#Lunaris' physical trauma
titan-wolfdog · 2 years
giving me the Soulsborne games to play was granting me barbie dolls and my own arena to throw them in like gladiators
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dalia1784 · 3 years
Assorted Mimi Curiosa Headcanon
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Mimi’s official height is 3’1”, but I wouldn’t let her height fool you. What she lacks in height she makes up for in strength, as in “god-like” strength.
Mimi's views of Earth were formed from the way she was raised by her parents, how the rest of her family saw her, and how the justice system failed to protect her. While it was never physical, Mimi was in a way mentally abused by her parents trying to protect her.
It’s unclear where Mimi’s fascination with the Moon came from but it supposedly began when she was a baby. It’s believed that she found the Moon to be an actual source of comfort.
Mimi does have some childhood trauma from being cut off from the world. The blame is often pinned on her estranged Granduncle Manuel, as he wanted to get rid of her. Mimi was for a while in denial that her parents were also responsible for said trauma.
Mimi had an extremely hard time making friends. The years of being cut off from the world had left her socially inept, thus leaving her as an open target for bullying. The bullying didn’t last very long and soon became the most feared student once she fought back. Slowly over time she did eventually make friends, Pepper became her closest friend and had some sort of friendship with some of other FOWL members. She hated the nickname she was given: “Coffee Girl”
Ever since her 20th birthday, Mimi supposedly has a recurring dream. When asked what the dream is about, she just freezes before slowly hugging the air muttering “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry...”
In recent times, Mimi has tried to dig heavily into her family's history. Trying to find the real reason behind her granduncle's "disdain" towards her. However the more she's dug into it, the more inconsistencies she's found. Particularly his real reaction to her birth.
Mimi was quick to adapt to the Moonlander language during her transmissions with Lunaris. So much so, many of her later documents were written in Moonlander. Many of them with hidden messages. Including one very grim message: “Earth’s warmth will be extinguished.”
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
Fix-It AU for the Moonvasion Arc!
I would like to preface this by saying that this is gonna seem real fanfic-y and for that I am sorry. I want to bullet point some ways to change some aspects of S2 from Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?! onwards.
Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?!:
The segment that shows the McDuck/Duck family tree has Donald Crossed out not because he is captured but Lunaris PLANNED to kill him before going to Earth once he would basically tortured him for information
Donald is tripped by Lunaris which makes him land on Penumbra, allowing him to sneak the device under his hat as it falls off without Lunaris noticing. After Lunaris explains his plan he throws Donald and the scene transpires as normal, save for Don attaching the clamp to Lunaris and finding the remote. 
Lunaris still ends up getting the upper hand and punching Don away but he reveals the remote and presses it. Only for it to, of course, get broken on impact and the rest of the scene transpires normally.
[Here is the biggest change]The rocket DOES end up exploding. It makes it to Earth's atmosphere but of course the bullet hits one of Scrooge's satellite and rickashays back to the moon again. Upon realizing he is going to crash, Donald jumps out but just in time as the blast from the pod knocks him semi-conscious.
Last shot is him falling toward a crater and shows Donald gaining conscious only for him to see he is falling into the moonmite's mouth but doesn't reach beyond making a groan and the scene cuts to black with the jaw snapping sound (alternatively it can just cut to black as he falls)
The Jones Scene ends with Scrooge saying the same line about not paying Donald bills. Only he also adds once closing the door, "Fallacious tightwad, I ain't payin' for some leeching city counselor. I'll find that lad a proper therapist when he gets back. One that doesn't have an arachnoid infestation." *cue spider coming to crawl on Scrooge's face before he chucks it off*
Webby's line is cut down to "Well I guess there really wasn't some big mystery to solve." But the kids' lines stay the same frome there on.
Scrooge gets only Donald screaming "Uncle Scrooge!" before the audio cuts to audio to one of Mrs. Crackshell-Cabera's novelas due to the satellite being damaged(does that make sense? No but neither do moonpeople). You could probably make a suggestive joke here about cruises and Scrooge's line can stay the same. The camera pans up as the line is delivered still but it is just a shot where the moon is in focus. That or it's the satellite falling instead.
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake! until Moonvasion:
(know it would be a pain in the ass, but I think it be cool to edit the intro to remove/replace Donald during the time he isn't shown in an ep. Though I guess they don't change the intro until season 3 so yeah. Mainly wanted to give the illusion that he is "missing" to scare anyone under 8 that "oh no maybe he is GONE gone just to be a prick
The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!
Trim down the Bigtime C plot like a LOT. Maybe end that original scene with Ma Beagle by having Bigtime lean on something (statue, standing on some "moss") and fall down to the caves. 
The cart scene with Bigtime still happens but that cut back from Launchpad and Della doesn't happen until after Della yells at Launchpad when she is flying. (So not the scene where Louie is kicking rocks)
Maybe cut the scenes where Bigtime is bragging about "finding a name for himself" and just have one scene where he ties up the boys and saves his family but they argue and waste time til Della and Webby come back. The end where Ma says BT is welcome back is cut as well, she just says it and then complains about the popcorn
After the scene with LP, Della and Webby, the camera pans up to the sky so a transition to the moon happens. Transition zooms out to reveal Penumbra looking at the Earth with her spear, before she turns upon hearing the moonmite screech and readys herself.
