#Tybalt Potter
enbysiriusblack · 6 months
since it's theatre day and james' bday, have this little theatre au snippet:
"O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die!" James yelled, plunging the retractable knife into his stomach and falling to the ground with a gasp.
"I thought you were playing romeo?"
James sat up, turning to see Peter in a front seat of the empty theatre.
"Evans found out Mulciber was cast as Tybalt and wanted to switch so she could kill him", James stroked the skirt of his dress, "I should probably warn Flitwick to check she isn't using a real sword during that scene but... nah."
Peter grinned with a shrug, "He probably has it coming."
"Exactly my thoughts, Pete", James nodded, jumping off the stage.
The doors opened wide followed by a familiar voice, "This is your first rehearsal, Prongs, there's no need for costumes yet."
James glanced down at his long red dress he had borrowed, without asking, from Mary, "Who says this is a costume?"
The corner of Remus' mouth lifted as he shoved a script into James' hands.
Sirius stood by Remus, in a full Mercutio costume, surveying James' dress, "You should probably go for a different colour. If we use blood when you die then nobody will be able to see it."
"We're not using any fake blood, Mister Black", Flitwick huffed, strolling through the rows of chairs.
Sirius grinned, "Who said fake?"
Flitwick ignored him, instead turning to James, "Now, Mister Potter, I was very surprised to see you audition, but hopefully it means you'll be bringing in a more diverse range of people to be our audience?"
"You mean my teammates? Yeah, they'll probably come."
"Excellent", Flitwick clapped his hands, "I'm sure with you and Miss Evans as our stars, our play will get sold out in seconds, Hm?"
Flitwick moved along, signalling for Remus to follow him over to the lighting booth.
James stared after him, "Did Flitwick just admit he gave me the role to sell more tickets? Am I not a good actor?"
"At least he thinks your hot and popular," Peter snorted.
James whined, turning to Sirius, "I'm not a good actor."
Sirius patted his head with a bark of laughter, "Prove him wrong then."
James grinned back, immediately jumping up onto the stage just as the other crew and cast members filtered into the theatre.
Remus spotted James on the middle of the stage and turned on a spotlight where he stood.
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" James declared, hand to his forehead like looking out to sea.
"Deny thy father and refuse thy name", James sighed wistfully, "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet."
Someone whistled from the small gathering watching him.
"‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot nor any other part belonging to a man."
James gasped dramatically, "O be some other name", he yelled before falling to the floor.
He then lifted his head up slowly, as if pondering something, "What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
James hummed in deep thought, tapping his fingers against his chin before climbing back up into a standing position and grinning proudly to himself, "So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title."
Romeo", James nodded in pure elation at a discovery, "doff thy name, and for that name, which is no part of thee..."
James nodded twice more, firmly, reaching a big decision, "take all myself."
Someone whistled again and in place of flowers, people started throwing their jumpers and jackets. Sirius threw a boot, which James managed to catch before it would hit him.
He took a bow to even more cheers, until Remus dimmed the lights.
James jumped back off the stage to praise from the other actors.
He spotted Flitwick who nodded at him, pleased, "You'll be a very good Juliet, Mister Potter."
"I know."
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sparkywrites25 · 1 year
Romeo+Juliet bug
26 years after its release, I finally watched Romeo+Juliet and omg what a movie. I absolutely loved it. At first I got through 10 minutes and I found the whole modern day (which has always been a pet peeve of mine and the reason I normally refuse to watch modern adaptations / watch a stage play set in the modern world) plus the Shakespearian language a strange combination. So I got through 10 minutes and backed out of watching it.
However the next day I gave it more of a chance and oh lord I am so glad that I did. I think they did a great job. It was a wonderful movie. I'd read the play years before but at the time found it all a bit confusing so the fact that this movie used a lot of the actual script from the stage play really helped in the end.
It didn't hurt that young Leo and Claire make an amazing Romeo and Juliet. I found Tybalt to be fascinating. (Angry psycho that he is.) Mercutio was fantastic and I adore Benvolio - he's like a noble puppy.
And of course a major consequence of finding another thing to love is... you guessed it, another fanfiction born in my brain. It's had to squeeze in there with the AOT stuff, and ones planned for both Harry Potter and FMA but hey it managed to get in there.
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rosie-love98 · 6 months
Nick's Name:
I'm still pondering on Nick Hobbes' birth name. As the secret son of Severus Snape and Constance Hardbroom, Nick had to be born in hiding in November of 1986. Specifically at the Flamel House in Paris, France. To thank Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel for their help, Constance and Severus named their own son after Mr. Flamel (albeit with an "H").
Though, this is a slip-up as "Nicholas" is also the name of Nearly-Headless Nick...the ghost for GRYFFINDOR (One of Snape's many enemies). So, the more I think about it, the more I contemplate on Nick Hobbes's birth name being something else...
As for the middle name, a part of me thinks Snape would name his son after Horace Slughorn. Granted, Snape would originally go for "Salazar" but Constance would disprove as Salazar Slytherin was...controversial to say the least. Especially as Salazar's beliefs had indirectly caused the death of Lily Potter. So, Constance suggested "Merlin" but Severus thought it too common for a wizard. She also considered "Ambrosius" but Severus thought it "too flowery". So, something after Slughorn was chosen; "Eugene" to be exact. Could've been "Horace" but Severus and Constance thought that sounded like "Horse"/"Hoarse".
