#Lyn did I use colored text right
these-detestable-hands · 10 months
OC design post!
This is what Augustus looked like in August of 2021. I spent so long on it because of the shape language, color choice, clothing, pose and even background. 2 years later, I'm still happy with it but I have significantly changed Augustus' entire character so it is unfortunately outdated.
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His outfit is fairly similar, but it's a little lighter, his build is a bulkier and the style is significantly softer.
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Also elephant in the room, he's white as crap in drawing one and black in the second one! In August of 2021, his mom was not Ione. That decision came around in early 2022. I changed his skin tone and hair texture to match.
So what about them? Glad you asked! Augustus is a king, but more importantly, he is a mentor character.
See, in 2021, he was a slimey pure evil villain but I changed that in 2022 (made him really good but spring this year, I made more edits and he is a little bit morally grey) and I think the design is a fun way of showing the change.
Design 1 is shape, he hides his body (and therefore himself) with a large cape and a blouse that is too big for him, he holds a sword but conceals it with his cape because he doesn't want the general public to know he's planning a war and he's got an excellent smirk. Not explaining how, but the background is just how his long dead wife still haunts him 900 years after he killed her. He's just really slimey and I've gotten loads of praise for this drawing on how well I captured that :]
Drawing 2, he's physically stronger. He still has a sword, but shows it because he's proud that he can defend his people from the monsters of the north western waste. He still has a cape because he's a very private person, but it isn't used to make himself seem bigger or greater than he is like in the first drawing.
What's the purpose of this post? EXCELLENT QUESTION! You've been BAMBOOZLED! It was dear emperor all along!
So I've talked about how Augustus' design has changed with his character, how he was a slimey pure evil villain then became a mentor. Why am I doing this?
Obviously it's because I love infodumping.
Well, also that, but it's actually about Volker. If I were to design a pure evil villain, I'd likely just look at some disney (classic, not recent, good grief) and anime villains I like, sketch up something neat and call it a day, right?
That would be a perfectly okay process, if it weren't for Volker's genre of pure evil. He's pure evil and obviously lies and uses everyone around him, but he's also physically huge and has led soldiers on a battle field, not to mention that my main inspiration for him is Damon Gant from ace attorney, Volker is a mentor figure for Ira and aesthetically then dear emperor is heavily inspired by triangle strategy and breath of the wild.
That's so many things to take into consideration!
He has to be pure evil, so horrible he would kill his own sister, the gods that protect the world from [unnamed thing] and lies with a bright smile, but he also has to look like a dad who would swing a battle axe with glee. Do you see the problem. He needs the vibes of Griffith (berserk) (minus the rape) and Harvey (octopath 2) but I also want him to look like Landroi (triangle strategy). Not to mention that I haven't even begun to think of what rich people might wear in Odeda! I only have commoners' clothing pinned down! And Volker isn't just rich, he's the king of a country that occupies like 5 other countries! He's rich rich!!!
Conclusion? Just thinking of Volker's design gives me a headache and I'm excited to start designing him and I'll document that miserable process.
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kafkaoftherubble · 7 months
Happy to report that it is now 初十 and yet no major conflict had happened! Neither did anything bad happened during 除夕、初一、 初八。This is a triumph for all of us! An indicator that Past Lyns' effort and action had not been in vain!
... Phew. Not that I can rest on our laurels, of course. One should never mistake anything as permanent, hahaha!
Oh, I wore my first ever hanfu! Or at least, modernized hanfu...
Yo, guys! We finished Ajin on this very day!!! Ain't it swell?!
Wait, maybe that's why I had that stupid dream—of opposing Sato by trying to drag Kei out of his retirement with Kou's help—this past Saturday night. I'm angry because I couldn't interact with Kei properly with my persuasion game before I woke up, but I don't really wanna admit to that... Also where is the yellow text color option, Tumblr? WHY ISN'T IT HERE WITH ME ANYWAY WHAT WAS IT AGAIN?
It was mad fun talking to friends while getting in a preparatory frenzy for the rest of the event. Okay, fine, one of them was just that useless horny JJK-harem sister.
The cost is missing that morning's Ānāpānasati practice. Shh! Don't bring it up too often around him! I don't want to see That Glare.
Went to the usual place. The Wat we've been going to since we were kids.
This hanfu is so wispy and not at all warm or stuffy.
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Guys, I'm telling ya, we are soooo finding ways to incorporate this for this year's conventions. Probably some sort of mix-and-match in the end—that's how we always roll! A vest and a bolo tie? That puffy skirt? A combo that falls between being fashion-approved and "Only you will think this is good"...
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"Fake Flowers and Me" is the best combo ever.
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Background: you can see the entrance gate. Oh! The shrine for a pair of Thai ancestor spirits was blocked from view.
Foreground: Sister accidentally took a picture of me mocking Gojo Satoru's Murasaki technique.
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This wat was originally fully Thai, but Chinese visitors and elements gradually cropped up (which is really no different from how it's like in Thailand). Compare the architectural difference between the shrines in Fig 1. and Fig 2. Both re within the same compound.
Fig 1. Background: The shrine at the back is for 观音 (Guanyin), hence the obviously Chinese architecture. However, a bit closer to me (but behind the trashcan) is 孙悟空 (the Monkey King). Not taken within the frame of the picture are the other three main characters in Journey to the West.
I was supposed to mirror the Monkey King by looking at the other direction, but it just looks like I was adjusting my sunbonnet...
Fig 2. Background: The one at the farthest back is the main shrine of the compound. Their main Gautama Buddha is housed there. But I'm old enough to remember their actual oldest resident statue, though—he is now housed in the shrine right next to me in the foreground.
Anyway, as per our New Year tradition, we went for archery. I mean, yea sure, we always come up with an excuse to shoot. But hey, I was wearing something that she imagined to be really cool with a bow. Was sure would look so swell!
But first!
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Look at those magnificent eyebags! Premium grade. As immaculate as Yuta's! Truly my best features. Anyone who cannot see the beauty of these bags do not understand my appeal.
Er, why were my veins popping?
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I looked so fucking swell!!! If I were 2 meters tall, I could be mistaken as the 8-foot tall Woman in a festive mood and a bow, right? Right?!
The music was annoying, but I shot pretty okay. Still had so many moments of shooting wide, though. I just can't seem to aim well. I always suck at the things I claim to enjoy, haha!
Also, the people working in that range thought I was "cosplaying" and asked me why I didn't celebrate Lunar New Year instead. I told him I was celebrating. This outfit is part of it!
And then another one came to ask how old I was. No one... believed me when I told them I'm 28. Apparently, these people had headcannoned me as "just 20 years old."
We really are in that liminal space when it comes to age. On the one hand, we're often one of the oldest in the bunch we're associating with. On the other hand, people mistake me for someone way younger, and sometimes, younger than my youngest sister even though I'm gonna be 30 soon.
Do I really ooze that much childish aura?
At least those people didn't think I was still in high school. Like that other time...
Went to the heart of the metropolis to check out that new elite mall for rich kids and tourists. But honestly, it was more of a romp in my favorite part of the city.
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Went to an aesthetic bookstore; finally found a good old Chinese New Year staple: goddamn Fengshui books.
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The MRT station sure looks like an airport, but many MRT stations look like this. Monorails had the oldest design—and are the slowest. LRT stations are the ones we're most familiar with; they are kinda like the most typical train stations with roofs.
Yea. Sis really went for a headful of hair redder than even Sukuna's. Throughout this week, she had been Makima, Ariel... and that Wendy's girl.
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This shop really captured the demography the mall caters to. The most "affordable" food in this coffee shop is 25MYR, which upon payment gives you... a piece of toast.
Their fish n' chips cost around 150MYR! I've eaten decent fish n' chips for 15 MYR, bro. The dory fish served had gotta at least dated Timothy Chalamet for three days, otherwise I don't understand the price.
Looks like it's an "experience" though. I mean, look at Fig 2! It's so opulent inside.
Sis is sure that there is now a new way to brag among us Malaysians. "I went to ___ to buy some toast!"
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There were several people wearing hanfu today, but most were women. A man looking this hella good in it though? Amazing.
I kinda wish I could make someone wear this so I can see how fucking handsome they must be! Hee hee hee.
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It was quite a humid day, and Sister kept complaining about how hot she felt. And then she would comment on every single person who passed her by, rating how hot and stuffy their drip must rendered them. "Wow, a hype-beast kid? That thick hoodie? Mm-mm. 9/10, Stuffy As Fuck."
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The difference between us is this. While looking at the central tree in the background:-
Lyn: Huh. Looks like someone can meditate under it.
Sis: Really? I was thinking someone could hang themself from it.
Lyn: Ooh! You are so right!!!
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Walking in the City
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I was about to take a picture of the guy "pulling" his milk tea, but I failed.
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Strange people in a glass container? Under this weather? With what seems to be lackluster air-conditioning?
Sister immediately rated all of them as 10/10, "That ain't their skirts; it's their melted skin."
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Here's our own three-way intersection area.
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Just the back view of today's drip. Was wearing that Sato Cap. Mixue's lemonade was really good.
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Had a funny gait, Sister said. Also, "9/10; are you sure it doesn't feel like a sauna inside? You're also wearing a hat and a mask, dude. You're insane."
We also, by happenstance, encountered not one but two lion dance occasions! Can't upload the videos because Tumblr said "only one per post."
They were nice.
The food we had was nice.
I like rambling. I like to walk.
We had fun.
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aethernoise · 3 years
writing habits!
Tagged by @autumnslance thanks so much!
Rules: Bold/color the things that you relate to and then tag some people to play.
I write: daily | most days | a few times a week | a few times a month | random
During the week I’m writing a minimum of 2000 words every day (usually closer to 3000) but that’s all for work! For MYSELF unfortunately I only end up writing a few times a week, at most, since inspiration comes and goes in bursts.
I write most often: when I first get up | later in the morning | afternoon | evening | the wee hours of the night | whenever
Typically I’m the most productive in the morning, writing-wise. Every XIVwrite I end up doing the majority of my prompt replies first thing when I wake up rather than the evening before. Part of this is innate procrastination habits but I think it’s also just that I have better focus in the mornings. I do a lot of my personal writing during the work day (oops) but am also known to stay up until butts o’clock if I’m stricken with the Mood. 
In one sitting I tend to write: a few sentences at a time | a few hundred words | a few thousand words | a complete chapter/section matter how long | An outline | whatever comes
I think the longest I’ve ever written for a fic in one sitting was approx 1k words. I dabble in and out of things even when I’m really on a roll. I have entire documents that are empty save for a single line of dialogue or half paragraph. I’ve learned to write whatever I can whenever I can because I hate the feeling of missing an idea I didn’t pin down quickly enough.
I tend to write scenes: in chronological order with no skipping | mostly in order but with some filler/skipping | whatever scene I feel like | who knows what’s gonna come out????
“If I did things chronologically y’all’d see nothing from me” is what Lyn said and that’s me as well. I started my multi-year spanning romance with the first kiss and then wrote all of the slow burn afterward. Tbh I’m STILL writing the slow-burn. My advice to anybody is just write whatever no matter the order because inspiration is precious and should be harnessed In The Moment rather than stifled by a strict outline. You can always add more later. 
This is, of course, a situation in which I sometimes struggle to practice what I preach. I think that overall it’s the best way to get STARTED but depending on the story/etc it might not work for you.
The things that comes easiest to me are: dialogue | description of senses | description of action | description of characters | exposition | other
I love dialogue. I love conversations between characters, it’s by far my favorite thing to write and what tends to just come up naturally. It’s my preferred way to explore concepts, themes or present information in a story compared to straight exposition. 
I still need to work on descriptions of setting! I really admire writers who can paint a good background and it’s always been much trickier for me than dialogue or Feelings.
I tend to write: on a phone | on a laptop | in a notebook | on whatever paper I can find | with speech to text | in the blood of my enemies | it doesn’t really matter to me | on paper first and then typed up | old school typewriter | on a computer
I do the majority of writing at my desktop. When I was primarily using my laptop to work remotely I was writing there. If I’m writing on my phone it’s because I’m too comfy somewhere and can’t get to a real keyboard. I definitely prefer a real keyboard...
