#Lucas knows a thing or two about apologizing to your SO
double-aa-batteries · 2 months
things about about TSC I can't stop thinking about
"hindsight was a backstabbing bitch"
curtains symbolizing jeans healing journey, how he keeps them closed at Abby's in a effort to recreate the nest in search of some normalcy, how he opens them and looks out the window his new apartment, seeking calm in his overwhelm
"I want to go home" (13) meaning evermore vs. "I want to go home" (329) meaning to his apartment with Laila, Cat and jeremy
the fact that jean's phone is probably still in Abby's freezer
Kevin "their kindness matters" Day
Neil's smile is as unsettling to everyone else as it is to him and he has so much more Nathaniel in him than he recognizes in his own pov
Jean is so similar to neil in that they're both petty, dramatic bitches who care deeply about their teammates' safety
riko and the ravens quite literally took jean's name from him (Jean-Yves, Jonny, Paris)
"[Renee's] love was so tender it looked like grief as it curled her mouth and made her eyes shine"
jean gets forehead kisses from Renee and Cat
"that creepy little goalkeeper Andrew Minyard"
jean's many nicknames for neil: tiny bastard, tedious malcontent, abominable cockroach, wretched little runaway, ignorant child, etc.
Neil took the bandage off of jeans 3 and promptly stuck it over Kevin's chess peice
"I should have let him kill you," Jean said. "Probably," Neil agreed, "but you didn't, so here we all are."
"...aside from his outstanding murder charge, there was nothing interesting about that fox"
the fact that the point of tfc was to show characters who couldn't/wouldn't/ or were unable to heal from the trauma they had faced and yet from the very beginning and without question, TSC is about jean clawing his way forward and toward healing no matter what
the cheese drawer
dadmack dialed up to 1,000 See: "i will burn this house down before I let them touch you"
bisexual jean Moreau panicking over his teammates in swimsuits and Jeremy's long legs
"He's earned the right to be arrogant"
riko couldn't bring himself to hurt wymack because he was Kevin's father and Kevin was like a brother to riko and riko has always yearned for a father's recognition
Alvarez has a motorcycle and jean didn't say no to learning how to ride it
we know next to nothing about Jeremy Knox despite having chapters in his pov (why was he in therapy? why was his dad in France? what the hell did he do at the Fall banquet his freshman year to tear his family in half?)
that being said: Jeremy Knox is a rich boy with a butler
everything about Catalina Alverez
the fact that Jeremy knox has two brothers and one of them is probably dead
"rather than force the Trojans underground for that part, they simply built steps up and over it inside the stadium" the JUXTAPOSITION
Alvarez cooks and so now does jean
we know for a fact riko subjected Kevin to "subtler cruelties" while he was in the nest
"they never should have said yes when you asked" and "I didn't ask"
"as if you can tell a girl apart from a cow on a good day"
"permission to break his face, coach?" jean asked. "denied," white said.
all of thanksgiving pt. II
"alarm looked wrong on a face born for smiling"
jean casually saying "your apologies are as useful as perfume on a frog" to Lucas
Neil's whole relationship with Jean
David "I believe we all have the choice to be better than the hands that shaped us" Wymack
Neil generally being a menace to society but especially "Neil, being the person he was, pointed at the fire hydrant adjacent to it's front bumper and said, 'thats illegal, just so you know.'"
"the cracking heat in his chest could have been his ribs snapping or his heart breaking"
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Eddie and Steve were sitting on the back porch of the little two bedroom house that Owens and his merry band of government lackies gave to the Munsons in exchange for signed NDAs.
It was getting late and Steve knows he should go home, but Eddie keeps finding new conversations to strike up and it just feels too natural to keep responding. Getting up and announcing he was going home would be downright rude. The deckchair he was lounging in was confortable too, so it just made more sense to stay.
Eddie passed Steve the joint they had been nursing between them. Steve had lost track of what they were talking about a long time ago. He was too caught up in the low rumble of Eddie’s voice, quiet enough to make it feel like they were sharing secrets even if they were all alone with nothing scandalous to say. It didn’t matter what Eddie was saying. Steve was happy to just listen. The subtle fizz of the weed spread across his skin as he leaned his head back and enjoyed the light breeze that cut through the warm night.
Today was the same as every other day.
Steve woke up, showered, picked Robin up for work, and then spent eight hours rewinding tapes. He listened to her go on and on about her latest discovery of why Vickie was the perfect person, adding commentary where needed. Steve was happy for her, he was. He just wished she wasn’t so distracted. Not today.
And then he ferried Mike to Dustin’s, Will to the hospital to visit Max, brought Lucas home from the hospital so he could shower and then right back over again. He was barely through the door when Eddie called and asked how his day was, insisting Steve come over to hang out when he heard it was just ‘fine, average, nothing special’.
Steve had wanted nothing more than to fall asleep on the couch with a terrible tv movie in the background. There was something about Eddie, though. Something in the way he moved, the way he said Steve’s name and dragged his teeth along his bottom lip over the V sound. The thoughts of staring at the stars with Eddie might just be the one thing that could redeem today. Even if no one else would understand.
Steve arrived thirty seconds before two large pizzas, courtesy of one of Argyle’s buddies in the business. They each had all Steve’s favourite toppings. Which was weird because Eddie definitely didn’t like olives or pineapple. Steve had a cold beer in one hand and hot slice in the other before he even said ‘hello’.
If there was any way Steve wanted to spend the final hours of today, it was with Eddie. He knew why, of course. He bit his tongue every time he got close to saying it out loud, but he knew exactly what that something was.
“And I figured hey, if it means I don’t have to sell weed to highschoolers anymore, then why not, you know?”
Steve’s brain took a second to catch up to Eddie’s train of thought about his new job. He was going to be working in a garage with Reefer Rick’s nephew.
“Totally,” said Steve, sipping the mostly empty bottle in his hand, the liquid warmed by being held so long. “I bet you’ll be great at it too,”
“Yeah well,” said Eddie, quirking his eyebrows. “I hope so,”
They fell into silence again and Steve started to think it might not be rude to leave any more. The joint was down to the nub, the beer was gone, and Eddie’s eyelids were looking heavy.
“I should, uh…” said Steve, shifting his weight on the chair to stand up.
“Why didn’t you tell them?” asked Eddie, looking up at the moon. Steve could see its reflection in his eyes.
Steve stopped.
“Tell who?” he asked. “Tell them what?”
Eddie sighed.
“It’s your birthday, man…” breathed Eddie. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Oh…” said Steve. He could feel his face heat up. “I don’t… I guess its not a big deal for me… Not for years…”
Eddie nodded solemnly.
“You’re too good for us, Harrington,” said Eddie, shaking his head. “I saw what you did for Robin’s birthday. Did she remember, at least?”
Steve didn’t say anything. He knew he’d probably get a frantic apology and a card tomorrow. It wasn’t like he was going to hold it against her.
“Pizza and beer isn’t exactly the five star treatment you deserve,” said Eddie. “Hope it’s enough to, you know, make today not suck entirely,”
Eddie waved his hand around in a circle, as if gesturing to the very day itself.
“This actually might be the best end to a birthday I’ve ever had,” admitted Steve. “So, you know, thanks. For doing this for me, I mean,”
“Thanks for eating all the olives,” joked Eddie, draining his beer bottle. “Besides, any excuse to hang out with you, I’ll take it,”
“Yeah?” asked Steve, his voice smaller than he expected.
“Yeah,” answered Eddie gently. “I like being with you,”
Steve’s stomach lurched. He followed Eddie’s gaze to the moon. She was beautiful tonight and Steve felt safe the cool glow she cast over them.
“How did you know?” asked Steve, playing with the hem of his sweater. “Or like, care?”
“Saw it on your license a whole back,” Eddie answered, lighting two cigarettes at once and handing one to Steve. “And I cared because… Because I care. I didn’t want you to be sad on your birthday,”
“Oh,” said Steve meekly. “I’m not sad. Not now. I’m happy now, so it worked,”
Steve took the offering of the cigarette and sat back in his chair, looking at his hand and the subtle hint of ‘don’t go’.
“Did you have a birthday wish?” asked Eddie, holding up the still-lit match. It was burning quickly down towards his fingertips.
“Just one…” said Steve slowly, looking through the flame at Eddie.
“A person?” asked Eddie.
Steve gulped, and nodded.
“So make it,” Eddie said. “Don’t tell me, or it won’t come true,”
Steve blew out the flame, still gazing into brown eyes, watching them turn black when the light was gone.
Eddie’s watch beeped. It was midnight.
“Didn’t come true,” said Steve sadly, his eyes still fixed on the point where Eddie had been holding the match between them.
“Give it time…” said Eddie softly.
Steve took a long drag of his cigarette and wondered if this is what every night would be like. If his wish came true and he got exactly what he wanted, would he sit out here and smoke and stare at the stars and listen to Eddie talk every night? Was he allowed to have that?
“I wished for the person that makes me happy,” said Steve, not looking over at Eddie but feeling bolstered by weed and boldened by beer.
“It won’t come true now,” teased Eddie, his voice low.
“Even if I tell them?” asked Steve, turning to look at Eddie. He looked into Eddie’s eyes again and thought of all the things he wanted to say. He felt something shift between them when Eddie didn’t look away.
“I made a wish on my birthday too,” said Eddie. “That didn’t come true either,”
“What did you wish for?” asked Steve.
Eddie’s arm flopped between their chairs, his cigarette burning steadily between his fingers.
“To make someone happy,” he said.
“Like…” whispered Steve.
Steve slowly moved his hand so it brushed against Eddie’s, the backs of their fingers rubbing together. Steve hooked Eddie’s pinkie with his own. Eddie looked at their hands and smiled gently.
“Yeah,” said Eddie quietly.
Steve hummed.
“Guess I just needed to wish for it too,” said Steve.
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greenorangevioletgrass · 10 months
give me a minute (1/2) | chef luca
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pairing: chef luca x ex-wife!reader word count: 4.7k warnings: established former relationship, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, discussions of separation and divorce, luca and reader has a son, unresolved sexual tension 👀 notes: this fic has been the bane of my existence for the last couple of months or so. it all started as a simple thought of "ooh it would be fun to have a steamy smut with ex!luca" and then it turns into a whole thing with like proper angst and stuff lol. this will be split into two parts, and i think i need encouragement to finish the second part. so please enjoy this first part and tell me what you think! ✨follow @ficsbygreenorangevioletgrass and turn on the notifications to get alerted of my latest fics! ✨
03:49 PM
Everything is fine, you keep telling yourself.
Your soon-to-be ex-husband is flying in from Denmark to finalize the divorce—and even after two years of exhaustive paperwork and mediations and court proceedings, you still don’t know how to feel about this. His visit to New York is meant to be a consolation prize for your six-year-old son Alfie, whose only facetime with his dad lately is through… well, FaceTime. But, given how extraordinarily difficult he’s being—fussing over his breakfast, stalling shower time by a record of 48 minutes, refusing to wear anything you picked out for him… you have an inkling that he might be a little nervous to see his father.
And to make matters worse, it’s raining cats and dogs outside, which delays Luca by two hours now and actively threatens the zoo outing he has planned out for him and Alfie.
So… despite the shitstorm that is happening in your apartment and out, you keep telling yourself that everything is fine.
Because it is. Your home is tidy enough, with all the toys and the mess tucked away in their little cubbies. Your son is dressed up enough; he’s finally put on his pants and shirt, although you missed a button and he won’t let you fix it. The storm is outside, and you’re safely sheltered in. And your relationship with your ex is civil enough, so you feel…
Fine enough.
But the doorman buzzes in, and you can definitely tell the awkwardness in his voice. “Afternoon, Ma’am. I have your husband— I mean, Chef Luca— I mean Mr. Bailey—”
You sigh, not having the energy to let this go on. “Yeah, yeah. Send him up.”
Alfie looks up from his coloring book and practically jumps out of the couch. “My tummy hurts, I’m gonna make a doodie!”
“No running!” You remind him just a second too late, watching him dash over to the bathroom and slamming the door closed. He has a nervous stomach just like you, and as you feel the icky twist in your gut… you can’t help but empathize with his antics today. You would be fucking shit up too, if you only could.
There’s a knock at the door, and you brace yourself as if you’re about to let the storm itself in (although, quite frankly, you probably are). Your hand feels clammy, and you have to wipe it off on your dress before you unlock the door and turn the knob.
If the storm was a person, you wouldn’t have associated it with the man standing before you. So tall and broad and sturdy. With boyish features and dark blond locks like gentle daylight. It feels like a reach to imagine the seven years of your relationship with him was, indeed, an epic fucking hurricane.
You can’t help that you miss him.
“Come on in.” You step aside, not really meeting his gaze.
He murmurs a small thanks and apology, a staple combination in Luca’s British vernacular, as he squeezes in through the door with his duffel bag and suitcase.
“I thought you’d dropped these off at your hotel before you came here.”
“I know. I was going to, but…” he puts down his bags close to the jacket closet, like he always does, “But I got held up for ages and traffic was awful and I didn’t want Alfie to wait even longer, so…”
“Right.” You nod absently. “Well. He’s in the bathroom, should be out in a second, so… have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?”
“Um, water’s fine.” He takes his seat on the dining table.
You’re not sure which one is more jarring; the sheer familiarity of this, or the fact that it isn’t anymore. The two of you just hovering in the home you used to share, courteous but distant.
Luca looks around the place, and notices all the differences right away. You kept the glass dining table and two of the chairs, but changed the corner seating into a plush dining bench against the kitchen island. He recognizes Alfie’s favorite stuffed bunny on the couch, although the throw pillows were new. But he takes one look at the wall… and his heart drops.
Gone are any traces of him in the snapshots of your life. The pictures are all of you and Alfie—eating ice cream in the park, grinning and showing his first lost tooth, dressed up on Halloween… He really shouldn’t be surprised or disappointed to find the wedding portrait gone, or the vacation selfie in Italy four years ago. But it hurts quite a bit to find a generic flower portrait replacing the picture of him kissing you on the forehead while Alfie, laying on your chest, merely hours after his birth.
“Yeah, I…” you clear your throat as you hand him the glass of water, “…did some redecorating.”
“It looks good.” He manages a stiff nod, taking a hesitant swig of water.
“You look…” good, you want to say. Because he is. He’s got that tan and the haircut that reminds you of when you first met him years ago. But you can’t say that. So you settle with, “You look well.”
He meets your eyes, really meets your eyes for the first time, and you try to convince yourself the little flutter you feel inside is just your nervous stomach. But he smiles, soft and earnest. “So do you.”
You turn back and open the fridge, welcoming the cold air and how it cools down the burning warmth on your cheeks. Trying not to freak out and decide what you’re getting, so you don’t look like an idiot. Your hand grabs a can of ginger ale, and you sigh in relief.
“How’s Alfie doing in school?”
“He’s doing alright. He’s enjoying his art classes. Math is still a struggle, but Ms. Rashad says his reading is quite advanced for his age.” You relax a little bit into the conversation. The topic of your son resets you a little bit into a somewhat common ground as co-parents. Plain and simple.
“Definitely takes after you. My dyslexic ass could never.”
You smile at that. Small jokes are still there, always a good sign.
“And the, uh…” he lowers his voice, “the anxiety?”
“Comes and goes. He’s been complaining about a stomach ache all day.” You glance towards the bathroom.
He frowns in concern. “Should we go check on him?”
“Sure…” You walk together with Luca following suit, tentatively knocking at the door. “Alfie? Hey bub, how’s your doodie?” It sounds silly, but you find it helps to ask open questions instead of showing your worries outright.
A flush from inside. “There’s no doodie,” he hollers. His voice is murmured from the barrier, and then the running tap water.
You catch the unease in Luca’s features, and you feel a little bad for him. It wouldn’t feel great that your own son is nervous to see you after many months apart. “You wanna come out, then? Your dad’s here.” You try to sound cheerful and upbeat, hoping it’ll hype them both up.
The two-second gap never felt so long. But the door opens, and there he is, standing meekly against the frame. Staring up at you and then at Luca.
