#MUSIC :o3
archaic-catpuns · 8 months
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dalgli3sh · 2 years
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PREPARE TO GET STARSTRUCK! Acabamos de ver LEONARD WILLIAM DALGLIESH passando pelo tapete vermelho! Com seus 35 anos, ele é um MÚSICO, ATOR E COMPOSITOR conhecido pelos seus fãs por ser muito EDUCADO E CORDIAL, embora há quem diga que nos bastidores ele possa ser bastante ORGULHOSO E TEIMOSO. Você ouviu o que os tabloides andam dizendo sobre ele? Não? Ah, eu te conto! Estão dizendo que FOI DIFÍCIL TRABALHAR COM ELE EM SEU ÚLTIMO PROJETO! Será que isso é verdade? Hm… esperamos que isso não comprometa o seu trabalho, porque ele é essencial atrás das câmeras!
𝅘𝅥𝅮 ⸺ 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗜𝗟 ❞
Nome: Leonard William Dalgliesh. Idade: 35 anos. Data de nascimento: 18/05/1988. Local de nascimento: Londres, Inglaterra. Ocupação: Ator, cantor e compositor. Orientação sexual: Heterossexual. MBTI: INFP. Gosta de: Privacidade, chuva, frio, comida no geral, ler, ouvir música, tocar violão, filmes, desenhos, animais, dormir, locais calmos, praia no final do dia, jogos, fazer trilhas, tomar vários banhos por dia. Não gosta de: Pessoas invasivas, lugares com muito barulho ou cheio de gente, calor, paparazzi, mentiras, ser subestimado, ignorado, dependência emocional, que mexam em suas coisas, pessoas desorganizadas e, principalmente, café americano.
Costuma ser uma pessoa bem calma e calada, gosta mais de observar antes de finalmente sair da bolha e socializar. Devido ao jeito quieto, muitos o julgam como alguém sério e de poucos amigos. Acontece que Leonard é introvertido e, com os anos no ramo artístico, vem tentando melhorar e muito esse seu lado. É como um golden retriever preso em um corpo de gato preto. É só saber conversar e ser paciente para conhecer o seu melhor lado. Sempre sorridente e muito brincalhão. Não esconde sua teimosia e muito menos o orgulho, ainda mais em situações onde tem certeza de que está certo. Dificilmente irá dar o braço a torcer. É um homem muito educado e cordial, a boa educação veio de berço e é sinônimo de orgulho por parte de sua mãe. Não costuma se estressar com frequência, mas depois dos inúmeros problemas que teve no trabalho, Leonard passou a frequentar a terapia copiosamente todos os anos. Isso o ajudou e muito, especialmente no seu desenvolvimento como pessoa e um bom profissional.
Leonard nasceu e viveu em Londres até os 10 anos de idade, quando se mudou para os EUA devido ao trabalho de seu pai na época. Sua família materna sempre teve um pé no mundo artístico, sua mãe foi atriz enquanto seus tios chegaram a montar uma banda de garagem que, infelizmente, nunca saiu dela. Seu avô era um grande fã de Jazz, seguiu a vida como cantor por longos anos até se casar e ter seu primeiro filho, largando a vida de cantor para focar na família que aos poucos foi crescendo. Já o lado paterno de Leon foi o responsável por tirá-lo de terras britânicas e coloca-lo em meio ao caos de New York. Seu pai um advogado bem renomado, iniciou um escritório na cidade após seus números de clientes crescer consideravelmente no país. Isso incluía empresários que, por gostarem do seu bom desempenho em Londres, acabaram o convencendo expandir sua clientela. O que Leon particularmente adorou, afinal, a vida tornou-se mais fácil e cheia de benefícios.
Diferente do pai que tinha um grande tato para os negócios, o garoto acabou seguindo os passos de seus tios maternos. Desde pequeno era amante de músicas e o primeiro instrumento que aprendeu a tocar foi violão, passando para a guitarra assim que entrou na adolescência. No entanto, por mais que não fosse o seu foco ou estilo, Leon levava jeito no piano e arriscou algumas aulas de violino. A mudança de garagem e showzinhos em bares ocorreu quando Leonard recebeu uma proposta, de um olheiro, para tentar uma vaga de guitarrista em uma banda até então desconhecida. O jovem que não tinha muito a perder, além de algumas aulas na faculdade, topou o desafio. A certeza do que queria só veio quando viu a banda tocando pela primeira vez para um grupo razoável de fãs. Foi ali que decidiu cair totalmente de cabeça na ideia de se tornar um guitarrista profissional.
