#ly minh
tate-lin · 10 months
Last Line Game
Thanks for the tag @mrbexwrites! 🥰
RULES: Write the last sentence you wrote on your WIP, and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence!
The nurse — what was her name again, grass, field, Moore, Mrs Moore because she was married — pulled out the seat next to her and settled down.
26 words... Soft tagging all of you 🤣
@cee-grice @ihaventpickedausername @andromeda-grace @kaiyo @iriswords @yors-truly @words-after-midnight @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars @sabels-small-sphere @leebrontide @pure-solomon @mattresses-and-macaroni @thepixiediaries @poetinprose @arowanaprincess @hd-literature @freedominique @mariahwritesstuff @ls-daydreams @the-grim-and-sanguine @wildswrites @thecrookedwriterspath @thoughtofhouses @callahanscorner @asablehart @anoelleart
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rabtownsend · 1 year
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model: minh-ly photo: @rabtownsend
Toronto. August 2nd, 2022. shoulder pain. shoulder pain. shoulder pain.
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addictedgallery · 4 months
Get Your Art Fix!
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“Life is dance. Dance with your own rhythm.” ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
"Moving Minh-Ly" by João de Castro, 2021
Series: Moving Minh-Ly
Arty-Fact: "Here, the non-visible constructs the image.
"Music sets the rhythm for the emotions that flow through the body and dissolve into freely flowing shapes and lines.
"The moment without space is distorted in the impermanence of Minh-Ly, in an intimate and total surrender.
"Here, photography doesn't recall, it discovers.
"It is not a moment captured and retained, but lines that distort in the dragged times of a shutter. In the white non-space of a studio, light creates a non-stage where only music acts and guides us; to whom one dances and to whom one follows and pursues each moment, which is guessed and not truly seen.
"Here, time doesn't obey, it simply happens.” - João de Castro
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See It On Your Wall
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feral-ballad · 1 year
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Hieu Minh Nguyen, from Not Here; “Dear X”
[Text ID: “Sometimes when I wake up & my body does not follow, I imagine it is busy lying beside you”]
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lacyen · 1 year
Những bình luận nổi bật trên NetEase Cloud Music (Võng Dịch Vân âm nhạc)
1. 我不想再去认识一个新的人,再去磨合一切,不想再告诉他我的小秘密,再也不想再夜里一个人偷偷的哭,不想再去重新喜欢一个人,至少现在不想,我只有一点点爱了,可我还要过一生
Em không muốn lại một lần nữa quen người mới, dành toàn bộ thời gian cho đối phương, không muốn kể với anh ấy những bí mật nhỏ, cũng không muốn mỗi đêm tối sẽ lặng lẽ khóc thầm, không muốn lại một lần nữa yêu thương một người, chí ít là cho đến hiện tại, em chỉ muốn một chút xíu tình yêu, thế nhưng em còn cần sống cả một đời.
Bài hát 《寄》
2. 你不要太长情,也不要把感情看得那么重,否则你就会很难接受离别,而离别,才是人生的常态啊
Em đừng yêu quá lâu, cũng đừng đặt quá nhiều tình cảm, nếu không sẽ rất khó khăn để chấp nhận chia ly, mà ly biệt, mới chính là trạng thái bình thường của cuộc sống.
Bài hát《Summer Gril》
3. 总归还是会有人用最质朴的方式喜欢你,不是套路,也不是撩你,是那种好喜欢你啊,想对你越来越好
Dù sao vẫn sẽ luôn có một người yêu em theo cách đơn giản nhất, không phải máy móc yêu em, cũng không phải trêu chọc em, mà là thật sự thích em, đối xử với em càng ngày càng tốt.