When I take a break from writing, it usually: lasts a few days | a few weeks | a few months | it’s kind of random
Sometimes days, sometimes months. The longer the “break” the less likely it was intentional. I think I’d always be writing if I could. Right now I’m slowly crawling out of a very long dry spell of almost 6 months but the actual writing has been sporadic in the last few weeks. With my new job I’ve had to re-orient my entire brain which has resulted in “breaks” from my personal writing lasting several days at least.
My favorite thing to do when I’m on a writing break is: recharge with other creative hobbies | read/ consume other media | do something physical | catch up with old friends | work on my WIP in other ways like with playlists or art | other | play video games | get lost in work
I really should do more to actively recharge, but I know playing games is my go-to. I think it would be healthy and productive of me to actually read a book sometime but I haven’t been able to for years heh
In general, I think my writing habits are: pretty much what I need them to be | okay, but I’m working on making them better | non-existent | not great :/ | i’m excited to develop them further | totally random | perfect for me
Now that I’m a Full-Time Writer I’m much more mindful of my process, and much more mindful of what I can improve. I think that rather than try to improve consistency I should try to improve my focus. 
NO PRESSURE OFC but I want to tag @furymint and @frostmantle !
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destinyimage · 3 years
Prophetic Word: A Holy Revolution is Upon Us – Will You Join?
God is coming and He is separating us.
Even within the believers He is looking for those who are willing to lay down everything to walk in uncompromising holiness, love, and the fear of the Lord. He is looking for those like Abraham who will lay everything on the altar (including fear of man) to be more aware of His presence in our lives. He wants those who won’t allow the world to taint their identity because we are so aware of how good our God is and how much of our lives He deserves. It is the path most difficult to take. It’s narrow and it is very costly, but it leads to eternal life in Jesus Christ. So few find it. So few are willing to give God their everything so that they can gain everything.
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The world hands us manipulation, deceit, and division if we are not careful. The American dream in itself is to become a successful business man or woman who can give to those around them and do more than their parents did. The fruit looks so good on this tree. I have tasted it myself, and while the temporary joys of success and money were great, outside of my true nature in Christ it led to depression and void and lost passion. Many times it is quite deceiving if we don’t keep watering our hearts with the Spirit and feeding our hearts with the word. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a common tree for even believers to continue to eat from. It is all many of us have known because it’s all that was handed to us from those we have grown up around or because of the things we let in our eye gates and ear gates in media, entertainment, etc.
I’m convinced that there is a tree that has been planted for eternity in the hearts of God’s people called the tree of life. Many of us have read about this tree in the book of Genesis. The enemy always shows up handsome, alluring, tempting, and as a great rhetorician. In a moment if we are not prepared, like Adam and Eve, we can give in to this temptation. When God created us, He said we were good. Everything He created He called good. Our inheritance in Jesus Christ is to live a life abundant in His goodness and all things good, to know He is good, we are good, and everything we do is good.
We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! (Ephesians 2:10)
We have to stop pursuing dreams in our own strength and slapping His name to it like He is running alongside us. I know that sounds intense, but I have been on that road and it led to some self-inflicted and unnecessary pain. Yet He has a rhythm and timing of all things good on this earth that He longs to create alongside you and me. We cannot fulfill this good calling and these good works without the friendship and Lordship of our heavenly Father.
"We have to stop pursuing dreams in our own strength and slapping His name to it like He is running alongside us."  -- Jamie Lyn Wallnau
The Holy One
There is nothing like the presence of the Holy One. I have looked and I have searched, and in seasons when I was not rooted in relationship with Him and His word, I fell. Where I am today is a result of what Jesus has done to me—yes, to me and others. I am a victim of the blood of Jesus Christ, and because of it I am part of a holy revolution. He desires to ravish you with His loving kindness and friendship. His blood truly speaks a better word than our own strength and goals. All your dreams are nothing compared to the real dreams He has for you. You, my friend, were called to live a life so much more incredible than you could possibly ask for or imagine. He always out-dreams us. However, we must first lose this life to gain the one we are called to fulfill for all of eternity.
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On this journey I have had in pursuit of Jesus, I have seen measurable fruit. I am not who I was ten years ago, five years ago, a year ago, six months ago, etc. I am consistently becoming more pure and holy. I am consistently becoming more and more set apart for His glory and His goodness. The best part is, I am not trying to become any of these things. I just keep gazing into the heart and eyes of Jesus, and He is purifying me along the way. He has my whole heart. He can do with me and this life as He pleases. I get accused, I get laughed at, I get judged and criticized along the way. Jesus warns us about this in His word. It is worth it for me because I am laying it all down at His feet alongside my husband. The kingdom of heaven will be advanced and the very assignment and calling He has placed on our lives will be completely filled because we are in full pursuit of this man, Jesus.
Come to God through the narrow gate, because the wide gate and broad path is the way that leads to destruction—nearly everyone chooses that crowded road! The narrow gate and the difficult way leads to eternal life—so few even find it! (Matthew 7:13-14 TPT)
I have wept and wept and wept over this scripture. I cannot believe that we could be so caught up and distracted by the ways of this world that we would ever be caught on the broad path that leads to destruction. The crazy part is that I have been on this path and most of us have been, are, and if we are not careful can be. Jesus says that nearly everyone chooses that crowded road. It’s the narrow gate that is the difficult way, but it leads us to eternal life with Him. This is the core message in His word that I believe we carry on this earth, and I long to see us all take it together. There are painful and teachable moments of growth on this path and there are moments of others not understanding that come with it, but it is worth it because it is always with Jesus. The greatest part is that He knows what that feels like and how hard to make many decisions on this path are, because He came and walked this path, too. Still, He chooses to walk close with us the whole way again and again and again.
True Religion
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world (James 1:27 NIV).
Oftentimes, those who keep themselves from being polluted by this world are judged and criticized deeply. I think of how God said in 1 Corinthians 1:27 that He uses the foolish things to confound the wise. There were so many times in the past when I was too wise to let the foolish and godly thing wreck me for the better. I judged and criticized others for looking ridiculous and making a scene, so I missed out on the better thing. I even see many Christians blame others for being “too religious” for not drinking alcohol, listening to certain music, or watching certain things on television. Do we not see a time when the things that represent true religion in the eyes of our Father are the things we must stop judging and start seeking understanding on?
Many who blame others for being religious are the ones wrapped and engulfed in the ways of this world themselves and have no idea. The discomfort of the real gospel can make those who feel comfortable very uncomfortable, and sometimes the only way to feel better about their comfort is to accuse or deny how someone else is choosing to live with God. Can anyone relate? I have been guilty of this myself. I am grateful we serve a God who is kind, and His kindness is what has led me time and time and time again to repentance. He longs for us to seek Him so that these things can be revealed to us along the way.
My life has changed drastically in so many ways, and ten years ago I would have told you the way I am living now is too extreme. Today, I can’t escape my desire to love Jesus, and part of that is not doing things that grieve His heart or things that I genuinely don’t think He would do with me. This all has come with conviction, and only the Spirit of God can bring this. Not the spirit of Jamie Lyn or the spirit of whatever else that might try whispering. If you feel a tug of change in your heart, don’t delay—respond to that kind and loving voice within and watch how that ripple effect ignites a new way of life for you.
The warriors who will be part of the Holy Revolution won’t justify their flesh to stay comfortable. This will be a generation that responds to the tiny tug in their gut called the Holy Spirit. This generation will say, “God, why are You tugging on me here? Tell me what to do and I will do it.” Even if it means laying down something we have loved, loved, loved because we trust that what He is course-directing our time and affection to is far greater. We cannot live this way without knowing the man Jesus.
We are in a time when thousands are choosing to take this path with God. That’s why He released me to share this with you now. It’s time for us to see Him so we can know who we are and so that we can advance the kingdom of heaven on this earth—for eternity, together. There is a broad path that many of us have been on. Think about it—when the shaking comes in life and we are on the broad path, we start getting jolted up against those who are getting shaken alongside us. It’s so crowded, and the discomfort of the crowding causes us to be at war with one another. Most people choose this path. When we choose the narrow path and the shaking comes, we are not bumping up against everyone. We are able to see that the foundation we are standing on is strong and eternal. We get to be the peacemakers on this road while everything around us is shaking. We are on the path that gets brighter and brighter for those walking in righteousness. We also get to invite others on this path with us. We get to disciple and pray in this massive harvest.
Prayer for Holiness
Jesus, thank You for a clean and pure heart. I invite You to come clean house in my own heart. As I read this book, will You reveal to me what You desire me to know? I invite You to come into every crevice of my being to reveal who You are and who You say I am. I desire to encounter You, Father. Help me, Holy Spirit, to be one whom our Father finds on this path. I want You, Father, and I need You. Amen.
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0 notes
b0stonmanor · 6 years
since yall kept fuckin asking heres 1-155. Go ahead and see how fucking lame I actually am
1: Full name: Madison Lyn (I’m not putting my last name on the internet lmao)
2: Age:19
3: 3 Fears: heights, elevators, being alone for the rest of my life 
4: 3 things I love: cats, coffee, sleeping
5: 4 turns on: (I’m gonna make it nonsexual okay): body mods, humor, good vibes, nice laugh
6: 4 turns off: (gonna make these nonsexual too): rude, nasty, conceited, takes days to reply lmao
7: My best friend: girl: @bohoangel guy: @bostonnanner
8: Sexual orientation: pansexual
9: My best first date: haven’t had a best one yet, need someone to change that lmao
10: How tall am I: 5′8
11: What do I miss: lots of things and people both too many too name
12: What time was I born: 2:06am
13: Favourite color: blue
14: Do I have a crush: still crushin on my last man
15: Favourite quote: either some vine or “I’m here for a good time not a long time” I have way too many favs
16: Favourite place: my room, best friends house, or beach house
17: Favourite food: buffalo chicken or alfredo
18: Do I use sarcasm: of course not 
19: What am I listening to right now: music ;)
20: First thing I notice in new person: smile
21: Shoe size: no
22: Eye color: hazel
23: Hair color: naturally brunette currently red
24: Favourite style of clothing: gothic, pop punk or hippie/boho
25: Ever done a prank call?: I havent personally 
27: Meaning behind my URL: I needed to change my url of 8 years and I wanted something short and easy to remember but I also wanted it to be a band so it would fit my blog and surprisingly this one wasnt taken
28: Favourite movie: I have way too many 
29: Favourite song: again way too many
30: Favourite band: AGAIN way too many
31: How I feel right now: I feel fucking exhausted 
32: Someone I love: okay now Im sad 
33: My current relationship status: okay NOW Im crying but single
34: My relationship with my parents: welp my dads dead and my mom and I are okay
35: Favourite holiday: Halloween or Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: no tattoos yet and I have my nose pierced and first and second holes pierced on my ears
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: too many
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I was 12 that should be enough
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No. In fact I could never hate him and I dont think I’ll love anyone like I did/do him.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: eh sometimes
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? last text over imessage yes
42: When did I last hold hands?: I have no idea
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I dont do anything really so not too long
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: dont out me
45: Where am I right now?: my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: @bohoangel
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: both
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: nah
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? @bostonnanner
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: eh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I mean idc but it’d just be fucking weird cause they’re kissing in front of me 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: plenty of people lmao
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I’ll do yesterday since today hasnt really happened. But it was fathers day and my heart was hurting so bad cause I miss my dad more than anything and really wish he was still here
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: my fuckin soulmate bitch
57: What do I think about most?: in all honesty, my ex
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can do this smile thing that nobody else can do and it makes me look like a frog
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: probably
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front
61: What was the last lie I told?: that I was a child of God
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: video chatting but I dont mind either
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: fuck yes and fuck yes
64: Do I believe in magic?: I’m a god damn witch bitch
65: Do I believe in luck?: I believe in karma
66: What’s the weather like right now? according to my phone its currently clear and 61 degrees
67: What was the last book I’ve read?: I have no idea
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: eh
69: Do I have any nicknames? Maddie, Mad, Mads
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I had a staph infection in my foot that went back and forth across my foot and then up my leg (doctor said if my mom didn’t bring me when she did I would’ve died cause it would’ve gone to my heart)
71: Do I spend money or save it?: spend it 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? ye
74: Favourite animal?: cats
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: I have no idea
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: oh shit I’ve never thought of this
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: good question
78: How can you win my heart?: Be Italian 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I honestly have no idea
80: What is my favorite word? bitch
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I get asked this way too much
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: probably some hippie bullshit
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I’ve had relatives in jail but I dont think anyones in jail rn
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? theres too many lmao
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? probably if I’ve smoked or drank or have done anything bad but only if my mom was asking
86: What is my current desktop picture? its just basic 
87: Had sex?: nah
88: Bought condoms?: nah
89: Gotten pregnant?: nah
90: Failed a class?: nah
91: Kissed a boy?: ye
92: Kissed a girl?: ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: nah
94: Had job?: ye
95: Left the house without my wallet?: ye
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: nah
97: Had sex in public?: nah
98: Played on a sports team?: ye
99: Smoked weed?: ye
100: Did drugs?: nothing hardcore just smoking weed
101: Smoked cigarettes?: nah
102: Drank alcohol?: ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: I’ve tried
104: Been overweight?: no answer
105: Been underweight? also no answer
106: Been to a wedding?: ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: ye
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ye
109: Been outside my home country?: nah
110: Gotten my heart broken?: of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?: ye
112: Broken a bone?: ye
113: Cut myself?: ye
114: Been to prom?: ye
115: Been in airplane?: ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: nah
117: What concerts have I been to?: pink, metallica/volbeat, warped tour 2016,2017,2018, jingle ball, some birthday bash, I cant remember if I’ve been to any other ones lmao
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: not entirely 
119: Learned another language?: not fully
120: Wore make up?: ye
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: I’m a child of god
122: Had oral sex?: nah
123: Dyed my hair?: ye
124: Voted in a presidential election?: not yet
125: Rode in an ambulance?: couldve a couple times but my parents decided to drive me
126: Had a surgery?: nah
127: Met someone famous?: I guess? 