Só que nem tudo eram flores. No começo Leonard não tinha o que reclamar, seguia a agenda imposta pela gravadora a risca e sempre que podia – ou tentava – colocava para jogo suas ideias e opiniões. Que por varias vezes foram ignoradas por “não ser o momento certo”. E uma vez dentro desse mundo e com alguns contatos por parte de seu pai, Leonard começou a procurar novas áreas no meio artístico, não queria se limitar a uma única função e desperdiçar suas oportunidades. A carreira como ator nasceu após uma conversa com sua mãe. A mulher acabou largando a carreira no seu auge para cometer o mesmo erro de seu pai: cuidar da família. Enterrando os seus sonhos para dedicar cada minutos aos seu filho e marido. Foi então que em 2010 deu inicio a suas aulas de atuação, algo novo e que despertou e muito a atenção de Leonard. As participações em audições serviam mais como um treinamento, buscando feedback para entender onde e o que precisava melhorar para se sair bem frente as câmeras. E foi numa dessas tentativas, de for não intencional, que acabou conquistando o papel de Jon Winter na saga Match of Thrones.
Conciliar a carreira como guitarrista de uma banda e ator de série não foi nada fácil, especialmente quando o projeto em questão acabou conquistando um publico muito alto. Isso gerou algumas ausências necessárias de Leonard em shows específicos, juntando isso ao fato de se sentir subestimado no grupo e a venda não autorizada de suas composições para outros cantores, o britânico anunciou sua saída imediata da Paraplus e sua vida se tornou, em partes, um inferno quando o processo contra a gravadora entrou em vigor. De um lado teve que aguentar fãs o taxando de ingrato e irresponsável por largar a banda com apenas duas integrantes, mas do outro tinha o apoio daqueles que – da forma como podiam e eram informados – apoiava a iniciativa do ex guitarrista. Seu rancor com os membros do Paraplus é algo é carrega até hoje, visto que nenhum deles ficou ao seu lado quando a gravadora lhe passou a perna ou o apoiou em suas sugestões.
Mediante os altos e baixos, Leonard fez sucesso na série ao qual trabalhava e, por mais que o final da mesma tenha se tornado um lixo e motivo de outro bafafá envolvendo seu nome, não negava que a oportunidade de crescer como ator lhe ajudou a abrir novas portas. Alguns singles foram lançados após sua saída do grupo, deixando claro para os poucos fãs da banda que ainda o acompanhava que não tinha pretensão de abandonar totalmente esse lado. Quando Match of thrones chegou ao fim, Leonard tirou um momento para focar em seu álbum, mas a data de lançamento tornou-se um mistério após ser anunciado em 2020 que seria o Batman na nova trilogia.  
𝅘𝅥𝅮 ⸺ 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗝𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗦 ❞
Projetos passados e encerrados: Ex integrante da Paraplus. Posição: Guitarrista. Projetos atuais como cantor solo:
Pretty (paródia de perfect) – 09/11/2017
Happiness (paródia de happie) – 27/04/2018
Strange habits (paródia de bad habits) – 25/06/2021
Álbum em andamento com previsão de lançamento para final de 2023.
Projeto passados e atuais como ator:
Jon Winter em Match of thrones – Paródia de Game of Thrones. (2012 até 2021).
Gary Unwin em Princesman: Serviço Secreto – Paródia de Kingman: Serviço Secreto. (2019)
Gary Unwin em Princesman: Circulo Dourado – Paródia de Kingsman: O Circulo Dourado. (2021).
Bruce Wayne/Batman em TRILOGIA BATMAN – ( Batman: a Vingança, ???, ??? )
Leonard caiu de cabeça no mundo da atuação e, devido aos seus esforços em crescer nesse ramo, não se importou em viver uma agenda apertada com duas gravações ocorrendo de forma simultânea.
