#Lurien is the best dreamer !
gncbozo · 11 months
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Ah Lurien, he's one of my fav caracteres in hollow knight !
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ex-vespidae · 7 months
Don't understand why some people write Herrah as this like horrible parent like. She sacrificed literally everything for her daughter, everything. She willingly chose to sleep for eternity to keep everyone and everything she loves safe. Yeah sure the plan didn't work in the end, but how would she know if it would or not? She's just a spider, yeah maybe the leader of the spiders but she's not a god like PK who was wrong in his plan anyways...
Anyways i'm #1 Herrah defender. Spider mom for life.
insert one if those like heart locket gifs where it opens and says "Herrah my beloved"
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asp1diske-art · 1 month
Your technical skill with lineart and shading is amazing in itself, but it's your ability to convey emotion and atmosphere in your work that is trademark to me :) its incredible how you can show through gesture and body language just what these masked, expressionless characters are feeling, and how the environment itself conveys that. Your lurien comics, especially the one that ends in something along the lines of "I return to the kingdom you abandoned" are I think the spark that made Lurien go from Some Guy to Deeply Interesting for me, and your use of color pop and shaky line contributed so much to the feeling in those comics. You are one of the artists whose skill at evoking emotions I aspire to <3
Oh wow, I've been reading and re-reading this for the last 20 minutes this is amazing.
So, emotions!
If there is one thing I'm proud to have accomplished during my time in Hollow Knight, it's the skill of expressing tone. Because here's the thing, facial expressions are just one of the many components of tone. (I even wrote about this in another ask some time ago.) Colors, gestures, camera angle, lighting, paneling, lines and narration - all of these come together to convey the mood of the scene.
Check out these wips from the Watcher and the Watched comic, for example.
You can see that color played a huge role in setting the atmosphere in the comic. It shows that this comic is taking place in the Watcher's Spire, but it also gives a dark, subdued feeling that wouldn't come from idk, a yellow background. The backlight emphasizes the ominous tone of the last page. As does Lurien's pose - coupled with the butler looking up and Lurien looking down, it makes it look like Lurien is looming over his butler (and the reader). All this builds up to deliver Lurien's lines with maximum impact.
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So yeah, a lot goes into conveying tone in comics, and I'm very happy to hear that it was recieved well!!
The Lurien, Dreamer comic. It's almost 2 years old now but it's still one of the favorite comics I drew about him. Together with the City of Tears comic, it's the epitome of my interpretation of Lurien. My characterization of Lurien's relationship with the Pale King was quite different from the usual fanon at the time (I don't know how it is now, I haven't gone into the tags in years haha) and I wasn't really sure how people would take it. So I'm glad to hear that it got you interested in Lurien!
It's the one that took the longest too lol. Usually I draw comics in a single setting, but that one took 3 days. Besides Two Ghosts (which was an 18 chapter+@ comic that was over 50p and took about 2 months), no other comic has broken this record. I put in a lot of care into it, and it still holds a special place in my heart.
Honestly half the reason I use messy, sketchy lines is that I suck at drawing clean lines lmao. But I like to think that I've made the best of it and utilized it as an art style. In that comic especially, because the whole thing takes place in the dream realm and I wanted to give a rough, unreal feel to it.
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I'd show breakdowns of this one too but the file is so big it keeps crashing lol. (Pro tip - draw your comic pages in separate files. Don't be like me and draw 300dpi 10p comics with 30 layers in each page in a single canvas. It will crash and you will be sad.) But drawing the White Palace was a interesting challenge because I usually draw in highly saturated colors whereas the Palace is, well, white. So I had to work out a way to color this without making everything looking grey, while also making it recognizable as the palace. iirc I used a lot of overlay & burn & dodge layers along with a few difference & subtract layers to give the white a slight yellow tint to stand out from the dark blue. (I'm pretty sure they're the culprits crashing the file.)
Sorry this got long, I really took this as an invitation to ramble about my art hkfsldjkflj
Thank you for all the compliments! It's an honor to hear that my art could be someone's aspiration, and I'm very happy that all my Lurien art got someone else into Lurien. I hope you have a nice day :D
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cloudyswritings · 4 months
The Dreamers: Headcanons
The youngest of the dreamers by a significant amount.
