season 1 of young royals: *exists*
me: ugh this swedish royal show looks good but i can’t ship it unless the prince dude:
a) publicly confesses to the whole ass Swedish nation/defends the pretty brunette boy
b) fucks his stupid cousin and mother up
c) goes to therapy
which will never happen because i’m not used to nice things :(
wilhelm: *does all 3 in S2*
me: *through tears* welcome to the family, son
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rhoorl · 5 months
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Just a sappy year-end post you can continue scrolling lol…
I’ve written and rewritten this so many times over the past week. The words were failing me on how to sum up this year, so instead here’s a long-winded stream of consciousness:
There are so many things that now have a new meaning for me thanks to the last nine months.
Sequins. Donuts. Ties. Mirrors. Belt buckles. Snakes. Holsters. Back Alleys. Bakeries. Pickles. Landscaping. Gray sweatpants. Honestly, the list goes on.
At the start of 2023, I was soooo excited to watch The Last of Us. I was a fan of Pedro and Mr. Rhoorl was a huge fan of the game so it was like a win-win and something for us to watch together. Little did I know how much that show and Pedro’s subsequent SNL appearance would change the rest of my year.
I still laugh when I think about how long I spent lurking on the Pedro subreddit before I said anything. But little by little, my upvotes turned into me leaving comments and those comments led to me finding some pretty awesome people. Especially those who encouraged me when I threw out a random comment about how I was thinking of writing a fic of my own after consuming so many stories and feeling inspired (I read my first fanfic in March of this year!). 
I remember going to the movies one day in the summer. I arrived early (taking solace in having some peace and quiet) and as I sat waiting for the trailers to start, I typed up the skeleton of the Working Title plot on my phone. Fast forward to impulsively creating a Tumblr account and feeling like the eldest millennial ever hoping I wouldn’t get laughed out of the room as I tried navigating this site and interacting with people and their posts.
Then a few weeks later, I was reading one of my favorite series (The Layover) and got this idea about an AU where the Triple Frontier boys start a landscaping business. I was so scared to message Megan about it, hoping she wouldn’t think I was completely nuts (well, maybe she does). I’m so happy I took that deep breath and hit send on that message. It was an uncharacteristic move for me, normally I’d just think ha that’s a funny idea and keep it to myself. But so much of the summer was pushing myself out of my comfort zone so I thought, why not?
Speaking of taking a deep breath and hitting send…who knew that the idea of hosting an online watch party would bring so many amazing people into my life? It all feels like a fever dream sometimes with how it all came together and I’m not sure how everything fell into place but grateful doesn’t even begin to express how it makes me feel. 
I’ll spare you the story since this is getting long, but this year had many highs and many lows. And what really helped me a lot during these lows was a lot of you reading this. Thank you for the encouragement, the laughs, and the shoulders to cry on during those low days, along with the silly graphics and gifs that made me smile (or gave me thots). I’m a pretty reserved and closed-off person away from here, but this year I decided to get out of my comfort zone a bit and just … try.
I know I'll probably never meet Pedro (except in my dreams), but damn if I did ever meet him I would love to say thank you. Thank you for putting so much heart and soul into your performances. Thank you for inspiring creativity in me that I didn't think was there anymore and for inspiring others to bear their souls out onto the internet by way of amazing, heartfelt, and thot-tastic stories. Thank you for giving me a reason to meet people from literally all over the world. This place feels like a playground sometimes with friendships striking up in the simplest ways, like “Hey you like Pedro/this character/this very specific photoshoot/this gif? Cool, me too let’s be friends.” I am so thankful to have made some true connections and friends here that I otherwise would not have met. 
(And finally, because I'm me, I’d thank Pedro for being so broad and having amazing hair…ok I wouldn’t actually say that because I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to form a sentence but dammit I would be thinking it that’s for sure!)
So to sum up, this year has been one of growth, of taking deep breaths, of silencing the little voice in my head, and hitting send, or post, or reblog. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it’s magic. 
If you made it this far, thank you. I’ve gone through a few tissues writing this so I’m going to wrap things up. I don’t really have a profound way to end this rambling other than to say I’m here if you ever want to pop by and say hello or yell about the latest Pedro photo. I know there’s a lot of discourse on here from time to time about various pockets/groups but I feel pretty lucky to have landed in a corner of this site that is supportive and full of love. There’s plenty of room around the table for us all and I wholeheartedly believe in community over competition. I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings.
xoxo  Jess
P.S. At what point do we test the Emergency Alert System ahead of Gladiator 2? I’m going to need a wellness check.
Pedro tax for your troubles:
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brewsterispunkk · 1 year
die for you in secret
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
warnings: mutual pining, fluff, angst to happy ending :,)
WC: 4.1k
summary: “all these people think love’s for show, but I would die for you in secret,” or “would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
a/n: this one is for @thot-of-khonshu for @pedrostories secret santa ! I had so much fun with the prompt and i hope it doesn’t disappoint! the lyric prompt comes from taylor swift’s peace. enjoy, and happy holidays!!!!💖💖💖💖
die for you in secret
Your scuffed chucks looked stupid next to his white ones against the roof tiles.
It almost made you laugh at the stark difference.
You and Frankie had purchased the shoes together last summer, after you both got your first paychecks from your summer job at a mini-golf place. It had been a big deal; a right of passage. A purchase with your best friend to mark the milestone of your first job together. Now, nearly ten months later, Frankie’s still looked as pristine as the day he had bought them, and yours were scuffed and stained with age and wear.
You supposed that was just the difference between you and Frankie: you were always the wild card, the person who acted first and thought about consequences later, while Frankie looked before he leaped.
“What is it?” Frankie’s foot nudged yours from where he laid sprawled next to you on the roof.
“Nothin,’” you mumbled back to him, passing him the smoking joint.
He raised an eyebrow at you and took a drag.
At seventeen, the two of you were young and stupid enough to think that smoking weed in broad daylight was a good idea, and the novelty of the drug had yet to wear off on you.
“Bullshit,” he exhaled the smoke, the scent of teen rebellion filling the warm air above you. “Tell me.”
“My shoes look dumb next to yours,” you blanched, thinking of shrugging him off but deciding against it. You never were good at lying to him.
“Did you hear that from Santi?” He asked, chuckling.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“He’s an idiot.”
“He’s our best friend,” you corrected. Frankie snorted.
“You’re my best friend,” Frankie let his head drop down beside yours, turning his eyes to the blue sky above you that was rife with clouds. “Everyone else is just confetti.”
“Ha,” you said, sarcasm rolling from your tongue. “I’ll tell him that, I’m sure he’ll appreciate the sentiment.”
“Ahh, he already knows.” Frankie waved you off.
You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach at his words, frustrated that they still persisted no matter how much you tried to stomp them down.
Everyone else is just confetti.
You sighed.
Frankie had been your best friend since fifth grade, when you had transferred schools. He’d been your only friend for that entire year, and he hadn’t been able to get rid of you since.
Santi came along freshman year and completed your trio. And no matter how many times you’d told Frankie that he was full of shit, that the three of you were best friends, Frankie would insist differently. That you, who had been by his side since the two of you were ten, were his best friend. Even in high school, when you’d joined student government and he’d had a growth spurt that made him the object of every girl’s attention, you’d remained the same as you always had. And therein lied the problem.
You, in sometime between when you’d met and now, had fallen in love with Frankie. So much so that no matter who you dated or hooked up with, or whoever he dated or hooked up with, it was always him. And you were hopeless. It was a blessing that he didn’t know yet (Frankie Morales couldn’t read a room if his life depended on it), and it was a miracle that Santi hadn’t caught on yet.
“D’ya think he’ll be mad at us?” You asked, turning your head to face Frankie.
From here you could see his profile perfectly; his strong, aquiline nose, his lips pursed in contemplation, his eyelashes that were so long they were sinful—No!
You snapped yourself out of it.
“Who, Santi?”
“For what?” Frankie turned to you and you could feel his breath on your face.
“For skipping without him!” you burst, turning your head away. You were scared that if you looked at him like that—with his wide brown eyes and floppy dark hair—that you would do something stupid like kiss him.
“He’ll get over it,” Frankie said. “Besides, you know he doesn’t like to smoke.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, taking another drawl from the joint.
It was true; Santi didn’t like weed. He didn’t like the way it smelled or the way it fucked up your lungs. Besides, he ran track, and didn’t need a failed drug test to stand in his way of a college scholarship.
“Did he tell you about the party tonight?” Frankie asked after you were silent for a few moments.
You laughed.
“I said I’d go,” you nudged his shoulder with your own. He let out a sigh of relief beside you.
“Well that makes me feel better.”
“Why do you say that?” you asked curiously.
Although Frankie wasn’t the party animal Santi was, or the wild child you were, he wasn’t opposed to parties. His growth spurt last summer had flung him into popularity, and a popular girlfriend along with a few new friends on the football team had secured your trio invitations to more parties than even you knew what to do with. The reluctance he was showing was something new.
“It's just,” he sighed, sitting up with his elbows on his knees. “I’m not necessarily looking forward to the whole… fanclub thing.”
After Frankie had broken up with his girlfriend of three months, Giselle, last week, the female population of your high school had swarmed. Hey, you couldn’t blame them. But still, Frankie was shy, and definitely not used to the attention. Santi had cheekily nicknamed Frankie’s new suitors as, “the fanclub.”
“Well, I’ll fight ‘em off for you,” you joked, sitting up with him. He chuckled.
“Thanks,” he said softly. “I don’t know. It was different when I was with Giselle. I mean, I was taken. Off the market. Now, wherever I go, it feels like I’m looked at under a microscope. I hate it.”
You were silent for a moment, struck at the raw insecurity that Frankie was finally voicing. He seemed to take your silence for a sign to continue.
“It’s like they’re not even doing it because they like me,” he said. “They don’t even wanna get to know me, it’s just about how I look. It’s all about others seeing, it’s all…”
“For show,” you offered. His eyes met yours, melancholy.
“We don’t have to go,” you said. “My mom will freak if I break curfew again. We could tell Santi that I don't wanna risk it.”
Frankie tossed you a crooked smile, before bringing his arm around your shoulders.
“Nah,” he said. “He’s been looking forward to this for weeks. Garrett’s throwing it.”
Your lips parted in understanding. Of course you had to go.
Garrett was the boy that Santi had been crushing on since tenth grade. There was no way the three of you could miss this party.
“Alright,” you finally said. “We’ll go then. How bad can it be?”
- - - -
Astronomically bad, it turns out.
You rubbed your clammy palms on the denim miniskirt you already regretted wearing as you sat on your knees on the scratchy basement carpet.
Across from you, Santi made intense eye-contact with you, the look on his face urgent, as if to tell you, “calm down.” Frankie sat a few people down from you in the circle you had created, wedged between two girls who were practically falling over him.
“Well?” One of them asked, an eyebrow arched. “It’s your turn.”
She nodded to the bottle in front of you and you choked. Right. That’s what you were here to do.
God, why had you agreed to this?
You reached out and twirled the bottle with a flick of your wrist, hoping to god it landed anywhere but Trent Dean who had been leering at you all evening. Spin the bottle had been his idea.
You held your breath as it slowed to a stop in front of…
Your breath left your chest, and you stared at his brown eyes that were as wide as yours were.
The whole circle was quiet for a moment, until one of the girls next to Frankie scoffed. Santi cleared his throat, before patting his thighs.
“Well,” he said, voice strained. “You can’t argue with the bottle.”
“Alright, you know the drill, in the closet, seven minutes.” Trent sneered, glaring at Frankie who all of a sudden looked more sheepish than you’d seen him the entire night.
You panicked at the mention of the time. Seven minutes might as well be an eternity.
“Make that three!” A voice piped up. Santi had crossed his arms and was now staring at Trent. “We have a curfew.”
Thank God for Santiago, you thought as you got to your feet.
You wobbled a bit and Frankie’s hand came out to steady you. Someone from the circle whistled before Santi promptly smacked them.
The closet was exactly as you’d expected; stuffy, dark, and filled with old jackets and golf clubs that once belonged to someone’s grandfather. And Frankie. Frankie was also there.
You wiped off your hands on your skirt again, your stomach in knots.
The sound of teenagers whooping and laughing outside was muffled, and you could scarcely hear your own heartbeat over the sound of your breathing.
“We don’t have to, you know.” Frankie broke the silence. “They wouldn’t know.”
You winced.
Except they would, you thought.
“My lipstick, Frankie.” You cringed.
“My lipstick. It’s red. They’ll know if we don’t kiss.”
Frankie sighed resolutely.
“Alright then.” He said. “Wanna just get it over with?”
You shriveled a bit on the inside. Of course he’d see this as something to get over with. You knew that. You’d expected that, it didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Frankie seemed to take your silence as apprehension.
“Or not,” he added. “I can go back out there and tell them all to fuck off if that’s what you want.”
“No, no it’s okay, Frank,” you rushed, hands finding his forearms in the dark. “I just zoned out.”
“Okay,” he seemed unconvinced.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.”
And before you could comprehend it, his lips were on yours.
They were decisive, unyielding, like he knew what he was doing. Which, you learned, quickly, that he did.
Almost immediately, his hands snaked around your waist, drawing you flush against his front. At the same time, his lips parted yours with a gentle urgency, nothing like you’d expected. His tongue gently prodded into your mouth, and you couldn’t help but gasp at the contact. Your knees, (embarrassingly), buckled, and you stumbled further into him.
“Hmph,” he let out a noise between a moan and an exclamation as you returned his kiss with equal fervor.
You sighed in response, your hands moving from his arms to tangle in his hair. It was exactly as soft as you’d imagined and god, now that you’d gotten a taste of Frankie, you weren’t sure you could ever go back.
The door opening sent the two of you jumping apart.
“Time’s up,” Garrett said amusedly. Behind you, you saw that most of the other people in the circle had left the room.
“Game over?” Frankie asked coolly.
“It would seem so,” Santi raised an eyebrow. The four of you were the only ones remaining in the room.
“Hmm,” you hummed. “Well, we have 45 minutes til we have to leave, wanna dance?”
“Sure, dancing queen, let’s go,” Santi linked his arm with yours and began to lead you out of the room.
You didn’t need to turn to Frankie to see the expression on his face; you were sure you already knew what it held and you weren’t in the mood to see his regret today.
Behind you, Frankie brushed his lips, now stained cherry red.
- - - -
He brought his new girlfriend this year, and you’d felt your heart deflate a bit when he walked in.
Signing, you blamed it on the bad break up you had two months ago. Deep down, though, you knew that it was more than that. No matter how many years went by, seeing Frankie with someone else always sent the same knife through your gut.
You sipped at your champagne flute, the guys roaring at the television in the other room. A moment of reprieve, that was all you wanted.
In the decade since graduation, your circle had grown, and you were glad for it.
Where you had decided to go to college and get your degree after high school, Frankie and Santi had joined the military. After they’d completed one tour, you’d graduated and they had added Will, Benny, and Tom to the group. Along with some close friends you’d made in college, your friend group had grown from three to about ten. While at times it was overwhelming, you were glad of it at time like these, when you yearned for a moment to yourself.
You leaned onto the entry of the kitchen, observing the scene before you in the living room.
Benny and your friend from college, Regina were arguing over something sports-related, while Will was talking to Tom on the couch, a flimsy cardboard headband that said “2010!” on his blond head. You snorted at the sight.
Standing in the middle of the room wrapped in each other’s arms were Frankie and his new girlfriend, Andrea.
They looked happy. Truly, genuinely, happy, which made you feel even more guilty for hating the sight of them together.
You pursed your lips and took another gulp of your champagne. The bubbly, gold stained liquid tasted bitter on your tongue.
“Well, if that isn’t the most pathetic thing I’ve seen all year.” Santi’s voice came from your left.
You suppressed the need to roll your eyes.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” you drawled dryly.
“Mmhm,” Santi said, sipping from his own glass. “I thought you said that you were gonna finally tell him.”
You sighed.
So we’re doing this.
Frankie might have been your oldest friend, but Santi knew how to push you like no one else did.
A little before graduation, he’d questioned you about your crush on Frankie and you caved. You told him everything, and it felt so good to get it off of your chest. Since then, though, Santi had never ceased to bug you about it. Recently though, since your break-up, it had gotten worse.
“I was,” you replied. “But, in case you haven’t noticed, he has a date tonight.”
“They’ve been together for a week, tops.” Santi dead-panned. “You’ve loved him for, like, fifteen years—“
You shushed him, smacking his arm.
“—ow! Okay! Okay! I’m just saying. It’s a new decade. New year, new me and all that.”
You snorted.
“You don’t actually believe that.”
“Says who?”
“Says you,” you poked him. “Since we were fifteen.”
“Well, maybe I’ve changed my mind.”
“You wanna know what I think?” You turned to him.
“What’s that?”
“That you just like to annoy me.”
“That is also true,” he clinked his glass with yours. “But, not the case here. Last year, your resolution was to finally tell him. Now is your chance.”
“I don’t think so, Pope.”
He made a disgusted face.
“Ugh, it’s so weird when you call me that.”
You laughed, chest feeling lighter already.
“Hmm, maybe Benny will be my new years kiss.” You sipped your champagne.
“Oh god, that would be the worst.” Santi laughed. “The only thing worse than the two of you separate is the two of you together.”
You laughed, looking back to a flushed Benny still arguing with Regina. You smiled. Benny was a joy, the true heart of the group. All golden hair, mischievous smirks, and wide eyes.
Your eyes drifted to Frankie and your smile fell. He was smiling, and a bit tipsy is the blush on his cheeks told you anything, whispering in Andrea’s ear. Your heart stuttered.
Beside you, Santi breathed your name, his hand finding yours. You sniffed, ripping your eyes away from them.
“Mhm?” You responded, looking over at Santi.
His brown eyes held tenderness, something that you would almost call pity. You plastered a smile on your face.
“Do you ever get tired of it?”
“What? Of your endless prodding?”
“Ha, ha,” he said with no humor. “I mean,” he paused, and you braced yourself.
This was just like Santi, starting a deep conversation casually.
“How do you do it?” He asked.
Your brows furrowed.
“Love him in secret,” he clarified.
You chuckled humorlessly, all lightheartedness drained from the conversation.
“I guess I’m just used to it,” you said, running a finger over the rim of your glass.
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” he said. You closed your eyes frustratedly. He always knew when you were bullshitting. He could see right through you, and now was no exception.
“Okay, fine,” you turned to him. “I couldn’t give him peace.”
“If I told him, he’d say yes with no questions asked.”
“I’m glad we see eye to eye, now—“
“No, Santi.” You all but snapped. “He would do it to make me happy. That’s just who he is. It doesn’t matter whether he felt the same or not. I wouldn’t do that to him.”
“And how do you know he doesn’t feel the same way?”
“I just do,” you sighed, eyes finding your too-kind best friend. “He’s restless, he always has been. He needs something… I don’t know. Something different. Not me.”
Santi contemplated for a minute, before sighing.
“I think you’re both idiots.” He said with finality. “Frankie’s looking for something, you’re right, but he’s not gonna find it in the army or in traveling or in that girl’s pants.”
You blanched at his bluntness.
“And you,” he continued. “Need to buck up and tell him. Because before you know it, he will be settled down and it will be too late.”
You didn’t say anything, you were too busy deciding whether to be offended by what he said or not.
“Now,” Santi came to stand in front of you. “I’m going to go drink with our friends and ring in the new decade. Don’t stay here for too long.”
He gave you a too-tight hug before sauntering off.
You remained silent as he walked away.
That new year, at midnight as the ball dropped, Santi and Benny pressed sloppy kisses to your cheeks on either side while Frankie embraced his girlfriend. And though you were surrounded by love and laughter and friends, you couldn’t have felt more empty.
- -
Your ass hurt.
You’d been sitting in this uncomfortable airport terminal for going on five hours, watching families reuniting and workers coming and going, and you were tired.
