skz-streamer · 1 year
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moon-mage · 2 months
Just some venting about being a working adult because I have no other outlet feel free to ignore! :3
these assholes had the NERVE to hire me and after that tell me the doctor will be out for a month so I wont be starting until a month later which I was like okay, sure! And my nice ass didn't see the red flag and was actually honestly excited to start this job and kill it but the first day I'm sitting there like a lump because no one had my passwords to access anything and there's no patients because the doctor is out. There's no use teaching me anything when there's not even patients and I cant access the systems....oh yeah and there was no desk for me to sit. I was the fourth hire and they had no space for me. Not even an extra laptop to use which is very common as an MA anyway. So like what The next day its so fucking busy no one has time to even break it all down for me. So I'm just following and smiling like wtf. Oh yeah and the trainer is not also the daughter of one of my mom's friends she's the most crabby and grouchy person EVEERRRRR. So shes just spending most of the time talking shit on the other MAs and low key quizzing me to see if I know my shit. Oh and I got my logins now. Day three is hell incarnated because they had my trainer going to another site so I'm with only one of the MAs that work there while two are there from another site and its OVERWHEMLING because they think because I have my logins that I know exactly what to say and do and I'm like whAT??? and I already have a perfectionist personality so even though I know this ain't my fault, I still feel like a failure for not grasping everything in DAY THREE. I literally had to excuse myself to go outside and cool off because I was PISSED. That's never happened in a NEW FUCKING JOB WHAT THE HELL. Fourth day is still as hectic and crazy with no fucking direction because the trainer was busy and yatta yatta...and I'm like....brah this ain't fucking SHIT. Then trainer is like 'yeah I have two weeks to train you' and I'm like...COOL. Considering you have yet to truly train me on DAY FOUR. I refuse to put my energy into an already established mess that seems to want to make itself messier. I have spent most of my career coming into messes and tidying them up and now....I don't wanna anymore. Fuck that. I don't have the patience for it anymore...but I guess that's what happens after going through a the most deep depressive episode of my entire life. At first I felt guilty like I can't handle it...but I actually sat down and evaluated this and went wait...IM NOT THE WRONG ONE HERE. IT'S THEM. THEY'RE FUCKED!!!!
im pissed I wasted valuable time and I'm pissed I was excited to work for them but there's nothing I can do but move on. I need money but I also need my fucking sanity...because I woke up dreading it...how do you wake up dreading the FOURTH DAY OF WORK? kjdsnkdsnkdskjndskn what the hell man. Working ain't fucking shit.
yatta yatta one door closes another one opens my I guess
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astrobiche · 3 years
Astro notes 5 🌺
⚠️ As usual, based on personal observation so it may or may not resonate! Take it with a grain of salt 💌
~Do not copy/plagiarize.
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🌸 this keeps being said but i feel called to say it again : there's no inherently "toxic" or "dumb" placement, i believe that it's up to the person (along with all the outer influences) to handle the energy and make it manifest either in a developed or an underdeveloped way
🌿 underdeveloped air suns tend to lie the most while developed fire signs tend to lie the least (authenticity/being straight forward and even blunt)
🌸 virgo venus may show they care about you by doing you favors and checking up on you
🌿 aqua venuses tend not to have crushes that easily.. (the rest of the chart can influence that)
🌸 that loud friend group who cant stop laughing, are chaotic and got inside a shopping cart? Yeah they're probably mutables (the way those of us who did that were my sag ass, a virgo and a gem lmao like are we providing entertainment for passers-by and ourselves? Greato)
🌿 you could have the best convos w ppl whose mercury sign is opposite yours or is in the house of your mercury sign
🌸 cancer suns are likely to send ppl long ass paragraphs to express their feelings (either love/anger..)
🌿 cancer suns/moons are scary when they're mad 💀 they just have the biggest outbursts
🌸 cancer suns and libra sun/moon men tend to have ppl assuming they're fruity
🌿 taurus moons feel so good when they pamper themselves and do skin care routines
🌸 check your friends mercury degree, they might have the degree of your mercury sign (the amount of ppl i know w a 21° mercury djd)
🌿 cap moons say "be careful" at least 19383 times a day
🌸 Aqua venuses can be so logical when it comes to love, some might have gone through a moment where they showed a lot of affection and realized it didnt benefit them and are much more rational now
🌿 developed libra mars are sociable people who are charming and well-liked. Underdeveloped, they use this charm on people to use them and achieve their personal goals and are social climbers
🌸 your closest friends could have at least one of their personal planets in the corresponding house of ur personal planet's sign
🌿 scorpio mars and virgo mars 🤝 hornéë 24/7
🌸 6h neptune might romanticize mundane tasks
🌿 libra placements can be as perfectionistic as virgos
🌸 i noticed plutonian people can attract a lot of karmic partners because they aid in the transformation they're meant to experience in this lifetime, so having prominent pluto/scorpio can make you attract a lot of people whose personal planets fall in your 8th/12th house (their SUN/MOON and to a lesser extent mercury/venus/mars signs is the same as your 8H/12H)
🌿 i noticed so many taurus moons daydream about becoming rich/marrying rich. Material security could be tied to emotional security.
🌸 aquarius influence is LOVING outer space and stars. Astronomy, cosmology, astrophysics and astrology might all interest aquarius personal placements. They also love stargazing.
