#MSS 2024
anjuschiffer · 6 months
Momma's Lullaby
Welp here's another entry for @official-timari-server's Shutterbug Station 2024!
Tags: @toodaloo-kangaroo @vixen-uchiha
Damian is recovering from memory loss after a mission having gone wrong. With his memories barely in tact and only remembering his family's names, Damian was placed into 24 hour surveillance and staying home until his memories returned…hopefully. While at home, Damian was encouraged to do whatever he felt comfortable in doing, drawing and painting being one of them. Out of nowhere, Damian started to remember something from a very long time ago.
“Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free,
Heaven above and the sea below,
And a little white whale on the go.”
Jason stopped half stride as he heard someone sing, ensuing him to figure out who it was. 
“Baby Beluga, baby Beluga,” Jason turned a hall, muttering in disbelief when the voice came from Damian’s room
“Is the water warm, is your mama home,” He couldn’t believe it…
“With you so happy?” It really was Damian singing, the boy lost in his painting as he slowly swiped his brush across the incomplete canvas in front of him.
In the few weeks that Damian was brought to them, Jason has never heard the boy sing. Hell, he never sang to begin with. So hearing him sing, nonetheless a song that seemed so familiar to the boy, Jason knew he had to get Dick.
Damian watched as the blue paint he dabbed onto the canvas started to morph into a small rubber whale, watching as his hands morphed into small chubby ones, holding onto said whale. He watched as he threw the whale just a few inches away from himself, laughing up a storm when he watched the whale barely sink upon hitting the water
His own squeals were soon accompanied by some distant giggling, Damian feeling his entire body lighten up upon hearing the familiar laugh, feeling the need to smile as he turned to look at the person next to him, her face resting on the edge of the bathtub. Large bluebell eyes smiled at him.
“Was that fun, Dami? Was it fun?” She asked him, Damian finding himself just squealing as she pinched his cheek. “Oh you’re just so cute! Let’s get you washed up, okay?” She tucked a strand of midnight hair behind her ear before she went to scrub his hair. 
“Way down yonder where the dolphins play,
Where you dive and splash all day,” She slowly rinsed the soap off, Damian watching the suds surround him.
“The waves roll in and the waves roll out,
See the water squirting out of your spout.” She brought his bath toys closer to him when Damian started to cry as he watched his beluga toy float away.
“Baby Beluga, oh baby Beluga,
Sing your little song, sing for all your friends,
We like to hear you.” She sang as she took him out of the tub and wrapped a towel around him, kissing his nose as she took him to his room.
The room was dim, only a lamp lit the room, speckling the room with tiny stars of light. She laid him on the bed and quickly put him into a soft pair of pajamas so that he would remain warm.
“When its dark and your home and fed,
Curled up snug in your water bed,” She sang as she tucked him under some blankets and laid right beside him.
“Moon is shining and the stars are out,
Good night little whale good night.” She sang, Damian feeling his eyes turn heavy, his consciousness fighting the drowsiness that enveloped his body.
“Baby Beluga, oh baby Beluga,
With tomorrow's sun, another day's begun,
You'll soon be waking.” He found himself closing his eyes.
Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free,
Heaven above and the sea below,
And a little white whale on the go.
You're just a little white whale on the go.” Damian whispered as he opened his eyes, lifting his paintbrush away from the canvas, finally leaning back to look at the woman staring back at him. Or at least, he knew the face of a woman was looking at him, but try as he may, for the life of him, he just couldn’t-
“What do you have there, Dami?” Dick asked, Damian controlling his flinching from the sudden call. “Who’s that? Someone you know?”
Damian felt something stir in chest, because the longer he tried to stare at her face, he couldn’t see her face. He could only see, he could only recognize the bright shade of bluebell that he adored to see everyday. He loved her attention. Her hugs. He loved her voice and yet… “Damian. Is everything-”
“I don’t know.” Damian answered in the quietest voice Dick had ever heard him speak since he had known the kid. “I don’t know who she is.”
“Well for someone you don’t know…she’s very pretty.”
“She was.” Damian found himself saying, feeling his mind muddle. “She was very pretty…and her voice was pretty. She’d always sing me the same lullaby while tucking me in for bed.” Damian admitted.
“She tucked you into bed? When you were younger?” 
“I think…I’m not completely sure.” Damian looked at her face one last time, but like always, he could only see her eyes. 
Eyes that he wished he could see again.
