#Machine Safety Market Challenges
Cloud-Based Solutions Propel Demand for Remote Power Panels in Data Centers and Beyond
Remote power panels, also known as RPPs, flawlessly integrate into modern advanced data centers as beneficial modular systems. As a breaker panel is better than those in modern houses, a remote power panel is important to uphold an operational power chain to shield servers from going offline. Whichever power distribution configuration a data center has, remote power panels will offer a surge in…
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randomshyperson · 1 year
A pinch of paprika | Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: The night when Vision cooks for Wanda end very differently than how it went because you show up to save the dinner (and the girl). | Writing Challenge
Warning: None, it’s pure fluff with teasing and bad jokes.| Words: 1.269k
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
“Wanda, no one dislikes you.”
She would have chuckled at the Synthesized's clumsy attempt to improve her mood - It was kind, after all. - But she didn't get the chance. Another figure was entering the kitchen at the same moment Vision made the comment, and your teasing expression drew a much more sincere smile from her.
"Oh, don't speak for me, Microwave." You told him, only to look at the witch standing at the stove the next moment. "I haven't decided my opinion on that cute little witch yet."
Wanda giggles shyly at the nickname, blushing at the greeting wink you throw her. She doesn't know exactly when you two fell into this playful and comfortable dynamic, she just knows it happened and that she wouldn't trade it for anything.
Or well, maybe she could add something more...
"Hello, Miss Rogers." Vision greets half-heartedly at the sudden arrival. "I did not realize that you were still in the Tower. I figured with the current status of the Accords, you would have joined your brother..."
You waved - cutting him off as if the Robot's questioning mattered little to you. It was true because Wanda had your complete attention. Or, rather, almost, because you seemed quite curious about the pot of food.
"What is this supposed to be?" You ask her with the same tone as before, but now, much closer, enough to press your arms together when you lean in to smell the contents of the pan. 
Wanda holds the spoon a little tighter. "Vision was making dinner."
You frown, looking at the robot in surprise. "I thought you couldn't eat, champ."
The machine clears its throat (Or mimics the motion, whichever way it operates). 
"I was intending to raise Mrs. Maximoff's spirits." He clarifies by exchanging a look between you and Wanda. "Given the current circumstances, a comfort food should bring, well, comfort."
"Got it." You murmur offering a forced smile to the Synthesized. Wanda has no idea of the jealousy that burns in your chest at having to witness Vision think about this before you can. Screw the Accords for keeping you busy often enough. 
The next moment, you taste the food, and your reaction is much more exaggerated than Wanda's, and maybe it's on purpose.
"Dude, whatever it is you tried to do here, it needs an intervention." You sneer and it's mean enough for Wanda to give you a gentle nudge for the robot's expression. You sigh begrudgingly. "Tell you what, Wanda and I will go get some ingredients at the market and you stay away from the stove-"
But just as you make mention of leaving the kitchen, Vision stands in your way. He exchanges a quick glance with Wanda to your confused chuckle.
"I'm afraid this isn't the best idea, Miss Rogers." He starts evidently uncomfortable with the whole thing. 
"Dude. what the...?"
"Vision." Interferes with the witch, stepping forward. " Aren't you letting us leave?"
The Synthesized, clearly embarrassed, tries to keep his gaze on you. "I'm very sorry, but those were Mr.Stark's orders. Y/N, you shouldn't even be in the tower, but now that you are, Tony fears that other incidents might happen... It's all to ensure safety-"
The shove throws Vision at least five steps away. He locks his jaw, but you glare at him angrily. 
"Get out of my way, Vision." You warn between teeth, raising a finger at the other. "Don't play Stark's butler on me. I'll have your ass unplugged."
With a gentle point toward the Stone on his head, you lower your hand. The Synthesized, though hesitating for a second, eventually steps forward.
"If you want to leave, you have every freedom to do so." He says seriously. "But Miss Maximoff-"
"Comes with me." You cut in, grabbing Wanda's hand with a tug. She gasps softly and holds your wrist with her free one, divided on not causing more trouble or just following you wherever you want. Your expression remains irritated toward the robot. "What kind of fucking attitude is that now, Vision? Betraying your own family and all that bull shit. I thought you cared about Wanda."
Vision's posture breaks, and it is evident that he would have blushed if he could. The Synthesized lowers his head in shame, and you sigh to calm yourself. When you speak again, it is much more tender than before.
"Me and Wanda just get something decent to eat. No trouble, no fuss." You say and move at a slow pace. Vision makes no mention of interfering now, and remains head down. "In the meantime, call Tony and tell him to stop being a dick."
Wanda bites back a laugh, gently pushing you out of the kitchen.
It shouldn't surprise her that you drive her into the garage, nor that you steal - borrow without asking - one of Stark's pickup trucks either. But still, seeing the set of backpacks inside, Wanda has to confirm:
"We're not going to the market, are we?"
You laugh. "Of course not, little witch." You assure her, stepping inside at the same time she does. The garage door opens, and you waste no time in taking the car out through the back of the Compound, the longer way but one that would arouse less suspicion. Splitting your gaze between the road and Wanda, you speak again: "I really thought there was something strange about this quarantine of yours, I had to check it out. Do you really think I was gonna let Tony Stark ground you? Even worse, with a guard dog at the door? Fuck them all. I'm taking you somewhere safe."
"B-but your brother..."
Your hand finds hers. "He will fight his own battles, as always." You retort gently, lacing your fingers over her thigh. "He's always done everything for Bucky, Wands. Nothing is going to change that. And I...I have someone like that now and I understand him. I finally do."
Wanda swallows dryly, shifting her gaze to your joined hands, her heart thumping in her chest. "This someone...you're talking about Natasha, right?"
You burst out laughing so loudly that you almost lose control of the car. Wanda would have slapped you if you weren't holding her hand. "Oh my god, I'm going all Thelma and Louise on you right now and you think I like Natasha? What the fuck..."
"Can you stop the car, please?" She cuts you off, and you grimace. 
"We should probably move further away before-"
"I'm going to kiss you, asshole, and I don't want you to crash"
"Oh. Oh... O- okay, sure." You mumble quickly, very flushed. You let go of Wanda's hand only to shift gears, and you've barely parked on the side of the road and she's grabbing the collar of your shirt. 
The first kiss you share on the highway exit under the starry New York sky tastes like chicken seasoning.
You and Wanda break into breathless laughter. 
"Vision really is a terrible cook." You comment, feeling your stomach fill with nervous butterflies at the way Wanda is staring at you.
She giggles at the comment, helping you wipe some of the smeared lipstick from your lips. "And I'm still starving, detka. Can we get something to eat on the way?"
"Anything for my little witch." You assure with a passionate smile, and Wanda kisses you again before letting you get back to driving.
Many hours later, when Clint finds you guys at one of Natasha’s safe houses, he would pretend not to notice the lipstick marks fading into the collar of your shirt, nor the matching purple marks on Wanda's neck.
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inspiredwriterstory · 2 months
TopDragon, ep 1, pt 1.
Qibli: Hello everyone welcome to TopDragon! I'm Qibli!
Turtle: Hi, I'm Turtle.
Winter: Prince Winter.
Qibli: This is a new series where-
Winter: Where you'll watch two idiots and one dragon of class drive the stupidest cars known to Dragon.
Qibli: Winter we talked about this off set.
Winter: Yeah well you said I'd get five silver and I decided it's not worth it.
Turtle: Well before we fall down the rabbit hole of Winter and Qibli bickering like a married couple I'd like to say this cave is huge!
Qibli: Yeah! The producers wanted to start the series with A bang!
Turtle: About that who our are producers?
Qibli: Not quite sure to be honest.
Winter: I'm sorry, your not sure!?
Qibli: I didn't question it.
Winter: I am going to throw you in a frozen lake.
