sydns · 7 months
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what does this mean netmarble.
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ampedupkaon · 11 months
World Of Our Own Chapter 1
Title: I can see what's happening, and they don't have a clue
AN: So... found this idea on a tumblr I follow, and decided to make it a reality. They keep my head fuelled with Monderi content and to be quite honest, I wanted this to exist as much as they did. Enjoy @sydns this is all for you! I didn't forget, I just have too many ideas; so it's hard to find time to write them all! Fic title is a song by Westlife. If I don't say which song the lyrics I use for the chapter title come from in the ending note... the lyrics are from 'World of Our Own'.
“Where are you going Annie?” One of the villagers asked her.
“Isn't it obvious? She's going towards that barn again.” Another one said. The first grumbled.
“Must you go to them? Haven't you heard about what happened in Liones? Or Camelot? Or Ordan?” Annie shook her head.
“They're my friends.” She answered simply, as though that would explain everything.
“They're monsters is what they are. They steal babies in the night and feast on their hearts.”
“Have any babies from this village gone missing since I took them in?” Annie asked. She knew smugness went through her when the complainer didn't answer.
“They're waiting for us to drop our guards, that's all.” The complainer went off, the other villager swiftly following him. Annie didn't particularly care what they thought. She knew different. She knew the reason that bear wasn't bothering the village any more, even if no one else believed her. Besides... she'd made plans. To teach her friend how to make shortbread. In heart shapes, because she hoped that would fluster her other friend. She'd saw how he looked at her! And Annie's books said that was true love! She would have skipped, but caught herself. She knew today was going to be fun, but that didn't mean that she needed to be mocked more by the other villagers. She reached the barn and knocked on the door. She got no answer, but this didn't mean there was no one in. She pushed the door open, finding only one of her friends here.
“Hey Derieri. Where's...”
“Said something about picking flowers for the vase you left on the window ledge.” Good. He did listen to my suggestion then. I hope he gives them to Derieri first... Annie grinned, earning a slightly confused look from her friend.
“Are you ready?” Derieri nodded in answer and Annie lifted out the ingredients. She figured that if she was going to teach her friend to bake, she'd best start with something simple. Hence, shortbread. It only had three ingredients and was... relatively easy to make. And if her friend got it wrong... it wouldn't be hard to correct it. Annie handed Derieri an apron from her basket of things, grinning when she saw the hearts on it. It was cute, and it would look cute on her. At least... she hoped he would say so. This wasn't for her; it was for him. Hence the shape of the cutter.
“So... what do I do first?” Derieri asked her, eyeing the butter, sugar and flour with a confused expression on her face. Annie pointed to the butter and the sugar.
“They need creaming together.” She got another confused look and she realised that made no sense to a demon who had clearly never done anything like this before.
“You put the butter in the bowl, followed by the sugar and mix them up until the butter looks a lighter colour.” Annie told her. Derieri did so, becoming a little annoyed at how much stirring it was taking to get the butter to change colour.
“There! Now we need this.” A bag of flour was carefully put on the surface, followed by a sieve. Derieri looked to be confused by the bag.
“Do you need me to get this open?” She asked, fingers of her darkness arm sharpening into claws.
“No! I can do it.” Annie opened the bag, sure that Derieri would get flour everywhere had she done it. She had a feeling her friend was going to get flour on herself, however.
“You need to sieve this into the bowl with the creamed butter in it, then stir it together.” Annie closed her eyes, sure her friend would take the instruction too far and hence would get covered in flour. She took a nervous peek and saw that Derieri was carefully tipping flour into the sieve. She appeared confused by the sieve being full of flour, but not much of it going into the bowl.
“Is that right?” She asked.
“You need to carefully pick the sieve up and gently shake the flour through it.” Annie was going to watch this. This would be when her friend would get covered in flour. Derieri followed her instructions, but some of the flour still managed to end up on her due to the amount in the sieve. Annie grinned, her grin widening when some of that flour found its way on to Derieri's cheek from the back of her hand. Flour now sieved, Derieri started mixing it into the creamed butter. Thankfully, the dough it formed stayed in the bottom of the bowl, not too sticky, not too dry.
“Now this needs to go on the surface to be rolled out.” Annie patted the work surface and Derieri scooped out the dough. Annie normally winced a little doing that, because the dough was always sticky when she did it. Derieri had no such problems, placing the dough on the surface and looking at Annie expectantly. Annie retrieved the rolling pin from her bag of things.
