#Joseph LeConte
nycreligion · 2 years
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
Williamsburgh, 1834. Illustration from Eugene L. Armbruster’s Photographs & Scrapbooks. Source: Brooklyn Historical Society. The faith-flavored identity of New York City was decided on the frontiers of social controversy in religious places like the evangelical Protestant churches of Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Early settlers in the area held private Sunday services in their homes or took a…
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Botanical illustrations taken from ‘Collection de jolies petites fleurs’ by Emile Leconte after drawings by Pierre-Joseph Redouté.
Published 1835 by  E. Leconte.
 Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Réserve des livres rares.
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche (May 26, 1886 – April 15, 1912) was a Haitian engineer. He was one of only three passengers of known African ancestry (the other two being his children) on the ill-fated voyage of the RMS Titanic. He put his pregnant French wife and their two daughters onto a lifeboat; they survived, but he did not. His daughter, Louise Laroche (July 2, 1910 – January 28, 1998) was one of the last remaining survivors of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
LaRoche, a three-act opera by Atlanta composer Sharon J. Willis, is based on his life and was part of the 2003 National Black Arts Festival, premiering at the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center on July 18.
At the age of 15, he was sent to Beauvais, France to study. After graduating with a BS in Engineering, he married a French woman named Juliette Lafargue. Due to the racial discrimination of the times, he had difficulty finding work. He decided to return to Haiti with his family. His uncle, Cincinnatus Leconte, the President of Haiti arranged a job for him as a math teacher.
Simonne Marie Anne Andrée Laroche was born in Paris, France, in 1909.
The family planned to leave France in late 1912, but Juliette discovered she was pregnant for the third time, and he decided to bump up their travel arrangements so the child could be born in Haiti.
His mother purchased first-class passage for the family aboard the liner SS France. The Laroches learned of the French Line’s policy stipulating that children were required to remain in the nursery and were not permitted to dine with their parents. Disapproving this policy, they exchanged their tickets for a second-class passage aboard the RMS Titanic.
The Titanic was too large for the harbor at Cherbourg, France, and White Star Line tenders transported the passengers boarding from Cherbourg out to the ship aboard SS Nomadic. The family boarded as second-class passengers on April 10, 1912. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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theamericanparlor · 6 years
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A Journal of Ramblings Through the High Sierras of California By Joseph LeConte
A fascinating account of a horseback trip to Yosemite and the High Sierra by a group from the University of California in 1870. The ten scholars were led by Professor Joseph LeConte, a popular instructor and an expert in a number of the natural sciences, particularly geology.  Originally published in 1875.
Quote added by http://thecivilwarparlor.tumblr.com/  by writer C.S. Lewis
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aswithasunbeam · 6 years
You mentioned Ham had a lot students apprenticed to his law office. Do you have any information about Hamilton the teacher?
Great question! I love the little glimpses of Hamilton as a teacher we get from his papers! Hamilton was a very highly respected attorney in New York, so to be a clerk in his office was a pretty coveted position. Nothing better illustrates this than the fact that John Adams even placed his second Charles in Hamilton’s office (back before he and Hamilton hated each other). On July 21, 1789, Adams wrote:
Mr Charles Adams, my second son, the Bearer of this Letter, I beg leave to introduce to you. He took his degree at our University of Cambridge this year, and is destined to the Study of the Law. I wish to get him into some office in New York, and should give the Preference to yours.2
Not yet knowing that he would appointed Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton accepted Charles into his office, notating in his cash book, “John Adams. To fee for your son commencing his Clerkship this day.” (Adams to Hamilton, 21 July 1789, note 2).
Law clerks seem to have been omnipresent around Hamilton when he was actively practicing law though not written of or to directly very frequently. In her statement regarding the Farewell Address, Eliza recalled Hamilton seeking out the few hours in his day when he had neither clients nor law clerks in his office to write:
[T]he address was written, principally at such times as his office was seldom frequented by his clients and visitors, and during the absence of his students to avoid interruption; at which times he was in the habit of calling me to sit with him, that he might read to me as he wrote, in order, as he said, to discover how it sounded upon the ear.” (Eliza Hamilton’s Statement, 7 August 1840).