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i5o3mdiii · 1 year
YOASOBI - 夜に駆ける(I5+O3 Remix) is out!! listen now!!
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d4wnofus · 2 years
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ᅟᅟ ᅟᅟ ᅟᅟ ᅟᅟ 𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙲 𝙼𝙰𝙽  — 𝖨'𝖬 𝖭𝖮𝖳 𝖠 𝖬𝖸𝖲𝖳𝖤𝖱𝖸, 𝖨'𝖬 𝖩𝖴𝖲𝖳 𝖬𝖠𝖦𝖨𝖢.  ᅟᅟ ᅟᅟ ᅟᅟ ᅟᅟ
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chytilovian-daisy · 7 months
cracks paws time to make a playlist 4 2nite
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th3wolves · 2 years
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ventismacchiato · 4 months
O3 stuck with you — pr team in shambles !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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The night was alive and the air was thick with multiple lights and smoke that you could have been underwater. It was a completely different world compared to the lonely nights you were used to staying up late to practice. You could hear the roar of the fans and music thrumming straight through your body and into your eardrums as the performances came to an end. Bodies moved around you like sweaty gnats backstage as you and Windblume found your seats for the award show portion of the night.
A cold glass was handed to you, liquid sloshing precariously against the edge. You brought the drink to your lips, the burning sensation of the alcohol doing nothing to calm your nerves. All the glares and side-eyes Scaramouche had sent your way throughout the night were ingrained into your mind. You were ninety-nine percent sure he had tried to trip you earlier during the red carpet, but you held no proof. 
You blindly clapped along as the award show portion commenced, all while hiding the shaking of your legs and trying to remember to force a smile for the cameras panning over your table, as an attempt to avoid any twitter scandals saying you weren’t happy for any of the other attendees. The anticipation was thick and your mind was blank. This was the first year both of your company’s groups had qualified for the top artist award and you had been a bundle of anxiety ever since.
You look to your right to see Scaramouche leaned back in his seat, lazily sipping on his nth glass of wine. It annoyed you to see him so unbothered at all times, apart from when he was arguing with you. The perks of having a famous mother, you suppose. 
Scaramouche catches you staring and turns, raising his brow at you in question. He stuck his tongue out at you, but any intimidation factor this may have had (read: none) was instantly reduced by him coughing after chugging down too much wine. You avert your eyes, embarrassed at being caught. But before you could stress on the interaction for too long you hear the host’s voice ring out the words you’ve been waiting for all night.
“And now, for our final and most anticipated award of the night,” Yae Miko starts, waving around an envelope, “The Top Artist group award. This was between the two groups Windblume and Delusion. Without further ado, this award is going to…”
The stadium falls silent and you find yourself holding someone’s clammy hands under the table as you and your members hold your breath.
“...a tie! Windblume and Delusion, all of you get up here! In all our years there’s never been an exact tie!”
The fans erupted into confused cheers and applause as you staggered to get out of your seat, tripping over yourself as you did so. You blindly followed behind Lumine as you made your way to the stage. A tie? You didn’t work your ass off all year for a measly tie. You almost wanted to shout for a recount. 
Your head started to replay all of the petty interactions and subtle insults Scaramouche had thrown your way from your trainee days till today. Every glare, every smirk, and ever time he one-upped you, it all repeated in your mind like torture. Untalented. Annoying. Ugly. All it did was only fuel your anger even more and blind your senses. Hell, your group deserved that award! You deserved it more than him! 
“At the moment we only had one trophy made since we didn’t expect this outcome, so for now you guys will have to share it,” Yae Miko laughs, gesturing to the trophy on the pedestal. 
Since you both were the closest, you and Scaramouche instinctively reach for it. Both of your hands bumped into each other, inducing a glare from you both. You both clench the trophy in your hands, standing almost chest to chest with one another on the stage. 
“Just let go,” Scaramouche whispers, glaring down at you, “Give up.”
At that moment it was only you and Scara. The lights around you faded as all you could focus on was the way his tone was clipped and the way his eyes never spared yours a glance. It was all too familiar and only fueled your feelings. Suddenly you forgot about the thousands of people watching you as insults started to pour out of your mouth.
"You only made it this far because you're a nepo baby," you hissed through gritted teeth.