🌿 theory : aquarius personal placements are more likely to be or feel like they're starseeds since they feel "out of place", have this connection with the stars and fascination by the universe.
🌸 libra mercury/ 3h venus have such a way w words- (i know a guy w both placements and he can bullshit an assignment then present it in such an eloquent way you would think he worked his ass off lmao)
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lilastromama · 3 years
Rating the Signs as big 3 Placements
(Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, Virgo)
sun: whoopsie, i dont know. Most of them are really great to have conversations about mysterious and weird topics, like aliens and the universe as a whole, i enjoy that so lets put the positive stuff first. What im not enjoying on the other hand, is them being very competitive, even with their closest people. Also when theyre mad, they are gonna talk about u behind ur back and think of very evil and scary ways to get revenge, 6/10 tho
moon: i really do like sag moons. I think i mentioned this in one of my posts already, but: Theyre SO uplifting, supporting and caring! I really like how they always find a way to catch you when ure falling. Maybe theyre extremely stubborn and dont like being wrong in whatever aspects, but yeah, lets put that aside! giving them a good 8/10
rising: Sag risings are really to die for, not trying to be dramatic. Theyre extremely creative, also deep. My first take on sag risings is always "mhm, i dont think it would work out" and then boom, they show you their real persona and whats behind this mask. Really loveable creatures, they just seem a bit off. giving them 8/10
sun: I dont like them. Listen here, im not trying to be a bitch and im not the person to feed into stereotypes, but with pisces suns its just TRUTH. they will try to hide their insecurities by acting confident, instead of actually trying to get better, what makes them come off as self centered and arrogant, even tho theyre not. Also most of the time, sorry not sorry, - theyre AWARE of the fact that theyre toxic but wont do shit about it because just sitting and being miserable sounds easier than actually digging into the dark parts of oneself. 3/10
moon: pisces moons are actually very sad to watch. Theyre more on the introvert side than the extrovert, u'd think theyre very quiet and private people. What most dont know about them tho, is that they live inside their heads and if u would take a look inside, u'd be surprised. Their head and mind is their own little world, their own little universe. Its chaotic, always moving. There is so much going on inside of them and if u get to know them, u will find out how deep and interesting they really are. Dear pisces moons, let us be part of your inner world and your beauty, dont hide. 8/10
rising: ohhhh HELL YES. Idk about you people, but to me, they have such a mystical, interesting look to them. Lagoona blue from monster high vibes and i said what i said. Very creative, also intuitive, maybe interested in the occult and so called "taboo" topics. Maybe theyre even activists, trying to help out and raise awareness where they can. Just as with pisces moons: they come off as private people, but probably would have an more interesting life story than most of us. 9/10
sun: Its a yes from me, but somehow a no, too. Leo women? GIVE IT TO ME! Leo men? well, only if evolved. What i like about leo suns is their confidence and the way they present themselves. U'd notice a leo sun everywhere they go, believe me there. If unevolved, they can be one hell to deal with, i gotta admit that (but also hella fun) - If evolved tho, theyre SUCH angels and actually very aware of themselves and their actions. Theyre the ones to push you to be the best version of yourself, i vibe with it. 9/10
moon: Its actually a yes too! Theyre so complex, hard to understand - but only if ure not open minded! To vibe with them, u have to be evolved - sorry not sorry. If not, theyre going to push you till you are. And that, not really in comfortable ways for you. They truly dont mean no harm and trying to help out, but its really not for all people, especially if ure sensitive. Keep an eye out i guess and let them do their job, u will thank them sooner or later. 9/10
rising: yeah, idk. To me, theyre fake leos and im not even sorry ☠️ They come off as leos, but not really in the same font. Instead, to me, theyre way worse! Its like those cheap nutella-copy products ur mom wants u to buy. To me they have more of the traits that virgo suns have. Perfectionists, egocentric, analytical but not in a good way - and always searching for something they can talk and gossip about. They constantly break down ur life instead of worrying about themselves and call it "trying to help" - (No darling, u just like putting ur 2 cents in that no one asked for) 5/10
sun: once again a no, im sorry at this point :( Even tho i have to say, YES they seem very kind, caring, even supporting and accepting, but if u look closer, ure finding nothing of it all. They are always up everyones ass, as i mentioned in one of my posts aswell. Just like pisces suns, theyre making themselves something they arent. I actually believe they could be such great friends, they just have to better themselves and watch how theyre handling their own emotions. Both of them project their insecurities onto others and make it their problem to handle. Please, virgo and pisces at this point: Get ur hands dirty, do shadow work and you both are great to go! 4/10
moon: oh well, we're talking about me here (this doesnt better anything to be honest) - I feel like virgo moons are very, very serious when it comes to their own feelings and mind, theyre warding it from anything or anyone. Thats where i think they have something from scorpios: They want to know everything about you, but you cant know anything about them and if so, you probably get rejected sooner or later because it would be too dangerous to get hurt. Very analytical, skeptical and calculating people. We really need that emotional safety to actually come out of our comfort zone but IF we do, u'll get to know a new person! still complex tho- 8/10
rising: I dont wanna start a new stereotype but: Am i the only one that kind of noticed how virgo risings look like those pinterest-indie-kids? Its either that or the grunge kids u always see on instagram as an outfit inspo. Im actually invested! They really possess that motherly/caring vibe ure instantly familiar with and feel comfortable around, im a definitely a fan! 9/10