Qibli: Before that I'd like to answer an age old question, which kingdom makes the best cars? So the producers told us to pick our favorite cars from a specific kingdom and take them on the ultimate road trip from the sand kingdom, to the heart of the mud kingdom.
Winter: And I hated every moment of it.
Turtle: Roll the footage!
*Fade to black*
*Fade into footage of the vast sand kingdom.*
Qibli over the footage: The sand kingdom is a vast place to explore. A vast culture filled with history, Long, fast stretches of road....
*A loud engine roars by the camera as a blur.*
Qibli as a black Dodge Charger with a supercharger roars into view: And home of the Muscle car.
Qibli in the car: The 1970 Dodge Charger is an absolute legend. Powerful, looks good anywhere you put it, and most importantly- *Shifts gears and the engine revs* loud.
*The car flies past the Camera as it cuts to Qibli rolling through a town with tons of dragons. He rolls to a stop in a parking lot outside a restaurant. And gets out of the car.*
*Suddenly a clean, white R35 Gtr rolls up and pulls up next to the Charger. Winter then gets out with a look of shock on his face.*
Winter: What on the three moons?
Qibli: You like it?
Winter: Qibli as much as it fits you, the only thing worse you could have bought was a Mustang.
Qibli: You can't talk! You bought an R35.
Winter: A car of class while yours screams Red necks and mechanical problems.
*Qibli start bickering in the background while the camera begins cutting back and fourth showing tires passing by the camera hidden behind walls and market stalls*
Turtle in the inside: I think I'm lost.
*Cut to Qibli and Winter with looks of shock on their faces*
Winter: No way.
Qibli: You can not be serious.
*The Famous Lancia Stratos HF rally edition in a dark green/blue rolls to a stop and Turtle gets out.*
Turtle: Good, I found you.
Winter: I'm sorry, but out of all the cars you could have chosen you choose that?
Qibli: Now hold on, that car is legendary.
Winter: Yeah but they had next to no safety the only thing more dangerous would be a group B car.
Turtle: In my defense, you have not driven one through the rainforest.
Winter: Great so we have a car with more horsepower than the driver has sense, a car of class, and a death machine with a dragon who's never gone over 40 in his life.
???: Qibli!
*Everyone turns to see Kinkajou dive into Qibli's arms*
Qibli: Kinkajou! What are you doing here?
Kinkajou: I heard you were recording a tv show!
Winter: You can't just jump at us on camera.
Kinkajou: Well I wanted to make an entrance. The people in charge sent me with this!
*Kinkajou hands Qibli a paper.*
Qibli: Great, our first challenge!
Qibli reading it out loud: Now that you have arrived you will drive to a remote oasis to get to know your cars before your first test.
Kinkajou: Oh don't go yet!
Winter: We can't waste time.
Kinkajou: Awww...
Qibli: We'll make sure to stop by Jade mountain academy on the way through the sky kingdom.
Kinkajou: Alright. And all of you three better make it!
Turtle: Don't worry, we will.
*Soon the three are in their cars and are rolling out.*
Kinkajou: Good luck you three!
*The cars roll off as the camera cuts to a tiny scorpion scurrying across the sand before cutting to show the sleek black paint of the Dodge Charger and cutting to the inside*
Qibli: The Dodge Charger is a iconic car. Vin Diesel drove it on The fast and the furious, it stared in Dukes of Hazard- *Quick gear shift before passing Turtle* and it is the drag racing king.
Winter over the footage of the Charger driving: While sand snorter was busy acting like a two year old, I was driving in a car of status.
*Cut to the inside of the GTR*
Winter: Now despite the long hot roads this car is smooth. Nissan knows how to make cars that nobles can use to their proper potential.
*Winter slows down and heads into the empty left lane and matches Qibli's speed.*
Winter over radio: You know what I really enjoy sand snorter? Air conditioning.
Qibli: Jokes on you, I love this heat.
*Cut to Turtle in the Lancia*
Turtle: I am becoming a boiled fish.
Winter over the footage as the cars slow to a stop: Unfortunately, Qibli decided to bring is to a stop for a ridiculous game.
Turtle out of his car and sitting in between the two other cars side by side on the road: So you two want to drag race?
Winter: More like he bigger me until we stopped.
Qibli: You are going to enjoy this and you know it.
Winter: Sure.
Qibli: Count us down Turtle!
*Dynamic camera angles showing off the revving cars as Turtle counts down*
Turtle: Go!
*Winter takes off but a loud bang suddenly brings Qibli's car to a stop off the line*
Qibli slamming the dashboard: Dang it!
*Fade black and then fade into footage to the giant cave with Qibli, Winter, and Turtle.*
Winter: I can't believe you ended it on a cliff hanger.
Turtle: Well cliffhangers can be a good tool to build suspense.
Winter: Don't start now sand snorter.
Qibli: Well join us next time as we bring on a special guest.
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cinderkaliningrad · 2 months
Imperfect Mask. - BNHA fanfic.
We all know the story of My Hero Academia: a perfect façade society in which good always wins, but which fades and falls over the course of the series. But what if there was someone in class 1A from the beginning. Someone who would challenge each and every one of their beliefs. It is well known that their society is far from perfect:
Racism towards those who are mutants.
Fear of quirks that are randomly associated with potentially evil and villainous activities.
Social exclusion of those without powers.
Blind faith in the protection provided by heroes.
A society of extremes: black or white and nothing in between. What if there was a grey person?
WARNINGS: distress, sadness, mention of war, mention of murder, betrayal, non-explicit PTSD, human trafficking.
Theme: Sixth season, battle against the PLF, human rights, rebellion against society.
Context: The protagonist is an AU student specifically trained to terminate individuals who pose a threat to society. His/her quirk is related to firearms control. The protagonist is a European trafficked person who has been kept in secret by Japan to use his/her quirk to the government advantage. However, when he/she is ordered to kill Geten as he's living danger, he/she refuses and challenges the heroes openly.
There is a phrase that keeps repeating in your head: "It is monsters that create wars or wars that create monsters". You don't know it, all the monsters are dead, caged or hidden under your bed waiting for their moment. You look around you and, although all is chaos, for the first time you feel at peace. The flames of a fire never felt so familiar. You look up at the sky and sigh, close your eyes as the raindrops wash the blood and ashes from your cheeks. You never wanted to be part of all this. For you, the conflict between heroes and villains was nonsense, however real it was. Like all wars, isn't it? Something completely avoidable, something that could be stopped but didn't pay off. The permanent threat of evil in the world. If there were so many heroes, why not eradicate it with everyone's strength? You had lost interest in that endless struggle a long time ago. Everyone wanted to be a hero and you wanted to be normal, no matter how powerful your quirk was. If it only served to create more suffering and perpetrate the senselessness that claimed thousands of lives year after year, you didn't want to use it. Not for good, but not for evil either. Weapons had never brought peace, only fear.
WARFARE, that was your quirk: the power to control the war machine, potent and terrifying like no other. What was the use of a war quirk? To kill. Or so everyone had told you. A living weapon. A child soldier. Another life lost in a sea of tears and blood. For you being a hero was the same as being a slave: bound by expectations, laws, pressure, the yoke of a responsibility too great even for a large group of people. And you found yourself breaking those chains. Your peers, teachers and superiors looking at you with astonishment, as if they were not to blame for everything. You had been sold on the black market, brought from a small country far away to Japan. So far away that none of those heroic prodigies could tell you where you were. And you had been saved by the heroes of the Public Safety Commission, trained as an annihilator. You had been forced to pull the trigger on people, no matter if they were villains. They were people! And you were a little girl. Every time you looked at your hands, they were dripping with blood that you yourself had spilled.
