spinspoon · 1 year
AUGHH it makes me psychically hurt anytime any of my friends are like "well... i wanna make x but someone's probably already done it and probably better than me..." or alternatively "well.. i wanna make this but people have already done x better" like STOP!!!! MAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!! MAKE THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY!!!!!!! "better" IS COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE AND IMO AS LONG AS YOU ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOING THAN IT'S AMAZING!!! CAUSE IT SHOWS!!!! MAKE THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND THERE'S ALWAYS BOUND TO BE PEOPLE THAT WILL LIKE IT TOO!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY IN A TIME WHERE HUMAN TOUCH AND CREATIVITY IS AT STAKE!!!!!! EXPLODES EXPLODES EXPLODES
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rawvocal · 5 years
im going to wait
it's going to take a long time
it's just a silly movie stop
i want to love someone
i cannot love someone
my talent allows me prove i have a soul
i can show myself im beautiful
i want to hold someone and care for them
i want them to know im capable of not only feeling for them but doing well for them
i dont want to be a walking party trick anymore
the purpose of me being a musician is to use my art to communicate things which inform, heal and transform the internal lives of others
i wish the same for how i interact with other people
it is not as simple as having a girlfriend
it is about allowing myself to accept myself
it is about being willing to share it with others
to feel less sorry for myself and exist in positive forward steps granted only by faith in my own abilities and the universe itself
i want to cry
i am angry that i cannot achieve what i want to
i don't want to be normal
i just want to be functioning
i want to be less afraid
i want to be less awkward and ashamed of my insecurities
i want to feel less behind like a little kid
i feel small
i want to cry but I dont I just feel anxious
i go on laughing too hard
i want to stop desperately looking for someone to have feelings for
saying all of this proves nothing im getting it out of my system
oh come on people are dying
grow the fuck up and STOP talking about it
either do something or dont
if not dont stand around wishing you did something about it, just keep your mouth shut and do your work
be sad about it but stop feeling so sorry for yourself if you can fix it
people have worse problems
fuck you
this is why you wont find someone
because u dont love urself enough
finding someone isnt all there is
but u make it so much more because you dont want to be alone
MAYBE try being a little less of a pussy and a little less sensitive
maybe grow up and recognize u probably arent going to date anyone for the next year
grow up and recognize you are TOO FUCKING WEIRD and absurd for people
your world view is too limited
your perceptions are skewed by ur own self depracation
you are not responsible enough to care for another human
you are too negligent and weak to handle the stress of a relationship
your personality is too fixated on being perfect to be loved by anyone in the ways you desire
you have no sense of humor you just say dumb shit
you're going to try and try and FAIL AND FAIL OVER AND OVER AGAIN
you're going to try so fucking hard and its NOT going happen for at least a few years
you are good but you are too hard on urself and thats very immature
it's why you arent a top notch pianist
they all know you dont know how to practice
you are good but it's just not going to happen, you cant find love or even just dating now, you are off the grid, you are not an option, you are just a novelty, a talented cuteish looking guy with pretty eyes and a dimple and that's all. You have depth but you are not kind enough to yourself to be willing to share that with a stranger under the fear of rejection. And until you can accept you are not good enough, you will never be good enough. It's weird since you know its true, but a small part of you disagrees with that. No girl wants to deal with this much doubt. Also stop measuring ur success by having someone to do it with. You suck anyways so dont expect it to happen. Just focus on being humble, get your work done, be kind to your friends and family, and sure, be sad about it. Just know you can always try, and even if you try it probably wont work out. It's a long waiting game and I dont think rejection would be good for you. You're too stupid to deal with it. Let those more capable take on that task.
i want to be a kid again so i can experience pure life
i want to go
i want to hug someone
i want to feel belonged
i want to give having someone less weight and importance
its 3:13am it's time for me to sleep
im very hungry
i miss that feeling
and i want it badly
but i know where it might lead me is not a path i can follow at all
i am not ready
ur classmates are ready
and it fucking sucks and it hurts and it makes me jealous
but ik im worth it for someone and when they come along ill just have to trust them on that
ill have to wait but i cant wait forever
ill give up now but i cant forever or else I'll be lonely
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nuevorealidad · 6 years
(2019) plot.plan.time
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$$ MONEY $$ The only economy that matters,  that can actually put money in your purse, wallet, or the cracks of your sofa, is the economy created by your thoughts, words, and actions. Every day, someone new, near you, becomes a millionaire. The Universe
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Most people believe they must “earn” money through hard work and this is why it’s so challenging for them to manifest more money. With this belief, the Law of Attraction must continue to bring money only as the result of hard work. When we can start to expect money to come in unexpected, easy ways, it will.
