#ML Guilt-trip
gameguy20100 · 5 months
If Dustin was Canon: Guilttrip.
Rose: Oh no! I'm gonna pass out from laughter, so someone take me to the nurses office.
Dustin: Save the sarcasm for the experts, buddy. *laugh*
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plumsaffron · 2 years
Ah that guilt trip episode sure was something. That class isn't as bad as a lot made it out to be since Lila existing as their main beacon for class saltery. Good they dialed down their catering at the end.
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tex-now · 1 month
New challenge. Watch Guilt Trip Of ML Season 4.
I did?? Like a while ago?? Did you not read the disclaimer orrrr
Also. In all seriousness. Guilt Trip also isn't done very well in terms of dealing with a character having a disability, with it being like "yeah, she doesn't NEED all this help even though she has a disability cause disabled people aren't fragile and helpless" which is a good message but it's not done well. And it also just makes Marinette look like more of an ass in retrospect because she was only willing to accommodate rose cause they're ~friends~ and rose is good so she can't be lying about her disability! Unlike that super liar Lila who is definitely lying >:( because she's evil >:( (and yes she was lying and the only reason why is so Marinette can have an excuse for her horrible behavior)
Also juleka tells rose's secret without her consent to the entire class (not cool) and rose is also a common archetype of a character who "has a disability but that won't stop me from living life to the fullest!" Except it's only brought up in this episode and never acknowledged again because MLB doesn't know how to write characters with disabilities.
Oh and also they do that stupid thing where they only really focus on how sad their poor loved one must be, having to worry about them all the time :( /s which is a very common and quite ignorant thing that always happens when writing disabled characters.
It's not a good episode. Like. At all. The only thing it does is make Marinette look like the worst type of ableist person and prove that the writers should not be allowed to touch this topic ever again.
I'll be honest I don't think it's marinette or juleka's fault that they do such fucked up things because it's obvious that the writers are trying to frame their actions in the right and act like what they're doing isn't fucked up.
The problem is the writing not the characters themselves. Their personalities get pushed and pulled in the direction that the plot needs to move forward. I know I sound like I think Marinette sucks but it's not her it's her writing. Does that make sense
Edit: Juleka actually only told Marinette and Adrien about rose, so she didn't tell the whole class, it was Marinette who had notified everyone of rose's condition, contrary to what i remembered. Apologies on my part
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huellitaa · 18 days
hello hello huelittaa 👋✨ do u have any tips for someone struggling with motivation to workout? or even to take a simple walk? thank uu 🤍
bee's physical activity handbook: motive 🎀 . ݁₊ ⊹
hiiii ml!!!!!!!! 🫶🏻🩷💗 sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days BUT IM HERE NOW !!!!! honestly this is something i also struggle with myself ,, i am still recovering from depression personally so this is still difficult for me sometimes too but these are some things i do !!!! ♡
🧁𓂃 ࣪˖ 1. prepare urself for the possibility
so since i know i have this problem a lot, it helps me to be prepared for this in advance. i actually have a whole notion page filled with a table of letters to myself in specific situations i find myself in a lot, this included, and have a whole archived stored of cute photos and motivation and things like articles and videos and tumblr posts on the main page and in the letters that make me wanna get up and do shit and its my LIFESAVER. (should i make a post on this?)
but i'd suggest to keep a note or page or document , physical or digital, filled with just motivation for this specific thing, like things you like about it, photos romanticising working out or going outside, songs that motivate you, etc etc etc. the list goes on but you get the point ♡
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ 2. detective chapter: analysis! ♡
figure out why you dont want to. this is the main thing that helps me and its so simple but once u figure out the root u figure out the rest and this applies just the same here too. is it laziness? mental health? exhaustion? overworking? burnout? you won't be able to continue until you haven't found the actual problem. it's like trying to travel with no path to travel on.
💭𓂃 ࣪˖ 3. pep talk!
one thing i do that helps me the most is literally just lay in bed or wherever you are where ur procrastinating and thinking about this over and over and going back and forth whether to do it or not is to force the thoughts out (literally. u can envision it if it helps!) and deadass bully myself into doing it 😭😭
(🗒🎀 note: i've also found it helps for some people to do this in the mirror, just so ur face to face w urself as it were. plus u get to admire urself at the same time so its a win all around)
if ur not into harsh motivation, another thing i love, esp when im not feeling great enough to deal w harsh motivation is pretend ur giving advice to a friend or ur child in this position. this is one of the greatest pieces of advice ive ever gotten i literally cannot stress this enough. do this‼️ p.s. you can do this in ur head or out loud. i usually do some mix of both because i am a professional at talking to myself constantly literally all the time
🧁𓂃 ࣪˖ 4. use gratitude in ur favour!
one thing i like to do is essentially guilt trip myself into doing it. erm. you can also call this gratitude it sounds a lot better. think of how grateful you are to even have the opportunity to go outside safely to go for a walk, to be able to work out and keep urself healthy, because there's always someone who's not going to be able to do those things. it is a privilege to live your life and this should be classed as one too.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ 5. all about the outlook
another thing i love that falls into the category of motivation is treating it as an act of love and luxury rather than a chore and changing ur outlook on it. for example,
"oh, i have to do this or i'm a failure" or "i really don't want to do it today"
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ into...
