#Lydia Cox
nycreligion · 2 years
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
Williamsburgh, 1834. Illustration from Eugene L. Armbruster’s Photographs & Scrapbooks. Source: Brooklyn Historical Society. The faith-flavored identity of New York City was decided on the frontiers of social controversy in religious places like the evangelical Protestant churches of Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Early settlers in the area held private Sunday services in their homes or took a…
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rejectclone · 9 months
I got asked (as a joke) by one of my mutuals on Insta to say what fighters my OCs would main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and uhhh I did it lol
Jared: Samus, due to her having gun-like projectiles being a huge part of her moveset! Jared likes zoning out people via playing the most spammy Samus missle spam ever, really just to see them mald like hell and for them to SD
Devon: LITTLE MAC!!! Devon already knows how to box (and just fistfight in general) really damn good, so seeing a fighting game character that boxes AND is mute, immediately made him click and project onto Little Mac
Ren: Sephiroth, since uhhh the massive ōdachi 🤷‍♀️ Ren is a huge sucker for hyping up his family’s historical/cultural roots, so seeing a character that speaks Japanese and wields that sword, immediately attracted him to being the most sweaty and try-hard Sephiroth main EVER
Deangelo: Ridley, since Deangelo has also been ‘reborn’ as a biomechanical being, and that YES, he too can violently impale people with his body! He really just does just spam down-b to get that sweet spot and THEN he spams side-b
‘John’: He literally cannot play the game without melting the controller in his bare hands, since he gets too excited at having genuine fun and thus his hands begin to heat up and begin to leak his acidic goo ☹️ But if he had to main someone, it’ll probably be male Wii Fit Trainer, since he likes how technical and complex their kit is (plus he finds solace in seeing a character that also has solid white skin/is physically mannequin-like)
‘Mark’: He ALSO literally cannot play the game without melting the controller in his bare hands, but if he had to main someone, it’ll probably be Bowser! He just thinks that a giant flame breathing dragon-turtle looks cool as hell and likes how monstrous Giga Bowser is ESPECIALLY! If he could play the game though, he’ll just spam down b and up b to piss everyone off, before ending up in last place due to SD-ing so much with down b or failing to string somebody off stage with foward air + back air
Lydia: King Dedede since she’s not really into fighting games at all BUT likes funny cutesy mascots a ton, but will probably SD a ton when trying to recover or pull combos off with the gordos. She is a big fan of playing the Spirit Board though, since she goes at her own pace and likes looking up which character spirit come from what game series
Lawerence: ABSOLUTELY HATES VIDEO GAMES. He literally views them as the lowest form of art/entertainment, and if he was FORCED to pick a character, he’ll just passively pick Mario since he’s the most recognizable video game mascot ever
[R]: Kirby! He’ll just pick them since Kirby is super cute and very visually pleasing to see in [R]’s eyes. HOWEVER, as he learns more about the other characters in the game, he learns about Solid Snake and…… immediately becomes obsessed with him 😭 He cannot play Snake well AT ALL and keeps loosing easily, but [R] is just so infatuated to see a character that’s a human clone, that’s shown in a postive light/is a hero! (He ends up also liking Mewtwo, the Blood Falcon alt for Captain Falcon, Dark Pit, etc, basically ALL of the clone characters)
B055: Steve. As part super computer that can essentially see two steps ahead of literally Anything, either digitally or physically in the real world, he 1000% has a perfect win-rate and is TRUELY undefeatable. Still, he willingly ‘sandbags’ on purpose when playing with [R] and Lydia, so they can have more fun together :’D
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abwwia · 4 months
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Lydia Longacre, Rosina Cox Boardman, 1937, watercolor on ivory, Smithsonian American Art Museum,Gift of the American Society of Miniature Painters 1965.30.2.
