve sympathy.
“He broke three of my ribs,” she confided anyway.
Ashton’s jaw tightened and he swore under his breath. “When?”
“The day I called Luke. So about two weeks ago.”
“Any other times?”
“No,” she shook her head. “That was the only time. I swear.”
As much as he wanted to, he wasn’t stupid enough to ask why. It didn’t matter. Wyatt shouldn’t have laid a hand on her, period. “Is that why you left your apartment?” he asked instead.
She nodded. “I’m scared of him, Ash. I don’t know what’s going to happen when this is over, and I have to come home. I can’t live with Mum and Dad forever. If I let him scare me from living my life then he wins. He already took so much from me. I can’t let him take what little I have left.”
“Come to LA with us,” he suggested.
She started to laugh but winced. “Ow! Don’t make me laugh!”
“I’m serious.”
“What would I do in LA? Live with you? Keep helping run merch for your band?”
“Well, you could get your own place if that would make you more comfortable.”
“Ow!” she chuckled, clinging to her sides. “It hurts to laugh! Stop!”
“I’m serious!” he repeated, not being able to help his own giggle. Even her pained chuckle was infectious.
She leaned her head into his shoulder, sighing in the daydream coursing through her head. Would living with Ashton really be all that horrible? She was as close to him as she was to her own twin; closer even now that they had this secret between them. It could be just like this, him making her laugh her worries away. “Mum will never forgive you for taking both of her babies to LA, you know that don’t you?”
“Hey, Luke took me to LA.”
She shook her head against him with a soft chuckle. “I’ll think about it, okay?”
“And I’ll help you pack when you realize I’m serious.”
She woke up in a cold sweat, eyes wild, hair even wilder. Her hand felt her heart racing underneath her fingertips as she kicked off the covers. The bruises had faded, her ribs had healed, but Wyatt still haunted her dreams nearly three months later. She rolled on her side to check the time on her phone: 2:17 am.
They hadn’t played a show as they were traveling to a new venue so everyone was catching up on much needed sleep.
She tried to tame her curls by pulling them into a messy ponytail before she shoved her curtain aside and crawled out of her bunk.
“Oh, hey,” a smooth but raspy voice called out to her as she pulled the fridge open to grab a water. “Couldn’t sleep either?”
She whirled around, spotting Ashton on the couch, plucking softly at a guitar. “Something like that…” she muttered, kicking the fridge closed and moving to sit beside him.
“Nightmare?” he asked, setting the guitar aside to wrap an arm around her shoulders.
“How’d you know?”
“I can hear you at night. Everyone here can sleep like the dead. Everyone but me. Always been a light sleeper.”
“Did I wake you up?” she asked, worried.
He shook his head. “Nah. I haven’t gone to sleep yet.”
“What were you playing?”
“Nothing really. Just messing around. Any requests?”
She brought a finger to her lips in thought. “Hmm… Safety Pin?”
He chuckled lightly as he reached for the guitar again and they both shifted around on the couch. He strummed quietly and sang even quieter through the song, her voice humming softly along. “You should try and get some sleep,” he told her as he set the guitar aside again. “Luke may think he’s hiding it, but he’s worried about you. We all are.”
She leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling. “That’s not what I wanted. I never wanted anyone to worry about me.”
“Sweetheart, we’re always gonna worry about you. We love you.” And that was as close to revealing himself to her as he was going to get for now, but he placed his lips briefly to her forehead anyway.
“Ash,” she breathed, peering up at him. The tenderness was too much to bear. The ache for someone to show her that type of soft affection left her desperate and needy. “Please don’t do that…”
“Do what? Care for you?”
“Kiss me.”
“It was just a forehead kiss,” he defended, feeling guilty he had crossed the line.
“I know. And it’s going to make me want more.”
“And what if I want to give you more?” he pressed, her words assuring him of long buried feelings.
“Ash… I’m heartbroken over a boy who doesn’t deserve my tears. You’re my brother’s bandmate. We shouldn’t do this,” she said, drawing the line in the sand.
“Alright,” he relented. “But for the record, I’ve…” he paused to find the right words. “Have you ever looked at someone and just known deep down that there’s something there?”
She nodded.
“I feel that when I look at you. And I’m still going to feel that when I look at you tomorrow; the same way I’ve felt it every time I’ve looked at you.”
“Ash,” she started, but he cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips.
“Shh, it’s fine. I won’t cross that line. But I couldn’t keep that inside anymore, either. G’night, sweetheart.” He pushed himself up off the couch, heading for his bunk, but her hand reached out to wrap around his forearm. “Need something?” he asked.
“You,” was the mouthed reply and his lips were crushing down on hers, pulling out the ache she had been drowning under.
The set of light blue eyes bounced back and forth between the laughing duo as Leia tried her best to mimic Ashton’s yoga poses. “This is impossible!” Leia’s laugh rang out as she struggled to keep her balance.
“What are you talking about?” Ashton laughed with her, his hand shooting out to help keep her steady. “You’re doing great. I gotcha.”
“Whatcha guys up to?” Luke spoke up, eyebrows raised as he leaned against the wall.
Leia let out a yelp of surprise and wobbled, taking Ashton with her as they crashed to the ground, erupting in more giggles. “Lu-lu, you scared me!” Leia scolded her brother lightly as Ashton helped her to her feet.
“Mmm,” Luke nodded, pursing his lips in thought. “So, you gonna tell me? Or are you going to keep lying to me like you lied about Wyatt?”
“What are you talking about?” Leia asked, narrowing her eyes. She and Ashton had taken every precaution to keep their growing relationship as hidden as possible. The plan was to tell everyone when the tour was over, along with announcing that she’d be moving into his place in LA. Wyatt, however, was the secret she had wanted to take to her grave.