How many people had you killed? You were supposed to be a heroine, but when you looked in the mirror you were just a disgusting murderer. And the best thing is that you didn't get a penny for all that. "Too small to have a dream." But apparently not too small to be a life reaper. - You thought with disgust and spat on the ground at the feet of one of your mentors. I hate myself, I hate you all.
"We have to fulfill the mission." Hawks said to you, his sword-feathers stained with Twice's blood. "I'm not going to do it." You said clutching the magazine of your rifle. Meanwhile, behind you was an unconscious bluecoat buried under the rubble of Gunga. "Not another one. Are your lives worth more than theirs?" Your eyes burned with your powers and your blood boiled as if you had a fever. "It's one life for thousands." Hawks snapped at you. "It's your mission to end him." He pointed to the ice villian trapped in the ruins. "Then shoot yourself." You threw a gun at his feet with a single bullet. "Because you've killed one person today and I know you've killed more. You, me and all of our kind. If the reasoning is one life for thousands: end your life and let live the hundreds of villains whose lives are threatened because of us." Your classmate Tokoyami, who came to help you in the worst moment posible, looked at you in disbelief, his good heart preventing him from believing what you had just said. Killing people? Eliminating villains? No. That was impossible, wasn't it? "Stop looking at me like that, nothing is black and white." You snorted tiredly, lossing your papers. "It's stupid to think that a thing as complex as society can be perfect." "Things don't have to be that way." Tokoyami tried to reason with you. "This is not a good moment to doubt." "But they are, and no one has done anything to change it." You rebutted him, ignoring the last sentence. The voices of your friends and teachers began to shout over the communicator as they knew that something was wrong with you. Annoyed, you grabbed it with your hands, threw it to the ground and shot the device, scaring the nearby heroes. What was happening to you?
"…" You heard your name being shouted around you and your grip on your rifle tightened to white knuckles. "You wanted war didn't you? You wanted to exterminate the villains? You think that we worth more than then." You felt your sanity slowly slipping away, or rather, that mask of normality falling off your face with every step you took. Years of leaving dead villains on street corners and passing it off as a gangland shootout had sapped your sanity like a 7 grit sandpaper. Not knowing what the hell you were doing with your hands, you raised your rifle to your former comrades and allies. You had 5 other rifles floating around you which you were controlling with your quirk. When a random hero tried to knock you unconscious it was the final straw. Because in that world you are either with the heroes or with the villains and doubt is not allowed. "Welcome to hell." Regardless of the consequences you pulled the trigger as if firing into a set of memories you wanted to erase: all the fake smiles, the helplessness of not being able to tell the truth, the incomprehension,... The feeling of being a puppet or a slave and the horrible and lonely nights crying out of guilt. From the beginning you had always been the odd one out: a war quirk, a non-normative appearance, strange ideals for heroes, an attitude that didn't fit with the pink and flowers of their perfect world. Stop pretending, stop being hypocrites, stop hiding things. Start actually helping people. You thought harshly. Every human has the right to be free. And I want to be free.
You didn't notice that the heroes had retreated or that you were crying until the rifle you were holding had overheated, forcing you to drop it, and a cold hand touched your shoulder. Strong arms wrapped around your shoulders. "There, now. It's over, it's over." Geten's deep voice whispered on your ear.
That voice had comforted you before. Or rather you had comforted him. How things have changed since then, right? Because you were both little when you met in that dark place where human traffickers had locked you up: both children sold by their families. It had been so long that you both thought the other was dead. But then you saw each other on the battlefield. He, powerful and free, from the heights of his floating ice platform. And you, an enslaved force of nature, tied to the ground. The joy you felt when you saw him was immense, you both had recognized each other instantly. "You can be free! Come with me! You're in time!" I had yelled at you. And there you were, the two of you together again.
"I missed you." You weren't sure if that was your voice or his.
Note: Sorry if there are holes in the script. It's the first fanfic I've written in English and in public. If I see that I like it, I will make a second part delving into this character who is the protagonist.
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fragile-practice · 8 months
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Week in Review
October 23rd-29th
Welcome to Fragile Practice, where I attempt to make something of value out of stuff I have to read.
My future plan is to do longer-form original pieces on interesting topics or trends. For now, I'm going to make the weekly reviews habitual and see if I have any time left.
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OpenAI forms team to study ‘catastrophic’ AI risks, including nuclear threats - Tech Crunch; Kyle Wiggers
OpenAI launched a new research team called AI Safety and Security to investigate the potential harms of artificial intelligence focused on AI alignment, AI robustness, AI governance, and AI ethics.
Note: Same energy as “cigarette company funds medical research into smoking risks”.
Artists Allege Meta’s AI Data Deletion Request Process Is a ‘Fake PR Stunt’ - Wired; Kate Knibbs
Artists who participated in Meta’s Artificial Intelligence Artist Residency Program accused the company of failing to honor their data deletion requests and claim that Meta used their personal data to train its AI models without their consent.
Note: Someday we will stop being surprised that corporate activities without obvious profit motive are all fake PR stunts.
GM and Honda ditch plan to build cheaper electric vehicles - The Verge; Andrew J. Hawkins
General Motors and Honda cancel their joint venture to develop and produce cheaper electric vehicles for the US market, citing the chip shortage, rising costs of battery materials, and the changing market conditions.
Note: What are the odds this isn’t related to the 7 billion dollars the US government announced to create hydrogen hubs.
'AI divide' across the US leaves economists concerned - The Register; Thomas Claburn
A new study by economists from Harvard University and MIT reveals a significant gap in AI adoption and innovation across different regions in the US.
The study finds that AI usage is highest in California's Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area, but was also noted in Nashville, San Antonio, Las Vegas, New Orleans, San Diego, and Tampa, as well as Riverside, Louisville, Columbus, Austin, and Atlanta.
Nvidia to Challenge Intel With Arm-Based Processors for PCs - Bloomberg; Ian King
Nvidia is using Arm technology to develop CPUs that would challenge Intel processors in PCs, and which could go on sale as soon as 2025.
Note: I am far from an NVIDIA fan, but I’m stoked for any amount of new competition in the CPU space.
New tool lets artists fight AI image bots by hiding corrupt data in plain sight - Engadget; Sarah Fielding
A team at the University of Chicago created Nightshade, a tool that lets artists fight AI image bots by adding undetectable pixels into an image that can alter how a machine-learning model produces content and what that finished product looks like.
Nightshade is intended to protect artists work and has been tested on both Stable Diffusion and an in-house AI built by the researchers.
IBM's NorthPole chip runs AI-based image recognition 22 times faster than current chips - Tech Xplore; Bob Yirka
NorthPole combines the processing module and the data it uses in a two-dimensional array of memory blocks and interconnected CPUs, and is reportedly inspired by the human brain.
NorthPole can currently only run specialized AI processes and not training processes or large language models, but the researchers plan to test connecting multiple chips together to overcome this limitation.
Apple’s $130 Thunderbolt 4 cable could be worth it, as seen in X-ray CT scans - Ars Technica; Kevin Purdy
Note: These scans are super cool. And make me feel somewhat better about insisting on quality cables. A+.
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The Shifting Web
On-by-default video calls come to X, disable to retain your sanity - The Register; Brandon Vigliarolo
Video and audio calling is limited to anyone you follow or who is in your address book, if you granted X permission to comb through it.
Calling other users also requires that they’ve sent at least one direct message to you before.
Only premium users can place calls, but everyone can receive them.
Google Search Boss Says Company Invests to Avoid Becoming ‘Roadkill’ - The New York Times; Nico Grant
Google’s senior vice president overseeing search said that he sees a world of threats that could humble his company at any moment.
Google Maps is getting new AI-powered search updates, an enhanced navigation interface and more - Tech Crunch; Aisha Malik
Note: These AI recommender systems are going to be incredibly valuable advertising space. It is interesting that Apple decided to compete with Google in maps but not in basic search, but has so far not placed ads in the search results.
