#jeanne hell fire witch
wiavi · 1 year
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sonicasura · 7 months
How would team Bayonetta react to seeing the tamer/sleuth who I imagine is pretty young. Telling them stories of there adventures in the digital world were they probably faced of againist numerous high level digimon that could level cities in minutes. Bayonetta out of all of them would probably be the most worried, cause we seen with Loki that she does worry. I mean back in Bayonetta 2 when her and Loki got to the real gates of hell and Loki was going to leave for the top of the mountain, she wasn't happy with him being away from her and was really concerned for his safety. I honestly don't think Bayonetta ( Jeanne and Luka when he eventually finds outs) would be ok with the fact that they constantly through tmeselves into highly dangerous situations with the tamer/sleuth I imagine being really young.
Your Thoughts?
I honestly thought about making Tamer a young adult but the child suggestion is much funnier. Digimon don't have a good concept what's good for someone's age. *Looks at most Digidestined* This especially goes for one particular where Tamer/Sleuth work since they been active at the age of 8 and are about to turn 12. (Almost four years in the job.)
You have no idea how concerned Bayonetta was upon the first mission story which involves retrieving a valuable from a very aggressive Okuwamon's territory. Said Ultimate Digimon chasing after a very inexperience Tamer/Sleuth alongside their twin partners. To hear about it being sheer luck that a kind MegaKabuterimon(Blue) was nearby to help made her worry skyrocket.
Bayonetta can't stop looking back on the time when she been a young Umbra Witch in training as Tamer and their two Gammamon are constant reminders. Jeanne finds this out the same time since Rodin was doing some weapon maintenance for her amidst the story telling. Luka hears about through gossip from Enzo. Super concerned adults all around!
Those extra dangerous moments did pay off since both their partners learn how to digivolve into their respective Champions and Ultimates. Sometimes you got to stay in the frying pan to become empowered by the fire.
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callilemon · 1 year
Hello, here's an idea for Loki Oriflamme's powers. Tell me what you think.
Before Loki's flames were sealed by the Vampire Queen's Mark of Possession, he was able to envelope his entire body with a cloak of "flames" that has a temperature of 5,500 degrees celsius (that's the same temperature as the surface of a star).
Loki's world formula alteration is the conceptual essence of the sun. A conceptual curse of erosion and dehydration stemming from the sun and desert that drains anything that gets close.
The essence of the "sun" and its "light" are being harnessed and concentrated, meaning his "fire" hits faster and stronger than the Oriflamme House's magic normally would. No, it can't really be considered fire at this point. Fire is just the aftereffect.
That's why the Vampire Queen is so terrified of him. That's why Loki is the first and only person ever marked by Faustina/Naenia herself.
There's a reason why the Beastia are widely feared for being some of the most powerful and dangerous Vampires of the entire race.
I'm sorry for answering so late! I didn't see this!
I've honestly never thought of him.. but, you certainly got me thinking.. the most powerful vampires in vnc have unique eyes yeah? Im sure loki is no different..
Example 1 noé archiviste (my baby)
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He has lavender eyes with a ring around the iris.
Last of his clan (well lady Archiviste) much have so some significance.
Then, we have Jeanne the hell fire witch
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Same ring around the iris. a powerful bourreau serving under Ruthven..
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Ruthven himself... all of these characters have unique eyes and extraordinary powers.
Loki is so different.
Probably why the queen feared him and his power...
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I'm exicted to see more from him. I think you theory Is valid, let's wait for mochijun:)))
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demonbunny5 · 2 years
Been fucking around with bayo3 more to try and squeeze some enjoyment out of this dumpster fire and the further I get in the more disappointed I feel. I initially thought demon slave would be a really cool mechanic, and that at high levels of play you would theoretically be playing two characters at once, but the more I mess around with it the more it becomes apparent that there’s literally no reason to do that.
I pretty much left the demon slave button alone on my first go round, planning to mess around with it more once I had most of her moves and weapons unlocked, but now that I’m using it the pieces are falling into place for a bunch of things that seemed off on my original playthrough.