“Mum and Dad got the hospital bill, dumbass. They called me wondering if I knew anything about three broken ribs because you tell me everything. Imagine my shock when I was just as in the dark as they were.”
“Luke I-” she started.
“Why’d you lie?” he cut her off.
“I was embarrassed!” she screamed, throwing up her hands. “It’s embarrassing, Luke! I got beat up by a guy who swore he loved me! Who had us all fooled that he was a good guy! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have been that bad of a judge of character?!”
“You’re not a bad judge of character, Leia. Like you said, he had us all fooled. And you’re with Ash, aren’t you? Yeah, definitely not a bad judge of character. Not by a long shot.”
“Wait… you’re not mad?”
“No! Well… yes. But only because you lied.”
“We were gonna tell you, mate,” Ashton jumped in. “We were going to tell everyone after the tour wrapped up.”
“I’m not talking to you!” Luke snapped.
“Luke, you just said you weren’t mad about this,” Ashton said, his jaw setting.
“You lied to me! I’m your friend, Ashton! Damn near your brother!” His fiery gaze flickered over to Leia, “And I’m your actual brother!” His words held no malice, only a deep hurt that two people he cared deeply for thought that they had to keep their relationship a secret from him.
“Lu-lu, we were going to tell you. We just…”
“How long?”
“Six months,” Ashton answered. “And if we’re clearing the air, then you should know that when we get home next month, she’s moving into my place.”
Luke nodded. “Okay then. Break her heart, and it’ll be you who ends up with your ribs broken.”
“Lucas Robert!” Leia scolded, punching her brother’s arm.
“Too soon?” Luke laughed.
“Way too soon,” Leia laughed with him. “So, you’re really not mad?”
Luke shook his head. “I only ever wanted you to be happy, Le-le. You’re my twin. I’m always on your side.” He wrapped her in a tight hug.
“We’re sorry, mate,” Ashton apologized, placing his hand on Luke’s shoulder and a kiss on Leia’s hairline.
Luke fake gagged, stepping away. “I’m not that happy for you! That’s still my baby sister you’re kissing.”
“Well, I love her, so you better get used to it.”
“You fuckin’ better,” the siblings responded in unison.
“So fuckin’ much.”
Tag List
@goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @baldcalum​ @sparkling-chaos​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
just a thought
“Don’t you ever just...want to have sex?” Lucy sighed, as she stared at her bedroom ceiling, the chatter of her friends immediately hushing as they turned to stare at her with wide eyes.
“What in the world are you talking about?” Erza said, her voice small and shocked as she held her beyond heated face.
“Cana-san said something to Lucy-san, didn’t she? Cana-san is always putting weird thoughts inside Lucy-san’s head,” Juvia shuddered at the provocative thought. “But then again, Juvia might agree with Lucy-san, there was a really cute boy that helped Juvia the other day when she took the wrong bus into town, he was so beautiful...his dark hair and sharp eyes...”
“Have you even had sex before? Where is this coming from?” Levy asked as she pulled herself up from the floor to edge her way onto Lucy’s bed where the blonde laid.
“Of course I haven’t, and no, Cana hasn’t said anything about it, I’m just a bit curious is all.” The blonde sighed and lifted herself onto her elbows. “You can thank Erza’s books for some of my interest.”
“Eh?! What books?!” Levy gasped, the redhead quick to hide under a pillow and escape the attention of the other two.
“I don’t know what she’s talking about! Go back to the s...sex talk!” Her scream was muffled and she swat the area in front of her person, keeping anyone in arms reach away from her.
“I just think it’d be fun and spontaneous...y’know, just get caught up in the moment with someone you’ve just met...it sounds romantic, don’t you think?”
“Juvia thinks so, as long as it’s with the right person, like that beautiful boy who helped her—“
“We get it, we get it, he was beautiful and charming, maybe you should take the wrong bus again, it’ll give you a chance to run into him,” Lucy said as she reached over to flick the taller blunette on the forehead.
“Oh, Juvia never thought of doing that!”
“Who would, or well, what kind of guy do you want to sleep with?” Levy asked, deciding to take a genuine interest in what she had to say. They were young and it was the summer before their first year of college, so it wasn’t crazy for them to want a bit more in life, to experience something new.
“I don’t know, definitely not the first guy I meet, but someone nice. And not because they’re forcing himself to be, but carefree, I think. With a nice smile too, and kind of strong and warm...and I think it’d be nice if we could connect like friends, so at least I’d be comfortable with him,” Lucy sighed lovingly, her dreamy words enough to pull Erza out of her hiding place.
“That doesn’t sound like you want a one night stand, you want a boyfriend.” The embarrassed girl pointed out as she moved to sit on the bed as well. “Maybe you should date instead.”
“Maybe...but it seems like such a chore after what happened between me and Dan. I still think if I meet the right guy, I’d go through with it.”
“Juvia can set Lucy-san up with Gajeel-kun, Juvia’s best friend!”
“Levy’s the one with a crush on him, set h—“ Levy silenced her with a pillow to the face, blushing worse than Erza as she smothered the blonde.
“Not another word! Don’t you dare!”
“Oh, you mean when he came over to fix Juvia’s air con during the summer, and she saw him all sweaty in a muscle t—“
“Erza! Stop it!” The pixie-like girl squealed and smacked her with a stuffed animal.
“Why didn’t Levy-san say so! Juvia can set up a goukon if Levy-san wants! Maybe Gajeel-kun knows someone for Lucy-san to meet too! Juvia will call right away!”
“You don’t say a word about me liking him or I swear I’ll end you!”
“Gajeel-kun said they’d meet us somewhere around here,” Juvia said as they stood at the entrance of a family restaurant where they all planned to meet up for breakfast the next weekend.