You rubbed at your bleary eyes, the fluorescent lights making them sore. You weren’t sure how much longer you could do this.
You’d woken up from your post-work nap to your phone ringing at full volume. From the ringtone, you could tell already that it was Frankie. Your heart had skipped a beat before you frantically answered the call.
He had been out of the country with Santi, (something that was never good news), at an undisclosed location for more than a week without checking in. And because what they did was highly illegal, there was no one you could call when the day they were supposed to return came and went. No missing persons reports. You’d been suffering in silence for more than three days when your phone had finally rung.
Frankie had told you that he’d be returning alone, separately from the others, and that he needed you to pick him up.
That was supposed to be three hours ago, and still he hadn’t showed.
You tapped your foot for a few minutes, eyeing the clock. It was close to midnight.
You grabbed your empty coffee cup, thanking whatever god was listening that the welcome kiosk was open 24-hours.
As you filled up the paper cup (it must’ve been your fourth cup of the night), you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
You scrambled to open it, hoping for word from Frankie or one of the others.
Anything yet? The text read.
It was from Frankie’s mother, Belen. You sighed, typing a quick “no” before returning to your coffee.
After a three-year span where you’d lived in New York, you’d moved home when Frankie and Camille had split. He had full custody of their six-month old, Valentina, and needed some support. Of course, you’d gone without a thought. That was a year ago.
With your new job, though, Val was with her grandma while Frankie was on his little “trip.”
Much to Santi’s chagrin, you still had yet to tell Frankie your true feelings. And you were finally learning to be content with that.
Jobs, significant others, and living situations came and went, but you and Frankie were forever. Nothing would change that, even your own feelings for him.
Besides, a day ago you weren’t even sure if he was alive, now you would take whatever you could get.
You jumped as the baggage claim carousel creaked to life behind you.
Your heart leapt. That meant… Frankie.
You turned on your heel, speed-walking to the hallway where the new-arrivals entered from.
People began filing through, all bleary-eyed and tired. You watched them pass, growing more and more antsy until your eyes caught one familiar Standard Oil cap in the crowd.
Your eyes found his, and for a moment the earth stood still.
His eyebrows drew together, before he let out what looked like a deep breath, and you both raced for each other.
You collided, and you would’ve lost your footing had it not been for his arms bracketed around you like steel.
He gasped into your shoulder, shuddering when one of your hands found his hair, and the other grabbed at his waist. You sobbed out a breath.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” you breathed into the side of his head, holding him as if he would disappear any minute.
He breathed heavily into your shoulder, hunched over you, squeezing you just as tightly.
“You—“ you began, before he was pulling back.
His hands found your cheeks, holding either of them up to force your gaze to him.
His eyes looked almost crazed, yet relieved as they gazed into yours.
“I love you,” he breathed out, stealing the air from your chest.
Your eyebrows barely had time to raise before his lips were on yours.
If the first kiss you’d shared nearly twenty years before was passionate, then this was feverish.
There was nothing soft about the way Frankie kissed you. It invaded your senses, and you waited a moment before responding and pressing your lips against his with equal force.
You grabbed at him anywhere you could find purchase, wanting to savor this moment every way you could.
One of his hands slid back into your hair, holding the back of your head. His tongue pushed against yours languidly, and you pushed back.
By the time he pulled back, your hands were on his cheeks. You pressed smaller, chaste kisses to his lips as he caught his breath.
“I love you,” you whispered back. His shoulders sagged a bit.
“I’m such an idiot,” he lamented, forehead against yours. “You don’t have to say it back, baby, I just, I thought I was gonna die out there and I needed you to know—“
“Frankie, Frankie, Frankie,” you forced his gaze to yours and all you found was insecurity. The same kind that you saw all those years ago on the roof.
“Frank,” you giggled breathlessly, nudging your nose with his. “I’ve been in love with you since high school.”
“Wha—What?” He sounded genuinely disbelieving.
You sighed, eyes locked with his. You nodded.
“Since we were fifteen.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” His voice was straining, like he was getting choked up.
You brushed his cheek fondly.
“I guess you’re not the only idiot.” You dead panned.
And maybe it was the sleep-depravity, or the trauma of that god-awful trip, or your awful work day, but either way: right then, you and Frankie erupted in a fit of laughter, right there in the airport terminal.
He threw his head back and laughed so deeply that it sounded like it came from deep in his chest. You followed, (you could never not laugh with Frankie; his joy was contagious), and soon you were doubled over with sore-sides from laughter. And all was right in the world, if only for a moment.
After you’d calmed down, Frankie, cheeks rosy, grabbed your hand and asked,
“Take me home?”
“About time.” You answered
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fresaflora · 4 months
the lovelyyyy andie (@pqnnier ) tagged me in this tag game, tysm ily <<<3333 !!!!!
1) Were you named after anyone?
technically and the lore behind it is complicated but my parents heard a girl say her name and thot it was rly pretty !!
2) Last time you cried?
legit yesterday when I watched the third 60th anniversary special of doctor who aaaaaa I just love 10/14 and Donna SO much
3) Do you have children?
nooooo not anytime soon lolll
4) Do you play sports?
I did in college ! I played quidditch all 4 years (renamed quadball for legal reasons) and I last played this past summer but unfortunately I'm now retired, though it's super fun even to watch !! now I just run so no sports saddd
5) Do you use sarcasm?
yes but primarily in humor, I don't like being mean w sarcasm !
6) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
eyes ! also ever since I got more ear piercings a few years ago I stare at ppl's ears if they have piercings
7) What’s your eye color?
brown ! (#87371f)
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings !
9) Talents?
I can wiggle my ears, pop my shoulders, and bend my arms over 180°
10) Where were you born?
in México !
11) What are your hobbies?
ummmmm I like running, reading, watching TV w my roomies and spend countless hours on my phone ooooop
12) Do you have any pets?
no but I want a dougie !!
13) How tall are you?
5'2, the doctor once told me I'm 5'3 but being 5'2 has become my personality trait so I'm sticking to ittt
14) Favorite school subject?
I loooooved math !
15) Dream job?
honestly I like what I do now aka a sustainability consultant but honestly any job that allows me to feel peace and happiness would be good for me
I'm tagging some lovely besties ( @straawbebbies @raptorindisguise @minicita @foxiedust @turmaliini @tardis--dreams @svnthetic @picklesoups (unless you've already done this !)) and anyone else who wants to !!<33
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sebsxphia · 9 months
Sebbie m'dear, I am but a simple moot popping in to say hello and wish you well 🥰🥰🥰🥰. It's a very lazy, hazy Sunday here in the US and almost the last week of August which makes me kinda sad since summer is my favorite season.
I know I pop in with a ton of Preacher!Rhett thoughts/thots but this one's kind of been on my mind most of the day and I can't help it (lol).
It's a very, very lazy, hazy Sunday afternoon and you and Rhett have gotten almost all of the things on your list of shit to do, out of the way so you and your little ones can all relax. Rhett kept his sermons short and to the point since it was boiling hot (literally all those windows in the church had to be opened because it's an old building with shitty air circulation and no central air except in the parish gathering room) and didn't wanna keep people for any longer than he had to.
You, Rhett and your babies all come home and you're enjoying the afternoon to the fullest. Rhett made them all apple cinnamon pancakes and were promptly scarfed down before the kids went outside to play. Your youngest was finally able to come home after having to be in an incubator for almost a month so he needs alot more attention than the older ones. Since you live in a super close knit community, the neighbors have eyes everywhere which allows the kids to go and ride their bikes anywhere they want (they're always telling their Daddy that they're gonna go and look for One-Eyed Willie's treasure and I firmly believe that Man of God or not, Rhett LOVES The Goonies and passed it on to the babies).
With school being right around the corner, Rhett packs up their backpacks with their materials and extra sets of clothes (since you both opted to send them to an outdoor type of school that has the kids outside and playing as much as possible) and by the end you're both so dead tired that you, Rhett and the baby are all snuggled together in the hammock, listening to the birds, breathing in the smell of the fresh cut grasses and the buzz of the cicadas/hot-bugs.
Rhett's in and out of sleep from how peaceful it is, a lazy smile on his face with you resting against him in your pretty blue and yellow gingham summer dress and your little boy snuggled on top of him and he's just grateful because he has you and the babies as a part of his life and every night he thanks God for the life he's been given.
hello my love! i hope you’re having a lovely, lazy, warm sunday in august! 🥹🥰
ohhhh and this thought is so, so sweet, soft, warm and comforting. lazy and slow sunday’s like this are my favourite and i love to think about them to warn off the sunday scaries 🥺
i’m melting! aaaaaah oh my love, thank you so much for this incredibly sweet thought my love! 💌
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loveshotzz · 1 year
holy fuck!!! I’m new here so I don’t know how long ago colors was posted, but it is a masterpiece 😭
since steve is actually falling for you he obviously can’t just move on! he’s so so touchy and sweet to your during graduation and Jenny catches on and throws a fucking fit!!! 🥸 after this you feel so bad so stop talking to jenny and steve. everyone goes home for the summer and tries to move on, but jenny can’t get over how heartbroken and sad steve has been and she also secretly misses you 🫠 she decides to call you up and asks to meet so you agree even though you’re so embarrassed and ashamed. you guys end up making up and jenny is like “this is so fucking weird but do you actually LIKE and CARE for my dad?!?” and you can’t help but get teary eyed and just nod thinking she’s going to blow up on you again, but to EVERYONES surprise she’s like “my dad has always put me first and has never really focused on himself and I just can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ve never seen him so happy” (redemption for the jenny hate club LMAO)
Hi!! thank you so much 💙 the last chapter was posted a week ago so not too late at all! Older!steve thots are always welcome here.
I’m glad there’s at least someone here who wants to redeem Jenny. Bless you ❤️
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n7punk · 2 years
I literally rush to Ao3 to see what was the name of the college AU where drunk kissing happens so I could ask if that's the one. Low and behold you've already made the TOHT series page to stop us from guessing.
i thought it might be obvious what i was working on with the tagline after the series title, but i also knew it was super random to be returning to a fic from two years ago.
the anniversary of toht starting is on the 29th, so I'm probably going to post the first chapter of 'silenced words & daydreams' then. i think its going to be like 3-4 chapters (since im already on chapter 3 and haven't hit everything yet, but im also not that far in).
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toht is probably my fic i've returned to the second most, after ditm (and, incidentally, those are the ones ive done edits of, though the toht edit was a lot more minor than the ditm one, not adding anything and preserving the phrasing & styling that i now wouldn't use because its confusing at times but... thats part of the fic, and that fic is seared in my brain, so i don't want to change it). i did a reread while i was sick last month and it got me thinking about all the Thots i had for the verse that i never wrote so... here we are.
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i've been working on novels lately (wrote one, revised an old one, and started a third one in the last three months) but i've been working on catradora fic a little here and there. i had the OotW fics i posted recently, i have three au addition fic wips, and ive... ahem... 'gathered research' for another (not to mention i still have like 4 new au ideas and a whole list of OotW ones). don't know when any of these wips will be done/ready (one dates back to last summer.....), but catradora definitely never left my mind, i've just had other projects on the forefront.
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oh god please no XD for the past few months, ive been turning anon on for like, the week i post a fic and then turning it off to not get random ones. i also just turn it off whenever i'm fatigued because it greatly reduces the number of messages i get (not that i mind messages, they just take energy and i dont always answer). though i am fatigued right now, i turned it on to give people options to guess because i wanted to see how long it would take :P
i will say, one thing that has changed is i haven't really had interest in writing smut in... a long time. so its not likely to show up much for the time being. that's been seen in a lot of my fics this year, though. ive had more interest in writing stuff that is rated T or M rather than outright E, so the hornies are just gonna have to wait more. sometimes its part of a plot so it still shows up, but i just haven't been interested. that's also why i haven't returned to the Do It For Me series despite having a whole list of ideas for it, because most of them would definitely be rated e.
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gumdecay · 5 years
#literally cant stop crying :') the store my brothers getting me vodka from doesnt have svedka n im on the verge of a fucking meltdown ovr it#lmfao like i probably cant blame it entirely on being here but fuck i hate being here :') my emotion regulation is worse than i can remember#it being licherally since i was fucking 16 n tried 2 kill myself 4x in 6 months lol so like :') hm :')#i feel pathetic lmao all my problems r so fucking small like :') ive been thru shit way worse than this i shld b able 2 handle it!! but im#not :') genuinely considered just taking my stash of pills n od'ing until i remembered how much money saved like :') that wld b 2 much of a#waste 2 die when i have 800 cash saved up +750 coming in tomorrow. like thatd just b stupid. but fuck i wanna die lol!! :')#happy new yrs im spending mine Evn More suicidal than i did last yr!! lol!!#@ least last yr niko came ovr n we got tipsy like. im getting fucking Wasted tonight but im probably doing it alone bc i dont think my frien#d is actually gnna come ovr which like.. hnstly is probably bttr bc i dont wanna subject being in this house 2 nyone else lmao but. fuck. i#am lonely & i was supposed 2 spend 2day (and yesterday! lol!) w b & he just :') idek if its excuses or real @ this point but FUCK am i tired#of him getting my hopes up n then crushing them w/o a second thot lol :') he said some unintelligable shit n i asked what n he said 'i just#mean i know its hard trying to see me' n i said oh well ya u dont make it easy esp when u get me so excited 2 see u n then st Always Comes#Up n i dont actually get to :') + i have a friends bday next weekend so i wont b able 2 see u for a while unless u take off work#n like......... rather than addressing NYTHING he just says 'ill try to make it work during the week' like ok fuck u#i cant evn break up w him now bc he said hed buy me a phone n ive needed a new phone for like..... at least since summer so like 4+ months#not that i was probably Actually gnna b able 2 break up w him b4 bc im fucking. stupid n pathetic. lmao but :') im tired! im tired :')#genuinely wish id nvr met him bc i STILL fucking care abt him evn tho he does this shit constantly :') he doesnt evn pay me nymore like.#how fucking pathetic is it 2 let ur sd talk u out of dating 4 money n b exclusive 4 him n not evn hate him 4 it. lmao. this post is a wreck#i need 2 start my new fucking journal so i can stop posting this shit where ppl can fucking. see. lmfao :') pathetic!!#also my brother just got home w my vodka n its. the tiniest fucking bottle. like probably not enough 2 get me as drunk as i want evn if i#drink it all quickly :') im :') :') :') :')
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moongoddessmox · 2 years
Well, since you decided to drop into my ask with boyfriends dad bucky, why don't you write your own little blurb about him, anything will do 😏
Bestieeeeee, I've got so many thots about boyfriend's dad Bucky...I love him.
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The first time you found yourself having major sexual tension with your boyfriend's dad was at his birthday party. Your boyfriend's family was pretty well off, Bucky, his dad, being a war vet and working some deep pocket government job. So, when you came over to his house for the first time, a month into dating, you found out he lived in a pretty large family home, complete with a giant pool perfect for parties like the one that day.
You were greeted by the tall, muscular man in the kitchen with his friends, their children having grown up with your boyfriend, and as soon as you saw that tight black shirt, blue eyes, and metal arm, you felt your panties become slick. You clenched your jaw as your boyfriend introduced you to everyone; his father being a hugger and pulling you deep into his chest, sliding his cold metal hand across your back that was only covered by the thin string of your bikini top. Nothing suspicious, nothing to warrant any squinted gazes from the party guests, but a touch so careful that you immediately felt the tingling sensation of goosebumps run across your skin. He knew what he was doing. You could feel it in his touch. It was impure and devious, and wouldn't be the last time he touched you.
You'd notice him watching you poolside, little bikini barely holding onto your body, something you did on purpose to tease your boyfriend but unintentionally captured the attention of his stoic father. His gaze on you could be felt from miles, but he didn't let it show on his face. He looked innocent, but his eyes told a different story, something you'd find in plastic wrap on the shelf in the romance section.
You did feel bad, barely having dated your boyfriend for a month when you were lured to bed with his father. You knew spring breaks were meant to be wild, fun, but you never knew it'd lead you to the bed of an older man. You did suppose college was for discovering who you were and what you liked, and that just happened to be sneaking around with Bucky. His metal hand squeezing your thigh at the dinner table, flesh fingers brushing against your ass as you bent over to pick something up, hand over your mouth as he fucked you while his son slept in the other room. You took a bit of solace in the fact that Bucky was a single father, at least he didn't have a wife he was cheating on. But you felt like a hypocrite for finding relief in it, seeing as you were doing what you were glad Bucky wasn't. However, you couldn’t resist spending every break, every summer going on trips, and spending time with your boyfriend and his dad.
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2.1k and Valentine's Celebration
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
Stung (Lifeguard!Din Djarin x f!Reader)
Rating: E
Warnings: Physical pain, language, mentions of past fem masturbation, touching, yearning, thots, heavy makeout session 😏
W/C: 3.6k
A/N: Alright so listen, I was going to write this a long long time ago & chickened out of it but then I saw this week's Writer Wednesday & I knew I had to go for it. This lovely idea comes from this & this between @djarinsbeskar & I about Swimmer!Din last month (thanks babes for the idea of Lifeguard!Din 🥵) & honestly he has haunted me ever since. Also, I know the shack says "No lifeguard on duty", but here he is, on duty & in charge 😂
Thanks to @autumnleaves1991-blog & @clydesducktape!!!
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It had been the perfect beach day. A once-in-a-blue moon type of day where you and your girls all happened to have the day off, in the middle of summer, the weather not scorching, but definitely nice enough that you all felt the only way to spend the day was at the beach.
So you all packed up your towels and tanning lotion, along with some flasks disguised as cream bottles filled with everyone’s choice of liquor to mix with the juice bottles in the cooler. It was perfect. The large beach umbrella was set up and each of you laid out your towels right next to each other to lie down on and cook in the sun.
After some drinks, not enough to make you inebriated, but enough to have you feel comfortable getting in the water, you stand and shake the sand off your butt and invite the girls to come with you, only one of whom agreed, leaving the other two to continue working on their tan.
The two of you walk along the shore, laughing and catching up on work stories, and the water just feels so nice, a slight chill, but warm enough that you decide to walk further in, letting the water splash around your shins. You revel in the way the sand squishes under your feet, a slight fascination with Moon Sand coaxing the child in you to sit down and play with it.
“So I heard there’s a really cute lifeguard here,” your friend says as she glances at the closest lifeguard tower, hoping to spot said ‘cute lifeguard’.
“You just can’t take a day off from man hunting, can you?” You joke, kicking the water around you with your foot.
“Please babe, that’s one job I will happily continue for the rest of my-”
You scream. A sharp pain shoots from your ankle, up your calf and thigh, your whole leg seizing up and causing you to fall on your ass, the water around you splashing up to your face. Even through the pain, you get irritated at the salty seawater that manages to hit your lips and enter your mouth, the sour taste not helping your mood.
“Oh my god!”
Your friend yells and carefully steps closer, afraid of what could be lurking where she can’t see beneath the murky water, and she hooks her arms under yours, dragging your body through the sand until you're away from the water. The drag of the sand under your thighs irritates you, but not nearly as much as the sight of the damn jellyfish that stung you being carried away by a wave.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Are you fucking shitting me?!” You yell through the pain, unconcerned of any families and children playing nearby that can hear you.
Your brain zeroes in on the pain, the throbbing and stinging around your foot the only thing you can seem to focus on as tears prick your eyes. Everything around you sounds muffled and you don’t even realize that your friend is speaking. To you or to some concerned passerby, you couldn’t care less.
“Excuse me?” A deep voice breaks through your concentration. “Miss?”
You look up to the man, and even though you’re ready to chop your leg off at this point, you can’t help the gasp that escapes your lips at who you see kneeling down next to you. You can’t be serious. Behind his sunglasses, you can see his brow furrowed as he looks your leg over, most likely checking to make sure the tentacles didn’t stick to you.