What he would give to be able to see her again. “But I know one thing. 
I used to call her Momma.”
“Momma! Momma don’t go!” Damian yelled as Talia pulled him back, Damian watching as Momma was guided out the League’s compound, her luggage carried by two guards. “Momma!”
Damian watched as she stopped and said something to the guards. She turned around and simply smiled. “Momma?”
“Take care Dami. Grow up and find me, okay?” She smiled one last time before she turned around, Damian watched her disappear into the exit that led to the outside world he was forbidden to go into.
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ghost-town-story · 7 months
FebruarOC Day 24: Xiasis
(This is the first snippet I've actually written for MSS, so just ignore the worldbuilding holes that still exist lol)
Xiasis rapped three times on the door, then stood back to wait.
A few moments later, Kageki opened the door. To anybody else, he probably looked ridiculously put together for how early it was, but Xiasis could see tangles in his dark hair and the sparkle of what was probably some illusion magic fading from his fingertips.
Kageki blinked a few times, then stepped aside to let Xiasis into his room.
“Good morning,” Xiasis said as they entered.
Kageki closed the door behind them, and Xiasis immediately saw the shift from his perfectly poised persona to the person he was in private. Which, at this time of morning, was sleepy and grumpy. “Awake with the sun I see,” he grumbled.
“Of course.” Xiasis couldn’t contain a grin. “Can’t waste the light, after all.”
Kageki grumbled and ran a hand through his hair, combing out the tangles but leaving it messier than before. “Why are you here so early?” he asked. “I know it’s our first day back but classes still don’t start until midmorning.”
“Which is why,” Xiasis said, reaching into their jacket and removing a book, “I thought you might want to spend the time until breakfast working on your personal projects.”
Kageki’s gaze immediately sharpened as he narrowed in on the book. “Is that…”
“I asked my mother, and she talked with a few reputable artificers that she knows, and they recommended a few books for Light runes specifically,” Xiasis explained. “Unfortunately, this was the only one I was able to find before the end of break.”
Kageki grabbed Xiasis’s free hand and kissed the back of it. “I knew there was a reason I liked you best.”
“I’m not sure if I should be flattered or insulted on behalf of our classmates,” Xiasis said, though they let Kageki take the book from their grip.
Kageki waved a hand carelessly, already flipping through the pages. “Take it as a compliment sunshine,” he said. “You mind helping me out with a few of these?”
“You’re going to test them now?” Xiasis asked. “You’ve had that book for all of five seconds—”
“And there is no progress without experimentation,” Kageki said, cutting them off. He set the book down on his desk, open on a specific page, then crossed the room to his trunk and withdrew one of his automatons. “Plus, I’m going to start out with the easy runes. Mother would have me cleaning every square inch of her shop by hand if I had something explode on me cause I rushed into complicated runework.”
“Somehow that doesn’t make me feel better,” Xiasis said dryly. “What do you need my help with anyways?”
“Powering the runes.” Kageki set the automaton down on his desk and started unscrewing one of the metal plates. Xiasis knew from hours of watching Kageki that he inscribed the runes on a removable plate, so he could easily try out different runes without building a whole new automaton every time. “I can power the Dark ones just fine, obviously, but from my understanding, Light runes will need Light magic to power them.”
“So what’s the point if you can’t even power the runes yourself?” Xiasis asked.
“Again, progress sunshine.” Kageki flashed them a smirk as he finished removing the old rune plate. He set it aside and grabbed a blank sheet of metal to replace it. “Finding somebody willing to power different runes for me is a non-issue in the long run. What could be an issue is…” He trailed off, moving various parts around on his desk as he searched for something.
Xiasis sighed, but grabbed the engraving pen they could see on the corner of his desk and handed it to him. “The whole “could potentially blow up on you” bit?” they finished.
“The usual dangers I could run into with experimentation,” Kageki corrected. “Not always explosions. Thanks.”
“Often explosions, according to our professor,” Xiasis countered, crossing their arms.
“Depends,” Kageki said, even as he focused on copying the rune from the book Xiasis had given him. “If you’re experimenting with Fire, nine times out of ten you’re probably going to get an explosion. My mother has caused a few implosions but nothing on the scale of some of the Fire artificer disasters I’ve heard of. Which is one of the reasons why I’m experimenting with Light runes first rather than any other.”
“Plus then you’d have to ask one of the others for rune books,” Xiasis teased.
