#Bàs Bàta
witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 12 pt.1 (SPRING 12/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient #1: Tybalt Potter again, although this time it wasn’t a prank but self-inflicted misfortune.
Ailment: Yeti Chest [hair*] [lungs*] The poor lad came to me rumbling sheepishly about how he bought a tranformative potion out of a magazine because he thought it would make him seem more tough and impressive, but now he’s afraid his party will just laugh at him even more. I told him that he’s probably correct, knowing his so-called friends, but that I thought the new fur was actually quite nice if he wanted to keep it. He declined.
Recommend: Skeleton Dust to get rid of the hair, Gull Drake Guano to clear the lungs and correct his voice
Patient #2: An elderly barbarian named Hildahrafn, enormous in her old age but even more imposing for it.
Ailment: Loss of Experience [mood**] [magic*] (T4) She’s in a funk about not measuring up to her glory days, thanks to a wayward magical effect. Honestly it’s hard not to roll my eyes when this particular problem arises in veteran adventurers. It’s nothing but a pity party escalated to the point where she’s at risk of lashing out at other people. But, a job’s a job.
Recommend: Coldrust to banish the magic influence, Fairy Dust to lift her mood
Field Notes:
While gathering the necessary Fairy Dust in the Glimmerwood, without warning or provocation I was suddenly shot – yes, shot, with a gun – right in the shoulder. Thankfully it only grazed me, nothing crippling or very serious, but it was a painful shock. Outraged, I was able to spot a stout woman with a rifle crouching the nearby bushes. I have no idea who she was or why on earth she could have wanted to shoot at me. I sent Shadow on her as she tried to flee, and he dragged her down by and ankle. That was probably retaliation enough, but I confess I was too incensed to think straight. I’m ashamed to even admit some of the curses that went through my mind at that moment, but in the end I regained just enough sense to refrain from anything truly damaging. Instead, I took her gun and demanded answers.
She called herself Tori Baggle and claimed to only be out truffle hunting. She had no excuses for why she shot at me, only looked angry and refused to speak further. So, while Shadow held her in place, I force-fed her a mushroom I uprooted from the nearby fairy ring. If it’s truffles she wants, then truffles she’ll get. There will soon be one more embarrassing case of Fae Wind in High Rannoc, and I don’t think this one will find remedy any time soon. I then told her to get out of my sight, and warned her that the next time I would not be so gentle...and neither would my panther.
That entire incident cost me both time and blood, and I was forced to return home immediately to treat my wound. Resentfully, I had to use the Coldrust I already had in stock to mix up the cure for old Hildahrafn. I suspected if I couldn’t get her remedy sent quickly she might fly into a rage and ruin Nana Dorea’s cottage.
“Affirmation Potation”
Crush Coldrust into a fine powder
Add raw Fairy Dust and mix thoroughly
Dissolve combined powder into high proof vodka
End result is chilled but spicy, best consumed the same way as any shot of alcohol
Paid: 60 silver I sent off the small bottle along with a note advising that the woman would probably benefit more from some therapy.
Now that the more urgent problem was taken care of, I left for Hero’s Hollow to gather the Skeleton Dust I needed for poor Tybalt, as well as possibly stock up on my depleted Coldrust. I easily found some more of the latter on a half-destroyed suit of armor in the old library, and the former was collected in a deeper hallway where I knew Skeleton Paul tends to take naps. He wasn’t there today, but I did nearly step on a shivering redheaded girl in a chainmail bikini. She offered to pay me if I led her back to the entrance, and I agreed without thinking, although I would have done so without payment as well. She was covered in dungeon grime and looked like she hadn’t slept in a while. I asked why on earth had she chosen to wear nothing but metal underwear and she looked mortified that I’d ask. Eventually I got her to admit that she had been told it was enchanted armor. It wasn’t.
She gave me +10 silver as we emerged into the sunlight, and shyly introduced herself as Relissa Sparrow before thanking me again. I asked if she lived in High Rannoc and she said no, she’d just been traveling, but she might look for a place there to stay for a bit so she could rethink her equipment. I told her where to find me at the apothecary if she ever needed to, then sent her off with recommendations for the more experienced adventurers if she desired to join a party.
