#Lu rants
newartistgirl · 1 year
Lu little details (1)
  It’s the little details what make me hallucinate every single time there’s an update. Now, eventhough I may forget plenty of the ones I noticed while reading or thinking through (and some other I might have missed), I’m gonna try to list some of them.
  Im going to focus more on reference-to-games details not little details about the dynamics between the group.
  1. The first posts actually are full of references. Like really full. It would be endless to point out all of them. (Twilight and the soup, Legend and the seagulls, time being the one talking to the fairy, different views of the princess, Wind and the soup too, Twilight quoting Rusl (It’s not the only time), Legend thinking of “a separete world”) My favourite, probably, is Wind asking for Kaepora to repete what he had said. In this category I might add everything she took under consideration when decicing not just their personalities but also even their ages, and all the answers to some questions, being actually incredible the fact that Twi is ambidextrous (Tbh i don’t know what’s actually more impressive, the fact that jojo carefuly has in mind the dominant hand of each Link or the fact that someone, actually managed to notice Twilight would change hands) (Maybe I was not paying attention) (Now, I’m wondering if that drawing of Time shooting it was intentional. Because, if you look carefully, he is actually holding it like a right handed person would)
  2. Wild not knowing about wallmasters. This is the most obvious and straight to the point one of the boys having lived in different Hyrules and having had different adventures, however, in the comics that follow the stroryline you can also get from what they say several times hints of this exact same thing. Anyway, my favourite example of this is Sky asking who Ganon was.
  3. I would add here the different opinions of the Links on different matters (I’ve already mentioned the different views Hyrule and Wild have on the princess). Another example of this would be Wild and Wind “arguing” about Kings of Hyrule. It makes so much sense. (I’m not gonna go down that opinion/personlity lane, but it’s worth mentioning) And Twilight and Legend complaining about knights, all based on the game experiences.
  4. That image of Twilight holding a puppy and Wild, completely unbothered, next to him. I really like that kind of sense of humour, and it’s a funny tiny irrelevant detail that I very much appreciate.
  5. Warriors referencing his game. I think it’s happened three times. First, when they are talking and he hides himself from a lady and Hyrule laughs at him saying it’s the third time he’s done that, because being a lady’s man has already been proven as a danger .Second time, with the traitor little comic (I missed that one, ups). And third, while talking about the master sword and how “believing you are invencible” it’s a dangerous way of thinking. I know all Links actually make references to their respective games, but some other references feel more remarkable. 
  6. I almost forget about it. That conversation between Time and Wild about having entered Gerudo Town is another example of diference between the Links. It’s just that this one has a special place in my mind merely because I had never actually thought of that and it’s in fact wonderful how Wild reacts to hearing Time’s approach into granting himself respect and access to the town. Similar to this, due to the fact that it’s straight up linked to Wild, we have that scene where the gerudo outfit is descovered and he gets teased. (Fun fact; I had no actual clue that goron spice was actually a cooking item in botw until I red this. I had never shopped in the Goron City. And yeah, either I had already beaten Ganon or I was about to)
  7. In Lon Lon Ranch, as expected, we also have several references. Being the most noticeable; Malon explaining Hyrule wht they keep sugar water bowls around, the couple’s mask hanging on the wall, or how sky loves cuccos. (A little also “innocent” one may be that Malon straight up mocks her husband’s nose? Being this a reference to the design of the hero of Time)
  8. One that I also skipped (and very much love) is Twilight seeing some kind of resemblance between Time’s Captain’s hat and the Heroe’s Shade. We also see more Majora’s Mask references, being maybe the most obvious one Time saying: “Poor kid... He met a terrible fate”. Like, I can hear the Salesman’s laugh.
  I`m gonna leave it here for now evethough there are plenty more nice details that show the attention to detail of this comics. However, maybe it’s better to divide this into more defined categories, such as the different games or even characters. And maybe, that way, I can stress how much I appreciate some of those, because, let me tell you that I could rant on about every single one of this nonstop, specially if it’s related to who they are as characters. There’s in my opinion just too many good things to say about this guys and how the whole group works.
(please, correct any spelling mistake. I’m not a native speaker)
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luwritesomething · 1 year
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i will never recover from this pic.