“My mother informs me this is good for threatening cheeky husbands with. Make sure you use it on him if he's teasing too much, alright?” Annie grinned at the soft blush this drew to her friend's cheeks.
“He's not my...” Not yet. Thought Annie. She'd saw how he looked at her! She... didn't know if demons did marriage but... she could tell he loved her. Hence the trying to get him to say something! Derieri claimed the rolling pin, using it to flatten the dough out. Annie retrieved the cutter from her bag, placing it beside the rolled out dough.
“That's probably flat enough. Now you use this to cut out the biscuit shapes. You push it into the dough and lift out the shape.” Annie grinned when she saw the blush darken.
“Why are they heart shaped?”
“Why not?” She asked. She knew it would fluster him, that was the real answer.
“Right. So I cut these out like this...” After a short while, there were about a dozen heart shaped bits of dough resting on the tray.
“What do I do with this?” She pointed at the leftover bits of dough.
“Roll it back together, then flatten it out again. You do that until you can't make a bit of dough that you can push the cutter into. Then you shape what's left into the last biscuit.” After a short while, there were about 25 biscuits sitting on the tray, a small bit of dough left.
“Make that into a little heart too.” Derieri's cheeks flushed a little, but she carefully moulded the dough into a little heart shape. It got placed beside the others on the tray, Annie grinning at them.
“Looks good. Now we just need to put them in the oven for a little while.” Annie spotted that the oven was lit. Derieri carefully scooped the tray up, carrying it over to the oven. The tray was pushed inside, before the door was closed. Annie knew how long they took to cook, so found a chair to settle in with her book. It was about an angel and a demon; who totally fancied each other, but neither of them said so. It reminded her a little of the two friends she'd made.
“Are they done yet?” Derieri asked after about five minutes. Annie could see the other girl was fidgeting, possibly not used to sitting still for so long.
“Not yet. Give it about... ten more minutes.” Annie heard a noise of assent, so went back to her book.
“Are... are they still bothering you?” Derieri asked her after a couple of minutes.
“Not really. They don't trust you though.”
“You don't have to keep coming here, you know.” Annie felt a little annoyed.
“Why shouldn't I come to see my friends? That they don't agree with that is their problem, not mine.” Annie caught the hint of a grin on Derieri's face.
“Just saying, they might accept you more if you cut ties with us.” Annie shook her head.
“Perhaps. Perhaps they should try to accept two people who've done nothing to warrant the whispered words and evil glares they keep getting.” Annie almost shouted.
“Humans aren't very trusting of demons. Besides... both of us have done things to warrant what they are doing. Things we haven't told you about.” Annie didn't appear to care.
“Not since you've come here you haven't.” She said; Derieri not having a dispute for that. Annie stood up, heading over to the oven. A quick glance inside confirmed the biscuits were cooked. She went to her bag, grabbing the oven glove. She lifted the tray out of the oven once she'd put it on, placing the tray on the surface they had used to make the biscuits on. Derieri immediately scooped one off the tray, almost immediately dropping it afterwards.
“They're hot. Leave them to cool for a little while first.” Annie told her, before sitting reading her book. Derieri kept looking over at the biscuits.
“What's that about?” She asked, Annie glancing at her over the top of her book. Her friend was still eyeing the biscuits like she wanted one now.
“An angel and a demon working together to save the world from ending.”
“Where do people get these ideas from?” Derieri pondered.
“Legends of what happened during the Holy War, perhaps?” Annie suggested. Derieri shook her head, again eyeing the biscuits.
“Shall we get them off the tray? They might cool quicker then.” Annie had to grin at how quickly Derieri jumped up to do just that. She used her claw to lift the biscuits up, placing them on the surface beside the tray. The tray was quickly moved to a large metal bowl in the kitchen that Annie guessed the dishes went in until one of them could be bothered to do them. Sure enough, the mixing bowl and spoon went over there too. Annie tucked the sieve and rolling pin back in her bag, along with the leftover flour. Derieri was eyeing the biscuits again and Annie grinned.
“If you can pick one up with your flesh hand without burning yourself, you can eat it.” She told her friend. It didn't surprise her that Derieri immediately grabbed one. Said biscuit had been munched before Annie could ask about it.
“'S good.” She remarked, reaching for another one.
“Derieri! Make sure you save some for Monspeet.”
“There's plenty there.” She had another biscuit in her hand and Annie shook her head. That biscuit got gobbled up as well.