Scara looked startled at that, his grip loosening before he clenched the trophy once again.
"Maybe if you didn't hog all the lines in your group, you guys would've actually won outright," Scaramouche shot back, tightening his hold on the trophy.
"You can't dance," you snapped, tugging the trophy towards you.
"You can't sing," he retorted, pulling back.
"At least I don't need autotune," you huffed.
"At least I don't need backup dancers to distract from my lack of talent," he shot back, eyes narrowing.
The bickering intensified, your voices rising over the fading applause as your mics amplified your conversation to everyone in the stands.
"You think you're so special just because of your connections. Sorry to break it to you but talent actually matters," you said, trying to yank the trophy from his grasp. 
"I doubt you know anything about talent. And you think you're the heart of Windblume? You're just the loudest. That's not the same as being the best," he countered, pulling the trophy back.
You were about ready to slap the stupid smile off his pretty face when you felt a pair of arms around your waist tug you back.
“Come on, Y/n. Save this for later,” Yoimiya urged, her eyes pleading as she eyed the audience. They were all stunned into silence at the events unfolding in front of them.
“Easy now, Scara,” Childe says, grabbing his shoulder and holding him still. 
You and Scaramouche share another glare as you both reluctantly let go of the trophy and let it fall back onto the pedestal. Lumine and Aether quickly usher you guys off backstage as Yae attempts to regain control of the situation. 
“Well, that was rather intense! Let’s hear it one last time for Windblume and Delusion!”
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stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
comment on the masterlist and lmk if i can make u a fan in the au!!
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes — the girls are fightinggg also pls lmk if ur enjoying i need motivation xx
taglist — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic
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conceptofjoy · 30 days
can you draw dirk strider eating a ice cream cookie??! :O3
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rosiehrs · 2 years
FANWARS ## masterlist.
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huh yunjin x fem!reader
SUMMARY ⤻ yunjin (an army) and y/n (a blink) have fallen into the stereotype of not being able to get along, continuously starting fanwars- but only with each other..?
CONTENTS ⤻ smau, non!idol x reader, wlw, fluff, crack, minor angst, enemies to lovers (?)
WARNINGS ⤻ major bts/army and blackpink/blink slander, dark jokes, strong language, suggestive jokes, (small) use of vape and nicotine intake.
FEATURING ⤻ le sserafim, pham hanni (newjeans), ahn yujin (ive), yoon keeho (p1harmony), oh haewon (nmixx), choi yeonjun (txt), choi yena (soloist), more characters to come in future chapters ˆ-ˆ
STATUS ⤻ completed!
NOTE - there may be chapters that trigger certain fans, so i apologise in advance and want to emphasise that bts/army and blackpink/blink slander will be a part of the whole fic as it's the main plot TT please don't hurt me if something angers you, but please let me know if i went too far!
IMPORTANT - do not send hate towards any group under my works, especially blackpink and bts. if you do, you'll immediately be blocked. this fic is meant to be unserious/funny/lighthearted so please don't take this as an opportunity to say some shit just bcs fw!yj or yn said it. to sum it up, blackpink antis and bts antis, DNI.
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PROFILES..! the ninja turtles, fantastic 4.
O1 # soty
O2 # fancywasrobbed
O3 # daesangs and tantrums
O5 # stalk before you block
O6 # [REDACTED] x3
O7 # eunchae saw it
O8 # hanni understands!!
O9 # blackpink outdid..!
10 # google translate
11 # nailed it
12 # she actually did not nail it.
13 # shut down (vlive)
14 # eunchae's yuny/n fanpage?
15 # mr chang<3
16 # american threat
17 # discussion time
18 # everyone's in!
19 # 'am i..?'
20 # eunchae's way or the highway
21 # bad idea
22 # tutti fruITY
23 # coming out (lol)
24 # (g)one direction - video attached.
25 # baby yunjin
26 # mission is a go!
27 # better late than never
28 # meetup (written)
29 # kick it by blackpink
30 # aftermath
31 # withdrawal
32 # gay minds
33 # she replied!
34 # gay people = bad at flirting (?)