The moonmite is then shown crawling up from a hole at first by itself before Donald's torse is revealed, his hair is a bit longer and feathers are ruffled. Penumbra stands down and looks a bit more open before asking "Did anyone see you?" 
Donald just says no before hopping off, of course falling along with the equipment he brought. The shot is focused on Penumbra looking towards Donald's silhouette as he gets up.
She then asks "How's the leg?" To which the camera cuts back to Donald and we see him in full view, his model is similar to when he is on the island only way less beard and his hair isn't quite as long yet. But the most notably difference is that his right leg from the knee down is now a golden prosthesis. Don responds with "Fine, thanks for making it for me."
Penumbra turns back as Donald is shown to clumsily put the equipment on a nearby table and says "I couldn't have forgiven myself if I let Della's brother die." Donald nearly falls over again before she turns to face him and asks if he is ready to which he nods before they turn and the camera reveals the broken Spear of Selene. Penumbra's voice is heard then saying "Then Let's get you home." Before the ep ends.
The Richest Duck in the World!:
Everything is the same except when Penumbra calls, She says "This is LT. Penumbra calling for her friend Della Duck!-" [Della's Line] "All of your defense satellite just went down for some reason. Della-" Familiar quacking can be heard and Della even questions it before Donald's voice comes on. "Della!" "Donald!" Della parrots as she grabs the SATCOM box. "There's going to be an invasion! He's coming for the kids!" Episode ends the same from here.
[I'll make a second post l8r since I planned this to come out before 10 and it's already almost 1130 so yeah. Literally all these changes are basically to set up a bit of a stronger connection between Della and Donald (as well as giving Donald more screen time) by having the twins mirror each other a bit more. I personally headcanon that like Donald, Della is unlucky as well but in a different way. Where Donald has bad luck everyday of his life which mostly comes in the form of physical harm (secondly it would be emotional harm), Della's bad luck comes in the form where she is just as "lucky" as the rest of her family (maybe discounting Louie) but while she enjoyed 20ish years of adventuring relatively unscathed, she then crashes on the moon after a freak storm happens and is stuck there for over a decade. To me, her struggles on the moon in Whatever Happened to Della Duck?! And The Golden Spear! really showcases her bad luck, almost as if the universe decided to throw the biggest karma bomb at her all at once. But just like her brother she is fuelled with determination and love for her family in order to survive anything, she just has to do it all by herself (another thing which is worse for her bc she doesn't have them) at that point. And it isn't a one and done thing, it's something permit as she now is literally 11 years behind on parenting and the show continues to show her stuggle with that. By having Donald lose his leg and have a journey back to his family that's quicker than Della's (along with having company from nearly the beginning) it parallels that unluckiness the Duck twins have. It also can serve as a plot for future eps (well fake eps lmao). 
Ik that this au wouldn't have been possible as Disney would be really anal about having one of their mascots have a total design change. Unless they really wanted to milk having characters with prosthetics for park days or whatever, maybe it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal aside from some fluff articles. I realize though, it might overshadow Della's trauma so ideally I would hope to figure out or map out an ep where it would be addressed along with some other family issues.] 
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tzalmavet · 5 years
Do you have a specific page detailing who each Groke is? I keep seeing all these characters and I dont know who is who
I don’t!  Not yet, at least.  Some of the confusion is probably because half of these grokes I’ve been posting were made up by Lee @tiamatdragongod, whom I’ve been DMing lots in the meantime.
Lee can probably tell you more about their OCs in depth, but I can cover all these grokes real quick to clear things up a bit!
My grokes:
Mutter, the Grokemama: An enormous, ruddy-brown groke, with a tassel-like tail tuft.  Abandoned as an infant due to her father’s untimely death and her mother’s incapacity to look after her.  A lifetime of negligence and harsh survival has permanently stunted her language and coordination skills.  In a rare moment of empathy, she adopted two abandoned children, a whomper/mumrik hybrid and a snork, who grew to adulthood under her care and think of her as a mother.She actually has no name, so both of her titles are nicknames I use for clarity’s sake.  My most comprehensive post on her is here.
Ember: Mutter’s father, relatively short and a brighter red than his daughter.  Got separated from his parents when he fell off a cliff into a river, and afterwards grew cold and cynical over time.  Used to get his warmth by sitting on chimneys and sneaking into fireplaces.  Fell in love with Midnight, and proceeded to gradually lose his mind as she failed to respond to his affections.  He neglected his own health to care for her and the newborn Mutter, and died after falling into a hole full of jagged rocks.
Raven/Midnight: Mutter’s mother, huge, pitch black, broad-shouldered, and heavily scarred.  A monstrous, virtually mindless groke who’s only still alive out of luck and a long-forgotten echo of a refusal to give up.  Is even worse off than her daughter, mentally and physically.  Used to be jam-packed full of weapons people had attacked her with, until Ember pulled them all out.  Once had two siblings, but they’re both dead now.Her birth name is “Raven”, but she doesn’t remember it.  I call her “Midnight” since the girl she could’ve been is basically dead.  I’ve talked the most on Midnight and Ember’s little relationship here.
Storm: Midnight’s mother, an exceptionally tiny groke with a grey body, black points, and bright green eyes.  Named herself, and used to warm herself by attracting lightning strikes.  Met and married another groke named “Rook”, and they lived in luxury for a while since she’d stolen precious metals over the years for their electroconductive properties.  She died after complications resulting from a lightning strike, as being warm meant she was no longer immune to being hurt by them.