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
LU Character Design Analysis 1
The incredible designs for each of the heroes was the first thing that sold me on this story and concept. I love analysing things in stories and character design is something I haven’t talked about yet. I got this idea from watching character design analysis videos on youtube, and those creators sometimes put the designs into a tier list. So I thought I’d do that with the LU designs.
I’m going to rank them based off of aesthetic, (i.e. how good the character looks and how well the colours and textures go together), how well the represent the character and how practical the garb would be for the kind of travel and environments in LU- which will be mostly my opinion so take each placement with a side of salt. I’m not an expert on this stuff, but I’ve seen a few videos on colour theory and stuff like that, so I’m going to try my best at applying that here.
Onto the list! Starting with...
9th place: Wild 
I’m sorry but there has to be a last place, and for me that goes to Wild. There’s a lot you could do with a redesign of his character, although it’s impossible to mix in every aspect. That being the polished knight aesthetic, the wild survivalist thing he’s always had going on and ancient Sheikah aesthetic- maybe some Zora and Zonai stuff too. 
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Pros: I love the long ponytail, aesthetically it looks great and it gives the impression that he is somewhat of a rebel, which would reflect his unpopular opinion of the Master Sword and King of Hyrule. Long hair can also act as a shield that symbolizes a lack of maturity or toughness. Wild is as tough as old boots- he is a survivalist after all, but as shown numerous times in the comic he does lack maturity, often acting childish and impulsive. 
I will point out that while it is a bit of a shame that the hair is so long because the shorter hair made a similar silhouette to the one the pointed cap made, at the same time it makes sense. The cap is part of the hero’s garbs right? But Wild feels like a screw up, he doesn’t believe himself worthy and therefore still feels like he needs to redeem himself more before he can proudly carry that title.  
I love that he’s still wearing the champion’s tunic. I feel like it would hold a lot of importance to him, as it’s a tether to his past self, so he’d worry about making sure it doesn’t get damaged. I feel like in BoTW he wouldn’t have worn it much only when speaking to leaders or those who knew him 100 years ago. He’d wear it all the time around Zelda, as a sort of visual representation of his duty but also to help show that he’s still the same person deep down.
I also really like that he’s wearing the amber earrings, not only because they’re my personal favourite but also it’s a nice nod to the colours of the ancient Sheikah who’s technology played a large role in BoTW. 
The guardian scars are well placed too, having them be primarily on one side makes them easy to keep track of. Plus they’re bold and distinct, one of the first things someone’s gonna notice when they see him. The fact that they stand out so much and can’t easily be hidden reflects how Wild can’t hide from his past and has to constantly pick up the scattered pieces of his lost identity. His body is broken and torn like his sense of self, and while those cracks will never quite be the same they can be healed with time. 
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Cons: Gonna be honest, the dark and light blues of his tunic aren’t really doing it for me. It doesn’t show me that he’s an accomplished knight travelling with the princess, because to me it looks a little like he’s the court jester who happens to train with a sword. 
From a character standpoint it could symbolize how much he relies on others (especially Zelda who’s royal dress is that same dark blue) to validate his identity, hence creating a mismatched and stitched together sort of self image- like a mosaic of different people’s expectations and opinions. But to me the two-toned colour scheme doesn’t look very good visually and it doesn’t look very ‘put together’, which I assume is how Wild wants to present himself. Besides, I think the scars do a great job of representing all that on their own. 
I do like the style though, the flared sleeves and tunic make him look a little more androgynous, which is I think is one of the best parts about his look from BoTW.
Keeping the hooded cape was a great design choice. Although keeping it short would’ve been much more practical and shown that he still has to do some learning and growing as a person.
I’m a little conflicted by the fact that he’s not wearing any armour or chainmail. On one hand it keeps the essence of his original design from the game and helps him stand out amongst those in the chain wearing chainmail, but at the same time I feel like he would. 
He’s been through many near death experiences, if he wouldn’t slap on a bit of chainmail or some metal arm guards for himself, he’d surely do it to put the mind’s of the people he cares about at ease. 
...but maybe it would be better to keep his armour as just tough leather which would help him look like a survivalist, but at the same time I like the thought of it being polished metal, but at the same same time I kinda want it to be modified ancient Sheikah material. Like I said, I’m conflicted. 
Wishlist: There’s no such thing as the perfect design, but if I could add anything I’d give him a little more of an ancient Sheikah motif. The orange flaps on his boots don’t look right to me. I get that they’re there to balance out the orange in his earrings and arm guards, but I’d like it if it were maybe on the very bottom, or as laces or as little stellar constellation patterns like the ones in the shrines. Those patterns could also maybe be on his quiver or painted on a shield. 