That being said, I still can't help but consider these canidates:
-Stephen/Stefan (I've seen "Penda's Fen" where the main protagonist was a posh know-it-all who had to find himself and be humble...reminds me of Hobbes a bit).
-Jareth ("Labyrinth" was out that year...).
-Tybalt (Alan Rickman had played the character).
-Erik (Snape would sooo be into "Phantom Of The Opera"...and "The Crow", even if the latter wasn't out at the time).
-Jericho (goes with the moon like with Constance's canonical nephew, Artemis).
-Heathcliff (Snape and Hobbes are similar to that character...though they're more likeable).
-Brian (After Dumbledore).
What say you though?
@darlenicy @theweirdsistercollege @snapeaddict @sevvysn4pe @redroses694
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy Birthday David O'Hara born in Glasgow July 9, 1965 to Patrick and Martha O'Hara.
After leaving school he was accepted for a Youth Opportunities Programme, at a community theatre, based at the Glasgow Arts Centre he left Scotland to pursue the craft at the age of 17, studying at London's Central School of Speech and Drama. The dark-haired actor made his feature debut in a small part in Bill Forsyth's Comfort and Joy and played a Scottish boy in The Monocled Mutineer, his first effort for the small screen.
Among David's stage performances, he portrayed Tybalt in a 1986 open air production of Romeo and Juliet and three years later took his turn in the play's more challenging role of Mercutio. His big break came as Stephen, the rampaging Irishman who joins forces with William Wallace (Mel Gibson), in Braveheart . Two years later, he was co-starring opposite Helen Mirren as a slightly independent policeman in Granada Television's Prime Suspect V: Errors in Judgment which aired on PBS' Masterpiece Theatre. That same year David was very busy appearing in Alan J. Pakula's The Devil's Own; he was the romantic foil to Janeane Garofalo in The Matchmaker; he portrayed a biker in the Scottish film The Slab Boys and finally, he also portrayed Bill Sykes in the Disney adaptation of Oliver Twist.
Other appearances on the big screen include Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Departed and Cowboys & Aliens and The Madman and The Professor, where he again appeared alogside Gibson, his TV shows, The Tudors, Luther, Criminal Minds and Gotham
Last year David appeared in the movie, The Sparrow, he is lined up to star in a new film, An Enemy Within, which should be released later this year.
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yessica1106 · 1 year
James Potter - Romeo
Lily Evans - Juliet
Remus Lupin - Benvolio
Sirius Black - Mercutio
Regulus Black - Valentine
Severus Snape - Tybalt
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aella-targaryen · 2 years
I’m not that anon but holy shit ep 10 blew my mind. I read the books. I was hyped for Aemond to do The Thing. I follow the fan discourse online, people arguing back and forth bc “well fire& blood has an unrealiable narrator blah blah blah.” I was hyped to find out why see criston hates rhaenyra so much. I loved what they did with Daemon& Rhaenyras night out in the town.
But this? This was the ultimate “hey, heads up, even if you read the book - keep watching this series because we do have some aces up our sleeves.”
And it’s not even done for shock value I believe - GRRM was involved in the writing process for this episode.
And the more you think about it, Aemond Vhagar doing The Thing makes so much more sense and becomes so much more tragic in that context.
I’m firmly of the believe the Targa and their dragons were just diminished against me again over the centuries, making sure the family doesn’t grow too big. Keeping them around just to be there to fight the long night and then be discarded and extinguished once that job is done.
Some supernatural power going “Hm. Too many Targs, time to thin them out. Let’s get this Shakespearean tragedy started!” IS my overall Westeros headcanon tbh
Dear Anon
I'm glad that you enjoyed the ep. 10, what I wrote below is just my opinion and I hope that opinion does not change your enthusiasm for the series and its episodes.
-It doesn't bother me that they change some events, it bothers me that they change the personality of the main characters almost completely in such an important episode.In the case of Alicent , the change was good, because she is still a petty person, only with a good origin story for her evil. An explanation.
-I don't care if GRRM wrote every single word of the script of ep. 10 . The authors of the books can make terrible adaptations of their books. In Harry Potter jkr. She participated in the entire process of the movies, even so it is a bad cinematographic saga. HOWEVER, THE HP FILMS WERE SAVED BECAUSE THE ESSENCE OF THE CHARACTERS WAS RESPECTED.On FB jkr. She took care of almost everything and those are bad movies. That the author is involved does not mean that the series or the movies are good.
-Ok, the Aemond scene, I could have accepted it, but that scene at the moment is destroying the whole plot of Cheese and Blood and also the moment of his death. They will largely make Aemond's death the result of an accident and misunderstanding. A lack of respect for one of the best players on the team green.
-I a good tragedy you can't make all the characters pity.It's like you feel sorry for Benvolio, Tybalt and Mercurio in Romeo and Juliet or macbeth's wife.
-I've always thought the Targ died out because magic died out of the world.
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alleyskywalker · 2 years
First Sentence Meme
Continuing this from previous years… Put down the first sentence of every fic you wrote/posted this last year (2022).
Robb stares at the letter the raven had brought in utter disbelief.
They both have nightmares from the war.
Whores, drunkards and all kinds of city rabble crowded about, stumbling around drunk and boisterous in the poorly lit tavern as well as its general vicinity.
Daryn Hornwood has a mop of brown curls, the sort that hang in his eyes and get stringy when damp or unkept.
Draco shows up drunk and Theo really should have known.