The cause of your heavy breathing quickly shifts from pain to nervousness. The only other time you’ve been this close to him, he had muttered words with a hidden innuendo in such a gruff, sensuous voice, but now his voice is riddled with concern for your well being.
“I’m gonna have to take you back to the shack, okay? I have everything to help the pain there. Can you stand?”
You don’t have the strength to speak, but your mouth stays gaped open, still marveling at your luck. Good or bad, you have yet to decide. You nod at him and he holds his arms out to you, letting you grip onto him and you plant your good foot in the sand and pull yourself up with his help. Your ass is probably covered in mushy and dry sand, but you get so lost in the way his muscles tense under your palms that you just don’t care. Oh yeah, plus the pain in your foot.
“Can you put any weight on it?” He asks.
You test some pressure, but a bolt of pain shoots through your leg again and you yelp out, unable to stop yourself from falling into his bare chest as you lift your leg up in the air slightly.
“Okay, that answers that,” he softly chuckles. “I’m going to carry you; is that okay?”
You nod again and as he prepares to lift you up bridal style into his arms, you turn to your friend and she mouths ‘That’s him!’ with an amused look on her face, no doubt jealous that she wasn’t the one to get stung. You tell her to go back with the group and let them know what happened and that you’ll be back soon.
The lifeguard carries you the short distance to the vehicle he left parked nearby and he gently sets you down in the seat, careful of your injured foot. He slightly jogs around to the driver’s side and digs in his pocket for the key. As he climbs in and starts the car, you wave at your friend and notice the crowd that had gathered around you during the whole debacle.
As he drives you to the lifeguard shack, where you assume they keep emergency medical supplies, he grabs his walkie talkie and murmurs to the other lifeguards about the jellyfish and to put out a warning to the other swimmers. He quickly parks, rushing to your side to help you. You carefully swing your foot out of the car, the sea breeze brushing the affected area and making you wince as it stings again.
He carries you inside the shack, your bare, heated skin sliding against his own, the sunscreen you both had dutifully applied making you slick between each other. The muscles in his shoulders tense up as he lifts you up the stairs and you have an overwhelming urge to massage them for him. It’s the least you could do after all this work he’s putting in.
Once inside, he sets you down on the small medical bed resting along the wall and, after making sure you’re comfortable, he removes his sunglasses and turns to gather everything he needs to treat you, returning to your side with a bucket of water, a can of...something you can’t quite tell what at the moment, and a large gallon of another liquid.
“Okay, this is seawater, I’m gonna go ahead and stick your foot in it,” he says as he looks at you.
You can’t bring yourself to do anything else but nod, the deep pools of brown in his eyes drawing you in, but once he sees you agree with his procedure he shifts his gaze back down to your foot, placing the orange bucket on a stool to reach your foot better and carefully lifting your leg up and into the water. It slightly burns and you suck air through your teeth, causing him to look up at you, gauging exactly how much pain you’re in by the look on your face.
“I need to put shaving cream on it and scrape it off with a card. It might hurt, but it’ll help the pain.”
He pours more water on your ankle to rinse it, then lifts it out of the bucket, pulling his small chair closer to let your leg rest on his thigh. He grabs the can – that you now know is shaving cream – and pops the lid off, pressing the nozzle until the white foam spurts out onto your ankle.
He spreads it around carefully, muttering apologies as you wince. After a few minutes, he grabs an old hotel key card – which you wonder exactly how he came into possession of – and he scrapes the shaving cream off your skin, like he’s shaving it. It feels irritating and you jerk your leg a few times at the pain.
“Sorry,” he frowns. “I’m going to pour vinegar on it now. It’ll help stop the burn and release any toxins that might be lingering.”
“Vinegar? I’ll smell like a pickle,” you snort at your own joke. He releases a breathy chuckle through his nose, no doubt just so you don’t feel bad.
He rests your leg back over the bucket to catch the liquid as it runs down your ankle and, thankfully, it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as before. Once he’s done with this step, he has you reposition yourself on the bed so your leg can rest up higher.
He takes the bucket away, setting it to the side for the time being, and then grabs a new bucket, taking it over to a spout in the wall and he opens the faucet, checking the temperature before filling the bucket.
You watch him, still in complete disbelief that one, you got stung by a damn jellyfish, and two, that the ‘hot lifeguard’ your friend mentioned just so happens to be the hot swimmer you caught at the end of his workout a couple of weeks ago.
It’s all yours.
His words haunted you that night and every night since, in the comfort of your shower or bed as you let your fingers roam along your body, imagining his chiseled, yet soft form above you, failing at mimicking what you think his thick fingers would feel like instead of your own.
Your heart skips as he walks to you again, carrying the bucket of water like it’s as light as a pillow, and your eyes rake over his tan body, glimmering with sunscreen and sweat, gazing down to his lower half. You saw the shape of him beneath his spandex swim trunks, and his red lifeguard shorts do nothing to derail the illusion.
“Here,” he coaxes, pulling you from your train of thought and you shift your body to let your leg dangle off the side again. “Now you just need to let it soak for about twenty minutes,” he pulls out an old kitchen timer, turning the dial for twenty minutes and setting it off to the side on a nearby table.
“Okay,” you reply softly. “Th-thanks for this.”
“Just doing my job, miss,” he flashes a crooked smile, a faint dimple appearing in his cheek and you have a quick thought to run your tongue over it.
You nod again and let your head hang, letting the warmth of the water soothe your ankle while you twiddle your fingers in your lap. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that you’re practically naked, regretting the lack of consciousness to grab your coverup before coming here.
He had seen you in your swimsuit already, but that was the one piece you keep handy for your workouts. Now you’re wearing a two piece you’ve reserved for the beach, feeling confident enough to wear it now after your workouts in the pool. He doesn’t seem to notice or care, not having put on a shirt himself.
“You won’t be able to workout at the pool for a while,” he says suddenly and your head snaps up to meet his gaze. So he did recognize me. “The chlorine, it won’t be good for it,” he says and points to your leg.
You sputter, unsure of exactly what you could or should say. He remembered you from the one time you saw each other and that sends a chill down your spine, a thrill coursing through you and making you forget all about the dull throbbing in your leg.
“I uh… I wasn’t sure if you recognized me,” you say softly.
“But you recognized me?” He smirks cockily and heat flushes your face. “Of course I recognized you.”
“What does that mean?” You ask curiously. Your breath hitches as he steps closer to you, slow and cautious in his movements.
“It means…” He stands by your side now. “That I never forget a face. Especially one as beautiful as yours.”
You swallow thickly; he thinks I’m beautiful? Your breathing quickens along with your pulse, your mouth slightly gaped open, and you sit straighter as you look up at him. He licks his lips as he stares at yours, but you can’t bring yourself to pull your gaze from his eyes, once again hypnotized by the mahogany hue, nearly black now from the way his pupils have blown wide.
“Can I kiss you, pretty?” He whispers as he runs the backs of his fingers along your arm, smirking some when you shiver under his touch.
“Yes,” you reply breathlessly as you nod.
He instantly leans down and captures your mouth with his plush lips and you sigh contentedly, fighting the giggle that wants to surface from his mustache tickling your lip. He bases his moves off of your reactions, waiting for you to show further interest before deepening the kiss or backing away, but when you lift your shaky hands to grab the strong column of his neck, he takes that as your approval and grabs your waist in one of his large hands, the other grazing up along your spine until it meets the back of your head.
You open your mouth slightly, inviting him in which he gladly accepts, letting his tongue jut out to tangle with yours. You whimper; the overwhelming power of his kiss certainly would have made your knees weak and you thank the comfort of the bed underneath you for preventing you from falling to the floor.
You shift your leg to the side, moving one hand to his side and pulling him to rest between your legs. He moans, grabbing the creases of your thighs to pull you closer to the edge of the bed, closer into his body. His hardening cock beneath his swim shorts jabs into your belly and your desire for him begins to pool in your bottoms, cunt throbbing and fluttering as you imagine the large girth you know that rests beneath stretching you.
He lifts your thigh to rest on his waist, groaning wantonly as the heat from your core rests against his cock, shooting enough blood south to make his head spin. You angle your hips, teasing him with a quick grind and slightly smile proudly at the loud moan he releases. You want him, need him closer, and you move your injured leg, no longer irritated from the sting, to wrap around his waist and lock him in.
“Ah, ah,” he chides against your mouth, pushing your leg back down. “Keep your foot in the water.”
“But I-”
“No ‘buts’, I still have to follow my job and make sure you’re okay.”
You grumble, ready to speak in defense of how your foot feels better, but he presses his lips to yours again and any words you thought of saying vanish from your brain, getting lost in the way his mouth slots against yours perfectly. How is he such a good kisser? He squeezes your thigh, assumingly to keep it in position so you don’t try to lift it out of the water again, but it doesn’t hinder you from rutting your hips against his again. And again.
He moans, hesitating to meet your pace, the brain in his cock screaming at him to rip your bottoms down and take you here and now, but the brain in his head reminding him of his surroundings. You catch on to his hesitancy and find the courage to make that move between you, reaching for the strings of his shorts to loosen them and running your knuckles ‘accidentally’ over his hard cock. He groans and grabs your wrists, preventing you from continuing.
“I can’t. Not here. I’m still technically on duty,” he pants.
“I’d say you’re doing a wonderful job making sure I’m all better,” you say and he grins, showing off that dimple and you give in to your desire from before, leaning forward to lick and kiss the small dip in his skin. “I’ll tell your supervisor that you went above and beyond to take care of me.”
You place a hand on his stubbled cheek to keep him in place while you begin ravaging his neck. He tastes of sunscreen with a hint of salt, both from sweat and the sea, but it’s an intoxicating flavor coming from him and you can’t get enough. He wraps his arms tighter around your back, leaving you space and allowing you to pleasure him this way.
“Not today, pretty. Another time,” he mutters, finding it difficult to focus when you’re running your lips and teeth along his neck. You move your mouth to his earlobe and bite down gently.
“Pity,” you say sensuously and you smirk at the way his cock jumps against you.
“You’re not as shy as you make yourself seem, you know,” he points out while he pulls away to look at your face.
“Just takes the right person, is all,” you grin with lust filled eyes.
He breathes out in shock and pleasure, leaning forward to press your lips together again. You shove your hands through his brown locks, soft and curly from the sea air, and he moans loudly into your mouth as you tug softly, using your fingernails to gently scrape his scalp.
He lets his hands roam along your bare torso, across your ribcage and just under your breast, letting the weight of it rest in the crook of his thumb and forefinger. He moves his mouth to your neck now, nipping your pulse point, licking and kissing soon after to alleviate the sting.
He runs his thumb teasingly across your breast, stopping to circle the hardened nub of your nipple over the polyester of your swim top. He smirks as you keen into his body, placing your hand on his ass to bring his hips as close as possible to your heated center for any sort of relief. Time seems to slow down and speed up and stop completely all at once, but before you know it, the shrill ringing of the timer he set pulls you both from your passionate session.
“Time’s up, pretty,” he pants into your ear as he rests his cheek against your temple.
He chuckles at your groan of disappointment, placing a quick kiss to your lips before separating your bodies completely, readjusting his impossibly hard cock in his shorts before taking a seat back onto his small chair. He pulls your leg out of the bucket to examine it, the site of the sting still a little puffy and red, but the appearance of it looks a lot better than it had before. You glance down at the lashes of red along your skin from the jelly’s tentacles, but thankfully it doesn’t hurt as bad anymore.
“How does it feel?” He looks up at you, lips swollen pink and cheeks and nose flushed.
“Much better. Thank you,” you smile and reach your hand out to him.
He half grins and removes the bucket to let your leg hang and air dry, meeting your open embrace and grabbing your head in his hands to pull your lips back to his. He kisses you deeply for a moment, but before he can lose himself once again, he backs away and grabs a bottle of aloe vera from one of the drawers next to him, returning his attention to your foot and applying the cool gel to your leg in a thin layer.
His fingers work expertly and proficiently to soothe your pain and you feel your heart in your throat at the gesture. Sure, he’s probably done this for lots of other people, but you allow yourself to believe he’s only being this gentle and caring for you.
“There,” he says, closing the cap of the bottle and putting it down, grabbing a rag to wipe his fingers of remaining gel. “You should probably head home now, being exposed to the sun won’t help it. If you start feeling it hurting again, you can soak it in warm water or use a cold pack. If you notice it swelling up really bad or it gets really painful, you gotta go to the ER.”
“Yes doctor,” you smirk and he snorts a laugh.
“Not by a long shot. I’m just telling you what they told me,” he stands from his chair again and slots himself back between your legs, caressing your face in his hands. “By the way… What’s your name?” You laugh as you realize you just had a full blown make-out session with a man whose name you don’t even know. You comply, officially introducing yourself to your savior.
“Yours?” You ask.
“Din. My name’s Din.”
“Din,” you repeat; one syllable has never sounded so beautiful to you before. “My knight in shining armor.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, leaning down to kiss you once more. Twice more. Three times until, finally, letting himself get lost in the moment with you again. Ah, well. The other lifeguards won’t be missing me too much, he thinks to himself as he presses your back flush against the bed.
Tags: @the-ginger-hedge-witch @asta-lily @honeymandos @pascalpanic @aliwritesfic @mandocrasis @hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @barbossa2319 @sarahjkl82-blog @day-off-inkyoto @pedrocentric @astoryisaloveaffair @ezrasbirdie @danniburgh @foli-vora @lucrezia-thoughts @djarinsbeskar @chasingdreamer @quica-quica-quica @meesterblack @amandalovess @hunterofartem1s @pedro4ever @mishasminion360 @wardenparker @librariantothejedi @fan-of-encouragement @javierpinme @writeforfandoms @ew-erin @you-got-me-starry-eyed @quietpainter @beskarboobs @andiesturgss @maryfanson @princessxkenobi @castleamc
Din Djarin Tags: @rebel-fanfare @quietpainter
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Ok I know cigarettes are like.. BAD ok. But I keep having this thot about riding javi on his stupid ass couch as he smokes a cigarette and you just take it from his lips and smoke as you quite literally ride him into the couch. He thinks it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Hazy Vision (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
Summary: After a long weekend together, Javier has to go back to work. You really miss him.
W/C: 3.4k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, babes), lots of dirty talk and innuendos, references to a lot of sex outside of what happens in the plot, creampie, language, mild overstimulation. LOTS of talk of cigarettes and smoking. brief mentions of food and alcohol. afab reader.
A/N: you broke my soul, anon. and for that I love you. p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @theteddylupinexperience!!! hope u have an awesome day and that this is a sufficient gift lol
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It’s hot as hell in Colombia, and your air conditioner broke.
Javier is gracious, of course. He’s your boyfriend. He cares for you. He’d do anything for you, even with nothing in it for him. It’s a bonus to him that you’ll get to spend the foreseeable future at his place, since every repairman in the country is working at full capacity.
Another bonus is you wearing his clothing. At first, it was funny to him. You didn’t grab any extra clothing when you first came over, so it was natural that you’d grab a shirt of his to sleep in. Then the morning came, and you wandered around his apartment in a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt. He had to admit, you looked stunning like that. So casual, carefree, painfully domestic. You’d pounced on him in bed after two coffees and insisted that you spend the weekend in bed entirely.
So you did. Saturday was spent mostly nude in his big bed, your head pressed to his chest or occasionally to his lips. When Javier asked if you wanted to run to your apartment for more clothing, you’d pouted. “But it’s hot outside. I don’t wanna go all the way over there.”
As much as you enjoyed your own clothing, there was such a charm to wearing Javi’s. His clothes were big on you, even as they pulled tight on his thick arms and broad chest. They were comfortable too, and smelled just like him. It was a perfect comfort when he was at work and you sat bored in his apartment.
Javi sighed and asked if you’d like him to go get some. You gave a wide grin, and he begrudgingly made his way to your apartment. He packed you a bag of enough clothes for a week, and promised you if the air conditioning wasn’t fixed by then, he’d do it himself. And when he got back, he’d absolutely wreck you.
When he returned, he made good on his second promise and the two of you spent the whole day in his bed. A few lazy rounds of sex, lots of little kisses, and murmured words of affection into the other’s ear.
It was so perfect that it was really no surprise that Sunday came and went the same. You’d showered in the early morning, and Javier joined you. Shower sex occurred. Then you made breakfast and ate it in bed with him. You dozed in and out of sleep together for a few hours too. When noon rolled around, Javier treated you to a wonderful hour of his face buried between your legs, eating you out and never stopping. More sleep. You watched some television, snuggled, talked about the week behind you and the week coming up.
You ordered and ate takeout for dinner, also in bed. You finally drifted off late at night and groaned as Javier’s loud alarm woke you.
“Don’t go to work, baby,” you whine, throwing your arms around him.
“I just spent two days in bed with you. What more do you want from me?” He murmurs sleepily, sitting up and running a hand through his messy hair.
“All of your love and affection,” you say cheerfully, as if it’s not hard to give. Javier has already found it isn’t difficult with you. You’d had it since the moment you met.
“Cute, very cute,” he chuckles and taps your ass as he gets out of bed.
Even with the air conditioner pumping chilled breezes through the apartment at full speed, it’s as if the heat outside has settled inside of you. Your skin isn’t sweating but you feel flushed, stifled by all the clothing you’re wearing. So you strip down a little, heading to Javier’s room for something light.
As you remove your top, you smile as you see your favorite of Javier’s shirts. It’s a bright magenta, and you slip it over your shoulders. It’s a light material, but you leave it unbuttoned, exposing your lacy white bra beneath it. You keep the white shorts you’re wearing on. Looking in the mirror, you wish there was a way to show Javier how good you look right now. Instead, you settle for the fact that it’s… fuck, it’s only 4.30?
You’re restless. You’ve done plenty today: cleaned Javi’s kitchen, watched some telenovelas, read from an interesting book you were making your way through, organized his bedroom, and it’s still only 4:30. If you’re lucky, Javier will get home around 5:15 at the earliest. You know his job is demanding; he could be there all night.
Desperate for anything to do, you turn to one of Javier’s vices. Grabbing the pack of cigarettes from the counter, you make your way to the couch and plop down, resting your feet on his coffee table. You take out a single cigarette and ignite it with the little flick lighter Javier keeps on the end table.
For the next ten minutes, you breathe slowly, inhaling and exhaling the nicotine. Your eyes slip shut as your head rests against the back of the couch. You’re tired and lazy and still so fucking warm for some reason.
The night passes painstakingly slowly. You watch the 5:00 news, then the 6:00 and the 6:30. Finally, around 6:45, the doorknob jingles and Javier enters.
You’re cooking dinner by then, the stovetop sizzling with something good. It smells wonderful, he notes as he drops his briefcase and keys by the door, but there’s something even more enticing in the kitchen.
His radio is playing loudly, and you dance around the kitchen to the music as you cook. There’s sunlight filtering in through the windows, the last rays of the summer sun starting to descend. The large shirt fans out as you twirl, revealing the soft bare skin of your lower back. You’re already driving him crazy and you don’t even know he’s home.
He walks into the kitchen, and you look up with a grin as you see him. “Hi, Javi,” you sing as you wrap your arms around him, on your tiptoes. “Missed you today.”
“Missed you too… is that my shirt?” He asks, and you laugh happily, looking down at your outfit.
Javier finally processes the rest of the look and it sends a chill down his spine. Your breasts look so perfect, as if they’re perched there just for him. They are, but he doesn’t know that yet. “Yeah. I know we have the A/C pumping in here, but it still feels so hot,” you shrug, turning back and stirring something in the pan.
Javier wraps his arms around you from behind, his chin perching on your shoulder. “You look good in my clothes,” he murmurs.
“I think it’s making me pick up some of your habits,” you giggle and nod to a glass of whiskey to the right of the stove. “I’ll pour you one. You keep stirring these,” you tell him and kiss his cheek, sliding out of his arms.