Playing “traditionally,” with just Bayonetta, the score restraints for time felt incredibly tight, to the point where I found myself thinking “how the fuck did I only get a silver” when I completed a verse in what I felt was a pretty good time. Turns out it’s because you have a button that drops a nuke for you whenever you want, and the devs clearly designed all the encounters around this.
The infernal demons are like the worst parts of umbran climax from 2 turned up to 11. They do massive damage, massive aoe, can stunlock basically anything, and have way more range than Bayonetta’s moveset. The one thing that kept umbran climax in check was that you needed to build up magic gauge first before you could use it, so you had to actually use bayo’s regular moves to build up to it. Demon slave gives you all of that immediately when you start a verse, because the magic gauge in 3 regenerates on its own. It’s a fake resource. You start every fight with it maxed out, and you will never run out of it if you just occasionally slap an enemy with a quick PKP combo in the middle of your infernal demon shitting on the entire battlefield. 
The video up above is from the first section of the third witch trial (which, you know, is supposed to be the challenging postgame content.) and I spent the entire fight going PPPP>KKK>repeat because Madama Butterfly’s combos come out incredibly fast, hit a huge area around her, and stun everything they hit for a significant time. She was out for a full minute without me hitting anything else to refill meter during that time. The second she started hitting the big ohmu looking motherfucker it was stunlocked until it died.
And I got a pure platinum! Doing next to fucking nothing! In the postgame Challenge mode!
It’s like the devs actively tried to make you play Bayonetta as little as possible in this game between the Viola and Jeanne levels and demon slave rendering your weapons and base moveset obsolete. 
Feel like I’m beating a dead horse at this point but god damn did this game turn out to be a trainwreck. Honestly would have preferred Bayonetta spend the rest of her life hanging out with Gordon Freeman and Megaman Volnut in trilogy hell than get this incredibly weak send-off.
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umbranstilettos · 2 years
“I know what I said Viola!”, Cereza struggled as she tried to form the words out of her mouth, closing her eyes as images of the downpour flashed before her eyes, her grip tightened around her pistols ‘The Whittingham Fair’ even a second of rest was a privilege as she tried to gather through her thoughts, the scent of mildew pervading her nostrils as she continued to walk the sewers with few jackboots following her trail as she argued with her young daughter about her decision to finally accept the challenge of Singularity, if this were a few years back before she had Viola, she wouldn’t careless about anything, and faced the battle head on—but in the first time, she had something to lose, she could remember from Jeanne’s words that fear seemed to have clouded her eyes, when she awoke from her slumber at that lake, but now the fear from accepting her fate was replaced by losing those that she held dearly protecting them from harm is the only thing that is keeping her going now.
Jeanne is dead and while being humanity’s last hope was overwhelming, but the thought of losing Viola was a loss she couldn’t afford. It was the last straw, last night she had a conversation with Sigurd for him to promise her that he’ll give the last crystal to Viola for her to jump into another universe and warn the other Arch Eves to find the chaos gear, her eyes always held the fire inside them with each strike, slash and kick as she began training to learn some few tricks up her mother’s sleeve she always has been closer to her father than to her, from hearing the fabled version of the events that occurred five hundred years ago, to hearing the truth from her mother’s lips one night when she was asking her mother about grandmother.
Cereza wasn’t a stern parent to begin with, but she never really understood if she were to sugarcoat everything to her daughter Viola, maybe that’s why going through a phase with her Evanescence, Bones UK and anything that is an up and coming grunge artist was playing on her earphones one night when she was tucking her into bed. Luka was always the good cop in their little power dynamics, he wasn’t much keen for Viola to undergo training as an Umbra Witch fearing that the wrath from above would get directed to her as soon as she tries to make her pact with a demon. Hell, there were days that her bedroom looked more similar to what a typical trope for Witches, she might die if she finds a witch bottle under her bed.
