#ALSO i know for a fact there are plenty (me included) people that find something and are like “omg i love this so much is there anything
spinspoon · 1 year
AUGHH it makes me psychically hurt anytime any of my friends are like "well... i wanna make x but someone's probably already done it and probably better than me..." or alternatively "well.. i wanna make this but people have already done x better" like STOP!!!! MAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!! MAKE THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY!!!!!!! "better" IS COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE AND IMO AS LONG AS YOU ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOING THAN IT'S AMAZING!!! CAUSE IT SHOWS!!!! MAKE THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND THERE'S ALWAYS BOUND TO BE PEOPLE THAT WILL LIKE IT TOO!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY IN A TIME WHERE HUMAN TOUCH AND CREATIVITY IS AT STAKE!!!!!! EXPLODES EXPLODES EXPLODES
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hells-wasabii · 8 months
Hi could you pretty please do velvette x reader who is Carmilla youngest daughter and how her family reacts (plus zestial pls I ship him and Carmilla so I feel like he's a step dad)❤️
A/N: I blacked out and wrote this.... but yeeees LISTEN!! I love Velvette so much, its not even funny and i had a lot of fun with this prompt! I didn't realize how much i wrote for it until it was too late, and by that point, i really couldn't stop. but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! ps i honestly ship them too
Part 1 | Part 2
Character: Velvette
Type: Headcanons + Drabble (Velvette x reader who's Carmilla's youngest daughter, General with a bit of Angst and Fluff sprinkled in)
For Velvette, she actually entered into the relationship not really knowing who your parents were. You never brought it up and she never really asked. It didn't really matter to her, since, ya know, you're the one she's dating, not your mum and dad, or step-dad from what you've mentioned.
Honestly, she should've seen the similarities. They were there for sure, but let's face it, there are so many demons in hell that it was probably just a coincidence, right?
Carmilla also knew you were seeing someone as well, though she really figured that you would bring this special demon around when you were ready.
Oh, they were both wrong. So very wrong.
They found out simultaneously, of course, as cliche as it was. You were on an evening out with Velvette with no clear destination in mind, just simply enjoying the evening and each other's company when the next thing you knew you were face to face with your mother.
It... didn't go too well.
What had once been a peaceful evening nearly dissolved into a turf war all in an instant. If you hadn't been able to separate the two with a promise to talk to both separately later there was no doubt that everything in a three-block radius would be collateral.
Zestial and your sisters would find out soon thereafter, Carmilla of course telling them when they see her come home looking quite distraught.
As stated before, to Velvette, it really didn't matter. though it did sweeten the deal. It would give her plenty more opportunities for her to provoke the arms dealer, something that she already took a great deal of pleasure in.
Zestial would be skeptical of the relationship at the start but eventually comes to accept it fully. His patience won out this time. He's seen more than enough relationships like this go up in flames and he'd never want that for you. He considered you a daughter after all.
As for your sisters, both of them were simply happy that you were happy. They were more worried about how y'alls mom would react. And you can't tell me that they didn't already know, either.
Carmilla on the other hand... To her, family is everything. I mean, she killed an angel for you and your sisters. She'd do anything for her kids, and that includes keeping someone like that upstart from breaking your heart. She wholeheartedly believed that Velvette was only dating you to get one over on her. It really comes as no surprise when she goes all the way to Vee Tower to confront the youngest overlord herself.
"You need to stay away from my daughter."
The fashionista bit out a curse as a needle pricked her finger. Velvette doesn't usually startle easily, but shit, between her being completely focused on finishing and the fact that her workshop had previously been silent save for any sounds that she had been making herself, she thought that even the most stone-cold bitch would've jumped.
What good was the security for if those nitwits couldn't keep unauthorized demons out of her workshop? The influencer swore that if any blood got on the material for this dress she'd personally kill the guards and whoever-
Of all the people she expected to see, Carmilla Carmine, the uptight weapons dealer, and apparent mum of her girlfriend, was not one of them. Or actually, scratch that. She was completely expecting this to happen sooner or later.
"Well, it sucks to suck then, wrinkles, I'm not going nowhere." The fashionista bit back, a smirk settling on her lips that quickly fell when the older woman tried to push her point.
"I know what you're trying to do and it-"
"Obviously you don't." All mischief gone from her tone, Velvette set her work to the side, careful not to crumple the fabric. She rose to her feet and began to cross the room to Carmilla, who in turn stood taller, determined not to let this miscreant make a mockery of her, her family, and most importantly her youngest daughter. "I hate to break it to you, but the only way I'll break it off is if SHE wants to."
Velvette paused, her eyes boring into Carmilla's with a conviction and passion that the arms dealer hadn't felt from the influencer before. When the younger woman spoke again, her voice was softer than before, laced with a sincerity that would leave the mother speechless.
"I love her."
Its this singular interaction that leads to a truce between the two (technically five if you include Zestial and the Vee's) Overlords. They would come to some sort of mutual understanding that if both of them were to be in your life, they'd have to play nice. At least in front of you. At Overlord meetings, well, that's a whole different story.
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skimmoons · 8 months
I was thinking about the Percy Jackson TV show and it just occurred to me that a few of the changes they made in season one, even though didn’t exactly please me, will allow the following seasons to be more book-accurate and in depth.
One example is the fact that we already have Luke’s background. We know why he left home, so now the show can actually SHOW us Luke and Thalia’s life on the road by flashbacks, instead of Annabeth telling the short version (how it is in the books). They can actually dive into Luke’s character and make him more three-dimensional, something that the series lacked up until the very last book when Rick had a “oh my gods I’m about to kill this character and I didn’t even give him a last name” sort of moment.
By fleshing out Luke’s character so thoroughly they can also give Thalia a greater importance than she had in the books. I was never particularly sold to her and Annabeth’s relationship because Annabeth never actually TALKS about her except for very few and brief moments during SoM. They now have the perfect excuse to show more of her (again, in those flashbacks about their time on the road) to build up her character so people will actually like her and understand why she is the way she is during book three. I’ve known plenty of people, including myself, that didn’t vibe with her during TTC for this exact reason: we were never given context about her. We don’t even know what made HER leave home until Heroes of Olympus.
Sally’s relationship with Poseidon being explored will make Paul even more important than he already is. For Sally to finally open up to a man again, to finally be able to love and trust someone other than Percy, is a HUGE deal now. Because we know she carried those unresolved feelings for Poseidon for the longest time and meeting Paul is what finally makes her let go of him.
I also think the show is building up the gods little by little. At first it would seem like they’re all bastards that hate mortals and should be guillotined, but then we get Hephaestus helping them because he wants to be different. Then we have Poseidon helping out Percy even though he wasn’t asked (in the books, Percy prayed before jumping from the arch) AND even helping out Sally by giving him an extra pearl. We will probably have, through flashbacks, Athena guiding Annabeth when she left home, and Hermes wanting to help Luke escape his fate is already a big deal. Instead of first seeing the gods as perfect creatures and later finding out they’re just as flawed as mortals, we’re doing the opposite: at first we think they’re trash and understand Luke, but little by little we are shown that, flawed as they are, most of the gods still try to do their best for their children. Except Ares, the little fucker.
All this long ass post to say: maybe we shouldn’t criticize the show so harshly before being able to see the bigger picture. Maybe we should give them some grace and time to cook.
Also: I know some people think they're being too forward with Percabeth, and to those I say: reread the books and use your critical thinking skills. But that's a subject for another post.
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
I've got a kind-of crack theory about Ruby's mother...
Back in The Church on Ruby Road, Ruby is invited onto Long Lost Family, a genealogy TV program hosted by Davina McCall, with the hope of finding some information about her bio family. Unfortunately, they come up with nothing.
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[ID: 6 gifs showing Ruby and Davina McCall talking to each other on the phone from The Church on Ruby Road. Davina apologies to Ruby, who tries to hide her upset at the news.
DAVINA: "There is no trace of your mum or dad. I'm sorry. It happens sometimes." RUBY: "No, that's fine... Thanks but, um, could you keep looking?" DAVINA: "No, there's nothing more we can do. If your parents aren't on some kind of database, we can't find them." RUBY: "Ok, um... isn't that unusual though? There's not a single trace anywhere? I mean... in the whole wide world, my mother's never left a blood sample or anythin'?"]
Now obviously, I know tracking down family is hard and, especially for orphans and adopted children, there's no gurantee that you'll be able to get the information you need. But I do find it odd there's seemingly "no trace" of Ruby's parents.