“I must say, my lady, if your brother were to find out of this escapade, he’d be displeased. Especially of my part in it.”
Sansa had wanted so badly to go south with Father.
The first time Jeyne thinks about kissing Sansa it’s a childish fancy, more a game than anything else.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
She had been promised to Brandon Stark before the war.
“Do you like it?” Lily lays a hand gently over her rounded belly, smiling radiantly.
“My lady, I don’t know that this is a good idea,” Brienne ventures uncertainly.
Asha was not meant to be a caretaker.
All the ironborn knew that when they died, they went to the halls of the Drowned God.
When Regulus comes to him in mid November, suddenly appearing out of the dark, Sirius instantly knows something is very wrong.
“Mercutio! Mercutio, we have go!” Benvolio was shouting to be heard over the clanging of steel and cries of men in the street.
It’s too late.
The last trip they took before the war started was a road trip from Bavaria, through the Alps into Austria, around to touch Turin, southern France, and then a flight home from Paris.
“Tybalt Capulet DMed me this,” Romeo said, turning his phone so Mercutio and Benvolio could read.
It’s cold this far North.
Robb always knew, since early childhood, that he was destined to marry the Princess Rhaenys.
Robb's bannermen would be here in three days.
The most soothing thing, Theon finds, is being out at sea, just off the port in Harlaw.
“Barty, why are we here?”
“What do you think it means?” Robb asked, gesturing dubiously in front of himself.
The war was over.
Asha’s footsteps echo against the stone walls as she climbs the stairs to her father’s solar.
“You look…nice,” Theon says from the doorway, leaning against the frame, more relaxed than cocky or smug.
“Mercutio,” Romeo stares at him in something approaching horror but not quite getting there. “What happened?”
"Are you alright?" Robb asked, putting a hand on Theon's shoulder with a look of concern.
"Tris?" Theon strokes his cheek with the back of one hand, pleasantly cool. "Tris, wake up. Tris."
“Potter, don’t be an arse,” Lily pleaded in frustration.
“Must you look so…so…”
They tell him about the invasion first.
The first rays of sunlight touched the water in the east, making it sparkle, and turning the sky a rapturous pink and watery yellow.
Kyra wakes up as the sun is rising, soft morning light falling across the floor and the bed.
She bleeds the first time they fuck.
Sonya’s no fool, really.
Usually, when Robb disappeared, Theon did not bother to go looking for him.
They say the Dornish are of the sands.
I’m some day and a half ride out from Sunspear and I must admit that the nerves are starting to get to me.
Jace pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, hoping the pressure would ease the slow ache that had begun growing there and between his temples.
His aunt’s face is ashen and haunted, her eyes far away, the pain and misery that had filled them for the last few days having faded into a melancholy sort of acceptance.
Alicent saves him.
In hindsight, Theon really should have expected it, that this moment would come.
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 29: Barty Crouch Jr/Theodore Nott (School themes)
There was something wrong with Professor Moody.
Not the obvious wrong that came with anyone stupid enough to take the Defense post. One would think after so many professional lost the school would hire a curse breaker, but no one had asked Theo so it wasn’t like he would go volunteering that observation. Instead he would sit in the back of Defense Against the Dark Arts, waiting for vampires to finally finish off Quirrell or for anyone else to notice that Lupin was a werewolf.
The foolishness of his prior professors wasn’t really his problem. Not like his current professor, who was very much his problem.
Because it had been Alastor Moody who had hunted down his family after the first war, finding them in his mother’s French chateau where she should have had diplomatic immunity. She should have been safe, even after taking the fall for her British husband, keeping him out of Azkaban despite the black mark burned into his arm. Because France had welcomed her and her son back, had promised them sanctuary in the aftermath of that brutal war.
But that hadn’t stopped Moody from hunting them down. Didn’t stop him from snatching up Janine Nott’s five year old son, using him as bait to lure the witch out of the family wards. Didn’t stop Moody from killing Janine while she begged for her son’s safety.
Theo never remembered what happened after. He didn’t know who had turned him over to the British Ministry, or how he got back to his father’s ancestral home where he had been forbidden from leaving for years. He didn’t know what lie had been told to cover up Janine’s death, only that when he told his father he had been ordered to never tell another soul and even now people treated her death like just another casualty of war. All he remembered was those rough arms squeezing him so tight he thought he would die. He remembered the fear on his mother’s face, terrified for him even as that green curse rushed towards her.
It was no wonder he had broken into his father’s whiskey cabinet when he had heard who would be teaching Defense. Tybalt Nott hadn’t even punished him when the house elves tattled.
Theo had spent the first few weeks of the term on edge, abusing pep-up potion so he wouldn’t fall asleep and refusing to leave the dorms for anything without classmates, witnesses, around him.
But as the weeks passed he realized something was very wrong with Professor Moody. Because the man who had haunted his childhood didn’t so much as look at him twice.
He hadn’t expected an apology, fake or otherwise, but shouldn’t there be some recognition from the man who still glowered Malfoy as though he was his father and who’s grotesque eye still hunted for threats, real or imaged? As October came to a close without any sign that the man even knew about the Nott family, Theo found himself actually insulted.
And then a fourth champion was chosen, and while every head turned towards Potter, Theo looked towards Moody and saw him grin.
