#Luna Human Form
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chocostrwberry · 5 months
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Princess Twilight Sparkle sketch!! 💜✨👑🦄
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missallanea · 3 months
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"I'm glad you're enjoying the summer heat, but... when you're covered in fur, it's not as much fun."
open !!
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luna-light-eclipse · 6 months
LITTLE TRAVELLER WOLF. remember. I Do. i remember everything, luna. And am i still thinking about the light-suppression cuffs and the moths and the Eliksni and--
Think about it again,,, always bleeding a liquid light, trying to stop the hatchlings from trying to eat it (still crying). the family that basically adopted them while they were out of it, and who they stayed with when they were themself again. the wolf plushie...
I never forget,,,
Saladin watching someone he’s always seen as a powerful warrior deteriorate into something almost akin to a child but it is not quite that either- no it is something else, something wrong. A slow acting poison ending in death set upon Wolf by the people they should have been able to trust the most.
Do you remember Wolf in the wilds? Travelling alone to a destination they don’t remember? Resting in hunter hideouts they had made or been trusted with, admiring the light of the stars, and the moths of course.
The Traveller only wanted its favoured guardian back, taken from it for being too good, too powerful. It can do nothing but give away as much as it can until its power is warping the foundations of Wolf’s body and soul into a form that cannot remember itself. Saladin looks upon Wolf whose arms glow with bright white Light, whose fingertips are ever so slowly beginning to melt into nothing. At the near ever-present liquid Light tears running down one side of their face out from under freshly replaced bandages. Their body is covered in fissures, bodies shouldn’t do that they think- for a moment until the very capability of thought is gone again.
This Light is a gift. Each time Wolf looks upon their wounds they know that they are loved. This Light is a gift that leaves everyone questioning if Wolf is even human anymore. They can see through walls, hear what no one else can. The Traveller speaks, they alone hear it.
Then once they are free from their quite literal shackles they remember the hands that stemmed their bleeding, who cried once their blood stopped running red, who walked them through the city and bought them the one thing they had ever wanted.
Eliksni arrive to the city and Wolf can feel the Traveller welcome them, even if the humans do not. It is awkward, always, for they worship the traveller and it’s Light is Wolf’s body. There is little else left. Though they are not alone in their stilted interactions with Wolf- no one is quite sure about how they are supposed to speak to them, to the one the Traveller loves. Except for the ones who held them together when no one else would, those ones still treated them as human.
The Eliksni endure the animosity thrown at them. Ask for nothing from no one. They have endured, they do not need gifts to survive. But the Traveller still answers their silence, through Wolf’s voice it tells them that they’ve found peace, finally, they’ve done good, they can have the Light now.
…But not in so many words, Wolf has never been one to speak after all. Let everyone decipher their actions instead.
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spiribia · 1 year
wildest type of story when there is an animal trying to assume the role of a human being and one of the emotional conflicts is But at the heart of it i am just an animal there is not that much i can do. princess tutu duck for one. i dont remember ANYTHING about that mr peabody and sherman movie but years ago i saw i believe an unused scene storyboard and some of the creator commentary was about how that dogs worst fear was losing his human son i mean he is a great dad but at the end of the day he is just a dog and what if he is not good enough. he is a small animal. and for some reason that general sentiment haunts me to this day even though its possible it's a patchy memory corroded by time. he's just a dog who loves his human son
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coffee-and-uhg · 1 year
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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the Mr. Lonely premiere in Mexico City? May 8, 2009.
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shukuchiisms · 1 year
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@priesm: ❛ are you okay? are you hurt? ❜ luna !
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One would think that walking on her own two feet shouldn't have been any problem, but re-learning to hold her human form was proving more difficult than anticipated. Perhaps she had gotten overconfident, perhaps trying to race down the stairs two at a time in the same way she watched Usagi do every day had been taking things a bit too quickly. Missing the step and taking a tumble, Luna's form had returned to small and feline as she rolled to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. Dizzy and mortified, but no worse for wear.
"...I'm fine," she finally whines, hiding her face behind her paws before stretching and getting back to her feet, shaking her head to try and clear the spinning. "But... maybe we don't have to mention this to everyone else? I don't want everyone worrying over me every time I try to walk."
forty random questions
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Claude/Hannah Infodump time letsgo
I hate Season 2 of Black Butler with a passion. It has good parts (introduced me to love of my life Ronald Knox and little middle school me would play his scene for 30 minutes at a time. totally neurotypical behavior right there), it has...the rest of it. I have essentially made the Trancy demons my OCs and I'm not sorry lmao.
Let's start with Hannah Anafeloz: She grew bored of her position in Hell, bored of being royalty, bored of the same mundane battlefields day after day after day. Hannah, along with her favored guard, 'vanished' into the realm of the living after centuries of waiting for her time, leaving the Prince-Reagent in charge. Hannah is ancient power made manifest, so the journey left her basically unscathed. Her guard, however, was split into three different people- the Triplets. She enjoyed bringing her power and havoc into the human realm! She enjoyed seeing what souls were capable of: Human greed, human wrath, human pride are much different than their demonic counterparts. Unfortunately, she grew bored of this too, and the Triplets searched far and wide to make their Queen-Reagent happy. They found a nice ruin for her to stay in, and would act as worker bees to her. Hannah, however, would sneak out on her lonesome to observe humanity, to understand why she was bored when they never were. That lead her to Luca, and eventually, Alois. Ms. Anafeloz began to regret such a demonic existence. --- Claude Faustus. So much is potential greatness, so much is garbage. I've turned him into my fixation instead :D Claude, for better terms, was taken in by Hannah not long after his own kingdom was destroyed. The only reason he is alive right now is because he tried to stab Hannah in the back, and succeeded but didn't kill her. He was interesting. He was clever. Hannah always wanted a younger sibling. Claude took that new role with pride, striving to be better than everyone Hannah surrounded herself with for his own survival. This drive to be superior lead him to becoming Prince-Regent and High General of Hannah's armies. When she disappeared, the entire kingdom turned on its head. Claude, who had experience in ruling an army but not an empire, was grasping at the strands to take power into his own hand. He ruled for a few decades, horribly, and was usurped by a different Sin family to 'free' the demons under his control. Claude, an exile from one kingdom and heir to another, found himself desperate for basic needs- Food, shelter. He tried to lure humans into summoning up, for centuries while he struggled to regain any of his former power. He was almost summoned by a desperate occultist, but the ritual failed and killed her. His actual summoning, his return to greatness, his empire being rebuilt? All in the hands of a child who had no idea what power truly was. Claude hated that. Claude hated the child for humiliating him, hated the child for trapping him into this mortal realm with vermin and filth like reapers and lesser demons. But the child lead him back to Hannah. He wasn't sure to be thankful, or spiteful, for the fact they reunited. Or for the fact Hannah was happy to see him, and welcomed him with open arms. ---
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zenjestrr · 4 months
I want a Sailor Moon Musou game
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tirorah · 5 months
PGSM Venus: You haven't awakened your powers yet? Hmm, maybe you're missing...something? *obvious hint to search yourself for flaws*
PGSM Luna: Ah yes, the ancient training regimen of...uh...catching little pieces of paper with chopsticks! Yes! Chop chop, hop to it! And here, Mako-chan, eat these raw potatoes! This will surely help you awaken!