Reddit finally takes its API war where it belongs: to AI companies - Ars Technica; Scharon Harding
Reddit met with generative AI companies to negotiate a deal for being paid for its data, and may block crawlers if no deal is made soon.
Note: Google searches for info on Reddit often seem more effective than searching Reddit itself.  If they are unable to make a deal, and Reddit follows through, it will be a legitimate loss for discoverability but also an incredibly interesting experiment to see what Reddit is like without Google.
Bandcamp’s Entire Union Bargaining Team Was Laid Off - 404 Media; Emanuel Maiberg
Bandcamp’s new owner (Songtradr) offered jobs to just half of existing employees, with cuts disproportionately hitting union leaders. Every member of the union’s eight-person bargaining team was laid off, and 40 of the union's 67 members lost their jobs.
Songtradr spokesperson Lindsay Nahmiache claimed that the firm didn’t have access to union membership information.
Note: This just sucks. Bandcamp is rad, and it’s hard to imagine it continuing to be rad after this. I wonder if Epic had ideas for BC that didn’t work out.
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Surveillance & Digital Privacy
Mozilla Launches Annual Digital Privacy 'Creep-o-Meter'. This Year's Status:  'Very Creepy' - Slashdot
Mozilla gave the current state of digital privacy a 75.6/100, with 100 being the creepiest.
They measured security features, data collection, and data sharing practices of over 500 gadgets, apps, and cars to come up with their score.
Every car Mozilla tested failed to meet their privacy and security standards.
Note: It would be great if even one auto brand would take privacy seriously.
EPIC Testifies in Support of Massachusetts Data Privacy and Protection Act -Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Massachusetts version of ADPPA.
Note: While it may warm my dead heart to see any online privacy protections in law, scrambling to do so in response to generative AI is unlikely to protect Americans in any meaningful way from the surveillance driven form of capitalism we’ve all been living under for decades.
Complex Spy Platform StripedFly Bites 1M Victims - Dark Reading
StripedFly is a complex platform disguised as a cryptominer and evaded detection for six years by using a custom version of EternalBlue exploit, a built-in Tor network tunnel, and trusted services like GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket to communicate with C2 servers and update its functionality.
iPhones have been exposing your unique MAC despite Apple's promises otherwise - Ars Technica
A privacy feature which claimed to hide the Wi-Fi MAC address of iOS devices when joining a network was broken since iOS 14, and was finally patched in 17.1, released on Wednesday.
Note: I imagine this bug was reported a while ago, but wasn’t publically reported until the fix was released as a term of apple’s bug bounty program.
What the !#@% is a Passkey? - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Note: I welcome our passkey overlords.
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meret118 · 5 months
Tainted CPAP machines and ventilators went to children, the elderly and at least 700,000 veterans despite internal warnings. Company insiders said the devices posed an “unacceptable” risk.
The first complaints landed at the offices of Philips Respironics in 2010, soon after the company made a fateful decision to redesign its bestselling breathing machines used in homes and hospitals around the world.To silence the irritating rattle that kept users awake at night, Philips packed the devices with an industrial foam — the same kind used in sofas and mattresses. It quickly became clear that something had gone terribly wrong.
The reports coming into Philips described “black particles” or “dirt and dust” inside machines that pump air to those who struggle to breathe. One noted an “oily-like” substance. Others simply warned of “contamination.”
Yet Philips withheld the vast majority of the warnings from the Food and Drug Administration, even as their numbers grew from dozens to hundreds to thousands and became more alarming each year.
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Instead, as the complaints continued to pile up in company files, Philips waged aggressive global marketing campaigns to sell more machines, including new models fitted with the hazardous foam.The sales pitch worked: The devices went to infants, the elderly and at least 700,000 veterans. The company also promoted machines meant for some of the sickest people in the country, rolling out a new ventilator filled with the foam in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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All the while, people using Philips machines were suffering from illnesses that no one could explain: vomiting, dizziness and headaches, along with newly diagnosed cancers of the lungs, throat, sinuses and esophagus. One man in Philadelphia coughed so hard that he broke his ribs, and a Florida woman with a hacking cough was hospitalized for days and placed on oxygen.
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Studies published in scholarly journals showed the foam broke apart in heat and moisture. The company used it anyway, even though the machines send air for hours at a time into the lungs of users.
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As news of the problem spread, customers and others stepped forward by the thousands, describing emergency room visits and sudden illnesses in reports submitted to Philips and the government. The reports detailed nearly 2,000 cases of cancer, 600 liver and kidney illnesses and 17,000 respiratory ailments.
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The company acknowledges that the foam tested positive for genotoxicity — its own experts described “uncontrolled cellular replication” — but said that a third-party assessment still concluded the machines are unlikely to cause harm.
The three experts consulted by the news organizations said that’s not possible. While safety thresholds for chemical emissions vary and findings can be open to interpretation, genotoxicity means that one or more chemicals are changing cells, the building blocks of the human body.
“You can’t make the argument that it’s safe. That’s bad science,” said the engineer familiar with the Philips testing. “It’s a real-life failure that shows you have a problem. There’s no ambiguity. There is unacceptable risk. Full stop.”
The company’s ventilators also tested positive for genotoxicity; Philips said the devices are still being assessed.
. . .
More details about the health risks are expected to emerge through the ongoing federal lawsuits in Pittsburgh. Earlier this month, the company reached a settlement in one of the cases, agreeing to pay at least $479 million to reimburse customers and others for the costs of the defective machines.
Other legal challenges are still ongoing, including more than 600 personal injury claims and a class-action suit seeking ongoing medical monitoring and research on the dangers posed by the devices.
They knew the foam would break down when they decided to use it. Tests within the company after complaints came in showed how dangerous the devices were, but they refused to even change the design for new sales, much less recall the old ones. For every official complaint, how many more people were harmed that weren't reported?
They didn't recall them until 3,700 official complaints had been made. Until after they sold over 5 million life-threatening machines. There's no way to know how many people they killed.
If they think the products are so great, then they won't mind being forced to use them.
Companies will keep doing this until the financial cost of hurting people is greater than the profits from doing so.
Trigger warning for disturbing medical details, descriptions of suffering, and an image of a permanent feeding tube, in the article.
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lalsingh228-blog · 2 months
Aquatic Robot Market to Eyewitness Huge Growth by 2030
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Latest business intelligence report released on Global Aquatic Robot Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Aquatic Robot market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis: Atlas Maridan ApS. (Germany), Deep Ocean Engineering Inc. (United States), Bluefin Robotics Corporation (United States), ECA SA (France), International Submarine Engineering Ltd. (Canada), Inuktun Services Ltd. (Canada), Oceaneering International, Inc. (United States), Saab Seaeye (Sweden), Schilling Robotics, LLC (United States), Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd. (United Kingdom) Download Free Sample PDF Brochure (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Brief Overview on Aquatic Robot: Aquatic robots are those that can sail, submerge, or crawl through water. They can be controlled remotely or autonomously. These robots have been regularly utilized for seafloor exploration in recent years. This technology has shown to be advantageous because it gives enhanced data at a lower cost. Because underwater robots are meant to function in tough settings where divers' health and accessibility are jeopardized, continuous ocean surveillance is extended to them. Maritime safety, marine biology, and underwater archaeology all use aquatic robots. They also contribute significantly to the expansion of the offshore industry. Two important factors affecting the market growth are the increased usage of advanced robotics technology in the oil and gas industry, as well as increased spending in defense industries across various countries. Key Market Trends: Growth in AUV Segment Opportunities: Adoption of aquatic robots in military & defense
Increased investments in R&D activities Market Growth Drivers: Growth in adoption of automated technology in oil & gas industry
Rise in awareness of the availability of advanced imaging system Challenges: Required highly skilled professional for maintenance Segmentation of the Global Aquatic Robot Market: by Type (Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)), Application (Defense & Security, Commercial Exploration, Scientific Research, Others) Purchase this Report now by availing up to 10% Discount on various License Type along with free consultation. Limited period offer. Share your budget and Get Exclusive Discount @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) • North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical data – 2017-2022 The base year for estimation – 2022 Estimated Year – 2023 Forecast period** – 2023 to 2028 [** unless otherwise stated] Browse Full in-depth TOC @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market
Summarized Extracts from TOC of Global Aquatic Robot Market Study Chapter 1: Exclusive Summary of the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 2: Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 3: Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis Chapter 4: Market Segmentation by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2027 Chapter 5: Decision Framework Chapter 6: Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges Chapter 7: Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 8: Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Buy Full Copy Aquatic RobotMarket – 2021 Edition @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=177845 Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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home-elevators-canada · 3 months
Five Things to LOVE about a Nibav Home Elevator in Canada
Home elevators are becoming an increasingly popular feature in modern Canadian homes, blending luxury with practicality to enhance the living experience. Among the brands making significant strides in this market, Nibav stands out for its innovative and user-friendly solutions. This article explores five compelling reasons why a Nibav home elevator is a worthy addition to any Canadian household, emphasizing comfort, accessibility, and style.