After that Theo became something of a teacher’s pet. He was the first to volunteer for practical demonstrations. His essays began to rival Granger’s in length and quality, though full of references to dark magic that should have gotten him a detention at the absolute least. He even offered to help Moody clean up after dueling practice, repairing the damage left by Longbottom’s clumsy attempts at a cutting curse and rebuilding the practice dummies Potter ripped apart in his teenage angst.
When the first trial arrived Theo spent the whole match watching the teachers, not even flinching when Delacour almost lost her pretty hair to dragon fire or when Krum used a curse that was just a little too dark for Hogwarts to teach. He watched Moody’s indifference towards ever champion, even Diggory. It was only Potter who caught his eye, both of them. Potter who’s near miss made Moody leap up from his seat as though he would intercede. But who would he be helping? Potter, or the dragon?
Theo was the only Slytherin to go home for Yule. What interest did some silly ball have over the chance to talk with his father safely.
“I think Alastor Moody has been replaced by a Death Eater.”
Tybalt Nott sipped his mulled wine, deep in thought which Theo allowed him. If there was one practice the Nott family embraced, it was patience.
“Did you know, polyjuice only works if the target is alive when their hair is harvested.”
Oh. He hadn’t even thought of that.
When he returned from the winter holidays he took to watching Moody even closer, counting the time between swigs of the old man’s flask and cataloging every little expression. He watched and watched and watched, and after the second trial he realized he was being watched in turn.
“Nott, pay attention boy!” Moody snapped, his wand smacking against the desk and starting Theo from his cloud watching. Well, he had actually been trying to figure out if someone could steal the ingredients needed for polyjuice without Snape noticing and the clouds had just coincidentally be in his line of sight. “Getting lax! Detention, boy, we’ll get ye back in fighting shape.”
The Gryffindors snickered, as thought they hadn’t also been daydreaming instead of doing the required reading, and the Slytherins shot him incredulous looks. Theo hadn’t ever received a detention, generally walking the fine line between competent and unremarkable. But Theo just nodded, accepting the trumped up charges.
He was getting tired of wondering anyway.
So while everyone else was at dinner Theo made his way to the Defense professor’s office. The room was unsurprisingly bare, save for the many magical devices monitoring for danger. Though, the more he pondered the glimmering gold and silver devices, the more he realized none of them were for dark magic like he knew the Headmaster had. Instead they were all devices his father kept in their home, set to the blood of a Nott and searching for enemies of that blood.
Once upon a time Alastor Moody would have set off every last device. But Theo suspected the man behind his professor’s desk wouldn’t get the same reaction.
“Good evening, sir.”
“Nott.” Moody growled. He hadn’t missed Theo’s inspection of the room, and if anything seemed pleased. And there on his desk was the infamous flask, and Theo found himself wondering when the professor last drank from it. “Shame to have you here, lad. Your a good kid, a smart kid, but you need to be more aware.”
“Yes, sir.” Theo agreed blandly before deciding, for the first time in his life, to take a risk. After all, hiding in the background hadn’t helped his mother, and it didn’t seem to be doing much for him. “Will you have me doing lines? Maybe ‘I shall keep watch for wolves in sheepskins?’”
The mad bastard laughed, high and wild and Theo felt a flush of pride. Because whatever it was wearing Moody’s skin had been a pretty good teacher, if one wanted to learn less Defense and more Dark Arts.
“I’d give you a paddling if Dumbledore wasn’t such a prude.” The fake muttered and Theo’s face heated at the implication his professor probably hadn’t been meaning.
“Only if you aren’t looking like that,” Theo said, watching the scarred hand reaching for that sneaky flask, a sharp grin forming when it recoiled, “sir.”
Stubby fingers tapped a rhythm against the desk. Finally his professor made a decision, capping the flask and casting a series of very impressive defenses on the door. As he finished something clattered to the floor under his desk, and the man bent over, catching that heavy magical eye in a hand that was growing long, almost delicate fingers. Hair lengthened and thickened, clothes swimming on a much smaller frame, and that ugly grizzled face smoothed into aristocratic features that Theo, as a member of the Sacred Twenty Eight, could easily identify.
“Crouch?” His mind whirled across family trees, tracking their most recent connection. Maybe through his great grandfather? The Crouches weren’t as closely connected to the Notts, more commonly mixing with those blood traitor Weasleys or the ineffectual Abbotts. But Theo was the heir to the Nott family and would have been shamed if he couldn’t recognize another member of an old family.
Crouch stretched, swishing his wand and replacing his baggy robes with a more fitted suit. The sleeves of his new outfit showed off his forearms, where Theo could see the dark mark, the same one his father wore.
“Bartemius Crouch,” The man said with a sharp grin, “Junior.”
The man, the clever chameleon hiding right under Dumbledore’s crocked nose, moved around his desk. Everything was different, his steps like water compared to Moody’s thundering steps. He fidgeted, finger tips tapping against his thumb to a melody only he could hear. And his eyes, sky blue compared to Theo’s own icy blue, were manic in a far more familiar way to the great Dark Wizard hunter.
“My father said you died in Azkaban.” He said, trying to casual and conversational. He certainly didn’t want to upset this man, especially if he had in fact escaped the Dementors. But also, he was legitimately curious. Even after all the panic over Black last year no one had actually figured out how the criminal escaped.
Crouch leaned against his desk, head tilted not unlike a curious owl. “My mother was very good at potions, especially the polyjuice. She was dying, a blood curse, and talked my father into having us switch places. I went from their prisoner to his prisoner in exchange for my mother’s life.”
“The real Moody killed my mother.” Theo said, the words leaping out of him before he could stop himself.