Rook: Midnight’s father, a stoic, rather small black groke with blue points and yellow eyes.  Used to warm himself by catching people, draining their body heat, and running off before they caught hypothermia.  Hid his anxieties behind an intimidating exterior.  He and Storm disguised themselves as non-grokes so they could enter towns without trouble.  He quickly fell apart after Storm and two of his children died, and was forced to leave baby Raven behind when the local townsfolk discovered his true nature and attacked his home.
Snowdrift: Ember’s mother, a big, fat, fluffy white groke with light grey and dark red points.  Very round, and very friendly.  Loves to smile and laugh.  Used to be an angry, sulky, dangerous person until she met her husband Timber and was warmed up.
Timber: Ember’s father, a woodsy-brown groke with a lighter-colored tummy and yellow eyes.  Used to warm himself by lingering near fires, pretending to be logs or trees, and running away if noticed.  Loves his wife, Snowdrift, and is a much happier groke because of her.  He looks shorter than her, but it’s actually her long fur making her look taller, and they’re the same size.
And Lee’s grokes:
Grokemaiden/Grokematron: A greyish-green groke with yellow tinging the tuft or her tail, and another tuft on her head.  Has a loving, happy, highly empathetic nature.  Her parents were desperately afraid of her becoming cold, and she’s led a very sheltered life.  Upon growing up and learning of her parents’ pasts, and the plight of grokes in general, she takes the name “Grokematron” and opens an orphanage, seeking to reduce the suffering in the world.She later meets a mymble named Alois, and eventually marries her.
Thistle, a Grokepapa: Grokemaiden’s father, a huge, greenish-grey and heavily muscular groke striped with old battle scars.  Unlike most grokes, he can rarely stand to wear a dress or walk on two legs.  Has a highly wary, cautious nature, but loves his family very deeply.  He was left at an orphanage by his father shortly after being born, and proceeded to be mistreated by the staff; he eventually fled after a bullying incident led him to snap and kill the headmistress’s son.  He lived like a miserable monster for years until he met Lily, who saved him from bleeding out from a wound left by a recent attempt on his life.
Lily, a Grokemummy: Grokemaiden’s mother, a dark green groke with long, silky fur around her throat.  Named “Liliane” at birth, and had an identical twin sister named “Lunari”.  Lost her whole family to a mob that was outraged by her parents’ habit of robbing and mugging people.  She’s very gentle, and knows a lot about healing, sewing, and cooking.  She likes to be a proper lady.  She walks with a shambling gait, due to a gunshot wound to the knee that happened shortly after Grokemaiden was born.
Inigo, the Loathsome: Thistle’s father, an extremely tall, scrawny, and weak groke with rough fur and a hoarse voice.  Was dubbed “Loathsome” by his father who hated him and never wanted him.  He hates himself, and feels like everyone else hates him, too.  He’s so thin and weak because his father would scold him for “eating too much”, and he’s still reeling from the trauma of it.  He’s good at being silent, too, because his father hated him making much noise.  He was forced to abandon his son Thistle at an orphanage when his wife, Petal, died in childbirth and he was unable to feed him.
Petal: Thistle’s mother, a small, compact, pink groke with a brighter-colored tummy and a lace-edged dress.  A rather nice and perceptive woman, but didn’t take bullshit from anyone.  Was a lot stronger than she looked.  She was sometimes prone to debilitating depressive episodes.  She met her husband Inigo in a field of flowers, and adamantly refused to ever refer to him as “Loathsome”.
Leylani: Lily’s mother, who looks almost exactly like Grokematron but with longer fluff on her head and a different style of dress.  Used to warm herself by stealing lanterns and candles.  Tough and sturdy, but actually hated stealing and just wanted to live in peace and be kind.  In between thefts, she’d show affection for her daughters by sewing things for them.
Hades: Lily’s father, so dark green he’s nearly black, with neon green eyes.  A dangerous man who knew much of fighting, stealing, and killing, but loved his family more than anything.  He was mostly nonverbal.  Leylani met him when she saw him lying down half-asleep in front of a fireplace, mistook him for a weird cat, and petted him.
Gaia: Loathsome’s mother, massive, and bears a striking resemblance to her grandson, Thistle.  Good natured, impossibly strong, and boistrous.  She loved singing, swordplay, and rescuing those in need.  She’s adventurous, and strayed from her parents as a morit; she was then adopted by a kindly old mumrik.  She wanted to have a child with her husband, Leviskyr, but her large body weakened during the pregnancy, and she died from numerous complications shortly after little Inigo was born.  Her last wish was for her husband to raise him.
Leviskyr: Loathsome’s father, who looks like Loathsome, but smaller, less thin, and with more scars.  Was born into aristocracy during medieval times.  After his mother’s death, a jealous mumrik named “the Mirthful” betrayed him and drove him out of his home.  He grew up very afraid and bitter, became a monster who warmed himself by eating people while they were still warm.  He was so cold, his frozen body didn’t age.  He knew no warmth or kindness until Gaia found him.  He did a complete 180 for her, loving her completely, would do anything to make her happy.  But he turned right back into a monster once she died, utterly heartbroken.  He blames Inigo for her death, and frequently considered killing him.