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Innovative Technology: Nibav home elevators embody cutting-edge technology, offering seamless and efficient operation that sets them apart. With features like vacuum lift technology, Nibav elevators operate more quietly and require less energy compared to traditional hydraulic or cable-driven systems. This innovation is not just about performance but also about promoting environmental sustainability, a value deeply ingrained in the Canadian way of life. The convenience of having a state-of-the-art elevator in your home cannot be overstated, providing a smooth and reliable means of floor-to-floor transportation that is both fast and safe.
Elegant Design Design: is at the heart of Nibav elevators, with each model boasting a sleek and sophisticated appearance that can complement any home decor. Whether your interior design leans towards the contemporary or the classic, Nibav’s range of finishes and styles ensures that your elevator will not just be a convenience but also a statement piece. The glass panels and customizable features allow natural light to permeate the space, making the elevator shaft seem less like a utilitarian necessity and more like a part of your home’s aesthetic charm.
Space Efficiency: One of the standout features of Nibav home elevators is their compact design, making them an ideal choice for homes with limited space. Unlike traditional elevators that require a separate machine room and substantial structural modifications, Nibav residential elevators are designed to fit into existing spaces with minimal intrusion. This is a game-changer for homeowners looking to add an elevator to their property without compromising on living space. The space efficiency of Nibav elevators also means that installation can be completed more quickly and with less structural impact, preserving the integrity and beauty of your home.
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Enhanced Accessibility: Accessibility is a critical consideration in modern home design, and Nibav home elevators address this need beautifully. Whether it’s assisting an elderly family member with mobility challenges or simply making it easier to move heavy items between floors, a Nibav elevator enhances the functionality of your home. This feature not only improves the quality of life for all residents but also increases the property’s value by making it more appealing to a broader range of potential buyers in the future.
Safety and Reliability: Safety is paramount in any home improvement, and Nibav elevators are built with this principle in mind. Equipped with multiple safety features, including emergency stops, battery backup systems, and an in-cabin telephone, Nibav ensures that users are protected at all times. The reliability of these elevators is backed by rigorous testing and certification processes, giving homeowners peace of mind that their elevator meets the highest standards of safety and performance.
Conclusion: A Nibav home elevator is more than just a means of moving between floors; it is a reflection of innovative technology, elegant design, and thoughtful consideration for space efficiency, accessibility, and safety. For Canadian homeowners, investing in a Nibav elevator means not only enhancing the value and functionality of their property but also embracing a lifestyle characterized by comfort, convenience, and style. Whether you are looking to future-proof your home, accommodate the needs of aging relatives, or simply add a touch of luxury to your living space, a Nibav home elevator is an investment worth loving.
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briantwomeydallas · 9 months
Labor Challenges In Food Manufacturing
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The food manufacturing industry is the heart of our modern food supply chain, responsible for producing the vast array of products that fill our grocery store shelves. However, behind the scenes, this industry faces a host of labor challenges that impact not only its operations but also the quality and safety of the food we consume. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key labor challenges facing food manufacturers and the potential solutions to address them.
Workforce Shortages
One of the most pressing issues in the food manufacturing industry is workforce shortages. This challenge has been exacerbated by factors such as an aging workforce, high turnover rates, and the difficulty of attracting new talent. Food manufacturing facilities often require a diverse skill set, from food safety and quality control to machine operation and logistics, making it challenging to find qualified workers.
Solution: Companies can address this issue by investing in workforce development programs, offering competitive wages and benefits, and leveraging automation and technology to reduce the need for manual labor in repetitive or dangerous tasks.
2. Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Ensuring food safety and maintaining high-quality standards are paramount in food manufacturing. However, labor challenges can compromise these goals. A shortage of skilled workers can lead to mistakes in food handling and processing, increasing the risk of contamination and product recalls.
Solution: Comprehensive training programs, stricter adherence to safety protocols, and the implementation of advanced quality control technologies can help mitigate these risks.
3. Rising Labor Costs
Labor costs in the food manufacturing industry have been steadily rising, driven by factors such as minimum wage increases, healthcare costs, and worker demand for higher pay. Small and medium-sized manufacturers may find it particularly challenging to absorb these escalating costs.
Solution: To address rising labor costs, manufacturers can explore process optimization, automation, and robotics to increase efficiency and reduce the need for manual labor.
4. Regulatory Compliance
The food manufacturing industry is highly regulated to ensure the safety and quality of products. Compliance with these regulations is essential but can be a daunting challenge, especially for smaller businesses with limited resources. Keeping up with evolving food safety laws and industry standards is a constant struggle.
Solution: Companies can navigate regulatory challenges by investing in compliance management systems, regularly training employees on food safety standards, and staying informed about changes in regulations.
5. Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining
Labor unions play a significant role in the food manufacturing industry, and negotiations can lead to labor disputes, strikes, and work stoppages. These disruptions can impact production schedules and lead to losses in revenue.
Solution: Open and respectful communication between management and labor unions is key to preventing labor disputes. Collaborative bargaining and compromise can help maintain a stable workforce.
Labor challenges in food manufacturing are complex and multifaceted, but they are not insurmountable. By investing in workforce development, embracing automation and technology, prioritizing safety and quality, and adapting to changing regulations, food manufacturers can navigate these challenges more effectively. A resilient and skilled workforce is essential for ensuring the continued production of safe and high-quality food products that meet the demands of consumers in an ever-changing world.
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globallancers · 9 months
The Future of Finance: How Fintech Is Winning the Cybersecurity Race
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In the cyber age, the financial world has been reshaped by fintech's relentless innovation. Mobile banking apps grant us access to our financial lives at our fingertips, and online investment platforms have revolutionised wealth management. Yet, beneath this veneer of convenience and accessibility lies an ominous spectre — the looming threat of cyberattacks on the financial sector. The number of cyberattacks is expected to increase by 50% in 2023. The global fintech market is expected to reach $324 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 25.2% from 2023 to 2028. This growth of the fintech market makes it even more prone to cyber-attacks. To prevent this there are certain measures and innovations let's find out more about them
Cybersecurity Measures in Fintech
To mitigate the ever-present threat of cyberattacks, fintech companies employ a multifaceted approach to cybersecurity problems and solutions. Here are some key measures:
1. Encryption
Encrypting data at rest and in transit is fundamental to protecting sensitive information. Strong encryption algorithms ensure that even if a hacker gains access to data, it remains unreadable without the decryption keys.
2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification (e.g., passwords, fingerprints, or security tokens) before gaining access to their accounts.