She consumed her last mate, the old king of deepnest, after age started to weaken him. This was widely regarded by deepnest populous as a good move.
In the early days of her reign she had to deal with many spiders who chaffed under her rule. This is because she initially came from the lower castes of deepnest. Her title as the beast was one originally given as an insult in hopes calling attention to her caste would undermine her rule. Suffice to say Herrah made the title her own, and executed her political enemies publicly.
She struggled a lot with dealing with young hornet, mostly because Hornet is far more Wyrm than spider. As a grub Hornet was only vocalizing like a young Wyrm would-on frequencies Herrah couldn’t hear- which caused Herrah to worry about her a lot. Eventually she went to the king and(begrudgingly) asked him to teach her about Hornets biology. After that things got much better.
She keeps a small bowl of metal splinters on the counter for Hornet—who needs metal to develop her shell properly— to eat. Getting Hornet to eat her metals was a constant struggle.
Herrah was a fantastic mother and tried to do her best by Hornet in the time she had.
She made a small quilt for baby hornet. Hornet has kept this quilt for the entirety of her life and it’s one of her most prized possessions.
Herrah definitely has some skeletons in her closet, she started out as a mercenary before catching the eye of the old king of deepnest and marrying up. She killed quite a few bugs and spiders on her way up to queendom.
favorite color is purple
She won’t tell anyone but she has a massive sweet tooth, especially for hive honey.
she’s a bi queen for sure, and almost certainly had a crush on Vespa.
She and the white lady ended up being fairly good friends, though it was hard for Herrah to get used to the slow pace the white lady thinks at. She let the white lady grubsit Hornet even outside of the time Hornet spent living at the palace.
I’m on the Lurien is a butterfly train, I think it even makes a lot of sense for him to be one. Specially a a blue morpho(some of my favorite butterflies)
Because he’s a butterfly he really likes salty or otherwise mineral rich foods, he often drinks a sort of saltwater tea, with a ton of nectar in it.
His wings are deformed, they never fully expanded when he emerged from his chrysalis. It’s part of why he doesn’t interact with the people of the city so often, he was excluded from a lot of traditional activities by other butterflies before leading the city.
He’s got a limited sense of foresight—this foresight is something that rarely appears in beings touched by the kings light— it’s generally not that helpful though, often all he sees is ravenous darkness…
Takes long naps, but he’s a light sleeper
He's quite the painter and prefers realism to other forms of art, if he hadn’t gone to dream he’d probably have branched out in 50 years or so.
She has a very fine sense of temperature and pressure fluctuations in the air, this is basically her way of finding thermals to float on.
Has actually talked to Unn before she left to dream, mostly just about the history of the lands around Hallownest
Before she came to Hallownest she was a highly renowned poet, she eventually got bored with poetry and moved on to learning the sciences.
First and foremost she’s a biochemist, she used her knowledge to aide with the initial phases of the vessel project.
She brought all sorts of samples from her homeland when she arrived in Hallownest, fog canyon is a result of her artificially recreating her home.
She did something to the air in the canyon to make if behave more like water, it has something to do with chemical additives. As a result normal bugs are advised to spend minimal time in fog canyon because the air is mildly acidic and the humidity is higher than most bugs are comfortable with.
Quirrel is fine there though, because he’s a pill bug and needs the humidity
I know a lot of people like to portray Monomon as Quirrels mom, but I really see them more as peers. They’re both independently acclaimed scientists who have a mutual respect for eachother— and a small whisper of what could have been by the time she goes to dream.
Likes meaty foods, her mouth is on the underside of her body.
Shes the oldest of the dreamers, having been a higher being before coming to Hallownest. She doesn’t really behave like it though.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
agsjdkskdjs I love your idea of ferrel child Hornet trying her best to kill Lurien. How do you think Lurien (and the other dreamers) felt about Hornet and Hollow?