Scowl: Leviskyr’s mother, very tall and albino with soft fur, a stern resting face, and a beautiful voice.  She became wealthy traveling and singing with a moomintroll she was dating, but they split up when she wanted to retire and he wanted to make it big.  She later married a groke who was a powerful military figure.  Her husband was later assassinated, and the heartbreak made her grow cold, eventually killing her and leaving her son an orphan.
And that’s all the grokes we got for now!  Tragic, ain’t they?!  I’m always up for questions about my grokes and other Moomins OCs, and if you’re curious about Lee’s grokes, you should drop them an ask, too!
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Song of the Sea: Chapter 3
Ahaha! I finally finished this! The link to the actual story is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22967113/chapters/55182634
Also, I have a choice between writing in a steamy chapter that can’t be shown on tumblr, or continue with the plotline here. If you want, please comment or message me with your vote! Thanks!
Chapter 3: Butterfly Knife
The moonlight shone upon him, highlighting his cheekbones, his rough jaw, his haggard, sea-worn face. Silent, he sat, listening to the rush of the seawaves and the silent hum of the wind in his ears. The breeze played with his hair, just like Ethari did. ‘Ethari.’ He ducked his head, mind abuzz with unasked questions, unanswerable questions. Frowning, he reminded himself of the predicament he had gotten himself in.
 ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ 
He growled, a deep rumbling noise that would have scared any pirate into submission. Any pirate, except for one. ‘One that will never forgive me.’ He wiped away the spray that had accumulated on his brow, ignoring the fact that some of the brackish water that he wiped away definitely didn’t come from the sea. He brewed over his foolish decision, guilt spreading through every inch of his body. The red-hot itch of shame set his nerves on fire, and he let out a choked sob. His hair fell over his face, covering his facial expressions from any passersby. He would have been grateful. He should have. But, at that moment, he mourned, not for the death of a child, or the death of a lover, but both. His love had been taken, his daughter captured, and he had done nothing. He was supposed to be there, an unshakeable pillar for his family. But, when the fateful moment came, when his character, his morals, was put under pressure, he had cracked. His decisions, his actions, his words- 
The tingling moved to pool in his eyes, and he let out another sob. A different sort of dampness moistened his face, and he made no move to wipe it away. 
“It..it was… my fault, wasn’t it?” he croaked. “I could’ve been there, guarding them, but I didn’t. I wasn’t there when they needed me most. What kind of father..am I?” 
The tears fell faster, and he could not stop them. He felt a soft touch on his shoulder, a whisper of air in his ear. “Everything...will be alright.” 
He looked behind him, confused, but saw nothing but the endless stretch of the moonlit beach and the gently lapping shore-bound waves. ‘Who.. what was that?’ 
The voice whispered, “That is none of your concern. What is of concern, however, is in the way in which you hold your loved ones. They are not dead, only sleeping, and you must find them. Moping will not get you anywhere.”
 Runaan whipped his head around wildly, his cascading braids following his movements. “Where are you, then?” 
 No more words followed, only the rush of the waves crashing upon the seashore. Shaking his head, he muttered to himself, “I must be seeing things. Runaan, get a hold of yourself!” He got up from his spot on the sand and began to brush off the excess particles in the same mindless pattern as he had done so many times and in so many different places. Shaking himself and stretching out his cramped-up muscles, he began formulating his next plan. ‘That- that voice was right. I can’t just sit here and mope. I made this mess, now it’s time for me to clean it.’ He took off in a dead sprint towards his ship. ‘I must. It is my duty.’ The voice’s owner smiled. ‘Everything is falling into place.’
‘Now Runaan, my ever so faithful pawn…. Where will you move next?’
Ethari couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, couldn’t smile, couldn’t scream, couldn’t- His body was moving on its own, spiraling and twisting through the murky water. He didn’t know where he was going. He didn’t care. He wanted out. To be alone. He had left his home, his love, his everything. He didn’t know how to make it better. Runaan’s words continued its little chant in his head, coalescing into a blackness that filled his head with not totally unwelcome whispers. ‘Your fault,’ it hissed. ‘Your fault.’ The blackness used to be only a little pinpoint of darkness, floating around in his headspace like a tiny scrap of metal adrift in water. As days passed, as time marched on, it grew and grew into an indiscriminate mass, a mess that devoured every other thought in his head. The merman shivered and weeped, even as he pushed himself to go faster, even as his muscles began to spasm. ‘It’s all my fault.’ His muscles gave out, and he sank to the seafloor, spent. ‘My fault…’ 
‘My fault.’
Ethari awoke to the feeling of gravel scraping on his scales. With a wince, he pushed himself upright, only to wince more at the feeling of his cramped muscles stretching and his joints popping underneath. ‘What.. what happened?’ He shook his head vigorously and rolled his neck, making satisfied noises from where he swam in place. Taking a quick look around, he noticed that the murky water from earlier was now a pretty turquoise shade, and he giggled as a small fish swam by his face. Sobering slightly, he turned toward the seashore and stared silently at the bottom part of the ship he had shared so many memories with. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Alright. Time to face the music.” He opened his eyes, determination blazing deep within their depths. “It’s time for me to fix things.” With a powerful beat of his tail, he powered toward his destination.