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It's time to give everyone the big fuck you and bloom how you choose. You get to be whatever kind of fucking flower you want to be. You inherit yourself.
This is where we make a choice, punks. What is the story you are going to choose to tell? Are you going to keep telling the same old fucking story, or are you going to take what you want? Are you the master of your own fate, or will you allow the illusion to suck you back in?
It tells us that we are finally shedding the bullshit, letting the hail storm knock away all that isn't fastened securely to the truth.
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‘’ Tess Mahal Ko , 1 way to defeat invisible, limiting beliefs, even ones you may not know you have, is to simply ‘’dream*think*create’’  a life so grand, that they couldn’t possibly make sense. And then start living that life today, however humbly at first. Make a decision of what you truly desire, want.. give your attention there ..  find the feeling place of it — and *bam* you are there instantly. ‘’ 😍 ‘’ ~ JS
****** OUR NEW GAME Commences November 2018  ***********
!!!!!! ^ - ^ !!!!! En Garde 😍 Get Ready For It  !!!!! ^ - ^ !!!!!!
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‘’He’ll always be there for her. Standing in the shadows to keep her safe. Laughing with her in the light. Watching through her eyes all those who get close. He’ll always be there. She will be fine.
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T.E.S.S. (the.eternal.spontaneous.spin#master) ~
*T*F*S* a #baddass mf gangsta/goddess in cahoots w/ CIA (cosmic intelligence agency) @undisclosed no.extradition.treaty.lat/long.domain in the  A.I.R. (alternate intelligence realm)
““  That’s My Girl  ““  
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Rewriting my story- Update 3/2018
Free at last/ free at last/ free to live my life the way I really choose it to be. I am Fearless & I am not afraid. I am sovereign/ I own my authority . No one/nadie/nada can impose itself on me. I am my own Higher Guidance Council how will I know.. if what I hear resonate or feel right to me then it is.. if not its kicked to the curb. I am not here to confirm or follow. I create my own reality / my own sets of beliefs it's my way or the highway .. everything always goes my way .. everything is always working out for me .. good shits are always lining up for me /awesome ideas /brilliant options flows to me in groves/ synchronocities leads to serendipities all the time. And why shouldn't it be.. I am worthy / I am integrity / I am a Privilege Being & a Pampered Soul.
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December 26, 2017 ·
Become self-reliant, self supporting. Prioritise your own highest interests - highest being the key word. Cut away anyone or anything that drains or feeds on your precious life force. From now on your mission is to engage only with creators, those who have already woken up Get real and be real. Stop curating your life. Become inner not outer directed. Find what you're really good at and do it all time. Do a personal resources inventory. What do you know or what skills you have that are valuable to others? You have physical, emotional and spiritual resources all around, lying neglected and unacknowledged in your psyche or hidden away in your very own dustbin of history. Now is the moment to excavate all of them – your finances, time investment, skills, talents, possessions, qualities – and release them into the light of day to form and reform into more authentic ways of self-expression and making a living.
Be strongly steadily directed from within. there is no outer, THERE IS NOTHING TO DO INSTEAD YOU CENTER URSELF AND ALIGN W/ WHO U TRULY ARE AND ADAMENTLY REMAIN IN THE PLACE OF AUTHORITY AND POWER AND INWARD TRUTH as your statement and the only thing you know.”
It is all about FEELING EMPOWERED OF YOUR OWN POWER, (UR OWN MC/AUTHORITY) your own soverignity. NOTHING TO DO .. ALL ABBOUT BEING ALL THAT U ARE . So instead of thinking what is there to do...FEEL WHAT U FEEL LIKE DOING and doing preceeds the being...here i rule my life to the fullest as i await my instant death w/out pain without knowing ... there;s really nothing else ofcourse xcept for the receiving of alot of abundance, cash, money , gifts, bonus, opps stuf jup sco. all about attaining desire for personal sovereignty.independence and detaching anything less of my being. i am and will always be a priviiledge being and pampered soul.
