#Lycoris no mori
otosugar · 1 year
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Lycoris no Mori Otoya!
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otoyandere · 1 year
In the role of Blood - Yandere! Otoya x reader One Shot
I'm coming back here!! I want to keep up with this blog, but i sadly didn't had any ideas to write until now!
The Lycoris no Mori drama cd has given me a lot to think of!
I did this on on the POV of Otoya, so I hope you enjoy it!
In this one shot, the reader uses neutral pronouns
And a warning: This one shot has spoilers of Lycoris no Mori, in case you want to evade spoilers of it!
"Look over here, (y/n)!!!! On this play I will get to be Red Riding Hood!!!"
Today was a good day, during the rehearsals of this new project I could be with my beloved (y/n)! They watched me over as I did my best in acting! This time however, was a darker take on a Fairy tale, the director wanted me to be the main character because he said to me I was a perfect fit for Blood!
However, as I read the script, I realized that the story was, very dark. There was more blood involved than I expected, to think Masato would have agreed to do that scene still gives me the chills, but I'm glad he was ok during this, I know the blood is fake, but the way the scene plays out makes it look way too realistic.
And I need to talk about my friends here! Ren was acting as cool as ever! And Cecil also got a similar role to me, and Tokiya got to be the big bad wolf! His outfit was amazing, we only needed the makeup, but it wouldn't be there until the day of the play.
The most important person here for me isn't even acting, it was (y/n)! They always cheer me on backstage, I can't think of a better person! I love them so much, but I have been pretty shy in my feelings, I always slip up on the confession.
Anyways, the play is going live in a week, but the director said I needed to spice up my acting! To act more devasted, acting is fun, but I need to practice as Blood more.
I was reciting my lines more dramatically, but people around me thought I was exaggerating the lines on purporse, no I was trying to emphatize Blood's feelings, I tried to keep up trying to get more and more into my role.
Until, I saw them. They were talking to Tokiya, and he also looked more serious that usual, they were talking without me…
I felt like I was left behind
I have… never felt like this before, or maybe, I have, the only thing I could think about is having (y/n) all for myself, and yet (y/n) looked so happy with Tokiya, I knew they were close friends, but I simply couldn't think of anything else, (y/n) is so cute, and gentle, and (y/n) helped me in everything they could, and yet, they prefered to be with that werewolf…
No, I shouldn't think about Tokiya like that, he knows that I love (y/n) too much, I don't think he would try to steal (y/n) for himself, wouldn't he? I knew he also loved (y/n) a lot, Maybe I shouldn't have told him that I loved (y/n)…
Wait… Why is (y/n) going so close to Tokiya, what are they talking about, did he just hug (y/n)??? Why are you so close to (y/n), Tokiya??? Why? Why am I suddenly thinking about erasing Tokiya? He is my friend, and yet he couldn't keep his promise of not going out with (y/n)? Why I want to push him away? Why am I thinking that… he should be tainted in red?
I tried to not walk to the scene, but I just couldn't stop myself from going there, I needed to know why they were so close, I can't believe you, Tokiya, to think I handed you my feelings for (y/n) and now you are trying to steal (y/n) from me, I can't believe you! I trusted you, Tokiya! Maybe… I should-
"Oh, Otoya, you are doing better in your role as Blood. But I think (y/n) needs our help now"
Our help??? You are the one who is trying to steal (y/n) from…
"(Y/n) has lost their dog some days ago, and it hasn't come back, they need our help after this rehearsal, I'm trying to make them feel better, they miss their dog a lot"
Oh, I misunderstood. I'm glad that my worst nightmare hasn't come true, I don't want to be betrayed, I don't. And I don't want (y/n) to be betrayed either, maybe I was reading the scenery too much.
I will help (y/n)! I will get their dog back! Maybe I will confess myself after this play in case Tokiya wants to do something… but wait, Tokiya didn't want to steal my beloved from me, did he? … (Y/n) Saw that my acting as Blood was fantastic! I'm watching the transmission again, I did a good job at expressing him. I looked devasted on that scene, I was still unsure how I would go on with stabbing Tokiya, despite, again the blood was fake, but yeah, we did our best! Cecil and Ren also were fantastic, thought Cecil did give me some genuine scares with his acting.
Ah, and I could finally tell to (y/n) how I feel about them! They reciprocated my feelings! I'm so happy I could explode, this sure was a nice day! It would have been better if Tokiya didn't give (y/n) some flowers, he said he didn't need the flowers, but maybe he is jealous of the love between (y/n) and I… But, I know deep down Tokiya wouldn't betray me, so I trust him as much as he trusts me!
