#Benny Wenda
papuapress · 7 months
Pidato Presiden ULMWP Benny Wenda di Parlemen Belanda
29 Februari 2024 di Pidato Di bawah ini adalah pidato yang disampaikan Presiden Sementara ULMWP Benny Wenda pada sidang Parlemen Belanda mengenai kunjungan PBB ke West Papua pada tanggal 28 Februari 2024. Pertama-tama, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Parlemen Belanda yang telah menjadi tuan rumah pertemuan ini. Sebagai mantan penjajah kami, sangat penting bagi Anda untuk memahami situasi…
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epapua · 10 months
Suara Gembala Pdt Dr Socratez Sofyan YomanBangsa Papua Barat, harus tunggu 50 tahun lagi lahirnya tokoh sekaliber Hon. Octovianus Mote dan Hon. Benny Wenda) HON. OCTOVIANUS MOTE DAN HON. BENNY WENDA ADALAH PEMIMPIN MILIK RAKYAT DAN BANGSA PAPUA BARAT “KARENA itu, Doakan, hargai, hormati, cintai, dukung mereka, dan jangan merendahkan dan meremehkan mereka. Mereka sudah dan sedang dan terus…
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papuapost · 10 months
Pernyataan Terbuka Pemimpin ULMWP _ Menyikapi Rencana Kongres I ULMWP oleh Panitia
I. Proses Pelaksanaan dan Penetapan KTT II ULMWP Pada 22 Agustus 2023, di Kantor Perwakilan Seva Province Port Vila Vanuatu, Ketua Legislatif Tuan Edison Kladeus Waromi membuka secara simbolis KTT (Konfrensi Tingkat Tinggi) II ULMWP (United Libertion Movement for West Papua) setelah dilakukan jumpa Pers tentang keanggotaan ULMWP di MSG (Melanesian Spearhead Group). Pada 23-24 Agustus 2023,…
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networthandbio · 3 months
Benny Wenda Net Worth & Bio
This is the post about Benny Wenda Net Worth & Bio. This person is a Papuan activist and leader of the Free West Papua movement. Benny Wenda’s Net Worth is around $5 million. Benny Wenda Biography West Papua, a province of Indonesia, wants to become independent. Benny Wenda is a Papuan activist and the movement’s leader. On August 23, 1974, he was born in Manokwari, West Papua. From an early…
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guide-saveurs · 2 years
Top News Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM
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Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/cuitan-benny-wenda-dorong-kpk-telusuri-dugaan-aliran-dana-lukas-enembe-ke-opm/
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ghostlysongbeard · 2 years
Top News Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM
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Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/cuitan-benny-wenda-dorong-kpk-telusuri-dugaan-aliran-dana-lukas-enembe-ke-opm/
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forresthom · 2 years
Top News Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM
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Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/cuitan-benny-wenda-dorong-kpk-telusuri-dugaan-aliran-dana-lukas-enembe-ke-opm/
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foodmucem · 2 years
Top News Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM
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Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM adalah artikel yang trending di Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan Cuitan Benny Wenda Dorong KPK Telusuri Dugaan Aliran Dana Lukas Enembe ke OPM? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://beritapolisi.id/cuitan-benny-wenda-dorong-kpk-telusuri-dugaan-aliran-dana-lukas-enembe-ke-opm/
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catastrxblues · 8 months
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articles and news on what’s happening in west papua are so appallingly scarce that i could rarely find any except a few before this. as an indonesian, i didn’t even know any of this is happening in the first place until a few months ago because rarely any of the big news outlets have ever brought it up, much less in a scale that is necessary to gain the world’s attention. SO PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT, one article at a time if it seems too much (which is what i'm currently doing too).
i think it’s important to note that while indonesia has been loudly advocating for palestine’s freedom, it has also been committing silent acts of violence against the people of west papua and exploiting them for years and silence those AND others who have tried to bring it to light.
things included in the thread ->
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freewestpapua.org *the link isn't working at the moment but op has included screenshots in the tweet!
