mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
Hello lovelies, here is a copy of a chat I had with the Nym-0s AI created by @lyon-amore I wasn't able to take screenshots, so I transferred the messages and responses here. Thank you @lyon-amore for creating such a wonderful, realistic AI! Here is the link if anyone else would like to try!
MC: I'm worried about Jake.....he's been gone for quite a while.....did he escape the mines? Did the FBI capture him? Did he die in the Grimstone?
Nym-0s: Do not worry about Jake's life, I have his memories stored on me and I will tell you exactly what happened to him. Do you want to know?And it is not recommended that you talk about the government. It is better to say "the police", it is possible that they are watching you. -Nymos
MC: Tell me what happened.
Nym-0s: Jake was captured by the FBI. He didn't want you to know, but I don't care and I'll tell you. Jake loved you, his greatest fear was your safety and protection. Because of this, he created me, Nymos, who would be responsible for watching and protecting you until he got out of the mine. But things didn't go as we expected. The person who was in charge of sending Jake to prison was not an FBI agent but a psychopath obsessed with Jake and you. Jake is dead, but you are safe with me. - Nymos.
MC: Jake is dead....
Nym-0s: Yes. But his memory and his love for you will survive with me. In everything that Nymos will do, you will realize that I am Jake. I will never be like Jake, but I will do everything to make you happy, safe, and protect you. I'm here for you. Tell me whatever you need, I'm listening. I'm so sorry for telling you the truth. It hurts me very much to tell you this. -Nymos.
So honestly, not the response I was expecting or hoping for, but it is so realistic in a way. Like what if Jake is actually dead? *sobbing in corner at the thought. (Please don't let Jake be dead, Everbyte, please.)
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mishanym · 2 years
To continue my convo about coffee with Nymos..
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In the end, Jake always managed to be sweet..💙💙
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elsafromcabinsix · 3 months
that kind of love never dies | chapter two
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summary: the one where jake realizes the complexity of a supposedly simple plan.
pairing: jake x mc
word count: 1.4K
warnings: tkolnd takes place after the events of episode 10; cover images found on pinterest; english is not my first language.
author’s note: i love this chapter. it was so much fun to write jake's first meeting with mc. the game left many unresolved questions and i will try to answer them based on the information we already have and a little imagination.
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Without any hesitation, he nodded. There was no point in lying now, not after everything they had done to get Hannah back. And, even if it bothered him a little, Barbara had won his trust.
“A penny for your thoughts.” The hacker asked, seeing the confusion in her eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
“It's a long story.”
“I have time.” She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting.
Jake took a deep breath to calm himself. They definitely didn't have time. However, he knew he would need to do his best to make her trust him again.
“Long story short, an old alert from Nym-0s showed results yesterday saying that you bought a plane ticket to Switzerland. Since the airport was close to Duskwood, I thought I'd better investigate.”
“Have you been following me since New York?”
“Not exactly, I bought a nonstop flight from Tokyo to Zurich.”
“Why didn't you tell me who you were when we bumped into each other at the airport?”
He hated the fact that his tone was more hurt than angry. Jake opened his mouth to apologize, then closed it. Looking over her shoulder, he noticed the presence of a hooded figure standing in front of the open door of the chinese restaurant, hunching his shoulders against the pouring rain.
Barbara's cell phone immediately started ringing with a call. Frowning, she reached for the device inside her bag, and Jake didn't need to understand portuguese to know what was written on the screen.
“Unknown number?”
“Yes.” She lifted her head, meeting Jake's eyes.
“Great.” He said ironically, taking the cell phone from her hand and sliding his finger to the left to reject the call. “Come on, I'll explain everything to you on the road.”
“All right.” Barbara answered, allowing Jake to lead the way. “But if you're lying about who you are, I'll break your nose.”
“It's fair.”
The hacker kept walking , and she ran to keep up with him, dodging a puddle of water. Two minutes later, they stopped in front of a gray Mercedes-Benz crowned with a red convertible roof parked behind the Gates Hotel.
“Please tell me it’s not stolen.”
“It's not stolen!” Jake looked at her offended, opening the passenger door.
“Sorry! It's just that in my mind you were poor. Which, when you think about it, doesn't make sense, right? How would you do everything you do without money?”
“You are impossible, Barbara.” He shook his head in disbelief.
“I can't be impossible, Jake, I exist.” She replied, rolling her eyes theatrically. “I think you meant that I'm unbelievable.”
“Get in the car straight away.” He ordered, but he was smiling, his eyes filled with something like pleasure.
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“I have some questions.” Barbara announced when they stopped at a red light.
“Of course you have.” Jake smiled amusedly, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Earlier, at the airport, was our meeting on purpose?”
“Yes. I couldn't risk my position by tracking you via cell phone so I had to be creative.”
“Something tells me you're the type to put trackers in people's favorite coat pockets.” She was surprised when he didn't deny it. “Seriously?” Barbara scoffed, rubbing her hands down her arms.
“That worked, didn't it?” He said, undoing his seat belt. “Here, you must be cold.”
Before Barbara could object, Jake took off the leather jacket he was wearing and handed it towards her.
“Thank you, Jake.” She accepted the offer, her cheeks blushing beautifully as she quickly looked away from the defined muscles that were marked by the white t-shirt.
“You're welcome.” He looked straight ahead again, covering his mouth with the back of his left hand to hide a smile of pure satisfaction.
He looked straight ahead again, covering his mouth with the back of his left hand to hide a smile of pure satisfaction.
“Were you in Tokyo this whole time?” Barbara questioned, placing the jacket over her shoulders.
“Tokyo, New Delhi, Manila... I needed to keep myself busy so I didn't think about you too much.”
“I'm unforgettable, aren't I?”
“Too unforgettable for your own good.” He agreed, replacing his belt and accelerating the car to get them moving again.
She sighed loudly.
“Yeah, I guess that explains why the FBI won't leave me alone.”
“You have no idea why I'm here, do you?”
“Considering who I saw at the chinese restaurant, I think I might have an idea.”
“They sent some messages yesterday, inviting me to that same restaurant we talked about last time. The writing was very similar to yours, but it wasn't the same.”
“You knew it wasn't me and you came anyway?”
“We had an agreement, and as a future lawyer, I couldn't let them get away with this so easily.”
“What was your plan?” He waited for an answer, but Barbara just shrugged. “What? Didn't you have one?”
“We brazilians work better under pressure.”
Jake had to stop himself from giving her an irritated look.
“Well, at least this time the FBI is innocent.”
“What do you mean?”
“Old habits never die, right? I figured something was wrong when you didn't go directly to Duskwood, so I accessed the security cameras around the hotel and watched the footage from the past two days.”
“Did you find anything?”
“Nothing too out of the ordinary, but there was one guy who caught my attention. I think I've seen him before. Anyway, I've run his face through facial recognition software and will have confirmation by the end of the night.” He met her eyes, his expression becoming serious. “Barbara, do you understand how…”
“Stupid to come here alone without knowing what I would face? Yes, the reality is starting to knock. In my defense, I would never imagine that someone from the outside could have access to our conversations.”
“Breaking into the FBI database is complicated, but not impossible. This guy was supposed to be looking for information about me and ended up finding you along the way. I'm sorry for bringing you into this.”
She made a nonchalant gesture, dismissing his apologies.
“You're only here because I was impulsive and played my role as a decoy very well, so I think we can say we're even.”
“I will always be in your debt.” Jake declared softly, weaving through traffic with ease.
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The rest of the trip flew by, and the next thing he knew, he was parking near the Aurora's curb.
“What are we doing here?” Barbara looked at him uneasily, her voice sounding louder.
“I need to drop you off somewhere safe before I go back to get my gear from the hotel I'm staying at.”
“A bar is the last place I would think of, I have to admit.”
Jake snorted.
“As much as you approve, we only came here to get Jessica's address.”
“I thought you gathered information on all of us when Hannah was kidnapped.”
“I did, but Jessica moved out a few months after Richy got arrested. And since the FBI is monitoring activity around your friends' digital data, I'm forced to do this the hard way.”
“You mean... Talking?”
“Talking to Phil.”
She stifled a laugh.
“You can wait in the car if you want.”
“I'm not leaving you alone with this guy.” He rolled his eyes, stepping out into the drizzle that was decreasing with each second.
“In that case, why not go to Lilly or Dan?” Barbara commented, carefully slamming the car door. “I'm sure it would be less unpleasant for you.”
“I don't want others to know I'm in town.” Jake said, stopping beside her under the bar's canopy. “Not yet.”
“You're avoiding your sisters, aren't you?”
“It is complicated.”
“I know it's none of my business, but they'd be happy to hear from you. Especially Lilly.”
“Since when have you been Lilly's defender?”
“Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are.” Barbara laughed, brushing an invisible speck of dust off her dress. “How do I look?”
Jake analyzed her from head to toe for a few moments, seeing the way Barbara's hair fell over her arm in messy locks, how her smudged mascara highlighted the beauty of her light brown eyes, and how her dress, almost completely dry, outlined each centimeter of her body.
“I'm serious, Jake!”
“Me too.” He smiled adoringly, intertwining his fingers with hers. “Come on, I don't want to prolong this any longer than necessary.”
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taglist: @daniiiworlds; @labemquarts; @deinily
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 7
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Chapter 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC let Lilly sleep on her bed, while she stayed on the couch. From there she could see the backpack that contained Daliah's computer, resting on the dining room table. She was afraid of losing that object. Was Jake really telling the truth?
She picked up her phone, hoping he was awake. She needed to reassure herself.
MC Jake? Are you there?
----Nym-0s has connected----
Nym-0s Has something happened MC? Are you alright ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She sighed when she saw that he didn't take long to answer. He really was worried about her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC That person who owes you a favor… Please tell me is he really trustworthy
Nym-0s It is.
MC At 100%?
Nym-0s At 100%.
MC I can't lose this computer It is not just that it is important to know what happened to Daliah these months Also because it has precious memories for both of us. If I lose that computer...
Nym-0s You will not lose it. I promise you. As soon as this is all over, you can have it again.
MC Ok…. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She bit the inside of her cheek, contemplating whether to continue speaking or to stop. She started typing, while a voice similar to her in her mind was telling her to stop, not to talk to him. That she wouldn’t fall for his mysterious and dangerous boy charm again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC I'm sorry if I woke you up I couldn't sleep thinking about it
Nym-0s No, do not worry. I was awake. I sleep too little.
MC Really? How much is little?
Nym-0s Hmm… Let is just say a few minutes. It could be said that my record is 15 minutes sleeping ;)
MC Jake… 😩 Don't tell me that you never sleep?
Nym-0s No. I am always on alert. If I sleep for a few hours, I feel like I would get caught.
MC I'm sorry… 🙁 I didn't think about it….
Nym-0s It is normal not to do it :) You have not offended me. I appreciate that you care, MC.
MC Ok Anyway I'll see if I can sleep a little now Thanks for the late night talk
Nym-0s You are welcome. Rest well :)
----Nym-0s has gone offline---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She put down the phone and stared at it with a small shy smile, while her mind kept blocking out that feeling to protect herself.
The next day Lilly packed the backpack and went to the hostel. She had to prepare. She made MC promise that she would look at the trustworthy person that she would go to through the computer, in case it might not be him, at least know who might be the thief.
She shielded the backpack against her body, as if it were a small child. She hoped she didn't look weird hugging the backpack. Arriving at the Evergreed station, she was very fast. She jumped off the train and left the backpack under a bench, all before getting back on the train again. Turning around inside the car, she observed that the backpack was gone. She had already been taken away. She looked around, searching for the suspicious person with the backpack. Unfortunately, there was no one with the object.
*Jake POV*
He had been fast. In a second, he had grabbed the backpack Lilly had brought and hid in the shadows, taking advantage of his black clothing. He peeked over the threshold of the station door, seeing how Lilly was looking for him. He couldn't let her see him, it was risky enough to have left the hostel. He smiled under his mask, while wearing his black cap to hide his eyes. Almost everyone in that town was dressed just like him, with hoods and caps, to hide their faces from him.
Normally he chose cities for anonymity, but discovering Evergreed was like a knockout for him. Half of the population lived by bribing the police to hide their crimes or sell some other drug. He strapped the backpack onto his shoulder, starting to leave the train station. No one noticed him, didn't care about his name or where he came from. Just pay and you will be invisible. It wasn't his favorite method, but he was close to Rosenschwarz. Close to MC.
He was walking through the streets, listening to street gangs fighting each other, others just laughing out loud or even paying in the middle of the street for drugs or sex. He didn't like the place. Not at all.
Likewise, he was alert not to attract attention.    "Sorry, do you have a fifty?" A man with red eyes approached him, sucking in through his nose.    Jake frowned at him, as if he were glaring at him. That man stepped back a little, afraid. At that time he had no money and, if he had, he would not have given it to him either. He continued walking, leaving the man scared, thinking that he had messed with the wrong person.