Just do the next right thing Walk your talk Redraw your boundaries SHIFT TO LIVING AT CAUSE, NOT AT EFFECT. Identify the one thing you’re afraid to say about your life and what you’re going to do about it.
Take concrete steps to becoming self-supporting and self-sustaining Make financial independence your priority, what would you do differently starting now? How can you deliberately live between structure and surprise; between safety and experimentation Recognise that the deeper mind is always on 24/7, not only does it have your back, it’s part of who you are - when you lose sight of it it’s because you’ve gone back to thinking you have to handle this life thing on your own.
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"Now I know better, I do better". It's time to commit to your own preferred reality Time to stop trying to fit into friendships, jobs and realities that have nothing to do with who you are. you no longer need to try to "save" or "heal" anyone nor urself because there is nothing to be working on urself anymore there are so few people to connect to who get your reality - as it should be..dont want otras cramping my space solitude santuary
This is what it feels like to be brilliantly alive. Alive and active not reactive on the good or bad
no choice but to find higher level solutions. As Einstein’ said: 'We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them'. But remember when such collective shifts happen, first comes confusion and chaos.
In your own life, this is a fertile moment to think out of the box or even to jump up and down on the box. Ask:” How have I been underestimating myself? What have I been settling for? What is my wildly impossible goal?” Doing new things is good. Going outside our comfort zones is what we are all about. We are not among those who are playing it safe. But we too can get stuck. So things happen to move stuck energies. They may come in the form of hurricanes, storms, celestial events, getting sick, losing a relationship or a job.This embodiment process is the most difficult thing a human being could ever do. You are being asked to do the impossible, or so if feels.
Pursuing what is desired and nothing else. Waiting, stalking, strategically watching for openings. One-pointedly intent upon grabbing and holding what you lost somewhere and must find again. Going for reminders, facsimiles, totems. Hungry for proof that it is there, that it is possible. Alone forever. You are deeply seeking the other side of yourself, the inner partner, the true motivating spark. You have got lost in the dark, identified with the one who needs and lacks, the one who is broken into fragments of experience. You search everywhere and come up empty. The one inside will be there, when the outer versions cannot sate your hunger,and as a last resort you feel into your own solitary spaces, willing to meet whoever is there and love them with all your heart."
the old world feels so dark eecky sucky that you're willing to let it go AS IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DELETED. Choice is not an option -the 3D time-lines are deleted. MAKE UR SHIFT QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY so ur transition thru 2018 will go smooth effortless MASTERY OR BUST I am immensely powerful and deeply hidden. I work between the lines and the worlds. But I am good at what I do.
"What we take to be true is our reality " This is start of the Return Home via a solo journey of ground breaking proportions. It is living in Free Fall without a Safety Net ..TO LIVE AND THRIVE IN MY OWN PREFERRED DESIRED ALTERNATIVE the edge between order and chaos -
<3 Become self reliant, self supporting. Prioritise your own highest interests - highest being the key word. Cut away anyone who drains or feeds on your precious life force. Get real and be real. Stop curating your life. Become inner not outer directed. Find what you're really good at and do more of it. Upgrade the quality of your thinking -the codes which determine the results you're getting . If you believe your own random thoughts, you're living in the feeling of your thinking, in a self -created matrix.
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Visionary Activist principles -
0. Believe nothing, entertain possibilities. Therefore everything hereafter is offered playfully.
1. Imagination lays the tracks for reality to follow. 2. Better to create prophecy than live prediction. What makes us passive is toxic. Predictions make us passive, but prophecy is active co-creation with the Divine. 3. The invisible world would like to help, but spiritual etiquette requires that we ask. Help is always available; operators are standing by. (WELL THIS IS ME TO T, IN MY CASE I DEMAND :D ) 4. The only way that the gods know we're asking for help is through ritual. 5. If something is a problem, make it bigger. If you cook rage into outrage, it takes it from personal tantrum yoga into the realm of useful action. 6. We only possess the power of an insight when we give it expression. 7. Creativity comes from paradox. We aspire to be disciplined wild people who are radical traditionalists. 8. Stay Strong, FOCUSED INTENT TO CREATE & STAY IN UR OWN WORLD WITHIN THE WORLD .
