#MSG Membership
papuapost · 10 months
HIMBAUAN UMUM WEST PAPUA (ULMWP) DI MELANESIAN SPEARHEAD GORUP (MSG) Agustus 2023 – “West Papua for Full Membership MSG 2023” Pertemuan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi pemimpin Melanesian Spearhead Group (KTT-MSG/Leader Summit) yang ditunda pada bulan Juli 2023 akan berlangsung tanggal 23-24 Agustus 2023 di Port Vila, Ibukota Negara Republik Vanuatu sebagaimana telah dikonfirmasi resmi pemerintah…
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serkonans · 7 months
so frustrated bc I need to break up w my personal trainer fr But he's experienced w helping people recover from injury and I want him to coach me through getting back into lifting after top surgery
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femme-malewife · 1 year
It's annoyingly embarrassing to admit this as a writer, but I struggle with reading
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parallaxabomination · 8 months
patreon/ko-fi update
heyyo. with recent events im permanently closing my patreon. and no longer going forth. patreon did not let me msg any of my supporters. but i'll try to contact the handful of you <3
I hope to open/move things to ko-fi for sub based content. but for now all commissions/donations/memberships are on hold. If you sent me cash recently thank you, but i cannot access any of it atm. it will just sit in my stripe/ko-fi for the time being. hoping to get it all sorted tomorrow.
but no promises abt opening my sub based content. that stuff has always been on a slow grind. but i think im just burnt from both ends...maybe ill do a proper intro video/demo reel next year...
also sorry about the discord art collab. i dont expect to finish it as i urgently want to finish 2 larger comms for clients. i'm past the deadline and already swamped in enough stress lmao. best wishes
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
Do you also think that it is easy for Toland to reach or get to My, since he knows where he works, lives, what bus he tskes, what lunch he orders and papers to read lol. But here's the prompt, when Mlynar wants to send a msg to Toland, how does he do that?
Oh, yes, Toland knows everything about Młynar's life and patterns, and Młynar knows much less about Toland's. You'd think it uneven, but...
A thing:
On the front porch of the Nearl estate in the Kawalerielki, there is a series of potted plants that were once kept as a tiny hobby by Yolanta Krol Nearl. As a gesture of goodwill shortly before her marriage to Schnitz, she entrusted a few of them to her future brother-in-law, and Młynar, for all of his work-focused routines, keeps a close eye on them. Often, if someone wants to leave him a note, they'll pin it under one of the small pots so that the wind doesn't carry it away. Młynar, who looks at the flowers whenever he gets home for the night, will always notice it- as a rule. It isn't just Toland who knows how to leave a letter for him this way. But sometimes, if Młynar knows Toland is in the area, he will leave a letter under the plants- not uncommon to see on their front step- but this one is meant to be taken by an outsider, not by the residents.
Another thing:
The Kazimierz Bounty Hunters' guild is technically illegal, and therefore, exists in the rat holes and empty spaces of the Kawalerielki. Every year after the Major the city grows, and as the city grows they gain yet more spaces to hide. It's not easy to remember them all, keep track of all of them, but Młynar Nearl certainly knows a few. Like many secret brotherhoods, the guild has its signs and symbols that denote membership. Whether to prospective clients or fellow members, there is a signal there, though with a degree of plausible deniability. Młynar, though, knows what clothing makes someone a guildmember in disguise, what way they walk, what they carry. The small quirks that a normal salaryman wouldn't notice, but that Młynar Nearl does. Coming across one of them makes contacting Toland by word of mouth simple, because if they know all the conventions for being part of the guild, well, Młynar does too. After all, he is the lifelong partner of the guildmaster. It's little work to see one of them, at the bus station, on a street corner, or somewhere else he has a few moments to talk.
-For the Guildmaster. Tell him to make contact with M.
And he leaves that there to lay, not acting any different from normal. For all that someone observing knows (provided they can't read lips), he remarked on the weather, or apologized for bumping into that stranger.