Some of Hamilton’s letters were drafted by his clerks for him; for example, a letter to James McHenry dated 1-2 August 1798 is in the handwriting of Hamilton’s clerk, William LeConte, for whom Hamilton submitted a Certificate of Clerkship on 24 April 1801. His clerks also manned his legal office when he was out on other business; Samuel Dexter, for example, wrote to Hamilton 16 September 1797: “More than two Months ago I handed to a young gentleman in your Office (a student I presume) a letter directed to you1 containing a lengthy detail of my concern in Onondago Land & requesting your opinion as soon as possible.” 
For some students, clerking for Hamilton could lead to bigger and better opportunities in the future. Ethan Brown, for example, was a clerk for Hamilton starting in 1797, and went on the be “appointed assistant secretary to H in his capacity as inspector general. Admitted to the bar of New York in 1802, Brown later had a distinguished career as a Democratic governor of Ohio, United States Senator, and minister to Brazil.” (James McHenry to Hamilton, 4 April 1799, note 8).
A few examples of letters from Hamilton’s clerks do remain, however. Joseph Strong clerked for Hamilton between 1786 and 1789, and Hamilton submitted a Certificate of Clerkship to the Supreme Court of New York on January 20, 1789. Years later, on 11 August 1796, Strong wrote to Hamilton asking for his opinion on a legal matter:
I having been lately imployed by several Defendants in Actions of Trespass recommended by Joshua Mercereau in Tioga County2 for fishing in the Susquehannah River where he owned the Soil on both sides thereof and on argument thereof befor Balthazar De Haert Esqr. (your late partner in business while I were under your Tuition)3 as an umpire, being disappointed in his decision for the plaintiff in Support of the Actions, in private conversation with him afterwards we offered to submit the same to your Opinion—in consequence whereof as well as to satisfy myself & employers I transmit you the foregoing Case4 comprising the whole question.… Permit me Sir to request your Opinion on the Case.…
Evidence that Hamilton was fairly indulgent with the young men studying under him is presented by his relationship with Frederick N. Hudson. Hamilton records lending Hudson money on two occassions, $50 in 1797 and about $100 in 1798. (See Hudson to Hamilton, 4 July 1800, note 2). Hudson’s financial troubles appear to have continued to plague him into a new career as a midshipmen. On 4 July 1800, Hudson wrote plaintively to Hamilton:
I am equally pained at the necessity of my Conduct’s being explained; as I am, fearfull of offending by the many apologies I have made but fear of being thought ungrateful to the Man who has laid me under the most delicate and lasting obligations has been the only stimulus to my taking the liberty of addressing you so frequently As I have during our present Cruise. Apprehensions that you might be pestered by Matthews about the Debt for which you became responsible2 have continually Haunted me. And Notwithstanding the conviction there was upon my mind that he was perfectly satisfied with the Assurances I had given him before I left N.Y. (the particulars of which and my reasons for that conviction I wrote you from Norfolk)3 I should most Certainly have returned immediately from that place had I not really believed as was reported that our Cruise would have been a very short one upon the Coast of America and that in the course of a month or two we should have again been in your part in the United states; Tho’ my return to N. York at that time would have been attended with very Disagreable consequences and Ruined all my prospects in my present profession.
I hope to be in Boston4 nearly as soon as this letter will reach you from whence I shall immediately repair to new York, when I hope to have power of giving a satisfactory explanation, and I felicitate myself with the hope that you will suspend your final opinion of me until I have that opportunity, more from a knowledge of the natural generosity of your Disposition than from any Justification of myself. God knows of what moment this object is to me as a certainty of having intirely lost ⟨your⟩ friendship would imbitter every future Moment of my life. Lieut. Hamilton5 is in perfect health & will I presume write you by this opportunity.