"i deserve to do this for myself because i deserve to be taken care of and kept in good health."
and i find this makes me so much more open to it because you do deserve it.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 6. romanticism; obviously!
okayyyy i know you hear this EVERYWHERE but ‼️its‼️because‼️its true‼️ romanticism is my LIFE not a day goes by where i dont act like im a silly girl in a pink girly shoujo world, and i do this even more so when i dont wanna get up and do simple tasks like this.
some things that give me motivation via romanticism is getting dressed up and cute even if i'm just going for a walk and listening to music and appreciating the world (🗒🎀 note: i love taking pictures or going on different routes whenever i go for walks! it makes the experience so much sweeter and more enjoyable ♡), or putting on cute clothes, loud music and grabbing a pretty waterbottle and hyping myself up to do even just 10 mins of pilates because something is always better than nothing!!!!!!!!!!!
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ 7. something is better than nothing
with the last note from my previous point in mind, try and always do just a little bit, even if it's not the amount you intended. say you wanted to workout for 20 minutes every day, but you really weren't feeling it today? do 10 instead. this way ur still doing something. we always have tomorrow. take it at ur own pace. you wanted to go running every day? just go for a walk. you can always try again. there is no limit on how many attempts you have with these things. this is always better than just doing nothing at all. this is basically finding the middle ground when you do these things. which leads me onto my final point ,,♡
✨️𓂃 ࣪˖ 8. finding the middle ground
the no.1 thing in all of this is please don't beat urself up for it if you don't feel like it sometimes, but still keep to it as best as possible. say for example you really didn't want to one day but you had no real reason not to, you should still do it. but if your emotional or physical health or anything like that is in a bad place right now, then allow urself to skip for a day or two. dont beat urself up over it, but keep to it when and where you can because i know its difficult sometimes ♡
all my love, and u got this!!!!!!!!!! 🩷🫶🏻💬💗🎀
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So I was reading and my brain went back into a specific thought cycle. Just making this to get it out of my head. Feel free to delete/ignore.
My step brother and I were both born neurological conditions that cause seizures. And since we don’t have the same parents our doctors couldn’t compare us to help diagnose what’s wrong with either of us. Which is pretty common actually. 1/6th of people get Symptoms Without A Name(SWAN).
When they aired Guilt Trip, I felt seen. I have almost nothing in common with Rose otherwise, but her nebulous unnamed condition with headaches and hospitalization made me feel seen. Cause that’s what my brother and I would have happen. Get a classmate to take us to the nurse and go to the hospital. Have our friends and family worry like hell because we had no idea of cause or treatment. Juleka was essentially showing what our brother, sister, and friends would go through. I felt so comforted, I felt seen.
Then people in the fandom started complaining. “Just say it’s cancer already.” “Omg do they think kids can’t handle knowing what leukemia is?”
I-I was crushed. This episode made me feel so happy about people getting to see. But they’re angry? Not everyone who has childhood illnesses or conditions has the luxuries of knowing what is wrong. It hurt so much. I’ve had to live nearly 30 years walking on eggshells with my life and I thought this could be something that could help a kid that’s in the position I was in feel better. But apparently the general public doesn’t know that. Or CARE?
You know what that's fair! And yeah I think most people who haven't experienced that wouldn't understand how it feels or looks. So writing that's vague like this comes off as bad or a copout.
I think some people's issue with it is less that and more that..... given ML's track record. This wasn't really done to give proper representation to that demographic of people and was more of a happy accident.
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eww i just saw the ask of someone trying to guilt trip you with the "your my only source of entertainment"
thats gross. take your time ml 💕
Much love to you 🤟
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chamcourse · 5 months
If that rumor is true (everyone gettLMAOs free cham myo when the site is finished and the hiatus ends) it sounds more like a joke because I recall that in past announcements for event rewards, the mods are hesitant on rewarding so many MYO slots because there are tons that still have not been designed on the ML. Even though rewarding more MYO slots would make the group more welcoming to new users that only show up to get their own funky lizard. The reality of it seems more like another raffle and only a select few will win. The fact they bring up that the ML is full of undesigned MYOs is only because:
People are catering to the group's rules. They can't make their chimereon design because you have to grind/trade to get desired items, while there is a cap on how many Beetoles you can earn from gift art. (Thankfully there isn't a cap on what's earned through selling items and commissions to my knowledge.) plus, the shop that gives you the fun stuff artists use more often is closed. If you wanna put sprinkles on your cham's ass better wait for the next event that's several months from now. (Or if someone is feeling happy enough to trade.)