Crouch nodded, motioning with his chin towards a large trunk with seven heavy locks. “He said as much when I asked. Couldn’t figure you out for the longest time until I fed him enough veritaserum to drag it out of him. Would you believe the bastard ‘feels bad’ about it?”
He said it with such derision Theo couldn’t help but snort in dark amusement. “Did he tell you how he got away with it?”
“Dumbledore.” The name was said with such venom Theo almost expected him to spit afterwards. “Told the Ministry Moody had only gone rogue because of his grief after our side killed his parents. They gave him six months paid leave and buried the truth.”
A familiar numbness settled over Theo as he realized the panic from the beginning of the year would soon return, only now directed at his Headmaster. Perhaps it wasn’t too late to sneak aboard the Durmstrang boat and just let his father know new enrollment papers were needed. But before he could spiral too deeply a deceivingly delicate hand lifted his chin.
“It’ll be okay. Those bastards have ruined so many lives they don’t even register you as a threat.”
“Their mistake.” Theo shot back instinctively, earning a delighted grin from his professor.
“Indeed it is.”
The hand holding his chin up didn’t release him, instead Crouch’s thumb traced across Theo’s soft skin. Theo thought back to all those lessons, with plenty of focus on the Dark Arts and very little on the Defense, and how pleased the fake in front of him had been with his detailed and disturbed essays. And he wondered, how a man trapped for so long, could possibly handle himself around so much temptation.
A temptation he very suddenly wanted to be.
“I believe we were discussing a paddling for tonight’s detention?”
Their close proximity was the only reason he got to see Crouch’s eyes darken, but he would have caught that pale pink tongue wetting his bottom lip from across the Great Hall.
“For your first offense?” Crouch teased, his thumb still stroking Theo’s chin as though it was an unconscious movement.
On a whim Theo caught the wandering thumb, a soft nip of his pearl white teeth before he sucked at the digit. Crouch tasted of salt and fluxweed, a taste Theo could find himself learning to enjoy. His tongue curled around Crouch’s thumb, tracing the whorls and ridges there. And while he sucked and licked and oh so lightly nibbled, he looked up at his professor through thick lashes.
Crouch was obviously affected by his display, pupils dilated and breath catching. But he still looked very much in control of himself, unlikely to throw Theo over his desk to have his wicked way with the boy.
More’s the shame.
Finally Theo released the thumb, letting it linger on his bottom lip until Crouch, reluctantly, pulled away. “My paddling, sir?”
“Next time.” Crouch said, both of them knowing it was a promise. “But for now, we have business to discuss. About your father, and where the Nott’s are putting their loyalties these days.”
Shame, Theo mused, even as he settled into the plush office chair next to the Death Eater. A Death Eater who allowed him to cuddle against his side as the fire died down and who had dragged the truth out of his mother’s murderer. Maybe when this is all sorted I can see if Father’s up for a marriage contract. The Notts and Crouches would make a good match.
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 12 pt.1 (SPRING 12/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient #1: Tybalt Potter again, although this time it wasn’t a prank but self-inflicted misfortune.
Ailment: Yeti Chest [hair*] [lungs*] The poor lad came to me rumbling sheepishly about how he bought a tranformative potion out of a magazine because he thought it would make him seem more tough and impressive, but now he’s afraid his party will just laugh at him even more. I told him that he’s probably correct, knowing his so-called friends, but that I thought the new fur was actually quite nice if he wanted to keep it. He declined.
Recommend: Skeleton Dust to get rid of the hair, Gull Drake Guano to clear the lungs and correct his voice
Patient #2: An elderly barbarian named Hildahrafn, enormous in her old age but even more imposing for it.
Ailment: Loss of Experience [mood**] [magic*] (T4) She’s in a funk about not measuring up to her glory days, thanks to a wayward magical effect. Honestly it’s hard not to roll my eyes when this particular problem arises in veteran adventurers. It’s nothing but a pity party escalated to the point where she’s at risk of lashing out at other people. But, a job’s a job.
Recommend: Coldrust to banish the magic influence, Fairy Dust to lift her mood
Field Notes:
While gathering the necessary Fairy Dust in the Glimmerwood, without warning or provocation I was suddenly shot – yes, shot, with a gun – right in the shoulder. Thankfully it only grazed me, nothing crippling or very serious, but it was a painful shock. Outraged, I was able to spot a stout woman with a rifle crouching the nearby bushes. I have no idea who she was or why on earth she could have wanted to shoot at me. I sent Shadow on her as she tried to flee, and he dragged her down by and ankle. That was probably retaliation enough, but I confess I was too incensed to think straight. I’m ashamed to even admit some of the curses that went through my mind at that moment, but in the end I regained just enough sense to refrain from anything truly damaging. Instead, I took her gun and demanded answers.
She called herself Tori Baggle and claimed to only be out truffle hunting. She had no excuses for why she shot at me, only looked angry and refused to speak further. So, while Shadow held her in place, I force-fed her a mushroom I uprooted from the nearby fairy ring. If it’s truffles she wants, then truffles she’ll get. There will soon be one more embarrassing case of Fae Wind in High Rannoc, and I don’t think this one will find remedy any time soon. I then told her to get out of my sight, and warned her that the next time I would not be so gentle...and neither would my panther.
