#Luisa Dupont
sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1687
TW/CW: Child Death
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In Tartosa, Giuliano celebrated his 35th birthday though his age showed more from years in the sun and the losses he faced.
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As the year began, Giovanni Cesare and his daughters were given a plot of land. The land used to belong to a local family but after a storm came by and flooded some of the buildings and the previous owner passed, it was put for auction and now for Giovanni Cesare's service it was his land.
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The girls adjusted quickly while Giovanni Cesare set about planting though he was never all that invested in crops like his family back in Tartosa were, he figured he could do the work for a few years until his girls were big enough that he could work back on the docks that he adored so much.
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Orelia's daughter, Orsetta became a teenager and during Giovanni Cesare's frequent meetings with his sister learned that his niece was spending time with a local boy on the islands which made Orelia have mixed feelings about her daughter growing up and Juliette was annoyed having to play chaperone more often.
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In Tartosa, Katherine's son Luca celebrated his sixth birthday looking more like his mother each day.
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Despite the loss of her older son the previous summer, on March 18th, Luisa delivered her second son who was very clearly a lot stronger and named the boy Victor.
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At the Carlisle home, Francis grew into a delightful young boy who took after his mother in that he was going to grow into his merfolk features in time much to his mother's pleasure.
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Between the farming and his illicit visits to the Carlisle home, Giovanni Cesare enjoyed spending some of his time fishing when he could.
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But unfortunately the joy wasn't to last as Nesta arrived in early June in tears as her young daughter Susana had passed away on the the 30th of May.
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Orelia's younger daughter celebrated her sixth birthday a few short months after her older sister's thirteenth.
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While the Carlisle home reeled from their loss the Dupont family was happy to see their daughter Marie grow into a sweet little girl while their son Victor grew into a stronger child.
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The year came to a close as back in Tartosa, Giovanni Cesare's namesake grew out of his infancy as his parent's sighed in relief watching their son grow stronger.
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(The lot that Giovanni Cesare is living on was also made by @greatbritishsimchallenge)
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gramilano · 5 years
Denis Rodkin and Eleonora Sevenard in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
The annual orgy of dance that kicks off the year in Rome, known as Les Étoiles, began in 2015 with an evening in the Auditorium della Conciliazione near the Vatican with its 1,700 seats. The gala has grown to occupy three days in the Auditorium Parco della Musica with its 2,800 seats. The reason for its astounding popularity is that it never disappoints. From the first outing, there were the top stars of ballet – Marianela Nuñez, Vyacheslav Lopatin, Svetlana Zakharova – with a pleasing mix of the popular and the lesser-known, classical and modern. The standard has always been maintained, if not bettered, with sixteen dancers appearing in this January’s shows, and Nuñez almost always in the line-up.
The gala’s artistic director, Daniele Cipriani, also enjoys pairing up dancers and works so that dancers are performing with new partners and in new pieces for the first time. Just one example of this was the former New York City Ballet principal, Robert Fairchild, dancing with American Ballet Theatre’s Stella Abrera for the first time: they danced the pas de deux from Balanchine’s Apollo. She also partnered him in a number from An American in Paris, which he knows inside out after his hit performances in New York and London, though Abrera was dancing it for the first time.
Certainly, this may lead to a little nervousness, which could be felt on the first evening, though that had disappeared on the second night where everyone seemed to have made Rome their temporary home ground.
Robert Fairchild and Stella Abrera in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer 01
Robert Fairchild and Stella Abrera in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Another way Cipriani found to inject an element of surprise, was to create some costumes especially for the occasion. The grand old man of fashion, Roberto Capucci – now 90 – designed costumes for Sergio Bernal’s Zapateado and for Young Gyu Choi as the Golden Idol.
Young Gyu Choi in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
There was also the chance to see the star of Ralph Fiennes’s White Crow. Oleg Ivenko, who played Nureyev in the film, was suitably sullen and slightly arrogant in life, which must have been one of Fiennes’s reasons for picking Ivenko for the role, even though he humbly said that his life is divided by before and after White Crow. When asked for an example, he indicated the ballet stars he was to perform with, “Well, I’m here!” However, the 23-year-old Ukrainian is a genuine talent, not just a product of editing and close-ups.
Ana Sophia Scheller and Oleg Ivenko in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
The Bolshoi’s Denis Rodkin with his on and offstage partner Eleonora Sevenard were perfect in Spartacus, the company’s calling card ballet, though in Swan Lake, Sevenard – a Bolshoi soloist – showed that although she has many exceptional qualities, she still has some finishing touches to add to her technique.
