sampo · 11 months
okay prefacing this I haven't finished swarm disaster yet BUT I am finishing it. on swarm 4's communing trail levels right now so rest assured I'm getting there.
I'm clearing swarm 4, as you do, and get the elation 2 aeon meeting. which! is cool! I only need one more aeon meeting (preservation 2) to finish those off! but aha then gives me three cosmic big lottos, which, when you destroy objects, have a chance of giving curios (buffs, essentially) as well as breaking and reducing your character's health and energy to one.
and then aha drops me in a fucking adventure domain, specifically the one I have to destroy objects to clear.
how fun!
so I clear it. full marks of course, I have IL and he makes clearing those a breeze. and all of my characters are at 1 health and no energy.
and I have to clear a swarm domain (a domain you have to fight to clear) with my characters like that in order to get a communing trail level (rubert 3 cometh).
I weigh the risks. Do I do it, or not? Should I risk the run?
I risk the run, of course!
I enter the battle, wary. Three bugs.
I wait out the mitosis warning, another spawns, and hit elation path resonance. All of them die.
Yes, I think, saved!
Wave 2/2.
march dies, because she's at one health of course she does.
bailu revives her. a shield auto-applies because she's below 35% hp if I recall the blessing (buff) correctly.
then they start focusing march. which is very good, because she's the only party member with a shield and health. her counters trigger, dealing a bit of damage.
now it's my turn.
topaz skill on the one with the least health. it dies and explodes. march shield on clara. bailu heal of course because all of my characters are low health. clara skill, aoe damage, killing another. it explodes as well, taking the rest with it.
battle ended.
how the hell did any of that work.
I exit the domain, enter respite, grab the healing objects, heal up my team, and take a quick break from star rail before I go on to the swarm boss and kick its ass.
lessons learned: elation path awesome, aha's a tricksy devil.
I love this game [/genuine].
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neonbitemarks · 2 years
the fuckening hath cometh. all I have done today is write a 5322-word outline of 25 chapters for a project that spawned in my head 2 days ago and now I am committed to this fuckery and I don’t know why
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qm-vox · 7 years
Okay so I’m drunk as fuck and
Should probably update on the status of CSQ! I’ve got my children visiting for a week this month (normally they only visit once a year) so as much as I love y’all, you can get fucked. Look forward to a thread sometime in late December or else in January.
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12raben · 3 years
Filling the gaps - part 4 - yfbodydressknee
Here cometh another small addition to my filling the gaps project. This time you’ll get a replacement for yfbodydressknee.
Originally the dress is for young adults only. I edited this default, so adult sims can use it as well.
It might be good to mention, that I usually edited my defaults, so adults as well as young adults can wear them. Although eaxis made it not easy, as they sometimes just added a bunch of cloned clothing and one group is avaiable for young adult only, while the other is for adults only. 🙄 This is not the case here btw.
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These are recolors of Illenlan’s Daisy Dress. I really like this mesh. It looks so cute yet functional. The textures are actually pretty “old”. I made them maybe... 2 years ago? Pretty much, when I actually started to edit textures myself.
The dresses are categorised as everyday, active and maternity wear. They might spawn on townies. Since these have boots on them, they’ll use the "heavy boot" sound. There is also a dress for teens, which is named dressknee as well, but it looks totally diffrent. Eaxis, why? ANyhow, this default will not modify the teen dress.
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If you don’t want to use the default, a custom version is included. They come only merged, because they share a normal map. The merged file contains both dresses. They are tooltipped.
The mesh is included in the archive. There are preview pictures as well.
Mesh: @illenlan​ aka mordred’s lullaby
Textures: Almighty Hat, Alex, Eaxis, Illenlan, Morganna, Zoej
Xia at PBK, for their extensive list of clothing defaults for medieval simmers   
+Download (SFS)+
Quick & Dirty Install instructions:
Default Replacement:
  Delete any default for yfbodydressknee you might already have!
  Put “DR_yfbodydressknee-Illelan-dressboots_12Raben“ and the mesh in your downloads folder.
Custom Outfits:
Put  “AF-body-Illenlan-dressboots-dressknee-merged_12Raben”   and the mesh in your downloads folder
Happy simming!
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
1:31 P.M. The human village
Revolto and Goldar arrived into the human village at least, the light at the village is all whimsical at the middle of the night as the villagers seem to get along with the yokai, the dinosaur people and the machines it seems everything is all peaceful... Until an ugly toad reared it's hungry head and that is the very hungry terror toad who walks into the village eating what food she is given, the most gluttonous of the Oborojime spawn as well as the second youngest. She bleches in the dark night but still her hunger remained.
" Aww man, run out of food! I'mma go find some more! Maybe one of them food salesmen can lend a toad a hand! "
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Right when she was about to get some food again, she's met with the two others of her kin, Rito and Goldar. The skeleton and the other are very glad to meet terror toad in the fine hour of night.
" Hey! Toady! How's it hanging?! "
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" Is this what you been doing for the past hour?! We were suppose to be on our mission to regroup you blubbery mess! "
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" Get off my back already Goldar a toad's gotta eat and a toad's gotta munch! BLURRRRRRP! Whoops! "
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" And I thought I stink haha! So what now Goldar? What's this super secret mission we're in? Oooh I'm excited I bet Koishi's gonna lead me in command oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! "
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" Not in a million years you dolt! Now we wait for she to arrive! "
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" Aww, and who? She? Don't you mean... "
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But then in a flash behind Revolto another of the Oborojime spawn, Witchblade has appeared. The oldeat of her kin greeting to her brothers and sisters warmly...by yelling.
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" Hello Witchblade I see you haven't goof off like these two imbeciles! "
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dog-day-morning · 3 years
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People can be self-righteous when it comes to what they think God is supposed to do if, and when they call on Him. God is not a genie in a bottle that you rub, and a jinn pops out granting you 3 or 300 wishes. The saying faith without works is dead can be applied here. Have you ever heard of or read the book Daniel Webster and the devil? This tall tale or folklore legend was about a man who made a deal with old Slew Foot, and when it was time to pay up he had 2nd thoughts. Satan never plays fair. He's forever putting us in positions where we find ourselves desperate for a quick solution to a temporary problem that only leads to a difficult end. The Latin term for buyer beware is caveat emptor, and Satan knows how to spell. The power of a wicken comes from their basic weapon of spelling or casting spells by word of mouth. Even the Bible tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Tell that to a Nicolaitan. Those who make deals with the most unclean should expect to suffer in the end. Never trust the father of lies who deals in treachery, and deceit. I look back at my mother's life and wonder if God had ever intervened for her, and fought her battles that surely He and only He would be able to deliver her from, and He has. Life is hard, for many it’s a nightmare that’s ongoing. Satan comes to you when you're at your weakest or most vulnerable in the hopes of snaring your soul into eternal suffering. Jesus comes to deliver us from death, sin, and temptations that confuse us in our trek towards His truth. If you have any aspirations of entertaining people with your gifted voice or your talent for playing lead guitar, don’t sign a contract that promises you the world only to find out you owe them your sweet ass which a man of honor wouldn't consider let alone make you cosign your body for their horn dog appeasement.