“But mom, you said so yourself Jeanne can take care of it”, Viola stammers as she followed behind being a part of the resistance and her mother being the leader along with Commander Sigurd, it has been months of hiding from the Homunculi that could conform into any shape, when Jeanne tried to take care of one the fight was similar to those kaiju battles from Japan as Madama Styx tore the creature to shreds it was only a matter of minutes before it could regain their limbs and swept the skyscrapers with their massive tails sending debris to civilians the last she heard in the news that this was dubbed as a phenomena and the world as we see it today will fall under the hands of Singularity; the typical villainy that spouted from the lips of what sounded like a mad man behind the creation of those creatures it was a Sunday afternoon when her mother, father and Jeanne were taking their afternoon tea as high maintenance as her mother was to implement a very strict tea time, she did love doing the tradition especially when she was a child playfully swinging her feet in the air as she nursed the tea cup and took small bites from the artisan Macarons, that Jeanne brought from the local posh bakery that she and her mom frequents to even now as they drowned in laughter mocking each and every word before the downpour came.
Her eyes couldn’t believe as people melted when they were covered by the white glob then spider like creatures jumped, crawled and leaped with heavy artilleries on their head zapped people away from existence, when she had the time to take cover she immediately contacted her mom for her to pick her up as the global phenomenon occurred that is when her mother made the decision with the remaining armed forces and led the resistance to go under the sewers to avoid casualties. Her father wanted to investigate and find the source of the truth about the Alphaverse and the source behind the mass production of these humanoids as he confronted Rodin one night to learn about the complexities of the multiverse the result of the World of Chaos being split into multiple layers of reality birthing a new one each and every time there were significant events that altered the course of the world and that the main objective of the Interloper was to merge all multiverse into one Alphaverse to restore the balance as her mother was dubbed as one of The Arch Eve of this Universe as the main cause of the split between realities as a woman lost in her time creating a different reality as The Left Eye of Darkness harnessing the power of creation, thus altering her fate birthing to a new reality in the timelines.
Part of her blamed The Infinite One from not meddling as he simply put himself out of every situation the only thing he could do was to find the solution, that is when he brought the idea of The Witch of Genesis, a variant of the arch eve that possesses the entirety of the Chaos as the only eve that walked the longest path and her knowledge in harnessing the spirit energy came unrivaled to those who went and took the path before her.
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owlwithin · 2 years
@arch-eve   ,
   ❛ Hmm? What's got you reminiscing about the past so suddenly, Jeanne? ❜ Flirtatious in words, per usual toward their beloved. But, that was a long time ago now, wasn't it? Memories Bayonetta had as a child back then flooded in, Jeanne was one of the few- if the only one who treated her decently. & to make that CHESIRE the witch cherished so much... She still has it to this day, sitting above the fire place.
   ❛ Ha-ha, that I do, my precious silver-haired knight. ❜ More flirting, now bringing a hand to cup Jeanne's chin for a moment before placing a kiss to her nose. Their gazes linger on each other now, perhaps getting lost in those same memories again.
   ❛ ... I was quite the cry baby back then, wasn't I? There was a time I met my past self from then, Mummy! Help me Mummy! Pft. Always carrying around little Chesire, it brought me much comfort as a child. Even when I was still lost and you continued to be mysterious with me when I first awoke. Silly Jeanne. ❜ Another kiss to her nose before booping it & retrieving a lollipop, bubblegum flavored.
   ❛ Want a taste? ~ ❜
     ‘  Mm  ,  nothing  in  particular  ...  ‘  Dismissing  the  truth  ,  of  course  :  her  gaze  had  been  settled  on  little  cheshire  for  some  time  now  as  lover  shared  the  events  of  her  day  .  Perhaps  their  return  from  Hell  had  made  her  all  the  more  sentimental  of  life  lived  ,  a  past  she  hasn’t  truly  reminisced  on  since  first  sealing  Cereza  away  .  
     Now  ,  gazing  into  one  another’s  eyes  ...  she  realizes  why  that  past  was  tucked  away  .  She  was  afraid  .  A  naive  girl  ,  so  dedicated  to  taking  up  the  Umbran  throne  ,  would  have  never  dreamed  the  outcast  would  be  her  soulmate  .