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: who doesnt do this
129: Peed outside?: ye
130: Been fishing?: ye
131: Helped with charity?: I think so
132: Been rejected by a crush?: who doesnt get rejected
133: Broken a mirror?: probably
134: What do I want for birthday?: lots of things
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: I have no idea
136: Was I named after anyone?: No but I have the same middle name as my aunt
137: Do I like my handwriting?: ye
138: What was my favorite toy as a child?: I have no idea
139: Favorite Tv Show?: American Horror Story, Bob’s Burgers, The Office, or Drunk History
140: Where do I want to live when older?: New Hampshire
141: Play any musical instrument?: I can play the violin and piano and can also sing but idk if that counts lmao
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: its barely noticeable but literally right under my left eye (like right at the edge of my dark circle lmao) I got attacked by a dog and it bit me in the face and I had to get stitches but I bitched out and had it glued instead lmao
143: Favorite pizza topping? cheese
144: Am I afraid of the dark?: depends where I am
145: Am I afraid of heights?: ye
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?:nah
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: haha yeah
148: What I’m really bad at: everything
149: What my greatest achievements are: I fucking graduated from high school. Like I would never wish what I went through on anyone ever not even my worst enemy. It was worse than hell
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I honestly dont remember 
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: lots of stuff
152: What do I like about myself: my eyebrows
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I cant say @bohoangel cause I’ve known her since 5th grade so I’ll say @bostonnanner even though we met on omegle years ago lmao
154: Something I fantasize about: lots of things
155: Any question you’d like?: literally whatever anyone wants to know
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mermaibee · 7 years
ahh..got tagged.. 85 statements.. ^^
was tagged by @adeslowmoqueen and @miss-arlert-orihara-watanuki … so sorry!!.. I have been super unmotivated as of late.. T-T .. but thank you for thinkng of me!!.. Both of you are the sweetest of peas.. <3 ... Anyways, finally had time...
RULES : you must answer These 85 statements and tag 20 people
.. yup.. So here it is...
The Last
1. Drink: Lemon tea
2. phone call: Grandma
3. text message: Mom
4. song you listened to: Mi Razon de Ser - Banda MS
5. time you cried: ..hmm.. I watched Guardians of the galaxy 2, like a week ago...
6. dated someone twice: ah.. No.. that sounds mean..
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nah, can’t regret my affections..
8. been cheated on: thankfully.. no.
9. lost someone special: When I was 10..
10. been depressed: ..still depressed.. But gettin there.. ^^)b
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: .. I don’t drink.. But I threw up over 10 times on my birthday this year.. ^^
3 Favourite Colours
12. Pastel colors
13. all shades of blue..
14. Opal.. :3
In the Last year have you
15. made new friends: I feel so blessed to say yes..
16. fallen out of love: ..yeeeeaaahhh.. ^^;;
17. laughed until you cried: ...hmm.. Can’t say I remember..
18. found out someone was talking about you: no, but even if I did, I wouldn’t care.
19. met someone who changed you: ..yeah.
20. found out who your friends are: Yes..
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: ...what? FB has lists..??
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: .. like my high school buddies and fam..
23. do you have any pets: 2 dogs.. & a farm.
24. do you want to change your name: no, but I would like a middle name.. Elizabeth would be nice..
25. what did you do for your last birthday: threw up all day on a 9 hour roadtrip..
26. what time did you wake up: ..amazingly.. At 7:30 am..
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: asleep.. Thank gosh..
28. name something you can’t wait for: ..to legally drink. I want to go wine tasting.. And anything eles I am impatient for..
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: This morning..
31. what are you listening to right now: Beneath the Mask - Lyn
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: uh… no..
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ..my lack of patience.
34. most visited website: Tumblr.. Maybe IG..
35. hair colour: dark brown
36. long or short hair: Short
37. do you have a crush on someone: .. A lot of people. Like, its a problem.
38. what do you like about yourself: .. My art skills and my ability to do winged eyeliner.
39. Piercings: .. two on each ear.
40. blood type: ..it’s.. Red blood..??
41. nickname: Bri, Mermaid, BB… Bri-Bee… >///<
42. relationship status: .. Dating for now.. ^^; ..we’ll see how it goes..
43. zodiac: Aries
44. pronouns: She/her
45. favourite tv show: … Anime. The Genre.. I can’t pick...
46. tattoos: none..
47. right or left handed: right..
48. surgery: .. Uh.. I hope I’ve never had one..
50. sport: .. I used to swim.. Now, I’m lazy..
51. vacation: went to Disneyland recently...
52. pair of trainers: .. Champion is what they’re called...
53. Eating: ..a hamburger..
54. drinking: .. now water.
55. I’m about to: .. work on a gift..
56. waiting for: ..happiness.
57. Want: ...tbh.. sushi..
58. get married: Nope. Never.
59. Career: Family or school councelor.
60. hugs or kisses: hugs..
61. lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. shorter or taller: taller..
63. older or younger: Older.
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms.. plssss..
65. hook up or relationship: Hook up.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Both..
67. kissed a stranger: .. I mean, it sounds fun.
68. drank hard liquor: Beer is nasty and not classy.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: ah, nope.
70. turned someone down: … I have but damn.. Its so hard to say no..
71. sex on the first date: Virgin.
72. broken someone’s heart: .. yeah..
73. had your heart broken: yes.
74. been arrested: no. I probs should have when I was under 18.. Oh well. Too late now.
75. cried when someone died: haha… more like drowned in tears.
76. fallen for a friend: All the fucking time..
77. yourself: never.
78. miracles: on others..
79. love at first sight: No. It doesn’t exist..
80. santa claus: Fuck yes.
81. kiss on the first date: Never. Not classy. Cherish yourself damn it.
82. angels: .. I mean.. The ones on earth.. ^^
84. eye colour: Generic Brown
85. favourite movies: Throw me out now because I will name every Disney movie I know..
Okay.. so uh.. I know that it said tag Twenty people.. but ... umm.. If I have told you something nice before, consider it me tagging you!!.. >///< .. I’m sorry, just really lazy... <3
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artisticsarcasm · 7 years
I was tagged by the amazing @allskynostars!!!
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Apple Juice for the win
2. Phone call: My mom
3. Text Message: “Thank you for the apple juice and milk!!!” to my friend 😂
4. Song you listened to: Waves - Dean Lewis
5.Time you cried: last night, eyes randomly started burning
6.dated someone twice: Never have
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Ha! I’ve never kissed anyone to regrette it
8. Cheated on: never, to my knowing
9.lost someone special: long time ago
10. Been depressed: yesterday
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope i hardly ever throw up
12-14. black, deep purple, inferno red
15. Made new friends: yes, surprisingly
16. Fallen out of love: Nopety nope nope
17.laughed until you cried: every single week
18. Found out someone was talking about you: more than likely
19. Meet someone who changed you in a good way: No…just no
20.found out who your friends are: yeah it was surprising
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know: none because i don’t have facebook.
23. Do have any pets: Harley D. My puppy
24. Do you want to change your name: not worth it, I’d  rather not
25.what did you do for your last birthday: photoshoot then ate food i fucking love food
26. What time did you wake up: 2:25 had to pee and it woke me up
27.what were doing at midnight last night: who knows, sleep more than likely
28.name something you can’t wait for: FUCKING SEASON 2 OF RIVERDALE AND MORE BUGHEAD
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. What are you listening to right now: My loud ass dryer nothing else
32.have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes he’s an ass
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People
34.Most visited website: Currently either Tumblr  or YouTube
35.-37: no question here the world may never know
38. Hair color: naturally-brown,
currently- reddish brown,
soon to be- black and purple
39. Long or short hair: short
40.Do you have a crush on someone: No…
41. What do you think about yourself:
I shall use an excerpt from the song fix you by coldplay- “ when you try your best but you don’t succeed”
42. Piercings: like them on other people but they aren’t  for me
43. Blood type: human
44.Nickname: Lyn, Kenna, Kentcity
45. Relationship status: Food is Love, Food is Life
46.Zodiac: Aquarius
47. Pronoun: she/her
48. Favorite Tv show: …Riverdale, Raising Hope, the office, and Glee
49. Tattoos: nope
50. Right handed or left handed: rrrrrrright!
51. Surgery: yep, mainly when i was younger though
52. Piercings: hmmm deja vu much, anyway nope
53. Sport: surprisingly yes i took up color gaurd
55. Vacation: Ha! I wish
57. Eating: Nothing
58. Drinking: Apple juice
59. Im about to: read bughead fanfiction and maybe paint
61. Waiting for: Fucking Riverdale season 2 and Bughead confirmed as anchor couple
62. Want: food, true Happiness… but mainly food
63. Get married: more than likely not 😂
64. Career: I want to go into theatre
65. Hugs or kisses: neither not a fan of human contact
66. Lips or eyes: eyes, they are more intriguing to look at
67.Shorter or taller: shorter
68.Older or younger: Older, I’m ready to take over world despite my social anxiety, and my horrible social interactions
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: uuuuuhhh..stomach i guess
71. Is no longer in session
72. Hookup or relationship: I’d  fail miserably with both but relationship i suppose
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: bit of both unless i don’t  care then it’s neither
74. Kissed a stranger: No
78. Sex on the first date: that would require a first date, i don’t go out on the dating scene like at all
79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah, it was awful
80. Had your heart broken: yeah, probably why i don’t date
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: yes, Leo Valdez, Leonard Snart, and so many other poor fictional characters
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah, just got over it actually
84. Yourself: Barley
85. Miracles: yeah
86. Love at first sight: absolutely not
87. Santa clause: [still questioning]
88. Kiss on the first date: i don’t see a problem with it if you both wanna kiss then Kiss
89. Angels: sure do!
90. Current best friend’s name: Rikki
91. Eye color: brown
92. Favorite movie: White Chicks, or Would you rather, I’m a sucker of comedies and torture movies
I’m tagging
@iamdarkandtwisty @itstenafterfour @pappypipedream @bughead-fics @bugheadasfuck @drknes @bughead-riverdale @wishtoconfess @jugheads-bettyc @bugheadauproject @heytherejones @soundsnaked @betsjuggiecooperjones And that's all I've got in me not that good at gethering names and all, sorry if you've already been tagged, sorry and have a great day 😍
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Prompt: Betty and Jughead's kids ask about their first kiss and how they met.
I had so much fun writing this!!! It’s cuteness overload, it’s fluffy Bughead, it’s amazing parenting, it’s something I didn’t know I wanted in life up until now! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!