It wasn’t long until he reached his goal. Sucking in a large gillful of water, he slowed to a stop at the hull of his and his husband’s ship. Rubbing his hands along the smooth wood, he swam along the edge of the hull, keeping an ear out for any witnesses. He admired the dents and splintering underside of the boat, sighing in relief when there was no sign of any ship activity since he last observed the hull. ‘Good. That means he didn’t try to look for the captors. If he did, he might’ve-’  The vibration of boots shifting the soft sand of the beach, then the knock of wood as they hit home on the pier, startled him out of his reverie. He shrank back from the hull a bit, frightened, as the footsteps slowed, then vibrated the hull, as if the hull itself was singing from the person’s very presence. His very presence… “Runaan,” he whispered. His heart sang at the thought of seeing him again, but his mind had other plans. ‘No, we can’t meet him right away. What if.. he’s still mad? He’d de-scale us!’ 
‘But we need to make things right again! If we don’t meet him, we’ll...’
‘No! We need to stay undercover for now!’
‘He’s freaking out! We need..’
‘We.. not..’
‘Must.. see him..’
His mind pulsed and buzzed angrily in his skull. He groaned and shook his head vigorously as the debate between heart and mind continued debating. 
‘We don’t have a choice! We need to see him NOW!’
‘No, no we don’t! We have to wait-’
The hull shook again. Ethari recoiled physically this time, propelling himself back in a desperate bid to avoid any unwanted gazes. ‘Did someone-’
A very familiar and very husky voice called out above the water, setting Ethari’s fins aquiver.
‘Oh no.’
His scales itched with panic. ‘Oh no. Oh, I can’t let him see me! No, no, no! Not like this! I’ve got to-”
“Ethari!” His voice, raspy from disuse or some other form of vocal trauma, filled the air and the sea below with its vibrations. The merman in question began to tremble, but out of fear or out of excitement, he couldn’t tell. ‘This is it. It’s now or never. I’ve got to talk to him.’ Summoning his courage from every tip of his fins, he swam closer to the source of the sound. He stuck his head out of the water with a quiet splash, only to find himself face to face with one very confused and tired-looking Runaan.
 “Ahh!/Mother of Lunaris!” They both yelped and startled, Runaan stumbling back from his place on the edge of the boarding staircase, and Ethari knocking into the hull in shock. They stared at each other, wide-eyed. Ethari drank in every feature of his lover, full of bittersweet joy. Runaan’s face, usually stoic and meticulously clean, was streaked with tears of suffering and etched with suffering. His eyes, always so clear and sharp, were foggy and clouded with too much to drink. His hair, which he often braided with meticulous care or bundled into a neat bun, was tangled and snarled. Reluctantly, he swam away from the starved staring of his pirate, searching for the ladder frantically. Grabbing onto the ladder, he pulled himself up rung by rung, shivering at the feeling of air on his exposed skin. Reaching the top of the ladder, he flopped to the floor, spent. His tail wriggled, struggling to find purchase or any possible way of pulling himself upright from his face-down position of the floor. His pirate’s arms wrapped around his torso, and in a smooth motion, he found himself snugly bound by his lover’s arms. “Ethari.” The way Runaan said his name made his body tingle with exhilaration. “Runaan.” he breathed, wrapping his arms around his neck. His hair, tangled as it was, still felt like the finest silk as he weaved his fingers in it. Ethari reached his head up for a chaste kiss. Runaan had other plans. Runaan’s lips, chapped and rough, pressed against his forcefully. His tongue probed his lips, making the merman squeak. Ethari quickly pulled back. “R-runaan?”
Runaan stared back, longing and-something else lingering in his eyes. “I really missed you, ‘Thari. And tonight, I’m going to remind you that you’re mine.” He kissed Ethari on the cheek playfully, earning a nervous giggle for his efforts. “You’re all mine.” His eyes darkened with want. Ethari shivered.
‘Oh boy, tonight’s going to be a long night.’ 
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ncumenia-archived · 5 years
🍎 🍑 🍇
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?  
// I can say Lunari’s mental health wasn’t the best, mostly due to their harsh living conditions and the fact they were constantly persecuted by Solari.Suicide wasn’t rare among them, and they usually committed so by poisoning themselves by some kind of moonflowers’ spirit.
Therefore, we can ironically was Death was almost a “beloved” friend among them, and most of them didn’t even fear it.However, Ernye did.
It was thanks to her family and friends’ love she managed to go through that hellish life, and her heart ached every time the children asked her why Solari hated them, and if it was true they wanted all of them dead. (As you can easily imagine, even the concept of Death was basically known among children).
Regarding her mental health, we can divide it into two periods:
Alive: For sure, she had a mild paranoia about the thought she could have died every single day, not to mention how some people were obsessed with the concept of suicide (Lunari preferred to kill themselves instead of dying by the hand of the enemy).She could have also suffered from mild anxiety and a huge amount of stress due to her father’s overprotection toward her and constant pressuring to be the best of the best.
Revenant: She still remembers what happened that night, the High Prophet’s suicide before her eyes...I can say she suffers from heavy PTSD, has many triggers that make her violently react (For example, seeing drunk people or being forced to drink alcohol. This due to a trauma she had).Mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression could be possible.
Furthermore, she has turned into a “violent” and extremist fanatic (Ironically, like her father), even if she’s somehow dealing with it thanks to all the interactions she’s currently having. 
🍑  :    how meticulously does my muse look after their physical appearance?  do they spend a lot of time on their hair,  makeup,  grooming,  and clothing?  is there a particular reason why they do or don’t?  
// To say Ernye is a narcissist is the least.However, this is an (unhealthy?) coping mechanism to deal with her mother’s loss, who she considered to be the most beautiful woman in Targon, therefore she’s basically mimicking everything about her, from the way she dressed to her manners.
