helptwelve · 6 years
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MacGyver appreciation fortnight day 8– MacGyverism (every time Mac wants to break use Jack’s phone)                okay number one: those phones are evidence. number two: she’s                   not really your wife. and number three: give mac your damn phone. 
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theclassymike · 6 years
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MacGyver Appreciation Fortnight Day 11-Paperclips.
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thethistlegirl · 6 years
If a tree falls...
I just really need something with Mac trying to walk them through how to patch him up because he’s too seriously injured to do it himself. It would be such a good way to still have Mac do his thing, but also work in a little bit more serious injury…
When Jack finds him, Mac’s curled up in the bed of the creek, part of the tree the storm just broke off hiding him from clear sight.
“Hey Mac, I guess this tree made a sound when it fell, huh?” Jack really wants to hear the snarky reply he’s sure to get if Mac’s okay.
There’s nothing but a gasping breath for a reply. Jack rushes around the tree and kneels in the rain. Mac’s lying half in and half out of the water, shaking, trying and failing to stop hyperventilating.
“Riley!” Jack shouts. She’s already running toward them.
“J-jack, I c-c-can’t move.” Mac’s shuddering, gasping. “Wh-when it f-fell...my l-leg...I think it-it’s broken.” Jack can see the upper part of Mac’s leg solidly pinned between a rock and that fallen log. Damn it. And if he’s right about a broken bone, and he probably is, that’s a broken femur and it’s got to be hurting like hell.
“Mac, you’re gonna be okay.” Riley moves down toward him. “I’m calling for an evac right now.”
“It-it’ll be t-too l-late,” Mac whispers. “The w-water’s r-r-rising.” Sure enough, what was at Jack’s ankles is now climbing up his shins. “The r-rain’s t-too hard. It’s g-going to go ov-over my head b-b-before they g-get here.”
“Then we’re going to find a way to get you up on high ground.” Jack’s already standing up and looking around for anything Mac would use if it was one of them trapped down here. Come on, you’ve spent six years with this genius. Something must have rubbed off.
“It’s c-cold, Jack,” he whispers. “I c-can’t r-really f-f-feel my foot an-anymore.”
“Hang on, we’re gonna get you out.” Jack glances around for anything they can use as a lever. He’s learned a few things from Mac.
“N-no, that’s on-only going t-to roll it,” Mac says when Jack returns with two thick branches. “Y-you need t-to f-find something to use f-for a f-fulcrum.” What on earth am I gonna be able to find out here?
“Hey Mac, what would you suggest I use for that, huh?”
“F-find a r-rock or a l-log o-or s-s-something. P-please, h-h-hurry.” Jack finds two semi-large rocks that are as large as he can manage without throwing his back out. Just trying to lift this tree off is going to make him sore for days.
He lines them up in a way that’s going to take the least amount of work to raise the branch and slip Mac’s leg out. “Okay, Ri, three, two, one, push!” They’re both straining, but Jack can hear the wood creaking as the tree moves.
And then Mac screams. Jack’s sure it’s just the pain as the pressure on his leg’s released, but the yell of agony suddenly becomes words. “Jack, STOP!”
“I know it hurts, Mac, but we gotta get you outta there before you drown,” Jack groans, holding his lever steady. The water’s already at Mac’s chest and climbing.
“N-no, th-there’s a br-branch. In m-my l-leg. I -c-can’t tell if it h-hit an-anything v-v-vital. If y-you p-p-pull it out, I-I’ll b-bleed out b-b-before an evac g-gets h-here.”
“Well, if we leave you there you’re gonna drown.”
“C-cut it o-off.” He fumbles at his pocket and holds up his knife, opened to the small saw.
“What, your leg?” Jack asks, shock throwing ice down his spine. Good God, I can’t do that. Not with a pocketknife and not to Mac.
“N-no, Jack, the b-branch!” Mac sounds pretty much hysterical at this point and Jack can’t blame him. Me too, bud, cause I thought you just told me to perform an amputation. “Y-you n-need t-to c-c-cut it so it c-c-comes with m-me.” His words are starting to slur and make no sense, but Jack understands.