“They swim really fast and they can hold their breathfor fifteen minutes underwater. The pups are being born in the water too, onbig pieces of ice, and at first they have fluffy white fur but, when they growolder, they lose it and they become silver gray. I went to the library afterclass and searched in the encyclopedia, like you and mommy taught me how, and Isaw more pictures and, daddy, they look so cute!Like they are always happy and playing all day long!” the five year old boykept talking with passion and childish excitement, his tiny legs curled underhim on a matte black barstool while his torso was sprawled on the marblekitchen island in front of him, elbows pressed on an unfinished crayoneddrawing, holding his weight up, and eyes round and alit in fascination uponlooking at his dad’s phone screen.
“They do look pretty cute and jolly, now that youpointed it out, bud.” His dad agreed with a couple of nods, scrolling through Googlesearch and tapping on yet another picture. “Do they also eat fish?”
“Of course, daddy! Harp seals are still seals.” Theboy replied in a heartbeat. “Did you know that their nose closes when they gounder the water?” upon seeing his dad snap his head up to face him surprised,he continued with more vigor. “Yeah, they can’t smell anything but they cansense the fish passing by or feel them with their whiskers.” He went on matterof factly, as if reciting from a National Geographic catalogue, his dadgrinning in amazement at his brilliant young mind and his cute overall reactionat something as simple as mammals.
“Wow…” he fed his son’s boyish excitement more with abreathy sigh of appreciation, locking his phone and abandoning it to the side.“So you learnt all that from just a small text Mrs. Lyn read during circletime?”
“No.” the five year old shook his head, his attentionsifting back to his drawing. “Mrs. Lyn just read to us about arctic animals andshowed us pictures; I read all that from the encyclopedia at recess.” Heshrugged adorably, chubby fingers grabbing a bright blue crayon before messilycoloring on his A4 drawing block, without a care in the world.
Jughead shook his head in amusement; of course he did.
Sawyer Forsythe Jones was not an ordinary kid. Namedafter the character of his dad’s favorite childhood book and continuing the family name ofthe Jones’ bloodline down the centuries but only by half – Jughead had beenadamant about it, he didn’t want his son to carry a name worth of decades ofbullying but he had finally agreed on Forsythe as a middle name, a much neededfarewell to his late father, as Betty had kept insisting with passion, becauseshe knew him like the back of her hand and she knew how much he missed hisfather still and Jughead had loved her even more for that, even if that wasimpossible – the little raven haired boy was nothing like the menace in MarkTwain’s book or his delinquent grandfather. Having abandoned picture books atthe age of three, started using full and even perplexed sentences a year later andthen moving to chaptered books with print smaller than his thump that he could readby himself when all the other kids his age barely knew basic lettercombinations, Sawyer was the gifted kid that neither Betty and especially norJughead expected to be blessed with when they had come across the happiestsurprise of their lives, that little pink plus sign on a Saturday morning fiveyears ago. Then again both of them were constantly buried in words and thesmell of unstained white paper, her being an accomplished journalist and anaspiring women’s rights activist by now and him an acclaimed author in theprocess of finishing his second detective novel, not to mention their, joinednow, collection of books, stocked in a huge bookshelf occupying an entire wallof their spacious living room. Combine that with their sharp brains and, voila,a little genius came to the world.
“Daddy?” Sawyer’s candy cane voice echoed in thekitchen and his dad hummed in response against the open fridge, fetching abeer. He was still not a friend of alcohol but on particular occasions he cameto appreciate it upon growing up and understanding that the reason of his dad’sproblems wasn’t just this very own bottle. “Was I a mistake?” his son’s questionstunted him and he turned to face him in an instant.
Jughead took a step back in his mind to size thesituation. Since he became a father he did that a lot, wanting to have ahealthy relationship with his son based in understanding and explaining, notsudden outbursts and out-of-reflex moves. His first instinct was to see bloodat the thought of someone, even a five year old, calling his son a mistake buthe held his horses, mostly because Sawyer kept coloring with no worry in theworld and not visible discomfort about the comment.
“Of course you are not.” He assured him nonetheless,resting on his elbows across the little boy. “Did something happen at school?” hefrowned, examining him closely, ready to offer every ounce of encouragement andlove he had to the proudest achievement of his life.
“Just some kids were teasing Patrick and telling himhe was a mistake because his mom and dad got married after he was born.” Sawyerexplained coloring a bright sun at the very corner of his paper and Jugheadaudibly exhaled at that, his mood turning bright again like the boy’s crayon-stainedhands.
“No one is a mistake and no one can arbitrarily label anyonelike that, okay?” Jughead knew his son was a good kid but he wanted to makesure he understood that impoliteness and domineering behavior were notacceptable for the members of their family.
Sawyer caught up on that and the big, foreign soundingword and his dad grinned upon seeing his eyes, in all their perfect green glory,lighting up like they always did with thirst to learn more.
“It means without a reason, without having a logicalexplanation.” He set its definition, not waiting for him to ask first, seeingSawyer mouthing the word in a slow childish manner to memorize it and chucklinglightly at how adorable he was.
“I know that!” the five year old boy went on withtheir discussion. “I told them that they were being mean and that it doesn’tmatter when or why two people get together ‘cause if they do, it means thatthey love each other and they want to love their babies too.” He said with allhis childish naivety and his pure, innocent perspective about the world andsomething swelled inside of Jughead proudly. Yeah, he and Betty were doingsomething right after all.
“That’s my boy.” He praised and ruffled his unruly ravencurls in affection, Sawyer grinning from ear to ear to his dad. “Besides noteveryone is fortunate enough to find their other half quickly, just like ithappened with me and your dorky mom.” He smirked, opening his now slightly warmbeer bottle.
He saw Sawyer looking with bright eyes again; hechuckled. “Fortunate; lucky.” He went on to explain himself once more. Bettyalways scolded him for not using simpler words around their boy, in fear ofJughead overloading his developing brain with way more advanced for his ageknowledge, but first of all, he couldn’t help it, that was his manner ofspeaking since elementary school and, second of all, he was already filteringhimself, it was impossible to hold back more. Plus, their little pride and joywas practically a sponge, absorbing everything his dad was eloquently blubbing,and that was always a pleasure to witness.
“How did you and mommy meet?” the boy was curious now,little feet swaying and colliding with the kitchen island in front of him withrhythmical soft thuds.
Jughead laughed. “You know that, you silly monkey.” Hegroaned playfully against his neck, making Sawyer squirm and giggle as hepatted barefoot to sit next to him on a barstool. “We were childhood friendsback in Riverdale.” His son knew all about their shenanigans as kids; uncle –and godfather – Archie made sure of that.
“Yeah, where grandpa and grandma and aunt Polly stilllive.” Sawyer said with excitement, Jughead nodding in confirmation. Wheneverthey could find time he and Betty would leave Boston and visit their hometown,Sawyer always having a blast with his cousins, Jason and Lizzie. “But when didyou see each other for the first time?” he wanted to know with a toothy grin.
Jughead huffed with an amused smile at his suddencuriosity. “Well, it was summer and we were around seven. I was at uncleArchie’s, the two of us taking turns pretending that we were driving his dad’sconstruction car and, suddenly, there was that new girl with the bouncyponytail coming over with a dashing smile. Her family was new to theneighborhood, I haven’t seen her before, I didn’t even know her name but Iremember I couldn’t even talk because she was just so out of this world.” He couldstill picture a seven year old Jughead sitting like a statue and gripping fordear life the steering wheel of Fred Andrews’ work vehicle, appearing as atotal retard at the sight of the shiny blonde girl.
“Was momma as pretty as she is now?” his son askedcheekily.  
“That and even more and that’s not even humanlypossible.” Jughead whispered in his usual admiration and devotion when it cameto the love of his life and Sawyer gasped in awe. “She said her name was Bettyand sat next to me on the leather car seat, telling us that she saw us playingand she wanted to join; she even knew how to get the car running if we wanted.”He scoffed amused at the memory, the scent of vanilla and strawberries invadinghis senses exactly like it had done that very first evening he had met her.
“And?” Sawyer almost yelled in excitement, tooinvested in the story that he was growing impatient.
“And she did. And we crashed the car on the first treenext to uncle Archie’s house.” He shook his head with a light chuckle beforehis lips froze into a lovesick, nostalgic smile. “And it didn’t matter that Igot an earful from mine and Archie’s dad that day, as they came rushing out thedoor after the loud crush. The girl next door had offered me the biggestbubblegum pink smile upon running to her own screaming mother and I couldn’t bemore hooked.”
“Wow…” the little boy exclaimed mesmerized too by howcool his dad and his friends sounded. “Did you start the kissing thing afterthat? Does it mean that when I turn seven I can start the kissing too?” hisnaïve questions and clueless expression brought another round of light chucklesto his dad.
“No, we didn’t and no, you need to be a tad older to do that, I’m sorry, bud.”Jughead admitted in his usual sardonic manor, beyond amused when he saw his sonsighing a little in disappointment.
“So when did you start?” he dragged his question in awhine; he was persistent tonight.
“You know, Soy Sauce, they say curiosity killed thecat.” He used Betty’s ridiculous nickname for their son, teasing him with afoxy smile.
“I’m not a cat.” He replied matter of factly and withall seriousness, Jughead bursting out laughing at the comment. “C’mon, daddy,when did you kiss momma for the first time?” Sawyer pleaded the answer with hismost cute expression and charming grin.
Jughead groaned playfully. “When we were sixteen.Here, happy now?”
Sawyer counted his fingers and gasped at how many theywere between seven and sixteen. “Why did it take so long?” he asked theobvious.
His father just shrugged, sparing him theuncomfortable, teenage angst filled details. “Let’s such say that other thingswere getting in the way.”
“And when you did, was it nice?” the mini version ofhim grinned even more.
His grin was contagious. “The best feeling in theworld. Exhilarating. Like she came and lifted all my worries and heavy feelingsoff my chest and I felt up in the sky, dancing with my guardian angel.” He wenton to explain the world and his emotions, not sure that he was doing a goodjob.
“Like ‘sunny day with no school’ nice or ‘triplechocolate milkshake with a cheeseburger and fries’ super nice?” the boywondered, demanding further explanation, clearly taking after his dad’sappetite.
“Like triple chocolate milkshake with a triple burgercheeseburger and Texas bacon cheese fries along with chicken nuggets and Oreocookies muffins.” Jughead amplified the statement to showcase his own amplifiedfeelings the moment his lips touched hers for the first time and every timeuntil now that followed.
Sawyer’s awestruck exclamation was interrupted by thesound of keys opening the front door further down the hallway, his momreturning home from the newspaper.
“Boys! I’m home!” Betty’s sugary sweet voice echoedaround, filling the room with butterflies, and the two men in her life smiled.Minutes later she was under the wide arch of the kitchen threshold, blonde beachwaves free up until the middle of her back, dressed in a fashionable salmonpink sweater and form-fitting leather pants, delicious on her killer legs.Jughead licked his lips involuntarily; he always liked her in leather.
“What are my two little monsters up to?” she smiledlovingly besides her teasing tone and patted barefoot further inside, havingabandoned her heeled ankle boots by the door.
“Oh, you know, the usual male bonding over beers andlady talk.” Her husband teased back with his clever smirk, taking a sip fromhis beer that was long forgotten on the counter top of the island.
Betty giggled. “Well, if it keeps you, mister, fromgetting any older, then, yes, feed him alcohol and coffee.” She went on in adesperate mom tone, closing tightly her arms around Sawyer’s shoulders frombehind, pretending to eat his neck with loud nom-nom sounds that left the boyshrieking loud giggles.
“How was your day, babe?” she rested her chin on theboy’s shoulder and asked her husband with a sweet smile, him offering an equalsmile back.
“Mostly just playing and reading.” Sawyer repliedinstead of Jughead in a tired adult-like voice and the parents laughed, shakingtheir heads in amusement.
“Mine wasn’t bad either.” Jughead admitted playfully,leaning forward to peck her lips lovingly at the same time as she did.
“You’re squeezing me.” Their son’s voice came indistress and muffled from between them, the couple pulling back with amusedscoffs at the theatricals of their offspring. “And your day was bad; you onlywrote a page.” He told on his dad shamelessly and with a judgy tone, Jugheadnarrowing his eyes at him in fake threat and Betty trying to hide her laughter.
“Well, traitor,why don’t you go and wash up for dinner before anything else of ourconversation comes out of your big mouth?” he pretended to be offended andserious but the teasing was still evident in his voice, the boy hoping off thestool with a cheerful ‘kay.