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
“Can I ask for a haikyuu male matchup.infj.ravenclaw with a tinge of slytherin.Really loyal with my friends but if they need there head to be straightened i wont hesitate to do so. i dont put up with anyone's bullshit either if some ones offensive i will call em out but other wise I am really kind and caring to the people around me.I can also handle a shitload of teasing cuz my friends are absolute worst but I love them to pieces so.I am in love with my subjects math and chemistry . Iam quite easy going and free spirited but if I feel like an odd one out I get really insecure Iam quite thicc and busty and often am insecure about it.also naturally tan and have short brown hair&eyes. I LOVE MUSIC. I play the piano & jam to aesthetic and indie songs i cant go a day without listening to music .I know how to bake too and love cooking. I love to paint&sketch. I mean I painted all my friends calculators cuz I was bored so.I also love photography and am the type of person who gets exicted when the sky changes into pretty colors or its about to rain and immediately takes pictures. I 💓 being aesthetic and practically committed on showing it through my fashion I m usually passive unless assertiveness is needed and thrive on independence.ILOVE little things that make me happy like watching a good tv show ,having a really good conversation with some one.LOVE TEA AND HOT CHOCOLATE WITH ALL MY HEART(unironically drink horlicks)rainy days are the best especially running around while it's raining .I really enjoy a day out with my good friends but i also really value my time alone to focus on myself.HUGS ARE MY THING OK CUDDLES I AM THERE.Iam big ass crackhead around the people I'm comfortable with.I am also a very easy person to make friends with because I try to be very understanding. I also make stupid ass puns which make people groan. I like to think I am funny and kind of sassy. According to my friends i give the best and impartial advice to those who ask. I am vaguely popular. I know a shit ton of people who are really good friends of mine but I really feel happy or enjoy hanging out with my four closest friends . I really want to travel and very goal oriented and I big ass perfectionist but wasn't aware about it till some one pointed it out. Also I am vv dark academi esque (but science vers instead of english lit.)“
a/n: hii!!! it took me a while to read through your request but I settled for someone who seems really compatible with the description you gave me. I hope you enjoy it :))))
I match you with... 
✨Oikawa Tooru✨
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Your personality type is the advocate which means you’re gentle, caring, and creative. You’re idealistic and have high moral standards
Because of this, you are extremely supportive of Oikawa’s love for vball sand his desire to win
Your headstrong attitude works well with his up in the clouds ways because you always bring him back down to earth when it is most necessary
his ambition complements your goal-oriented self because you both are able to help each other achieve those goals and act as stepping stones for each other’s plans
since you’re good at math and chemistry, you two tend to have a lot of study dates with you usually scolding him for getting distracted and trying to cuddle with you
since he’s so cuddly with you, you won’t have to feel like you’re being left out 
he spends lots of time with you and tries to do the things you like 
he’ll cook with you and get competitive about it because he doesn’t want you to see him as inferior when it comes to such an “easy task” as he would initially say
he’s definitely not the best cook...
he’ll mess up and get the wrong proportions as well as put in the wrong ingredients
for someone who’s so ready-to-go on the court, he sure is a klutz in the kitchen
and it’s honestly worse when he’s baking because baking requires meticulous and stable measurements but Oikawa cannot do either 
he’ll make it up to you by taking you to the beach where the sunsets are the most prominent
you’ll want to take pictures and he’ll jokingly say that he is the view and you should be taking pictures of HIM
you’ll shoo him away and he’ll probably pout for a good 15 minutes before trying to get your attention with affection again
he’s the kind of person that will ask you to dance in the rain with him
his hair will be droopy and wet and his muscles will be defined through his soaked shirk (he knows what he’s doing) and he’ll reach for your hand as he twirls you towards him
after spending time in the cold rain, he’ll take you to a cafe to dry off which is where he’ll buy you a warm cup of tea
his favourite season is winter because he knows your weakness is hot chocolate and uses it as an excuse to bundle up in a blanket to cuddle
he’s sassy as hell so you know he’ll be able to keep up with your sassiness
since you’re fairly popular, you’ll understand that he has tons of fangirls and even teases him for it 
he gets embarrassed tho and promises to make up for the fan girls ruining your dates sometimes
you’re his rock
you keep him level-headed and sane
10/10 would be a relationship where you two can go to each other about anything and you’re the only one he can show his vulnerable side to 
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harvestrose · 5 years
coming up roses
The battle with Leto wasn’t easy, but it sure wasn’t anywhere near as frightening or life-threatening as battling Anankos 3 years ago had been, so Mozu wasn’t too torn up about the whole shindig besides the number of students who got injured in the process. They’d been too focused on success they’d overlooked the dangers of having over half of their team down there when the triggered the collapse- especially since the next part of the plan was to haul ass out of Morfis before the damn idiot mages killed them for killing their precious “test subject” or something. She was glad they’d killed it, since she was raised to not let her meals or her targets suffer- they were giving her life, meaning she had to respect the sacrifice or their lives in return, after all- but she’d have given up her bow if it meant as smooth a ride out of that place as possible.