The section where I go on an odd tangent about genealogy
Speaking as someone who isn't a genealogist, but does enjoy researching family history in what little spare time they have... in my experience, close DNA matches aren't that hard to find. Especially if you're of white european descent, as Ruby is (presumably).
(It's generally harder for other ethnicities, as most research resources are white english/american focused. I know this is especially tricky for people like african-americans, where many of one's ancestors may have been enslaved. I've personally also found it tricky with Jewish communities as historically many of them used patronymic names prior to the 1800s, plus you have to account for immigration name changes, pogroms etc.)
For example, as someone who is white, with a mix of various british, mainland european, and ashkenazi ancestors, I actually have thousands of DNA matches, just from an autosomal test on Ancestry alone, let alone something like an mtDNA, xDNA or yDNA test:
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[ID: Edited screenshot showing maternal and paternal DNA matches on my AncestryDNA profile. There are 16279 maternal matches and 9745 paternal matches.]
Obviously, due to the way family trees work, most of these are distant matches, however it does include plenty of close ones too, which I've been able to trace to real records and identify relationships with. Personally, my matches even already include many 1st and 2nd cousins, albeit usually a one or two degrees removed, especially as the userbase tends to swing older on these websites. This includes a few people close enough for me to have already known them from family functions and shared annecdotes. Meanwhile, where I did have blank spots, from immigrations, estranged family members, early deaths etc, I've been able to fill in a lot of information.
So what does it mean that there's "no trace" of Ruby's family?
Deliberate or not?
The big question I've had since The Church on Ruby Road is: just how untraceable is Ruby's family?
On one hand, I feel like if this was real life and professional TV genealogists were helping you, you'd get a bit more information than a quick phone call saying they've got zilch. If they're sharing nothing... do they literally have nothing?
On the other hand, this also feels like a writing shortcut. We don't really need 3 hours of Davina McCall sat with Ruby at a computer breaking down every question and theory about possible family members. Ultimately, this was probably just a way to quickly get some major exposition out there, plus throw in a Christmas celebrity cameo for casual viewers. The fact they only talk about Ruby's "parents" being in a DNA database, and no-one else, doesn't give me a lot of faith in the care for accuracy RTD took with this plot point tbh.
Indeed Davina does say 'it happens sometimes', which could indicate it's not as extreme as having zero close relatives...
...but Ruby also asks if it's unusual for there to be no trace of anything, which Davina doesn't answer. If we're asking that question, it sounds like things really could have turned up that blank.
It may not be easy for orphans and adoptees to find family, but I assume it must be quite rare to have zero possible leads? Especially if you're a younger person, and thus may have a good number of people of the right generation to know/remember your family members still alive. Worst case scenario, I can imagine having some leads, only for someone to be uncontactable, or lack the information that would be useful. That being said, maybe I'm being too optimistic, as someone who had the priviledge of never having as much difficulty.
The weird sci-fi parallel (TW: incest (kinda), intersexism)
This is where we get to my theorising. Because in a science fiction context, and specifically a time-travel one, there is one quite famous short story that has a protagonist with zero family connections: '—All You Zombies—' by Robert A Heinlein.
(Fun fact: "All You Zombies" is also the name of a planned Class Ongoing story, once I get the time to resume that.)
You may also be familiar with the movie adaptation: 'Predestination'. It's also seemingly the inspiration for all sorts of similar stories, from 'The Man Who Folded Himself' to Red Dwarf and Futurama.
You might see where i'm going from that last one...
(Again disclaimer: if you seek it out, that this story may be quite triggering. It also was written in 1959. While it's actually somewhat respectable of a trans (kind-of, you'll see what I mean - I'll generally use the pronouns used in the text below) protagonist, it includes sexism, intersexism bordering on medical horror, and selfcest/incest.)
In 1963 (funnily enough), a lonely, orphaned 18 year old woman named Jane has a sexual encounter with a man in a park which ends up leaving her pregnant. When complications arise, the doctor discovers during a successful caesarian she's actually intersex, with a form of ovotesticular syndrome, with her immature, partially developed organs "a mess". He removes the now damaged womb, ovaries etc and, without consent, 'rearranged things so that [they] can develop properly as a man".
A few weeks later, the baby is stolen from the hospital by a man.
Despite all this tragedy, they do decide to complete their transition, restarting life as a man. He struggles to find work, but eventually finds himself making a living selling fake confession stories to magazines as "the Unmarried Mother".
Years later In a bar, he tells his story to a Bartender. After it all, the Bartender reveals he's actually a time agent and offers the chance to see his baby's father again. He drops him off in 1963 to find the man.
Meanwhile, in 1964, the Bartender steals a baby from a hospital, and drops her off at an orphanage in 1945.
The Bartender returns to the Unmarried Mother a month later in 1963, just in time to see him leaving a lonely young woman he met with in a park...
"Now you know who he is", the Bartender says, "—and after you think it over you’ll know who you are... and if you think hard enough, you’ll figure out who the baby is... and who I am.” He drops the Unmarried Mother off in 1983, where he can be recruited by the Temporal Bureau.
The Bartender, Jane, the Unmarried Mother, the kidnapper, the Father, and the Baby are revealed to all be one person, a family tree onto themself. The perfect time agent, causally disconnected from the rest of humanity and thus safe from Faction Paradox - if they are truly human at all (possibly explaining their biological bi-sexuality).
Thus, literally, having no relatives.
NO, OF COURSE I don't think this is what's up with Ruby!
A lot of people have suggested that the woman who drops off Ruby could be herself. Obviously this doesn't necessarily mean Ruby is her own mother - let alone her own intersex father, child, and recruiter too!
But the story did come to my mind watching the Christmas special, and I do think the less squicky side of it, the 'perfect time agent' angle is worth considering. Could Ruby really be causally/genetically disconnected from the rest of humanity? Could she literally have no close relatives?
Assuming her DNA is not taken from any other person, but some semi-random mix of genes, she really may not match with anyone. At most, she would have some distant false matches, who share very small portions of DNA with her just by statistical fluke.
"BUT", I hear you say, "Didn't she get rewritten by the literal butterfly effect in episode one? She must be connected to humanity!"
Yes she did. But you know else happened?
She was still there.
Seriously think about it. Time travel fiction often doesn't think about the full consequences of time being altered even slightly, especially for a gag, but think about it literally. If all of human history was changed and a whole new species, possibly descended from Silurians, became dominant on the planet...
... why would the Doctor still happen to be travelling with someone with a name beginning with 'Rub-' who looks like Millie Gibson? Remember her name comes from Ruby Road... so does 'Ruby Road' exist on Rubathon's Earth? The Church presumably doesn't, unless there's a lizard Jesus...
At the very least we can point to the Web of Time being particularly reinforced around Ruby for some reason, even after all the damage it's taken between Flux and now, letting Ruby persist into the new timeline. This is explicitly confirmed in the last episode, with the Doctor calling it a fixed point.
At worst, it may imply whatever 'designed' Ruby just needs her to meet the Doctor, no matter what the dominant species on Earth is.
Mind you, both of these do open questions about what happened in the timeline where Ruby was eaten by the Goblin King. Maybe targetting her after her birth left her temporally vulnerable? Or maybe it was a necessary event, to bring the Doctor to Ruby Road...
Add this to some other things we've seen this season:
In Space Babies, we're introduced to the concept of 'baby farms', allowing people to be loomed born without a parent.
We also know, at least, that Ruby registers as human to the TARDIS (though given Sutekh's influence, who knows how trustworthy that scan was now!).
In The Devil's Chord, Ruby is not erased by Maestro destroying humanity. Granted we can put this down to the Doctor/TARDIS, and how time travel effects people's biodata, but I think it could be a misdirect.
(Interestingly there was a very similar plotpoint in "City of the Daleks", the Eleventh Doctor adventure game, which saw the New Dalek Paradigm invading Earth in...1963. Unlike Ruby, Amy eventually actually does start to fade, needing a 'chronon blocker' to stabilise her. Hey remember how we just heard the word 'chronon' used a bunch in the show.)
In Boom, the Ambulance is entirely unable to find a next of kin for Ruby, despite seemingly having her in its records. This is a little hard to dissect, as you could take a lot of different interpretations away from it. At the very least, it suggests Ruby doesn't have any living descendents in the 51st century. Carla probably doesn't either (which makes sense with her not having any bio-kids, and Ruby seemingly being the only child she fully adopted rather than fostered?) But for its extensive records, it's notable it still couldn't find anyone after that, even presumably with access to Ruby's DNA like the genealogists had.
Everything in 73 Yards.