Bài hát 《好喜欢你》
4. 找到一个很合适的爱人,需要满足两种心理需求,一种是安全感,一种是归属感,安全感就是你确定你的另一半不会走,归属感就是你确定你不会走
Một người yêu phù hợp là một người thoả mãn được hai yêu cầu, một là cảm giác an toàn, hai là cảm giác thuộc về. Cảm giác an toàn chính là em chắc chắn người ấy sẽ luôn ở lại, còn cảm giác thuộc về chính là em nhất định sẽ không rời đi.
Bài hát《句号》
5. 以后啊,只想对两种人好,一种是对我好的人,一种是懂得我的好的人,在这短暂的生命里,一个人的温暖也是有限的啊,一点都不能浪费
Sau này nhé, hãy chỉ đối tốt với hai kiểu người, một là người tốt với em, hai là người thật sự hiểu em, bởi vì trong sinh mệnh ngắn ngủi này, sự ấm áp của một người là hữu hạn, một chút cũng không thể lãng phí.
Bài hát《阿婆说》
6. 你可不可以低次头,回来找我,用力抱我,悄悄在我耳边说,这次我们好好在一起
Anh có thể nào hay không cúi đầu trước, quay trở lại tìm em, ôm em thật chặt, thì thầm vào tai em, lần này chúng ta hãy ở bên cạnh nhau thật tốt nhé.
 Bài hát《舍得》
7. “暧昧是什么?”“所有人都以为你们在一起了,只有你清楚地知道你们的距离。”
“Mập mờ là gì?”
“Là tất cả mọi người đều cho rằng hai người là một cặp, chỉ có em hiểu rõ ràng khoảng cách giữa hai người.”
Bài hát《说谎》
8. 你是经历了多少委屈,才有了那一身好脾气
Em phải trải qua bao nhiêu ấm ức, mới có được tính khí tốt như vậy.
Bài hát《该》
9. 一开始的时候,总觉得来日方长,什么都有机会,殊不知人生是减法,见一面少一面,来日不方长
Lúc đầu, em luôn cảm thấy tương lai còn dài, lúc nào cũng có cơ hội, thật không ngờ rằng đời người là một phép trừ, gặp nhau một lần ít đi một lần, năm tháng không dài như vậy.
Bài hát 《感谢你曾来过》
10. “何谓爱情?”“心生欢喜。”“可否具体?”“眼中,心上,全是你。”“可否再具体?”“朝霞,夕阳,到白头。”
- Tình yêu là gì?
Hạnh phúc tận trong tim.
Cụ thể hơn được không?
Trong mắt, trong tim, tất cả đều là em.
Cụ thể hơn nữa được không?
Bình minh, hoàng hôn, tới bạc đầu.
Bài hát《好好》
Zhihu/ Lạc Yến dịch
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soigia · 10 months
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Ở Sài Gòn
Có người thức xuyên 3 đêm. Hút hết 10 gói thuốc. Ở lì trong nhà với cái bụng chỉ có bia và rượu. Thế rồi, vẫn không chết. Ốm nằm viện vài hôm, sụt vài kí, sếp quở đi làm. Lao đầu vào công việc. Thế là thôi, đêm bớt dài dần.
Có người khác, chẳng may công việc không như ý, gia đình lại hoàn cảnh. Nửa đêm thất thểu với vài lon bia ở tiệm tạp hoá 24/24h. Chẳng để làm gì, cứ ngồi vậy cho tới sáng. Suy nghĩ xem làm như nào cho đời bớt khổ. Mà nghĩ mãi không ra, chỉ biết thở dài trong nước mắt.
Hay thậm chí, từng có ông anh, nửa đêm chán đời quá, xách balo lên và đi. Ngồi con xe cà tàng đã lâu chưa thay nhớt tới bãi biển gần nhất. Rồi cứ ngồi vậy, chờ bình minh lên. Uống một ly cafe, trầm ngâm điếu thuốc rồi trở về thành thị. Không rõ sau đó cảm xúc thế nào. Nhưng có lẽ, là sẽ mệt. Mà mệt thì phải ngủ. Lúc tỉnh dậy, có khi nỗi buồn đã nguôi ngoai.