While I was collecting Gull Drake Guano off one of the rock formations that jut out of the center of Meltwater Loch, I heard the familiar rumble of a pained sea dragon before the water around me even shifted. I turned to grab at my supplies just as Bàs Bàta beached the surface. Somehow my little boat managed not to flip, so I gathered my string of coconuts and held steady. Bàs Bàta’s mouth was wide open in a scream, and I briefly considered trying to bola-whip them inside, but as cool as that would make me look I doubt I could actually pull off such a feat – especially not while it was still thrashing around. Instead I had to do this the hard way. I waved my arms and shouted to get its attention and hoped it wasn’t so out of its head that it would just attack me.
It snarled as it pushed its great head my way, but it seemed to be listening. Using the loudest and clearest voice I could muster, I explained that I’ve made some pills for it (the coconuts) and that they will make the pain go away. It didn’t seem like Bàs Bàta was buying into it, at first, and as it reared back I thought it might be readying to capsize my boat. I yelled up that the Lady Yeza of the Strange had helped me gather some of the supplies. Thankfully, it seems that name holds some sway, as I hoped it might. I immediately knelt and bowed as low as I could, trying to show it I meant no harm and only respect. I proffered my coconuts again and waited.
After what felt like a wet and harrowing eternity, Bàs Bàta lowered its head to me again and opened its jaws just enough to snatch at the end of the coconut string. I let it go, and the beast dove back into the water before I could even say another word. A little shaky, I decided to head back to shore for the rest of my foraging.
I was initially quite successful, as a Shockfish had gotten caught in one of the tidepools that had formed in the holes of a giant button wedges among the rocks. It was easily caught, but my luck soon turned around completely as I made the mistake of wandering too close to the Gull Drake scavenging grounds. The whole flock descended on me and actually managed to steal my Shockfish before flying off again. Frustrated and feeling challenged, I decided to risk the shallows of the lake and hunt for another one around the site of the sunken pirate ship. Not only did Shadow catch two replacement Shockfish, but I also found another of the lost treasure chests.
Before I could drag the chest ashore to see what was inside, I noticed that Shadow was agitated, and I caught the approach of an enormous dark shape looming out of the murk from the deeper side of the lake. I intended to swim away, but the shape was too quick, and I soon recognized it as Bàs Bàta’s head, snaking right toward me. I froze, only barely keeping my senses and my breath. I’ve never seen Bàs Bàta this close to shore before. I was worried that perhaps it hadn’t taken my cure after all, but as soon as it drew near I could tell that it was much calmer and more clear-eyed than I’ve ever seen it.
Bàs Bàta stopped so close to me I could have reached out a touched its snout. Suddenly I heard a deep, reverberating voice, and I couldn’t tell if it was only echoing in my head or if it was vibrating in the water all around me.
Unsure of what manners were called for with dragons, I could only bow in return – awkwardly, since I’m not used to that kind of thing underwater. Bàs Bàta then opened its mouth only slightly, and out from its jaws fell a very distressed Shadow Shark. I was alarmed, at first, before I realized it was trying to give me a gift. I gingerly took hold of the terrified shark’s tail and quickly gathered some of its ink in an empty bottle before allowing it to swim away in fright. I bowed my thanks again, and to my shock, Bàs Bàta bowed its head to me in return.
I stared, stunned, for a long while as I watched the great sea dragon coil back upon itself and take its leave. I watched it until every part of it had swam out of sight, down into the depths of the lake...which, I suddenly noticed, weren’t remotely as dark and murky as they’ve always been. In fact, as Bàs Bàta swam gracefully downward instead of kicking up silt with its usual thrashing, I caught a glimpse of strange lights and silhouettes…distant shapes that almost reminded me of a city.
The residual ink cloud from the Shadow Shark was spreading too far in front of me to see further, but I plan to revisit this later.