Revelation 2:9
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
You're abundantly rich in spirit Yacob. Now’s the time to claim your position. These bastards have taken everything from you leaving your ancestors nothing but dust. If they could remove us off the face of the Earth they would. They're plotting to do so as you and I breathe, that's why the Father never sleeps. They are demon spawns who say they worship, and believe in God, but whose god, and what righteous god tells you to destroy a people with his blessing knowing what the children of Japheth have done to them historically? The spawns of Satan want your penuche, mouth, titties, and a-hole for their pleasure along with your talent that Justin Timberlake does not have. The new faces of R&B do not look like the people I grew up listening to or the race of people whose songs left an everlasting impression on my bleeding heart that helped me through my ill-fated, miserable existence. Robin Thicke, Christina Aguilera, K-Pop, the BackStreet Boys, and New Kids on the Block. Some of these groups are defunct, but they’re cranking out as many as they possibly can like Justin Bieber, and Demi Lovato. I just saw on YouTube where people were considering if Elvis Presley was Black, WTF?!! He was the biggest culture thief that Dr. Frankenstein, AKA Colonel Parker ever created. Man is cruel; Satan is a whole other type of bastard you shouldn’t entertain. I'm retarded. Some call me an idiot savant. YO MOMMA!!! People are blessed by the Father who has blessed many of us with gifts. There are many of you whom God has endowed with multiple talents that people would sell their soul in order to possess just one. If you're anointed by God to sing like Aretha Franklin may He lead you to sign with a label like Brother Carl Crawford's who won't make the same mistake he did with a very popular artist at this moment. More than likely you'll sign a contract entrusting your talent, blessing, and soul to the most unclean ones. Ain’t a reason in hell you should bow down or bend over for a leach like Mr. Friedman so he can butt bone your a-hole while enriching himself off your God given talents. God blesses those who seek him out, and those that don’t. I don’t know if Eddie Murphy went to Church, and sowed an offering every Sunday to God praying that the Father would make him the highest paid comedic actor in his prime. Richard Pryor was anointed in the womb to be the most blessed comedic talent, and influential comedian to ever walk this Earth bar none yet he and Mr. Murphy pursued their dreams in different ways with both of them becoming world renown. I'm inclined to ask, was it worth it?
Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
The synagogue of Satan isn’t a trending pop culture manifestation that’s to be esteemed, cherished, or envied. These cults are trying to maintain a stranglehold on a world that’s not meant for them or their sort. People who play with Ouija boards or childhood games like Bloody Mary, and light as a feather are ushering dark spirits into their homes leaving their loved ones exposed to something sinister. Get the hell away from me and mine unless you're my sister, AKA Ms. Skunk Funk, who needs to get the crust burnt off her musty, dusty drawers. The whore of Don Juan has a death wish. Explain to me how running with the devil beats walking with God?
Isaiah 59:7
7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.
This Nation was built on our ancestor’s blood, sweat, and relentless faith. Believe me when I say there's strength in every tear. I pray to God that I don’t shed anymore of them. Their wealth is not. It's a stolen Promise that the Father shall reward His children with. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. The most glaring, and frustrating example that is also bitter and disheartening I can give you is our Promised Inheritance called Yisrael that the gentiles are squatting on. When a person or in this case a tribe or race of people believe in their own lies they've become reprobate; they're lost.
Revelation 3:9
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
This is what all of Esau's children fear. It's why the bland, colored people of the world are flipping over the Earth's axis, and killing us without any probable cause. They are a lawless people who've displayed their lack of empathy, and humanity for anyone save their own breed, they behave like blood hounds. I've become content with this planet being void of water (Holy Spirit.) Black people suffer from a social disorder called the crab bucket mentality. We hate to see anyone rise up, and we’ll do whatever it takes to keep them down or discourage them. That person may possess something that can benefit the collective, who cares. He who possesses that blessing needs to haul tail ASAP before the winter comes knowing the Father will bless him, and a downtrodden people beyond their wildest dreams. This is why Yeshua, and His Father call us children. It's why I pray, and bemoan to the Father daily that He slays me, putting the fear of the Lord in the heathen and His Son Christ Jesus uses us for His purpose. God doesn't need us, we need Him. He's given us so much power, and authority. When you acquire it, use it for something other than satisfying your sinful, carnal, flesh minded desires. Men, don't behave like horn dogs, and women do not behave as Aholah, and Aholibah, 2 whores.
Numbers 32:24
24 Build you cities for your little ones, and folds for your sheep; and do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth.
Out of thine own mouth you have power to tread over snakes and scorpions. You can exorcise demons and devils out of your present life braking generational curses which is what I' want for a family that's disowned me. To God be the glory. God is telling us to declare a thing, and claim it. What a mighty, just God we serve. Your tongue will become a weapon to use against the lawless ones who use theirs recklessly in their attempts to get us arrested or murdered by local, and federal authorities. You can call it giving them a taste of their own medicine, it isn't. You're reclaiming what they've taken, stolen, including those of us they've murdered.
Isaiah 54:17
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Speak positive prayers out loud if you can. If you live with your family or have a roommate pray in the closet. You'll have favor with God that many people won't. They rebuked the Lord, and their anger did tear perpetually, and they kept their wrath forever. When they use their privilege, which is what we call it more often than they, comprehending they’re fully aware knowing they use it with a Demonic, driven hatred. They persecute Black men, women, and children for reasons that are not godly, and the Father does not condone. They, and all the Earth will have to answer for our individual sins against the Father in the end.
Luke 10:19
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
We don’t worship the same god as they do. They're praying to a god to erase us off the face of the Earth. Why hasn't he?.
Exodus 1:12
12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.
Their birth rate is dropping steadily. For the first time in the history of the census they decreased in population globally while indigenous, and other races of people stayed steady or in our case increased. This is the reasoning behind these draconian abortion laws. They're trying to preserve themselves while God is eliminating the Earth of their bloody dominion. God is sending the wicked a message before the storm comes, but no one's listening. Their violence towards us is documented, and more often it's unprovoked. They continue with the guilty until proven worthy of their mercy dogmatic mantra which is racist BS. The Earth will be lulled back to sleep. When they're confident that their world isn't in danger of being challenged by anyone, especially us. That's when God will do things that will scare them right back to the caucasus mountains bringing destruction to those who've touched, bruised, and abused the Apple of His eye. Speak life into your angel spirit, don’t entertain the demon seed that's trying to kill you, and the rest of Earth's indigenous people. You have much authority, use it. Elohim. 9/23/2021
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 3 years
I want you to know that you mean alot to me, and you're such a kind, supportive, talented person. (I also love that we live so close to one another, and have alot of the same likes---it makes me think that we need to get together a write an Always Sunny-esque, MCR musical LMAO.)