I don’t like that the trousers and undershirt are the same colour. I get that they have to be light coloured as too not blend in with the hooded cape, but if it were shorter, his trousers could be a darker. 
Ok so, I once saw AoC Link fanart where the artist put the champion’s tunic over the Zora armour, and other than making me gush about how sweet it was, it also made me realise that a dark blue undershirt would go great with the tunic. Since Mipha is dead in BoTW, it wouldn’t really make sense for Wild to have any Zora motifs in his design (unless you ship him with Sidon I suppose)- but that undershirt could also have some ancient Sheikah inspired patterns on it. That could maybe be echoed on his trousers too. Also, instead of having ancient Sheikah armour- which is bulky and can look strange- have it be metallic knight’s armour/or leather and keep the Sheikah elements strictly on the clothes and colour placement. 
Last minute thought here but hear me out: what if Wild wore turquoise? A mix of the traditional hero colour and the colour of the Champions. Just putting it out there. Maybe he can wear a turquoise tunic, or cloak or scarf once he fully grows up into a competent and confident adult at peace with both duties. 
Btw, all that being said I do like this design for what it is. 
Aesthetic and visual score (/10): 4 Character representation score (/5): 3  Practicality score (/5): 3  Total (/20): 10
I didn’t mean to score him low, I had to set a precedent for the others to follow. But this doesn’t mean I think his design is bad, it’s good, I just think it’s the weakest compared to the others. 
Sorry I had to give 8th place it’s own post, cuz this was too long:
See 8th place here
7th place
6th place
5th place
4th place
3rd place
Thanks for reading! What modifications would you make to their designs? And do you agree with me or not? I’d love to know :)
Relevant character analysis/rant posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
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Re: people getting pissy I didn't like an allegedly deep movie:
I got a friend that doesn't like sci-fi and has zero interest in star wars. Said she watched a couple movies but found them silly. Like. One of my special interests is star wars. I love it so much and i know so much about it and i will spontaneously start blabbering about if given the opportunity.
But this friend of mine is like, super smart. She's working on her doctorate now, and I'm immensely proud of her. I know she is intelligent, also she loves classical literature and is highly knowledgeable in languages, interpretation of texts and stuff.
I'm not gonna, like, sneer at her and say "oh, star wars is too deep for you so you can't get it, that's why you don't like it". People's dislikes for things don't need to have a profound meaning behind it. Sometimes they just... don't vibe with that particular media.
She doesn't like star wars. That's okay. However, she lets me ramble about clone wars like the chatty adhd dumbass that i am, which is super sweet of her. She isn't shallow for not reading upon and knowing of obscure lore from the Galactic Republic's Constitution as I do, and i'm not dumber than her for not enjoying classical novels from the 1800's and re-reading them to catch all the symbolisms as she does.
So instead of pompously saying "ah, you didn't get it" whenever someone politely says they didn't like a movie you did, how about some of you understand that people are different, and sometimes they won't like what you like, and that doesn't invalidate what you like in any way?
And while you're at it, perhaps you can also carefully remove your head from your ass.
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lu-morningstar · 6 months
Guys, I forgot to tell you but i saw pain hustlers and it was actually a great movie, super entertaining
I loved emily blunt in this one
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folkloresreputation · 8 months
my illustrator has crashed like 3 times already... pray for me and the ts poster im trying to make
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 2 years
How do you botch a color lift-
My hair is my life
Went from red to brown-ish
And I is pissed
I wanted to be lighter not darker and the colors uneven 😭
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shearlin · 8 months
Hot take about Sky angst, regarding the curse of Demise, because I haven't seen anyone talking about this possibility in all those years I've been in LU fandom.
Sky has no idea about the curse
Because think about it. Why would he know about it?
My man has been electrocuted multiple times, with magical - basically divine - lightnings in attempt to defeat Demise. All the while fighting for his life with a literal GOD OF EVIL, after spending an entire afternoon fighting an army of monsters and a Demon Lord/creepy ass Sword Spirit. Not even mentioning how worried sick he must have been that entire time, if this time he was also too late too save Zelda.