Even if my muse has always been pretty much feminine, during her life she didn’t care that much about her appearance, for she had more important duties to deal with.On the contrary, now she brags about her whole appearance, she loves to underline her figure and her own concept of femininity, maybe as a subtle way to receive some approval (Even if she’s already aware to be a beautiful woman in her opinion).
However, she doesn’t use any kind of makeup, but she’s a fanatic of some accessories, such as silver beads (She always wears them).
Regarding her hair, she loves it a lot and she combs it multiple times per day, even if she somehow misses her former color (Silver)
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
// Her childhood is the most beautiful memory she had.
It was thanks to her grandfather that now she loves certain animals (such as cuccos) and the farm life, even if, when she was alive, her father forbade her to follow it (Due to her weak health).
She was already aware of Solari’s hatred, but being surrounded by the warmth of her family and friends somehow helped her with looking at the bright side of her life.
I hope I won’t sound controversial here, but I truly believe Ernye is way more mature than other young adults of other countries (She’s basically almost 25), this due to the harsh life she had, which was surely filled with sacrifices.
I believe Targonians mature pretty quicker, maybe even faster than Noxians, they already know what death is at a very young age, and sometimes they even experience it with their own eyes. Not to mention they already know the draconian laws of the elders and Targon itself.
Regarding my muse, Ernye wishes to make the future of the people as bright as her own childhood, maybe even better than it, therefore it’s easy to say she’s willing to sacrifice her own happiness to see her people living the joyful life they’ve always deserved.
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jasenet · 4 years
200714 | #fruit-orchard
( image cover. ) — location: town of lunaris.
JN: The chirping birds from far and near seem to emphasize how much hotter it is now. They're in the peak of the Summer season, which is ample time for strawberry picking. However, that's not to say they won't be sweating buckets throughout the whole process. Even he'll admit that wearing a long-sleeved rainbow top adorned with equally as colorful patches is not the wisest of choices. But he'll survive with a basket of freshly picked strawberries. Or die of heatstroke. Whichever comes first. And with the land reserved primarily for the orchard itself, there aren't that many cell towers that he can see. Julian's not the type to rely so much on his phone regularly—minus having Cameron give him directions by texted photos—so the relative bout of nature doesn't stir him much. When looking into his basket now as well as Chase's to compare, he wonders if he's getting it wrong. "Are the reddest ones the best? Or the biggest ones?"
CH: even with the buttons undone on his short-sleeve shirt, pastel yellow fluttering open to reveal the sky blue tank he wears inside, the sunlight is harsher on a day like today, beads of sweat lining his brows underneath the wide brimmed hat atop his head. for the sake of one of his favorite fruits and for picking said fruits with one of his favorite pack members, the heat is nothing. if only his body would cooperate. swiping at his brow with the back of his hand, he leans his head from side to side, letting out a deep breath as he aims to distract his mind from the summer sun, gaze landing on the basket beside him instead. he'd been kneeling at first, falling back and leaning with his arms supporting him when julian asks him about how to pick. best is subjective but chase likes them sweet so the reddest ones had been his target so they could eat them sooner. "the more red they are, the more ripe they are! biggest doesn't mean anything for taste . . . right?" leaning over, he takes the hat from atop his head to plop it on top of julian's, grinning as he taps the brim, making it partially cover their face. "do you like sweet strawberries?" 
JN: With a basket filled with the brightest reds and some favoring the bigger sizes, there's more confusion towards Chase's preference. But once it's explained to him, how the redder ones are the sweetest, he can't not pick them now. Nodding promptly, he quickly heads back to picking the purely vibrant colors he previously ignored. "I'll get those ones, then." He can't say anything about Chase's verbal confusion now. Julian deals with medicinal plants for the most part. He never even goes into the fruits and vegetable garden for a quick peak. The kitchen would have the ripe ones stocked, and he trusts the judgement of their fellow pack members on that front. Scrunching his nose at the hat transference, a giggle escapes him. Chase is always so kind and considerate to him. "I do! If they aren't sweet enough, I'll melt some chocolate for dip. But I never really noticed that the brightest ones would be sweeter somehow." Glancing over at Chase, somewhat unable to look away from the grin that adorns his features, it's as if he forgets his own heat struggles for a moment. "I'd make strawberry cake, a tart, cookies, anything else, if I could use the oven. I'm afraid it would blow up in my face." 
CH: "wait, i'm not completely sure," he laughs, reaching out for julian's arm, fingers find the lota's forearm and he ends up sliding his hand down, patting theirs before he just lets his own hand rest there. chase has gone into their fruits and veggie garden often but he normally follows someone else's lead, takes the word of someone more experienced over his own. occasionally, he's even reminded that he knows this or should by now but he likes being certain when it comes to something this important, to the pack's food. it's the least he can do, isn't it? if he could cook more like near, he wouldn't feel so unaccomplished about helping but he swears his skills have been improving bit by bit. til now, he's managed not to nick himself with a knife while chopping. baby steps. that's what it boils down to. julian's giggle is so cute that chase tips the end of the hat again, grin so wide that he feels the tug at his cheeks. "chocolate covered strawberries sound good! but i want to make a smoothie later. we can make a lot of things if we pick enough." pausing to wipe at his brow with the back of his free hand again, he looks to julian with wide eyes. "let's try baking together. i bet we could do it if we try together." 
