invadercamille · 28 days
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1700 x 2400
MOTHER 2 was released on this day in 1994, and follows Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo as they travel the world collecting the Eight Melodies in order to defeat Gigyas
In retrospect, the game has garnered a huge cult following and is regarded as one of the greatest video games ever made
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anamon-book · 3 months
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シンニード・オコナー ユニヴァーサル・マザー 東芝EMI
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marsy-barz · 3 months
• “You're more... You're more....”
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this is like a month old oops
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dinxie · 2 years
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PK Fire!!!
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thelastsharknado · 9 months
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selazuma · 2 years
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jpnnewmusicdaily · 4 months
貿易風にさらられて (Boekifu ni Sarasarete) [Album Version] by Mother Goose / マザー・グース
Album: Indian Summer Year: 1976 Label: Express Lyrics: Mayumi Kaneda / 金田真由美 Music: Yumiko Kyoda / 京田由美子
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citypopdaily · 1 year
貿易風にさらされて (Boekifu ni Sarasarete) [Single Version] by Mother Goose / マザー・グース
Album: 貿易風にさらされて (Single) Year: 1977 Label: Express Lyrics: Mayumi Kaneda / 金田真由美 Music: Yumiko Kyoda / 京田由美子
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lekopoofball · 1 year
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The real version is not nearly done, and it will be made out of wooden blocks as per the project requirements, but in honour of Mother 3 day, I thought I'd share a wee preview of the 3D rendition of New Pork City on which I am working.
Happy birthday to one of the games of all time.
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kusukusu-gallery-t · 2 years
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白は、S、M、L の3サイズ
村上祐仁 on-line 12/4(日)16:00まで
日中も油断せずに あたたかなお召し物でお出かください
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5 Destinasi Wisata Glamping Tokyo Terbaik Dan Populer Di Wilayah Kanto
5 Destinasi Wisata Glamping Tokyo Terbaik Dan Populer Di Wilayah Kanto
Berita Wisata Jepang – Untuk kamu yang berkunjung ke Tokyo atau yang sudah bertempat tinggal di Tokyo, sudah tahukah kamu bahwa terdaapt tempat dimana kamu bisa menikmati pengalaman mewah ? mungkin hal tersebut terdengar kontradiktif pada awalnya, akan tetapi hal tersebut mungkin saja bisa didapatkan ketika kamu pergi ke tempat Glamping. Simak Juga : Daftar Rekomendasi 10 Hotel Bintang 5 Jepang…
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The MOTHER Certain Victory Guide Book's image for PK Thunder depicts an enemy shouting "FUCK YOU-!" while being struck by thunder.
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hey milgram fans. i wanted to talk about the apartment number of amane’s family.
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you might be thinking, ‘what could be so special about this? it’s just an apartment number.’
well, considering that even in yuno’s first trial video that she had a symbol on her bag that referred to abortion, meaning that milgram doesn’t skimp on tiny details, i wanted to introduce you all to ‘goroawase’; japanese word play revolving around the pronunciation of numbers.
i tried brute forcing all potential pronunciations of 4, 0, and 3, in that order… and I think I got a hit that might be useful.
4 can be pronounced ‘Shi,’ homonymous for ‘death,’ 0 can be pronounced ‘ma,’ and 3 can be pronounced ‘za.’
死マザー (Shimazaa), using the English loan word for ‘Mother,’ can be equated to ‘Dead/Death (of) Mother’
and considering how we know that her father is away, and the hand that held the taser against amane looked feminine…
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i think we may be able to take that as a clue it may have been her mother she killed.
also, side note: another notable ‘403’ is that it’s an error code. may also have some meaning.
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key-cat · 10 months
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Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa マザー・テレサ
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53v3nfrn5 · 1 year
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Mother 1+2 Original Soundtrack ‘マザー1+2 オリジナルサウンドトラック’ (2003) composed by: Hiroshi Kanazu
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yullen · 11 months
D.Gray-man c249 p1~18 TL
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D.Gray-man 第249後: AWに別れを告げる Night 249: Saying Farewell to A.W.
束の間の団欒僅かな幸せを頬ばりながら While stuffing one’s cheeks with a brief moment of happiness together, gathered in a circle
google doc | JP transcription | proofreading: @/kudouusagi ※there are likely inaccuracies, feel free to check back.