(always too late too slow not enough and late late late)
I don't know about you, but I don't think he was in any state of body or mind to listen to some dudes last words, when he had to focus on not passing out because he has to make sure Zelda/Sun is alright.
(It got a bit long so rest of the rant under the cut)
Fi gave him clear, that Demise received a mortal blow and that now it's only a matter of time until he dies and that was all Sky needed to stop paying any attention.
Just go through the motions. His vision is blurry, but that's alright just stay awake. Fi chimes to rise his sword. He does. There is some black smoke suddenly surrounding him, but Fi get's rid of it with her light so it's fine. It's probably why she asked him to rise her skyward. The last fifteen minutes he's been following her directions nearly blindly anyway, because his mind is still foggy, he's not sure where he is or what he is doing he just have to get to Zelda.
And then she's there. And everything is fine.
Impa fades, Fi sleeps and he finally rests. Or rather crashes as the exhaustion finally catches up to him.
But he recovers, as best as he can, and live on.
And then eight other heroes, just like him, appear and take him on a quest across the time. They become friends. Then brothers. Soon he feels like they knew each other their entire lives and can't imagine how he can move on after the inevitable goodbyes.
He is so happy that no matter what, there will always be someone among his people, someone from or even outside of Hyrule, to stand up against evil, no matter how many times it will try to show it's ugly face. He's a bit bummed that there even is a need for a hero to show up, but hey! He is not so naive to think people are and always will be only good. Things happen. Some people are just terrible, and some take it out on the entire world.
But somewhere along the line, he starts to notice... something weird.
They all fought that same guy (some of them even multiple times!) called Ganon or Ganondorf. And while he is overjoyed that none of them even heard the name of Demise, he feels kind of singled out. Few of them mentioned an idea of reincarnation. Mentioning Zeldas' connection through blood of the Goddess and their connection through a spirit.
A spirit of a hero.
He always though it was a figure of speech. A way to describe someone courageous who fulfills the quota of being a hero.
But it's not about a spirit of a hero.
It's the Spirit of the Hero.
His Spirit.
An idea begins to form. A distant memory he didn't even knew he had. Maybe nightmares about that fateful fight starting to get clearer by night. Maybe he spends some time talking to Fi and he does not like the feeling he gets from her chimes, even if she can't really talk in her slumber. Maybe he even prays to Hylia in some distant era in an unfamiliar place, so she can deny or confirm his suspicions.
Goddesses, please, may he be wrong.
Because he loves them all like a family. Because they are family. Because he has seen their haunted expressions and blank eyes, he has heard their stories and horrors they went through and nearly all of them were so young, too young, and the thought that he was the direct cause of it-
Sky had no idea that Demise trapped his spirit in a cycle of reincarnation. He had no time to process it or find coping mechanisms before the adventure with the chain happened. He found out during it, slowly putting it together and coming apart at the seems before their eyes.
Sky didn't know about the curse.
And I say, it could be really interesting to watch Sky fall.
(And if anyone knows a fic exploring this idea please let me know! I searched but couldn't find any)
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birb-boyo · 1 month
This is basically me describing backrooms based on the Chain, one on the safer side and one deadly and how to survive them :]
@trippygalaxy @vio-starzz @mushr0oms-and-m0ss @shadowlinktheshadow @raven-does-artstuff-894 @treasure-goblin idk who cares about this but I spent all day on it-
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His first liminal space is fairly safe. You can’t die unless you do something diabolical.
His safe room like would be basically like this
You fall down somewhere, probably on your walk home, but you pick yourself up and see that this is very much not the side of the road. This is a grassy field.
There weren’t many grassy fields where you lived. And even those fields were no where near as expansive as this one.
Upon looking around, you see a giant wall and a drawbridge. You start walking to it, thinking that you somehow fell hard enough to pass out.
You reach Castle Town and get weird glances from many. While you’re scouting the area, you spot a little boy in green picking up random dogs. You look at him weird when he puts one dog down and chases after another one.
The boy catches you staring and with one glance, you’re suddenly in that big grassy field again
So yeah, if bro looks at you, you get set back. After a while, this space will easily drive someone insane. This is because no matter what you do, you will meet him, and you both will meet eyes, and you’ll be sent back to the beginning.
So in a way, Survival Rate: 98% but it’s gradual and you might get out of there before you go insane
For his “You’re most likely gonna die” room
I wanted to incorporate Majora’s Mask into it, saying that the masks are hunting you.