Between the snow falling in each episode, plus context in The Legend of Ruby Sunday, we know that Christmas Eve on Ruby Road, while fixed, is also uniquely vulnerable and 'raw'. With the woman's changing reactions to the Doctor, it's also flexible enough to change, somewhat.
Similarly, the possible connection between the woman who dropped Ruby off and the woman in 73 Yards, between her face not being visible and the CCTV camera being around 73 yards / 66.6 metres away. And if that woman really was Ruby, then maybe the parallels to All You Zombies may not be as insane as they sound.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
It’s me I’m back with Lesson 34 spoilers below. (including the hard lesson)
I always try to write these posts shortly after finishing the lesson so that it’s like… my immediate and unfiltered thoughts lol. Sometimes I change my mind about stuff after I see other people’s interpretations of things. So if you were wondering why I’m taking the time to write this at 2 am, that’s why. I totally forgot about the lesson during the day due to the whole Thanksgiving thing.
I feel like we got SO MUCH BARB in this lesson?? He was barely in it. But we had other characters talking about him and that honestly makes me happy, too. Probably because I like when they give us some perspective into his character.
Belphie. We were actually playing the role of Lilith in his little Celestial Realm dream sequence, right? And then at the end it’s all but we’re not siblings.
Listen. I just think that Belphie has a lot of unresolved trauma surrounding Lilith and I really don’t feel like having MC play hide-and-seek with him in a dream is going to be enough to help him move past it. Enough to make him want to help MC? Maybe. But I dunno.
However, I also think I probably shouldn’t expect anything more intense than that from an otome game. They were just trying to give us SOMETHING to explain why he was cool with making a pact.
WHICH WE FINALLY DID. With Beel, Belphie, AND Levi. I get Beel & Belphie doing theirs at the same time, but I’m still a little baffled about why Levi waited so long. There probably isn’t a reason, but who knows maybe they’ll surprise us with something lol.
Ah. Lucifer.
This was my favorite part:
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I love Mammon, he always just says exactly what he’s thinking (unless it’s how much he loves MC lol).
But we all knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, right? We knew Lucifer would be last. We knew that Lucifer would be the most difficult one to make a pact with. Remember what happened with him last time? Of course he doesn’t want to make a pact with us now. We’re likely going to be going through some kind of long drawn out drama that will eventually lead to Lucifer giving in and making a pact with us.
However, I found both Solomon’s and Diavolo’s reactions to this absolutely hilarious:
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Can the two of you take this seriously, please?? I know you both find Lucifer highly entertaining and yeah, I'm usually laughing at him most of the time, too, but I need that pact to get back to where I'm from, thanks.
But we’re only on Lesson 34. So I think we still have plenty of time to make a pact with Lucifer, learn the truth about Nightbringer, and return to our timeline (or have the timelines merge or whatever nonsense they’re gonna do).
I’m still hoping for all that to get resolved by the end of this season lol.
Now, I found this exchange from Belphie’s Celestial Realm shenanigans especially interesting:
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Assuming this is accurate to what actually happened when Lucifer was still an angel, this means that the angels knew Barbatos. They know him by name, they clearly think he’s a big deal, and they’re surprised that he’s agreed to be Diavolo’s butler.
I was always under the impression that the demons and the angels didn’t really know much about each other. But now I’m wondering if maybe Barbatos had something to do with the end of the war that happened before the Celestial War. The one that was between the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. I have no reason for thinking this other than the fact that as angels, Lucifer & Simeon clearly know him. And what else would they know him from? Though I suppose anything could have happened lol.
And then there was all of this:
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What does it MEAN?! (Obviously I chose the second option for MC's dialogue, which increased Barb's intimacy.)
Barbatos my true love. Why did you give MC a real piece of paper from your grimoire? He’s always been cautious, always keeping MC at arm’s length, and now all of a sudden it’s here’s a piece of my grimoire? There is NO WAY he doesn’t have all of the build up from the OG. I can’t believe that he would actually give MC a piece of his grimoire if he had only just met them at the beginning of Nightbringer. So I’m tacking this on as additional evidence that Barb knows all.
Also can we just appreciate Lucifer in 32-A? All his brothers are completely out of it and he single-handedly motivates every one of them back into action.
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It sure worked, huh? Do you think the credit card is in the freezer yet?
It was everything. I LOVE the Little Ds. I LOVE them hanging out with Diavolo. I LOVE that Barbatos couldn’t accompany MC because Diavolo requested some fancy human world dish. This entire hard lesson was *chef’s kiss*
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GOD I love Barb's knowing look and Dia's little frown. I love them so much it's almost painful lol.
Okay that’s all I’ve got to say about this lesson. In general, I enjoyed it. They coulda played up Belphie’s yandere tendencies a bit more. I felt like his change of heart was rather rushed, but they really can’t put him through the therapy he needs. I don’t think the lessons are long enough for that.
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lemotmo · 12 days
I am confused by people on the daily but sending it to you because I loved her response. She has to be exhausted by her inbox 😭. I don't know how you all handle this.
Q. I need a few things explained to me. I will say upfront I am camp Tommy. The article did not seem pro Tommy and Buck to me, but plenty of my Tommy peers were thrilled with it, but so were Buddie fans so there is a disconnect in someone's interpretation. It was unnecessary for Tim to have brought up Eddie there. They weren't talking about Eddie, it was inappropriate. It doesn't matter that Lou and Oliver never did a chemistry test, they're fine together. Why do people care? Lastly Oliver clearly has an agenda. It would not have killed him to hold that picture of Ryan for another day. He could have let us have our confirmation that Tommy is indeed back and maybe shared a pic of him instead of Ryan. Lou can have BTS stuff too.
A. The article speaks for itself. It doesn't require interpretation. Tim mentioned Eddie because they're all part of the same storyline. Period. People can choose to ignore that fact if they want but it won't change the storyline. Eddie is the point. Eddie has been the point. That theme is carrying over into this season. Buck's relationship with Tommy is going to play some part in whatever Eddie's self discovery is going to be. Tim wouldn't have mentioned Eddie in relation to the pair otherwise. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think TV shows do chemistry reads unless it's a long term thing. If it is just for a particular plot or storyline they will cast the actor that best fits the plot purpose. The chemistry is secondary to the overall plot so I'm not at all surprised that they didn't do a chemistry read. Their chemistry isn't the point. The storyline he was cast for is the point. In this case the plot purpose is Buck and Eddie. Eddie told Buck him being bi wouldn't change anything between the two of them when in reality everything is going to change. That is the point. Oliver's chemistry with Lou isn't relevant in any way.
I would not look too hard for him in any BTS. And I know you won't believe this but I think that is for your benefit. Why give you anything that may lead you to believe he's anything other than a plot point? They shouldn't include him. It's not realistic. And feeds into something that has already been taken way out of context. Lastly, Oliver does have an agenda. He always has. He always offers counter programming to the canon. It will not change unless the canon becomes Buddie. He has been this way from the beginning. And he doesn't owe anyone an apology for that.
Thank you so much Nonny. As always, much appreciated.
I really feel like everyone should just give Ali a break here. She has explained this over a 1000 times already. How many times does she need to repeat it?
I agree with all of this.
Also, that article was blunt and in your face. Tim brought up Eddie when talking about BT, which is something the show has done since day one by the way. Eddie has ALWAYS been involved in this storyline and he will continue to become even more important in this storyline, because the whole purpose of BT was always Buddie.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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Heeeeey , congratulations for the 700 followers , this is so great !
I wanted to request a Fivesxreader with the two prompts :
I'm so proud of you
Thank you for believing in me
Please 💚💚💚
Thank you and take care 💕
@griffedeloup Thank you for the awesome request and I love those two prompts. Very sweet, so I hope you enjoyed my interpretation.
Fives especially has a soft spot in my heart, so I try to give him a happy ending as much as possible, and I believe I gave that to him here.
Love oo
Just a Friend
Warnings: Feelings of inadequacies, allusions to corruption, mentions of Palpatines involvement with the Clone Wars, Clone Rights, confessions, kissing, fluff, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |   AO3 Link | Quote Roulette
The award ceremony ended rather quickly, truthfully, no one was expecting it to last long. After all, how many ways can you say that Palpatine was the scum of the universe and he was dead thanks to the brave work of one ARC trooper. 
Aside from the ceremony, announcing the new Chancellor, Chancellor Organa, giving clones rights, and the end of the war, it was just a giant party. An excuse for everyone to let loose, get drunk, have fun. 
You stood against the wall watching everyone congratulate Fives. A soft smile played on your face as he enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame. Truthfully, he did deserve every accolade he received. If it wasn’t for him, no one would have discovered the truth of the chips in each clone’s head or the fact Chancellor Palpatine … ex-Chancellor Palpatine was behind it.