But knowing people got hurt- that made her worry. Her boy and her husband were up against two very different beasts, ones who didn’t cry like the dead who fought with beaks and teeth and claws- and that just made her worry more. The messenger who ran into them on the way home had explained the situation with the other teams already being back at the monastery, and they in turn warned him about why he shouldn’t go to Morfis (which he certainly seemed a rather bit displeased about, she noted, but human lives were a helluva a lot more important than political standing.) He said almost no one escaped Grincenchos’s wild wrath (xander, sweet dragons above, is xander okay, is kana okay, is shigure okay, is my famiy okay--) that only 3 people escaped Gofannon’s targeted attack unscathed (sieg, honeysuckle, please say you were one of them- please say your auntie was one of them too, i cant bear to see you hurt, sweetie, and i dont wanna cry over a woman’s second death, please be alright--) 
The instant she got back, she saw Xander up and walking- thank the dragons and gods alike for that- when he went onto reunite with a man who didn’t know him yet, but she’d greet her husband later, after he got a handle on Inigo’s situation and she could comfort him- he’d seen her, and he’d know why she’d went off- he’d have done the same if he were her, she knew. 
First, she went to his dorm, but it was empty, looking exactly the same as the day he’d left it. She cursed under her breath, hastening her pace as she headed for the infirmary. The place was packed- poor nurses on duty must’ve been worked to the bone with how many kids and knights were crammed into the damn place. He wasn’t there. She kept walking, hearing a similar bustle in the next room, and when she busted the door open with more force than necessary (scaring the wits out of one of the nurses,) she saw him, and in an instant she rushed over, grabbing a hand between her own. 
“Siegbert! Baby boy, are you alright?! What happened- where’dja get hurt- do yah need anythin’- ohhhh, pumpkins an’ squash, can I hug yah or d’yah got funky ribs right now?” Dear dragons above, she was already getting teary eyed, but she was more worried about her boy than any crying she might not even do. “Shit, baby boy, are you healin’ alright? Can yer mama kiss yer face or-”
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thokage-archive · 7 years
i'll bite, what's your opinion on BAKUGOU KATSUKI
secondly, he is an extremely complex character & I beg all Bakugou haters to read what I’m about to write. I don’t think anyone needs to love him or kiss his ass by any means, let alone excuse his behavior towards Izuku. BUT! I beg of you to have some empathy for a fucking 15-year-old boy that has been through hell & back, is clearly emotionally stunted, obviously grew up in an emotionally manipulative, verbally abusive, and very likely, physically abusive household. 
As someone who was raised in a household like that, and as someone who was both the bully & bullied growing up, I just need you to understand how complex he is & that he is worthy of redemption!!! (after all, he is a child, he should be granted the opportunity to grow & learn from his mistakes. I don’t think people should give up on him just yet, lord knows where I would be if the people in my life had given up on me at 15). 
Deadass though…. let’s get into his fucking problems™ first because I am the last person on earth to act like he is perfect. 
#1 problem - extreme anger issues
It’s made clear from the start of the series that Bakugou expresses himself best through anger and violence, something he obviously learned from his mother. Horikoshi, in fact, has SAID that him & Mitsuki are essentially the same person. So can we all just take a fucking moment & imagine Bakugou as a parent…. imagine someone with that type of irrational & immature anger parenting a child. How tf do you think that kid is going to turn out? How does a kid being raised by a verbally abusive parent grow up?
Well!!! Luckily, this series provides us with two very good examples,
a) bakugou katsuki
while on the opposite end of the spectrum is 
 b)  todoroki shouto. 
Everyone deals with abuse in different ways, especially different types of abuse. While Bakugou is dealing with abuse by taking his anger & projecting it out, therefore reflecting his abuser, Todoroki internalizes all of his emotions & is extremely distant and at times submissive for fear of punishment.
Bakugou wards off his weakness/being punished by his mother for being weak, by expressing brute strength through his anger & aggressiveness, thinking of things such as friends and feelings (other than anger) as weak. Todoroki hides his weaknesses from Endeavor by closing off his emotions from him completely, so much so that he is emotionally/socially stunted.
In short
Bakugou’s emotionally stuntedness = lifetime of anger being his only coping mechanism/outlet & a huge failure on his parent’s part to foster any other sort of emotions 
todoroki’s emotionally stuntedness = lifetime of repressing all of his emotions from his father coupled with a lack of social interaction from peers
In both of their households….
losing = weakness
being #2 = weakness 
emotional vulnerability = weakness
all of these weaknesses = punishable by verbal & physical means
The reasons why people respond the way they do to abuse is very varied. My best guess for why Bakugou responds the way he does leads me to problem #2
#2 problem - His Huge Ass Ego/Superiority Complex
Bakugou is…. a perfectionist. Much like Momo & Iida (he is behind only them in terms of class rank) meaning not only is he a huge physical threat, but also incredibly smart & a very hard worker in all aspects of his schooling. He takes his future as a hero very very seriously, just as serious as Midoriya or Todoroki. He very clearly feels a lot of pressure from his parents & other adults in his life to do well & succeed due to the flashiness of his quirk. Even at four when his quirk manifested all people could talk about was how cool it was & how lucky he was to have it, therefore gassing him up & already inflating his 4-year-old head. 
All of the adults around him expected him to grow up and make something great of himself at only age 4, so he has quite literally been feeling that pressure for his entire life, at least as long as he can remember, which created this giant ego of his. 
