#Madame Doublee
harmonypon · 9 days
Dumb little lmj headcanons I've had for like 6 years now (namely kat n ernest)
(case 12 spoilers!!)
-Ernest is a bit camera shy, an affliction he's struggled with since he was 12 and did everything in his power to avoid being found by the Seven Dragons. Whenever a camera is thrust into his face, he visibly tenses up.
-Kat is chubby. This is entirely self-indulgent. Thats it go home
-Ernest has 100% scared the shit out of teens that broke into Richmond Court in search of the Richmond fortune, be that with his own pre-recorded Adamas messages specialized for such a situation, or using the various machinery he set up to make the walls close in or shake.
-Kat regularly talks and cries in her sleep (semi-evident in the opening cutscene where she wakes up with tears in her eyes.) This is how she manages to be so consistently chipper, albeit emotionally removed from loved ones. All of her stress regarding her father's disappearance is something she chooses to deal with in silence. It's also worth noting that she canonly takes naps in the agency and wakes up with a miserable, far away look in her eyes according to one of the unlocked bonus scenes.
-Ernest is sensitive in the hip area. (This headcanon was coined during the anime's adaptation of the missing kiss case, where Mavericks D. Rector is too short to grab Ernest by the shoulders so he firmly pats him on the stomach and hips, to which Ernest makes little yelp noises. Poor guy😭)
-Kat does not have an attention span when it comes to most books, so she occasionally opts for Ernest to read aloud to her. Much like how her father had his assistants read letters aloud so he could concentrate on them. Except maybe she just does it because she likes Ernest's voice.
-Ernest is a wannabe stage actor, never having the chance to participate in theater as a briefly homeless child, but he takes some acting classes on the side. ...He's not particularly GOOD at acting, but he has the theatrics and passion down. This is why he was so keen on recording those Adamas lines. He wanted to practice evil laughter.
-Kat is receptive to most praise but gets giggly and shy whenever Ernest praises her. This is because they should kiss immediately.
-You obviously can't hear it in the game since these lines aren't voiced, but Ernest is especially catty towards The Dragons when they demand Kat's services for simple things. Notably when Madam Doublee begs they look for Rex and Ernest replies "GOSH. A member of the family missing. How terrible for you!" That man was grinding his teeth where he stood.
-Kat is on the autism spectrum. Look at her. Watch her happy stims. Her little toe taps and squeaks when she eats food or finds dresses she likes. I love her to bits.
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swanlike-elegance · 3 years
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A reminder that Madame Doublée is intelligent and well-educated.
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muzzable · 6 years
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101flavoursofweird · 6 years
Me: I’m kind of sad the PL anime isn’t going to focus on the professor - I mean, maybe he and the old cast will get a cameo, but I don’t know. I’m worried Kat’s episodic cases aren’t going to up the stakes or the angst...
Also me: *Hugging Kat, Ernest, Emilianna, Liza, the Lipski brothers, Pipper Lowonida, Hessie Tate, Inspector Hastings and Sherl.* “I’m adopting all these children and their dog. Madame Doublée and Cesar Chance are good godparents and will help me take care of them. I will protect them all with my life. Level 5 better not touch any (more) of them with their tragic backstories. They’ll go on fun, safe adventures where no one gets hurt and the characters are all included. No one gets left behind. I’m organising a playdate for Kat, Alfendi and Lucy as we speak...*  
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Liza Wight
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“It’s Miss Seeker! First name, ‘Attention’!”... Actually, it’s Liza Wight. Liza could be short for Elizabeth or Eliza. It means ‘either oath of God, or God is satisfaction’. Thanks Google 
We’ve had two Queen Elizabeth’s in British history, one of whom is the current and longest reigning monarch. Probably just a coincidence, but Kat calls Liza “Queen Attention Seeker the Thirteenth!”
While Liza certainly enjoys scaring the living daylights out of people, she doesn’t do it out of malice or to fuel her own ego. 