3. Continuous Monitoring
Fintech companies employ advanced monitoring systems that constantly assess network traffic for suspicious activities. This allows for real-time threat detection and rapid response.
4. Penetration Testing
Regular penetration testing, performed by ethical hackers, helps identify vulnerabilities in systems and applications before malicious actors can exploit them.
5. Employee Training
Human error is a significant factor in cybersecurity breaches. Companies invest in cybersecurity training programs to educate employees about best practices and the risks associated with cyber threats.
6. Incident Response Plans
Having a well-defined incident response plan in place ensures that, in the event of a breach, the company can respond swiftly and effectively to mitigate the damage.
Emerging Technologies in Fintech Cybersecurity
As cyber threats continue to evolve, so do cybersecurity technologies in fintech. Here are some emerging technologies that are making a significant impact:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI and machine learning algorithms are used to analyse vast amounts of data and identify patterns indicative of cyber threats. This allows for proactive threat detection and quicker response times.
2. Blockchain
Blockchain technology is employed to enhance the security and transparency of financial transactions. It ensures that transaction records are immutable and cannot be altered by malicious actors.
3. Biometrics
Fintech companies are increasingly adopting biometric authentication methods, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, to provide a higher level of security than traditional passwords.
4. Quantum-Safe Encryption
With the advent of quantum computing, which poses a threat to current encryption methods, fintech companies are exploring quantum-safe encryption techniques to future-proof their security measures.
In the realm of fintech, where trust and security are paramount, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Fintech companies must remain vigilant, employing a combination of advanced digital transformation solutions, employee training, and robust incident response plans to protect sensitive financial data from cyber threats. As the industry continues to evolve, staying one step ahead of cybercriminals will be an ongoing challenge, but one that fintech firms must embrace to ensure their continued success and the safety of their customers' financial well-being.
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Heritage Instrument Insurance - The Best Way to Ensure the Safety of Equipment
Many music stores and musical instrument collectors have a reputation for buying and upkeeping vintage or heritage instruments, such as mandolins, guitars, amplifiers, violins, clarinets, ukuleles, and pianos, among others. As vintage musical equipment is old, handmade, and often expensive, it is crucial to keep them in top condition to ensure their health and sound quality.
Do you also own a music instruments shop? Or do you love to collect high-end musical devices for your collection? No matter what - make sure to get yourself the all-around protection of a suitable and dedicated Heritage Instrument Insurance right away, apart from repairing and maintaining your inventory. This blog will take you through some of the important aspects related to your vintage musical instruments. Read till the end for meaningful insights.
Preserving heritage musical instruments: The best ways possible
Your guitar and other acoustic gear are sensitive to temperature and humidity. If you do not keep them in a controlled and stable environment, they can get permanently damaged or go beyond repair. The following example will help you delve deeper into the thing. Take a look:
As far as the humidity parameter is concerned, if it is lower than the expected value or range, it may cause your wooden instruments to crack. Or, if they are kept in a place (without proper storage) where humidity and temperature change rapidly, the lacquer finish on the gear may get damaged or checked. So, what can you do in such cases? You can buy a good and sturdy storage case or install a device in your home, studio, or shop to keep the temperature and humidity under control and in line with the needs of your musical instruments. Such machines are easily available in the market.
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What are the recommended storage conditions for musical instruments?
Many industry experts have the opinion that if you find a particular environment comfortable, it will probably be safe for your musical instruments as well. Here are some crucial guidelines for the safe preservation of your musical instruments. Refer to the below table to understand the standard humidity and temperature ranges for musical gears. Let's take a quick look:
Piano -
Recommended Temperature Range - Around 68° Fahrenheit Recommended Humidity Range - 45 percent to 70 percent
Acoustic Guitar -
Recommended Temperature Range - Between 72 ° Fahrenheit and 77 ° Fahrenheit Recommended Humidity Range - 45 percent to 55 percent
Cello, Violin, Viola -
Recommended Temperature Range - Between 72 ° Fahrenheit and 77 ° Fahrenheit Recommended Humidity Range - 40 percent to 50 percent
Mandolin -
Recommended Temperature Range - Between 72 ° Fahrenheit and 77 ° Fahrenheit Recommended Humidity Range - 40 percent to 50 percent
Banjo -
Recommended Temperature Range - Between 72 ° Fahrenheit and 77 ° Fahrenheit Recommended Humidity Range - Around 40 percent
A point to remember: The above temperature and humidity ranges are standards for your reference. Make sure to get in touch with the manufacturer of your gear to learn about their suggested storage conditions for better storage. It will help you maintain the correct humidity and temperature levels. Most importantly, it will also fortify your Heritage Instrument Insurance claim should something unwanted happen to your musical instruments. Hopefully, the information is so far so good.
How to purchase standalone insurance for your musical instruments?
It is one of the challenging aspects of a musical instrument insurance plan - buying the right one. However, with the online marketplace evolving significantly, everything has become easily accessible and right at your fingertips. Moreover, reliable and customer-friendly insurance providers have both online and offline facilities to help you buy an insurance product. So, when looking for an insurance policy for your vintage instruments, you can check with a good insurance provider in your state, and the rest they will take care of according to your requirements. All you need to do is read the policy wording carefully, compare several policies, and then choose the one you find the most suitable.
Get your musical instruments the power of musical instrument insurance and protect them from unforeseen situations while ensuring your financial sanity.
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velocitypon3 · 1 year
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[gallery ids="2085,2086,2087,2088,2089,2090"]   The 5-in-1 Baby Gym Soft Padded & Plus Size Baby Play Mat: The baby playmat is constructed from durable and body-secure fabrics, thicker with delicate and smooth touch. Lay jumbo sized mat(43.3*39.4 inch).It will also be used immediately on the hardwood floor, providing cushioning and protection for baby to lay、roll、sit down、crawl、stand and play. Convenient Storage & Machine Washable : This activity gym may also be folded up to create a ball pit.Velcros are invisible.One-minute quickly installed or got rid of without tools, small in size, easy to fold and carry for convenient storage or trip.Machine washable, not easy to rip. 5-IN-1 Baby Play Gym: 5 in 1 adjustable play environment grows with baby through developmental stages:play mat/tummy time mat/baby gym center/baby ball pit and baby playpen.Accompany baby from newborn to active toddler. Ball Pit: Our baby gym can transfer to a ball pit easily, which is durable and very fun, grow with me from infant to toddler, ages newborn and up. Also a great baby shower gift for your loved one one. Celestial Dreams Play Gym: Created in the crescent moon with interesting starry sky sensory toys, which are easy to draw your baby's attention in all directions, allow baby to experience more fun and new challenges.Ideal gift for new parents. [amz_corss_sell asin="B0BYJP9QFH"] The 5-in-1 Baby Gym Review The 5-in-1 Baby Gym & Ball Pit Thick Play Mat is a fantastic product for newborns, babies, and toddlers that aims to develop their motor and cognition skills. The starry dreams soft padded and plus size baby play mat is made from durable and body-safe fabrics that are thicker and provide a delicate and smooth touch. The jumbo-sized mat measures 43.3*39.4 inches, and it can also be used directly on the hardwood floor, providing cushioning and protection for the baby to lay, roll, sit, crawl, stand, and play. One of the best things about this baby play mat is that it's easy to clean and store. It can be folded up to create a ball pit, and the Velcros are invisible, making it easy to install or remove without tools. It's small in size, convenient to fold and carry, making storage and travel quite easy. The mat is machine washable and not easy to rip, making it a perfect fit for parents who prioritize hygiene in their baby's environment. Furthermore, this 5-in-1 baby play mat is adjustable and grows with your baby through developmental stages, serving as a play mat, tummy time mat, baby gym center, baby ball pit, and baby playpen. It's designed to accompany the baby from newborn to active toddler, making it one of the best investments for parents looking for a versatile product. The ball pit feature of this activity gym is a unique and fun aspect that sets it apart from the rest. It easily converts to a ball pit, making it durable and very enjoyable for little ones from infancy to toddler stages. This product is an excellent baby shower gift for parents expecting babies, as it offers countless hours of enjoyment for their little ones. Finally, the celestial dreams play gym design is breathtaking, as sensory toys in all directions attract the baby's attention, allowing them to experience more fun and new challenges. It is an ideal gift for new parents, providing their babies an exciting and enjoyable environment while stimulating cognitive and motor development. Overall, the 5-in-1 Baby Gym & Ball Pit Thick Play Mat has proven to be one of the best products in the market for babies, with its durable design, versatility, and safety features.
