#ML Guardians AU
wintermoth · 5 months
*spittake* holy fuck i found the outline i had for the rest of Guardians. i havent seen this document in years........i thought it was lost......
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luluy33art · 4 months
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Guardian!Chloe AU
Some info and rough doodles. Also, Smol Chloe and Mini Mari!!
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ponytailzuko · 1 month
my miraculous "enemies" au
i wanted to post something to give context to art i post so here it is! i think you can consider this my "miraculous rewrite" if you want to call it that...? but its just me wanting everyone trying to steal each others miraculous. that's literally it. i love drama. details under the cut:
The Premise:
When Fu was a child training with the Order, they left him to guard a Miracle Box for as long as possible without food or water. Eventually, Fu got curious - he opened the box and a beautiful array of animals spilled out. Tikki and Plagg act like the angel and devil on Fu's shoulder: Plagg, along with many of the other kwamis, urge Fu to use his Miraculous to transform in order to get food from the kitchens. Tikki warns him otherwise, but Fu transforms with the Peacock and the Black Cat, and the destructive power of his emotions go on a rampage, destroying the Order.
In the destruction, Fu loses most of the miraculous and the grimoire. They're scattered all across the world, falling into different people's hands. Tikki vows to help Fu rectify his mistake of trusting Plagg and help recover the lost miraculous.
What Does This Change?
Miraculouses and grimoire pages are spread around the world, so magic is pretty commonplace. Superheroes and supervillains have existed in Paris before "canon."
Adrien finds the Black Cat independently from the Guardian. He makes a deal with Plagg - freedom for freedom. Plagg gives Adrien powers that allow Adrien to get out of the house, and Adrien lets Plagg do whatever otherwise - no commands, unlike his past holders.
Hints of the Black Cat hit the news and Fu sees it. Fu is out of shape, and the Black Cat holder looks young. Tikki goes out to choose a new holder - Marinette. Marinette is mostly the same in this; she uses the Ladybug for stopping supervillains, but this time she doesn't have a partner.
The Black Cat has a terrible reputation... After all, Plagg was locked up in the Miracle Box and never used for a reason. Ever since its been out, people have used it for horrific purposes. Fu and TIkki are sure that Chat Noir must be up to something. If he's not, then it'd still be safer to keep Plagg in the box. Marinette, with no experience, takes their advice to heart.
Instead, she and CN are 'frenemies.' They end up working together to defeat supervillains, but before Ladybug gets the chance to take his Miraculous, something always goes wrong!
Chat Noir is unaware that Ladybug is working for the Guardian. He assumes she also gained her miraculous independently and he wants to be friends! He's never made friends before, though... why do his attempts keep going so poorly!?
When Chat Noir does figure out what Ladybug is trying to do, it turns into a competition on who can steal one another's Miraculous first. Plagg is adamant to never be put back in the box again.
When Chat Noir is first spotted in Paris, Hawkmoth doesn't reveal himself at all. Instead, he akumatizes people to try and lure CN (+LB) out and assess them. LB + CN are both unaware that the supervillains they put behind bars are actually akumatized. He tries to pit them against each other until the two accidentally break an object and discover an akuma. Oops :/
Eventually, after discovering Hawkmoth's existence, Ladybug and Chat Noir make a "truce" to work together to defeat him before getting back to their business (trying to take each other's miraculous lmao).
i have so many little things in this au and a bunch of doodles that i'll finish one day, but that's the general gist. later on, other characters get miraculous (also independently) which you know... it adds to it. writing isn't my personal forte and this is too much for more than the occasional comic from me. so i might write an outline for how i'd write the full thing at some point. (shrug)
TLDR: Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Hawkmoth all want each other's miraculous and team up and break up in different combos until eventually Ladybug and Chat Noir team up like in canon.
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miraculousfanworks · 4 months
Writing Prompt: Division of Labor
When Master Fu was naming Ladybug as the next Guardian, he thought for a moment, “what if she fails?” and then looks at Chat Noir, and a last pitch effort plan comes into play
“I, Master Fu, hereby name both Ladybug and Chat Noir as the guardians of the miraculous!”