“Chest-right Chowder”
Crush Gull-Drake guano evenly into dust
Dissolve and boil guano dust until the color of the mixture stays consistent
Crush Skeleton Dust into a fine, flour-like powder
Stir powder into the guano broth until it thickens
End result tastes almost like fish chowder
Paid: 20 silver Tybalt left with some relief and some disappointment as he shed the last of the yeti fur. I told the kid that his self esteem shouldn’t be determined by body hair.
[continued in PART 2 here]
OOC: Rep – 19 [Intermediate] Silver – 374 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 to find Animal reagents) Golem Helper: learning to read & write
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw) – Treatment Room (+3 all Timers, +10 silver /successful potion)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x2) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x2) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x2) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x4) **Shadow Shark [pain] [burn] [rash] [-1s] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x3) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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apothecarinomicon · 3 years
Spring week 4 part 3
After my hectic experience with the marshbloom, I decided to take a day for myself. Greenmoor isn’t anywhere near the ocean, but Meltwater Loch is big enough that I figured a day spent there could be considered a beach day. And after the couple of weeks I’d had, boy did I need a beach day.
But anyone who’s read this far ought to be familiar with my luck by now. There’s a lot to record, but I’ll try to get it down in order.
It was a beautiful day—clear blue sky, warm air, and (at least when I first arrived) no one around at Meltwater Loch. I spread out a towel on the beach and laid down for a good session of sunbathing. I’ve never been one for tanning, but  simply laying doing nothing while being warmed by the sun and cooled by the breeze felt absolutely decadent.
After a while of simply existing, I became aware of the sound of a bird calling above me. I cracked my eyes open and recognized the large forms of a pair of gull-drakes flying overhead. Gull-drakes are a strange hybrid, both reptilian and avian. Their torsos and wings are feathered, while their heads, tails, and talons are scaled. They do have beaks like gulls, but their tails are prehensile like their alleged draconic ancestors’. I say ‘alleged’ because no one knows how the hybrid gull-drake came into being. The sheer anatomy and scale discrepancy between the average seagull and the average dragon fossil (they were much larger in ancient times than the pocket-sized lizards we have today) seems to rule out any cross-breeding. Additionally, the typical combination of traits displayed by gull-drakes is too awkward and ungainly to be the result of natural selection. And yet, there have been records of the gull-drake’s existence for just about as long as there have been records—the third-oldest surviving written document, in fact, is a bestiary which includes them along dozens of other species, most of which are now extinct.
Nature is a strange thing.
Digressions aside, there was a reason this caught my attention. Gull-drakes are scavengers, and have been known to leave catches uneaten while they go out to hunt for more. It’s just an evolutionary quirk—they prefer to feast only once per day. This means that, as they leave their nests unattended, some other opportunistic creature could come by and steal their catch. 
It’s easy to identify a gull-drake nest, too—they tend to be very large, and are often positioned balanced atop large, pointy rocks. If a gull-drake catches you stealing, though, it’ll chase you and squawk at you and try to peck you until you drop the stolen goods and flee. They’re not too smart, though, so hiding in nearby foliage (say, a patch of large ferns) will fool them easily.
All of this to say, I managed to get myself a shock fish without a rod, all while only getting chased a little ways by a jealous, stupid bird.
As I returned to my towel, I heard an unusual sound—the put-put-put of a motor. Machinery of that kind is a fairly new invention, and unless you know how to make it, very expensive.
The woman driving the boat certainly looked like she knew how to make a motor. She was dwarven, with russet hair and a long beard, both held in thick braids. She was (as dwarves are) rather short—I'd estimate maybe one-and-a-fifth meters tall, and nearly as wide—with large hands and feet, and limbs thickly corded with muscle. She wore dark green coveralls and had a fairly heavy-duty fishing rod held in one hand so that it rested on her shoulder.