She’s been lonely - feels like she can relate to wandering ghosts in that way...
Her parents died in a airplane accident when she was 18, robbing her of any relatives but granting her the family inheritance. Her only companion was Wooooster the butler.  
Aged 20, she’s the youngest of the Seven Dragons. (There are some... questions on that below the spoiler cut.)
Madame Doublee is her neighbour and they’re in close contact, so Liza isn’t utterly isolated. Double reveals that Liza has always been ‘rather quiet’, but she’s become even more withdrawn since her parents passed away.
Wooooster claims his young mistress is of a ‘solitary disposition’ and doesn’t leave her home very often.  
Rumour has it that her house has been cursed since Mr Wight died.
A young orphan associated with the supernatural - often the subject of gossip - who doesn’t get out much. Where have I heard that before?
Despite this, she specifically requests Kat and Emilianna help. She’s quite humble, asking them to call her Liza. 
Using her incredible craft skills, she transforms the ‘ridiculously large’ Wight Residence into a haunted house.
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She invites investigators to her house, only to give them a fright. (This included a shaman and a spiritual medium. (Hey, Wight sounds a lot like Wright...)
One reason she suggests for the “ghost’s” presence is that they might be ‘departed souls with a grudge against her family’. HMMM...
After figuring out Liza’s game, Kat promises she can always call on her. 
However, Liza doesn’t hang up the ghost sheet. She puts on ghostly performances and parties for her Super Naturalist club friends. (Hopefully, Granny Riddleton will even join in.) 
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She owns a projector... which she probably uses to watch too many horror movies.
Collects/Makes dolls and puppets. 
More of a night-bird than a day bird.   
Feels comfortable when there’s a chill in the air... or maybe that’s just to conceal her secret cellar. 
She has to spookiest, but sweetest butler in the world. 
Really, she sounds more adorable than terrifying. 
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BEWARE, POWERLESS MORTALS! Below be spoilers for the final case of the game!
So, going back to that line about ‘departed souls’ with a grudge against Liza’s family. Could it be... foreshadowing for the millionaire’s conspiracy and what happened to the Richmonds? Miles/Ernest definitely holds a grudge for the Seven Dragons. 
This is where I have a bit of a problem. Liza is only a year older than Miles. As Mr Fullhold points out:
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Liza wasn’t a Dragon when Ernest’s family lost everything - that was her father. And from how Liza talks about her ‘ridiculously large house’, you get the impression that she’d much rather not have inherited the place. Still, she feels it’s her duty to take up her father’s mantle and responsibility as the sole surviving heir of the Wight family. 
Sure, it’s not like Miles intended to hurt the Dragons with his game... He’s just going to take away all of their wealth and send them down the ‘Road to Ruin’. You could argue the fortune matters even less to Liza and she won’t be that hard-done by the scheme. She recognises what’s important, now that she has moved past the loneliness caused by her parents’ deaths.
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She’s able to accept this... whereas Miles is still bitter and furious at the tragedy his family has faced. It highlights what a noble character Liza truly is.
I’ll give Miles/Ernest this: He’s awfully quiet during the epilogue of Case 5. He has nothing to add, except a quick “I say...” when he sees the photo of Liza with her Super Naturalist Club. Is he, perhaps, considering the losses his scheme will bring to Liza? Does he believe that by taking away her fortune - and most likely her mansion along with it - she will lose the new friends she’s found? What he fails to realise is that her new friends aren’t there to leech of Liza’s money. They like her for her ghost-obsessions, her crafts talents and her passion for the supernatrual. Yes, the big spooky mansion is a bonus, but they can hold their gatherings anywhere. 
Miles needs to realise the true meaning of an enriched life... and he does in the end. But I hope he especially apologised to Liza, who had no part in the conspiracy.  
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I was expecting a hint coin, but I can't say I'm shocked.
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Day 236: Madame Gretchin Doublee from Layton’s Mystery Journey Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy 
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“Tell the ladies at once!”
