werewolfsmile · 1 month
Watching The Corkscrew Job and just ...
Eliot trusting Parker and Hardison enough to go into a situation where he's about to have no oxygen. He would hear over the comms that they're facing down henchmen who are trying to stop them. He doesn't know how long it'll take for them to get air flow happening again.
But there's an innocent person to protect and he has faith in his partners. Faith enough to willingly risk his life time and time again - not just in this instance, but all the others we see over the course of the show. Because Eliot knows that Parker and Hardison will do whatever it takes to protect him, just as he protects them.
There's just something so profound about not even having enough air to draw breath - but it doesn't matter, because you know your partners are out there, fighting to get that next breath to you. And it might take longer than expected. It might not go smoothly, hell, it might not even work at all. But it doesn't matter because your faith in these people is greater than the instincts screaming for oxygen.
Eliot can't breathe without them. But he's used to that - he's been living this way for years already. So he holds his breath and trusts.
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queer-deoxys-jizz · 7 months
Since I'm bored you're subject to my new poll
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clickabletale · 6 months
If I only knew how to do animatics, I’ve had this idea of a ObiZenyuki animatic to the song “Brave Enough” by Lindsey Stirling and it won’t leave my head—
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jakemcdormans · 1 year
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MRS. DAVIS (2023) ↪ Simone, Wiley & Jay + Happy Sad Confused
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 month
Challengers, but for middle-aged spies:
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twisting-echo · 1 year
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One of the many screen shot edits that I made of "What if Dulcinea was there?"
Since TAOPIB takes place after Puss left San Ricardo and before the events of the 2011 PIB film, and since Dulcinea leaves San Lorenzo with Puss at the end of TAOPIB, I like to imagine that they managed to stay together as friends/lovers, traveling companions, and a polycurious couple.
So, by the time Puss and Dulcinea meet up with Humpty and Kitty, let's just say Puss wasn't the only one attracted to Miss Softpaws. 
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leonardoeatscarrots · 2 months
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Made this so I could draw my OT3 as they age
For the love of GOD please ask about them because I'll explode if I can't talk about them
Blank template under the cut
As made by me
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theophagie · 2 months
giomis + Trish in a grey third area is real to me in the same way that bakudeku + Shouto in a grey third area is
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bhaalsdeepbat · 6 months
Minthara swinging into Act 3 like "Fuck your Faerie, you want me instead."
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incensuous · 11 months
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get in the car new genshin siblings just dropped
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youngpettyqueen · 2 months
your julian and keiko post made me want more of them so can I get a 🎲 for them?
YES so happy to get this thank you for giving me an excuse to write them. they are on my BRAIN
you rolled... 30! a kiss to the palm of the hand. which I think is very fitting for these two hehe. went for something simple and cute for this one, hope you enjoy!!
"I can't believe I did that." Keiko huffs, trying not to wince as Julian inspects the cuts scored into her hand.
"Oh, don't beat yourself up, Keiko," Julian says, gently angling her hand to get a better look, "It could've happened to anybody! And these aren't bad, just a quick once-over with the good ol' dermal regenerator and you'll be fit as a fiddle." He assures her.
He's very sweet, but unfortunately for him, Keiko is determined to be annoyed about this. "Oh, sure, anybody could've made that mistake," She agrees, "But I'm not anybody! I'm a professional! And I should know the difference between a scarlet dawnbird and a scarlet dragonbite, so that things like this," She gestures at her wounded hand, "Don't happen."
It really was a rookie mistake. She'd spotted the signature red petals of what she thought was a scarlet dawnbird- a gorgeous flowering plant native to Bajor, with large bright red blooms that light up when the sun hits them just so- and she'd been thrilled because it would've been her first time spotting one in person. They're rare flowers, and have a very short blooming season. Well, in her excitement, she forgot to check the stems, which would've told her if they were dawnbirds, or dragonbites.
Dawnbirds have smooth, sturdy stems with large, velvety leaves. Dragonbites also have large, velvety leaves, which do a wonderful job of hiding the wicked sharp thorns that cover the entire length of the stem.
And Keiko went ahead and grabbed the stem so that she could show Julian the blossom in the sun. She only succeeded in slicing her hand into ribbons.
Julian gives her a smile. The one that says I know what you're doing. He's far too good at reading her. "Yes, how silly of me," He hums, "I forgot you, the great Keiko O'Brien, were immune to error. Do forgive me." He fishes out his dermal regenerator and gets to work, making quick work of healing her hand.
Keiko sighs. She knows she's being ridiculous. He doesn't need to tell her- she knows. "It's not that I'm immune to error," She says, her tone softening somewhat, "I should just be immune to... these kinds of mistakes. I know better than to just grab at plants before identifying them. I was just... excited." Like a happy little schoolgirl, she leaves out.
"Well, I can hardly fault you for that," Julian replies. He's got his doctor voice on- the one he uses to soothe a patient. She's seen him use it on all kinds, from Klingons nursing stab wounds to Molly with skinned knees. It's very soothing, settling her agitated mood, despite herself, "You said those dawnbirds are quite rare, yes? I'd be excited, too, in your shoes."
Keiko feels herself starting to smile. He makes it too easy. She shouldn't be surprised that he remembers her talking about them, he remembers almost everything, but it's still nice. "I wanted to show you," She admits, even though it makes her cheeks flush, "The dawnbirds get their name from the shape of their petals, and from the way they light up when the sun hits them. They glow, Julian- Nerys says they're like embers. And I've never seen one in person, so I thought..." She glances at her hand, healed now, the only sign of injury being the blood that's dried in the lines of her palm and fingers, "I thought it'd be nice if you got to see it, too."