That entire incident cost me both time and blood, and I was forced to return home immediately to treat my wound. Resentfully, I had to use the Coldrust I already had in stock to mix up the cure for old Hildahrafn. I suspected if I couldn’t get her remedy sent quickly she might fly into a rage and ruin Nana Dorea’s cottage.
“Affirmation Potation”
Crush Coldrust into a fine powder
Add raw Fairy Dust and mix thoroughly
Dissolve combined powder into high proof vodka
End result is chilled but spicy, best consumed the same way as any shot of alcohol
Paid: 60 silver I sent off the small bottle along with a note advising that the woman would probably benefit more from some therapy.
Now that the more urgent problem was taken care of, I left for Hero’s Hollow to gather the Skeleton Dust I needed for poor Tybalt, as well as possibly stock up on my depleted Coldrust. I easily found some more of the latter on a half-destroyed suit of armor in the old library, and the former was collected in a deeper hallway where I knew Skeleton Paul tends to take naps. He wasn’t there today, but I did nearly step on a shivering redheaded girl in a chainmail bikini. She offered to pay me if I led her back to the entrance, and I agreed without thinking, although I would have done so without payment as well. She was covered in dungeon grime and looked like she hadn’t slept in a while. I asked why on earth had she chosen to wear nothing but metal underwear and she looked mortified that I’d ask. Eventually I got her to admit that she had been told it was enchanted armor. It wasn’t.
She gave me +10 silver as we emerged into the sunlight, and shyly introduced herself as Relissa Sparrow before thanking me again. I asked if she lived in High Rannoc and she said no, she’d just been traveling, but she might look for a place there to stay for a bit so she could rethink her equipment. I told her where to find me at the apothecary if she ever needed to, then sent her off with recommendations for the more experienced adventurers if she desired to join a party.
While I was collecting Gull Drake Guano off one of the rock formations that jut out of the center of Meltwater Loch, I heard the familiar rumble of a pained sea dragon before the water around me even shifted. I turned to grab at my supplies just as Bàs Bàta beached the surface. Somehow my little boat managed not to flip, so I gathered my string of coconuts and held steady. Bàs Bàta’s mouth was wide open in a scream, and I briefly considered trying to bola-whip them inside, but as cool as that would make me look I doubt I could actually pull off such a feat – especially not while it was still thrashing around. Instead I had to do this the hard way. I waved my arms and shouted to get its attention and hoped it wasn’t so out of its head that it would just attack me.
It snarled as it pushed its great head my way, but it seemed to be listening. Using the loudest and clearest voice I could muster, I explained that I’ve made some pills for it (the coconuts) and that they will make the pain go away. It didn’t seem like Bàs Bàta was buying into it, at first, and as it reared back I thought it might be readying to capsize my boat. I yelled up that the Lady Yeza of the Strange had helped me gather some of the supplies. Thankfully, it seems that name holds some sway, as I hoped it might. I immediately knelt and bowed as low as I could, trying to show it I meant no harm and only respect. I proffered my coconuts again and waited.
After what felt like a wet and harrowing eternity, Bàs Bàta lowered its head to me again and opened its jaws just enough to snatch at the end of the coconut string. I let it go, and the beast dove back into the water before I could even say another word. A little shaky, I decided to head back to shore for the rest of my foraging.
I was initially quite successful, as a Shockfish had gotten caught in one of the tidepools that had formed in the holes of a giant button wedges among the rocks. It was easily caught, but my luck soon turned around completely as I made the mistake of wandering too close to the Gull Drake scavenging grounds. The whole flock descended on me and actually managed to steal my Shockfish before flying off again. Frustrated and feeling challenged, I decided to risk the shallows of the lake and hunt for another one around the site of the sunken pirate ship. Not only did Shadow catch two replacement Shockfish, but I also found another of the lost treasure chests.
Before I could drag the chest ashore to see what was inside, I noticed that Shadow was agitated, and I caught the approach of an enormous dark shape looming out of the murk from the deeper side of the lake. I intended to swim away, but the shape was too quick, and I soon recognized it as Bàs Bàta’s head, snaking right toward me. I froze, only barely keeping my senses and my breath. I’ve never seen Bàs Bàta this close to shore before. I was worried that perhaps it hadn’t taken my cure after all, but as soon as it drew near I could tell that it was much calmer and more clear-eyed than I’ve ever seen it.
Bàs Bàta stopped so close to me I could have reached out a touched its snout. Suddenly I heard a deep, reverberating voice, and I couldn’t tell if it was only echoing in my head or if it was vibrating in the water all around me.
Unsure of what manners were called for with dragons, I could only bow in return – awkwardly, since I’m not used to that kind of thing underwater. Bàs Bàta then opened its mouth only slightly, and out from its jaws fell a very distressed Shadow Shark. I was alarmed, at first, before I realized it was trying to give me a gift. I gingerly took hold of the terrified shark’s tail and quickly gathered some of its ink in an empty bottle before allowing it to swim away in fright. I bowed my thanks again, and to my shock, Bàs Bàta bowed its head to me in return.
I stared, stunned, for a long while as I watched the great sea dragon coil back upon itself and take its leave. I watched it until every part of it had swam out of sight, down into the depths of the lake...which, I suddenly noticed, weren’t remotely as dark and murky as they’ve always been. In fact, as Bàs Bàta swam gracefully downward instead of kicking up silt with its usual thrashing, I caught a glimpse of strange lights and silhouettes…distant shapes that almost reminded me of a city.
The residual ink cloud from the Shadow Shark was spreading too far in front of me to see further, but I plan to revisit this later.