At this point I'm convinced that Luna was a giant troll eons go and became a somewhat okay mentor figure *only* because she'd lost part of her memory. Now the brakes are off and I fear for Makoto's stomach.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Trixy: heh! ya know it! 9! EIGHT! ALL YA SORRY HUNKS OF SCRAP GET YA *BEEPS* OVER HERE! *cue all Null's versions of Ultra's bros coming outta the portal carrying building materials and scrap! 9 being the last to come out! walking up to both Luna'n Trixy! 9- being 9ft tall, with his dang near BLANK, yet stern expression, which is his resting face! and bulky, sturdy build's VERY intimidating! specially since this's the first time Luna's met him!* 9: so! your Luna, i'd assume? Trixy speaks very highly of you! *places a hand on her shoulder and puts on a VERY soft'n kind expression! well- he's trying- trying to NOT be scary- * i'm glad she has such a good influence! keep it up! you ever need anything, my family's door's ALWAYS open to you!
Luna flinches despite not wanting to. "Thanks"
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beesspacedotorg · 8 months
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Summary: You get close with your new pack, especially the Luna. 5.5k words
Warnings: it's omegaverse. guys. it's omegaverse. there's gonna be omegaverse in it. reader is an omega, so is lino. there's mommy kink. towards lino. uh. there's s3x. what else. readers genitals and pronouns are not specified or elaborated on at all B). one (1) piss joke. poly ot8 and it's implied they all bone but there's no actual boning that happens. there's boning described once for two seconds.
Notes: I have almost all of the legendary fish in stardew. this was inspired by this ask that @hyunsvngs got like two days ago. it was also finished yesterday, but I was busy so I didn't post it. thanks to my friends who read it and gave me feedback. uhm. that's all.
Hyunjin is the one who finds you. You’re both in the same class at university, a filler class, something to do with philosophy, and you group up on a project to discuss the differences in the eastern and western versions of the practice.
“Do you think the whole ‘Alpha Mindset’ that’s going around these days could be a facet of modern philosophy, or is it just omegaphobia repackaged?” You’re dicking around on your laptop in class. After assigning the project, your teacher gave up on doing their job, which would be great, but attendance is still mandatory.
“Probably repackaged, hey I have a question for you.” Hyunjin sets his phone down when he asks, tilting in his seat to face you and your heart skips about seven beats in your chest.
He’s pretty, almost pretty enough that it’s annoying, that and he smells nice. It took you two weeks of classes to muster up the courage to ask him on a date only for him to say that he has seven boyfriends but he’d be more than happy to be friends. You would sell your soul to the nearest evil spirit to be lucky enough to have one boyfriend, much less seven, but you aren’t going to let a good opportunity slip out of your hands, so you took his offer of friendship even though you wanted- want- more.
“Yeah, what’s up?” You can feel that this conversation is bordering on serious, a topic that you and Hyunjin broach often. He’s the poetic type, and often you find yourself discussing the intricacies of human emotion with him. He seems nervous though, nervous enough that you temporarily pause Papa’s Pizzeria and boot up 2048 instead, giving him as much attention as you can offer.
“So. Okay wait. Give me a second, I have a list of questions to ask you. Seungmin made me a flowchart.” You smile at him, he’s cute. Seungmin is one of his boyfriends, Hyunjin spends more time than is strictly necessary talking your ear off about how smart and cute and talented Seungmin is. You’d be jealous if you hadn’t seen Seungmin pick Hyunjin up from school one time. Your pants filled with slick so fast you had to hide in the bathroom for half an hour pretending to be sick until you calmed down enough to head home.
“Okay. Uhm. Would you consider us to be good friends?” His voice sounds slightly robotic as he reads from his script and you laugh slightly before confirming.
“Oh, that’s great. Me too. Uh. Do you have a boyfriend?” He pauses. “Or a girlfriend, or a partner?” He adds those last two as an afterthought, rushing through them and you laugh again.
“You would know if I managed to pull that off, Hyunjinnie.”
“What about that pretty girl from your math class?”
“She only dates Alphas unfortunately.”
“Damn.” He doesn’t sound very sorry as he says it, but you can tell he’s trying to be nice. It irks you just a tad, but you think this conversation is leading up to something so you drop the irritation and motion for him to continue.
“Okay, if ‘no’, the next question was,” he’s mumbling to himself and you snort slightly. “Do you have a pack?” You blink. He’s never asked you this before and you shake your head. Where you’re from, people have moved away from forming packs, something about a post World War 2 culture shift and traditional values and homophobia and what not. Your generation is working to bring them back, but the only pack you have is your immediate family. You haven’t gotten close enough to anyone on campus to try and start one, and the one time you felt the need you were swiftly friendzoned.
“Ah. No. I don’t.” He hums sadly.
“Okay. Would you like one?”
“Hyunjin…” You’re starting to feel slightly defensive, and you’re not sure if you like where this is going.
“Wait. Wait. Let me finish.” He huffs. “I told Chan these questions would weird you out, but what do I know?” He sets his phone down and grabs the hand that was busy moving the 2048 tiles around on your computer screen.
“I have a crush on you.” You blink, rapid fire. “And I would like to date you. And also so would my seven boyfriends. But we can get to that later. I got here first, I call dibs.”
In the version of this you tell your friends and family, you accepted immediately and you and Hyunjin went on your first date that afternoon. In reality, you stood up so fast you almost passed out and hightailed it to the bathroom to have a mild panic attack. Hyunjin was kind enough to grab your things and wait for you. He was also kind enough to wait the months-long process of you being generally distrustful of him and his intentions until you decided he was actually serious and that you wanted to give it a try.
Which leads you to where you are now, in the passenger seat of Hyunjin’s car, hands outrageously sweaty as you prepare to meet the rest of the pack for the first time.
“Listen, we don’t have to.” He says. “I’ve talked it over with the rest of them, it can just be you and I. I like you, I want to date you.”
“No, no. Even if it does work that way, I’d have to meet them eventually.”
“Yeah, but meeting ‘my boyfriends that you have no commitment to’ would probably be easier than meeting ‘my boyfriends who might also become your boyfriends.’”
“I can guarantee you it wouldn’t.”
“Jeeze. You should talk to someone about that.”
“Channie has good insurance.”
“I’m not legally dependent on him.”
He grabs your incredibly sweaty hand in his huge and not-so-sweaty one and holds it for the rest of the drive. When he pulls into the driveway he kisses said hand and bats the other one away from the door handle.
“Don’t worry. I got it.” Usually, he would just walk around the car to open it for you, today he bodily throws himself over the hood before doing a weird roll and a cartwheel. You laugh and he opens it and helps you out. He smiles.