Luca’s heart nearly stops as those big doe eyes stare up at him, a spitting image of you. The same softness. The same spark of stubbornness.
The same vulnerable look.
“Hey, bub.”
“Can I get a hug?”
There’s a brief pause, before he steps forward and throws his arms around his father’s middle. Luca grunts softly, a little surprised by the sheer force Alfie is hugging him, his heart swelling three times over.
“Oh my God, look at you!” He ruffles the boy’s dark hair and kneels down to level with him. His cherubic face is small cupped in his large hand, but not as small as Luca remembered it. “You’re so tall now!”
“Of course. I’m 3 feet and 8 inches tall now. Right, Mommy?” He proudly announces, getting the exact height completely memorized.
“That’s right,” you confirm with a grin. 
Luca gasps, a smile blooming on his face. “What?”
Alfie nods. “I’m gonna be as tall as you.”
“No! Don’t grow up so fast!” He playfully cries out.
“Because I won’t get to do this anymore!” Luca seizes his boy into his arms and sweeps him off of his bunny-socked feet, sending Alfie into a fit of hysterical giggles.
The sight makes you chuckle, but the feeling could bring Luca to happy tears. He’s been gone for so long, he’s afraid he’d forget how it feels to hold his son in his arms again. Or worse, that his son would find his presence alien.
But he’s here now. With you and the son you share. Attacking Alfie in tickles and noisy kisses, and letting the boy climb him like monkey bars. And it calms his anxious heart a bit as he reminds himself, everything’s fine. 
And as things fall back into place, thunder crashes outside, as if sobering all of you back into reality. Alfie shirks into himself, climbing off of his father’s back. You want to reach out for him so badly, but at the same time, not wanting to interrupt his bonding time with his dad.
“It’s okay, bub. It’s just thunderclap,” Luca soothes emphatically over the sudden silence, bringing Alfie back down to his feet. He smooths his son’s hair gently, comfortingly. “I got you, I got you…”
“Do animals even come out in the rain?” Alfie is back to his withdrawn self, mumbling his words and avoiding Luca’s gaze.
“Some animals actually love playing in the rain,” you chime in helpfully.
Luca keeps his tone cheerful and bright. “Yeah, and you can wear your raincoat and your wellies and I’ll even let you jump in puddles—”
“I don’t wanna do that! I wanna stay home!” He whines, voice raising a little.
“It’s your dad’s time—”
“Alfie.” Your tone is firmer now, as he struggles out of his father’s arms and runs to his favorite corner of the couch in the living room, holding his stuffed bunny tight. 
But Alfie’s got a point. This is not the kind of rain where you can take a leisurely stroll in. No, this is the kind where you stay huddled inside and hope it doesn’t flood the streets. Luca takes a thoughtful look at Alfie who is sulking and shrinking from the sound of thunder, at the window completely obscured from rain, and then at you… offering an apologetic smile.
So much for quality time with his son. 
Luca’s heart sinks a little. He sighs in defeat. “Maybe we should just wait it out…”
“Are you sure? I mean, you flew 9 hours to see him—“
“And I don’t want him to be pissed at me the whole time we’re hanging out,” he reasons. “Besides, I don’t think any Uber would take our order at this time.”
It makes sense, you think. As much as you want this awkward little broken family dance to end, you know that staying in and waiting it out is the best option. Alfie would feel much more comfortable at home than in whatever hotel Luca is staying in. And maybe it’s your protective side talking, but if he ever gets fussy, you’d prefer to be around to deal with it.
“Alright, fine.”
“Yeah? Is that okay with you?”
You shrug. The truth is a little more complicated, but ultimately you settle with a simple, “yes.”
Alfie takes a quick glance at you and Luca emerging from the hallway (you have your mother’s side eye, Luca always said), before returning to fiddling his stuffed bunny’s ears (your father’s neutral look of disapproval, you would say). Like clockwork, Luca takes the seat next to Alfie, while you take the puffy stool in front of him.
“That wasn’t very nice of you to raise your voice at me and your dad like that. I get that you’re nervous about the weather—a bit startled, too— but still. We don’t raise our voices in this household.”
Alfie looks at you and Luca. “I’m sorry.”
Luca nods in acknowledgement. “I’m sorry for being late, buddy.” He gingerly reaches out to touch the boy’s hand. “You’re right, though. It might be best to stay in for a bit.” He motions at the rain hammering down on the window outside.
“I told you. I wanna stay at home.”
“I know. And we are for now. We can…” Luca scans around for something to do. His eyes fall on the coloring book and the open box of color pencils next to it. Bingo! “We can… color some drawings in that book?”
He pouts, not entirely sold on the idea but not outright refusing it either. 
“Or, hey, I got some new drawings on me. You can color them, too.” Luca takes off his hoodie and shows off the tattoos on his arms.
God, you forgot about the plethora of trashy tattoos adorning his skin. Even worse, you forgot how it highlights the defined curves of his biceps. Focus, for fuck’s sake! You avert your gaze towards the flower portrait on the wall. 
Alfie perks up a little. “This is my old drawing.” His tiny finger pokes at his forearm, on a tattoo of a stick figure climbing up the stairs. “You still have it?”
“Of course. It’s there forever. I’ll always have it.” Luca finds himself choking up at that simple admission. A little token of childhood of his ever-growing love. “Go on, get your crayons.”
Alfie looks at you as if seeking permission, and it makes you want to laugh that he shares the same animated eyebrows as his father. 
“Go ahead, bub,” you usher him off lightly, and as soon as he’s out of sight, nods at your ex. “Good save.”
Luca half-smiles. “Thanks. You should chill out. Read a book, take a nap or something. I got him.”
“What, are you trying to kick me out?”
“No, I just—”
Your smile breaks out. “I’m kidding! Go hang out with Alf. I got a Zoom meeting in a few minutes anyway.”
He sighs in relief, chuckling lightly. “You almost got me there…”
You briefly pat his shoulder and for an even briefer moment, his hand is atop yours. The big ‘A’ tattoo on the back of his hand—your son’s initial in a bold Gothic letter— serves as a reminder of what’s past; a whirlwind romance, the wild days of being a family of a merry band of misfits…
Misfits. That’s the biggest takeaway here, you suppose. Your pieces don’t quite fit right. Not without little Alfie gluing you together. 
With a final squeeze on Luca’s shoulder, you make your way to your bedroom, making space for Luca’s puzzle pieces to fit with Alfie’s because they don’t fit yours anymore.
05:04 PM
By the time your Zoom meeting ends, the pelting rain outside is louder and the chatter inside is nearly inaudible. It feels nice for about ten seconds… until you remember that you have a six-year-old at home and long bouts of silence can be quite… well, suspicious. You pad out into the hallway to check on him.
“Let’s see. You wanna do the sunflower next? What do you think, my love?”
Oh right. For a moment, you forgot that the thirty-year-old other parent is here with him.
Luca has his t-shirt sleeves hiked all the way up, biceps in full display as Alfie colors in a tattoo on the back part of his upper arm. The boy’s tongue sticks out and his eyebrows furrow in focus. It seems like a delicate operation between them, so you linger out of sight for just a while longer.
“Why do you like sunflowers, Dad?”
The two of you have always supported his inquisitive mind, and he missed these kinds of questions most of all. Even if the answers can be a little complicated. “Because of your mum, actually.”
“You like it because Mommy likes it?” Alfie’s little nose crinkles.
Luca chuckles in amusement, sensing the judgment in his son’s tone. Damn you guys for teaching Alfie not to get carried away by trends. “Well… when your mum and I first met, it was winter in Chicago and it’s pretty bleak and gloomy and freezing. But, your mum had a little sunflower by the window—just like that one.” He glances at the little potted sunflower on the windowsill. “She said it’s a reminder to let the sun shine in. I thought it was adorable. We started doing that everywhere we lived and… I don’t know, it reminds me of home.”
“Do you have a sunflower by your window, Dad?”
His heart catches as he realizes the answer. “No, I don’t…”
“Why? You don’t miss home?”
There’s a sharp pang of hurt in hearing that innocent query. The apartment in Copenhagen, as nice as it is, has never been much of a home for Luca. He would get up before the sun is up and return from work late at night—lather, rinse and repeat. On his days off, he would either go on a morning run and spend much of his time outside, or sleep til noon and live on instant ramen and takeout. There’s no time for a sunflower by the window. No room. He made sure of that.
He doesn’t deserve one after leaving his wife and son for fucking Noma. 
Luca swallows back the lump in his throat, although the slight waver in his voice gives him away. “I got my sunflower right here, bub. My little piece of home.” He taps on his arm softly as his son finishes up. 
Alfie hums, pleased with how the tattoo looks, now filled in with yellow and black and brown crayons. “I think this is my favorite one.”
“Yeah? Not the tabasco?” Luca grins, looking down at his forearm—specifically at the mostly accurate red and green of the hot sauce bottle.
“No…” Alfie taps his chin with his finger thoughtfully. “This one is prettier.”
Luca maneuvers around to look at the sunflower tattoo a little better. “You’re right, it is much prettier. Maybe I should get the colors in permanently, huh?”
The boy’s face lights up. “Can you?”
“Yeah. I think I will. Nice job, my little tattoo artist.” Luca pulls him into a bear hug and kisses the top of Alfie’s head. 
You can’t help but chuckle, glad to see them bonding again, lost in your thoughts for a moment.
“Mommy! Dad says I can be a tattoo artist!” Alfie snaps you out of your reverie.
“Is that right?” Your eyebrows shoot up, struggling to maintain a neutral expression while staring at Luca like with all due respect, what the fuck?
He raises his hands in surrender. “I just said he’s my little tattoo artist, that’s all.”
“I colored in all of Dad’s tattoos! Look!” Alfie tugs at his dad’s arm, beaming as he shows off his work.
You step forward, studying the results of the tattoo makeover. Every single tattoo is colored in; some accurately, like the sunflower and tabasco, while others (like the purple fish and chips and blue scotch bonnet)… not so much. You don’t know which one’s more amusing; your son’s artistic style, or your ex’s bashful look as he models the art works on his arms. 
“Looks great, bub. Well done!” You ruffle Alfie’s hair, enjoying his improved mood.
“Can I watch Bluey now?”
You purse your lips comically. “I don’t know, bub. Why don’t you look at your checklist on the fridge and see if you can?”
Alfie bounds past you, towards the fridge, and reads the checklist out loud to himself. “Have you… brushed your teeth? Yes. Brushed your hair? Yes…” He flattens his wavy locks with the palm of his hand, continues reading with a lower murmur. “Mommy, I did everything except tidy up my room and play outside for 30 minutes!”
“Okay. Obviously we can’t play outside, so… why don’t you just go clean your room and I’ll let you watch Bluey for a bit?”
Alfie gamely nods and goes into his bedroom, his bunny socks muting his footsteps against the hardwood floor.
Meanwhile, it takes you an extra beat to realize how close you’re standing with Luca without your child between you. He rolls down the sleeves of his black t-shirt sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. 
“Your meeting went okay?”
“It’s alright.” You look at literally anything but the man in front of you, ultimately stopping at your potted sunflower by the windowsill. “That storm out there, on the other hand…”
You take an inconspicuous look at the hallway, making sure your son is out of earshot. “Weather reports say it might last a few more hours.”
Luca huffs, trying not to stress out about the possibility of street floods. Of all the things he missed, New York thunderstorms are not one of them. Still, this shitty weather has granted him some time with his son, at his former home… with his former spouse. And God, does he miss this more than he dreads the weather…
“Want me to make you guys dinner?” He offers earnestly.
You pull back, returning to your normal volume. “Oh. No, you don’t have to—”
“I don’t mind. Really. Might as well, right?”
You hear heavy footsteps from the bedroom and Alfie hollers from the hallway. “I’m all done!”
“Don’t forget your crayons!”
Alfie promptly makes a beeline towards his leftover mess. “Heard, Mommy.” He hurriedly puts his crayons back in the box and rushes into his room to put it away. Returning mere moments later with a newfound spring in his steps. “I’m done for real! Now can I please watch Bluey now?”
“I can cook while he gets his screen time.”
The two boys look at you with their best puppy eyes, and it’s the most disarming thing you’ve seen in a while—and the resemblance between them only makes things worse. You playfully roll your eyes in relent. “Alright, alright. Go ahead. Watch your TV and make your dinner.”
There’s a quiet little yesss from Alfie as Luca low-fives him before they scatter, one to the living room and the other to the kitchen. For a moment, you feel like you were transported back in time. For the first time in over two years, you’re caught between cartoon sounds from the TV and the kitchen alive again. All was well in the household. 
“Is he still a picky eater?” Luca mouths the last two words inaudibly.
You raise your eyebrows in confirmation. “All he wants to eat is chicken nuggies.”
“I can do chicken nuggies,” he shrugs easily, rummaging through the freezer and takes out a pack of chicken breasts. “Or some version of that.”
Upon overhearing the key word, Alfie’s head all but whips toward Luca. “We’re having chicken nuggies for dinner?”
“Er, kind of.”
“Can I help?” He perks up from the back of the couch, excitement bubbling over.
Luca smiles apologetically. “Maybe later, my love. Daddy’s gonna be using a big knife…” he says as he checks the blade closely, swiping it with his thumb. “…which is dull, by the way. When was the last time you sharpened this?”
“I… have no idea.” You frown. You don’t even remember sharpening any knives… ever. Meanwhile, Luca simply rummages through the kitchen drawer, which makes you ask, “What are you doing?”
“I’m sharpening it,” he states matter-of-factly, already setting up a makeshift sharpening station which… what?
“Didn’t even know we had that,” you murmur plainly as you watch him work. Taking out a block of whetstone from the drawer (where did that even come from?) and running it under the sink. Laying out a kitchen rag and the stone on top of it.
He chuckles a little, scraping the blade against the stone at an angle, firmly but carefully. “Can’t leave you good Santoku knives without the proper sharpening tools, right?”
“You never taught me how to do it, though.”
“Yes, I have.”
“No, you haven’t.”
“What are you talking about? Back in Chicago, I—”
You burst out laughing. “Oh my God, that was one time forever ago! And you never let me sharpen the knives. You literally always do it.”
He pauses, grinning bashfully. “Fair…”
For the umpteenth time that day, Luca’s heart catches—this time from hearing you laugh. Your warm voice rings so pleasantly in his ears, and the way your face lights up… he almost forgets there’s a storm outside, because he’s got a lovely summer day right here in front of him.
And honestly, what is beautiful sunny Copenhagen compared to this warmth of the two people he loves the most?
“Alright, alright. You want a refresher? Come here.”
You gingerly take the place next to him, arms crossed so as to not invade his space. Neither of you say anything when your shoulders brush against each other. It’s brief, painstakingly so, but eerily familiar. You wouldn’t admit that you want to stay pressed against him a little longer, but… you do.
“Okay, so. You see this bit right here?” His finger runs up the line where the blade flattens into the edge. “Rest the knife on the stone on this angle, start from the heel—near the handle— and just… bring it in,” he demonstrates the inward sliding motion—short and precise and repetitive, “and work your way up to the tip.”
You silently watch him work for a moment, handling the knife. Firm and steady, but not harsh. On the contrary, it’s almost… delicate. You’ve seen many chefs work in your lifetime, but no one is as composed or stoic (or handsome, but that is beside the point) as Luca. It’s quite fascinating. 
“And you do this on both sides, right?” You vaguely recall.
“Good memory.” He nods appreciatively. “Some people like to do each side one at a time, back and forth, but I like to do one side, get that burr forming…”
“What’s a burr, sir?”
Luca chuckles at your little Hamilton reference. “So when you work on this side, you’ll feel a nice little rough bit forming on the other side like this.” He slides his thumb from the knife’s spine to the edge and carefully guides your hand through the motion. “Feel that?“
Yes. That should be an easy enough answer, because yes, you do feel the rough edge of the excess metal on the blade. But it’s a bit hard to focus on that when you’re more fixated on the rough calluses of his fingertips instead…
In theory, playing a knife with your almost ex-husband is as bad as a bad idea can get. In practice, though… Having your hand in his again, feeling him so close to you, smelling his perfume…
“That’s the burr. Once you get it on one side, you can switch over to the other side and balance it out.” His voice is lower now. Softer. “And you just… do it over and over again until you’ve worked off the burr and have a smooth and sharp blade.”