     ‘  You  were  .  You  still  are  at  times  .  I  can’t  believe  the  fit  you  threw  when  I  forgot  your  favorite  caviar  and  wine  .  ‘  Jeanne  laughs  ,  a  playful  swat  at  the  booping  finger  .  ‘  You  didn’t  stop  until  I  agreed  to  run  back  out  and  grab  them  for  you  .  Two  of  them  to  make  up  for  it  ,  you  said  .  ‘  
     Jeanne  watches  as  the  lollipop  swirls  ‘round  between  lips  ,  stick  becoming  stained  with  smudging  lipstick  .  She  knows  the  implications  ,  knows  that  Cereza  prefers  ruining  her  makeup  on  something  else  ...  An  answer  comes  with  shifting  form  ,  slender  legs  curling  under  her  as  she  inches  closer  &  snatches  the  lollipop  to  place  between  her  own  lips  .  ‘  Bubblegum  ?  Trying  to  entice  me  ,  Cereza  ...  ?  ~  ‘
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retracexcviii · 2 years
Stage play event in Japan drawing by Jun
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The characters:
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umi-sen-yama-sen · 3 years
Vanitas: JEANNE!
Jeanne: Vanitas.
Vanitas: I can't decide whether I like you or I love you.
Jeanne: Oh? Then what about make it both?
Vanitas: ...
Jeanne: ...
Vanitas: ...
Vanitas: ...N-NON!
*despite his denial, he blushed so hard like there was no tomorrow*
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elfboyeros · 2 years
I love the fact that Jeanne is this ultra powerful executioner but at the same time is the most feminine and possibly delicate person out of the whole cast
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wiavi · 4 years
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Please do not repost or edit :)
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ryusei0 · 4 years
Cleaned & Edited cutie Jeanne in Gangan joker's cover of issue 2020 July💖
Please excuse my poor skills 😆
Letters were covering her
This supposed to be done soon after the release & before July
I don't know what happened it's the last day of Sep
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laciefuyu · 5 years
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Vanitas no Carte - The Essence of the Witch Icons (Bonus!)
Like or reblog to use!
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dykewithafatpussy · 3 years
Dating both Bayonetta and Jeanne would include
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pairings: Bayonetta x reader, Jeanne x reader, Bayonetta x Jeanne
warnings: nfsw towards the end, d/s dynamics mentioned, degrading. a little bit of angst.
throuple time baby!!!
dating bayo and jeanne would include...
they're both pretty extra, especially when it comes to you
carrying bags for them when you go shopping with them, mainly for bayonetta
when it comes to cuddling you all take turns being in the middle
so everyone is equally snuggled
Bayonetta loves calling you pet names
Jeanne only ever calls you you're name like she does with Cereza, only occasionally will she call you a pet name unless you're in bed (wink wink)
you can call Bayonetta, Cereza if you want
Bayonetta likes stealing your clothes, Jeanne likes seeing you in hers (i feel like she would have a lot more casual clothes than bayonetta)
they love you so much
they love eachother so much
you love them so much
listening to Bayonetta yell at Jeanne about skincare and "YOU CANT WEAR MAKE UP TO BED"
Jeanne does anyway
neither of you know jeanne is cutie J
but you do know that both of them are umbra witches, in fact thats how you met them
they saved you from some angels they were fighting. wrong place, right time kinda situation
they brought you to the gates of hell to get you a drink seeing as you were in shock about what happened. finally snapping out of it you asked as many questions as you could think of
they found it amusing and vaguely answered your questions
at some point while you were rapid fire questioning them, they shared a glance and interrupted you to ask a question.
it was to go out with them
ofc you said yes
since then your life as been pretty exciting with 2 basically immortal witches and a new world you never knew about
~slight ansgt~
in learning about this world you learn about inferno, the pact that witches go there when they die and that jeanne as already been
finding out one of your girlfriends died had you thinking about your own mortality compared to theirs. they would most definitely out live you.
you didnt want to bring this up to them out of fear youd find out you were just a fling for them, a toy.
you werent ofc and they were aware of the thoughts that plagued you after finding out.
they comforted you and promised you all would cross that bridge should you have to eventually
you're constantly worried they won't come home
~slight angst over~
~nfsw starts~
when they do come home however you're the perfect stress reliever (if they're not ready to drop)
oh how they love to hold you down and play with you
and you let them, their perfect slut
at least that what Jeanne calls you, Bayonetta loves calling you sweet names instead
Jeanne loves degrading you if you're okay with, if you're not she won't
they're both pretty different in their domming styles, Bayonetta is a soft domme, Jeanne is a hard domme, but they're both pretty intense.
they're both dominant over you, but switchy for eachother.