“Oh, mama!” he stopped before sliding off to thebathroom, Betty standing up straight to give him her whole attention with awide smile. “Can we adopt a harp seal?“ His question made Betty scoff alaugh, confused, looking at her husband for assistance.
“Don’t ask me, we’re apparently obsessed with thosejubilant looking mammals from now on.” Jughead’s apathetic tone of voice hadher shaking her head at how dorky both her boys were and that’s why she lovedthem with all her heart.
“I don’t think Boston is a very friendly environmentfor seals, baby, I’m sorry.” She explained in amusement, hands resting on herhips.
“Can you pleaseconsider it?” sugary voice, good manners and toothy grin, Sawyer tried to charmhis way into her good books once again.
Betty chuckled in despair. “Yeah, sure, why not?” shegave him the obscure answer his five year old self wanted to hear and the boybounced happily before running down the hall in search for the bathroom.
“Ugh!” Betty groaned dropping her head back beforeturning to her husband. “Can you please stop making him this cute? Stop makinghim…you!” she accused in a highpitched girly voice, Jughead giving her a ‘tee-hee’ smile and a tiny adorableshrug.
“I wasn’t that cute at his age.” He offered backamused.
“You were the cutest.” His wife came between his legs,kissing him slowly as he laced his fingers at the small of her back, humminginto the kiss. “You still are to be honest.” She pulled back with a giggle.
“I’d prefer handsome but still, I’ll take what I canget.” He nodded with a pleased smile, teasing her, and she did the same inmockery, forming a silly grimace and making him chuckle, before reaching nextto him to take a swing of his beer.
“Now, should I be worried about this seal stuff?” asmile played on her lips as she slid effortlessly up the counter, urging herhusband to turn around so he was standing between her legs and his back was ather front. “His Chow-Chow obsession was enough to begin with.” She started massagingthe sore muscles on his back from the hours he spent typing, Jughead groaninglowly at the treatment and resting his head back on her chest with closed eyes.
“I have a strong inkling that he loved them so muchbecause they look like small Chow-Chow puppies when they are young; they are verywhite and fluffy and cute.” He rested more back on her, hands coming to caressaffectionately the leather on her knees. “Seriously, we came across one when Ipicked him up from school and, Betts, I’m telling you, we spent literallyfifteen minutes with him petting the dog! I get it; they are adorable, bear-likeballs of fluff but I do believe this behavior is a little uncanny!”
She shook her head with a soundless chuckle, droppinga kiss to the top of his untamed raven waves. “That’s exactly how I was withbunnies in first grade and you with turtles two years later and Archie withlizards the whole elementary school.” His wife reminded him and felt him nod inagreement. “Plus, in two months is his birthday and we will be done with themoving in by then, so I think we can start thinking about getting him hisbeloved pet at last.” They had recently bought their own house, two-storey witha garden and all, and they were gradually in a moving out process, giving uptheir current spacious apartment for a big home, more appropriate for raising afamily and a dog. Now that Betty was thinking about it the timing was pretty perfect.
Betty heard him exhale deeply and found a pretty tensespot on his spine, the blonde frowning at this tangled up nerves. “You’restressing, gorgeous; why are you stressing?” she worried lovingly, continuingthe magic with her hands.
“The publishers called again today and they keeppressing me about the deadline and adding more fine print on the contracts andI’m stuck at the same three words I was stuck two days ago.” Jughead groaned inexasperation, head dropping back between her breasts and Betty caressing allthe way to the front of his chest for her arms to circle around his neck frombehind.
“You are the author. At the end of the day, you do allthe creative work and their demands are just empty threats for so-calledmotivation.” She offered him the pep-talk he wanted to hear, just like anyother time, Jughead sighing in content and caressing up and down her legs in asilent thank you. “You’re doing perfect and you are going to do even moreperfect, when I help you relieve any and all of this stress latertonight.” She whispered naughtily against his ear and bit the earlobe lightly,nails digging on the small patch of skin his flannel left uncovered on hischest and he let a slight moan low in his chest that got his wife even moreexcited before he turned his head to capture her lips in a slow but needy kiss.
“I’m all set!” A baby voice interrupted them, justlike a plethora of other times during those past five years, and they pulled back withequal disappointed sighs, Jughead helping her off the counter before theyhelped each other serve dinner; mac n cheese, Sawyer’s favorite.
An hour later, the little boy was in his blue andwhite Big Foot pajamas, tucked under his adorable teal and grey polar bears print duvet. He hadkissed his dad goodnight – well, more like they had a silly play-fight on thecouch with loud giggles and happy voices before bedtime – and now his mom wastucking him in with sweet smiles and small chat about both their days.
“Daddy and I were talking about you today, mamma!”Sawyer exclaimed excitedly after school talk was over.
“Oh, boy!” Betty laughed and then warned seriously. “Whateverhe told you is a lie.” But she cracked a smile afterwards, indicating that shewas teasing his dad like always.
“He told me the story about how you two met and whenyou started being all mushy.” Sawyer giggled the last word naughtily.
“Really, huh?” his mother raised an eyebrow inamusement, taking a seat next to him on the bed. “And what did your daddy haveto say?”
“He said that he loved you from the first time he sawyou and you were the prettiest girl and his guardian angel. And when he kissedyou it was so nice like ‘triplechocolate milkshake with a triple burger cheeseburger and Texas bacon cheesefries along with chicken nuggets and Oreo cookies muffins’.” The little boyquoted his dad perfectly, seeing his mom smile lovingly and with slightly morerosy cheeks. He knew that look; he had seen her sporting it all the time when shewas looking at his dad.
“Well, he couldn’t have described it any better.”Betty agreed and bit her lip lightly from smiling too big. They were togetherfourteen years now and being with him felt exactly like it did back then whenhe was sneaking up her window after midnight to see if she was ok and steal akiss or two.
“Will you read me a nursery rhyme, mamma?” Sawyer semiyawned but still managed to sound excited. He could read all his books byhimself and even recite some of them, but he always enjoyed his mom or dadreading to him with their soothing, articulate voices.
“Of course, lovebug.” She caressed his raven curlsaway from his forehead motherly, loving how he was the spitting image ofJughead with a splash of green color in his eyes, a small contribution fromher. “You want a new one or one of your dad’s favorite old school creepy ones?”  
“An old school creepy one!” he smiled with delight andraised his fists against his pillow in excitement.
“I knew it.” She groaned creepily and tapped his nosewith her pointer making him laugh, before fetching a black worn out book fromone of the selves next to his nightstand.
It didn’t take long for Sawyer to fall asleep, barelyuntil she reached the middle of the short poem. With a last light peck and ahushed ‘I love you’, the young mother exited the room, before flicking on the skyof stars on the ceiling that illuminated delicately the pastel bedroom, and shestrolled down to the master bedroom at the end of the hall where she was sure her husband was relaxingwith his nose inside yet another book.
Betty didn’t spare him a word, she just snatched thebook out of his hands and straddled him, catching a glimpse of his mischievouseyes before her hands came to cup his cheeks while diving in for an urgentkiss.
“Alright, we are in that mood, huh?” Jughead mused cleverly with a side smirk, a littlebreathless already. “Damn fine by me.” he went in desperately for another kiss but his wife’s index finger on his lips stopped him.
“I don’t know about you but I’m just feeling so nice tonight,like triple chocolate milkshake with atriple burger cheeseburger and Texas bacon cheese fries along with chickennuggets and Oreo cookies muffins kinda nice.” Her lopsided smirk and herwiggly eyebrows were a bonus to her teasing.
“He told on me again, didn’t he?” he asked deadpanned,waiting for it to happen. “Our kid is a wanna-be Brutus, babe, I’m telling you.”He raised his eyebrows in all seriousness, making Betty laugh and caress downhis chest.
“You are the most amazing dad in the whole wide world,you know that?” she sighed lovingly looking him straight into his baby blueeyes, the feeling of love and devotion she had for that man in front of hersuppressing her chest in a deliciously suffocating way.
“You think so?” Jughead honestly asked in a smallvoice, wanting her feedback desperately and dreading the idea of being lesserin her eyes or his son’s eyes, like he sometimes felt in the past for his own dad.
“I know so.” Betty replied with all certainty, beforetaking a deep breath to gain courage and ease her battling emotions. “And you’llcontinue to be one for a second little you or little me…” she finally announcedwith a shy smile, waiting for his reaction, as his lips parted and his eyesslightly widened.
“Seriously?” it was barely a whisper.
“Seriously.” She confirmed with a bigger smile.
“You’re not messing with me now, right Betts?” hewanted to make sure because the both of them were known for their relentlessbanter against each other.
“No, I’m not!” she scoffed in amusement and with slightlyteary eyes from the emotions. “I didn’t even know, I didn’t have any symptoms.I just went to the doctor for the monthly check-up and we found out accidentally.”She rambled quickly, Jughead’s eyes blinking rapidly following her runninglips. “I’m pregnant, Juggie.” The tears spilled now and he gasped in surpriseand utter happiness. “And I think it’s gonna be a girl.”
“Oh my God, I love you!” the force of his embrace madethem fall back with him on top of her, smiley face against smiley face, Jugheadlaughing in delight at the amazing woman he had in his arms and the spectacularlife she had given him.
“Nice work, daddy.” Betty praised him cheekily andbopped her nose with his, Jughead shaking his head at her dorkiness, beforestealing her breath with a kiss that made her feel sixteen again.
“So, to be continued then…” Jughead murmured againsther lips with a smile.
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”Betty pulled back lightly, faking offence, but getting betrayed by her lovelysmile.
“Never.” He vowed with passion, his laughing eyes softand pouring all his love and devotion he had for her.
“Fine then. To be continued.”
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wickedwitchshaming · 7 years
Tagged by @kinchousanzo !
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: I have like one friend who still calls me by my HS nickname of ‘Kai’ which I don’t mind. I tried really hard through college to make ‘Lyn’ a thing but it’s never caught on...
Zodiac Sign: Aries and I am 100% one
Height: 5′ 6ish i think
Last Thing You Googled: Spina Bifida, because I”m doing a handout on neural tube birth defects.
Favourite Music Artists: LOUDLY SHRUGS. I listen to a loottt of things. I’m fond of country even so like.....
Song Stuck In My Head: “How Far I’ll Go” from the Moana soundtrack. 
Last Movie You Watched: Homeward Bound bc it’s on netflix and I love to die i guess
What are you wearing right now: This blue, beach-themed pj shirt and shorts. They’ve got like seashells printed on them it’s cute.
Why did you choose your URL: Once I expressed disapproval over using curses and hexes against people and stated I just didn’t want to take the risk myself for doing it. Someone accused me of shaming wicked witches, LEGIT “WICKED WITCH SHAMING” and I knew then it was too perfect to not take as a username if I could.
Do you have any other blogs: I used to co-mod Texts From Fate until some drama ider closed it down. Also a side-blog from when I worked at Disney World, though I haven’t touched it in a long time now.
What did your last relationship teach you: Ider my last relationship??? 
Religious or Spiritual: I identify as a witch, so just. spiritual i guess. nature. that kind of thing. i don’t talk about it much
Favorite Color: Purple!
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 typically. I will automatically wake up on my own after about 6 hours, but sometimes I can doze for a while more if I can.
Lucky Number: None i am unlucky. I try to say 7 but...it’s a lie...
Favorite Characters: I am in way too many fandoms for this question. You’d be better off just asking about a series and I’ll tell you a fav, but here’s a short list:
Hakuouki: Souji Final Fantasy XV: Ardyn, Noctis Fate/: Jack the Ripper, Gilgamesh, Sakura Saiyuki: like, everyone?? Fuck. The Belgariad: Hettar, Silk Inheritance Trilogy: Sieh, Oree. Voltron: Lance, Hunk
How many blankets do you sleep with: Two-three. I like making my room as cold as possible so I can pile a couple one, but ugh it’s so bad during summer I HATE heat...
Dream Job: A job with health insurance where i get paid enough to afford an apartment on my own. Preferably one where I can be sitting. That said, if my daycare job rn offered health insurance I’d stick with it for sure because I really do like my job a lot.
Outside of that, I’d kill to go work at Disney again.