Luca switches the knife to your other hand and stands behind you, hoping to God you can’t feel his pounding heart as his chest presses against your back. Gently guiding you through the sharpening motion—the firm, steady, angled scraping of the blade towards you. You swear to God, every pull brings him just a tad closer.
“So you basically have to break the knife a little to fix it?” 
“That’s basically it, yeah.”
The storm feels miles away. His hands are still curled against yours. His chest flush against your back. His body heat emanates from within him and shrouds you like your favorite cardigan.
“Listen, I—”
“Thanks… for the refresher.” And with that, you put the knife down on the kitchen rag and pull away.
It takes him an extra second to snap out of it and step back to make way for you as you retreat back into your bedroom. “Yeah, yeah. No problem.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck your fucking life to hell.
if you've reached the end of this page, thank you so much for reading! do tell me what you think, reblog, send me asks, thoughts, ANYTHING. i would LOVE to hear your opinion!!!
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faux-ecrivain · 6 months
’Yan’ Roommate
(Eight Official Post)
(This one could be viewed as platonic obsession, also in this story you (the darling)  is at least 26-32. Of course, feel free to change the age.)
(Yandere’s name is Lucas)
Yan Roommate who only roomed with you because houses are expensive.
Yan roommate who absolutely despises you, not because you’re annoying, but because you’re nosey. (Always asking about his day, his dates and so on.)
Yan roommate who goes out of his way to sneak in when he’s been out late, just to avoid your questions. (It doesn’t work, obviously, you always stay up late waiting for him)
Yan roommate who absolutely cannot bring anyone over, because you immediately start acting as though he’s going to marry them. 
You beckon him to the kitchen, a mischievous smile on your face. “oh, Lucas, is that your date? She’s so cute!” You compliment his date, which makes Lucas somewhat uncomfortable. “Is she hungry? I made dinner!” You hand him a plate, still warm as you had it plastic wrapped, and he resist the urge to groan. 
He thanks you for the plate, but informs you that his date has already eaten. He winces when your face slips into an expression of disappointment. “Sorry, y/n, but thank you for the food.” He apologizes to you, but appreciates what you did. (Later when the young woman went home you kept sending him knowing looks and teasing him about how cute they looked together)
(It’s clear you’ve already planned their wedding, cooked a full dinner for the two of them and you give him one of those sly looks when you leave them alone.)
Yan roommate who, despite your nosey behavior, actually likes having you around (because you make him feel cared for).
Yan roommate who begins to view you as a parental figure, a guidance of sorts. (You’re so much better than his parents and you actually care about him!)
Yan roommate who gets drunk one night and then starts talking to you, being more vulnerable than usual.
“Y/n, i love you sooo much, you’re sooo nice to me!” He slurs, clearly meaning platonic love, his words muffled by your stomach. (As he latched his arms around you when he entered the house) 
“Yoooouu would make such an amaaaazing parent!” He giggles, snuggling close to you and refusing to let you go. You chuckle and pat his head, his behavior is so amusing. “Well, I am a parent, Lucas.”
Yan roommate who is absolutely flabbergasted to learn all this, you don’t look like a parent. Then you tell him that you adopted some kids when you were younger. 
“Whaaat?! You’re a parent?!” He exclaims, clearly surprised by such a thought. “But you don’t look like one!” It all makes sense now, your caring behavior and your tendency to worry is clearly because you view him as a child, your child, he doesn’t know how to feel about that.
Yan roommate who gets mixed feelings when he hears this, one the up side at least he can have the parent he always wanted, but he’s also an adult and feels a bit insulted that you treat him like a child. But then he thinks some more and decides he wouldn’t mind being your kid. (Take that how you will)
Yan roommate who cringes when be remembers how yesterday went and he swears he’ll never drink again. 
However his opinion on being your child still hasn’t change, but he has feeling that it might make things awkward if he said that.
Yan roommate who’s becomes reluctant to invite other people over to your shared apartment, because then he’ll have to share you with them and he doesn’t want to do that. He eventually stops bringing his dates over and stops mentioning you to his friends.  (He’s touched when you express your worries that he might be mad at you, now he knows you care about him.)
Yan roommate who explains that he doesn’t want anyone to steal your attention, he’s somewhat offended when you laugh at him, but he’s calmed down when you reassure him that that’ll never happen. (So he, reluctantly, begins to invite his friends and dates over. (However, anytime they’re over he’s increasingly clingy and defensive over you, which prevents any visitors to get to know you. Whilst, also preventing them from coming over again)
Yan roommate who pouts when you tell him not to scare off his friends or dates, he pouts even more when you encourage him to  get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend, whichever). Then you tell him to get out of the house more and that he doesn’t need to hover around you, which just upsets him and then he argues that he doesn’t need anyone else when he has you. 
Which then causes you to chastise him, which upsets him (everything you do upsets him) and then he storms off to his room like a moody teenager (mainly because he doesn’t want to argue with you and partly because he feels a strange satisfaction knowing that you care so much about him)
Yan roommate who can’t help but smile when you apologize, saying that you shouldn’t have pushed him and that he should socialize on his own terms.
Yan roommate who’s absolutely ecstatic when you gift him a present to make up for your mistakes. He immediately forgives you, but only under the condition that you don’t make him socialize (unless he wants to).
Yan roommate who panics whenever you leave the apartment, what if someone takes you from him? (He doesn’t want to lose another parent!) 
Yan roommate who throws a fit when you get back, shouting all sorts of nonsense about how you’re trying to abandon him and how you don’t love him anymore. (Meanwhile, you’re completely confused, because all you did was go buy groceries)
Yan roommate who makes you promise to stay with him and makes you swear not to leave him behind. 
(Apologies that this isn’t the best and might be somewhat incoherent, but at least I posted today! I’m open to criticism and I hope you enjoy this.)
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Not many people write for Twilight anymore! I'd love to see the Cullens(separate) with a mate that has a young child in her care. Could be her own or she adopted the child when her parents(family friends of hers with no other family) passed away. Thinking she'd be about 18 and the kid is 2 yrs old. Please and thank you!!!
Cats in the cradle(Cullen family)
Paring: mother!Reader X OC!Child, Mate!Reader X Cullens(separate)
Carlisle cullen:
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You had a son named Jason from a previous relationship. His father is a good dad but the relationship between you and him didn't end well.
Carlisle first interaction with Jason was when he broke his arm on the playground and had to get a cast.
When you and carlisle do start your relationship carlisle works hard to be a good father figure and you can tell he genuinely cares for him.
Like I said before his real dad is a good dad but he's not around much which causes Jason to he closer to carlisle is some ways.
If your son is in Marching band or sports, what ever the case is carlisle will go see your son do what he dose best.
Carlisle would do anything for your kid. He wants to play baseball he'll teach him, he wants to watch a movie carlisle would build a theater room for him. Carlisle spoils him.
Carlisle protects him and you both from the supernatural world as long as he can.
Carlisle asked Jason what he thought about marrying you and Jaosn was over the moon excited. He got to be carlisle best man and everything.
Jason will call him pops or old-man.
As he gets older he'll start wanting to be around Carlisle more and even wants to go to medical school like him.
Emmett cullen:
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Your the oldest Clearwater sibling and you have a five year old sister named Lily who turned five when your dad died.
She's been around Emmett since she was two and she's always loved him. At first Emmett would be scared to be around her or hurt her.
It didn't matter to her cus' she'd always follow him around when she was with you guys.
She'll always want to play games with him and help work on cars with him.
She thinks he's a giant and thinks of him as a big brother.
When Harry died all she wanted to do was be around you guys. At the funeral Emmett held her as she cried.
Emmett always knows how to make her laugh. You can't take those two anywhere 😂
Those two have millions of inside jokes
Edward cullen:
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You Became a teen mom unexpectedly and the father of your daughter Phenox couldn't care less.
You we're embarrassed to tell your new boyfriend Edward about the situation, not about your daughter(you loved everything about her) but mostly the stuff leading up to your bundle of joy.
Edward didn't care and wanted to be a the father to her like Carlisle had done for him.
Sometimes he'll do the wrong thing with good ententions. Like if your daughter wants to watch a horror movie he'll let her so she's happy. The down fall is her nightmares. He'll balme himself for a couple of days and keep apologizing to you both.
She loves to when he reads to her. His voice is calming in her opinion.
He's very over protective.
Her mind makes him laugh. It's always thinking of something joyful or silly.
At some point she calls him dad and he's over the moon about it. The family has never seen him so happy.
Jasper Hale:
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About two years into your relationship your aunt and uncle died unexpectedly. They left behind your three year old cousin Lucas, and thats where you and Jasper come in.
When you got the call about becoming his legal guardian you didn't hesitate. Jasper was a little nervous about, but he wasn't gonna say no.
When you first brought him home Jasper had no idea what to do, he's never been around a kid that age before. Maybe Renesmee but she was only three for about four days and he was gone all that time.
Lucas settled in with the family quickly and over time Jasper and him grew super close.
Lucas loves history so he's always wanting war stories from Jasper.
Jasper would do anything for the kid and thinks he's the only pure thing in his life.
He strives to be a better person because of Lucas.
And Jasper thinks lucas is his kid no matter if they Share the Same blood or not.
Esme Cullen:
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Esme is a mother at heart so she immediately took your two year old son under her wing.
She loves Danny with all her heart and felt she finally had a family.
Danny loves helping her with anything and everything. He just wants to be around her.
Sometimes you joke Danny loves her more than you.
Danny calls her mommy and you mama.
He feels so lucky to have two amazing moms like you two.
Rosalie Hale:
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You Became the Gardian of your little brother Tom after your parents lost him through CPS. Knowing how awful your parents are you immediately brought him home with you to the Cullen.
Carlisle said he could move in mean he'd be around Rose more often. Rose always wanted to be a mom so she immediately took the roll as the amazing step-mom
She always wants to babysit and take care of him. She'll get him anything that his heart wants.
She'll read to him every night and if he wants to sleep your guys bed he will.
Tom loves her and thinks of her as a amazing step mom but still sees you as his sister. When he got older you explained everything to him. After that he didn't care and still saw you guys as his care givers and loving parents.
Alice Cullen:
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Can't say much about this one. You have a Son named Owen and it was totally unexpected when Alice started dating you.
She's not awful to him at all it's just she doesn't know how to interact with him.
They have small talk if it's just the two of them but other than that is not fun to be together with out you.
Over time the two got used to each other but at the same time the two bickered.
Alice truly dose love him like her own son but doesn't know how to show it. She's protective and over time it annoys Owen.
You and Alice have had fights about owen but it's never serious. Owen and Alice relized they had to learn to live together if they want to be with you so they did.
Other than that Alice and owen are cool with each other, they're just not as close as you wished they were.
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munsonsprincess11111 · 3 months
The visit
Eddie munson x Henderson!reader
Summary: Suzie comes to visit Dustin which some how wraps you and eddie into the mix.
Laying peacefully in bed. Your head on eddies chest. Naked under the sheets. Skin touching. His arm around you as you lay at his side. Your arms wrapped around his slender waist. The clock reading 1:43 pm. What more could you want? Nothing could ruin the moment. Until...
On your bedroom door
"We're back with Suzie come say hi don't be rude." Dustin shouts from the other side of the door waking eddie. Then his running footsteps could be heard. Eddie groans rubbing his eyes. You sit up in bed kissing Eddie sweetly. As you pull away he attempts to chase your lips. But gives up throwing himself into the pillows.
"Morning baby." You say stretching before getting up looking for you pyjamas.
"Afternoon more like." Eddie says glancing at the clock. You both slip your pyjamas back on. Eddie hugs you for a moment and sways holding you. "Common let's go meet Dustins not so imaginary girlfriend." Eddie says kissing your head.
He opens the door for you and you both exit. Walking to the living room eddies arm over your shoulders keeping you close to his side. Dustin hears you before he sees you.
"Finally. Suzie this is y/n. Y/n this is... Why is Eddie here?" Dustin completly trails off starring at Eddie.
"Cause he's my boyfriend n it was late. Hi Suzie I'm Dustins sister nice to meet you." You say stretching nearly accidentally hitting Eddie from how close he was stood next to you. You rub his arm in apology.
"Nice to meet you y/n." Suzie smiles giving you a small wave.
"And this is Eddie you know my D&D club leader I told you about." Dustin gestures to Eddie.
"Oh yes Dustin has told me lots about you." She smiles at eddie.
"Nice to uh meet you." Eddie says still half asleep.
Dustin shows Suzie around the small house and you and Eddie head to the kitchen. You sit in the side as he puts the kettle on making you, your mum and himself a coffee as he refuses to let you do it when he's over due to you burning yourself once. "Your so good to me." You say as Eddie steps between yours legs. He burries his face in your neck arms going to your waist.
Dustin and Suzie walk into the kitchen and Eddie untangles himself from you going back to the coffee task. "Did you seriously only just wake up?" Dustin asked sitting at the small table with Suzie next to him.
"Yes n if it was up to me n not your loud mouth we would still be asleep." Eddie complains half for getting Suzie there. But not enough to not make her and Dustin hot coco. "Here." He slides them a cross the table to the too
"Why won't you let y/n do it?" Dustin askes
"Cause I burnt myself once n he won't get over it." You mumble sipping your coffee as Eddie takes your mum hers rolling his eyes. "He can't say I don't try he's just a drama queen."
"First I'm dungeon master it's my thing. Second I'm not being responsible for if u burn yourself again you was a baby last Time." Eddie says kissing your cheek.
"Hey Eddie..." Dustin askes. Eddie turns so he's stood between your legs with his back to you looking at Dustin arms crossed over his chest. Your arm that isn't holding coffee goes around him. "What?" He answers simply.
"Do you wanna I dunno would you mind taking me and Suzie to the arcade I wanna introduce her to Mike will and Lucas... And then back here..." Dustin askes hastily.
"Only if y/n comes so I'm not a total taxi driver." He answers leaning fully back into you. "I'll come." You say sipping your coffee.
"Well there's your answer." Eddie says. You lean a cross and put your mug in the sink. Both your arms going around his neck. His hands to your legs and and slide to his back. "To my bedroom. I gotta get dressed." You say as Eddie walks out the kitchen with you in his back.
"I hope were like them two one day. They seem so happy, and in love and they act like it's just them two in the world." Suzie says smiling at Dustin sipping her drink.
"Once you get to know them more you'll realise were more like them then you think trust me." Dustin says finally holding her hand. Which she blushes and smiles at.
In your room Eddie throws you on to the bed. Jumping in you as you giggle. "Where the black Lacey top and the black leather mini skirt. I'll give you my leather jacket to go with it." Eddie says kissing you.
"Why?" You giggle.
"Cause you look hot in that outfit and I'm going to willingly give you my jacket." He says rolling off of you to find some of the clothes you'd stolen.
You both get dressed and enter the living room.
"Let's go kiddos." Eddie says signalling for the door. Suzie and Dustin walk out hand in hand smiling. Eddie glanced you up and down. "God I love you in that jacket." Eddie says playfully throwing his head back.
"Mmm and I love you in just the demim over vest really shows yours tattoos." You say walking over to him.
"I love you."
"I love you most."
"Come in Romeo's gonna start shouting at Me if I don't hurry." Eddie says gesturing the door for you. As you close the door and look around you see Dustin and Suzie kissing and then pulling away. Eddie takes your hand and walks down to the van.
"Hey babe?" He says opening the sliding door for the two. "Yeah? " you answer as he slams the side door and them opens yours. Which you happily jump into.
"Remember when we was that awkward?" Eddie whispers and giggles.
"Yeah I remember when you first kissed me and you went as red as a tomato and started stuttering." You laugh putting a hand on his cheek.
"Shhh don't tell them." Eddie says kissing you then closing the door.
He gets in the drivers side and starts the van.
"Red as a tomato huh?" Dustin says to Eddie from the back of the van.