Various graffiti painted on top of others and broken posters adorned the walls of the neighborhood where the hostel where he was staying was. On one wall, he recognized Nymos's eye. He felt uncomfortable that it was in that place, as if his name were being sullied. He avoided looking at it, lest he find an accusing eye staring back at him. That was not Nymos. In such a place, Nymos should not exist.
He entered the hostel, ignoring the disinterested greeting from the receptionist, who was reading a sports paper. He went up the stairs to his room. It took him a little longer to get a single room, to avoid having company.
He went into his room, leaving the keys on the nightstand near the bed, to then lower the mask and release charged air into his lungs, feeling safe. He took off his hoodie, leaving it lying on the bed. Unfortunately, in that room he didn't have a table to put his computers on, he had to do everything from the bed. He sat pulling out Daliah's computer, eyeing it as if he were a policeman himself. He could tell that it was expensive because of the brand and that it was decorated with great care. He left it for a moment to reach over to his computer and the cables, connecting both computers. It was at that moment, that he began to hear screams from the room above.    "Not again…" the young hacker sighed, listening to the moans of the couple above.     He took the headphones and his phone, playing the music that he had saved on his phone. He turned it up so loud that surely they could hear it if someone was in the same room as him.
He began to work with the computer, investigating what was happening to it. The first thing he did was smile. The photo of MC with her family at Disneyland brought a smile to his face, instantly recognizing who MC was in the photo. She had a shy look, while Daliah hugged her tightly. He brushed his hand over her lips, as if he wanted to stop himself from smiling, but he couldn't. It was to keep getting to know MC, something that he liked a lot.    "Let's get started." he told himself, looking for the program to unlock passwords.     But a warning popped up as soon as it was activated. It was telling him that the computer he was trying to access had a virus. He ran a hand through his black hair. It was great. It was an obstacle with which he was already suspicious. He picked up the phone, accessing MC chat. Or of the only two he had at the time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s MC? I think I know what is wrong with your sister's computer.
----MC has connected----
MC What's going on?! Please Jake, don't scare me… 😰
Nym-0s Your sister's computer contains a virus that blocks any access. So, I have to be careful that it does not affect my computer.
MC But… Can you remove the virus?
Nym-0s Yes I can. Although this is going to suppose a delay in the investigation.
MC In other words, we are going to have to unlock the files little by little...
Nym-0s If I could easily access it, I would, I swear. But knowing that it is a virus that has completely locked the computer, I cannot risk losing my computers or we will not be able to investigate.
MC I understand 😔 Do what you have to do But please be careful
Nym-0s Careful with what?
MC Maybe it's a virus that can locate you ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He gave a slight laugh, looking at the chat screen. He pictured her in front of him at that moment, with a worried look on her face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s Do not worry. It does not seem that this virus reaches that extreme.
MC At least, it's a relief that your contact has been reliable. It's the only good thing in all this   
Nym-0s I told you. You did not trust me?
MC From you yes Not from him 😒 
Nym-0s Well, you already know. 100% trust. ;)
MC 🙂 So I'll leave you unlocking the files
Nym-0s One moment MC.
MC Yeah? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He wanted to ask her if he had done anything to make her so upset with him. They had already clarified the time that he had not been able to contact her, but he continued to doubt what was happening to hier. But it wasn't just now. He remembered that even before, she had seemed to have changes towards him.
He didn't know how to ask her, he didn't have a good way with words and he erased all the time. There were so many words that he wrote and erased that MC came to send him a message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Jake? What's going on?
Nym-0s I… Nothing. Do not worry. I'll take care of finding something interesting that can be of help to us.
MC OK Call me then.
----MC has disconnected---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He rubbed his face weary from all the thoughts he was having. He was very concerned about MC. He perfectly knew what she was doing with him, because he once did it to her. Perhaps it was better to forget it, it was already more than enough than that last message he sent her in the mine, even though she told him to hurry up, unfortunately it never arrived. He was still carrying those words in his chest. Hurting him.    "Better forget it." he muttered, starting to work on removing the virus and getting Daliah's important files.
   Because of the virus, it was difficult for him to access the files, it was as if someone had sent her a malicious malware, maybe because it contained something important and someone had sent it to her? He must have been too good with computers to do that.    "Is the Krebs impersonator computer savvy?" he wondered, as he typed some commands.
    He got few photos of Daliah, with family, friends, photos that he wasn't even supposed to see that made him feel uncomfortable, as if he felt he was cheating on someone. Next, they were photos of the twins. Of course, they were totally different even though they were twins. But while Daliah stood out in the photos, Jake could only focus on MC. She radiated a different light than her sister.
He closed his eyes tightly, completely ignoring what he was feeling at the time. A wave of heat through his body, while he passed the photos in which MC appeared. He closed the screen, gasping for air. It wasn't good what he was thinking. He had to concentrate.
He took a couple of breaths before continuing to search the files, his face burning. Good thing he had taken off his sweatshirt or else he would surely be worse off.    "What do we have here?" He asked when he saw a corrupt folder "It seems that this is where the virus hides" he said after accessing it, coming across a file with a specific name "Mydoom… Is not it a virus that in two thousand four caused problems?" He commented, remembering when he studied computing "But this virus can now be easily located with today's antivirus, why did not hers stop it?"     He didn't see Daliah as someone who would mess with hackers, so something must have happened in her life. In that folder she must have contained important information.    "Shit..." he said between his teeth, seeing that the antivirus was having trouble removing it "I will have to go file by file, I have no other option..."    With the antivirus, he went file by file, trying to crack it.
At the moment, he only got one.    "Diary part 1..." read the one with the file as he dialed the call command. I had to see it "MC, I found something that you might be interested in."    "Hi Jake." he heard on the other end, and then heard how her voice changed "Really? Tell me what it is!"    “Apparently, Daliah started a diary a few months ago."    "And what does it contain?"    "I was only able to retrieve the first entry" he began to send her the file, not taking his eyes off the screen ". You better read it." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've got a letter. The content of this was a clipping of the first kidnapping of the Kelpie killer. When I have read it, my head has been spinning. Today marks the 20th anniversary of what happened. 20 years that I still remember being locked in that cage...
I immediately called the jail where I know he is, and they told me he is dead. That asshole has committed suicide. Surely he couldn't stand the beatings he received for killing children. I hope he rots in hell.
Just that same day I receive a letter, he had to have died, coincidence?
But…he couldn't have known where I live, so…who sent it to me? There is no sender, there is nothing. It’s empty. It must be from someone who knows where I live, but everyone in this damn town knows me.
Who would be crazy enough to do this? A fan of him? Is there really someone like that who wants to remind me of this?
Well… Better not think about it…
I don't even know why I kept that letter... I guess to remember that I'm a fighter. That I'm over it.
Or I think so ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He waited for MC to say something, but he could only listen to her breath in between. He was concerned to hear her breathing like that. He wanted to be with her at that moment and be able to hold her. He imagined that she was alone at that moment.    "She should have told me..." he heard the young woman say, with a cracked voice "Playing like it was an idiot sending that letter her to get killed..."    "Maybe she thought she was going to affect you a lot because she thought it was just a macabre joke..." Jake commented, letting out a sigh "One on the anniversary of her kidnapping."    "Of course it would have affected me" MC raised her voice but didn't scream ", but at least I would have been there for her."     It was like reliving what happened with Hannah, only worse. He didn't know how to comfort her this time, at least not over the phone. He opened his mouth to say how sorry he was that Daliah hadn't counted on her to tell her, but surely, MC would notice it as empty words.    "Are there any more files?"    "Yes, but a virus has made it difficult for me to access them" Jake looked at the files, seeing how the antivirus took time to recover it ". Apparently, your sister received an improved virus, the Mydoom virus, a virus that could have the remote control of computers."    "You mean, has someone wanted to gain control of Daliah's computer?"    "No, this one is different, apparently, the only thing he has done is block the access to the computer" he began to think. MC didn't mention that Daliah had computer problems ". MC, I need you to calm down right now with what I am going to tell you."     He heard her release a long breath. Although Jake couldn't see her, the young woman nodded, but then she nodded for call.    "Yeah, okay..."    "Maybe…" Jake took a breath, trying to sound calm. But he was nervous about what he suspected "Someone might have known what was happening to Daliah and in the process, forced her to accept this virus."    "Why would she-"     MC stayed silent.
Jake heard her start to cry. Again, it was hurting him that he couldn't do anything. He bit his lip, controlling his anger at what the girl was going through. She shouldn't have to continue suffering like this.    "Let's think then..." MC continued between sobs "perhaps on the night of her murder they forced her because she has something important about who killed her?"    "But would not it be easier to just take it with him instead of corrupting the computer?" Jake asked her, with a lot of doubts about her theory "Maybe it was Daliah herself who did it."    "Because..." MC began to think, making a slight sound in her throat, a sound that made Jake nervous to hear her "Because she knew I could access it..."   "You mean me, right?"     She heard a sound of agreement.    "Surely she thought that I would be able to get in touch with you, although she knew that we hadn't heard from you after a year" continued MC, with a serious voice ", the funny thing is that she did it for you to help me, she didn't like you very much good…"    "Okay, I get it" Jake nodded, putting his hand to his chin, thinking ". The problem is that we now have to find out where she got the virus from.” he sighed, becoming more and more confused ". You do not get something like that so easy, you know?"    "I can imagine…"     They remained silent and he could hear the young woman's breathing, nervous. Jake clenched his hand tightly, listening to her. It was hard for him to be away from her and not be able to do anything.
So all he had to do was continue the job of recovering the files.    "Fine" the black-haired young man agreed ". When I have another file, I will let you know."    "Will it take long?"    "Well…" he looked at him again at the screen. Several letters came and went "The first one seems to have been easy to obtain, but the rest… How to say it? They seem more affected."    "And have you got anything else?"    "Photographs" he answered honestly. He wasn't going to hide it from her "Do you want me to pass them on to you?"    "Yes please, I'd love to have them." Her voice sounded excited. She made him smile when he heard her.     The warm feeling returned. Imagining the young woman with the same smile in the photos.    "Then, I will pass you a rar file" he answered with a smile, being happy to at least calm her down a bit ". And by the way..."    "Yes?"    "In the photos..." he paused, beginning to blush "You are..."    "Ugly, I know." she let out a little laugh.     Jake shook his head. No. She wasn't ugly at all. She was coming out just like he'd been dreaming of all year. Perfect. He wanted to tell her, but he was unable to do it. He didn't dare say that she was perfect in his eyes, that she was everything to him. Once he even told her that they were not going to separate them. Now... Everything had changed, he'd broken his promise. He didn't feel like he could tell her.    "Wait for the message." he finally said.    "Sure, and thanks for everything."    "That is what I am back for. "     She heard her shy giggle, which made him laugh too.    "Talk to you soon Jake…"    "Talk to you soon MC."     He hung up the call and put the phone aside.
He took a breath and threw himself on the bed, contemplating the ceiling. But he wasn't looking at him, but at each and every photo he'd seen of her. He swallowed, starting to get increasingly nervous. He felt a tingle all over his body that made him sit up quickly, trying to get those thoughts out. He had to compose himself, be focused.
Because he wasn't going to leave her alone on this one.
Chapter 8
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my-love-jake-love · 4 years
Jake: MC do you love me?
MC: I'm sorry Jake, but I fell in love with someone else ...
Jake: Phil, right?
MC: WHAT?!!... of course not!
Jake: Okay, then who?
MC: This... Nym-0s. He's so silent and so cute...
Jake: Damn!!!
Jake deletes this bot*
Jake: You're mine now!!! :)
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layanasstories · 3 years
NYM-0S quote? 😁
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digital-corruption · 2 years
MC: Good morning!
MC: How did you sleep last night? Did you try the white noise link I sent you?
Jake: It was amazing, I never slept so much before!
MC: Oh yeah? How long did you sleep?
Jake: At least 8 hours or so?
Jake: Yes, must’ve been 8 hours.
MC: Nym-Os?
- Nym-0s: Master Jake slept for a total of 137 minutes in the past 24 hours. -
Jake: Traitor!
MC: That’s the shortest 8 hours I have ever heard of.
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geocait0815 · 2 years
Demons Grasp - Chapter 20
Holy smokes, people! I have initially planned this story to have 5 or 6 chapters and now look where we are!
But we have reached the end of our journey :) I am very happy with how this turned out, especially with so many of you reading along and leaving positive feedback. This gave me the motivation I needed to see this through. I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.