She shut the motor off as she neared and called out to me, asking if I was the village witch. I said that I was, and she told me that she was friends with my crocodilian patient. She thanked me for helping him, and said he would have been a goner without my potion-making skills. I demurred just a bit, saying I wasn't the only healer who helped him that day. She scoffed and dismissed my humility outright, saying that I might as well have been the only one—that without my care the village doctor wouldn't have been able to do anything.
She introduced herself as Janneth Hillhorn, and I told her my name in turn. She asked what I was doing out by Meltwater Loch and I told her I was taking a day off. She let me know that her cottage was just around the other side of the lake, near Glimmerwood Grove and right on the border of Blastfire Bog, and that I should feel free to stop in any time. I thanked her.
At this point, there was a tremor in the water. It couldn't have been an earthquake because the land wasn't shaking, but the water abruptly became much more active. Ocean-like waves crashed into the shore and Janneth held tight onto the sides of her boat, doing her best not to capsize. I would have been quite alarmed in her situation, but Janneth barely seemed preturbed. I asked something along the lines of "what the blight is going on?!" As the water settled, Janneth told me that this was a common occurence on Meltwater Loch, a quirk that—many said—was due to the emotions of its guardian sea-dragon, Bàs Bàta. I found this explanation rather silly, reminiscent of an old wives' tale. I'd never heard of a sea-dragon before, and given that the name ‘Bàs Bàta’ directly translated to "boat death," I figured it was just a local story told to frighten children and dismissed it out of hand.
Astute readers should be growing worried for me right about now.
Janneth offered to give me one of the fish she'd caught as a thanks for helping her friend. I initially refused, but she insisted. She looked through her basket and pulled out a dentist crab. The gel their claws produce is good for the mouth and plenty else besides, so I accepted and thanked her. She thanked me right back and said (perhaps jokingly?) not to run afoul of Bàs Bàta while I was out by the loch. I forced a laugh as she sped away.
Once she was out of sight, I collected some claw gel from the dentist crab and released it back into the water.
There was another rumbling as I made my way back to the beach, and as it abated I saw something bob up to the surface of the water close to the shore. It presented itself, et cetera et cetera, I waded in to see what it was.
I scooped it out of the water and found myself holding a glass bottle, like the kind that rum or sweet wine would come in, sealed with a cork and containing a rolled-up sheet of paper. Of course, I opened it immediately. I found that the sheet inside wasn’t quite *paper,* but something more slippery—maybe made of seaweed? It did have writing on it, though. As I unfurled it, a few things that looked like pebbles fell out. I barely managed to catch them before they hit the surface of the water. I put them in my pocket for safe keeping.
The writing on the note was as follows, with no spelling changes by me:
Let it be known that I fink this whole exercise is stupid. And pointless. And probly meant as some kind of sick, twisted punishment. No one but little kids believe in terrafolk, so I don’t know why the instructress is making us do this.
Even if anyfing could live above the water, there’s no way its advanced enough to read. How would it get all the minerals it needs wivout processing the water?
But anyway. I guess I ave to fulfill the prompt. 
Me name is Genoveva, I live in the I.S.A.C.S. (that's short for 'Isolated Sovereign Aquatic City-State, but we all just pronounce it like 'Isax") and I’m in the fifth year of me education. I hate me name. I wish I could ave somefing exotic like a John or a Steve or a Sarah, but I’m stuck wiv boring old Genoveva. If you’re somehow able to read this, that must mean you ave schools on the surface, too. Wat ar they like? Ar they as boring up there? We all ave to sit in a circle and listen to the instructress drone on and on and on.
I live wiv me merma and me perpa and me two baby brothers. Do you ave family? I've got loads of cousins too.
On the rubric it says I ave to include a small gift, so I'm putting some fossil fish scales in wiv this letter. I found em on me way to school this morning and there not of use to me, but I figure you probly don't ave fish on land so maybe scales ar valuable up there.
If you're inclined to write back (no pressure), you can just pop your note in the bottle and put it back into the water. It'll find its way to me—there's magic all around, don't you know.
Genoveva Galbrait, 5th year
[An accessible version of this letter can be found here.]