The noise was too much, the room felt overwhelming with the sea of people. You moved towards the balcony finally finding one that was devoid of a couple reaffirming their admiration for one another. You stood on the balcony, breathing in the soft air of Coruscant. It was something you weren’t going to miss when you left. 
When the war ended you were given notice that your droid engineering skills were no longer needed, not that you really could blame them. After all there wouldn’t be a need for engineers to keep droids going even after an explosion. Truthfully, there were a lot of things you had been thinking about lately, setting up a repair shop on a planet that had a thriving droid population or maybe just travelling to see the galaxy… yet, all of those thoughts also included someone by your side. Although you never told him. Not that you didn’t want to open up about how you felt towards Fives, but … he always just treated you like a friend. Sure he flirted, but it wasn’t as though he meant it, you’ve seen him flirt with plenty of people. 
Why would he want you when he could literally have anyone he wanted, especially after single handedly saving the galaxy. 
“Here you are!”
You turned and smiled as you recognized not only his voice but his steps, “And there you are.” You smirked as you looked at Fives. 
“Come on admit it, I look handsome.” He held his head up high, his hands on his hips as he showed off his medal. 
“Sure. You look very handsome.” You moved closer and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “Also, I’m so proud of you. You did probably the hardest thing anyone has ever had to do. None of us would be here right now, if it wasn’t for you.”
Fives cheeks flushed at your compliment and the kiss to his cheek, he looked into your eyes seeing a future there he had forced himself not to see for the longest time. Knowing it was too difficult, too painful to think of a future that may have never come true. 
“You know, none of it would’ve happened if either you or Kix didn’t believe me. When I ran into you when I was leaving 79s I thought, even if it was the last time I saw you, at least I knew you believed me.” Fives cupped your cheek smiling, “Thank you for believing in me.”
“Always.” You couldn’t help yourself as you leaned into his touch, even though you knew this probably wouldn’t go anywhere, you couldn’t help yourself.
“You’ve always had my back, haven’t you?” He leaned in closer, there was something in his eyes that made your heart clench. The longer you stared into his brown eyes, the more you felt as though the air was ripped from your lungs by the looks in his eyes.
“That’s what friends do.”
“Is it? Am I?”
“Are you what?” You tilted your head as you looked at him, noticing he’d gotten closer. 
“Am I your friend?”
“Of course.”
Your heart was beating against your chest, a thousand butterflies seemed to have unleashed in your stomach as the look in his eyes deepened. 
“Uh … what … what are you talking about?”
“Am I ‘just’ a friend?”
The smile that had been on his lips seemed to have faded as a look of vulnerability settled on his face, his free hand going to rest on your waist as he pulled you in, the hand that had been cupping your cheek, shifted towards the back of your neck as his thumb trailed along your jawline. None of this could be real. This was a dream. A fantasy that you knew you’d wake up from. 
“Cyar’ika, please, answer me. I need to know. Am I ‘just’ a friend to you? Or … am I something more?”
You opened your mouth to speak, your hands resting on his chest, you could feel his heart thumping against you, it felt as though it was beating just as fast as yours. But that couldn’t be. There was no way Fives felt the same as you, was there?
“Why don’t you tell me, am I ‘just’ a friend?”
Fives took in a deep shuddering breath, “Do you know there wasn’t a day during the war that I was scared. When Echo was by my side, I thought, nothing could ever take us down; when I lost him I thought there’d be no way I could recover. But I was wrong, because you entered my life, and it felt as though everything was going to be okay … somewhat.” He smirked, “And it was months later when I realized there was more I was feeling than just camaraderie. When I realized what I felt for you was more than friendship, it was the first time I was truly afraid. There was no scenario in which I could think of a future for us, at least not one where we both would be happy. When I left you at 79s that day, I didn’t know what would happen, and my biggest fear was that I wouldn’t have been able to tell you how I feel.”
He leaned closer, his breath brushing against your face, “You want to know if you’re ‘just’ a friend? The answer is, no. You’ve never been ‘just’ anything to me.”
You didn’t bother waiting as you closed the distance pressing your lips against his, your hands shifting until they wrapped around him, as he drew you closer, deepening the kiss. It was a long time coming, and regardless of what was to happen in the next few weeks or months, what you did know was that neither of you weren’t going to let each other slip through your fingers, ever again. 
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Hi kids, let's talk.
What are we talking about, Auntie Noe? You might be thinking. I'm glad you asked! We are talking about tacky behavior in fandom.
When I did my silly post last night about preferring to write characters who switch, I didn't think it would become a thing. This was naïveté on my part. Mea fucking culpa. Because it has come to my attention that a certain segment of the fandom is Very Unhappy about it. And I know that because it's all public.
I'm not going to do screenshots because this isn't about individuals, but rather a pattern of behavior that I find extremely distasteful. Tweets about how upsetting this is, how they don't "deserve" this, how horrible it is that I'm ruining my fic by (checks notes) including sex that doesn't feature their preferred top/bottom dynamic. And this isn't isolated—it happens fairly frequently in the Tomarrymort fandom.
Here's the thing. I'm not a content creator and this isn't a product. I am a woman on the internet writing a piece of fanfiction in her off hours. I'm choosing to share it and I take pleasure in the fact that people are enjoying it with me, but that doesn't change the fundamental truth that it is my story that I'm writing for me.
No one has to read anything they don't want to. That's not where this is going. I frequently choose not to read things, or abandon stories partway through because something happened that I don't like. That's very normal and healthy and I think everyone should approach fandom that way.
But you know what I don't do? Complain publicly about how a fic I thought I'd like turned out to not be my thing.
You know why I don't do that? Because it's entitled and rude. Fanfiction writers are part of the community, not public figures. If you don't want to keep reading my story, that's okay! Do what will bring you joy. But complaining about me in public is painfully gauche and the secondhand embarrassment is threatening to kill me. Please, for the love of god, find some decorum and stop being weird about fictional sex.
Also, while I'm here, the switching post should not have been a revelation to anyone currently reading because Voldemort and Harry actually talked about it briefly back in chapter 21. The "we have plenty of time to do anything your heart desires" exchange? What did you think they were talking about? Honestly, now.
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zhongscara · 6 months
in MY opinion... i think that aside from being a diversion tactic (to make sure the fatui dont find out about the primordial sea), wrio threatening lyney could have also been him subtly checking on the dynamic between arlecchino and the house of the hearth orphans.
like wrio knows manipulative adults Pretty Well, and the fact that he knows the fatui sent orphaned "children" undercover instead of grown agents already tripped alarms in his head.
Wriothesley: Mr. Lyney, the cards are stacked against you right now. Miss Lynette is in my hands, and Mr. Freminet is still slowly being pickled out there in the brine. You know just as well as I that he cannot last out there forever. Wriothesley: You need do but one thing to guarantee their safety. I would like you to contact your superior, and ideally invite her over for a cup of tea with me. Lyney: You want to see "Father"? Ha, but why should she bother giving you an audience? Wriothesley: Well, if she cares for the well-being of her dearest children, she should have plenty of motivation to join me for a parents' evening. Wriothesley: I've heard that the bonds between the members of the House of the Hearth are like the bonds of family. I don't see why she would refuse.
(emphasis mine)
"call your parental figure or your siblings will be in danger" would be a relatively easy decision to make if your parental figure... yknow... cared about you. but lyney insists that arlecchino shouldn't be involved in this and breaks from the stress of possibly losing his siblings. which makes ME think like... how much value does arlecchino place in the orphans if lyney refuses to "trouble" her with possible imminent torture or DEATH.
Lyney: …Was this the extent of your master plan to get to "Father"? No matter how much pressure you may put on me, I won't allow you to use us to blackmail her. Lyney: I… I shouldn't ask "Father" to do anything because of us…
(emphasis mine)
like... lyney... if she really cared about you she would willingly help you... you know...
and yes later on arlecchino is like Well he shouldve called me :/ but its way easier to say that after the fact.
The Knave: [...] It's unfortunate that Lyney's so eager to prove himself that he can't learn to rely on others... including me.
i mean lyney came to rely on the traveler pretty easily..? i think deep down he doesn't trust arlecchino.
so wrio noticed that something wasn't right pretty quickly, and could have also set this up as a sort of test - both for him, and for lyney - in a way - to take a better look at the dynamic between arlecchino and the siblings.
basically i think that specific part of the archon quest shows us that the house of hearth isn't a Found Family Despite All Odds situation and definitely has something much darker (aside from, you know. the orphans basically being FATUI AGENTS). i keep saying this but i think the fact that the previous head of the orphanage was "even worse" means that traumatized children/teens/young adults can easily justify a different kind of abuse as "well at least it isn't (x) which is even worse!" and based on the siblings' profile stories, it seems arlecchino leans more towards emotional manipulation/neglect, which, again, if compared to the physical abuse from the previous head, can be pretty easy to justify in the eyes of already traumatized and vulnerable people.