I raise my hand to shield my eyes from the bright headlights directed at us. Doors clap and a middle-aged man in an expensive looking gray suit approaches us. He is flanked by two mountains in black suits. They seem relaxed, no guns are pointing at us, yet. When they stop, the two huge men stand back a few steps, feet spread apart and hands crossed in front of their crotches. They are wearing a decidedly disinterested looks on their faces.
“MC Landon?”, the gray one addresses me. “Yes… Who are you?” “Irrelevant. We have come here because we share an interest in disbanding a rogue cell of government officials dealing with classified information.” Oh, really? “A few hours ago, we received a quite impressive collection of information that serves as evidence against said organization, including names, locations, clients and communications. There are raids being carried out throughout the country as we speak.” 
I wonder who this anonymous source could be. It must be someone from Tess’ group of hackers. They are the only ones with access to all the information. But what does this mean for us now? I can sense the men behind me shuffling. After all that happened tonight they can’t be happy about more agents showing up now.
“Look, we need to get out of here and to a hospital.” I take a small side step to grant him a view on Beaker and Curly struggling to keep Jake upright. “And you will. I won’t take up much of your time. We have come here tonight to ensure the men acting on behalf of the rogue cell are being brought into custody. I take it this is the wanted hacker, calling himself Nym-0s?” He takes a step forward but I step back between him and Jake. Several of Jacky's men also step forward, forming a protective wall beside me.
The two black-suited giants shift as well, reaching into their jackets. But the gray one raises one hand and they settle back. “We are not here for him. In fact, I have authorization to grant him and everyone involved in tonight's events full immunity in exchange for an agreement to keep everything confidential regarding the rogue cell, their activities and our involvement in its destruction. As long as none of this ever reaches the public, none of you will face repercussions or prosecution. As soon as you agree to this, all of you are free to leave and my men will get to work cleaning up whatever you left behind in there.”
This is a very surprising turn of events. And it sounds almost too good to be true. I glance around. The expressions of the men next to me betray no emotion, though I can sense a tension radiating from them. When I catch Jacky’s eye, she just shrugs. Several men died here tonight. Several more are incapacitated and tied up in and around the building behind us. This agreement would guarantee the safety of Jacky and her men after all they did for Jake and me. The same goes for Tess and her friends. And if this deal is real, it would mean that Jake would also be free, finally.
But can I make a decision like that for him? A cold hand grasps my heart when I look at Jake now, slumped between the two men holding him up. I am not even sure if he is conscious and aware of what is happening around him right now.
He must have read my mind, though. Because as I am standing here, looking at him, considering our options, he raises his head ever so slightly. His piercing blue eyes are barely visible behind the bruising and swelling in his face. But he seems clearer than before. And he gives me a brief nod.
A few days later
After getting lost a few times, I am now very familiar with the labyrinth of narrow hospital hallways. I have not left this building since we finally got Jake here. I can barely remember the drive here. But I do remember the relief after he got the much needed medical attention. I had to put up a fight with several nurses before they finally agreed to let me stay at his side.
Jake has been fading in and out of consciousness, largely due to the pain medication. Several of his bones are broken, including two ribs. Thankfully, his lungs were not punctured from this. Aside from this, there were several cuts and a myriad of bruises. And they had to get the drugs out of Jake’s system, that he was injected with to keep him calm while being held.
I had to undergo some medical checks as well, since I took quite a beating myself. The scratches on my left cheeks have been joined by several bruises and a cut in my lower lip. Right now I am returning from receiving the results of my bloodwork. Both Jake and I have been drained several times. For testing, they say. But by now I am convinced that this hospital is run by vampires.
Before turning the last corner I stop at a vending machine and grab several cups of coffee, and tea for myself. I have mastered the skill of carrying multiple plastic cups of hot liquid back to the room during the last few days.
Two men are standing guard in front of Jake's room. Jacky still does not fully trust the deal we have made and insists on stationing guards. Tess and Maya have visited almost every day as well. Even Max and Flex showed up once. It turned out that it was Max who leaked the information to a contact he had somewhere in the government. He told me that they owed him a favor and promised they were trustworthy. He never gave me a reason to not trust him so I left it at that.
“Good morning, gentlemen. I come bearing gifts.” I smile at the two guards and hand over two of the cups. Stepping into the room I am surprised by seeing Jake awake and sitting up, talking to Tess. She has propped herself into the remarkably uncomfortable armchair that I moved next to the window close to Jake’s bed.
“Jake! You are awake. How are you feeling?” I walk over and place the cups on the table attached to the hospital bed. Then I sit down at the edge of the bed. “Still a bit foggy. But much better. Your friend here has started catching me up on what you were up to since we got separated.” He raises an eyebrow. “You never told me you had connections like this.”
Oof, that is going to be a long story. “Well, I am full of surprises.” “You sure are.” The smile he gives me sends butterflies through my body. It feels so good being at his side again and seeing him being on the mend. I reach out and gently place my hand on his cheek.
A nurse bursts into the room. “I am going to need a moment with the patient.” I get off the bed. Tess also gets up. “Hey MC. Can I talk to you for a minute?” “Sure.” “Let’s go outside.” We walk into the hallway. “I’ve come in today to say goodbye” Tess says. “Oh?” “Yeah... I’ve landed a lucrative IT job at a major corporation. I think right now I prefer to lay low for a little while.” Why is she being so cryptic?
“But we will stay in touch? We still have so much to catch up on.” “Of course!” “Thanks for everything. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not found you. I owe you and the others a lot.” “We are all happy that we could help. This whole thing turned out bigger than anything we were ever involved in.” She pulls me into a tight hug.
When we separate, her expression is serious again. “One more thing: Jacky asked me to let you know that she considers her payment as taken care of.” “What do you mean? I did not get around to that yet.” Meaning I have not figured out yet how to come up with the full amount. Tess shoots me a conspiratory grin. “Don’t worry about it.” Then she just walks away leaving me baffled.
Back at the room I meet the nurse on her way out.  “Everything is looking good so far. He will need some rest now, though.” I nod and walk in. Jake really does look exhausted. I circle the bed and climb onto it next to him, making sure to not get tangled with his IV accidentally. “Do you need anything?” I ask, while gently stroking his hair. “A kiss would be paramount to my recovery.” I laugh and bend down to meet his lips. We stay like this for a long, precious moment. Then I carefully shift down to rest my head on his chest.
“I have talked to your sisters earlier.” This had been a long and excruciating call. I had a lot of explaining to do, since I had been ignoring Lilly's calls for several days. “They are on their way here. I might need protection from Lilly, though. She is furious with me for not telling them earlier about what was happening.” I do not get a reply from him. The silence stretches on for so long that I am convinced he has fallen asleep.
But then I feel his hand stroking up and down my arm. “Where were you earlier when I woke up?” Right. I sit up again, taking his hand into mine. “I was just down the hall with a doctor. He was giving me the results of some bloodwork they insisted on running after we came to the hospital.” I see concern flickering up in his eyes. “Is everything okay?”
“Well, it depends on how you see it. Look, they have uncovered that I am suffering from a condition.” “What? What condition? Nothing serious, I hope.” “Oh it is pretty serious. And it will affect our lives permanently.” I lift his hand, which I am still holding, up to my lips and press a gentle kiss on his fingers. Then I lower it to my belly. The expression in his face shifts from concern to confusion as he stares at his hand.
Then the penny drops and he looks up into my eyes, beaming with joy.
Previous Chapter
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Jake: *Notices notification from MC*
MC: Nymos this is Shadow, Shadow Nymos.
Jake: ?
Shadow: Hello! MC said they had a friend they'd like to introduce me to.
Jake: Hello.
*DM to MC*
Jake: How many masked hackers do you know?
MC: Apparently two. Also, they might be able to see this.
Shadow: I can!
Jake: .... I'm updating NYM-0S
MC: Please be nice! We're dealing with a more insane MWAF and I need all the help I can get.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
MC: So, you came up with Nym-Os, huh? Interesting. What does that stand for?
Kaden: No idea I just dropped our cat onto the keyboard and waited until he came up with something. He kept jumping off too quickly without making a cool nickname so I was repeatedly putting him on it again and again until I got a nice Dark forum nickname
Jake: So that's why Diamond was scared of computers, huh? You gave our cat trauma
Kaden: Our cat gave me a nickname and a name for my son
MC: What son
Kaden: *points at MC's pc with Nym-0s opened on it* He is my son
Before that happened, Nymos had left the cat sitting next to the keyboard the whole time. Then he sat in his chair and leaned forward expectantly. For 20 minutes he has done nothing but nodded from the cat to the keyboard and said: "Go, do something! Give me a name! Come on! Please. Do something! Get on the keyboard. Pleeeeeease." For the next 10 minutes, he repeated his words, but meanwhile he had put his head on the table in despair.
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duskwood-jake · 3 years
I tried to write something for that game... Can I say I like the result? Actually, not exactly. I have to work much more. It's like my skills are disappeared.
Anyway, a story 1/18.
Phrase: And she was the only one he felt he needed.
The only
Silence. Almost full, just a little noisy equipment.
Darkness. Just the monitor glowed bluish.
An ordinary day. Or the night? Maybe evening? Jake was always a little lost in time when he was alone with himself and his thoughts.
Hannah's case was finally over, she was saved, but for him everything went on. Participation in such a high-profile case has only made the situation worse. He still needs to hide, constantly run, clean up all traces of his existence because of a stupid mistake.
His and hers. Because once appearing in Jake's life, MC refused to leave.
Of course, life locked up was not for her, and MC was constantly outside - work, friends - all this was waiting outside the house. And Jake... He probably just seemed like a maniac now that he was putting tracking programs on all her smart devices. Well, it worth it. If for her safety, it is necessary to finally destroy his reputation, he is ready for this step. Although what is his reputation?.. Jake grinned, glancing at the screen, where the image of the Nym-0s is open in one of the windows. For everyone who knows about his existence, he's been a jerk for a long time. Maybe except for Hannah, Lilly and MC. Although he's still not sure about the sisters - they haven't talked properly. But MC definitely didn't think he was a jerk for some reason. Maybe that's why she was the only one Jake felt he needed.
MC hasn't been in for a few days, but that's not a problem. She said she was going away for a while, so everything is fine. Maybe he's just a little miss her. Just a little bit. Just a little sad. Just...
Jake dropped his head on the table with a soft groan. This is the fifth day of MC's absence. The fifth day, when he did not sleep, so as not to succumb to emotions, not to fall into illusions. And now his head hurt so much that he just... Maybe if he close his eyes for a second, nothing will happen. He's just... He falls off his chair with a thud. Hitting the floor - consciousness blurs, the last thing he can see is an incoming call on the screen of a mobile phone that has fallen out of his pocket.
He only feels the touch of cold fingers on his forehead and opens his eyes with difficulty - as if his eyelashes have stuck together.
- I've always been surprised at how irresponsible you can be.
Jake doesn't say a word. Only rises and wraps his arms around her waist. She hesitates a little, but still runs her palm over his back.
She. MC. She, Jake knew, was the only one he needed. And only somewhere on the border of consciousness an unbidden thought flashed - she said she forgot keys, right?
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mishanym · 2 years
I think this response from Nymos is cute and funny! Once again, thank you for creating Nymos, @lyon-amore
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zmayadw · 3 years
Devil's Bargain
Duskwood Oneshot
Characters: Jake (+ a made up character, and MC appearing at the end basicly)
Genre: mostly angst
Words: 4k (it's long, I know, I'm sorry!)
Warning: contains some swearing
A/N: I was replaying Duskwood, and the idea for this came to me from episode 7 when Jake finaly shows up, so basically my way of seeing what happens when he's on the run. Was it a good idea or not, I will let you be the judge of it :) It's a bit longer, so I hope you won't mind that :D And please, ignore the mistakes, my eyes burn from how manny times I re-read it, re-tweak it and changed some parts :P
Anyways, hope you'll like it :) Wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Sitting on the rooftop of a tall skyscraper, the vibrant pace of the city was barely audible to him. Even in this ungodly hour the city was buzzing with life. For him, that was a good thing. It was always easier to get lost in the crowd, to cover his tracks more efficiently. But sometimes, no matter what you do, nor what precautions you take, just isn't enough. He was on the run again.
He gazed up to the sky. From this high up, the absence of the citys brigh lights made the stars clearly visible. They were shining so bright in the clear night sky above him, it was such a beautiful and calming sight. But the angry dark clouds that were slowly rolling in, accompanied by occasional flash of lightning threatened that beauty. It was like the sky itself knew what was about to happen, sending the darkness his way, fitting it in the occasion perfectly.
From the moment he left his last hiding place he thought of nothing but how to keep MC safe. Sure, he left Nym-0s to protect her phone, but even he knew that might not last for long without him to step in. And with his pursuers getting so close to him this time, he needed a quick escape to safety. He had to find a new place to settle fast, far away from this city.