The letter obviously has some pretty complex implications. An entire society under the surface of Meltwater Loch, entirely unaware of the world above the surface beyond fairy stories? What must life be like down there? What kind of society must they have? How do they supply food? Get rid of waste?
What resources might be available there that can't be found on the surface?
I decided that somehow I was going to find a way to visit ISACS, and learn everything I could about it. I bet that would impress the University of Arcbridge. I wasn't sure how I would breathe under the water for long enough, but I was determined to find a way.
Take your final guesses now what happened next.
That water-quaking started up again, this time stronger than before. Waves crashed against the beach where I stood, and I felt a great vibration in my chest and in my head. 
And then, it broke the surface of the water.
Giant and blue-green and serpentine, Bàs Bàta rose up before me. A blighting sea-dragon, it stood straight up in the air at least twice as tall as my cottage—and that was just the part of its body I could see. Its head was shaped like the tip of an arrow, with three great spikes sprouting out of the back (the outer two longer than the middle one). It let loose another deep roar, dousing me in spittle. It thrashed about, causing great waves to crash onto the shore, and through my shock I realized its movements might be less characteristic of anger than of pain.
My suspicions were confirmed when it roared again: one of the fangs right near the front of its mouth was missing a chip, and had a great crack running nearly all the way up to the root. That had to hurt. I'd never treated a non-humanoid  before—or, for that matter, a cracked tooth—but I realized even past the moral obligation to help, there was no way I could access the underwater city-state without calming Bàs Bàta down.
I found out later, after I'd scrambled away from the lake and sprinted back to the cottage, after wiping the saliva off of me and getting at least some of it in a bottle for potion use, that the saliva was actually a really useful ingredient in treating shattered teeth. As it turns out, it's a pretty strong painkiller. Unfortunately, I knew I'd need more than just that to make a cure, and with the sheer size of Bàs Bàta, I suspected I'd need to make more than one potion.
That will have to be a longer term project, then, because the events of my relaxation day have worn me out. I've got to get to bed. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 12 pt.2 (SPRING 12/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
[see PART 1 here]
Additional Notes:
Cleaning all the yeti hair off of my bed and out of my kitchen motivated me to find a contractor in town and pay 300 silver for an actual Treatment Room to get built alongside the apothecary cottage. I’m getting pretty tired of cleaning the entire house and disinfecting my own furniture after every patient. I was told it could be finished and ready by the end of the week, which was a relief. I instructed Dwayne to supervise the proceedings and make sure everyone stays on track.
After taking care of that problem, I went to find Ariadne Soriah in the tavern she’s been staying in. I took her out to tea and told her about my struggle with Bàs Bàta’s remedy these past several weeks, and everything that happened today when I was finally able to treat the creature. I described what I glimpsed at the bottom of Meltwater Loch, and asked if it might possibly be in line with what she’s been searching for – the ancient underwater city she want to study. Ariadne was extremely excited and drilled me for all the details. It seems this might be a lead after all.
We picked up some supplies in town and headed out for the Loch, stopping briefly at the Boot & Breakfast (the giant’s shoe where the Trippins live and work) to tell Calliope of our discovery and invite her along. She grabbed her gear as well and the three of us set out on an expedition together. We made our way to the beach, took our breathing pills and dove into the water close to the place I’d last encountered Bàs Bàta. Ariadne was in it for her studies, Calliope and I mostly for the adventure of it – although I also was pretty eager to do some foraging along the way. Specifically, I want to find another of that Fossil Fish that Calliope gave me a few months back. Señor SkeleFins is a dearly sentimental pet by now, and I would be loathe to have to utilize him for a remedy, no matter how valuable he might be.
As we swam just past the sunken pirate ship, the lake bottom dropped into a deeper slope and we could see farther down into its depths. From such a distance – who knew a lake could be this deep? But then, this is also home to a sea dragon and sunken pirate ships, so what do I know – we could not see much, but we certainly saw enough to hint that there was more than sand and algae below. Mysterious silhouettes and the occasional flicker of strange light drew us forward, down farther and farther. We had to take several rests before continuing, but eventually we found ourselves entering a wondrous landscape of ruins rising up from the lakebed. Spires and citadels, gardens and great stone bridges all crusted over with coral and surrounded by shining schools of fish. Among the ruins there were numerous glowing figures drifting about in slow patterns, too far away for us to make out clearly.