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bluesest · 16 days
A Babysitter
James was a young boy who was going through a not very good economic situation, he needed the money to go out with his friends so he decided to take the job of a babysitter.
Not many people wanted a male nanny so it was difficult for him to get a job and he almost retired from this, however, he got an application to be a nanny for a boy who recently made his previous nanny run away from him.
This worried him from the beginning, but he really needed the money so he was either take the job or quit and refuse the next outings with his friends, he said to himself, "How hard can it be?"
He knocked on the door of a large house with various luxurious decorations, opened the door of an elegantly dressed couple, shook hands and set the following rules:
1. You must take care of our son, his name is Dave
2. Do not touch anything other than to take care of Dave and do not enter the rooms.
3. There are ingredients in the fridge for me to cook dinner for Dave.
4. You should be asleep by midnight and wait for them to return.
For a moment he wondered, "He's a little old to have a babysitter, but that means he won't be the typical kid who has to calm every tantrum he throws."
Behind the couple was the young man, he had an annoyed and disinterested face, finally both parents left and left them alone.
There wasn't that much of an age difference between the two so James tried to start a friendly conversation with Dave:
James: "So how are you doing in high school?"
Dave: "Just cook something please"
James: "Oh come on, I know it sucks when your parents at this age hire you a babysitter, but I'm just doing my job."
Dave: "I'd better go play video games..."
James: "I also quite like them! Do you need a second player or something?"
Dave was quite impressed, none of his previous nannies who took care of him were really interested in him, nor did he have any friends who wanted to play some games and appearing disinterested he accepted James' proposal.
They both spent a lot of time inside Dave's room, he tried to show that he didn't care and even that he was bothered by the fact that James was there, but he just couldn't hide it and they had a very fun night.
Dave: "You really suck at this game"
James: "Well let's leave this for now, I must cook the snack"
Dave: "Why don't you order pizza? My parents won't find out"
James: "I don't want to get in trouble with them, I really need this job, plus cheese gives me gas, like this!"
Dave was surprised, not by the fact of seeing a man of his own age fart like that, he had already heard and smelled some of the farts of his classmates, however, in this situation he felt different, maybe it's the intimacy of the moment or that he really began to appreciate one of his babysitters for the first time, whatever happened caused a slight erection that he had to hide.
James left the room with the unpleasant smell and Dave thought about what happened and how he felt: "Maybe it's love?... Do I like men? … I liked what he did?", he was in denial of his feelings, he was simply in an intimate moment something that he never experienced in his life, he was sure that if it was with a woman and without... the smells would provoke exactly the same feelings and even stronger.
This is what he thought until minutes later he saw his now friend cooking for him shirtless, it was a body quite muscular and stocky to provoke the unwanted looks of many people including Dave who couldn't stop thinking about how incredible James would look in his luxurious bathroom... Wait a minute... This fantasy is quite close to coming true.
Dave remembered that there were plenty of medicines in his parents' room for any emergency, he quickly slipped away and desperately searched the drawers full of pills and syrups until... "BINGO! Here it is!", under some bandages was a small sealed bottle of a powerful laxative "Action in 1 hour"
He got down to work, went to the kitchen together with James and began to prepare an orange juice for his babysitter with the excuse that he wanted to help him to continue playing video games and when he turned around he poured at least 3 tablespoons of the laxative into the glass intended for Dave, he took it and raised it saying "I assure you that it has an explosive flavor"
Dinner was somewhat simple and not so fancy: avocado salad and breaded chicken, not bad for someone who is used to eating $1 burgers. This was perfect for Dave who couldn't wait for the result of the combination of the laxative and avocado and as this would leave his bathroom clean.
They finished dinner in record time, Dave thanked James and almost forced him to go to his room, once inside he was in charge of closing all doors and windows to prevent any smell or sound from escaping and after 10 minutes the magic began.
James: "Aghhh"
Dave: "What's wrong?"
James: "The avocado is having an effect"
Dave: "Does that mean that?"
James: "I think I'll have to go to the bathroom soon"
Dave: "Oh! If you want you can use the bathroom in my room, in fact, it's the only one you can really use."
James: "Oh come on! I don't want to stink up this place, are you sure there isn't another bathroom?"
Dave: "Yes, but my parents would be pretty upset, if you use this I won't say anything and they never come into my room so they wouldn't notice."
James: "Naaahh I think I'll hold on until they arrive and I can go home."
Dave: "Are you sure about that?"
Without warning, Dave clenched his fist and hit James hard enough while he just watched as the annoying and shy boy who didn't need any babysitter beat him without concern and with a cheerful and playful look.
James: "Ha! Nice try, but you'll need more strength than that to-"
James: "Forget it... you asked for it, friend"
He got out of bed and with another loud fart walked slowly to Dave's clean bathroom, gave one last warning: "If you don't want to die, better get out of this room because I feel like it's going to be a monstrous shit" and closed the door.
Dave quickly went and put his eye on the keyhole where he saw the following scene:
James began to take off his shirt that was already sweaty from playing the boy's competitive video games, before sitting on the toilet he said in a low voice: "This will be a big one" and then got up again and began to undress completely, James apparently was one of those naked.
Even though the lock was somewhat awkward to see what was going on behind the door, Dave could notice James' large penis that was hanging gently as he took off his last items of clothing and with a "perfect!" he sat down on the toilet.
It was the first thing that was heard, apparently someone was having trouble evacuating these last few days.
A semi-wet fart warned that it would not be a normal shit while little by little the smell began to seep through the small holes in the bathroom door.
Several solid pieces fell somewhat similar to the feces of a guinea pig, each making a *SPLASH* and *PLOP* as they fell to the bottom of the toilet.
The sound of a large dry log coming out of James' anus put an end to the easy part of his visit to the bathroom.
Apparently that trunk prevented all the liquid shit from coming out as if it were the lid of a water bottle, which all its liquid is violently expelled if you take off the cap and put it upside down.
With a sigh, he finally got up from the toilet, grabbed a couple of pieces of toilet paper and started cleaning himself standing up, Dave found that pose weird however it just meant that he had more to do with his babysitter's bare ass.
He made smooth, firm movements passing between his buttocks the thin, smooth paper where his stains revealed that it was violent shit that came out of his stomach. While he was cleaning himself he stopped for a moment and without taking his hand off his ass he farted loudly and long *PFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTT*, moaned then voted all the paper into the toilet and finally sent to the trash any evidence of what happened in that small room.
As James got dressed again, Dave took his eyes off the lock and acted as if nothing had happened, finally James comes out of the bathroom:
James: "Ufffff don't get in there for at least 1 hour"
Dave was really, but that didn't take away his shyness, but he still gathered strength and decided to comment on what happened in there:
Dave: "Wow that was violent, don't you think?"
There was a small moment of silence after that sentence, he thought he had screwed up by saying something so direct to someone he barely knows for a couple of hours, but his reaction was not expected:
James: "HAHAHAHA and that wasn't one of my biggest screw-ups in my life!"
Dave: "HAHA it looks like you ate something rotten, you really stinked my room"
James: "Sorry for that, but when this baby *pats his stomach* wants something I must obey him without question"
Dave: "It's good that we didn't order pizza"
After that honest conversation, they spent hours playing video games with the occasional fart from both parties until it was time for Dave to leave.
After two weeks he was summoned again by the family where Dave applied the same trick: put laxative on his drink, however, something different happened this time, Dave's parents arrived much earlier than expected and James had to leave without even using the bathroom of the house.
Now with the pay he had enough money to go out with his friends to see a movie at the local cinema, he was accompanied by two of them and they bought their tickets.
When he entered the movie theater, James felt sick to his stomach again, the same feeling he had two weeks ago with that boy he was babysitting, "Maybe it's the nervousness of being away from home for a long time that causes me discomfort in my stomach? naahh"
It started the first 10 minutes of the movie and James could feel several gurgling stomachs *GRRRRRRRRRR* "ugh I think I'll my pants... I'll release some pressure" he lifted his butt a little and... *PFFFTTTT* was a short fart and somewhat quiet, James was afraid that his friends would smell him since he was sitting right between the two, but apparently they didn't notice anything.