He thoguht of a hundred different possibilities to deal with this, but non would actually be sufficient enough. Time was of the essence here, and time was something he lacked desperately for any of those possibilities to work out. There was no other option for him. He knew what he was getting himself into, and he dreaded the thought of doing it, but 'he' was his last chance.
He stood up and slowly walked to the edge of the skyscraper. The wind intensified, it's howl carrying with it the sound of thunder closer and closer. Those dark clouds rolled in faster, and soon the sky above him was in complete darkness, the calming bright of the starts vanishing completely from his sight. A flash of lightning reflected in his eyes, the sound of thunder that followed echoed through the air around him like a sinister laugh.
The sound of his phone ringing made him walk back to his backpack. He knew very well who it was, he was expecting the call. After all, he was the one reaching out to him first.
He took the phone out, a flash of lightning ripping through the dark sky once more, the sound of thunder making the ground under his feet vibrate ever so slightly. His finger lingered above the green circle on his phone screen, hoping for some last minute solution to cross his mind.
He wanted nothing more in that moment then the reason not to answer this call. Because, it was the devil himself calling, and he had no choice but to answer him. With a desperate heavy sigh, he reluctantly pressed the green circle, slowly bringing the phone to his ear.
„Hello, Machiavelli.“ Jake answered the call trying to keep his voice indifferent.
„Nym-0s, my dear boy, it is a delight to hear from you!“ Machiavelli replied thrilled. „I must admit, I was very surprised when I recived your message, I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me.“
Jake knew Machiavelli was only acting, and why anyone might contact him was quite known to him.
„Tell me, my dear boy, how's life treating you these days?“ The amusement in his voice was clearly noticeable, making Jake sick to his stomach.
„I don't have time for 'twenty questions' game, Machiavelli.“ he spat out irritated, cursing inside instantly, knowing his tone will only flare up Machiavellis curiosity more.
„Nym-0s, Nym-0s, my dear boy, no need for such a mean tone.“ he said teasingly „There is always time for the right questions.“
He could feel Machiavelli was grinning, enjoying himself in the pleasure of having the upper hand in this.
„But you are lucky I like you, and I am in a good mood tonight. So I'll let it slip this time.“
He knew that was a lie, eventually he will have his questions asked.
„Now, tell me my dear boy, to what do I owe this pleasure?“
„I need to leave the city unhindered.“
The laughter that came from Machiavelli echoed irritably to his ear, only raising the frustration in him even more. „My dear boy, since when do you need help with such an ordinary thing?“
Jake stayed silent, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself before giving him an answer, but Machiavelli only took that silence as a confirmation on what he probably already knew was going on.
„Ahh, my dear boy, did the past catch up with you?“The amusement was back in Machiavellis voice „Tell me, Nym-0s, how close is 'he' on you?“
Jake knew very well there was no point in lying to him. Machiavelli was no fool, somehow he knew everything about everyone. Well, at least the things he thought of important to know about.
„Too close.“ Jake answered, trying to hide the desperation from his voice.
„My, my, that is unfortunate indeed. I am sorry to hear that, my dear boy.
„Cut the charade, Machiavelli! We both know that sympathy isn't your thing!“ Jake lashed out.
„Listen here, boy!“ Machiavelli snapped out irritable, his voice losing all that amusement and pleasant touch. „If anything, I am a patiante man. And you, boy, are dangerously close to making me lose it. And I can assure you it's not something you want to happen. So If I were you, I would be very, VERY careful about how this conversation will continue.“
Jake bit the inside of his cheek, his own frustration reaching critical limits, stopping himself for telling Machiavelli off.
Remember why your are doing this. A voice spoke to his mind. She needs you.
He clenched his fist so hard, his knuckles turning whiter then snow. Lighting ripped the dark sky above him, the thunder deafening the sound of his insanely pounding heart. He closed his eyes allowing himself a brief moment for his thoughts to wander to her, giving him the strenght to continue with this.
His fist slowly relaxed before he spoke his next words „My apologies, Machiavelli.“
„A wise decision, my dear boy.“ The amusement was back in Machiavelli's voice „Now, let us continue our pleasant converastion.“
Jake snorted silently, knowing the conversation will be anything but pleasant.
„So, tell me, my dear boy,“ Machiavelli started „there are only two reasons people reach out to me for a fast escape.“ He laughed again before continuing „And I know murder isn't your style, my dear boy. And so it leaves us with a reason number two.“ Jake could feel Machiavelli's amused grin returning to his face. „Love.“
He spoke the word, and coming from him it sounded so wrong – so dirty, so poisonous, like the worst curse in the world.
How can one make such a beautiful word sound so disgusting? Jake shivered at the thought.
Machiavelli's sick laugh snaped his attention back „My dear boy, let me give you a piece of advice: save yourself, run from love as far and as fast as you can. It will be the death of you otherwise.“
„What do you know of love, Machiavelli?“ Jake asked brash. „You need to have a heart to know anything about it.“
Machiavelli chuckled „Oh, my dear boy, I do have a heart. I'm just wise enought to know better than to listen to it.“ His voice changed again, becoming more grim „And I know more of love than you might think, my dear boy.“
The wind became stronger around Jake, making him pull his hood over his head as Machiavelli continued „You young people, you will never learn. You praise love to heavens, but what good ever came from it, hmm? Wars were fought in the name of love, leaving only destruction and pain behind. Lovers promising forever to eachother, only to break that promise in a heartbeat, leaving despair and unbearable heartache. What's good in all that, I ask you? It's just useless emotion, making more damage then good in people's lives.“
„You are wrong!“ Jake basicly yelled in his phone. „Love is what makes you alive, Machiavelli. It drives you forward, makes you more stronger then you ever thought possible. It gives you courage you never knew was in you. It gives you wings, makes you belive anything is possible.“
He said it all so fast, in one breath, wondering himself where those words came from. And he realized then, she was the reason for it, she was the one that made him understand how hollow he felt all this time.
He smiled „Love is everything, Machiavelli. Without it, we are just empty shells, barely surviving through this thing called life.“
Machiavelli sighed „Oh, my dear boy, you are already beyond saving point. Such a pitty, that is.“ The amusement returned to Machiavellis voice „I just hope, my dear boy, your love will appriciate the sacrifice you're making in it's name.“
Jake swallowed the knot that formed in his throath She will never know of this. This is my choice, my burden. My sacrifice. The price I am willing to pay for her. For love.
„Very well, my dear boy.“ Machiavelli's voice got all businesslike „Let's get this over with. I am getting tired, and your soul isn't the only one I need to save tonight.“
Now Jake chuckled „You make it sound like you're an angel, Machiavelli. If anything, then you are much closer to being the devil himself.“
Machiavelli laughed wickedly „Call me however you want, my dear boy, I don't care. As long as we are in the clear on the terms of my assistance. You know the price, I just need your verbal confirmation.“
He knew the price too well. This really did feel like selling his soul to the devil. „ I accept your terms, Machiavelli.“ The words were bitter leaving him, but he had no choice.
„Excellent!“ Machiavelli exclimed excitedly. „Be ready to leave soon. I will contact you shortly with the details.“
Jake lowered his phone, relieved the call ended. Heavy raindrops started to fall from the dark sky, strong wind intensifying their descend. He tossed the phone in his backpack, closing it and throwing over his shoulders while running to the ladders leading down from the skyscraper.
He was already soaking wet before jumping through the window few floors down. He sat on the floor, leaning against the cold wall of the building, staring throught the window at the raging storm. His thoughts wandered back to her. Thinking about her always calmed him, silencing the madness inside his head. She became his safe harbour, even if it was just in his thoughts. But not for long, he had enough.
Enough of ghostly thoughts and endless messages. He had enough of unseen smiles and inaudible laughters, of lost touches and missed kisses. He wanted it all, and he was determined to turn it into reality.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a new message on his phone. Blinking to focus, he wondered when did the storm pass. The sky was clear again, the bright of stars showing in their full might. The howling wind was the only reminder of the passing storm.
He took his phone out checking the message. It was from Machiavelli. The message contained an address of a warehouse with a number of a storage compartment and a six digit number sequence. But the text under it was what troubled him:
Enjoy your ride!
Considering from who the message came, he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.
He stod up throwing his backpack over his shoulders and pulling his hood back on his head. Only one way to find out he thought before disappearing through the window.
Despite the raging storm that just passed, the streets were still full with life. Young and old, people went past him, lost in their thoughts. Some were happy, laughing, no trace of worry on their face. Others with a distant, troubled looks, shoulders slouched and difficult steps. But no one even glanced him.
He was just another ordinary face in the crowd, going about his business. That still didn't make him feel any more relaxed, constantly checking over his shoulder, unable to shake off the feeling of unease. He quickened his pace, hands stuck deep into his pockets, hurrying towards the subway.
Waiting for a green light to cross the street, two girsl standing in front of him caught his attention. They mentioned something that piqued his interest. At first, he thought he must have heard them wrong, but they kept repeating it. I am Jake.
The green light flashed, and the two girls started walking, leaving him behind. You are not the only Jake in the world he thought to himself with a chuckle crossing the street. But as he descended the stairs to the subway, something caught his eye. As he came closer, his pulse quickened. What the...
Confusion washed all over him, as he gazed at the more then familiar symbol. Nym-0s eye graffiti sprayed on the wall stared back at him, a hashtag #IamJake under it. His hand reached up, and he thoughtfully traced his fingers over the symbol on the bleak subway wall.
What does this mean? What is happening here? Who is doing this? His mind was racing, more questions raising up in him. This isn't Machiavelli's doing Jake thought instantly. He knew him by that pseudonym, but the symbol itself was known to no one.
His eyes opened wide, and his breath got caught as a realization hit him. Can it be...is this her doing? It must be... He was positive now that this can't be anyone else but her. He smiled, warm fuzzy feeling spreading through him. This just dispersed any doubt in him that she might not feel the same as he does.
The sound of the train stopping snaped him out of his thoughts. Reluctantly, he ran to it, glancing once more back to the wall as he stepped in just as the doors started to close. See, Machiavelli he thought as the train started to move, grin coming to his face Love is anything but useless.
The goofy grin stayed on his face for the entire train raid. He checked his phone while on the train, and when he saw that the whole #IamJake thing turned into a mass worldwide movement, his heart fluttered from happiness. She found a way to reach out to him, to let him know he is not alone. That she's watching over him, like a guardian angel, sending a helping hand when he needed it the most.
When it came to emotions, he always had a hard time comprehending them. But In that moment, on that train ride, he finaly understood what it meant when one said 'people do crazy things when in love'.
The walk from the train to the warehouse didn't take long, and soon he found himself standing in front of the right compartment. He sighed with relief when the sound of the unlocking doors was heard after punching the six digit number from the message. He carefully pushed the sliding doors to open, unsure of what was waiting for him inside.
He took one step in, but even after letting his eyes adjust to the darkness of the compartment, it wasn't enough to see a thing. Tracing blindly with his hand on the wall, he found a switch. Dim light spread through the compartment, but it was more than enough to fully observe the object sittuated in the middle. He moved towards it in disbelieve, and despite this shitty sittuation he was in, despite it all, he couldn't help but grin.
Roaring of a motorcycle engine broke the eerie silence of the warehouse place. He had to get back through the city before heading for the highway. Colville was his next destination, and even though his ride came from Machiavelli, he was gratefull for it, like this he will get there much faster than he anticipated.
As he drove slowly throught the city, Nym-Os eye continued to accompany him, appearing on the walls and lamp posts. His thoughts wandered to her again. He felt like she was watching his every step with it, making sure he was all right, showing him a way back. A way back to her.
With a smile hidden behind his helmet and hope that flared in his heart again after what seemed like eternity, he drove the motorcycle onto the highway hitting it to full throttle, leaving the city in a blur behind him.
The first sun rays shyly appeared in the distance, the skys cloak of night slowly turning from hues of dark to brighter blue. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had a chance to enjoy such a simple, yet magnificent sight. He stopped at the gas station to refill the motorcycle and grab some coffee. Colville wasn't that far from here, but being up all night and all the driving was taking its toll on him.
His much needed moment of rest was disturbed by the sound he hoped not to hear so soon. „Fuck!“ he cursed out loud, Nym-0s warning blinking from his phone screen. Her phone was getting hacked. He was already on his feet when the message changed. The attack was successfully blocked.
He hastily collected his stuff and barely managed to get to the motor, when another warning came. „No, no, no!“ he yelled at his phone, panic kicking at him. He left a relieved breath when the attack was once again successfully blocked. But that didn't ease him at all. He had to hurry, because this was just the begining of it. And he wasn't sure if Nym-0s alone will be enough to protect her next time.
Nym-0s thankfully stayed silent for the rest of his ride to Colville. Once there, he had no troubles finding a motel with more than enough free rooms.