He gets changed eventually, out of his work clothes and into a t-shirt and a rare pair of shorts you never knew he owned. It must be hot at the Embassy, you consider, and even though it’s cool in here, the effects linger. He must feel the heat the same way you do.
The two of you sip your glasses of whiskey as dinner cooks, and Javier’s eyes rarely leave yours. When they do, they’re on your chest or your ass in those little white shorts.
“Go sit down,” you tell him as the food finishes. “It’s almost done, and it’ll need to cool before we can eat it.”
He nods in agreement and meanders to his couch, lying down lengthwise and sighing. You glance over at him and smirk a little. You’d planned this all day, been missing his body and his strong arms. His warmth was missing when you attempted taking a nap in his bed. He was right where you wanted him, lighting up a cigarette. The food is done, just needs to cool now.
“I was so restless today,” you smile as you wander similarly to the living room. He takes in your legs as they stand in front of him, rubbing a hand up the back of your thigh and admiring what he sees.
“And why was that?” He asks before blowing out a cloud of grey from between his lips.
You shrug. “Missed you. Had nothing to do, really, since this isn’t my house. But mainly I missed you.”
He grabs at your thigh, thick fingers pressing into the soft flesh, and you smirk down at him. You straddle him, stealing the cigarette from his lips. You let it dangle between yours and smile down at him.
He looks up at you, dazed. Between your hips hovering above his and the nicotine slowly buzzing its way into his brain, he’s beyond contentedness. “Missed you too, sweet thing,” he murmurs, splaying his fingers across your thigh. Your hands are similarly pressed to his chest, fingers spread wide against the cotton-covered skin, skin that you can tell is warm and turning pink from a rush of blood. “Got to take you whenever I wanted this weekend. Had to wait all day to get home and fuck you again.”
His words make you shiver, and you pass the cigarette back to him. When he takes a drag in, you grind your hips across his slowly. “How was work today?” You ask, though you really don’t care. You know the answer when it comes to Javi: stressful, annoying, frustrating, tiring.
He shudders too, and you can feel his cock hardening beneath you. “Shitty,” he sighs. “Fuckin’ Stechner. I swear to god, I’d let the narcos take him.”
You chuckle softly, starting to drag your hips across his aching crotch. “They wouldn’t want him. They’d want someone like you,” you mumble, leaning down over him. “That would really bring the gringos down.”
He’s in Heaven, he really must be. Your tits hang in front of his face, and you steal his cigarette and take another drag, your hips continuing to grind into his. There’s the smell of cooking from the kitchen and in all honesty, Javier is blissed out already. “No they wouldn’t.”
You giggle and kiss the side of his face, giving him the cigarette again. “Mm, maybe you’re right. Too stubborn. Or your girlfriend might go crazy and go after them from withholding her boyfriend’s dick from her.”
Javier chuckles lazily, taking one last drag before stubbing out the remains in the ashtray. “Wouldn’t make it 24 hours before you’d kill them all. You know how you get when you’re determined.”
You nod, lifting your face to kiss his lips slowly. It takes a few moments, passionate and deep and tasting of cigarettes and that whiskey. You pull away and his eyes dart between yours. “I’m going to get up, and you’re going to take off your clothes,” you mumble, your lips only millimeters from his.
He smirks up at you and steals one more kiss. “Then get up and let me undress,” he murmurs, and you stand to the side for him.
He chuckles and sits upright again, pulling down your shorts and admiring the panties beneath. He rubs his fingers across your folds through them, and he can already feel your wetness gathering. “Oh fuck me, honey.”
“You can if you get your own clothes off,” you tease and pull off his t-shirt yourself. He pushes off his shorts and boxers, kicking them aside as it reveals his rock-hard dick. You smile and lick your lips a little. “Lay back down.”
He does exactly that, smiling. You slip your panties off and straddle him again, your breasts bouncing in your bra with the movement. His pink shirt follows you along, and he can’t help but run his hands up your sides, admiring you in the hue. “Pink is your color.”
“Only when it’s yours,” you giggle, dragging your hips into Javier’s erection. He shudders and you guide yourself to rest with his dick pressed into your folds. “You ready for me?” You ask, fingers splayed on his chest again. This time, they lay on his caramel-colored abs, making you smile at the juxtaposition between now and just a few moments ago; blue fabric separated your hands touching him, now you can only feel bare skin.
“Go ahead, baby,” he assures you, his large hands grabbing your hips and lining you up.
It doesn’t take more than a second for you to sink down on him, moaning and tilting your head back at the feeling as you slowly take more and more. “Javi,” you whimper softly, toes curling at the sensation. “You’re so fucking big,” you whine, and it’s true. He is, his dick almost painfully long as it presses up and into your cervix already.
“Feels so fuckin’ good,” he grunts, his eyes closed as he takes in the sensation of you on top of him.
“Light another cigarette,” you order him, his cock fully sheathed inside of you. He nods, sitting up to reach the pack, and both of you make soft noises at the grind it gives, the base of his cock against your entrance.
He flicks the lighter and holds it to the little white stick. The end glows orange. “Good,” you nod and begin to lift yourself up and push yourself down as Javier takes a long drag from the cigarette.
You involuntarily tighten at how fucking good he looks beneath you, a light sheen of sweat starting to form on his forehead, smoke trailing from between his lips. “Javier,” you groan, your eyes slipping shut as you begin to bounce on him.
He knows exactly what you want, what you need to make this all that much better. His free hand no longer rests on your hips but circles your clit with two fingers. “There we go, baby girl,” he moans out at the way you sound from the motion. You sound wrecked, and he can’t get enough of it. “Mm, fuck, take what you need from me.”
Javier opens his eyes to look up at you. The sight is fucking magnificent: your tits bounce against that white lace, the pink fabric of his shirt draped against your sides. Just when he thinks you couldn’t look even hotter, you snatch his cigarette.
You cry out his name again and again as you slowly take a puff, the sensation too much to bear. Gripping the cigarette with your teeth, you press both hands to his chest and ride him faster, harder.
Your face is furrowed in concentration, sweat sliding down one temple. A bit of grey smoke obscures your face to him, but it’s still a fucking sight to behold. It’s everything he’s ever wanted and needed and more, a girl like you wearing his shirt and smoking his favorite cigarettes while you bounce on his dick, that sexy body moving along with his.
He can’t even thrust up into you. You’re grinding your hips down with every time you bottom out, his dick pressing right against your g-spot. He can’t even try. It’s fucking amazing. One of his hands reaches up to allow you to take a drag from it. It’s incredibly intimate, not just the way you’re obliterating him but the way he holds the cigarette to your lips. He takes it away for you to puff the smoke from your lungs then brings it back.
It doesn’t take long with the combination of everything. You shudder and pass the cigarette off to him fully, too occupied with what you’re doing. “Fuck, baby,” you whimper, his fingers pressing faster against your clit. “Really close.”
“Yeah?” He murmurs, taking his own puff from the cigarette before stubbing it out to his side on the coffee table. His long arms can easily reach. With a hand now free, he grips your waist and guides you up and down on him, just the way you like it.
His hand drifts higher, reaching your neck. He doesn’t squeeze or grab, just rests it there. Holds you in place, almost. It feels good, his hands roaming your body, and you cry out in pleasure.
“Come on, honey. Cum for me,” Javier urges.
Only a few more seconds pass before your peak washes over you, sending you into sheer bliss. Javi’s fingers don’t slow in the slightest, and he takes this opportunity to begin thrusting up into you as your bouncing involuntarily slows.
Your hand slides over where his rests on your neck, lacing your fingers through his. You cry his name and your head falls against his hand, eyes fluttering with pleasure.
Javier is now the one in control once more. He brings both hands to your hips and thrusts up into you, his movements sharp and harsh. His hips smack yours and the tip, buried deep inside of you, hits your g-spot, sending you into a pleasant state of overstimulation. “Fuck, Javi,” you whimper, tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
Everything feels so warm and tender, your walls oversensitive now. It doesn’t matter to you in the slightest; rather, you relish it. You bring one hand to your clit and rub it yourself, shuddering. “Come on, Javi,” you plead, regaining yourself and working your hips back against his.
It’s all so good and so much and overwhelming. He can barely use any of his senses other than touch, can barely hear you as his head spins with the feeling of teetering on the edge. “Gonna cum, baby girl,” he groans, and you work your hips harder into his, desperate for it.
He can tell, and it makes him lose control. He spills hot and deep inside of you, the heat rushing through his body expunging the warmth that’s built inside of him all day from the goddamn Colombian summer. “That’s it, fuck,” he cries out as the orgasm rolls through his body.
The feeling of his cum spilling inside you is just enough, in tandem with your fingers. You cum a second time, your walls squeezing him tight, milking him dry of anything he can produce. “Javi,” you whimper, and he only notices you’re cumming for the second time when a warm gush rushes across his hips.
“Fuck, good girl, baby,” he breathes out as he comes down from his high, you equally as overwhelmed on top of him. After a few moments of heavy breathing, you remove yourself from around him and lie there, pressed to his chest.
Javier’s legs are bent at the knee, surrounding you on either side of your thighs. They press into you, and you lay on top of him with your ear pressed over his heartbeat. It’s still frantic, but it’s coming down. Javier wraps his arms around you, a finger tracing slowly up and down your spine through that damned pink shirt of his.
“Why do you love this shirt so much, hm?” He asks, breaking the warm and tired silence between you.
You chuckle. It’s certainly not what you expected to be asked, but you like it. “Kind of think I look like you when I wear it. I think what you saw just then is what I see normally. You on top of me, fucking me hard, sometimes with a cigarette.”
“Oh, you looked just like me,” he laughs sarcastically, shaking his head. “And when I have I ever fucked you while smoking?”
“Just like you,” you repeat in a soft and happy murmur, a small smile gracing your face.
“Jesus, you really must have missed me today,” he chuckles softly.
“Withdrawal, I guess. You leave me, I have to pick up another vice. I sat here smoking for a while today.”
“First of all, I did not leave you,” Javi chuckles softly. “And really?”
You shrug. “It just came to me to do it. It wasn’t great or anything, but it was something to do. To pretend you were there with me.”
Javi sighs and kisses the side of your head. “Well, should we go eat before the food is fully cold?”
You laugh. “I think it’s already cold, Javi.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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rhoorl · 1 month
I'm going to be annoying. Is there another "Are You Quiet..." one-shot coming our way any time soon? You have single handedly made me fall for Garret Hedlund / Ben.
I've always said I don't have a type for the men I date. I just like what I like... and well... he's on the like list.
-Kiwi <3
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Oh my goodness, Kiwi this was so sweet!! This is not annoying in any way shape or form, thank you so much for the note and the kind words! I've really fallen into the deep end with Benny and just love him so much - and Garrett too. 😍
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I also like what I like and I very much like him. There is more planned, I'll leave it below the cut since it's long and kind of spoiler-ish.
I've been working on Delta Landscaping since last summer and Benny and his girl (Vanessa) were one of the first things I plotted out. I kept having all of these thots about them, but it wasn't time for them to be in the main storyline yet, so that's when Are You on Mute was born. And then I made a part two. And then I got a couple of other ideas. They can all be read as standalones, but they're technically all part of that larger fic (just at different points in their relationship).
Vanessa was introduced a couple of chapters ago in DL and I've done a couple of extras with her and Benny. Strike a Pose is their first date and then I posted this little extra after their first kiss (which happened when he walked her home after a party). Benny's Instagram has come up in the story too, so I added a little something about that ... for visual purposes!
Currently, I'm writing the next chapter of DL and Benny and Vanessa are taking up a large part of it, so I will mostly likely pull it out as its own thing again - we'll see. I just love those two together but also am trying to balance the other storylines in that fic.
TLDR: Yes, there's more planned because I just love Benny so much. Thank you so much for the ask!
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Little Sparrow - Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand/F! Reader
A/N: I sat down to write Sleepy Sex with Oberyn because @wasicskosgirl​ had me thinking some thots today and this is what came out. It’s not sleepy sex but I really hope you like it. Thank you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking. There will be at least a part two to this, possibly more. 
Pairing: Oberyn Martell/ Ellaria Sand/ F! Reader 
Warning: 18 + (Language, smut, vaginal sex, kissing, oral (F! receiving) mentions of blood, violence) It’s Game of Thrones....
Word Count: 3.8 K 
My Masterlist 
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Part One 
It was a beautiful day, the sun high overhead, the ocean waves crashing against the Cliffside as you held your arms across your waist. The boats in the distance swayed in the gentle breeze, and behind you the excited chatter of the spectators fill the stands. The lions on the banners seem to come alive as they snap in the wind. Growling at you and causing the pit in your stomach to grow deeper. 
Oberyn was insatiable last night training in the room, twirling his spear in preparation for the fight of his life. You’d escaped with an escort to walk the shit smelling cesspool of Kings Landing to this very spot where you had seen him. The Mountain. Man after man being cut down as his sword sliced through them like bread. His deep baritone laugh sent a quiver through your heart. 
You jump as Oberyn wraps his arms around your waist, his chin dropping to your shoulder. Both of you watching the water. “Why do you look so worried my little Sparrow?” he coos pressing a kiss to your neck. “I am going to kill that man. I am going to get him to confess to raping and murdering my sister and her children. I will win, for Elia, for my family, for you.” 
He turns you in his arms and brings your hands to his neck like that night so long ago. His forehead coming to rest upon your own. You let out a shaky breath, “I refuse to lose you, Oberyn.” 
He pulls away slightly started, “You only call me Oberyn when you are cross or in insane pleasure my love, and since I’m not buried in your delicious cunt, I believe you are angry. Is that correct?” 
You look into the depth of his eyes before dropping them to the ground. “Keep your eyes on me. Never look away from me, do you understand?” You nod and he lifts your chin before kissing you passionately. His arms coming to engulf you completely. 
“You’re going to fight that?” Ellaria’s alarmed voice breaks the moment, the tension in your shoulders returning. He kisses you softly again before going over to the table and taking a sip of his wine. 
“I’m going to kill that,” his confidence is electric and you step closer to Ellaria. Her hand reaching for your own as you both watch him with bated breath as he comes to stand before you. “Are you worried?” he teases her and she scoffs before pulling him close. 
“Don’t leave us alone in this world,” she begs before kissing him. Their tongues twisting together and you feel your mouth water at the site. He pulls back as the crowd roars to life. 
“Never,” he looks from her to you and back. “I love you.” He spins the spear and turns on the charm, the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. You watch as he taunts the Mountain of a man before him, before the Viper strikes. 
The scene replays over and over in your head. The moment he stabbed his spear through the thick armor of his belly. The way your heart clenched in elation at after so long receiving his most treasured of wishes. Seeing the man who brutally raped his sister and murdered her children confess his sins. Then in a moment, the elation bled like the golden skin of your lover. He was overturned and laid beneath the giant, a breath away from being crushed to death. The gloves the size of two golden pumpkins on a harvest feast table began to crush the head of the man you loved. 
Ellaria screamed, grasping her head in horror, Tyrion standing there in shock. You don't think, running across the courtyard, unsheathing the knife from your thigh, and plunging it through the head of the giant. Blood spurting from his wound as the tip of the knife exits through his eye. 
Shocked, he fell to the ground, dead, Oberyn using what strength he had left to push him off. His face a mess of blood and sweat, left eye wide and dazed. Jaw most likely broken from the punch to his face. The right closed tight and crushed from the thumb of the monster you'd slain. The crowd erupts into outrage as your chest pants and anxiety sucks the air from your lungs. 
Ellaria ran over to you and embraces you as you collapse to the ground before your Prince. His broken body reaching out for you both. You feel his hand graze yours and look into the beautiful brown iris of the man you love. The roar of the crowd fading as you focus on him, feeling him pull you from the water as your lungs re-inflate. 
The maester comes and declares the Mountain dead before you are ripped from the arms of Ellaria and Oberyn by the King's guard. By order of the Hand, you are to be imprisoned by meddling in a match to the death. You let out a breathless scream as Oberyn tries to get up, and Ellaria reaches for your hand. The ghost of her fingers slipping through your own. The Dornish guards coming for her to pull her back. One paramour is lost they would not do if both were to be taken. You fix your eyes on Oberyn as the doors shut in your face, and you dragged away to the dark, desolate dungeons of the lower kingdom. 
Two days. Two days of shivering in the darkness. The constant drip coming from outside as a summer rain drags down upon the concrete walls of stone, driving you mad. This must be what insanity feels like. No reprieve in sight for the unending torment you shall endure at the hands of these Northerners. Footsteps in the distance sounds, and you lift your head from your knees. The golden yellow dress adorned with the Martell suns now dirty and covered in filth. Your beaded headpiece you borrowed from Ellaria is cradled in your hands, your fingers grazing over the beads, soothing to the touch. 
You remember the night of the wedding when you went to bed with her. The way she watched you through her dark lashes as her tongue buried itself in your cunt. You laid bare for her in nothing but the beaded headdress against the soft pillows and furs. Oberyn standing in the shadows watching, his mouth curving into a smile as he takes a sip of his wine. The memory fades, and you look upon the cell door to see the vision of your fantasy, Ellaria, draped in a dark cloak, almost blending in with the shadows. 
"Little sparrow, are you alright?" her voice coos among the harshness that surrounds you. You crawl to your knees and stand on shaky legs. "You look pale. Have they fed you?" You shake your head no and place your hands through the bars, reaching for her hands. She lets out a gasp at the chill of your skin and furiously rubs your hands between her own. 
"Is...is he alive?" your voice is hoarse from disuse, but she knows who you mean. 
Nodding, "Yes, very much alive and raising absolute hell. He has been advised by the master, you know the old fat one who you said made your skin crawl?" You tremble, thinking of how his beady eyes followed the curve of your breasts in your dress. "He told him to rest, but he will not until you are released and in his arms again. He wanted to come here himself, but that Lannister creature refused, thinking he would release you and run away into the night." 
"How are you here then?" you ask, holding tightly to her hand as the other runs across the skin of your cheek. 
"I am like a cat in the dead of night; no one would suspect me to come and see you. I brought you some things." She releases your cheek and brings around a satchel from under the cloak, removing a chunk of crusty bread, some hard cheese, and a small pouch of wine." You eagerly reach for the food taking a bite of the bread and uncapping the wine, taking a large gulp. 
Food had never tasted so good before, the cheese you placed in the fold of your dress for later with the other half of the bread. Who knows how long you would be in this hell before you found reprieve and were rejoined with your lovers.
 You may never see them again. You may never see your daughter again. The gravity of the situation sinks in, and you feel the sob swell in your chest before it breaks free. The tears falling freely down your cheeks as she shushes you, cupping your cheeks through the bars. 
"Sweet love, we will get you out of here. You do not need to fear; Oberyn and I will return home to Dorne with you very soon." You sniffle as she rubs your tears away, pulling you toward her and placing a delicate kiss on your lips. "I have something else for you," she whispers against your lips before kissing you again and pulling away to reach under the cloak. "This is from Oberyn." 
She holds it out to you, and you tremble hands shaking as you reach for it. Hand opening and closing in hesitance before you touch the envelope. The smooth parchment warm under the icy fingers clenched around your throat. "Does," you look down at the paper, "Does he hate me?" 
"What are you talking about? Did you not hear me tell you he is tearing Kings Landing apart to get you out of here?! Why would you think such a thing?" her hands grasp yours, and you look up at her through your tears. 
"I denied him an honorable death; I wounded his pride. He is the Red Viper of Dorne and his, whore, is the one who killed the Mountain. What if he is only trying to save me so he can kill me himself?" Speaking your fears from the last two days aloud made your heart splinter and crack. 
Her hands tighten, "My sweet sparrow, please," she begs, "read the letter. Let it ease your mind and heart." You hear the sound of footsteps down the corridor, and she tightens her grip, "I must flee, back to our Prince, but please do not despair. You will be back in our arms and bed soon." She pulls you closer and kisses you again, slipping her tongue past your lips as her fingers glide against your skull. She pulls away abruptly and disappears into the darkness of the night. 