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さて!  Now, then!
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あの......  Allen: Um……
ずっと同じ服装だと危険だから着替えなさい It’s dangerous to keep the same attire, so please change.
逃亡もののジョーシキ!  Common sense, for fugitives!
ここの物は自由に使っていいから Feel free to use these.
Link: 私は結構てす  I'm good.
お金のニオイがする A:  I smell money
これブランド品では...!? A: These are brand-name...?!
うーんちょっと大きいな   動きやすく手直しするね Johnny: Hm, a little big. I’ll adjust it for ease of movement.
いやこれブランド品... A: No but wait— these are brand-name...
科学班モード [ Science Department Mode ]
昨日からずっと気になってたんですが... この高級なお宅は元帥の一体どういう......? A: I’ve been wondering since yesterday, but... what is this posh place of yours, General......?
ついでに髪も切ろっか!座ってアレン J: While we’re at it, why don’t I give your hair a cut! Sit, Allen.
ああ  はい.. A: Ah, sure...
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靴はこれでいいかな Wonder if these shoes will do.
ここは私のパトロンの別邸だから気にしないで This is a secondary residence of a patron’s, so don’t mind it.
え!?  Eh?!
元帥は画家としても有名なんだよ   いくつかこういう拠点を持ってる The General is also famous as a painter. He has a few of these places.
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なるほど...   師匠の愛人と似たようなものか... I see... So it’s like with Master’s lovers, huh...
あの不良と一緒にしないでね Please don’t lump me in with that hoodlum.
すみませんっ!!!   [ アレン ] Pardon, my bad!!!  [ Allen ]
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パトロン......   あっ Patrons......  Ah,
クロスが一番信用してた人間に聞いてみるといい Try asking the person Cross trusted most.
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オレの精神世界に在る屋敷 あの場所を目指せとクロスに言われたんだろ? The mansion in my inner world  (lit. inner psychological world) Cross told you to head to that place, didn’t he?
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はいカットできあがり~! Cut complete~!
あのッ  ここ電話機はあります? Um, do you have a phone (I can use)?
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ジリリリリン  ジリリリリン  Riririririring  Riririririring 
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なんだ  おまえか  Oh hey, it’s you.
マザーーー!!  Mother———!!
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「クロス元師が一番信用してた人間」かぁ... The person General Cross trusted most, huh…
ネアがわざわざウォーカーにメッセージしてきたのなら 何か進展がありそうですね If Nea (went out of his way) to leave Walker this message, then there (should) likely be some progress from this.
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でもさぁ〜〜〜  それってなんか 罠っぽく思えちゃうのは感が過ぎないのかなぁ But you know~~~  It’s just that, it seems much too like a trap.
ネアと言う男はそういう小細工を嫌うタイプかと Link: Nea seems to be the type of man to dislike such cheap tricks. (this is the revised JP script, cr for JP script: @/ponkotsubluuues)
アレンの上着をつめてます Sewing Allen’s jacket (つめて is used for e.g. ‘taking in’ a shirt, but chose ‘adjust’ since it’s vaguer  chose the more liberal option for more amusing tone)
私が思うにですが   ネアという男は   ちゃうのは考え過ぎなのかなぁ~~~~ This is (just) my opinion, but a man such as Nea might say,  “I wonder if you aren’t overthinking it~~~~”
ホントぉ〜〜〜!?  Really~~~?!
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どちらかといえば”手段を選んでいられない”というように思える... If anything, I think it’s more like he “isn’t at liberty to choose his methods”...
ネアにとってこの現状は計画通りにいっていないのかもな Perhaps things aren’t going as planned for Nea.
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わざわざメッセージを寄越したんだ 罠じゃなくても屋敷へ行ってもらいたい狙いがあんだろ おそらくネアは聖戦の真実や自分のことをモヤシに知られることを怖れていない   知って欲しいんだ He went out of his way to send this message, so even if it's not a trap, he (must have a reason) he wants him to go to that mansion. Nea likely isn’t afraid of letting the beansprout know the truth of the holy war or about himself. He wants (him) to know.
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キャンベル邸には根深いものがあると思ったほうがいい It’s better to think there’s something deeply rooted within the Campbell estate.