Lol yesss. I would love that! I can see it now... 🎶 When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see the Nightman cometh. He said ‘son you gotta pay the troll toll to get into the boy’s soul’...🎶
I’ll always be so thankful for AHS and that whiny little spawn of Satan for bringing us together! You’re such a great friend, far too supportive, and get every reference no matter how far off or just plain stupid. You’re a real one, that you don’t come across often and I’m so happy to know you! (Also, if they do decide to bring back the Psychic and Wine nights, ima be sending you that link!)
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frogtownhobbies · 5 years
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Let’s start with the top 10 and get to the honorable mentions and longshots after….
Top 10:
10. Tectonic Giant
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(Frequency = Low, Impact = Low) Possible Homes: Temur Elementals
A hard-to-deal-with threat that an opponent must deal with has possible applications in Pioneer but 4 mana is lot for most of the decks that might want this. Temur Elementals is one possible home but I would definitely expect that if I do see this card it will be paired with green accelerants.
9. Woe Strider
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(Frequency = Low, Impact = Medium) Possible Homes: Aristocrats (of some color combination)
Aristocrats is a deck that is perpetually on the fringe of playable in both Modern and Pioneer. There are already more than enough playable cards for the archetype in BR, BRW, BGW or even some more obscure color combinations so the thing that will make the deck better is finding cards that can double up on roles to increase the card quality. Woe Strider fills the two most important roles in an Aristocrats deck; extra bodies in the form of goats and a sac outlet as well as also providing some reach and card selection. I feel sure enough about Woe Strider making Aristocrats playable that I moved it from the “If…then…” section to my top 10. Depending on the best color combination for the deck, Slaughter-Priest of Mogis and Alirios, Enraptured may also see some play.
8. Ashiok, Nightmare Muse
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(Frequency = Low, Impact = Medium) Possible Homes: UBx Control
Makes the list on the power of having a plus ability that makes blockers to protect it while threatening an ultimate in only two turns. If you play Ashiok while ahead you will probably win the game. It’s closest competition is probably The Scarab God, and in parity and while ahead this card is close to that power level. Its worse when you’re behind but has less deck-building restrictions so overall I like this card and I can’t wait to win some games with my opponents’ stuff.
7. Staggering Insight
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(Frequency = Low, Impact = Medium) Possible Homes: UW aggressive flying decks like Spirits
I feel like people are sleeping on this card but as Curious Obsessions number 5-8 that also grant lifelink I think it’s pretty good. Mono-red doesn’t want to see this on a spirit if you also have Selfless Spirit in play and I know that control decks don’t want to get hit by it. The card on this list that’s probably most likely to miss (along with Tectonic Giant) but I think it will see some play.
6. Storm’s Wrath
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(Frequency = Medium, Impact = Medium) Possible Decks = Jeskai Fires, RB Control
Great rates on red’s Wrath of God that also hits Planeswalkers means you will be seeing this card. It does come with some heavy deckbuilding constraints but the value is there for those who can fit it in to their strategy.
5.  Phoenix of Ash
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(Frequency = Medium, Impact = Medium) Possible Decks = Phoenix, Mono-red agro, Dredge
A recursive hasty threat is just what many mono-red decks want as the top-end of their threats and it also plays nicely with a lot of the cards in UR Phoenix, although it fights with Treasure Cruise. Making sure you can interact with graveyards is starting to seem like a priority in Pioneer just like it is in older formats.
4. Kunoros, Hound of Athreos
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(Frequency = Medium, Impact = Medium) Possible homes: BW midrange, Abzan Midrange, 5c Niv to Light
This set’s best “pile of abilities creature”, Kunoros packs a lot of punch into a 3/3 for 3. Having a bunch of abilities on a creature doesn’t always lead to a successful Magic card (see: Savage Knuckleblade), but Having abilities that are particularly good against two disparate kinds of decks makes Kunoros intriguing. If 3 toughness in Pioneer is truly akin to 4 toughness in Modern (outside the range of the most common removal) then I think Kunoros will be giving aggro decks and graveyard decks fits for the foreseeable future.
3. Polukranos, Unchained
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(Frequency = Medium, Impact = Medium) Possible Homes: Hardened Scales, Escape Strategies (Sultai?), BG Midrange Strategies
Polukranos provides a lot of undead beef for its mana cost, both at cmc=4 and cmc=6. I expect to see the big Zombie Hydra augmenting an already good Hadened Scales plan of attack as well as enabling a few other midrange strategies to finish off their game plans. Bonus points if you can utilize the counter aspect or give Polukranos trample and/or Haste but even by itself this is a fine creature.
2. Heliod, Sun-Crowned
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(Frequency = Medium, Impact = High) Possible Homes = Mono-White Devotion, Soul Sisters, Collected Company Decks, Hardened Scales Decks, Any deck that already plays Walking Ballista
The boogie man cometh. Heliod is a card so scary that lots of people are already talking about a Walking Ballista ban in Pioneer’s future. While the combo is obviously scary and something you have on your radar any time you’re playing Pioneer I don’t think it’s quite to that level. Outside of winning the game on the spot, Heliod slots in nicely next to Benalish Marshall in a White Devotion/Beatdown strategy, perhaps utilizing other Theros cards; Favored of Iroas and Taranika, Akroan Veteran (which are both soldiers as well). The other white devotion deck possibility is probably more of a “pillow fort” kind of deck utilizing white’s many enchantments that make it hard for your opponent to win. That deck has the added benefit of wanting to play Walking Ballista alongside Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx already and also likes the lifegain Heliod can provide.
1. Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath
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(Frequency = High, Impact = High) Possible Homes = UG Ramp Strategies (including Devotion), 5c Niv to Light, Escape Strategies, Maybe Soulflayer
My pick for the card that will have the biggest impact in Pioneer, Uro packs a lot of value into one card. UG ramp strategies with and without devotion will love this card and it slots perfectly into Niv to Light as a ramp spell which also gains you some life early and gives you more reach late. Uro will probably also spawn some new strategies all by itself like UGx control or some sort of escape deck that includes some self-mill. Expect to see a lot of this card going forward and expect to die to it eventually if you can’t deal with it permanently.
Honourable Mentions
Playable Removal Spells:
Eat to Extinction and Drag to the Underworld will both compete with the format’s best removal and will see some play but I don’t think they are appreciably better than Fatal Push, Abrupt Decay, Vraska’s Contempt, Murderous Rider or even Murderous Cut. Keep in mind that Drag to the Underworld’s upside is a one mana break on Murder, have you ever thought about playing Murder in Pioneer?
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Cards to Help you Out Against Mono-Red:
Erebos’s Intervention, Shadowspear and Setessan Petitioner provide more ammunition for decks that have trouble with mon-red or other aggressive decks. The Petitioner is definitely a sideboard card whose cmc probably makes it an upgrade over Nylea’s Disciple. The other two may be maindeck cards in the right deck (perhaps UR Ensoul for Shadowspear) but probably also head to the sideboard.