You retreat to the shadows of your cell as a guard passes the door and sneers down at you, spitting into the cell, "Dornish slut." He walks off, and you let the tears fall like gems down your cheeks pulling the envelope close to your face. The smell of fresh citrus and bergamot drifting into your nostrils, and they flare as your transported back to your first night with him. 
A light mist from the ocean drifting over your heated skin as you looked upon the night sky, stars twinkling like gems, each one unique and special upon the ebony backdrop. You hear the gentle footsteps behind you; he wants you to know he is coming. The Red Viper could easily sneak up on you before he strikes, but every click of his heel is intentional. Your eyes droop closed as you feel the warmth of his chest behind you, enveloping you like a cloak as his arms come to wrap around your shoulders and clasp around your chest. His chin coming to rest upon your shoulder as you drop your head back and lean it against his own. 
"I wasn't sure you would be here," his moist breath tickles your neck, and you shiver. 
"I wasn't sure either, but I can't deny that I want this. That I want you," you slowly open your eyes and turn in his embrace, his hands coming down to your hips. 
"What made you change your mind?" his thumbs rub gentle circles against your waist, and you look up into his russet eyes, deep and velvety. 
"I realized I was only living half a life. Going through the motions but never really existing, until you touched me. My Prince, your touch ignited the flame deep inside me, and I burn for you," he takes your hands in his and brings them to his shoulders and up to his neck. His fingers trailing down your arms and towards the gentle swell of your breast. Breath catching as his thick fingers grazes the edge of your heated skin. 
"Will you promise to be mine then?" his voice, accented and thick, send a tremble down your spine as he steps closer and places a kiss on each of your cheeks, his mustache tickling against the soft skin. Pulling away, he is but a breath away, his lips a ghost against your lips as his eyes bare down into your own. "I am a selfish man; I will want you all to myself." 
"What about Ellaria?" you feel his lips graze your own, and he smiles. 
"Do you want her to join us, my little sparrow?" He kisses you softly, and you emit a small gasp as he slides his tongue against the plumpness of your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth and letting go with a light pop. 
"I want all of you," you whisper, "and that includes her. She is as much a part of you; the moon belongs to the night sky." His eyes glow in the moonlight, and he moves his hands down to the clasp of your wrapped dress, dark blue in color, such a contrast to the warm golds and yellows that surround you. 
"May I see you?" he murmurs, and you nod. His fingers move deftly to unclasp the small hook on the side of your dress, pulling it open. Your nipples hardening as the chill runs across them and his eyes widen at finding you bare beneath. "Exquisite," he lets out a breath and allows the dress to slip over your shoulders and down to the floor. He steps away and circles you, your skin vibrating as the viper prepares to strike. His hands leave a blazing path as the pads of his fingers rough run over your flesh. When he comes around full circle, his eyes have darkened obsidian, and he reaches for your hand. 
Taking steps backward and leading you back into the room. The bed in the center of the room is large enough for five people, and you are sure it has held many more than that before. "Lay on the bed," his voice is low and deep, and you do as your told, falling back amongst the plethora of pillows and rich furs. "Spread your legs," you drop your thighs to the bed, and he groans as your cunt is displayed before him, glistening in the moonlight. 
He takes his time and strips off his robes, letting them drop to the ground in a heap. Your heart-stopping and restarting in quick succession as you see his impressive member. Thick and long curved up against his belly, he strokes himself as his eyes devour you whole. Mouthwatering as he pumps himself at your body bare before him. "Where do you want to fuck me, my prince?" 
He growls before taking a step toward you, "everywhere." You clench, and a whimper escapes you as the bed dips, and he kneels between your legs, looking down at you. He starts at your neck and trails his hand down over each swell of your breast, his fingers twisting a nipple and eliciting a gasp as you feel the coil tighten in your belly. Lowering them to your stomach and down your thighs. Stopping at your knees before coming back to the place you want him most. 
His fingers gliding among the seams and then slowly dipping into the heat pooling at your core. Collecting your slick onto his finger and bringing it up to his mouth to taste. "Seven hells you taste better than the sweetest Dornish red," he moans, and you watch with bated breath as he licks his finger clean, his tongue sweeping out to collect your pleasure. "I want to taste you little sparrow, make you take off into the heavens on a cloud." 
You whine, "We have all the time in the world, my Prince, please, please put your cock inside me. I'm weeping for you," you've never begged in your life, but you don't seem to care as he lets out a small chuckle. 
"You are soaked for me," his finger running back and forth between your lips, making you drench him. "Should I give this little cunt my cock? Do you think she's ready?" 
You nod, biting your lip, and he leans forward, notching his cock at your entrance, his body hovering above you. "Don't close your eyes," he whispers, bringing a hand to your chin, "You will keep your eyes on me this whole time, do you understand?" 
"Yes, my Prince." He smiles as he slowly pushes inside of you, both of your moaning as he sinks deeper into your tight heat, and his eyes burn into yours. You bring your hands up to his arms and squeeze as he moves further in, inch by glorious inch until he's seated fully inside you. 
You'd had a couple men over the years. Quick fucks in the stables or the woods where you once lived in the North. Stable boys who finished before you'd even begun or been too drunk to keep it up. Not a single one had made you feel as full and complete as the man above you. So deep, you could feel every ridge of his cock press against the soaked confines of your pussy. "Does that feel good little one?" 
"Yes," you gasp as he pulls out slowly and then quickly shoves back in. The delicious snap of his hips against yours as your skin develops a thin sheen of sweat. He continues his slow, torturous pace until you are withering beneath him in agony. "Seven Hells, please move faster, harder; I want you to fuck me, Oberyn." 
He stops, eyes widening in surprise, "What did you call me?" Your hand goes to your mouth in shock, you'd never called him anything but Prince since your first meeting, and you worry that you've offended him before his voice drops an octave. "Say it again." 
Eyes never leaving him, you whisper, "Oberyn." 
"Louder," his hips start to move faster but still not enough. 
"Oberyn," you say it louder this time, nails digging into his broad shoulders. 
"Louder," he brings a hand down to rub at your clit between you as he moves faster. 
You moan, "Oberyn," it's louder this time, and you feel the heat coming to a crescendo as he shouts at you again. 
"OBERYN!" you scream his name as he pounds into you furiously, sure to leave bruises on your flushed skin as you cum, squeezing his cock and gushing around him. He works you through your orgasm, rubbing your clit in time with his thrust before he slows down and moans above you spilling inside. His cum hot and thick, painting your walls as you squeeze him tight, milking him for all he is worth. He collapses to his forearms, and you exhale shakily, trying to catch your breath. 
He slips out of you and collapses next to you on the bed, his hand on his waist. And his other arm coming to wrap around you and curl you closer to his chest. You take a deep breath inhaling the sweet scent of citrus and bergamot that clings to his skin. His fingers tracing patterns on your back. "Would you come take a bath with me, little sparrow?" He looks down at you, his eyes alight with mischief. 
"That seems foolish, my dear Prince," you grin deviously at him. 
"Why is that?" 
"Because I have a feeling we will just end up dirty again," he lets out a booming laugh, and you smile at seeing the joy split across his face. 
"That is very true, but please, indulge me. I want to lay with you in the hot water and wash your beautiful body with my soap so that everyone who gets within in a foot of you will know your mine." He bites the tip of your nose before smiling and getting up to draw you a bath. Watching his backside walk away, his golden skin gleaming in the moonlight. 
The tears drip onto the envelope, clenched tight in your palms. The edges cutting into your soft skin marred with the dirt from the floor. You squint in the dim light of the fire to see your nickname written in his elegant scrawl. 
Little Sparrow 
Your fingers trace the letters as you turn it in your hand and dip it below the wax seal, a golden sun of house Martell breaking it. Your hands tremble as you take out the letter unfolding it. Your chest feels heavy as though a thousand rocks lay precariously, waiting to crush. You heave as great sobs swell, and the tears flow down your cheeks, almost making it impossible to read in the dim flickering of the light but somehow you manage. 
Little Sparrow, 
I faced death. I could hear the screams of Ellaria, the light closing in as that monster lay above me, crushing my skull beneath his fingers. The sun peaked through, and I prayed to the seven that I would one day see you and Ellaria again. My children flashed before my eyes smiling and running through the gardens of our home. Until I heard the sound of a goddess charging in battle with a cry, and the great evil was slain. The sun returned to my vision, and above me stood you, my golden goddess. 
You saved my life. I have always loved you, from the moment I laid eyes upon you to the moment I believed they would shut forever. I will always love you. I will tear this shit hole of a city apart brick by brick and kill anyone who gets in my way before I let them take you away from me. 
They will rue the day they touched a hair on your perfect head. The Red Viper lays in wait, my little Sparrow, and soon, very soon, he will strike, and you will be back in my arms. We will be home with Ellaria, the girls, and our beautiful Serena; she will know what a fearsome warrior her mama is. 
I love you more than words can express. Soon, my love, I will show you all the ways I love you. Soon. 
Your Prince 
Taglist: @josepedropascal​ @mrschiltoncat​ @mrsparknuts​ @ghostwiththemostbitch​ @zannemes​ @xjaywritesx​ @oldstuffnewstuff​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @heythere-mel​ @justanotherblonde23​ @artsymaddie​ @anetteaneta​ @lunarthoughts​ @aellynera​ @lucifer-​ @houseofthirst​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @chicken-ona-stick​ 
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choiwrites · 3 years
kth | wolfgirl (m.)
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Words: 10k  Genre: twlight!au, it’s new moon but taetae as jacob, ur bella but you have a personality :o, oh also smut and a little angst Warnings: no protection and no fcks given, language ig?, descriptive seggs lol, vampires and all that bs if that triggers sum of yall, oral (f receiving), tae is younger than u and kind of a sub (dom tae is overdone we need change in this country) i cant think no more no thots hed mt Rating: 18+ Song: Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth Summary:  During your stay at your Aunt's house in the wet town of Forks, you never thought the boys next door will change your perspective in how you see the world.
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The weather in Washington was something you’re not used to. You can never go places without getting mud on your shoes and it takes more than your patience to clean them every time before going out. Sure, it was great to experience a different weather other than the blazing sun in Los Angeles, but it was hard to adjust. You weren’t ready for it with all the sleeveless and loose tops you brought from Los Angeles.
After months of debating with your mom, you decided it would be a great way to spend your summer vacation turning your camera focus into something more dark and cloudy. Your professor had also suggested that it would look good in your portfolio if you try different moods in photos other than the hot weather in Angeles. So, you thought about it for months before asking your mom to buy you tickets to see your Aunt Sylvia who you're currently living with for the meantime.
She was in her mid-thirties, but she looked younger than her real age. She knew how to groom and with the way she looks, she probably had that life during her high school days. You rarely see her though, you can remember all the conversations you both had. She leaves home early for her duty at the police station as an attending desk officer. Her place wasn't big, an average suburban house painted in cold tones of white and gray with dark furniture inside. It's not your typical definition of cozy. Good thing you brought your two sweaters — one with a Christmas tree embroidered on it and one with the phrase "'tis the season!" Wearing a sweater in Los Angeles only means one thing, and that is the season of giving. But who cares, it's not like anyone was going to notice, right?
About to finish the second cup of black tea, an idea pops into your mind about what Sylvia had said about the landscapes nearby the house. However, she had warned you about the risks of a few wild coyote appearances, but one could call you a junkie. There’s no fun in danger, but dangerous does rhyme with adventurous.
A cool whip of breeze enters the thin fabric of your sweater, immediately regretting stepping out of the doorstep after locking the door. As you are approaching the back of the house to enter the woods, young laughters echo through the area, lessening your fear for a bit. It must be safe if a group of teenagers are hanging out in such a secluded forest.
Unbothered by the noises, whether they were from teenagers or not, you make your way further into the woods of coppery branches on the endless verdant ground with subtle eau de nils. It’s like walking into a surreal three-dimensional render of a forest, too perfect to be right in front of your eyes.
It was quiet and serene in the woods. Aside from birds chirping, it felt like out of this world. It was an alien planet. Everything was green — the moss surrounding the place, every tree had some sort of fungi beneath it, the soil dark brown as if staring right into the earth’s eyes. The very healthy kind of earthy, and it was easier to breathe in the forest than it was in the city of Los Angeles. No wonder why they're both on the opposite sides of the country. They're literally poles apart. Being at Forks, it's as if you were able to be in a different country. It was secluded, unlike in Angeles, there are people in every place you go.
While changing the film of the camera, a strong gust of wind on your left side. So strong that your body stumbled onto the ground. You were on your knees, camera shattered as it hits a hard medium-sized rock. You break a couple of curses to the wind.
The camera looked hopeless with lenses separated from it, lying in pieces against a rock.
"What the hell was that?" 
There had to be some kind of a fast animal that ran from your side, which quickens your pulse, but the devastation you felt for the camera overthrew that fear. When you caught a glimpse of the 'wind,' it was human-like. It ran around in every direction surrounding you,  freezing you into place. The only thing you were able to do was to keep watching the human-like creature run in circles like lightning. You tried standing up, but it approached you in a rapid current that you fell into place again. But you couldn't see it, you weren't able to look into its eyes.
"You shouldn't be out here alone,” behind you says.
You whimper, embarrassed when the deep voice sends hums into your nerves.. 
"Why didn't you run?" He looks at you with knitted brows as he approaches to help you get on your feet. He’s far too attractive to be a wild coyote, you slap that stupid thought away.
"I... I didn't know what to do,” you force out, still affected by the broken camera and creeping fear.
He was around four inches taller than you. He looked about your age. Dark thick hair, with light brown irides inside his almond-shaped eyes. His skin was of a rich walnut tan, and his dark green hoodie complements that. 
"You must be Sylvia's niece. I'm Taehyung,” he said in a sultry manner as he offered a hand for a handshake.
"How do you kno-"
"She told us. My family's close with Sylvia. Our mothers used to be best friends, y/n." He puts his hand back in the pocket of his hoodie.
A tinge of embarrassment brushes through your cheeks, feeling guilty that you didn't give him a handshake. But all of that is ignored when he smiles.
"Did I creep you out?"
You chuckle softly. "No, of course not. I'm just still in the moment... of processing." You ease him, as if you were able to read the tension in his undecipherable eyes.
There was a few seconds of silence before Taehyung spoke again when he noticed your camera on the ground.
"Hey, we have a technician at home, maybe he has some tools he could help you with."
He was absolutely gorgeous. You find yourself lost in his face, studying his features and every little action he does. He would look so good as a muse. If only you could capture him right now, he'd be perfect under the clouds that create shadows that contour his cheeks and makes his eyes even more mysterious.
"Don't worry, you can trust me. Sylvia knows where I live,” he adds. 
Though that doesn't really solve the problem, you find yourself walking with Taehyung in the woods, drifting away from the devastation and fear from earlier. 
The laughters were from them. The laughs you heard earlier before entering the woods were from Taehyung's friends. They confirmed that they were walking around the woods earlier and that they passed by your house. All looking friendly with similar doe eyes, almost like they were relatives. They were all in a circle, all of them sitting on a chunk of thick logs, dressed in a similar way. The men were younger than you, but there is a girl who's older than you. She didn't seem as friendly as the others as you notice the judging glances towards your way. She had shoulder length of hair and she was just as tan as Taehyung. Taehyung discussed each of them one by one to you, all of them introducing themselves in an endearing manner except for her. Only saying her name was Leah and that was it, which made you feel an ounce of intimidation.
"So, y/n, how long do you plan to stay?" Embry, the one with the shortest hair, asks as he plays with the two twigs he'd been digging up dirt with the moment you arrived. His color was a tad bit darker than the others. He had a grin that could steal every girl's heart. He was gorgeous. They were all just as gorgeous as Taehyung.
"Oh, one month. I have a college application to fix back home,” you answered surely. You were only here to take photos for your college portfolio, and making friends was out of the picture until today.
"Sucks for Tae, I had a feeling you could be more than a willing candidate to be his girlfriend." Everybody laughed except for you and Tae who exchanged awkward glances at each other.
"Stop it, Bry." Taehyung wanted to laugh along but embarrassment got the best of him.
"She looks so out of place. You probably party a lot in Los Angeles, don't you?" Leah gives you a stern look, seriously waiting for your response. She only wants to get a reaction from you and you weren’t the only one to get the feeling as the group feels the rising tension between the both of you.
"No, I don't go to parties. Mom is very strict." You tell her. You didn't want the group to feel that you were intimidated, after all, you wanted to befriend everyone.
"She'd be perfect for our overnight tomorrow then." She prickly grins.
"Right! Want to join us in La Push? It's the nearest beach out here. We'll have bonfires and such," Seth, the youngest one with the tiniest body (still bigger than yours), expresses in excitement. Out of all of them, Seth was the friendliest. 
"I'll go talk to Sylvia for you, if you want." Taehyung raises his brows. He had been laughing quietly ever since he had brought you to meet his friends - which seems like he regrets, additionally. He was more mysterious than you thought. He didn't share much of his life during the discussion, only three things: his last name was Kim, he’s 20 years old, and he lives at the rez along with the rest of the team.
"Sure. I'll just bring my other camera." You smiled.
Taehyung said that he'll get Chase, a friend of his who wasn’t part of the circle, to fix the broken film camera. He assured that it will only be a matter of three days before the camera is all yours again. After a few more useless fun discussions, you had forgotten that the sun had settled for a while. When Taehyung realizes your face of worry, he offers to give you a ride home. Great, a ride with the wild coyote who had immediately earned your trust by rising a brow. You wouldn’t be so shocked if you end up ‘missing’ in the news in the next hours.
He owned a Chevy pick up truck. It was red, but faded, making it seem vermillion in color. It had a few dents and you were sure that it wasn't one of the smoothest rides you've ever had. But Taehyung made a few jokes about how he feels uneasy with the truck as well, only to reveal that it has been with him ever since his birth.
"It's great. Very retro." You gave him a smile to let him know that he doesn't need to feel embarrassed with his truck.
"Shut up, Y/N. I know it sucks, okay. I can't even play a single song here without a static." He laughs and you admit it.
He gave a charming wave to your window and had a small chat with Sylvia, who’s been home for hours, before leaving, probably about the La Push trip for tomorrow. Once you've changed into your pyjamas, Sylvia knocks on your door as you are about to settle in bed.
"Tae told me about the La Push camping tomorrow,” she began.
"Are you gonna let me?"
She smiles in an assuring way. You can't deny how lovely she looked with her hair down, her waves framing her heart-shaped face. "Of course, honey. You better wake up early tomorrow. Tae told me that he'll pick you up by seven." She winks and rubs your shoulder before heading downstairs.
A beach trip in a cloudy town without bringing any hoodies with you? Sounds about perfect, if you’re looking for a hypothermia attack. And you were never a morning person either so it’s a big mystery why you even agreed to go in the first place. The waking time in Los Angeles was ten in the morning. In Forks, it was seven. 
When Taehyung arrived, he was wearing a black shirt and a black leather jacket, pairing it with slightly oversized pants. He looked bigger than yesterday, maybe it was the jacket that made him look buff. He waved softly before you even stepped out of the doorway. He was carrying a medium-sized paper bag with small wet stains.
"My sister made us breakfast. Just in case you didn't have enough time to prepare," he opens the car door for you and waved to Sylvia goodbye, "thought you'd take more time because you probably wake up late in the city."
“I’m somehow a little offended with that assumption,” you cooed and he replied with a stammering laugh, unsure whether to take it as a joke or not.
He fumbled with the stereo and it played better than yesterday, giving you a sloppy smile as the first chords of Creep by Radiohead plays.
"You fixed it?" You take a bite from the sandwich his sister prepared. You thank God his sister prepared it for you, your stomach would be growling by now.