The miracle box began to glow and change, splitting into two and rockets towards Ladybug and Chat Noir, Ladybug receiving a oval shaped box covered in spots, while Chat Noir receiving a similar box, but with paw prints instead of spots
How will Ladybug and Chat Noir manage to protect the miraculous? On the bright side, the miraculous aren’t all in one place anymore
Prompt by: katogs123yt, inspired by another prompt on the discord server by SilverAndGold
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ck2k18 · 1 year
What happened in Rocketeer doesn't mean that Nino couldn't be a good miraculous guardian if given the chance. He never had an issue with secrets before, keeping his identity as Carapace a secret from his girlfriend until Ladybug revealed them. When he did tell, it was Adrien, his best friend who he trusted. Plus, he was pretty emotional and he's 14. He'd be a different kind of guardian than in early fandom fics, but he could definitely be one. He has a strong drive and sense of responsibility and good leadership qualities. In this essay, I will
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wilygryphon · 8 months
Guardian Cheng - Miraculous Ladybug AU
Another Guardian survived the temple’s destruction due to not being present when Feast attacked.  That Guardian, searching for other survivors but not finding any, trained an apprentice in the ways of the Miraculous Guardians and passed his Miracle Box down to her.  That successor passed the legacy on to her descendants until it came to Sabine Cheng.  When Sabine moved to Paris, married Tom Dupain, and had Marinette, she taught her daughter the same (somewhat independently evolved) ways that she had learned, and even had Marinette train with some of the Miraculouses.
When Fu gives Marinette the Ladybug Miraculous, unaware that she lives with a Guardian, Marinette tells her mom.  Sabine puts the earrings on herself and gives Marinette a Miraculous from her box, which she already has experience using, and they go out together to fight the Akuma.
After defeating Stoneheart, Sabine takes authority and brings Chat Noir aside so that he can tell her his identity, and she allows Marinette to share her identity with him.
Sabine confronts Fu over giving the two most powerful Miraculouses to two teenagers and making them fight supervillains.  When Fu says his piece, they agree to work together to train Marinette and Adrien and combat Hawk Moth.
Ladybug!Sabine offers motherly advice and care to the class, including Chloé and Lila.  Civilian!Sabine civilly clashes with Gabriel, André, and Audrey over their “parenting”.
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heartfulselkie · 2 years
Kwami Swap Amnesia AU
Sort of follow up to this comic
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Ghostbug is learning that things are a lot more different that she realised. It seems that being a teen celebrity with a packed schedule as well as being a solo superhero leaves no time for socialising or making friends...
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camelots-rose · 1 month
Was working on Queen Turned Guardian again and I just realized Chloé, at least in the CG timeline, doesn't know about Zoe at all, like she knows of Vesperia, even met her once while alive but knows nothing about Zoe. Which, honestly? It's kinda of hilarious
cause I'm imagining that after everyone been summoned into Chaldea, Archer, Rider, heck even Avenger Chloé just assumes that Zoe calling them stuff like 'sister' or 'big sis' is due to how they shared the bee miraculous and no one on team miraculous corrects the trio for like a sold month because they all genuinely forgot Chloé never properly met Zoe beyond her Vesperia identity till now.
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rosie-b · 1 year
🦮 fill this empty space (ask game)
(link to the summary)
This turned out to be... longer than a snippet, and like the summary, angstier than I expected. It's been that kind of week ig! But there's a promising ending because I needed one :)
It had been a warm summer day when the old Marinette died.
The new Marinette woke up surrounded by golden light, soft, green grass, and the soft murmurings of a stream in northern France. It was perhaps the best way for her rebirth to happen, in a calm, relaxing environment far from the place she somehow knew was home.
She met her family there. They already knew her, and called her "maman," or "ma femme," or "my lady."
Marinette was no one's lady. She never had been, but according to video evidence and the testimony of her husband and children and best friend, that was one of the many roles her past self had filled.
Marinette did not know how to fill any of those old roles anymore. But because of the secret, magical way she'd chosen to lose her memories, she couldn't let anyone know this fact. She had to study years worth of business lessons in mere weeks, preparing for her return to Paris and the international company she would soon be in charge of running again.
At least her past self had accounted for this new Marinette's incompetence. But no one else seemed to see that she wasn't the same woman she had been once, back when a kwami lived in her purse and villains of the day (and year) kept plaguing Paris.
Adrien, the man past-Marinette had married, professed to still be in love with her. He saw some of the differences between the new Marinette and the old one, but claimed they weren't nearly as big as Marinette thought they were. And he chose to spend most of his time around her, so maybe he was right. He whispered praises for each small thing she did, both when they were alone and in public; took the time to learn her new habits; made her fresh coffee for when she woke up two hours after he did; stayed out of her bed to help her feel comfortable.
Marinette could see why her past self had loved him. It was something both halves of her were beginning to share, a love for this man who found a way to bring joy to her life even when it had been turned upside down.