Đời chúng ta, thi thoảng sẽ có nhiều chuyện thật buồn. Thi thoảng lại chỉ vì ta chán chính ta. Thi thoảng thậm chí là cảm thấy bế tắc. Những đêm ấy, sẽ thật là dài. Ta sợ ngày mai, nhưng đương nhiên ngày mai vẫn đến. Ta không biết phải làm gì cho đỡ hoang mang, nhưng mặt trời vẫn mọc. Ta thấy đêm thật dài, nhưng cũng lại sợ nó kết thúc.
Nhưng ta biết không? Những nỗi đau cũng như vậy. Dù có dài cỡ nào, cũng sẽ qua. Ngày mai sẽ lại đến, mặt trời sẽ lại lên, bằng cách nào đó, vết thương sẽ được hong khô, trái tim sẽ được sưởi ấm.
Chỉ cần, ta dũng cảm để vượt qua được những đêm dài đó. Kiểu gì thì kiểu, mọi chuyện cũng sẽ ổn hơn. Vì ít nhất, những cảm xúc tiêu cực nhất đã theo những buổi đêm hôm ấy trôi đi bớt một chút, một chút rồi.
Chúc chúng ta, sẽ luôn bình an qua mỗi đêm dài....
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lesnusdunreveur · 11 months
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Modèle: Minh Ly
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tate-lin · 2 years
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You set me on fire. You can’t abandon me.
Burnt alive and left for dead by her own mother, Minh wants one thing and one thing only—to get down on her knees and beg for forgiveness. Now on the hunt for a woman long presumed dead, she has to lay low and away from her powerful and influential foster family if she wants to stay ahead of the search. She has the wit, she has the power… But none of the right skills needed. Alone and resourceless, she‘ll have to get creative. A phoenix wasn’t reborn from the ashes that night. A monster was.
Genre | Contemporary fantasy
Audience | Young adults
Setting | United States
POV | 3rd person limited
Tense | Past
Format | Trilogy
Status | Planning, starting first draft during Camp NaNo in April
Content Warnings | Graphic violence | Child abuse | Mental illness | TBA
Ly Minh (pronounced as Lee Min) | After a series of tragedies that landed her in the United States, the young teenager had been wrestling constantly with the ghosts of her past. Until one day, those hauntings finally proved real. Ever since then, she had gained unexpected powers over fire, a force she can’t control and an ability she might not even want to know.
Drew Scott | With sensory powers no normal human could even dream of, his abilities get put to the test when he is one day kidnapped for it.
Le Hoa (pronounced as Leh Hwa) | Minh's biological mother, the two had been extremely close until the incident at her research lab which finally killed her. Or so Minh had thought.
Kalisha Celestine | Minh's foster mother, she is the guardian of the most dangerous city on Earth; the city which Minh now calls her home.
Major Links (ordered by date)
How does my magic system work?
The History of Ethra
Favourite aspect of Minh's personality
More on Drew Scott
15 Questions with Ly Minh
Possible fanon vs canon of Minh
Character Songs
Excerpt of Chapter 1
One of my inspirations for Drew
Manga Inspirations
#joker of ashes | #joa worldbuilding | #joa excerpts | #ly minh | #drew scott
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off!
@justahalfling @ihaventpickedausername @iced-ginger-tea @andromeda-grace @kaiyo @iriswords @yors-truly @words-after-midnight @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars @sabels-small-sphere @leebrontide @pure-solomon @mattresses-and-macaroni @thepixiediaries @poetinprose @arowanaprincess @hd-literature @freedominique @writegriffinsect
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rabtownsend · 1 year
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an advertisement. model: minh-ly photo: @rabtownsend
Toronto. August 2nd, 2022. Everything is an advertisement, but sometimes the product is suffering.