Please to accept the prayers for the future happiness of yourself & family—of your Obliged
Judah Hammond was clerking in Hamilton’s office when Hamilton died in 1804. On December 13, 1843, Hammond wrote the following (clearly somewhat embellished) account to John Church Hamilton:
The last time General Hamilton was in the office was in the early part of July 1804, in the afternoon. I was the only person remaining in the office with him. The last thing he did there, in his professional business he did at my desk and by my side. Even the place seems sacred to my memory. The office was at Number twelve in Garden Street, opposite the Church Grounds. The building has been since removed. It was near sunset, the evening bright and serene. The setting sun approached the margin of the horizon, shedding his last rays on the beautiful objects illustrated by his departing splendours. At this closing of the day, when we love to linger in its pleasures, General Hamilton came to my desk, in the tranquil manner usual with him, and gave me a business paper with his instructions, concerning it. I saw no change in his appearance. These were his last moments in his place of business.
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seeselfblack · 5 years
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Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche
Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche who is notable for being one of only two men of colour to have died on the Titanic. The other was Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio, valet to the famous millionaire playboy Ben Guggenheim.
Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche was born in Cap Haitien, Haiti on 26 May 1886.
Laroche descended directly from Haitian royalty. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the major leaders of the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) is an ancestor. At the time of the sinking of the Titanic, Joseph Laroche’s uncle, Dessalines Cincinnatus Leconte, was the president of Haiti.
In 1901, at age 15, he was sent to France to be educated, as so many of the young men of the black upper classes were accustomed. He travelled to Beauvais, France, where he hoped to join the high school to study engineering.
hile visiting nearby Villejuif Joseph met Miss Juliette Lafargue; After Joseph graduated and got his degree, he and Juliette were married in March of 1908. Their daughter Simonne was born 19 February 1909; a second daughter, Louise, was born prematurely on 2 July 1910, and suffered many subsequent medical problems.
Despite his degree and being a cultured gentleman who spoke English and French fluently, Joseph couldn’t find a job because of his colour. Since the family needed more money to cope with Louise’s medical bills, Joseph decided to return to Haiti to find a better-paying engineering job, the move being planned for 1913.
In March 1912, however, Juliette discovered that she was pregnant, she did not want to leave her elderly father but realised it was the right move for their growing family. She and Joseph decided to leave for Haiti before her pregnancy became too far advanced for travel. Joseph’s mother in Haiti bought them steamship tickets on the La France as a welcome present, but the line’s strict policy regarding children meant that their children would not be permitted to dine with them. This caused them to exchange their tickets for second-class reservations on the Titanic, owned by The White Star Line Company.
On April 10 the Laroche family took the train from Paris to Cherbourg in order to board the brand new liner later that evening.
Decked out with décor that ranged from Italian Renaissance to Georgian, the Titanic was the largest and most lavish ship built prior to that date.
The first-class passengers were a collective of some of the richest people in the world, the creme de la creme of Anglo-American society who flaunted their wealth prominently. The second-class passengers were middle class business leaders and managers of the community, and third-class passengers (steerage) were primarily English, Irish and Middle Eastern immigrants in search of a better life in America.
Whilst the Laroches did not have first- class reservations, Laroche made it quite clear that his family was second-class to no-one. Their lounge was a large, spacious room with panelling in sycamore and was comparable to first-class accommodations on other sea liners of the day. The couple also shared many of the things enjoyed by the first class passengers, including dining in the same saloon and socialising with some of their fellow passengers.