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arcimboldisworld · 1 year
Der Rosenkavalier - Luzerner Theater 15.02.2023
Der Rosenkavalier - Luzerner Theater 15.02.2023 #oper #richardstrauss #lydiasteier #roberthoussart #derrosenkavalier #eberhardkloke #rezension #luzernertheater
Gleich vorneweg und auf den Punkt gebracht – die Neuinszenierung von Strauss’ “Der Rosenkavalier” am Luzerner Theater ist eine Wucht! Grosse Oper an kleinem Haus. So geht Musiktheater heutzutage! Grossartig! (more…) “”
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
on fire: a teen wolf novel chapters 4-6 chapters 1-3 here
cox communications doesn't respect 3rd shift workers so last night i had to go into my brick and mortar office. i was able to get a lot of reading done but due to rules and regulations i was unable to write down my thoughts as i went. instead i used those little sticky note tabs to mark passages of interest so that's why this post took a little bit longer as i had to review what i had marked.
our national nightmare continues.
ngl this book is weird. it's bizarro season 1.
it's non-canon compliant post-episode 5 the tell. i genuinely do not understand why they just didn't tap nancy holder to write a novelization of season 1.
warning: kate argent's existence and general grossness.
so buckle up buttercups here's a preview of what's to come:
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we start this chapter from kate's point of view and it makes me feel dirty already. cast it into the fire, isildur. she’s just vile. just look at these nauseating quotes that she has all within the first page: 
“nothing beat the feel of cold, hard steel -- unless it was the rippling muscles of a well-built man.”
this bitch.
”god, all those muscles. the last time she’d seen him, he’d still been in high school. still a kid. a stupid, gullible kid, who should have died in the hale house fire along with the rest of his family.”
tell me again how the intention wasn't for derek to have been a minor when kate was grooming him? tell me fucking again.
“maybe she should’ve taken advantage of derek while he’d been down on the floor, writhing from the nine hundred thousand volts she’d sent skittering though his kick-ass body. for old time’s sake.”
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chris and victoria are there too, being way more normal about things. they brought egg salad and cold cuts which feels like it’s hitting the beat where victoria comes in with cookies in the show. 
despite having grounded allison for her skipping school with scott on her birthday they are perfectly fine with her having not only a study date with lydia but allowing her to sleep over. it’s apparently to cover the arrival of a shipment of weapons. kate isn’t impressed that they’re still hiding everything from allison and disappointed there isn’t some super-special weapon in the shipment. 
this entire time she’s being weird and kind of sexual about an uzi. like, fuck off kate. 
now we’re back to scott and allison at the seedy motel plot where they are trying to locate jackson. “scott’s first instinct was to throw his arms around allison and duck, but she yanked the door open and barreled inside the motel like a superhero.”  uou are goddamn right, scott. that is ally a. 
the motel is basically an off the books brothel. one of the patrons supposedly saw something in one of the windows when he went open it for a smoke but saw something that scared him causing a heart attack. allison and scott ask a few people if they’ve seen jackson then have to book it when sheriff stilinski shows up.  these two idiots duck down in her car. i think we see stiles and scott do this a few times in the show.
lydia calls allison freaked out that she hadn’t called her back yet and harkens back to the tell by saying “a....window?” when they tell her about the man having a heart attack and scott describes her as sounding odd. i appreciate that lydia's trauma isn't being ignored because that just happened to her in the tell.
all this use of the generic where’s my phone app and using conference calls to sneak around feels like an adaptation of the plot beat in wolf’s bane.
the sterek agenda continues. derek and stiles spend a significant portion of the coming chapters together much like they do in the back half of season 1. it starts with the possible origin of the derek being in stiles’s room trope. stiles muses over the text he’d received from scott about the incident at the motel and as if being summoned derek is just suddenly there in his room. look at this bullshit:
he texted back, muttering, “so, scott, saw what? saw derek?” “yes?” derek said from behind him. “yeaoww!” stiles shouted. he turned around to find derek leaning against the wall. he did that on an irritatingly frequent basis, both at scott’s house and casa stilinski. he was wearing his black leather jacket and he looked especially pouty and broody. “could you not do that anymore? it is so not cool.”
irritatingly frequent basis? how many times has derek randomly appeared in your room stiles? and i’m sorry “especially pouty and broody”? what a totally super casual observation that is.
