mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Life is made of small moments. It's not the grand events that really make a life. It's the little things. My sweet pup in the morning sun, for example. She's barking at the wind in the trees or the pinecones on the front walk. Maybe even a neighbor or two walking on this rare cool Florida morning. Whatever it is, I'm grateful. We hear a lot about practicing gratitude, and the research points to gratitude as the number one indicator of happiness. Gratitude is the real deal. It's a game changer. I've practiced myself into the habit of reflecting on things I'm grateful for when I first wake up, often before I even open my eyes. The first thing is usually my comfy bed that I don't want to get out of (totally NOT a morning person! 😂). Next is usually my home, my health, my children and their health and well-being. I go through a list in no particular order of things and people in my life, from the basic, like a hot shower, to things that have been harder won, like my career. Often, but not as regularly, I'll do the same practice at night right before I fall asleep. The moments when I'm focused on gratitude for the abundant good in my life are moments of joy. That's what gratitude brings. Living every moment in gratitude isn't realistic, but doing so intentionally on a regular basis provides a respite from stress and worry while also bringing the benefit of positive thoughts and emotions flooding our mind and body. If you'd like to make gratitude a practice, choose a time in your daily routine where you can add reflecting on things your grateful for to something you already do. Waking up has worked for me, but sometimes it's also when I'm in the shower. It could be while you drink your morning coffee, or take your afternoon walk, or cook the evening meal. A commute, or while sitting in traffic, provide lots of idle time to be grateful. The length of time needed to form a habit varies from person to person, but it can take several months or longer for some of us. Be patient with yourself and keep at it. #mindfulness #mindfullife #mindfulliving #mindful #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulmoments #gratitude #gratitudepractice https://www.instagram.com/p/CWOFLu5L7KF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Beginner's mind isn't just for the meditation cushion. In mindfulness meditation, we often talk about beginner's mind. When we do, we're referring to a state of mind where we take the position of a beginner. We're not trying to master mindfulness, but instead we approach it with a sense of newness, curiousity, and a desire to learn. There are lots of things in life that benefit from mastery and where we most definitely don't want to be a perpetual beginner, but we can still take the beginner's mind approach. We can allow that no matter how much we know, there's always more to learn. Also, no matter how skilled or experienced we are, there are going to be times when we make mistakes or realize there's another way to do something that we hadn't previously been aware of. We're also always changing, so that thing we once loved to do may lose it's charm as new interests arise. We can grow and change so much that we see the world and our place in it in a completely new light. We, essentially, begin again. The longer you live, the more you find yourself beginning again, and again, and again in big and small ways. So, if you find yourself in a place where you're re-doing, correcting, or beginning again know that you are right on track. Just look to Nature for an example. She's in a constant state of growth and change and begins again to our great delight every spring. #mindfulness #mindfulliving #mindfullife #beginnersmind #beginagain https://www.instagram.com/p/CV6Ie3ZL8JE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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What does it mean to be a strong woman? Our culture praises "strong" women as the backbones of families and communities. We're encouraged to be strong and told it's an admirable trait. But, what does it mean? Often, the strong woman is portrayed as the one who endured, sacrificed, fought and, whether she won or lost, was still standing. She's usually up against the odds, patriarchal inequities and abuses, and/or violence in some form. She's strong because she has to be to exist and certainly to succeed. But, what if there weren't so many forces working against her? Could her strength then be used for her gorgeous creativity, her passionate ideas, her deep love for life? Lots of women fight the biases, overcome the abuses, heal their traumas and pour their strength into making this world a better place. That's mighty work. These are powerful women. I look forward to the day, however, when women don't have to vanquish the monster before they can build the castle. I look forward to when more of us can lend our hand to other women because we're no longer using it to fight our own way forward. #mindfulreflection #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #strongwomen #womenempowerment #strength https://www.instagram.com/p/CVlZKWZLMqH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Rest is both wise and compassionate. It's also leads to increased productivity. Research has shown that taking frequent breaks (15 mins for every 90 mins of work) and mindfulness practice, which reduces multitasking, improve productivity. Multitasking is not the way to success after all. Focused attention on one task at a time is now shown to be more effective. Mindfully working through your inbox or to-do list and giving yourself short breaks from your screen, desk, or work space is good for your overall well-being and for your career. #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #productivity #productivitytips #rest #winwin Image: @lizandmollie https://www.instagram.com/p/CViWaa-LFm4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Some say the veils are thin... ...during the weeks leading up to Halloween. This means we can more easily communicate with the dead. Some cultures and ideologies embrace communicating with ancestors and loved ones on the other side, while others most certainly do not. No matter what you believe, this can be a time of year to reflect on our ancestry and those who have passed in the spirit of remembrance, celebration, and gratitude. A mindfulness practice for this is to sit quietly and reflect on those who have passed. Notice what comes up for you. It may not all be positive. Whatever it is, allow it. If you can, find the good. Find the gifts left to you. What are you grateful for? #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #halloween #allhallowseve #veilsarethin https://www.instagram.com/p/CVZGCcVLWQT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
May you be at ease... Like my sweet pup sunbathing on a warm fall afternoon. 🍁 #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #dogsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CVWtqqGgnqo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Self-compassion for our state of mind. We can greet the fear, anxiety, and stress of the mind with some tenderness without pushing any of those thoughts and corresponding feelings away. The cradle of loving kindness accepts what ever we put it in. When our mind is on high alert or even, especially, when it's on daily low alert, offering loving kindness looks like acknowledging our state, giving ourselves a break for feeling how we feel, and allowing our feelings without judgment. Coming into the present moment with some breathing and feeling our body against the seat can help gently lower the fearful mind into our loving awareness, as if we were lowering a fussy baby into a warm and soothing embrace. #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #lovingkindness #compassion #selfcompassion https://www.instagram.com/p/CVTdOYqLvVu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Our inner resources can be protective. When we cultivate and maintain a strong and abiding sense of presence we are better prepared to cope with adversity and manage troubling thoughts and emotions that might throw us off balance. I've recently heard presence defined in a few different ways. I think of it as being in this moment with our attention, our senses, and our true self. If we're in the past or future, distracted by our environment, or pretending or performing, we aren't present. Being present often requires the skillful application of mindfulness, self-awareness, and focused attention--all of which are key inner resources. #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #beherenow https://www.instagram.com/p/CUXwGbTLkLL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Not everyone can or will see us as we truly are. Lots of us spend significant time and energy caught up on how others perceive us, which is something largely out of our control. Sure, we can put our best foot forward and put the work into self-awareness and growth but no matter how hard we try or how successful we are at showing up as our best, how others recieve us and the judgements they make are up to them. If you find yourself stuck and ruminating on someone's perception of you that feels unfair or just plain wrong, pause. Take a few centering breaths. Consider accepting their perception as it is. See how that feels in your body. It might really disagree with you. If so, there's lots of emotion coming up. Allow yourself to feel it. If you can, however, accept the perception as you say silently to yourself, "I accept your faulty perception of me." Revisit this practice as needed. #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/CULRTPNLtma/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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What happens when we surrender to what is? By surrender I don't mean admitting defeat or giving up. I mean dropping our attachment to what we thought would happen and acknowledging the simple truth of what is happening. It sounds simple but, in my experience--both personal and in observing others--its not easy. We become so attached to an idea of how things were, are, or should be that letting go of preconceptions/history is like removing the mythical sword from the stone. It takes someone special. Good news: we all have the capacity to be that person. Another way to say this is that we generally have a hard time letting go and allowing change. This isn't news. What's different is instead of issuing a directive: Let go! I'm going to suggest we look closely at what we're holding on to. Look gently, with tenderness and curiosity, for the thing and for ourselves. I've found that when I'm truly ready to let go of something, the letting go is effortless. Dropping my resistance is like shedding a strand of hair. It just happens, sometimes without me even noticing. What I've also learned is that each time I surrender, allow, accept change (wanted or otherwise) I make room in my mind, my heart, and my life for more joy, magic even. And it typically comes in the form of small graces: a stranger whose kindness reminds me of my long deceased grandfather, sharing a belly laugh with my kids, enjoying a night out with a handsome fellow, and cooking and sharing a delicious meal with the ones I love. In these moments, there is magic; though, we need to be present to witness it. Resistance to what is keeps us from the present. It keeps us from the magic. How to get there? Here's a starter practice: Sit upright in a comfortable spot with no distractions. Feet flat on the floor, back straight, hands resting comfortably. Close your eyes or find a soft gazing point. Place one hand on your abdomen and one on your heart. Take a moment to really feel your hands upon your body. Next feel your body against the chair and your feet against the floor. Breathe in & out through your nose & down into your belly. Repeat. #mindfulliving #mindfullness #meditation #mindfullife https://www.instagram.com/p/CTz2EtqrKFQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Hello! Thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. I'm Angela. 