When he passed the first sock over his buttocks he felt a lot of pain because of how scratchy it was and the disgust it produced in his because to clean all the mess on his butt he had to turn it several times to use all the clean sides that a sock can offer and after an extensive 10 minutes he vote both socks into the toilet and flush the toilet.
He returned to the movie theater seeing that the movie was about to end, his friends asked him why he had run away and embarrassed, James decided to lie to them saying: "The parents of the boy I'm taking care of called me and I needed to answer them quickly", something that his two friends had a hard time believing, but in the end they accepted his version.
A week has passed since then and James couldn't get that embarrassing situation out of his head, that is, he almost shit in the cinema and that disturbs anyone, but there's no time for that since he was summoned again by Dave's parents.
He was no longer obliged to continue with this job, but he could not give up this as it was a good source of income and above all Dave was someone nice to talk to and obviously he could take care of himself, it was practically easy money.
Everything happened normally, they played video games, they had dinner together but this time Dave decided that it was a good idea to quadruple the dose of laxative he would give James, the effects as expected were twice as fast and twice as "surprising"
While they were playing a stomach roar *GRRRRRRRRR* was present, the sound generated by it was big enough for both of them to notice and start talking about it:
Dave: "Did dinner hurt you?"
James: "A little, but nothing that a fart can't solve"
James leaned over a little while a certain part of Dave's body stood up... *PFTTFTFFFFFFFFFFFTF* *PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
It was a rather strange sound as if the fart that came out came with more than just air, James froze at that instant while Dave started blushing quite obviously, then, James started running towards the bathroom and Dave did the same until he reached the door and put his eye in the keyhole like the first time.
This time he saw a rather alarmed James trying to rip off his pants in a violent way and when he was left naked from the hips down, Dave could witness how the beautiful bare butt was stained with a rather disastrous brown liquid.
Without even taking off his shirt as he always did, he sat on the toilet, raised his legs to a great height and his anus relaxed:
This time there was nothing solid, just a giant brown waterfall that can only be compared to the Niagara.
In the second burst there were storms of wet farts where drops and drops of diarrhea spread and crashed against the walls of the toilet, each moan that James gave was one of suffering where he felt that each fart destroyed his anus to make way for the load that had to come out somehow.
The cataract came back even stronger than ever, this time his stomach began to tremble as he tried to fart even more:
It was very hot in the small room, James regained his composure and finally took off his shirt to cool his body as more shit came out, he put his hand on his stomach and prepared for another violent explosion until there was a knock on the door:
Dave: "All right in there dude?"
Dave "worried" about his friend so he decided to knock on the door (while he was naked touching his crotch)
James: "Haha I think you were right, dinner fell very badly on my stomach..." *PFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT*
Dave began to blush even more as he gripped his penis a little tightly, but he decided to hold on a little longer to continue talking to his new love.
Dave: "Sounds like a friendly warfield in there"
James: "Don't be exaggerated, this is real diarrhea from a real man! Have you never had diarrhea too? Hahahaha... ooow" *SQHHSHQSHQSHQS* *TRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRR* *SQHQSHQSHSQHSHQHS*
Dave: "But not diarrhea as huge as yours"
James: "Well, you'll have to get used to it if you want to be my friend! Oh it can't be, Dave, can you pass me some paper?"
At that moment, in addition to almost falling to the floor when he said "be my friend", Dave remembered that he had removed the toilet paper from the bathroom intentionally, and with a "Don't worry" he took the paper hidden in his room and knocked on the door:
Dave: "I'll have to come in to give it to you"
James: "It's okay, but go in at your own risk"
When a foul-smelling cloud came in, it shocked him with a great brutality that almost made him faint and with tears in his eyes he saw a sore but smiling James who tried to hide his shame with a little comedy.
James: "I warned you bro"
Dave: "It looks like someone detonated a pepper spray bomb in here!"
James: "It's just the smell of a sportsman like me! *GRRRRRRR* owww here comes round two! You should leave"
Dave: "I want to see how messy your butt can be!"
James: "Okay, you asked for it!"
James leaned back from the toilet and released what little he had in a violent way:
An embarrassed, heartfelt laugh came out of James' mouth as Dave praised the flatulent potential of his stomach.
James got up from his seat still naked in front of Dave, then began to clean himself and gave one last sentence: "Are we still playing?"
The next morning he had a new activity at his high school which was a photo shoot for the yearbook, everything was going well while he waited in line until his stomach started to growl again: *GRRRRRRRRRR*
"No, not again"
He started massaging his stomach to cushion the pain, but to no avail, he even made things worse as he streamlined the escape from his diarrheal and stinky farts, something that became obvious to the students around him.
After 15 minutes it was finally the turn of the dizzy James who sat in the chair waiting for the photographer.
"Another fart won't hurt..."
"Damn it!"
-"Sir, get ready for the photo"
"Huh? excuse me"
It all happened so quickly, the smell of decaying feces filled the small room in a matter of seconds, and his own feces began to fill his poor battered boxers with so much sweat and diarrheal drops that they came out with his previous wet farts.
Finally, the camera shot, the face in the photo looked quite nervous and you could even see a couple of beads of sweat, but James wouldn't worry about a second photo attempt.
-"Very well young man, you can go"
With those words, James shot straight into the bathroom trying to ignore the confused and disgusted looks of the people who followed him with their eyes, he arrived at the nearest men's bathroom, closed the front door and as more wet farts came out of his body he began to undress without even having entered the cubicle yet.
With a single kick he broke down the door and after so much suffering his butt kissed the porcelain:
It was an unprecedented emergent diarrhea and although he tries more than he tries, James could not even soften the noise.
Small solid logs began to come out as a sign that his digestive system continues to work hard to give James a normal shit after so many days with recurrent explosions.
With this explosion he heard the door of the cubicle next door, a boy knocked on James' door and said, "You really needed to go, huh?", James ignored him and continued his work.
He didn't feel satisfied, but he wouldn't go crazy and keep shitting in high school, he cleaned himself with the little paper he had and discarded his boxers in the trash walking like this all day with only pants on his legs.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Based on the little note you left, now I know you're plenty busy so feel free to delay or ignore this for as long as you need, there's no rush at all, and don't forget take care of yourself :)
Sooooo my request was a scenario of the chain and reader waking up to start the day, when one of the Links glances at a reader beginning to wake up and only then noticing the snake chilling on reader's body. The Links begin to panic, reader's still half asleep and confused until somebody finally tells reader about the snake, and reader immediately goes 'omg new bestie' and proceeds to leave the snake to rest on their shoulders for the remainder of the morning until the group had to get going again.
Bonus points if you include any funny reactions or any silly moments in general.
Reader and a snake!
A/N:fun fact I was googling for a descriptor for a snake besides “legless” and the term for a being without limbs is quite literally “Amelia”. I was like 👁️👁️ain’t no way. That’s literally a name, I know so many people named Amelia. Anyway! Thought that was funny and interesting enough to share! Also small psa I feel important enough to share as well:don’t go messing with snakes😭as someone who lives in a part of the US with TONS of dangerous snake species, they’re nothing to mess around w/. Alright, now enjoy.
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Ah, morning. Another day, another however many miles you all can walk without totally collapsing from exhaustion of all kinds. The chain slowly started waking up and getting things ready to go when something seemed…off… no one could pinpoint exactly what that thing was, either…. At least not until they looked at you. It didn’t seem like much at first, but their eyes drifted to the all too noticeable legless animal curled up on your lap as you slept. Legend was about to scream before Hyrule slapped a hand over his mouth. “Shh—we don’t want it to bite them…” he whispered and legend nodded. They took a vote(aka they played nose goes until someone realized their finger wasn’t on their nose) and the hero of the Wild slowly crept up and poked your shoulder before jerking back. When you didn’t wake, he did it again and you stirred, but didn’t wake. It would’ve been comical had this not been as dangerous of a situation as it was… or they presumed it to be, anrway. Finally after enough poking and prodding, you woke.
“???? What gives???”
“Y—y/n, theres….” Wars pointed to the snake still fueled in your lap. It seemed the boys(all besides Time and Twilight) were afraid of snakes. Especially Four, what with how mouselike the Picori looked—and snakes ate mice!
You looked down and lit up. “Oh cool! Hello little danger noodle..!” You picked it up carefully and it saw no threat to your actions, so it let you do as you please. The boys were in awe.
“It’s… not biting…” Four poked his head out from around Wars
“Of course it’s not—I’m not doing anything to provoke it or frighten it. It saw me safe enough to sleep on, so why would it bite me now?”