But it didn't change the fact that the new Marinette was not the same woman he'd married. That fact was written into the vows Adrien and the past Marinette had exchanged; the way they had split up their chores; the daily schedule that Adrien still remembered while the new Marinette did not.
To Marinette, this new self of hers was nothing more than a facade made to cover the void her past self had left behind. She was thirty years old and as empty inside as a newborn baby, with no memories to guide her through this unfamiliar world.
Marinette was an icon, the magazines said. A paragon of virtue in an age of corruption, one half of both Paris' favorite couples, a woman who managed to be a world-famous CEO and an attentive mother at the same time.
That wasn't the new Marinette's reality. She didn't even know her children's middle names, though she was learning their favorite desserts, sports, and hobbies.
Most days, it was like learning a foreign language, and it felt just as isolating when she got something wrong or tried to remember something she thought she knew but actually didn't. Sometimes, this new life of hers was crushing, a drain on her already empty self, taking the last bit of Marinette out of her.
But not always.
As out of place as Marinette felt in her own life, the people in it still felt right somehow. They'd been there for her when she woke up; they were there to hug and comfort her when she cried in the night, to help teach her about her own life and tell her about theirs, and to listen when she said she felt different. They loved her, that much was clear, and they promised to love her no matter which Marinette she was; the old one with all her memories or the new one just fumbling through life.
And somehow, even though she claimed not to feel anything more for them than for other strangers at first, Marinette still loved them back. Their presence soothed the ache she felt in her chest, the one she felt when she couldn't remember, and she found herself more than missing them when they weren't there. She looked forward to hearing about their day, to learning their middle names; she held on to the facts they told her about themselves like sweet gifts of gold and honey, like they were all she needed to survive, to fill the empty space her memories had left behind.
The new Marinette was not the old one, and she never would be.
But maybe that was okay. The new Marinette had her own space, too; it began here, in this remote, rural town near the seashore, and it would expand back to Paris, to the place where the old Marinette had lived.
Marinette's home had always been her family, the people she loved. That was something she knew without having to remember it, and something she was more sure of every day.
So she studied the journals her past self had written, re-learned how to design, baked bread beside Adrien, sang songs with her children and stayed by their side. If her mind was an empty slate, then she was going to fill it with love, the same love she'd chosen before and was choosing again.
And someday, this new Marinette would feel whole again.
Thanks for the ask! I hope you enjoyed <3
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weaverofink · 2 years
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Deity!tikki AU where the miraculous gets damaged somehow and the enchantment keeping the god within trapped and docile breaks, and Marinette has to contend with a very angry creation god that wants to annihilate the order of guardians
Bonus: my initial sketch of deity!tikki
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
What if Marinette was already Master Fu's apprentice and "Guardian-in-training" in Origins?
I’ve heard of plenty of AU’s like this.
But what if this was in the canon
(What if Marinette was Fu’s Apprentice at the start?)
-Fu was more than aware of his age. He may not be on deaths door, but it was only a matter of time before that becomes the case.
-As far as he knew, he was the only guardian left, he needed a successor. A guardian to take his place.
-So he decided to search.
-Fate happens to be a funny thing, because he found his successor while taking a break to get a croissant.
-He noticed the girl was down and decided to talk with her. He knew she had a good heart, but she was clearly saddened by something.
-Fu felt a grandfatherly urge to talk with her, he managed to make the young girl smile. He asked her name, she said it was Marinette
-Sabine noticed the old man’s kindness and thanked him.
-Fu smiles, he knew he found his successor.
-It was a couple months before Fu officially told her what he does, and she asked if she could help.
-It was then that Marinette started her training.
-Now at the start of a new school year. Marinette had grown more confident in herself (learning some Mirakungfu and meditation from Fu) Marinette was far more determined than ever before.
-(Her style inspired by her guardian training)
-Marinette stood up to Chloe at the start, and Alya, the new girl was impressed. That was the start of their friendship.
-Meanwhile Hawkmoth finally starts his evil. Just like in origins. Wayzz senses the activation of a new miraculous, and Fu knew that the time was here.
-Fu decided that Marinette would use the ladybug miraculous. With her training, she was a perfect fit for it. And with her training, this would be a perfect test to see if she needed a partner or not. So no chat noir (at least not now)
-After school, Marinette found a box that looked very familar. (It’s time.) a note said. She knew what it was.
-Tikki popped out of the earrings and greeted Marinette. Marinette was excited that her partner kwami was Tikki. She did love all the kwami but she felt a special kinship with Tikki. Perhaps cause she was creative and Tikki was the kwami of creation.