You’re still laughing at him as he guides you to the front door and opens it, you’re laughing as he helps you take your shoes off, and you’re laughing through introductions.
“What’s so funny?” Jeongin asks, and you burst into more laughter as you remember the way Hyunjin chucked himself over the car. You’ve calmed down enough to tell him just as you hear yelling from a different room.
“Hwang Hyunjin! How the hell did you get dirt on your shirt? We told you to pick them up, not stop for mud wrestling!”
(You do, eventually, tell Jeongin what happened. He demands a live demonstration and almost cries at it.
“It’s just so dumb! He’s usually graceful and he just- How did he move his body like that?”
“That was the ugliest fucking cartwheel I’ve ever seen.”)
The pack is nice and touchy and, best of all, they want you around.
hi jisung
Jisung ??? Are you mad at me or smth?
hi jiji
Okay great
WHat are you doung today
And don’t say “your mom”
your mom
ah shit
uh. nothing. sleeping. eating. pissing.
In my mouth?
Ignore that.
Come over :D 
You can do all of that here
In my bed >:)
I was over there yesterday
Idc. I’m sending over Changbinnie with the car <3
Good thing you’re just coming to hang out with me then
So, you like them. You’re comfortable with them, there’s only one problem.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“How do you even know that?” Seungmin levels you with a stare.
“It’s physically impossible to hate you-”
“Not true.” Seungmin stares again. You stare back. He rolls his eyes.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“He doesn’t talk to me.”
“He’s shy.”
“Well! So am I! Only one of us can be shy in this relationship and I call dibs!” Seungmin huffs and smashes his head into a pillow.
“Kim Seungmin, if you mess up my nest, I’m kicking you out.”
“This is my bed.”
“Not anymore.” He fixes the pillow and holds your face in his hands.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“What if he does? What if Luna doesn’t like me?” Seungmin plants a kiss to your nose and lets you cry.
I’m the only one without a cute nickname
rectify that immediately
what should I call you then
Idk. I’ve never had to give myself a nickname.
a little puppy told me that you think I don’t like you
kim seungmin is dead to me
say your goodbyes
no need for that
I could smell your tears on him after you went home
I thought he scared you away
it took a very long time to get him to fess up >:)
what did you do
nothing he doesn’t enjoy
Luna is sorry
for making you think he doesn’t like you
come over tomorrow
I’ll make it up to you >:)
I’m not really up to boning rn, sorry to say
>:( that’s not what I meant
Jisungie says you like this game
Stardew Valley
he says it has multiplayer mode
I downloaded it on our switch for us to play together
just us
everyone else can suffer
just us?
unless you’d rather have company
I think Channie is free
chan is free you say >:)
Yah! I called dibs on you!
I’m kicking him out of the house tomorrow
Stardew with Minho is surprisingly fun. You put him in charge of fishing while you spend your days toiling in the mines. He starts beef with Harvey, the local doctor, after you tell him that Harvey is your go-to love interest when you play the game solo.
“He’s pixels! Code and pixels!”
“I don’t care! This stupid doctor wanders onto our farm and charges me money for passing out on my own land. And! He’s stealing my Omega. He needs to go. How do I replace him?” You let out a laugh and ignore the flutters in your stomach when he casually lays claim on you.
“Do you get this upset when Felix or Ji talk about their media crushes?”
“... I don’t see how that’s very relevant to the conversation.”
“You’re silly.” He huffs at you.
“Why is this fish ugly?”
“That’s a- You just caught a legendary fish. Do you know how hard that is?”
“It’s ugly. I’m selling it.”
“No, don’t! Let me buy a fish tank! We can display it on our farm!”
“Why would you want to display this?”
“You can only catch one per save file.” He rolls his eyes but dutifully places the fish in the tank when you return to the farm. You kiss his cheek and watch his ears turn red.
After that, spending time with Minho is easy. You can’t really imagine what it was like being in the pack without having his attention on you. Felix starts joking that he’s been replaced as Minho’s favorite. (He stops because it starts to make you mildly upset, but also because you’re pretty sure Minho sucked the soul out of his dick right after he first made that joke.)
It comes to a head around exam season, this time, you and Hyunjin don’t share any classes, and annoyingly, Chan is too busy to eat much less help you settle, so you end up floundering with anxiety and stress and lack of sleep.
“Jagi? What’s wrong?” It’s Minho, his scent lavender and undercut with something sugar coated.
“Everything.” Your head is in your hands and you’re shoving your palms into your eyes to push back tears. Minho hums, hand coming to the back of your neck to scruff you just slightly.
“What’s your schedule like right now?” You shove your calendar at him and he hums, considering for a second before he’s hauling you up by your armpits.
“Wait- I have to study. I can’t just-”
“You have to eat.” This is the harshest you’ve ever heard him speak to you, but strangely enough, you don’t feel scared. “You have to eat and sleep and maybe shower and cuddle with Luna because he misses you and then you can get back to studying. Yeah?”
His suggestion makes you whine and struggle in his hold a bit. His hand returns to your neck to re-scruff you.
“Settle. I’m not asking, jagi, I’m telling.” You huff and pout at him, but he’s the pack’s head Omega for a reason, and who are you to question his authority? So you listen, going limp in his hold and forcing him to bear your weight.
“I see why you and Seungminnie get along so well. You’re listening, but not without struggle, hmm? Brats. The both of you.”
“‘M not.”
“You are. But that’s okay, Luna will train it out of you some other time. You’ll learn to behave.”
You can ignore how his words sent a spike of heat to your belly, but you can’t ignore the way he smirks at the change in your scent.
“Oh? Do you like that?”
“... I thought I was supposed to be eating.”
“Nice subject change. But yes, you are. Sit there and let me handle it.”
He feeds you and helps you shower, despite your many protests that you’re gross and can handle it yourself he refuses to back down.
“Let me do this for you, hmm?” His eyes are soft. “I don’t have to if you really don’t want me to, but I want to take care of you. Let me take care of my baby.” So you do, melting under his soft gaze and softer words, and he must be doing something with his scent, because you feel mildly scent drunk as he drags you into his nest.
“I’m allowed in?” You’re surprised. You’ve never been in his room before, most of your hangouts happening in the living room or Chan’s room when he’s not home because Minho thinks it’s funny to bother the Alpha. So you’re slightly out of it and a lot surprised and Minho looks a little upset that you asked but he takes your arm and shoves you onto his bed, rearranging his nest around you before climbing in himself.
“Of course you’re allowed in. You think Kim Seungmin is allowed in here and you’re not? You think I let a sweaty, post-gym Changbin in here but won’t let you? You’re silly. Hush.”
“Okay.” He hums, satisfied at your submission and wraps himself around you. 
“Luna will give you a reward when you finish exams.”
“What if I don’t pass?”
“You still deserve a reward for trying.” He kisses your head and you fall asleep like that, curled around each other, comfortable in his bed and warm in his arms.
“I’m finished!” You wander into the house the next week, fully prepared to spend your break doing absolutely nothing.