There goal is to capture you and bring you to Fierce Deity. He thinks that you killed Link.
But you didn’t because this little kid who told you that he was who the deity was looking for is literally following behind you-
This kid could be regular young Link or Ben Drowned, though it would change the survival rate massively
Survival Rate for young Link: 67%
Survival Rate for Ben Drowned: 15%
This is because the only way to stop being hunted and/or not die is to present a piece of Link to the deity when you’re eventually caught
If it’s Link, he’ll accept it and call the masks off and you’ll be free to move on to the next hell or, if god loves you, you’ll go home
If it’s Ben, you better be fast on your toes because you’ll be hunted until you die or get out of there.
I want to also want to add that the masks don’t just pop up out of no where when they find you.
You know how you have to follow the music in order to learn Saria’s Song? Don’t do that. You’ll be caught
When they emit the Song of Healing, run, Link/Ben will be right on your trail and even if he wasn’t when you stopped running, he’ll always find you even if he leads a mask to you
I forgot to mention that Link/Ben will give you hints as to how you need to give Fierce a piece of his tunic or hair or something close to it
Also that Link/Ben physically can not get close to FD as they are, as the boy says, “part of the same soul”
Idea given from @tiercel13 and @link-posting
That whole game has this unsettlingly warm ethereal quality where it's like- you're comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time and it's so weird
But basically I would say somewhere like a large field that's in perpetual twilight. You've never seen it before but it feels safe and familiar, like you've been there a thousand times. Still, there's something just slightly off, and it prevents you from ever being able to truly relax
It’s a village, deserted in the canyons, it’s wooden houses crumbling with time and weathering
Survival Rate: 100%
I think we all expected this one but you’re being hunted. It’s just you, the flora, the fauna, and a big wolf trying to kill you
It’s Wolf Twi but it’s not wolf Twi. Like, that’s the Blue-eyed Beast alright, but that’s definitely not Twilight. That’s a Wolf hardened by the need to survive. A need to eat.
The thing about this room is that it’s very survivable, but only to a select few people
For people who know how to manage in the woods, who know how to make fires without lighters, who know how to properly cook wild animals without utensils and iron, for those who are experienced in the wilds, they have a much easier time surviving this
But for those who are always inside and have little to no outside knowledge, you’re cooked almost immediately
This is a genuine hunt. This wolf can hear god knows how far, this wolf can track you with even the faintest scent
The only reason why the survival rate is as high as it is, is because it hesitates.
That’s how many survive their first encounter with the wolf, the wolf hesitates to take that final bite
I feel like the only real way to get out of here if to survive for a certain amount of time
Survival Rate: 52%
Another idea by @tiercel13 because they are so big brained
For safe it's the castle barracks but they have a completely nonsensical layout
there's random doors where they shouldn't be and some of the actual ones are gone, there's things in the rooms like it's just been vacated but a layer of dust covers everything
It must be vacant right? Those shadows that lurk behind the corners are just you going crazy right? Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here-
Survival Rate: 87%
Idea given by @hyrules-feral-hero
You got claustrophobia? That’s too bad, you’re stuck in a fairy bottle now
You don’t get ripped apart or anything like that
Your death will be slow and painful
Conserve oxygen? There’s no reason to, you’re not going to be set free :)
Survival Rate: 0%
I feel like being blunt with this one
Safe space is just a vacant Skyloft
No one is around, just the occasional keese and Remlits and rapid Loftwings flying about so watch your head!
It’s peaceful and welcoming and airy but empty.
I imagine that this would bring about some sort of uncanny valley feeling, but that is probably the wrong word for it. Because who lived here? Why are these birds so big? Why are these raccoon cats so aggressive at night?
Survival Rate: 100%
Get Silent Realmed😌
Basically just that. If you don’t know what the Silent Realm is, it’s basically a thing you do in SS where you have to get 15 tears
You have to get 15 orbs, if you step into waking water or a spirit’s light or take too long to get one of the orbs, the guardians will be after you
The guardians are what make this space dangerous. If they catch you, no matter how insignificant the gash was, you will die
You can get these guardians off of you when you get the next tear, but until you get all of them and retreat back to where you started, you are at the mercy of the guardians
Survival Rate: 73%
Picture this, you just woke up in this weird place so naturally, you ask someone where you are.