“Oh no.” Kageki raised his eyes to the ceiling. “Can you imagine? I think Hali would give it enough thought, maybe Cyra, but Noelani would definitely forget I asked until two days before the end of break and just grab whatever book she could find first. And don’t get me started on Sylvain.”
“What do you have against him?” Xiasis asked. “You’ve had a grudge since we first started school.”
Kageki bit his lip and didn’t speak for a moment. He finished copying the rune, and quickly went to work carving a rune that Xiasis had seen on several other test plates.
“Sunshine,” he said, “how much competition was there for you to get into this school?”
Xiasis frowned, but they knew Kageki wouldn’t outright avoid a question, so they answered him. “Plenty.”
“We’ve both worked hard to be here,” Kageki said, glancing at Xiasis. They nodded in confirmation. “And, I think it’s pretty safe to say that the majority of our classmates have done the same,” he continued. “Except for Sylvain. It… irked me that I spent years proving myself worthy of one of these spots, and he walked in, admitted to putting in no effort, and proceeded to continue not putting in any effort.”
“Effort by your standards,” Xiasis pointed out. Kageki’s standards were much higher than anybody else’s, although he usually didn’t hold anybody else up to them.
“Did it look like he was trying much to you?” Kageki asked. Xiasis had to admit that he had a point there.
“He has gotten better,” Kageki continued. “Still not up to the standard I try to keep for our other classmates, but better than that first year. But, as Father always says, first impressions are everything.”
Kageki finished attaching the new rune plate to the automaton, then placed his hand over the Dark rune. “So, Earth runes are probably going to be the last ones I experiment with, if all goes well with this one. Ready to help?”
Xiasis was beginning to regret encouraging Kageki, but they moved to his side. “Alright.”
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garadinervi · 2 months
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June Jordan, July 9, 1936 / 2024
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(images: June Jordan to Barbara Christian, October 7, 1977. From: Constellations of Black feminism in UC Berkeley's archives. Carton 6:50, Barbara Christian papers, BANC MSS 2003/199 c, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA)
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humanrightsupdates · 3 months
Child Protection urged as the Multinational Security Support Mission deploys to Haiti
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As the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission, led by the Kenyan police, began to deploy to Haiti last month, Amnesty International reiterated the urgent need to ensure the mission establishes safeguards to prevent human rights violations, provides child protection training to its personnel, and commits to operating with the highest standards of transparency, as previously recommended by the organization in a public statement issued on 3 June 2024.
“It is truly concerning that the deployment of the Kenyan police contingent to Haiti is going forward, without transparent information regarding whether or how it has implemented human rights safeguards,” said Ana Piquer, Americas Director at Amnesty International.
Among these protections is the need to ensure the MSS is prepared to encounter children during its operations, including children who have been recruited by gangs. Last week the UN Secretary-General reported on Haiti for the first time in his Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict, revealing the UN had verified 383 grave violations committed against children in Haiti last year. They included recruitment and use, killing and maiming, and sexual violence predominantly by criminal gangs engaged in widespread violence and clashes with authorities.
“Kenya and Haiti have a shared responsibility, as do their allies like the United States, among others, to stop overlooking the suffering of thousands of Haitian children. Introducing foreign troops into Haiti without proper human rights training, use of force protocols and accountability mechanisms, further endangers the population, particularly children, who endure the daily onslaught of violence”, said Ana Piquer, Americas Director at Amnesty International.
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Update 2024/03/26
TF version to: Highkee Jeans.
TM version to: Shipwreck Jeans.
EF version to: Comfy Day Casuals.
EM version to: MSS Romantic Robe.
TAEF MtF conversions to: Wazzup Workout Sweats.
TAEM FtM conversions to: Fashionable Outfit, French Farmer Outfit, Loose Blouse Outfit.
AM maternity morphs to many Into the Future clothes (they require ITF but are not default replacements).
mesh and texture edits on: Farlaquin Hoodie (AM), Layered Jacket and Shirt (AM), Miniskirt with Belt (AF).
mesh edits on: Highkee Jeans (AF), International Intrigue Raincoat (AF), Quilted Jacket (AM), Turtleneck Sweater (AF).
texture edits on: Quilted Leather Jacket (AF), V-neck Sweater (AF).
channel, mesh edit and maternity morphs for TAEF on: Morning in the Garden Dress.
mashup for CF between Dress with Bolero and Princess Dress Costume.
separate top for the Double-Breasted Suit, for teens and adults.