Sure, there is the chance that they won't report back to Toland, but Młynar knows that Toland is much too good at his job to let his juniors keep secrets from him. Everyone tends to think bounty hunters are flashy, but several, at any given time, are tracking a target the smart way, or looking for a trail. And so many trails lead right through the Kawalerielki, that Młynar can always find a way to intersect with one.
No matter what happens between dropping that message on one of Toland's juniors and the response, it's the same every time.
Toland arrives, at great personal risk, and asks what he needs.
Młynar has only done this once or twice, and only for something very, very important. But it's worked, with flawless efficiency and consistency. A bit like him.
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opspro2005 · 1 year
Online Dating....
I broke up with my GF 3 months ago, she was insanely jealous and had no sense of boundaries.  A couple of my friends kept telling me to sign up for one, or several, of the dating sites, hopefully to find a nice lady just west of Indianapolis.  I’m not thrilled by the idea, but I went ahead and did the free membership to Match, OkCupid, and Plenty of Fish to try it out. Damn....what a weird experience so far! 
I’m a terrible selfie taker (and let’s face it, the raw material I have to work with isn’t top-shelf) but I did take the time to give it my best effort. The ladies I’ve found on these sites have made some damn weird pic choices. Like describing yourself as “average” in build when your pics clearly show that you require an extra zip-code. Or, listing yourself as a non-smoker and over half your pics show you smoking. And the number of obviously fake profiles is hilarious. Also, the msgs from ladies I’ve gotten, and the odd requests, will make for great/nutso entries in my autobiography some day. And would it kill you to maybe clean up the house a little before you take pics?  Oh, and leaving giant sex toys on the dresser in the background might not be the best idea. There were several pics I was going to post with this blog, but decided to not publicly out someone. But hey...dating past the age of 40 or 50 is hard enough, let’s not make it insane too, ok?  
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papuapost · 11 months
Di mana pun di dunia ini, di wilayah-wilayah yang sedang berjuang untuk membebaskan diri dari kolonialisme, sudah pasti memiliki banyak organisasi perjuangan. Terkadang multi organisasi perjuangan itu bersatu dalam satu badan politik atau berjuang sendiri-sendiri. Namun demikian, di antara semua organ politik itu, hanya satu yang dapat diakui sebagai badan politik resmi. Karena organisasi itu…
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foster-the-world · 2 years
Lovely Fall Weekend
Lots of fun family time this weekend.
Scheduled a haircut for Rebel. She looks so very cute and should make our mornings easier. We normally take Baby boy to a black barber on our block. This hair stylist had time so we snuck him in after Rebel. Looks so cute. His hair texture is similar to a Jewfro and I'm sure the stylist has a ton of Jewish clientele. Afterward we took the kids to a famous Jewish deli. Gave baby boy my phone to watch Mickey - so he was quiet. The girls were very pleasant. I do dream of the time they are all old enough to behave at a restaurant without a phone.
Bee's soccer game yesterday had perfect weather. I went by myself as my husband took Rebel/baby boy to meet his cousin/their kid. Bee's team only had four kids show up. The other team had eight kids and were clearly much better. The score was 12 to 1, the kids are 6 years old and yet the other teams parents still screamed the ENTIRE game. I find it very odd to get really invested into young kids sports. Or more specifically to holler nonstop for your six year old to get a 13th goal against another six year old. Luckily, they are young so Bee barely noticed the loss. Rebel's game this morning was much more calm and therefore more enjoyable. Next time I'll walk the track so I can enjoy the game but be away from all of the screaming. Although I think/hope this was specific to this one team.
Last night we had a date night seeing Brandi Carlile at Madison Square Garden. It was my Birthday gift. So great. She's amazing. She was clearly thrilled/in awe of performing at MSG. Which made it feel more special. It was a really lovely evening. Lots of laughing. It's nice to still enjoy hanging out with my husband.