Now his ego, in terms of how he responds to things, is why he most likely does not recognize what he is going through as abuse. And we all know that from ego, stems immense pride, and Bakugou would be far too proud to admit he was being abused IF he recognized his abuse, therefore he would not seek help for it, or vent / open up to anyone about it. But his ego is also part of the reason why he doesn’t recognize what he is going through as abuse. Admitting, even to himself, that he is abused would seem weak to him. He would have to admit he is not perfect, nor is his home life. He would have to admit that it has affected him, and he would most likely view that as a flaw or defect in his personality. He would never want to be viewed as a victim. (hint hint, how did he handle being called the “victim” of the sludge monster incident? He doesn’t want anyone pitying him or trying to save him from anything. He wants to handle things on his own & thinks of it was weakness to seek out help)
He also uses his superiority complex as a defense mechanism. For example, he overhears Todoroki talking about Endeavor with Midoriya the day of the sports festival right? And he later tells Todoroki that he doesn’t care about his home life and that he should still give it his all against him. This is because Bakugou probably realizes subconsciously that he too has been through some shit with his parents (not necessarily recognizing it as abuse, but not what all other kids go through) & yet he gives it his all. He almost says this as if to prove to himself that he hasn’t let what he has gone through affect him. He thinks it has made him stronger & that he will beat Todoroki despite his hardships, therefore proving him to be superior. When Todoroki decides to not use his flames at the last second it sends Bakugou into a rage because he believes Todoroki finds him unworthy of his full power. He thinks Todoroki is looking down on him, seeing him as weak, and just embarrassed him in front of thousands of people. (This is, by the way, the second time we see Bakugou lose it over the prospect of him not being better than his classmates).
The FIRST time we see it is when he and Midoriya fight one another on opposing teams for All might’s Class. He believes himself to be better than all of his peers & he is absolutely CRUSHED when he discovers that perhaps that isn’t so. After Midoriya fights him and wins, his spirit is broken. We see him retreat to the back of the class & silently watch as the other teams face off. 
His world is actively falling apart around him. For so long he was a big fish in a little pond. He was popular, he was powerful, he was looked up to and admired by adults and peers for his strength. He was talked up so high & told he was so special that for him to be anything other than the best was unthinkable. And yet, here was his childhood rival beating him in a test of strength and wits in front of their mentor and idol. And immediately following him was the son of the #2 hero showing his own display of brute strength & passing All Might’s test without batting an eye through the sheer power of his quirk
Bakugou is so incredibly saddened and shocked by the experience that he gives up, which is something he has never done in his entire life. Midoriya has to walk out after him once the test is over and ask him why he’s leaving, at which point Bakugou confesses, with tears in his eyes, crying, showing weakness in front of Deku, that he cannot keep up. That for once he is below someone and he cannot handle the feeling of failure that accompanies him not being number one. 
He gets over this, being motivated by both Midoriya & All Might to continue. But nonetheless, this is the first instance we see of Bakugou showing genuine fear & hopelessness for his future because he realizes he is not as great as he thinks he is. For him, there is no greater fear for him to face than for him to acknowledge the fact he is not perfect. He is flawed, there are things for him to learn and people he must learn them from and experiences he must go through before he can be number one, and that reality terrifies him. He sees it as nothing but endless opportunities for him to fail. So he determinedly puts on a brave face and screams at Midoriya and All Might that he will be number one no matter what it takes, that he will rise above everyone, even if it kills him. (Which of course it damn near does considering he is fucking kidnapped by villains impressed with his strength/power)
Abuse is not only physical, and to dismiss emotional/mental abuse as not “real” abuse or merely “tough love” makes you an abuse apologist, sorry not sorry. 
The feeling I get from the few interactions we’ve had with Mitsuki, and the times Bakugou has mentioned his home life, is that the abuse he faces is overwhelmingly mental/emotional. He does, however, suffer some physical abuse too, which is essentially confirmed in this new chapter, it’s just unlike the abuse Todoroki suffers from. 
Todoroki’s abuse is blatant, its beatings, starvation, intense physical regimes, etc. The abuse Bakugou suffers is far more subtle and sadly enough, far more common. The abuse he is subjected too is what most of y’alls parents probably just call “good parenting” or parenting the old fashioned way, aka when most peoples parents were shit & everyone thought it was cool to beat their kids into submission & scream at them for hours and hours over simple things. (Sadly, a product of hypermasculinity and misogyny being the overarching influences in parenting tactics, especially in households with a male head. In this case, however, Mitsuki, a woman, is the abuser. So most of y’all tryna ignore it like women can’t be abusive, or violent how men can).
Her physical abuse most likely differs drastically from Endeavors as well. Parents who genuinely believe themselves to not be abusive, but just tough on their kids because they love them or whatever, rarely hit their kids as openly as Endeavor hits Todoroki. We see her slap him on the back of the head, which in another situation & with more context, could be taken as playful, not abusive. But again, all depending on the force of the hit, the intent behind it, how often these sorts of things, occur, and if Bakugou is comfortable with it. How he responds indicates that he does not like it. Therefore she is laying her hands on him in a violent manner, obviously without consent. 
A parent or not, “disciplining” your child or not, that is wrong. And I’m more than positive it happens frequently and in different ways after the new chapter. She is most likely a believer in spanking, which do NOT even get me started on that (my parents literally used to tell me I was fucking lucky to get beat with a belt and not an electric cord), spanking is abuse and I don’t wanna fucking hear it isn’t. You shouldn’t feel the need to beat your kids in any way shape or form to get them to listen to you. She also probably digs her nails into his arm or some shit when he says something she doesn’t like in public, or just generally is rough with him when she disagrees. 