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thehorrortree · 7 months
Deadline: September 30th, 2024 Payment: $5 Theme: Horror taking place in the suburbs Owning your own home is a dream come true for so many people. But.. What if your HOA just happens to be comprised of Satan's minions? What if your next door neighbor is batshit, tits-out loony tunes? What if the amazing house in that idyllic, leafy subdivision you just bought was actually built on an ancient Indian burial ground? All hell breaks loose. Literally. HellBound Books wants your most horrific stories of HOAs from Hell, horrific neighbors, terrifying properties, and everything else that goes along with the wonderfully human experience of owning your own home. PLEASE read and adhere to our submission guidelines...  * Word format saved in .doc, or .docx * 12 pt times new roman * Double spaced * Absolutely NO extra lines between paragraphs! * 4K-10K word count * Write 'SUBURBAN' along with your name and story title in the header of your email *The body of your submission email will be considered the cover letter. * The submission documents are to be separated and Word (.doc or .docx) documents are to be attached to your submission email. To submit, email your polished story to [email protected] - Make sure that you check your mss for grammar and punctuation, use our guidelines to help you: DOWNLOAD YOUR HBB GUIDE TO GRAMMAR HERE (PDF) Deadline: 30 September 2024 NO REPRINTS - ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED WORKS ONLY Payment - $5.00 for first rights. Capped at 100K words in total. Via: Hellbound Books Publishing.
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Episode 18: Olivia Baskerville on the Great Survey, the Greek New Testament, and the history of England
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Pages from the Codex Sinaiticus (l) and The Domesday Book (r)
In Episode 18 of Inside My Favorite Manuscript, we have a two-fer! Dot and Lindsey chat with Olivia Baskerville about her two favorite manuscripts: The Domesday Book and the Codex Sinaiticus. The Domesday Book, completed in 1086, documents a tax survey taken of most of England and parts of Wales after the Norman Conquest, while Codex Sinaiticus is a complete copy of the New Testament, written in Greek in the 4th century and sold to England by the Soviet Union in 1933. While very different in form and content, both manuscripts have played important roles in English culture, and we'll spend most of our time talking about the politics surrounding their creation and use over the course of England's history.
Listen here, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Below the cut are more images and links relevant to the conversation.
The Domesday Book at the National Archives (includes digitized images taken from the 1986 photographic facsimile, free to download in PDF format if you sign in)
Open Domesday (includes digital images taken from the 1850s photozincographic reproduction of Domesday, made by Ordnance Survey in Southampton. As Andrew Prescott points out on Twitter, the plates used to make this facsimile have been cleaned up and some marginalia removed)
Page of the Domesday book showing Bedford in Bedfordshire (image from the National Archives)
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Codex Sinaiticus (transcription and digital images)
Codex Sinaiticus fol. 217b, the opening of the Book of Mark
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The same page within the context of the website, transcription and translation on the right.
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Example of a Canon Table from British Library Burney 41, f. 19v. From left to right, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John showing the divisions that were used before the invention of the modern system of chapter and verses. The numbers in the columns will be written alongside the text in the main part of the Bible. (Wikipedia page on Eusebian Canons)
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The canon table that Olivia mentioned, from the Codex Amiatinus (digitized online at the Library of Congress)
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Codex Sinaiticus fol. 217b, zoom in on the bottom right under standard light.
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Codex Sinaiticus fol. 217b, zoom in on the bottom right margin under raking light. The ruling is so clear!
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Wikipedia page on the Soviet sale of paintings from the Hermitage Museum (which happened around the same time that the Codex Sinaiticus was sold)
Newsreel Footage of Codex Sinaiticus from 1933, blog post by Brent Nongbri includes the movie footage embedded.
The CULTIVATE MSS project (2019-2024), funded by the European Research Council, explores how the trade in medieval manuscripts between 1900 and 1945 affected the development of ideas about the nature and value of European culture during this period. (Project website)
The Cost of Culture, the podcast of the CULTIVATE MSS project
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blablapret · 5 months
Morning Pages
Anggap saja ini morning pages walaupun saya menulisnya di jam 14.40 siang.