“Chest-right Chowder”
Crush Gull-Drake guano evenly into dust
Dissolve and boil guano dust until the color of the mixture stays consistent
Crush Skeleton Dust into a fine, flour-like powder
Stir powder into the guano broth until it thickens
End result tastes almost like fish chowder
Paid: 20 silver Tybalt left with some relief and some disappointment as he shed the last of the yeti fur. I told the kid that his self esteem shouldn’t be determined by body hair.
[continued in PART 2 here]
OOC: Rep – 19 [Intermediate] Silver – 374 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 to find Animal reagents) Golem Helper: learning to read & write
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw) – Treatment Room (+3 all Timers, +10 silver /successful potion)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x2) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x2) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x2) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x4) **Shadow Shark [pain] [burn] [rash] [-1s] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x3) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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secondstar-acorn · 3 years
Thinking about Lily Evans reading Romeo and Juliet before going to Hogwarts. About her seeing Romeo, this golden boy in love with love, so shining in his adoration and pursuit of Juliet. Thinking about her relating to Juliet, this sweet and kind girl who is actually incredibly smart despite how she’s often seen by others, and Lily thinking it’s not stupid to fall in love. About Lily laughing at Romeo’s funny, heavily queer coded best friend Mercutio and crying over his reasonable, intelligent friend Benvolio and how he was the only one left. About how she sympathises with Tybalt and how Juliet trusted him and loved him till the end, despite his hatred for Romeo and the horrible things he’d done. About how Lily read that play and thought to herself “can you imagine dying that young? And over making the mistake of trusting someone with information?” Thinking about her, practically ten years later, thinking she doesn’t have to wonder how that feels anymore.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
choking with james potter for
🐯 Tybalt’s tiger farm - send me a kink and a character, and i’ll write about what it would be like! (ex. bondage with hotch)
im a big james potter simp, if u hadn't noticed
- sara <3
come vacation on my island!
🐯 tybalt’s tiger farm - send me a kink and a character, and i’ll write about what it would be like! (ex. bondage with hotch)
this post is 18+, minors dni.
James's wide hand trailed down your cheek, fingers brushing gently against the skin of your neck. He'd left it pristine, pointedly avoiding sucking bruises past your jaw or above your collarbones.
"Look't you, pretty thing." He crooned, his palm now flush with your throat, "Look't how beautiful you are."
His fingers dug lightly into the sides of your neck, thumb curling broadly against your skin. He gradually applied pressure with his hand, squeezing your neck ever so slightly until he felt your pulse point under his fingers.
"Your heart's beatin' so fast," A satisfied smirk slipped over his plush lips, "'S this gettin' you excited?"
You nodded as best you could with his hand wrapped around your neck, and he leaned in to press a kiss to the skin at the very top of your neck, just under your jaw. His lips pressed wetly to your flesh, the saliva coating them drying chilly on your skin.
James's next words were perfectly audible despite them being mumbled into your neck as his hands tightened around your throat, "Let's make it beat faster."
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rosie-love98 · 7 months
Ok, so when I decided to make Nick Hobbs (of "Weirdsister College") the long-lost son of Severus Snape ("Harry Potter" films) and Constance Hardbroom (1998 "Weirdsister College"), I had Nick's original name be either:
-"Nicholas Salazar".
-"Nicholas Stephen".
-"Nicholas Xander".
-"Nicholas Tybalt".
-"Nicholas Jareth/David" (I mean "Labyrinth" did premeire just 5 months prior to Hobbes's birth. Besides, David Bowie had always seemed to make his way in "The Worst Witch" franchise...).
HOWEVER, I realized something. While Severus and Constance decided to name their son "Nicholas" after Flamel, I had completely forgotten that "Nicholas" was also the name of Nearly-Headless Nick...the ghost for Gryffindor....
So yeah, I'm conflicted...do I keep the name "Nicholas" for Hobbes's birth name and have it be a joke that Severus, a proud Slytherin, could accidentally let his own flesh-and-blood be a namesake to a Gryffindor? Or do should I just change Nicholas's birth name entirely?
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fic promo:
bad summary -
hogwarts university (non magic) puts on a production of romeo and juliet staring james potter and lily evans, respectively. remus lupin is tybalt. sirius black is mercutio.
nothing bad can happen when everyone is horny, drunk, and forced to be together for extended periods of time, right?? wrong
watch these idiots fall in love through their text messages (with intermittent narrated sections).
featuring background frank longbottom/alice fortestcue and marlene mckinnon/mary macdonald. plus, gideon prewett/a random oc.
over 45,000 words and 13 chapters in just a month. sporadic but time efficient updates
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Do you have a cast list for the show? (in watjp)
I do! See below! Most of the characters named have already been named in WATJP as students at the school, OR they have been named in other fics, OR I am giving a shoutout to a couple of friends of mine (@readermagnifique I am looking at you, sorry that Remus kills you bby).