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it gets even better. derek questions what scott is doing and stiles deadass answers “doin’ stuff.” which naturally irritates derek and derek requests stiles tell scott he wants to meet him. they’re interrupted by the sheriff calling for stiles to which we get:
“gotta go get that.” Stiles pointedly shut down his desktop -- Derek actually growled -- and slid his phone into the pocket of his jeans. “don’t touch anything.”
derek why are you growling? weirdo.
stiles talks to his dad and probes for information about the motel guy and they discuss his homework. it's actually a pretty great conversation between the two and pretty much the only time it occurs in the book.
there’s a mention of stiles’s mother and the sheriff asks stiles if he’s taken his adderall that day. so again, clearly whatever notes holder received very much indicated stiles's ADHD.
back in stiles’s room we get derek pointedly having ignored stiles’s directive to not touch anything: “he zoomed back into his room to find derek clacking away on his computer keyboard.” and “hey,” he said. “keep your paws off.” derek gave him one of his trademark sour glares.” this just continues to confirm for me that holder received some kind of outline of character and plot beats. casa stilinski? sour glares? derek and stiles doing investigative work and going to a hospital? stiles having a low key bisexual crisis over derek? it’s all there. i mean bro look at this:
“look,” derek leaned toward him and the hairs on the back of stiles’s neck stood straight up.”
and the banter:
“but don’t do anything wolfy in my jeep,” he said, opening his door and peering into the hallway. the coast was clear. “like stick our head out the window to let your tongue hang out --” “shut up,” derek said. 
here's another werewolf moment i find rather intriguing. scott and allison have made it to the preserve by this point still hot on the trail of jackson who lydia had told them was somewhere in the preserve. scott has a moment where in his mind he hears the how of a wolf. it says “an echo inside an echo” and “one wolf calling to another. seeking the pack.” that's pretty cool and it's not something shows up in the show.
jackson has finally arrived. i miss this asshole. he's in the woods being pissy about meeting the private investigator that had left him a note and a picture of his supposed biological father.
jackson’s perspective on what happened in magic bullet is just [chef’s kiss]. he refers to derek as scott’s drug dealer.
“mccall’s creepy drug dealer had shown up at school. when jackson had stood up to him, he’d grabbed him by the neck, and, like, gouged him with his fingernails.”
in jackson’s narration something caught my eye. “things had been fine before the start of the school year. Then it was almost as if McCall had concocted some kind of scheme over the summer to ruin his life.” so not only is this book an AU of season 1, the time frame seems off. the show starts the first day after their winter break in january. wolf moon takes place during the episode. the book places this before wolf moon has occurred which comes up later in derek’s narration. 
 this is such a good line and is a window into jackson’s mentality: “everyone wanted something jackson had. it was usually money or popularity. the secret? they were exactly the same thing.”
allison and scott are still in the woods. they’ve been kissing for a while but then they run into a wolf. they are really so soppy in this book and it's both accurate and annoying. allison is awed and scott is quietly panicking. allison goes on about how she thought it was beautiful and scott’s mind wonders if he’ll ever turn into a wolf like how Laura did. which, lol, no baby because you never make peace fully with being a werewolf. 
annnnd we’re back to the stiles and derek plot line. they’re playing dress up. i kid you not. these two are pulling a dean and sam. 
“my new best friend and i are at the hospital.” stiles said, twirling the listening end of a stethoscope in a little circle. so far he’d been unable to hypnotize derek with it.
there’s another small dig about derek not being a real person in stiles’s narration. this book hates derek, okay but i have a lo more on that later. for now these two idiots infiltrated the hospital by pulling the old stand by of Looking Important. stiles has a conversation with scott which is invoking wolf’s bane so hard:
“and you’ll never guess what. you can get past hospital security if you steal a white coat out of the storage room and parade around with it and a clipboard.” derek grunted. he was the one holding the clipboard, but he had passed on wearing a lab coat.”
stiles continues his observations of derek like the freak4freak he is:
“stiles covered the phone, “he can’t talk about wolfie matters,” he reported back to derek.  “because he’s with her,” derek said, looking even more dour than usual. stiles had never realized there were so many degrees of the brood until derek hale came into their lives.”