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antruongnguyenthuy · 2 years
Sẽ có người đọc được dòng này lúc sáng sớm, sẽ có người đọc được lúc nửa đêm, sẽ có người đọc được sau vài tháng, vài năm nữa. Sẽ có người đọc được khi vừa để tang người thân, sẽ có người vừa ly hôn, cũng sẽ có người đang không muốn sống nữa,… Nhưng dù đọc vào khi nào và đang trải qua chuyện gì, tôi vẫn muốn nói với bạn về điều mà tôi đang hiểu về thế giới này đó là nó chỉ biết vận hành theo đúng lập trình của nó, nó không biết đâu là điều khiến con người tổn thương, vì thế chúng ta cần tự bảo vệ trái tim mình dù đôi khi tổn thương là không tránh khỏi. Những gì chúng ta nghĩ là không thể thì ta đều trải qua cả rồi, tương lai cũng vậy. Sẽ còn những điều rất tệ, cũng sẽ còn những điều tươi đẹp ngoài sức tưởng tượng, hãy sống để đón nhận. Hôm trước tôi có đọc được rằng “chúng ta đều đã được xem qua cuộc đời mình trước khi chào đời, nếu đã đồng ý đến thế giới này thì chắc chắn là có việc phải làm, có người phải gặp”. Hãy lấy đó làm lý do cho mình cơ hội để sáng mai, đón bình minh thêm một lần nữa. Sẽ không ai nghe mình kể chuyện mãi được, nếu đã học được cách im lặng vượt qua một mình thì từ nay về sau, cứ thế mà can đảm sống tiếp.
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tamlytrilieunhc · 17 days
✨ Khám phá Tâm Lý Ngược - Chiến thuật tinh tế trong cuộc sống! ✨
Có bao giờ bạn làm điều ngược lại với lời khuyên của ai đó? Đó chính là cách tâm lý ngược vận hành! 🎭 Đây là một kỹ thuật tâm lý giúp điều chỉnh hành vi của người khác mà không cần áp đặt hay thuyết phục trực tiếp. Từ nuôi dạy con cái đến tiếp thị, tâm lý ngược giúp chúng ta khéo léo đạt được mục tiêu mà không khiến người khác cảm thấy bị ép buộc.
🔍 Ứng dụng thực tế:
Trong tiếp thị: Tạo cảm giác khan hiếm để kích thích nhu cầu. Trong bán hàng: Chiến thuật "đòi giá cao" để khách hàng cảm thấy họ đã chọn đúng sản phẩm. Trong nuôi dạy con cái: Khuyến khích trẻ làm điều bạn muốn thông qua sự lựa chọn thông minh. 🚨 Hãy cẩn trọng: Lạm dụng kỹ thuật này có thể gây mất lòng tin và ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến các mối quan hệ!
👉 Tìm hiểu thêm tại: https://tamlytrilieunhc.vn/tam-ly-nguoc-33817.html
#TâmLýNgược #TâmLýHọc #TâmLýHọcNghịchĐảo #QuảnLýCảmXúc #GiaoTiếpHiệuQuả #NHCViệtNam Trung tâm Tâm lý trị liệu NHC Việt Nam
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ducroyalwine · 1 month
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Sài Gòn vào mùa Thu với tiết trời mát mẻ, thật tuyệt vời khi thưởng thức một ly rượu vang Ý Red & White tuyệt hảo!
𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧 & 𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐈𝐋 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐨 | Nét đẹp say đắm từ vùng Abruzzo
🍇Dòng vang giao thoa giữa phong cách cổ điển và hiện đại, biểu tượng cho niềm đam mê và sự sáng tạo của những nghệ nhân làm vang, mang trong mình chất lượng hương vị từ San Lorenzo Vini qua hơn 130 năm lịch sử. Cặp vang trắng & đỏ này là lựa chọn lý tưởng cho bất kỳ bữa tiệc nào!