"Yeah. I just didn't want us to have that awkward silence along the way." He breathily laughs.
Everything Taehyung has is beautiful. He had an amazing laugh, a deep sultry voice, and doe eyes. He's simply astonishing. You were sure that everyone he has met so far had fallen in love with him. You weren't one to deny that either.
It took around fifteen songs before the both of you arrived at the beach — thanks to Taehyung's amazing playlist. It was quiet, the weather didn't change much in the place. Still cold and dark, untouched by a glimpse of sunrise. It was windier than the rest of Forks, and you wore your Christmas sweater to at least help with the cold a bit.
It was weird to say, but Taehyung radiated heat whenever you were near him. It's like when you're not around Taehyung, you feel the coldness of Forks. His truck didn't even feel cold though his air conditioning was on, you just felt a sense of unfamiliar comfortable heat you found yourself curling in your seat minutes ago. The group welcomed the both of you except for Leah of course. Sooner or later, you knew you'd start to hate her.
"You guys are early,” you tell Embry and Paul as they greet you with warm hugs.
"Of course, we are. It's La Push, baby." Embry gives you a wink and you blush.
"Okay, Bry, I haven't had my breakfast and you're already winking." Paul fake puked and the rest of the group laughs.
They started setting up tents as Taehyung offered to take your bag when he noticed how it's weighing you down. Before he could put it in the tent, you took your digital camera and started roaming around by yourself to take pictures of the view. Astounding as you had expected. It's like you were in the middle of nowhere. Only Taehyung's friends were at the beach which was a lucky shot for you and the group.
"Set up the fire, Tae! We're having breakfast." Leah yells across the place as she places the logs in the middle of the circle the tents are built in.
Taehyung sighs loudly. "Get ready for the Quileute Tribe stories." 
"You seem tired of it, you joked.
While Taehyung builds a fire with the rest of the boys, you secretly take pictures of him busy as the both of you keep talking.
"It's always the story every camping day. The Quileute Legends, you know? The scary stuff." 
You knit your brows when the word ‘scary’ comes into play, bringing your camera down to take a better look at the almost sweaty Taehyung.
"Scary stuff? How scary? Thrill me." You weren't aware as to how much Taehyung also studies your features. He wanted to know you better, but he was afraid of scaring you away by asking too many questions. It had always been his issue, scaring people away from him. And this time, he didn't want to let you in like the others, he just wanted to be acquaintances. But the more he spends time with you, the more he wants to be near you as if there were magnets pulling you together.
"I don't know what would thrill you, y/n. But the world is darker than you think, it's not always safe." He gives you a look. It was impossible. You were five feet away from him, but you could almost see your reflection in his eyes. It was too comforting. You were devoured by his eyes, falling steadily into his charms.
"I know. It's just as scary in L.A., I mean," you gulped, "crime is everywhere. Can't really stop it." You explained.
"It's not always crime that's scary, y/n. I'm talking unexplainable things." He smirks.
"Like paranormal?" You gaze away from him, starting to take pictures of the beach. But no matter how hard you try to distract yourself from Taehyung, your eyes keep falling on him.
"More than paranormal. Ghosts are easier to believe in."
You inhaled sharply. "I mean those are just legends, right? What's with the obsession in the Qui-Quileute Tribe?" You struggled pronouncing the word.
"It's not me. It's a tradition." There was a moment of silence before you could think of what to say again.
"Delete my pictures by the way." He scoffed.
"I thought you didn't notice."
"I was posing." 
You laugh at his joke, still certain you're never deleting any of his pictures, most definitely the one when he accidentally looked at the camera.
"You look sort of beautiful in the camera." Your lids flutter like a high school girl. “Not just in the camera, I mean… haha.”
He stares at you in confusion, and somehow you always find yourself frozen and embarrassed whenever he looks at you. "Sort of beautiful? You're more naive than I thought." He removes his jacket and throws it on the log nearby, revealing his buff body. You look away in discomfort, you didn't want to find yourself checking him out. "I'm not what you think I am. And I don't think you want to know."
"Maybe I do." You point the camera towards him and take a shot of his reaction. You wink.
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The clouds hovering above the clamorous sea tell that there's probably rain coming, but it seems like the group wasn't bothered by it at all. You were sitting next to Taehyung two feet away from you on the logs nearby the fire that Seth had given up trying to help making after a couple of failed attempts. His heat never failed to linger around you though.
Sam was discussing the Quileute Legends and the group was very fascinated with the story, even though Taehyung had confirmed earlier that they've already heard the story too many times from their own families. Sam was good. He had a way in telling stories. You find yourself actually believing the legends. Werewolves and vampires? Shapeshifters and Children of the Moon? You weren't one to believe in such fantasies. You liked to watch historical movies more than fairytales, but with the way Sam elaborated every part of the legend, you can't deny the shiver that you felt when he discussed the cold ones.
Fast like lightning. Beautiful and alluring. Undead without a soul.
You thought it was ridiculous for Sam to even give out a warning about the cold ones. You were suppressing your laugh a little bit, and you were sure Leah already had her eyes on you. Why would Sam give out a warning about the cold ones? It's not like they were actually real. He also mentioned a treaty. And he sounded pretty serious about it too, even Taehyung was carefully listening. All of their eyes were on Sam, except for Leah.
Sam talked about a specific family of the cold ones, that they proposed a treaty. These cold ones are not allowed to hurt anybody from Forks, or else the mentioned werewolves are allowed to pose a fight with them. He talked about it like it was a plan.
It was afternoon and the clouds were still as thick as it was in the morning, but rays of sunlight shone through the gaps between the dark clouds. It looked ethereal, an aesthetic you'd only see in paintings. You thought those paintings are only manifestations of amplified emotions of the painter, but here you are, smiling to your camera as you take hundreds of shots.
"Save some memory for the other landscapes," Taehyung says beside you, throwing pebbles to the water, each bouncing impressively for three times.
"I know, I just can't get enough of this. You don't see that in L.A." You pointed your index finger towards the horizon of the sea.
"Yeah, but at least you can swim in LA. It's too cold out here to even go for a swim,” he emphasized.
"Not when you're around. It's weird, but I feel like you have a fever. You're too hot."
He raises his brows . "I know I'm hot," he chuckles.
"I didn't mean it like that,” you protest, though you know for a fact, Taehyung right. If he were to live in L.A., he'd be escorted many times by a modeling agency.
"So, I'm not hot?" You knew he was teasing and your embarrassment was obvious enough because of the blood rushing through your cheeks.
"You're attractive. I'm sure you know that." You roll your eyes, trying to keep everything casual — which is getting harder and harder every time he's around.
"No, I don't,” he teased. He was obviously getting pay back on you for taking candid shots of him earlier.
Your eyes landed on Sam and Emily play-fighting in the sea, just the sight of them being happy made you feel a bit of a heartache. You were a sucker for romance. The boys told you earlier that they were engaged for three months now. Leah was Sam's ex-girlfriend and Emily was Leah's ex-best friend. Finally putting the pieces together why Leah was one of the hardest to be with. She was extremely hurt and broken. She would rather shut the world out rather than let anybody in. She would rather be alone, than find anyone again who could possibly hurt her.
"Look," you poked Taehyung who was too busy throwing pebbles, "Sam and Emily are swimming. We should too!"
Though you were shivering, you bravely took off the mustard jacket that Taehyung had let you borrow. You were left with your thin brown tank top and denim shorts. He's still in his black shirt, unbothered to even take it off nor his jeans.
"What are you doing? Let's go." You tell him as you walk towards the sea.
This was a bad idea. It felt like ice was draping all over your body. How can Emily look like she's having fun when you're over here freezing just by stepping into the water? Half of your body was shivering from the wind, the lower half was for sure numb. You wanted to slap Taehyung for taking so long to get in with you, and you weren't even sure why you were so desperate for him to get in with you. It's not like he had a heater with him.
It took Taehyung a few more seconds before he started taking his shirt off, revealing his caramel skin, but it wasn't his color that caught your eyes, it was how built he is. His body looks like it was sculpted by the most talented and precise sculptor. It was defined, and shadows are doing magic in giving it silhouettes in the right areas. The best part about it was how shy he was taking off his clothes, like a teenager getting ready for his first swimming lesson.
He was for sure planning to swim today, revealing the gray trunks he’s wearing underneath his jeans. He needs a bigger one that fits him better, because the trunks he's wearing isn't doing him any justice.
Okay, no. Maybe it was justified by a subtle outline of his —
Don't even look down there, y/n, you tell yourself.
You didn't know where to focus. His thighs were just as eye-catching as his abs. Just as toned and thick. It would be such a material for thigh riding, you thought and you quickly shake your head at the idea. It has to be the waters that did this to you. Time has never been more relevant when he was walking towards your way, as he scoops water with his hands to wet his hair, while biting his bottom lip and giving you a small smile after.
"Freezing?" He smiles, eyes pierced on your small body. You were hugging yourself, embracing yourself from the fact that if you let go of your hands, you might touch something else.
"You were taking so long." 
He chuckles before holding your arm, taking it off your body. "Come on, dip your whole body." He pulls you softly towards the ocean, the sound of walking through water comforting your ears.
He was a foot away from you, the water level was on his chest and so was yours, but slightly higher. He looked even more godly. His hair pushed back, and to see his face in its entirety was a blessing, a gift.
None of you dared to talk, and you thought it was better that way. You just get to stare at him, as the sunlight lands itself upon his bronze eyes with specks of gold if you would close enough, majestic indeed to see something like that once in your life. You'd wish to wake up to that every morning.
There was this comfortable silence between the two of you. Drops of water fall under his eyelashes, fluttering them as he struggles to stare back at you. The moment was ruined when he suddenly smiled and looked towards Embry and Paul. Embry was sitting next to Paul, staring at the both of you while laughing. You shrug, feeling invaded.
"Why? What is it?" you asked Taehyung.
"They're thinking ridiculously."
 You furrow your forehead. "How do you know?" He tightens his hold around your arm as he keeps you steady near him, aware of you struggling to touch the floor.
"I just know," he softly plants circles on your arm with his thumb, "trust me."
"Maybe we shouldn't stand too close to each other then. I think they're making a big deal out of it." You didn't want to come off feisty, but you guessed it went that way for Taehyung as he moved away from you without letting you go.
"No, they're not. They're just teasing." When he said that, it was like he only said it to get near you, to assure you that it was okay to be close to him like that.
"Still cold?" he asked.
"Not so much anymore." You muttered. There were so many questions you wanted to ask Taehyung, but your voice isn't very trustworthy at the moment. You know it will betray you the moment you open your mouth.
"Penny for your thoughts? Why did you want to swim?" His voice was soft, calming as the ocean.
"I wanted to test how warm you can make me, even in freezing water."
He laughs breathily. "Seriously?"
You nod. He wanted to tell you a lot about himself, but like you, he was just as scared. Skinny dipping wasn't really your thing, especially in cold water, so after a few more moments of swimming and small talks with Taehyung, you let yourself dry by sitting next to the tent, keeping yourself busy by viewing all the pictures you took.
It was four in the afternoon, and the sun looked like it was already setting. Time was almost irrelevant at Forks, you wake up and the next thing you know, you're already getting ready for bed. Even though today was quite eventful, the clock still ticked quickly.
Feeling dry enough, you walked to the other side of the beach, Embry had mentioned that there was a cliff nearby along the woods. Though Taehyung was busy drying himself and laughing with the others, he glanced your way as you were heading towards the woods. You lifted your camera so he knew what your motive was, and he flashed a sly smile.
Trees. Cliffs. Birds.
The place could be a haven for the National Geographic Channel.
"I thought the pack wouldn't ever leave you alone like this." A deep voice spoke behind you, his english accent was thick and strong. You were sure that if you turn around, he’ll be ten feet away from you. You regret blinking your eyes, because the next thing you knew, he was right in front of you. His expression with so much thirst, so much hunger. For what?
You only inhaled sharply, first thing coming into your mind, confusion overpowering your nerves. You examined the man before you quickly. Olive skin, dark ruby eyes. His skin was inhumanly shiny, he almost looked dead, but in a mesmerizing type of way. He had dark purple circles, but his eyes were beautiful enough to distract you from it. He mirrored a cement under sunlight, he had fragments of diamonds and glitters on his skin. It wasn't your brain consuming you but his visual, his aura.
"Didn't bring your dog with you?" You weren't sure what he meant. He takes a step forward to lean into your ear, and your feet beg to stay, your eyes staring deeply in his beauty. You were too engaged, everything about him had you in place.
"You smell different from the others. Are you aware of that?" His breath touched your skin and there the exact opposite of heat seeping in your skin. “La tua cantante. I can hear your blood flowing through your veins. I can hear your heart. It's beautiful." He sniffs your neck as he hisses.
He wasn't human, and this time you were sure. He had danger lingering in his eyes, but it dressed so captivatingly beautiful, you found yourself lost.
"It won't hurt, I promise. It will be just a tiny bite, you won't even feel it."
There were words coming out of your mouth, you swore that. But nothing, your mouth still and close. It's sort of like he had power upon you, controlling and manipulating your body to be a mannequin. 
"Shh, don't fight it. You won't win over me." His teeth were grazing on your neck, seeking for a soft spot. You were unsure of his nature, what could he be?
An alien from this alien planet? An experiment gone wrong that escaped from a lab, perhaps? Maybe a demon, or an angel. A greek god of some kind?
They were all terrifying.
At the corner of your eye appeared a shirtless Taehyung, but he didn't look like himself. He was red, smoke flaring around his body. His chest expanded by time, and when you felt a small sensation of sharpness on your neck, Taehyung jumped towards the man.
No, it can't be.
This isn't Taehyung. Taehyung was gone. Maybe you were imagining things, but you felt all of them happening in front of you. As the man got distracted, your senses came back, falling on your side from losing balance. You pushed yourself away from the two monsters, as you would describe it. This wolf was huge, enormous. Any man who would try to fight it will easily lose. It stands almost seven foot, three bears wide.
Without trying, the creature had already decapitated the man. You weren't sure how to feel — safe or worried — but you were sure that you are mortified, and your face clearly expresses that.
You were only moving away from this huge thing in front of you, maybe that'll help you escape. But you don't even know if you wanted to escape. A part of you believes that Taehyung is inside that wolf, maybe eaten alive, or a spirit. 
So much for the wild coyotes, thanks for the heads up Sylvia.
Your eyes met his. Dark bronze eyes with specks of gold if you look close enough. You could almost see yourself in them, they were that kind. His eyes had a message for you, to approach him, to pet him, that it was okay and he will never hurt you. Before your hand could land on his lowered head, Sam and the others came running to help you, obviously seeing the wolf, but not even being bothered like you were.
"Y/n, are you alright?" Sam helps you stand on your feet.
Sam and the wolf had some kind of connection. Sam stared at it and the wolf left.
"So, wolves are normal here?" you spoke with a weak voice.
Sam opened his mouth and closed it again, thinking of how he can explain what just happened. You know that he knows something, and he was struggling to tell it.
"Where's Taehyung?" You scan their faces with no sign of Taehyung.
Holy shit! The wolf ate him! you thought. All you want to see right now is Taehyung. To prove himself. He can't be that wolf. The wolf must have eaten him. It is far too impossible for Quileute Legends to be real.
"We should get going before the other cold ones get here." Sam assists you to get back in the tents, completely ignoring your state of bewilderment.
Maybe it's a Forks thing to be mysterious and quiet. It irks you so much that none of them are even acknowledging what happened. This would be a great story for your mom.
Hey, Mom. Just wanted to call to tell you about how great my day was. So Taehyung, right? Aunt's neighbor, really hot guy I'd totally fuck, got eaten by a werewolf. But that's not too crazy, an incredibly beautiful medieval British man held me hostage, telling me he wanted to suck my blood. What a Forks thing! And everybody saw this huge tall wolf, I'm talking as big as a shelf kind of wolf, but they all acted like it was some puppy leaving the scene. Anyways, Mom, I'm traumatized. Going home in a week.
There is no way you can paraphrase that. No way you can make everything happening right now to sound normal at least one bit. This must be normal in Forks, but this is some Hollywood work in LA already. Things like these don't happen unless there was a shoot next door.
"Hey, you okay?" Leah approaches you. Her concern is seemingly genuine.
"I'm alive, guess I am okay. Where's Taehyung?" You don't bother to look at anyone at all, you drive your attention to the waves landing on the beach, hoping you could synchronize your breathing with them.
"Taehyung's fine. You don't have to worry about him."
"I saw him there. He was... he was red! Like he was burning! And... and there was smoke. Then I blinked, then there's a wolf. I swear it ate him!" Leah looked at you with wide eyes, but her lips were shaking trying to hide a smile.
"You're not taking me seriously! That wolf killed that guy! I don't know. He sounded British!" Leah bit her lip. "That was horrifying. I saw its head removed, there was no blood! What was that?" Leah inhaled sharply before looking at you with assurance.
"Can you calm down? The wolf you saw, don't you think it was described like the one in the legends?" Leah almost shouted, yet still controlling her laugh.
"Shapeshifters? Those are legends, Leah! The wolf ate Taehyung!" 
She chuckled. "No, they are real," she protested.
"The British man there was a cold one, a literal vampire. Taehyung didn't kill him, he was already dead."
"Shut up, Leah. I know you hate me, but this is no time for jokes." 
She laughs harder. "You're right about me not liking you, but I'm not joking. That dark brown werewolf is Taehyung. One and only Taehyung. 20 year-old Taehyung who lives at the rez. That Taehyung."
'The world is darker than you think. It's not always safe.'
Taehyung had already given you clues from the start. But a word from Leah wouldn't be enough to stop your mind from going everywhere. You needed to hear this from Taehyung.
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It was twilight already and the group had decided to spend the night in their cabin, instead of the beach. Sam explained that it was for your safety which until now he hasn't elaborated yet. Emily offered newly baked muffins, but it was too late before you could grab one when all the boys devoured around them. You gave Emily a smile.
"You can have the next batch." She shied away.
Emily looks like an average girl next door. She had fringes and medium length hair, they were very flat. Her skin was like the others, tan and healthy-looking. One thing you haven't examined deeply about her were her eyes. Embry had told you once that staring at Emily would bother Sam, and when you first saw her, you knew immediately why. She had a scar on one of her eyes, they looked painful. It looks like a cat scratch, only if that cat was a lion. It covered half of her face, but that didn't stop her from being lovely. She was still pretty in every way.
Taehyung arrives at the cabin, looking at everybody except you, his body resting on the door frame. He was heavy-breathing like he just finished a race. Sam came after him, giving him a small pat then walking towards Emily. Taehyung's eyes remain on the floor. His actions were complicated. You haven't figured him out yet.
"Y/N, Tae, maybe you can talk outside alone." Sam smirks at Taehyung, and Taehyung smiles back.
'This is no time to be smiling!'
Taehyung finally looks at you before leaving the door and you follow. But he still hasn't talked. And your rage is piling up inside you, you finally take a step forward.
"Care to explain what the hell happened there? I thought you were swallowed by that — that thing!" He gulps, stopping his tracks and turning around to see your face.
"I was scared," you muttered.
He totally understood why you were scared. Because he was just as scared and confused as you when he first discovered who he was, and just like you, he chose to deny it in every way he can, and he hoped that denial can make a change.
"You're not supposed to know about this. I didn't want to put you in this position — of knowing what truly there is." His eyes are sad, like he was a missing child.
The same day Taehyung figured out what he was, his eyes looked exactly the same; with fear, agony, and deprecation.
"So, you're a werewolf?" You felt his pupils dilate.
He looked at you in disbelief as if he hadn't given enough clues yet.
"Werewolf. Shapeshifter. Monster. Dog. Whatever you call it, it wasn’t my choice." His voice was weak, almost ashamed of what he had just said.