“Yay! With what, exactly?” Changbin asks. You hang your self off of him, forcing him to drag you along as he putters around the kitchen.
“With exams! Didn’t Yongbokkie and Minho ban you from the kitchen?”
“Well, yes. But what they don’t know won’t kill them.”
“What who doesn’t know?” It’s Minho, and you giggle as you push your face in between Changbin’s shoulder blades. He’s so big and warm. You want to bite him and also want him to hold you against a wall for unholy acts. Your hands wander around while he’s stuttering out a lame excuse to grope his chest.
“Wh- Hey! I’m busy getting threatened here!”
“Yes. I’m busy celebrating being a genius. It seems we both have full schedules.”
“Celebrating,” Minho steps next to you and taps you until you look at him, cheek still smushed against Changbin’s back. “Are you finished with exams then?”
“Mhm.” Your eyes are closing. Changbin really is comfortable, he smells slightly like chocolate and raspberries, and you could do with a celebratory nap.
“That’s great!” You’re being tugged away from your napping spot. “Come, Luna promised you a reward.”
“My nap.”
“You can’t sleep standing, you’re not a horse.”
“You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
He crosses his arms after closing the door to his bedroom.
“Do you want to nap before or after your reward?”
“What’s my reward?” The sentence hasn’t been out of your mouth for very long before he’s cupping the back of your head and kissing you.
“Oh. Oh. This is a good reward.” He smiles against your mouth, gently pushing you back towards his bed.
“Yeah? I thought you’d like it. I can smell you, you know.” Your back is hitting the mattress and there’s a shirt by your head that you think Hunjin was looking for a little while ago. “When you stare at me for too long, I can smell how needy you get. We all can, but I called dibs.”
“Dibs?” Your hands are under his shirt squishing his pecs.
“Mhm. Dibs. Hyunjinnie got to date you first. Kiss and hug and hold your hand. But do you know what I get to do first?” You shake your head and he gives you a wicked smile before he leans down next to your ear. “I get to fuck you first. Not Channie, not our Alpha, not Hyunjinnie who found you first. Me, your Luna. I get you first.” You inhale, shaky, and your legs shake slightly with the way blood rushes away from your brain. You can smell how your scent spikes and you can smell how Minho’s spikes in return. He smells so good, you want to get your mouth on him, so you do. You pull him down until his neck is in reach and seal your lips around the scent gland there, licking the sweat from his skin and letting your lungs fill with nothing but him.
“Jagi,” his voice is breathy, he pulls your head away from his neck and you whine. “You’re gonna get yourself scent drunk and I want you to be present for the things I’m going to do to you. Be good for me.” You pout slightly at him but nod, you’ll be good for him, you’ll do anything he wants. But you want to kiss him again, you want to kiss him so badly that you think you’ll die without it. You throw yourself up, arms circling around his neck as you press your mouth on his and you knock him off balance a bit. You’re upset when he tilts, separating your mouths and you push and push until suddenly he’s on his back under you, but you’re finally kissing so you don’t care all that much.
“Eager.” He’s too busy trying to talk to kiss you and you nip at his lip lightly until he gets the message.
“You’re only getting away with this because this is the first time,” he warns. “Next time, I won’t be so lenient.” You think he might be lying, that he’d let you do whatever you want regardless of how many times you fall into bed together, but you aren’t in the habit of letting other people know you have an advantage so you let it go.
You’re grinding down onto him, chasing friction as your pants fill with enough slick that you worry you might be in heat, whimpering with every movement when he grabs your hips, stopping you.
“Minho, why?”
“Oh, don’t look at me like that. Don’t you wanna get your pants off? Hmm? Feel me bare?” And suddenly, you do. He’s so smart for knowing that, you think. You let him slide your bottoms off and tug at his until they’re gone and there’s nothing separating the two of you save for the fact that you can’t fuse into one person.
You settle yourself back over him and oh. Omegas are supposed to be small, in the dick department, and you suppose compared to an Alpha, he might be. But he feels so good against you, he’ll feel so good inside of you, that you don’t much care, pawing at him desperately. He chuckles and grabs your hand, flipping you back over so he’s on top again.
“Baby, don’t tell me you’re already gone?” You are. You’re so gone. If you’re being honest, you were gone the second he kissed you. He does it again and you whine into his mouth.
“Noisy little thing. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. Make sure my pretty Omega is all satisfied before you leave my bed.” He smiles and then he’s kissing his way down your neck and grumbling about the shirt you’re still wearing before his mouth is on the place where you’re leaking slick and suddenly your brain is falling out of your ears.
Your hands grab onto his hair and pull, hips arching up into his mouth. You think the sound that you let out could be heard from outer space, but in your defense, he’s good with his tongue.
“I knew you’d taste good.” You have no idea how he’s still talking, but the vibrations feel nice enough that you don’t want to stop him, that and you don’t think you could stop Minho from doing much of anything at this rate.
“We talked about it, you know.” You didn’t know. The pack talked about you? You quickly lose your train of thought as he slips one of his fingers inside of you. Small, he always says. They don’t feel small.
“It was all Jeonginnie could talk about during his last rut.” Minho huffs and you can see him roll his eyes despite the fact that yours are closed. You weren’t there for his last rut, too nervous and too busy with school to stay. It had caused quite the fuss and you had to spend extra time with Jeongin before and after to soothe him.
“Knuckle deep in Yongbokkie and all he could talk about was you. How good you’d taste, how warm you’d be. He’s lucky that Yongbokkie has the hots for you too, otherwise he’d be down one appendage.” The implication of the youngest Alpha getting his dick chopped off by Felix makes you laugh, but the knowledge that the pack desires you knocks the wind from your lungs. Either that, or the thing Minho is currently doing with his fingers.
He licks you again, and then places his mouth around your hole and sucks, like he’s trying to drink the slick straight from your body. The sound it makes is absolutely obscene, and your face heats at it, hands coming up to hide.
“No, no. Move your hands, jagiya. Let me see you.” He’s moving, mouth no longer on you and you hate it, but your embarrassment outweighs everything else so you don’t move your hands and instead shake your head at him. He pauses, hand stilling inside of you.
“No? Did you just tell me no, sweet thing?” You shake your head again.
“You didn’t? It seems like you did. Seems like you still are.” He’s laughing, or, he was.
“I thought you were going to be good for me. Do I have to turn this reward into a punishment?” That’s the one that does it, your eyes go wide and your hands fall from your face to grab at him, head shaking violently.
“No! No! Mommy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, I was just nervous, please. I’ll be good. I’m good.” It takes you a second to register what you’ve said, and when you do your hands move up to cover your face again. Minho catches your wrists.
“Mommy? Yeah? Am I your mommy, sweetheart?” He drops your wrist to cup your face and you’ve lost all coordination. He taps your cheek, just a hint of a slap, but it’s enough to have you looking at him with wet eyes.
“I asked you a question, jagiya. Answer mommy when he talks to you, okay?” You nod, still in a daze and he huffs and takes a hold of your hair.