🍾𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 – Đạt HCV tại cuộc thi quốc tế Vinitaly 2023, là minh chứng cho chất lượng hương vị vượt trội từ trái tim của nước Ý. Rượu vang đỏ này bung tỏa hương vị trái cây chín mọng, điểm thêm chút thảo mộc hoang dã và gia vị cay, kết thúc với hậu vị đằm chát mềm mại.
🍾𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐈𝐋 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐨 – Vang trắng này mang đến hương vị say đắm và nồng nàn, như bản giao hưởng vang vọng từ những cánh đồng nho bạt ngàn của vùng Abruzzo. Rượu thanh khiết, tươi mát với vị chua nhẹ nhàng và sự cân bằng hoàn hảo, dễ chịu.
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allmylove-minh · 1 month
contours of confidence
for once in my life, i am grateful for my sister's incessant theft of my belongings. earlier this month, my sister was playing with my contour wand, which is a makeup tool that i use to add shadows that create the illusion of a slimmer face. then, she lost it.
throughout my life, i have struggled with having a round face, which is common among people of my ethnicity. seeing my side profile was frustrating, as i do have a double chin sometimes.
i think losing my contour has helped me appreciate the way i look. i often feel that i have to mold myself into something attractive so that i can get attention and be loved. but i'm appreciating my face lately. i'm ok with having a double chin. i think i care more about liking myself unconditionally now.
as i've been able to connect my wish to be smaller-faced with society's beauty standards, i've been able to let it go. when i'm old, i don't want to remember myself as resenting my body shape or ethnic features. i want to tell my children to be proud of who they are without seeming hypocritical. i like my round face, my wide nose, "small" eyes. i like my features because they connect me to my ethnic group. the art of my people looks the way i do. who am i to brush that aside?
i am an artist who tries to create work that celebrates many features. somehow i forgot that applies to me. it's easy to tell yourself that you're too enlightened for beauty standards. i thought i was. but focusing less on molding myself into the notion of beauty has helped me use makeup to have fun. silver glitter, red wine lipstick, drawn on roses--they make me happier than a "snatched" face ever did. some days i still look in the mirror and dislike what i see. i would be lying if i didn't contemplate plastic surgery or buying more contour products.
but i think i hold off for the sake of Future Minh. i want them to be proud of me. i don't want them to recall this period of life as one where i wanted to change everything about myself. if tumblr still exists which i'm ancient, i hope i can point to this as a reason
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pan-fried-autism · 10 months
Lab Accident Chapter 4: Marching to the Hare
Characters: Swap!Leonid (@bowlerhatwearer), Swap!Jack, other people
Summary: Leonid finds his target.
Thursday, May 21.
Still don't know much about JacksnJackson.
Things I know and learned:
works at BUsiness finances Inc
28 year old
has wife?
apparently funny
Don't know the location of his residence.
With that, Leonid clicked his pen, putting the tip back into the chamber.
He lay back on his hotel room bed with a sigh.
He'd been trying for the past two days to find Jack, or at least his home... but he couldn't. He couldn't exactly ask his coworkers either-- to him, if he was here to visit Jack, wouldn't he already know? The man just never seemed to exist in the same area as him, too.
He sat up a bit, looking at his phone screen. The messages app was open.
'Hello, Detective. have you found my son yet? signed J Harris Sr.'
Leo couldn't help but giggle as he replied to Mr. Harris.
'No, I haven't yet. But I'm trying.'
Leonid went back to lying down, still unsure of what to do in the situation. Any thinking was interrupted, however, by a sound-- a rumbling from his stomach.
Leonid turned his head to the alarm clock by the bed.
5:09 pm.
Eh. Might as well get dinner.
Leonid sat up and picked his phone back up, going into Maps to search around New Anderville.
A few caught his eye-- The Coffery, Yappy Hour Bar and Grill, Minhs Din-Din, a downtown McDonalds, Pubbingtons, Greasy Joe's-- so he checked out their reviews.
