#Macodes petola
prince-liest · 3 months
I am so freaking feral about orchids, you guys, please help. QQ It's becoming a problem. Anyway, meet my orchids:
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This is my favorite phalaenopsis orchid in terms of color! I just really love the wine-red splotches on a white flower. Apparently this particular sort is a very prolific bloomer and is always shooting up spikes. I've only had her for a week or so and just repotted her recently, so I look forward to finding out!
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This is my most recent acquisition - I got her for a measly $7 (pot included) at Lowes because the entire spike except for this very very bottom flower had been snapped off at some point! I've good luck re-blooming phals and I really love the soft violet and orange color combination, so I had to nab her.
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THIS orchid, on the other hand, I have had since last November, and she is still holding onto the same flowers, which seems absolutely insane to me. In fact, I'm pretty convinced that the flowers that she did drop, she would still have if I hadn't given faulty instructions to my plant-sitter, which led to her and another orchid getting dehydrated and dropping half their blooms. Eight months of blooms! And no signs of stopping! And she's growing plenty of healthy new roots AND a new leaf!! I love her and I love how bright and cheery her flowers are.
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These are my last two phalaenopsis orchids. The one on the left is a miniature that blooms purple. She's bloomed twice for me, but she was double-potted with a second orchid, and I was inexperienced and killed a lot of her roots while repotting her, so she's been recovering from that for like half a year. If you look closely, you can see that she's actually just started growing a new leaf, which I'm really excited for!
On the right is a very classic white phal that my mom gifted me. She's also bloomed twice for me, and is also in the middle of growing a new leaf. :)
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These are my two oncidium orchids, which have since been repotted and mostly lost their blooms! I got the one on the left also heavily discounted because her blooms were already falling, but as you can see in the photo, she's literally in the middle of growing a new flower spike, haha. The one on the right is currently almost done blooming, and she might be my favorite of all because she's SUPER fragrant and smells amazing!
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This is my Ludisia discolor, a terrestrial jewel orchid that I'm really excited to see unfurl her new leaf! She's in a lower-light area of my house and I'm hoping she does well there. If not, I have a different shelf I can move her to later with artificial lights.
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And these are some baby Macodes petola cuttings I bought, lightning jewel orchids! The reason people grow them for their foliage is a little more visible in photos than it is with Ludisias, but still not true to real life - the white patterns on both actively sparkle under light! It honestly looks like they've been doused in glitter. These guys are all in sphagnum moss in hopes of rooting them. The cuttings were honestly much smaller than I thought they'd be when I bought them, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm keeping them under a glass cloche for humidity as well!
And that's it! Just wait until my violets and streptocarpus start blooming, though, haha. I just. Really love plants.
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d-structive · 1 year
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Made another jar terrarium with materials and plants I had in exccess. ...My jewel orchids and Fittonia plants grew a lot, so I had to trim them and replant them around.. I thought it was nice to have a single Macodes Petola themed jar.. They are such cool, shiny plants...
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poop-me-a-flower · 2 years
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Light shining on macodes petola. Probably to be avoided since it doesn’t like direct sunlight, but it sure does look nice.
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moonfl-0-wer · 7 days
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Almost two months ago, I found this little baby, which I believe was growing somewhere among one of my other plants. Or maybe the moss I collect for my terrariums.
I'm not sure what it is, does anyone know? Tell me if you know! It looks like some kind of clover, but I'm not quite sure. I have added it to my little Jewel Orchid dome. It looks cute.
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thewindowsill · 2 years
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First is 2020 in June, second is today 2022 November. I did cut him when he had false spider mites as I was thinking he wouldn’t make it but he did, and so did the cutting (the one on the right) so yay!
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facultyloungecosplay · 9 months
Stuck in a meeting that could have been an email, time to post plantblr controversy
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Link for rebuttals 😂
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lichenaday · 2 years
I thought it might be nice to share a bit about what PhD student life is like since before I started it, I really had no idea what to expect.
I have an office that I share with 3 other PhD students at my institute. It is in an old, historical building at the Munich Botanical Garden.
Let's take a tour around my desk:
First, my homemade Darwin crossstitch (pattern compliments of @shitpostsampler) to remind me that all scientists have bad days.