Saya ingin menaklukkan beberapa habits:
Bangun sebelum subuh. Biar berasa ramadhan setiap hari
Baca Quran setiap hari. Sebagai muslim, saya malu nulis ini karena harusnya udah jadi habit dari jaman baheula. Tapi nyatanya saya masih struggle utk bisa ngejar 1 juz per hari. Akhirnya utk menyiasati ini, saya ikut kelas tahsin. Gapapa ga 1 juz, tapi bacaannya berkualitas. Makhraj dan Hak2 hurufnya tertunaikan dgn baik.
Renang. Udah kepala 3 tapi rasanya renta banget ya Allah. Gampang encog dan bersahabat dgn koyo. Kalo ga dijaga kesehatannya apakabar 10-20 thn kemudian? Mending uangnya diinvestasiin buat hidup sehat daripada buat bayar rumah sakit ga sih :') Alhamdulillah saya nemu komunitas MSS (Muslimah Swimming Squad), lumayan lah bs renang rutin seminggu sekali. Diajarin gaya dada yg enakeuun dan ga bikin capek. Teknik pernafasannya lebih gampang daripada teknik pernafasan renang konvensional yg lewat mulut itu. Dan kerennya lagi, para coachnya ga mau dibayar T_T jadi kita hanya bayar tiket masuk. Ya Allah meuni bageur2 pisan, mereka tuh udah di titik mental "Apa yang bisa saya beri?". Malu sama kita2 yg masih punya mental "apa nih yg bisa saya dapet/ambil"
Sepedaan. Awalnya karena harus terapi motorik kasar babang tiap pagi ngajak dia main sepeda ke luar rumah minimal 30 menit sehari. Eh ternyata seru juga. Akhirnya jd pengen lebih banyak pake sepeda daripada motor. Minimal ke pasar lah. Semoga Allah catat sbg amal soleh mengurangi jejak karbon di muka bumi. Aamiin
Morning pages/journalling. Sebagai ADHD, yg isi kepalanya ruwet pagujud. Pengeen banget bisa membiasakan diri spare waktu minimal 20 menit buat nulis aliran rasa hari ini, ngelist apa yg harus dikerjain. Untuk apa? untuk menghempaskan perasaan overwhelming yg bikin saya tergesa2 dan cranky.
Meal prep. Biar sat set di dapur
Ngompos dan berkebun. Cita2 dari dulu pengen punya "dapur hidup". Channel yutub favorit: Li Zi Qi atau versi lokalnya Bumiku Satu.
Baca Buku. Ini sebenernya habit yg effortless waktu jaman belum punya 2 bocil. Dulu sering banget baca buku self development. Tp sekarang ga mau membatasi diri kudu buku yg berat2 atau gimana. Mau dimulai dari buku living books. Saya mau balik jadi Gita umur 8 thn yg ketagihan baca buku Secret Garden, Lilttle Prince, Heidy, Lima Sekawan :)
Shaum Sunnah. Maluuu sama Tabina, anak ini dari kls 2 SD udah rutin shaum senin kamis padahal ga ada yg nyuruh T_T. Gegara Tabina sering liat gurunya di sekolah shaum sunnah, dia jadi ikutan dan ketagihan. Masyaa Allah. Dapet pendidikan adab yg ga bs dipelajari lewat buku manapun, kecuali dari akhlak guru :')
Dzikir pagi dan petang no debat.
Segitu dulu deh. Sedikit dulu biar istiqomah.
Evaluasi per Mei 2024
Sudah berjalan & konsisten: 2,3
Sudah berjalan & perlu ditingkatkan: 1, 9, 4, 5, 10
Baru mulai: 7
Belum mulai: 6,8
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darekano94 · 9 months
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いやここまで鈍い子なんだから言わなきゃわからないのでは…???ってずっと思ってたので今回の解決策はとても好きです…双方!!!ちゃんと言えたね!!!って 自分で見つけろって言ってもほんとに盲点だと気づくのは無理ですよね…周りが余計な手出しをせず、ひたすら��いパスを…メンタルケアを請け負ってくれるリア様…時女一族もめちゃめちゃ自然な流れで関わって…涼子さんがほっとけなかったのもお母さんのこととかに関わってるのかなーって思うとですね…まぁ唯一、物語に普通衣装で参加になったささらさんだけがちょっと寂しいよ何か着せてあげてよとは思いましたが…(欲)この物語につきあわせるやつ(言い方)も固有魔法だね…って言われると納得ですね…なんかすごい今回納得させてくれるじゃん…みたいな…(失礼すぎる)いやまぁ想いが…引き起こした…奇跡かな…って展開も好きですが地味に地味に今回の物語積み重ねで好きです…
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presslakay · 9 days
Une vingtaine d'officiers jamaïcains atterrissent en Haïti dans le cadre de la MSS
Comme annoncé, une vingtaine d’officiers de la Jamaïque ont atterri, ce jeudi 12 septembre 2024, à Port-au-Prince, dans le cadre du déploiement de la Mission Multinationale de Soutien à la Sécurité. Après les centaines de policiers kényans arrivés progressivement dans le pays, c’est maintenant au tour des forces jamaïcaines de venir intégrer la force multinationale appelée à soutenir la Police…
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mi6-uk · 17 days
Well worth a read - quite complicated espionage stuff - just like Beyond Enkription!