Nothing too impressive, however... The Coffery only had fish and chips and liver and gravy as dinner options, Greasy Joe's was mainly for families with small kids, and the McDonalds had the 3rd lowest ratings of any McDonalds location worldwide.
That left Yappy Hour, Pubbingtons, and Minh's.
He decided to check out Yappy Hour a little more, seeing what they had on the menu... and something caught his eye.
'Boney Thursday today! From 5-8pm, all ribs and wings are half off! Try our delicious Mexican Grilled Ribs and Beer Battered Chicken Wings at a discount!'
Leonid's stomach growled.
He hadn't had ribs in a while.
The detective got out of bed, mind set on the prospect of ribs, and left the room.
No wonder they call this place Yappy Hour, thought Leo. It's LOUD in here.
In fact, it was so loud, Leonid didn't even hear the bell above the front door ring.
All around, he could see people at the tables and the bar, eating and chatting away while occasionally watching the sports on the TV. He felt himself cringe at the slight increase in noise as he walked up to the stand, where the seater stood.
They saw him and cleared their throat. “Table for?…”
“Table for one.”
“Just a moment.”
The seater walked away for a few seconds.
After those seconds, they came back, quickly grabbing a menu,
"I'll lead you to your table, sir."
Leonid followed the seater to a table, where one side had both seats, and the other had regular chairs.
As the seater placed the menu on the table, Leonid sat in a booth chair, reclining into the leather padding.
The seater leaned down a bit. "A waiter will be with you soon."
They left as quick as that.
Leo opened the menu, taking a look at some of the menu items (ginger beef on johnnycakes, spicy poutine, chicken wings and fries, hot-smoked salmon sandwich) as he sighed a bit.
He couldn't help looking around the pub as he moped in his thoughts. Look at me, he thought, sitting around in some pub while a kidnapping suspect is on the loose. What kind of detective am I?! His FAMILY'S paying me to find him and I can't even find one measly--
-- Holy shit.
Across from him was Jack Harris.
... Or at least he thought it was. From the back view at least, the hare matched the description of Jack-- chestnut brown fur, smoothly brushed headfur, wide eyes, mediocre fashion sense. He was sitting at a table with about four other people, all of them in different business garb.
It had to be him.
As he was looking, one of the people there happened to see him. Leo recognized him-- he was the grolar bear he first talked about Jack to. The man tapped the hare on the shoulder and started pointing to Leo, speaking words Leo couldn't hear over the other patrons. The hare turned around.
He looked exactly like Jack.
It HAD to be him.
The hare got up with a smile and walked over to Leonid, sitting down at the chair as Leonid continued gawking at him.
Finally, the hare opened his mouth and spoke.
"So... you're a college buddy, huh?"
Leo gulped a bit and composed himself. "UH. Yes."
The hare chuckled. "I didn't know a detective could have to go to the Missoury Economics Collegiate, let alone take courses in business."
"Wh-- how did you know I was a detective?"
"Ruben told me. Plus, your badge is sticking out of your pocket."
Sheepishly pushing the badge back down, Leonid cleared his throat and put on his best serious detective voice.
"Truthfully, I've never went to college with you. I'm Leonid Aksakov, Private Investigator."
"Jack Harris. Charmed."
I KNEW IT! Leonid shouted in his mind. Out loud, he continued.
"I've come to ask you some questions, Mr. Harris."
"About what?"
"Well... a few months ago, a woman named Grementine Mewton went missing. I was told you were a former associate of hers."
A strange look seemed to pass over Jack's face after he said that. Before Jack could respond, however, a shadow loomed over the table.
Leonid looked up and met the eye of the waiter-- a moose, looking to be around 8 feet tall. His nametag read "Steven".
"Are you gentlemen ready to order?" The moose asked in a deep, gentle voice.
Leonid's eyes flickered between him and Jack before he answered.
'I-- uh, yeah, we're ready."
Out of the corner of his eye, Leonid almost swore he saw Jack's eye twitch.