there’s a bit of back and forth regarding scott reporting that he and allison saw an actual wolf. derek’s disbelieving and cranky to which stiles ponders this totally normal thought:
“maybe if he gave derek a sugar cube -- or threw him a piece of raw meat -- derek might cheer up. stiles would have to try that someday. but today wasn’t looking good for that.”
derek then snatches stiles’s phone to question scott’s whereabouts. he is still cranky. meanwhile stiles is reading derek’s body language and it’s way too detailed for a normal person. like, stiles no one cares derek’s hand is in his jacket pocket while he grumps at scott and emphasizes “like always”. stiles how hard have you been watching derek? he may have complained about derek showing up in his room unnaounced but he's like
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before we get into derek’s narration which ooh boy guys you aren’t ready. stiles and derek have their classic bickering-bantering some more. 
derek’s insisting stiles take him to the preserve so he can scent scott out. stiles is appalled and is like “oh my god derek you weirdo there’s an app for that.” and gets a little red riding hood dig in.
derek refuses to admit stiles has a point but orders stiles to give him his phone. stiles all but says Fuck You No and derek brings out his oldie but goodie:
“tell me or i’ll rip your throat out.” 
stiles probably thinks “don’t threaten me with a good time” but instead he says that he knows derek’s not telling him everything and insists he’s going with derek to find scott. 
it ends on this exchange:
“all right,” he said, “but we’ll take your jeep.” stiles huffed. “why can’t we ever take your car?” 
alas the camero. we barely knew her.
now we switch to derek’s point of view to narrate and so begins a piece of characterization that i don’t like, isn’t actually accurate to the character at any point in the series and frankly chaps my ass. i’m just going to give you all the paragraph as a whole.
“hey, you have to take me with you.,” scott’s annoying little sidekick insisted as derek stalked out of the hospital. derek took a tiny bit of satisfaction in the way the human had to trot along to stay abreast. he was sick to death of taking the weakness of humans into account while formulating his plans. de respected power, and few humans had any.”
besties, this book may very well be the origin of Derek Thinks Humans Are Weak trope. now, i’m sure some of you are like heather aren’t you perhaps being a tad dramatic? 
no. no i’m not. at first i considered this might be because of derek’s experience with kate. it would make sense that perhaps based off the information holder had that derek might be wary but than this fucker drops this line:
“werewolves didn’t share information with humans, ever.”
but he follows this thought with this:
“except for him, derek hale. he had shared information with a human. he hadn’t meant to. and the results had been disastrous.”
i will definitely get into more detail about this attitude he has because it really comes out in some later chapters because ooooh boy y’all ain’t prepared for the nonsense ahead. in actual canon derek never behaves this way or express this kind of opinion about humans. it stands out starkly in contrast to the episode this moment is paralleling in wolf’s bane. derek thinks stiles is annoying but not because he’s human. 
we end this chapter on jackson’s point of view. de had met with the so-called private investigator and they tit-for-tatted and jackson bolted when he sensed danger in the woods. now he’s lost in the woods. he’s scared, doesn’t want to admit it and sends a text to lydia.
it's here in these chapters where i realized that the character of deaton is missing entirely. since all of season 1's plot past the tell is omitted deaton's significance went with it.
also the mystery of the alpha is present but she's unable to really do anything with it so peter's presence is still regulated to comatose burn victim.
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phoebe-twiddle · 2 months
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In the early morning hours, Lydia goes into labor.
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It's a girl! Not that you can tell because she's invisible. I saved, closed the game, pulled out my baby girl default, and loaded back up.
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Well, we can kind of see her now. Ricky isn't enthusiastic about the change, though. Let's remove both defaults.
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There she is! Anonna has joined the Cox family, and I need to figure out why the baby girl default is borked.
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dear-indies · 2 months
Hi Cat and Mouse! I was wondering if one of you could please help me find a face claim? The character is a woman in her early to mid 20s and an up and coming fashion designer. Her designs are very edgy and dark and I kind of want her look to reflect that. I'm open to any race and ethnicity! Also I'm okay with those with limited resources. Thank you so much! 🥰
Lyrica Okano (1994) Japanese - in The Runaways.
Ruth Codd (1996) - is an amputee.
