etes-secrecy-post · 24 days
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: May 29th, 2017
Title: Cuteness Member - Flippy [Fliqpy]
So, you want this green former veteran army bear 🪖🐻 joins the "Cuteness Defender Academy"? Well, you got it! 😁Yup, Flippy's back from his retirement veteran for an action, and more likely vicious "Beast Mode" 😈 with his alter ego (I meant "Fliqpy"). And what better way than his first "Cuteness Mecha Armor", the armored "Efreet Custom"! 🤖⚔️
Efreet Flippy CustomBased on: MS-08TX [EXAM] Efreet Custom - [CLICK ME!]
Heat Sword • The symbolic weapon of the Efreet Custom, two heat swords can be stored on the side armor or on the backpack. These two swords demonstrating the armor's high fighting ability. By heating the sword's blade to red hot, it can easily cut through the armor, but it can also be used for cutting like a normal machete when not heated.
Twin Grenade Launcher • Equipped on both forearms. The main purpose of this weapon is to intimidate and restrict the enemy's movements, but it is also powerful enough to destroy parts of the enemy's machine as well as disable their handheld weapons.
6-tube Missile Pod • Mounted on both legs, the pods are discarded after the missiles are fired to reduce the armor's weight.
Special Equipment / Feature(s):
EXAM System • (A.K.A EXAM Newtype Simulation Control System) is a specialized combat support system.It was intended to mechanize Newtypeabilities into the mobile suit itself, allowing their use by normal Cuteness Members as a combat aide. The system made it extremely unstable and hard to control, to the point that the system - and the mobile suit - would sometimes go berserk. While under the influence of the EXAM System, the armor suit's would glow red, including the eyes.
Fliqpy's EXAM System • This is a custom system version from the original EXAM System. But unlike the original, Fliqpy's version is much far dangerous. To do his EXAM system version,Flippy showing off his shocking emotions by see/hear killing allies or innocent lives died by the opponent(s) during battles before he unleashes his altered ego among with the EXAM System activated. Fliqpy's EXAM System off the charts by increasing overly of Speed and Melee, bringing down opponents with a single attack. And though Fliqpy's pupils never changes when in EXAM System mode, only red veins appeared on his eye balls.
Flippy/Fliqpy - Happy Tree Friends © Mondo Media Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny) - Gundam Series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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screaming-skvll · 2 years
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(Previously: Part I, Part II)
Ten years later, I finally felt ready to build again. Although my living situation didn't provide very good workspace (and still doesn't), I could make do with a folding table. Perhaps more importantly, working from home during the pandemic (I was fortunate) permitted me more control over how to use my time, and more time to use. In addition to learning a new style of swordplay and trying to study Italian, I decided to return to my old Gunpla hobby at last.
I found much had changed in the preceding decade. Although Bandai's favor toward the 1/100 scale seemed to be in decline, many new kits of that size had been produced, including a new line specifically devoted to obscure Universal Century mobile suits. Meanwhile, the proliferation of 3D printing had introduced a whole new dimension of customization to Gunpla. The combination of these two developments enabled me to realize my old dream of completing the Wolfgar Team.
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The MS-08TX Efreet was a prototype close-combat mobile suit produced in very small numbers late in the One Year War—much like its more prominent cousin, the MS-18E Kämpfer. The Efreet became widely known after its variations appeared in a number of games, comics, and other peripheral Gundam materials, but it was originally designed for Cross Dimension 0079, where its pilot is Captain Henry Boone, leader of the Wolfgar Team.
Aside from a very old set of resin conversion parts, long out of production and beyond my skills, there had never been a way to build a 1/100 Efreet. During my hiatus, that changed with the release of the RE/100 Efreet EXAM Custom. This popular variation of the Efreet from Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny differs significantly from the original design, but I knew it represented my best chance to build Henry Boone's Efreet in the scale to match my Wolfgar Zakus.
The most prominent difference between the original Efreet and the EXAM version is the shoulder armor. Fortuitously, in my researches I found an excellent conversion of the Efreet Custom to the original design built by a skilled 3D artist who'd printed their own replacement shoulder armor components, as well as the original type's shotguns. They graciously agreed to print these parts for me as well—and just like that, the Efreet, so long impossible, became a reality.
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My rendition of Boone's Efreet is far from perfect. The shape and proportions of the custom shoulder armor aren't exactly correct, and it retains the EXAM custom's blockier, spikeless forearms with integrated grenade launchers, instead of the rounded, spiked forearm plates of the original design.
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Following the suit's in-game appearance rather than the concept art and other illustrations, I also opted to paint the leg and shoulder highlights red rather than white—a decision I still question.
Despite these shortcomings, I was deeply gratified to be able to build this Efreet at all.
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My Wolfgar Zakus are the most beloved of all the Gundam models I've ever built, and the only ones I retained from my earlier periods of Gunpla work in Taibei and Seattle. Adding the squad's leader and completing the work begun so many years before meant a great deal.