Mentally/emotionally she does not come off as the type to apologize to a child, admit she is wrong to a child, or have a rational conversation with her child rather than beating them. Again, since when has Bakugou himself ever done those things? (and according to Horikoshi, we all know he is a carbon copy of her before entering yuuei). 
Gaslighting is when the abuser places blame on a victim by making them question themselves or attributing the situation to some imaginary fault of the victim. In this instance Mitsuki blames Bakugou for his own kidnapping, calling on his supposed weakness as the source of the problem.
She not only BLAMES Bakugou for his kidnapping, calling him weak and pathetic, but does so in front of his teachers, his idols, degrading him in front of the very people he wants to impress. And for someone like Bakugou, that is probably one of the biggest hits his ego can take and it is most likely killing him inside from shame and embarrassment. 
In fact, I KNOW it is because we later see him TELL Midoriya that he blames himself for All Might’s fall. He thinks he was too weak to handle the villains and so he had to be saved (something he hates having to admit) which lead to All Might’s battle with All for One and eventual retirement as a hero. He literally takes his mothers words and internalizes them to the point of breaking & then expresses them the only way he knows how: violence, by fighting Midoriya. 
So not only do we have concrete evidence of emotionally abusing him by calling him names intended to hurt him, but also of her mentally abusing him by placing the blame on him, causing him to question himself & his capabilities/role in the situation. She makes him genuinely believe that he should have been able to do something about the traumatic experience of being kidnapped by a group of known murders…. uuuuuhhhh does that scream totally normal parent to you? She is not even remotely concerned for his safety…. only how it looks, only with how weak he is. Does that um, cough cough endeavor cough, remind you of anyone? No? Okay. 
Which back to Bakugou and Todoroki, this new chapter killed me because Todoroki is a sweetheart and he really knows what he went through was fucked up. I can see him trying to get Bakugou to understand in the future that violence is not the way to get what you want in life, no matter how small the act, hurting someone, emotionally, mentally, or physically is not how you get people to do what you want or agree with you. Even though that’s all Bakugou has ever known, he just never recognized it as morally wrong the way Todoroki did, most likely because it was much more subtle & normalized in Bakugou’s household.
That all being said…. Bakugou has made many mistakes and I’m not kidding when I say he is a carbon copy of Mitsuki. I don’t want to go so far as to call what he does to Midoriya abuse because that implies a fundamental misunderstanding of his character in my opinion, but like…. bottom line… he abuses & bullies Midoriya severely. 
Bakugou is a classic case of an abuse victim turning into an abuser. However, he is a child, unlike Mitsuki. He was raised by someone who taught him that abuse is okay and normal. He has not yet matured or been able to view life through any other lenses. His parents have failed in teaching him healthy coping mechanisms, other adult influences in his life, such as previous teachers, have never discouraged his behavior either, therefore he merely copies what he knows. So I understand him not knowing any other ways to deal with someone like Midoriya, his antithesis, and rival. 
In sociology this semester we learned about a famous poem by Dr. Dorothy Law Nolte, a family counselor & writer. The poem focuses on the ways in which children develop due to what circumstances they are raised under. It goes like this: 
(Lines bolded reminded me most of Bakugou, lines italicized reminded me most of Izuku, lines with both… reminded me of both)
If children live with criticism, They learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, They learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule, They learn to be shy.
If children live with shame, They learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, They learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, They learn to be patient.
If children live with praise, They learn to appreciate.
If children live with acceptance, They learn to love.
If children live with approval, They learn to like themselves.
(Full poem)
I kid you not in the middle of class all I could think of was Bakugou and Midoriya and how this poem so beautifully contrasted and compared them.
Midoriya is the exact opposite of Bakugou. Where Bakugou is strong, powerful, fierce, influential, popular, admired, confident, loud & aggressive. Midoriya is weak, small, quirkless, quiet, timid, mumbling & stuttering, friendless, self-conscious, and not very vocal. They are completely different in all aspects, Midoriya represents everything Bakugou strives to not be. He is useless, weak in Bakugou’s eyes. Something he has been told his whole life to not be, and thus he does not want to associate with Midoriya. 
However, the thing that scares Bakugou most about Midoriya is how much they can relate. They were, after all, friends. Best friends as children, they had the same dreams and shared common interests. Their similarities are only on display even more so as they both get into yuuei and progress throughout the year. 
One of the most important moments in Bakugou’s life is when Midoriya reaches out to Bakugou after he falls. Midoriya the small, shy, quirkless kid, asks if Bakugou, the great, powerful, destined to be a hero kid, needs his help. As if that is something he would even want, let alone need. 
I’m sorry but no 5 year old is going to get an idea like that on his own, you can see where Mitsuki’s thinking has already taken root, whereas Inko’s teachings have taken root in Midoriya. Up until this point in time, Bakugou was content with just allowing Midoriya to tag along with him, be a follower, quirkless or not. But this instance Bakugou clearly saw as a challenge for leadership, a questioning of authority. At five years old, he is already so distrusting of the sincere intentions of those surrounding him that he makes it his mission to let Midoriya know that he is above him and will not be surpassed by someone so weak.