During the day I went to my community garden's annual membership meeting. Lots of drama. Claims were made an older very grumpy lady was "violent." She left the meeting in a very dramatic fashion. Such an odd vibe for a community garden.
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rdy2laugh · 1 year
I have to tell you I honestly am not surprised. Instead of just blocking and deleting I TRIED to just talk to this one. He contacted me giving me his digits and his work history as if I only care about his monetary value, but alas, I did POLITELY talk to him and asked him a few questions first off. I asked him what he thought about cheaters and had he been cheated on. His reply was he had no comment on the first and he had been cheated on for the latter. I then asked if he enjoyed it and if he wanted to be cheated on again. Come on folks, this is logical right? I mean you do want to talk to someone and not just get shut down instantly, so I did walk him through this. He replied no he wouldn't. So I then proceeded to tell him he was asking ME to cheat for and WITH him. I questioned on his lack of concern for the man I am with and how he would make that man feel like he did and destroy my relationship and not care as long as HE got laid with me??? I noted my profile clearly says I am not looking so I wanted to know if he read it or if he just chose to ignore it.
He is 53. His profile consists of only this...... "I love satisfying a woman." IDEAL PERSON: Someone that is open minded when it comes to the bathroom."
This is what he sent me after I pointed out what he was asking me to do and his not reading or ignoring the profile...
MSG: Nice paragraph, but you got me all wrong. You didn't read my profile either. If you don't want to get hit on make hook up dates or whatever you want to call it. Then you should not be on this site adult friend finder is more like adult friend get laid type of website just like Ashley's websites the same way. Instead of you always putting down men because they contact you and then you put it in their face while you didn't read my profile then you should actually delete or totally remove yourself from this website It's not impossible. And one thing keep in mind quit trying to be Dr Ruth. Lol 3/5/2023 8:36 am
NEXT MSG: And to be honest with you if you were such a happy woman that you were in a happy relationship this is actually the wrong website for you to even be on. The famous saying is you're calling a kettle black when you're doing the same thing. But the difference between me and you is I'm single you're not. 3/5/2023 8:38 am
I am no longer surprised that when told no the majority of men do this 'then get off the site' crap. It is so common and honestly stupid that I just point and laugh now. The site is an adult social network, not a free online whorehouse. So many men believe that all the women on here are free whores they just bought with their membership and don't get women can and DO have the freedom to say NO to you!! If I get 5 emails in a day I am NOT having sex with 5 different men EVERY DAY!! His flailing around trying to justify this is hilarious. I am not a kettle calling a pot black as my profile does NOT say what his does at all. I am not even looking!! I did NOT contact HIM looking to meet up.
Maybe he wants a woman open minded on the bathroom thing because he is actually a piece of shit??? I also sent him a list of the other people on here, including men, that are NOT looking to get laid with a note telling him to contact them and see what they say when he tells them they belong on another site. LOL
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ssumcity · 1 year
Call Log (Harry): Day 1 - 29 (Planet Cloudi)
Day 1 “DAY 1 With Harry”
waketime: out** (missed chat - ** that’s what different sources suggest, not sure if any paid option is needed but I would guess so, considering all the other outgoing calls require a paid option.)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: Excuse me lol u didnt talk that much…)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 2 “Young Master’s Short-Lived Journey”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: none
dinner: in + out (paid option: Sounds like a puppy and a cat are having an argument lol)
bedtime: in (paid option: Aaaand you’ll get lost again lol)
Day 3 “A Makeover Day”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: You’re so cool… I’m jealous…)
dinner: in
bedtime: out (paid option: How about getting your own house?)
Day 4 “Dawn of a Long-Term Project”
waketime: out (paid option: You never use a membership for your purchase, do you? Lol)
breakfast: out (paid option: Mind if I call you?)
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: out (paid option: I’m not sleeping yet, mind if i call you?)