Feelings were mixed! Most were sad or uneasy, at least for Hollow. I'll list the kids seperatly so that it's a bit easier to read
Lurien: Started off terrified of her at first, partially because of her venom + bitey nature, but mostly because he had zero childcare experience and didn't exactly have a great childhood himself, so he had no idea how to interact with her. Those feelings softened into understanding and pity when he realized just how isolated she was as a demigod hybrid, however, because being isolated and rejected for not fitting in was exactly why he had a pretty damn sucky childhood. Grew quite soft for her over time, though he never was able to fully shake being wary about her fangs
Herrah: absolutely adored and prized her little baby. Anything else is out of the question. Still carried a heavy amount of guilt and regret for needing to abandon her so young, even though she knew Hornet had the strength to handle it. Would never have agreed to go to sleep if she knew the plan would fail in the end, but faliure was an option that she accepted, and she was proud of her child no matter what came to pass
Monomon: Quite fond of little Hornet and unbothered by her ferocity, though this was to be expected from someone who was immune to her venom and used to dealing with little hellions. She was deeply fascinated by the hybrid traits that Hornet exibited, and was chosen to tutor her in the sciences because of her patience and fascination with her
Lurien: Of all the Dreamers, he was the most reserved on his feelings about the Vessel, but he was the one who suspected them the most. He wasn't labeled the Watcher for nothing, and his keen eye was able to pick up on minute nuances of their behavior that made him question just how hollow they were. Still, he never voiced his suspicions, as there was simply no other option but to trust that the King knew more about the void than he did, and so he took his concerns to the grave. Would feel the most guilty and take the most blame of all the Dreamers if he saw them post-Radiance, and saw his suspicions were true. Probably the most qualified for rearing them/helping them rehab out of the three, if only because he was so close to the King and knew how to move softly around such beings
Herrah: Never believed that Hollow was fully hollow even for a second, but didn't question it much because it would be dishonourable to challenge a young warrior's resolve, which she saw strongly in the Pure Vessel- and also because she knew that the cost of their sacrifice was her kingdom's survival, so the loss was of the Pale King, not of her. Held a great deal of disdain for PK modifying his child to deal with his problems instead of facing it himself, because Deepnest holds no sympathy for cowards and such actions are cowardice to the highest degree. One of the very few who did not hold some degree of fear or wariness when looking upon the face of a Void God
Monomon: She helped to study the void, amd to shape the Pure Vessel into being. Was her hand in that dark deed not enough? She shared the Pale King's flaw for looking at the vessels with an analytical eye, and kept whatever doubts she had about the process fully to herself. Realizing they failed was something that she processed more as an error in their experiment that manifested too late, if only because it was easier for her to handle than accepting that she played a part in condemning a young god to death
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dumbbanana · 9 months
@ido100 asked:
Could you maybe explore your characterizations for Monomon and Herrah? Your take on Lurien is incredible!
Phew! I did one for Herrah last time and said I'd do one for Monomon in another post.
So here it is (checks calendar) 9 FREAKING MONTHS LATER. Thanks for your patience!
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As with the previous Dreamer asks, the main answer is under the cut!
Sooo the first thing I'd say about my Monomon interpretation is that, compared to other people's interpretations of her, she's a bit of a bimbo (to put it lightly). Most interpretations I've seen of her are of a sagely, delicate, scholarly lady who can do no wrong and knows everything or of a mischievous mad scientist (not saying this is a bad thing) but when I was designing her, I had the general idea of her being a bit of an airhead who doesn't always engage the brain before opening her mouth. That doesn't mean she's entirely stupid - she could tell you from her hoards of knowledge the exact way a mechanism for a complex lock works along with it's history, advantages, disadvantages and how to bypass it. But she'd still spend an hour pushing on a door that says "pull" until it's pointed out to her (if it ever is).
So yeah… Everyone else's Monomons: Graceful, elegant, erudite, high class, sensible This Monomon: Knowledge of an entire kingdom, wisdom of a wooden spoon
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In a similar vein, she's pretty much comes off as the "dumb" friend of the Dreamer friend group and, being the kind of friends that they are, any two will not pass up the opportunity to mess with the other. Since I like to think of her as a somewhat impulsive and reckless personality, she may more often than not act on something without thinking, causing trouble for those around and earning endless facepalms from her two best friends (if they weren't dragged into the mess to begin with). While I don't think she's any less intelligent than the other two, I imagine it to be more of a case of her being clever in her own way. While Lurien and Herrah may have more "classic" and "logical" methods in the way they do things, Monomon's odd way of doing things may come off as downright bizarre to the average person but they do produce the desired results and that all she needs.