I just hope he gets a little bit far away from (y/n).
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ufolily · 5 months
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handwriting credit: @bachirasbodyguard
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live-emotion · 4 months
What songs are you most looking forward to playing in Live Emotion?
A particular dance MV, a new song that was never in Shining Live, an old favourite Shining Live beatmap, or just a favourite Utapri song.
Personally I'm really curious about the new songs we never got in Shining Live, but Lycoris no Mori and Go x2 Jet Coaster were always favourite beatmaps of mine in Shining Live, so I'm really curious how they'll play in Live Emotion!
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Part 2: Friendship
Ending 1: White lilies
Ending 2: Red lycoris
Platonic!Yandere!Mori x Child!Fem!Reader x Platonic!Yandere!Dazai
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You hated your position in this hospital office. Yes, you were grateful that you were sheltered and provided with everything you needed. However, you knew that you didn't belong here and it wasn't even a matter of a sense of morality, but of your stupidity. Besides Mori, Dazai and Elice, you had no one, so they became an unattainable role model for you. Elice was indifferent most of the time and only occasionally let out caustic phrases, and Mori and Dazai were smart: they had common secrets, they understood each other from half a word, and Mori himself liked to note their similarity to Dazai.
It would probably be better for you if you knew that you are normal, not stupid, normal. Yes, you didn't have the genius of these two, but you weren't any worse than the other kids. But surrounded by grown-up uncles and aunts-other doctors of this hospital and seeing that Elice is trusted with the same secret that Mori and Dazai keep, you became scared. What if you look stupid from the outside? Whether their secret is connected with you... Or are they just afraid that you'll ruin everything? Maybe you've already messed up something?
Afraid to hear the answer, you didn't ask these questions, but the idea that you need to leave them alone did not leave you, but only grew.
"Y/n, are you all right, are you some kind of silent lately?"
It was Mori, he turned in your direction and looked worried. Dazai also became alert, pushing some pills aside, he also looked at you. Moreover, at that moment, you stopped hearing the pencil scratching on the paper, Elice stopped drawing. You flinched.
Did they understand? Understand what you know about how stupid you are?
"If something has happened or someone has offended you, then you can tell me or Dazai and Elice, if it will be easier for you to confess to your peers."
The voice of the underground doctor sounds calm and even soothing, and you realize that you still have a chance to escape the ruthless truth. That's why you smile your stupid hateful smile, for which you are ashamed.
"No, nothing happened, just everyone is silent and I am silent too."
"I see."
Reluctantly agreeing, the doctor turns away, returning to the medical card. However, you still can't hear the pencils scratching and feel the piercing gaze of Dazai.
How could you, stupid you, even think that a fool like you could hide something from them?
"Y/n, is the real reason for your silence somehow connected with the mafia?"
You don't want to look in his direction, you don't want to see his penetrating eyes, so in an unusual manner you avert your eyes and cling to Elice's drawing. The girl immediately begins to finish drawing it.
"Maybe with an underground hospital?"
"No, Dazai, what do you want?"
A stupid question from a stupid you.
"Find out the real reason for your silence."
"Fine, but only if I can buy some tea before your interrogation."
By pretending to turn your nose up, you put Dazai in front of the fact. You want to get away from them, you want to escape, you need to escape.
Osamu wants to say something, but seeing Mori take out his wallet, he falls silent.
"Y/n, here you are."
"But there's more than I need. Do you want me to take something for you too?"
"No, nothing, just spend it the way you want."
"Okay, thanks."
After accepting the money, you leave the room and walk to the store. There is not a single good thought in your head, just a feverish attempt to come up with a decent lie for Dazai. You try to think through every question of the boy.
When you finally reached the store, that annoying thought, more like a dream, which has now begun to come true, suddenly hit your head. You want to leave, you can leave, you have to leave.
Yes, you can leave, but can you hide and avoid the hunt that the mafia will start on you? Will you be able to avoid Dazai, who will personally search every possible nook and cranny where you could go? Will you be able to avoid Mori, who will search every orphanage, every shelter where you could be taken?
