#Luca Oriflamme
pandoraheartsposter · 3 months
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Dante all by himself
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pivoletov · 3 months
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dervaaas · 2 years
Characters: Vanitas; Noe Archiviste; Dominic De Sade; Jeanne; Louis De Sade; August Ruthven; Roland Fortis; Astolfo Granatum; Jean-Jacques Chastel; Chloed Apchier.
пн! описание крови, укусов(?) Reader has a tendency to bite people, and she has very sharp teeth.
Luca without gifs due to limitation..
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For a human, you bite pretty hard and that's a fact. He had already decided that Noe had attacked him, but he was seriously hurt when he turned around and saw you. He thinks your inclination is strange for a person, so he assumed that you grew up in a circle of vampires, and watching them took their habits. He will complain to everyone. They say there will be no neck left and who will save the vampires? Clearly, he will set conditions for your attempt on his soul. It already depends on personal principles.
Noe Archiviste
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Do you hear? Someone is shouting. In Paris, they will definitely hear all his screams. Noe didn't notice you, that was what caused his screams, and then your bite wasn't so loud, but come on, it was more like a moan or a scream. You've known him since childhood, even when he lived with people, you used this tin to tease him, but later it turned into a habit. Naturally, as a child, he did not like this gesture, he told you about it, for a while you stopped, but again returned to it. Over time, when the Faceless Noe took him away and begged him to take you away, you began to bite others when you got used to them. When Dominic drank his blood for the first time, I realized that compared to you, this is a mosquito. And even more surprising is the fact that compared to a vampire, you don't drink blood, but you bite much more painfully than berserkers.
Dominic De Sade
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I was terrified of you. For a while I thought you were trying to hurt Noe, and later Louis. You didn't try to bite her, she shies away from you like a cat from a vacuum cleaner, and then he may not catch up right away that he won't do anything to him. But you are not a vacuum cleaner, but a person whom Domi is afraid of. Over time, of course, she got used to spending more time with you, all the time that you didn't communicate, she was running around with guys. In the castle, when you were playing with dolls, you had a desire to bite her not much, because the guys said, "Even a vampire would envy such a grip," it didn't work out, maybe the guys would say that it really wasn't much compared to ordinary bites. Dominic got scared, dropped the doll and screamed. It scared you yourself, everyone who was was approaching. But later everyone was sitting drinking tea and you were offended by the conditions of your "bites".
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I've seen you bite Noe, Dominic and Vanitas more than once. I thought it was strange. Of course, he won't ask directly, but it's much better to listen to a conversation on this topic. Right? But I didn't have to eavesdrop, because Luka asked you, in a sense to her relief. She is surprised by the fact that it is quite painful for a person to bite, and also that it eventually turned into a habit of degeneration of attachment. Oh, she tried to kill you after that, not so much for herself as for Lukius. There are many ways, but why this one? People are strange.
Luca Oriflamme
Subjected to your attempts. The whole Altrus is not happy. First of all, he suffered a panic due to pain shock. Yes, the boy has a much increased pain defect. Seriously, he will shy away from any person. You're lucky that Jeanne wasn't there at that moment, she wouldn't have come out alive from there. When his attempts to escape became more subtle, he came up and asked:
- Y/N why did you bite me? .. well.. that day.
- Er.. pf.. habit. As a child, I used to bite Noe to tease him. It became a habit, and later when I met Dominic and her brother, it already became a "symbol" of affection. I can't get rid of the habit, and I just love biting, I have no desire to get rid of it.
- It means.. I'm dear to you!!?
- Calm down, I didn't say that.
Louis De Sade
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If you were vampires, the principle of "blood for blood" would work for you, but you don't drink it. Perhaps the two of you were making fun of Noe. He saw you bite him more than once, thought that people had strange habits. But one day he got under the distribution. You crept up on him, of course he noticed it, but he gave you the feeling of a "hunter" to amuse yourself. He really thought that you were just trying to scare him, but unexpectedly for him you bit his neck, he was scared and very much, first of all he thought that people also have their "cursed" ones. After that, when everything was clarified, he said: "Are you really human? I would understand if you're a vampire and you bite really hard.. but is this normal for a person?"
August Ruthven
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I've seen or even heard about your inclination. Oh, believe me, he was angry when he found out that you bit Luka and it hurt him. I was at a loss when Luka ran and said: "A man was privizal to me." I thought it so affects vapiriv bites of people, maybe people also have something similar to poison? He'll definitely kill you if you try to bite him.