ネアからはそれ以上の情報は聞けなかったとウォーカーは言っていたが ネアが助言してきた理由を問わなかったとは思えない 本当は何か聞いたのではないのか...? でなければウォーカーがネアの言葉をすんなりと信じるわけがない Walker said he didn’t any information more than that from Nea, but I don’t think he wouldn’t question Nea's motives for giving counsel. Did he really not ask/hear anything (else)...? Otherwise, Walker wouldn’t be believing Nea’s words without any trouble.
あの時鏡の前でウォーカーは確かにうろたえていた... ネアに何を言われた? ここまできて我々に伝えることをためらうようなことがまだあるのか At that time, in front of the mirror, Walker did seem perturbed... What did Nea say to him? Is there still something he’s hesitant to share with us, who’ve come this far?
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元気そうじゃないか   で?用件は何だい   Don’t you seem well.   Well? Something you need?
マザーじゃなかったら他に心当たりがないのでどうか頼みます……! If not Mother, then I have no idea who else to ask, so please......!
あ? Huh?
カテリーナ"イヴ"キャンベルという人を知りませんか? Do you know anyone named Katerina “Eve” Campbell?
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?  マザー?  Mother?
...どこでその名を?  ...Where did you hear that name?
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その...師匠から   幻だったかもしれませんが...    Well, that’s... from Master.   It might’ve just been a dream/illusion, but…
え~~と... でいいよな? Eerm...   This is fine, right?
あいつめ... 生きていたんだね That man...  He’s alive, isn’t he.
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...いつかおまえにその名を尋ねられたら   ”ある人物”を紹介するようクロスから言付かってるよ ...Cross told me that if you ever asked about that name, I should introduce you to "a certain person".
この役目を果たす時がきたか... So it’s come time for me to fulfill this role... 
今から言うことは書いて残さず頭で覚えな From now, without writing anything down, remember what I say in your head.
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ウィンダーミアの街に鳩と梟を掲げた「ズーグル」という名の古書店がある そのマスターが「宿主」を待っているだろう In the town of Windermere, there is an antiquarian bookshop named "Zoogle", raising on it a dove and an owl. Its owner will be there, waiting for “the host”.
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証となるティムキャンピーをみせな   それが信用を得る唯一の合図だ As evidence, show Timcanpy as proof.   That is the sole sign to earn their trust.
……!? ティムが...Tim...
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マザー   実は  ティムは…… Mother.   Actually, Tim is already......
そうか...   アタシが言えるのはこれだけだ あとはおまえが何とかするしかないよ Is that so... That’s all I have to say. You’ll have to manage the rest.
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おそらくただの古書店じゃないだろうさ 宿主だと証明できなければ殺されるかもしれない   油断するんじゃないよ It’s most likely not just any antiquarian bookstore. If you can’t prove you’re the host, they might kill you.  Don’t be careless, now.
うん  やってみます     ありがとうマザー Alright, I’ll give it a try.   Thank you, Mother.
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.....はっ  Haー   なにが油断するなだ......   馬鹿かアタシは......   What’s that about carelessness...   What am I, a fool…
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宿主を待ってる人物ってことはネアの協力者ってことなのかな? The one waiting for the host, I wonder if that means he’s a collaborator of Nea’s?
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すっすごく危険な気がするんだけど! That–That sounds super dangerous!
安心しろよどこへ行こうがおまえとモヤシは危険だ Relax, no matter where you go, you and the beansprout will be in danger.
うぐぅ    それはたしかに Gerk–!    Well, that’s for certain.
そのズーグルさん??といいクロス元帥やリンク監査官... ネアに協力したい人間って意外といるのかなぁ    何なんだろうネアって That Mr. Zoogle?? General Cross, and Inspector Link... I wonder if there aren’t a surprising amount of people who are willing to collaborate with Nea. (lit. want to) What’s with this Nea?
ギル私はもう監査官ではありませんので    何度���いいますが Gill, I’m already no longer an Inspector.    I’ve said it many times, but.
あっ    また呼んじゃった?  Ah, I called you that again, did I?