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anjuschiffer · 6 months
The Void You Left Behind
For @official-timari-server event: Shutterbug Station 2024
Prompt: Dwelling
Tags: @toodaloo-kangaroo @vixen-uchiha
When was the last time I was here? Luka found himself asking himself as he turned the key to their apartment. 
Was it after the funeral? 
Or a few days after? 
Was it when he let Alya clean the apartment?
He couldn’t quite remember, but even so, he stepped in.
Why was it so dark in here? And cold? Wasn’t it always nice and warm?
Maybe it was because he hadn’t been here in a while. Yeah, that had to be it.
He probably remembered it wrong.
Luka kicked his shoes at the entrance, stumbling over one as he stepped further into their apartment. He cursed it as he let his bag drop to the floor, listening as the thud echoed out into the kitchen.
It was only then that he realized that he was probably going to have to order take out. After all, he wasn’t greeted by the usual aroma of freshly baked bread he would often smell upon opening the apartment. He stared at the barren counter and unused stove.
“Luka! Welcome back!”
For once, Luka saw the kitchen tidy and sparkling clean. Something he rarely saw in their five years of residing in their apartment.
Usually, he’d see the occasional pot or pan on the counter or on the stove. Some days it was a pastry on the counter cooling off or a plate of food waiting for him. There were days where he saw a timer and scattered recipes on the counter followed by a yell telling him to check the stove or oven.
“Luka! Can you taste the soup?”
His stomach growled, signaling him to hurry up with the ordering. So he made his way to their couch to be able to think about his possible decisions for dinner.
As he made his way over, he could hear each and every step he took with clarity, hating that his socks didn’t muffle it one bit. 
He plopped himself onto the couch, quickly opening up his phone and scrolling through apps to see what he wanted to order. He felt the couch dip next to him, a smile curling on his lips as he felt something warm lean into him.
“Hey Mari, want any-” Luka stopped himself when he realized no one actually sat next to him, feeling his throat close up at the realization.
With his hunger long gone, he decided to just watch something on the tv when he realized that the remote wasn’t on the coffee table where it usually rested…on top of the coaster Mari made when they first moved into the apartment.
Luka picked up the crocheted coaster, chuckling at the uneven stitching and obvious mistakes she did while trying to make the round edges of the flower.
“Must you keep reminding me of your absence?” He whispered to himself, laying the coaster back onto the table as he got up, barely registering the answering machine that went off in the kitchen.
“-it’s Tim…just wanted to let you know…if you can’t stay the night, you know you can always stay with us again, okay? Just…call me when you can…okay? ”
He walked past barren walls that were once covered with their wedding photos and photos of their many dates. Photos of their friends and miscellaneous trinkets they would buy while they traveled the world. Photos that were now stored in their guest room that was probably thickly coated in dust.
Getting closer to their room, he swore he heard a voice coming from it, only to find no one there.
Instead, something shiny caught his attention thanks to the small crack of light that made its way through the curtains, causing a reflection to bounce off the metallic item laying on their bed.
He approached it, his throat completely closing up as he picked it up.
Her wedding ring.
The same ring she wore the day she died in the car accident.
The ring that matched his own.
A ring that was the pair to the one he never took off ever since they got married seven years ago. 
A ring that once symbolized their promise to each other.
“Til death do us part.” Luka croaked out, feeling his knees give out. 
He screamed into the bed sheets, gripping at them as he finally let out everything he had been bottling up all this time.
He didn’t know how long he had screamed and cried for, but he knew it was for a while.
His eyes felt heavy as he stared at the ring in front of his feet, laughing back at him as he pulled the comforter closer to his skin.
Despite its looks, the comforter felt cold against his skin. It did not comfort him in any way; it felt nothing like Marinette’s warm embraces. 