35 # shes ight
36 # unexpected addition
37 # gay and easy
38 # eunchae outrage
39 # the date
40 # rizzful yunjin pt. 1
41 # ahn yujin protection programme
42 # sophie's choice
43 # she came over
44 # realisations pt.1
45 # step back (yunjin's version)
46 # no license? no problem!
47 # uh oh (written)
48 # cream puffs
49 # eunchae's first wlw heartbreak?
50 # gone (yunjin's version)
51 # misunderstanding
52 # hard launch
53 # i like u - niki
54 # public humiliation
55 # happy pride
56 # driver kkura
57 # thank you eunchae
58 # music taste
59 # random occurrences
60 # the end (written)
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+ taglist !! (permanently closed)
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sakuraryomen01 · 10 months
Valentino /Sukuna Ryomen x Reader/ .10
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, smut/nsfw, hook ups, sexual fantasies and masturbation
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 1.761k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: before u guys read i hope that y'all r doing well and that the beginning of this chapter isn't as traumatic as it seems (to me anyways lmao XD). my life is crazy, but i wanted to get this next chapter out asap!! i love u guys!!
. . .
Thank you for reading this! Enjoy!
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. . .
“A-Ahh, fuck.. Shit~“
Dirty and whiny moaning, harsh slaps of skin on skin. The bed rocking hard, creating dents into the headboard, knocking against the wall. Nails dug into the skin of Sukuna’s biceps, his groaning and panting masked by the girl beneath him. Her cries louder than his ever were, the lewd mewls elicited from her throat as he continued to ram his cock deep into her cunny.
“Dammit, haa..” Sukuna’s brows pressed tighter together, his eyes glazing over as his edge neared. “Fuckk..”
The lady blushed, her gazed foggy but her cheeks flushed as she reached up to grab a hold of Sukuna’s face. Her fingers grazed the edges of his jawline as she squeezed harshly around his aching cock. He was so close.
“S-Sukuna.. I’m gonna cum again,” Her sultry voice echoed through his foggy head. The distraction he wanted to keep creating for himself wasn’t helping. Nothing was helping.
At this point, Sukuna didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Raise your damn ass, woman,” He said, his rough voice making the girl’s blush go from a slight heat to an almost feverish touch. Sukuna slipped himself from her heat– lifting her hips and flipped her onto her stomach– before slipping himself back into her warmth, beginning to feel his edge nearing, truly. “Fuck, ‘m close, girl.”
While Sukuna’s soft groans start to grow louder, even if only slightly, while the woman’s wails beneath him began to break. Her cries of pleasure and almost pain echoed with the bed’s creaking, only to be covered by the boom box downstairs and thirty other seniors and junior college students. The loud music, the booze, it was all a dangerous combo Sukuna had taken a liking to since attending this college. 
Since seeing you, and the moment he was forced to have you as a tutor.
He wasn’t so used to the common hustle and bustle, but seeing you among it. Seeing how well you were already molded into the society of the city, it disturbed him deeply. He didn’t understand, nor did he want to know why. All he knew was that it upset him, and he wanted to beat you at whatever this sad game was. This heart-to-heart shit wasn’t in the cards, neither was that “promise” he made. 
Sukuna was foolish when he was young, he didn’t want a broken heart. 
He didn’t have a broken heart.
“Call me sometime, hunny?” The drunk girl he had just destroyed giggled, slipping her pink and lacy thong over her plush thighs, a droopy smile on her face. “This was really, really fun.”
Sukuna, who was busy with his thoughts and belt, didn’t take a second glance. He just fixed his leather jacket up and grabbed his shoes, unlocking the door and leaving the room. “Not interested.”
While the woman was left frazzled and somewhat hurt, Sukuna fixed up his shirt and slipped on his shoes, glancing around the hallways before heading to the main living area. Grabbing another drink from the table, he chugged it down quickly despite the numb stink he got from the weird mixes. He crushed the plastic cup and turned away from all the grinding women and men that were swaying to the music that was playing outside, heading to the door as his mind began to fog up.
It was like an addiction, to remove all worry and annoyance from his mind.
Taking a second look around the party room, he pulled a small box from his back pocket and headed outside. Getting a lighter from his other pocket, he opened the small box, and lifted a cig from it. Bringing the stick to his lips, Sukuna lights the end of it as he climbs into his truck and starts the engine. While he said very few words on the way back to his dorm, he was lost in thought.