Bayonetta and Jeanne are both pretty bratty with each other
might let you dom them if you're good
they can both go for so long, you sometimes feel like you might pass out
you're both forever catching Bayonetta eye fucking the both of you in public
Jeanne isn't innocent but def more discreet about what shes thinking.
you are obvious
horny jail for all of you
~nsfw ends~
i ran out of ideas but im pretty satisfied, might actually write a fanfiction using these headcanons as an outline. im gonna start writing it and see where it goes
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alexiethymia · 3 years
Thinking about how Vanitas hates the cold and gets cold easily, and how Jeanne is known as the Hellfire Witch, and is known to have been the person to give Chloe warmth, helping her break away from her prison of ice and snow, and how watching Jean-Jacques and Chloe together, with Jean-Jacques saying it’d be meaningless for him to live if he was without Chloe and promising never to leave Chloe alone again, leads to Jeanne finding Vanitas who at that point was being melancholic about being alone and how Jeanne reminded him of Luna’s words about huddling together for warmth, ughhh, I just - I just have a lot of feels for the Gevaudan Arc you know?? 
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piermanwalter · 2 years
Inferring Fortitudo’s Character from Tiny Lore Scraps
SUPER SUMMARY: Fortitudo is awe-inspiringly lazy. He’s also the driving force of most major conflicts. At first this seems contradictory, but Fortitudo is willing to put monstrous amounts of effort into big laziness payoffs in the distant future, culminating in intentionally dying to avoid responsibility in the new world controlled by his faction. 
Given the world of Bayonetta is one where ordinary people cause giant metal missile stingrays and headless flying centaurs to spontaneously burst into existence by collectively feeling emotions strongly enough, magical people can literally stop time by having massive egos, and history changes by remembering it differently, Fortitudo may be more like a law of physics than an actual being. Since Fortitudo has a seemingly endless number of smaller, younger clones and reappeared with no explanation in Bayonetta 2 after being ripped into pieces and dragged into hell in the previous game, I feel like as long as human beings have the will to do something they extremely don’t want to do, Fortitudo continues existing. 
Fortitudo is the spiritual manifestation of doing overtime at work until it turns dark. Of waking up every day next to someone you are mostly indifferent to, but still choosing to get into the same bed every night anyway. Of being ordered to perform what is indisputably a war crime, but you do it because it leads to fast victory. Fortitudo is lazy and unenthusiastic because you don’t need courage and fortitude to get through something you already want to do.
You may think, “That’s not real courage! Real courage would be quitting the job that makes you do overtime. It takes real courage to end a stable but unsatisfying relationship! Defy your orders and do the right thing!”, but that type of chaotic establishment-defying behavior is more the field of Hell, and any type of courage embodied by Fortitudo is the kind that allows you to be exploited by grander designs. What an awful existence.
In the first game, Fortitudo’s role was being gentle and polite while you have memory flashbacks of him killing and eating your friends, and then the city catches on fire and he’s like, “Ah hey! Are you a witch? If you aren’t a witch, we’re cool.” every time he meets you while playing off the giant lava waves as unrelated events. And then you kill him and he’s like, “I’m dying on purpose, dumbass.”
In the second game, Fortitudo’s role was being a silent, perfectly obedient ally and then exploding into seething, virulent hatred towards humanity and killing your wife/mother. And then you have to keep working with him because you will die without his help. Nobody talks about it, but it must be deeply awkward.
In the first game, Fortitudo went to sleep after darkness no longer had a major influence on the world of the living. He only woke up once you start smashing up the holy city. Depending on how long the Witch Hunts lasted, and when Jeanne started working for the angels, he may have been asleep for centuries, possibly longer than Bayonetta’s 500 years.