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“If _________________ is a good deck then this card will probably see play in it.”
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Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea is a good body for blue Devotion strategies along with Thassa, whose blink effect is proving to be better in testing then I expected. Green devotion decks may want Omen of the Hunt and some will probably try Nyxbloom Ancient but that card definitely screams “win more!” to me.
Longshot Squad
Could any of these have a chance? Probably not, but crazier things have happened.
Gaalia of the Endless Dance
Firedrinker Satyr, Satyr Hedonist, Boon Satyr and the new Careless Celebrant….You’re right, those are not the cards a good Pioneer deck are built around but it’s too bad, this card is efficient and a cool effect to have in an aggressive tribal deck. Maybe when we go to Theros next time we’ll be able to complete this deck. Gaalia might just be good enough to get there on its own in a Gruul agro deck but usually if you’re attacking with three or more creatures in that kind of deck you’re already winning anyway.
Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders & Nyx Lotus
There isn’t a precedent for a three cmc mana-producing creature to be good in the format but I can’t help but wonder if this card can do something with Paradox Engine. Nyx Lotus could go in that deck as well. Maybe mostly blue with a red splash and including Emry, Dalakos, Saheeli, Mox Amber (Which Dalakos helps out), Nyx Lotus, Paradox Engine….
Storm Herald & Mantle of the Wolf
Could Storm Herald spawn an aggressive combo deck? Prodigious Growth and Spectra Ward are probably the two best creature auras to use with Storm Herald and you probably need something like Battle Mastery and/or one of the lifelink enchantments. We have a lot of red rummaging effects like Cathartic Reunion, Tormenting Voice and the new Thrill of Possibility as well as perhaps Thirst for Meaning out of blue to set things up. It’d be nice to be able to bring back Control Magic effects and enchant your opponent’s creatures but, c’est la vie, there may be something here.
Nadir Kraken
Look man, I don’t know why I like this card, but there’s just something about it. Maybe because Squirrel Opposition is my all-time favorite deck and this card makes me nostalgic for constant token generation. I’m at least 95% sure this won’t be a playable card in Pioneer but I’m also 95% sure I will own too many foils of it for the chance that it becomes playable.
Underworld Breach, Aphemia, Calix & Kroxa
What do we do with these cards? I don’t know, but someone is going to try. Underworld Breach obviously has the most potential but may need the larger card pool eternal formats to really shine. If you squint really hard Aphemia has Bitterblossom potential. Calix is a really interesting build around for enchantment-heavy strategies. Kroxa might want someone to introduce them to Davriel to really make opponents miserable.
            - Stephen K Timmons
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ask-willhell · 6 years
This awful creature thee nam'd DeeDee hast did hurt a gentle sir and eke cousin of mineth. Haply thee shouldst cometh backeth to thy fath'r, oh spawn of Flibbertigibbet nam'd deedee. Meanwhile i'll wend talketh to the white and pink fox with an attractive voice" - Shakespeare Anon
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“How are you doing this holiday season? You sound too good to be wasting your time here, no doubt, unless... You came to see my fabulous features?”
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fathersappointed · 3 years
The board man cometh Kim is a very dedicated pitchman!
Do you think if I told Kim he was being deceived, he would believe me, Kim, you’re being deceived nope that, didn’t work?
Today he’s talking about his favorite demonic scientist. Elon Musk.
Is Elon a benevolent Super-mind Or the egotistical maniac Khan you task me, Khan!
Elon, they think you’re a bad seed. A bad seed demon spawned. I’m looking at some of your pictures I don’t know?
He says the Devil wants your spaceships!
Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise once asked God why does God need a spaceship? When God said I will use your ship to spread my greatness.
Why would the Devil need spaceships?
There’s a lot of reasons, but if you going by the story, how long are you going to fare against God with spaceships that can barely get to the moon. And what are you going to do with a rocket that can go to Mars carry a grenade with you? This is almost as bad as a situation we face with the Devil/Christ. The Devil and Chris want those ships for another reason whose details require a later post.
Don’t worry the Devil doesn’t want your spaceship. He’s got one he likes better!
Your spaceship is kind of like a rowboat to their Symphony of the Seas.
As I’ve, said we are an illimitable existence! And that’s not it’s ship!
The Devil compromises members of this ship. We are not infinite awareness stuck on a computer chip we are unfortunate victims. Caught in some kind of Syfy Twilight Zone horror flick, playing out a no-win scenario! I don’t believe in the no-win scenario they’re presenting this as. I’ll admit this is a tough situation the smartest guy on the planet is an idiot. He’d be hard-pressed to figure out what to do?
I need a good rowboat. You know; One that won’t crap out when I’m in space! One that won’t Blow Me To Pieces as soon as I take off! One that is not connected to your scummy boss’s computers. I need a good rowboat! One that’s big enough for me and maybe (if they can be brave enough,) three of my friends? I need a good rowboat!
God, if only you could see it. God is a group of cold-blooded grossness that needs to be ripped to shreds.
We may be doomed even if you headcases figure it out, but we will definitely be doomed if you don’t.
Nobody can hear me when I shout, Look out! Danger!
It seems I face The Impossible?
He brings up how much money this man has or will have in the future. It matters not to the Devil. The Devil will make you the wealthiest man in the World. The Devil would make you a God of the world if he had the power the Devil cares nothing about that? The Devil wants to kill, Our Father.
We are an illimitable existence of time, and we are under attack!
Now if you would kindly Wake Up to the horror that we face!
Look, it comes down to this if there’s a way they think they’ve fixed it.
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer.
We still have a long way to go and we still need to flush the world’s governments…Into the septic system. if we don’t we’re stuck with s*** and all hope is lost! Don’t get all your feathers in a flutter there have, to be some good ones in the bunch. This is a little bit bigger than your bureaucratic brunch! All of it will have to be flushed.
You’ll understand when you figure it out.
You bow down before the god of exorbitant mesmeric extraneous exoticism now. In other words, You are becoming extremely egotistical selfishly stuffing your face in a grandiose self gluttonous odyssey before anybody else gets it. And going mentally corrupt by having too many people offer to wipe your ass. And you’re starting to believe your own propaganda you’ve almost lost who, You Are. I think with some work you might get it back? I shan’t waste a drop of my precious time with scumbags. I know well the thoughts within, a man they come from a source of absolute scum. We face an Evil, focus in a jealous consuming hate! I walk into a new hell they are the scum of the world. And I know well how they think. From the bowels, I reach into the filth.
You asked why I rant this way the ones I speak to hear in no other way.
To them they are insulted to me I am pained I have faced an evil group now I have to deal with their monumental egos. They are obsessively egotistical self-centered. And I believe one of the designs of that besides destroying the world is to slow me down and wear me out. They have built an Immense wall of scummy egotistical powerful People that are actually stupider than dirt and have even less honor around me! And I have to break through somehow in order to stop this evil group. So yes, I am pained.