-Ladybug arrived to face stoneheart. And for her first fight, she was a bit rough around the edges but she uses her lucky charm perfectly AND purified the akuma. She knew there was a reason Tikki was picked, and it was because this was the work of the butterfly miraculous.
-After saving the day, Alya was amazed by this new hero. And like in canon, starts the Ladyblog.
-Ladybug returns to Fu and is prepared to hand over Tikki, but Fu stops her. Saying she will need it to protect Paris.
-Fu states that should it ever become too much for her, he will supply back up. Fu hadn’t just been twiddling his thumbs once the butterfly was activated, he decided to also look for other potential heroes.
-Ladybug was happy to hear it and said she had some potential candidates if he was interested.
-Hawkmoth was angry, but was happy that his gamble paid off. There was another miraculous in Paris. And best of all, it was one of the two he needed! Though this heroine seemed competent, he would need to be cautious. Perhaps he would go about this more tactfully
-Adrien does end up in DuPont like in canon, and cue the misunderstanding.
-Marinette was probably even harsher then in canon, making Adrien feel bad. But thankfully Nino was there.
-Ivan gets akumatized again, but no additional rock people.
-Ladybug fights stoneheart and even saves Chloe. There is no hero speech because Hawkmoth doesn’t do his monologue (playing it more cautious)
-Ladybug remembers Ivan’s crush on Mylene and uses it to win. It’s a harder fight but she pulls through.
-Umbrella scene happens just like in canon, but Plagg isn’t there to tease Adrien about it. Fu was there, planning on congratulating his student, but caught sight of something more interesting. Perhaps he would be a good candidate. But he would hold off for now.
-“Seems Marinette is going to be having quite a miraculous life Wayzz.”
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wintermoth · 7 months
So I’ve been thinking about the ML Guardians AU, and about how when one of the kwami pair dies the other takes on a few of their traits, like how the Fox will have truth mixed in with lies when she talks, how the Butterfly is, well, chaotic now. So I was wondering how about water and fire? How does traits of water manifest with the Tiger of fire?
(Also absolutely no pressure to answer this. I get this is an old AU and my question is out of the blue.)
*cracks knuckles*
Since water and fire are material things rather than immaterial, it presents differently.
Firra the Fox successfully adapted to life without her partner by learning to tell the truth with her lies. Had Firra failed to adapt, she would have drowned in her lies, unable to find a Guardian let alone maintain a relationship with one. Truth and his Guardian were responsible for a lot of the Fox Guardian's early education until he or she learned how to speak Firra's language and play her game.
Nurru, on the other hand, being Order, was all about schedules and routines. Every day didn't have to be the same but deviations from the schedule or expectations were frowned upon. He liked things to be neat and tidy. Unlike Firra, Nurru never really stood a chance at saving himself. Losing Kaoss was such a fundamental disruption to his existence that he literally could not comprehend how it was possible, what life would be like without her, or how to proceed.
He should have retreated so deep into the concept of Order that he became a being of stasis and stagnation instead. However, his Guardian's behavior in the wake of their deaths became the compass by which he oriented himself. Revenge, grief, and desperation became the new normal for Order and, unfortunately, its created a feedback loop between them, which has spiraled them into chaos and madness.
Now, Baagh. As I said earlier, representing an elemental force rather than an a concept, he functions differently. He's not obsessed with fire, flames, etc. He doesn't orient his life around them. In the old days, he used to run hot enough on a normal day that he could set things on fire just by touching them for too long. He could ignite any and all parts of his body and it wasn't unusual for him to have some sort of open flame somewhere (a la Charmander tail). He wasn't afraid to cause fires because he knew that Water was right there to stop things from getting out of control and keep him in check.
So, when she died, he quickly realized that his safety net was gone and that a simple touch could burn a village to the ground. He could not live among people--ie have a Guardian--if he was just going to ruin their homes and lives by existing. So instead, rather than taking on the physical aspects of water, he changed his behavior to account for the loss of it. The way humans have to adapt their behaviors in a drought to prevent fires from breaking out. He learned to keep his body temperature low enough that he wouldn't start fires, he kept himself free of flames, and became far more cautious overall.