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murumokirby360 · 4 years
[ARC] Gundam Extreme Vs 2 [Triad Battle] Efreet Custom [w/ Atra Mixta (Gundam IBO)] (Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny)
Tagged: @ftgxsee, @lordromulus90
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actionfigured · 7 years
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What does your Gunpla / model-making workspace look like?
(An Efreet Junkyard)
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gundamngifs · 4 years
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MS-08TX[EXAM]Efreet Custom
RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 1
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cerastes · 4 years
So, the Efreet, the Phantom Machine, the Production Model That Never Was, and one of my favorite Mobile Suits in Gundam, has the distinction of being one of the most stubborn figures in the history of the Universal Century.
To contextualize you, allow me to introduce our guest of honor:
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This good lad right here is the MS-08TX Efreet. Attentive ace detectives and prodigy engineers will have noticed something: It’s basically a cross between a Gouf and a Dom. It was, indeed, produced before the Dom, perhaps even concurrently during its latter phases, and was slated to be the next mass production model after the Gouf didn’t really take off, but expensive production costs made Zeon favor the cheaper and very powerful Dom instead, and thus the Dom, with its genius design involving heavy armor and multiple-layered folds between which auxiliary thrusters were placed to make it both tough and very fast, became the next main mass production model. Only eight Efreets were ever made. It’s standard equipment was a Shotgun, uncommon weapon for MSes, also very uncommon in how it murdered the utter shit out of everything with it. Turns out expensive units are strong and can wreck shit.
However, this didn’t mean the Efreet wasn’t strong. The Efreet was strong. Very strong. It was too expensive to properly mass produce, which should tell you everything about how over-engineered it was. This is nothing uncommon in the Universal Century, but the Efreet has a special distinction of being a unit that Never God Damn Dies for good.
Its first appearance is in the SNES game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Cross Dimension 0079, as the final boss, in which the player, using the Gundam Pixie, must defeat it in single, climatic combat.
The base Efreet is one thing, but its when the spicy models comes out that things Get Real: Meet the [EXAM] Efreet Custom.
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NOW THIS IS WHERE THE SPICE STARTS STINGING THE TONGUE. Gone are the forearm protectors and the base shoulders, replaced with arm-mounted grenade launchers and Bigger, Warhammer Approved shoulders. Instead of one Heat Sword, it packs two, and each leg is now equipped with a 6-tube missile launcher. The most important factor, however, is that it is equipped with the EXAM System, which, I shit you not, calls upon the power of a tortured trapped psychic soul in order to increase response speed in the pilot, and also to just be atrocious in general because you literally cannot make a single cool weapon in the Universal Century without it having accounted for at least ten skeletons in your ever-growing closet of war crimes. Like, ok, if we need help with our attention span, we take Ritalin, but in the UC, you just trap the soul of an unwilling servant into your big death machine and call it a day. We went from a shotgun-totting good lad to a walking abomination. Neat.
So how do you possibly up the ante? How do you outdo a machine that went from “military equipment” to “crimes against humanity and the cycle of life and death” in five seconds flat? THE ANSWER: THE BIGGEST AXE SCIENCE CAN MUSTER:
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ONCE UPON A TIME, A MAN NAMED DOUG SCHNEID TOOK ONE OF THE REMAINING EFREET UNITS, AND FOUND IT LACKING. “HMMM. NO... I DON’T THINK THIS HAS ENOUGH OOMPH...” and so he had THE BIGGEST AXE (well, 2nd biggest) commissioned and that’s how the Efreet (DS) was born. It’s true that dark sorcery can solve most problems in life, but A Huge Fuckoff Science Axe can solve ALL problems in life, no exceptions, so why go over the trouble of tampering with the supernatural when you can just practice crude neurosurgery on everyone on the go? Doug Schneid knew what the fuck was up.
And where do you go from here? We already have en over-engineered shotgun lad, we have a dual wielding machine packing enough explosives to level Australia all over again and that is literally powered by a forsaken soul, we have a machine that has an axe so big it just cuts suits in two, no matter what fancy shield or force field you bring to the game. How do you improve on this? Has the Efreet reached the cusp of its potential?
No. The answer is in front of you: If the Efreet Custom is powered by a ghost, then the next Efreet should just become a ghost.
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The Nacht employs a very forward thinking philosophy of skipping the middleman, that is, the ghost, to just reach the endgame by its own merit, also because trapping tortured souls in machines is expensive and upsets your coworkers: Just build your own damn ghost.
Equipped with the strongest freaking stealth modules of the era, the Efreet Nacht is simply undetectable. It can be right in front of you, mere steps away, and you sensors are simply not gonna pick it up. Not just because it has Every Stealth Module ever inside the chasis, but also because it’s basically a walking ECM Hive: Your sensors cannot pick up hostile vehicles when your sensors have been fried to a crisp, which is exactly what this cheesy Nacho does just by existing in your general direction, it outright kills and murders your sensors. What do you even do at that point? This thing gets close to you and suddenly your screen goes static and you start hearing crackling white noise. The very next second, it runs you through not with a Heat Sword or a Beam Saber, but with a Cold Blade, which is basically a sword made of Electronic Warfare some-fucking-how because if it cuts your machine, it just fucking sends its internal machinery and AI into a frenzy. This bitch literally Y2Ks your giant robot with its sword. And if it can’t reach you with its sword? It’s got Throwing Y2K Knives, so even if you try to run away from it, you WILL bluescreen.
god DAMN.