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reckless-rider · 1 year
Fem skk lycoris recoil au
Dazai as Chisato - The prodigy who stops killing and only uses rubber bullets after losing Oda. Also has heart problems, and needs to have check ups monthly (although she usually skips out on them)
Chuuya as Takina - stepped slightly out of line and got sent to work with Dazai, Mori thinks it would be a better decision
Fukuzawa as Mika - former trainer, manages Bar Lupin. Gives out skk missions. Got injured on the job and now has a sword cane
Ranpo as Kurumi - hacked DA and then Fyodor targets her
Yosano as Mizuki - former lycoris who is only still apart because of Fukuzawa
Fyodor as Majima - wants society to understand that they don't like in a perfect world, wants to expose DA after running into Dazai previously
Poe as Robota - just ranpos rival but ends up joining them and the end instead of getting caught, realizes Fyodor and Fukuchi are wrong and doesn't want to be on the same side
Fukuchi as Alan - wants to take down DA and Fukuzawa who were previously in a relationship
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ranmaruswife · 1 year
Hanamaru - Spider Lilies
In honor of Ranmaru's event in Shining Live that begins tonight, I thought I would write up a piece on the flower featured prominently in his new card art: spider lilies.
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Red spider lilies are known scientifically as lycoris radiata (referenced in another work within Utapri - “Lycoris no Mori” or “Forest of the Lycoris”). They are one of the most popular symbols in Japanese folklore and in hanakotoba they are heavily associated with death and final goodbyes. As such, they are known by a plethora of ominous names including “hell flower” “flowers of the dead” and “ghost flowers.” 
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Their most common name, however, is “higanbana” with “Higan” referring to the “Far Shore” in Buddhism (the realm of the dead), as well as the Buddhist holiday of the same name, which takes place in the days surrounding the autumn equinox, the specific time of year in which these flowers always bloom. During Ohigan, it is customary to visit the graves of one’s ancestors and pay your respects. So it is no wonder that they have become heavily associated with loss, death, and separation.
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These blooms are also often grown near temples and graveyards for two reasons. The first is that they are thought to guide departed souls through the cycle of death and rebirth, while the second is that the leaves, bulbs, and flowers of the spider lily are poisonous. In old times, before cremation became the norm in Japan, these deadly blossoms would keep wild animals from disturbing the buried corpses of deceased loved ones. Their crimson pigment around gravesites is also said to be attained by the blooms sucking up the blood of the dead.
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Another interesting piece of Japanese folklore related to spider lilies is one of a mother who died in childbirth, thus abandoning her child, who turned into a lycoris, earning them the name “sugetobana” or “orphan flower.” There is also a superstition that having one of these flowers in your home will cause it to burn down!
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Now while red spider lilies are heavily associated with death and loss, white spider lilies on the other hand are representative of rebirth, new beginnings, and a simple way of life. They are also considered a guiding force, growing along the mythical Sanzu River, on the path to enlightenment.
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Now that you’ve read this far, it’s time to tie all these meanings back to Ranmaru and his character in Shining Live’s Onmyouji series. In this drama, Ranmaru plays the character Ran, a kijin or oni god, who looks over Tokiharu, a half-human half-demon who was orphaned when his parents gave their lives to seal his power. Obviously, as an oni god and a warden of hell, it is only natural for his character to be associated with a flower with so many ominous meanings and connections to Buddhist mythology. As well as the awesome fire powers he seems to possess in the idolized artwork. But beyond the character he plays, these flowers can similarly be related to Ranmaru’s own life experiences.
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Ranmaru’s backstory is one comprised of death and loss. And much of his character arc is about coming to terms with his feelings of abandonment and starting life anew with the person he loves. He cannot allow himself to be weighed down by death and grief; he must move forward on a bright road to the future, leading a simple, uncomplicated life without worry of what tomorrow holds. As he knows that anything can be taken away in an instant, he chooses to live in the present, which is considered a foundation of ultimately reaching enlightenment. 
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Anyway, I really love rambling on about Ranmaru and flowers. So I’m happy to have a new one to canonically associate with him. ^^ If there is more information to be shared once the story is released for this event, I will be sure to update this post. And will also add on the symbolic meaning of that juicy pomegranate in his hand~
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noirsonnets · 11 months
What caught my attention.
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As an introvert, it appears to me that with the passage of time, existence takes on a mellower hue.
In these lines, I shall reveal the facets that imbue my existence with a graceful, alluring splendor, dispelling monotony with their bewitching grace.