Sergio Bernal wowed with his Capucci cape and stunning high-waist trousers in his Zapateado to his own choreography, but a pleasant surprise was The Last Encounter, a duet with the gorgeous Miriam Mendoza from the Spanish National Ballet and with choreography but the inventive Ricardo Cue. Cue manages to both surprise and gratify with his unaffected approach to rhythm, music and passion. This can be deduced just from the concept – an Astaire and Rogers-inspired piece using music by Alberto Inglesias for Pedro Almodóvar’s film Hable Con Ella (Talk to Her). A satisfying mix of the fresh and the familiar.
Miriam Mendoza and Sergio Bernal in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Elisa Badenes and Friedmann Vogel from the Stuttgart Ballet with their extraordinary bodies demonstrated the versatility of their company’s repertoire with the crazy lifts of John Cranko’s Legende and the hyper-extensions of Itzik Galili’s Mono Lisa. Their control, musicality and occasional flirty playfulness showed off two rounded artists at their peak.
Two lesser-known Cuban dancers came to represent their school and former company which lost its director Alicia Alonso a few months ago. Yanela Piñera and Luisa Valle performed the Spring Waters and Don Quixote pas de deux with Cuban aplomb.
Elisa Badenes and Friedmann Vogel in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Yanela Piñera and Luisa Valle in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Dutch National Ballet principal Young Gyu Choi, an exciting virtuoso, performed the Le Corsaire second act pas de deux with Ana Sophia Scheller whose secure technique and vivacious personality were winning. This was one of two new partners for her as she also partnered Ivenko in Harlequinade. Needless to say that Gyu Choi brought off the Golden Idol’s solo thrillingly.
Marianela Nuñez and Vadim Muntagirov were delightful in The Sleeping Beauty pas de deux (oddly dancing under bluish lighting which gave the impression of a moonlit wedding) and La Bayadère (where the blue lighting was suited). They are audience favourites and they didn’t disappoint with two majestic performances.
Marianela Nuñez and Vadim Muntagirov in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Young Gyu Choi and Ana Sophia Scheller in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
It was good to have the opportunity to see Aurélie Dupont back on stage. She performed a re-imagined version of Martha Graham’s Ekstasis with great dignity, but it was a piece by Alan Lucien Øyen to Nina Simone’s Stars that showcased her interpretive abilities. Let’s face it, with that song, she could have just sat on a chair while the audience listened to the music and we would have finished with tears in our eyes anyway, but adding another layer of pathos with her side-ranging moves was deeply moving.
Let the stars continue to come out in January in Rome to brighten the winter evenings. It’s a fixed date in my diary.
Aurélie Dupont in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer 01
Aurélie Dupont in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Sergio Bernal in Les Etoiles 2020 Rome, photo by Graham Spicer
Les Étoiles for three days shone over Rome The annual orgy of dance that kicks off the year in Rome, known as Les Étoiles…
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ksenijajovisevic · 6 years
The Cabinet of Traces book lunch >> Sunday, September 2nd, 1pm in The Living Room @ Air Antwerpen  
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The Cabinet of Traces is a collection of 73 traces, left behind by artists in residency in AIR Antwerpen between 2012 and 2018. The traces in this publication form a collection existing out of objects, drawings, artworks, letters, and clothes. Next to the photographic reproductions of this collection, the book includes an interview with Clementine Deliss and texts by Alan Quireyns and Koen Sels.