“What did I just tell you, doll?”
“To answer you.”
“Mhm, and what are you not doing?”
“So what do you say to me?”
“I’m sorry, mommy. I’m sorry, please let go, it hurts.” He lets go of your hair and gently massages your scalp.
“Hmm. That’s better. And, it’s supposed to hurt, baby. That’s how you learn to listen to your mommy. That’s what a brat like you needs to learn their place.” You choke slightly on your own spit, hands coming up to rest in his hair, playing with it. He smiles at you.
“Good. Now, be good for your mommy, yeah? Be good for your Luna and I’ll make sure you get everything you need. Can you do that?”
“Yeah. Yes. I can.” He hums and suddenly his fingers are in you again and he manages to take one of your nipples into his mouth, and you’re already so keyed up that you feel slightly embarrassed when you’re cumming on his hand a moment later.
“Oh, sweet thing. Did I take too long? Hmm? Did mommy tease you too much?” You shake your head.
“No, ‘m sorry, mommy.”
“Nothing to be sorry for. Don’t worry so much. You used your brain so well this past week, let mommy do the thinking for you. I’ll tell you when to apologize, how about that?”
“Sounds good.” You’re hot, overwarm, and you're shoving your shirt off the rest of the way and chucking it somewhere. The shirt’s only over your eyes for a second, but somehow Minho has managed to coat his fingers in his own slick and shove them into your mouth. Your eyes roll so far back into your head you’re worried they might stick but he tastes so good that you would suffer blindness for eternity just to have this.
“Mommy, mommy, you taste so good-”
“Shh, I know.” He shoves his fingers far enough back that you gag a little and your eyes water and he coos and wipes at your tears with the hand that was in you, smearing slick across your cheekbones.
His fingers are out of your mouth and he’s between your legs, shoving them apart to get at your hole and then he's sliding in.
“Oh God.”
“Just Minho is fine. Or mommy,” he giggles at you, “since you seem so fond of it.”
Your glare slightly at him, less than pleased with the corny joke, but he shifts his hips and hits a spot that has you keening, arching up into him for more.
“There? Yeah? Jesus. You're leaking so much that I'd think you're in heat if you didn't know any better.” He's right, but it's unfair of him to single you out.
“You are too.” It comes out a lot more whiny than you wanted but he’s nice enough to look offended anyway.
“I thought I took care of your attitude. It seems I have my work cut out for me.” His pace picks up at that, and suddenly you don't have enough brain cells to think, let alone talk back.
You're not wrong though, there's slick everywhere. From you and him, it's soaking through the sheets, it's sticking your thighs together every time he thrusts forward, it's coating his hands and everywhere he touches you. It's loud, the slapping of your bodies accompanied by a wet squish every time either of you moves. It's messy and sticky and slightly gross and you want more. You want to be covered in him and he in you until you smell so similar not even the best drug dog would be able to tell you apart.
Your hands wander searching and searching until you’ve found the place where he’s leaking too and you're coating your fingers in it and smearing a hand over your chest before sticking them in your mouth. You hear Minho gasp and his hips stutter before picking back up.
“Dirty, that’s dirty, Omega. You want me to make a mess of you?” You nod. Of course you do. You want your mommy to do whatever he wants to you. He coos and guides your hand back to his hole, guiding you into fingering him while he’s rearranging your guts.
“Mommy, it’s- you’re so warm.” He hums at you, breath finally turning ragged.
“Yeah? You wanna fuck mommy sometime? I bet you’d be good at it. Such a good little Omega for me, for us.” You do. You would like to fuck him sometime. Anytime really, you bet he’d be so warm. Tight and hot and wet. You have him on your fingers now, but you’re too overwhelmed to really enjoy it the way it should be enjoyed, the way he should be enjoyed. You want to eat him out, drink his slick straight from the source for the rest of time. You wouldn’t need water or food anymore if you could just have him.
“Yeah, I would. Mommy, please. I’ll be good. I’ll do so good.” You’re babbling at him, out of it and barely able to speak. He has to strain to understand you properly.
“You would. Mommy knows you would. Such a sweetheart, you’d make your Luna feel so good, hmm?” And you tighten around him with a loud moan and there’s a bang on the wall connecting Minho’s room to Chan’s and Minho bangs back.
“Yah! Just because you’re too busy to get your dick wet doesn’t mean I am! Leave us alone and go jack off or something!” He huffs and looks back down at you, kissing your nose softly in a stark juxtaposition to the way his hips are probably bruising your own.
“Why don’t you go ahead and cum, baby? Hmm? Mommy’s right behind you.” He shoves his fingers in your mouth again and this time, this time, his fingers are coated in a heady mixture of yours and his slick and that’s what does you in. That’s what makes you cum so hard your legs shake and makes Minho take his fingers out of your mouth lest you choke. He follows not too soon after, and when he pulls out you can see the mixture of cum and slick slide out of you.
“Next time,” Minho’s looking down at it too, “I’ll make sure that stays in. Can’t have it go to waste, can we?”
Despite his earlier promise, he doesn’t let you nap yet.
“But you said-”
“I know what I said. And now I’m saying that you can’t sleep like this.”
He bodily drags you to the shower, again, and changes the sheets before he lets you lie down.
“My hair is gonna be so dry.”
“Where’s the stuff you put in it?”
“At my house.”
“This is your house.”
“I still rent an apartment close to campus.” Minho pauses, shifting so you’re face-to-face.
“Don’t. Come live with us.”
“There aren’t enough rooms.”
“If privacy is what you’re worried about, Luna will build you a room right next to his with his bare hands.” You giggle at him.
“Yeah. But I have to pay a fee for breaking my lease.”
“Luna will take care of it.”
hi minho what’s up
>:( still no cute nickname?
I feel like it’s inappropriate to call you mommy in a casual setting
oh >:)? that’s my nickname now?
if that’s okay
whatever you want
as long as I have a cute nickname before kim seungmin I don’t care
then why did you harass me about it??????!??!?!
kkkk I had to get you in my bed somehow
“Can you guys stop texting when you’re right next to each other? All of your weird flirting is really interrupting movie time.” Jisung is complaining from where his head is rammed into your stomach.
“Dude. You’re literally not even watching it.” It’s Jeongin now, reaching over to smack Ji’s head.
“And? You’re the one who’s always complaining about how loud they are.” This is news to you.
“Is it really that bad?” Your voice is small and immediately Minho’s hands are touching you.
“No. They don’t know what they’re talking about, they’re just mad that they haven’t figured out how to get you to make such pretty noises yet.”
The room erupts into shouts as people defend themselves from Minho’s claim, you smile at him and tuck yourself further into his side, kicking Jisung out from his spot in your lap.
“Hey! I called dibs on your lap! You can’t take that away!” He’s shoving at your knees, trying to shove them back off the couch so he can lay comfortably again.
“When did you guys even call dibs on all this stuff?”
“It used to be while you were on the drive here,” Felix says, “now we do it while you’re  getting a blanket from your room.”