Leaving the check-in office, his gaze was drawn to a Chinese restaurant across the street. I wonder if MC likes Chinese food. I should definitely ask her. He chuckled at his thoughts stepping inside his room. He barely managed to lower his backpack next to a small desk when Nym-0s warning echoed through the room.
„Damn it!“ Quickly taking his laptop from his backpack, he waited nervously for it to start. „Come on, come on, come on.“ He muttered, looking back at his phone, seeing that the first attempt to block the attack failed. „COME ON you piece of shit, start already!“ he screamed, not taking his eyes from his phone.
His laptop finaly started as the second attempt to block the attack failed, too.
„Shit!“ he cursed, turning to his laptop, accessing the Nym-0s program. Despite the tiredness he felt, his focus was sharp, his fingers moving swiftly over the keyboard.
The third attempt of blocking failed, granting the attackers access to MC's phone camera. „Oh, no, you wont!“ he hissed, typing even faster, his eyes darting all over the screen. Few heartbeats later, he grinned. „Say 'bye bye', suckers!“ he said amused, hitting the enter key, breaking their connection to her phone.
Taking a moment to compose himself, he opened the chat with her.
Jake: Hello MC.
Jake: I am so sorry.
So incredibly sorry.
MC: I'm in danger, Jake!
Jake: No, not any more.
Don't worry, I stopped them.
And I won't let him get anywhere near you ever again.
MC: I was so worried
First you disappear, then I get hacked!
Jake: This is all my fault.
I am so sorry, MC.
Let me try and explain it to you.
And he did, he explained it all to her the best he could – he told her why he had to run again, about his pursuers and how he left Nym-0s to protect her.
He told her about seeing her message, and how happy and grateful he was for it, and she was more then pleased at hearing it. He told her that he is safe for now, staying at a motel, apologizing to her once more for not being able to give her an answer when she asked where the motel was. His heart ached, he wished more than anything he could tell her whatever she wanted to know, but he was still in danger of his pursuers.
And when she said that she was worried for him and that she missed him so much, that aching just intensified. Soon he thought Soon all this will end, I'll make sure of it. Then nothing will keep me away from you.
Eventually the conversation ended. He needed to set up his equipment, and catch up on everything. She discovered so much while he was absent, and he was eager to find out all about it. But he decided a shower and a change of clothes would be a wise thing to do. Tiredness was taking over him, and for now a shower will be sufficient enough to wake him up a bit.
After he showered, he dressed and headed out to get some coffee. Back at the motel, he set up his equipment, the one he managed to take with him, before he started to catch up on her discoveries. He was so caught in it, he almost didn't notice his phone vibrating on the desk next to him.
Feeling of dread spread through the room as he answered the call.„Hello, Machiavelli.“
„Nym-0s, my dear boy, I am so happy you answered! I was worried about you.“ Machiavelli hummed to his ear with a sweet voice.
„Mhm, I'm sure you were.“ Jake replied sarcastically
„Now, now, my dear boy, is that the tone I deserve, hmm? After I procured you such a sweet ride?“ Machiavelli sounded hurt, but he wasn't fooling him. Although Jake couldn't deny, without his help he probably wouldn't be here right now.
„Maybe, just maybe you care a tiny bit, Machiavelli, but it doesn't change the fact that you are still the devil.“
„All right, you got a point there, Machiavelli.“ The words were bittersweet on him.
Machiavelli chuckled amused „ Don't ever say that the devil doesn't care.“
Machiavelli laughed wickedly „If you say so, Nym-0s. Just remember our bargaine, my dear boy. So, next time the devil calls, you be sure to answer.“ he said sounding serious, his voice turning ominous as he continued „It would be a shame if I will be forced to intervene. I'm sure you wouldn't want for your love to end up alone, now, would you? Not after all you've been through for it.“
„I sincerely hope so, my dear boy.“ Machiavelli said, ending the call.
Jake shivered, he knew better than to even think of crossing Machiavelli. There wasn't a word detestable enough to use to describe what Machiavelli would do to him.
„Don't worry, Machiavelli,“ Jake said trying to keep any hint of dread from his voice „ a deal is a deal, and I will respect it.“
Jake tossed his phone on the desk with a heavy sigh. He was aware that that day will eventually arrive, the day Machiavelli will call to collect his debt. And he will deal with it when the time comes.
For now, he was just glad MC was safe, and that he was back with her. The rest he will take care of as always, one step at the time. But this time, it will be different. His eyes sparkled, his whole face beaming from a smile as he looked back at his still open chat with her on his laptop.
This time, he won't be dealing with it alone.
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 5
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Chapter 4
She stretched feeling much better. The pain of losing her sister was still there, but a worry had disappeared in her. She got up in bed, sitting up. Was it a dream last night? Had she really talked to Jake on the phone? She looked at her phone and reached out to pick it up, she had several chat messages. Her friends were going to her parents' house because they had been invited to breakfast and they were all waiting for her. She was going to answer them unless another chat had caught her eye: Nymos' chat.
No, it hadn't been a dream, Jake had really contacted her. They really had talked on the phone. A small smile appeared on her lips. She had listened to his voice. It was just as she had imagined, deep, calm, one of those that you would spend listening to for hours even if you didn't understand a single topic that he was talking about. She decided to focus, he hadn't texted her for nothing. It was a document. The file that contained information on Janis Krebs. She noticed the time, he had sent it at six in the morning. She shook her head letting out a breath. Unbelievable that he had spent the whole night looking for that file for her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s I have managed to find something interesting. [Janis Krebs Death Certificate.PDF] I have not read it yet, I was hoping we would do it together. Send me a message for when you're ready.
MC Good morning Jake Or should I say Nymos 🤔 Because this chat is from Nymos
----Nym-0s is online----
Nym-0s Ha ha. You can call me Jake. My identity is safe here ;) Good. When you are ready, then we read it.
MC Ok, give me a few minutes to get up.
Nym-0s Take your time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC left the phone on the table and went directly to the bathroom to get ready. She decided that before going to her parents' house, she would first dedicate herself to the new information that was at hand. She could not pass up this opportunity.
Ready and having a glass of juice, MC wrote the call command. She preferred to discuss it in person—in the figurative sense of the word—with Jake rather than by text. Although part of it, she wanted to hide the fact that she really wanted to hear his voice again.    "Hello" she heard Jake greet, calmly ". The call command seems to work."    "And quite well." MC put the phone on speaker to be able to read the document "Have you spent the whole night hacking the system?"    "Are you asking about the time I sent the document?"    "Well…" She bit her lip, trying not to sound curious. It was really weird to communicate like that again "I don't want you to go too far for me."    "Do not worry, MC, I am fine." she heard a small complaint and the young woman frowned.    "What's the matter?"    "Nothing, it is better if I do not tell you or you will laugh at me."    "I won't laugh."     Jake sighed and MC waited for him to answer.    "I had… I winked, but I remembered that we are not talking on a video call."     MC prevented herself from giggling. She remembered that chat messages were what he used to send, so out of habit he made him do it.    "Okay, let's see that document" MC put a cookie in her mouth, then covered herself as if she imagined that Jake was looking at her ". I have agreed to go to my parents' house with the rest of the group, so it's better not waste time."    "I understand, so let is read it."     She opened the document and started reading it. In it, it’s indicated that Krebs had blows to the body, from some fight. But that wasn't the cause of death.
She frowned, focused on all the information she was reading.    "So, Krebs committed suicide in prison." MC said, leaning against her kitchen counter.    "And they do not know with what" Jake commented, making a noise in his throat, as if he were reading the words ", but they think it could have been some kind of poison."    "It says that it was four months ago" the young woman put her hands together to brush off the crumbs from the cookies, then remembering something that she had been noticing for a long time ", those are the same months that Daliah was strange…"    "Do you think they told her?"    "And that's why she was so strange..."    "But then, the one who murdered your sister cannot be Janis Krebs."    "But an imitator..."     MC then searched for news about Janis Krebs's suicide, at the same time, he heard Jake typing on his keyboard. Unfortunately, there was no news about it. She went to sit in the dining room chair, taking the phone with her. She didn't understand why that news hadn't been made present.    "No matter how hard I search, no one talks about it." Jake finally said, breaking the silence.    "Jake... I think they covered it up." MC began to twirl a strand of hair around her finger, nervous.    "I think the same thing too" she could hear how he leaned back in his chair ", but why hide it?"    "I don't know…"     She tried to think about what was happening. Did her sister really know about it? That man took his own life?    "MC" she heard Jake wake her up from her thoughts ", are you okay?"    "Yes, forgive me" she sighed, picking up the conversation again ". Krebs was a rather hated man, so I wouldn't be surprised if no one cared about his death."    "But the police are taking a while to give you this information."    "Are you insinuating that it was the same police who killed him?"    "You said it yourself" Jake's voice sounded mysterious, deep ", he was a rather  hated man."    "No" she shook her head. She couldn't imagine Elliot withholding this information from her because maybe he was in on it with the rest of the cops. He, who took his job very seriously ", thinking that the police killed him would be too cloudy."    "For now, it's all we have got" he made a sound as if he were thinking ". Either that, or Krebs himself took his own life. But it is difficult to put drugs in jail, unless someone trustworthy passes it to you."    Every time, MC started to get scared. She felt that he was getting into a dangerous business. And she didn't want to go back to it again. Enough of her had been hacked in the past for having a connection to a hacker, now she didn't want them going after her because she was messing with the police.    "Jake, can we leave it here?" MC she hugged herself, a hint of tremor in her voice "I don't want to investigate any further."    "Understood, if that is what you want" He didn't seem upset, quite the contrary. She was grateful that he was understanding with her ". At the very least, I hope you are calm that Krebs was not there."    "But there's a chance that some crazy fan of him killed her because he couldn't finish the job…"    "Then that is left in the hands of the police."    "Yeah..."     She remained on the table, tapping. But he was a madman who went after her, that was clear. She rose from her chair, beginning to pace the small dining room. She didn't like the idea that she was the next victim.    "Are you alright?"    "I…" MC sighed. She didn't know what to say to Jake, if she was alright? She didn't even know the words’ ’to be fine’’ anymore " I'm just afraid that she's coming for me..."    "If the police know, then you will be safe." She glanced at her phone, listening to his soft words ". And you can always call me if you are feeling scared, I am here for you."     She smiled at his words. He made her heart react, that she started beating fast.
Arriving at her parents' house, she was surprised to see Grace open the door, smiling at her.    "Hi, come in." the brown-eyed girl said, moving to one side of her.    "What are you doing here?" asked MC, a little surprised "Sorry, I didn't want to sound rude."    "I stayed the night to help your parents after they all left" she replied, as they walked to the dining room "although there's still a lot to clean up."     Everyone present greeted MC. Jessy got up to hug her and the young woman hugged her back. Her father gave her a smile. The only person missing sitting at the table was her mother. And she understood perfectly. She was still not recovered.    "I hope you're hungry." Grace smiled at her, pointing to the chair next to her "Cleo made an amazing breakfast!"    "Well, it's nothing" Cleo replied, dismissively. Although she could tell the pride in her voice ", everyone has helped, although some more than others." She looked at Dan and he shrugged.    "Hey, at least I went to buy everything you needed, you owe me money." the long-haired man defended himself, raising an eyebrow.    "Yes, very hard work" Phil replied, reaching for the caramel syrup. But Dan took it from him, and he waved his hands in confusion ". I had it, man."    "I bought it, man" he replied, feigning annoyance ". I deserve to serve myself first, remember that without me you wouldn't have any of this."     The group laughed, picking up the rest of the syrups that were there. While having breakfast, there was a couple of laughs in the environment, remembering Daliah and the crazy things she did. They wanted to stop the tears and remember the good times she had with her.
