#MacQueens Quinterly
becadroit · 2 years
BS found in an MS
A new story by me, and news of the possibility of an anthology.
And so, it came to pass during the kind of week a fiction writer can’t invent because it includes so many unlikely things all crammed together unevenly, a new story has been published. This short story was written years ago, and rewritten a few times since then, until it found a home over at Bullshit Lit, which I am extremely chuffed about. You can read it here. If you read my previous post I…
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stellasstones · 7 months
new snow...
Remember the snow? The white stuff? Well, here it is in my photo from last December included in MacQueen’s Quinterly So happy to see it in this wonderful journal together with two of my haiku. Thank you to editor Clare MacQueen! .winter wonderlandhow many snowflakesto magic new snow...the sound only silencemakes
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Give Them All to Me
Many thanks to Clare MacQueen, editor of MacQueen’s Quinterly, for nominating my poem, Give Them All to Me, for the Best of the Net Anthology. Here is the poem: Give Them All to Me But if somehow you could pack up your sorrows… —Richard and Mimi Fariña* It was the year of chili dogsand reheated beansat the encampmentunder the interstate—between the smoldering forest fireand the sad little…
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inparenth · 1 year
Poetry Written and Performed by D. Kinsey
Poetry Written and Performed by D. Kinsey
Dana Kinsey / @wordsbydk @dana.kinsey / is an actor and teacher published in Fledgling Rag, Drunk Monkeys, ONE ART, On the Seawall, Sledgehammer Lit, West Trestle Review, MacQueen’s Quinterly, The Champagne Room, Hive, SWWIM, Wild Roof Journal, Prometheus Dreaming, and Prose Online. Her chapbook, Mixtape Venus, is published by I. Giraffe Press. Visit wordsbyDK.com. D. Kinsey’s work has been…
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finishinglinepress · 2 years
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: The Poet Who Loves Pythagoras by Fran Abrams
ADVANCE ORDER: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/the-poet-who-loves-pythagoras-by-fran-abrams/
The Poet Who Loves Pythagoras is a collection of light-hearted poems on such topics as algebra, fractions, Newton’s Third Law, inertia, Pi, and other math and science subjects you probably studied in school. Read deeper and it’s a commentary on life and love. Fran Abrams loves Pythagoras because his theorem always works, whereas life does not offer much that is certain. In her poem “Ice Cubes,” you’ll understand about relative density as the cubes float in your glass of scotch. Algebra helps you decide whether to buy that candy bar. Percentages are simply fractions with fancy symbols. With titles like “Poetry is a Word Problem,” “Define Infinity,” and “Solve My Life,” these poems will have you appreciating poetry, math, and science from a refreshingly different perspective. Poet Sandra Beasley says of this book, “Readers who prize the consideration of big questions, balanced against agile specificity of phrase, will delight in this quirky collection.”
Fran Abrams lives in Rockville, MD. She has had poems published online and in print in Cathexis-Northwest Press, The American Journal of Poetry, MacQueen’s Quinterly Literary Magazine, The Raven’s Perch, Gargoyle 74, and many others. Her poems appear in more than a dozen anthologies. In 2019, she was a juried poet at Houston (TX) Poetry Fest and a featured reader at DiVerse Gaithersburg (MD) Poetry Reading. In December 2021, she won the WWPH Winter Poetry Prize for her poem titled “Waiting for Snow.” In July 2022, her poem “Arranging Words” was a finalist in the 2022 Prime Number Magazine Award for Poetry. Her autobiographical book of poems titled I Rode the Second Wave: A Feminist Memoir was published in 2022 by Atmosphere Press. Please visit www.franabramspoetry.com.
PRAISE FOR The Poet Who Loves Pythagoras by Fran Abrams
The Poet who Loves Pythagoras is very funny at times, profound at others, and exceedingly well-done. Anyone who loves math or poetry or both will also love this book!
–Raima Larter, Author, Spiritual Insights from the New Science
In the aptly titled collection, The Poet Who Loves Pythagoras, Fran Abrams gives us a surprising perspective: the poet and the mathematician. In the first poem “Pythagorean Theorem,” she writes, “Few things in life are certain,” but we are certain of her talent and craft. At this convergence of math and poetry, Abrams strives for precision and economy, which is often the case in mathematics. She questions what we know as true and pure and opens its relationship to equations and proof. Whether she is discussing trying to find “true love” or the shortest distance between A to B, Abrams wants us to consider life’s puzzles—remembering what can stabilize the chaos of the everyday. She asks us to consider Pythagoras and his theorems and trust them with our hearts.