“Do I get a say in this?”
“Sure. Just call dibs first.”
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sh1-n0bu · 11 months
𝔫𝔬𝔟𝔲’𝔰 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 2023!
day 19: breeding with dan heng il from hsr
warnings: breeding, cock/strap traditions, creampie, oral, dacryphilia, dan heng il being in heat, some dargon anatomy so monsterfucking in a sense? shit gets messy
notes: gods so close to finishing kinktober. hang in there nobu!!!
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being a vidyadhara, dan heng tends to have a few differences when it comes to anatomy and bodily structures.
for example, even in his human form, his fangs are sharper, bigger and more prominent. he hates having to yawn next to others due to that fact. he has a forked tongue in his imbibitor lunae form, living up to the words of being the descendent of scion. and of course, the most notable being the horns protruding on top of his skull and the glow of his teal eyes. and not to mention the tail that he tends to let out from time to time.
but more importantly, being a vidyadhara, dan heng tends to go into heat. for a whole week.
it’s an absolute torture and he despises his body every time his heat cycle hits. incredibly needy for physical affection, making his more primal animalistic parts and tendencies show as he thinks of you — his mate. but more importantly, he hates how easily his two cocks would slip out of his cloaca, wet, leaking pre all over his inner thighs as he whimpers into one of your shirts.
the first day was fine. he managed to go through it by constantly being surrounded by things that remind him of you or your scent. a seaside scented candle lit up, one of your shirts worn over a spare pillow that he holds close to himself. the first day without you went by okay.
it was starting from the second day when things started to go downhill. the ever so stoic guard of the express stopped coming out of his room. locking the door shut tight as he makes the others worry.
it was on the third day that he broke. slipping out of the databanks at midnight and to your empty room, the guard of the express couldn’t help but let out a mewl the moment he stepped inside. your scent was much more stronger here and that caused the heat in his abdomen to become painfully unbearable. dan heng could feel his vent opening up, his two cocks slowly slipping out and straining against his boxers at just your scent.
how fucking pathetic he was. all he could do was to lay in your bed as he hopes for you to return from your errand soon. the poor vidyadhara really needed you right now or else he felt like he was going fucking crazy.
it was on the early mornings of the third day that you returned. tired and in desperate need of your sweet lover’s cuddles and soothing words as he whispers into your ear of how much he loves you and how selfless you are for always accepting missions and commissions from others. yet the sight of you caused your libido to kick in full throttle rather than the thought of his sweet cuddles.
there on your bed, desperately fucking his cock into the tight clutch of his fist was your draconic lover. all bare and spread out on the bed. his other hand keeping one of your shirts over his mouth to keep smelling your intoxicating scent while trying to muffle his loud whimpers. what a sight to behold.
walking up to beside him, you push his bangs out of his face. his forehead already drenched in sweat and lips open with drool slipping down his chin with loud, needy whines. it only got worse when he made eye contact with you.
upon recognizing that you were back from his hazy, fucked up head, dan heng lets go of his red cock. instead his hand reached out, your shirt that was muffling his noises long discarded as he tugs you down on the bed.
“oomf—! dan heng!” you let out a loud groan of protest, having the strength to say his name in a scolding tone despite your exhausted state. without even daring to pay attention to your scolding tone, his clawed hand fumbles with the belt of your pants. in his heat induced state, he couldn’t even do a simple action as taking off your pants. how needy.
with a desperate whine and an angered growl, he finally unbuckles your belt. throwing it away to a corner of the room, dan heng doesn’t even bother to undo your pants properly. instead using his claws and tearing away your clothes. you would so scold him for that later.
once your strap sprung free and slapped his cheek, your needy draconic lover lets out a whimper. oh, you smelled even better in person. wasting no time, he takes your shaft into his hand. placing open mouthed slobbering kisses along your shaft, drool covered lips finally taking you inside his mouth without giving you a warning. he had completely forgotten of his dignity and pride as he sloppily sucks on your cock. drool slipping past his lips as he gags and chokes around your length. he really was a mess when in heat.
sucking on your cock, struggling to take it fully into his mouth, whimpering around your tip as he places slobbering kisses along your length. it didn’t take long before your hand fisted at his long hair, fucking your length completely into his mouth. the dragon only took and took everything you gave him with whines and muffled moans.
all it took for you to break was his slitted tongue to lick a stripe one of your prominent veins. coming deep inside his throat with a grunt and loud moan of his name, you watch with a curse as he swallows every last drop. pulling his mouth off of your length with a lewd pop! he licks his lips clean before opening his mouth for you to see that he swallowed every single drop.
“fuck.. you’re seriously gonna be the death of me, dan heng” you say, switching your positions and allowing your pretty dragon to be lying on the bed instead. in response, all he did was giggle deliriously, spreading his legs wide for you to show you his cute puckering hole.
“hurry up, [name]! i need you to fuck a baby in me ghuckk♡︎!” without wasting a moment, once your tip was inside his warm walls, you thrust the rest of your cock deep inside him, making him squeal as his toes curl. that seemed to have made your needy dragon shut up for a while.
placing his hands under his knees for him to keep himself open, you waste no time to get straight to your part of the work. holding his hips with a bruising grip, you waste no time to jackhammer into his needy hole. each time you pull and push yourself back in, it grazed his prostate, making dan heng choke on his loud moans each time. clawed hands digging into his legs to the point he could draw blood, his tail — an extra appendage that he keeps it hidden in fear of hitting someone — now out in the open, wrapping around your hips tightly.
dan heng hated being in heat and he hated his animalistic parts. but aeons, did he loved it when you fucked him open so good like this.
“shit—! so cute dan heng. you wanted me to fuck a baby in you? huh? you want me to fuck a cute baby inside you?” through your gritted teeth and harsh groans and the loud smacking of your hips meeting his, you could see dan heng briefly nod his head weakly. that’s no good. can’t have your needy dragon tap out so early.
with another loud grunt when your strap gets harder to move thanks to him clenching down on you so much, you did the one thing you know that gets him so loud and debauched. reaching a hand down, you gave a tug to his tail, making dan heng let out a loud shriek as he comes on his stomach unexpectedly.
“y-yes! yesyesyesyes! please! pu-gucckk! fuck fuckkkk [name]♡︎ please, fuck a baby in me! want your baby inside me♡︎ uannhg! w-want your baby♥︎” nodding eagerly, tripping over his words as his tail gets painfully tighter around your hips, his hole clenching down on you as his pretty teal eyes lets out fat globs of tears.
that thought made the end of his tail wag around happily despite the logical part of his brain telling him it was impossible. the logical part in his brain screaming at him that vidyadharas can’t reproduce. that vidyadharas are being who can’t get pregnant but that logical thinking part of his brain is thrown out the window when you fuck his hole open so good. strap stretching him out, fucking his walls open as you whisper absolute filth into his ear.
through hazy eyes and cotton filled brain, dan heng felt giddy at the prospect of getting properly bred by you. of having a child with you. a cute family of three, you and him with a child that’s half him and half you. that thought got him whimpering as he clenches down on your cock. when feeling the familiar warmth of your cum spilling deep inside him, painting his walls white, dan heng clings into you tightly with a croon.
but you had no intention to stop after just one round. even though you both knew that vidyadharas can’t reproduce, you’ll be damned if you at least don’t try hard enough.
flipping him on his stomach, you waste no time before plunging deep inside him. the feeling of being fucked into overstimulation had dan heng shaking like a leaf under you. but the weak thrust of his hips, desperately fucking himself back onto your length was a proof that he was long gone into his heat. mind filled with the thought of finally becoming bred by you properly.
and that made him giggle deliriously as his tail unconsciously tighten around your hips yet again.