I love Granny Riddleton in LMJ. She seems to have mellowed with age - Her toothy smiles and her zest have dwindled - but her sense of beauty remains. She’s aways chatting to Kat and worries about her during Case 5. She’s like Kat’s self-appointed grandmother. Who wants to bet she and Stachen are watching out for her after Layton’s disappearance?  
There’s one line of dialogue below, which I’ll put under a cut because it sort of links to Case 3 spoilers. It definitely leads to a parallel with Curious Village...
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*Goes to tell Lady Dahlia, Rosa and any other grand old ladies who love hearing about Kat’s work*
That moment when you realise Dahlia and the other villagers are robots so they won’t age unless Bruno upgrades them. Flora might be older than them by now
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lunagames · 5 years
Lady Layton Headcanons
I return from the depths of hell (the good one) to bring you the things my sister and I decided while playing this game. And no I will never call it Layton’s Mystery Journey. Lady Layton is the only acceptable title. Fight me.
- Ernest has exactly three moods: Earnest Ernest, the rare Savage Ernest and Calm Down Ernest (everytime when he talks about wanting to be together with Kat)
- There’s this couple (I forgot the names, but I think Bess and Benny?), who are totally over the top with their affections. Almost like they are trying their hardest to pretend to be a couple, but are actually really bad at it. -> In other words Fake Dating AU
- The director in the third case did not actually film the last scene at all. He just acted like it was stolen. (I mean, come on. The thing they plastered on it wasn’t a scene. That was three seconds long.)
- Kat’s is stealing these curiosities (Kartelle in the confectionary: Oh, how curious, a candy! I’ll just take this with me)
- And the Hint Coins (Katrielle: Omg, ten coins inside the safe of a bank? Someone must have lost them!)
- Honestly, Kat and Ernest talk a bit too often about how burglars might get into wealthy mansions and how only amateurs would leave the gold in the safe. The Dedective Agency is probably just a forefront for robberies at this point. (Remember how Kat didn’t actually want that many customers, because she wouldn’t have time for her “afternoon tea”?)
- This is also the origin of Ernest fourth mood. Crime Ernest. (He also had a kind of murdery line in the ghost mansion case)
- Kat doesn’t have these distinctions, because she’s constantly Savage Kat and Crime Kat.
- Gudrun is the best junkie. (Don’t tell me, that she’s not constantly high. Look at her)
- The maid from Madame Doublee is Ernest’s twin sister. She’s oddly similar to him, when it comes about gushing about the person she’s working for.
- The butler Wooster probably actually had some skeletons in the closet. He hovered behind the group the whole time, to make sure they didn’t notice. (If he leaves and comes back a second later, he did not actually leave, people!)
- Must be really difficult for him now that the mistress of the house invites all these people nowadays.
- Let’s be honest, dividing Kat and Ernest on the boat the way it was done was weird. They came as a group, but were squashed together with strangers. Without telling either party. So either Madame Doublee’s a matchmaker (putting Emilia and Kat in one room) or she actually knows what’s up and put Kat and Ernest with one member of the police respectively so they couldn’t actually steal anything.
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aquamarineglow · 6 years
Professor Layton AU ideas:
Instead of creating a village of robots for his daughter, Baron Reinhold decides to take Flora to live in an actual village. The village they move to happens to be Misthallery.
After the death of his mother, Miles Richmond is adopted by his godmother, Madame Doublee. He grows up thinking he has everything he could ever want. That is, until he meets the beautiful detective Katrielle who is not at all impressed by his vast wealth.
Unknown to anyone, Angela had become pregnant with Randall's baby shortly before he died. Knowing her family would disown her for being a teenager mother, she and Henry marry and raise the baby as their own. Young Janice grows into a beautiful singer in Monte d'Or, never questioning her parentage. That is until The Masked Gentleman arrives.