“If you eat too many of them you'll get a tummy ache.” She said quietly. It didn't escape her notice that Derieri didn't eat any more after that though, so she must have been heard. The other girl made her way over to the chair beside her, before sitting down.
“What's happening?” She asked, indicating the book in Annie's hands.
“The four horsemen of apocalypse have just gathered and are heading to the same place as the angel and demon.” Annie answered, Derieri shaking her head at it.
“Madness.” She muttered, lowering her head into her hands.
“We don't have to hang around here, you know. We could go look for Monspeet.”
“He'll be back shortly. Even if he has gotten lost, he'll find his way back here.” To you. Annie added in her head. She'd spent a fair bit of time with these two since they'd arrived in the village... and what she'd observed made them seem like a married couple. She could tell Monspeet doted on Derieri... probably loved her if demons were capable of love. Of course, Derieri was oblivious; but Annie could tell she cared for Monspeet too. As if thinking of him summoned him, there was a knock on the door.
“Are you in here Derieri?” He asked calmly. Annie grinned, knowing what was probably coming.
“Yep. Got a visitor.” She called back. The door was pushed open and he came in. Annie's grin widened when she spotted the arm behind his back. Flowers for his girl... She thought.
“What you got there?” Derieri asked, trying to peer around him. He looked a little flustered, to Annie's delight. God, he has it bad, doesn't he?
“For you.” He held out what he was hiding, a small bouquet of flowers picked from the fields near the village. Annie had spotted most of the kinds on her own walks... but one flower in the middle stood out. A burgundy coloured rose. If Annie remembered her flower meanings correctly... that particular shade meant 'devotion'. Though... she knew there were no roses growing anywhere near the village. Which made her ponder where he'd gotten it from. She did also note the carnations and tulips were red too... though she'd never spotted red ones on her walks.
“Thanks.” …Was she blushing? Annie wasn't sure. She was sure she caught the hint of a smile on his face when Derieri accepted the flowers.
“Don't recall seeing red ones on our walks... And I know there's none of these around here.” Derieri commented, indicating the rose in the middle. Annie grinned, sure she caught a hint of a blush on his cheeks this time.
“Red makes me think of you. Burning bright. And I recalled that flower from the capital and... I morphed a different one into it.” Liar! Red tulips and carnations mean true love just like roses do! And burgundy roses mean devotion... like I know you have for her! Annie added in her head. Why couldn't he just say it in plain Britannian? Was it really so hard to say 'I love you'?
“They're nice.” She said, before putting them in the vase on the window ledge. Annie pondered whether Derieri was clueless or she honestly didn't know what he was doing meant. Men always got flowers for women they liked. She knew her father tended to pick flowers for her mother when he was in trouble (and sometimes this got him out of trouble, but other times it didn't).
“Made something for you too.” Derieri scampered over to the surface with the biscuits on.
“I see you managed to get some on you too...” He'd made his way over beside her and brushed the flour off her cheek with his thumb. It looked so adorably tender that Annie had to bite her lip so she didn't squeal. And Derieri was definitely blushing this time.
“I'll go wash up later then.” She told him, before picking up the biscuit which was made from the leftover dough, the one that was slightly odd shaped. Her father always helped himself to that biscuit when her mother made biscuits. When Annie had asked him why he always took that one, he answered that that biscuit was shaped by her mother's hands and hence was made with the most love. And Derieri was offering that one to Monspeet. How can you two be doing adorable things like this and not be a couple?! Annie thought, trying very hard not to make a sound at how adorable this was.
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“For you.” She mirrored his words, holding out the oddly shaped biscuit. He looked a little hesitant.
“She made them for you, go on.” He jumped, apparently not having realised Annie was sitting there.
“Apologies for not seeing you there, Annie.”
“It's fine! But you need to try those biscuits.” You were too caught up in your lady to notice me, after all! She added in her head.
“Yeah, they're nice.” Derieri held out the oddly shaped biscuit again; the one vaguely heart shaped, but not cut by the cutter. The one she'd shaped into a heart to match the others. He didn't hesitate this time, taking the offered biscuit and munching on it.
“Annie showed me how to make them.” Derieri told him while he was munching.
“These are nice, thank you.” He told her once the biscuit had disappeared.
“It's fine, Derieri wanted me to show her how to bake and... shortbread is the easiest recipe I could think of to start with.” She told him, seeing another soft smile on his face. Annie knew it was probably the right time to head home. Kissing was more likely to happen without an audience and she'd finished showing Derieri what to do.