“This is Faron woods, are you a traveler?”
“Great! I can’t really leave this stable with my condition, so could you do me a favor and give this to my wife?” The old man asked
“She lives over in Hateno, up passed the Dueling Peaks!” He shoves a note in your hands
“Sir I-“
“Thank you so much! Here’s your pay for your kindness!” Upon inspecting what he had given you, you see that this is a bare diamond
You were bringing this man’s wife this letter.
Survival Rate: 85%
Evermean forest, good old homicidal trees, need I say more?
Survival Rate: 95%
Imagine chilling on a boat with your grandpa but your grandpa is the boat.
Yes, the waters are expansive, you haven’t seen an island in days if at all, but this boat is keeping you company, telling jokes, soothing your nerves
Maybe you should be freaking out that this boat is talking, but his voice is nice so what can you say?
You start to joke around, singing dumb sea shanties, he chuckles with your antics, but keeps moving forward.
The sea is vast, but at least you’re not alone
Survival Rate: 98%
Imagine this: You’ve just been dropped in this random place. Now you’re on a random raft in the middle of the sea
Suddenly, the wind isn’t strong enough to push you forward and you’re on top of a tidal wave
Your raft finally gets back on steady water, but now there’s a shadow looming over you
You turn around and you can even comprehend how big it is
It’s probably the Kraken btw
Survival Rate: 0%
You’re cooked 100%
I’m realizing that a good bit of these rooms are in the woods, well, Rulie’s is no better🤷🏽‍♂️
Except these woods don’t have anything trying to actively murder you and eat you
These woods have things trying to help you
Little floating glowing grandmas if you will😌
As soon as you fell into these woods you smelled sugar and sweets, you were still very discombobulated from your fall and now you were suddenly in woods?
Soon enough, you’re swarmed by lights of different colors, they ask you if you’re alright, if you’re ok, what is someone like you doing here
Then they guide you out of the Fairy woods, whether that means that you end up in another room or go home is up to god
Survival Rate: 100%
Idea given to me by @tiercel13
A neverending cave slowly circling further and further down. The deeper you go the more it seems to close in, the air seems thicker, and the voices of people you almost recognize begin to echo off the walls, crying for help
This room, similar to Time’s “safe space” is mostly a “you’re going to go insane” rather than “that thing is gonna fucking kill you” :)
Survival Rate: depends how sane you were when you entered
Imagine going on a wild goose chase for coins kinstones in a field with all the pieces hidden in tall grass
Survival Rate: 100% but it’s hell
This is gonna make some people mad but let me cook rq
You guys know Poppy Playtime? The Smiling Critters that chase you? That one clip from the Hour of Joy when they were eating that one guy alive?
That, but Minish :)
Survival Rate: 0%
As you traverse these woods, you realize that there are no animals in the wake. No rabbits, no mice, not even a wolf.
But this forest is littered with the bones of those lost animals.
So basically for backstory, minish got overpopulated and that meant they ate meat religiously. It was enough to feed, but soon enough, they ran out of food and now they’re hungry again
There is no survival here
There are too many Minish and you are locked in their woods
You can here their chittering and chatting, but if they spot you, you’ll only know by the dead silence of the forest
You can try breaking the bones you find on your path, opening the middle so they can smell the marrow rather than your flesh
But you only have little time and some bones are thick
And- wait…who’s bones are these? These are Hylain bones-
There are so many choices with Legend…
For his safe room, you’re just chilling on the walls. Not in the walls, on them. Your image is planted on the wall. You can move freely, you’re just glued to the wall, 2D
You’ll probably use this to scare the weird people who live around the house who’s walls you currently inhabit.
Survival Rate: 99.9% (Someone played too much and the family who lived there destroyed the house)
You guys no the movie Us? It’s basically that
There are different versions of you running around and they kinda really want you dead-
Survival Rate: 65%
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newartistgirl · 1 year
Lu little details (2)
  Following the last post I made, which, to be honest, hadn’t thought would be read as much as it has been (given the fact that the last update was some time ago I was not expecting to see that much people reading about linkeduniverse), here I bring more little details that always manage to surprise me, and show the thought behind.
1. Legend is, in fact, reading an actual in-game quote from Mipha’s diary. I know maybe this one is not shocking but it’s always appreciated. 