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luluy33art · 4 months
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Sooo um- I have this AU where Chloe is adopted by Master Fu- Just look at her playing with Wayzz omg I can't she's such a baby 😭🤚♥️💘💝💖💗💕💞
Provisional name for the AU: Guardian!Chloe AU
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plumsaffron · 3 months
Cherry Crimson Brine Final (3-3)
Improbable For Healing
(Yikes this part is long. I suck at splitting. But I’m also really lazy and Don’t feel like splitting to 4 parts.) Now then the link to part 2-3 here All parts of this Brine here Otherwise, suffer and read more (or ignore LOL)
Twilight Puts the Butterfy Miraculous On Nooroo appears Nooroo: Are you my new master? Cat Noir: Don't call me that. Just call me Cat Noir or Adrien. Nooroo: What do you seek from me? The Truth about the Previous Butterfly Holder Cat Noir: And information about guardians abilities to seal superpowers if you know. Those are the things I need to uncover if you can help me. Nooroo: This might take a while. 
It's also hard to piece things together if you're inside a miraculous. I'll do my best. Cat Noir: Thank you, Nooroo. (Maybe things could change for the better.)
Meanwhile Somewhere Else Tikki: You need to go to sleep, Marinette. Marinette: I can't. It bothers me how people became when I'm not monitoring or defending the peace. Tikki: You care about, Lila? Marinette: What no. Um. Idk. It's just uh... I thought that it would not be like this. Not even I would think that conceited snobbish bully, Chloe, would face this kind of infliction she has. I thought people would be at peace and move on to making the world better. There is no Hawk Moth.
No Gabriel.
No Nathalie being bad anymore. 
Chloe is far far away and unable to bring misery to the world anymore. I just don't understand why the town hasn't moved on. AHK I Forgot To Set Up A Plan Of Things To Do With Adrien. I mean uh uh Mylene. Wait um… Well Tikki: Just go to sleep.
Sunrise Lila Rossi Awakens in shock Highly tensed Nino: You blocks her hit Dude! Calm down! 
Relax. She chills out Lila: I’m still alive? Nino: Of course, Lila. Lila: Why are you acting like this. Nino: Acting like what? Lila: Without malice. Nino: Huh? Lila: Well thank you. Nino: No need to thank me.
Rena Rouge saved your life.
She requested for me to watch over you. Lila: Why are you being nice to me? We are no longer- Nino: That was the past. 
Currently, things aren’t looking too well with you. 
I don’t believe what the forums and news and people say about you but many do, unfortunately. I’m sorry none of us were able to protect you like we should have much earlier. Society has been quite out of whack. 
Seems you can never really have peace around here. 
There’s always someone being there for trouble or finding it. That being said, just stay here for a bit. You’ll be safe here for now. Lila:… nods
Morning Time As Marinette wakes up Marinette: The Butterfly Miraculous? And a note. Picks the note up (From Cat Noir? WHAT?! Does he know?! 
Oh wait it says Rena Rouge sent it his words. Phew. Now…) Talk to Nooroo If you want to answers to the truth…? Marinette: Very crpytic… But if you say so.
Puts it on
Nooroo: I’ve been waiting a long time for you, Guardian? Marinette: I need to know. 
Is what the Ex. Guardian said about Lila true?
Nooroo: Compared to the master before her and other links I’m connected to; She’s a kid like you.
Marinette: but what about the evidence stating otherwise. Nooroo: You should be careful what information you take as the  ultimate. 
I expect better from you. Well actually not really. Marinette: What?! Nooroo: Didn’t you hear Betterfly’s speech and him believing in you. Marinette: So Tikki isn’t the only one multiversally linked? But the Ex. Guardian and she wasn’t saying anything about their statements. Nooroo: The Guardian Who Deflected and laid waste upon my previous holder. I have a question for you.
Why couldn’t she say anything? 
And secondly, why would that matter anymore after what you seen from the Parisians and maybe the world’s treatment against her? Realizes Lila’s been set up to be silent
Marinette: The Former Guardian was preventing her from speaking. 
And sealed my power away But why? Nooroo: Ask yourself that question. Marinette: Why are you acting like I am that villain.
Nooroo: You two are more in common than you would be calm with. You only are starting to realize your skewed antics. 
Still, you like doing like the guardian which is seal or fabricate the truth from most importantly, my former master’s son. I sensed how dangerous you get upon the girl. Has anyone told you that the way you have been, 
causes trouble or rather can attract s he worst of people 
or assists making people undo any form of trying to let go. 
And still you kept persisting and chasing. Marinette: How do you know this? Nooroo: I’m a butterfly or would it be moth? 
Regardless, Marinette, many similar things but different forms. 
What you are witnessing is what the manifestation of your hatred being expressed for what it truly is or beyond your threshold. Marinette: This isn’t my fault. Nooroo: Sounds like a lie?
