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tenha uma boa semana !
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meucantinhopraficar · 3 months
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moodsandmatters · 1 year
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falcaogeovana · 2 months
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poemaseletras · 1 year
“Amar exige coragem e hoje somos todos covardes.”
Arnaldo Jabor
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yulizie · 1 month
Si me oyes riéndome, es porque me acuerdo de lo bonito, burlarse es cosa de cobardes.
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poxalucas · 2 years
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lotusmi · 1 year
hii! I wanted to share a sucess story !! I thought abt sharing this for a while now because it changed my whole life.
TW! suicidal thoughts
I’m lia, 16 and diagnosed with last stage brain cancer. I got diagnosed in september 2022. The doctors told me theres nothing they can do cause my brain already started to shut down (problems with speaking, not being able to move some parts of my body). Therapy’s didnt work and they werent able to do a surgery because the chance I’d pass was too high. They basically just kept me alive in the hospital. I cried a lot the last months and thought that it would be better if i go by myself if you know what I mean.
In january I discovered the LOA and I was like what no way but i tried it out and simply said IT WORKED.
I woke up a few weeks ago and were able to move my body like its supposed to be and i were able to speak properly. I screamed and my mum woke up cause of the way i screamed😭(she had a bed next to me in hospital cause she didnt want to leave me)
When the doctor came in he asked whats wrong and i explained everything, He checked me and he was shocked cause the tumor got smaler and stopped affecting parts of my brain. He literally didnt spoke for minutes cause it was 100% safe i’d die in the next weeks. The last few days i had daily check ups and the tumor is gone. FULLY GONE.
I’m so happy i cant even describe how i feel. Its still too much for me to comprehend. I’m able to go out with friends without worrying abt anything & more.
If you read till here, thank you. Dont give up. LOA IS REAL!!
Suuuuuccessss storyyyyy 😭omg angel I am about to cryy!! 💕💗😭
Hi Lia! I don't even know where to start. I am with no words. I can't even express how much I am happy and pround of you. How every word you said made me feel exactly how you felt, I am so much happy for you. This is so beautiful, you are of course an amazing person, and I am sure you deserve all the best in this world and in all other realities. Again, I am so pround of you. I am so pround that you made it, I am so pround of how you was strong. I am so happy you shared this wonderful story with me. I hope you keep sending me asks of all the success I know your life will made of! I am sure you will live all your biggest dreams!
Congrats, my angel! 💕🎀💐🌷 🌼 🌻 🌼 🌻
ps: your name is so pretty! 💌
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unachicalibre · 3 months
No está mal sentir tristeza, lo peligroso es adaptarse a ella y hacerla parte de nosotros.
—𝓨𝓾𝓼𝓷𝓮𝓲𝓭𝔂 𝓢𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓮𝔃.
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espiritualidadefoco · 2 months
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tenha um bom descanso ...
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laianasantiago · 11 days
Quantas vezes você disse que começaria amanhã?
Quantos começos você já adiou?
Quantos dias, meses, ou anos se passaram e você sempre dizendo: “vou começar amanhã”, e você simplesmente nunca começou?
A vida é agora, o amanhã é hoje. Não adie o seu tempo, afinal, você não sabe quanto tempo mais, te resta nessa terra. Apenas comece!
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nickiescorpio · 1 month
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HE will never fail you 🙏🙏✨✨🙌🙌
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positive-ism · 2 years
Cuando todo parece ir en contra de usted, recuerde que el avión despega en contra del viento, no con él.
Henry Ford
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poemaseletras · 1 year
Vamos criar filhos que não terão que se recuperar da infância.
Pam Leo
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yulizie · 1 month
No demuestres lástima a quien no merece tus lágrimas.
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