Julian takes a moment to clean off her hand, scrubbing away any evidence that she'd ever been hurt. "That's very sweet," He tells her, his smile going warm and affectionate in that cute way it does, "That you wanted to share that moment with me, I mean. And here I thought I was the romantic one." There's a teasing lilt to his voice. His hands linger on hers.
"Well," Keiko puts on her best winning smile, bats her lashes, "I have my moments."
"That you do," Julian agrees with a chuckle. He checks her hand again and nods, satisfied, "There you are, Mrs. O'Brien. Good as new. Just one more thing." He says.
"Oh?" Keiko raises a brow, "I thought you said it only needed the dermal regenerator."
"A dermal regenerator is all well and good," Julian says, "But it's got nothing on..." And then he lifts her hand to his face, presses a kiss to her palm, "That," He gives her a grin, and lets her take her hand back, "How's it feel?"
Keiko blushes again. She can practically feel the shade of red she's going. She flexes her fingers experimentally, and as promised, her hand is good as new. "Feels just perfect." She tells him.
"Good," Julian pushes himself up, gives himself a quick dust-off, "Now, shall we head back before Miles sends out a search party?" He holds his hand out to her.
Keiko takes it. "Lead the way." She invites, letting him pull her to her feet. He doesn't let go of her hand, and she makes no move to drop his. His thumb brushes over her knuckles, and she leans into his side, bumping her shoulder against his.
Somewhere along the way, she forgets she was ever annoyed.
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daincrediblegg · 10 months
teasing wips ask game: 🌈💧 ^_^
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
This bit that I wrote some months ago always gets me... idk but tl;dr it's after a birthday dinner he hosts for Lady Terror during their first year iced in:
Francis saw her climb the ladder, watched as her skirt lifted into the beyond, and before Jopson could make to mother him, slid the cabin door shut. He felt, then, a violent surge within him, as he stood gazing upon the remnants of their supper with no music but the gentle creaking of the ship to accompany his thoughts. It was a feeling that he hadn’t realized had been absent these past few hours, but as he looked upon her place setting. What little scraps of fatty meat and cognac she had left behind, it occurred to him that perhaps it wasn’t the presence of this feeling that affected him so acutely now, but rather her absence…
He regarded this, staring at the amber swill that was left of her glass, glowing like a lighthouse beacon in the lamplight, then plucked it up, tipped it back, and swallowed. It was, as she had said, sweeter and brighter than the whiskey. But he would need more than that to drown the damnable thing that had curled its way back around his heart, at least, for tonight.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it’s gen.
*cracks knuckles* well, since you asked...
“James…” She whispered gently, cupping his dimpled cheek in the palm of her hand, where tears began to spill. He looked at her, his eyes brimming over and blinking, begging for more than he could ever ask. And then she kissed him. His eyes shut and overflowed, as if in pain. And there was, as the faint taste of blood bore itself on her tongue as she drew into him deeper. A few moments later, his hands were on her waist, keeping her there as though she might leave him if he did not. But she made no such move, her other hand reaching for the back of his neck, where his hair fell in gentle curls. 
Francis thought he should feel some touch of jealousy on such a sight. It would be the gentlemanly thing, for loving her as he did, after all. But he found he could not. In fact, he felt stirred by watching them, contented, even, somehow. It felt right to watch their mouths slot together, to watch as she held him in the same gentle way he’d known these past months. The way James wept to be held by her was something he understood all too well. But more than that, he wanted to join her. He wished to be as she was now, holding him, caressing him with hands and lips and tongues. He wondered if he could draw such a man out of James as she did out of them both. If he would weep to feel him.
The thought emboldened him to stand. He saw Genevieve flinch as though she could sense him, even with eyes closed and lips locked. He shot her an affectionate smile, untying his neckerchief and shrugging out of his waistcoat, setting them aside.
James started at the feeling of Francis’ broad fingertips against his arm. Breaking with the woman before him to stare bewildered. Francis came up behind him with his eyes unbearably bright and kind. He’d never thought he’d ever find such a look in his eyes, in all four years he’d known him. But he found it here, as Francis held his gaze, daring his hand to tease up to the edge of his lapels, offering to take them down.
“Do you want this, James?” he asks, his meaning clear in his lilt, in the compassionate tone he’s taken with him these last few weeks. The offer is for them both. For him and his Lady Terror, who pets the scruff of his neck in approval as Francis waits for a reply. For after all, they may not survive what they do here. They may not survive at all. But to feel what they have, curled against him, surrounding him in a way he’s never known… it forces a nod from him.
“Yes. Yes, Francis,” he whimpers, and finds a kind smile grace his lips before the other man leans forward to capture his lips himself.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
OK I’ve cracked the milestone of 50K on this draft which clocks it at the longest fic I’ve ever written. Which means: a) that’s so many words b) it’s not done of course it’s not done, but I’m in hopefully the last chapter of writing.
Anyway if you are on the fence about watching Willow I would be delighted to pitch this show to you, it makes me very happy and I want to share it with everyone.
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
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lovehoarder · 11 months
Gods... I've bought so many games. And YET. IM JUST GONNA GO BACK TO TH.E WI.TCHER
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hourcat · 2 years
Pierre/dan/charles + cowboys
"He always like this?" Daniel asks with a chuckle, leaning against his horse as they watch Charles shout after the herding dog, whoops of laughter peppered between attempts at actual serious wrangling.
"Unfortunately," Pierre answers after a beat, voice fond; he adjusts his hat and starts to make his way towards the still-scrambled sheep across the field, "but you get used to it--hell, you may even love it."
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