Their second-class tickets, however, did not shield them from the stares and the racial insults of being the only multiracial family in a sea of upper-class whiteness and scorn even from the crew, who saw them as below them despite their obvious gentility... Continue reading HERE
Also see:
- Haitian Descendant Of Joseph Laroche “Only Black & Haitian Man On Titanic” Speaks Out
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letigrrre-blog1 · 5 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger violemment attaqu & # 233; en Afrique du Sud
With the comedy “A very hot number”, the Ovigo Theater starts this year's season. The turbulent, ludicrous and musical Ovigo version of the comedy triggers a storm of enthusiasm.
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March fight for votes in the local elections. However, it is unclear how the AfD will position itself until then. There was thunderous applause in the Paulanerkirche for the women's choir Femme'o'logie. From the Franco-Flemish Renaissance school to Scandinavian sounds, the voices proved their richness in sound. March 2018. In 2004 she tried to make a comeback with the film Catwoman alongside Halle Berry. The film flopped with critics and audiences alike. At the end of December 2005, she appeared in two episodes of the Turkish look at this a> Kurtlar Vadisi series with; she donated her fee to tsunami victims. In 2006, a continuation of Basic Instinct was released in cinemas under the title Basic Instinct - New Game for Catherine Tramell. Lhermitte founded the “Café-Théatre Le Splendid” in Paris in 1975 with his friends from high school, which included Anémone and Michel Blanc. His boulevard-like comedies were almost all filmed on a budget, so the troop had additional income. Similar to the Italian cinema of those years, it was often about comic-grotesque love farts with slapstick inlays with a chaotic plot. The most famous films in the series include “Die Strandflitzer - Sun, Sex and Beach Whispering” and “Sun, Ski and Snow Whispering”, both staged by Patrice Leconte (“Ridicule”).
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We should take an example from the 30 Terre-des-Femmes fellow women who, in an open letter, distanced themselves from the decisions of this year's General Assembly. There is no such thing as good, true feminism, and it is dangerous to propagate that. You are welcome to use content from the Getty Images website for 30 days free of charge for testing or as a sample (assembly or layout) after downloading. Unless a paid license is purchased, content may not be used in final versions of materials or publicly available materials. The free layout license does not grant any further rights and any guarantee is excluded. Julianne Moore plays a 50-year-old linguist who loses her memory and slowly, but relentlessly, slips into dementia. Sometimes she can't remember a word, sometimes she loses her bearings while jogging. Julianne Moore's game focuses entirely on the feeling of despair of losing herself. The ex-couple has four children together. Climate activist Greta Thunberg (16) is currently touring the USA and Canada.
ALEXANDER KASCHTE - Whiter than the water II
Joseph is the youngest son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and comes from an affair between the “Terminator” actor and Mildred Baena. She was the housekeeper of Arnie and his wife Maria Shriver at the time.
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justforbooks · 6 years
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Οι Δελφοί ήταν αρχαία ελληνική πόλη στην οποία λειτούργησε το σημαντικότερο μαντείο του αρχαιοελληνικού κόσμου. Η πόλη αναφέρεται από τους ομηρικούς χρόνους με την ονομασία Πυθώ. Στην αρχή των ιστορικών χρόνων ήταν μία από τις πόλεις της αρχαίας Φωκίδας, αλλά σταδιακά ο ρόλος της πόλης ενισχύθηκε και εξελίχθηκε σε πανελλήνιο κέντρο και ιερή πόλη των αρχαίων Ελλήνων.
