#M1 mac
I hope you know you've earned the title Linux pro my friend. Installing linux on apple hardware is a challenge, installing a linux OS without support for the architecture/arm on apple hardware is truly triumph. Even if you don't believe it i bestow upon you an honorary title of Linux pro. Be well, and be free friend!
Well, to be fair, I didn't install Zorin OS onto an M1 Mac. It's running under a UTM (QEmu) Virtual Machine. I am, however, surprised that I got Zorin OS Core running on an ARM Machine, at all. I'm even more surprised that I've done it before anyone has documented it online. There are plenty of questions about an ARM version and M1 Virtualization on Zorin's official forum, but they usually go unanswered. From the initial forum posts I used to get my leverage, most people seemed to conclude that Zorin OS Lite would work just fine, but attempting to install Zorin OS Core over top of Ubuntu Server ARM resulted in dependency issues. I got this issues at first too, but after trying and trying again, I realize that Ubuntu Server 20.04's own repositories didn't contain the app versions that Zorin OS was looking for when attempting to install. I realized that Zorin's devs probably had to implement these in repositories of their own, and I was right. I found the list of official Zorin OS repos and "sudo add-apt-repository"ed about 3-4 of them into Ubuntu Server. After that, "sudo aptitude install zorin-os-desktop" ran without errors, and one reboot later, I was running Zorin OS 16.3 Core on an ARM Virtual Machine.
It's still not perfect. Strange oddities, glitches, and freezes occur here and there. For example, this is the second version of this post I'm writing. During the first draft, the VM froze, and I had to restart it. It just does that randomly, for seemingly no reason. I've added an app to the macOS host to see if it's the external SSD sleeping that's causing this issue, but I don't know, as of right now.
The Software Store (aka package manager) also doesn't seem to work properly. Nothing installs, and I always have to use "sudo aptitude install" to get stuff. I'm assuming, despite being the ARM64 version of Gnome Software, something under the hood is still attempting to install the AMD64 version of apps, causing the weird failures and indefinite stalls.
The main LibreOffice app, for some reason, also didn't appear in the Zorin Menu, and had to be added manually.
Only one of UTM's sound card drivers allowed the audio settings to appear as normal. Everything else eliminated a bunch of sliders in the "Sound" settings and muted the VM on startup. That was pretty annoying because I wanted to hear the Zorin OS login chime. Luckily, the one sound card option fixed all this, but for some reason, the VM occasionally starts up with zero audio. It always does this when I restart, so I always have to shut down and then turn back on to fix it.
I'm sure there's plenty more, but so far that's all I've found. I'm sure a more power user would find other stuff, but I'm really only looked to use Zorin OS as a productivity OS, so I'm not likely to run into much more.
To be fair, though, even with all the weird stuff, it still runs smoother than the native install on my 2011 MacBook Pro, so I'm not complaining. In fact, I'm just happy to be using Zorin OS on my desktop, at all.
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beetstech · 1 year
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The photo above is of a 2011 iMac, installed with a new 2020 Mac Mini M1 logic board. It's a lot of effort to avoid buying a 27" monitor, but it's a pretty solid use for an 11+ year-old desktop.
The kit is currently on kickstarter, made & sold by the badasses over at JuicyCrumb.
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its-kiran · 2 years
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buildbuymode · 1 year
hi!! i love how your screenshots look so cartoony. do you use a preset to get it to look like that?
you're so sweet! no presets or anything it's probably a combination of just the way my sims look (big eyes, big heads, big feet) the use of the isometric camera mod by victorandarade, and then using oil paint in photoshop to get the screenies nice + smooth :-)
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nommedtail · 2 years
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arknights please have a PC client in the works don't give people hope only to take it away lol
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zanethenindroid · 2 years
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Not my Ninjago marketing being better than Lego’s
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facinick · 2 years
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cow and a pond
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harrelltut · 1 year
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xxslurkuxx · 1 year
Waiting for my Mac to update to the latest OS, mentally ready for whatever bullshit it might fuck up.
Every damn year these stupid machines need to update. It's dumb.
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cheevin · 1 year
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I'm not the one to fear, Prime! 😬
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Anyway. Since my dabble into WEBP, I've discovered that WEBP is actually considered a last generation format. I've also discovered that H.264 is ancient akin to the likes of JPEG, PNG, and GIF. So now I'm busy re-encoding all the videos on my Jellyfin server as AV1, and once that's done, I'm re-encoding all my photos as AVIF. If Shutter Encoder ever implements support for JPEG XL (JXL), then I'll be converting my photos again. There are no lengths I will not go to in order to save a few megabytes of storage space.
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oldmacnewlife · 2 years
Been in the market for a laptop for awhile now. Black Friday came, all the big box stores had their sales, ...so picked up the MacBook Air M1. First modern Mac I've owned in several years. So far, I'm pretty happy with it.
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its-kiran · 2 years
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buildbuymode · 4 months
Hi friend! I have a couple of questions, I hope I’m not too much of a bother! Your screenshots look so nice, would you mind sharing your oil paint settings? I can never get it to look good. And I saw that you play on an M1 Mac, would you recommend it? Does it run TS4 well and with mods? Thank you so much! ❤️
hey hi hello friendo! you're absolutely not a bother! my m1 has never faltered, even running on ultra with three–ish gig worth of custom content — would for sure recommend!
my oil paint settings are → stylisation 1.4 cleanliness 1.5 scale 1.0 bristle detail 10.0
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bookshelfpassageway · 2 years
youtube has decided it's time to put tf2 on my feed and man i do kinda miss it
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jeonwonwoo · 2 years
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does anyone else have this issue with knlm? 
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