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It sits behind my wonky dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) who I rescued from the trash outside my apartment. Who throws away a whole ass tree?
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He's recovering beautifully, considering how fucky and sad he was when I pulled him from the bin.
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Above my unnecessarily giant computer monitor I keep part of my expansive plant collection. Pink princess philodendron (Philodendron erubescens) w/handmade moss stick, my beloved jewel orchid (Macodes petola), zebra plant (Tradescantia zebrina) in owl pot (courtesy of my labmate, since I am the bird person) and poorly mounted staghorn fern (Platycerium bifurcatum).
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Little baby jewel orchid! He flowered recently and I am so proud of him.
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Then there's my Cladonia collection, and my bottle of Icelandic lichen (Cetraria islandica) booze.
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On the top shelf is my Calathea musaica 'Network', and jar of discarded lab lichens. I will figure out a use for them eventually. For now they are just aesthetic.
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Then there's my monstera Peru (Monstera karstenianum) in a pot I "salvaged" from a cemetery. Pretty sure it's cursed, but nothing I can do about that now. Also the baby succulents off my mystery flea market sedum. Behind my desk you can see my German sailing cookbook, Florentine bat notebook, Pikachu of encouragement, and turtle postcard. The turtle is one of many who live in the greenhouse that I visit when work gets stressful. Also a magnet of my favorite Minoan goddess--tits out, snakes in hands, cat on head.
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This is desk ant. She appears to have no colony and just hangs out with me all day. I have tried to track her and find where she comes from but she just runs around in circles on my desk for hours so I have given up. Sometimes I give her a little bit of my tea to drink. She is the backbone of this working group.
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Anyway, if you ever see a scientist's office that isn't cluttered and chaotic, they are doing it wrong.
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fixaidea · 1 year
Plants for the chronic over-waterer
So you’ll often see guides and rec-lists for plants that require little water and attention, and just generally ‘thrive on neglect’. But what about us anxious, hovering plant people whose most common way of accidentally offing a plant is by over-loving and over-watering them?
(Before we get into it, let me preface this by the usual disclaimer: a plant’s water needs wildly depend on its environment. I live in the continental temperate zone of Europe, the average humidity level inside is 30-40%, so what I write may or may not apply to your conditions. Watch your plants closely - if you’re reading this post I know you would anyway - and proceed accordingly.)
Look no further, here’s a list of plants that are virtually impossible to over-water:
Fittonia sp.
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Fittonia are extreme divas in room conditions but perfect angels in a terrarium. They will not tolerate a missed watering day, they’ll immediately start to droop. If you’re lucky and you catch them in time they’ll perk up and go on like nothing happened, but the margin between this and irrevocable crisping is a slim one.
Ferns in general
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Of course the details of care depend on the species, but most ferns prefer shade and hate to dry out. I usually water all of mine twice a week, and so far they are doing okay.
Dionaea muscipula - Venus flytrap (and most carnivorous plants)
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Plants usually resort to eating animals when they live in bogs, where the soil is acidic and extremely poor in nutrients. What bogs also are, is wet, and so these plants need to literally stand in a pool of water all day, every day and are therefore quite literally impossible to over-water. (At least in the summer. Over-wintering depends on whether the plant is temperate or tropical.)
The only downside is that they are really sensitive to water quality. No minerals (and no fertilizer!) allowed, only rain or distilled water!
Marantha leuconeura
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Honestly I’d say the entire Maranthaceae counts, but I only have experience with Marantha, and I’m told the rest (like Calathea) are more difficult. These, once you get the water right (twice a week for me), aren’t that bad. They don’t need a lot of light either.
What you do have to keep in mind, is to give them soft water - like collected rain water. They are sensitive to the minerals in the tap water and since they can’t properly secrete them, they’ll store them away in the tips of their leaves, which will thus crisp up.
Jewel orchids
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The one I have (Macodes petola) does well in a shadier spot, in normal room conditions. I mean I do run a humidifier once a day, but it’s not in a terrarium. It’d do well in one though, so if you’re looking to furnish a terrarium, this is a good choice. The only thing you gotta keep in mind if you keep it out in your room is to always keep the soil moist.