"Shut it Henderson or I'll tell the whole club how awkward that kiss you two just shared there was." Eddie half threatens to which Dustin takes his hands.
"Rights let's go." Eddie pulls out of your driveway and rests a hand on your thigh as he drives to the arcade. Dustin and Suzie are talking and blushing. You can't help but remember when it was you and Eddie sat in the back of the van talking, blushing and giggling and you smile, happy that Dustins found what he never thought he would find.
You look over to Eddie to see him with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. One hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh. He glances over at you and smiles. "Love you." He says as he blows the smoke out the window.
"Love you more." You say taking his hand in yours.
"Love you most." He smirks kissing your hand with a loud 'mwah' sound.
"Huh you bitch." You say smirking kissing his stubbly cheek.
"You love it." He smirks
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Everybody Talks (Best Friend!Eddie x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You've worked hard to keep your crush on your best friend a secret, since he doesn't feel the same way. But when the Hellfire Club members open their big mouths, it threatens everything you've tried to hold together.
Warnings: some angst, fluff, mentions of financial insecurity
WC: 1.5k
“Pizza’s here!” you call out, carrying a stack of pies into the Wheeler house. “I got one pepperoni, one mushroom, and one plain for all the boring people,” you tease, looking directly at Eddie as you say it.
“I prefer classic,” he retorts, taking the boxes from your hands and setting them on the table. The rest of the guys start to crowd around him, paper plates in hand, practically drooling at just the sight of food. “Hey, hey,” he chastises, pushing them out of the way, “ladies first.” He offers you a plate and you take a slice, quickly moving aside before you’re trampled by the herd of hungry teenage boys.
“So,” Gareth says to Eddie between bites, “your last Hellfire campaign is over and done with. How’s it feel?”
“You wish,” Eddie scoffs, plopping down next to you on the sofa. “Just because I’m graduating doesn’t mean I’m done kicking your asses in D&D.” He chugs his plastic cup filled with Mountain Dew and wipes his lips with the back of his hand. “Anyone else want a refill?” he asks, shaking his empty cup before looking over at you. “Oh, shit; you don’t have anything to drink. Diet Coke, right?” Before you can protest that you can get it yourself, he’s up and pouring you a glass.
“Thanks,” you smile, taking a sip. The bubbles fizz on your tongue as you lean back, careful not to get too close to Eddie. Not that you don’t want to; the mere thought of him draping his tattooed arm around your shoulders makes you giddy. 
Just a few more months, you think to yourself, and I’ll be off at college, meeting new people, and I won’t have to worry about my embarrassing crush on my best friend.
“You guys ready for prom tomorrow?” Mike asks, interrupting your pity party.
Jeff nods. “Just gotta pick up a corsage for Barb, and she’s getting me a, um, a…”
“Boutonniere?” you fill in helpfully, and he snaps his fingers and replies, “yeah, that thing.”
“What about you?” Lucas pipes up, turning to Eddie. “You ever decide who to ask?”
“Oh, he decided,” Jeff laughs, earning a scowl from his friend. “Too bad she decided to go with Jason Carver.”
Dustin throws his hands up in exasperation. “Dude, you’re still hung up on Chrissy Cunningham?” He rolls his eyes. “I told you; she’s sweet, but she’s not your type. You need someone who’s as nerdy as you are.” His eyes scan the room. “You know, like Y/N.”
You feel your cheeks burn with humiliation, not at Dustin calling you a nerd; you know he means that with utmost affection. It’s not even the idea of Eddie asking you out that has you nervous; it’s the prospect of him laughing at the thought. You’ve done a great job hiding your puppy love a secret from him, and you’d like to keep it that way.
“Ha!” Gareth barks out. “She wishes!”
No. No no no.
Tears spring to your eyes, and you can’t think of a decent excuse to leave before you’re dashing through the door, letting the screen slam behind you. There’s no lie in what Gareth said; you do wish Eddie had asked you to prom. Every time that the subject of the dance came up, you’d waited with baited breath to see if he’d say something to you. But he’d always ignore it, eager to move on to the next topic. And now you knew why: he wanted to take Chrissy, but she was in love with someone else. How ironic.
You’re almost at your car when you hear the squeak of the front door opening. “Sweetheart, wait!” Eddie shouts, probably a bit too loud for the short distance between you two. “I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” you tell him softly as he jogs over to where you’re leaning against the passenger side door. “‘S not your fault.”
“Kinda is,” he shrugs, bringing you to the front steps and motioning for you to sit next to him. “I mean, I was the one who went to a freshman for romantic advice. That’s the last time I do that; I don’t care how nauseatingly cute he and his singing girlfriend are.” He gives a small chuckle, but neither of you meet the other’s gaze.
Hold on. Freshman? Singing girlfriend? “Eddie, what are you talking about?”
Eddie stops gnawing on his lower lip long enough to answer you. “I’m talking about you being embarrassed by Henderson’s painfully obvious last-ditch effort to get me to man up and finally ask you out.” His brows furrow when he sees your similarly confused expression. “That’s not…what are you upset about?”
“Um, Gareth blabbing to everyone that I wanted you to ask me to prom?” You finally allow yourself to look at him, noticing the dejected look on his face. 
“I couldn’t do that,” he mutters, resting his palm sideways over his mouth and shifting his body away from yours. His words come out all muffled, but you can still make out what they are.
“I wouldn’t have said no to you,” you reassure him, mustering up all of your courage to place your hand on his bouncing knee. He relaxes almost immediately, but he still seems sad. “Eds, what’s wrong?”
His eyes are misty when he turns back to you. “I couldn’t ask you to prom because…because I couldn’t afford it,” he confesses, twisting his skull ring around his finger anxiously. “The tickets, a tux, those fancy wrist things…best I could do is steal some flowers from Mrs. Wheeler’s garden.” He hums out a sad laugh. “‘M sorry, sweetheart. I wanted to take you, but I knew I’d just be letting you down.”
“But Jeff said you were going to ask Chrissy,” you point out.
Eddie shrugs. “Don’t get me wrong; Chrissy’s nice and everything, but I just said that so he’d get off my back. Because if I told him the truth, he wouldn’t shut up until I made a move.” He sighs. “His dad’s a lawyer, and his mom runs her own business. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to worry about having enough food in the house, let alone all the extra shit like prom.”
You’re quiet for a beat, letting everything sink in. You knew Eddie lived in Forest Hills Trailer Park, and you knew money was often tight. Wayne worked hard to keep a roof over their heads, but the plant didn’t pay nearly enough. There were many occasions where you’d spotted Eddie eyeing something in the grocery store and instinctively thrown it in your cart for him, but for some reason, it hadn’t even occurred to you that finances was the reason he’d avoided talking about the prom.
“I wish you’d told me,” you finally say. “I would’ve understood.”
“Yeah, I know.” Eddie rubs his nose against his hand, another nervous tic of his. “That was never the problem. You’re the most understanding fuckin’ person I know. You just…I dunno. You deserve the whole ‘prom’ experience, not whatever half-ass version I could offer you.”
At that, you can’t help but giggle. “Eddie,” you begin, “do you really think I wanted to go to prom so I could wear a fancy dress and uncomfortable shoes in a stuffy gym? I just wanted to dance with you, and then spend the night on your couch watching stupid movies and eating junk food and talking shit about everyone who was there.” You look deep into his chocolate brown eyes, nearly losing yourself in their beauty. “I just wanted to be with you.”
Eddie stares at you, gaze traveling down to your lips. “Can I kiss you?” he asks, voice barely above a whisper.
“If you don’t, I’ll kiss you.” 
Your mouths crash together clumsily, but you’re too happy to care. You soak in every part of it: Eddie’s stubble rubbing against your chin, the way he tastes like stale cigarettes and marinara sauce, his curls brushing your cheeks. He only breaks the kiss to take a breath, and then he’s back, more purposeful in his movements the second time around. He brings his hand to your jawline, caressing it gingerly with his thumb as he parts your lips with his.
“Can’t believe I just did that,” he muses, smiling at you shyly. “Been wanting to kiss you for too goddamn long.” He leans in, frowning when you place your hand on his chest to stop him. “What?”
“You gotta take me on a date before you kiss me again,” you inform him, lacing your fingers through his. “When are you free?”
“Uh, right now? We can grab ice cream at Scoops. Lemme just get my keys.” He stands up quickly to head back towards the house.
“Wait, Eddie,” you call out to him, “what about the guys? And pizza night?”
“Who cares? I have a date with the most beautiful girl in Hawkins.”
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moonpascaltoo · 1 month
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all steve harrington stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, let me know <3)
a/n: so embarrassing please ignore this. this is the same post. i couldn’t edit it whatsoever. some links weren’t working so i deleted the original. so i apologize for doing this again and retagging writers. (had to split it into two parts)
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✰ steve harrington one
✰ @bimbobaggins69
          ☾ his good luck charm
                    ⌗ king!steve getting a little frisky before the basketball game because he swears you’re his good luck charm
✰ @forever-rogue
          ☾ friends with benefits
✰ @nexusnyx
          ☾ dirty dancing
                    ⌗ When Steve went to the address for investigating purposes, the last thing on his mind was stumbling upon one of the most beautiful sights he's ever seen. It happens, though, and he convinces himself that meeting you was only a thing of the moment, until he encounters you outside the cinema a week later, crying. He does something about it.
✰ @silkscream
          ☾ power trip
                    ⌗ you and steve settle your differences when he drives you home
✰ @thursdaygxrls
          ☾ fast times at family video
                    ⌗  steve’s great a flirting. that is, until robin gets involved.
✰ @quin-ns
          ☾ crushes, chaos, confessions
                    ⌗dustin knows how steve feels about you and he can’t stop himself from spilling his best friend’s biggest secret to you.
✰ @familyvideostevie
          ☾ henderson!reader
✰ @yellowharrington
          ☾ favour for a favour
                    ⌗ steve has a big ol' crush on the girl that trades him pastries for movies every week.
✰ @freelancearsonist
          ☾ whole
✰ @superblysubpar
          ☾ sincerely, yours
                    ⌗ a movie night, a confession, an offer, your Calvin's bunched up on the floor of your best friend's BMW...and other places
✰ @murdockparker
          ☾ paralyzed
                    ⌗ She walked in on a Friday afternoon. Steve needed nothing more than to get to know her--if only he could find it in himself to speak to her.
✰ @appocalipse
          ☾ that guy
                    ⌗ After he's been to yet another failed date with yet another random pretty girl, Steve Harrington, your best friend, stops by at the diner your family owns for a late-night chat, same as he'd done a thousand times before. Steve is totally unaware of how much he's hurting you with his endless parade of dates, because after all — the two of you are only friends and nothing more, right? It's not like you have any secret feelings for him…
✰ @megxplryxb
          ☾ romance is dead, isn't it
✰ @hellfireclubmember
          ☾ pretty girl part 2
                    ⌗Dustin can't stop talking about the sub he got to fill in for Lucas, making Steve want to smash his head into a wall. That is, of course, until he sees you.
✰ @calumfmu
          ☾ baby, no attachment
                    ⌗ the 5 times Steve Harrington was an asshole to you, with the 1 time, he revealed his true self.
          ☾ the kings reign
                    ⌗ King Steve, the stupid nickname you had heard your entire life. The rumors, the huge ego to match. It was everything that made you hate him, especially when your best friend wouldn't shut up about him. Robin was forcing you to be friends with him, but it wouldn't stop the passion you had dedicated to wanting nothing to do with him. 
✰ @judeswhore
          ☾ tell me that i'm all you want
                    ⌗ everyone in hawkins knows about steve harrington’s somewhat infamous past and with your relationship being new and a little devil on your shoulder you start to worry if you’re simply just his next play thing
          ☾ blurb
          ☾ out of your league
                    ⌗ steve’s friends refuse to believe his secret girlfriend is the pretty girl from the bakery and are more than a little surprised when you actually show up.
✰ @taintedcigs
          ☾ fall into pieces
                    ⌗ steve comes in his pants from eating you out. that's the plot.
✰ @strangerstilinski
          ☾ it just takes a kiss
                    ⌗ based on that scene in tasm where peter spins gwen around to kiss her — with just a dash of enemies to lovers
✰ @thecreelhouse
          ☾ handle with care
                    ⌗ Eddie and Robin think Steve needs to get out more, but he ends up in what he believes to be the wrong place at the wrong time, until he meets you.
✰ @s-brant
          ☾ jealousy, jealousy
                    ⌗ Nancy and Y/N are best friends. The problem is, Y/N and Steve have been secretly hooking up for weeks, and when Nancy asks for advice about possibly getting back together with him, Y/N doesn’t know how to feel.
✰ @goldustwomun
          ☾ bags
                    ⌗ you'd loved steve since you were fifteen, followed him wherever he went. so when you were finally over him, stumbling home with another man clinging to your side, why was he waiting by your doorstep?
✰ @loove-persevering
          ☾ grand gesture
                    ⌗ reader is seeing how close Nancy and Steve are and the looks they give. When the Reader goes to Eddie Steve gets confused and a little jealous because he actually has feelings for her.
✰ @refiwrites
          ☾ moral of the story
                    ⌗ Steve was still in love with Nancy, it was clear as day. 
✰ @chestharrington
          ☾ for a good time call!
                    ⌗ In the Summer of 1985, Steve's social standing is at an all time low. In an act of sheer, pathetic desperation, he calls a phone sex hotline. Little does he know, his dream girl from the hotline is just an escalator away.
hopefully all links work, let me know if not <3
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munsonthings86 · 1 month
Heyy are you still taking requests??
If so can I please have a Steve Harrington x Sinclair!reader blubber or one shot please. The idea is that this takes place like around season three (or just awhile after Steve and Nancy’s breakup) and Steve and Reader have been getting closer because of all of the events that were going on in the show. And reader realizes that she has been falling for him but the problem is that she’s close friends with Nancy but feels weird for liking her ex. But like Nancy pretty much hints to her that it’s fine and whatever.
Love you work thank you 🫶🏾💜
hi love! thank you for the request & sorry abt the wait! but i hope you enjoy! <3
wc: 3.7k
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What is one supposed to do when they just so happen to fall for their ex-girlfriend's best friend? It was a daunting question that rattled around Steve's mind with harsh clangs, making him toss and turn in bed when he tried to sleep. The poor thing even resorted to counting sheep when the only thing he could see behind his closed eyes was your pretty face that made him so pitifully nervous.
Liking you was troubling. It was divine and dreadful all at once.
The divine. Steve could easily recall the first time he met you like it was his favorite scene of his favorite movie.
Billy's 1979 Camaro made a loud screech when he drove up to the Byers' home unwelcomed. He brought mayhem as he searched for Max, unhesitat to torment your little brother Lucas in the process. You were fearless when giving Billy a piece of your mind, calling him all kinds of inglorious names and jabbing your finger at him when he sneered at you with that Hargrove smirk you despised.
Though you were undoubtedly no damsel in distress, clearly knowing how to stand your ground, Steve had unfaltering determination as he went to defend you and your sibling. He threw the first punch at him, knowing that Billy wasn't the kind of person that responded well to empty threats.
Unfortunately, that was his last lucid memory from that night.
Steve would (reluctantly) admit that he didn't end that brawl unscathed, but his heart certainly grew a couple sizes for you when you tended to his wounds soon after. Gentle with his cuts and bruises, you'd shyly smile and mumble little apologies when he'd hiss and flinch.
Steve had already known of you and seen you around school, sure, but this was his first time truly in your presence.
There was something so calming and warm about it.
But one thing that Steve wanted etched on his mind forever, was the Snowball of '84.
The blue glittery dress you wore adorned your figure perfectly, hair framing the beautiful picture of your face. You were there as a volunteer, chaperoning the middle schoolers but Lucas but in particular, as you grew fiercely protective over him after uncovering the deep secrets of Hawkins.
Steve was practically drooling as he gazed at you from his car, no longer able to focus on whatever it was Dustin had been rambling about. Handing out cups of punch to kids in line, your smile was bright and glittering while you shared a conversation. With Nancy.