Οι Δελφοί ενέπνευσαν και τη λογοτεχνία. Το 1814 ο W. Haygarth (φίλος του Μπάυρον) αναφέρεται στους Δελφούς στο ποίημά του Greece, a Poem. Το 1888 ο Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle εκδίδει το λυρικό δράμα L’Apollonide σε μουσική του Franz Servais. Και νεότεροι γάλλοι λογοτέχνες εμπνεύστηκαν από τους Δελφούς, όπως ο Yves Bonnefoy στο ποίημά του Delphes du second jour ή ο Jean Sulivan (ψευδώνυμο του Joseph Lemarchand) στο L'Obsession de Delphes (1967), αλλά και το Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi (1991) του Rob MacGregor. Η παρουσία των Δελφών στην ελληνική λογοτεχνία είναι πολύ έντονη. Ποιητές όπως ο Κωστής Παλαμάς Ο Δελφικός Ύμνος (1894), ο Κώστας Καρυωτάκης Δελφική Εορτή (1927), ο Νικηφόρος Βρεττάκος, Επιστροφή από τους Δελφούς (1957), ο Γιάννης Ρίτσος Δελφοί (1961-62) και η Κική Δημουλά Γᾶς Ὀμφαλός (1988) και Κατάλληλο έδαφος, για να αναφερθούν μόνο οι γνωστότεροι. Ο Σικελιανός έγραψε τα: Η αφιέρωση [του Δελφικού λόγου] (1927), Δελφικός Ύμνος (1910) και την τραγωδία Σίβυλλα (1940), ενώ στο πλαίσιο της Δελφικής Ιδέας και των αντίστοιχων εορτών εκδόθηκε από τον ίδιο το 1930 δοκίμιο με τον τίτλο Η δελφική ένωση. Ένα προανάκρουσμα. Ο Γιώργιος Σεφέρης αφιερώνει στις Δοκιμές του ένα δοκίμιο με τον τίτλο Δελφοί.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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nycreligion · 2 years
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
The evangelicals in 19th Century Williamsburg and Greenpoint. A Journey Retro
Williamsburgh, 1834. Illustration from Eugene L. Armbruster’s Photographs & Scrapbooks. Source: Brooklyn Historical Society. The faith-flavored identity of New York City was decided on the frontiers of social controversy in religious places like the evangelical Protestant churches of Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Early settlers in the area held private Sunday services in their homes or took a…
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heaveninawildflower · 3 years
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Illustrations by Pierre-Joseph Redouté taken from ‘Collection de jolies petites fleurs.’
Published 1835 by Emile Leconte.
Images and text information courtesy  Bibliothèque Nationale de France, département Réserve des livres rares, S-2095  
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche (May 26, 1886 – April 15, 1912) was a Haitian engineer. He was one of only three passengers of known African ancestry (the other two being his children) on the ill-fated voyage of the RMS Titanic. He put his pregnant French wife and their two daughters onto a lifeboat; they survived, but he did not. His daughter, Louise Laroche (July 2, 1910 – January 28, 1998) was one of the last remaining survivors of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. LaRoche, a three-act opera by Atlanta composer Sharon J. Willis, is based on his life and was part of the 2003 National Black Arts Festival, premiering at the Callanwolde Fine Arts Center on July 18. At the age of 15, he was sent to Beauvais, France to study. After graduating with a BS in Engineering, he married a French woman named Juliette Lafargue. Due to the racial discrimination of the times, he had difficulty finding work. He decided to return to Haiti with his family. His uncle, Cincinnatus Leconte, the President of Haiti arranged a job for him as a math teacher. Simonne Marie Anne Andrée Laroche was born in Paris, France, in 1909. The family planned to leave France in late 1912, but Juliette discovered she was pregnant for the third time, and he decided to bump up their travel arrangements so the child could be born in Haiti. His mother purchased first-class passage for the family aboard the liner SS France. The Laroches learned of the French Line's policy stipulating that children were required to remain in the nursery and were not permitted to dine with their parents. Disapproving of this policy, they exchanged their tickets for a second-class passage aboard the RMS Titanic. The Titanic was too large for the harbor at Cherbourg, France, and White Star Line tenders transported the passengers boarding from Cherbourg out to the ship aboard SS Nomadic. The family boarded as second-class passengers on April 10, 1912. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CeBBeMtuo7XgHuCU3FPqxpCGjJrTs20KJ5yE1E0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Título Original: The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
Año: 2021
Duración: 112 min
País: Estados Unidos
Director: Michael Chaves