"There are no right answers. But there is a right question. It's the one that whispers "Why the f* not?"
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Transition is itself transformation. So in this frequency shift from 3D to wherever, reading Facebook posts about "taking back your power" or "moving out of victim mode" as you have thousands of times before then "liking" them because it appeals to the need to feel special without actually changing , is a dead end. It is just another go-around of working on yourself by using willpower to get to somewhere new/different/more exciting than here and now. It is a deadly psychic shortcut avoidance of the alchemy that needs to incubate in the dark to carry you across from personality level living to your emerging higher time-line.
in 5D perspective, frame it as an opportunity to master the arcane art of becoming your own Source - of life, of energy, of feedback and validation, of generative creator consciousness.This will prove a crucial skill to help you navigate 2018's radically different astrology.
In your own life, you need to ask yourself some hard questions – about what you really want and what is truly good for you. About how specifically you're underestimating yourself and about which victory is now available for you to claim.
Make two lists: what you want to resolve or eliminate and what you want to create.
You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want.
:are you channeling this insistent 5D wavelength consistently enough to expand your 3D paradigms and constructs so far out that they refract the whole, not just the parts?
We're in a freefall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It's a very interesting shift of perspective and that's all it is... joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes.” Joseph Campbell.
The single most radical decision to make now is is refusing 3D ways of operating -not swallowing the bait of making New Year's resolutions or buying into programs to reset you for 2018,or calibrating your 12th DNA strand (!)- and instead tracking your unique emergence as it is happening.
This is a Gateway aligning you to your High heart, your crystalline DNA and switching up your time-lines, your bandwidths of experience. Don't even try to shape it to your 3D desires-
As I keep saying: nothing is working because the 3D time-lines have been deleted. No modality, no matter how temporarily uplifting, can change you or rescue you. Look around you right now -the current chaos-climate, political, financial -is elemental,energetic and profoundly personal and collective all at the same time. I've been writing for ages about events arriving right at your front door and this will escalate in 2018 and the crunch year of 2020. You have to make hard choices based on your highest values, not on comfort or expediency. The time for superficiality of any kind is gone - life is being stripped down to essentials and you need to collaborate with it.
If you have never been called an incorrigible, defiant, impossible woman… have faith. There is yet time" Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
You don't need to fight to make life happen in the way you'd planned, in the way you had thought it would be. Instead, see where the hours, the days are inviting you to go and try to participate in the dance. Don't fight your flow, put your energy where doors are opening" Sophie Gregoire The Writing Wand.
When you suddenly just " know" that none of the old ways work anymore and you stop. Even those things that seemed like a spiritual safety net- such as must-follow rules of meditation, clean eating, entire New Age belief systems- are revealed as just masks and defences against the dark.
All dressed up as spiritual but in reality more never ending pressure to work on yourself. F* DAT AM DONE W/ WKG ON MY SELF! There is no more working on yourself- there never was.(DAMN STRAIGHT) Drop that and feel your animal body exhale in relief and release. There is only and utterly your dance with life as it unfolds moment by moment. And it's a solo journey of sacred proportions . 2018 will be a giant stair step on the way through the Connected Universe into the Age of Aquarius when Pluto enters the sign of the Futurist in 2023. 😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐥🌻🍀🍂⚘ 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🐬🐺 🔥🌀🌷☘😍🌾⚘🌸🐱
{Onyx Radcliffe} oh awww. thank you! wow. that's validating. i needed that lol. phew. Tess, I have been thru the ringer with humans, and been so ashamed to share a bloodline, to the point of no return. I guess now I only realize that we all have our own perspectives and lives, and our purpose is only to be what/when/where we are, whatever that is. You just go shine all over the place, roll around in the sand or the grass. You dont have to be a human, a human is just a word. You're a child of God, of the sun, of the stars. You're an inspiration to all of us with all of your posts. You are a kind, warm heart in a brutal, wintery world. We need people to stop being humans, and start being themselves. Shine as bright as you can. You're not a starseed anymore. You're the real thing, the star blossom, the star fruit, the star itself♥
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Ultimate F* Goal ~ 2 B ..
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