Lauren Jauregui (1996) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other], likely some Basque - is bisexual - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sierra McCormick (1997)Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American, ¼ Korean - in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Uncharted.
Rico Nasty (1997) African-American / Puerto Rican.
Sierra McCormick (1997)
Alaqua Cox (1997) Menominee, Mohican - is deaf and an amputee.
Maisie Williams (1997)
Juliette Motamed (1997) Iranian - in We Are Lady Parts - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Swedish, Mexican, Cherokee - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ethel Cain (1998) - is a bisexual trans woman.
Brianne Tju (1998) Chinese, Indonesian.
Andy Blossom (1998) Chinese.
Lauren Tsai (1998) Taiwanese / White.
Beabadoobee (2000) Ilonggo Filipino / White.
Lydia Night (2000) - is bisexual.
Odessa A'zion (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, English, some Irish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ayumi Roux (2001) Japanese / British.
Zoey Luna (2001) Mexican - is a trans woman.
Quannah Chasinghorse (2002) Hän, Gwich’in, Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux, Oglala Lakota Sioux.
Hope these suggestions help you out!
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juneandnick · 1 month
I intentionally left out the characters of June Osborne and Nick Blaine. With the aim of directing the poll to characters other than Osblaine.
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This first edit of old classic passing Tuesday Mary Jesus Joseph Angels in heaven Princess Pocahontas, Lallie Charles Cowell Portrait, Lou Conter, Amber Rene Hagerman, Opal Jennings, JonBenèt Ramsey, Kelly Ann Fleming, Judith and Maria Barsi, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Lucille Ricksen, Judy Garland and Terry, Dominique and Dominick Dunne, Samantha Reed Smith, Pal, Bessie Barker, Darla Jean Hood, Mona Lisa, Mary G Stinson Smith, Grigori Rasputin, Julia Ann Beauchemin Stinson, COL Thomas Nesbit Stinson, Lydia Ruth Talbot Theobald, Arthur James Talbot, Alton Elbren Theobald, George Eli Talbot Sr., Benjamin Grant “Cotton” Theobald, Crystal Theobald Whitehead, Charles Arthur Theobald, Thomas Benjamin Talbot, Margaret Alice Wiggill Talbot, Eli Wiggill, Rosanna Maria Wiggill Talbot, Isaac Wiggill, Ann Brown Hammer Wiggill, Frances Amelia Wiggill Lowe, Ailsa Georgina Booth-Jones, Edward Booth-Jones, John Percival Booth-Jones, Millichamletton Percival Booth-Jones, Jeremiah Francis “Jerry” Wiggill, Eli Francis Wiggill, Priscilla Jane Talbot Wiggill, Victoria Adelaide Wiggill McLean, John Richard Wiggill, Lavina Ruth Wiggill Ellison, Sarah Good, Salina Talbot Dutson, Charles Henry Talbot, Charles Stuart Talbot, Roseanna Maria Talbot Anderson, Ellen Graham Anderson, 1SGT William Alexander Anderson, Mary Louisa Blair Anderson, Ruth Floyd Anderson McCulloch, Anna Aylett Anderson McNulty, William Dandridge Alexander Anderson, William Dandridge Alexander “Alex” Anderson, Judith Nicoll Anderson, Henry Wayne Blair, Col William Barrett Blair, Mylinda Elizabeth “Mindy” Baker,Michael L. Baker, Carla Jean Eves Baker,Sandra Jane Burch, Patti Jo Baker, Jessie Benton Stinson, Jack Chesbro, Mabel A Shuttleworth Chesbro, Prince Sigismund of Prussia, Ruth Naomi Steward, Truman Cox Steward, Alice Christine Steward Wear, Charles Corwin Steward, Helga Susanne Goebbels, Hildegard Traudel “Hilde” Goebbels, Helmut Christian Goebbels, Holdine Kathrin “Holde” Goebbels, Hedwig Johanna “Hedda” Goebbels, Heidrun Elisabeth “Heide” Goebbels, Harald Quandt, and so much more I'll add Gracie Perry Watson in the second row of edits
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deadlinecom · 6 months
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nycreligion · 2 years
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
Williamsburgh, 1834. Illustration from Eugene L. Armbruster’s Photographs & Scrapbooks. Source: Brooklyn Historical Society. The faith-flavored identity of New York City was decided on the frontiers of social controversy in religious places like the evangelical Protestant churches of Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Early settlers in the area held private Sunday services in their homes or took a…
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artemisocs · 2 years
OC Masterlist
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name: amanda kline
faceclaim: maia mitchell
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: steve harrington or billy hargrove
fic title: wasted youth
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name: birdie mccoy
faceclaim: diana silvers
series/movie(s): the society
love interest: harry bingham
fic title: game of survival
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name: brandi hopper
faceclaim: haley lu richardson
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: teenage tragedies
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name: callie munson