It's insanely disrespectful to the artists because you don't know what they have going on in their lives. They can't always draw for the group.
On the other end, there are group members who snag onto and hoard up to 20 undersigned MYOs and advertise them in trade channels only seeking swaps. Meanwhile new users have to pay out the ass for adopts and customs if their luck has been sucking the past ten free raffles they entered.
Not to whine and complain, but it sucks to see new users and users that don't have any chams anymore trying to get one, practically struggling. I think a few implements have made it easier for FTOs and NOs to get a cham but it feels pitiful.
Not to mention its against the rules for these users to complain in chat about how they didn't get a cham this round because it "brings down the mood" I've never seen it get out of hand to the point it's a fight. It just sounds more like "Hey, you're ruining the mood for the WINNERS!"
If users are purposely guilt tripping or harassing others for their characters, yeah, that's bad. ADDRESS THAT. but don't silence people because they're upset about YOUR weird system.
In the end I just think that the number for FTO free raffle should be increased (to 20 instead of 10 at least)
And users who won a raffle, bought an adopt, or got a custom, shouldn't be drawn again in the next event they attend so it gives other people a slightly higher chance to win. (If people get chams from trades and stuff that's fine, it's just the group and mod hosted stuff)
Also, shednut. I remember that hype... The excitement... The therories...
Just to find out it doesn't do shit LMAO
I always thought the whole "we can't give out too many MYOs because we have too many unused ones" thing was kinda weird ngl
Like. So what. Who cares if there's a million grey lizards wearing a sign on the masterlist they have their own section anyway
Really do hope we see more FTO/NO opportunities post-website launch
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mlwritingprompts · 3 years
Submitted prompt: It's not trivial.
Spoiler for S4 (Guilt-trip episode if you haven't watched it yet)
TW for suicide mention.
So after watching the scene in which Adrien almost Cataclysms himself, I'm totally furious at the utter disrespect of the writers and how they totally ignored that.
So, AU in which the fact that Adrien almost cataclysming himself (if that was actually possible to happen) is NOT forgotten by Marinette, and it actually affects how she sees Chat Noir.
Not as a sad boy who is so hurt he needs to be spoiled to become better though.
But as a person who needs help to deal with this problem, and Marinette decided that since her constantly catering him is just making his "dependence and need" to her worse, she decides, thanks to a mix of the crushing responsibility of the Guardian put on her, the roller coaster of emotions she is bottling up, and the unhealthy lessons of "setting an example" put on her, to do something both reasonable and unreasonable.
She decided that Chat Noir, should be officially retired, and that she should have him get fucking therapy while making sure he is protected from anything that might worsen his state.
Suicidal thoughts are not a joke.
They are horrible and nasty, and downright dangerous, and Chat Noir is experiencing them, and the mentality ingrained into her makes her feel that his obsession of her is the reason, so maybe, if he is no longer able to see her, and he is actually having a person capable of helping him, he will get better.
But even if her got better, he will still be a risk for the safety of Paris, as much as she hates it (does she really?), so it is better that he isn't forced to be put in life-threatening position.
That will definitely help him.
That was what Marinette stated to herself.
(Totally ignoring the small angry voice that was yelling at her that it's only an excuse for her to throw him off her hair, because it's not like he was harassing her constantly or tormenting her or anything)
And no matter how much Tikki tried to persuade her from doing that, it was all for naught, and in few days, Marinette managed to talk with few therapists, telling them that there is a person she kind-of knows that was having suicidal thoughts, and told them that she was wondering if helping them is possible.
Naturally, they accepted that for free (or Marinette stole from the rich snobs, up to you), and with that, Marinette had just to wait until Chat Noir made an appearance in the next few days, and luckily, she saw him one night when she was patrolling.
Once more, saying to herself that this is the right choice, she promptly dashed at him as he grinned, and without warning, she took out his ring.
She only said a small "oh" at the sight of Adrien, still too numb from everything to properly process.
As if automated, her body moved on it's own, and picked him up while making sure he won't reach her earrings, and quickly moved him to one of the therapists she talked to.
She completely ignored Adrien's shouts of rage and desperation to let her go, to give him Plagg.
He was having suicidal thoughts.
He is her partner.
He is her responsibility.
And she will help him, even if he did not know he needed it.
Yeah, I know that I am most likely making Marinette OOC, but honestly, I think she will react this way if she found out one of her friends is suicidal, albeit with more grace and care and less drastic mesures.