Day 5 “The Adventure of a Human Burrito”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: I should listen to the data to check whether you did your job well, piu piu.)
lunch: out (paid option: Then… What am i to you…?)
dinner: in
bedtime: in 
Day 6 “Ego Is Harry’s Nickname”
waketime: out (paid option: Sure… Keep trying…)
breakfast: out (free option: Um… 2)
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 7 “Young Master is Part-Timing”
waketime: out (** 2 paid options at different times during chat -> #1: “I think you need an alarm to wake you up” + #2 “I wanna hear about the weather!” - however, I only got 1 outgoing call, nothing else! And I think you don’t need to get both options. One should be enough.)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: Really? For what?)
dinner: out (paid option: Now will you chat with me…?)
bedtime: in
Day 8 “A New Face Has Appeared”
waketime: in + out (paid option: … is that me?!)
breakfast: none
lunch: out (paid option: (Y/N is not available right now. Please leave a msg.))
dinner: out
bedtime: in
Day 9 “Harry’s Hidden Taste”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: Harry, let me see your real fridge)
lunch: out (paid option: But I have no idea why you keep talking to me…)
dinner: in
bedtime: out (paid option: But I get rest by talking to you…)
Day 10 “Do We Know You?”
waketime: out (** missed chat due to maintenance, I don’t think there was a paid/free option with call icon)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: Why don’t we say hi over the phone? Just the two of us!)
dinner: in (paid option: He sounds completely different)
bedtime: in
Day 11 “Tain Park, the Romanticist”
waketime: none
breakfast: in + out (paid option: What? Is there smth between Tain and Rachel?)
lunch: out (paid option: Looks like Harry doesn’t know about forgiveness)
dinner: out
bedtime: in
Day 12 “Please Check the Terms and Conditions”
waketime: in
breakfast: in + out (paid option: So did you guys have a fist fight or what?)
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: How would you like to share your happy moment with me?!)
bedtime: none
Day 13 “A Peculiar Day For Us”
waketime: in
breakfast: in 
lunch: out (paid option: Yay he’s talking about me again!♡♡)
dinner: in
bedtime: out (paid option: I’m trying to imagine what you said…)
Day 14 “The Stages of Anger”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in (paid option: I once got scammed too…)
dinner: out (paid option: Calm down… Because next you have to answer 100 questions *** definitely worth the batteries, you can ask him when was the last time he wet his bed… first he’s like that’s too private, then he chuckles and asks what kind of question is that even. Screenshots under cut, your choices probably matter in order to get to that question.)
bedtime: out (free option: I’d say he likes me - i’m adorable ♡♡ *** maybe it’s due to my choices but the call was boring, wouldn’t recommend wasting batteries; I’m adding Screenshots under cut)
Day 15 “Piano In My Heart”
waketime: in
breakfast: in (paid option: There’s no way he’d join you, Tain lol)
lunch: out (paid option: Looks like this isnt time for me to butt in…)
dinner: in 
bedtime: out (paid option: Ok but i’m calling you! You’d better pick it up!)
Day 16 “We Need Tuning”
waketime: none
breakfast: in (paid option: Then i’ll check on you later)
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: I think… I have to tell him that we eavesdropped on this…)
bedtime: in
Day 17 “Harry is Back!”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: U piu piu? Are you sure ghosts arent real?)
lunch: in (paid option: Why do I feel like I know this person?)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 18 “Piano and Whiskey”
waketime: in (paid option: I know, right? Cuz I am not interested in Harry)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (***once again 2 paid options at 2 different timestamps in chat but only 1 outgoing call. I don’t think you will need both to get the outgoing call…. option #1: I am so curious! I wanna hear it out! + option #2: Is it becuz u are playing piano…? Somehow u sound so sweet…)
dinner: in
bedtime: in (paid option: Harry do you wanna talk over the phone?)