And there you were thinking Tumblr was just for trash TV.
I know who I am, I’m Our Father’s Appointed I am for this show The King of Sin. My banner says Anti-God because I’m going for the head of the snake. Try to understand you’ve been played you’ve been one of their favorite puppets. From the beginning, everything you’ve been experiencing has been an orchestrated lie it's clobbering time! See the true Horror for the first time for what it truly is! I just want to mention one thing they’re laughing, and I’m running out of time. 
 How many billionaires how many multi-millionaires living in gluttonous greed? Sitting there with your inflated Pride I did it! You sit with gleaming eyes as you watch the multitude you treat as worms beg for your crumbs! I am disgusted by all of you and your trinket world. You sit in your glitter thinking that you are the all when what you are is the scummiest sum that walks the Earth. And that’s what I’ve got to fight with. You think this is demented but that’s because you’re Clueless in assholes “vill” I don’t like having to have to work with stuck-up scumbags. Understand I’m not saying a person creating jobs or something that benefits mankind shouldn’t receive compensation. I’m speaking to the sickening boastfulness gluttony that overbearing permeates existence. You can deduce what you like with that I don’t really give a s*** Don’t get your feathers in a ruffle like the government and Generals there’s got to be a few that are not garbage. I’m sure that’s you. I just got to stop thinking about a big oozing pus sac that’s on the face of the world. They’ll Attack your mind (they already speak)as soon as you see. You don’t understand yet but they’re always watching you. Yes even while you sleep so that you know. They think in absolute this is their time, but I think it’s time to f**** their world up.
0 notes
terryblount · 5 years
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.3.0 releases tomorrow, full patch release notes
Ubisoft has announced that a new patch for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will be released tomorrow. Update 1.3.0 will be 6GB in size for the PC and will add in-game support for Torments of Hades as well as for the upcoming Lost Tales of Greece.
Moreover, this upadte will address an issue causing enemy fire attack damage to be too high, will up Ikaros’s attack damage, will reduce the weekly contract objectives to make them simpler and faster to complete, and will forbit enemy archers from having the ability to apply players Critical Chance and Critical Damage stats engravings to themselves.
As always, this patch will also fix a number of bugs and issues. For instance, it will address an issue in New Game+ that caused all map progress to be carried over unintentionally, several issues preventing players from completing Ainigmata Ostraka, an issue causing players to spawn under the map when traveling to Lokris Overwatch viewpoint and an issue preventing players from confirming kill on the Swordfish & Brison.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey patch 1.3.0 also comes with some PC-specific fixes. For example, it addresses an issue preventing players from reassigning key bindings when using M&K, will force native resolution values to remain intact when players switch to window modes without applying any settings, will force Anti-Aliasing to be set to the appropriate value when Adaptive Quality is set to ON, and will increase scrolling speed for filters in Photo Mode.
UPLAY and Steam will download this update once it becomes available tomorrow, and you can find its complete changelog below.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Patch 1.3.0 Release Notes
Added in-game support for Torments of Hades
Added in-game support for upcoming Lost Tales of Greece
Upped Ikaros’s attack damage
Mercenaries will now carry different amounts of iron and gems to be looted. It’s not equal work, equal pay in ancient Greece, Misthios!
Addressed an issue causing enemy fire attack damage to be too high
Enemy archers no longer have the ability to apply players Critical Chance and Critical Damage stats engravings to themselves. No getting owned by archers any more
Reduced the weekly contract objectives to make them simpler and faster to complete
Aligned sell price of “The Fate of Atlantis” weapons with main game weapons
Ainigmata Ostraka now indicate if they’re from Greece or other realms
Added a visual hint for items currently assigned to another loadout
Unique Legendary Lieutenants will now scale up with players
Addressed an issue in The Keeper and Kyros that prevented players from completing the quest
Addressed an issue keeping Kyros from walking to the next quest objective
When playing the “The Fate of Atlantis” DLC, Wardens will no longer be classed as archers during gameplay or challenges
ISU NPC stats will be appropriate according to elite status
Addressed an issue in The Beacons Are Lit causing the device to fall through the map when thrown at the door
Kolossus will no longer receive damage from torches
Addressed an issue with regards to “The Conqueror” achievement that prevented some players from unlocking it
The “No Good Deed” quest will now appear after completing “The Beacons Are Lit”
Gaspar the Gatekeeper, true to his name, will now attack when approached in the Terror Gorge Poi
Addressed an issue in Protector Of Persia that prevented players from completing the quest
Leda has been found safe and secure in the cave during “Daddy’s Home”
The Hero Sword reward will now be given to players after completing Daddy’s Home
Addressed an issue in Daughters of Lalaia that prevented players from progressing this Lost Tale of Greece
Addressed an issue that caused Heir Of Memories to wrongly appear in Argolis at the start of the quest
Addressed an issue in New Game+ that caused all map progress to be carried over unintentionally
Players will now be able to acquire the artefact after killing Medusa with NG+
After killing the Cyclops in Stairway to Olympus with an NG+, the cutscene will now play as intended
Addressed an issue in NG+, preventing players from completing “Test of Judgement”
Addressed an issue during Battle Of 300 in NG+, causing Leonidas to have more than four adrenaline bars if the spear was previously upgraded
Addressed an issue where the Mercenary tier 5 benefit wasn’t kept in New Game+
Addressed an issue in NG+, preventing players from completing Monger Down
Hard Mode encounters in the Arena with NG+ will now drop the Arena Fighter’s Set items
After completing Ancient Revelations in NG+, players will no longer obtain a duplicate reward
Addressed several issues preventing players from completing Ainigmata Ostraka
Addressed an issue causing players to spawn under the map when traveling to Lokris Overwatch viewpoint
Bandits and Followers of Ares have finally agreed on a contract to try and take over the Obsidian Islands
Daughters of Artemis contracts will spawn in regions where targets are available
Sleeping NPCs killed next to their friends will no longer raise bounties
Small boat sails will remain intact after reaching level 90
Addressed an issue preventing players from meditating or summoning the Adrestia
Not under the boat, Machaon will be ferried to the underworld properly after players confirm his kill
Addressed an issue preventing players from confirming kill on the Swordfish & Brison
Addressed an issue causing the Phalanx Spear to deal less damage than stated on the weapon card
Addressed an issue preventing the Conquest battle heroes from spawning as expected
Addressed an issue causing mercenaries to be seen in Modern Day
The Tomb of Agamemnon is now off limit for wolves in Modern Day
Addressed an issue in The Favor that prevented players from completing the quest
Addressed an issue preventing players from interacting with the captain in “Test of Character”
Addressed an issue preventing players from fighting the immortals after dying
Addressed an issue in The Grand Minotour that prevented players from completing the quest
Addressed an issue in By The Fates where the handmaiden could be stuck in a follow objective
Addressed an issue in A God Among Men that prevented players from completing the quest
After interacting with the door during “Meet Myrrine…,” the cinematic will now trigger as intended
Players will now be able to complete the “Unlucky Bandits” on Hephaistos Islands
If left alive during A Fight With Talos, Talos will now remain armed
Addressed an issue causing the shark to spawn underground where the glittery pendant is placed in Safe Passage
In Stranger Tides, ambushing riders will enter combat and react to players as intended
Addressed an issue in Shark The Vagrant that prevented players from completing the quest
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing “Follow that Boat”
Addressed an issue causing NPCs to get stuck, preventing the completion of “The Taxman Cometh”
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing “Test of Faith.” Faith is now given to you, misthios!