“You swear he doesn’t know anything?” Levy grumbled, nearly caved in on herself as the overwhelming feeling to hide consumed her.
“Juvia didn’t say a word! Juvia just told Gajeel-kun she wanted to hang out and meet some of his friends, so calm down before they get here,” Juvia sighed, rubbing their shorter companion on the back as she tried to calm her nerves.
“Maybe this was a bad idea, I can still leave, they won’t miss me,” She devised, Lucy quick to shake her head and hold Levy in place.
“Come on, we never hang out with guys, don’t think of it as a blind date but as a fun get together. We’re leaving for the beach and we’re having a barbecue, you’re so not missing this. Summer fun!” She said with a cheesy smile, Levy twisting her lips as she looked away.
“We all know what your idea for fun is, Lu-chan,”
“Oi, don’t say that like it’s a bad thing! And I’m not going to, I don’t even know who’s—“
“Oh my god! Oh my god! It’s Juvia’s prince! Gajeel-kun brought Juvia’s prince, she knew it was fate!” The blunette squealed as she pointed to the gang of three across the street, all waiting for the signal to change.
“Don’t be an idiot, calm down! I know he’s the love of your life but please, good first impressions,” Lucy tried to snap logic into her head, but it was surely already swamped with ways for her to obtain the boy whom she’d been longing for.
“Juvia knows! She promises, and it’s a good thing Juvia wore her cutest bikini!” The girl squealed, Lucy quickly chopping her as they approached, her eyes set on the one boy they didn’t know. Pink hair? How interesting.
“Water woman,” The tall and scruffy looking guy said as he waved a hand before approaching him, Juvia quick to run into his arms without question. “O-Oi, what’d I say about embarrassin’ me?”
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berserker-showdown · 1 year
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the next series of matches will go live shortly, with part 1 launching tonight(may 6th) and Part 2 launching tomorrow evening(may 7th), links will appear as the polls are added and as always, good luck to all our competitors!
Part 1: Round 2:
Humbaba vs Brynhildr (Summer)
Xiang Yu vs Salome
Ibuki Douji (Summer) vs Kijyo Koyo
Ragnar Lodbrok vs Ibaraki Douji
Chacha vs Morgan
Asterios vs Nobunaga (Summer)
Beowulf vs Caligula
Musashi (Summer) vs MHX Alter
Part 2: Round 2:
Nightingale vs Raikou
Arcuied Brunstud (Mooncell) vs Paul Bunyan
Hijikata Toshizou vs Sen no Rikyu
Tamamo Cat vs Frankenstein
Arjuna Alter vs Jeanne Alter
Herakles vs Lu Bu Fengxian
Kriemhild vs Galatea
Cu Alter vs Penthesilea
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arttlations · 5 years
Aside from the fact that my essays always stray too far from the topic given or as mentioned before, lack elegance in my usage of language and hence cost me a few marks, my overall grades were basically good. Simply put, I was close to being called a top student. That is why, before the placings for the midterm exams were out, I made a bet with Fatty and the rest that I would be able to attain a level placing in the top 15. This was a safe bet, for if I could get a pass for my essay, top 15 in the level would be an easy goal.
However, when the placings were released, I was ranked 16th.
Speechless, I treated Fatty and the rest to the student cafeteria's best fried noodles. Each person ate two big plates, and along with the noodles that disappeared, so did half of my week's allowance. (Dad and Mum used to give my brother and I our allowance weekly.) I was dissatisfied; my essay had surprisingly gotten a good pass, yet why was I unable to get into the top 15? I took out the seven scripts and went through each one of them carefully: out of a 100, Chinese 87, Mathematics 90, English 92, Physics 89, Political Science 86, History 69. My History must have pulled me down; it actually fell below 70 marks. Still unwilling to accept the placing, I went through the script thoroughly, hoping to spot a calculation error of one or two marks. The 15th rank belonged to Lu Feng, who was also from our class, and he only got one mark more than I did. Getting one mark back would mean I could share the spot with him. This wasn't about honor but rather about whether I would be able to eat this week.
With this final check, my blood started boiling, my face turned red with fury. I got a full score for the multiple-choice questions, but the teacher only gave me a big red tick, not a single mark out of the twenty marks was added to my final score.
Twenty, twenty marks...... Amongst the top 15, even half a mark could change everything, let alone forty half marks.
The me who was originally lying in the top bunk bed of the eight-people shared dorm awaiting death immediately sprang up, prepared myself to look for Fatty first to get the money back and then get my rightful marks back at the teachers' office. Suddenly, as soon as I lifted my head, I saw Lu Feng who resided in the lower bunk below me dash through the doorway excitedly, in his hands was an expensive-looking paper box.
"Cheng Yi Chen, come and check out my CD player."
It was the year 1996, in our small village back then, it was a time where many children could only enjoy the heavy cassette tape players, and carrying an AIWA Walkman was already a privilege that extended way beyond the MD-Player. I too, carried an unspeakable sense of curiosity and admiration as I examined the black gadget, and in the meantime, completely forgot about my usual stance of not bothering myself with Lu Feng.
Since the start of school, only half a term had gone past, but the cliques in which the boys hung out in were already more or less formed. Lu Feng and I were two different kinds of people that would never mix with the other no matter what. For me, as you guys have seen, I was a good student and an obedient son. My brother who's younger than me by a year was still in his first year of junior secondary school while I was a quick student who moved up by a few grades to be in the first year of senior secondary school. Besides my marks, my other aspects were on the low side; my family's financial background was extremely normal, (I'll see you try if you had parents who are both earning an average salary and yet have to support a son, one without any knowledge in terms of managing finances, studying at a prestigious school.) I was taught from young that nothing was more valuable than the knowledge you get from books and was threatened with the usual scare "if you can't get into university, then you can go back to our hometown and plow through our ancestors' fields that extend for miles", hence, I would never compare myself with others. Be it in terms of my meals or attire, as long as it's edible or wearable, an example being my outfit from junior high, the standard blue or black long pants with a white top and white sneakers, I would still try to wear it. As expected, I had the most appropriate hairstyle that's aligned with the school rules, and a daily scene you would see would be me wearing an old-fashioned pair of glasses as I sat at my desk, occupied with work.