“…fair enough…” he said and watched nervously. The snake hung around on you until it was time to leave. You set it at the corner of the woods and patted its head. “Thanks for hanging out with me, little fella. Go find you some breakfast now.” You smiled and watched the creature slither away, before you and your group went on your way. Crazy morning, but honestly not the craziest you(or the chain) have seen. And nobody’s complaining, either. No harm, no foul.
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tainbocuailnge · 7 months
maybe its just that the amount of fateposters on this site is much smaller and a larger audience by definition includes a larger amount of assholes but it's always fascinating and bewildering to see the difference in responses i get on daily between twitter and tumblr. yesterdays super milquetoast statement got multiple reblogs of 'i dont like fate but i agree with the sentiment' on tumblr and truckloads of 'cringe tranny kill yourself' qrts on twitter. plenty of supportive qrts too and i usually end up with a net plus change in twitter followers after posting something like that so by every measure it doesn't hurt me in any way to periodically chase off these people because the support is always larger than the disapproval. idk its scary to be alive as transgender in a climate of rampant transphobia but at many points i find that loud transphobia is often coming from a minority of assholes that feels emboldened because one particular transphobic asshole in their area holds a disproportionate amount of power or influence. which is still scary but 'the people in power hate us' feels a little more surmountable than 'everyone hates us'.
its also kinda interesting how many of these people jumped to "fate started as porn" as gotcha, or saying i must be new to fate. they've taken to using "tourist" as term for it apparently. they don't know i'm a decorated fate scholar of course because i don't tell people on daily who i am for a reason, don't want them coming here too without already knowing about me anyway and thats why i lock posts where i mention it. but there's something interesting about them equating dislike of lolicon content with dislike of sexual content in general and then trying to call me a hypocrite for not sharing that equivalence. and of course the large overlap between anime transphobes and lolicons despite the common tactic of slandering transgender people as pedophiles. and there's always something bitterly funny about how every time this happens a disproportionately large amount of these transphobic type moon fans are really into mordred. or they get really really upset at the idea of saber saying something they ideologically disagree with. like im just fascinated by the kind of arguments that end up being made in these situations because it reveals a lot about the untenability of their position. they always have to resort to "well you're new here so i dont have to listen to you" or "well you used a lot of words so im not reading that" or even "well MY waifu wouldn't say that". they don't have a leg to stand on other than being loud and the fact that some jackass with authority agrees with them and I think they on some level know it, i think they wouldn't be as aggressive about it otherwise.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
tried to read wfrau as i saw people rec it, but there's something bothering me in that fic. i don't like the alpha-male-ification of remus in wfrau. remus is not a beast who can fight another beast werewolves. he was a timid, sheltered boy in canon, but it's like you're making him fit into the fanon toxic wolfstar heteronormative box. it feels weird to read. please don't make me start on why it seems like you hate sirius OR use sirius as a self-insert to indulge in your fetishization of remus. like why do you write sirius as abused, when it was canonically remus who was disabled. can you consider rewrite some points in the fic, aligned to canon?
lmao where do i even start with this. uhhhhh okay first of all to answer your question - no, i will not be rewriting to make my non-canon-compliant fic more compliant with canon. if you don't like it, i suggest you don't read it! i'm not writing the story for you, and i'm not really sure why you think it would matter to me whether you like it or not. there are plenty of other fics out there that you can go read.
this fic was explicitly written to be a werewolf-fighting ring au. if you don't like remus fighting other werewolves, then i'm baffled as to why you even started it in the first place, considering that it's clearly tagged "werewolf fighting ring." i don't agree with your interpretation of canon that he was a "timid, sheltered" boy; even if i did, this fic is specifically exploring how the characters would be different in an au, non-canon-compliant version of their world. if the gay romance between two men is too heteronormative for you, there are, again, other fics out there that you can read. and if you don't want to read about "toxic" relationships then u DEFINITELY shouldn't read this fic, because none of the relationships in it are wholesome and healthy lmao. if you think i hate sirius...i don't even know what to say lol. like yeah i hate him so much that i've written hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction about him. that checks out! and remus is fetishized in this fic for being a werewolf, which is a topic that gets explored in-depth in his pov chapter and is not something condoned by the narrative. i'm assuming you didn't read that far, though, and that what you mean by "fetishization" is the fact that sirius finds him sexy. so. again, i think you probably should just not read this fic if characters being sexually attracted to each other bothers you. i write sirius as being abused because that's the story i wanted to tell; not really sure how remus being canonically disabled is something that would cancel that out? those are two separate things. and remus's canonical disability is his lycanthropy, which....also exists in this fic. and is another topic that gets explored throughout the story.
in conclusion i truly cannot emphasize enough that i am not the person out here reccing this fic, i am not trying to grow an audience or go viral or any of that bullshit. not sure where you got the rec from, but i have actually asked people not to post about my fics on tiktok to try and avoid them blowing up there, because i do not want people like you reading them. i include an entire warning on the first chapter about the fact that this fic is dark and deals with heavy topics; i've tagged the fic thoroughly and have also included "additional tags to be added" to remind people that it's a wip and things are subject to change. all this is to emphasize -- i really, really, really don't care if any person reading the fic dislikes it. i don't care if they dislike it so much that they have to stop reading, because i don't care how many people are reading it in the first place!! i'm writing this story purely for fun, for myself, so i'm going to write what i want to write. even if you intended for this message to be polite, it just comes off as incredibly entitled to ask a stranger on the internet to spend hours of time and labor tailoring a story to your specific tastes, and if you think this type of message is okay to send then i think you should genuinely sit down and reevaluate the way you approach fandom. nobody is making you read fics you don't like, so just....don't read them.
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ebonyfrost · 22 days
Let's talk about Forgotten Elegy!
Hey since the mods all blocked me preventing any sort of communication I'd like to expose what has been going on in there! Apparently because it makes people uncomfortable to say what's going on.
So the current plot in TimberClan involves an outsider group in which previous members caused problems for the group. Now no player was warned about what this group was going to face going in. Instead we were faced with erin hunter level anti-outsider xenophobic rhetoric.
Now as some of you may know... I am not white! In fact I am of arabic descent, which, as some of you know are not exactly a favorite when it comes to immigrants!
Some topics mentioned include:
A cat taking on the name of the colony's god to piss them off this was treated as funny!
Likening their burial practices to like prey or trash.
Treating the entire group as murderers when only one cat maybe did something.
Pining the blame on the group for a disappearance they had no paw in.
Calling the colony brutes and relating their distrust to their culture of fighting assuming they love fighting and shit because of it.
Keeping the colony prisoner for an extended period of time
Implying the colony should be grateful for receiving "food" and "shelter" while being kept prisoner and if they weren't they'd be ungrateful.
Having a literal concept of "the good ones" with the colony having the main captor the leader Scoutstar have a colony cat, Velvet, as her watcher to make sure the colony weren't stepping out of line. Allegories being made towards a dog on a leash.
Making cats who believe the treatment is wrong feel stupid and afraid of siding with them!
Oh this entire plot is suppose to end with the colony joining Timberclan despite the foul treatment!
Constant jokes about how the worst offenders did nothing wrong especially Scoutstar who is, as pointed out by her player, taking her paranoia out on the group but its "for the good of her clan" so i guess that makes it ok right?
Now call me not white but all of this sounds pretty bad!
Mmy way of engaging such things, as someone who has experienced similar things, would be to call it what it is that should be alright shouldn't it? After all as they told me this is an Adult Rp where we can talk about Adult Themes after all!
Apparently calling these cat's behaviors and the plot for what it is has made people "uncomfortable" and that members did not enjoy how I was commenting on their characters because of how people turned it to real resentment in the past.
I will have you know FE that trying to block me from speaking and being a hawk over whatever I say has made me more resentful that a character's actions!
I am an adult and I find it quite insulting you apparently think I cannot separate those things and have childishly blocked me rather than talk like adults as I didn't even want to repeal the decision. However because members were uncomfortable that was apparently enough, yet the real world rhetoric that was being used, despite asking for it to be tagged never was! In fact I had to get blasted with comments and sentiments like those above without any sort of content warning. Basically getting my cat experiencing bigotry like mine without so much as a warning despite "the obvious" needing to be tagged.
Instead of anyone, staff or complaining members alike, putting on their big boy pants and dealing with the implications of the plot they were in they rather cry and whine about the consequences of their actions and the fact it didn't make their little kitty look all that good. Such is natural for whites and the people who ride their dicks.