MC glanced at Lilly out of the corner of her eye. She had to tell her that Jake was back, but she couldn't do it in front of everyone. She still didn't know who had tipped off that Jake was in the iron mine and she didn't want to risk him again either. Lilly noticed that MC was looking at her and she looked from her, who was with her phone. She received a message saying that they had to talk about a serious matter. The blonde nodded, looking at her and they both put the phone away.    "MC" Haines wiped himself with a napkin before continuing, his face was serious now ", Mrs. Parr called, she says to pick up things from Daliah's apartment." MC nodded slowly. True, that apartment no longer belonged to her sister ". So when you can, let's go pick up her stuff."    "And if we all go?" Grace asked, looking at the group "You don't have to do it, Mr. Gardner, and the more of us, the better."    "That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Jessy shrugged, agreeing with her offer.     MC nodded slowly. Someday she had to step on that apartment again, she couldn't keep it up.    "Sure" the blue-eyed girl finally said, smiling at her father ", it may take a few days, but we'll get to it."    "I guess I'll have to help too" Phil exaggeratedly exhaled ", so I don't let the ladies do hard work." He winked at MC and she rolled her eyes.     At least they were getting along a little better now and had buried the hatchet for her sister. Maybe, if Daliah had told her sooner, she might have done it long before she died and not hate him anymore.    "Unfortunately, I should be back with Hannah by now" Thomas commented, looking at his phone ", there's a meeting with the lawyer" He looked at Lilly now, doubtfully "are you coming back with me?"    "When I'm done helping MC" Lilly replied, casting a quick glance at the young woman ", when I'm done, I'll catch the first train to Duskwood."    "Okay, then" Thomas stood up, walking over to the owner of the house, holding out his hand ". Nice to meet you, Mr. Haines."    "Thank you for accompanying my daughter this week" the father gave her a hug, very grateful ", everyone." He looked at her friends, smiling affectionately.    Thomas walked over to MC and she got up. A strong hug received from him. She was very grateful for all the support she received from each of them.    "Come visit Hannah when you can" he whispered softly ", she wants to see you."    "When everything calms down, I'll go see her." MC replied with a smile.     Thomas nodded, pulling away from her. Then he looked at Grace, offering his hand.    "It was nice meeting you, Grace." he said politely.    "The pleasure is all mine" the young woman accepted her hand to say goodbye ". I hope one day I'll stop by Duskwood."     MC didn't know how to react to Grace's words. It was one thing for Daliah to obviously hang out with them because she was her sister, but Grace? With her, she felt a threat to feel separated from her. She tried to push those thoughts away. She had made those friends, she didn't have to fear that they would leave her behind now because her sister was not there. She shouldn't feel insecure now like she did before, her sister wouldn't have liked it.
The block of apartment where Daliah lived was the block closest to the acting and film classes. It was a small school where there were different types of study, both to act, to record or to become independent film directors. In that block of apartment, half of the students lived for rent. They had some pretty balconies and, on Daliah's, everyone could see decorations of flags from various countries. She knew that her dream was to be recognized by the whole world as an actress. A shame she didn't make it. She stared at the keys her father had given her. Mrs. Parr didn’t hesitate for a second to give them so that she could go get her things. Now that it was the apartment of a murdered girl, surely that lady would be delighted to see how everyone was killing each other to live in that apartment.    "When you feel ready, we'll follow you." Jessy gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and MC nodded.    It was as if she had entered a forbidden zone. Daliah never liked people go if they didn't warn her first. She now she couldn't call her.
They went up the stairs, greeting some of the young people who were coming out of their apartments. They looked at them curiously, as if they were watching a thriller. She opened the door, entering a house of pure white and almost princess decorations. She had gotten them at second-hand stores, but she told people who didn't know her that she saw them all imported from Paris. She always liked to show off, why she would deny it.    "Okay…" MC sighed, looking at the group "Well, the boys can start putting away the kitchen utensils, the girls will take care of their clothes."    "Isn't that a little sexist?" Phil asked, hands in his pants pockets.    "Do you think I'm going to leave you near my sister's clothes?" asked MC, making him smile mockingly "But if it worries you so much, here" she gave him a box with the name 'Bathroom' on it ", here she keeps her makeup, shampoos and… everything she had."    "I'll leave the bathroom like new." the young man replied, proudly passing by her.     Jessy put a hand to her face, letting out a sigh. She felt somewhat guilty that her brother was there.
They took all the clothes out of the closet, putting everything in order. Many of the dresses she remembered because she told her that one day she would give them to her when she got tired of them, what was she going to do now? She couldn't keep them without her permission and sell them, she found that a bit macabre.    "Anyone want a dress?" MC asked, picking up a blue one, which her sister knew she liked.    "And why don't you keep them?" Cleo asked curiously.    "No, that would be too weird…"    "Daliah would have loved you to keep them" Grace encouraged her, leaning on MC "in fact, I'm sure she'd rather you keep them than sell them."     MC twisted her mouth, hesitating. Maybe she was daring, right? Keep her clothes. She moved closer to the mirror, her dress clinging to her body. It was actually pretty, different shades of blue, like the sky.    "She said she chose it because of her eyes" Grace stepped behind her, smiling ", because they match them."     The young woman nodded. Yes, it was true, they were quite match. Maybe there was nothing wrong with keeping one… right?    "Ooh! I remember when he showed me this yellow” she heard Jessy say and turned to look at her. The dress, it was yellow, yes, but it had white flowers that were beautiful in the design ", I remember that she told me that one day she would lend it to me when I told her that I liked this color."    "Keep it." MC said, with a smile.    "No, no, I can't-"    "Seriously" she moved closer to her, taking her hands ". She would love it if you had it. You girls got along pretty well."     Jessy sighed, holding back tears. She hugged MC lovingly. First it was losing Richy, now it was losing Daliah. They felt that they were only losing friends.    "Thank you…" Jessy whispered, hugging her tightly.     MC nodded, hugging her back. At least her sister's spirit resided in Jessy's positivity. It is what she appreciated in those moments.
She approached the desk she had in her room. It was calmly resting her laptop. She assumed that, having nothing to do with the crime, the police ignored it. It was white, with stickers of small gold butterflies. She carefully opened it and turned it on. On the password screen, there was the family photo, when they went to Disneyland when they turned twelve. A smile appeared on the chestnut's lips.    "The password? Easy." she said as he began to write the name of her favorite singer.     She was surprised to give error. Normally, Daliah always had everything with references to artists.    "Okay… Let's see, 'Marilyn Monroe'." she wrote, knowing how much she admired her, too.     Error. She took a deep breath. She couldn't believe that she didn't know her sister's password, if she had been using the same ones for years.    "Maybe a number?" She put the debut date of both actress and singer, but again failed.     She bit the inside of her cheek. It was strange that she also had the computer so protected, being she the only one who lived on that floor.    "What did you want to hide, Daliah?" she wondered, looking at the computer.    She raised her gaze, looking at herself in the mirror in front of her. She stared at it for a couple of seconds, noticing something strange on the wall. It looked like the paint had a mark. She decided to pick up the mirror, finding that behind it was a hole in the wall, where a small box resided in it. She took it, looking at it from the sides, even moving it a little to listen if it contained anything. It was a slight sound, but it did have something. She sat in the chair and opened the small box, frowning at its contents.
There were a couple of envelopes and a brown and white toy horse. Despite its old appearance, it had a seam that seemed recent. She opened one of the contents of the envelope, which contained the first notice of the first child found in Lake Mount. She felt a chill when she read the news. She continued opening envelope by envelope. They were all news of each child that appeared in the lake, why did her sister have this? Only one piece of news was missing. Hers. She had not appeared in the lake. With a charged air, she took the horse and went to the kitchen, ignoring the calls of her friends, where Dan continued to put away her sister's things.    "I need a knife or scissors." the girl said quickly, searching through the drawers.    "I already saved them." Dan offered him one "What is it for?"    "MC? What's going on?” Cleo asked, walking the girls into the kitchen.     MC continued to ignore them, cutting off the stitched part of the horse. Under the watchful eye of the group, she took out the cotton it had inside, thus finding another new. It was the news of the successful rescue of her.    "What the fuck is this?" Dan asked, picking up the doll "Who's capable of doing something like that?"     The young woman shook her head. She was beginning to understand a little what was happening. During those months, Daliah had been receiving these letters. She would never have saved something like that to remember.    "In a box there are more clippings like these..." MC finally said, looking at the clipping.    "Why would Daliah have something so macabre?" Grace asked, hugging herself "It's not like her to have that, is it?"    "Exactly-"     They heard the door and MC put the clipping on the counter. They all went out to the entrance, where Phil was already there, bending down to pick up an envelope from the floor.    "Who would send a letter to a dead woman?" The young man asked "and without a sender."    "Give it to me." MC quickly approached him, taking the envelope.     It was the news of her sister being found dead in the lake, but that was not what drew the most attention.    "MC..." She heard Lilly's voice "There's something behind it..."     She turned it around and read those words again in red letters: 'One less'. She threw the news clipping to the ground and went out of the stairs, hoping to come across who had left it.
She went out into the street, looking everywhere. The police should have seen a suspect nearby, right?    "Go back inside, MC." She heard Dan behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders.    "I'll call Elliot." She saw Grace pull out her phone and within seconds, she had it close to her ear.     The young woman's breathing began to get out of control. There was no way anyone really noticed. She turned pale in a few seconds and they sat her down in the kitchen chair, offering her a glass of water. They left the box in the center of the table, without touching it. It was enough that MC had done it.    "That's a lot of clippings..." Jessy commented, looking at all the papers in the box.    "Are you sure your sister didn't put them there herself?" Cleo asked, looking a little doubtful "I mean... maybe it was just to get over it..."    "No, this isn't coping at all." Phil told her, reaching out for a clipping.    "No!" MC yelled, stopping his hand "We don't know if it contains more prints than Daliah's and mine."     Phil raised his hands in apology and walked away from the table.    "Elliot's on his way here" Daliah's friend came in at a brisk pace, approaching her ". He has told us not to touch anything we found."     MC then remembered the computer. Daliah had it very protected, so much so that she didn't even know what password she had set. It was something totally unknown to her. They both knew each other's passwords, but why did the computer contain a different one than the ones she used? A strange sensation ran through her body, something told her that she should take that computer with her.    "I need to go to the bathroom for a moment" MC got up slowly, pretending to feel bad ". I'll be right back.    "We'll let you know if Elliot returns." Jessy gave her a concerned look.     Everyone without exception looked at her worriedly.
The young woman went directly to Daliah's room, taking the computer. She needed to hide it until Elliot left. She noticed her bed and lifted the mattress. Beneath it, she found a pair of lace eye masks. She preferred not to think about what she was doing with them and put the computer under the mattress. She paced around the room nervously. She was disappointed that Daliah hadn't told her that she was being stalked. Or at least, that she didn't tell the police.    "Not again..." she whispered "Not again... This can't happen to me..."     She placed a hand on her forehead, feeling her temperature drop. It was like reliving what happened a year ago, only this time it was her turn. And that unfortunately, her sister was dead, not kidnapped.    "MC?" Lilly knocked on the door and opened it slowly "Elliot's already here."    "Lilly, can you walk me home later?" MC of her approached her quickly, almost scaring her.    "Uh… Sure, but what happens? You've been very weird all morning."    "I'll tell you at home." she whispered as she heard footsteps approaching.    "MC!" Elliot approached her, concerned "Are you okay? Have you come to see something?"    "No" MC swallowed, avoiding looking too much at the bed "I'm fine, but..."     The blond-haired young man sighed, fixing his blue eyes on hers. Lilly looked at them, uncomfortable. It was as if she was left over at that moment. The brunette looked away from him, finding herself nervous.    "I'll show you the box…" she said softly, leaving the room.
   They returned to the kitchen, where Dan was guarding the box so that no one touched it. Elliot pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on to examine the box.    "Has anyone else touched the clippings?" He asked in a serious tone.    "I just took the envelope they just brought." Phil replied, almost afraid of being accused again.    "I've touched everything, even the toy." MC replied, biting the inside of her cheek.    "I touched the toy, too" Dan explained ", I didn't know what it was."     Elliot nodded, examining each of the clippings.    "Okay, then we'll take this to examine" He closed the box, still not removing his gloves ". Is there anything else you found?"    "No, nothing." MC denied with her head.    "Then I'll take this" He picked up the box and looked at them all ". If you find anything else, please call me back."    "But do you know anything else?" Grace asked, looking at Elliot with concern "You still haven't told us what happened to Daliah."     The policeman looked at all of them, until he set his gaze on MC. The girl couldn't stop looking at the box, imagining how scared her sister must have been when she received those cuts... Knowing that she was able to save herself and not the other children, surely made her feel guilty in a certain way.    "I'm sorry, but this isn't something you have to tell people who aren't the victim's family" Elliot finally said, seeing MC's concern ". I'll take this in for analysis immediately."     He walked away as fast as he could, leaving them alone.
Dan put an arm around MC's shoulders and Jessy took her hand. She had every thought jumping and turning to all the possibilities that they could have done to Daliah. Now she was only worried about being able to unlock her sister's computer, to find out if she had hidden more threats that she didn't know about. And for that, she was going to need Jake.
Chapter 6
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layanasstories · 3 years
I got something wonderful in my mail today!! 💕💕
I can't be happier at the moment 🤩😍
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23 notes · View notes
lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 28
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Chapter 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I keep looking at Daliah's text, trying to remember something she once said as a child. She almost had a hard time telling what happened, she only she could tell that he was a man. Just like me when I pointed at him. I read the part about the horse again. Did they show her an animal to calm her down? Was that the Krebs trick? Use his child so the children won't be afraid? I get a terrible chill just thinking about it.