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Leading from that, when she's not being a complete wally, I think of her as an ambitious and potentially cunning person - when she has set her sights set on something, everything is fair game and she'll make as many friends or enemies as she wants to get it. After all, as the Teacher of the Archives, she holds a pretty interesting position in Hallownest so I like to think she has her ways in having come to that position and fending off any threats to her power and post. I also like to imagine that she can be highly irresponsible, often not really caring for the consequences of her actions and that she is rarely the one who has to deal with it. This mixed with her earlier mentioned recklessness and impulsiveness may cause her to have a certain kind of arrogance about her as, so far in her life, everything has gone her way exactly the way she wants.
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On a happier note, regarding her actual job: while I usually see her depicted as some kind of introverted genius scientist, with her role as an archivist, I quite like the idea that she actually enjoys going out to see and experience everything in the world and to document it for her archives. Since her whole schtick is about the preservation of knowledge, I like to imagine that she regularly goes on Indiana Jones like adventures either in recovering artefacts that require preserving and protection or transporting documents which may be highly sensitive and valuable. Thus, she is often getting into fights with foes ranging from petty thieves to maybe hired assassins. Her being her, I imagine has had quite a lot of practice engaging these enemies over the years and it's just another day in the life and she's more than able to handle herself.
She, of course, is more than happy having Quirrel by her side (I've mentioned before that their designs are based off the lovers known as the Cowherder and the Weaver Girl and I certainly headcanon them as a happily married couple) even if, and this is purely because the young child in me always wanted to see such a situation, he is the love interest in distress that she ends up rescuing in every adventure 😆
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Thank you as always for your ask and I hope this was worth the wait! Have a great day! 🍶
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jungl-leavs · 1 year
found a post of mine that would work well as a poll. so
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bluegekk0 · 1 month
Damn, Lurien's design is really good! Can you tell us something random about him?
Thank you!
Hmm. Might as well take this chance to talk about his personality a bit. His most prominent trait is that he's extremely dedicated to the City of Tears. Like, to the point of committing questionable actions in order to protect it, which started to be noticeable after he became its head post-infection.
There is a parallel to be made between him and Vyrm for this reason, but where Vyrm chooses to solve things peacefully and was forced to commit terrible acts out of desperation, Lurien is far more ruthless. As the head of the city, he wants to make sure the citizens are safe above all. The infection and the chaos that came after it became an opportunity for many bandits to exploit the city's weakness. By the time Lurien gained power to do anything about it, some of the city districts became notorious for criminal activity, and many of the thugs have their hideouts all across the city and outsids its borders. Thieves, murderers and other criminals fly right under the radar of his weakened guard, and this forces him to look for less than lawful methods to cull the bandit population.
This is best shown by his deal with Grimm; he's willing to work with another murderer to protect the city. Grimm periodically visits it in search of blood, inevitably leaving dead bodies behind. With Lurien's help, he gets access to a list of names of criminals he can hunt without consequences. He works more efficiently and faster than the city guard, which means Lurien can get rid of targets without attracting too much attention of the rest of the criminal underground. It's definitely a questionable method, and perhaps a lot of those criminals deserved a fair trial, but Lurien doesn't seem bothered about it. Anything to protect his beloved city.
I'm still brainstorming his backstory, but I want him to be very closely connected to the city from a young age, somehow. I mean, he basically married it when becoming the Watcher, so it's very clear that it means a lot to him. And I thought it would be interesting if he agreed to become the Dreamer not just because of his respect for FPK, but out of love for the city.
I talked before about his relationship with Vyrm, but I think this is a nice opportunity to mention if again. He definitely had a crush on him at some point, but it's possible that he was more attracted to Vyrm's love for his kingdom and his subjects rather than Vyrm himself. He definitely saw the king's beauty and he found him awe-inspiring, but whether or not it had a romantic undertone is still something he can't decide on.