Anime & Manga
One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, Hunter x Hunter, Bungo Stray Dogs, Blue Lock, Kuroko no Basketball, Lycoris Recoil, Oshi no Ko, Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii, Kimetsu no Yaiba, My Dress Up Darling, Noragami, all of Studio Ghibli & Makoto Shinkai works, Ao Haru Ride, Fruits Basket, Given, Hotarubi no Mori e, Yakusoku no Neverland, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun.
My Chemical Romance, Michael Learns To Rock, Westlife, Niki, Taylor Swift, Mitski, London Grammar, The Neighbourhood, The Weeknd, Hyukoh, Hindia, Kunto Aji, Sal Priadi, NewJeans, Enhypen, RIIZE, P1Harmony, IVE, aespa, 5SOS, B.I, The Rose, Dean, Colde, BIBI, DPR Live, wave to earth, punchnello, JEY, Miso, and many more.
Movies & Series
The Devil All The Time (2020), Dunkirk (2017), Ready or Not (2019), Constantine (2005), Seven (1995), The Shining (1980), Get Out (2017), 1917 (2019), The Pianist (2002), Zodiac (2007), Us (2019), The Sixth Sense (1999), A Man Called Otto (2022), The Teacher Who Promised the Sea/El maestro que prometió el mar (2023), Murder on the Orient Express (2017), and many more.
Casual player of Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Zenless Zone Zero.
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guineverependragon · 2 years
22 animes in 2022
Another year gone, another year spent becoming pleasantly invested in a new set of animes. The list of series that I have grown to cherish still continues. I will be continuing the challenge again in 2023 with 23 animes. Below is my top 10 favorites with the entire list of animes I watched and my overall ratings.
Spy x Family (2022 - ongoing) 10/10, 1 Season (25 episodes) 
Noragami (2014 - 2016)  9.5/10, 2 Seasons (29 episodes) 
Sasaki and Miyano (2022 - ongoing)  9.5/10, 1 Season (13 episodes) 
Hotarubi no Mori e (2011) 9.5/10, Movie
Kids on The Slope (2012)  9/10, 1 Season (12 episodes)
Lycoris Recoil (2022 - ongoing)  9/10, 1 Season (13 episodes) 
No. 6 (2011)  9/10, 1 Season (11 episodes) 
Tsurune (2018 - ongoing)  9/10, 1 Season (14 episodes) 
Chainsaw Man (2022 - ongoing)  8.9/10, 1 Season (12 episodes) 
Erased (2016)  8.7/10, 1 Season (12 episodes) 
Mob Psycho 100 (2016 - 2022)  8.5/10,  3 Seasons (37 episodes) + 2 OVAs
Ancient Magus' Bride (2016 - ongoing)  8.5/10, 1 Season (24 episodes) + 4 OVAs
Belle: The Dragon and the Freckled Princess (2021) 8.5/10, Movie
Blue Period (2021) 8.5/10, 1 Season (12 episodes) 
Birdie Wing (2022 - ongoing) 8.5/10, 1 Season (13 episodes)
Sweetness and Lightning (2016) 8.5/10, 1 Season (12 episodes)
Kotaro Lives Alone (2022 - ongoing)  8/10, 1 Season (10 episodes)
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo suru (2022 - ongoing) 7.5/10, 1 Season (12 episodes)
Cells at Work! Hataraku Saibou (2018-2021) 7.5/10, 2 Seasons (21 episodes + OVA)
Kawaii Dake ja nai Shikimori-san (2022) 7.5/10, 1 Season (12 episodes)
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless (2016) 7/10, 1 Season (12 episodes) 
Komi Can't Communicate (2021- ongoing) 7/10, 1 Season (12 episodes) 
Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited (2020) 6.5/10, 1 Season (11 episodes) 
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manabingu · 3 years
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I’m gonna be Black Hood from Lycoris no Mori for Halloween / Cecil’s birthday! My local tailors and I are working hard to make it happen. I’m super excited to get this together! Ahhhhhh💚💚💚
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cecilmarus · 3 years
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Happy 4th Anniversary to Lycoris no Mori ❤
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ufolily · 8 months
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adia judges you dot jpeg
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fukigennachou-art · 3 years
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It’s way past 2am and I’m lazy so I’ll just drop what i wrote to dA onto here ok good here we go
It has... Been a while since I last hyperfixated on UtaPri. This time it's cause my usual enabler friend introduced me to Shining Live the mobile game which has an official English release and is available in both the Play Store as well as iTunes--- This is a non-sponsored post. Also Spotify has a bunch of UtaPri music on there and Lycoris no Mori just so happens to be one of the few we in Finland have access to. We get NONE of Cecil's character songs because of course we don't. My Clip got really close to crashing a couple of times because of all the layer masks and correction layers in this.