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おそらくズーグル古書店はキャンベル邸への案内役... 危険なのはキャンベル邸だ   もしかしたらネアの生家なんじゃねぇのか 奴のホームグラウンドってわけだ The Zoogle Antiquarian Bookstore might be our guide to the Campbell Manor... The danger here is the Campbell Manor. It may be the birthplace of Nea, meaning his home ground.
ネアのメモリーが最も濃密な場所...... The place thickest with Nea’s memories...
僕もそう思う   ネアの侵食が始まってからずっと呼ばれてる気がするんです I think so as well. That place has been calling to me since Nea’s encroachment.
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夕焼けに照らされたコーネリアの木……   そこに佇むあの屋敷 The mansion standing... by Cornelia’s tree, lit by the glow of the sunset
ネアの精神世界で師匠は言ってました「ここがアレン・ウォーカーの消える場所」だって それってつまり... キャンベル邸でネアが復活するって意味なのかも In Nea’s inner world, Master said “This is where Allen Walker will disappear.” So, that is to say...  Campbell Manor might be where Nea will be reborn.
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このままクロス・マリアンの筋書きにのって良いのですかウォーカー Is it alright to follow along with Cross Marian’s plot like this, Walker?
いいじゃねーか    どの道ネアと白黒つけなきゃならねぇんだろ Isn’t it fine? We have to settle things (deal with matters of white/black) with Nea at any rate.
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どこぞの鴉もそのほうが好都合じゃねーの? Isn’t that more convenient for some Crow?
今はウォーカーの同行者ですのでウォーカーの決断に従います Now, I am Walker’s comrade, thus I will abide by Walker's decision.
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同行者だったり協力者だったり   切り替えが大変だよなぁ A comrade and a collaborator, must be so hard switching between the two, huh.
トゲ トゲ トゲ トゲ トゲ prickly x5
ウォーカーが問題ないというのですから私も全く問題ありません   ご心配なく If Walker has no issues with it, then I am also completely without issue. No worries.
ギッズギス creak/grate
仲悪~い   On ba~d terms
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うーん Umm...
まぁ神田の反応は仕方ないか……  リンク監査官のうしろにいるルベリエ長官の思惑もわかんないままだし Well, Kanda’s reaction can’t be helped… Since we still don’t know the intentions of Director Lvellie behind Inspector Link.
はは   確かに師匠の筋書きの通りにいっちゃってる感はありますよねー Haha, It definitely does seem like things are going according to Master’s plans...
このまま先へ進んだところで  宿主「アレン」が消える末路は変わらんぞ If things continue like this, the fate of the host “Allen” disappearing won’t change.
おまえはオレに宿主にされたんじゃない 自ら進んでその身をオレに捧げたんだよ おまえは  アポクリフォスに作り変えられてる I did not make you my host. You offered/sacrificed yourself to me of your own free will. You   were remade by Aprocryphos.
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…決着をつけるために教団を出てきたんですから   このまま進みます ...Since I left the Order to settle this,   I’ll keep moving forward like this.
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宿主の証か…… 師匠が僕にティムキャンピーを託してくれたのはこの為だったのかな Proof of the host...... I wonder if Master entrusted me with Timcanpy for this purpose.
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ともだちになっていいですか……? Can I become friends with him......?
師匠もティムもずっと僕に宿主の役目を果たさせるために育ててくれたのかもしれない そうだとしても  僕にとってふたりが大事な存在なのは変わらない…… Master and Tim may have been raising me for the sake of fulfilling the role of the host all along. Even so, those two being precious existences to me will not change...... 
ずっとともだちだ You were always my friend.
どこまでも一緒に行こうなティム No matter where, let’s go there together, Tim.
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着いたよ We’ve arrived.
ここで別れよう Let us part ways here.
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色々とありがとうございましたティエドール元節 Thank you, General Tiedoll. For many things.
なに  大変なのはこれからだウォーカーくん What’s that?  The hard part comes now, Walker-kun.
私とユーくんは一度教団に戻り隠密に一「マナ」の墓とアポクリフォスについて調べよう 手紙も電信も危険だろうからしばらくは連絡はとれないが  必ず情報をもってキミたちを追う Yuu-kun and I will return to the Order, and secretly investigate Mana’s grave and Aprocryphos. Since letters and telegraphs are too dangerous, we won’t be able to contact you for a while, but   we’ll definitely bring you the information and follow along.
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