The dreadful. It was your relationship with her that spared you of Steve's magnetic charm. Other than his newfound shyness, of course.
Nancy and you were two peas in a pod, rarely ever being seen without the other, especially when Lucas and Mike became friends. The two of you were always on study dates, had each other on speed dial, and even had friendship bracelets with the other's initials donned on your wrists. She was more than a best friend to you. More like a sister, you thought.
But Steve couldn't help himself from lingering a bit after he would drive Lucas home from whatever nerdy activity he needed a ride back from. The tenderhearted boy was beautifully uncreative in his efforts to get your attention, as he used any and every tactic imaginable.
He'd ask you about the book you were nose-deep in, though he knew damn well the title would soon be forgotten once the conversation was over. He'd tell you about his favorite shows and movies when he caught you in the living room struggling to find something to watch. He even offered to teach how to drive when you casually mentioned something about getting your license.
Soon enough, shy waves and awkward small talk turned into late nights listening to Fleetwood Mac and intense game nights of Monopoly and Scrabble.
Steve didn't win at Scrabble too often. He kept trying to play words that simply just didn't exist.
It was June of 1985 and school had been out for the past couple weeks. Scoops Ahoy, a new ice cream joint that Erica was adamant to drag you to at least three times a week, became your new favorite place when you saw Steve behind the counter.
"Nice outfit, Harrington," you giggled, and though he knew you weren't really making fun of him, Steve blushed away, eyes shifty. You often left a little tip in the jar when you'd leave, thanking Steve for his hospitality and influx of free ice cream samples.
Today was different, though. Steve was unable to ignore the disappointment that overwhelmed him when your little sister had shown up without you. He nodded his head at her as she neared the counter, "Where's your sister?"
Erica cocked an eyebrow, hand dropping down onto her hip. "I'm sorry, do I look like her keeper? I'm just here for my usual, sailor man." Steve fixed his gaze on the blue and white clock on the wall that's arms pointed to read 12:17. Usually you were here to collect your fair share of free dessert too, but it was nearly rush hour and your favorite flavor was running low.
"Well no, but she's your keeper and I'm just a little curious, is all," he corrected, spooning a hearty serving of peanut butter chocolate swirl onto a cone. She tapped her foot impatiently, waving her hand to suggest that she wanted a second helping. If you want information, it comes with a price. His eyes were squinted at her before he rolled them, giving in to her wishes.
"Here, that's all you're getting. Now spill."
Her smile was wide when she took the cone from Steve's hand, finally satisfied. "You really need to work on your customer service skills," she pointed, a look of disapproval weighing on her face when she turned to look at Steve.
"She's at home. I think. I don't know, I haven't been there in a few hours. She could be in another country for all I know," she paused to take an obnoxious lick, "Pleasure doing business with ya', sailor man!"
Steve watched as she skipped back to her busy swarm of friends whose cackles and squeals could be heard from worlds away. He looked down at the array of ice cream in front of him, frowning at the puny supply of your favorite. Grabbing a to-go cup from under the counter, Steve garnered as much as he could of the dessert, some of it spilling over when he covered it with a plastic lid.
Robin peered over his shoulder as he scribbled something on it with a permanent marker, though she wasn't able to decipher Steve's dodgy handwriting.
"I'm going on break, cover the front for me," Steve announced, making his way out of the parlor. His stride was hasty and confident.
In the distance, he could hear the smirk in Robin's voice, "Tell her I said hi!"
2550 Maple Street. Steve rolled slowly past the creaky mailbox that read 'The Sinclair's', careful not to drive over the yellow tulips by the driveway that your mother spent all spring gardening. They were coming along really nicely.
Every once in a while, Steve would ask to help her with all the weeding and trimming and other maintenance that she often called a headache. Never in a million years did Steve think he'd be so avid for a girl and her family's approval that he'd become a part time florist, but here he was.
Surveying himself in the rearview mirror, Steve plucked off the silly sailor hat that crowned his head with a huff before aimlessly tossing it, getting it as far from his self-proclaimed best feature as possible. His fingers busily shoveled through his thick tresses, searching for the perfect marriage of tousled and tamed.
To say Steve was a bit on edge was a terrible understatement. The feeling of his stomach pulling into a tight knot at the mere thought of you was something so foreign to him. He hadn't felt this way in such a long time, especially not since he'd been with Nancy. It was refreshing but damn stressful.
But you were well worth the stress and queasy stomachs.
Steve hurriedly dusted himself off, wishing he had enough time to drive to his house to change into a less ridiculous outfit. He just wanted to look his best for you.
Approaching your dark green painted abode, mumbled words of encouragement poured out of Steve's lips. He spoke with his hands and made little faces, and he had no doubt that he looked like a crazy person to your neighbors that walked by.
His fist somewhat stalled when he raised it to the wooden door, his little pep talk had only done so much to boost his confidence. But it was too late to turn back now, he thought. He left three knocks to the door anyway, figuring that he already made it this far.
With his gaze set on his shifty feet that stood on the tawny welcome mat, his heart felt sharp against his ribs when the door abruptly swung open. "Steve?"
He looked up with wide eyes only to find your younger brother, eyebrows pulled together. He had the landline clutched close to his chest, seemingly on the phone with someone.
"Sinclair! Just the person I was looking for," he watched as Lucas' fingers twisted at the lock of the gold door knob idly. The cozy smell of breakfast wafted towards Steve. "Sort of," Steve added, shrugging.
"What's goin' on?" Lucas blinked at him in anticipation.
"Nothing much. Just lookin' for your sister," he said, tapping his finger on the bowl in his hand. He squinted at the sky, peeved, cursing the searing heat of the sun. That ice cream was melting like an ice cube in a desert. And his sweaty palms surely weren't helping its case.
Lucas scanned the yard, finding that Erica's bike was missing. From what he could remember, he heard her yapping something about hanging out at the mall, however many hours ago.
"She's probably at Starcourt terrorizing the world like usual, you might wanna look there," he pointed with his thumb. Steve could hear an irked voice spouting from the phone, wondering where Lucas had gone. Max, he assumed.
He chuckled, leaning against the door frame, "Yeah, you’re not wrong." Though Erica didn't particularly struggle to ruffle up people's feathers, Steve was actually growing to find the charm in her temperament. He even caught himself fighting to cage his laugh at her snarky comments more often than not. Hanging around her so much will do that to you.
"But your older sister, I mean. She here?"
Lucas gestured upstairs to your room, stepping aside to make way for Steve. Mumbling a thanks, he abandoned his sneakers by the door, per your mother's usual request, and trekked up the staircase— butterflies reckless in his stomach.
You tried your hardest to maintain your composure as you listened to the slow thuds of approaching footsteps. It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to know it was Steve. Not only could you pick out his voice in a crowd of countless people, but from your window, you spied his parked maroon BMW in the driveway. It was hopeless to try biting back the smile that crept up when you heard he was there to see you.
The bedroom door wasn't closed but Steve knocked anyway, calling out for you in a soft tone. Heat rushed to your chest and ears at the sound of your name falling from his pink, plush lips that you so badly wanted to kiss.
It was romantic thoughts like those of Steve that spread guilt through you like venom, knowing that he was Nancy's ex after all. It had been your shoulder that she cried on when her relationship with him ended, and you easily felt like the worst friend imaginable when you found yourself falling for him.
You managed to keep your bond with him strictly platonic, but boy was it difficult.
"Steve?" He smiled when you peered around the door, features posing a coy smile of your own. His hand shyly waved at you while the other stayed tucked behind his back, "Hey, you." He shuffled into your room, appreciating the way your shaggy rug felt delicate and feathery on his aching feet that he'd been standing on for too many hours.
Your bed squeaked when he sat in the space next to your abundance of stuffed animals that Steve liked to call the "wardens" of your bed. It was so adorable to him how gingerly you took care of them– even murmuring a little apology when you bumped into one by accident.
He let out a soft laugh when he glanced at you, mindful to not stare at you, though that's all he really wanted to do, "You still in your pjs?"
Nothing but tight shorts hidden beneath a baggy band shirt draped your body. While Steve thought you looked utterly perfect, you suddenly felt awfully naked.
Shaking off the fuzzy warmth that rushed over you, you scoffed, crossing playfully defensive arms over your chest. “You should be the last person talking about outfits," your eyes scanned his tall, slender frame.
Steve's jaw fell open, theatrically appalled at your quip.
“Oh, don't act like you don't love me in this outfit, princess,” he smirked. The nickname made your nerves all fiery and tingly. "I see the way you stare at my legs when I'm in these shorts. My eyes are up here, FYI."
With your head falling back, an echoing giggle escaped you. It's a laugh so pretty and sugary, it could sweeten even the most sour lemon.
Steve couldn't ward off the reddening of his cheeks.
"In your dreams, Harrington," you replied, plopping yourself in the chair by your vanity. You distracted yourself from Steve's teasing with tidying the clutter that obscured the desk. The nerves you felt would only further ignite if you kept looking into his warm eyes.
"Well, despite the minor insult to my uniform, which I'm not gonna take personally," he beamed, finally revealing what he had hidden behind his back, "I got somethin' for ya." His teeth trapped his bottom lip in its constraints, eyes wide with anticipation as you inspected your little present.
The cup was wet with condensation and leaking melted ice cream but underneath it all read, "something sweet for a sweet girl :)".
And just like the ice cream, you melted.
"Steveee," you gushed, licking off the dessert that dripped onto your fingers that were growing frigid. "You came over just to bring me ice cream?" The smile you wore was glittering and well worth the effort.
Steve was all mumbly and shy when he responded, "Well, I know it's your favorite and that was the last of it, so," he shrugged before he could give himself the chance to ramble.
You wrestled the urge to swoon. How could one person be so adorable? And why did that one person have to be your friend's ex?
"Well, that's very kind, Stevie. Thanks," you beamed.
"'S no problem," he shrugged with a shy smile, taking a glimpse of his watch.
He had a mere twelve minutes to get back to work on time. "Shit, I gotta get back before Robin kills me, but I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Later, Steve."
Rising from your bed, he made his way to your door. His footsteps were slow and hesitant, as he seemed to have something on his mind. You were following behind him when he spun around suddenly, your bodies nearly colliding. "Actually, there's somethin' I wanted to ask you," his eyes were squeezed shut while he pointed as he spoke.
His face was flushed and his feet tapped at the wooden floor rapidly. You don't recall ever seeing Steve so nervous. "Yeah?"
"There's some house party tonight that I was, uh, thinking about going to. I was, you know, hoping that maybe, you'd wanna go with me? Like a date?"
Your mouth was open but sentences, words, really any sound at all, failed to come out. The boy you'd been crushing on for weeks that felt more like years, had finally asked you out. And you had no choice but to say no.
Your silence was deafening. "Or maybe we could go to that carnival? I could win you another warden for your bed," he laughed.
"I'd really like that, Steve, honestly, but–"
"Nancy," he finished, eyes diverting to his feet. His fluffy brunette hair blocked your view of his face. It wasn't fun seeing Steve who you're so used to joking with look so down.
"I could, maybe, talk to her?" Your tone was quiet, but hopeful.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna come in between you guys."
"Don't worry about that, her and I will be fine," your smile was confident but deep down you weren't as optimistic as you let on. Nancy and you made a promise to each other to never let anything like secrets or dumb boys ruin your relationship. But, here you were. "Now, go, your break is almost up."
"Okay," he grinned, "I'll see you tonight?"
Nodding, you waved him goodbye, watching him retreat downstairs. Your back leaned against your door when you closed it, before you looked over at your soupy ice cream, defeated.
How could you choose between your best friend and the boy you were crushing on? It shouldn't even be a question, really. The guilt was already gnawing at you mercilessly.
The cards you held were sticky on your clammy palms. The echoes of your talk with Steve just a few hours prior were intrusive and blaring. Taking a sip of whatever was in your red solo cup, you tried to drown out the roaring voices of the people at the party, along with the thumping music that numbed your ears.
Your leg was impatient and desperate as it shook up and down, doing its best to repel the anxiety that bit at you. It certainly didn't help that Nancy was sitting right next to you, oblivious to the stolen glances and sneaky smiles you and Steve were exchanging all night.
Rubbing your stomach that felt queasy and pulled into a knot, you hadn't noticed that it was your turn to play. You weren't entirely sure you even remembered the name of the game you found yourself in.
"Hey, are you alright?" Nancy's hand fell onto your thigh, running a comforting thumb across your skin. Her blue doe eyes searched your face, though she's known you long enough to already know that you were far from 'alright'.
"Yeah, why?" Your lips were pulled into a tight smile, trying and inevitably failing to give your best impression of a genuine grin. And of course, Nancy sees the way you aren't seeing her. When you mindlessly played a random card, your eyes were fidgety and unfocused– a clear sign that you were frenzied.
"Cause you look like you're about to throw up," her eyebrows were pulled together in concern as she continued to probe, "Seriously, what's wrong?"
A dreary sigh escaped you as you cursed yourself for not being as discreet as you hoped to be. You should've know that someone you considered your sister would be able to see right through you like glass.
"It's just," you hesitated. It was now or never. "Just-"
"Steve?" Her voice lowered when she said his name, noticing the way your face shifted and became an odd mixture of relieved and confused. Your head snapped in her direction, finally meeting her gaze for the first time that night, it felt like.
The thrashing of your heart almost made your chest ache, as you appeared to be caught in some kind of lie. You didn't tell a lie, really, but you certainly didn't feel like a noble friend.
Studying her face, you scoured to find any hint that she was about to start tearing into you, calling you every wretched name in the book. Honestly, you wouldn't blame her if she did. But there was a subtle smirk on her face. A stark difference in the expression you imagined she'd be wearing upon finding out about your little puppy crush on Steve.
"How'd you know?"
"I mean, it's no secret you guys have been hanging out lately," she laughed a bit, taking your hand in hers, "and I see the way you look at him. It's the same way I used to look at him."
Words completely escaped you. Your eyes and mouth were agape, in awe of Nancy's poise. It was one of the things about her that you deeply admired. "Nancy..."
She squeezed your hand, shaking her head, "No, it's okay. I was the one who broke up with him," she glanced over to where he stood in the kitchen, downing his drink before disappearing into the backyard. "Besides, I'm with Johnathan now and I'm happy."
You exchanged smiles as your nerves became the calmest they'd been in hours. "If Steve makes you happy, I'm not gonna get in your way. He's a great guy and I think you guys would be really good for each other."
Throwing yourself into her for a hug, you practically crushed her as words of gratitude spilled out of you. It was unbelievable how lucky you were to have someone like her. "You're the best, Nance." She shrugged as if it was nothing, a bright look on her face.
"Now go get him, I'll watch your drink."
Ignoring the protests from the others who were still in the game as you walked away, you dodged dancing and mingling party guests.
The backyard was a lot less crowded, thankfully, allowing you to easily spot Steve sitting in a hammock, tapping his fingers on a freshly opened beer bottle.
He wore light blue jeans and a yellow crew neck sweater, looking as good as ever. You couldn't believe that he was going to be completely and openly yours.
"Hey, Harrington," you basically skipped over to him, slipping into the space next to him. Your legs touched and you don't feel any guilt or urge to move away from him. It was so refreshing. "So, how 'bout that date?"
The smile Steve wore was well worth the stress and queasy stomachs.
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💌 1 new message from jojo: finally on summer break!! my inbox is open as always! feel free to pop in for a chat <3
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darkeralmond · 1 year
Luca smut… that’s the request, you pick the plot lmao
TYSM FOR THE REQUEST!! i am so obsessed with never have i ever so i just had to do this scene
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Study Session
Luca Fantilli x fem! Reader
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song: company - justin bieber
synopsis: y/n is luca’s tutor, and you’ve not been showing up to the past couple tutoring sessions. you and luca get in a huge argument and now you guys aren’t talking. he then crawls into your window and things get crazy
warnings: 18+, smut, p in v, she/her pronouns, luca calling u “good girl”, high school au!