Participating artists in the publication: Bisan Abu-Eisheh, Sidney Aelbrecht, Edgardo Aragón, Caner Aslan, Bianca Baldi, Pedro Barateiro, Line Boogaerts, Leda Bourgogne, Elen Braga, Post Brothers, Ella de Burca, Reg Carremans, Tom Castinel, Mike Cooper, Baptiste Croze, Maurice Doherty, Stijn Van Dorpe, Romana Drdová, Laurent Dupont-Garitte, Arnaud Eubelen, Simon Feydieu, Alberto García del Castillo, Geger, Shaun Gladwell, Rumiko Hagiwara, Harry Heirmans, Lodewijk Heylen, Nicholas Hoffman, Antoine Van Impe, Stine Marie Jacobsen, Philip Janssens, Ksenija Jovišević, Tomáš Kajánek, Nina Könnemann, Alexis Lagimodière-Grisé, Lennart Lahuis, Claire Liengme, Eva L’Hoest, Ilaria Lupo, Luis Lázaro Matos, Alice De Mont, Pages, Chantal Peñalosa, Bhagwati Prasad, Stefanie Pretnar, Laure Prouvost, André Romão, Darren Roshier, Fabian Rouwette, Joris De Rycke, Francesc Ruiz, Arin Rungjang, Savage, Hemant Sareen, Ani Schulze, Augustas Serapinas, Ryan Siegan-Smith, Mounira Al Solh, Ania Soliman, Rasmus Søndergaard Johanssen, Mathilde Du Sordet, Malthe Stigaard, Serra Tansel, Yan Tomaszewski, Dennis Tyfus, Luisa Ungar, Nicolas Valckenaere, Mirte Vanduppen, Naneci Yurdagül, Bruno Zhu.
Published by Art Paper Editions, Gent
design: 6'56 € 18 edition of 500
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emzeciorrr · 6 years
Keepy Uppy - Full Film from Seed Animation Studio on Vimeo.
It’s FIFA World Cup Final Week!
A few weeks ago, we thought it would be pretty nifty to play a game of animated ‘Keepy Uppy’. A game that’s inclusive to all creative animators.
Each artist was given a few seconds to pass the ball onto the next artist. The brief was wide open to interpretation by the artist; whatever keeps the ball up - the ball itself and the environment was all up for grabs. The only stipulation was the ball entered left, and exited right.
Individual entries are posted on instagram.com/keepy_uppy when received. The entries were then edited together to create a film, representing diverse styles and perspectives from around the world. Although the film is released now, Keepy Uppy still accepts submissions.
Thanks to We Are Father for the music and all of these guys for being so inspiring....
Robert Abecasis, Carla Albiero, Hana Alhijazy, Arman Alipour, Giorgio Amici, Max Ardron, Niklas Artursson (NART), Oscar Barany, Teal Barns, Harry Bartlam, Giulia Bavagnoli, Jennifer Berglund, Mitchell Blass, Troy Browne, Joss Bruneliere, Helen Bucknall, Sam Burton, Luca Calabrese, Pedro Ivo Carvalho, Julia Chang, Sean Cox, Luisa Cruz, Marah Curran, Sahanshil Dangol, Diana David, Raimondo Della Calce, Jacques Dupont, Mathieu Durand, Joseph Eckworth, Kristian Egge, Dasha Eliseeva, Marielos Espina, Everyone's Favourite, Mark Fain, Julia Farkas, Giulia Frixione, Ainhoa Garcia, Eloise Garlick, Adrien Ghenassia, Joshua Voltaire Gonzales, Brandon Grail, Freddie Griffiths, Julie Griot, Tasneem Guendouz, José Luis Guerrero, Daisuke Harada, Claire Holloway, Leyla Hunn, Yasmin Islas, Hakim Ismail, James Ivett, Helena Kampen, Conor Kehelly, Neil Kidney, Sarah Klan, Csaba Klement, Knikni Studio, Dustin Kober, Ao Komori, Abi Lamb, John LaPrime, Jo Yee Leong, Ala Nunu Leszynska, Toby Leung, Jenny Lewis, Liko (Ke Li), Madeleine Ljungqvist, Irene Lopez, Chris MacFarlane, Robin Martens, Yuko Masuda, Tom Mathieson, Hayato Matsuo, Phoebe McCaughley, Niki Milicevic, Matthias Modl, Kazuki Mukaizawa, Brian Neong San, Luke Newell, Kien Nguyen Tran, Chris O'Hara, Ayako Ohashi, Jackson Oliviera, Stephen Ong, Emre Önol, Andrew Onorato, Ebube Onyema, Ignacio Osorio, Salvador Padilla Castro, Dan Palmer, Kirill Pavlov, Beto Petiches, Pedro Piccinini, Kyle Predki, Morgan Powell, William Powers, Lauren Puglisi, Muhammad Raffiq, Lucy Regan, Tami Richards, Cristian J. Rivas Cuevas, Sergio Rodriguez Valdunciel, Natalya Ropotova, Stella Rosen, Fabien Rousseau, Laurie Rowan, Duncan Rudd, Mairéad Ryan, Poyraz Sayan, Roberta Scialla, Johni Seifert, Ameen Shahid, Annie Sharpe, Holly Simons, Alexej Smirnov, Kirstin Smith, Zak Smith, Meghan Spurlock, Sai Srikanth, Akemi Sugio, Supernova Design, Reka Anna Szakaly, Zuzanna Szyszak, Matthew Taylor, Claire Thimon, Will Thomas, Kathryn Thomson, Rowan Thorp, Tanaka Tiriboyi, Simon Trotz, Winston Tsang, Dausuke Ueno, Evert Van Houcke, Ioanna Varsou, Kiran Venugopalan, Volstok, Young Woo, Jamie Lou Wood, Lynn Yun, Léa Zhang
Special thanks to The Croft, Yuki Nishimura and Yoshihiro Komori.