2. The variety of items they use. It’s not just reduced to the most obvious ones, their sword, shield, and bow (being recognisable and distinguishible the designs of each. There you go, more and more details). We also can see items, such as the hookshot, the clawshot, the whip, fire, ice and dominion rods, or even the stasis of the skeikah slate. And some others but not being used, like the rest of items Legend hoards.
3. Does Legend asking Four what he thinks about upgrading the master sword count as a reference to games detail or personalities/opinion detail? However, there it is. While Legend has in fact done that, Four seems somewhat averse to the use of magic swords.
4. An obvious reference to Breath of the Wild is Wild breaking his swords several times. Another detail that may be a little less obvious, not because it’s hard to get but because it may get forgotten, is Wild saying “I’m just glad this wasn’t my good shield”. As we know, Wild probably has a wide range of weapons, and I find really close to my BotW experience the not using the “good shield” case except for accounted occasions. In fact, we never see him using any of the highest damage weapons in his game. Probably this is because he won’t have them in the comic.
5. Just like the Links, all monsters are mixed. Regardless of the Hyrule ore time period thay are in monsters from all games have been showing. I think it’s more than on purpose the fact that after Wind recieves his mail monsters from the Great Sea show up. Like, Time says it. So no, not a big reveal but...
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6. Usually little posts not focused on the storyline, due to their purpose, have a huge amount of references, usually shown in a rather comical way. From Legend and the floor tiles, Four frustrated cause no one knows who Vaati is, Time advising Hyrule not to drink from the well, to Malon and the aliens or that impossibly endless magic bag our hero carries around. I  love every single one of these.
7. Twilight thinks of Midna several times. I’m not just talking about when he literaly refers to a princess beatuiful as the setting sun who shatterd his heart into a million pieces, but also when he looks at his shadow in a rather nostalgic way, which, of course, it’s not a common thing to do.
8. Four and that combat againts the octorok. I personally suffered that battle just like he describes it. And I ought to remark Legend’s snarky comment because, even as a short person, found it funny. (I’m gonna end up having to make a post for each Link cause I could also add a lot about this two but about more subjective matters)
9. Wild uses the ladle Sky carved him. And the fact that Sky actually carves is like one of the nicest character details as a reference to the game so far. It’s easy to skip that detail in the game itself so props for adding that.
10. Time loves to quote, and this time, he is quoting his future self. I the comic, when he finishes a fight along Wind, he tells him: “In every battle, you have a little more of the look of a hero” which is oddly similar to what he says to his descendant in Twilight Princess: “You have a little more of the look of a hero than you did before”. Not complaining. Any reference to the Hero’s Shade makes me happier. 
11. All that conversation between Twilight and the veteran turned into a bunny is full of references to their games that, obviously, happen to be past events in the heroe’s lifes that may or may not have had a big impact on them.
12. Sky being the one to run out of breath. If you have played Skyward Sword you know about the stamina wheel which, ulinke in BotW, can’t be upgraded.
13. Bellum and Vaati references are more than “references”. I frankly doubt someone missed those. However, theres a more sublte reference Four makes while talking to the Rancher. In this scene he talks about Dark Mirrors, this being a reference to his adventures, which Twilight inevitably connects to “his” mirror. (Love also that scene. Easily one of my favourite duos)
I probably have skipped a lot more cause the comic is full of them. I hoped you liked this. If while reading I notice more I make another part, but for now this is what I have. Happy new year btw!!
(I apologise in advance for any spelling mistake. i’m not a native speaker)
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luwritesomething · 11 months
imagine being so fucking serious about a show/piece of media that you start an anti movement for HUMAN characters with HUMAN emotions and HUMAN trauma. of course they're going to be fucking problematic, we've all been pieces of shit some time in our lives. fucking face it.
when talking about supernatural, have you seen the writers on the show??? the misogony/racism on their characters are the writer's fault. blame the actors if you want, too, for not stopping it when they got priviledges over the scripts. that's fine. but you don't have to shit on someone's favorite character when said character is constantly evolving, learning AND failing again. that's human nature. that's trauma's manifestations (you don't have to support those trauma responses, I DON'T). i understand it can affect the reality, especially for impressionable people, but hell.
the whole point of supernatural IS trauma and the toxic responses of it, how it is tried to be justified by using the family card. dean and sam both have done terrible things. the producers/actors/writers saying the point of the show being about family and inconditional love is subjective, and the point i see to the show (the one above) DOESN'T SELL. they want to sell. welcome to capitalism, you're gonna hate it.