“Anyway, now I've done that, I'd best be heading off before my father comes looking for me again!” She told them, heading for the door.
“Thanks for showing me that. Maybe we could try making one of those pie things next time?” Annie grinned softly.
“Sure, might be easier if you had a helper though.” Annie unsubtly looked at Monspeet.
“If Derieri would like my help, I'm happy to give it. Safe journey home, Annie.” She grinned again; knowing exactly how to set them up.
“See you both next time.” She said as she went out of the door. She was busy plotting a few things to try and help them get together. Or maybe to finally give him the kick up the butt he needed to say 'I love you' to the woman he obviously loved.
AN: The book Annie is reading here is meant to be 'Good Omens' (which is such a brilliant book and is so fitting with this series I had to include it in a fic). I got most of the flower meanings from here: link but I googled rose meanings. Every site I saw says burgundy roses mean devotion or passion. I say 'biscuits' not 'cookies' because I'm British (to me a cookie is a biscuit with chocolate chips in). Lyric used for this chapter's title is from 'Can you feel the love tonight?' from The Lion King (and it won't be the only lyric from that song used!).
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alwaysamor · 2 years
following Zorria’s example, I decided to do this and link it in my pinned post
and if you are gonna get your feathers rustled over these,are get all toxic,feel free to not interact,or block me 🤷🏽‍♀️ especially if you don’t wanna see content over first list
NNT/4KOA Ships I adore and/or ship:
Gawain and Isolde
Donny and Anne
Gloxinia and Drole
Rou and Gerheade
Gilthunder and Margaret
ships i dislike/could not not care less about,hate in a few cases
Guinevere and Lancelot
Tristan and Isolde
Meliodas and Merlin
Meliodas and Zeldris
Meliodas and Zaneri
Meliodas and Diane
Elizabeth x Estarossa/Mael
Anne x Lancelot
i think that’s it for now,peace y’all. I’ll make a proper fandom ship and no ship later. Maybe
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monderi · 4 years
perhaps it is missing monderi hours and i be missing them a bit,,,
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moonstomars · 4 years
I think I'm alone but, why Sea Hawk and Mermista from She ra reminds me of Monspeet and Derieri? Yeah, I'm probably the only one who think that.....
Hello Anon! Okay, getting this ask kind of scared me because I’ve actually been watching She Ra in the last couple of weeks and how did you know??
But anyway thank you for the ask, I love this! I admit I didn’t think about Monderi but I can see where you are coming from. For Mermista and Derieri, I think the similarity is in the attitude. It’s not quite the same, and Mermista expresses her feelings more loudly than Derieri, but they have some similar expressions and behaviours 
For Monspeet and Sea Hawk, it’s the moustache the appearance, I guess. And maybe the fact that they are 100% devoted to the woman they love and want to stay close to them. 
Also they both have battle couples vibes! 
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Hellow ! May I suggest Monderi headcanons ?
I crave content about them 😅
Of course! Literally one of my favorite ships in the whole anime! Keep an eye out for my next post!
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x-strokeofmadness-x · 6 years
🗣️ What is your most popular work to date?
Thank you for asking Beth! I’ll be going purely by notes here on tumblr (this is the place I have posted the most, I’ve had a few things on Twitter, but haven’t updated there regularly). For nnt and on my blog @lionsheartart my most popular work is the monderi one with 590 notes: https://lionsheartart.tumblr.com/post/172794143141/x-strokeofmadness-x-nakaba-please-dont-hurt-me
I am still proud of this one, because this pairing basically brought me to seek content for them on here and join the fandom while creating stuff for them
In general my most popular work is for steven universe where I made a silly drawing with steven and the diamonds: https://yellowclodority.tumblr.com/post/176672983306/steven-and-his-moms-travel-on-a-vacation-trip-to
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funtubeweb · 7 years
The Award for Best Writing Goes To…
Continuing in our series of Awards posts leading up to the Oscars, this week we’re looking at Best Writing in a documentary film. Given our collection, this was a really tough category, and I’m going to say right off the bat, these awards are completely subjective.
We start with the classics and round out the category with a couple of newer films. Which film do you think deserves the top prize?
Fields of Sacrifice
Naturally, Donald Brittain makes an appearance in this category. Spoiler alert: he makes more than one. But this film is a beauty. He took an assignment no one else wanted to touch, something that had the potential to be boring and pedantic, but in his hands, it turned into a thing of harrowing beauty. That it was his first major production at the Board is just mind-blowing.