Day 19 “Home Sweet Home”
waketime: out (paid option: Is today the horse mask washing day?)
breakfast: none
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 20 “But I’m Not The One Getting Married”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: It’s so cute to hear him being polite in front of people!)
bedtime: in (paid option: Is this true?)
Day 21 “Do You Know Me?”
waketime: out (Paid option: Then are you not gonna pick up my call?)
breakfast: in
lunch: in (paid option: Can i call you now?)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 22 “Troubles on Water”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: Why dont you sing for them? Lol)
lunch: in (paid option: This is really good…)
dinner: in
bedtime: in (paid option: …Is she your ex?)
Day 23 “The Wedding Not Worth Remembering”
waketime: out (paid option: Wow what a crazy love story)
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: in (paid option: You shud get desserts too!)
bedtime: out (paid option: Can you give me one…?)
Day 24 “Grandson’s Precious Friend, Plus Grandson”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: in (paid option: Someone might mistake you for his real grandson…)
bedtime: out (paid option: So Malong came to steal his grandfather’s secret recipe?)
Day 25 “Secret of Malong’s Family”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option:Do you think Harry really has an uncanny sense of taste?)
lunch: in (paid option: But what will you do if it concerns me?)
dinner: in
bedtime: in (paid option: Call me on your way, if you remember to)
Day 26 “Carrot Rice Cake Maker”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: AHEM i can call myself a chef)
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: out 
Day 27 “The Beginning of Rumors”
waketime: out (paid option: I feel like the carrot scent doesn’t go with your place…)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: You can redeem yourself through a phone call)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 28 “I Don’t Agree”
waketime: out (paid option: I can ask my personal lawyer for you)
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: What happened btw you and teo?)
bedtime: in 
Day 29 “Can’t We Meet At All?”
waketime: out (paid option: Aren’t there any better ones?)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: Piu piu, give Harry electric shock!)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
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so, ideas on parp money influx: u could have a biweekly bid??? Of a personal msg or ad, on the side panel/announcement page. Kind of how old mspaintadventures had that pay/buy advertising (im sure y were probably there for the vriska v terezi advert war). Or honestly mb advertising? I know u have mentioned not wanting to put parp on a paywall, but even a 2 dollar minimum membership is probably doable considering everyone using the website has to be 18+.
These are valid options with the exception of the paywall. I don't want parp to ever cost the user money to access. I don't want to like... make people feel FORCED to give me money.
Besides, the contingency plan is going pretty ok so far. We're in talks.
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shrutika · 2 years
Play Boy सेक्स जॉब Available All Over India play Boy सेक्स जॉब Available , सैलरी 1 लाख 50, हजार , Play Boy सेक्स जॉब ज्वॉइन करने के लिए What'sApp कीजिए 8149972328
PLAY BOY JOB में आपको अमीर घरो की लड़की / औरतों के साथ दोस्ती / यौन संबंध बनाकर उन्हें खुश करना होता है !
* यह वह औरते होती है जिनके पति अक्सर उनसे दूर रहते है ! इसलिए उन्हें अपनी शारीरिक जरूरत पूरी करने के लिए प्ले बॉय की आवश्यकता होती है !
* वह प्ले बॉय को इसलिए बुलाती है क्योंकि वह बदनामी के डर से आस - पास पड़ोस मे संबंध नही बनाती है इसलिए वह प्ले बॉय को बुलाती है ! क्योंकि प्ले बॉय उनको
नही जानते है ! और न ही उनका घर क्योंकि मीटिंग होटल मे होती है !
* प्ले बॉय जॉब मे मिलने वाला वेतन
आपको एक मीटिंग का कम से कम 15000 रुपए मिलते है ! और ज्यादा से ज्यादा 25000 Rs मिलते है
* लेकिन आपको एक मीटिंग का 15000 Rs मिलना तय है !
Meeting Time & Hour's
Day ( Afternoon)
आप अपनी इच्छा नुसार किसी भी समय की मीटिंग ले सकते है!