JN: As naive as it may be, most times he's trusting the word of others. There's an assumption he makes that they would know better than he does. A few things hold exceptions, however, like his medical expertise, but he'll argue that he'll never know enough. Life's all about learning, he's discovered. So, at the very least, anything told to him is a 'theory' before it gets confirmed by something else. In this case, they'll have to perform a few mini-experiments over which is sweeter since he never takes his previous picks out of his basket. He stops to look at Chase when uncertainty is expressed, knitting his brows in question. "We can give this much a try." He picks his basket up, three-forth of the way filled. 
"A smoothie would be really nice, yeah. We'll have a strawberry feast!" Sitting down cross-legged now, the heat is really starting to get to him as he uselessly fans himself with his shirt. "Does that mean you don't know how to bake either? Or that you'll teach me? But also, are we taking them all home or—" He abruptly stops speaking when he sees a beige-colored bunny hopping around behind Chase. "Or maybe a bunny." Absentmindedly pulling a strawberry out, he quietly makes his way towards the creature to try feeding them, while crawling on all fours. 
CH: the faith in his words, no matter if he’s not the only one that julian has such belief in, are as heart-warming as julian’s other traits and he questions if there’s anything about julian that doesn’t give him the warmth of gentle sunshine; if there’s any kind of darkness that julian can’t illuminate and render powerless against his smile, especially when it reaches his eyes or extends to the gentleness of his hands despite the callouses or scars. julian is so gentle and kind for what chase has seen. physical scars wear more on the soul in his opinion. chase doesn’t wear his own trauma in such a way. it makes it easier to avoid and ignore. julian carries himself with a bravery and tenderness that chase wouldn’t be able to so the only answer he can give is a “yes” paired with a smile that becomes infallible in the lota’s presence. “a strawberry feast it is!” he tries to think of all the things they could make off the top of his head and it’s difficult to narrow it down to what he wants to make most after a smoothie or the chocolate covered strawberries julian mentioned. “i can bake a little! i’m normally the sous chef to near but . . . i have some of my own tricks!” sort of anyway. “i think we coul— a bunny?” he repeats the sentiment, brows furrowing til he follows the path of julian’s gaze, eyes widening as he falls back, basket set aside so he can reach into his pocket to take out his phone, already taking a picture of how julian crawls towards the small creature. “where did it come from? uwaa, so cute!” 
JN: The bunny sniffs the strawberry before taking a bite out of it. Julian's elated in an instant, reaching out to gently pet it in his new-found trust. He lays on his front the more it nibbles. "I'm not sure. I didn't see any bunnies earlier." Then once it finishes near the peduncle, he moves to pick it up and flips himself onto his back to lay it on his chest. "A wild bunny?" Looking over at Chase now, he quickly puts two and two together—a phone pointed at him must mean he's being photographed. Even if the subject is the bunny, he'll still be somewhere in it. Rather than whine about it outright, he instead covers his face with the bunny all while he sits himself upright. "Come here and pet it then." He keeps his head low. "And I'm gonna name you... Hop Tart." A chuckle escapes him as he says it, quickly looking up at Chase. "We're making strawberry tarts, too, right?" And now that he's back on the topic of cooking, he processes what the omega told him just prior to this. "Also, what's a sous chef?" 
CH: how quickly the bunny trusts julian enough to eat from his hand doesn't come as a surprise. instead, he's delighted, no longer curious enough to wonder where it came from as much as he's grinning just watching everything happen. julian and his love of small animals isn't much of a secret in the pack, he doesn't think it is anyway, not with the occasional time he's seen cam dealing with one of them or held one of them himself when he catches julian coming home. it's just a lot cuter in person each time he sees it. in fact, he might have too many pictures of julian holding some animal but photos don't take up a lot of memory anyway, right? when julian tells him to come pet it, chase resists the urge to pet the lota instead, smiling at both the softness of the bunny's fur and the name given to it. "strawberry tarts? we can make those! we can make anything you want." whether it's edible in the end, he isn't completely sure but they'll have fun either way, right? maybe whatever they make can be salvaged by near if it needs to be. he's learned a lot though as a— "oh, it's like . . . an assistant! an assistant chef? oh like if the chef is the head of the kitchen, like an alpha, then a sous chef is second? like a beta?" 
JN: "Then, let's make a pie, too! It's one of those things I think I have to use an oven with." He's still unsure how to use the oven. In theory, he knows it's supposed to be simple enough. But in practice, heat is not that controllable. As he sits Hop Tart on his knee, Julian smooths their back as their nose wiggles about. "Still hungry?" He reaches out to grab another strawberry without really seeing it. It's bright red in most places, what does that mean? When Chase explains the sous chef position, he tilts his head in wonder. "So you're a beta?" Julian clasps his hands together as he falls onto his back, letting Hop Tart hop into Chase's care. "That's so awesome! No wonder the kitchen is so immaculate, and the food is so tasty." It still doesn't stop him from missing meals, but it is quite a feat regardless. He sits up while still leaning on his hands. "We're definitely keeping Hop Tart. He's so sweet, we have to! We have all the strawberries ever for him to eat, too. It's perfect." 