“Riley, I’m gonna hold this steady. You get down there and cut that branch away from the tree trunk.” She crouches in the water, sawing away, pushing her wet hair out of her face. The water’s to Mac’s chin now.
“Ri, hurry that up a little, can ya?” Jack asks.
“Yeah, Jack, almost done.” Riley stands up. “Okay, I think we can do it now.” It’s gonna have to be good enough. Mac’s gasping for breath and the water’s nearly over his lips.
“Okay, bud, you’re gonna have to pull yourself out when we get this up, okay?” Mac shakes, but nods. “Okay, Riley, now!”
The tree creaks up, and Mac shoves himself backward, short, broken screams slipping past his lips at the pain. And then his foot’s out from under and Jack lets go of the log and grabs his partner’s shoulders and pulls him up.
Mac’s shivering uncontrollably, covered in mud and blood, and there’s a jagged branch almost half an inch in diameter sticking out of his leg. But he’s alive.
They huddle there on the bank of the creek, above the level Mac thinks the water will get too, curled up in a group under the emergency blankets from their packs, because they’re all cold and wet, and Mac’s probably long ago gone into shock. When Jack hears chopper rotors over the pattering rain and crashing thunder, he looks at Mac and grins.
“We did it, man. We’re gonna be okay.”
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infinite-beginnings · 6 years
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MacGyver Appreciation Fortnight Day 1: Character
For today, I choose the character of Angus MacGyver.  I decided to show how much the team loves Mac by writing about the unexpected things they miss about him after he quits the Phoenix Foundation.
Here’s a little fic called Missing Mac
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katiecomma · 6 years
Ok... so today’s theme is favourite quote. Here she is:
Jack: I mean, can you imagine if I went bad and you had to hunt me down?
Mac: I mean, I’d catch you in, like, a day.
Jack: A day? Yeah, you wish.
Mac: At most.
So I wrote a little fic about this. It’s cute and short and was meant to be fun... don’t take it too seriously. ;)
Mac pushed the elevator doors open and looked in each direction before he walked quietly down the hall, keeping to the wall. It was brightly lit, there was no hiding from the human eye, but Riley had shut all the cameras in the building down, so he just had to worry about people now.
Matty spoke up in his earpiece. “Listen Mac, I know this one is personal for you, but you’ve gotta keep your head, ok?”
Mac was tired of the litany she’d been spewing for the last hour. Phrases like: “It’s just like any other mission.” “Objective is to bring them in alive.” She’d been going on and on. It was starting to make him angry. So close now he didn’t need the Phoenix’s guidance anyway and he ripped his earpiece out and smashed it against the wall, dropping the inert electronic to the soft carpeting.
The room was close now, and he felt like he was buzzing with the anticipation of the confrontation ahead. He needed answers. The why, he just needed to know the why.
A locked door. Another barrier between him and his mark. Those barriers had added up over the last 36 hours and he was getting annoyed. But this one was easy. Mac pulled out the master key card Riley had programmed and tapped it against the electronic lock. It beeped, the light turned green, and the handle turned with ease.
Inside, the hotel room was lavishly decorated. Best suite in the house.
Jack sat on the white leather couch, looking out at the Las Vegas skyline, facing away from Mac.
“I’ve been waitin’ on you,” Jack said. Good old Jack, his voice still jovial. Except he had no reason to be happy now that he was a traitor to the US government.
“I should have known it would be Vegas,” Mac said. “You told me once: Vegas is always on the way. I guess I should have known you’d pass through at some point.”
Jack stood up, classic Jack smile on his face. He was holding two beers and he held one out to Mac.
Mac frowned. “No, I’m good thanks.”
“Come on, I got a lot to celebrate,” Jack said, still grinning.
“Jack, what is the matter with you?” Mac asked. “You know I’m here to bring you in, right?”
“That I do,” Jack said, his grin fading to contentment. “And if my calculations are correct, brainiac, it took you just over 36 hours to track me down.”