Watch the highlights film here: vimeo.com/279435724
Follow us on social media to hear about the next community project and our latest news: instagram.com/seed_animation facebook.com/seedanimation twitter.com/seedanimation linkedin.com/company/seed-animation-studio
#keepyuppy #letsbeanimates #animation #community #fifaworldcup
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Récord de proyectos chilenos en el festival audiovisual argentino Ventana Sur
Santiago de Chile, 21 nov (EFE).- Chile acudirá este año con una representación récord al festival Ventana Sur, el principal mercado audiovisual de América Latina, que se celebrará en Buenos del 27 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre. La delegación, integrada por alrededor de sesenta profesionales, entre productores, directores y autoridades, supone la delegación chilena más grande del año en mercados audiovisuales internacionales y da cuenta del buen momento que vive en este país la industria del séptimo arte. En esta novena edición de Ventana Sur, a la que asistirán cerca de 300 compradores y vendedores de los cinco continentes, serán presentados cerca de cincuenta filmes y proyectos chilenos en las principales secciones y espacios del encuentro. Chile contará además con un gran estand de promoción en este certamen, que fue creado por el Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (Incaa) de Argentina y el Marché du Film del Festival de Cannes, con el apoyo de Europa Creativa, El Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y el Arte (CNCA) y la marca sectorial CinemaChile prestarán su apoyo para la promoción exterior de la oferta que se presenta de películas chilenas en formatos como ficción, documental, horror, animación y realidad virtual. Una de las principales secciones oficiales de este mercado es la denominada Primer Corte, con la que Ventana Sur busca apoyar la finalización de largometrajes de ficción latinoamericanos en etapa de postproducción. En esta sección será exhibida la película chilena "Perro sin cola", dirigida por Carola Quezada y producida por Niebla Producciones. En tanto, en Blood Window, plataforma de promoción de talentos latinoamericanos especializados en cine de género fantástico, se presentarán los proyectos chilenos "Ngen mawida", dirigido por Florencia Dupont; "6400 ASA", de Michael Milies García, y el proyecto de Argentina y Chile "La noche es de los animales", del director Santiago Reale. Además, en el espacio Video Room, que pone películas a disposición de agentes de ventas, programadores de festivales y distribuidores internacionales especializados en el cine de género, se podrán ver los filmes chilenos "Contra el demonio", de José Miguel Zúñiga, y "Nigthworld", de Patricio Valladares. A esto hay que sumar las proyecciones para los profesionales del mercado de una quincena de películas chilenas, entre las cuales se encuentran "Los perros", de Marcela Said; "La familia", de Alicia Scherson y Cristián Jiménez; "Princesita" de Marialy Rivas, "Una Mujer Fantástica", de Sebastián Lelio, y "La novia del desierto", de Cecilia Atán y Valeria Pivato. En Animation!, el espacio de Ventana Sur dedicado a proyectos latinoamericanos en desarrollo en su doble categoría de largometraje y series televisivas, los trabajos chilenos seleccionados para optar a premios son "Tata Miguel", de Tomás Montalva en la categoría de largometrajes, y los proyectos de series animadas "¡Sube el nivel!", dirigido y producido por Fernanda Frick, y "Zander", dirigido por Maria Luisa Furche. Por otra parte, y como novedad este año, el Festival y el Mercado Internacional de Cine de Animación de Annecy (MIFA), seleccionó cinco películas de animación latinoamericanas (de Argentina, Brasil, México, Perú y Chile) para ser exhibidas ante agentes de ventas y compañías de distribución de todo el mundo. La chilena es "Nahuel y el libro mágico", dirigida por Germán Acuña. Para Fims in Progress y Copia Cero, dos secciones orientadas a la internacionalización de películas latinoamericanas en fase de post producción, fueron seleccionadas "Miércoles", de Esteban Cabezas, "Amukan", de Francisco Toro," Swing" de Lucho Smok; "Todo puede ser", de Gonzalo Maza, y "Dry Martina", de Che Sandoval. Y por último, en Trends, espacio inaugurado el año pasado dedicado a las nuevas tecnologías, se presentará el título chileno "Hain", un proyecto de realidad virtual dirigido por Rodrigo Susarte y Sebastián Escalona. Además, el 30 de noviembre tendrá lugar en Buenos Aires el V Encuentro de Productores, con participación de representantes de Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia y Paraguay. EFE
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1686
TW/CW: Infant Death
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Nesta began feeling off in a familiar way as spring came into bloom and she was excited for another child that she hoped would be a son after two daughters though she had a problem... she had no clue who the father was.