Mimosa pudica
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This is a fun and interesting plant, what with the cute moving leaves, but it is the divaest of all divas. On a sunny, dry summer day it may have to be watered twice a day, and it’ll go into hysterics, crisp up and throw leaves if you’re late by five minutes. The good news is that as long as you do get around to watering it, it’ll bring new shoots and keep growing, it’ll just litter your room with dead leaves in protest.
It also prefers lots of light.
Spathipyllum sp. - Peace Lily
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Like ferns, these do well in shadier spots. If exposed to too much light, they’ll keep bringing small, light green leaves, but they’ll flower regularly. (They feel like their lives are in danger so they hurry to procreate before the end.) In the winter they need to be watered about once a week, in the summer more like every two days.
The nice thing about them is that they are very vocal about their needs but, unlike the Mimosa and the Fittonia, don’t immediately, irrevocably crisp up, they’ll just droop. Water them and they’ll perk right back up.
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sushisusii · 8 months
Macodes petola
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The most amazing fantasy like plant I've ever seen. Sparks, color gradient, and looks like it glows.
To post on a brighter note.
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List of assigned flowers/plants for the Sternritter. This is a work in progress, so I'm putting it on the table for discussion and suggestions
Jugram Haschwalth - Lilium candidum - White Lily
Bazz-B - ‘Firefighter’ Rose - A fiery and tenacious red rose variety. Alternatively ‘Deep secret’’ rose for its color, texture and scent
Askin Nakk Le Vaar - Lavandula angustifolia - Lavender. Alternatively Atropa belladona - Deadly Nightshade, Aconitum napellus - Aconite, Digitalis purpurea - Foxglove
Bambietta Basterbine - Myosotis scorpioides- Forget-me-not
Meninas McAllon - 'Royal Jubilee', 'Lady Megginch' or 'Gertrude Jekyll' Paeonia varieties
Giselle Gewelle - Iris germanica - German Bearded Iris. Alternatively Papaver somniferum - Opium Poppy or Atropa belladona
Liltotto Lamperd - Sarracenia flava - Yellow Pitcherplant (carnivorous)
Candice Catnipp - Macodes petola - Lightning Jewel Orchid
Lille Barro - Strelitzia reginae - Bird of Paradise
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aquabasedesign · 1 year
Except for cutting back the moss every few months and spraying once a week, there is not much to do.
As it looks, the Macodes Petola will even start to bloom soon. 🌱
You can find the video about the set-up of this Wabi-Kusa on my YouTube channel.
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geek4theseeds · 1 month
Macodes Petola Orchid
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I finally got my little jewel orchid🤪 Ive always wanted her because of her beautiful ‘lightning bolts’ variegation ;) I’m excited on her growth!
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Lately i’ve been having issues about taking care of her and as you can see, her leaves are curlingggg like girl needs to straighten up! and as you can see in the middle, shes growing a new leaffff that’s so exciting! anyway i’ve been giving her what she needs so hopefully she gets better :)
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opgpereglin-blog · 3 months
Njega dragulj orhideje (macodes petola) Macodes petola ili dragulj orhideja ima zadivljujuće lišće koje izgleda kao da doslovno svijetli. Iako nije najjednostavnija sobna biljka za zadovoljiti, uz pravilnu njegu može napredovati i natjerati ljude da pričaju. U ovom ćemo člank... #Njegasobnihbiljaka #Sobnebiljke
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pallanophblargh · 3 years
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Welp, I think it’s safe to say she survived the winter. What’s a dormancy?
Who needs that when you have some LED lights and all the water you want? She started crawling out of her pot last month or so.
Macodes petola, 11 months later.
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pothoswitch · 4 years
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22nd december 2020
My baby jewel orchid is doing so good. Her second stem is doing great also 🌟
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baysleaves · 2 years
Birthday haul pt.3, from The Green Escape gifted by my mom!
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Philodendron hederaceum - ‘micans’ (top left)
Calathea silvia hybrid starter (top right)
Ludisia discolor-jewel orchid (bottom left)
Macodes petola- jewel orchid (bottom right)
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