Thinking about the last month, seeing you near daily.
Seeing that skittish smile, and your nervous glances towards him. Even just recently, seeing you straight from the shower, it brought a small warmth to his cheeks. Although he’s seen tits before, it was shameful that he was wondering often what was hidden under that damned towel. What was covered that he didn’t want to think about after so long.
He had thought at first that you were truly the most annoying thing on the face of the planet, but a very small and dark part of him thought you had grown well. That your looks were down right gorgeous and adorable at the same time.
You looked so soft, but toned. Eyes pretty but they didn’t sparkle as bright as any attention whore he crossed paths with. You were perfectly imperfect to him.
Poetic.. Gross.
Once parked and out of the car, Sukuna walked from the parking lot to the male’s dormitory. His eyes found themselves looking towards the girl’s area, tracing each darkened or lit window they came across. Unable to spot which one probably belonged to you, he took a breath of the cold night air and a puff from his cancer stick. Wondering if your dorm was still as messy as it seemed last time. If it still smelled like cum and perfume. If your gaming system was all sorted like you used to keep your books in the Stix. 
The very thought of back then made him shiver and stiffen, pulling the now burned out end of the cigarette from his pinkish lips and pressing the lit end to a brick wall.
Tossing the bit over to the sidewalk, he stepped up to the building and headed to his dorn. Stepping passed the socks on knobs, the laughs of friends playing games in their rooms, the quiet murmurs and somewhat opened doors of people studying for their semi-finals and upcoming midterms. Sukuna passed them all to the third floor where his door sat at the very end of a quiet hallway, the silence almost too loud as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. 
Taking one step inside and feeling a sense of slight dread. A sense that something inside him wanted to stir.
Whatever it was, he was going to have to do it by hand.
Closing the door, he went to shower before going to make a breakfast burrito that he had saved from that morning. There wasn’t much on TV other than some news that didn’t interest him, so he got finished with his dinner and ended up watching some of the cartoons that he, you, and Gojo had watched prior. 
It didn’t matter if it made him kinda smile at the thought of you sitting on the floor with a blanket wrapped around your waist and thighs. It didn’t upset him to think about how cute you had grown up to be, that your features weren’t as bad as he wished they could. It was hard that he had to ignore this shitty clench of his chest and the throb in his pants.
Not a day in his life did Sukuna ever feel anything but rage or anger, but today, it was a feeling he despised. That he never wanted to feel again since his childhood, it was a stupid feeling he had squashed the second he left the Stix.
“..Fuck me,” He muttered to himself, letting his head rest back on the head of the couch. Pulling a blanket over his lap as Sukuna’s hand found its way underneath the cloth and rubbed at his crotch.
With very little effort, he could tell that he was rock hard. And even littler effort to free himself and start pumping his shaft, feeling all the pre that had collected in his pants. Sukuna lets out a groan, pressing his brows together as his mind wanders back to when he had walked in on you.
In my own room, you weirdo. At least you could’ve hung up a sock or some shit.
The cartoons continued to play, although the childish music and jokes on the screen didn’t make it to Sukuna’s ears. All he could think about was his new release, and about that damned towel. Wondering what would’ve happened if he had just snatched that rag and saw what was underneath for himself. Sukuna’s eyes lidded and his breath became ragged, thinking about what your tits felt like against his chest, wanting to grind his girth between them.
“Shit.. fuckk..”
The image of your small hips in his hands, letting him glide them over the fat or your ass until you yelped. Sukuna had wondered plenty about what your lips felt like against his, if you were a good or bad kisser. Whatever you were, he was willing to teach you. 
Returning the favor right?
Imagining the feeling of your lips between his teeth as he tugged and nibbled, wanting to watch them slightly swell from the kisses and breathless moans.
Sukuna felt his tummy and thighs clench, wanting to savor his orgasm. His hand went faster, the sounds of his fist pumping and shaking as pre slipped through his fingers became louder. Completely drowning out the sounds of the TV, Sukuna’s face scrunched up and he grabbed at the blanket.