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is based off that one scene with paxton and devi from never have i ever when he crawls into her window and kisses her. literally my favorite scene ever. i’m in love with him and luca. ALSO THE EDITS TO COMPANY WITH LUCA LIVE IN MY HEAD RENT FREE
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For the past couple days, Luca has been mad at you. The thing about Luca is that he was all beauty, no brains. He relied on his hockey abilities to score himself into college. He broke his arm while playing in a game which left him with a season ending injury.
Now he relied on your tutoring to help him get the grades for college. Even then, he couldn’t seem to pay attention when it came to that kind of stuff.
When Luca came up to confront you about you flaking on your guys’ tutoring sessions, it broke out into a huge public argument in the hall. In the heat of the moment, you screamed at him which you regretted deeply.
“Maybe, you should start studying on your own,” you yelled. “If you wanna be a good student, then be a good student! I can't hold your hand forever!” Like that, you stormed away. That single statement ruined that entire relationship you built up with him.
It looked like he took your advice however. He started getting A’s on his projects all without your help. You felt happy to watch him succeed independently, but it made you feel uncomfortable to know that maybe he never needed you after all.
You were laying on your bed while listening to music. You felt your phone buzz against your stomach which startled you. You had your phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode since you wanted some alone time without any distractions. You checked the notification and saw it was Luca texting you. You furrowed your eyebrows and read the text.
Can u let me in?
There was then a knock at your window. Your breath got caught in your throat as you shot your head up. You saw Luca outside your window while the rain poured down on him. You quickly threw your phone to the side along with your headphones and got out of your bed.
You rushed over to the window and unlocked it. “Luca?” you whispered. “You’re in my house?”
“Yeah,” Luca said as he looked around your bedroom. “I guess so.” He looked back at you with a smile on his face. His hair was soaking wet, his clothes were drenched, and he was in your bedroom. You blinked a couple times as silence filled the air around you two. “Look, I just wanted to thank you for pushing me to be a better student. It felt good to finally do something well in school.”
He had never been hotter. He shot you a look with his bedroom eyes, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to wrap your head around everything currently happening. “So…” you started, “Are you here to study or…?”
That was a great question, why was he here to begin with? Was he here to study for an exam? Was he here to apologize for the argument? Was he here… for you?
He simply shook his head and muttered, “No.” You continued staring at him as he stepped closer to you. He brought his hand up to the side of your face and tucked some strands of hair behind your ear.
His touch made your body tense due to the shock. He glanced down at your lips before meeting your eyes once again. He closed the space between the two of you and kissed you.
You kissed back, your eyes fluttering close as you placed your hands on his chest. Your heart pounded faster than usual as his tongue brushed against yours. Your body was humming. You melted in his embrace and let your fingers trace patterns into his wet shirt.
This was the best feeling you ever experienced in your life. Every fiber of your body was telling you to stay right there, kissing him. You figured he was here to just study or anything else, just not this.
You pulled away and looked into his eyes. “Y/N,” he husked. Your eyebrows raised as you anticipated what he would say next. “I need you.” He needed you? This stunned you even more. “Can I please treat you like you’re mine tonight?”
The way he said those words sent a thrill through you and ignited a fire inside of you. Without saying a word, you nodded your head as you stepped back toward your bed. You sat down on the mattress and looked up at him. The dim lighting created shadows across his face which made him look angelic.
With a smirk on his face, he sat next to you on the bed and pulled you close. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and peppered kisses on your neck.
His hands trailed from your hips to up underneath your shirt. A small gasp escaped your lips as his cold hands came into contact with your warm skin. His mouth returned to yours, his hands cupping your breasts that were still covered by your bra.
You let a small moan slip as the kiss went on and on, deepening. It almost hurt how much you craved his touch and how badly you wanted him. The only reason he didn’t get a reaction out of you is because you were trying to keep calm, but it seemed he could sense your desire and knew what he was doing to you.
You tugged off your shirt and tossed it to the floor. Luca leaned back a bit and gazed at your body. The moonlight hits your skin perfectly making it shine and glisten. He ran his thumb along the curve of your waist, his fingertips grazing across your hip bone.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he whispered as he threw off his own shirt. All of this was happening while your parents were downstairs. You felt nervous that they could hear you right now, or that they would hear you soon.
You turned your body to face him. He stared back with hooded eyes. The moonlight illuminated his handsome features in an ethereal light. Your breathing quickened with every passing second.
He teased at the strap of your shorts which was his signal for you to take them off. You did exactly that and revealed your matching pair of panties.
Luca groaned as his colored eyes examined your exposed body. You both stopped moving as he stared up at you. “Are you on the pill?” he asked softly.
Holy shit. He wanted to actually have sex with you. It was such an abrupt realization. It took you a minute to process. “Of course, I am,” you replied with a sigh.
He nodded his head, his eyes trailing down your body. “Okay, good.” He looked back into your eyes before messing with the buckle of his belt. “Take them off,” he said as he shot a glance down at your panties.
You slowly slid them off just like he said to. He nodded his head with a smirk spread on his face. “Good girl,” he rasped. “Now lay down.”
He got up from his spot on the bed which left you more room to lay. Once you settled down, he stood in front of you with a mischievous grin. He took off his boxers revealing his large erection. “Fuck,” you muttered as your eyes widened.
He ignored your comment and grabbed your waist. He pulled you closer to him before aligning himself with your entrance. You looked up at the ceiling, your breaths shallow and quick.
You felt nervous. What if you ended up getting pregnant? What if you sounded weird when you moaned? What if you got caught? Your thoughts were interrupted by him inserting himself inside of you.
Your breath hitched as your back slightly arched. His movements were gentle. He pulled out of you a little before thrusting back in with one powerful motion. Your back arched again, but you relaxed as you realized what it was like. He began to move in and out of you at a steady pace, filling you completely. You felt so full and comfortable, it felt amazing.
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply as you allowed him to take care of you, to take care of you for once. Quiet moans slipped from your parted lips as he thrusted into you.
He was slow and gentle, obviously treating you like you were delicate. You could even hear him groan out of pleasure. You bit your bottom lip as you looked up at him. His eyes met yours, both of you were panting. It felt good. You weren’t complaining, in fact, you loved it.
Luca began to speed up his movement as you both came together. He moaned as he held you tighter. “Fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna cum,” he groaned as he kept a steady pace.
He pumped in time with his thrusts. As he climaxed, you moaned as you came too. Once you finished, you laid there as he pulled out. You heard a loud noise coming from downstairs as you both tried to catch your breath after that unraveled in under one hour.
“Uh,” you said as you sprung up. “You need to leave, now!” You then heard your mom yelled out your name from downstairs. “Uh, coming!” you shouted back as you got up. You threw on your pajamas as Luca threw on his clothes.
“That was fun,” he smirked. “I should come over for more than just study sessions.”
You would’ve been flustered by that comment, but you were too worried about not getting caught. “Yeah, yeah! Go!” You threw your shirt on and watched as he threw on his own.
He winked as he hopped out of your window and looked back. “One more kiss?” he asked.
You sighed, “Yeah.” You placed a long, lingering kiss on his lips before pulling away. “Now leave!”
He chuckled, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smiled softly as you shut the window and quickly rushed out of your room. You just had sex with Luca Fantilli. Holy, shit. He did need you!
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bedsyandco · 6 months
Take me Back to the Night we Met
Summary: In which you’re dating one brother but in love with the other.
Note: This fic takes place last year when Adam was still playing at Michigan. I uhh- made Luca a bit of an ass in this, I apologize to my Luca girlies. Please remember that this is purely fiction. This is my first time writing Adam or Luca and for some reason this idea stuck with me so…I hope I did it justice! As always feedback is appreciated! <3
Requested: no
WC: 1.5K
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You rub your hands up and down your arms as a chill sweeps through the living room. You doubt anybody else felt it since they were all huddled on the dance floor, their dancing and body heat keeping them warm. You were standing towards the corner of the room, ignoring your friends’ pleads to join them and instead focusing your attention on glancing between your phone and the door every few minutes.
Michigan had won their game tonight, and Luca told you to head to the party straight after, he’ll meet you there. Except it’s been nearly an hour now and there’s been no sight of your boyfriend. Your eyes shoot up when someone’s hand lands on your arm and butterflies immediately explode in your stomach when you see Adam looking down at you, a grin on his face.
Those butterflies are immediately followed by guilt, because you shouldn’t have that reaction to him. In the year that you’ve known him Adam has become your best friend, the person who makes you laugh the hardest, the one who wipes your tears, supports you, listens without judgement. He’s without a doubt the best person you know. But despite being all those things there was one thing Adam Fantilli wasn’t…yours.
That honor belonged to someone else. His brother of all people.
You met them on the same day, at a party just like this one, but it was Adam who had his eyes set on you first. He was heading to the kitchen to get a drink when he spotted you sitting on the counter, swinging your legs back and forth, a jar of pickles in your lap. Adam smiled at the sheer absurdity of it, observing you for a moment before he said, “Do you make it a habit to raid people’s fridges at parties?”
“Not everybody’s. Only my brother’s,” you replied shyly
“Ah,” Adam says, as he made the connection that whatever football player was hosting tonight was your brother.
“Do you want one?” you ask holding the jar out to Adam, and despite pickles not being his favourite thing, he lifts himself onto the counter next to you, and takes a pickle.
The conversation flowed easily after that and Adam was absolutely smitten with you from the start. It’s like he was mesmerized by everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, the way your nose scrunched up when you ate a particularly sour pickle, the freckles dusting your cheeks, the dimples that appeared as you laughed at something he said.
Adam could’ve sat there and talked to you all night, and he probably would have had his brother not stumbled into the kitchen and found the two of you.
The worst thing is probably that Adam had to watch it happen. He had to watch how Luca’s eyes sharpened with curiosity, the way he introduced himself as Adam’s older brother, the way he accidentally spilled his drink on your top and had to help you clean it, like this was some meet-cute in a cliche movie. The way Luca charmed you and captured all your attention, because that’s just what Luca does.
The way you got drunker by the minute, dancing with Luca and eventually went home with him. Adam was the one who cooked you breakfast the next morning, trying to quell the jealousy he felt as he saw you sitting by the counter in his brother’s shirt. And when you went home later that day Adam was the one who had to sit and listen to his brother gush about how much he liked you.
Adam couldn’t even be mad, because he couldn’t help but wonder if he’s been doing the same thing Luca his entire life. Luca was the one who loved hockey and Adam begrudgingly followed, falling in love with the game along the way. He was the one who followed Luca to Chicago, only to become the best player on the team and attract the attention towards himself. People started referring to Luca as Adam’s brother, despite Luca being there first.
Luca never once complained or had any animosity towards him. He’s always been the best older brother, the most supportive. So Adam would be supportive in return, he’s only known you one night anyway, it’s not a big deal. Except when you and Luca started dating, you and Adam started hanging out a lot more, and the more Adam spent time with you, the more he fell in love. And Adam had a hard time giving up and staying away from the things he loved.
“Are you cold?” Adam asks concerned, shrugging his jacket off and draping it over your shoulders.
“Thanks, is Luca with you?” you ask and Adam frowns.
“Uh no, Luca’s already here. He’s been here for like a half hour already. He hasn’t come to find you?” Adam asks releasing an annoyed scoff when you shake your head.
“You played really well tonight,” you say and some of the tension leaves Adam’s expression, his shoulders visibly relaxing.
“Thank you. It’s cause you were there. I’m beginning to think I should take you with me wherever I go,” he jokes and you smile not voicing your thoughts that scream yes to whatever Adam wants.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he whispers tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Your body leans against the wall, Adam following, bracing his hands on either side of your head. The rational part of you knew that you were in public and even if you weren’t you shouldn’t be this close to Adam.
“Thank you,” you reply softly, as one of his hands slide to your waist, tracing patterns at the exposed skin there.
“Didn’t your paper grade come out today?” Adam asks, referring to a paper you had to write for one of your classes. You spent countless of hours on their couch writing that paper while they were playing videogames or watching TV. You were really nervous about the grade and had edited and re-edited it over and over until Adam read it through once, deeming it exceptional, and submitting it himself.
“Yeah, I got an A.” you admit a little bashfully and laugh at Adam’s reaction.
“Of course you did. I expected nothing less. It was a really great paper. Congrats, I’m so proud of you.” he says with a smile, pressing a kiss to your temple and cheek without thinking about it. It was hard not to love Adam when he did things like that. Remembered what was important to you and celebrated with you. Luca had skimmed the paper and deemed it boring, and he didn’t ask about it again.
It was hard not to compare Adam and Luca, because you knew them both so well. And although there were many similarities between them, there were also many differences. And it wasn’t that Luca was bad, he just…wasn’t Adam. Adam was everything you’ve ever wanted. And he was right there saying all the right things, doing all the right things. And all you wanted to do was kiss him. All the time. But you couldn’t, he was so close and yet…so far.
You wish you could go back to that night you met, knowing what you know now. Make it abundantly clear to everyone, including Adam, that you were only ever into him. That the hookup that happened between you and Luca was a drunken mistake, that lead to a friendly date and then an unhappy relationship. You didn’t know how to make it right. How to break up with Luca and be with Adam and not break anybody’s heart.
But you also didn’t know how long you can pretend to not be in love with Adam. You and Luca weren’t happy. Half the time it felt like Luca didn’t even want to be in this relationship. He was late for every date, missed all the important things in your life, never had anything but a surface level conversation with you, flirted with other girls and deemed “harmless”. It felt like you and Luca were platonic friends who kissed occasionally. You got yourself into this mess and you had no idea how to get yourself out unscathed.
You wish you could go back to the night you met Adam, and tell yourself to choose the right brother.
You wish you could go back to the night you met.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Do You Know What Shovels Dig? Graves Part 6
And this is it. The last part of a short little idea that kept me up all night that turned into this beautiful story that is one of my favorite stories I’ve written.
WIP Wednesday allowed me to finish this up for you before I went to bed. I got a job that I will be starting on Monday which will slow my writing down some, but I will still try to keep up on the stories I have. I love writing these stories for you guys and wish I could make it my job. But alas, capitalism.
Also this is for all the people that wished to see what the Corroded Coffin boys would say and for all the people that wanted to have Erica actually apologize. I was like “if you guys can get her to apologize, great, because I couldn’t!” But then I realized that there was someone who could get her to apologize. Robin. So here you go.
Thanks to that anon for the barbecue idea. That’s here too.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
After Max, Lucas, and Erica had gone, Steve sat with Eddie, El, and the Byers boys.
“I think all in all,” Eddie began, “those were some pretty good apologies.”
The other three nodded.
Steve sighed. “It doesn’t change the fact that it took an actual honest to god intervention to get them realize they were wrong.”
“No it doesn’t,” El said. “Which is why I told them that they’ve been grounded from Steve for two weeks.”
“Uh...” Eddie said, “what now?”
“It means,” Will explained. “That if they want to hang out with him they have to do on his terms, not theirs. No begging for rides, no stopping by for food and then bailing, and just no taking advantage of Steve.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks, guys. I mean it. It was nice knowing that there were people that weren’t going to threaten me and took this whole seriously.” He gave Jonathan’s knee a squeeze. “I’m not sure what would have happened if you hadn’t stopped by. But I’m really glad you did.”
Jonathan squeezed his shoulder in response. “Me, too. I hope they learned their lesson.”
“That is the hope,” Will said.
Steve scratched his cheek. “Why don’t we have barbecue at your guys’s place after the two weeks and see how they fair?”
Will brightened. “I like that idea. That way if they are still having problems we can talk to them about it.”
“Do you think your mom will go for it?” Eddie asked.
Jonathan grinned. “Hell yeah, she would. She’s been wanting to show off her new house to everyone for awhile now.”
El grinned too. “We have a plan, then!”
Steve was pleased to see that the Party actually started to make actual changes in how they treated him.
Lucas invited him out to play basketball at the rec center and biked himself there. Steve offered him a ride home after, which he happily took as they were both sweating afterwards.
Dustin made sure that Steve knew he was joking when he was making comments. And Steve made sure to snark right back unless it really bothered him and then they would talk about it.