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing “Let my Patients Go”
Addressed an issue during “Conquest” when trying to defeat Stentor, causing players to get stuck in battle
Addressed an issue causing Kleio’s quest to disappear
In A Venomous Encounter, the NPC will now be stationed at the checkpoint “Report to Metiochos”
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing “To Kill or Not to Kill”
Phidas’s mortality will no longer prevent players from completing “Escape from Athens”
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing Prince of Persia (The Blind King)
Brasidas has been ordered to leave the Leader House so players can complete We Will Rise
Bandits have found their ship, which was lost at sea, to join the fight during Mysterious Malady
Addressed an issue in The Handmaiden’s Story that prevented players from completing the quest
Addressed an issue in Perikles’s Symposium that prevented players from completing the quest
Addressed an issue preventing some players from starting “A God Among Men”
Addressed an issue with By The Fates where the quest reward wasn’t given to players
Diona will follow players in the “I, Diona” quest
Addressed an issue with regards to “The Conqueror” achievement that prevented some players from unlocking it
Addressed an issue causing Polyphemos to remain stationary after players are attacking during “To Be Nobody”
Addressed an issue causing Herodotos to go missing during Perikles’s Symposium
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing “Remnant of the Ancients”
Addressed an issue during Atlantis Destroyed causing Barnabas to die after the cutscene
Although Herodotos loves recording history, he’ll no longer follow players throughout Greece during “Family Values”
Addressed an issue preventing players from interacting with the captain in the “Evening the Odds” quest
After spending his living years working for the Order, Kleon has decided to relax on the beach in the Underworld, not ancient Greece
Rebalanced the bow drop rate vs other weapons
Addressed an issue during The Dunce Conundrum preventing players from obtaining Zeno’s Paradox
Phidias the one and only will be shown during Back to Atlantis
Addressed an issue preventing players from completing “Myths and Minotaurs”
Addressed an issue causing the Minotaur’s Labyrinth to be located underwater at times
Addressed several issues with Athena on board the Adrestia
Addressed various gear texture issues
Addressed various lighting issues
Addressed several weapon animation issues
Addressed some graphical issues that occurred in various regions
Addressed several character and NPC graphic issues
Addressed various UI/HUD issues
Addressed a display issue that caused the “Close” prompt to display twice on in-game popup notifications
Steropes Bow and the Hero’s sword can now be used in the Visual customization menu
[PC] When Adaptive Quality is set to ON, Anti-Aliasing will be set to the appropriate value
Addressed various localization issues
Addressed an issue with the Ainigmata Ostraka “Ashes To Ashes” that didn’t mark it as complete in the inventory
Addressed an issue that caused the Mercenary Tier S4 to not work as intended
The Abraxas horse skin will be awarded to players reaching Tier 1 Mercenary rank, as intended
Addressed an issue where the wrong APs count would be displayed after a reset
[PC] Addressed an issue preventing players from comparing on the Mercenaries and Cultist tabs when using M&K
The “Rock and Roll” Ainigmata Ostraka will no longer roll away from your inventory
After fast travelling, the stealth icon cannot remain invisible to players
[PC] When using M&K, players can now walk on boats using the keyboard
[PC] Increased the space between selections in the Mercenaries tab when using M&K
[PC] Addressed an issue preventing players from reassigning key bindings when using M&K
[PC] Added a description for the “Aim Assist” tooltip when using M&K
[PC] Addressed an issue causing the UI to become unresponsive in borderless mode after minimizing the game with “Win+D”
[PC] Native resolution values will remain intact when players switch to window modes without applying any settings
Players will no longer be able to apply the Sphinx Mane set bonus to other set items
Addressed several issues with the Rage ability in combat
Addressed an issue that caused the Call to Arms ability to be locked after Level 81
Addressed an issue preventing players from using the NPC locking mechanic while Rage is enabled
Addressed an issue creating crashes on loading when storing the game in MS storage systems
Improved performance and stability on PS4
[PC] Increased scrolling speed for filters in Photo Mode. They see me scrollin’
“Reset all settings” confirmation prompt will appear before implementation in Photo Mode
Corrected several player stats and leaderboards in the Ubisoft Club
Addressed several issues with Ubisoft Club challenges, stats, and leaderboards
When the conditions are met, players will now unlock the “Breaking the Limit” achievement
Addressed an issue that caused Daughters of Artemis kills not to count toward the legendary Marksman engraving objective, once you’re the leader of this faction
The bonus and engraved version of the Sphinx Mane will now be displayed in the menu
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.3.0 releases tomorrow, full patch release notes published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
0 notes
a wiccans journey  re written by jason froehlich loosely based off poems by Emma Lazurus hear you sing to me, underneath the fur pine of our favorite tree, looking up to the clear celestial blue skies. but then i come to realise my arms are empty you are not here you have been gone for some time so i sit and ponder one thought why you I’ve been around for some time now I’ve learned the ropes and the know how I’ve seen miracles a time or two I’ve seen tragedy more than a few I’ve known happiness and felt love but now cometh unto me i see a new way to be Sunlight filters through the trees Lights the flowers and busy bees Insects dance across the lake Living just for their own sake hadows running across the land From the hills to the golden sand Earth revolving in empty spaces Giving night and day to all the places  suddenly the light grips us and we are many not a legion not one of evil but as many Children's friend, protecting father Watchful brother, noble fighter Deep in silence speaks the wisdom: Let me treasure Autumn's season. a time to reflect, to dream and plan and in each of us Each of your sinews, a river our toes  are your roots to the land With your fingers you wrought the future The Earth lives or dies by your hand spawning greed planting seeds of darkness you begin to realise but know its to late we have everything shifted us few good ones outweighed by the shadows of our past Shadows running across the land From the hills to the golden sand Everything wilts, Fades, Painted with blame, Whatever was good never stays the same, Pure beauty of today, In a blink of an eye spreads decay, As the blood runs, The tears will fall, What was alive today, Is dead tomorrow... Earth revolving in empty spaces  lived on by people of different races easily made to play follow the leader but people like us do not flock with the massesThe voice of judgment speaks wisdom in a language none may understand, yet blessed is he who suffers through temptation and takes it upon themselves to disband. instead
0 notes
nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Provocative Nat Turner-Inspired Portraits Fuel Debate After Their Removal
Stephen Towns, “All is Vanity” (2016), acrylic oil, metal leaf on canvas, 36 x 36 inches (all images courtesy the artist and Rosenberg Gallery at Goucher College unless otherwise noted)
In 1967, author William Styron won a Pulitzer Prize for The Confessions of Nat Turner. The novel retold the story of a real historic event — the 1831 slave revolt of Southampton County, Virginia — narrated from the imagined perspective of Turner, the educated and highly religious slave who led our nation’s bloodiest slave revolt.