Roland Fortis
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Epf.. if you are not familiar, then how should he punish you if you are a vampire. He is not familiar with the feeling of being bitten by a vampire, but why does he say that it is much more painful than vampires? Hmm, perhaps from the stories of other people and reliable sources? If this is our situation in this case - you know each other when you met in the catacombs, yes.. you made them take them with you, they say I'll be needed. And she really made me buy time for Noe and Vanitas.. you just bit Rolond... Is it worth saying that he screamed? Oh, yes, you bit through the skin because of this, he decided to fight with you, mistaking you for a vampire. Except Noe threw you far away. Honestly, Noe and Vanitas strained your bite at Rolonda's neck- they were worried about their carcasses. Well, as soon as he finds out that you are a person, he will be surprised and obviously ask questions and a lot.
Astolfo Granatum
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Scared? That's not saying enough. Although 13 vampires drank his blood, but with such strength as you have not yet been. He's surprised by the fact that you're not a vampire, but you bite hard. It annoys him that he has relaxed his vigilance. He is not the one who flatters (oh, even very much LIKE) the fact that you bite only him, how much pain it brings. According to him, it would be better if he fought a vampire half-dead than to experience your bites again. But, purely in secret, how the hell does he flatter it, does he admit it? Of course not, maybe in death he will still say, but this is not for sure.
Jean-Jacques Chastel
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I noticed your strangeness when I met Chloe. It really hurt him, it couldn't even compare to how Chloe bites in a rage. Of course, he was also a man once, but perhaps this oddity appeared with a new generation? How long have you been trying to attack him? Oh, for a long time and even very long, longer than with Chloe herself, of course she is perceptive and she herself understood what all this is about, but Jean-Jacques is Jean-Jacques. He is somewhat shy, so he was just embarrassed to be in your presence, especially after Chloe's explanation of your actions. He has a feeling of affection only for Chloe and you are not in this row, no matter how you turn it. But maybe in the future you will win over the Zhivodansky beast?
Chloed Apchier
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Chloe saw you when she was very young and was promised again that this child would return her "humanity". Later you were taken away from Zhevodan to your family's estate. Chloe was left alone with Jean again, waiting for the day when you will be brought back. And at the age of four, you are taken to her to introduce you closer. You've played a lot of games, you even had to invent your own. There are a lot of bruises and bruises behind your shoulders. By the age of 14, you are taken back to Zhevodan to fulfill the promise of your great-grandfather. She's really surprised how you've grown. She really wanted to repeat the times when you played together, but damn you're here for one thing..
- Chloe, I will not fulfill the promise I made to you in the past.
- why?
- Do you think I, as a person, have the opportunity to rewrite the world of formulas? Is it neither the element of humans nor weak vampires? There's nothing I can do to help.
I'm even very surprised how. If so, what could have gone wrong in this situation? So it's that you just walked up and didn't find her, and at some unexpected moment bit her neck. For the first time in a long time, she experienced severe physical pain. How many lives, and there was no such thing. After a "little" heart-to-heart conversation, it was enough for her to understand that your unexpected attack is just a habit that you just can't get rid of. Over time, she began to catch your views and she is already preparing for another attack.
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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noisypeanutmoneyspy · 1 month
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briebysabs · 4 months
My hc on the Luca/Domi/Jeanne dynamic is Jeanne being the sweetest bean to both. Domi and Luca are willing to die for her but Luca is constantly conflicted whether Domi is his treasured ally or another rival he must trample for Jeanne’s affection.
Jeanne is blissfully unaware. Domi and Luca are friends 70% of the time but Domi starts hitting those flirty comments and winking at Jeanne and Luca hits her with the coldest glare.
He’s getting a headache from squinting so hard and Domi’s sweating fucking bullets and Jeanne wants more strawberry cake.
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retracexcviii · 2 years
Stage play event in Japan drawing by Jun
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The characters:
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vamphobias · 1 year
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ecargmura · 2 months
I Read The First Volume Of The Case Study of Vanitas And Here's A Review Of It
You know when an anime adaptation is great that they basically animate the first three episodes from the first volume without any major changes. Yes, the anime was great, one of my absolute favorites, but the manga is a whole other magical experience. To be honest, my review for the first volume will be short because there’s not much to talk about since it’s identical to the first three and a half episodes. All my theories will probably in a later volume that doesn’t follow the anime.
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To give a run down of the story, it’s about Noe, a vampire, traveling to Paris as he heard word of a mysterious grimoire called the Book of Vanitas being sighted there. When a vampire woman goes on a rampage due to a curse, a young human man calling himself Vanitas steps up and vows to treat her for he is a vampire doctor who possesses the Book of Vanitas and is the only one who can activate it. When his abilities are shown to Noe for the first time, Noe and Vanitas goes on many misadventures to cure vampires from their curses.
Mochizuki’s art is beautiful. I especially loved the airship scene and the scene where Noe and Vanitas were falling off and looking at the moon. She really amped up with the designs compared to Pandora Hearts. I love Pandora Hearts, but The Case Study of Vanitas’s character designs really stand out. Vanitas and Noe are my favorites! However, what Mochizuki has improved the most is the comedic faces. Boy, the funny faces she draws for the characters are HILARIOUS.