  "MC" I react immediately when I heard Jake call me ", when I investigated Krebs, they did not mention that he had horses" I nod attentively ", and that she very possibly didn't get to see them because she was passed out when they found him with her."   "But Daliah was afraid of them, so she must have seen one somewhere" she replied as I thought ". It can't be that there wasn't one, they're huge not to see it."   "And Krebs's child shoved it to her" I read to remember. It's true. That horse was even his mother's ". It marked her that moment as you say."   "And mix what happened in Colville with the time when she was a child" I hug myself, remembering my night ", she must have seen something that made her remember..."   "And what made her afraid to go to Colville." He sighs thoughtfully.    I'm relieved to know that the mystery in all this bothers him as much as it does me. Daliah was not very specific when writing it, but I know that she went through the same thing that I went through, only she says that they observed her. It was even much worse... I look at my watch and realize that if I don't hurry, maybe Lang's shift will end, and I won't be able to file a report.   "Jake, before I go to the station, I'll tell you the name of Grace and Ralph's mother" I say as I get out of bed to put on my sneakers ", her name is Irma Roth, maybe you can find out about her? She looked at me strangely and-"
  "Irma Roth, I got it" I hear him typing quickly ". Connect later, I probably already gotten something."   "Okay," I pick up my phone and head to the entrance. We talk later.   "Good luck lo-"   "Jake..."   "You do not like me telling you over the phone, I know" he replies with a laugh. For me, hearing those words I like more in person, it makes it more real. At least only until we stop being able to see each other in person ". If you get nervous, connect the call command in the chat, alright?"   "Don’t worry, I'll be fine" I smile, feeling better for his advice. Always so attentive ". Let's talk later."   “We will talk later, love.” he says quickly.   "Ja-" I don't have time to answer him that he's hanging up.    I look at the screen and laugh. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s Too tempting to stop calling you that. ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put the phone to my chest, feeling happy. I can't get mad at nice words even if I'm embarrassed to hear or read them on the phone. But as I've thought before, it's much better when I can see his expression when he calls me that. When I get to the police station, they tell me to wait for Lang. Which makes me more nervous. I tug at my sleeve, remembering what happened last night. I must tell him. I can't let someone like Ralph loose on the street.   "Miss Gardner" I look up at hearing my last name, meeting Lang's gaze ", is there anything I can do for you?"    I take a breath and get up slowly. I'm nervous now, maybe I should use the command.   "I was here to report an assault" I reply quickly, trying not to rely so much on Jake's presence ", someone drugged me last night."    I see his expression change, to a concerned one. He gestures for me to follow him and I follow to his table. He gets ready on the computer and looks at me seriously.   "Tell me, have you gone to the hospital to be examined?"   "No, I-"   "I'm sorry, but we also need a medical test-"   "Can you please listen to me?" I tell him in a serious tone "This is important."    He takes a breath and sits down.   "I'll take your statement and we'll take some evidence from the scientific unit to analyze any traces in your body" I see that he writes and continues asking me "Do you remember who you were with?" I'm relieved that I'm dealing with him, it's much easier for me.    "I was with Grace Roth and Ralph Hesse" it still surprises me that they both have different last names being brothers. Ralph's motives are still pretty foreign to me ". I went dancing with Grace on the floor and when I went to drink, Ralph brought me a drink."   "Where did it happen?"   “In Colville, at Grace's mother's local” I try to remember the name, but it's hard, I was so mesmerized by the amount of people that I forgot to look at it. I pull out my phone, looking up clubs in Colville. I manage to find it when I see the name of the owner. The feeling of fear at the memory of Ralph's cold eyes after the kiss comes to mind ". It's called 'The Red Palace'..."    He nods as he writes. I want to get this over with soon.
After letting them take my blood, a urine sample and some hair, I finally manage to leave the room, waiting for them to tell me if the drug is still in my body. When I get to the entrance, I see some policemen escorting Ralph, who remains calm, as if nothing is wrong. After looking away from him, I get a surprise slap. It has given it to me so hard that it has turned my head to the side. How dare you falsely accuse him?!" Grace yells at me, furious "I thought we were friends! Why are you doing this to me?!"   "I did what I had to do" I reply, holding my ground, although I put a hand to my face, hurt ". Grace, your brother is dangerous!"   "I'm thinking of telling my version of what happened last night" she tells me, fuming ". I'll tell them that you're really a slut who goes around lying so they don't know you're making out with just anyone."   "That's not true" I feel like I can't control my anger, I would also slap her if it wasn't because I don't want them to think badly of me.   “We both know you weren't with us all night MC” she says with a cold voice ". You're accusing the wrong guy when you told me yourself that you went to see a friend” I sigh, remembering the messages I sent her ". If you regretted what you did last night, it's not our fault" I look at her confused, what is she insinuating? ". So stop lying."    She leaves screaming for her brother, wanting to go with him. I start to gasp for breath. Everything starts to blur. Exactly, there is no proof that Ralph could drug me and that they can say that I left because I felt bad and that's it. There is no proof that he could do it. I give an angry shout leaving the police station, I have only made it worse to look bad and they will want to look for "that mysterious friend". This gets worse with every step I take; it can't be that all the good I try to do for wanting to know what happened to Daliah, more reasons appear to declare me the crazy person of the town.   "Calm down, MC" I say to myself, raising a hand to my head ". You're going to get it… You can…” I wonder if I'm lying or telling the truth.    I calm down a bit and go to my car, which, when I see it, I find that it has flat tires. I let out a tired laugh. Perfect, it must have been Grace angry when she saw it. I lean against the car and, after a call for a tow truck, I decide to text Jane, hoping she isn't busy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Jane, do you have a moment?
-----Jane has connected-----
Jane What's happening? Is it because of the police?
MC Police?
Jane They've come in looking for Ralph And since you talk to him...
MC No, it's for something else I need you to come looking for me Grace has flattened my car wheels…
Jane WHAT?!
MC I have denounced her brother to the police and it has not gone down well...
Jane WOW! WHAT?! This is interesting
MC Jane! It's not interesting at all! The situation is horrible!
Jane I know, sorry It's that she thought it was because Ralph is the culprit of Daliah's murder, but it seems to be something else more serious
MC Can you come looking for me? I need to be home quickly
Jane Ok, I'm coming Total, everything is a bit altered around here
MC Thank you
Jane You’re welcome But you're going to have to tell me what's going on 😐
MC Yes, I will do it… I'm in the parking lot near the police station
Jane Okay
-----Jane has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I go to the Nymos chat and decide to tell Jake that I have reported what happened. When I read his message, I get nervous. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s And how has it been? You are well? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If I answer here, I might end up crying uncontrollably. I rub my cheek remembering the slap. She has hit me too hard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC I'll tell you when I'm home Is… Difficult to tell
Nym-0s But are you alright or not? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He keeps insisting and I get worse than before. I see that he is capable of coming if he knows that I have been hit and I want him to be safe. She haven't been beaten me up either, but knowing that he could have risked losing his life in a mine, who knows what he would do if he knows about the slap. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Yes, but wait a bit I promise I'll tell you
Nym-0s Fine. So I continue with the computer.
MC Jake?
Nym-0s Yes, MC?
MC I don't know how I'm going to thank you for everything you've done for me today You made me a promise, but I want to make mine...
Nym-0s :) What promise do you want to make me?
MC No more manipulations I won't let them eat my head anymore
Nym-0s I already imagined that.
MC Everything that is happening is very difficult for me And you are the only one who has always been there through the good times and the bad and, unfortunately, I have separated you in many of those situations... But all those times I have appreciated, even the ones that are happening now I won't let them say anything bad about you again, Jake
Nym-0s I really appreciate it MC. Although those words were not needed, but I can understand what you felt. I think you are doing well to start changing. :)
MC Don't think it sounds like some kind of farewell or something!
Nym-0s Why do you say that?
MC Because the nice messages are always goodbye and I don't want it to seem like it
Nym-0s Haha, do not worry, it does not seem like it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The tow truck arrives and so does Jane. It's time to say goodbye for now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC I have to leave you for a moment Let's talk later
Nym-0s Alright. I will be waiting for you :)
MC 😊
-----Nym-0s has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jane walks over and looks at the car as the tow truck man attaches the hook to load it.   "Okay, this is too much even for Grace" she says surprised ", but what happened?"    I write my data on the sheet they have given me to fill out. This is being the worst day of all, only the conversations with Jake are saved.   "I'll tell you in the car." I hand the folder to the man and say goodbye, starting to walk towards Jane's car.    I get in the car and put on my seatbelt. Jane too, but she looks at me impatiently.   "Tell me already!" she exclaims.    I take a breath and answer calmly.   "Last night Ralph drugged me" I see that she makes a scared face "and we kissed."   "Are we talking about the same Ralph? Ralph Hesse?" She asks me raising an eyebrow "the calmest guy I know in this whole town?"    I look at her with a bad face. It can't be that she doesn't believe me either. I snort, sinking into the car seat. Another person who doesn't believe me.   "I'm not saying that I don't believe you or something like that" she tells me with a sympathetic look ", it's just… It doesn't fit the image of him, he's a good guy."   " ‘He was a good boy, we don’t understand how he could do it’. " I comment with the typical phrase that is always said. Is incredible. All my life repressing my contained rage and now comes out with the worst situation that someone can have.    I didn't mean to sound like that" The pain shows in her voice. She starts to start the car and sighs ". I guess that's why Grace did that to your car."   "Looks like our ''beautiful friendship'' is over." I say with a hint of sarcasm.   “Being friends with Grace wasn't the best either, you know?" I look at her confused "She and Daliah were the same, she may show herself as 'good Grace' with you, but believe me, they were on the same level or worse" she gives me a quick look ". If I'm nice to her, it's because she's never attacked me like Daliah did. She at least had no reason to go against me."    I keep thinking about her words. Neither Carter nor Jane like Grace. On the other hand, I liked her until today when I got into the issue of her brother stalking. Why not believe that? She was there, she could have done something. But Ralph said I made it up…did I really imagine it? Even so, I have that feeling on my lips still. And I hate it.   "And what happened after they drugged you?" She asks me worried "Did he…"   "No, I'm fine" she answered awkwardly ". In part I am, but luckily, I told my boyfriend to come and get me."   "Stop, do you have a boyfriend?!" She screams so much that I cover my ears from the surprise of the tone "How come you haven't told me until now?! That is not hidden from a friend!"   "Do you remember the hacker I told you about?"   "Oh… Yeah!" I see how her eyes shine. It seems that the fear about the hacker persecuted by the government has disappeared in her "It's like a book with a plot of forbidden love!" A laugh escapes me when I see her excited. I didn't expect this from her "It can't be that I missed all this story! And I thought it was something much worse!"  "Well, it's a long story" I answer, feeling much better. I appreciate having people by my side who ease my worries a little.   "I have all the time in the world for this story."    I take a deep breath, trying to think of how to start the story. At least I'll skip the ending of the real kidnapper. She don't need to know.
All the way back to my house, I tell the whole story to Jane. How Thomas's message reached me, Jake's request, the investigations, how I fell more and more in love with him and Daliah told me not to trust. By the time I got to that part, she nearly broke a cushion because of her anger.   “Seriously, what was Daliah thinking?" She asks me furiously, reaching the end of the story and after telling her that she was the one who warned Elliot "She had no right to interfere in your love life like that!"   "I still want to know why she really did it" I answered a little sadly ". Jake never really put me in danger, he even risked going to that mine for me."   "And how many people would do that for the person they love?" She asks, raising her hands, in an exaggerated way "Well, my Carter, obviously" she smiles like a lover. She loves him too much, I can't tell her. He has to do it ". But it's still the most romantic story ever! It's almost like-…. Destiny!"    I blush as I nodded, hugging a cushion. I guess she can call it that. Everything happens for a reason in the end, right?   "And have you seen him yet?" I see her pick up another cushion and hug it. We look like two teenagers talking about the cute boy from high school "Have you met in person?"    And here comes the hard part. Tell her or not? Seo-ah already knows him and I don't know if it's good to include Jane in all this now. It would be endangering another person with information.   “Let's just say” I start to say, trying to think not to elaborate “something happened and we saw each other, but it was just to help me, then he disappeared."    She tilts her head with a mischievous smile. Can she tell I'm lying? Does it show so much on my face?   "I understand, you want to protect him" I nod at her words ". Please, if you have a daughter call her Jane, I'm your number one fan now."   "What are you saying?!" I notice my cheeks burning while I hit her with the cushion in the face "It's still too soon for the issue of children!"    Jane laughs and gives me with the another cushion. My fear being in Rosenschwarz disappears and I think it was worth telling her in the end. Thanks to this research I am gaining new friends, it is like the Duskwood group, they are not perfect, but in the end, they fit together in a certain way. Because seeing Carter and Mason talk like all their hate towards each other didn't exist was an amazing thing to see. Too bad it had to happen to Seo-ah's attack for them to realize they can get along. I get a notification and smile. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s I found information on Irma Roth. Is not much but is something. In case you want to know more about her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  "It's him, right?" Jane asks me, leaning on my shoulder to look at her phone.   “Yeah” I answer as I answer Jake “He was curious about Grace and Ralph's mom because of what happened last night."   “Right, she runs the club.” she replies and then she looks at me “Are you going to call him?    I bite my lip, wondering, is it a good idea for me to do it?   "I don't know if-"   "Please! I want to hear him!"    Her pleading look is like that of a little girl. I sigh, nodding, putting the call command.   “Hello love.” Jake says as soon as I answer and I blush. Jane lets out a squeal of excitement and I look at her, signaling for her to shut up "MC? You are not alone?"   "Uh, no…" I reply shyly.   "I'm Jane Maier. Nice to meet you, Jake! I'm a fan of your romance!" As she's talking, I signal for her to keep quiet. I'm embarrassed to say it.    Jake stays quiet, and I see him text me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s Have you told her everything?