"Alright, then. I'm obliged to inform you that today is Boney Thursday, and you get half off any wings or ribs you order." the waiter replied.
"I'm aware, thank you." replied Leonid, going back to the menu.
Jack raised a finger. "If you can, I'll have a tall drink of water." he announced.
Steven the waiter chuckled a bit. "If you say so, Mr. Harris. What about you, sir?"
"Glass of Pepsi." piped Leo.
Steven wrote it down on the pad.
"Alright, Pepsi and water... what about your meals?
Leonid went back to the ribs and wings, looking over the potential foods-- Mexican Barbeque Ribs, Ginger Ribs & Peameal, Classic Hot & Smoky, Mooseback Ribs, and--
"... What are Maple Fried Ribs?"
"We coat the ribs in maple syrup and Panko breadcrumbs before deep frying them."
The detective grimaced. "I'll have the Mooseback Ribs."
"And for your side?"
"Uh... curly fries?"
"Got it."
"I'll have the Beer Battered Wings and a side salad, please." stated Jack.
Steven scribbled their orders down, before putting the notepad back in his pocket, simply saying, "Your orders will be ready in a little while."
With that, he sauntered away, giving Leonid a little wink as he did.
Flustered and a little confused, Leo shook away the blush on his face and refocused on Jack.
"Again, I'd like to ask you a few questions about Ms. Mewton." he restated.
"Sure, shoot!" Jack replied, elbows on the table and holding up his head.
Jack took the notepad he usually kept around in his backpocket, a golf pencil besides it. He took a deep breath.
Well, I know Ms. Mothgo didn't paint that good of a picture of you, he thought to himself. Let's see if you really ARE a piece of work.
"Alright, Jack-- what was Ms. Mewton like?"
Jack let out a dreamy sigh. "Beautiful... stunning... smart... tantalizing... feisty... mysterious... basically the most desirable woman you could ever ask for."
Trying not to frown, Leonid pencilled in his answer.
"What is your relationship to (or with) her?"
A wistful look with a touch of real sadness washed over Jack's face as he answered again. "She was... my first love. We dated for five positively dreamlike months until she... she dumped me. Since then, we'd see each other around sometimes, maybe talk a bit here and there."
Leonid nodded, writing that down as well (along with a little note reading 'Что за неудачник...').
"When did you see her last?"
"Back in November. The 15th I think. Saw her getting stuff at a grocery store and we chatted a bit."
"'Bout what?"
"Y'know... life stuff. How we were doing in them. She told me she was going away for a little bit."
Scribble scribble.
"Did you know her specific plans?"
"Naw, she wouldn't say. She was being weirdly secretive. That's part of why I like her so much. I love figuring out how she works."
Scribble scribble scribble scribble.
"Do you know anyone who may wish ill will upon her?"
"I know two."
Leonid raised his eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Her dads-- Lionel and Lupus Mewton. They never had a great relationship. Lionel's a doctor, Lupus is a bigshot lawyer, they had great expectations of her. Grem wasn't entirely keen on those expectations, and she could be a bit... troublesome, too."
Leo nodded. "Do you know where they live?"
"Hometon, Missoury, 45 [STREET NAME]."
The detective jotted it down.
"Now, I want to talk about something your cousin said... Does Paula Lopez ring a bell?"
Jack nodded. "Yeah, she's my aunt Luanne and Uncle Anton's kid. I'm guessing you know she took my house?"
"Yes. She mentioned you had a lot of 'weird pictures' of a girl in your house. I was wondering what that was about."
Jack scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Man, ever since she married Cary, she's been overthinking everything. I get she's got little kids, but you don't gotta look into things so much! Anyway, I had a couple pictures of Grem around the house, mostly from when we were dating... they're just nice keepsakes. I left 'em behind when me and the wife moved."
Quickling scribbling that down, Leonid got to the last question:
"Can I hear about your wife?"