I guess the only difference from this volume and the first three episodes is noticeable in episode 1. In the first episode, the story of Vanitas of the Blue Moon was introduced in the beginning, while it was introduced in the middle of the chapter in the manga. That’s the only major difference I noticed. Other than that, the anime did a great job with the pacing and making Mochizuki’s art be even more beautiful in animated form. If you’re curious about the anime, I have my reviews of the anime on my blog—you can click here to read the first two episode reviews as the third episode does have Volume 2 content in it.
My favorite character is and will always be Vanitas as he’s an annoying gremlin with something to hide and I like that aspect of him! He’s a very unique protagonist who isn’t afraid of being a jerk. Though, since this story is told through Noe’s eyes, the jerk aspect could be amped up out of bias.
All I wonder is how long the story will be because it is a recollection of Noe’s memories of Vanitas as he did kill him some time after the first episode. The mystery behind Vanitas’s demise is probably the biggest one of the story. Since Mochizuki is the queen of plot twists, I am expecting a very shocking reveal.
Also, the cutest thing about the first volume is that Hiromu Arakawa, the author of Fullmetal Alchemist, wrote a little comment for Mochizuki that can be seen behind the cover when you open the book! Arakawa is one of Mochizuki’s influences, so I’m sure she was thrilled!
Because I am a biased Mochizuki fangirl, this is a 5-star read like the four Pandora Hearts volumes I reviewed. Do I recommend this? Absolutely. My one goal in life is to collect everything Mochizuki has written and make a bookshelf section dedicated to her works. Also, bookstores, why do you never have volume 2 in stock! Wherever I go, Volume 2 is never in stock! What is your thought on the Vanitas manga?
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momo-little-devil · 7 months
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chernychnyi · 2 years
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the witch
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Small VNC
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bookdragonquotes · 1 month
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Hi. Could I request Vanitas and Noe with a female s/o who has the ability of Asterokinesis (Star Manipulation) via altering the world formula?
Vanitas + Noe - Star Power MC
A rare, peaceful evening in Paris for those who fought in secret to protect its citizens.
Vanitas, Noé, and [Y/N] had been sitting at a café in front of their hotel when Luca and Jeanne walked by. The young lord had been happy to see you all, while his attendant kept her usual flustered cool, and [Y/N] invited them to join.
Talking and laughing for a bit over coffees, [Y/N] sense a sudden shift in the air. “Luca, what’s wrong?” [Y/N] asked. Noticing the boy’s sullen expression.
He immediately looked up from his hands and floundered, “n-nothing. Nothing at all. I’m fine.” Of course [Y/N] didn’t believe him.
She came over and knelt down in front of Luca. “You don’t have to act brave when you don’t want to. Everyone gets upset sometimes. It’s ok.”
The boy’s face fell and he looked down at his hands again. “It’s just all these curse-bearers. It’s upsetting. I’m not frightened or anything, but it’s so sad to think of them in pain. I feel like, as a noble, I should be able to do something.”
“Noblesse oblige,” Luca seemed confused by [Y/N]’s words and she smiled. “That’s a very fancy term you’ll learn one day. I can’t really help with those feelings, but I’d like to cheer you up.” In her hand a small ball of light appeared. Making Luca gasp as he stared at it’s warm glow.
Her light seemed to attract the attention of the others and they came over. Just as the light started to dance around and others joined, before they shot off into the sky to continue their dance there. Flickering around the stars and a bright, over shinning display.
“Amazing!” Noé noted as he watched the astrological waltz. “How did you do that?”
“It’s a special kind of formula manipulation called ‘astrokinesis’. Or star manipulation. Of course I can’t really manipulate stars, given that they are billions of lightyears away and have a cosmic density to crush planets, but I can interact with them. For a short time.”
“Can you make other things with the formula?” Luca asked excitedly. “Could you make a constellation of a bird?”
“No! Do Murr!” Noé chimed in, without about as much enthusiasm as his young counterpart.
[Y/N] giggled at their dueling excitement. Seeming to egg each other on. “Any requests Vanitas?” She asked as she morphed another ball of light between her hands.
“How about a dazzling portrait of me?” He asked, with a cheesy, cheeky grin. To which Jeanne gave him a sharp punch in the ribs.
“Could you make a rose?” The white-haired witch asked shyly. To which [Y/N] smiled and sent a blush pink orb into the sky to create it.
The rest of the evening was spent like this. Friends ooo-ing and aww-ing at the constellations that [Y/N] created, while she enjoyed the marvel of her art. Truly a wonderful evening.
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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bigudushka · 2 years
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