Robin and he had a longer talk about the gay vs bisexual thing. She admitted that she had been wrong to assume that because Steve was bisexual that it would be Eddie getting his heartbroken and not Steve. She had some ingrained biases that she had to get over and was really sorry she didn’t have his back when he needed her to.
There were a lot of little changes but the final major change came a couple days after the intervention when Jeff, Gareth, and Brian all walked into Family Video together to properly apologize to Steve.
“Hey, Buckley,” Jeff said, “can you give us some space?”
Robin straightened her spine and wiggled her shoulders. “Steve has had apology monitors to ensure that it’s an actual apology, and as Eddie or Will or Jonathan aren’t here, it’s going to have to be me.”
Steve laughed and shook his head. “Apparently there are certain people who think I’m too nice,” he explained to the other boys, “and let people get away things that I shouldn’t so they took it upon themselves to be my guard dogs to make sure it’s an actual apology.”
“Have they met you?” Gareth asked, incredulous. “You’re the original bitch.”
Steve laughed again. “Who let Tommy and Carol walk all over me. I tend to roll over for friends.”
They blinked and then nodded.
“Yeah, okay,” Brian said. “That tracks.”
Steve just smiled. “So how can I help you fine gentleman today? May I interest you our latest releases?”
That got a couple chuckles out of them.
“No, man,” Jeff said, “we’re here to talk about the whole shovel talk shit.”
Steve leaned against the counter and folded his arms. “You do know I don’t fault you guys for that, right? You guys are Eddie’s best friends. I didn’t really fault Wayne, either. But the execution of that one...” he winced when Robin gasped. “Poor choice of words, sorry.”
“What he do?” Jeff asked.
“Borrowed Chief Hopper’s shotgun and cleaned while we talked,” Steve said with a grimace.
“That ain’t right...” Brian said, shaking his head.
Gareth looked at Jeff and then back to Steve. “Yeah, but here’s the thing about our shovel talk...”
“It wasn’t necessary,” Jeff finished for him. “We’ve had time to get to know you before you and Eddie started dating. We knew that you two would do anything for each other even without being a couple.”
Brian nodded. “It’s just...something we thought best friends did. The whole ‘break his heart, we’ll break your knees’ kind of thing.”
Robin looked down at her feet and cleared her throat.
Jeff sighed dramatically. “Please tell me she wasn’t one of the ones that gave you the shovel talk. Because that’s messed up, man.”
Steve looked over at her and then back up to Jeff. “Yeah, she knows.”
“By the way,” Gareth said, waving his hands, “Eddie doesn’t know we’re here. So I don’t want thinking this is a forced apology or anything.”
Steve raised his eyebrows. “Really?”
Brian cleared his throat. “I mean he did threaten to kill off our characters if we were mean to you, but he didn’t tell us to apologize or anything.”
Steve laughed. “That sounds more like the Eddie we all know and love.”
“But we would have come anyway,” Jeff said. “Because our shovel talk added to a heaping pile of bullshit that you didn’t need. And definitely didn’t deserve.”
“So this is us saying we’re sorry that everyone you knew decided that you were going to break Eddie’s heart,” Gareth said. “And that we made you feel like you weren’t worthy of dating Eddie. Because you are, man. Like seriously the only guy Eddie’s brought around that we actually want to be friends with.”
“Hell yeah,” Brian said. “You’re so cool and you love to take care everyone. We’d want you to stick around because we like you, too.”
Steve’s eyes blurred and he cleared his throat. “Thanks, guys. It means a lot to hear you say that.”
They all came up and gave Steve a hug, blocking him from outside viewers so he could cry. Once they were sure he was going to be okay, they let him go.
They said their goodbyes and walked out, leaving behind a stunned Robin and grateful Steve.
Just before the barbecue started Robin brought over Erica to Steve by holding her ear.
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Erica was yelling as she was half dragged over to him.
Robin sat her down and said, “I learned that this little hobgoblin didn’t properly apologize for her shovel talk. And Eddie let her get away with it.”
“God, what’s your problem?” Erica huffed up at Robin. “They understood. Why can’t you?”
Robin grinned. “Green ooze, little girl. Green ooze.”
Erica’s jaw snapped shut. If Sherlock Holmes had his phrase for humbling him when he got too proud, this was Erica’s. She was going to drink it before it turned out to be acid. Like literal acid.
She turned to Steve. “Shovel talks aren’t right and no one should be giving anyone shovel talks because it’s a pointless exercise in latent hostility. So I’m sorry I contributed to an archaic practice used by bullies and abusers. I won’t do it ever again.”
Erica looked up at Robin, who gave her the thumbs up. Erica hopped up and ran off to play.
Steve blinked up at Robin in shock. “Like how the hell did you manage that?”
Robin just batted her eyelashes and said nothing, walking away with a whistle on her lips and a swagger in her step.
Eddie came up to him in shock. “Did I just witness an actual apology from Lady Applejack?”
Steve nodded mutely.
“I think I’m more afraid of Robin, now,” Eddie muttered and Steve could only agree.
Eddie was starting to see a trend. One that made him laugh the third time it happened.
The first, though? Claudia Henderson.
“Eddie!” she greeted warmly. “I haven’t seen you around much. How have you been?”
Eddie smiled at her. Even before the Upside Down, Claudia was one Eddie’s favorite people. She was bright and happy and loved her wacky son with all her heart. Something that Eddie could absolutely get behind. “I’ve just been busy. But name the date, and I’ll be there.”
She smiled back. “That’s sweet, dear. You know you have an open invitation. But why don’t you and your uncle come over for Sunday dinner. Steve has already said yes for himself.”
“Sounds great, Mrs Henderson,” Eddie agreed.
“How are you and Steve?” she asked gently. “Dusty was telling me that Steve hadn’t been doing well lately.”
“We’re good,” Eddie said bobbing his head. “Things got a little rough a couple weeks back, but we’re on firmer ground now.”
She patted his cheek. “You really need to be taking better care of that boy. He looks tough on the outside, but he needs someone who can take care of him, yeah?”
Eddie smiled. “Of course. Taking extra good care of our Stevie is my number one priority.”
She nodded and went to go make sure Dusty was eating enough.
The next one was Karen Wheeler of all people. Ted was suspiciously but expectedly absent. She came up to Eddie and introduced herself.
“You must be Eddie!” she said with smile that reminded him of that Dustin Hoffman film.
“Oh hello,” he replied a little confused.
“Nancy has told me all about you,” Karen said with that same smile. “She’s always going on about how Steve finally found the person he was meant to be with and what a great person you are.”
Eddie smiled back. “Nancy’s a great girl.”
She sighed a little, her smile turning into something a little more genuine. “I miss having Steve over. Jonathan is great boy for my Nance, but Steve sparkled where Jonathan only shines.”
“I won’t argue with you on that one,” Eddie said. “But then Jonathan isn’t my type.”
She swatted at him playfully. “All I’m trying to say if that Steve is a good boy and deserves only the best. So you’ll take good care of him, won’t you?” It was sweet and sincere, but a hint of steel. And suddenly Eddie knew where Nancy got her backbone of steel from.
“Always,” Eddie promised, hand over heart.
“See that you do,” Karen said and wandered off to compare brownie recipes with Joyce.
The third was a squirrelly looking balding guy with thick glasses and far too knowing stare. He had come with Chief Hopper and had spent most of the night watching Eddie. He had asked Nancy who he was and she said his name was Murray Bauman and he was a conspiracy theorist. Which really didn’t clear anything up for him, but this rag-tag group of rebels and fighters were all a little weird.
He wandered over to Eddie and looked him up and down. He said in a clear voice, “I have seen things you wouldn’t believe, I’ve done things that would make your hair curl on end,” he stopped for a moment, “make it curlier and I know where the bodies are hidden. If you hurt Steve, you’ll be the next one.”
“Murray!” Hopper yelled. “What the hell was that? Why would you say that?”
Murray blinked at Hopper and then tilted his head. “Because we love Steve?” He says long and slow like he’s talking to a stupid person.
Eddie burst out laughing.
“No, no,” he said between giggles. “It’s fine Hopper. It’s all fine!”
Murray looked him over again and then nodded. “Yes, you’ll do.” And then he wandered off back into the house as if he had done what he had come to do.
A few minutes later Steve came up and sat next to Eddie. “I’m sorry, I don’t even know what that was.”
Eddie giggled and bumped their shoulders together. “It’s fine, sweetheart. It’s actually kinda adorable.”
Steve frowned. “What is?”
“That it’s the moms plus Murray here,” Eddie said jerking his chin in the direction Murray had wandered off to, “that are the most protective of you. Both Mrs Wheeler and Henderson have told me under no certain terms am I allowed to hurt you and that I’m supposed to take care of you.”
Steve blinked and searched the crowd for Claudia first. She spotted him looking at her and she waved at him. Steve smiled and waved back. Then he searched for Karen. She didn’t look at him directly, but merely winked and went back to talking to Wayne about something he couldn’t quite hear.
“But don’t you worry, darlin’,” Eddie purred. “I’m gonna take very good care of you.”
Steve kissed him, slow and deep. “And I will always take care of you, Eds.”
It really was.
Tag List: @justforthedead89 @zerokrox-blog @ihavekidneys @didntwant2come @thelittleclare @liorereshkigal @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @telidina @stevesbipanic @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie @jonesn4coffee  @resident-gay-bitch @obliosworld @croatoan-like-its-hot @evix-syne666 @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @bookworm0690 @mysticcrownshipper @i-must-potato  @pnk-lemonades 
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schemmentis · 2 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 12
Cowritten w/ @janeyseymour
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11
Summary: Melissa's side business begins, and you begin to feel the heaviness of your situation.
WC: 2.3k
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“Good morning, Tony.” Shaw greets the salon manager as he steps towards him and his partner. “Where's Y/N?”
Tony crosses his arms. “Takin’ a vacation.” He answers coldly. “You got more questions; you're gonna have to ask me.”
“Tony,” Danik sighs. “We've been through this before, haven't we? The first time we were here. You know how it works, how about you save us the time and call your boss down here?”
“My boss?” Tony echoes. After a moment he nods. “Yeah, sure. I'll call my boss for ya.”
The last time they were here, the agents had paced the front of the salon as they waited, eyeing everything they could in their search. Today, they stay in a corner, watching the few stylists and Tony at work. Danik is a moment away from asking Tony how long this is going to take when someone walks into the front from the back of the salon.
The man is tall. His dark hair slicked back on his head, shiny with the product used to keep it in place. He looks at ease, calm, as he approaches the agents. He flashes a smile when he nears, white teeth shown and his eyes crinkling at the edges with the motion. His hand is held out to Danik and Shaw individually.
“My apologies for keeping you waiting, Agents. I had to finish things up with my other business.”
“I'm sorry…” Shaw starts as he shakes the man's hand. “Who are you?”
The man chuckles, nodding. “Ah sí, sí, mi scusi. I forget myself this morning. Luca Bellino, at your service. I'm happy to answer any questions you have or walk you through the back again if you like.”
The agents share a look between each other.
“I think there's been some misunderstanding.” Danik says as she looks back to Luca. “We asked to speak with Y/N.”
Luca’s head tilts to the side, looking back at the confused looking agents, matching their expression. “Did you?” He asks as his brow furrows. “I was told you requested the owner.”
“Well, yes.” Shaw says, a bit slowly. “The owner. Y/N.”
“Ah, I see, I see.” Luca sighs in sudden understanding. “Please, come with me.” He requests, turning and leading the agents to the back office of the salon.
“You must not have been informed.” Luca says as he steps through the office, opening a drawer of the filing cabinet and pulling a yellow file folder from it before closing it once more.
He sets the file folder to the desk, facing the agents standing on the other side of the wood. Deft fingers open the folder, tapping the papers now visible. “You see?” Luca says, looking back up to Danik and Shaw. “I'm the owner now. The salon was signed over to me a few days ago.”
“Y/N sold the salon to you?” Danik asks as she's studying the forms in front of them.
“Sí.” Luca answers as his hands cross at the wrists to rest at his waist, his head nodding. “You've seen our books, no? The salon hasn't been as profitable in the last few months. Y/N tried to bring it out of the red but in the end it was safer to sell, especially with her little family to think about.”
“So, now you're going to try to bring the salon’s profits up?” Shaw asks.
Luca smiles, though this time it doesn't reach his eyes. “Do not tell the stylists, or Tony.” He says softer, leaning a bit forward. “I haven't had the chance to speak with them yet and I'd hate for them to learn from anyone other than me but I’m working out the details of shutting the salon down.” Luca sighs, looking for all the world like he wishes he had another choice. “It's just too much to turn around and the clients aren't coming in like they used to. It's the best thing we can do before it gets worse.”.
Danik raises a brow, but he relents. 
The two agents head out, but not before Luca calls out to them, “Whatever you have against the Schemmenti family, drop it. They had nothin’ to do with Bobby’s demise.”
Your day is uneventful. You have nothing to do now that the girls are at school, Melissa is at work, and the salon is out of your hands. You mill around the house, doing as much cleaning as you possibly can before you groan and fall face first onto the couch, bored out of your mind.
You lay there for a few moments before you finally sigh and grab your keys. You make your way out of the house and towards Twelve Tables.
Melissa would say she’s shocked to see you when you come in through the back- but she isn’t. She knows how hard this is for you to not be involved in any of your work right now, both salon and other wise.
“Hi, my love,” you sigh as you pick up a knife and start chopping the broccoli next to her.
“What’re you doing here?” She just briefly glances at you before going back to her own work.
“I think I’m dying of boredom,” you tell her. “I can’t remember the last time I had this much time off from everything.”
“Would you mind chopping this up then while I attend to other business?”
“Other business?” Val asks as she makes her way out of the walk-in fridge.
“I have things to do in the office,” Melissa says, just a bit too quickly. “Scheduling, finances… I think we may need to look into other companies to deliver.”
You raise a brow, as does the manager, but you nod. You know that what she’s actually doing is trying to clean up the area in order to run your other business alongside this one. If you’re going to execute this, and execute it well, everything has to be in it's own place. 
So, that’s what the redhead heads into the office to do.
“Melissa seems frazzled lately,” Valentina notes softly. “Is everything okay at home?”
You shrug. “I uh… had to sell the salon,” you lie through your teeth. “It hasn’t been making money, so… you know. She’s probably stressed over that.”
The woman hums, and for the rest of the time that you’re there until you have to pick up your girls you’re directed on what to chop, dice, slice, and grate.
Finally, you pop your head into the back. “Mel? I have to go pick up the girls. Are you coming with me?”
“Hmm?” Her eyes don’t even leave the new ledger that she’s creating. “I have to wait for the shipment to come in, so… I’ll be home for bedtime though.”
She isn’t. And your girls are beyond confused as to why the three of you can’t stop down at the restaurant for a quick hug and kiss from Mommy and why they can’t have coloring time with Valentina. You can’t tell them the real reason- you just explain that Melissa is busy.
“But Mommy is always busy, and we still always get to go there!” Rosie whines. 
“Not tonight, sweetheart.” You sigh. You know you still could, technically, take them down to the restaurant. Just long enough to say goodnight. Except you can feel your wife glaring at you from across town if you did. Or worse, picture her having to keep her attention away from your girls because she's so busy. 
It becomes a point of contention the rest of the night. Your girls both throw fits because they don't understand. Just getting them dinner fed has you stretched thin. By the time you're fighting with them about bath time you're feeling yourself begin to shake slightly. The girls’ attitudes and fits this evening aren't really what upsets you; it's just the last straw on top of everything else.
You just barely get them both towel dry from the bath when you tell them to pick out their pajamas. The one thing they don't argue with you on this evening as they get to choose their own clothes; one of their favorite things.
You kneel on the tile, letting the bath water out. One of the girl's towels still in your hand you lean to wipe up a small puddle. You toss the towel to the pile near the door to put in the laundry. You sigh, and instead of getting up you let yourself shift backward to sit on the bathroom floor with your back against the wall. 
You bury your face in your hands as you try to stop the sudden tears from overflowing. You just need a minute, you tell yourself. Just a minute you'll let it happen and then you'll pull yourself together. Except you can't. You force deep breaths but you can't stop the tears still rolling from your eyes down your cheeks. You lean your head against the wall as you hear little voices calling.