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isasan347 · 1 month
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can i be honest for a moment here and say there's nothing funny about a bunch of people drowning to death in molasses? its not a funny meme, it's not a good joke, stop reblogging that stupid ass post already, people literally died I cannot grasp what people find funny about a real life tragedy what the fuck
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cquackity · 9 months
here, bedrockverse tntduo as a little gift :]
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onyx-got-clowned · 5 months
i thought this was funny while i typed it ngl
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Me and my friend i literally barely talk to
(yall aromantics slay)
(Edit: this is getting too popular you guys 😔 i draw lu boys pls- this post literally took me two minutes i swear i have better posts /lh😭)
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crazylittlejester · 11 days
I’m gonna go on a crazy ass rant because I’m upset and also very tired
A huge reason as to why I characterize Warriors the way that I do, regarding his fear of being poisoned and his food anxiety, is a way to explain myself and my own anxieties caused by my allergies, because when I say to someone I don’t think I can eat the food at the party/function/their house EVEN IF it was specifically made to be free of my allergens, they just don’t understand why I can’t eat it. They just don’t understand that just because it’s ‘safe’ doesn’t mean I feel safe enough to eat it, because there’s always that lingering ‘What if’ in my mind that food made outside of my vision is contaminated somehow.
It is so HARD to explain to people the genuine fear that you are going to die because a food created an odd texture in your mouth and you gave yourself a panic attack over nothing. It breaks my heart every time I go to my friends house and her mom offers to make me food because I’ve been at her house for thirteen hours and haven’t eaten a meal with them, because even though she cleans everything and offers to let me watch her make it, there’s still this loud screaming voice in my mind saying that that food is not safe to eat. And it just NEVER goes away. I feel awful because her mom is so sweet and willing to help me, and I just can’t ever accept because I manage to convince myself it’s contaminated every time
I have been dealing with this for my entire life and never not once have I been able to get someone to understand what this feels like or seen it shown in a media form anywhere. I’ve had family and therapists both just tell me to get over myself, because I’m being ‘ridiculous’ and the craziest thing to me EVER is that for the first time in nineteen years, I have had an outlet to throw this frustration into. Warriors and the food issues I have given him are so important to me because for the first time in my life I can explain this fear through a character and even if people may not relate or really, truly get what it’s like, they understand. They understand and they recognize it as a valid fear, and it’s because of a fanfiction about a traumatized war hero. (which is INSANE to me that this is what it took for people to understand, but you know what, I’ll take it)
This rant was inspired because I opened a sealed container of ice cream and the allergen labels were incorrect and now I can’t eat it and I’ve wasted money and I’m so upset and it’s been a really long week, but also because I never saw anyone talking about this when I was a kid, and if I’d had someone there to represent me like this, or just be there for me to connect with, I would’ve felt a lot better. Understanding allergies and food restrictions is so important for so many reasons, the most important being that if you know how to help someone, you can save their LIFE. And for other people who feel the same way I do, it’s so GOOD to know you’re not alone and that there’s someone out there who gets what you’re dealing with
If I can make people understand what it’s like to live life this way, then that is so important to me. If I can explain to people what to do in an emergency situation because their friend is having a allergic reaction, I will, because not enough people understand how allergies work, and I’m sick and tired of hearing stories about kids with allergies who were peer pressured into eating when they didn’t feel comfortable and then suffering the consequences, and I am TIRED of seeing companies mislabel their fucking food.
Also do NOT be afraid to ask any friends or classmates or coworkers with allergies how to use an epi pen because You Could Save Their Life. If anyone is curious, I’LL tell you, or look up a youtube video I’m sure there are some on there
Anyways, this is why I give Warriors the food issues I do in my fics, for anyone else out there with allergies who’s ever felt invalidated by people telling them their anxieties were stupid, and so people who have no idea what it’s like to fear your food will kill you can try to understand that this is the irritating reality for some of your peers. (not that everyone with allergies has this exact experience, I have a friend with allergies who just eats whatever and prays it wont kill them, but I know now that there are plenty of people out there with allergies who DO have this experience)
Sorry for kinda ranting, (I’m just a little guy 🥺), but this is something that is so hugely important to me, and sorry Warriors but you had too similar of a problem so now you get my exact issues 🫶
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