Lu Feng, on the other hand, he's...... um...... it isn't right to speak badly of someone behind their backs, so I would simply present an objective point of view, picking a few rumors I had heard through the grapevine.
Appearance: Apparently, he was the level's most stylish and handsome male student, and if compared to Andy Lau or Aaron Kwok, they wouldn't stand a chance. (Really? Why didn't anyone find a Chinese man with a high nose bridge and deep amber eyes strange?)
Family background: Yes...... I heard that his father was a Chinese American, but anyway, Lu Feng is a person of mixed race, and just putting this out here, from the start of junior high, Lu Feng's family had been donating large sums of money to the school yearly to build this and that.
Academics: Um...... Let's just say the fact that he had entered the top 15 was as senseless as the fact that I hadn't entered the top 15.
Character: Eh, this sensitive question makes it hard to arrive at an answer, but the money that his father had donated was partly for the removal of records of Lu Feng's multiple fights. In one of the years of junior high, he had miraculously not been caught for the whole year. The finance department was said to have been riddled with anxiety for quite a while then.
Simply concluded, none of us look up to the other.
This new machine had obviously made us forget about this as we sat together listening to Lu Feng's collection of CDs of popular rock artists who I had never heard of.
"The sound quality is quite good, isn't it?" Lu Feng excitedly chattered, "My father's a man who keeps his words. Getting into the top 15 this time all depended on luck."
I immediately understood. This was the prize Lu Feng asked for from his father.
Feeling the history paper in my hands, I hesitated. I didn't like Lu Feng, but I couldn't bear to dampen his spirits at the moment.
"Like it? I'm going out to play soccer in the afternoon, do you want to borrow it first?"
Gosh, this was hateful...... He was too generous.
I quickly rolled up the paper hidden behind my back. Forget it, the cost of the plates of fried noodles wouldn't even add up to half a piece of the CD player's antenna.
Lu Feng scooped up the soccer ball below his table, and shouting for the boys next door, he left. The player was still sitting on my desk. I sighed. "Because of you; to protect you I'll have to starve for two days."
Throwing my script aside, I picked up an English textbook for a read on Lu Feng's bed before I gradually fell asleep.
Go on, sleep, once you fall asleep you'll no longer be hungry.
When I woke up, Lu Feng was already back, his eyes carefully examining something in his hand as he stood by the bedside rubbing his hair dry. I wandered for a moment before realizing that was my history paper.
"Your marks are tabulated wrongly." Seeing that I had woken up, Lu Feng lifted the paper, his tone calm yet unfriendly.
I muttered an "oh" in return.
"Why don't you go correct it? You might just become 1st if the marks are added."
"If I changed it, you would..." As expected, I was never one with the gift of gab after a nap. Who knew, Lu Feng was one with an immense amount of pride, and the look on his face obviously changed upon hearing these words.
"I know you look down on me. When the final exams come about, I'll be able to get a placing above you just fine by myself, you don't have to pretend to care."
Well, so much for being nice.
"I don't have any other intentions. That player is pretty neat, but as to whether you want it or not, that is your problem, it has nothing to do with me. I have no need to curry favor with you, and I'm not looking down on anyone, so don't be so narrow-hearted." I was too lazy to say any more, and with a quick eye roll, I snatched my paperback.
The room was quiet for some time before I heard him spoke. "How about this, I don't like owing people favors, so let me treat you to a meal."
This person is pretty irritating, treating someone to a meal immediately after having scolded them off.
After giving it some thought and finding that I was indeed hungry, I nodded. "Sure."
After that, I often thought, if I wasn't for this exchange, if Lu Feng and I had kept our distance and simply brushed past each other as usual, the future, my future, his future, would perhaps have been different.
I never expected that Lu Feng would go to such a great expense for the meal.
Repeating myself again, that was the year 1996, Kentucky's chicken wasn't as commonly found in the past. To eat that meal of KFC, it required a one hour plus journey on an old bumpy bus before they reached the city. To be honest, my knowledge on these American fast foods only extended till what I've read about them or seen on television, and as a result, Lu Feng called me old-fashioned for I had on a serious and respectful expression as I dipped the French fries in the tomato sauce with deep concentration, even more so than when I do an analysis question in Chemistry.
Even though I was mercilessly made fun of and laughed at by Lu Feng, that became one of my life's most unforgettable meals, and that feeling would never return in the future as I sit in the KFC by the street eating a burger and pieces of chicken.
Maybe a person's first indeed leaves the strongest memories.
This will then explain why in the many years to come, I would still fail to forget this man called Lu Feng.
For as many firsts he had given me, he had taken just as much away from me.
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rqs902 · 6 years
💥🏆🕴🍂 hi its me, here to bother you ;)))
HI MAYYYYY ❤️ umm when do you ever bother me??? 
💥 = whose jokes make you laugh out loud?
LU DINGHAOOOOOO 💖💖 my child who is always ridiculously extra c: (takes this opportunity to share some of my fav dinghao moments)
and ofc Lou Zibo 😏 my hilarious radish child who always makes me laugh every time he’s on screen!!!!?!