–Jona Colson, Author, Said Through Glass and Co-president, Washington Writers’ Publishing House
Equal parts clever and vulnerable, The Poet Who Loves Pythagoras wields the vocabulary of mathematics and science like a blade. Fran Abrams reveals a wry humor in poems such as “Solve My Life,” which makes available a series of calculations: “The number of siblings I have is equal to / the number ounces in a quarter pound…The number of children I have brought into the world / is the same as half the number of siblings I have…The number of pounds I have gained and lost and gained during my life / is higher than the highest speed recorded at a NASCAR race.” Parallel lines engage loneliness; a road trip becomes a matter of counting the miles, literally. Readers who prize the consideration of big questions, balanced against agile specificity of phrase, will delight in this quirky collection. To quote an Abrams title that playfully promises a commercial device to harvest extra minutes: “Save Time! Order Today!”
–Sandra Beasley, Author of Made to Explode
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry #math
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limejuicer1862 · 4 years
Lorette C Luzajic — impspired
Lorette C Luzajic — impspired
Lorette C. Luzajic is from Toronto, Canada. Her prose poetry and small fictions are widely published, with recent or forthcoming appearances in Gyroscope, Free Flash Fiction, Bright Flash, Club Plum, Red Eft, and Indelible. A recent story won first place in a contest at MacQueen’s Quinterly, and she has been nominated several times each for […]Lorette C Luzajic — impspired
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fanlit · 5 years
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RT @billcap11: Pleased to be part of MacQueen's Quinterly's newest issue, where my two micro-fictions — "Peckish" and "The Last Man on the Moon" — appear along some fine authors https://t.co/E5xBAoSgNi https://t.co/ocvkJh7sKp
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robynroste · 4 years
Deadline September 15. MacQueen's Quinterly online is calling for general submissions of flash-length literature (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and poetic hybrids). https://t.co/lnVCOOFFZ2 via @submittable #callforsubmissions #writing
— Robyn Roste (@RobynRoste) September 7, 2020
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stellasstones · 2 years
The 3 micro-haibun in MacQueen's Quinterly
The 3 micro-haibun in MacQueen’s Quinterly
The three micro-haibun from the series-in-progress The Censored Poems Bone Broth The very antithesis of cherry blossom. On the one hand and on the other. And in between breathing the torpid air of the mausoleum morels, porcini, chanterelles * Off Time Play if you must. Laugh till you cry. But life is serious. The road is hard, paved with hunger, illness, war. Greed and envy. They will haunt…
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stellasstones · 2 years
3 micro-haibun in MacQueen's Quinterly
3 micro-haibun in MacQueen’s Quinterly
Happy New Year 2023! And happy news! Issue 16 of MacQueen’s Quinterly is out! Filled with excellent work by fellow poets, it makes for a great read! I am particularly chuffed to have 3 of my micro-haibun included from “Censored Poems,” a series in progress. My heartfelt thanks to Clare MacQueen for giving them a home.
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Give Them All to Me
I have a poem in the new issue of MacQueens Quinterly. Here is the poem: Give Them All to Me But if somehow you could pack up your sorrows… —Richard and Mimi Fariña* It was the year of chili dogsand reheated beansat the encampmentunder the interstate—between the smoldering forest fireand the sad little carnivalin the supermarket parking lot. The year of departed parents,of locust and gypsy…
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stellasstones · 8 months
Four senryu
Happy to see my four senryu make it to MacQueen’s Quinterly! Many thanks to the editor Clare MacQueen! [Four Senryu] January storm my neighbor’s greenhouse flying past ::: Monday blues...last week’s special offer no longer special ::: overcast day the muted colors of hope ::: when the going gets tough the feel of your hand in mine *
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My poem, Memories, has just been published by MacQueens Quinterly. Here is the poem: Memories You have to train yourself,for they are fading fasterthan dime-store paintin the Florida sun. Surely, you knowwhat I mean.How tightly your grandmotherwould hold the cards just dealt her.How your mother’s right eyewould close each timeshe smoked, and how your fatherwould belt outsome silly songjust…
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becadroit · 2 years
New week, new work
A link to a newly published piece.
While I am quietly editing and re-editing rants reviews about various things I’ve watched recently, I can distract you with breaking news. I have had little piece published today over at MacQueen’s Quinterly. This work has gone through a few iterations, a bunch of edits, and more than a couple of formatting experiments before it was accepted, but I am happy with the final, published result. And…
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stellasstones · 3 years
Lullaby in MacQueens Quinterly
Lullaby in MacQueens Quinterly
My heartfelt thanks to editor Clare MacQueen for publishing this haibunin issue 7 of MacQueen’s Quinterly. It had originally appeared in theWales Haiku Journal. Lullaby It’s at its loudest in the early morning hours. Before light dissolves darkness, before the neighbour leaves for work, before the birds start singing, his laboured breathing comes over the baby monitor whispering, gurgling,…
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My poem, Menagerie, is in the current issue of MacQueens Quinterly. It was a fun one to right. Here is the poem: Menagerie Right up to the dayhe died my brother couldmake me laugh. He wasmy Wikipedia. But even he couldnot explain how my dad—content more often than not—marriedinto a family of prize-winning grumps.He didn’t need to tell me that Uncle Arthur’s smilewas the best way to sour…
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