His conflicted feelings are definitely rooted in his kind's customs. As I mentioned in the design reveal post, the males of his species clip their wings as a wedding ritual. This is deeply rooted in its culture, which unfortunately means that same-sex couples and relationships with other species are frowned upon among his kind, as they break tradition. Lurien definitely adapted Hallownest's more tolerant mindset, but deep down he felt ashamed of his feelings, which contributed to him never making them known to Vyrm or anyone else.
This post is already quite long, but if anyone is interested, I would love to answer more questions, especially some more specific ones! They help a lot with developing him as a character.
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ashcoveredtraveler · 4 months
An approximation of what real life insects(or others) reflect Hollow Knight characters.
Let's start off the Dreamers:
Monomon(Crystal Jellyfish[right], Boxed Jellyfish [left]):
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Of course I started off with the dreamer that wasn't a bug at all. It was difficult to find any jellyfish that resembled Monomon, but I chose these ones. Fun fact, the boxed jellyfish are one of the most poisonous Jellyfish.
(more under cut)
Lurien(Cinnabar Moth[right], Scarlet Tiger Moth[left]):
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Based on this post by @dairyfreenugget . I like the thought of Lurien heavily contrasting the blue colors of the city. However I realized it's kinda pointless in my AU/Fic cause 1, he doesn't have his wings anymore, just stems of them and 2, he always wears his cloak so no one knows what bug he is. Though I bet you whoever is closest to him would appreciate the brightly colored stems they could occasionally see.
Herrah(wolf spider[left], Sapphire Gooty Tarantula[right])
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Wolf spiders are known to hunt and are agile, and I imagine Herrah would probably be one of the best hunters in Deepnest. But they are not poisonous, we can sometimes just be allergic to them. However the Sapphire Gooty Tarantula, is one of the most venomous tarantulas. They look dope as all hell, and the colors kinda match Herrah. I might have to draw Herrah with purple fluff instead of brown.
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lizbot · 1 year
Why do you think Lurien is the best dreamer? I don't have a favorite dreamer myself, so I'm curious about your perspective
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He's loaded with money, lives penthouse in the tallest building in the city, was some sorta important government figure, does art, and given how he's always represented at the top and centre of all of the dreamers memorials, one could argue that he was the most important of the 3 dreamers.
He's kinda cute too.
also, he gets to make out with the pale king in my headcanons lol
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Hollow Knight Lurien - The Best Dreamer
By: Eliz Elai
Why don't you take a break from t h i c c spider women and green jellyfishes and give a small appreciation to our beloved cyclops -
✨L U R I E N✨
If you think he's not worth it, here are reasons to like Lurien:
🔸He has a butler (Yeah, yeah, Monomon has Quirel, and Herra has Hornet. But hey…I see no butler)
🔸He lives in a tall ass tower (Totally Rapunzel, I know. Wouldn't it be cool to live above the city, where everything looks so small and short in your perspective……. probably helps boost his height confidence in a way)
🔸He's on the City of Tears (Monomon has that shitty canyon with only jellyfishes, and Herra has the land no bug nor god will step upon. While Luri has this Grand D̶e̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ city.)
🔸He has the best the best security system (Herra has nothing, and while Monomom has Uuwu eh…Ummu?? Uunuu???? WHATEVER YOU SPELL THAT THING - it is easy AF. Watcher knights on the other hand…… will give you the most painful headache known to bugkind, seriously they can go smash their heads for Wyrms sake)
🔸HE DOES PAINTINGS (Might be biased coming from an artist, but paintings - especially ones that have architecture: are difficult to do.)
🔸He already had a special duty protecting Hallownest before becoming a dreamer. (Monomon also had the duty of preserving the Kingdom's knowledge, but Lurien was probably regarded as a protector or guardian of the city. It’s like……. being a security guard watching the CCTV footage on Walmart.)
🔸He was above the other dreamers (Anything that depicts the Dreamers always puts Lurien in the middle and is taller than the rest. I mean being in a high position do give you extra credit. And these monuments are created by the Pale King so there are some biases in there.)
🔸He ain't a quiter (Despite Monomon telling him the seals must break, because the Hollow Knight is weakening, he still believes that their protection must remain. Man of dedication I see…………or maybe he's just of those Wyrm boot licking assholes)
And most importantly……
🔸He is so mysterious; we don't know shit about him (This makes him good fanfic material)
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south-of-sane · 1 year
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vulturereyy · 15 days
Question based on the reblog, but since Lurien had a negative view on the king as time went on, would he(and maybe Hegemol) have accepted the Radiances power? Or would he reject it since the Radiance is the greater evil?