Mac was confused. “Does it matter how long it took? You know you’re going to prison, right? You’re not gonna ‘turn me to the dark side.’”
“Oh, I ain’t goin’ to prison,” Jack said, setting one of the beers down and sipping back on the other one.
“Jack, you committed treason,” Mac said, “that’s what they do with traitors. But I still don’t understand why. It kinda came out of nowhere. You owe me an explanation.”
“36 hours,” Jack repeated, his Cheshire-like grin returning.
Mac lost his patience and yelled: “What does it matter?”
“Come on Mac,” Jack said in his buddy-buddy voice. “After everything I’ve done for the ole US of A. After everything we’ve been through? You think I’m gonna throw all that away for a payday?”
“But you did!”
“Naw,” Jack said with a wink. “You remember when you said that if I ever betrayed you the way Walsh did your old man that you’d catch me in a day? Tops?”
Mac was confused. What the hell did any of this have to do…
“No,” Mac said aloud.
Jack’s grin widened to include teeth.
“You didn’t,” Mac said.
“Matty helped me set the whole thing up,” Jack said. He picked up the second beer again and offered it.
Mac took it this time and threw back a generous gulp. Matty had helped Jack set up fake treason so Mac would have to hunt him down? Wow. What a great use of government resources.
“Wait,” Mac said. “If Matty helped you then it’s not fair.”
Jack was quick to refute that claim. “Matty helped set up the backstory, but once I was out in the wild it was all Jack Dalton,” he said. “Which means, I win.”
“Win what?” Mac asked.
“The bet,” Jack said.
“What bet?”
“The bet that you could nab me in less than a day.”
“I never bet you,” Mac scoffed.
“I like to think it was an unspoken bet,” Jack reasoned.
“Alright, so what was the wager?” Mac asked, flopping down onto the couch. After 36 hours straight he was worn out.
Jack sat down next to him, and picked up another beer from the case on the table. “I dunno, we never talked about it.”
Mac laughed at that and offered his bottle to Jack. The bottles clinked together and the partners sat watching the Vegas skyline twinkle. In the last day and a half Mac had felt like an hourglass, life flipped around, sand tossed this way and that. But now he’d been righted again and everything was alright.
A quick call to Matty confirmed that all was right with the world again and Mac finally relaxed back into the couch. 36 sleepless hours had taken their toll on him and it wasn’t long before he drifted off to sleep. He’d be mad at Jack and Matty in the morning.
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shadokatninjakitty · 6 years
MacGyver Appreciation Fortnight--Day 3
I had trouble yesterday picking a favorite episode, and now y’all want me to pick a favorite SCENE?! So.many. great.ones! I’m just going to say, the ones where no one speaks, but you just *know* what they’re saying or thinking.This cast can give a master class on that. Bozer’s going from oblivious to “omg it’s all real”, Riley’s “are you f**king KIDDING me?!” moments, Matty’s worry behind her tough leadership, Jack’s goofy to badass in .005 seconds, and the Maestro himself, Mac, showing us his mind and heart with just a look in his eyes. No, I can’t pick one scene because they are *all* good.
One to expand on: Cairo. All of it.
Love to see: See Above.
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bthtallmadge2 · 6 years
Macgyver Appreciation Fortnight
Ok so I know that sometime this weekend is favorite villain, and since I'll be without internet service periodically I'll get mine in now. Murdoch is a given it isn't Macgyver without him. But I really wanted them to keep Henry the fake school teacher who turns in Murdoc ( played by Anthony Starke). I just always thought there was a good story line there that could have gone on for a bit more. Another arch enemy kind of thing.
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sky-larking · 6 years
Macgyver Appreciation Fortnight - Day 8
My favourite one has to be in  Roulette Wheel and Wire when Mac used a vacuum cleaner to climb up the side of the casino.  