Shortly after his arrest, Oswald Whistler receives a secret message from Leon Bronev himself. Targent will break him out of prison and keep him safe from the police for the rest of his life, but only under one condition: Bronev wants the Detragan rebuild so he can bring Rachel back from the dead.
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bearofohu · 6 years
Madame Doublee's unofficially Ernest's mom now. She visits the Layton Detective Agency often just to check on him, but she'll pretend that she needs something for Kat to solve, but it's starting to get annoying for Kat and she kinda wants her to stop. Liza visited Ernest once because she felt bad about him losing their parents and now they hang out every once in awhile and sibling bond over their interests.
bless u anon,, for sending this to me,,, I️ really needed to smile super hard oh my lOrd this is sooooooo cuteeee!!! I️ really REALLY love Ernest bonding and finding family figures after his family passed away and I️ demand that happens in the future ommgg, thank you!! This really lifted my spirits and I’m really grateful!! 💛💛💛💛💛
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Things that made me lol in LMJ: Kat overlooking Ernest’s affections, Sherl’s puns, Brexit reference, “We’re going to dieeeee!”, bird poop, the ‘edited’ kiss scene, Kat’s appetite, the Lipski brothers, Stachenscarfen, Kat and Emilianna’s rivalry, “Rexie-wexie”, Benny, the local cats and dogs, Ratman’s existence, “No butter, no jam! No cream, no scones, nooo BUTS!” - 
Things that infuriated me to no end:
Sherl: Maybe old double-chin isn’t really fat at all...
No, Sherl, Madame Doublee really is fat. Thank you for pointing that out. 
Sherl: Maybe it’s all the money stuffed up her dress.
The money she kindly spent so you could join the cruise, you mangy mongrel. (And you don’t exactly have the figure of a grey hound!) Even Kat reminded you of this. At least she understands Madame Doublee’s love of popcorn and pets and won’t shame her for it -  
Kat: Madame threw her weight around for us!
(....I’m glad Madame Doublee is actually a considerate, funny and even a touching character in the end. But that doesn’t make up for all the fat jokes. Seriously Level 5, stop.)
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detective-kat · 7 years
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I accidently advanced the next two dialogue screens before getting a screenshot, but Madame Doublee said she would like to see him the next time he is available. Kat said something like “Me, too…” My heart!
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foxesandcookies · 7 years
For Those Who Know What Layton’s Mystery Journey is:
Cookie:Who’s your favorite of the Seven Dragons? Mine’s Madame Doublee. And Fox likes Mayor Lowanida.
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101flavoursofweird · 6 years
Anyway, my point is, I really love all of the flaws Kat and other LMJ ladies have. Kat’s childish, greedy, has no self-restraint and can be a little of a smartass. But in the anime, she has been also shown to not 100% of the time being in it for herself. Emiliana is obsessed with being "perfect", callous and cold. But actually has a soft side. Pipper is dedicated to the town and actually cares about doing her job (a rare thing in politics) but actually used government resources wastefully! (2/2)
I love the contrast between Kat and Emilianna! Their opposing personalities make them such a good team. Both of them are flawed with their own ways of working, but they’re still good people who want to help others. I still want Pipper to be the new Prime Minister. 
Also, special mention to Madame Doublee (I always spell her name wrong) and Liza Wight.(2/2)
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dearingsattler · 5 years
Rating: Not Rated Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/F, F/M Fandom: Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series Relationships: Katrielle Layton/Pipper Lowonida, Ernest Greeves & Katrielle Layton, Lucy Baker/Alfendi Layton Characters: Katrielle Layton, Pipper Lowonida, Ernest Greeves, Sherl O.C. Kholmes, Hessie Tate, Alfendi Layton, Lucy Baker, The Seven Dragons, Hilda Pertinax Additional Tags: All mentioned characters will make an appearance, Falling in Love, Women in Power, likely incorrect interpretations of what mayors would do, Femslash February 2019, One Shot Collection, Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaire’s Conspiracy Language: English
Madam Doublee holds a reception of sorts and Pipper has feelings ™
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