The dreamy look returned to Jack's face.
"Claire is... amazing." he sighed. "I couldn't ask for anyone better. She's so nice, and caring, and smart... I can see us staying together, til death do us part."
Leonid nodded again, writing this information down-- as well as underlining his wife's name.
"Thank you for answering all of my questions, Mr. Harris." Leonid stated, putting away the pad and pencil. "I hope it wasn't too botherso-"
The two were interrupted by plates.
Specifically plates being placed quite quickly in front of them (along with glasses, though they were drowned out by the sound of ceramic against hardwood). On Leonid's plate was a rack of very large ribs, over twice the size of any regular ribs he'd been given before, drowning in a spicy-smelling sauce. Next to it was a steaming pile of crispy curly fries. Jack's plate had 4-5 chicken wings in flaky batter, plus some Caesar salad.
The waiter-- Steven again-- looked down at them with a grin.
"Bon Appetit, you two."
Leonid only managed to finish half of the moose ribs.
As delicious as they were, he simply couldn't handle the amount of food he'd been given. He only got a third of the way through the fries, too.
While Leonid suffered where he sat, Jack picked the last of the meat off his wings using his large front teeth. Sitting back with a sigh, he chirped, "It was nice talkin' to you, detective. I hope I could answer your questions well!"
"Same for me," Leonid groaned out, "You've been a valuable source."
Steven the waiter came back with a checkbook and portable card scanner. "I'm here for the bill, now."
Leonid started reaching into his pocket, but Jack spoke up with "It's alright, Leonid." before taking out his wallet.
"You... You're paying for me?" Leo blurted.
Jack nodded sagely as he tapped his card again the machine.
A receipt was printed out (which Steven briefly scribbled on) before he gave it to Jack.
"Pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen." He crooned.
With that, the moose was gone again.
Jack briefly looked over the receipt before handing it to Leonid, explaining, "I think this is for you."
Leonid took a look of his own.
Under the amount paid was a phone number and a doodle of a moose.
Blushing furiously, Leonid stuffed it into his pocket before getting up.
"Well... I'm gonna be leaving now. I'd get a takeout box, but I don't think I can handle any more of this."
"Same here," Jack responded, "I don't think there's any room for the crumbs on my plate. I don't think my wife'll want 'em either."
"I see then. Goodbye, Harris."
"Bye, detective!"
So they both left.
In the parking lot, leaning against his car, Leonid took a drag off a cigarette as he reflected on his encouter with Jack.
Well... I know he's annoying, that's for sure. I'm still not sure if he IS a kidnapper, but... it's a bit weird how his wife has Grementine's original name. Plus, the way he answered didn't really feel right.
Oh well. Maybe his wife has answers?
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benha123 · 3 months
12 năm rồi mới gặp lại nhau.
Dẫn cô ấy đi xem phim, order bắp mix 2 vị caramel, phô mai cùng với nước ngọt, nước suối thì tụi tôi ra ngồi đợi tới giờ chiếu.
Tôi ngồi đối diện cô ấy, cô ấy ngắm nghía hộp bắp với ly nước ngọt, lấy tay chỉ vào từng cái, hỏi tôi "Cái bắp vị này với vị này, cái nào ngon khi ăn chung với nước ngọt?"
Tôi chỉ tay về cô ấy và nói: "Không biết nữa nhưng cái này là ngon nhất".
Rồi 2 đứa che mặt cười quá trời vì 1 đứa thấy ngại, 1 đứa thì "ủa sao đầu nhảy số nhanh vậy trời".
Btw, phim hay nhé mọi người.
Ảnh cô ấy tự thêm filter trái tim, ngôi sao các kiểu, tôi chỉ làm mờ để chứng minh là hôm nay tôi với cô ấy vui thiệt.
She said it's not a date but with me, it actually was.
15/6/2024 - Inside Out 2
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lesnusdunreveur · 11 months
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Modèle : Minh Ly
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