🏆 = what does your ideal top 9 look like?
actually fun fact: my ideal top 9 is actually nine percent! HAHAHAHHA I WAS SO AMAZED bc i wasnt expecting it at all/???? like i was like oh if i was to be realistic, cxk, cln, fcc, justin, zzt, xg, wzy and probably yzj are gonna make it. and i was totally okay / understanding with that. (i thought zhangjing was safe and so didnt vote for him at the end…. but then when he was almost not gonna make it, i was like NOOooooOOOOOOOOoOoO IF ZHANGJING DOESNT MAKE IT, IM GONNA CRYYY) it was mainly that last spot that i was like oh if im gonna be realistic, its probably gonna be bu fan or ling chao BUT I REALLY WISH IT WAS LIN YANJUN, MAN OH MAN OH MAN I DONT THINK HE’LL MAKE IT BUT HE HAS THE SLIGHTESTTT CHANCE AND I REALLY WANT HIM TO MAKE IT SO IMMA VOTE FOR HIM EVERY DAY EVERY CHANCE I CAN!!!!! and so i voted for him like crazy and then when lin yanjun’s name actually got called, i was literally SHAKING like he was so emotional and i was so emotional and it was a real crazy moment where i was like so happy and so disbelief and so amazed and so proud and so. emotional. man oh man oh man it was beautiful :’) 
🕴 = who’s your favorite mentor?
ive never really thought about it, but now that i have, i think i have to say yixing! mainly because he honestly cared so much about them and also was there all the time. (okay i understand being super present was part of his job description, but being super considerate and caring technically wasnt???) like he really went out of his way to get to know them and keep up with them, and knew about their inside jokes and could bring them up to make them smile / cheer them up, esp during the eliminations. he also just really did not want to hurt them but also took responsibility to make sure they knew when they made mistakes and make sure they learned from them and could grow. 
🍂 = who’s someone you never thought you’d stan?
hahahahhahhaha LI XIKAN - he’s not my bias in MR-X (i say this so often, its almost as if im in denial LOL) but i really had the biggest change in opinion about him over time i think. I went into the first eval performances with positive impressions of a few trainees, and most notably in half-beast Team A: Xiao Gui bc that moment when he comforted ruibin when ruibin thought he’d messed up his recording for the eiei ranking eval i was like WOW WHAT A GOOD PERSON WOW WHAT A FRIEND WOW I LIKE THIS KID, Bu Fan bc my friends who i started off watching ip with all loved him / he’s hilarious / he really worked hard learning eiei in F class, and Li Quanzhe bc F class to B class slaayyyyy and also tried so hard to help other kids change from grey shirts to colorful shirts ahhhh my heart ;_; i love a hard working and talented boy, and so I went in very strongly rooting for half-beast Team A over half-beast Team B. but then half-beast Team B won mainly bc xikan got a tonnn of votes and i was like ??????? who dis????? why did you get so many votes?????? you make me sad that my kids didnt winnnnnn 😭 So basically i was very salty at xikan LOOOL poor guy he didnt deserve my salt, im sorry child 😂 but then as i got further and further into ip, i realized how dorky and funny and adorable and hard working xikan is and started to understand why people were voting for him and gradually began to forgive him HAHAHAHHAHA and now, if ya cant tell from the way i post about him, i love him!!!!!!! ❤ 
(send me an emoji ask)
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The Battle at Hu Lao Gate
(Welcome to Director’s Cut, the segment where we beat up peasants in the hundreds and then beat up hundreds more. Today, let’s go back to classic literature.)
(Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of China’s most well-known works of literature, alongside such things as “Journey to the West” and [author’s note: look up another work of classic Chinese literature before publishing this post. Preferably an obscure one that wasn’t turned into an anime or video game, so I look super smart and cool.] It’s a mythologized account of the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history, written fully a millennium after the fact, that blends together historical fact, artistic license, and the sort of Confucian and Legalistic philosophical discussions that, even today, captures the interest of those people whose eyes wouldn’t immediately glaze over at having to read an eight hundred thousand word long book.)
(Clearly, for those with such a scholarly mindset, it’s only fitting to think that people might try and use the medium of fanfiction to render their personal interpretation of the lofty concepts of Chinese philosophy and... oh, wait, what? You’re saying that’s not what false-colors, the author of this work, was trying to do? You’re saying they just played Dynasty Warriors a bunch and decided to make a fanfic of the video game, and just dropped it in the category for the work of 14th century literature? Yeah, that sounds about right. Let’s dig in, yeah?)