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hannieehaee · 7 months
luna, my beloved,
can i get a very down bad (and also very horny) woozi, please?? he just gives me the vibes of a very obsessed boyfie when he's truly in love.
also, i love your works so much!!!! ♡♡♡
18+ / mdi
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content: simp!jihoon, established relationship, afab reader, smut, dry humping, very fluffy, jihoon is insanely in love with reader its disgusting, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, etc.
wc: 2157
a/n: thank u so much!! <3 i rewrote this four times bc way too many scenarios of woozi being down bad plagued my brain (still do), so i hope u enjoy what i came up with <3
even after months, jihoon was unable to understand this weird feeling in his chest. one that he only ever got when he was around you (and on occasion whenever he thought about you). it was some sort of inexplicable heaviness. the beating of his heart would speed up and it would feel as if time slowed down. every touch and every breath felt like a sensible decision, and his thoughts would turn into static.
sometimes it was just in the background. sometimes he'd hold your hand or listen to you rant about your day and still be able to act as a functioning human. but there were times in which it simply overtook him.
he had had relationships before; both physical and not, but he had never experienced this feeling before. jihoon was unsure whether or not he liked it. it made him feel weak, but also made him feel more.
there were instances in which this feeling would be accompanied by lust. one accidental peak of a sliver of skin of your thigh and his lips would go completely dry. one grace of your hand a little too close to a sensitive part of his body and his knees would buckle. he was unsure if you knew about how easily it was for you to get him ready to plea for even one touch, but the truth was that it didnt matter. there was no space in his empty head to think about it in those moments.
truth was, jihoon was insanely enamored by you. some (soonyoung) would call him 'down bad' for you, but jihoon liked his term better. being enamored entailed that jihoon adored everything about you, with the pleasure you gave him included among those things. though there were times in which his lust simply grew so big that jihoon could admit to simply being down bad horrendously for you.
currently, that feeling in his chest was ever so present, and he knew that his lust was just about to take over. nothing had yet happened, but still, he felt a desperation that brought a crimson color to his ears. just looking at you as you slept beside him had him holding in a whine of your name.
to be fair, you looked angelic in this moment. you were facing him – although your face was almost completely pressed up against your pillow. your arms were wrapped around your chest in front of you, causing your breasts to press up together in the form of soft mounds peeking from under your tank top. your blanket was covering most of your body but still gave him sight of some of your shoulder. your hair was covering most of your features yet he could still rejoice in your mushed up face as you seemingly made yourself as small as possible. soft breaths coming from you were the only thing he could hear. his senses were all overtaken by you, even as he leaned down and quietly smelled the floral scent from your shampoo.
the beating of his heart was so loud he was sure it ran the risk of waking you up.
it's not that he was nervous, he was simply too caught up in you. every emotion you ever made him feel was making its way to the surface, causing his hands to clam up and his lips to run dry. he wanted to touch you so badly, but he knew that the moment he did, he would fall to his undeniable lust for you. it was hard for him to simply adore you from a distance, as his carnal feelings for you would always take over somehow.
however, his need for you won, making an embarrassing side of himself take over and pull you closer to him in order to wake you up un the softest way he could. he began to pepper kisses on the nude sliver of skin your shoulder offered him, breathing heavily as he prepared himself for what he knew would come as soon as you arose from slumber.
it was only a few moments later in which you began waking up, murmuring his name in that soft morning voice he loved so much.
he hadn't mean to sound so desperate that soon, but the moment he felt you begin to arch against his hold, – encouraging him to keep kissing any available skin – he couldnt help his pleas to let him have you in a way he relished in knowing only he had the privilege of having you.
"a– angel, please ... need you so bad ..." were the first words out of his mouth, murmured against your neck as his hands rubbed at your hips through the blanket.
"hoonie? what's wrong?", you were clearly still half asleep, only taking in his touches but not computing the words he was saying. but it was fine. he could be more specific if need be.
"you're so soft ... so pretty. can i have you, angel? please?" he didnt care how desperate his first words to you that morning sounded. he never felt any shame in showing you just how badly he always wanted you.
"oh, hoonie ...", you breathed, removing the blanket from the way and pressing yourself even closer to him.
the two of you were now curled up against each other with no distance between your bodies as you faced one another. with your lack of clothing, – him in just boxers and you in a tiny tank top and booty shorts to match – jihoon was now able to feel you up as he wanted; something which he took advantage of immediately.
he finally disconnected his lips from your skin, now making eye contact at the close proximity between you. however, before even being able to express his want for you once more, his lust won over him again, making him press his lips against yours with urgency.
he moaned and whined against your lips, his hips searching for yours as he positioned himself above you. there was no way for him to help himself. you were just so soft and pretty and beautiful and perfect. nothing couldve possibly interrupted that cloud of lust that was taking over him.
jihoon still had trouble processing how such a pretty girl could ever be his. he knew he was in love with you since the day he met you. just from a first glance, he thought you the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. speaking to you as acquaintances had been hard, but befriending you had been the biggest challenge. even back then, his feelings for you manifested in very noticeable ways. all his friends would mock him for the way he'd stumble over his words or stare at you a little too much. luckily for him, this did not last long. by some grand act of god, you had found some sort of liking towards him, giving him various obvious openings for him to finally ask you out (and admittedly, it took a lot of silent encouragement from you to get him to finally act up).
upon starting your relationship, it didnt take long for jihoon to make his adoration for you known, constantly letting you know how perfect he found you in any and every capacity. all his defenses would go down when he was around you, causing him to wax poetic whenever his emotions took over him – not to mention the endless files of love songs he had produced since meeting you. anything you desired, he would deliver just for the promise of your happiness.
your relationship had him thinking that maybe his past self suffered a grand deal in a past life; just enough for karmic retribution to grant him the girl of his dreams in the next.
and that's how he felt at this moment, grinding his clothed cock against your cunt as you whined into his mouth. could life get better than this? better than having the love of his life mewling into his mouth as he carelessly canted his cock into the warm heaven between your legs? he couldnt help but groan at the reminder than you were all his, and that he had access to every inch of your breathtaking body for his and your pleasure.
"fuck ... wanna fuck you, but you feel so fucking good like this– shit ..."