👋 I've had a twisty-turny life and career that began with growing up as a military dependent. Because I moved so much as a kid, when people ask where I'm from I often respond with, "A little bit of every where." 🌎 Though I was born in Florida and currently reside in the sunshine state. 🌞 Along with all the moving, I've also done a fair bit of traveling. I'm deeply curious and have a love of learning. 📖 This explains why I'm a life-long student. I have a few college degrees and am currently pursuing a second master's. My earlier studies focused on communications, English, and creative writing. I'm now in a clinical social work program where I'm learning about clinical psychology and social systems with the intent to bring mindfulness to leadership and to the creation and administration of state and local policies, among other areas. I've also been practicing and informally studying yoga and meditation for about 20 years. 🧘‍♀️ My first yoga class was in the Blackbox theater of my college when I was a theater student. I was instantly hooked. Yoga lead me to other eastern philosophies and practices. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to work for a mindfulness-based therapeutic program within our local healthcare system. It was there that I received formal training in secular mindfulness. Soon after, I began teaching mindfulness meditation in my community. Teaching mindfulness in a community setting lead me to want to share this practice and way of life on a larger scale, thus my current academic pursuit. I also write about mindfulness and living a more mindful life on Medium (link in bio). My other great loves are my children. I'm the mom of two boys, a teen and a tween, who I adore beyond words. ❤❤ They provide lots of opportunities for me to practice mindfulness because parenting can be incredibly challenging, and they remind me every day of how much I have to be grateful for. They're also a couple of goofballs, so we laugh. A lot. 🤣 Thank you for joining me here. 🙏 #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness https://www.instagram.com/p/CTXfJJRL7TB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Living a mindful life includes being mindful of our impact on planet Earth. When we apply mindfulness to our consumer choices, we think about where products come from and how purchasing and using them will impact the environment. I've been learning to be more environmentally conscious since I was a kid and took an interest in environmental science. It's an ongoing process, but I'm learning more and more about how to produce less waste and to make wiser choices. It's okay to not have it all figured out right now as long as we're committed to doing better as we learn more. Some of my Earth friendly practices include recycling, repurposing, and upcycling; use of environmentally friendly household products; being mindful of my energy and water usage; avoiding chemicals in my lawn and garden; driving a gas efficient vehicle; using reusable instead of disposable products; and supporting environmental causes and leaders. What are you doing to take care of our Mother? 🌍 #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #mindfulconsumerism #environmentallyfriendly #planetearth #sustainability #sustainableliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CRW8XQrrffc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Growth is the only option. Those I've observed who take a fixed position about themselves or others, are those with the most unresolved emotions. To take a fixed position looks like being attached to labels and material things. For example, someone who uses lots of terms and designations to craft an identify or who draws their sense of self primarily from outside sources like a job or family. Or who favors black and white thinking. It's like instead of doing the inner work, they've layered on qualities, traits, associations, and accomplishments--some of which are quite impressive--and have made themselves a shiny suit of armor. The true self, which is wounded, is hiding within. It's been abandoned for this other constructed self, which has it's own set of faults and is also difficult to maintain. Maintaining the constructed self takes a toll on the entire system and makes a healthy and balanced life impossible. The solution, of course, is to put the constructed self aside and allow the true self to heal and to grow. But, once you've built a life around the constructed self, walking away is incredibly difficult. Most people won't do it or they'll do it in an explosive and destructive manner by having a life crisis, an affair, or making some sort of rash decision. Their health might make the decision for them when an illness forces them to change. (This is not to say that we won't experience crisis or illness even when we are deeply committed to our authenticity.) Nurturing the true self from the start is obviously preferred. Mindfulness can help us at any point. In the observant state, we give ourselves the opportunity to notice how we're armored and why. With time, as we become intimate with our true self, we grow more confident in who we are and are more likely to share that truth with others. Your truth is the most beautiful and precious part of you. May