Although white militias ended the rebellion within a few days, the rebel slaves liberated a number of local plantations and killed between 55 and 65 white slave owners, including women and children. After two months in hiding, Turner was captured and later hanged, and his corpse was subsequently beheaded, quartered, and flayed (his body parts were auctioned off and his skin was made into collectible items). In the aftermath, approximately 120 slaves and free African Americans were murdered in the region by white militias and mobs as retribution, and southern state legislatures passed new laws prohibiting the education of slaves and restricting the civil rights of free black people in order to prevent future revolts.
As with most American history, Nat Turner’s story has been told and retold by white male authors, including Styron, with fewer known works of historical research, art, or literature about him by black authors. It is within this context that the Baltimore-based, African-American artist Stephen Towns made his own series of paintings and quilts based on Turner’s rebellion, after he received research funding from a Rubys Grant in 2015.
The Joy Cometh in the Morning series presents six painted figures, each representing a martyr from the rebellion — individuals who made a choice to wage war for their freedom for personal and spiritual reasons, knowing that their chances for success or survival were zero. In Towns’s vision, each wears a noose around their necks, held in place by one raised fist, a gesture of black power. In this pose, the artist empowers each individual to be seen as master of their own destiny, to be read as tragic heroes, and to command respect and admiration in the face of sacrifice.
On view at Goucher College’s Rosenberg Gallery in a solo show titled A Migration, the series (one of several in the show) recently provoked a complaint from an African-American employee. The artist responded by asking gallery director Laura Amussen to remove the paintings on August 20, and to replace them with taped squares on the gallery wall where each had been. This decision has inspired divisive reactions on social media that in many ways recall the debates that arose from Styron’s novel 50 years ago.
*   *   *
StephenTowns, “I Fear no Evil” (2016), acrylic oil, metal leaf, bristol board on panel, 12 x 12 inches
Although there is much to learn from Nat Turner’s story, it presents a tinderbox of conflicting emotions. Is it an account of bravery? Does it promote black pain? Is it a shameful story that white America would like to forget? It’s no surprise that authors and artists have found Turner to be an inspiring muse, but equally predictable that the resulting works are controversial.
Styron himself received his fair share of criticism during his lifetime. Initially, his Nat Turner novel received widespread praise; it received glowing reviews from the nation’s top newspapers, the movie rights were quickly sold to 20th Century Fox, and it won the Pulitzer. The author received acclaim from African-American audiences, in particular from his friend and colleague James Baldwin, and was given an honorary degree at Wilberforce University, a historically black college in Ohio, which he claimed was his greatest achievement, especially as a self-identifying Southerner.
However, after the summer of 1968 brought the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy, and rioting ensued in cities across the US, the author’s legacy took a U-turn. Because of Confessions and the controversy it produced, Styron became a reviled and contentious literary figure for the rest of his life. Black individuals and groups protested the book for being historically inaccurate and disrespectful, full of stereotypes and cliché, and Beacon Press published William Styron’s Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond, a volume of essays that were initially ignored and belittled by mainstream press, but grew to build an enduring debate around issues of race within literature and art in general.
It’s worth noting that Styron’s book was based on an earlier account by another white male author, lawyer Thomas Ruffin Gray, who visited Turner in jail after his capture. He later wrote and published The Confessions of Nat Turner: The Leader of the Late Insurrection in Southampton, Virginia in 1831. This is the sole historical text that documents Turner’s story directly; it presents conflicts of interest because Gray was the attorney for others accused in participating in the revolt.
Styron based much of his novel on Gray’s account. When describing the start of the revolt, Turner claimed to have been called to action by Christ, who “had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight against the Serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first should be last and the last should be first.”
When Gray asked Turner, now imprisoned, if he found himself mistaken in enacting the revolt, he replied, “Was not Christ crucified?”
Despite his claim to martyrdom, Turner never quite achieved this celebrated status. Rather, as Towns’s story reveals, Turner has remained a controversial figure after all these years.
*   *   *
Stephen Towns, “The Revolt” (2016), fiber glass beads, 34.5 x 27 inches
I first encountered Towns’s Joy Cometh in the Morning series at Galerie Myrtis, in his solo show titled Take Me Away to the Stars in November 2016. The entire show was based on several years of Towns’s research on Turner, and his desire to promote awareness and healing.
The front gallery space was filled with the artist’s magnificent quilts, which imagined different vignettes from Turner’s life, humanizing him and avoiding depictions of violence. These works are powerful because of the comfort they offer through their harmonious arrangement of patterned fabric and domestic familiarity, with figures rendered as silhouettes. Each quilt allows the viewer to grow emotionally attached to it before realizing the violence and controversy, the inherent feelings of conflict and remorse that Turner’s story brings.
But the six paintings in the back gallery were a sucker punch. Unlike the quilts, the Joy Cometh series is rendered in oil paint and portrays the slave rebels in highly realistic likenesses based on Towns himself and five others who modeled for him. Each painting depicts the subject’s face at actual size and, hung at eye level, the individuals — three men and three women — return your gaze with eyes that are confrontational, sparkling with intelligence and determination.
Stephen Towns, “Shall It Declare Thy Truth” (2016), acrylic oil, metal leaf, bristol board canvas and paper on panel, 24 x 18 inches
The Joy Cometh paintings are deliberately provocative and designed to challenge commonly accepted notions of history and race in the US. They are uncomfortably realistic and they inflame your emotions, no matter what your racial or familial history. While at Galerie Myrtis, these paintings were written about in multiple Baltimore publications, and, as far as I know, attracted little controversy and were widely praised. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that Galerie Myrtis specializes in work by African-American artists, and that the gallery’s typical audience regularly sees and consumes contemporary art.
In late August, at Goucher College’s Rosenberg Gallery, the same paintings provoked a completely different response. A Goucher employee deemed the paintings offensive, stating that she shouldn’t have to look at black faces with nooses around their necks at work, leading to a mediated discussion between the employee, the gallery director, and AU professor and artist Zoë Charlton in which the employee expressed that these paintings made her work environment feel abusive and uncomfortable.
After he was informed of the complaint, Towns issued a statement and requested that the paintings be removed, but that taped squares remain where the paintings were originally hung. It’s unclear whether the college would have insisted upon the paintings’ removal, but it was an unfortunate possibility. Rather than forcing the college’s hand, Towns chose to remove his own works.
“It has come to my attention that the work from my Joy Cometh in the Morning series has offended staff at Goucher College,” says Towns in a statement placed in the gallery alongside the empty frames. “Though I am saddened to see the work go, I value Goucher’s Black employees’ concern. The intent of my work is to examine the breadth and complexity of American history, both good and bad. It is not to fetishize Black pain, nor to diminish it.”