faceclaim: marlo kelly
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: new americana
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name: camila “sparrow” reyes
faceclaim: jenna ortega & emeraude toubia
series/movie(s): dc: batman
love interest: tbd
fic title: paint it black
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name: cassidy buckley
faceclaim: alycia debnam-carey
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: city is a graveyard
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name: catie carver
faceclaim: olivia scott welch
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: eddie munson & steve harrington
fic title: heart of glass
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name: charlotte byers
faceclaim: isabella sermon
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: the end of innocence
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name: courtney foster
faceclaim: kathryn newton
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: into the night
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name: isabel constantine
faceclaim: kathryn newton
series/movie(s): dc: titans
love interest: jason todd
fic title: danse macabre
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name: isabella harrington
faceclaim: mackenzie foy
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: what about us?
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name: jenny perkins
faceclaim: madison davenport
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: cherry bomb
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name: jules harrington
faceclaim: katie douglas
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: tbd
fic title: teen spirit
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name: lainey cook
faceclaim: emma mackey
series/movie(s): skins uk
love interest: tbd
fic title: wild world
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name: laurie mayfield
faceclaim: holland roden
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: steve harrington
fic title: running up that hill
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name: lennox conway
faceclaim: carlson young
series/movie(s): pretty little liars
love interest: tbd
fic title: doll parts
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name: lydia fitzroy
faceclaim: florence pugh
series/movie(s): bridgerton
love interest: anthony bridgerton
fic title: turning page
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name: mackenzie doose
faceclaim: katie holmes
series/movie(s): gilmore girls
love interest: jess mariano
fic title: chasing cars
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name: mallory constantine
faceclaim: kathryn newton
series/movie(s): dc: titans
love interest: jason todd
fic title: danse macabre
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name: misty henderson
faceclaim: ella purnell
series/movie(s): stranger things
love interest: steve harrington & nancy wheeler
fic title: safe & sound
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name: nicholas wheeler
faceclaim: timothee chalamet
love interest: steve harrington & eddie munson
fic title: smalltown boy
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name: savannah cox
faceclaim: sydney sweeney
series/movie(s): outer banks
love interest: jj maybank, ward cameron (past), rafe cameron (past)
fic title: summertime sadness
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brookstonalmanac · 18 days
Birthdays 6.2
Beer Birthdays
Bob Townsend (195?)
Menno Olivier
Melissa Myers (1973)
Brandon Uhl (1983)
Tyler Smith (1984)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Pete Conrad; astronaut (1930)
Edward Elgar; composer (1857)
Thomas Hardy; English writer (1840)
Marquis de Sade; French writer (1740)
Jewel Staite; actor (1982)
Famous Birthdays
Freddy Adu; soccer player (1989)
Ruth Atkinson; cartoonist (1918)
W. Watts Biggers; animator, writer (1927)
Wayne Brady; actor (1972)
Alessandro di Cagliostro; occultist (1743)
Dana Carvey; comedian (1955)
Henry Clay; politician (1773)
Nikki Cox; actor (1978)
William Guest; pop singer (1941)
Tony Hadley; pop singer (1959)
Charles Haid; actor (1943)
Lasse Hallstrom; film director (1946)
Marvin Hamlisch; songwriter (1944)
Hedda Hopper; gossip (1890)
Stacy Keach; actor (1941)
Sally Kellerman; actor (1937)
Justin Long; actor (1978)
Lydia Lunch; rock singer (1959)
Jerry Mathers; actor (1948)
Milo O'Shea; actor (1926)
Jon Peters; film director, hairdresser (1945)
Kyle Petty; auto racer (1960)
Barbara Pym; writer (1913)
John Randolph; Virginia politician (1773)
Frank Rick; writer, critic (1949)
Nat Mayer Shapiro; artist (1919)
Carol Shields; writer (1935)
Martha Washington; First first lady (1731)
Charlie Watts; rock musician (1941)
Johnny Weissmuller; swimmer, actor (1904)
Cornel West; civil rights activist (1953)
Garo Yepremian; Miami Dolphins K (1944)
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tonin-terets · 4 months
Simply “Say Yes to Simple” from YETI PICTURES on Vimeo.