CH: "pie crusts are fun to play with. do you think we could make a pretty design? between the two of us, we could manage, right?" the better approach might be to play it safe but julian tends to make him feel brave anyway so why not? why not go for everything he could possibly do? his focus easily switches to watching hop tart and how julian interacts with the cute bunny. he ends up comparing the two and smiling to himself til julian asks if that means he's a beta and chase laughs so loud he might've scared the poor bunny. instead, the small animal hops towards him and arms open, eyes wide, he reaches out for it, cradling the bunny in his arms and gently petting its head. "i don't do too much! near knows a lot more... a lot, a lot but i try to learn from him." eyeing julian, he huffs, hop tart wiggling in his arms when he does and he murmurs a soft apology when he glances down, gaze returning to julian as he says, "then come eat with the rest of us more often. oh— could we really keep him? where would we put him..." because, unfortunately, he's seen bunnies come into the kitchen too for very different reasons.
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ncumenia-archived · 5 years
📱 Mobile friendly headcanons 📱
OTHER LINKS: rules lore bio
[Targon Worldbuilding] Thanks to everyone who helped me during this “quest"  ♥ Warning: it may contain many sensible themes, from blood/death to drugs/suggestive topics. So, make sure to filter all my triggers/nsfw tags before proceeding, especially if you’re a minor or repulsive toward certain subjects.
[Canon!verse. More can be found here.]
Ernye deeply loved her family, especially her mother, with whom she had a special relationship. Have been unable to save or assist her, without saying her a proper goodbye, completely destroyed her. If someone dares to insult her she’d kill them instantly;
She was studying to become a Moon priestess, but she has never finished them because of her premature death by Ra Horak’s hands;
Being a revenant, she’s completely barren. She’s very frustrated by this thing because her biggest dream was to become a mother. It’s easy to understand that she’ll never hurt a child, rather she’s extremely protective toward them, and She’d rather adopt them, especially if she has a partner (She really wants to have a family). She completely despises pedophiles or people who harm/kill children in general, and when she discovers one she’ll kill them very very slowly;
Ernye only comes out at night;
Her favorite color is purple, widely used in Lunari culture;
One of her hobbies is transcribing Lunari manuscripts, besides drawing. Although she’s not that good, she actually enjoys it;
Her best friend’s name was Pasifae, who, secretly, was in love with Ernye.
Inside her sternum’s wound, she inserted a small marble made of iridescent orb stone. This because she wanted to “physically” fell the burden of her guilt;
Ernye’s clothes are not real: they’re made of shadows. She can change dress in seconds. She usually mimic her deceased mother’s style. (Very similar to 1920’s fashion)
She’s narcissistic and likes to compliment herself, it’s because her look is just like and reminds a lot her mother’s. And also she thinks her beauty it’s the only thing that death didn’t steal from her. ;
She hates Leona because she represents her enemies.
Her favorite animal are cuccos, Targonian chickens which her grandfather used to breed along with tamus (targonian sheeps, she also loves them). Furthermore, she is fond of black cats.
Since she comes from a nomadic culture, she doesn’t know nothing (and I really mean NOTHING) about technology. If she went to Piltover, for example, she’d be scared!
She hates loneliness;
She’s scared of drunk people. If someone (even a friend) approaches her in such a state, she becomes extremely aggressive and might attack them without hesitation. This due to a huge trauma she had when she was alive;
She suffers from keraunophobia;
She has tattoos all over her arms, spine, hands and left thigh. They were widely common in Lunari culture, usually used to identify one’s social status, especially if we’re talking about priesthood. Furthermore, they’re infused with Lunari magic, and the tattooing process was pretty painful. Just imagine Maori’s traditional’s.
She usually smokes Targonian herbs;
She’s into people who are physically strong, cultured, and beautiful, regardless of their gender. Furthermore, she doesn’t care about it: as long as they treat her with kindness, respect and their relationship is based on trust and is healthy, she’ll love them regardless. However, she has a soft spot for people who reminds her of the moon, or are linked with it.
When she’s upset or has flashbacks about her most horrible events in her life, if there’s no one who can comfort her, either she surrounds herself with cuccos -usually, holding and caressing the fluffiest and chubbiest one- or black cats -especially kittens, she loves them so much-… Or she cries until she’s fully dried out of her tears, bleeding from her mouth and sternum.
What Ernye calls “the vale of shadows” is actually the dark side of the Moon, and such a place is set differently for anyone who enters there, for it shows to the visitor their biggest fear, guilty, trauma in form of dreadful visions and monsters.
[Odyssey. More can be found here.]
She smells like apricot because of both of her genes and fruit-based diet;
Suffers from paranoia, mild anxiety, and a form of OCD;
Toward her companions, she’s extremely protective, but she demands respect from them, otherwise she doesn’t think twice about killing them;
She’s frugivore;
She loves warm places;
Crowded places makes her extremely nervous;
She suffers from Cleopatra Syndrome.
She’s actually scared of the Ora, because she knows how powerful it is, and it may able to permanently change her DNA, probably in a painful way.
Unlike the canon!verse, she’s a living being and she can have children, although starting a family and finding a suitable, strong partner isn’t her main priority.
[Modern. More can be found here.]
She has a ragdoll cat named Luna. Furthermore, she also wants a chinchilla;
She suffers from PCOS, a common hormonal disorder among women. She takes the BCP to maintain the situation under control;
She’s studying to become an astronomer;
She dyes her hair silver;
Her favorite tv show is Breaking Bad;
She’s a feminist (Basically in all her verses as well);
She dislikes driving, this because of a small accident she had when she was 12;
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