THE BATTLE AT HU LAO GATE Disclaimer: No, I didn't think up or make the "Dynasty Warriors" series, the video game company Koei did, well they didn't really think it up, all the battles in the game really happen back in early AD time in China, they just made it into a video game, and a great one at that. (That wasn’t a run on sentence. That was a thousand li somersaulting sentence.) Author's notes: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate really did happen. I think, but not at all like this. Like the character Xiahou Dun. who was a real person.I think, he probably wasn't even in the Battle at Hu Lao Gate, and in this story he dies which isn't true, he died way latter. (Significantly latter. What little I could find in five minutes of searching says he probably died decades latter.) There are also a couple other characters that probably weren't in this battle, but I am positive that the character Lu Bu was. (Again, what little I could find in a quick search seems to suggest the battle of Hulao Gate didn’t even happen. It may be mentioned in the book, and it’s certainly in the game, but whenever I do a search, half the results say it’s fake, and the other half link me to Dynasty Warriors)  Also Dong Zhuo's army didn't win that battle Cao Cao's alliance did. Also if you don't have the game, just to help you out, there are 3 armies the "Wei", "Wu" and "Shu". This battle only involves the Wei. Winter, 191 AD a few years after The Yellow Turban Rebellion where Xiahou Dun defeated the magical Zhang Jiao, the trader Dong Zhuo has gained too much power over the land in China; (using the power of sensible trade deals and commodity management. Also, he was a traitor. A traitor!)  Coa Coa (the Wei supreme general) has formed an alliance against him. The battle to over-throw Dong Zhuo begins now. Xiahou Dun (a Wei general), wheeling his enormous Kirin Sword, is preparing his troops for battle. (His troops exchange glances, wondering who should be the first to tell Xiahou Dun that, if he needs to cart his sword around in a wheelbarrow, it’s probably too heavy for him to use properly.) Dong Zhuo's troops have already taken control of the gate and are camped south of it in his castle. The first wave of Wei troops are fighting at the gate, while Xiahou Dun cuts his way through to the back entrance. (His troops also resent being sent to battle while they’re still preparing for it. Xiahou Dun was the worst general in China.) Blow after blow Dong Zhuo's troops drop to the group until none are standing. Stabbing the last one blocking his path from the top of the gate through the heart, he steps on to the gate to only be faced with five bowmen, which he cuts down easily. (Luckily for Xiahou Dun’s men, Dong Zhou’s troops were trained from day one to do absolutely nothing to defend themselves, when soldiers attacked.) "We will jump down and attack them.", he yelled to his bodyguards. And with a swoop they leaps from the gate wall to the ground gracefully. (And then they landed, falling to the cold ground in a mass of broken legs and cracked skulls. Xiahou Dun spared himself by landing on one of his bodyguards.) Dong Zhuo's troops were everywhere, but he was much stronger then them, and he slashed through each one decapitating some and just leaving gapping cuts in others. The few generals that were there put up some fight for him, but still were no match. (It was truly the most exciting battle ever, with one side being categorically superior and not even feeling a hint of adversity.) And after the last one was cut down the gates were pried open and revealed yet another massive riot of Dong Zhuo troops.  Far off Dian Wei has started the battle with Lu Bu, one of the greatest warriors in China who favored his Lunar Spear and was crushing Dian Wei's troops with it. (”Damn,” said Dian Wei. “I’ve fought many warriors in China who favored his Lunar Spear and was crushing my troops with it, but this Lu Bu guy is, without a doubt, one of the greatest warriors in China who ever favored a specific weapon and is currently using it to crush my troops.”) It seemed no one was a match for Lu Bu, also the most feared warrior in China. He had already wiped out the two Wei generals camped south of the Hu Lao Gate near the castle and all the troops with them. (They didn’t even get a shot in. It’s almost like they just sort of stood there like idiots and let Lu Bu kill them, just so he could rack up a kill counter.) He was not far from the Wei Base in the north and not far from where Xiahou Dun was fighting. The enemy has been defeated near the Hu Lao Gate; bodies lie scattered and bloody all over the ground. Xiahou Dun has gotten word of Lu Bu, and orders not to go after him, but to go to the castle and defeat Dong Zhuo. He refuses. "No! I must destroy Lu Bu. There will be time for Dong Zhuo latter.", Xiahou Dun says. "But general, our lord has ordered us to attack the castle, we must.", says the messenger. Cutting him off, "If I don't kill Lu Bu now he will destroy us in the next battle", says Xiahou Dun.
(”No, we’ll be fine,” the messenger tried to reassure. “He’s only killing unnamed generals and soldiers. We crate those guys in by the gross, specifically for named characters to cut down. It’s a tradition, here in China.”) Xiahou rides off on a stolen enemy horse. He is headed toward the gate in the north were Dian Wei is. Lu Bu is there and has destroyed most of Dian Wei's troops and has severally injured Dian Wei. (”Damn,” said Dian Wei. “I’m not just singly injured. Or even like, couply injured. I’m like... severally injured.”) As Xiahou Dun arrives Dian Wei is retreating toward him battered and bloody. He says to Xiahou Dun in an almost dead voice: "Don't fight him, he is to powerful, he will kill you, run away! NOW!" Dian Wei falls to the ground and is carried away by his few remaining guards. Xiahoiu Dun approaches Lu Bu who is unhurt despite his battle with Dian Wei and the other generals. He is riding his horse Red Hare, the fastest horse in the land that only listens to him. (”Damn,” said Xiahou Dun, picking up where the brave Dian Wei had left off. “I’ve seen a lot of horses that only listen to Lu Bu, but that one has to be the fastest horse in China that only listens to Lu Bu.”) They begin to speak. "I have come to fight you, I hear you are a good general", says Xiahou Dun. "You pitiful fool, I will destroy you and the rest of your army.", says Lu Bu. "After I take your head I will then take Dong Zhuo's.", Xiahou Dun Says. "Well you are going to have to fight for it.", Lu Bu says as he slashes at Xiahou Dun Knocking him off his horse. With a flip in mid air Xiahou Dun is back on his feet and tries to cut at Lu Bu on his horse but he flips of at that same moment and the fight begins. Xiahou strikes first with a combination of five hits, all blocked, and then he charges up for a powerful swipe that should have sent Lu Bu Flying but only knocked him off balance. (Trust me on this. It defied the laws of physics, this exchange.) Lu Bu comes back with a few hit that are blocked by Xiahou Dun's mighty sword, (actually, it was mostly by the wheelbarrow it was being held in, but Xiahou gets testy when you bring that up.) but the last one sends him to the ground. This gives Lu Bu a chance to charge up and strike his Lunar Spear in to the ground creating a small earthquake sending Xiahou Dun back to his knees. (From the ground? Did it knock him back up, and then drop him down to his knees?) The battle goes on like this for hours, (really stupidly.) hit after hit from each other only a few actually doing any damage. Until finally Xiahou Dun cannot go on, his attacks are only getting weaker and Lu Bu seems to only be pushing harder and harder. (Part of it might have been that unlike Xiahou Dun, Lu Bu actually thought to come to battle with a weapon he could actually carry.) Then with a mighty swoop Lu Bu trips the unsteady Xiahou Dun up into the air and strikes him down to his knees with the end of his spear. "No, I cannot go on.", says Xiahou Dun, "I am to weak, my lord Cao Cao, please forgive me" "You should have listen to Dian Wei and ran away.", says Lu Bu, "Now you will die" Lu Bu sunk his Lunar Spear into the center of Xiahou Dun's head, killing him instantly and leaving him limp in a pool of his own blood. Lu Bu rides away on Red Hare to The Hu Lao Gate where more of Dong Zhuo's troops accompany him. They destroy the Wei army in one great blow. (It was truly an epic battle, where nobody bothered to fight after the only competent soldier on the Wei side was killed. It was like knocking down scarecrows.) Lu Bu goes on to fight many more battles leading his own armies and defeating many great generals. He is eventually killed in battle, his armies destroyed and forever remembered as one of the greatest and feared warriors in China (who ever favored the Lunar Spear, had a horse named Red Hare who only listened to him, and who ever crushed Dian Wei’s troops. If you didn’t compare him using such ludicrously specific descriptors, however, he was actually kind of a shit fighter.).