On social media, Towns’s preemptive actions and statement have been applauded for being sensitive and generous to the offended employee, but they have also spawned inflammatory dialogue. Nonetheless, the discussion, although uncomfortable at times, has been wide-ranging and productive.
*   *   *
The taped squares placed in lieu of Stephen Towns’s painting at Rosenberg Gallery, Goucher College (photo by the author for Hyperallergic)
Some online commenters predictably focused on Goucher College’s failure to engage in public discourse as an educational space — and the decline of college campuses in this regard (“Is Goucher now going to remove every thought provoking book in its library because someone finds the book offensive?” one person wrote on Instagram). Other discussions revolved around the role of art within society — and an institution’s responsibility to properly support productive and positive dialogue for all those who come into contact with the art on display, not just students and faculty.
Sadly, our discussion now revolves around the removal of the paintings rather than the content or merit of the paintings themselves, but this, too, appears to offer new solutions and opportunities for artists, curators, galleries, and colleges, moving forward. We can only wonder if the paintings would’ve remained if there had been, for instance, a written statement preemptively placed alongside these specific works to offer context. If more resources in the form of educational programming, discussions, or publications had been offered to college employees and the larger community, perhaps the students, faculty, and staff could’ve considered the paintings’ aesthetic value and historical content instead of blank squares and an artist’s statement.
Stephen Towns’s statement at Rosenberg Gallery, Goucher College (photo by the author for Hyperallergic)
One commenter expressed on Facebook that “This is not our fight. This is about the free exchange between an individual artist and his audience. I regret the outcome, but the artist’s wishes need to and should be honored.”
This brings us back to basic questions, such as whether it is the artist’s responsibility to make the audience feel comfortable. Is it possible to exhibit provocative art and offend no one?
As history teaches us, invoking Nat Turner’s historical legacy is a divisive endeavor, but we are in dire need of diverse perspectives and interpretations of him, especially by artists of color who can attempt to translate such a contentious historic narrative into an empathetic contemporary context. Towns’s paintings are hard to look at; they successfully mirror just a fraction of the violence and terror experienced on a daily basis by thousands of Americans who were owned as slaves.
*   *   *
Stephen Towns, “The Righteous and the Wise, and their Works are in the Hand of God” (2016), acrylic oil, metal leaf on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Although it was originally ridiculed in mainstream press, the slim book of essays William Styron’s Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond gained a national readership and inspired protest, dialogue, and controversy. The 10 authors were comprised of academics, editors, psychiatrists, and librarians, and offered numerous reasons to reject Styron’s depiction of Turner, especially his use of “myths, racial stereotypes and literary clichés even in the best intentioned and most enlightened minds,” said contributing author Mike Thelwell. “The real ‘history’ of Nat Turner, and indeed of black people, remains to be written.”
Styron’s novel spawned agonizing conversations about authorship, race, history, and art in the US, foreshadowing decades of debate and dialogue. Although it was contentious, the conversation between Styron’s Nat Turner book and the Ten Black Writers response helped to generate a new genre of fiction featuring African-American authors including Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Charles Johnson’s Middle Passage, Edward P. Jones’s Known World, Sherley Anne Williams’s Dessa Rose, and even recently Coleson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad.
“I do not believe that the right to describe… black people in American society is the private domain of Negro writers,” wrote John A. Williams in Ten Black Writers Respond. But one of the most notable consequences of this critical book of essays is that it helped to create a new space for multiple voices and hundreds of different versions of US history by historians, authors, and artists of diverse backgrounds.
At Goucher College, Towns made the decision to remove his Joy Cometh series from the gallery based on the strong reaction it inspired and his desire to promote healing rather than to inflict pain. But these paintings are powerful because they diverge radically from the comforting version of history that most Americans prefer.
Towns’s actions raise important and conflicting questions for all contemporary artists of conscience, specifically regarding the role of controversial works of art and the appropriate context for its consumption. At Goucher College, the students, faculty, and staff can no longer directly engage with Towns’s paintings. But it remains to be seen whether the work, as well as its removal, will continue to inspire a spirited dialogue that yields productive results.
Stephen Towns: A Migration continues at Goucher College’s Rosenberg Gallery (1021 Dulaney Valley Rd, Baltimore) through October 16. An artist’s receptions will be held on Tuesday, September 12 at the gallery. 
The post Provocative Nat Turner-Inspired Portraits Fuel Debate After Their Removal appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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exquisitelyeco · 7 years
Well. I am going to start sharing my other blog. If I can work out how to do it. I need to transfer the posts over from Wordpress to here. And then I am going to start to share my journal from my bible reading. It's not just about God, before you back off and freak out! Come, come, closed cupboard never showed riches inside! Open and broaden that mind.......It's about my anger at God. My mistrust of God. My life and How I am changing my past to go into my future.
 About beauty. About my prayers and my plans. So. Be gentle with me! And nasty comments will be blocked and so with the poster (do you do that stuff on here? Blocking?) Positive comments, even if you disagree will be great. But polite please. I have a quick temper and sometimes I react before I think. I also like pickaxes and guns and have used both........in the garden. And clay pigeon shooting, so far.......and for somebody with a guide dog, I am a good shot.....
 ....Especially when's I am angry......seriously.......let's all be nice! 
‘Different views are very good, if put politely like they should.’ Famous eternal quote by me. Thought of just now.
Ahh, poetry. How it feeds the soul. I am finding I have a sense of humour, at sometimes only......in the cynically things that happen to me. One of them I will share with you now. It was probably, if i remember rightly the first one.
 I have long thick hair. My friend commented on it one day, saying how beautiful it was (not today it isn't!) saying it was like a tapestry. What a flower of a compliment. I would have totally forgotten it, after the initial rapture of such praise, if it had not been for this next bit, that shows pride cometh before a fall. 
We were, some days later, going home from uni ( Ta da! Trumpet sounds of greatness!) and being drive by a gentleman, said lady was flirting with. She was telling about our previous conversation. It went something like this  “I was saying how's lovely Nicolas hair is, it looks just like a rug!” Ahh, the things meant to bring us to the state of reality, when our heads are overly swelled.........I have to say, that makes me smile even now. Cynical amusement. So much better than a temper tantrum, people! So once I can work out how to do it I will share my genius.  I have recipes of the God of chocolate.... the wonderful  CARAMAC. I have poems about cheese....It was given to me by the divine one......a master piece, worthy of Brownings and Wordsworth, even if I do say so my self. And various other bits and pieces. Including an update on my serious literacy article ‘Beans, the spawn of Satan’ in which, scientifically, I describe and prove,  why these were specifically created, so I thought, (and still hold for butter, baked and broad beans) for satanic purposes. For you christians, now beginning to panic and shout blasphemy, this is literally tongue in cheek, although, for me personally it's spit it out....... 
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