His imagination brought him to his bed, your body under his. Your face flushed red, hands against his chest as if to attempt to push him away.
“Ryo.. It's embarrassing!”
Sukuna smirked as his fist squeezed his shaft, groaning under the intense pleasure. Wondering what your whimpers and moans sounded like, if your pussy was tight enough to make him finish early.
The thought of what lay between your thighs sent a jolt up Sukuna's spine, a sudden urge to cum overcame him.
He pulled the blanket from over his cock and glanced down at his naughty member. Seeing it become an angry looking red, it made him upset. How could you of all people make him so hard?
Why was it you? Your soft looking lips, your huggable waist and chest? Why of everyone he's fucked, everyone he's come across it was you that toppled over all?
Whatever his mind wanted, he wished he didn't.
As he released all over his pants, even kicking at his coffee table from the powerful climax, Sukuna's heart wasn't fulfilled.
He could feel a ping of guilt in his chest.
He really, really shouldn't have done that.
Worst part about it all was that he was going to be seeing you in class again, after the third time he played with his cock to thoughts of you.
“..Really.. Fuck my life.”
. . .
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a/n: finally got the chapter out guys!! I'll be quick on here since there's little to say but I hope y'all r doing good!!><
Chapter Song Theme:
— Varsity Fanclub - Zero [Lyrics] | 7Vibes Lyrics
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalflashlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @marksassybanana, @bozos-r-us , @p-3-4-c-h, @chaoticqueen33, @dxxny-loves-u, @l0tus-in-l0ve , @jiordeci, @opossum0-0, @gumisgirl, @mommasbigd, @heyitstacy
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last chapter || next chapter
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archaic-catpuns · 7 months
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markberries · 8 months
my only muse ﹒ mark lee
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sypnosis ﹕ you’re mark’s classmate and you’re both english majors. mark makes music on the side and posts it on soundcloud and he asks you to promote it, but it genuinely sucks a— it’s.. interesting.
genre + ﹕ social media au f!reader, humour, fluff, college au, mark + y/n are both english majors, mark is a loser, bsfs!karina ryujin yunjin yangyang & xiaojun
warnings ﹕ swearing ? ntm, kys/kms jokes
note ﹕ i genuinely have no idea how this is gonna turn out i made this for shits and giggles + it's inspired by a haobin fic i read on ao3!!
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— profiles
one ﹒ two
⟢ chapters
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fleurietty · 2 months
‎‎ SEVEN’S A CROWD, TWO’S A HOME : a park sunghoon smau+written work.
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[id: park sunghoon x gn reader. Seven’s a crowd, two’s a home. fleurietty. /end id]
IN WHICH.. park sunghoon, seventeen and in a band only known by its fellow members (his friends) and their parents, finds himself regaining and relearning his spark for music in.. love?
starring.. non!idol (i suppose?) sunghoon x gn. reader , the rest of enhypen ++ tba
warning for.. lightly alluded to depression, swearing, dumb teenagers in love (everyone gagged/j) ++ tba
updates currently.. sporadic, we’ll get there!
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O1: so freaking loud…
O2: they don’t even go here?? [wip]
O3: the boys need me for the ALBUM 💜 [wip]
rest tba ‹𝟹
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taglist 𖥔
@gaeulthereal @renne-s2
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sucrecube9 · 2 months
Working on a Guilty Gear OC :o3 backstory + bonus doodle under the cut
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His name is Orenthal, he was a guy who volunteered to have Gear research done on him and was subsequently turned into a Gear. He did it to be able to protect his younger brother, Poe; since he had a tough upbringing, he felt weak and wanted to change that. Since becoming a Gear, he's become more relaxed, and likes to fight for fun, even if he loses a lot. At one point he tried to start a restaurant but that didn't work either and now everyone brings it up occasionally to make fun of him. Sometimes he also does art or music for fun but there's middling success there. He made a fake head once and it's involved in some of his moves as like a weapon but otherwise he just fist fights
I think his intro is something like this? :o3
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 6 months
H O N K H O N K !! :o)
ladies and gentlemen, prepare to knock your fat craniums to this brand fabulous new BLOG !! 🃏 𖤐⊹₊ 🎪⋆
🌈👾✧˖°(≧ヮ≦) 💕ִ ࣪𖤐₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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___ ★₊˚﹟🪐'
:33 < welclawme nyall !! ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr !!