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Even so, she told her husband about the new arrival though she simply omitted any mention of her paternity doubts and he was excited for a third child as well.
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Nesta also told Giovanni Cesare about the pregnancy and while he was happy for her the moment it sunk in that it might be his, he panicked as he didn't want drama to start but since Jaxsen was unaware of their dalliances, well, no need to make a fuss when it was just as likely to be Jaxsen's anyways.
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In Newcrest, Luisa delivered twins on March 2nd. The older one, the girl, was named Marie and her twin brother was named Jacques.
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On April 25th, Marcello and Chanel welcomed their son who they named Giovanni after Marcello's dear friend and uncle Giovanni Cesare.
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Both of Luisa's twins grew up well as it appeared that Marie favored her father and Jacques favored his mother but it wasn't to last as on July 13th, Jacques burned up with fever and slipped away in the night.
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Elisabetta grew up into a rambunctious child with plenty of energy to her father's great relief. Though sometimes she had too much energy and her father would have to talk to her about getting in the way of his work and send her to spend time with her aunt when Orelia was in port.
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Baby Giovanni grew up into a darling boy though his parents fussed over him excessively especially after the news of Luisa's son's passing and the memory of the loss of their firstborn, they were determined to lavish their son the best they could.
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Young Kathy quickly joined the ranks of bigger children behind Elisabetta and while the girls became more distinct in the personalities they remained close.
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But what the girls loved the most was when Orelia could visit and tell her stories of life on the ocean. The way Orelia spoke made life on the water seem magical though growing up on the islands they couldn't quite understand how it could be so interesting to the aunt when they were surrounded by water and boats all the time.
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On December 27th, Nesta got her wish as she delivered her son Francis in good health. It was too soon to tell who the boy took after but she hoped that he would look like her and her fears simply wouldn't matter.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1685
TW/CW: Child Death
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The remaining ward of the Carlisle home, Milo, celebrated becoming a teenager that January and the joy that came with a milestone birthday continued for Giovanni Cesare as he learned that to Torricelli couple welcomed a daughter in Tartosa and his cousin Luisa was seriously courting in Newcrest.
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Vivienne's younger half-sister celebrated her sixth birthday as well and it seemed like a good time for Milo to move in with his sister leaving his former step-father's home.
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In Newcrest, the Carlisle family was recovering from the loss of their brother as the younger children grew closer and Luisa tried to distract herself from being too occupied by thoughts of her love.
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But it didn't matter too much because her love, Pierre Dupont, quickly proposed and the pair was wed by May.
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Sadly, just as his sister began to show with her pregnancy, the overbearing heat from the summer claimed young Clement.
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In Tartosa, Salvador celebrated his sixth birthday and not too far behind Camilla also celebrated her sixth birthday.
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The came to a close as back in the Carlisle home, little Susana was finally able to toddle around after her older sister and Giovanni Cesare's daughters.
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korgbelmont · 4 years
ooh what about top 10 characters you wished were/are an LI? 😏
Thanks for the ask @penda-bear!
Ooooooh, okay, 10 characters, this is going to be difficult  😅😅
1) Veronica Lombardi 2) Aurora Emery 3) Harper Emery 4) Payton Saunders 5) Autumn Brooks 6) Ximena 7) Serafine Dupont 8) Adrina Starfury 9) Luisa (BaBu) 10) Cleo Burbank
That got difficult to decide haha!
Honourable mentions to Olivia Nevrakis and Evelyn from FA
Special mention for Hazel Nguyen from Hot Couture given her treatment
From this ask
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