Ohhh thank you for the ask! The answer is, not willingly. Lurien's dissatisfaction with the Pale King goes hand in hand with his desire to protect his city. While he loses faith in his king near the end, he still becomes a dreamer and seal because he believes it to be the best option for his people. He wouldn't ally with the Radiance since she's kind of the one who is trying to destroy his people haha, but the offer of revenge would be tempting.
I think if she managed to worm her way into Lurien's mind without revealing that it's her... she *may* have a chance at getting him to turn her way. But that would likely take years of building up trust with him, and planting seeds along the way that he should usurp the king, and that *he*, Lurien, knows how to rule far better than PK ever could. Then, once the king of Hallownest is no longer a fellow God, Radi would have her easy way in and overthrow Lurien, I think.
As for Hegemol, the answer remains "not willingly." Though he may be a somewhat easier turn than Lurien, if he could be convinced that allying with her would give Hallownest the best outcome. He would so readily sacrifice himself for his kingdom without considering the consequences.
My good friend @basilbellona and I actually have multiple personal AUs where Hegemol takes it upon himself to he sealed away with the radiance rather than condemn the vessel to do so, and things do not go well.
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asp1diske-art · 2 years
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“If you could go back in time, would you still become a Dreamer?”
Monomon: No Herrah: No Lurien: Yes
translated script under cut
Would I still become a Dreamer if I could go back to that time? Are you insane? Why would I try a way I already know will fail? Turn back the wheels of time only to repeat what you have done. Ridiculous. If I have a second chance, then I need to analyze why we failed. And this time, I will succeed. Even if the world is fated to end, I will try another way.
If I could go back, you say. I will make this clear: I have never regretted that bargain. Mm. Even so... I have no wish to become a Dreamer again. That has already failed this time. I want to believe there is a better way to save our brood. To leave a better world to that child as well.
If I could go back, would I still make the same choice. ...Yes. If there is no other way, then I will become a Dreamer once more. Even if it is only a temporary solution, even if it is doomed to fail. It does not matter to me. We considered the possibility of failure then, too. Even so, if we could stop the infection for just a little while, if we could hold the kingdom for just a little longer, then it was worth it. That was the best we could do. Though it ended in ruin, I have never regretted my choice.
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Of course, a certain someone will be furious to hear that I said so. She’ll probably call me ‘an obstinate fool’. Perhaps she will find a better way this time round. If nothing else, then I can buy some time until she does.
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fire-kitty-lol · 2 years
I know nobody asked but imma give out some Hollow Knight headcanons!
- Gods have their mortal selves and their true selves, they don’t often show their true self, as it could blind mortals or drive them mad to witness such raw power. The true self also has a few personality differences from the mortal self.
- Pk is unnaturally cold, so much so that unless water is hot enough to cook a bug alive, it will freeze to his shell.
- Pk talks in whispers, as being a the god of mind/soul gives him a powerful voice that can influence mortal bugs.
- Radi is a poodle moth
- Pk and the Nightmare King were buddies at some point in time! Grimm only really knows PK from what NKG has told him.
- Wyrm’s are born intersex, and don’t really have a concept of gender or sexuality.
- Hornet inherited a small bit of PK’s foresight, it comes in the form of strong feelings about places or people
- Speaking of foresight, Pk’s foresight, while it can be used on command, can also be triggered by touch. Making it so that he can see a specific person’s future if he is touching them while using his future sight.
- Gods can change the temperature of a room to match their moods
- Gods have magic themed around elements that represent them, but are capable of other magics (Grimm is a fire mage, PK is a frostmancer, Radi had light magic, Root can do plant magic, etc)
- The vessels have a form of telepathy between each other, but have to use sign language to speak to anyone who doesn’t have a connection to the void.
- each god has their own realm, the realm contains their memories, but mostly take the form of environments that best fit them, and deteriorate or change depending on their physical health or state of mind
- Pk doesn’t like his more brutal instinct, but does trust it (it’s never steered him wrong in fights or hunts)
- God are more physically frail the more powerful they are. Extremely powerful gods will have very defensive fighting styles, with lots of ranged attacks.