20 people I want to get to know better: fuck man idk, if you’re following me and you see this consider this me tagging you.
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revlyncox · 8 years
Be Bold for Change
A sermon in preparation for International Women’s Day and Purim, written March 5, 2017, by Rev. Lyn Cox
Who knows, perhaps we have been placed here by the universe for such a time as this. Perhaps the Spirit of Life has encouraged us, guided us, and sustained us for this very season; this season when all of the courage, friendship, and moral discernment we can muster are brought to bear in our march toward human rights, reproductive justice, and peace in our community and our world.
This moment in history calls forth everything we have if we plan to truly live our values. This moment calls for us to be in right relationship with one another. This moment calls for us to use the gifts of our minds and hearts, all that we have learned and all that we are open to learning in the future. This moment calls for us to be rooted in our religious heritage and connected with our spiritual center. This moment calls for us to honestly name our privileges and to claim the gifts we bring to a movement for change.
For all of these reasons, I am glad that the Jewish holiday of Purim is approaching, almost matching up this year with International Women’s Day. Purim is next Sunday, March 12. This is the holiday when Jewish communities read the Scroll of Esther, on which this morning’s Time for All Ages is based. It’s also a day for lifting up bravery and survival through merriment. Purim celebrations feature costumes and noisemakers, re-enacting a story about identities that are hidden and revealed. I thought it would be good to talk about Purim today so that we’ll be prepared when it rolls around next week.
International Women’s Day is March 8. Today’s title, “Be Bold for Change,” is this year’s International Women’s Day theme. It is a day for celebration, and also a call to action for all of us to work toward gender parity. Some of the issues holding our world back from peace, health, and equality are identified as “women’s issues,” yet they affect all of us: men, women, nonbinary people, and everyone else. When we change the world to bring about freedom and safety for everyone, we will not only close the gender gap, we will be closer to the vision of a planet at peace.
You can probably see why the Scroll of Esther is a good story for such a time as this. She has the privilege of a role in the palace, and she risks her powerful status and her life in a bold move to speak up for her people. She comes to understand that her wellbeing and liberation is linked with the wellbeing and liberation of people who are more vulnerable than she is. She uses her diplomatic skills, including some skills we may think of as feminized, in order to uproot evil.
At the point when Esther has to decide whether to risk her life in response to a royal decree commanding genocide, her cousin Mordecai wonders whether she has been placed in her high position for just such a time as this. We must ask ourselves the same question. Most us are not literal princesses, but even if we don’t have a closet full of ball gowns, we have something. We have this community. If we work together, our shared voice has power. Some of us have the capacity to invite friends and family to join us in changing the world. Some of us have privileges of race, or gender, or education, or ability, or immigration status. Every one of us has some kind of talent or gift we can use for such a time as this.
In a world where there is so much to be done, I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do. ~ Dorothea Dix
We can ask Mordecai’s question another way using a different Jewish source, Hillel the Elder, who said, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” (This is from Pirkei Avot 1:14.) Esther realizes that speaking up for her people means also speaking up for herself. She also realizes that it is worth risking her life and her privilege, because she is not only for herself. She chooses to speak up before the atrocity, not after. If not now, when?
Even if we do not believe that a Higher Power has made detailed arrangements for the gifts and opportunities we have, we get to decide what meaning we want to make of the current situation. We can decide to craft the story of our lives along the path of justice, kindness, mercy, and shared liberation. In such a time as this, we choose what to do with the talents, opportunities, and resources that have landed within our reach.
I want to go back to the question, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” Those of us who are women, or non-binary, and/or Transgender have experienced the paradox of gender expectations as we claim our right to exist in the world. We are asked to go along to get along, to put others needs before our own, to put a lot of energy into looking cute and speaking deferentially and giving people who disrespect us the benefit of the doubt. Speaking up for ourselves, setting boundaries, declaring that the issues that affect our lives are important in the public square, taking up space on the bus or in the bathroom, these are the actions that get us labeled as aggressive, or shrill, or any number of names that I can’t say in the pulpit. If only we would be nice, we are told, other people would listen to us. If only we stopped alienating people with our insistence for justice, we could all come together.
Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputations... can never effect a reform. ~ Susan B. Anthony
As Esther demonstrated, there are occasions for the art of diplomacy. Listening is part of the work. Kindness is part of the work. And. We can’t be limited to niceness alone. In the story, Haman’s order under the seal of King Ahasuerus, the order to attack all the Jews, could not be rescinded. The second order, after Haman’s removal, made it legal for the Jews to defend themselves against state-sanctioned violence. Sometimes stopping violence directly, not nicely, is part of the work. If being polite were the broad, golden road to equality, we would have been there years ago. So those of us who are marginalized on the axis of gender ask, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” This International Women’s Day, those of us who are women, or non-binary, and/or Transgender will remember to be for ourselves.
At the same time, it is the nature of oppression to try to divide people who are natural allies. The forces that threaten women from all races and incomes, the forces that threaten Transgender women and men and non-binary people, these forces are linked. Being for ourselves also means being for our siblings who are marginalized along the axis of gender. For white, cisgender women like myself, being for ourselves means being for the safety of the Transgender women of color who are in mortal danger every day. Women’s lives are worth saving. For women who can afford new clothes, being for ourselves means being for the wellbeing of women who work in the factories where our clothes are made. Women’s work is worth paying for. For those of us who have access to health care, being for ourselves means being for all people who need doctors, nurses, and medicines for their sexual health, birth control, gender care, abortion, and pre- and post-natal care. Health care labeled as women’s health care is a human right, and we know that these categories of care affect people of all genders. If I am for myself, I am against misogyny in all its forms. We will be bold for change, unapologetic in our movement for equality.
Rabbi Hillel also asks, “If I am only for myself, what am I?” If you don’t identify as being negatively affected by misogyny, this is where you come in. We are all part of the interdependent web of existence. What affects one affects us all. Sometimes connecting the dots from one form of harm to another is too abstract to notice immediately. Sometimes we benefit in obvious ways from oppression, even as our bodies and souls are destroyed in other ways. Cisgender men benefit in some ways from patriarchy. They get higher salaries on average, reduced risk of violence, and a greater likelihood that they will be heard when they speak, among other things.
Patriarchy also gives men an increased risk of being bullied if they veer too closely to feminine patterns of behavior. It leads society to punish men for maintaining a connection with their emotional and inner life. It gets in the way of true and trusting relationships. Misogyny negatively affects men. Being for ourselves and being for others can mean the same thing when it comes to dismantling oppression.
An institution or reform movement that is not selfish, must originate in the recognition of some evil that is adding to the sum of human suffering, or diminishing the sum of happiness. ~ Clara Barton
No matter what our gender, we can ignore the personal impact for a minute and ask, “If I am only for myself, what am I?” Let us be bold for change, bringing about a world of justice and compassion, even if it means letting go of some of the apparent advantages of an unjust system of privilege.
Then there is the question of timing. If not now, when? Procrastinating on boldness might come from fear. Esther feared the consequences if she approached the king and he did not recognize her permission to speak. Putting off the time of action may come from a belief that we don’t matter or that our actions don’t make a difference. That’s a different kind of fear, a fear of insignificance, a fear of trying something and failing. Truly I say to you that there will be losses before there are victories. No sacred text, no work of great literature, no meaningful understanding of history leads us to believe that major changes for justice and equality happen quickly. We must overcome the perfectionist idolatry of success and choose to do the right thing now, even if we do not expect to see immediate results. You matter. Your voice matters. There are real risks to speaking out. There are also risks to our minds and souls and bodies for keeping silent.
While your life is the true expression of your faith, whom can you fear? ~ Julia Ward Howe
The “now” moment does not mean that action happens without thinking. Esther made a choice to act in the “now” moment, but her plan unfolded over two days, even when the clock was ticking on the royal decree of genocide. She took the time to reflect with her circle of support, to engage in spiritual practice. Resilience and strategy are important. Do justice now. Love mercy now. Make strategic plans for justice and mercy that stretch out through weeks and months and years.
For such a time as this, we ground ourselves in the heritage of our living tradition and in the sacred texts where we find meaning, remembering that justice and mercy are some of the hallmarks of the sacred, eternal presence. For such a time as this, we join together with all who would cooperate with the forces that create and uphold life. For such a time as this, we advocate for ourselves, and we work to relieve the suffering of people who are not ourselves. The time to organize for equality is now. Be bold for change.
So be it. Blessed be. Amen.
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hanharin · 8 years
Two Worlds Apart (ZenxMC) -- Chapter 4
Also, if you’re interested in reading my other fics, you can find them on my masterlist.
Recommended song for this chapter: “ Back in Time ” by Lyn
Two Worlds Apart – Chapter 4
Red eyes. Red eyes were looking at him, and he looked back at her with his own. He could see it, her resemblance to you. The hair color, the big eyes, the tiny nose, and even the sharp chin.
“Damn it,” Jumin muttered under his breath. Zen glared at him.
“Jumin. You better talk. Now.” Zen was barely managing to keep his tone calm, trying not to scare the girl.
Jumin sighed in defeat and moved away from the door. “Alright, come in and follow me.” Jumin picked up the girl and walked into the house. Zen followed with haste; the urge to know what the hell was going on only got stronger. When they got to the living room, Jumin sat down on the couch, placing the girl on his lap, knowing that Zen would want to look at her for a little longer. He motioned for Zen to sit in the armchair across from him. Zen kept his eyes trained on the girl as he sat down, inwardly cursing all of his friends for hiding everything from him. The girl looked at him curiously before turning back to look at Jumin. 
“Appa? I’m sleepy,” the girl said as she wrapped her arms around Jumin’s torso.
“Sleep. Appa will carry you back to your room later,” Jumin told her, proceeding to slowly rub her back as she closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. Zen was surprised to see Jumin’s eyes soften when he looked at her and to hear a certain tenderness in his voice when he spoke to her. His heart clenched, watching the exchange. It should be me holding her, not that jackass.
“She’ll be 4 years old in 2 months. On December 25th,” Jumin told him, not once looking up from the girl.
So it’s true then. I left you while you were pregnant, MC. God… 
They sat there in silence for a few minutes. Then he saw Jumin shift to check that the girl was asleep. Then, he spoke.
“It’s not your fault, you know. It’s not your fault that you didn’t know,” Jumin said, looking up and staring intently at him. “What is your fault, though, is ignoring all our calls, texts, voicemails, and letters. I even sent people to Japan to tell you there is an urgent matter you had to come home for. But you brushed them off and continued on with your business.” 
Zen’s eyes widened. So this was why they wanted me to come back. Not because they didn’t want me to reach my goals, but because you were pregnant. I’m a fucking idiot. He opened his mouth, trying to speak; but, nothing came out. 
“Was it that great, Zen? Your success, that is. Was it worth what you gave up, what you left behind? Was it worth everything that you missed out on?”
No, Zen thought. But he couldn’t find it in himself to speak at the moment. The regret he felt just kept building up.
“She tried to hide it, but we all saw it in her eyes. You broke her. You left her to chase after your dream, not even asking her to come with you. And, worst of all, you had told her not to wait for you. She was a robot, going through each day like it was a task.”
Zen couldn’t do anything but lean over and look down at his feet, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“I gave Assistant Kang paid leave, so that she could stay with MC and be there for her, for however long she needed to be. And, every time I called to check up on them, she would tell me that MC was like a body without a soul.”
Zen squeezed his eyes shut. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You’re a man. Don’t cry.
“Then, one day, MC collapsed. She ate when Assistant Kang was around; but, when Assistant Kang was away or went to bed, MC went into the bathroom to throw it all up.”
Zen jerked his head up, speechless. No, MC isn’t like that. She wouldn’t do that.
“It was that day that the doctor had told MC that she was pregnant. You should have seen it. The way her eyes shined brighter after that. She told us that the twins were a part of you, that she would always have a part of you now.”
Zen couldn’t help it. A tear slipped out of his right eye and down his cheek. 
“She was sick. Her lungs were weak… because you smoked around her…” Jumin said, the disdain evident in his voice. “The doctor had told her that the pregnancy would be difficult in her state, but she insisted that she would have the babies.”
What? MC, you were sick? Because of me? Zen felt like his heart had stopped. This… this is all my fault, isn’t it…? 