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tankhistoria · 2 years
CRARRV – Britain’s 70-ton Armored Recovery Vehicle - TankHistoria
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If you're in the market for a tank, then look no further than the CRARRV – Britain’s 70-ton Armored Recovery Vehicle. Whether you're on the battlefield or on the track, this beast of a machine is up for the task of pulling your tank or repairing it if things go wrong. And with its powerful engine and heavy-duty design, there's no job too big for the CRARRV. So if you're looking for a vehicle that can pull your tank out of a sticky situation, then look no further than the CRARRV. This is one vehicle that you definitely don't want to see coming your way. It's the CRARRV, Britain's 70-ton armored recovery vehicle, and it's here to pull your tank out of a sticky situation.
Based on the Challenger 2 main battle tank, the CRARRV is one of the toughest machines in the British Army's arsenal. It's designed to pull and repair the heaviest armored fighting vehicles in service today, and it can even tow a tank weighing up to 70 tons. With its powerful engine and robust pulling gear, the CRARRV can even drag a damaged tank back to safety. And if that isn't enough, there's also a powerful winch that can be used to lift and move other vehicles. So next time you're in a sticky situation, make sure you have a CRARRV on hand to pull you out of it.
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Rising Trends of North America Automatic Carton Erector Market in Worldwide | Keyplayers- WestRock, Lantech, Combi, Ranpak, Wayne Automation, Premier Tech Ltd.
The North America Automatic Carton Erector Market is expected to witness substantial growth from 2023 to 2031, driven by the increasing demand for automation in the packaging industry. Automatic carton erectors are machines used to automatically form and erect carton boxes, improving efficiency and reducing labor costs in packaging processes.
Market Size and Growth:
The market size for automatic carton erectors in North America is projected to grow significantly during the forecast period. Factors such as the rising adoption of automation in manufacturing facilities and the need for faster and more efficient packaging solutions are fueling this growth.
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Market Segmentation:
By Service Type: The market can be segmented into standalone automatic carton erectors and integrated automatic carton erectors that are part of a larger packaging line.
By Sourcing Type: Automatic carton erectors can be sourced through direct purchase or leasing agreements.
By Application: The primary applications of automatic carton erectors include food and beverage packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, electronic goods packaging, and others.
By Industry Vertical: Major industry verticals utilizing automatic carton erectors include food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and others.
By Region: The market is segmented into the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Market Drivers and Challenges:
Drivers: Increasing demand for efficiency and speed in packaging processes, cost-saving benefits of automation, and the need for improved product safety and quality.
Challenges: High initial investment costs, the complexity of integrating automatic carton erectors into existing packaging lines, and the need for skilled personnel to operate and maintain these machines.
Market Trends:
Integration with Robotics: Automatic carton erectors are increasingly being integrated with robotic systems for enhanced efficiency and flexibility in packaging operations.
Focus on Sustainability: Manufacturers are focusing on developing automatic carton erectors that are more energy-efficient and use eco-friendly materials, in line with growing environmental concerns.
Advanced Features: Newer models of automatic carton erectors are equipped with advanced features such as remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and smart diagnostics.
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Competitive Landscape:
The North America Automatic Carton Erector Market is highly competitive, with key players including WestRock, Lantech, Combi, Ranpak, Wayne Automation, Premier Tech Ltd., Pearson Packaging Systems, INSITE Packaging Automation, Smurfit Kappa, and TMG IMPIANTI S.P.A. These companies are focusing on product innovation, strategic partnerships, and geographical expansion to strengthen their market presence.
Future Outlook:
The North America Automatic Carton Erector Market is poised for significant growth, driven by the increasing adoption of automation in the packaging industry. Technological advancements, such as the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, are expected to further propel the market growth during the forecast period.
About Us:
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. The firm scrutinizes factors shaping the dynamics of demand in various markets. The insights and perspectives on the markets evaluate opportunities in various segments. The opportunities in the segments based on source, application, demographics, sales channel, and end-use are analysed, which will determine growth in the markets over the next decade.
Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers, made possible by experienced teams of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants. The proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques we use always reflect the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in all of its business reports.
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priyanshisingh · 18 hours
AI in Oncology Market Trends and Opportunities: Global Outlook (2023-2032)
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The AI in oncology market is projected to grow from USD 1,333.2 million in 2024 to USD 6,132.9 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.20%.
The AI in Oncology market is experiencing robust growth, driven by the increasing integration of artificial intelligence technologies in cancer care. AI's capabilities in data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling are revolutionizing oncology by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalizing treatment plans, and improving patient outcomes. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of medical data, including imaging, genetic information, and patient records, to identify early signs of cancer, predict disease progression, and recommend optimal treatment strategies.
Key factors propelling the market include the rising prevalence of cancer, the need for early detection, and the demand for more effective and personalized therapies. Additionally, AI-driven tools are aiding in drug discovery and clinical trials, accelerating the development of new cancer treatments. Despite challenges such as data privacy concerns and the need for extensive training datasets, the AI in Oncology market holds significant promise, with ongoing advancements expected to further transform cancer diagnosis and treatment, ultimately leading to improved survival rates and quality of life for patients.
The AI in Oncology market is shaped by several dynamic factors that influence its growth, adoption, and evolution. Here are the key market dynamics:
Rising Cancer Incidence:
The increasing prevalence of cancer globally is a significant driver, creating a demand for more efficient and effective diagnostic and treatment solutions. AI technologies are being adopted to address these needs by enhancing early detection and personalizing treatment plans.
Technological Advancements:
Advances in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing are enabling more sophisticated AI applications in oncology. These technologies improve the accuracy and efficiency of cancer diagnosis, treatment planning, and prognosis.
Improved Diagnostic Accuracy:
AI algorithms can analyze medical images, pathology slides, and genetic data with high precision, leading to earlier and more accurate cancer detection. This capability is crucial for improving patient outcomes and survival rates.
Personalized Medicine:
AI facilitates the development of personalized treatment plans by analyzing individual patient data and predicting responses to various therapies. This approach optimizes treatment efficacy and minimizes adverse effects.
Enhanced Drug Discovery:
AI accelerates the drug discovery process by identifying potential drug candidates, predicting their efficacy, and optimizing clinical trial designs. This reduces the time and cost associated with bringing new cancer therapies to market.
Data Privacy and Security Concerns:
The use of AI in oncology involves handling sensitive patient data, raising concerns about data privacy and security. Ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA is essential for gaining trust and widespread adoption.
High Costs and Limited Accessibility:
The implementation of AI technologies in oncology can be expensive, limiting accessibility, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Cost barriers can impede the widespread adoption of AI solutions.
Need for High-Quality Data:
AI algorithms require large volumes of high-quality data for training. The lack of standardized and annotated datasets in oncology can hinder the development and accuracy of AI models.
Regulatory Challenges:
Navigating the complex regulatory landscape for AI in healthcare poses challenges. Ensuring that AI tools meet regulatory standards for safety and efficacy is crucial for market entry and acceptance.
Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs):
Integrating AI with EHRs can streamline data analysis, improve clinical workflows, and enhance decision-making in oncology. This integration can lead to more efficient and coordinated patient care.
Collaborations and Partnerships:
Collaborations between technology companies, healthcare providers, and research institutions can drive innovation and accelerate the development of AI solutions in oncology. Partnerships can also facilitate the sharing of data and resources.
Expansion in Emerging Markets:
Emerging markets present significant growth opportunities due to the rising cancer burden and increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure. Expanding AI applications in these regions can improve cancer care accessibility and outcomes.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
AI systems in oncology can continuously learn and adapt from new data, improving their performance over time. This capability allows for ongoing enhancements in diagnostic and treatment accuracy.
Interoperability Issues:
Ensuring that AI systems can seamlessly integrate with existing healthcare infrastructure and electronic health systems is a challenge. Interoperability is crucial for the efficient use of AI in clinical settings.
Ethical and Bias Concerns:
Addressing ethical issues and biases in AI algorithms is essential to ensure fair and equitable treatment. AI models must be trained on diverse datasets to avoid biases that could negatively impact certain patient groups.
Skilled Workforce Shortage:
The development and implementation of AI in oncology require a skilled workforce proficient in both oncology and AI technologies. There is a need for specialized training programs to bridge this skills gap.
Key Player Analysis
Azra AI
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Intel Corporation
GE HealthCare
NVIDIA Corporation
Digital Diagnostics Inc.
Median Technologies
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/ai-in-oncology-market
The AI in Oncology market exhibits varying dynamics across different regions, influenced by factors such as healthcare infrastructure, investment in technology, regulatory frameworks, and the prevalence of cancer. Here are the regional insights for the AI in Oncology market:
North America
Market Leadership:
North America, particularly the United States, is a leading region in the AI in Oncology market. The presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, significant investment in research and development, and a high adoption rate of new technologies drive market growth.
Technological Advancements:
The region is home to numerous tech giants and innovative startups that are actively developing AI solutions for oncology. Collaborations between tech companies and healthcare providers are common, fostering innovation.
Regulatory Environment:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been proactive in providing guidance and approvals for AI-based medical devices and software, which supports market expansion.
Adoption and Innovation:
Europe is also a significant market for AI in oncology, with countries like the UK, Germany, and France leading in adoption. The region benefits from strong healthcare systems and substantial funding for cancer research.
Regulatory Landscape:
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and national health authorities have been supportive of AI applications in healthcare, although stringent data privacy regulations (GDPR) need to be navigated.
Research and Collaboration:
Europe has numerous collaborative projects and consortiums focused on integrating AI into oncology, supported by the European Union's funding initiatives.
Rapid Growth:
The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the AI in Oncology market, driven by increasing cancer prevalence, growing healthcare expenditures, and a rising focus on technological advancements.
Key Markets:
China, Japan, and South Korea are at the forefront, with significant investments in AI research and healthcare innovations. Government initiatives to modernize healthcare systems further support market growth.
Despite the growth, challenges such as uneven healthcare infrastructure and limited access to advanced technologies in some areas remain.
Latin America
Emerging Market:
Latin America is an emerging market for AI in oncology, with countries like Brazil and Mexico leading the way. The adoption is driven by a growing awareness of AI’s potential in improving cancer care and outcomes.
Investment and Infrastructure:
Investments in healthcare infrastructure and technology are increasing, though at a slower pace compared to more developed regions. Partnerships with global tech companies are helping to bridge the gap.
Regulatory and Economic Factors:
Economic constraints and regulatory challenges can impact the pace of AI adoption in oncology, but ongoing reforms and investments are promising.
Middle East and Africa
Growing Interest:
There is a growing interest in AI in oncology in the Middle East, particularly in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, where healthcare modernization and investment are priorities.
Healthcare Initiatives:
Government initiatives aimed at improving healthcare infrastructure and adopting advanced technologies are driving the market. However, the adoption rate varies across the region.
In Africa, the adoption of AI in oncology is still in the nascent stages, hampered by limited healthcare infrastructure, lack of investment, and regulatory hurdles. Efforts to improve healthcare access and infrastructure are ongoing, which may enhance future market prospects.
Based on Component Type
Software Solutions
Based on Cancer Type
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Brain Tumor
Based on Application
Diagnostics (Pathology, Cancer Radiology)
Radiation Therapy (Radiotherapy)
Research & Development (Drug design, development process, etc.)
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/ai-in-oncology-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-oncology-market-overview-growth-factors-future-wymnf
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Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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minal24 · 19 hours
Construction Services Procurement Intelligence Develop at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2023 to 2030
Construction Services Procurement Intelligence
The construction services category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2023 to 2030. With technological advancements in the construction process, rising investments by governments toward economic infrastructural development, and green building initiatives, the construction industry has evolved which has resulted in rising construction services. Service providers are focusing on adopting new technologies such as 3D printing, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), helmet revolution, and various construction software. Hard hats have been one of the trends around construction sites for the safety of workers. For instance, HexArmor developed a helmet, Kinetix, which could reduce the impact by up to 40% on the head and neck.
The construction sector, like numerous other industries, is experiencing a significant transformation through IoT technology. By integrating connected devices, machines, and sensors, construction sites can greatly enhance their efficiency and safety. Intelligent decision-making processes, predictive maintenance, and real-time data monitoring contribute to this positive shift.
Worker well-being can be affected by labor shortages as well. When companies attempt to fill their labor gap by providing training and upskilling opportunities to new talent, they face the challenges associated with having a less experienced workforce. This can lead to an increase in on-the-job accidents and injuries due to mistakes or poor judgment. Furthermore, construction companies striving to accomplish more with fewer workers put additional pressure on their employees, leading to potential issues such as rushing through work, taking shortcuts, or working longer hours.
Order your copy of the Construction Services category procurement intelligence report 2023-2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Technology-based companies are taking initiatives to streamline the way construction service providers operate, such as:
In May 2023, Canvas a San Francisco-based construction robotics company partnered with USG Corp. to leverage technical advances such as onsite robotics from Canvas, and advanced building materials from USG.
In March 2023, Sensat, a construction digital twin company, developed an integration along with Autodesk Construction Cloud to enable construction teams to send files from Autodesk Docs to Sensat for user visualization of key construction documents.
Drones have evolved into indispensable tools within the construction sector, providing vital benefits to the industry. Their ability to provide precise insights, high levels of accuracy, and real-time progress reports greatly enhance communication among designers, architects, builders, and client stakeholders. 
Construction Services Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
Construction service buyers, such as real estate developers, governments, and private clients, can significantly impact the construction service market. The bargaining power of buyers will depend on the number and size of projects undertaken by the builder. The builder with 4-5 big projects will have an upper hand in bargaining as compared to builders with some mid-sized projects.
Raw materials, labor, machinery, equipment, transportation, office rent, and legal charges are some of the costs incurred in construction services.
Engaging an external construction team could potentially yield greater cost savings compared to a conventional approach i.e., relying on own employed team. Whether you opt for part-time supervision or full-time outsourcing, these contractors operate on an hourly payment basis.
List of Key Suppliers
Bechtel Corporation
Fluor Corporation
DPR Construction
Kiewit Corporation
STO Building Group
The Walsh Group
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Holder Construction Group, LLC
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
Electric Vehicles (EVs) Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Digital Procurement Systems Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Corn Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Construction Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
Construction Services Category Growth Rate : CAGR of 11.8% from 2023 to 2030
Pricing Growth Outlook : 7% - 8% (Annually)
Pricing Models : Service-based pricing, price for services offered, competition-based pricing
Supplier Selection Scope : End-to-end service, cost and pricing, compliance, service reliability, and scalability
Supplier Selection Criteria : Types of building, quality, number of services offered, client relationship, track record and reputation, regulatory compliance, and others
Report Coverage : Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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