Marinette: You’re accusing me of being a liar?! fed up
Nooroo: Maybe you should look back and question your way of thinking since she first arrived. 
And question, why did those 3 that loved Lila, die the day before the people of Paris started their destruction towards her? You could say you aren’t the root 
but look deeper and look at what follows your path. But if you really want a quicker way of figuring things out, well… You know what to do. 
Think better. Be better.
Marinette: Dark Wings Rise ???: Tikki Butterfly Unify Lady Moth: Now to put an end to what’s been troubling me. (If only the other thing… could have been this easy. 
So I can be at true peace.)
Afternoon in Alya’s room
Lila: Thank you. Alya: For what? Oh. I see. 
Yeah. Don’t mention it. Just stay hiding. You aren’t supposed to be here. 
Sadly, everyone else’s parents are insisting you’re bad news. My family might flip if they see you. Lila: Yeah I know. 
All because of that Guardian that that sparked my ultimate disaster. Alya: So what will you do now? Lila: I don’t know. This city doesn’t want me to escape. Won’t set me free or let me be. 
It’s too invested in destroying me.
And here I thought Marinette and Ladybug were bent on that.
Alya: Marinette is... My best friend is not like-
Lila: Spare me. 
I know Marinette is the hero of the world and the ultimate coverup. Alya: (She knows) Lila: I’m not in the mood of monologuing her willingness to go by any length,
at any second, to out me anytime ritual. Lila: Don’t worry. I won’t tell the world or you of my perspective. 
I quit. It wouldn’t change my fate. 
Even if I did prove the maleficent guardian is completely wrong; 
This world will never see differently. 
I am permanently embedded by their perception.
Well… Um….
Me and our friends will try to get you in a place where you can start a new life again. Lila: Our friends? Alya: Yes. Lila: There’s no way I could ever be that. 
For that to work, you’d have to no longer be against Chloe. Alya: It’s complicated. 
When we or she approach that time of mending things, it will happen. Lila: hmm. (I guess you former friends were decent for the most part). Is this because I am helpless that you feel for me? Alya: Possibly. 
Many things happened since you disappeared. 
Realization and change, that kind of stuff.
Alya: Well it’s time I go out and start planning things 
as she starts to leave her room Maybe one day people will realize they were wrong about you. Alya falls But Lila stops Alya from falling flat on the floor
Lila: Sorry I had to KO you but I'm taking over now. After all, you should not be ones of Parisians vengeance because y'all tried to protect I. Wakes up an hour later Alya: Lila?! (Seems she took a spare set of my clothes). I need to tell them she went on her own before it's too late. Trixx, Lets Pounce! Somewhere near the airport
Ladybug & Cat Noir: Lila Lila: (Oh no) Turns to them Hmph... Well this brings back memories of us alone. 
Back to square one. Cat Noir: You can't leave yet. Lila: Oh my gosh. Drop it. 
I am so sick of this malicious town.  
Don't try to stop me. Ladybug: You. 
You’ll- Your life ends if you leave. Lila: I've faced the brink of that 3 times. But I've got a plan Why would vermin like you ever want to chat with me? Ladybug: It because we have seen the truth. Rabbit Noir: Let me show you Opens the burrow Please, Lila, follow us.
Lila:...*grunts* (fine) They walk into the burrow
Lila: Looks like a timeline channel. Ladybug: It  pretty much is. Rabbit Noir: Look at these.
She looks at a bunch of them
Lila: I see… So, I'm destined to cease being. 
Whether I stay or leave elsewhere. No matter what I attempt. 
It's showing nothing I do matters. 
Always my final rest.
Rabbit Noir: Yeah. I wish this wasn't but it seems this is the truth,
Lila: I guess all I can do is last as long as I can for myself. 
If I reach the end of me, then so be it. Ladybug: What?! You're giving up?! Lila: Everyone that resists conforming will eventually have to sooner or later. Besides... I accepted my fate while I thought it was really the end when submerged in the water. Rabbit Noir: You have the opportunity to go back in the past. So you would never be marked with this pain and suffering to begin with. Lila: Pass Rabbit Noir: What?! But what about your mom or moms? Lila: I've already thought about that.
Besides, you two would still be my enemies.
She and Marinette would continue chasing after me.
Or the two would get someone else after me
I rather live in the awful reality of...
Who, what, or how people truly are instead of going back. Lila: I have to continue carrying on. They frown from her speech Lila: If you want to give an opportunity to heal someone's sorrow,
go to Chloe Bourgeois.