“You don’t know what it was like, Zen. Seeing her grow weaker and weaker every day, supporting two lives when she was not even in a good state herself. All for a man who had left her,” Jumin said, barely above a whisper.
Zen heard the crack in Jumin’s voice and looked at him. The man across from him managed to surprise him yet again this night. Jumin was crying. It was then that Zen realized it: Han Jumin, the emotionally constipated trustfund jerk, had loved you. No, scratch that. He was IN LOVE with you. But you ended up loving me, the man who left you. 
“They were born on Christmas … 4 weeks premature. Labor was hard for MC. She had trouble breathing because of her weak lungs. But, after 15 hours, the twins were finally born. I do not think any of us had ever seen her as happy as she was the moment she got to hold them. She… she asked Assistant Kang and me to be their godparents.” Jumin paused to brush away a stray strand of hair that had fallen on the girl’s face. 
“When Yongseo was born, his lungs were weak too, just like MC. He was in the ICU for weeks because he couldn’t breathe properly on his own. It hurt all of us, Zen, to see an innocent baby have to go through something as painful as that, to be hooked up to so many machines.” 
Zen could hear the strain in Jumin’s voice. The matter was clearly extremely difficult for him to discuss.
“Stop. I don’t think I can handle anymore” If it’s already this bad, then I don’t want to find out how bad the rest of the story is.
“No. You came to my house at some absurd time, demanding answers. And you’re going to get them. You need to know this,” Jumin said, forcefully. “Yongseo… he didn’t make it. He spent three weeks in the ICU, but his frail body couldn’t handle it anymore.” Jumin paused, sniffing. “Do you know, Zen? Do you know how MC felt, watching her own child go before she did? Because of that, she closed up again. She locked all of us out again.”
So, in the end, I’m the reason my son is dead… I didn’t even have a chance to meet him, but I had already killed him. The thoughts wracked his brain, and all he could do was blame himself. 
“We all took turns staying the night at her apartment, helping out with her daughter. Yoosung had just gotten into medical school. He stayed up all night studying and watching the baby. Seven was not able to stay the nights because of his job, but he had cameras and baby monitors set up everywhere. Assistant Kang left work early and brought whatever she did not finish at the office to MC’s apartment. And, whenever I was over at the apartment, Assistant Kang was in charge of taking care of the office. All of us… we made it work… but it was not enough. MC was just getting weaker and weaker.”
Zen didn’t realize it, but his tears were running freely down his cheeks, landing on his hands on his lap. He wiped his eyes, telling himself he didn’t deserve to cry. He was the reason for all of this.
“Do you know why she named him Yongseo? It was because she forgave you, for all the idiotic things you had done. Yongseo looked exactly like you, right down to the white hair and red eyes.” Zen remembered the picture he had seen earlier that day, knowing fully well how much Yongseo had looked like him.
“She loved him and his sister so much. To her, Yongseo represented her second chance with you. To make things right. But, when Yongseo… passed… she was not able to handle it. In her mind, it was her fault. In her mind, she thought that she had failed as a mother.”
 But you didn’t fail, MC. It was my fault. Why did you blame yourself?
“She fell into depression. Although her daughter was still there, she could not stand looking at her, because her eyes and Yongseo’s eyes were the same. She got weaker, Zen. Her lungs got progressively worse. Almost a year after Yongseo went… MC did too.” Jumin had to pause and take a deep breath, attempting to calm himself and not break down.
Zen took a moment to collect his thoughts. Although Jumin had told him the events that had occurred in his absence, there was still one important question.
“Why does she call you her appa?”
Jumin’s eyes widened in surprise. Then, a small smile formed on his lips. “She’s a smart one, you know. She started talking early and even knows how to read simple children’s books at this age. The workers at the daycare say that she learns faster than other children her age. They told me to enroll her in school, even though she’s only 3 years old,” he said proudly. “But, I refuse to do that. She does not know it yet, but she’s lost a lot… so, I just want her to have a normal life. I’m not raising her to be a genius or a prodigy. I want her to have a proper childhood.”
So she got her brains from her mom. Zen couldn’t help but smile at that. Jumin looked down at the child in his arms, and his voice softened.
“I was picking her up from daycare one day. She was watching a girl run up to her father and call him ‘appa.’ When she finally noticed that I was there, she smiled and ran up to me, screaming, ‘Appa!’” Jumin chuckled, the memory obviously one he was very fond of. “Ever since then, she’s been calling me that. I was around a lot when she was younger, more than Yoosung and Seven were. That is probably why she assumed I am her father.” 
Zen was jealous. But you’re not her father. I am. Jumin saw the look in Zen’s eyes.
“Zen, I understand you must be upset. Your daughter is calling another man her father. But, I just want to say this. She may be your daughter in blood, but she is my daughter through bond. She is my daughter just as much as she is yours.”
Zen felt anger boiling inside of him. “You bastard. How dare you take my daughter from me,” he snarled through his teeth. Jumin was taken aback by his sudden anger.
“What makes you think I ‘took’ her from you? MC asked me to be her godfather, and I accepted. The duty of the godparent is to take care of the child should anything happen to the parents.”
“Well, I’m here now. So give me my child,” Zen demanded, his voice getting louder. 
“Yes, but you were not here for the first four years of her life!” Jumin accidentally said too forcefully. “I was there when she was born. I was there when MC held her for the first time. I was there when she crawled for the first time. I was there when MC left us. I was there when she spoke her first words. I was there when she took her first steps.”
Zen was seething. He thought Jumin was his friend. And, yet, here he was claiming his child as his own.
“Also, Zen. By your logic, Assistant Kang has ‘taken’ your child too then, since she was named the babies’ godmother and has been there for your daughter too. And what about Yoosung then? Are you going to say that he ‘took’ her too, because she calls him her uncle? And Seven, whom she calls ‘Uncle Red’?” 
Right, but she doesn’t call any of them her FATHER. That’s ME. I’M her father. 
Zen abruptly stood up. “You have no right!” 
Jumin was about to answer back, when he felt hands grabbing his shirt. Looking down, he saw his child holding onto him with her face buried in his shirt. Peeking out, she looked at Zen. Then, she looked up at Jumin. There were tears in her eyes.
“Appa… I’m scared. Why is ahjussi yelling?” She had woken up because of Zen. She’s scared of me? My daughter, my own flesh and blood, is scared… of ME? His previous anger disappeared. Only a sense of sadness and longing remained.
Jumin rubbed her back. “It’s okay. Ahjussi and I were just talking. Appa will bring you back to your room now, okay?” He held her securely in his arms before he stood up.
“I think you should go now. Please lock the door on your way out.” Jumin disappeared down the hallway to her room. Zen didn’t feel like leaving, at least not yet; so, he quietly followed them, not sure of what else to do. From outside the room, he saw Jumin tuck her in and kiss her on her forehead. Zen turned to leave after seeing that, jealous that he couldn’t tuck her in like that. That should be me. He stopped walking when he heard her speak.
“I love you, appa.”
“I love you too, Hyunji. Sleep well, my princess.”
Zen froze. This was the first time he had ever heard her name. Not once earlier did Jumin mention her name. Hyunji. Ryu Hyunji. MC… you named her after me? Tears welled in his eyes. Knowing that MC had named their daughter after him made everything seem more real. That was his daughter in there, calling another man her dad and telling him she loved him. That was his daughter, whom he hadn’t even been given a chance to touch yet, but Jumin got to kiss her and hold her all night long. That was his daughter, completely unaware that the man she was scared of earlier is her real father. It was too much to handle, too heartbreaking. So, Zen did the only thing he could do at that moment. He left, making sure to lock the door. Inside, Jumin was unaware of the fact that Zen had seen the entire exchange.
Translations: Ahjussi: a term used to refer to middle-aged men; equivalent to “mister” Appa: “daddy”, “dad” Yongseo: “forgiveness” Hyunji: the syllable “Hyun” (meaning “virtuous, good, able, worthy”) is taken from Zen’s real name, Ryu Hyun ; the syllable “ji” means “wisdom, knowledge, intelligence” ; pronounced “hee-yuhn-gee”
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popculturenet · 5 years
Geek-Girl is back – and heading in a New Direction!
  Created and written by Sam Johnson (The Almighties, Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman) and illustrated by Carlos Granda (Charmed, Grimm Fairy Tales), the Geek-Girl Mini-Series introduced the world to attractive, popular Maine college co-ed Ruby Kaye – a girl used to getting whatever she wants…
  On a drunken whim, Ruby landed a pair of power-inducing super-tech glasses from her college’s resident brainiac; but rather than impressing her friends, Ruby alienated the majority of her clique while klutzily trying to demonstrate her new-found abilities – accidentally knocking drinks over their expensive designer dresses. Her BFF Summer James was into what Ruby could do now, though – and pushed her into trying to be a super-hero – which climaxed with Ruby stopping super-villain Lightning Storm from taking over their city of Maine but, electrocuted by Lightning Storm in the process, getting left in a coma!
  Ruby’s BFF Summer James filled in as Geek-Girl, but didn’t have the propensity for it that Ruby had… Ruby came out of her coma, but – having nearly died – didn’t have any plans to return to fighting crime. However, she’s been made an offer she can’t refuse…
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Johnson brings us up to speed: “Before Ruby took her down, Lightning Storm did a lot of damage to law enforcement in Maine, leaving it badly undermanned – and a new bunch of villains, The League of Larcenists, emerged.” Johnson continues, “The League of Larcenists are a quirky bunch of villains lead by Pig Head – a guy whose brain has been fused with a pig’s; the crew are packing serious tech, including blasters and a teleporter, and are pulling bank jobs, gaining a reputation and growing in number. And they’re not the only ones capitalizing on the hole that’s been left in law enforcement, crime is rife… What’s a back-from-a-coma girl with super-power-inducing tech glasses to do…?”
The answer to that lies is the Geek-Girl: Crime War TPB, collecting the first four issues of the ongoing Geek-Girl series – and Ruby comes out of this having been thrown a lifeline back to her old life…
  Johnson fills us in, “The Crime War arc introduces us to Johnny Carlyle, a weapons runner of dubious morality who gets a wake up call that prompts him to start a new venture – bankrolling a super-team, headed by Geek-Girl!” Johnson continues, “Though reluctant to return to super-heroics, this is an offer Ruby can’t really say no to, as the pay from it will allow her to go back to college and retake what she missed out on while in her coma. Ruby’s thinking she’ll take this gig, then hang up the cape for good and go back to her life as a college PR student.” “However,” Johnson continues, “I like to keep the Geek-Girl comic unpredictable, and now we’ve gone ongoing, I have some more ‘out-there’ creations to throw into the mix. Things are gonna get weird for Ruby.
  Written by Johnson, illustrated by Carlos Granda and colored by Chunlin Zhao, and published by Markosia, Geek-Girl: Crime War TPB (collecting the 4-issue Crime War arc) and the new Geek-Girl #5 are available to Pre-Order now on Kickstarter, via www.geekgirlcomics.com
  Praise for Geek-Girl:
  “A great series to get into if you’re looking for something super-hero related but original and interesting in its own right.” –Jay Brown, Comic Sleuth.
  “A charming comic, the dialogue displays a witty back and forth that would make Kevin Smith proud.” -Kris Bather, Broken Frontier.
  “This comic book is something special.” -Donna-Lyn Washington, Review Fix.
  “A brilliant premise, an interesting character, and intriguing prospects for the future.”
-Chris Orr, Dress Like The Hulk.
  “4.9 Geek-Heads out of 5. From the small conversations the characters have, to the dialogue that occurs during major fight scenes, readers are there, witnessing these events right before their eyes. These are characters readers will care about, and they’ll want to come back to see what happens next.” Jose J. Becerra Jr., Anything Geek Culture.