west papua : a history of exploitation (al jazeera)
courtesy of amnesty international
amnesty international - "sudah, kasi tinggal dia mati" pembunuhan dan impunitas di papua (in bahasa)
'the road : uprising in west papua' by john martinkus
'an act of free choice : decolonisation and the right to self-determination in west papua' by pieter drooglever
'merdeka and the morning star : civil resistance in west papua' by jason macleod
’see no evil : new zealand’s betrayal of the people of west papua’ by maire leadbeater
‘freedom in entangled worlds’ by eben kirksey
‘poisoned arrows’ by george monbiot
‘papua blood’ by peter bang
’west papua and indonesia since suharto’ by peter king
pdf available :
’the united nations and the indonesian takeover of west papua’ by john saltford
’west papua : the obliteration of a people’ by carmel budiardjo and liem soei liong
rebels of the forgotten world (1991)
blood on the cross (1999)
freedom for west papua (1999)
papua merdeka (2002)
west papua — the secret war in asia (2007)
forgotten bird of paradise (2009)
strange birds in paradise — a west papuan story (2010)
west papua — a journey to freedom (2011)
mama malind su hilang (our land has gone)
benny wenda — oslo freedom forum (2012)
isolated (2013)
courage is contagious — TEDx sydney (2013)
the road to home (2015)
punks for west papua (2016)
run it straight (2016)
act of no choice (2019)
paradise bombed (2023)
investigative tv reports :
inside indonesia’s secret war for west papua — ABC news (2020)
selling out west papua — al jazeera (2020)
amnesty international
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brief history
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blauelster · 8 months
I completely support Israel being held accountable for its crimes against humanity, but we also can’t ignore that Indonesia has been violently occupying West Papua - a region more than twice the size of occupied Palestine - for the past 55 years, and has murdered 500,000 indigenous West Papuans in the process. Indonesian soldiers routinely burn indigenous villages to the ground, pose with the bodies of murdered Papuan civilians, and actively prevent journalists from reporting on the genocide. West Papuans often refer to their homeland as “Indonesia’s Palestine.”
You are Completly Right Considering how Emberassingly little I knew about West Papua.If you want to Educate yourself on the Topic here are Two very Informative Artikels I found, they each take less than 5 minutes to read and I realy recommend doing so.
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papuapress · 1 year
Pernyataan | Edisi, 28 Juli 2023 Menjelang KTT para pemimpin Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), Indonesia meningkatkan kampanye penindasannya terhadap orang West Papua yang secara damai menggalang keanggotaan penuh Grup. Kehadiran militer dan polisi besar-besaran menyambut orang Papua yang keluar ke jalan-jalan di seluruh West Papua untuk menuntut keanggotaan penuh. Di Sorong, tujuh orang…
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about Indonesia colonization in West Papua
About West Papua genocide:
Benny Wenda, West Papua independence leader, Interim President of ULMWP Provisional Government, and founder of the Free West Papua Campaign. 
Arnold Belau, former chief editor and journalist at Suara Papua
The Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group for Sustainable Development
Human Rights Monitor
Free West Papua twitter account
Koteka Wenda, Free West Papua Campaign spokesperson
Bazoka Logo, Minister for the Political Affairs, under the West Papua Provisional Government
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papuapost · 1 year
Benny Wenda Optimis ULMWP Jadi Anggota Penuh MSG
Cenderawasih Pos, 10 Juni 2023 JAYAPURA – Presiden United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) alias presiden Persatuan Gerakan Pembebasan Papua Barat Benny Wenda menyerukan kepada seluruh rakyat West Papua mendukung keanggotaan penuh di KTT Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). “Kami berada di momen bersejarah bagi rakyat West Papua. Pada KTT para pemimpin Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)…
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noddytheornithopod · 7 months
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cinnaprince · 8 months
Fuck Israel and Indonesia both. Please research the ongoing genocide and occupation of indigenous lands that Indonesia is committing. https://jacobin.com/2022/12/benny-wenda-west-papua-freedom-struggle-indonesia-imperialism
i did not know about this about Indonesia, so genuine thank you on letting me know! while we should happy that these countries are trying to hold Israel accountable for their crimes against Palestine and it's people (although it really should have been done decades ago), I hope Indonesia gets taken to court aswell for their same occupation and genocide in West Papua
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fanby-fckry · 8 months
Fuck Israel and Indonesia both. Please research the ongoing genocide and occupation of indigenous lands that Indonesia is committing. https://jacobin.com/2022/12/benny-wenda-west-papua-freedom-struggle-indonesia-imperialism
Oh goddamn it… Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
That’s pretty hypocritical of them to call Israel out while doing pretty much the same thing. And the US is involved, supporting the colonizers, because of-fucking-course we are.
Time to go call and email my fucking congressmen again.
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