“Mam! Mam!” It's both Cat and Rosie, steadily getting closer. 
You really try to stop as you wipe your eyes. You don't want them to see you like this. Yet each swipe at your face just sees more tears filling your eyes. 
“Mam! Look at my slippies! I did them on myself!” Rosie exclaims as she shuffles into the doorway, looking at her feet. She's wearing your wife’s house slippers. Backwards.
“Mam!” Cat is saying beneath her sister speaking, appearing at her side at the same time. “I don't have slippies! It's not fair, Rosie has slippies!”
You go to look up, but you hate showing any signs of weakness in front of your girls, so your head stays down as you attempt to pull yourself up from the floor. You lean against the sink, hands tightly gripping the porcelain sink, knuckles growing about as white as the utility in front of you. You keep your back to them, not wanting them to see you as the mess that you are right now.
“Girls,” you sigh shakily. “Mam cannot right now. Get yourselves to bed, and I’ll be in to read your story to you in a few minutes.”
“But Mam!” Cat whines out. You hear her stomp her little foot against the cool bathroom tile, and you can practically see the way that her arms are crossed over her chest- a look that she absolutely picked up from your wife. “Rosie has slippies, and I want-”
Wiping away your tears, you turn around. “Caterina Ann.”
At seeing your face so distraught and aged, both of your twins’ faces drop. “Mam?” They both ask.
“Mam just needs a minute,” you sigh softly, hating the way that your voice breaks just slightly. “Please, girls.”
At that, both of your girls slink off. Your oldest walks off while your youngest shuffles her feet quietly. You half-expect to hear her giggles at the way she’s heading down the hall, but you don’t. Even at their young ages, Cat and Rosie understand that your crying in front of them is not okay- something isn’t right.
When you find it in you to pull yourself out of the bathroom, you head for their room. When you get there though, they aren’t in their beds like you expect them to be. In fact, their pillows and the stuffed animals they insist on sleeping with every night have vanished too. That only means one thing.
You appear in the doorway of your own room, and you see them curled up in your bed. Silently, you thank God you had let your wife talk you into splurging and getting a king-sized bed. It comes in handy for nights like this when both girls worm their way into your bed and Melissa will be getting home and sliding in too.
“Mam,” Rosie pats the spot in between her and her sister. “We leaved room for you.”
Despite the sadness that had inhabited your soul just a few seconds ago, you let a soft smile slip at the kindness and thoughtfulness of your girls. You may not be doing everything right in this world, but you are raising two wonderful, wonderful young ladies.
“Give me a few minutes to change and prepare for bed,” you sigh softly as you wipe new tears from your eyes. “And then I’ll be in.”
It’s about ten minutes later, once you’ve gotten into your sleep apparel and shed a few more tears without the girls’ knowledge, that you slip in between them. Cat hands you a book- your favorite book to read aloud to them. 
After their story, they both curl up into your sides and promptly fall asleep, tired from their crazy day in kindergarten.
And once they’re asleep? Your tears return. Silent sobs shake your body as you mourn the death of Bobby all over again, one that you never wanted in the first place- you had actually pleaded for them to not order the hit on the man. You bite your lip and let the tears flow over the fact that you’ve been taken off of the salon- that you have no idea what’s happening there now despite the fact that it’s only been a few days. You hate the fact that your wife is taking all of this on- that her restaurant is in danger now because you got the feds on your tail and don’t know how to shake them loose. Your heart breaks when you remember that Barbara is now in danger because she holds onto the ledger that determines your, and now your wife’s, fate, and she was still there for you in a moment of weakness at the church. It gets to a point where you’re just crying over it all, a hand clamped over your mouth as the sobs bubble up inside of you, and you have to muffle the noise or else you’ll wake your girls. You end up crying yourself to sleep, body exhausted with all of the emotions coursing through it like a river. You’re drowning- absolutely drowning in it all.
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lxmbr · 9 months
Luxiem when you propose first! 💍
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cw: suggestive in vox and ike's. not proofread
notes: thank you so much anon!! i'm so nervous to post this so i really hope this is up to your expectations! so sorry it took so long to make but i actually had a lot of fun! 🩷
Vox Akuma -
• Vox is a pretty traditional man so i think he'd be a bit bummed at first
• of course he'd say yes
• would probably still propose to you anyway
• he might even try to "1 up" you lol
• you mightve done it at a resturant but nonono he planned for weeks to get something "better"
• he ended up popping the question to you where he first asked you on a date
• he'd ask the other luxiem members to help set up the area with flower petals and candles/whatever you fancy
• he does the cheesy prep talk before he finally pops the question
• "would you, (first and last name) make me, Vox Akuma the luckiest demon on earth and join me in ruling my clan?"
• afterwards he'd totally rizz you up to make you forget he just "beat you" in a fake competetion
• after BOTH proposals you know what happens ;)
• in the end he would happily say yes but be very flustered as he didnt expect you to be the one to do so. 
• the fact that you proposed first was both hot AND sweet
• he'd still want to give his go at a proposal too though :)
Mysta Rias -
• This boy- man would SCREAM
• he'd be hella surprised
• after he asesses the situation i think he'd do that cringy white girl thing 
• "OH EM GEE!! NO YOU DIDN'T! YES IF COURSE I WILL BABE!" while jumping and fanning his face with his hands
• after the jokes he'd say yes genuinely and kiss you happily
• "ah babeeee in so surprised but..im so happy" with his  sheepish giggle
• would give you the BIGGEST HUG ™
• since you asked him he'd treat you to dinner that night
• "its on me loves..gotta treat my future wife don't i?~"
• wouldnt. stop. talking. about. it. all. week.
• he might cry a bit but he would hide it for sure. maybe only a tear or two would come out
• would be soooo clingy the rest of the day/night
• "can we shower together??" 
• in the end he wouldnt mind all that much..hes just sooo excited to get to marry you!!
Luca Kaneshiro -
• you decided that day was THE day...but..so did he..
• oops! you both proposed the same day!
• of course the 3 year anniversary would he perfect!! why wouldnt he think of the possibility that you'd do it?!
• when you get on 1 knee he'd look around with a shocked expression and would give his awkward laugh
• "WHAT?!" 
• after your speech he got down on HIS knee ans then proposed to you..at eye level since you were still kneeling 
• everyone around was shocked. the other luxiem members aw-ing and laughing
• another loud one
• he'd call back home, YOUR mom, the waiters and waitresses, the lucubs...EVERYONE
• would also be clingy af 
• couldnt look you in the face from pure shyness but you caught him staring at you multiple times
• he wouldnt stop praising you for your proposal
• "omg that was so good baby i loved it!!"
• never lets go of you, your arms and hands are ALWAYS intertwined 
• gets jealous and possessive easily
• he'd pull you away from everyone..mainly the other guys
• "excuse you IKE. my FIANCE is BUSY with ME." while dragging you toward him and pouting
• no one is ever letting you guys live this down
Ike Eveland -
• he already was calling you his fiance/wife/husband before any of this
• he panicked
• after your proposal he pulled you into a quieter place frantically without answering 
• everyone thought it went bad and they all were upset
• you finally saw how red he was and he apologized and wanted to yell "YES" in your face..but he didnt
• "y-yes..i'd love to marry you min kärlek." 
• wouldnt let go of your hand
• makes sure YOU put the ring on his hand, not him
• when you guys come back out hes holding your hand timidly, making sure to show off the ring
• "GUYSSSS STAWPPP" when everyone cheers
• takes you to your favorite place afterward for food and then books a 5 star hotel
• "come on darling...pack up your things! <3"
• lets just say...yall had a NIGHT
• tries his best to be romantic all night
• surprisingly can play it cool with you after the initial shock unlike luca
• while he might be internally freaking out he could calm you down and rizz you up so. easily.
• absolute baby boy ™
• so. SO. excited to start planning
• "so we can have half of the venue (your fav color) and the other half blue!! and omg i can have- and you can- and can we please-" 
• basically very surprisee and panicked but once he gets you alone he very quickly gets insanely excited 
Shu Yamino -
• he already knew 
• was very nervous and wary around you often since he didnt know when but he knew you would yk?
• of course he didnt say anything, he didnt wanna ruin it
• actually he didnt even tell you he knew
• was actually caught off gaurd when you did it at first
• the rest of the proposal though he was able to keep it cool
• he actually bought you a ring and flowers in preperation
• "i would..love to marry you" as he grabs your hand and slips on your ring while you slip his on
• "ah..ive been waiting for this..im so happy"
• only tells close people such as family, luxiem, and manager-san
• asks staff-san for a week off that same day for a pre-wedding honeymoon
• gets shy whenever you call him your fiance/husband and vise versa
• he adores you and is clearly SO excited
• you caught him searching for weddingspo one night when he was supposed to be working
• buys new flowers every week until the day of the wedding
• lowkey had a dream about it and it made him giddy all day when he woke up
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italiansteebie · 1 year
tw// period typical homophobia
will had come out.
the party took it badly.
but steve and robin. well. they didn't. robin held him as he cried and steve went to talk to the stupid little shits will called his friends.
"what, steve?" mike sneered as he opened the door.
"move it wheeler," he pushed past him, "lucas, dustin, max, front and center." el had stayed back with will and robin. she didnt understand why the others were so mad. two boys could love each other, surely that wasn't worse than the mindflayer. right?
the group faced steve, staring at him defiantly. "well," dusting asked expectantly. "shut it, henderson. let me speak. i don't appreciate the way you reacted to will. he has been through many MANY things and supported you through them ALL. Mike, you blew him off for El, Lucas you blew him off for Max, Dustin you blew him off for Suzie-"
"quiet mayfield im not done. you're not innocent in this either. you should have been there for will. especially from what you told me about billy before he died." steve snapped, maxs head dropping low. "you're right, steve. sorry."
steve scoffs. "don't say sorry to me. and the rest of you, really? this is what scares you? two boys in love? i can't believe this. i thought you were better than that. you of ALL people know what it's like to be ridiculed and cast out for who you are."
"but- what- what about AIDs?" mike spluttered. the two others nodding hesitantly in agreement.
"seriously? you have faced interdemensional terrors and you're worried about... AIDs? something that can affect ANYONE? god. dustin i thought you were smarter than to fall for that. and lucas, i just. never took you to stoop to mikes level." steve sighs and shakes his head disappointedly.
he can see the regret on their faces. "whatever, i'm leaving."
"wait, can we come?" mike shouts desperately.
steve scoffs again, harsh, "no. stay here and think about what you did. and how you hurt will because you're too stupid to think. max, let's go."
"what? why does she get to go?" dustin asks, a hand out in her direction.
"because, max was coerced, and she never said that shit you guys did. im going to talk to her too on the ride home, and then she is going to apologize to will." he said in finality.
"why do you even care about this steve?" it was lucas who spoke, and it was... sincere. steve sighed and faced him. "because it effects me too. some of the best people i know are gay. including myself. i just... i never thought YOU guys of all people would react like this." he shook his head sadly. "do your research like you like to do henderson. maybe then you'll figure out why i'm not going to talk to you anymore." and with that he left, not looking back to catch the devestated look on dustin's face.
"cmon max." he shouted over his shoulder, only waiting for her to get in the car and buckle her seat belt.
he drove away with the hope those idiots would get their heads out of their asses.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 10 months
a part two to the luke angst?
His biggest regret ❧
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Part one
Luke had been beside himself for the last two weeks of the summer, just as she promised Y/n had left the morning after their fight, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He broke it off with his girlfriend the second his best friend left the lake house, knowing that if he intended to fix his wrongs the now ex-girlfriend was not a part of the solution.
Quinn had heavily scolded his youngest brother for days following the departure of Y/no. “You’re an idiot!” "it's not my fault she and my girlfriend don't get along!" “It’s not even about your girlfriend, it’s the fact that you felt the need to dictate her decisions when you basically removed her from your life!” Quinn was at a loss, what wasn't Luke understanding how wrong he is, “You didn’t even invite her to the lake, you’ve been best friends since you were babies!”
Let’s just say Quinn definitely made Luke feel like shit, what was worse was when Ellen, Jack, and even Jim put their two cents in.
Things only got worse for Luke during the school year, sophomore year was expected to be his last season as a Wolverine, and then he’d be headed to New Jersey with Jack, as stated in his plan. But now he was going to be spending this year attempting to make it up to the girl who’d been at his side for years and years.
“Y/n this is Luca,” Ethan introduced them as she smiled shyly. Luke didn’t like that at all, his new teammate practically eye fucking her at parties as she stared at him innocently (let’s be real, she’s only into it cause she knew it would piss off Luke)
Luca had become her target, and he was just as into their little game as she was into pissing off Luke.
They went on study dates and left parties together, it was a no strings attached ordeal that they were both thoroughly enjoying.
Luke watched silently and was extremely annoyed. Biting his tongue not to say anything at practices, or to call her to tell her that he needs it to stop. He wasn’t in charge of her, he knew that now, but it took a lot in him to stay quiet when he watched Luca and her flirting in public, or even just conversing in between classes.
It took a long time to realize but over the course of the four months that they weren’t talking he'd come to the conclusion that maybe he’d been way over his head. The conscious thought that he was in love with her was so overwhelming all of the time, so Luke grew even more antisocial as time went on.
Y/n's world paused the moment Luke ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, the boy's chest heaving as he locked the door and hid from some girl who had been chasing after him all night. His heart stopped the moment he turned around to see a wide-eyed Y/n splashing some water in her face.
“Sorry” he apologized as his heart beat against his chest, she continued to stare at him, unable to speak, “I’ll leave” “Don’t go, you’re obviously hiding for a reason,” she finally spoke as she dabbed her face off with a face cloth she found in one of the drawers. “Are you okay?” He asked as he reached forward to feel the blotchy red skin on her cheeks. "I drank too much, don't have you to mediate my liquor intake anymore," she grinned as her hand wrapped around his wrist to lower his hand.
Luke smiled as he maneuvered his hand to hold hers, "am I allowed to speak to you now? I have some things I need to say to you" he mumbled as she nodded and sat down on the edge of the tub.
This was his moment to make it right, no excuses, no bullshit to cover up his mistakes, just an apology and some promises to make it better.
"I've been practicing this speech to you for a while, and I'm just gonna start with a sorry, cause that's all that I really want you to take away from it," her eyes started to tear up as she listened, "I was wrong, you have every right to still be mad cause I put you through a lot last year, and that wasn't fair to you, so I'm sorry, and I'm willing to do everything I can so it can go back to the way it was before."
Y/n nodded as her hand dried to tears that had fallen, he could've apologized months ago and she would've accepted it. His words felt very real, she knew they were, she'd heard from all of the guys how lost he was without her guidance in his life, it was just really nice to finally hear it from his mouth.
"Thank you," she stood up to hug you, "I don't think it can go back to the way it was before though." His smiling expression fell as he unburied his face from her neck, "What?" "In our time apart Luke I realized a lot, in the way that I don't think I can keep loving you in the way I'm used to, I need some time to get over you, cause its not fair to you," she said honestly, drunken word vomit as she watched the relief spread on Luke's face, her expression growing confused.
"What if I don't want you to stop loving me that way?" "that's not fair to me then," she said defensively, not understanding what he was insinuating. Her hands left their spot on his chest as she pulled away, he reached down and pulled her hips closer to him, "let me speak," he laughed as her face softened at the sound, "I love you, I'm so dumb for not realizing it sooner, I think I always have though, I just didn't know how to differentiate the two types, but that's because they are the same to me," his face grew flush as he realized just how lovingly she was staring at him.
"You are my best friend, always will be, but you're my best friend in the way that I don't think I'd last another day without you in my life, and in the way that I want to kiss you pretty and then go to sleep with you in my clothes, and the way that my family views you as one of us, there are so many things that make you my best friend, but in the same way that I want you to be a forever type of thing."
Y/n stared at him in shock as he took a deep breath, her hands finding the side of his face as she smirked at him, "I'm glad we're on the same page," she whispered before her hand found the collar of his shirt and slammed his lips onto hers.
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