Something he had to learn to live without…
A life without Mari…
He slowly closed his eyes, the quietness of the apartment lulling him to sleep.
He hoped he would never wake up…
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usaii · 28 days
Dr. Milton Mattox Emphasizes AI Certifications at the MSS and Physical Cyber Convergence Forum | USAII®
Dr. Milton Mattox, CEO of USAII® stresses AI-driven education, challenges in US education, and more at the 8 th MSS & Physical Cyber Convergence Forum at Phoenix.
Read more: https://shorturl.at/m2f7T
Dr. Milton Mattox, Physical Cyber Convergence Forum Phoenix 2024, 8th Annual Physical Cyber Convergence Forum Phoenix 2024
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trendingreportz · 2 months
Satellite Communication Market - Forecast, 2024-2030
Satellite Communication Market Overview
The Market for Satellite Communication is projected to reach $15.18 billion by 2030, progressing at a CAGR of 9.4% from 2024 to 2030. Satellite communication refers to the transmission of data, voice, and video signals using artificial satellites as relay stations. This technology enables communication over long distances, including areas where traditional terrestrial communication infrastructure is unavailable or impractical. Satellite communication systems typically involve the use of ground stations to uplink data to orbiting satellites, which then downlink the data to other ground stations or directly to end-users. These systems are employed in various applications, including telecommunications, broadcasting, navigation, remote sensing, and military operations. The rising demand for various applications such as audio broadcasting and voice communications in end-user industries is analyzed to fuel the growth of the satellite communication industry. The significant adoption of direct-to-home (DTH) in media and entertainment applications is set to positively impact the growth of the market as satellite communication plays a crucial role in communication in providing subscribers with high-quality content. An increase in the use of High Throughput Satellite (HTR) and Low Earth Orbit Satellite for high-speed broadcasting satellite services, cellular backhaul, and other value-added services such as video conferencing, VOIP is set to be the major driver for the growth of the market. The rising adoption of satellite telemetry, automatic identification systems, and Very Small Aperture Terminal markets with improved uplink frequency will drive the market growth.
Report Coverage
The report based on: “Satellite Communication Market – Forecast (2024-2030)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments. By Technology: Satellite Telemetry, AIS, VSAT and Others. By Communication Network: Satellite Internet Protocol Terminals, Gateways, Modems and others. By Satellite Services: FSS, BSS, MSS, RNSS, Metrological Satellite Services, SBS, RSS. By Communication Equipment: Network Equipment, Consumer Devices. By End User: Commercial (Power and Utilities, Maritime, Mining, Healthcare, Telecommunication & others), Government & Military (Space Agencies, Defence, Academic Research & others). By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Others), APAC (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America (Brazil, Argentina and others), and ROW (Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Media and Entertainment is set to dominate the satellite communication market owing to the rising demand from a growing population. This is mainly attributed to the increasing demand for the internet and online streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and so on.
North America has dominated the market share in 2023, however APAC is analysed to grow at highest rate during the forecast period due to the high implementation of 5G in the mobile broadband technologies.
Deployment of 5G, requiring high bandwidth for communication is set to drive the market during the forecast period 2024-2030.
Satellite Communication Market Segment Analysis - by Satellite Services
Satellite services is segmented into fixed satellite services, broadcasting satellite services, mobile satellite services, radio navigation satellite services and others. Mobile satellite services is analyzed to hold the highest share in the satellite communication market in 2023 at 39.1% majorly attributed to the high number of subscribers. There are majorly deployed in aeronautical, land, and maritime services for communication thereby contributing to the growth of the market. For instance, SpaceX's Starlink aims to roll out a commercial satellite-to-phone service in 2024, starting with SMS, then expanding to voice, data, and IoT connectivity by 2025. Advertising on their website, they emphasize compatibility with unaltered LTE phones for setup. In November 2023, The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and NASA are launched a collaborative Earth observation satellite in the first quarter of the upcoming year, as confirmed by the deputy minister for science and technology.