एक मीटिंग 2 घंटे की होती हैं !
यह सर्विस भारत के सभी छोटे बड़े शहरों मे उपलब्ध है
All State (city) JOB AVAILABLE
प्ले बॉय जॉब ज्वॉइन करने के लिए
आप अपनी डिटेल्स WhatsApp 8149972328
इस व्हाट्सऐप नंबर पर सेंड कीजिए
Any of proff ( आधार कार्ड , पैनकार्ड )
प्ले बॉय (सेक्स जॉब) ज्वॉइन करने के बाद आपको उसी दिन या ज्वॉइन के बाद दूसरे दिन तक मीटिंग मिल जाएगी
आपके location के अकॉर्डिंग 15 से 20 किलोमीटर के अंदर अंदर आपको meeting मील जाएगी
मीटिंग शुरू हो ने से पहले वो मैडम आपको 15000 Rs cash payment करेंगी
एक month मे आपको 10 / 12 meeting मिल जाएगी उसमे से आपको जितनी मीटिंग चाहिए उतनी मीटिंग कर सकते है आप
मीटिंग में आपको मैडम के साथ सेक्स करना पड़ेगा
मीटिंग only 2 Hour's की होती है
प्ले बॉय सेक्स जॉब ज्वॉइन करें के लिए आप अपनी डिटेल्स सेंड कीजिए
इस WhatsApp number 8149972328 पर
Pin code
Height weight
Joining fees 950 Rs
ज्वॉइन करने के बाद आपको मैडम का contact number and meeting address send kiya जाइएगा
*1*- aapko monthly 10 service milegi, unme se aap kitni chaho kr sakte ho
*2*- client ko massage deni hogi or sexualy satisfied krna hoga
*3*- meetings 3 or 5 star hotels me hogi
*4*- aapko client ki koi privacy leak nahi krni agar kiya to membership cancel krdi jayegi
*5*- condoms compalsary
*6*- aapko aapki city me hi service milegi
*7*- hotel booking sab mam pay kregi aapko kuch ni dena
*8*- client aapko cash payment degi
*9*- meeting us time hogi jab aap manage kr sko
*10*- meeting k baad client ko koi call ya msg nahi krna
*payment process*
15,000 milega *2* hours ki service ka
*25000 milega full night ka
*Membership fees 950 rs*
Isme apko ek card💳 milega
*Please follow the instructions to apply for this*
Step 1- Send me your all Details
*_01. Name :_*
*_02. Height_*
*_03. Email ID:_*
*_04. Qualification_*
*_05. Two Profile Photo :_*
*_06. Language known :_*
*_07. Valid Address Proof Photo :_*
Step 2- Make the payment of *Rs.950 /- for registration.
Step 3- Then call me and get the contact details of clients.
Step 4- Attained the meeting and get paid directly from the client.
>>> You will get *10 -12 * clients per month and you will recive up to 15,000 to 25000 per client depending on service quality.
>>> Meeting will be arrenged in Evening Night and in Day time also.
>>> Client will decide the place, it may be her personal house or hotel.
>>> You will get all the meeting in your city only. we have our service in all cities in india.
2. Don't provide wrong conetact information.
3. You will get your 1st client within 3 hrs.
Call me for any other details dont asked silly questions  else we will not responde you properly
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sattamatkadpbossblog · 2 months
CAL 09348597990
➥ आज KALYAN , TIME BAZAR , MILAN DAY RAJDHANI DAY मार्केट में डेट फ़िक्ष अचूक सिंगल जोड़ी ओर दो पाना !!!
₹ 1100/- 3 DAY , V.I.P
₹ 2100/- 1 WEEK , V-V.I.P
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→ आपका पैसे को लोस होने नही दूँगा .!