"And you kill —"
"Vampires." He finishes your sentence before you could assume. "Just vampires. The cold ones? Those that violate the treaty? They’re real." And so the legends were correct and real, and the evidence stands right in front of you, breathing and staring at you.
But no matter what angle you look at him, he wasn't a monster. He is not what he is described in the fairytales. He wasn't a merciless creature, not even harmful. He was just this young boy who lived near you.
"I get that you're afraid of me. Trust me, so am I."
"I'm not scared of you. If it weren't for you I would be bloodless by now." You bit your lip. "But I'm still a little overwhelmed." You gulped.
He had no words, but he was relieved. And you knew that when his eyes twinkled, the kind he gave you when you were jamming to the songs he had in his truck.
"If it's okay for you, I'm inviting you and Sylvia to my birthday tomorrow. It's just a small gathering."
"Will there be drinks?" you kid.
"Sam doesn't really want me taking any drinks for the meantime." He chuckles.
"Why not?"
"He said that I can't be on alcohol during my first six months of phasing. Why? Do you drink?" he innocently asks.
"Was just teasing." You playfully pushed him before proceeding to walk back in the cabin.
Before you even knew it, Taehyung was irrevocably infatuated with you. He wouldn't have thought that a college girl would give a small attention to someone younger than her, or even finding out about who he truly is and still staying by his side. He had spent so much time denying who he was, but maybe being a werewolf isn't so bad after all, if phasing is what it takes to protect you or anyone at all.
You were just like what he thought you would be — kindred spirits.
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The party isn’t filled with loud chats and crowds, it is a gathering. Taehyung tried his best to always stand by your side to give you ease in enjoying such an unfamiliar place as Sylvia gets indulged in conversations with the others, completely forgetting you. Every minute though, he'd have to leave you alone on the couch but he'd return as soon as he can.
There weren't much talks between you and him either, only a couple of smiles exchanged whenever Embry and Quil do something embarrassing in front of the both of you.
It seemed as if the night was the longest night of your life, only occupied with listening to others’ stories and Taehyung sipping a punch from his red cup. He had asked a few questions to keep things interesting, but it was hard to keep the mood flowing. You had asked about his hobbies and all the boring stuff you could think of, and surprisingly he would reply with enthusiasm like he have always wanted to be asked those questions. This makes you more curious how his daily life goes, how many people does he actually talk to.
When the hand of the clock drops at ten, you were just patiently waiting for Sylvia to get on her feet and cut the conversation with the others but she seemed to have consumed more alcohol than she could tolerate and the next thing you knew she was laughing like a maniac. You were stuck in a loop circle of smiling so thinly to everyone you get eye contact with.
You distract yourself with admiring the intricate designs of Taehyung's small home, and the thought of a young Taehyung growing up in where you're sitting currently makes your heart jolt. It's uplifting seeing his pictures on the wall, but there was a difference between his smile before and his smile now. One can easily tell which was more true. You had no clue what it's like to be his kind, hell even now you still can't believe what he is. But it sure shows in the way he had changed judging from the innocent photos that hang on the wooden walls. You've never known him since then, yet you wanted to restore this angel-being beaming at the sight of a camera who now hates being in photos because he thinks he's some sort of a monster.
You wanted to ask him about the pictures, the one where he was wearing a towel with a headband, the one where he was framing his face. All of them speak some kind of connection with you, maybe it's your love for photography that makes you feel this way, but innocence is one of the hardest thing to lay your lenses on.
Then you finally got it. What your professor was talking about, drawing something intangible to your camera. This is what he meant. Your gallery is only filled with landscapes, mostly the aesthetic of architecture and nature. Taehyung is what you needed to change the mood of your photos, not the weather, not the dark ambience of Forks, but his story. If only there's a chance for you to grasp his mystery in a single picture, his adventurous smile in one flash.
A pang of pain in your forehead pulls you back into reality, and the lights that stood above you only made it worse. You needed to leave immediately before the pain has you grunting. Welcomed with a wrapping breeze, you brace yourself and regret wearing the dress Sylvia begged you to wear. She said it was her favorite when she was your age, a Prussian blue dress that stops before your knees with tulle around the hem and a lighter blue ribbon on the chest.
Of course Taehyung who sits beside you would notice your leaving, and before you can inhale the fresh air from the porch, he was already asking what's wrong.
"I don't feel so good. I think I'm gonna have to go home alone since Sylvia's still occupied," you said, pushing on your temples with your thumb and middle finger.
"I can drive you home. I don't think they'd notice that we left, they're all pretty wasted." He chuckles, complementing the high tones of the strong wind that travels past your bodies.
"I'm really sorry. I'm being rude, I mean this is your party... your birthday party and you're going to drive me home."
He places the sippy cup on a coffee table near the entrance, and he was palming his pocket to reach for his keys.
"It's fine, y/n. The party's been dead four hours ago and I can't send you home alone. Do you have the house key or should I go back inside and ask Sylvia for it?"
"She gave me a duplicate. I think it's best we go now. My head's really killing me."
It was unusual, headaches. They rarely come to you since you monitor your phone usage and water intake. You hate getting them because you hated taking meds for it, and you just hoped Sylvia would have a stock of it. Your fingers have been roaming your forehead for a while yet you can't seem to navigate where the pain is, where it's beating. It would be better if you could massage it along the ride but you were struggling to even keep your fingers raised.
Taehyung stops the car in the middle of somewhere as you are hitting your head continuously on the head rest. It was quiet, a deafening silence that rang your ears that brought you to open your eyes. Taehyung wasn't in his seat anymore, only fog filling for his place crawling under your skin.
There was your breathing, crickets, and rustles of trees that travel the air. You weren't sure how to react but one was definite, you were scared. The hand resting on your thigh turning white and wet, breathing faster and heavier as the air seems to be corrupted with toxic poison that does nothing but suffocate you.
Don't get out of the car, don't get out of the car, you chant internally hoping it will help your situation.
"Hello, dear," a slinky voice says through the window, almost similar to the man— vampire from yesterday. Could it be? Could there be more? "Don't make me wait, dear. Open the door and make this easy for the both of us, hm?"
It sounds the exact same as the accent the man had with an alluring tone that draws you to open the door. However, it wasn't just her tempting attempt into convincing you to endanger yourself, the pain in your head inflates as you try to control yourself.
"You want it hard, my dear?" She smirks, you weren't sure but you hear the spread of the corner of her lips.
Then she was in front of the headlights, filled with rage, her eyes dark and dangerous as she showed her predacious teeth. From here, you can feel the vibration of her anger as if she had the ability to let you feel all the harnessed emotions inside her. You can count them one by one: anger, vengeance, and the feeling you get before success. None of them were positive emotions, none of them was mercy. She came here to accomplish one thing.
Your death.
Finally understanding it, inside her browbeating eyes were agony and mourning. She was here to avenge the death of the vampire that Taehyung had killed. She was as beautiful, as seductive with her pale skin and ruby lips, curly strawberry blonde hair that flows until her shoulders.
You discovered that there was a split second of slow agonizing memory of your life before it's taken, and you wished there was none. She runs towards you, careless whether she bashes her head into the glass. She takes your neck, her fingers poking specifically at the sides and right before you can regain your breath your eyes open.
Gasping and catching air, awakening in the seat with Taehyung by your side who drives in silence as Midnight Rambler by The Rolling Stones plays from his rusty stereo.
So if you ever meet the midnight rambler
I'm coming down your marble hall
Well, he's pouncing like a proud black panther
Well, you can say I, I told you so
He sits there, unaware of the chaos that repeats in your head. It all felt so real, the grasp on your neck that locks your throat, you could've sworn you've given your last breath. The pain had stopped, replaced by dizziness that you knew would pass as minutes go by. 
"What's wrong?" he asked. "Is there something on my face?"
You shake your head. "I didn't know I was staring."
That's right. You didn't know you were staring. There was so much comfort in knowing he never left, the heat of his presence brings you a feeling of security. It's okay now. Taehyung's still here. By your side.
Once reaching home, Taehyung does his best to assist you as though you were ill. It's cute how he acts that way, so careful, so gentle. Upon reaching your room, Taehyung stops before your bedroom door, almost waiting for an invitation.
"I should get going now. I'll tell Sylvia you felt sick." And before he could say good bye, you're already wrapping yourself in the blankets as he passively makes a step away from your door.
"Taehyung," you said, reaching out. "Thank you for today."
He doesn't turn back. "You're welcome. Also, thank you for coming."
A shiver spreads across your back when your lids start to fall, and your body jolts upwards. The beautiful woman from the early nightmare visits your mind again, her face inches from yours close to ripping it apart.
"Taehyung," you whispered, but he heard you within the thin walls of the lonely house. "Can you... stay for a sec? I... I had a nightmare earlier... felt so real. C-can you?"
He walks back, eyes landing everywhere except your body that waits for him on the bed. Is she serious? he thought as you opened the blankets for a space behind you.
"Until you fall asleep?"
You nod. He kicks off his shoes and he positions himself behind you, both of your breaths synchronizing as he lies down softly. You bury your cheek into the pillow when you feel his warmth wrap the room, the security coming back. You turn your head to see him watching you inches away, his hand keeping his head up as he rests his cheek against it. You take his free hand that lies on his right side, pulling it to your stomach requesting for him to scoot closer until his body brushes your back.
You can stay like this, for longer than you can imagine. Just the sounds of your breaths and the hums of his loud thumping heart that makes its way to your upper back, the release of breath from his nostrils that flies over your hair. Peaceful. Safe and sound.
In his embrace, you forget everything: the packing for Los Angeles, the fear of not getting into any university, the supernatural that you had discovered that you still cannot comprehend, the clouding fear that something is coming to get you. In his arm, it's like they never existed. The worries are nothing but disappearing sea foams, a water in heat that evaporates into thin air.
You enclose the hold in Taehyung's hand above your stomach, intertwining them for ease. Falling back into his embrace, he subtly moves away hoping you wouldn't notice. His warmth turning into heat, breathing ragged, hold on you tighter and stronger. Then you feel it, a gentle thrust behind you and he pretends to adjust position. He pulls you closer with the hand on your stomach and you sigh which caused a poking at your butt.
You may not be the smartest person on earth, but it doesn't take a book to know what it was. Taehyung murmurs an apology, his words passing by your neck which sends your stomach into a spiral. You rub your thighs together hoping to dissipate the throbbing in your core, not now.
Not now that Taehyung's beside you. Or maybe it should be now that Taehyung's beside you, you were open for a helping hand. His hand over your head tucks a strand of your hair, the finger brushing on your temple made your aching much harder to ignore. There would be no distraction, no having to worry about who will hear the both of you, for God's sake the house was built in the middle of nowhere, so you thought 'Fuck it.'
You tug his hand to the middle of your chest, to rest them between your breasts as your head turns to face him. He gulps, looking at you intently with lust hovering over his hooded eyes. You lean towards him, your lips reaching his and he pulls away for a second before diving back in. He had pillowy lips, and if it weren't for your hot need at the moment you would let your lips sleep on them for a longer while, but as of right now there are a lot of tensions that need handling.
You leave his hand on your chest while he's still shy to grope one of your breasts. Your hand then wrapping the back of his head to pull him deeper into the kiss, he sighs. That sigh caused the aching to grow, shaking your behind to feel how needy he was and he sighs again. His hand that was on your chest now pushes below the curves of your breasts to pull you closer, to have more friction, to thrust into you.
Until he couldn't take it anymore, he wants you below him as much as you want him on top of you. He hovers above you, his knee swift in spreading your thighs open and he is bucking in a steady pace on your clothed entrance.
"Take me, Taehyung," you breathe the second he leaves your lips.
He takes it slow, burning your insides, as his fingers pull the bow on your chest, untying the effortless knot you had made in the mirror. Too slow to keep up with your throbbing heat, you trail his hand to open the loose front, exposing
your nude bra. His eyes are pinned on yours, and you would make quick glances at his moderate hand you're directing. You unclasp the front of your bra, and when he hears it setting on the bed, he kisses you as if asking if you were really sure. Beneath the feverish endless kiss were words of fear from him, what if he wasn't truly ready.
The last time he had experienced this was long ago, a time before he knew how dangerous he could be. Careless of what his hands could bring, when he hadn't given a single thought for any of his actions. Well, it was one time, only once with the first girl he had ever loved. And the first was always the quickest, but it was unforgettable, he had kept every detail of her daisy fresh skin remembered under his fingertips. The laughs they had shared in between, a significance of the innocence they were about to lose. His head loses in doubts, questions that can only be answered if he risks hurting you tonight.
Then you whisper, "It's okay, you're not going to hurt me." Because in your mind, that was the last thing in his abilities. You smile, "It's okay." Rubbing circles at the back of his trembling hand, his jaw clenches.
Once he had started kissing you again, you parted his lips with your tongue in which he had replied with a tender bite causing you to moan within your throat. This motivates him to grope your breast, aggressing as seconds pass by, pulling a nipple in between his fingers and you arch your back. You rest your feet on his back, synchronizing with the movement of his hips. You admire the way his head moves downward, stopping after every inch of your skin to place a soft kiss until he reaches your breasts to which he places a long stripe lick moving from one bud to another while his eyes remain on yours. He's going to be the death of you.
You pant, trying to reach his hips that came to a halt. His hands pushing the hem of your dress higher, stopping at the middle of your waist. And his evil slow hands, still taking his time, move behind your thighs to pull them away from his back and placing them on his shoulders as he gets comfortable right between them. With gaze pierced on yours, he flats his lips on your clothed slit, tracing the wet spot visible in your white underwear. The thought of you being almost naked underneath the dress ever since earlier brought Taehyung into insanity, he could've fucked you with his fingers on the couch, he could've removed them and left your pussy out in the open as he keeps it in his pocket, he could've done so many things if only he knew earlier how much you'd wanted him just the same.
You look at the empty ceiling, too affected by the darkness in his stare, you were scared you would cum too quickly if you remain watching. He pulls your garment upward to put his bare thumb against your clit, until you couldn't take it and you look down again to see him putting the said thumb in his mouth. Sweeter than the cranberry juice he'd been tolerating to drink, adding that to the list he could've done earlier while your panties were in his pocket; enjoying the sweet fervor of your cunt on his tongue. He plays at your clit, tongue curling to lap up the wetness that increases as his spit mixes in. He knows so well what he's doing, the fragile scoop of his bottom lip from your opening to your clit where he stops.
Everywhere around his lips glistens as the bright light from the hallway outside your room shines upon them. His hands still holding your thighs steady, he slips his tongue inside you which has you shaking and he had to adjust the control in his grip. Once they've settled, he puts his touch above your breasts, flicking both buds in each hand.
You were crumbling under him, desperate for release, grunting in a throaty voice as you tried to keep yourself together. Tears huddle in your eyes, blurring your vision until he stops, now smiling above you while he pulls your underwear away from your body. It doesn't take long for him to get naked and you take time to admire his build. His skin was made of honey, toned and reflective of the warmth he emits. His cock slapping his tummy before he could fully get out of his tight boxers, his tip reaching his button.
He returns to his position between your thighs but this time around he was the one to wrap your legs around his waist. His shaft falls between your slit and he makes subtle movements in burying himself between them.
"I just want to say," he began, "how amazing you are." A gravelly moan of your name escapes his lips as you take matters in your own hand, thumb going over the head of his cock while the rest of your fingers rest wraps his cock.
He thrusts into your hand. His face forming wrinkles, frustration painted across his face. Until he falls on both arms caging your head, bucking for more friction, enjoying the suppleness of your touch. He was groaning, panting, and making a mess of himself to which all echoes from one wall to another. You put a hand on his abdomen to break his movement. He obeys, feeling you part yourself for his cock, torturously slow in entering you.
You pull your hands to your sides, getting a hold of Taehyung's biceps. Opening your lids to watch his pupils dilate as he rams the rest of his length inside your beating entrance.
"Y/n," he groans, brow knotting together when you clench around him. He's going to fall apart, he thought. You wrap him tighter, letting go of yourself in ecstasy, careless whether you melt into the bed or break it, all is well as long as you're looking into his eyes.
He chants your name again and again in a symphony of continuous moaning, and all you could say is how good he sounds. A compilation of ah's and oh's whenever he reaches your spot, his head brushing against it and it felt like nothing but heaven. More, he wants more, if only he could fuck you endlessly he would. The bed hits the wall in coordination of his sharp thrusts, and he's losing himself in you he couldn't care less if he breaks the walls. In sync with the sounds he makes were your gasps and high-pitched whispers of his name that he can see himself in the near future thinking of them and fucking himself alone in his room as he recalls them.
"Tae— oh fuck, Taehyung," you cried out causing his cock to twitch inside you, you call out for more. His name and a couple of curses were the only words you could spew out. Trembling, you feel an explosion of euphoria inside you, letting go of the tight grip around Taehyung's arm.
With one last fluid thrust, he pulls himself out and spills himself on top of your stomach. Both of your breathing slows until they were no longer audible. He rolls to his back beside you waiting to cool down and you take care of yourself by wiping his cum away with the tissue from the nightstand.
"I'm sorry, I made a mess," he says, breaking silence.
You didn't reply, instead you lie on your side to face him and wrap his cock in your warm hand. His cock still hard and wet under your touch, he breathes out a long sigh. "I made a mess of you too."
He chuckles before placing one last kiss on your forehead, and you watch him fall into his dreams. You shut the door, thankful Sylvia didn't come home during the circumstances earlier. You make a note not to leave it open next time.
Next time? Were you actually hoping for a next time? It's not long until you're leaving. Forks is not your home. Your home is on the other side of the country, and everything you grew up with awaits there. Forks is not your home, you tell yourself. The night grows along with your need for sleep, falling onto Taehyung's chest and getting lost in a slumber. You wake to Sylvia opening the door, an indication of her coming home, and you fall asleep again.
The next time you wake up, the sun shining alight from the windows to your eyes, Taehyung was sitting at the end of the bed fully clothed. His head turns slightly, feeling the sense of your waking.
"Y/n, there's not just one who wants to kill you," he says but you couldn't make out a single word, "there's a whole coven of them."
a/n: happy new year! pls dont take the bella comment seriously. also team jacob ftw!!! also appreciate my banner work owo.this is my first descriptive smut like i actually write them having sex idk i hope yall like it tho :* i love y’all! 
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Sinful Sunday
AN: Oh boy....guys, I just want to say that this month has left me very frustrated, and I apologize for the first THOT, but at the same time, I am not sorry because at least to me it is VERY hot. Anyway, I hope this week treats you all well, and I hope this week goes smoothly for me, but if you all hear screaming and dull thuds, it's just me bashing my head in trying not to kill someone :). Love you all, and!!!! We hit 666 followers last night so this week we will be doing supernatural asks starting today until Friday!!! Thank you all!!
Pairings: Modern!Boba Fett x Reader, Commander Fox x Reader
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Boba Fett x Reader
This is ENTIRELY self-indulgent, and completely revolves around how my work is gonna go, and how I wish a certain bounty hunter would come and give me some stress relief…
This job was going to be the death of you. Wait no, a select few high school students and your asshole supervisor were going to be the death of you. When you signed up to supervise this summer program you had not expected it to go so far south. Hell, you'd been in the program when you were in high school and it was never this bad, so why was it your luck that it was when you were on the adult side of things that everything just went by the wayside. 
When you were in the program all of the adults got along, the head never accused the others of being rude, targeting the students, or being power-hungry like yours was now. When you were in the program, sure there was drama, I mean its high school students what did you expect, but never this bad, and never in multiple different groups, it was usually one, but now it seemed like all but five of the students were at each other's throats for one thing or another. And honestly, if it were up to you at this point, you'd be getting paid more for doing your supervisor's job for him, and you wouldn't be going on the end of the month trip, but you had to go on the trip to get paid and there was no way you were going to be getting more money at this point.