It just makes me so fucking sad to see how twisted Bakugou’s logic is due to Mitsuki & the constant almost coddling of his ego that adults in his life have encouraged endlessly. It really isn’t until he meets Aizawa that an adult makes an effort to change that mindset in him. And slowly but surely, along with the help of Bakugou’s probably first real genuine friends that he views as equals and not just tagalongs, he is beginning to change his thinking & learn from his mistakes. Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Ashido are all a wonderful influence on him and I genuinely think with their advice & trust he will be able to change his ways in the future, along with the guidance of All Might and Aizawa. 
And let’s not forget Midoriya, he needs to apologize to him, sincerely, and because he wants to, not because he is pressured into it by anyone. I have high hopes for him and his future relationship with Midoriya, but I don’t think it’ll be possible for them to be best friends again. I just hope Bakugou can realize that he was wrong for treating Midoriya the way he did when they were growing up and can put aside his ego for five minutes to correct his wrongs as best he can. I’m sure it will be in the far far future though because he still has a lot of growing and learning to do. No one is going to just be able to put aside an almost decade-long hatred for someone & admit they were in the wrong, over the course of a year. But still… I have hopes.
All in all, I really really love Bakugou. I have some extremely parental feelings towards him having seen all the shit he has gone through & the many failings he has endured from the adults surrounding him. I just want for him to embrace his friends and place at yuuei and change his behaviors so that he can be easier on himself & others. He deserves to feel that sort of peace.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Bakugou Katsuki is deserving of love, friends, second chances, and a shot at redemption. 
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selkienicke · 6 years
A running list of hockeys i now apparently have opinions about. Free me.
1. Alex Ovechkin: i dont care??? i want to stand on a box and hug his huge hockey body?? 2 foot vertical leap. named his dog after himself, has multiple tramp stamps and wears his mom's jersey number + (usually) booty shorts. 2. Nicklas Bäckström: relatable. a big weird cat in a wolf body. hates cameras and talking about himself, loves passing and being a huge perfectionist. fire sign sea creature. same. 3. Tyler Seguin: absolute garbage rat. i love him. gerry is the best doggo in the world other than my own doggo. self destructive streak 800 miles wide. hat trick: labradors 4. Jamie Benn: i dont care about him but Tyler does and i want the best for my little king trash son. (i lied i care about him a little. CHUBBS. i absolutely cannot handle that he has a massive tattoo of his own name. that time? that he was talking about his brother like? being traded? and trying to be professional? anyway) 5. Braden Holtby: this one snuck up on me a lil. my initial reaction was Too Handsome, do not care, but?? braden holtby has the longsuffering aura of a desert martyr cult leader. combined with his absolutely weird-relatable goalie rituals (notably: dramatic waterfall hair + the time i saw him do a full frontal split for warmups), his bizarrely zen energy, his Absolute Canadian Soft Boy interview persona, and those gifs of him at pride, i guess i love him now??? honestly he might even be 2 on this list but im lowkey in denial about it 6. André Burakovsky: the softest smol boy. everything w him and nicke is adorable, as is that video where bura kissed the puppy 7. Kevin Fiala: he is small and needs many hug 8. Marc-Andre Fleury: weirdly, pretty much the only one who this is bc I saw him play and was like....whoa. Also ?? Nickname flower??? Adorable. (i say weirdly but yk, my personality). apparently has a Rep for being inconsistent which is a mood. seen some actually clever chirps from him which is rare enough heaven knows. 9. Sidney Crosby: i hate him but hes a good player i guess. plays w geno. idk!!! i cant help it, i love good lines even when they are playing for the penguins and therefore objectively evil 10. Evgeni Malkin: i mean ??? he escaped??? from a training camp??? to go play for a team he idolized??? interesting rangy boy. frenemies w ovi which is a mood. bad taste but i still love him. 11. T.J. Oshie: a small pug dog ready to defend his bordeauxdog friend tom wilson 12. Tom Wilson: he is in the bad boy box of my heart right now for getting his dumb big dog ass suspended for 3 games. that video where he’s playing with a kid and clearly trying to be gentle and still manages to knock the kid over (dw, braden holtby slides in w a save and makes sure the child does not fall). 13. Alex Semin: ugh too much. a pisces. i need to dig up his old stuff to watch + be sad over 14. a bunch of the sharks bc they are hufflepirate's team so we've been watching them together (SWEET INFANTS Meier and Hertl, Vlasic has good doggos and good defense, love me a good goalie so Jones, Burns for obvious reasons) 15. sort of maybe Price and Subban too, but I haven't gotten around to watching them play bc I'm too exhausted from stress after caps to watch predators. I do love weird goalies tho, and Price is by all accounts In The Mix weirdness wise. 16. Gabriel Landeskog and Shayne Gostisbehere for dog reasons 17. Hilary Knight: (bonus mention). only part of this list I am not deeply ashamed about
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bluekitsune · 8 years
late DRV3 Ch2 impressions
So...... Did Kaede die in an accident or incident? People’s simultaneous translations can only go so far. But I’m guessing it’s either related to the kidnapping or the hunt/lockup of talented individuals, and the couple (parents?) talking seem to hint that they handed her away
real question: if there’s nothing to polinize the greenery then how is there so many plants around the school???????????????? Gonta plz answer me that
Spoiler: Ahoge hidden under cap lmao
Cannot handle all the references
As I expected the research rooms are all pure fucking gold 
Oh man, a flashlight? Didn’t the Mastermind have time to think of anything cooler lmao
Ok, so there’s that. Everyone was chased for having a talent? Is it because of the Most Terrible Incident still? Talent started being seen as something that could create equally great and terrible things so they were being chased? So how did people get talent brands of SHSL in the first place?