I think Fortitudo’s main goal of resurrecting his mom Jubileus stems from being super goddamn lazy and wanting her to deal with ruling the angels and the reunified Trinity of Realities so he can presumably sleep forever.
It is crucially important to know that Fortitudo is a master of Customer Service Voice and even though he seems polite, he is actually the biggest hater in the universe.
In the second game, once Jubileus is dead (or as dead as a deity can get), Fortitudo can no longer aspire to transcendental laziness, so he instead aspires to being spiteful. I’m not actually sure if the Fortitudo in Bayonetta 2 time travel section that was like “You are living proof that humans are fucking morons and can’t control themselves. Die you worthless bastards” is the same Fortitudo in the Bayonetta 1 flashback section that said generic world ruling stuff in the exact same room and time frame. If Fortitudo is like a law of physics, does it make a difference?
The Coliseum in Vigrid was made thousands of years ago to worship Fortitudo. Interestingly, no other structures exist in devotion to any other angel. Fortitudo probably spent a ton of effort guarding Vigrid from supernatural forces in its early days, enough to warrant a giant coliseum in thanks. Now that Vigrid is fully under heavenly control, he’s being lazy again. There used to be a walking path to the Coliseum, but in modern times it has collapsed. Anyone seeking his favor must enter the Coliseum through cliffs and crashing waves. It’s easy to imagine him blowing up the path to avoid dealing with hordes of worshippers.
Since Vigrid is “his city”, Fortitudo probably feels an entitlement towards it that makes him feel ok with summoning lava in the center of residential districts, presumably killing everyone. 
Balder wore Fortitudo’s diamond shaped bling in the future (past), but in the past (future), he no longer does. I think that relates to Balder being fully devoted to him before the Witch Hunts, but once his wife dies and he gets possessed by an evil god, he stops caring about that specific alliance. Balder also stopped summoning him in fights, but I’m not sure if that’s because they became totally estranged from each other, or simply because Fortitudo was dead by the time Balder started fighting and couldn’t be summoned.
Fortitudo was so engrossed in a Zoom call that Bayonetta had to shoot him in the ass to get his attention at what was supposed to be his dramatic reveal. I think it might be with Jeanne, since she has Zoom called other angels, and Fortitudo is talking about how he’s so definitely worried and concerned about the affairs of demons, because it’s something you care about too -:). Jeanne is his only ally who cares about demons. 
Interestingly, Jeanne insulted Temperantia in a Zoom call, insulted Sapientia in a Zoom call, axe-kicked Sapientia off a plane in person, and refuses to talk to Iustitia, yet there were no insults spewing from the other side of the Zoom call with Fortitudo. Either Jeanne regained confidence and began openly defying the angels as more and more of them died, or she looked at his tactics and was like, “Yeah I’d also do it how you did tbh.” If Fortitudo is the angel she hates the least, that’s very interesting since he most likely killed her mom, the Umbran Elder. Or... is it BECAUSE he killed her mom, who forbade her association with the outcast, ruined her birthright, and allowed her sisters to be killed by leading the entire clan into a senseless war? The drama is surreal.
I don’t think Jeanne likes him, and Fortitudo doesn’t like Jeanne, but he wants Jeanne to like him, as some kind of ego challenge type thing.
I don’t think Fortitudo regards Cereza as an actual person with lasting effects on the world, because he was fully willing to blow up a church with her in it. Like I kind of get how putting the little girl in danger would compel Bayonetta to come protect her and maybe jog her memory, and exposing Cerezita to off-the-wall hardcore violence from a young age will make her future self more powerful, but the lesser angels had a better idea of doing it by fighting as they usually do with polearms. Blowing up a church with Cereza in it achieves neither of these things. 
Ironically because the angels manipulated humans into Witch Hunts, and were in turn influenced by the emotions of humanity, the angels could easily starve Bayonetta to death and let her be torn apart by her own contracted demons by never appearing where she is, but the “Witch Spotted... KILLLL!!!!!” instinct is too strong. They raised humans into a self-destructive witch-killing frenzy, and now the humans are raising them into a self-destructive witch-killing frenzy. Fair is fair.