- Bugs have always had minds, as instinct is a part of the mind, when PK got to Hallownest he didn’t give them a mind/intelligence, just greatly enhanced what was already there.
- Pk had ADHD, hence the meticulously clean palace versus the messy workshop (he has a system, okay?)
- Pk is a socially awkward recluse, many people find him intimidating due to the fact he doesn’t talk very much, and when he does it’s in cold, echoey, whispers. Truth is he has no clue how to socialize
-Root forces PK to socialize with the dreamers and the five knights (He and Ogrim became good friends due to this)
-speaking of the dreamers, Lurien admires the king, but more like how a kid would admire their older sibling, rather than some one sided crush.
- He and Herrah have a “you don’t bother me, and I won’t bother you” relationship. It’s not hostile, but it’s not peaceful ether, (pk is not great at first impressions) (and Herrah does not give second changes)
- PK did his best to be a good father to Hornet, but was clueless about children, though they are easier to interact with than adults (children are so genuine and easy to read, adults have so many social rules)
- Root did most of the talking when she and pk were in public
-Pk and Monomon get along well, they’re friends, but they aren’t particularly close (mostly because they both get so absorbed in their work they never leave their studies)
-The great knights are loyal to a fault, but do have some gripes with the royals
- Hegimol thinks PK needs to be more aggressive and assertive
- Dyraa has a one sided crush on the Queen, both royals know, Root thinks it’s cute, PK doesn’t care because in the end Root chose to marry him
- Isma believes that a little patience and kindness is all the push the king needs to get out of his shell, and admires the queen for her kind heart. She is also vegetarian
-Wyrm’s cannot eat vegetables, they will make the Wyrm sick, (PK forced himself to eat Isma’s cooking anyways because she worked hard on it)
- Le’ Meer (did I spell that right?) has no opinion on the queen, just didn’t interact with her often, did think that Dryaa’s obvious flirting was unprofessional, and Hegemol needed to stop being so forcefully in his attempt to spar PK, also had little to no opinions on PK. The royals were just Le’ Meer’s employers. (I do not know Le’Meer’s pronouns)
-Pk did not commission the statue of him, or the idols, but though it was a nice gesture
-Wyrm’s are born blind, pk is no exception, he just uses his other senses to navigate, and memorized each persons footsteps, speech patterns, and tells them apart based on their voices. (It get hard with people he’s not around often)
-Monomon is a jellyfish, and cannot leave her little tube/tank (?)
-Hornet was named after Herrah’s first kill
And that’s it! For this post anyways, it’s getting long
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luriendotmp3 · 1 year
silly little dreamer hcs because nobody asked
lurien is a hybrid between a red-veined darter dragonfly and some kind of damselfly
his parents are. literal trash. they can go die in a hole :)
at some point monomon met both herrah and lurien when they were kids (separately though)
all three of the dreamers are from kingdoms outside of hallownest. technically not herrah though as she was born/raised in the wastes (but some part of the wastes that was immune to the whole "lol bugs lose their memories" thing??) monomon came from a place called Caelum Sea and lurien came from a kingdom called Draconyth (totally not gonna be relevant to future au plans nooo no way,,,)
lurien and twl are,,,, found family,,,,,,,, she adopted him lol
monomon is a Terrible Cook. she has the ABILITY to cook, just not.. the patience. if she makes something that isnt a five-minute microwave burrito she will completely forget about it and the whole house burns down
uumuu is coffee-dependent grumpy uncle
literally everyone else ships pk and lurien except for me haha. pk and lurien are also found family shh
lurien has basically adopted ernest (luriens butler) in all ways but legal
he found the poor baby dying in an alleyway and was like "yup. my kid now." he has zero dad experience but is trying his best and loves ernest to death and would do literally anything for him :-)
monomon and lurien kinda bond over having trashy childhoods (monomon was abandoned, lurien's parents were. really bad.)
quirrel and monomon are mother and son but im pretty sure thats canon by now pff f
hornet is not actually herrah's first child, but you'll probably never find out what happened to the others : )
may write more if i can think of em lol,,,
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