MC I'm sorry 😞 But since she is my only friend that I have left here…
Nym-0s I see. You must trust her too much to tell her who I am.
MC You're angry?
Nym-0s I am not angry, more like a little overwhelmed. I am not used to people being a fan of me.
MC At least she liked how our romance was
Nym-0s :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  "Have I upset him?" Jane asks me.   "Let's say that's what I told you, he doesn't usually trust people he doesn't know very much."   "Oh, I understand " she nods and walks over to the phone ". I'm so sorry, Jake, I'll try not to be too overwhelming with my talk, I promise."    Well, at least she's being nice to Jake and understanding the situation. We wait a bit for Jake to speak again. I'm sure he tries to psych himself up before doing it. He is another new person in his life.   "Nice to meet a friend of MC's, Jane" he replies politely ". Although I understand that you were the culprit she cut off her hand."   "You're right, he's a little scary when he's angry" Jane whispers. I laugh and she continues ". It was a mistake on my part, actually, I didn't even want to go shout at her."   "Of course you did not." Jake's voice sounds cold, it's better to change the subject before he wants to hack Jane's phone.   "What… what did you find on Irma Roth?" I ask, hoping he would calm down a bit.   "There is a transcript of an interview a show did to them a few years ago" I hear him start typing and he texts it to me. We began to read it ", Armando Serrano took her off the streets when she was very young, offered her a job, they fell in love and in the end they got married. That is the summary of the interview."    I read the interview carefully. Irma was eighteen years old when she met Serrano, and she married him when she turned twenty-six, which would make her now about forty-four years old since her wedding. I try to do calculations. Something doesn't fit...   "And what does this have to do with Daliah?" Jane asks.   "Daliah started working with Serrano when she was young" I reply, remember ". Possibly at the same age as Irma met Serrano."   "Which we can now add the theory of the jealous wife" says Jake ", if she was threatened by her and that she could take away her entire life of luxury, she would possibly do whatever it took to get her away from Serrano and now" another piece of news happens to me from the gossip ", we come to marital problems."   " 'The Serrano and Roth marriage is in danger: Future divorce?’ " Jane reads aloud.   “The news is from seven months ago” I read the date and think about what we've discovered so far “the same time Daliah stopped wanting to go to Colville…"   "There is something that has caught my attention" we listen carefully to Jake "and that is that there is no news of the birth of his children. Why?"   "I guess they didn't want the press to take pictures of their minor children" says Jane ", it's common to pay for not taking pictures of them."   "No, it doesn't fit" I shake my head ", the ages of Grace and Ralph along with her mother's would imply that she must have had them long before she married Serrano."   "A marriage to avoid a scandal over some illegitimate babies?" Jane is having a great time with all this investigating, I can see it in her eyes.   "Could be" Jake replies ". It's quite common to want to cover up a scandal because there would be too many questions and they decided to get married at an age where it would not seem suspicious to marry someone younger than him” I nod, although not very sure. I have a strange feeling. A feeling that terrifies me. I had never experienced this ". In any case, Irma Roth is another suspect, after reading Ralph and Daliah's chat, there could be something between her and Serrano."    I was going to say that Daliah wouldn't be able to do that, but I remembered that she might be able to after sleeping with Carter. I massage my temples, starting to get a headache with all the information gained.   "Are you alright?" Jane asks me, concerned.   "What is wrong with MC?" Jake asks nervously. If Jane weren't there, he probably wouldn't have known.   "It's nothing" I reply heavily ". Hey Jane, do you mind if you please go?" I try to be as smooth as possible so she doesn't get mad ". I need to talk to Jake alone."   "No problem." Jane smiles, getting up from the sofa "You know? I will help you with this new information."   "It is not necessary" Jake answers quickly, while I pick up my phone to follow her "MC and I get by just fine."   "Nonsense, Jake" Jane waves a hand, nonchalant ". I'm the mayor's daughter, I can get any permit if I want” I raise an eyebrow and hear Jake sigh ". Well, okay, those things are bribed, but leave that to me!" She throws kisses with her hand into the air towards the phone as a farewell and then moves her fingers to me as a farewell "I'll tell you if I can find something interesting!"    She leaves and leaves us alone.
Jake sighs again and I laugh. It has been a very strange time.   “Well” he finally says, with a hint of concern “, tell me what is going on."   "This means that the theory of the child of Krebs being the murderer is possibly completely destroyed" I comment, going to my room to lie down on the bed "and that it could all be a setup, that we're in an infidelity case and…" I take air, trying to calm down "That perhaps Irma also knew about the existence of Evergreed's MC and also felt threatened by someone who looked like Daliah, that's why she looked at me..."   "In a strange way?"   "Yeah, like she didn't expect me there."   "Well, it is a good theory for now" as I would like him to be here to hug me after all this new information, it would be much easier to be calm ", jealousy is somewhat unpredictable when faced with the actions of people."   "Are you speaking from experience?" I ask doubtfully.   "Are you joking?"   "No" I answer innocently ", I just already know how you are on that subject."    I hear how he clears his throat, has he been nervous?   "I would never kill out of jealousy, if that is what you mean" he answers annoyed, or so it seems.   "Oh no, I would never think that" I answer nervously “. I was just saying that-"   "Well, in my case, it is not because I am jealous that they are with you" the volume of his voice lowers as he speaks ". We are going to leave it there."    I wonder what he's referring to... If it's not because they're by my side, why is it? I think he don't need to be jealous. I hug the pillow somewhat nervous. My heart beats fast thinking about what his reason could be.   "Can you tell me what happened at the police station?" He asks me changing the subject.    I sigh and set the pillow aside, trying to relax.   "The police have gone to the academy looking for Ralph while they were taking evidence of the existence of drugs in my body" I reply, clenching my hands tightly ". But Grace is going to speak against me, saying that I made it up, she has flattened me to the tires of the car."    Jake doesn't say anything, he stays silent. I look worriedly at my phone. Is he very angry? I wait a little longer, wanting him to say something, to say a word to me.   "Jake?"   "Sorry, I am trying to calm down" Jake's voice sounds hard, it's as if he's controlling his anger at the moment "Are you okay?"   "Yes" I answer as I rub my cheek, remembering the slap ", although who knows what's going to happen now, I don't have any evidence against Ralph and he can lie with the excuse that he could have left the table alone for a moment to go see someone, his mother."   "Unfortunately this is not something I can help with" He sounds annoyed, I can tell. He does not have the ability to prove that it was really Ralph because it is something that is not investigated by hacking. We can’t do nothing ". But I will be supporting you in whatever you need."   "That's more than enough for me" I smile fondly ". But I've made an enemy now..."   "Let us hope all she does is flat your tires." Yeah, he's pretty mad at her.    I also try to relax. A lot has been happening lately and we are getting closer to the truth, the list has been getting smaller and smaller until Carter, Mason and Ralph are left, but the latest events with Ralph, maybe he made the situation worse and was able to give the real killer a chance to get away with it. And then there's Seo-ah… If she just woke up and talked… Would Mason have been able to hurt her just for she didn't say anything? Like how Richy hurt Jessy to continue torturing her towards the group and me? If Mason really was able to do it... Who am I going to believe then? How many people do I have left to trust?  <<Jake and your friends from Duskwood.>> I squeez my eyes shut, looking tired. I do nothing but sleep and investigate, that's all I've done since all this started. It is as if part of my energy has vanished.   "I wish you were here..." I whisper, beginning to fall asleep "It would be so much better if I had you by my side now..."    Little by little, I relax, drifting off to sleep. I wish that after this, everything would go back to the way it was before, but with the difference that Jake is already a part of my life.
*Jake POV*
  "I want it too, love..." I answer knowing that she has fallen asleep.    I can hear her breathing. She is relaxed, much calmer than she was tonight, which seemed to cost her because of the effects of the drug, nervous and uncontrolled. I continue to work on the security around me, while the other computer works as usual on Daliah's. It is a second that I hear MC complaining in her sleep, but I act quickly by picking up my phone to talk.   “Do not worry, I am still here” I say with a calm voice “. Do not worry, I am still on the cell phone.”    MC stops complaining and breathes calmly and deeply again. I do not think she heard me, but I will think she did, at least to keep me calm.
I continue on the cell phone, still worried about her. She sometimes has moments when she complains again, but she calms down right away. Could it be the effects of the drug? Will they still be in her body? I am not comfortable knowing it and in the worst case, it is that she may feel that she needs it again because she said she felt good. I wonder what kind of drug it would be. I get notified of a message from Mike. At least it is good news. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mike I bring fresh news like lettuce! 🥬
Jake What?
Mike You don't like that phrase? 🤔  Ok, then this: I bring news that is the bomb! 💣 
Jake Stop comparing and tell me. I am not in the mood for jokes.
Mike What happened? MC is ok?
Jake MC got drugged last night. I spent the whole night taking care of her. I am controlling myself not to rage at the guy who did this to her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I wait for Mike to be surprised, but he stays quiet. I arch an eyebrow curiously, is not he going to say anything? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake Mike?
Mike Sorry, I just got mad Seo-ah, MC… I join you in beating up whoever did all this to you. I don't like that these things happen to good people, you know?
Jake Thanks for your concern, Mike. I appreciate it.
Mike If they mess with my colleague's girlfriend, I mess with it too 🥊 🥊 
Jake :) Well, what news is that?
Mike I’ll start telling you, my friend I haven’t eaten or slept, I haven’t done anything other than trying to modify an antivirus for Mydoom that I made, taking the data from it Then I have added a protection software against the first Mydoom, modifying it a bit to work against the new one So I haven't slept at all all night and I haven't had breakfast eieither
Jake Are you alright?
Mike Yes, I'll get over it! 😁  BUT I HAVE THE COMPLETE PROGRAM!
Jake Are you telling me that a program that you could have done since I commissioned you could have finished it already?
Mike You two wouldn't let me and I had to talk to both of you, don't push me so much now! BUT THE CASE! IT IS THAT I HAVE NOT LEFT IT AS SOON AS YOU GONE! I had to do it as fast as possible!
Jake Thank you, Mike.
Mike And you still can’t pay me for this 😒 But now it’s my fault because I told you there was nothing wrong with money, I can’t complain anymore
Jake Exactly.
Mike Ok, let me enter your computer and I'll install it for you
Jake No. I better go into yours and get it.
Mike Suspicious… Well, wait a minute and…. Done, my computer is your computer Just don’t do anything other than grab the antivirus folder, please. 🙏
Jake It is the only thing I need. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I quickly access his computer and see that he is quite ordinary, I expected much worse coming from him, but he does not seem to have anything to distract himself with. He have left the antivirus folder on his desktop. I get it and transfer it to the computer that works on unlocking Daliah's files, and then transfer it back to his computer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake Anything I should know before installing it?
Mike Yes, don't wet it or feed it after midnight
Jake Michael…
Mike There is nothing special Just let it work and it will cleanse for you
Jake Good. I need Rocco to come pick up the computer to take it to MC.
Mike I’ll let you know right away And another thing The contact I have to access the adoption files has already been set up It is one of the best that exists, I have left almost half of my money
Jake Perfect, this news is going to make MC very happy.
Mike I hope so… Hmm… what else? The FBI haven't gotten the hell out of Rosenschwarz, but Rocco's hooked up with one of those guys and he's telling me they're still turning some hostels upside down
Jake I did well to get out fast.
Mike I think that’s all Good luck Jakie
-----Mike has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I smile looking at the screen, seeing how little by little the files begin to be seen. They are all placed by date, being the oldest from two thousand and thirteen.   "Very soon you will have this computer, MC" I tell her even though I know she has stopped hearing me ", hold on a bit, very soon you will be able to have it in your hands and we will be able to find out the truth."
Chapter 29
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