I can never go back to sleep from what I've witnessed.
I guess I'm built like that now. 
No longer how I once was.
Maybe it's best for me. Ladybug: Don't say that.
Lila: It's too late. It's my unwavering resolve. 
This is... 
who I am.
Ladybug: There's got to be something I can do. Lila: Good luck with that. It's time I return Ladybug: Wait!
Rabbit Noir: (I hope you find a new path before it's too late Ladybug.) Ladybug: Lucky Charm! Gets an irrelevant object Lucky Charm! another useless object LUCKY CHARMA LUCKY CHARM LUCKY CHARM! All in vain Lila: Is that all? There's nothing you can do for me. 
Same for the Cat Noir. Approaching The Exit Of The Burrow Ladybug despairing Lila: You can't change anything. As soon as she said that, Ladybug saw the answer she's looking for Ladybug: LILA ROSSI, STOP! PLEASE! Lila: Ugh (my ears) What Now?! Ladybug: Cat Noir, give it to her. Rabbit Noir: Back to her? Ah, I see. Walks to her
Rabbit Noir: What you need the most. 
I hope with this, you can forge a new path, conquering all others. Butterfly Miraculous in his hand (Incase You didn't know that miraculous been repaired before Adrien chatted with Nooroo) Please, Lila Rossi, take this for you. She's confused but takes it and puts it on
Nooroo: It's you again. Lila: Miss me? Well partner... You're all I have left on this new journey of mine. Nooroo: Partner? Lila: Yes, Nooroo. What's the meaning of giving me back The Butterfly Miraculous? 
Wasn’t always the retrieving the miraculous your main goal? Rabbit Noir: You have to live and you must be free. Lila: I guess I won't be on my own after all. 
The only friend I can take with me will do.
She gets ready to step out the burrow (again) Ladybug: Lila... Lila: You're giving me all of the attention. 
How ironic of you, well... maybe not. 
Make it quick. I have plans. Ladybug: I'm sorry 
For every way I’ve been towards you. I wish I could make things right with you. Lila: Well that's just a dream. About to finally step out the burrow but stops However, if you truly mean what you say; 
you and Marinette should know this... Make sure you don't recreate another situation like this with another person or people like you did with me. Show that you really are someone who can live and learn.
Goodbye forever, Cat Noir and Ladybug (Or rather Marinette and Adrien) Wings... Rise. And so Chrysalis leaves The Last Evening Kagami is just staring at the slowly sinking Sun Closes her eyes and thinks about the past events She opens her eyes and turns to the left and starts walking away from the sun She notices something obscuring the edge of her view point Kagami: Alya? (No) Lila? She turns to the name said
Lila: Hello, Kagami Kagami runs towards her and stops Kagami: You're not afraid of this world? Lila: I changed. However... Kagami: Is it true? I mean. I’m sorry I said that. I- Lila: This question will never go away, will it? Lila: Defamations and scorn towards me is false. 
It was orchestrated by a Deflected Guardian.
Kagami Looks down and closes her eyes 
Kagami: (That is consistent with what our friends said. Poor girl. 
It's crazy how all it took was one person to make so many do this to you, Lila. 
You damaged severely. Who loves you, dead when you get out the hospital. Documents that evil one orchestrated to make all turn against you. 
The media assisting in making things worse. 
Purposefully bestowed against you. 
I just needed to hear your side. 
To be absolved of what has been tearing me apart.) opens her eyes and sees Lila's hand out Kagami: What are you doing? Kagami: You’re leaving, aren't you? Lila nods yes Kagami: I guess I won't see you again. shakes her hand and hugs her Lila: Thank you, Kagami. I'll remember this as she walks away Kagami: (Goodbye my friend.)
Meanwhile Somewhere Else Uncanny Valley: Have you found out any information of this Ex. Guardian yet? Bunnyx: No. 
That person…
Completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. No means or ways to track them. It's like they existed and unexisted. I looked throughout many timelines and been going in and out of many dimensions but this evil Guardian, 
for some reason, remains unfound. Uncanny Valley: That's strange. 
And it's not a ghost or spirit or anything?
Not an Alien like my mother? Ladybug: The hypervillain is human. 
Perhaps that person can seal away connections for you to find them. Bunnyx: Dang. Now how will I be able to stop this person?
Cat Noir: They knew what they were doing. 
They knew that this would happen. 
That's likely who knocked you out, Bunnyx.
I'm actually impressed with their elaborate plan,
while disappointed in people.
Foul Rumor created to spread to ruin her life.