We descended into a courtyard to decide where we would explore first. As we swam around the next corner we encountered the sight of a brightly colored merfolk swimming ahead of us. They had hair like fiery red coral and skin tinged a pale, minty green. Its tricky to guess at gender, since they aren’t mammalian and don’t have some of the same differentiating features that we do, but they were very beautiful. The way they moved was mesmerizing, like a spectacular, glittering dance. We were spellbound.
They eventually noticed our staring and approached, beaming widely. We tried to greet them but we quickly found that we didn’t share any language, although we made a very determined attempt using mostly pantomime and hand signs. It’s difficult to say for sure what they wanted to tell us, but I got the hunch that they were celebrating the banishment of Bàs Bàta’s wrath. At some point they tugged at our hands and drew us into dancing with them, humming a slightly surreal but lovely melody. Their voice resonated in the water in a similar way that Bàs Bàta’s did, but on a much smaller and less unsettling scale.
Ariadne has dubbed our new friend “Coral,” because it’s thematic and sounds vaguely similar to the word they used when they seemed to be trying to tell us their name. After we all had our fill of dancing, Coral stuck with us as an impromptu tour guide to the sunken city. The place is magnificent and enormous. I am certain we won’t be able to see it all in one outing. It’s not all dancing and sightseeing, either – as we drifted through the sunken streets, we were able to see those glowing shapes from befores a little more clearly, and realized that each and every one of them was a a ghost. Unsure which, if any, were malevolent, we followed Coral’s lead and did our best to avoid their notice.
As we passed what seemed to be an ancient temple domed in colored glass, which was somehow mostly intact, I finally spotted a Fossil Fish around one of the open archways. I was able to catch it, but then there was a sudden shriek as a ghost darted at me from inside. I’ve never gone up against a ghost (at least, none free of suits of armor). I had no idea how to react. Although it seemed to be trying to strangle me, it passed right through me – harmless, physically – and then faded into the silt. I was paralyzed for several breaths as my vision blurred into what was probably a memory, or the echo of a memory.
The courtyard was under the sun instead of underwater; the air smelled like salt and iron. My hands – which weren’t actually my hands but someone else’s – were wrapped around somebody’s throat. I felt them squeezing and shaking and I felt my teeth gritting painfully and in the distance I could hear another voice screaming…
…Then it all abruptly ended, and I was back in the muffled quiet of the lake, although my hand were still shaking. Although I was fine, and I told my friends I was fine, and we continued our exploration, it took me a while to shake it all off to be honest.
I found another Fossil Fish just before the end of the expedition. Or, well, the end of the expedition for me. After bottling my second catch up, I thought I saw another through the cracks in a stone wall, but it turns out it wasn’t a Fossil Fish. It was a breed I’m unfamiliar with, and it fed from me in a jet of warm water sprayed directly into my face. I lost consciousness, and am writing this now in the wagon home, having only woken up hours later. I’ve already apologized to the others for the necessity of dragging my limp body around.
I’m very embarrassed, but also a little intrigued by the incident. Whatever that fish sprayed at me gave me intensely vivid dreams – not at all horrible like the vision I had from the ghost; these were very, very good dreams. The details will remain private, but I will say I feel extremely well-rested for the first time in weeks, and I’m finally feeling like I’ve got the hang of it here in High Rannoc. It’s an exciting place, and I feel like I have the energy to take on aynthing now.