Geek Girl #5 Preview Geek-Girl is back – and heading in a New Direction! Created and written by Sam Johnson (
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trauma-13 · 7 years
A L L T H E Q U E S T I O N S :)
Your wish is my command!! 1: is there a boy/girl in your life? Yep! He's pretty great!2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? No. 3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” super troopers. 4: what’s something you really want right now? To be off tomorrow. 5: are you afraid of falling in love? Not im the least. 6: do you like the beach? I love it!! 7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Almost nightly i fall asleep on the couch with James sooo yes. 8: what’s the background on your cell? Lock screen is purple and teal sparkles, homescreen is floral. 9: name the last four beds you were sat on? Mine. ER bed at work. Moms guest bed. Uh...i dunno beyond that. 10: do you like your phone? Yeah i really do!! I have the note 8 and its awesome. 11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? For the most part, yep! 12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? Alex. I used to have her number and then got a new phone and lost all my contacts. Moral of that, if you had my # text me cause i dont have yours anymore. Except @car-one-responding 13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?Rotti.14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional. 15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Hmm.....both. 16: are you tired? Always. 17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? Im going to go with first in my favorites which is my gramma, so literally my entire existance. 18: are they a relative? Yep. 19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? No. 20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? 2 seconds ago. 21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? Yep. 22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yep. 23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? I have a watch on my left wrist and a hairtie on my right. I dont usually wear bracelets. 24: is there a certain quote you live by? "Que sera sera" (whatever will be will be.) And this too shall pass. My mom always told me que sera sera, and grams always says the other. 25: what’s on your mind? I dont wanna work tomorrow 😣 26: do you have any tattoos? Bro i have like 13. 27: what is your favorite color? Pink, teal. 28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Uno momento. 29: who are you texting? Nobody currently. 30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? Yep! 31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Always. Trust your instict, kids. 32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Multiple! Love my guys. 33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? I would hope!34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah. 35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? Id probably punch him. 36: were you single on valentines day? Negative ghost rider. 37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? Smidge more than friends. 38: what do your friends call you? Lyn and Lyni are the common ones. 39: has anyone upset you in the last week? Yeah. 40: have you ever cried over a text? Yeah. 41: where’s your last bruise located? I dont currently have one but i had one a few days ago. 42: what is it from? From my dog. 43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? Daily hah i need a vacation. 44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? Most likely my mother. 45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? My teal chucks or my black and sparkly nikes. 46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? No. Pony tail/messy bun is my go to! 47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? I doubt it. 48: do you make supper for your family? Dinner. But some times! 49: does your bedroom have a door? Yes. 50: top 3 web-pages? Prob tumblr, facebook and my school website. 51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? A few hah 52: does anything on your body hurt? Right now, no for once. 53: are goodbyes hard for you? They can be.54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Probably water. 55: how is your hair? Up in a pony tail. 56: what do you usually do first in the morning? Snooze my alarm. 57: do you think two people can last forever? Yes. 58: think back to january 2007, were you single? Uh, yes? 59: green or purple grapes? Purple. 60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? Probably tomorrow before work. 61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Disneyland. 62: when will be the next time you text someone? Tomorrow. 63: where will you be 5 hours from now? Asleepin! 64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. Asleep!65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? Lets not go there. 66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? My best friend. 67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? Yes. 68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I was trying to figure out how to organize my ATI binder. I fell asleep instead hah 69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Who hasnt? 70: how many windows are open on your computer? Im on my phone. But firefox has 1 tab open. 71: how many fingers do you have? 10! 72: what is your ringtone? Thunderstruck-AC/DC 73: how old will you be in 5 months? 25! 74: where is your mum right now? I would guess at home in bed, but i dunno because that heathen ignored all my texts today. 75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? I was young and stupid and didnt know what love really was so i accepted less than i deserved and allowed him to control me and my life. 76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Yes! 77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Some of them, yep! 78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? Year 7? As in 7th grade? No. 79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? My step dad! 80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?ast night. 81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? Uno! 82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? In the last 3 seconds is more accurate hahah 83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? Hes laying right next to me, so yes. 84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? My best friends. Theyre drunk too. We're all yelling. 85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? They wouldn't be my bf/gf. 86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? It was Black Panther and i called a lady a dumb bitch and got glared at sooo. 87: who was your last received call from? Random # 88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? No. 89: what is something you wish you had more of? Money. But no i wouldnt burn a butterfly or any other animal. 90: have you ever trusted someone too much? Ooooh yeah. 91: do you sleep with your window open? Sometimes! 92: do you get along with girls? Some of them. 93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No.94: does sex mean love? Oh no. 95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope. 96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? Yes. 97: did you sleep alone this week? Just when i took a nap the other day. 98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? Yes, my boyfriend. 99: do you believe in love at first sight? Nope.100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? My boyfriend.
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revlyncox · 5 years
This sermon was written and adapted by the Rev. Lyn Cox. This version was preached to the UU Church of Silver Spring for International Women’s Day, March 8, 2020. 
Who knows, perhaps we have been placed here by the universe for such a time as this. Perhaps the Spirit of Life has encouraged us, guided us, and sustained us for this very season; this season when all of the courage, friendship, and moral discernment we can muster are brought to bear in our march toward human rights, reproductive justice, and peace in our community and our world.
This moment in history calls forth everything we have if we plan to truly live our values. This moment calls for us to be in right relationship with one another. This moment calls us to care for one another, through prevention and preparedness and compassion. This moment calls for us to use the gifts of our minds and hearts, all that we have learned and all that we are open to learning in the future. This moment calls for us to be rooted in our religious heritage and connected with our spiritual center. This moment calls for us to honestly name our privileges and to claim the gifts we bring to a movement for change.
For all of these reasons, I am glad that the Jewish holiday of Purim is approaching, almost matching up this year with International Women’s Day. Purim starts tomorrow evening, March 9. This is the holiday when Jewish communities read the Scroll of Esther, on which this morning’s story is based. It’s also a day for lifting up bravery and survival through merriment. Purim celebrations feature costumes and noisemakers, re-enacting a story about identities that are hidden and revealed. I thought it would be good to talk about Purim today, since we need courage for such a time as this.
International Women’s Day is March 8. It is a day for celebration, and also a call to action for all of us to work toward gender equity. Some of the issues holding our world back from peace, health, and equality are identified as “women’s issues,” yet they affect all of us: men, women, nonbinary people, and everyone else. When we change the world to bring about freedom and safety for everyone, we will not only close the gender gap, we will be closer to the vision of a planet at peace.
You can probably see why the Scroll of Esther is a good story for such a time as this. She has the privilege of a role in the palace, and she risks her powerful status and her life in a bold move to speak up for her people. She comes to understand that her wellbeing and liberation is linked with the wellbeing and liberation of people who are more vulnerable than she is. She uses her diplomatic skills, including some skills we may think of as feminized, in order to uproot evil.
At the point when Esther has to decide whether to risk her life in response to a royal decree commanding genocide, her cousin Mordecai wonders whether she has been placed in her high position for just such a time as this. We must ask ourselves the same question. Most us are not literal princesses, but even if we don’t have a closet full of ball gowns, we have something. We have this community. If we work together, our shared voice has power. Some of us have the capacity to invite friends and family to join us in changing the world. Some of us have privileges of race, or gender, or education, or ability, or immigration status. Every one of us has some kind of talent or gift we can use for such a time as this.
We can ask Mordecai’s question another way using a different Jewish source, Hillel the Elder, who said, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” (This is from Pirkei Avot 1:14.) Esther realizes that speaking up for her people means also speaking up for herself. She also realizes that it is worth risking her life and her privilege, because she is not only for herself. She chooses to speak up before the atrocity, not after. If not now, when?
Even if we do not believe that a Higher Power has made detailed arrangements for the gifts and opportunities we have, we get to decide what meaning we want to make of the current situation. We can decide to craft the story of our lives along the path of justice, kindness, mercy, and shared liberation. In such a time as this, we choose what to do with the talents, opportunities, and resources that have landed within our reach.
I want to go back to the question, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” Those of us who are women, or non-binary, and/or Transgender have experienced the paradox of gender expectations as we claim our right to exist in the world. We are asked to go along to get along, to put others needs before our own, to put a lot of energy into looking cute and speaking deferentially and giving people who disrespect us the benefit of the doubt. Speaking up for ourselves, setting boundaries, declaring that the issues that affect our lives are important in the public square, taking up space on the bus or in the bathroom, these are the actions that get us labeled as aggressive, or shrill, or any number of names that I can’t say in the pulpit. If only we would be nice, we are told, other people would listen to us. If only we wouldn’t be condescending by reminding people that we actually have experience or education or first-hand knowledge that could help us find solutions, we might be likable enough to lead. If only we stopped alienating people with our insistence for justice, we could all come together.
As Esther demonstrated, there are occasions for the art of diplomacy. Listening is part of the work. Kindness is part of the work. And. We can’t be limited to niceness alone. In the story, Haman’s order under the seal of King Ahasuerus, the order to attack all the Jews, could not be rescinded. The second order, after Haman’s removal, made it legal for the Jews to defend themselves against state-sanctioned violence. Sometimes stopping violence directly, not nicely, is part of the work. If being polite were the broad, golden road to equality, we would have been there years ago. So those of us who are marginalized on the axis of gender ask, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” This International Women’s Day, those of us who are women, or non-binary, and/or Transgender will remember to be for ourselves.
At the same time, it is the nature of oppression to try to divide people who are natural allies. The forces that threaten women from all races and incomes, the forces that threaten Transgender women and men and non-binary people, the forces that try to sequester authority within whiteness and maleness, these forces are linked. Being for ourselves also means being for our siblings who are marginalized along the axis of gender. For white, cisgender women like myself, being for ourselves means being for the safety of the Transgender women of color who are in mortal danger every day. Women’s lives are worth saving. For women who can afford new clothes, being for ourselves means being for the wellbeing of women who work in the factories where our clothes are made. Women’s work is worth paying for. For those of us who have access to health care, being for ourselves means being for all people who need doctors, nurses, and medicines for their sexual health, birth control, gender care, abortion, and pre- and post-natal care. Health care labeled as women’s health care is a human right, and we know that these categories of care affect people of all genders. If I am for myself, I am against misogyny in all its forms. We will be bold for change, unapologetic in our movement for equality.
Rabbi Hillel also asks, “If I am only for myself, what am I?” If you don’t identify as being negatively affected by misogyny, this is where you come in. We are all part of the interdependent web of existence. What affects one affects us all. Sometimes connecting the dots from one form of harm to another is too abstract to notice immediately. Sometimes we benefit in obvious ways from oppression, even as our bodies and souls are destroyed in other ways. Cisgender men benefit in some ways from patriarchy. They get higher salaries on average, reduced risk of violence, and a greater likelihood that they will be heard when they speak, among other things.
Patriarchy also gives men an increased risk of being bullied if they veer too closely to feminine patterns of behavior. It leads society to punish men for maintaining a connection with their emotional and inner life. It gets in the way of true and trusting relationships. Misogyny negatively affects men. Being for ourselves and being for others can mean the same thing when it comes to dismantling oppression.
No matter what our gender, we can ignore the personal impact for a minute and ask, “If I am only for myself, what am I?” Let us be bold for change, bringing about a world of justice and compassion, even if it means letting go of some of the apparent advantages of an unjust system of privilege.
Then there is the question of timing. If not now, when? Procrastinating on boldness might come from fear. Esther feared the consequences if she approached the king and he did not recognize her permission to speak. Putting off the time of action may come from a belief that we don’t matter or that our actions don’t make a difference. That’s a different kind of fear, a fear of insignificance, a fear of trying something and failing. Truly I say to you that there will be losses before there are victories. No sacred text, no work of great literature, no meaningful understanding of history leads us to believe that major changes for justice and equality happen quickly. We must overcome the perfectionist idolatry of success and choose to do the right thing now, even if we do not expect to see immediate results. You matter. Your voice matters. There are real risks to speaking out. There are also risks to our minds and souls and bodies for keeping silent.
The “now” moment does not mean that action happens without thinking. Esther made a choice to act in the “now” moment, but her plan unfolded over two days, even when the clock was ticking on the royal decree of genocide. She took the time to reflect with her circle of support, to engage in spiritual practice. Resilience and strategy are important. Do justice now. Love mercy now. Make strategic plans for justice and mercy that stretch out through weeks and months and years.
For such a time as this, we ground ourselves in the heritage of our living tradition and in the sacred texts where we find meaning, remembering that justice and mercy are some of the hallmarks of the sacred, eternal presence. For such a time as this, we join together with all who would cooperate with the forces that create and uphold life. For such a time as this, we advocate for ourselves, and we work to relieve the suffering of people who are not ourselves. Be brave. Be who you were meant to be. And help create a world where everyone can thrive as their whole selves. Let us be warriors for the spirit of love.
So be it. Blessed be. Amen.
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