Volcano: The Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry
And here is Brittain’s Entry #2. So much has been said already about this film, that it’s near impossible to come up with something new. So, let’s just say it fits perfectly into this category – a brilliantly written film about a brilliant writer, narrated by a brilliant actor… all three of whom have personal lives that echo the making and content of this film. It’s genius. And if you’re enjoying the Brittain films, check out our recent post [http://ift.tt/2mKPaA6] on some more of his best work.
The Invisible Nation
Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie have penned a film that captures the struggle and suffering of the Algonquin population in Canada. It’s a story about a people who once thrived, and over time and colonization, were subjected to violations of their basic human rights and extreme poverty. This film was originally in French, and we’ve put in in the category for Best Writing. That should indicate how strong it is.
Island Green
The first two minutes of this film are a pure joy to experience. The beautiful cinematography (hint, hint) combined with the stirring words of PEI poet Tanya Davis combine to bring us sheer perfection. This 25-minute doc looks at the island of Davis’ birth and the many changes it’s gone through in terms of its agricultural history – the ups, and downs – and then imagines what might happen if the island went organic. Davis’ words are a gift. Enjoy them.
Stories We Tell
There are bound to be repeats across categories, as it happens with the Oscars and other award shows. This is one of them. The film itself is an examination of Sarah Polley’s family history, but the way in which it was written is innovative in style and delightfully surprising. It makes for an exceptionally well-crafted story, and a highly engaging film.
oe http://ift.tt/2BhQhiY
The post The Award for Best Writing Goes To… appeared first on NFB/blog.
The Award for Best Writing Goes To… posted first on http://film-streamingsweb.blogspot.com
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sydns · 2 years
Something i'd need in my life is a slice of life Monderi comic or fanfic of sorts, just something of them and Annie living the best life even when suspicion falls on them for being demons and Annie gets slightly outcasted by the other villagers for housing and befriending them.
Her teaching Derieri how to bake cookies and pie with slight help from Monspeet, and all around wholesome. The villagers stay even when the holy war starts and Estarossa finds Elizabeth first so crisis avoided, and after the Mael remembrance thing they spit out their commandments.
Annie noticing how close they are, decides to play cupid and it kinda goes into a romcom slice of life of Annie trying setting them up with each other and it falls into silly shenanigans that only draws them closer
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sydns · 2 years
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monderi · 6 years
i wanna write fic but i can't and all the ideas i have for fic that i'd prob actually end up writing are either sad or angsty or both ;w;
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monderi · 7 years
me looking through search and tags on various social media and sites for any monderi content: damn I'm gonna have to make my own content aren't I
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moonstomars · 4 years
Monspeet and Derieri for the characters ask ?
Hello! Thank you so much for asking! 
Why I like them: I like Derieri because she is complex and because of how much she changes. At first she looks like a cold soldier, but I love how we discovered more about her personality and her past. And of course, her redemption arc is so good! I like that she actually thought about what happened with Elizabeth and Meliodas even though she was hurt and had probably known only the war for a very long time. 
Why I don’t: uhm I don’t like that she died before being able to interact with everyone else as their ally and not their enemy I guess
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I love the part where she joins Elizabeth and the Sins and then the fight against Estarossa/Mael
Favorite season/movie: It’s hard to choose because I actually like all her arc! She acts very differently and that’s interesting to see
Favorite line: when she explains to Monspeet why she wants to give her Commandment back
Favorite outfit: I actually like the fact that she uses her darkness to cover herself, it’s surely comfortable when she fights! And I like her short hair
OTP: Monderi!
Brotp: I would have liked to see her interact more with her sister and with Elizabeth, it’s hard to decide
Head Canon: Derieri was the strongest Demon in her family from the start, but she trained a lot to become even more powerful to protect her sister from the war. That’s how she was noticed and selected to become part of the Commandments. She wasn’t very happy about it at first but she didn’t have a choice and she thought that maybe this way she would have protected Rajine. 
Unpopular opinion: I am curious to see if we will have her reincarnation in the sequel but I would have also liked to see her simply survive. People come back to life too much in this manga
A wish: since she got another chance I hope she will be able to find some happiness! A family, some good friends … and I admit I’d like her to meet Monspeet again, if he was actually reincarnated 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: please don’t randomly die again! It would feel a bit pointless to bring her back just to kill her again
5 words to best describe them: bold, honest, emotions, growth, blunt
My nickname for them: Deri!