OOC: Rep – 19 [Intermediate] Silver – 74 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 to find Animal reagents) Golem Helper: supervising construction
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw) – Treatment Room (+3 all Timers, +10 silver /successful potion)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x2) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x2) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x3) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x2) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x4) **Shadow Shark [pain] [burn] [rash] [-1s] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x3) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 10 (SPRING 10/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient #1: Maddi Windwake
Ailment: Bard Boils [boils**] [pain*] (T4) Oh, Maddi, not you too! I implored her to reveal the culprit to me, but her embarrasment was too great and I didn’t want to push hard enough to upset her. All she did was shake her head and ask me to keep this a secret.
Patient #2: A banshee that usually haunts a hidden lake a few miles from where I was trained has actually come to Nana Dorea for help. She hasn’t given her name, but…
Ailment: also Bard Boils [boils**] [pain*] (T4) How is this suddenly so common? Do all bards spread this affliction? It can’t be the same bard, traveling so far and frequently, can it?
Recommend: Shockfish soup for the both of them. Maybe I should make a barrel full at this point.
Field Notes:
I had a rough morning out by the Loch, being immediately harassed by gull-drakes looking for an easy meal to steal, but unfortunately for them I had nothing on me they could take. I spent as much time as I dared out in the water, but only managed to collect a single Shockfish for my efforts. I was eventually chased away by Bàs Bàta again, writhing up a storm in the throes of his agony.
I had no time to look for more. Thankfully, I still had an extra in the storeroom, as well as a few surplus Skullcaps I’ve been keeping. I whipped up one batch of Shockfish Soup for poor Maddi immediately (see earlier entry for recipe), but unfortunately there weren’t enough Skullcaps for a second dose to send to Nana Dorea for her banshee. After pondering this a while I decided to experiment with my Milkstone instead. It’s a much stronger painkiller than Skullcaps so it should get the job done, although I am sure the taste will end up very strange. Ah, well…perhaps banshees don't mind strange, milky-tasting fish soups.
Paid: 30 silver from Maddi Paid: 60 silver from Nana Dorea I kept a vigilant eye on the doorstep this time, in case the vagabond returned again to thank me, but after a few days of watchfulness I figured perhaps they had run out of money to tip. Soon after, however, I received an unexpected package delivered by mail coach, containing +40 silver and the familiar, ridiculously embellished note of thanks. Well played, sir or madame bard. Well played.
Additional Notes:
My encounter with Bàs Bàta this week has re-ignited my ferver to collect the ingredients necessary for his cure. I searched with determination in Hero’s Hollow, and thankfully was met with much more success than my last few attempts. I visited with both Bap (who was able to point me toward the new nap room for the vampires), as well as with the Dark Ruler, Lady Yeza, who invited me to dinner again so I could update her on my progress. I told her I hadn’t yet had a chance to explore the Strange because I was too busy trying to sneak up on sleeping vampires, and she immediately called one in wide awake and ordered him to allow me to extract some venom without a fight. It was both impressive and intimidating.
As I finished extracting a third dose from one vampire hiding in a room off the main tunnels, I nearly tripped over another fancy helmet, even more elaborate than the last. I put it on just for fun, and it must have made me look impressive because I was approached by a small group of very young and tired-looking explorers soon after, offering to pay me to guide them out. Money is money, so I accepted their +10 silver and led them all the way back to the entrance before turning around and delving right back in again.
My foraging for the week came to an end on the day I met the Baron.
On my way out of yet another vampire napping nook, I passed a long hall full of identical suits of decorative parade armor. One of them suddenly sprang to life and cornered me against the opposite wall, and I wasn’t sure if it was flirting or threatening at first, to be honest. The voice that came out was deep and sonorous and rather lovely, but the mood quickly soured after he introduced himself and demanded a duel. He had no face, I noticed, as his visor flapped. I don’t know if he is a ghost inside the armor or if he is the armor, but he calls himself “the Baron” (as you may have guessed) and he sounded suave and full of himself.
I’m not really the dueling sort, but he wouldn’t allow me to move on without facing him, and even forced a sword into my hands. He refused my forfeit and he berated me when he saw I tried to lose on purpose. Finally I gave in and did my best to bang him up a bit, but of course I was no good. He beat me soundly and only allowed me to leave, limping, after he’d scored a nasty blow on my leg. I’ve decided the Baron is a jackass, and I’m going to try and avoid him from now on.