you nurture it always. ❤ #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #growth #authenticity https://www.instagram.com/p/CQziY-zLQJc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Justice for ALL For me, a commitment to living a mindful life includes being an advocate for social justice. I will not look away from the suffering of minority and marginalized communities or from the attempts to keep power over those who are the most vulnerable among us: racial and ethnic minorities, indigenous people, disabled and differently-abled people, women, children, and those who identify as LGTBQ. These groups taken together are powerful in number, intellect, and spirit. I believe in our ability to change the narrative to one of inclusion, compassion, and progress for ALL people. ✔There is enough to go around. ✔Our problems can be solved. ✔Diverse voices matter. Representation matters. ✔Love is love. ✔Small changes can lead to big progress. Meaningful and systematic change takes time, often many years. In my life, I practice simply putting one foot in front of the other. It's always enough and it keeps me moving forward. Sometimes forward looks like rest; other times it looks like action. Who knows how long the road to justice will be. May we all have the heart to keep putting one foot in front of the other. ❤ #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #socialjustice #justice #equality https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbsq-VLb3S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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It's an inside job. So often we think the problem is outside ourselves, when it's always a matter of turning within, even if only to gain a little peace, clarity, or strength to do the next right thing. A mindfulness practice trains us in mind and body to notice the nuances of our experience, providing valuable information about what's really going on for us and others. This means we're less likely to get stuck and stay stuck in dysfunctional patterns. This doesn't mean we won't make mistakes, because we will. It just means we'll catch the ones we do make with more skill and grace. My personal experience includes an abusive marriage during which I thought the problem was external. I thought it was the job he hated, or the city we lived in that he frequently complained about. It wasn't until we moved to another city and he embarked on a desired career change that I was able to begin to see the problem for what it was. It still took years for me to confront the full truth of it, but eliminating the external factors was key. With those factors eliminated, I was forced to look within the marriage and at myself. It was an incredible learning experience. Sometimes our struggles are situational or a result of circumstances bigger than us, but it's still useful to check within. The more we practice, the more attuned we become with our wise self and the easier it becomes to discern the nature and origin of our issues. #mindfullness #mindfullife #mindfulliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXKTlVL78V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Unexpected blooms... This plant surprised me by sprouting flowers and blooming within a week of bringing it home. Life doesn't always bring such lovely unexpected surprises, though--and it takes effort to find and focus on the good. Since we're wired to identify and thwart danger, it's much easier for us to find and focus on the negative. We have to actively seek the unexpected blooms in life. When we slow down and come into the present moment, finding the good becomes much easier. The purpose here isn't to distract from or gloss over the heavy stuff, but to remember that even during great difficulty goodness remains. It may be in the form of small comforts, or tiny flowers, but it's still there and giving it our attention is good for our overall health and well-being. #mindfulliving #mindfullness #mindfullife #itsthesmallthings https://www.instagram.com/p/CQCV47urVEl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mindfullytogether · 3 years
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Mindfulness and being grounded. When we practice mindfulness meditation, we begin by assuming a posture. Often, it's seated with feet flat on the ground but it could also be seated on the floor with legs crossed. Maybe we use a meditation cushion or pillow to support our lower back, or some other prop to help us feel comfortable and at ease. The posture alone can help us ground into the moment as we feel our body making contact with the cool floor under bare feet or the firm cushion supporting our body. Then, we focus on our breath in the body and this brings us into the present, where the body resides, and it's also grounding. The body is both of the Earth and Earth herself. We can also ground ourselves with our environment. Walking barefoot in my backyard helps me stay grounded. It's something I do almost daily for this express purpose. Connecting with my loved ones also helps me stay grounded as they remind me of my values and purpose. My sweet dog, Luna, is an expert at being grounded and in the moment. Petting and playing with her helps me get and stay grounded. There are other things, like cooking, gardening, and making things with my hands while being mindful that help with groundedness as well. Our external, larger world may be in chaos but we can create an inner world of calm. Getting and staying grounded is an important step, and it's relatively easy. What helps you stay grounded? #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfullness #grounded #getgrounded https://www.instagram.com/p/CPbTLW4B3e4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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