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papuapost · 1 year
Benny Wenda Optimis ULMWP Jadi Anggota Penuh MSG
Cenderawasih Pos, 10 Juni 2023 JAYAPURA – Presiden United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) alias presiden Persatuan Gerakan Pembebasan Papua Barat Benny Wenda menyerukan kepada seluruh rakyat West Papua mendukung keanggotaan penuh di KTT Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). “Kami berada di momen bersejarah bagi rakyat West Papua. Pada KTT para pemimpin Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)…
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wantoktube · 1 year
ULMWP's MSG Full Membership is Certain
FROM the Central Defense Headquarters of West Papua Army (WPA), General WPA Amunggut Tabi believes ULMWP’s full member of the MSG is more than possible He said all criteria and requirements for membership have been fulfilled by ULMWP and therefore all Melanesian leaders appreciate what ULMWP has achieved so far since its establishment
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freehawaii · 1 year
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Rejoining Our Pacific Family
Beginning in the early 19th Century, the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands was formally recognized by the colonial powers of Europe as a sovereign, independent state, a subject of international law and under bi-lateral and multi-lateral equal treaties with other sovereign States.
This recognition of Hawaii’s sovereignty and independence occurred at a time when most of the Pacific Island nations were being forcibly subjected to colonial rule by those same European powers.
However, today in 2023, the picture is flipped. Most of the Pacific nations are free, but Hawaii is captive and occupied under the guise of a domestic “state” of the United States.
The supreme irony is that the same United Nations decolonization process that assisted Pacific nations to become self-governing (autonomous or independent) was deliberately manipulated and used to hijack and falsely merge Hawaii into the United States.
One of the saddest results of the 130-year U.S. occupation of our nation has been the separation from the rest of our amazing Pacific Island family. This is particularly lamentable since Pasifika, not America is our real family. Prior to being kidnapped by the Americans, our Kings, from Kamehameha II, to Kalākaua sought to maintain relations with our Pacific family.
The separation from our Pacific community has excluded Hawaii as representatives of our own interests in international matters. Instead, Hawaii is being “represented” by the U.S., the kidnapper, with its own spin,  interests and agenda emanating from Washington, DC, 5,000 miles away from our shores. As we draw closer to restoring our sovereign, independent nation, it is imperative to rejoin the rest of the Pacific ʻohana to work and share together the challenges of the future of the Pacific. For the past 10 years I have attended various meetings of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), the Polynesian Leaders Group (PLG), the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) to connect and maintain contact with Presidents, Prime Ministers and government officials of those regional groups. It is amazing to see, think and do things through the islander world view. I have been in Fiji for the past week to attend a Special Leaders Retreat of the Pacific Islands Forum and to meet with various civil society and non-governing organizations that are actively working in applying what is called “the Pacific Way” to address regional and global issues. A few years ago I began inquiring about joining the PIF and the PLG. At the meeting this week I spoke of our intent to seek membership in the PIF and the PLG. The response has been very positive... so weʻll be moving forward.
We believe as we recall and become grounded and anchored in the Pacific Way — the ways of our ancestors... mālama ʻāina, kapu aloha, kūleana — and with the significant practical experience we have as a modern economic, geo-political and cultural hub, we Hawaiians have much to contribute to advance aloha ʻāina to better the lives the people of Pacific and the Planet.
---------- Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. 
------ For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 
6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. 

Rename McKinley High School and remove the McKinley statue! He was the president who turned Hawaii from a peaceful, neutral country into a major hub of America’s war machine. Sign this online petition NOW! Tell everyone you know to sign it too! TinyURL.com/AlohaOeMcKinley PLEASE KŌKUA… Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort... To contribute, go to: • GoFundMe – CAMPAIGN TO FREE HAWAII • PayPal – use account email: [email protected] • Other – To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, volunteer services, etc...) email us at: [email protected]  “FREE HAWAII” T-SHIRTS - etc. Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase at... http://www.robkajiwara.com/store/c8/free_hawaii_products All proceeds are used to help the cause. MAHALO! Malama Pono,

Leon Siu

Hawaiian National
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