The problem that I have with this episode is that the whole suicide thing was so ignored and treated as nothing but a heavy dose of Sadrien moment.
But in-universe, it was so creepy to me that this scene did not raise red flags to other characters, especially in later episodes.
There was no way for Marinette, the person who is forced to literally fix everyone's problems to not be horrified at the fact that her partner is apparently suicidal.
Part of the problem with Adrien is that the writers are so in love with their portrayal of him that they will ignore the fact that some of the shit he is going though is absolutely horrifying and that he should be getting therapy for that.
Still pissed that Adrien is being abused literally so he can be "justified" in his constant sexuall harassment of Marinette.
Not that Marinette can be called  the epitome of mental health at this point, what with the "better example" spiel forced on her.
And even though her subconscious desire to get a happy and normal life is mostly subdued due to her toxic conditioning, it can sometimes show up and actually affect her decision making abilities to make her deal with a problem she doesn't acknowledge as a problem.
And in this prompt, it made her believe that since it's impossible to retire Adrien even though he was constantly harassing her due to the influence of horrible adult figures in her life, it is fine to retire him because his suicidal thoughts are dangerous.
Was Marinette being awful in what she did? Maybe yes. No one should be forced to see a therapist if they don't want to, and forcibly carrying Adrien somewhere he doesn't want to go can be considered kidnapping.
Will she regret it? Maybe when everything clicks, but whether she regrets it even long after is up in the air, seeing how Adrien acts around her as Chat Noir, and all the humiliation she endured in her (sometimes forced on her) attempts in confessing to him.
The whole thing is not as simple as it seems, and Marinette will have to face it, and Adrien will also have to realize that some of the actions can never be treated lightly.
As a bonus, Adrien gets to actually talk to a therapist and talk about the abuse his father is putting him through, which hopefully means someone will be able to get him safely away (and hopefully will sue Gabriel). Even if the attempt to remove Adrien legally fails, it will cause a huge scandal, and enough public pressure (think of how adored Adrien is by the people of Paris) might be able to rescue him anyways, or at least force Gabriel to stop actively abusing him.
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thechatsmeow · 3 years
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i haven't posted art here in like a year but pigella grabbed me by the NECK
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amimons · 3 years
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Screencap redraw from guilt trip :) 
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aerequets · 3 years
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knocked them over like bowling pins
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If there's anyone the class blindly listens to it's Marinette tbh
Honestly not even that it's more like.
So ML isn't the only show that suffers from this, but when you have a larger cast like this, the characters not in immediate focus tend to just be a little.... mindless sheeple.
I don't mean this negatively, exactly! But like.
You have a group of about 15 people. All of them are completely individuals who have their own thoughts, experiences, way of handling things, etc.
When incidents pop up, they /should/ have different thoughts. Some should agree wholeheartedlly, others are skeptical.
But that's reality. In fiction, a cast like this can often fall in to whatever's needed for the moment.
Take Chameleon for example.
Logically, not everyone should be fascinated with Lila and fawning over her, even if they believe her lies. Logically, no matter how batshit Marinette is behaving, someone should go 'Mari isn't usually malicious so let's step back'. Logically, someone else should think Lila's lies are a bit off.
Instead, because the plot needs it, they fall all over her and don't question things.
But then again let's skip over to Guilt Trip:
Logically, not everyone should be panicked all to hell about Rose's illness. Logically, at least one person should be able to remain calm and know that she can take care of herself.
But, because the plot needs it, they're all treating Rose like this fragile little thing.
There's other episodes with this too, those are just examples. But the point is that the class acts like a bit of a hivemind when the plot wants them to instead of letting them have their own thoughts and feelings on situations.
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buggachat · 3 years
(( under readmore for guiltrip spoilers and also su*cide content warning ))
every season i’m like “wow adrien seems really.... Not Okay, and maybe kind of suicidal, but haha I know it’s a kid’s show and i notoriously love angst so I’m just overanalyzing it! it’s probably not that deep”
but then adrien’s weird sacrificial tendencies just keep growing more and more concerning, and the scene in syren (”nobody would notice if i was gone.... nobody would care”) struck me like a suicide allegory that i just couldn’t stop thinking about
but again, it’s like, “oh, it’s a kids show. im overthinking this”
but then in guiltrip literally just. literally he. chat noir just straight up tried to kill himself. and im
on one hand it’s good to know i wasn’t completely imagining it, on the other hand OH MY GOD....... IS HE OK............... CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS..........
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helgabatwrittings · 3 years
Also Adrien in the end burning Chloé like that??? Adrien!! Your Chat Noir is showing!!
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leviaana · 3 years
chat noir: everything is useless and i literally wanna die
lb: youre pretty cool though
chat noir: i no longer want to die life is amazing
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