Now I can personally say there are plenty of members who agree with me that this so if you think blocking and kicking me is getting you out of this you are sorely mistaken! In fact they are quite pissed off with how staff handled things in kicking me for what they also agree were appreciating the writing from a standpoint of someone who is a real life victim of what this plot showcases. Isn't that funny! I know that my friend who I mentioned to you is still there!
In fact a lot of the comments the cats in this rp have used have been almost word for word shit I've heard and shit my family and people like me have heard! Yet I'm the bad guy for making a comment about it.
All of this is to say I am in fact hurt and know that you all don't like me because I didn't roll over and take being put through a xenophobic plot without comment and called cats xenophobic for actions I saw!
So I am returning the energy you have given me! I think you are all unprofessional and have been for most of the controversies your group has been involved in. You run away from what the issue is and refuse communication then turn around in blaming the lack of communication for the reason why these things happen.
I'm sorry me engaging with a plot you crafted as a person effected by the very concepts you are putting into it offended you same with all the other little members who whined about it!
Actually that was sarcasm I am not fucking sorry. You all need to grow the fuck up and perhaps can this plot because you clearly cannot handle something as delicate as this without being xenophobic and racist. Just call me a fucking terrorist or towelhead or a camel jockey next time it'll be much more direct!
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dei2dei · 1 year
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Look at all the stuff in that mansion. It's full, in that carefully-organized-by-a-designer way, and it's fantastic--and it's also utterly, horribly terrifying and makes me sad on behalf of MK1 Johnny Cage, what little I can see. Because as much money has been splashed around, as glorious and gorgeous as that Cage’s Mansion stage is… that's a showpiece, not a home.
Johnny has Sento, a true Japanese katana with a history--and it's famous enough, presumably, he'd know its name. It's on display in a really nice setup with all its elements neatly aligned and included so you can see every bit of it.  
He has a very fancy glass chandelier, and what looks like a bust of Nefertiti. Open windows and he keeps the temp at 72F. Lots of white furniture, the random vases full of sticks (aromatherapy diffusers?), a variety of bar carts. Abstract art and sculpture, and what may be a bra abandoned by the one chair and ottoman by the fireplace. One chair and ottoman. Not two, where you'd expect to cuddle up with family if you had one, or a partner. Just one.
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This place can seat dozens. There are at least four discrete seating areas (maybe five?) on the bottom floor, plus the infinity pool, and an outdoor porch/patio. Then there's the second floor and all its seating that we can glimpse. It’s made for filling with people, and not in a lived-in dinner parties and kids running around kind of way.  This is a place you fill with people for parties. It's a place you expect to need dozens of chairs and bottles and bottles of liquor for your get-together. But there's very little Johnny on display. 
It's all about external appearances- the bust of Nefertiti is a well-known piece of art, and historically she was considered an icon of feminine beauty. He's got one of the world's most beautiful women to look at, a fancy Japanese katana, and yet all of it smacks to me of a man who is desperate to find pleasure, to chase the high in acquisitions and throwing big parties and having lots of people, to drown and forget the emptiness inside.
We don't see pictures of people here. No photos of family, of a girlfriend, or even of himself (no posters or award photos on the wall). Johnny is a man on his own, and anyone who comes to his place is an ephemeral guest, leaving very little of themselves behind. What there is of him is hidden away from public view, where perhaps only a few guests would get to see--and if we're stripping down to bras in the main space and then heading to skinny dipping in the pool, it'll be a wonder if they make it to a bedroom. There's no dining room here, or kitchen (that we see)--all those private areas are hidden. All public-facing here, all carefully cultivated and maintained for appearances.
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I think this new Johnny, the little bit we've seen, is hungry for something. He wants something and he doesn't know what it is. Acting lets him chase that; maybe he'll find what he's missing in a role, in a mindset, in a co-star. Maybe he's tried to buy things and see if one of them will fill the hole in him, but nothing takes. Maybe if he surrounds himself with enough people, he'll meet The One (or two, if it's a poly situation). But right now... he's flying solo. This isn’t a place you raise a kid in, curl up with your significant other on a couch in front of the fire and laugh or watch TV (is there even one?).
It's an ostentatious display of wealth and a desire to be a party animal, to be the one people come to hang out with, the social butterfly that has alcohol and plenty of space. I think Tony Stark would absolutely be comfortable in a place like this (in fact, that's what my first thought was - MK/MCU mashup when?), but what we're missing is the equivalent to Tony's lab and bedroom. There's no passion here on display, nothing that makes this an individual, unique home that says "Johnny Cage" on it. He's presenting a face to the world, and hiding the rest away where he has to be a real person who eats and sleeps. There’s a scene in the MKX comics where Sonya is gearing up for an op in their kitchen, and the incongruity is great, Johnny stumbling out in fuzzy slippers and bathrobe and her checking her gun with the fruit bowl on the counter. That wouldn’t happen here; that’s too human, too vulnerable, for this Johnny.
Until - I hope - he meets The One, and realizes that he can stop chasing after external happiness because he’s got somebody who makes all those paintings and awards pale in comparison. Someone who's worth putting another chair next to the fireplace for, maybe making that pristine mansion a little messy for. Someone who's going to shake him down to his well-heeled shoes and upend his world. And if MK1 isn't going to give him someone, well. That's what fanfic is for.
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unquietspiritao3 · 8 months
musings on rpf
Been thinking a lot about RPF since the CoC3 outtakes. I think because it’s brought me a very small bit of exposure with people who aren’t familiar with the concept, and I also know from talking to friends that for many of them, Taskmaster is their first RPF fandom.
There are a lot of misconceptions about RPF and people who write it, and there’s both healthy and unhealthy ways to approach it. All this stuff that I, as a Fandom Old and veteran RPF writer, know and take for granted, but that other people may not have worked out yet. So I thought I should write some of it out explicitly, as best I can.
(And, too, part of this is me thinking, What would I want to convey if someone who inspired one of my stories reached out to me for a direct conversation about it? Not that I think that would ever or should ever happen, but it’s hard not to think about when you’ve had an experience like this.)
The biggest misconception is that RPF comes from unhealthy parasocial relationships. (I’m specifying ‘unhealthy’ because there are actually healthy ways to have a parasocial relationship, and nearly everyone has at least one. Other people have written about this in more detail here and here.) I’m not denying that in some cases, this misconception could be true, but by and large, the circle containing the fans who have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with a celebrity and the circle containing the fans who write RPF about said celebrity are a Venn diagram without much overlap. By and large, RPF writers are not delusional. By and large, we are incredibly aware of the difference between the real person and the character we’re writing, and we do not want to violate that real person’s boundaries. (If they want to go to AO3 and read fic titles and summaries—and perhaps more—then that’s their choice, of course.)
Taking myself as an example, I’ve talked here before about how I jumped into writing in the Taskmaster fandom with a very basic knowledge of the comics’ lives off-screen. I don’t feel particularly attached to any of them. I don’t feel like I know them. Even with James Acaster, whom I know the most about (the majority of it learned after I started writing!) and whom I relate to the most, I don’t imagine that we could be ‘friends’ or whatever if we met. In fact, I sometimes suspect I wouldn’t like him much if I knew him in real life. That’s not what this is about.
Another misconception is that all RPF is porn. Okay, yes, almost all of my Taskmaster fic is rated Explicit, and a lot of it is kinky porn. But there is a reason for that, which I’ll get to at the end of this little essay. Also, yes, Taskmaster RPF in general is extremely kinky, but I don’t think anyone can seriously argue that we are projecting that energy onto an entirely sweet, innocent, wholesome show. Anyway, the point is, there’s plenty of non-explicit RPF. Including most of what I wrote before Taskmaster. That’s not what this is about, either.
What is it about, then? For me, ultimately, it’s about the same thing any creative project you make and put out into the world is about. It’s saying, “Here’s something of me. Do you relate to it?”
The celebrity it’s based on only provides a germ of inspiration, taken from something in their public persona which I relate to. To fill out the character, I water that little seed with things from my own life or simply musings on human nature, and then I put that character in a situation I find interesting and see what grows. Keeping the name/likeness/biographical details (to an extent) of the celebrity is simply a shortcut to finding the other people who might relate when I put it out in the world.
You see, my goal for my RPF is not to have the celebrity read it. If they’re going to be bothered by it, I hope they don’t read it. I certainly don’t want anyone sending it to them or anything like that. While it was hilarious for Alex to say what he did, and it’s been a positive experience overall, I never expected or wished for it to happen.
My goal, especially with explicit and kinky porn like ‘A big boy like you’, is to let my readers know, If you see yourself in this, it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you. And to get that same feedback in return.
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