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unashamed-shipper · 8 years
Living With You
Surprised? So am I! Thank you so much for 100+ reviews on this story! You guys are fantastic and I love you with all of my heart <3
read on ff.net and ao3
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen
rating: t+ for sexual joking, swear words, and violence
pairings: nalu, gruvia, gajevy
characters: natsu, lucy, juvia, gray, gajeel, levy
Lucy groaned as the bus went over the third bump during their thirty-minute trip, and Natsu’s stomach lurched. His motion sickness wasn’t as bad as it usually was, but that didn’t mean it was completely gone. Lucy grabbed her satchel from where it was sitting on the floor, afraid of what might happen if they went over a pothole and Natsu’s stomach was feeling particularly upset.
“L-Lucy, can you rub my head?” Natsu asked, his voice waning and weak.
“What? Why?” Lucy was confused for a moment, but when Natsu peered into her eyes with his puppy dog eyes, she couldn’t resist any longer. Sighing softly, she threaded her fingers through his locks. Natsu made a relieved noise and dropped his head onto Lucy’s lap before she could say anything.
Her face flushed as she felt his breath on her thigh, but she didn’t mind it much. She was pleasantly surprised to feel how soft his hair was. It was thick but not coarse, and it was softer than her own hair. What was this guy using as his shampoo?
Focusing her energy on looking out the window instead of how soft Natsu’s hair felt, Lucy saw many shops pass by that her friends raved about and entertained thoughts of going there one day. She and Levy really did need to take a girl’s day--being surrounded by men constantly was nice, but sometimes they needed a day to get pampered and feel at ease.
The bus ride soon ended and the two stopped to grab a snack at a nearby cafe before heading back to their apartment. Stepping inside, Lucy slung her bag on the coat rack and stripped her jacket off before saying hello to Juvia and Gray.
“How was Lucy and Natsu’s bus ride?” Juvia asked with a smile as she gave Lucy a hug.
“It would have been much better if someone would have picked us up,” Lucy said pointedly, directing a glare at Gray.
“Hey, she was sitting on my lap. I’m not supposed to move,” Gray said, throwing his hands up in the air. Lucy huffed but said nothing as she went into the kitchen to grab herself a mimosa-- after that bus ride, she needed a drink.
“So you took the day off, huh?” Lucy asked Juvia with a knowing smile. She knows that it’s because of Natsu’s well-being, but she couldn’t help but wonder if Gray had anything to do with it.
“Well, Juvia wanted to come visit, but Gray-sama said Lucy and Natsu would come home soon. So Gray-sama and Juvia watched a movie.
“I’d be up for a movie right about now. Sitting on a couch instead of a bumpy bus seat sounds good to me,” Lucy said, still slightly salty over taking the bus.
“Juvia brought over The Proposal. Would Lucy want to watch that?” Juvia inquired, tapping the movie case with her fingernail.
“Well…” Lucy began, but Natsu and Gray insisted on watching the movie. Why two men wanted to watch a romantic comedy, Lucy would never know. With a gulp, she nodded and told Juvia weakly to put the movie in. The woman complied, and the movie started quickly as Gray started to make some popcorn for the four.
As the two main characters began to argue about their fake engagement, a lump grew in Lucy’s throat as she knew what was coming. The two main characters would fall on each other naked, and it would be awkward as Lucy and Natsu almost did the same thing not too long ago.
She dreaded everything up to the moment where Kate couldn’t find a towel and drew her eyes to the floor when the actual scene took place. She avoided Natsu’s eyes deliberately even though she knew he was staring at her.
“Luce, when I saw you naked you didn’t fall on top of me like that,” Natsu said, and immediately Gray paused the movie and turned to the two sitting on the loveseat.
“Wait a minute, you saw her naked?” Gray practically shouts, and Lucy’s heart races in embarrassment.
“Juvia thought that only married couples got to do that,” Juvia said with a giggle.
“Does this mean you’re together now?” Gray teases, and Lucy jumps at the chance to retaliate.
‘No! Of course not! That’s ridiculous.”
But in her heart, she really wished that they would be.
“That’s what they call ‘friends with benefits’, Blondie,” Gajeel smirked, shedding his coat and hanging it up on the coat rack. Levy followed behind, snickering into her palm. Lucy flushed brightly, ready to shoot back a response at the chuckling duo.
She stayed silent for a moment when she realized Levy had a flower in her hair--a hibiscus, which could only be shipped in and bought from a store this time of year. They both had disposable coffee cups in their hands, and Levy wore a little more makeup than just the soft eyeliner and mascara she usually wore. And was Gajeel wearing a button-down?