:33 < this is a re-entry/re-introduction/blah blah blah whatever to my blog xoP 🩻
:33 < (heres a supurr cool link to my introduction :o00 https://www.tumblr.com/aftonsparv-bugzz/743871612061990913/tag-guide )٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
:33 < heres some info on what i'll be doing on this blog !1!1! ⋆˚🐾˖°
:33 < youcan request many things !! such as:
sprite/character edits !!
pannel edits !!
dni banners/just any banners in general !! (re opened !!)
emojis !! (for discord n stuff :3 )
non scibal emojis and agere/petre things !!
flag requests !! (though im not great at them)
user boxes !! (re opened !!)
ship edits !! (any ship, so long as it dosent go against the dni (dni is in pinned intro post))
stimboards/fashionboards !! (if you have certain wants/prices, please tell me !! also these might take a little slower (fashionboards now closed !!)) (can do, but it'll be like this !!)
moodboards/playlists !! (certain songs/themes wanted, please do tell me !! these also might take a little longer !!) (playlists closed !!)
source calls/kinfeshions !! (please be nice and not rude though !!)
making icons !! (lgbtqia2s+ + character icons, fictive icons, therian/kin/alterhuman in general icons, ect)
:33 < ect ect !! (≧ᗜ≦)
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☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆
B33 < please do be respectful and specific when requesting things though !! ¯\(º_o)/¯ please do not harass anyone who requests things if they arent using anon !! iwill not stand for it on my page. ido not tolerate it. please just block them and move on if they make you uncomfortable.
B33 < also, keep in mind this blog only has 1 mod !! requests may take longer to complete ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) (╥﹏╥)
:33 < ido prefer getting requests related to my interests/things iknow well (see pinned post) but idont generally mind !! ^_^ 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ (also, even though this is a pretty homestuck based blog, you can request non homestuck related things and non homestucks can interact !! it isnt only a homestuck blog, its just mainly homestuck because im currently obsessed with it :33)
:33 < this is a pretty messy blog so you'll be seeing things of everything everywhere on this blog but yea !!1! :33
★🎸🎧⋆。°⋆ ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆
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𖦹⭒°。⋆🪐.𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆⭒˚。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆🪐.𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆⭒˚。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆
:33 < on that note, here are some things iwont do :o[
pendulum swings. no clue how to do them
recipies (no idea how to make one)
skincare/selfcare (again, no idea how to make them
prooshuip/comship ectect
sexual things (im a minor. kissing, hugging, ect is fine, but anything slightly sexual that makes me uncomfortable will be rejected)
and anything not mentioned
(also anything involving discourse !! ido not want to be invol with it !! (<_<") and anything agaisnt my dni/anyone who goes against my dni iwill not do things for :o( and by the way, if youdont want me to tag something as something, please tell me !! otherwise i'll probably tag it wrong (<_<"))
B33 < this might change in the future, but for now, iwont do them :o(( ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ
:33 < thankziez furr reading all of this !1!! :o3
B33 < oh yea also i take art requests ^_^
:33 < byebye !! ^_^ 🌊✮ ⋆ 🦈。 * ⋆。
✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊
⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅
B33 < (purromo purrlease anytroll ? would be quite helpfurrl x33 /nf ⭒-.⋆🪼⋆.-⭒)
» [wHeN iM cLoWnInG - icp :o))] «
0:37 ─〇───── 3:30
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
:33 < dividers: first, second, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (sorta messed up the numbers but yea) tumblr is being annoying and not letting me add alt text im sorry (if the description is bad, ido apologise
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soov · 11 months
LOVE iN TV WORLD ♫ O3. so cute
⚠ : cursing, mentions of kissing, pet names, death jokes.
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After being chosen to carry on the legacy of his members and company colleagues, Lee Heeseung finds himself having a wonderful time hosting Music Bank every Friday. What he did not expect was falling in love with his rookie MC partner.
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GENRE friends / coworkers to lovers, fluff, smau | PAiRiNG lee heeseung & f!reader
© SOOV, 2O23.
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