Why I like them: I enjoy this kind of character! A powerful and cold demon who always watches out for that one (1) person he cares about? This man doesn’t even hesitate to turn himself into a beast to help Derieri and I respect that
Why I don’t: he didn’t get much on-screen development unfortunately, so we don’t know much about him
Favorite episode (scene if movie): probably the episode where he dies … I like that we finally saw him fighting without holding back and his sacrifice is heartbreaking.
Favorite season/movie: I like both the second and third season 
Favorite line: His last words I think, when he tells Derieri that he won’t tell her what he wanted to tell her, but also that other line when he lowkey tells Derieri that he doesn’t mind living alone with her and that they should totally leave the Commandments to keep doing just that
Favorite outfit: his first one, I really like the cape and the way he uses the darkness to cover his chest and arms
OTP: Monderi!
Brotp: he didn’t have the chance to interact with many other characters unfortunately! But I think he would have gotten along well with Drole, Gloxinia and maybe Zeldris (and King, but I’m being self-indulgent)
Head Canon: Monspeet didn’t have a good relationship with his family. Once he showed his talent with magic, they sent him away to be trained without a second thought and pushed him to become part of the Commandments because of the prestige and the protection this would have brought to his family. Too bad that Monspeet didn’t care about his family anymore. 
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know if this is unpopular, but he was totally one of the strongest Commandments. He should have been able to use his powers more! 
A wish: I want to know more about him! Who was Monspeet? What about his family? How did he meet Derieri? Give me content! 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I mean he died, the worst already happened! Maybe that he is never mentioned again
5 words to best describe them: devotion, caring, repression (of his feelings), silence, hesitation
My nickname for them: Mons
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moonstomars · 4 years
Any hcs of Monderi in a Modern AU how would they relationshipbe?what do they do? If they would work in what?would they have a pet? Idk... (If this question is strange pls forgiveness, but I just need MONDERI content, even if they are just brushing their tooth :/). Thank you.
Hello and thank you for the ask! I’m sorry I’m answering so late!
Something I love about AUs is that you can make as many as you want ... Derieri and Monspeet could be whatever you desire! There are too many ways this could go!
About their relationship, I think they would be friends first. They met in middle school or so and are inseparable since then. They never stated they were best friends, but they both knew they pretty much were. And then, growing up, their feelings changed. Slowly, I’d say. Monspeet is totally the one who realizes it first. Eventually, they would end up together (but I have the feeling it would take a long while). I’m not sure they would marry because I don’t think they would care much about the ceremony per se, they would be happy just to be and live together. 
About their job ... that’s hard! I like the idea of Monspeet working with tech or being some kind of businessman, but I think he could fit any job. In the new one-shot he is a teacher and even though I never thought about him like that, it’s not a bad idea either! About Derieri, I like to imagine her as a sportswoman or a trainer but again, she could do anything.  
Would they have a pet? YES WHY NOT! I think they would have a dog, a big, fluffy one. It would be super affectionate with them and cuddle with them.
And don’t worry about asking weird asks, they are really not! They are actually very cute! 
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moonstomars · 4 years
Do you think that maybe with the sequel we may have more Monderi content? I mean maybe we get to know how Monspeet and Derieri met, more about Rajine, about Derieri's commandment, if they had more relatives, when they were younger? I'm just too excited to see all of that... (I really want to see them on the sequel 😆😆).
Hello! Thanks for the ask!
If I remember correctly, Nakaba mentioned showing Derieri and Monspeet in the sequel but to be honest, I don’t know what kind of role they may have. It’s possible that they will be minor characters and if that’s the case, I doubt we will see much of their past or about Rajine. Since Derieri still has her memories, maybe we’ll get to see some little flashbacks (I don’t know, something about her life as a Demon and about her relationship with Monspeet if she meets his reincarnation), but I don’t think it will be much. Again, it depends a lot on what Nakaba is planning to do with these characters! 
Anyway, it’s absolutely possible that there will be more content in the sequel! It would be great! 
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moonstomars · 5 years
When the last episode ended, when I listened to the ending, I didn't saw Meliodas and Elizabeth for once, but Monspeet and Derieri. It's sad because it would never happen, but I'm glad that I imagined it still.
Hello Anon! That’s adorable! An entire ending dedicated to the ship you love is absolutely amazing to have, but when your ship is not the main pairing, it gets hard. Some more Monderi content would be so good honestly ... But imagining it is already nice! (Also, I would actually love to see something about their past, how they met and became closer. At least, I would have liked some panels about it, a bit like it happens in the anime ending)
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