What I’m trying to say is that it’s a fucking fortune they didn’t mass produce this thing because if a limited run of a Shotgun Fun Lad ended in a giant robot that deletes your System32 every time it sneezes at you, imagine what kind of madness would’ve erupted if it had become a widespread model. On one hand, it’s a shame there’s only eight Efreet units, but at the same time, we’re lucky there only ever were eight Efreet units. Despite being produced in 0079, they continuously survived battle after battle, even if their pilots didn’t, and we even see one of them in 0096, during Unicorn. Three whole wars outdated and these bad boys still out there causing trouble and stopping System from your Task Manager. That’s why I like the Efreet line so much: It’s absolutely god damn ludicrous, but it works out.
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gundamprimezero · 5 years
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RE/100 MS-08TX [EXAM] Efreet Custom
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hypetokyo · 7 years
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Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story -The Blue Destiny- HGUC 1/144 Plastic Model : MS-08TX [EXAM] Efreet Custom [PRE-ORDER]
Release Date : Late September 2017
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masterofwolfe · 7 years
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P-Bandai: HGUC 1/144 MS-08TX[EXAM] Efreet Custom
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murumokirby360 · 5 years
GundamFan520: Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost: Blue Destiny 1 & Efreet Kai | Arcade Run
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retrootakublog · 7 years
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A l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année, j'ai ajouté 47 figurines aux différentes plateformes de vente :
ebay : http://stores.ebay.fr/retrootaku14 priceminister : http://www.priceminister.com/boutique/sandrou95
Dragon Ball figurine gashapon Cyborg ruban rouge dr gero Dragon Ball figurine gashapon Cyborg ruban rouge C16 c-16 c 16 Gintama character Kotaro Katsura à mettre sur porte clef Figurine anime avec sa petite pochette Dragon Ball figurine gashapon Piccolo Satan Petit Coeur masenko avec socle Dragon Ball figurine gashapon transformation en singe strap Kuroko no Basket Ryōta Kise à mettre sur porte clef Bleach Kon strap Dragon Ball figurine gashapon Sangoku période combat freezer Kangourou anime à mettre sur porte clef Gintama avec son sabre strap Dragon Ball figurine sangoku période combat vegeta Coffre en metal à mettre sur porte clef Dragon Ball figurine gashapon Sangoku SSJ avec socle Dragon Ball figurine Gogeta SSJ4 strap Dragon Ball figurine vegeta se transforme en SSJ Dragon Ball figurine Ginyu commando freezer Dragon Ball figurine vegeta final flash Kuroko no Basket Ryota Kise à mettre sur un porte clef Dragon Ball figurine cyborg ruban rouge red ruban c19 c-19 Kuroko no Basket Ryōta Kise qui salue à mettre sur un porte clef Dragon Ball figurine Sangohan kamehameha periode cell Dragon Ball figurine cyborg ruban rouge red ruban c17 c-17 Dragon Ball figurine vegeta final flash Dragon Ball figurine sangohan période cell strap Figurine anime avec sa petite pochette Dragon Ball figurine pot d'haricot magique strap Gundam gashapon ms-08tx (exam) Gundam gashapon ms-06R-2 Gundam gashapon rx-78-2 Gintama personnage avec sa bouteile strap Gundam gashapon ams-119 Gundam gashapon xxxg-01sr Gundam gashapon ms-14c Gundam gashapon gat-x102 Gundam gashapon oz-12sms Gundam gashapon rms-141 Gundam gashapon rgm-79 Gundam gashapon Dragon gashapon figurine Kuroko no Basket Seirin personnage à mettre sur porte clef Bleach character strap naruto anime manga Minato Namikaze strap Bleach character Tôshirô Hitsugaya strap Kuroko no basket Taiga Kagami dunk à mettre sur porte clef Kuroko no basket Taiga Kagami à mettre sur porte clef Kuroko no basket Makoto Hanamiya à mettre sur porte clef
En vous souhaitant à tous de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année ! :)
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murumokirby360 · 5 years
[ARC] Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON [Branch Battle] Efreet Custom (Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny)
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
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Efreet Flippy's Missles Fire by ~murumokirby360
Flippy’s back again, to shown his firing missiles 🚀 rather than sword combat 🗡. 🙂
BTW: Spot the differences.😉
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
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Flippy’s Normal Mode by ~murumokirby360
Flippy's switched to normal mode! W/ his epic lit sword!😃 
Also, his swords are too hot to handle. 🔥⚔
BTW: Spot the differences.😉
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
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Efreet Fliqpy Impaled GM by ~murumokirby360
Piercing enemies w/ overloading Beast Mode had never felt so good.⚔️ 😈
BTW: Spot the differences. 😉
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
Reborn 1/100 Efreet Custom²
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