“Well, well. Where have the two of you been?” Lucy teased, shooting Levy a knowing look. Levy gasped softly before looking away from her best friend.
“Nowhere,” Gajeel says, scratching the back of his neck. Lucy shook her head with a smug grin, knowing exactly where the pair had been. She just didn’t know how many dates they’d been on without telling everyone.
“Juvia, Levy,” Lucy grins, standing up from her spot on the couch, “let’s go get some coffee.”
“So what’s going on with you and Gajeel?” Lucy asks, blowing on her coffee. The three had stopped at the same shop that she and Natsu went to their outing, and it was colder outside than it was the last time she was here. Juvia had never been, and Lucy opted for somewhere she knew rather than somewhere that she would be unfamiliar with.
“Well,” Levy began, “my car broke down a few days ago on my way home from work, and everyone was at work and the only other number I have in my phone other than you and Juvia is Gajeel, so I called him practically crying and explained my situation. He came down and took the car back to his work and began fixing it. Before we knew it, it was around dinnertime and I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so I told him I would treat him to dinner as a thank you.”
Lucy nodded, and Juvia grinned softly before letting Levy continue.
“So we went to dinner and it was…nice. He wasn’t nearly as rude or gruff that I had seen before, and actually he was quite kind to me. We went to the restaurant downtown that I said I liked, and he paid for it because he said that he couldn’t let me pay. We had a good conversation on the way back, and he told me about being a marine. And then he asked me out for next Friday rather awkwardly and I said yes,” Levy grinned, taking a sip of her coffee while the other girls squealed.
“Juvia is happy for Levy! Gajeel was very unhappy until he met her. His life as a marine was hard, but Juvia thinks he needed someone in his life to cheer him up,” Juvia said, clapping her hands softly.
“We’ll have to go shopping so then you have something to wear! Where is he taking you?” Lucy could barely contain her excitement--she hadn’t gone shopping with Levy since she needed some work clothes, and it was time for a slight wardrobe update.
“Nowhere special, just Emilio’s,” Levy hid her smile behind her coffee cup.
“Just Emilio’s? Lev, that’s one of the nicest places in town! I’ve always wanted to try their orchid steak,” Lucy swooned, “If I had someone who would take me there, I would jump at the chance!”
“Well, you do have someone that would take you there. You’re just too chicken to actually admit your feelings,” Levy said before ducking at Lucy’s playful swing.
There was silence for a few moments before Levy spoke up again. “By the way, Lu, I heard that you and Natsu went on kind of a date.”
“What? Who told you?” Lucy asked with a glare, and Levy looked at her friend sheepishly.
“Well, Juvia told Gray and Gray told Gajeel, and Gajeel told me. We kind of have a tight-knit group, you know,” Levy told her, and Lucy turned to glare at Juvia.
Juvia threw her hands up in the air. “Juvia only tells people what is told to her.”
Lucy groaned, pressing her hand to her forehead. “So all of this was a ploy to get us to spend time together? What kind of friends are you?”
“Friends that care about your happiness. You’ve been happier around Natsu than I’ve ever seen you with a guy. And I like to see my best friend happy just as much as you do,” Levy replies, blowing on her coffee.  Juvia nods in agreement, and there is silence for a moment.  
Lucy begins to think about it. It is true, she was happy with Natsu. He hadn’t been a jerk or pressured her for anything yet, so at least she was okay with that. And she did kind of like him being around her…
Suddenly, a laugh bubbled up from Lucy’s throat. Levy and Juvia looked at her with confusion and then smiled. At least she wasn’t irritated at them anymore.
“I guess I really do like him, don’t I?” Lucy laughed, and the other two chuckled along.
“Yeah, if only you would admit it,” Levy grins, and Lucy shakes her head and sighs. She knows that isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
After all, Natsu doesn’t like her.  
Doesn’t he?
“Focus on the game, idiot,” Gray smirked as his character knocked Natsu out of the game. Natsu growled, tossing his controller on the ground lightly. He knew he would lose.
After all, he’s got Lucy on the brain.
She looked pretty today. He had for sure noticed even though she was only wearing a simple outfit, but she looked gorgeous in anything she wore. The woman could wear a potato sack and look beautiful. And she knew how to rub his head quite well, and he knew that he could fall asleep at the drop of a hat if she pressed his scalp the right way.
Natsu realized it was time to go to bed, and he knew that the girls would be back within the hour. Lucy had texted him and told him that they were leaving the shop, and he was too tired to stay up any later. He had work tomorrow night, and it was destined to be quite an annoyance. Some old woman had gotten spam on her computer of the highest type, and he was the lucky guy to fix it.
“I’m going to bed. Night,” Natsu told the guys before heading into his room. Changing into his pajamas, he laid in bed for a moment and thought about Lucy.
He really did want to ask her out, he just didn’t think she liked him. She seemed...kind of annoyed by him, but also sort of interested. That didn’t exactly scream ‘go’ in his mind. He was used to flashing lights in his head that told him to go for it or someone actually telling him that a certain person liked him.
But with Lucy, it was hard to know. One moment she seemed really into him, and the next she seemed like she was going to yell at him for doing something stupid. She was difficult to read, especially when she was quiet.
But it didn’t matter if she liked him or not. She was someone who dated men who were on white horses and who were princes--actual ones. She was so different than him… why would she ever date someone like him?
After all, she was way out of his league.
Wasn’t she?
Once again, thank you so much for 100+ reviews on this story! I very much appreciate every single one I’ve gotten <3 
Next chapter will be up on Tuesday (3/21) like normal :) 
>>>Chapter 15>>>
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