When they showed him crawling up the side of the building like SpiderMac I made a high pitched sound that only dogs could hear, it was completely, gloriously bonkers :)
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tomminowrites · 6 years
I was really hoping to get some writing in for the #MacGyverAppreciationFortnight cause I had a fun idea for tomorrow's prompt...
but instead I've been stuck with an overdue project deadline 😭 and I'm still barely halfway finished cryyyyyyyyyy
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helptwelve · 6 years
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MacGyver appreciation fortnight day 7– team as a family (charades from 02x15 Murdoc + Handcuffs)                we discussed this mac! keep it simple and nontechnical! it’s                             charades, not how its made. 
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theclassymike · 6 years
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MacGyver Appreciation Fortnight Day 3-(favorite scene) So I have many favorite scenes from MacGyver obviously but i’m going to go with this one from “War Room + Ship" because it’s one that has definitely stuck with me. It’s rare you see Mac getting emotional but he looked so heartbroken in this scene because he couldn’t save the girl from drowning. When it first aired I was sure there would be some last minute save the day heroic so when there wasn’t it really made the scene have even more impact.
It also proves what an amazing heart MacGyver has to be so caring and compassionate to save the life of a complete stranger and you just know he was gutted when he couldn’t. Lucas acted out this scene splendidly!
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thethistlegirl · 6 years
Fire and Ice (mission from 221)
For today, “Mission”, I wanted to write about what happened in the (rather literal) cold open for 2.21, after Riley and Mac got trapped inside the freezer after the explosion.
“We’re going to run out of air in here,” Riley whispers, shivering as the cold air works its way through her jeans and her leather jacket.
“Actually, the room space gives us sufficient oxygen for…” Mac pauses, then glances around. “Well, factoring in the amount of displacement from the boxes and storage shelves, and the size of the room, we have...at least four hours before we’re in real trouble, if we’re smart and don’t use it all up panicking. I’m more worried about explaining this to the cops when they show up, and I doubt it’s going to take them that long.” He pulls out his phone. “Thankfully, we still do get cell service in here, so I’m gonna call Matty and see what she can do about that.”
“Uh, I thought we wanted to get out of here? Don’t we kind of want the rescue crew to come?”
“Not if they’re in our bad guys’ pocket. That data you pulled, didn’t you find some payments to the Chief of Police?”
“Yeah…” Riley feels the realization kick in. Or maybe it’s just approaching hypothermia. “Walters bought the cops in this town. And they know we broke into his offices.”
“If they find us in here, we’re dead.” Mac sighs. And then the lights flicker and go out. Fire must have reached the freezer’s wiring.
Riley opens her laptop and Mac switches on his phone’s flashlight. The dim blue glow is better than nothing. Mac calls Matty, and after he explains the situation Riley can hear the director sigh.
“I’ll have exfil en route, and we’ll do something about those cops. Just hang on, we’ll get you two out of there just fine.”
Riley shivers, and she can’t seem to stop. She sets her rig on a shelf before she drops it and breaks it. “Hey Mac, how long till we get hypothermia in here?”
“Probably about half an hour, hour, depends on the freezer temp.” He holds up the phone flashlight to the thermometer. “Probably more like 35, 40, to be precise. These guys were really serious about food safety.” Riley notices the phone light wobbling, and even though Mac’s mostly in shadow she can see that he’s shivering. Probably harder than she is. She’s got a jacket, he’s only got a shirt with the sleeves rolled half up.
“So is there any truth to that ‘huddling for warmth’ thing people always do in those cheesy snowed in movies?” She asks.
“Yeah, that’s actually a decent way to avoid freezing to death, at least for a while.” Mac turns toward her. “I don’t think we’re gonna have to do that, though, because exfil…” He trails off, glancing at the ceiling. There’s an odd sound coming from above them.
“Mac, is that…”
“Water.” They’re both looking up when the a spray of water spills in through a crack above them. Mac pushes Riley to the side, and she stumbles into a shelf, cracking her shin against it so hard she yelps. Everything hurts more in the cold. I feel like I might shatter.
“What the hell is that?”