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Satellite Communication Market Segment Analysis - by End User
Media and Entertainment segment is set to dominate the market in 2023 at 25.9%. The significant rise in usage of services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube and so on for entertainment is set to contribute to the growth of the market. Adding to this, the breakout of COVID-19 has led to the high traffic in entertainment applications due to lockdowns implemented in various countries. This is set to be a major contributing factor for increasing demand for higher bandwidths resulting in the growth of the market during the forecast period. The Telecom and IT segment is analysed to grow at significant rate during the forecast period, majorly attributed to the deployment of technologically advanced internet connectivity solutions in the majority of the firms. All these factors are together impacting the growth of the satellite communication market. As a result, growing the demand for satellite services continues to surge across various sectors, driven by advancements in communication technology and expanding applications
Satellite Communication Market by Geography - Segment Analysis
North America is analyzed to be the dominant region in 2023 at 43%, followed by APAC and Europe. This is mainly attributed to the high adoption of advanced technologies in the region alongside the large infrastructural development for the implementation of high broadband services. APAC is anticipated to showcase the highest growth rate during the forecast period 2024-2030. This is majorly due to the high number of satellite launches aimed at communication. For instance, India launched GSAT-24, a communication satellite, in mid-2022. The satellite is built by ISRO for NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), a government company under the Department of Space. GSAT-24 is a 24-ku band satellite that weighs 4180 kg. Adding to this, the development of advanced technologies in countries such as China and South Korea is set to elevate the market growth rate. In December 2023, China became a pioneering force in 5G, boasting over 3 million base stations and extending services to 750 million mobile users and 17,000 factories. This technological advancement solidifies China's position as a global leader in both the deployment and commercialization of 5G infrastructure. These factors are set to boost the market growth during the forecast period 2024-2030.
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Satellite Communication Market Drivers
Growing demand for Maritime Satellite Communication
The increasing demand for maritime satellite communication is significantly set to contribute to the growth of the market. The growing concern for the safety of the people at the borders is creating a dire need for communication. This is set to impact the growth of the maritime communication satellite market. In February 2022, The Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC) 's maritime VSAT network expanded to 400 vessels, including 373 sea-going and river ships, along with 27 ice-class ships, including 12 icebreakers. This marks a significant milestone for the Russian Satellite Communications Company in providing connectivity to maritime fleets. This is mainly attributed to providing satellite Automatic Identification System (AIS) data used for ship tracking and specific maritime projects.
Increased Investments for Deployment of 5G
The rise in demand for the 5G and the rising investments for the infrastructure development is to boost the wireless connectivity market. However, the deployment of 5G requires high bandwidth resulting in the launch of satellites thereby contributing to the growth of the satellite communication market. In 2022, For the deployment of 5G, SpaceX has received approval to launch nearly 12,000 starlink internet satellites. Therefore, the launch of these satellites is set to drive the satellite communication market.
Satellite Communication Market Challenges
Space Debris Hindering Launch of Satellites
The presence of space debris is set to pose severe challenges to the communication satellite market. In 2022, the ESA's Space Environment Report reported that over 30,000 pieces of space debris have been recorded and are regularly tracked by space surveillance networks. Space debris poses a significant threat, hindering satellite launches due to collision risks. This dead satellite is also a liability for other satellites that are on a similar trajectory as it’s a popular spot to deposit communications and surveillance satellites. The presence of dead satellites is resulting in the space debris is posing a severe threat to the various other satellites as well as the environment. These factors are set to hinder the growth of the market.
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Satellite Communication Market Landscape
Partnerships, acquisitions, collaboration, technological innovation along with product launches are the key strategies adopted by the players in the Satellite Communication Market. The top players of the market include AsiaSat, Hughes, Bharti Airtel, Space Star Technology, Airbus SE, Thales Group, L3Harris Technologies Inc., Swarm Technologies, Inc., Viasat, Inc., General Dynamics, among others
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In September 2022, Hughes Communications India has launched India's first High-Throughput Satellite broadband service, utilizing ISRO's GSAT-11 and GSAT-29 satellites along with Hughes JUPITER™ Platform ground technology. It delivers high-speed connectivity across India, supporting enterprise and government networks, community internet access, SD-WAN solutions, mobile network extension, and satellite internet for small businesses.
In November 2023, Viasat, Inc. and Skylo Technologies introduced the world's inaugural global direct-to-device (D2D) network, revolutionizing connectivity for consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide. Leveraging Viasat's expertise in satellite communications and Skylo's non-terrestrial network (NTN) services, this partnership unlocks vast potential for direct connectivity.
In July 2023, the SYRACUSE 4B secure military communications satellite, developed by Airbus and Thales Alenia Space, was triumphantly launched from the Guiana Space Center. This historic event marked the final mission for the Ariane 5, Europe's esteemed heavy launcher.
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