Note also that the gender balance is pretty even, with a lot of girls playing male parts, and PLEASE appreciate the comedy of McGonagall and Vector casting twins as Sampson and Gregory (also Helena’s role)
Romeo and Juliet Cast
Chorus: Camelia Pinkstone
Abraham, servant to Montague: Sujith Hansraj
Balthasar, servant to Romeo: Edwin Edwards
Sampson, servant to Capulet: Charlotte Stebbins
Gregory, servant to Capulet: Charlene Stebbins
Benvolio, nephew to Montague and friend to Romeo: Eddie Bones
Tybalt, nephew to Lady Capulet: Francesca Halliwell
Montague, head of the Montague household: Curtis Higgins
Capulet, head of the Capulet household: Nick Crabtree
Lady Montague: Grace Styles
Lady Capulet: Jennifer Costner
Escalus, Prince of Verona: Reshma Patel
Romeo, son to Montague: Remus Lupin
Paris, kinsman to the Prince and a suitor to Juliet: Terry Heaney
Peter, servant to Juliet's nurse: Helena Hodge
Nurse to Juliet: Beatrice Booth
Juliet, daughter to Capulet: Lily Evans
Mercutio, kinsman of the Prince and friend to Romeo: Sirius Black
A Singer: Wendy Wilde
Friar Laurence: James Potter
An Apothecary: Isabella Marks
Friar John: Evan McNamee
Citizens of Verona, Guards, Kinsfolk of both houses: everyone else I happen to mention in rehearsal scenes
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pyreo · 3 years
Voice actors tend to play lots of roles, I know, but I still didn’t actually clock the amount of overlap in gw2 actors with fallout new vegas?? (Click the linked names to see the ones who did VA booth interivews)
Jocelyn Blue (Eir, Glint) was Dr Dala
Cam Clarke does background NPCs and he was Dr Mobius
Jim Ward (Tybalt Leftpaw) was Dr Klein
Keith Szarabajka did background NPCs and he was Joshua Graham
Yuri Lowenthal is ubiquitous in both. He’s GW2′s Lord Faren and most tengu NPCs, and Fallout’s Nolan McNamara, Oliver Swanick, Antony, TONS of minor NPCs
Steven Blum (Rytlock) apparently turns up in a single holotape (??)
Debra Wilson (Jormag) was a handful of minor NPCs
Courtenay Taylor (Almorra Soulkeeper, Ellen Kiel) was Gloria van Graff
Cindy Robinson did some various NPCs in both
April Stewart (human female player) was a bunch of named minor NCR ladies
Sam Riegel (Braham) was Chris Haversam, the guy who thinks he’s a ghoul, and various real ghouls
Robin Atkin Downes (Gamarien - you’ll have heard him if you’ve ever done the Jungle Wurm boss) was Deputy Beagle and the Mr Gutsys
Jason Spisak (Shadows Agent Kito) was Vulpes Inculta, in a way that’s ridiculously obvious
Fred Tatasciore (Mad King Thorn, Kralkatorrik, Ogden Stonehealer) was Tabitha and Rhonda
Mitch Lewis (Riannoc) was Legate Lanius
Kirsten Potter did background NPCs and she was Colonel Moore
Ron Yuan (original male charr player) was a large array of NPCs
Liam O’Brien (Tiachren, Smodur the Unflinching, Myrun the new enby norn) was Pacer, James Garrett, and a LOT of NCR soldiers
Felicia Day (Zojja) was Veronica
I knew there were lots of voices I recognised but once I started looking there just kept being more!
Tumblr media
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over-a-rainbow · 3 years
Mid Year Freakout Tag!
Saw this on book tube and wanted to give it a go!
1. Best book you have read in 2021 so far?
Oh Buddy you already know! Tower of Nero by Rick Riordon sign me up for more childhood adventures and whimsy! I cried, I laughed, I sang along. It was everything and I have already reread it twice.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read In 2021 So Far?
Oh gosh…most of the sequels I read were…bad so um…guess we’re giving it to Heart Stopper Volume 2. By Alice Osman. This series is so sweet and cute, highly recommend checking it out.
3.A New Release You Want To Check Out?
Unkindest Tide Seanan McGuire I wanted to get all of the newer titles done before September so I’m ready for the next books release.
4. Most Anticipated Book Release Of The Second Half Of The Year?
It has to be ether Anyway The Wind blows even though I personally didn’t care for Carry On by Rainbow Rowell or When Sorrow Comes by Seanan McGuire even though the title makes me ✨nervous✨
5.Biggest Disapointment?
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. Is the Simon Snow series gay Harry Potter? Yes. Was the first book still really fun and entertaining, yes! The second one was a hot mess with no direction and a lack luster plot.
6. Biggest Surprise?
Giving this to all the Rick Riordan books I read this years. Sure the dialogue can be very childish at times, but then again they were written for children. His books thought just brought me so much joy, and reminded me how much I love this medium, and things don’t have to be completely bleak to be compelling.
7. Favorite New Author (Ether New To You Or Debut).
Honestly, don’t have one.
8. Favorite New Fictional Crush?
My boy Tybalt from October Daye. I will run off into the shadows with that cat man any day of the week!
9. Newest Favorite Character?
Giving it to both Meg and Apollo from Trials of Apollo. I adored them both, and I just wanted them to be happy in the end, and I mostly got that.
10. A Book That Made You Cry?
Oh, boy I have several.
They Both Die At The End
Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe
The Burning Maze
One Last Stop
Lost In The Neverland Woods
11. A Book That Made You Happy?
Both House In The Cerulean Sea By T.L. Klein and In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens.
12. Most Beautiful Book You Have Bought or Received This Year?
Don’t have one. I borrow from the library.
13. What Book Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year?
Legend Born! I have been putting it off and I just need to do it.
Ok, and I’m tagging these lovely folks: @anguisette90 @xserpx @laurabeatrix @biteswhenprovoked
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