Mac joins her, shaking water from his hair and gasping. “Fire suppression system. Building’s so old it’s water-based. Explosion cracked the pipe and water pressure did the rest. And they ran it right above the freezer. When the pipe broke it must’ve fallen and gone through whatever cheap insulation they had up there.” Water’s continuing to spray in, freezing into a puddle on the floor and scattering ice crystals on the shelving.
“When we get out of here, we oughta complain to the management,” Riley grumbles. At least the crooked cops haven’t showed up yet. Thank goodness for small miracles.
“We need to stay away from the water. If we get wet, we’ll get colder faster.”
Riley scoots backward, as far away from the growing puddle as she can get. “Good plan, Mac, but you’re kinda leaving out the part where you pushed me out of the way and already got soaked.”
“Good p-point.” He leans against her, next to the wall. “Maybe we’ll be using your h-huddle idea after a-all.” Riley slips one arm out of her jacket and puts half of it around Mac’s shoulders. He leans against her, and they sit there watching their shuddering breaths fog the air, and listening to the water spilling in.
When the exfil team arrives fifteen minutes later and pulls the door open, Riley gives them a shaky, slightly blue thumbs-up. Mac’s still awake, and yes he’s rambling on about the physics question Riley asked him five minutes ago, but he’s able to stand when she nudges his arm. Yeah, we’re okay. We’re good.
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infinite-beginnings · 6 years
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MacGyver Appreciation Fortnight Day 6: Location Mac’s House
For this theme, I chose the location of Mac's house. First of all, it is a really sick looking house that I would love to live in. But more importantly, I love how it is at the center of their little family. It is the place they go to when they want to decompress and hang out. So many episodes start or end with them all chilling and having a good time at Mac’s place. 
It has always struck me as a bit funny that even though every single bad guy seems to know where Mac lives, he makes no effort to move. I also can’t believe that Jack hasn’t forced Mac to move for his safety. 
So this is a little fic explaining a bit about why Mac is so adamant about staying and why Jack ultimately lets him.
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katiecomma · 6 years
Mac Appreciation
Ok... so I was really struggling with Day 8 - MacGyverism... and I started thinking about it... and my favourite MacGyverism has to be anything that uses Jack’s phone... so I wrote this teensy tiny little snippet about that:
Jack hands his phone over to Mac.
“Really?” Mac asks, curious, taking the device warily. “Just like that?” Jack never gave up his phone so easily.
“Just like that,” Jack says, opening the door just a crack to peek into the hallway again, his gun at the ready. Now that the door is open he starts whispering. “I mean, you need it to save our lives right?”
“Right,” Mac whispers in return as he pries the casing apart and starts to rip components out of the phone.
“Well there you go,” Jack replies.
Mac, still shocked at Jack’s willingness to give up his phone so easily, spares another quick glance at his partner and notices something interesting; there’s a square outline visible in the back pocket of Jack’s jeans. He brought an extra phone.
Mac smiles wide to himself, shakes his head, and adds Jack’s second phone to his mental inventory of items for possible future use. It opens up all kinds of new possibilities.
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boozy-the-ghost · 6 years
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MacGyver appreciation fortnight - day 10 - whump
I... Have no excuse.
I just like sick Mac, okay?? Don't ask why cuz I got no clue.
Sorry if this sucks, and sorry if this is super weird...
*runs and hides*
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shadokatninjakitty · 6 years
MacGyver Appreciation Fortnight--Day 10
*Sigh* I’ve actually been dreading this one since the topics were announced. I told y’all why a while back, but it bears repeating: I’m an empath, and it hurts *me* to see other people get hurt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it’s not real, etc. I KNOW that. In fact, I can probably tell you what kind of makeup and techniques they used for the effect. It still hurts. There are episodes of shows I won’t watch after the first time because of it. And it’s not just seeing Mac that hurts, either. It’s Bozer when he got stabbed in the lab, it’s Jack getting beaten and bopped with a stun baton, it’s the poor Ukranian dude getting his foot caught in a bear trap. As for whump I’d want to see, I’d say how about none, but that would disappoint a lot of you (And some of y’all scare me with how much you like it), so I’ll be over here writing fic that fixes it and fluff, and ...other things. ;) 
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