That monster knew that even if you were to clear Lila's name.
The destruction has been fulfilled and people will have this impression against her. 
Seeing her as the ultimate evil. 
Stronger if the girl does things they may rage upon. Even if they do it or worse Ladybug: (Was that an attack on me, Cat Noir?)
Uncanny Valley: This isn't the first time, or first person who does this. Bunnyx: Yeah but this just hits home. I'm not sure if get my drift. Uncanny Valley: I do. I draft. Hahahaha. But yeah. 
I know what personally affected is 
or seeing my Moms be affected because of me and my ally. Bunnyx: Still weird she has like more than 2 mothers. Ladybug: I've learn treating things that appear uncommon as problematic, should be refrained from doing. Cat Noir: Yep. Don't think the worse possibilities cause a person's life or being doesn't sync with your normal. Uncanny Valley: I remember Polygamy being a thing many weren’t so concerned of in certain places or time. Still is a thing. 
Much stranger things exist too that’s treated as normal. 
I’ve noticed society can weird anything out to frowned upon, even some words or meanings. Or do the opposite.
There's also people just naturally good at things or know what they are doing. Exceptions are a thing. Cat Noir: It was her lifestyle with them after all. Who are we to judge? Bunnyx: You right. 
They could actually cherish her or see Lila for herself. Ladybug: (I'll remember not to be invasive of people's unusual to umm... my life if it's not actually a problem. 
They could actually enjoy it.)
Unknown at Dusk
Lila: Nooroo. Nooroo: Yes, Lila? Lila: That Ex Guardian made a complete fool out of me. 
And pretty much destroyed my life. And how so many see me. And here I thought Marinette or Ladybug were vermin. You could make those two or one, all alone, but this one. Nah Nooroo: You're contemplating erasing that Guardian? Lila: Exactly. Their existence gave me more reason than anyone ever could. I honestly feel like taking revenge amongst all the Parisians that lost their minds against me. Still... I don't have the power to simply annihilate that insolent vermin.
I need more power to exterminate that pile of dung. Stop the power from being sealed. Nooroo: What are you suggesting? Lila: I will become you and you will become me. Nooroo: Huh? Lila: Exactly as I said. Nooroo: You can't handle that much power. You could perish. Lila: We'll see
Nooroo: No! Don’t! I’ve seen this happen to other Butterfly users from other dimensions and it was all in vain. Lila: Don't worry. I've got a plan. But if that does happen. Maybe you won't be constrained. 
But I'm offering you more free will either way. Lila: And if it does work. Who knows?
Maybe I could stop people from facing the disaster I've faced.
Preventing scorn and ruination because they hated a person so much. Lila: All because they wanted to find a reason to or any way to destroy them or how others view them entirely.
Lila: Don't worry. Why be only me if there can be many of me from many worlds?
End Of Her Crimson Brine Story
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to all parts of this story here again
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
Ladybug does not have a civilian identity. For as long as she can remember she's been raised by the Order to wield her Miraculous, and "Ladybug" in various languages is the only name they have ever given her. When she's sent to Paris, where the stolen Butterfly and Peacock have been tracked, she operates with as little public presence as possible and does not engage with the press. When the long-lost Black Cat shows up to fight akumatized civilians, her Guardian handler commands her to retrieve it as well, eager to get it back under the Order's safekeeping. Ladybug has never even thought to defy the Guardians... yet she feels a connection to Chat Noir that she has never experienced before, an instinctive sense of trust that turns into seamless teamwork. He has little combat experience and barely knows anything about the Miraculous, but he's enthusiastic, good-natured and beloved by the people of Paris. He seems to spend a lot of time transformed, not just when the Butterfly rears his head. His small acts of everyday heroism are endearing, and he is eager to be her friend despite the way she has tried to rebuff him. Tikki counsels she does not sense Plagg is being misused, though she admits her counterpart's definition of "misuse" is quite a bit looser than the Order's. Ladybug takes a risk and tries to convince her Guardian that Chat Noir feels like a natural fit for the Miraculous of Destruction, careful not to mention the deeper way she is drawn to him. She argues that he could be taken into the fold and trained properly. But the Guardian is quick to chastise her, and insists he must be stripped of both the ring and any memories of the Miraculous. Ladybug *knows* she is not wrong to trust the Black Cat... for the first time in her life, she has begun to question the Order's ways.
Prompt by techRomancer
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mothdotz · 2 years
Thought I’d post some old (ranging from 1–5 months ago) and unfinished art
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Ignoring that infodump— I really like this one:
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