#Luke Owen
ottonevermore · 10 months
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happy lord of the board to those who celebrate and congrats to mr jon gracey! please take this offering of fanart for an old BOTC bit
hopefully its been long enough that spoilers dont matter lol extra words + art info under the cut!
hiii FINALLY posting on NRBlr, it feels weird for this to be my first post ever but i wanted to actually post my art somewhere for once! i had to force myself to be done with this piece or else id be staring at it + making tiny changes for the rest of my damn life lol
Minstrel!Jon's outfit is inspired by (stolen from) this outfit, and the color scheme is taken from Alphonse Mucha's "Primrose" (i think?) ive been making an insane amount of NRB fanart lately sdlgkfjs these little board game guys have lowkey cured my art block so uh. if u like this piece then good, cause i have SO much more where it came from
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thechampagnesocialist · 11 months
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Luke in every NRB video ever actually
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tyquu · 5 months
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How 2 avoid telling ur kid his dad was a wizard
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Luke and Leia would not be the same people if they had grown up with their bio parents. If they had grown up with their bio parents, they would've grown up in the suburbs. Luke is like that because he grew up as a gay kid in the middle of nowhere tuning up 20-year-old cars he could then drive around without a proper licence while five different gangs roamed around. Leia is like that because she was raised by people in their forties who were on the radical left. They are not the same.
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spikybanana · 1 year
luke: where do babies come from?
owen: brought by sorcerers. they come and drop 'em at the house. that's how we got you.
luke: you're not lying
owen: nope
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allthingskenobi · 5 months
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@swsource​ star wars week: day 5 – favorite names/nicknames
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syndullahera · 1 month
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twinterrors29 · 6 days
Owen Lars died a few days before the end of Revenge of the Sith
so when a bedraggled, light-haired and light-skinned man showed up on her doorstep carrying a child, Beru Whitesun saw a solution to all her problems: identity fraud to get out of paying death taxes to the Hutts and ensure she had enough help running the farm
she even got a free baby out of the deal, and was able to convince her totally-not-new 'husband' that this would keep him safe from the new Empire as well!
this does, of course, add an additional layer of awkwardness to the arrival of Artoo and Threepio at the start of A New Hope
Luke: hey Uncle Owen, these droids we bought say that they belong someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi who they claim lives near here, do you know who that could be?
'Owen,' sweating: he, uh, died
Luke: oh, did you know him then?
'Owen,' sweating harder: how about we just wipe these droids' memories in the morning and forget this whole conversation, how does that sound son??
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riyo-soka · 2 months
The Organas and the Lars family are all well aware that the children they’re raising each have a sibling somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy. They can never say anything, since Luke and Leia would be in grave danger if the truth of their heritage were to get out, but sometimes the twins’ adoptive families can’t help but think about the other child that they will never know.
Breha notices her daughter’s title causes her to struggle with finding companions her own age and wonders if that loneliness might have been lessened had the twins never been separated. Sometimes, she imagines taking Leia’s brother by the hand and introducing him to the people of Alderaan as a beloved member of the Organa family just like his sister.
Beru starts stitching a family tree -a tradition among slaves and former slaves on Tatooine, meant to bring together families that were separated by slavery- but struggles to finish it when she realizes it’s too dangerous to include her niece. After the war, Luke and Leia create their own, and Leia displays her connection to the Lars family line like a badge of honour.
Bail is always concerned about Luke’s wellbeing somewhere in the back of his mind. The Lars family are supposed to be good, hardworking people, but even under Obi-Wan’s protection, Tatooine is a hostile place to live: especially compared to a temperate core world planet like Alderaan. Since he is unable to directly intervene so far out in Hutt Space, his contacts within the rebellion are occasionally tasked with checking in on the state of things in and around Tatooine’s settlements. On the occasions where Owen and Beru found themselves struggling to put food on the table, an off-world traveller would soon arrive offering to pay handsomely for something like mechanical help or a ride to Anchorhead.
Owen tries not to dwell on what-if scenarios and focus on keeping his nephew safe, but raising a force sensitive child -much less a force sensitive child of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala- is stressful on the best of days. When people in town murmur under their breath about how odd the Lars boy is, he worries. Both that the empire will take the whispering about Luke being odd seriously, and that the little girl Obi-Wan told them about when he arrived with baby Luke hidden under his cloak might be put in danger by those same whispers.
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psychicpinenut · 9 months
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luke + his crush on julie showing
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In which I cut together all the Wrestle Talk lore so the NRB people who couldn't care less about wrestling can enjoy Oli at his peak >:3c
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lieutenant-teach · 5 months
Little Luke: Uncle Owen, what is ‘scum’?
Owen: Where did you hear this word?
Luke: Ben called Tatooine ‘a wretched hive of scum and villainy’. What is ‘scum’?
Owen: I’m never letting you near him again.
Luke: Uncle Owen, do you know what to do when stormtroopers attack you, you kill them, and then you have to get rid of them? You must throw them into the Sarlacc Pit! Cody taught me so!
Owen: I’m never letting you near him either!
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lily-s-world · 6 months
Do you ever think about Julie and the Phantoms and feel a violent urge to burn Netflix to the ground for cancel it after just one season?
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archerygun · 6 months
It’s always so heartbreaking to me that every time we see Owen display how he really feels about Luke in canon (the books, and Kenobi) Luke is never there to hear it.
When Owen faces down the inquisitor and declares that Luke IS his son, Luke is already way out of earshot (even though I do sort of consider the Kenobi show non-canon). When Owen talks to Beru after the argument with Luke on the day they die, telling her he feels bad about having to squash Luke’s dreams and wanting to find some way to make it up to him, he never hears it.
Owen’s relationship with Luke WAS complex, and it was rocky sometimes. I’ve always read this as Owen having difficulty being emotionally open, at least as far as the ANH novel and Kenobi show have shown. Owen loves Luke DEEPLY, right to his core. But he doesn’t know how to put that into words. He’s an awkward man! He’s been raised on nightmare hell planet where becoming too attached to someone might end up in them being killed or sold into slavery and you being miserable! Look at what happened to both of his mothers!
When someone you love dies, you look at all their actions with a new light and deeper introspection. Can you imagine the absolute world-shattering thoughts Luke must have had after Owen and Beru died?
Realising he was more deeply loved than he could have ever realised, even if Owen had a harder time showing it.
And Owen’s parental anxiety is shown in Kenobi! Owen Lars, one of the most dedicated fathers in the galaxy, probably died wondering if his son would ever know how much he really loved him.
Owen probably died with so, so many regrets. Owen probably died wondering if he deserved to raise Luke (which he DID) and if he had done enough to prepare his son for the world (HE DID).
Owen Lars has always been a heartbreaking character for me.
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galentir · 8 months
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My poster for MegaCon London 2024! 👻👻👻
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fictional-apologistt · 7 months
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they say the best comes in 3s
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