(was it on this chapter or on the previous one that Momota mentioned something about the killing game being an issue because it would turn up against his kid or something? That raised me so many timetravel flags. I keep thinking the time travel will be something with Momota with him acting all over Kaede and Shuichii but I can’t be certain)
Tense atmosphere feels a lot more palpable, maybe even more than on the 1st game. Without the talk of Despair x Hope as well, the Killing Game brings out a much different tone of dialogues! I really like the character dinamics so far
(I feel really bad for Kibo, he just wants to have FUN AHHH)
SHIT these motives and everyone trying to avoid it, its like Twilight Syndrome all over again X_X
Momota yamete
Shonen bonding moment; they should’ve started shouting “My name is Saihara Shuiichi and IM FINE” /shot
Yes Shinguuji, please lecture me more about the implications of supersticion T_T (OMG him telling Iruma to stfu amazing)
Sayan Gonta
Also, Gonta, the only SHSL that doesn’t need to Gullible disease to blindly follow anyone’s instructions
KIBO IS SO PURE WTF He’s so proud and feels so awesome about the recording function omg He is too good for them.... Mr utility belt robot
That was kind of hilarious..... Everyone should be swollen with bug bites TBH
HAHA God I wish they had shown Ouma x the bugs
I was expecting a death right off the bat, so the suspense during the Magic Show was eating me alive
And then when Gonta climbed up the tank and the piranhas fell, I paused the LP and immediately thought it would be Hoshi :C  He’d be the only one small enough to fit in there
“They played us like a damn fiddle” UGHHHHGHHHGFHG I was actually really enjoying his Hardboiled BAMF attitude OH WELL
Did not foresee that comic relief. POOR KIBO stop being so mean to Radio-kun! He just wants to be loved!!!!!! Also what a fucking stupid way to “preserve the crime scene”, you guys totally washed the entire Gym in bloody water U dumb fucks
:C Oh man thinking about Hoshi struggling and drowning makes me so sad. And then I think, the culprit separated him from the piranhas with the glass lid?
Momota shielding Saihara from his guilt and his feeling of failure is kind of endearing
SHSL Detective: Misses a completely fucking obvious trap door by the staircase I stg
Shinguuji if u were leaving my city I would cry too
Shirogane stop calling yourself plain you’re amazing
I think Maki is either really embarassed/ashamed/bitter of the idea anyone else will see her Research Room because she doesn’t like her talent, or they’re gonna pull a big stunt and there’ll actually be a baby in there or some shit
I just laughed for 5 minutes straight when they entered the “shower room” JFC
Actually I thought I’d care a lot more for Purple boy but he’s... He’s cute, and interesting, but I feel like they were trying to hard to put an unpredictable factor after Komaeda, and it’s not cutting it for me  I do like his voice actor tho, he’s doing a great job
I feel sort of bad for Tenko omg... (she’s not as terrible as discourse was expecting her to be. Despite all her remarks, she still treats the boys by their name and acts relatively open to interacting with them)
Idk what to make of this trial so far. I feel like they’re going to lead us in a big circle like YES it was the first/ish suspects all along MWAHAHA???
Iruma officially the horny fanservice girl huh? (Gonta is too good for this world omg)
AHHH Shinguuji called Tojo beautiful i_i If I shipped, I’d ship it
Saihara risking his neck for Harukawa is so out of place? Idk, but I guess this is the DR equivalent of ‘thinking outside the box’ aka pulling bullshit moves out of your ass like Ace Attorney would do
Ugh and then after running around chasing their tail for 3 hours they finally go back to the evidence
OH NO :C Tojo cries and I cry with her..... Did someone do the do and make her arrange the things? Dang
So far I think being drowned in a sink is one of the most brutal murders in DR..... Before we had a bunch of insta-kills with blows to the head. Ibuki slowly choked while she was unconscious? And Komaeda died slowly with poison, but I feel like this is the first real bodily struggle except for Maizono :U
Oh mann
That’s so messed up (Also the irony to have both a Shadow!Prime Minister and the Supreme Lider in the same spot? LMAO)
Damn the stakes are so high on this game. First you have the MC be excecuted and next the Prime fucking minister 
Tojo is like a Fusion of Pekoyama and Sonia in motivation, and of Celes and Peko in looks :C I really liked her
Gonta too good too pure too dorky for us
That excecution was fucking awesome. It makes a lot of sense (somewhat) if you consider the Spider’s Thread parable
So is the Twist now going to be that there was the Hunt and Talented students were being hunted and were so miserable they prefered to be put to death? That’s what Saihara’s reccuring flashback seems to point towards
AND THAT FUCKING MIC DROP DAMN So that’s why she was guarding her Research lab like a hound dog
:C Oh man While the trial felt really convoluted it also sort of makes sense, there’d be nothing pointing to the culprit except the floatee and the gloves because Tojo is such a perfectionist.... SORTA
I feel like the debates are running already a lot deeper than the first two games, specially without the coating of Hope x Despair talk
:C I cant wait for Shinguuji to take the spotlight
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