It was fine though, you only had to work with that asshole prick and with the students for 5 more days… 24/5…. before you were home free….to start prepping for university. You know what, this adult ingredient thing is not your cup of tea and you wanted out, fuck.
The first day of the trip went relatively ok, you only had to yell at the boys a couple of hundred times, and pop several headache pills while your supervisor continued to avoid his job, but you know, it could be worse. When you got to the hotel, you were all but dead on your feet, and the thought of having to be up at an ungodly hour the next morning had you groaning, but collecting your room key from your head boss with a smile anyway.
What you hadn't expected was one of the girls' meltdown, nor when you were tiredly trying to calm her and keep your temper at bay for her to shove you hard, and while on already unsteady feet to stumble backward and trip over a foot and start to fall. You gasped and reached out to catch yourself, as well as the foot's owner grabbing you, resulting in a very awkward position of you grabbing the man's suit jacket, while he held you in what looked to be a very low dip, almost like the two of you had been dancing.
You immediately felt heat rise in your face as your eyes widened in shock and you started apologizing all over yourself as you righted yourself and bent over to grab your bag. The stranger just laughed and steadied you, before pushing your chin to look at him saying, "It’s fine, little one, no harm done. Don't worry about it, you seem to have your hands full already."
As he finished speaking, he motioned his head over to where two of the three of your head bosses were talking to the girl that shoved you, and the third was walking over to check on you. They said your name and asked frantically, "Are you alright? We are taking care of the situation, feel free to sit down if you need to."
"I'm fine, I promise. Mr….."
"Fett, Boba Fett," the stranger supplied and reached over to shake your boss' hand, and much to your shame you couldn't help but gulp at how Mr. Fett's hand dwarfed your bosses. Clearing your throat you smiled at your boss as they nodded and left, and continued, "Mr. Fett so graciously, saved me from the fall I would have had onto these stone floors," then turning to Mr. Fett, you smiled at him, your breath catching in your throat as your eyes made contact with his swirling eyes that reminded you of the enticing smoky quartz you had at home, "Thank you very much, Mr. Fett, I am more thankful for your quick reflexes than I can express."
"Please, Mr. Fett was my father, Boba is quite alright, and you don't need to thank me, I would have felt guilty if I had not been able to catch you in time."
“Well still, Mr,” as you started Mr. Fett narrowed his eyes at you with a glint in his eyes, that made you smile and look down, “Boba, thank you.”
With that, you looked up and met his eyes one last time, before nodding and walking away, flushing from head to toe as you walked into the elevator and turned to find him still watching you with a smile. Once the doors finally shut you let out a shuddering breath and wrapped your arms around yourself as you waited for your floor. You weren’t sure if it was the stress you had been under this past month, or if it was a good-looking man saving you from getting injured, but you couldn’t get Boba Fett’s face or voice out of your mind. You should really blame being so touch starved for the way you replayed the way he had looked at you, his eyes aglow with something that was more than just friendly, from the way your mind rolled over the way his lips had spoken each rumbling word, and as you walked into your room and collapsed back onto the bed your groaned knowing that tonight it was going to be hard not to touch yourself to the thought of the man who had been nothing but kind to you.
It wasn’t until later, as you were saying good night to your colleagues and your bosses after taping the students’ doors for the night that you saw him again. You had been headed to your room, listening to each of the rooms as you passed making sure none of the kids were being loud or making too much noise. You were so caught up in listening, that you again ran into Boba, and as you apologized and looked up you felt the flush from earlier returning to your face. 
“Mr. Fett I am so sorry! I should have been paying attention to where I was walking!”
“Little one, what did I tell you, you only have to call me Boba,” he waited until you nodded, before tilting your chin up with his finger again and continued, “Good, now tell me. Are you done working for the night?”
His gaze was engulfing and made your mouth go dry, stealing all the words from your mouth so you only nodded, and melted when Boba’s lips turned up into a smile. Then, surprising you, even more, he leaned down and sealed your lips together in a consuming kiss that stole your breath and pulled a whimper out of you. When Boba pulled back from the kiss, he didn’t move far, staying close enough, that his lips brushed yours as he spoke.
“Little one, I have to say that I have been thinking about you since I saw you, even before you literally fell for me,” he chuckled as he pressed another kiss to your lips, before saying, “and I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t ask. Little one, I would love to treat you right tonight, if you would let me?”
The second the words left his lips, your eyes shot open, not having realized they had fallen closed in the soft moment. Only when they were open, you found Boba’s eye burning with desire and a promise that had you shuddering out a yes, before your brain could even process what was happening. You, in a daze, lead him to your room and keyed in, as he crowded you against the door, as Boba’s lips graced along your neck and he ground his hardening cock against your ass.
 The second the door opened, Boba had you pushed against the floor-length mirror hung on the wall not far from the door. It didn’t take long at all for him to have you a panting mess as he alternated between nipping at your jaw, whispering about how good you looked in his arms earlier, and kissing you senseless. You moaned his name softly as one of his hands pushed underneath your shirt and squeezed your nipple through the thin fabric of your sports bra, before pulling the shirt off altogether and shedding his suit jacket and sharp green tie. 
The two of you were all hands, groping at each other and tearing fabric away as quickly as possible while sharing moans and groans through kisses. Boba had consumed your thoughts, to the point where you couldn’t even worry about your volume and the fact that your coworker may hear you through the wall. No, the only thing you were worried about, was the fact that you were so worked up that your hands couldn’t even undo Boba’s belt as you continued to fumble with it as Boba had you already stripped to your panties and was leaving red marks all along your shoulders. 
Finally, when you gave of a pitiful needy whine, Boba pulled back, and with almost completely black eyes from lust ordered you to turn around. The second you did as you were told, you flushed at the sight that greeted you. In the mirror, you saw the way your lips were red and shiny from all the kisses you had shared and from how Boba had nipped at your bottom lip. You saw how hungry your eyes looked and how wet you felt looking at the tiny bruises Boba had put on your shoulders where only you would see. Then, you looked over your shoulder and found Boba watching you in your needy state, making direct eye contact with you as you heard him fisting his cock and rubbing it while just watching you in the mirror. 
“Bend over, princess. Let me see that pretty pussy of yours.”
Moaning you did as you were told, even wiggling your ass a little in an attempt to get him to move quicker, which only resulted in Boba grabbing a handful of your ass before growling out quietly, “Patience, princess, be patient.”
Then he was pulling your panties to the side with a drawn-out groan as he took the middle finger of his other hand, and swiped it through your wet folds, and shoved it into your hungry walls. He growled out a few obscenities as he started to earnestly fuck his finger up into you, watching as your mouth dropped open into an O and you gave out tiny moans and pushed back onto his finger. Then he was pressing a second finger inside of you and you felt your eyes roll upwards as you moaned out, “Yes yes yes yes, please, don’t stop, of fuck, yesssssss.”
Boba grinned in the mirror and kept fucking up into you, making sure to scissor out his fingers to open your tight walls up to fit his cock. He watched as you climbed higher and higher, gushing around his fingers and sucking them back in with each thrust. He loved watching your face in the mirror, watching each twitch and facial expression of pleasure he was bringing you. And he more than enjoyed knowing, from the look on your face alone just how close you were to peeking. It was when you tightened impossibly around his fingers that he knew you were right on the precipice of cumming, and he quickly yanked his fingers out, nearly cumming himself from the downright needy and torn moan you gave him when he robbed you of your orgasm. 
“Don’t worry, little one, you’ll get to cum, but only when this pussy is wrapped around my cock.”
Then you heard him tear open a wrapper, looking up to see the condom wrapper in between his teeth as he rolled it over his cock, before spitting the wrapper away and making eye contact with you as he rubbed himself along your entrance, “Are you ready, princess? I’ll warn you, I am much bigger than my fingers.”
You just whimpered and nodded, only being able to think about how much you needed him inside you, how much you wanted him to stretch your walls. Boba smirked and wrapped one hand along your waist while he guided his cock inside of you, sinking in about halfway, before pulling out and thrusting back in. And he was right, he was MUCH larger than his fingers, you swore he was spreading you to your limit, but it still felt so good. By the time he was fully seated inside of you, and you could feel his open zipper and open belt along your ass and thighs, you just needed him to move, desperate for the friction and pleasure that his cock could bring you, so you ground back into him. Boba responded by pulling out until his cock head was the only thing still inside of you, before slamming back in and setting a brutal pace. 
Your hands splayed out on the mirror, needing them there to help you keep your balance as Boba’s powerful thrusts slammed into you, pushing you so that your head almost hit the mirror and your breath fogged up the mirror with every moan of his name. It was all almost too much, and your eyes slipped closed trying to focus on the rocking thrusts that were inching you closer and closer to that familiar edge but Boba was having none of that. He grabbed the back of your neck, never halting his pace, and pull you up against his stomach saying, “Open those eyes, little one. I want you to watch yourself as I wreck this perfect body of yours. I want you to see what you look like when I give you an orgasm no one else can, while I give you pleasure nobody else ever will.”
Moaning you cracked your eyes open and made eye contact with Boba, watching as he sunk his teeth into your shoulder and groped at your chest, pulling one of your breasts free as he impaled you on his cock over and over. In this new position, Boba was angled just right to brush against that devastating spot inside of you the one that had you throwing your head back and clawing at Boba’s thighs as you balanced on the edge of cumming. Only falling over that edge, when Boba’s free hand moved down and he circled your clit with two fingers a few times and growled, “Cum for me princess.”
And you did. You came hard, and with a breathless scream of Boba’s name. You clenched down tightly around him, your walls pulsating as he continued thrusting deep inside of you and playing with your clit dragging out your high before you felt Boba’s cock twitch a few times and he gave a few shallow thrusts with a curse.
You both stilled after that, Boba resting his head on the back of your neck and your head resting against your chest as you tried to catch your breath with his slowly softening cock still buried inside of you. When you both finally came back to yourselves, Boba pulled out completely and whispered, “Come on, little one, let’s take a shower and then get you to bed.”
“Mmmm, you’ll stay? Just until I fall asleep?”
“Anything for you princess, anything for you.”
Commander Fox x Reader
I haven't written Fox in a while, so I figured I'd indulge myself with a soft little drabble for him…
Fox was tired, no past tired, he was exhausted. He was past being able to function on caf alone, and to the point that he had actually listened when Thorn had sent him away telling him to rest and eat something. But as much as he had listened to his brother, he had also ignored him, and instead of going to rest or find something nutritional, he had instead made the trek across the city to you. He knew it was late, and you had no doubt been in bed asleep for several hours, but with being away from you for days on end after the newest attack on the senate, he knew that he would not be sleeping unless it was curled against your side.
It was easy to slip past the security of your building, especially since he'd down it on multiple occasions and once while drunk. He reminded himself once again, to send in an anonymous request for better security around the building, ask he climbed into the elevator and made his way to your floor. He wasn't sure if he had fallen asleep on the ride, but he seemed to arrive sooner than usual, and he stumbled out walking right to your door and putting in your code with a smile, having known the four digit code longer than it had been your apartment code, having had the number been assigned to him as a child before you took it and made it your own. 
He only paused at the door for a second to listen and make sure you were asleep, and his sneaking in had not woke you. After confirming you were still asleep, he careful pulled the armor from his body, it having been a weighted burden for days now, and setting it aside on the floor of your living room, before walking towards the bedroom. He knew for a fact, if he wanted, he could walk this apartment in his sleep, not entirely sure that isn't what he was doing right now.
Only, he paused again as he reached the bedroom, taking in your sleeping face that was lit by the soft glow of the bright lights shining through your bedroom curtains. Fox knew he could watch you like this for hours, you looked so soft it made his heart stutter. So carefree and free of the stress you held during the day. Your fave completely relaxed, nose occasionally scrunching up as you dreamed, and letting out soft mumbles that were indecipherable, but never failed to bring a smile to his face. 
Eventually Fox did crawl into bed behind you, and relaxed only when you pressed up against him, and in your sleep, sighed out his name. It was in that moment that he wished more than anything to just pause time and hold you like this until the end of the galaxy.
Permanent Tags: @mysticalgalaxysalad @phoenixhalliwell @moodsare
Sinful Sunday Tags: @ollovaemisc   @shellyc9 @vikingqueen28 @altarsw @rosegoldarti @groovinomicon @virgil-nonbinary @meabravo @joculatrices @evensisacaption @saveatruckrideoptimusprime @hayley-the-comet @blackmarketmummy @justanothersadperson93 @justanotherstarwarswhore @phrog-seeds @pintsizemama
Clone Tags: @justanotherstarwarswhore @phrog-seeds
Boba Tags: @justanotherstarwarswhore @bunny-fair @shellyc9 @phrog-seeds
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spvce-cowboy · 3 years
Requests and those prompt pages you shared make me go full on thot...but soft
Frankie with "when one of them has never had a proper birthday party for whatever reason, and their lover makes it their mission to give them the best day ever, followed by “you didn’t have to do all this for me. just being with you is enough.” “i know. but i thought you deserved ?’’ and their lover smiles, a kiss is shared"
And maybe the dialogue prompt "I wanted to say I love you for the first time without stuttering, but that failed"
Is that too much? Too weird? I'd be happy for either one :)
soft thots are the best thots no one can convince me otherwise 😌😌😌
i added a lil... somethin somethin to this bc i honestly just couldn’t resist.
frankie always lets his birthday pass quietly. it’s been that way since you’ve met him--he usually preferred a quiet night out with his friends, maybe ordering some nice meal in, but never anything big. 
he firmly resisted your suggestions of throwing a party in celebration for the first two years you were together, not adamantly, but with enough gentle insistence that you knew to back off. you could tell that there was some weight there, something unspoken that made him dark and moody during the week that lead up to the day, but you figured he’d let you know on his own time, if ever.
so you’re more than a little nervous for the surprise dinner you had spent the past month planning. you’d coordinated his whole crew to fly back to Texas for his birthday weekend, figured maybe after the year Frankie had had it would be a nice break, if not to celebrate then to distract. 
you made the delta force boys well aware of it, that if he didn’t want to do anything official the lot of your would play along without insisting anything more. the sparklers and cake you were hiding in the kitchen was purely optional, depending on how you read Frankie’s mood after the surprise reveal.
you’re all nerves for the entire day leading up to the party. luckily, Frankie is out of the house for most of it, and you told him you’d take him to a fancy dinner so he’d come pick you up from the apartment straight from work, already dressed in the suit jacket and button-down you’d picked out for him.
the boys and their dates help you with the last of the preparations--you’ve spent most of the day cooking, so they set up the table while you change into a pair of heels and Frankie’s favorite sundress of yours. you take one calming breath before stepping out of your bedroom and back into the fray.
the click of the lock sliding back is the only warning you get as Frankie shoulders the door open. his hands are busy with something and he has his back turned to you as he throws his keys on the side-table by the door.
“hey, sweetheart--listen i called the restaurant about our reservation and they said they didn’t have anything down under your name so i made something for--”
and he freezes, eyes wide with utter disbelief at the scene in front of him.
you’re in the center of the gathered group, made up of the delta force crew as well as some other friends from work. the house is warm with the smell of dinner, with a few, sparse decorations mostly consisting of candles and thin, paper wall hangings.
you give him your biggest possible smile as you and your guests burst out in a synchronous:
“happy birthday!”
the grin Frankie gifts you with is enough to have made all the anxious planning worth it. he crosses the distance between the two of you in a few quick strides. cradled in the crook of his arm is a bouquet of flowers, which he hands to you with a still-shocked “thank you, baby,” after kissing your cheek. then the boys start crowding around him in a mass of back-clapping hugs and loud laughter.
once he makes his rounds to greet everyone and finishes the beer Santi placed in his hand as soon as he handed you the bouquet, Frankie places a hand at the small of your back and ducks his head to speak directly into your ear.
“can i talk to you for a second, on the balcony?” 
there’s a quavering quality of seriousness in his tone that catches you utterly off-guard. you lick you lips and try to feign a confident smile as you nod, leading the way. you can practically hear your own heartbeat, a frantic pulse in your ears.
he clears his throat after closing the sliding glass doors behind himself. your eyes widen further as you realize he’s flexing his hands in that way that he does when he’s trying to get them to stop shaking.
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach as he guides you away from the doors and into the sequestered corner of the balcony, where you’d spent the better half of last week replanting your pollinator bushes in preparation for the summer. the bulbed fairy lights he’d helped you install last summer were still holding up, casting the balcony in warm hues of pink and orange. your brain seems to work on over-time, utterly unsure of what the fuck could possibly be going on. 
“first, i just want to thank you for planning all of this. it um--i really wasn’t expecting it, so, surprise well planned and all,” he gives a nervous laugh, rubbing his hand over the lower half of his face as his eyes flick towards the flood of light emanating from the living room on the other side of the sliding doors. in the quiet that follows, you can barely hear the chatter of music and conversation from the people inside because you genuinely can’t read the pained expression on Frankie’s face right now and that has literally never happened before and honestly you’re utterly terrified. 
because it sure as hell felt like he was about to give you an ultimatum.
so you do what you always do whenever you get freaked out. you start to babble.
“listen, i--i’m really sorry, i know you usually like to keep things low key and everything but Santi texted me that he was thinking of coming up and surprising you so then i thought that maybe i could reach out to the whole team too but i can totally tell them to leave and you guys can just do your own thing and--” you cut yourself off because the look he’s giving you now is just confused. you take in a gulp of air, these next words just as rushed as the previous ones were. “please don’t break up with me.”
Frankie’s jaw hangs open for a second.
and then he starts laughing.
full-body laughing, his face breaking out into that great big smile that you were so relieved to see not even a half-hour ago. but now you’re as confused as he once was.
“i was... i was going to do this later tonight, over dinner but, given the circumstances...” he’s trying to fish something out of his suit jacket’s pocket.
the realization slams into you like a brick wall.
because holy shit he’s trying to fish something out of the suit jacket pocket.
you half realize what’s happening and you half don’t, because he’s balancing a small velvet box in the palm of his hand which he holds in the space between the two of you like he’s cradling a small bird and holy fuck you were absolutely in no way prepared for this of all things.
you think he knows as much because when you look up at him with tear-filled eyes, your hand raised to your mouth in shock, he has a bit of a sheepish look on his face.
“i know it’s a lot,” he clears his throat. “and you don’t have to say yes right away but i just... i wanted to let you know that if you wanted this, it would make me the luckiest man in the world to be able to give it to you. whenever you’re ready and i--i’d love to be able to celebrate this,” he opens the box. the ring is beautiful, simple but delicate and understated and perfect. absolutely perfect. “to celebrate us around this time of year, too. i’d love that more than anything.”
“i--Frankie,” you rip your gaze from the ring in his palm, lip wobbling as your tears begin to fall. christ, you had no idea how full your heart would feel. you thought, in fantasy, that you would but it was nothing compared to this. “Frankie, i wanted tonight to--” 
“you don’t have to say anything now, if you don’t want to,” his words are as rushed as you feel, a bit frantic. “i understand if it’s too much for right i just thought i should make my intentions--”
you shut him up with a kiss.
“yes,” your voice is infinitely firmer than you expected it to be, you kiss him again, as if it could serve as punctuation. “yes, yes--a million times, yes.”
he laughs against your mouth in turn, wrapping both arms around your waist and lifting you up in the air without breaking the kiss. 
placing you gently on the ground, both your and Frankie’s hands are shaking so hard that he can barely put the ring on you. it sits on your ring-finger perfectly. you can’t bring yourself to take your eyes off of it for more than a second. neither can he.
someone turns the music up inside, the heightened volume of chatter is the only thing to break your combined reverie.
Frankie tucks you into his side with an arm slung over your shoulders, kissing the crown of your head. there’s a rare ease to his posture that you can already see yourself getting used to. 
“let’s see if they notice,” he whispers in your ear with a mischievous wink. you don’t think you’ve ever seen his eyes so bright. grinning, you lean further into his side. the two of you step back into the living room.
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