I think Fortitudo is so disdainful of humanity partially because he knows he is a product of human thought and refuses to accept it, and partially because as a product of human thought, everything he does to humans is justified because they collectively wanted him to do it.
I think Fortitudo loves Super Mario 64 because one of the Angelic LPs had music from it and Mario is a red and blue icon just like him. Mario also has a tall green bro, a disgusting spherical cousin, and some lanky guy of ambiguous relation.
Rodin is like his divorced dad.
My pattern recognition thought process is quickly degenerating so that’s it for now.
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Fictober Day 24
Prompt number: #24
Fandom: Bayonetta
Rating: G
The gates of Hell. A small Bar whose location moved on the whims of its owner. Thankfully Rodin had a habit of sending portals to where Cereza was when she was working. She killed angels to fill a contract and he took the leftover halos in exchange for goods. It was a nice setup between the two of them.
Only rarely did he reach out to her when she wasn’t working. Just like today. An unknown number called her phone and left a message of where to meet him.
Walking down the old steps into what looked like an abandoned building’s basement, she could already hear his favorite slow jazz playing before she even opened the door. Smiling, She pushed the door open. It slid without a creak or groan showing off the interior of the Bar. walking in admiring some of the new art he had recently gotten, he came out of the back with a box in his hands.
“Was hoping you’d get my message.”
“Couldn’t resist seeing what new toys you’ve gotten. Jeanne says hello by the way. She had to leave for work.”
“Ah. Still teaching the brats?”
“For now. They keep testing her and she’s considering retiring.” Cereza sat at the Bar smiling then.
“So what’s going on?”
“This.” He tapped the box with a smile.
“Fresh out of hell.”
“Hm.” She nodded before tapping the box with her knuckles.
“Is this supposed to impress me? I’m afraid Jeanne has bigger packages in her closet.” Rodin stopped then as Cereza smirked, stealing a sucker from behind the bar. He always kept a few of her favorites back there.
Then he pulled them out. Scarlet guns. Much like her favorite pair that she kept by the bed at all times.
“Made these beauties from a very pissed off Demon. Trying to invade your girl’s realm in fact.”
“Bloody hell…”
“Wait till you fire them off. You won’t be wearing these on your boots for sure.”
“...Do you still have the range in the back?”
“Are you still a witch?” He smiled then lifting the divider for her.
“Get on back here.” Cereza ran back there making sure to grab the new guns along the way. She honestly loved testing out weapons for him. He had yet to disappoint honestly.
The Targets were always live angels he lured in as well with their own Hymns. She hummed happily around her sucker seeing a few of the bigger ones in there.
“What are you playing to get this many?”
“Just my jazz. Apparently they like Ella Fitzgerald.”
“Oh Damn good taste there.” She held the guns steady as she could, noticing they were a bit heavier than usual aiming right for one of the bigger ones.
The first trigger pull knocked her off her feet. She stumbled back completely stunned before looking up.
“...Oh Hell Yes!!” Setting down the other one she quickly fired again taking out the rest of the angels before laughing.
“I love them!!!”
“Hm. A lot more Firepower than usual So you might only need one.”
“Agreed… I'll have to see if Jeanne likes the other one.”
“Please do. I know you girls could use the extra power. Especially against some of those bigger angels they like to send.”
“I won’t argue there… Is this Gold Inlay?”
“Yep. All together these babies are worth more than either of our souls.” She nodded, waiting to hear the price. She’s more than willing to put in some overtime for these.
“That’s why I’m giving them to you.” Cereza stopped looking at Rodin. He was smiling leaning on the wall covered in weapons.
“You keep me in business. Never fail that if you need something you come straight to me. Same for Jeanne. So consider this a gesture of good faith. You take my babies and in turn… keep coming by.”
“Well who else could we go to? But I understand.” She smiled then.
“It’ll be a worthy investment for sure. These puppies will help us both get plenty of Halos.”
“Now that’s the kind of Talk I like. So Why don’t I drop some Hot leads on you over a few drinks?”
“Sounds like a plan to me. I’ve got a few hours before she’s home.”
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