We are excited to share a nice juicy project for Simply along with our favourite Elastic.tv team. We were glad to be a part of so many talented artists and a huge thanks goes to the CD Duncan Elms and Producer Michael Ross, for inviting Yeti into this project.
Client: Simply Agency: Cartwright Alex Hoffman – Producer Lydia Dunay – Creative Director Chelsea Ceasor – Art Director Meghan Lai – Copywriter Corey Mack- Account Supervisor Kyla Kirshner – Account Manager ____________________________________________________________________________
LIVE ACTION Production Company: Her Studio Director: Rikky Fernandes Creative Director: Duncan Elms Director of Photography: Daniel Rothman Live Action Producer: Lucia Tran Prop Master: Billy Wesley Food Stylist: Laura Kinsey, Danielle Marin Production Manager: Brook Turner ____________________________________________________________________________
Post Production Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Duncan Elms Editor: Javier Gonzalez, Rachel Fowler 3D Designers: Tony Zagoraios, Vaso Evangelopoulou, Elena Izanami, Renato Marques, Lee Buckley, David Hyatt, Min Shi 3D Animators: Lee Buckley, Alex Silver, Marios Tsaousis, Pantelis Tsiachri, Argyris Nochos Character Animation: Bryan Cox Dynamics: Miguel Salek, Jun Kim, Phi Pinyosophon Modeling: Joe Panigua, Jose Limon Color Pipeline TD: Andrew Young Sr. Producer: Michael Ross Production Coordinator: Angela Shin Head of Production: Paul Makowski Executive Producer: Kate Berry Managing Director: Eve Kornblum
------- VFX VFX Studio: a52 VFX Supervisor: Andy Wilkoff CG Supervisor: Lee Buckley Lead Flame Artist: Stefan Gaillot Flame Artists: Michael Vaglienty, Rod Basham Online Artists: Matthew Monteleone, John Valle, Chris Riley Tracking: Mike Bettinardi, Joe Chiechi Producer: Michael Ross Head of Production: Drew Rissman Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen Managing Director: Eve Kornblum ____________________________________________________________________________ COLOR Color Studio: Primary Colorist: Ale Amato Color Assistant: David Oh Color Producer: Alex Zhao Executive Producer: Christina Roldan
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elysianhqs · 9 months
podem dar mwfcs? dos players também 🩷
Nós temos algumas asks sobre fcs mais requeridos aqui e aqui, e os players até opinaram aqui! Mas se nada disso te interessou, vou colocar mais alguns. MWM: Ryan Reynolds, Tom Holland, Joe Keery, Michael B. Jordan, Dev Patel, Manny Jacinto, Lee Dongwook, Cillian Murphy, Nikolaj Coster Waldau, Rami Malek, Chris Hemsworth, Ross Butler, Diego Calva, Toby Regbo, Mena Massoud. MWF: Gemma Chan, Keira Knightly, Natalie Dormer, Naomi Scott, Margot Robbie, Laverne Cox, Hafsanur Sancaktutan, Brenda Song, Cierra Ramirez, Ni Ni, Ana de Armas, Han So-hee, Laura Harrier, Sarah Paulson, Lydia West.
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phoebe-twiddle · 2 months
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Ricky Cox. This is the first time I'm realizing he has pointy ears.
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Heavily pregnant Lydia Cox.
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Sweet, sleepy toddler, Jared.
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