Guion: David Johnson. Historia: James Wan, David Johnson
Música: Joseph Bishara
Fotografía: Michael Burgess
Reparto: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Ruairi O'Connor, Sarah Catherine Hook, Julian Hilliard, John Noble, Eugenie Bondurant, Shannon Kook, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Keith Arthur Bolden, Steve Coulter, Vince Pisani, Ingrid Bisu, Andrea Andrade, Ashley LeConte Campbell, Sterling Jerins, Paul Wilson, Charlene Amoia, Mitchell Hoog, Megan Brown, Davis Osborne, Nicholas Massouh
Productora: Atomic Monster, New Line Cinema, The Safran Company
Género: Horror, Thriller, Mistery
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juno7haiti · 3 years
Cinq armes à feu et 11 chargeurs saisis à la douane du Cap-Haïtien
Cinq armes à feu et 11 chargeurs saisis à la douane du Cap-Haïtien.- #Juno7 #J7Avr2021
Cinq armes à feu et 11 chargeurs saisis à la douane du Cap-Haïtien. Un homme a été interpellé par les agents de l’ordre. Les agents de la brigade de Surveillance Douanière en support aux douaniers du Cap-Haïtien, accompagnés des agents du BLTS ont procédé, ce mardi 13 avril 2021, à la fouille d’un conteneur envoyé par Debreus Joseph Leconte, en provenance des États-Unis d’Amérique. Au cours de…
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theunsungheroines · 6 years
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This picture was taken in 1896 by Joseph N. LeConte on the first ever ascent of University Peak at what is now Kings Canyon National Park in California. At far left is Helen Gompertz, LeConte's future wife. Also pictured are Estelle and Belle Miller. VIA @sierraclub #theunsungheroines (at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks)
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Your blog is always full of the coolest movies! What are the top 10 movies you recommend people see?
Thanks!It’s very hard to recommend only 10 movies and for everyone. Not everyonelikes the same kind of movies and that’s okay and it’s also okay notenjoy a movie praised by all the world. When I recommend movies to people I know I always try to recommend something according to their tastes.
So, in the end, I picked 10films that have been favourites of mine for quite a long time,because, you know, the most recent films I loved I reblog them constantly.  So,these are films that, in my opinion, are full of life and that when Iwatch them I say “That’s pure cinema!!!” Ok, I’ll stop rambling.
In the mood for love by Wong Kar-wai
Rushmore by Wes Anderson
Bande à part by Jean-Luc Godard
The Servant by Joseph Losey
La fille sur le pont by Patrice Leconte
Lost in translation by Sofia Coppola
Ghost World by Terry Zwigoff
Metropolitan by Whit Stillman
Lolita by Stanely Kubrick
Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock
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blprompt · 4 years
British Library digitised image from page 539 of "Elements of Geology: A text-book, etc"
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Image taken from: Title: "Elements of Geology: A text-book, etc" Author(s): LeConte, Joseph, 1823-1901 [person] British Library shelfmark: "Digital Store 7109.g.7" Page: 539 (scanned page number - not necessarily the actual page number in the publication) Place of publication: New York (United States of America) Date of publication: 1878 Type of resource: Monograph Language(s): English Explore this item in the British Library’s catalogue: 002107587 (physical copy) and 014823042 (digitised copy) (numbers are British Library identifiers) Other links related to this image: - View this image as a scanned publication on the British Library’s online viewer (you can download the image, selected pages or the whole book) - Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library Other links related to this publication: - View all the illustrations found in this publication - View all the illustrations in publications from the same year (1878) - Download the Optical Character Recognised (OCR) derived text for this publication as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - Explore and experiment with the British Library’s digital collections The British Library community is able to flourish online thanks to freely available resources such as this. You can help support our mission to continue making our collection accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment, by donating on the British Library supporter webpage here. Thank you for supporting the British Library. from BLPromptBot https://ift.tt/3cmdnFB
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