"dont stop ... i can cum like this. promise!", you cried whilst pulling at his hair, assuring his mouth stayed glued to yours.
as much as he wanted to keep letting you lick into his mouth and pulling at his hair, he was craving the two mounds that were pressing up against his chest. without further thinking, he disconnected your lips, groaning at the way you tried to chase his lips before hearing you whine once again due to his rushed removal of your top and the feeling of his tongue toying with your tit.
he practically devoured your tits, licking and nipping at every inch of them before using the tip of his tongue to play with your nipples. the way you cried his name had him losing his inhibitions, making him grind even harder and faster against you. your gorgeous and warm cunt was the only thing in his mind.
despite wanting to give you an orgasm just like this, he needed more. he needed your cunt strangling him as he chased both your highs.
"can i fuck you? please ... i know you wanna cum like this, but i cant last ... wa– wanna last for you, but you just feel so ... so fucking good."
"please, hoonie. fuck me .."
he hadnt moved faster in his life, discarding his boxers and your shorts in order to prepare himself for you, but suddenly it hit him.
"baby ... c– condom? do you have any?", he had forgotten to buy new ones before you stayed over last night, so he was hoping against all hope that maybe you had some in your discarded bag in the living room.
"no, hoonie, i .. i don't have any," your eyebrows were furrowed in concern, but he could tell you were still lightheaded from the pleasure you had been feeling just a few moments ago.
"oh, i ... i can just dry hump you? yeah, uh, i'll just–", he couldnt help himself in sounding deflated. he wanted your cunt so fucking badly, but had stupidly used his last backup condom last night.
"or ... you can just .."
his head perked up at that, halting before even starting to grind his hips against yours again.
"baby– "
"just go without it, hoonie. i trust you," you gave him a soft smile, holding onto his cheek before pulling him down for a peck.
"oh, i ... fuck. y– you– " his brain was short circuiting. raw? you were going to let him have it raw? oh. oh, fuck.
"baby, please i need you so fucking badly."
he could never say no to you. as per usual, he gave you exactly what you wanted, ignoring how badly this moment would ruin him; corrupt him and smear his brain with thoughts of your unfiltered cunt for years to come.
and ruin him it did, as he immediately lost himself the moment he entered you, groaning at the warmth and wetness coating his cock.
"you're perfect. god, fuck ... you– you're going to ruin me, arent you? you al-already have, shit ... you're my dream ... love you so fucking much, oh fuck ... make me yours and never give me back, i– i need to be yours. need you every day, fuck, please ..." he babbled senselessly as his hips went crazy against yours, drinking in every cry you released and groaning at every scratch of your nails against his back.
he was already close from having dry humped you through his boxers while he made out with you earlier, but now he knew his end was just around the corner. begging you to cum inside was likely out of the question, but his body demanded he at least try, except you somehow beat him to it.
"baby, inside, please! need you to fill me up ... fuck, please ..."
he had no way to respond other than by crying your name against your neck, relishing on the sound of slapping skin as he chased his end inside you with the desperation of a starved man.
with multiple expletives and confessions of love hidden between cries of pleasure, the two of you came one right after the other, kissing each other all throughout your highs.
now jihoon felt nothing but unfiltered bliss. he held you in his arms and caressed your body to the best of his tired ability, continuing to tell you sweet words of affirmation as you did the same in return.
jihoon was more than fine with being obsessed with you if it meant having you all to himself like this. he would gladly get teased about being down horrendously bad for you as long as he had you in the end.
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months
could you elaborate on your choices for the 4 horsemen for the ponies? i’m deeply curious about your wisdom and insight
Very well.
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Famine = Luna
Both are black horses
When Nightmare Moon takes over, there is no sun. Crops cannot grow under these conditions. Her reign is a reign of famine and no harvest.
Additionally, in the episode Cutie Re-Mark, it is shown that under Nightmare Moon's domain, Timberwolves roam free. While they are not directly tied to famine, they have symbolism regarding Harvest as they are known to howl at the first zap apple and attack those who try to harvest them if they are nearby, hindering people's ability to gather fruit.
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War = Cadance
Naturally, a pony red with the blood of those slain in war is generally not marketable to little girls, who are unfamiliar with bloodlust and afraid of violence. They settled for a close second: pink.
She is the princess of love. Are you familiar with the phrase "all is fair in love and war?" Wars are acts of passion and bloodshed. Passion? Blood? Both symbolically related to the Heart. And what is her cutie mark as well as the sacred object that gives power to her kingdom? The Crystal Heart.
The Crystal Kingdom, Cadance's kingdom, is frequently under threat of was throughout the series. Queen Crysalis and the Changelings. Sombra. Again, in the episode Cutie Re-Mark, we see a timeline im which Sombra had won. And what is the state of Equestria? A mirror fucking image of how other countries in real life are affected by war. We literally have soldiers Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and we see Apple Jack working tirelessly to ship out apple mush to feed soldiers for the war effort. This parallel is so clear and frankly I could go on.
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Conquest = Celestia
Yes I know the image says strife. I wanted the pictures to be in a consistant style and they used the word strife but it says conquest in the Bible. Anyways, they are both white horses.
I mean. Do I need to spell it out? Celestia is an imperialist. She spreads her and her nation's influence and ideology as far as she is able. Cadance is installed as the leader of the Crystal Empire under her direction. They have conflict with the changelings, so they promote a leader more sympathetic to their nation. The school of friendship? Teaching other species the way to act and behave? Are non-ponies unfamiliar with friendship? Propoganda. And she is the Princess of the Sun. THE SUN. NEVER. SETS. ON. EQUESTRIA'S. EMPIRE. Sound familiar?
Do not make an enemy of Celestia or you will be punished and then brainwashed into submission. Luna? The moon. Discord? Stone. Sombra? Tirek? The list goes on. Again, I feel this is a clear parallel that needs little explanation.
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Death = Twilight Sparkle
Indeed this is the most subtle connection. After all, she is not even close to the right color. She is purple! No relation to death whatsoever........ right? WRONG. In the Catholic faith, the calandar is divided into different seasons with associated colors. Purple is the color of death and mourning; priests will exclusively wear purple robes for mass during Lent to symbolize Christ's suffering and death on the cross.
Twilight has a very important role as she and her friends are the bearers of the elements of harmony, with Twilight in the lead. The power of this clearly escalates throughout the series, as the mane six progress from turning Discord to stone to completely destroying Sombra after he is initially resurrected. We watch them become a force that could take away anyone's life force, Twilight especially. And let's not forget the form the elements later take. The tree of harmony. Reminiscent of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, from which humanity committed its first sin and thus were kicked out of Eden, gaining the ability to die.
Twilight will outlive all of her friends. As an allicorn, she is immortal. We see in the last episode that she is in her prime while all of her friends are elderly. How can one be a Princess of Friendship if she sees all her friends to the ends of their lives like a benevolent Reaper? After so many years of standing at the deathbeds of loved ones, she will feel detatched from others. A Princess of Death.
And yes Flurryheart is the fifth Princess but she is a clear allagory for the Antichrist so I did not include her
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