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Part 1: Tea
Part 2: Frindship
Ending 2: Red lycoris
White lilies
Platonic!Yandere!Atsushi x Child!Fem!Reader x Platonic!Yandere!Dazai
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"I can't believe you did this on purpose, for my sake..."
Covering his face with his hands, Atsushi didn't even look at you, but from his reddened ear tips, you could tell that he was experiencing very strong emotions right now. And all because of you. When he was kicked out from orphanage, you voluntarily go with him.
"Well, actually, you were the only one who protected and helped me in the orphanage, and I just can't cope there without you, so you shouldn't make a selfless act out of it. But I don't know what we should do now either..."
"I'll rob someone!"
A sudden offer made you giggle because you knew he couldn't do something like that.
"Okay... Then I'll go through the trash cans, in case you don't succeed... Let's meet at that battered building then."
Atsushi smiled at you, mentally glad that you weren't angry or judging him for that cruel offer to rob someone. However, now he was very worried that he wouldn't be able to fulfill what was said and, frankly, he would like to rummage in the trash with you, but now he can't give a back. If you can find food and he can find money, then you can spend the night in a nicer place than on the street.
If you only knew that Atsushi would run into Dazai...
"I don't think it's a good idea to wait for the tiger here..."
"Why is that?"
"Because Y/n and I agreed to meet here and it would be bad if..."
"Atsushi, stop. I'll take care of everything."
Or rather, he have already taken care of it.
Footsteps sounded. The detective immediately slammed the book shut, and the boy shuddered. Atsushi wanted to shout for you to run away, but Dazai stopped him, gesturing for silence and staying put. Osamu left, leaving the boy shivering with thrill, fear and cold. He's waiting for the detective to bring you or give you a place to hide tonight. However, instead, he hears a crash and your cry calling to run.
This was tiger understands Atsushi. He would have run away, but the fear for your life is greater than for his own. He's the bait, he brought the tiger. It's all his fault and not yours. Approaching the place, the boy begins to get angrier at himself, tears run down his face. And with every step he hears more and more clearly the roar of an angry tiger.
Dazai jumped out at you from behind, hugging you tightly, he didn't let you move an inch. He put so much effort into hiding you from the mafia, from Mori, even faked your death to discourage the underground organization from looking for you, that now he simply couldn't believe that his whole plan had come true.
"Y/n, my sister."
Dazai buries his nose in your hair, saying something about how much he missed you and how glad it's over. You only think about Atsushi and the mafia that Dazai is in. He'll kill him if he finds out about tiger. Abruptly, you hit the detective on the jaw with your own head. Out of surprise, he lets you go and you stumble dropping some junk.
"Atsushi run!"
A white tiger with a loud roar jumped out right in front of you and looked at Dazai with predatory eyes, covering you with his body.
"And you're faster than I thought. But why don't you attack?"
The animal didn't move, only growled harder, calling for a stop.
"Did you really decide to go on the defensive to protect my Y/n from me?"
The animal's patience is over. The white fur of the tiger stood on end, the pupils, covered with a veil of hatred and anger, narrowed even more, and drool poured out of the gaping mouth. You and Dazai knew that tiger would lose. The tiger is the embodiment of an ability, a useless weapon that doesn't work on Dazai.
You had to do something. You didn't want to lose either Atsushi, who constantly supported you and was by your side, or tiger, who made a rustle on other children and in the orphanage was able to become not only the shadow of his user, but yours too. At the same time, neither the tiger nor, of course, Atsushi have ever wounded anyone. That's probably why both of you stayed at the orphanage for so long.
"Ability: no longer human."
Too late. The tiger disappeared, leaving its user disarmed. Dazai smiled at you with his kindest smile. He doesn't see anything bad in Atsushi that could harm you, on the contrary, this boy can become very useful if the mafia finds out about you. He just needs a little training. And as for your good attitude towards him, now then Dazai is in the agency, he has every chance to return it.
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utanoprincendymion · 4 years
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I’m feeling pretty full of despair tonight, so here’s a Blood drawing I finished.
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nagihiko-dayo · 4 years
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Day 14: Lycoris no Mori
I really, really, really love this song! It’s my favorite of all the three Shining Theater songs thus far! The story behind the song is also really great! I think the song got me off guard the first time because I didn’t expect it to be so dark, but it really stands out with that dark theme.
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