OOC: Rep – 16 [Intermediate] Silver – 194 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper: getting settled
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x10) *** Vampire Venom [curse] [pain] [mood] — (x10) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 7 (SPRING 7/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: Susan Chert, local geologist
Ailment: Dwarven Lung [cough*] [lungs**] Too much time spent in the mining sites along the foothills near Moonbreaker Mountain, and probably a neglect of proper safety equipment (like breathing masks).
Recommend: Gull-Drake Guano alone will smooth out coughing and clear the lungs (it’s gross but it works), but for Dwarven Cough there tends to be far too much build-up, so this time the lung damage will require something stronger. Raw Dentist Crab gel should be strong enough.
Field Notes:
While catching extra Dentist Crabs I came across a third chest from the underwater pirate wreck, this time full of what might have been incredibly fancy hats - but unfortunately all waterlogged, thanks to a small hole in the corner of the chest.
As I was collecting the Gull-Drake Guano, I spotted a glimmer in the water and thought it might be something nifty, so I went to take a look. It was a small, corked bottle with a rolled up message inside - which is unexpected, what with this being a lake. Why would someone throw a message in a bottle into a lake, where it can’t go anywhere? I opened it to see what it said and the message was as odd as the circumstance, only asking a list of personal questions and requesting a reply. It instructed the finder of this note ot simply toss their reply back into the water to send it back. My curiosity was piqued enough to prompt me into replying - I wonder if it will really get back to its original sender?
I spent the rest of my time at the Loch collecting as many Slime Shells as I could possibly find for the management of Bàs Bàta’s shattered tooth. I was highly successful, despite several very curious incidents (enough for eight doses).
One notable encounter was with a siren I haven’t seen or heard before. I was out on the water when I found it suddenly hard to think, strongly compelled to swim out to some distant rocks toward the sound of singing. The way he sang was somewhere between a human voice and birdsong, strange but wondrously lovely. He stopped abruptly when he saw me and flushed red with shame, immediately falling into apologies. I asked why he was all alone in the Loch - usually sirens travel in flocks, or so I’ve been told, and since the males are rare, I’ve never heard of one traveling without his mates. He hedged around my questions, seeming reluctant to answer, and hastily offered me a Wigfish wig he’d picked up as an apology for interrupting my day. I can’t say no to such quality reagents, so I accepted, but when I looked up again he was already gone with a flurry of his wings.
Baffled, but pleased with my newly acquired prize, I continued with my exploration and came across another stranger - a very kind dwarf out fishing, who invited me into his boat. His name was Raggen Gabbro, and he spoke with me for a good while about his own explorations of the Loch. He seems to know quite a lot, and I appreciated his insight and advice. When we parted, he directed me to where I might find some Gas Weed, which was much appreciated.
I was eventually chased out of the water again by Bàs Bàta’s tortured thrashing. I feel for the creature but I certainly don’t want to be anywhere near it while it’s mad with pain. I hope I can gather enough ingredients to help it, soon. I doubt any human-portioned remedy will be effective. I briefly returned to the huge nest in the rocks that I found last week, and to my delight found that the Amethyst Antler shards were still there among the eggs - but again I was pecked away by the vigilant mama bird before I could grab them.
I spent the rest of my foraging at the Loch following those unidentified footprints all along the shore. I tripped over half-buried items in the sand at least three times along the way - there is a lot of flotsam and junk left by people all over the beach. The upside was that I also found a substantial pile of Deep Reed that had also washed ashore. As the sun set, I spotted the familiar shape of the ghost ship Capybara cresting into the bloody horizon once again, so I got back in my canoe and headed over for a visit. I ended up spending the entire night partying with the raucous spirits, losing track of time so badly that I got unceremoniously dunked in the water at dawn when they retreated again beneath the waves.
When I swam back to shore, I stubbed my toe on something half buried in the wet sand. When I dug it up and rinsed it in the waves, I was startled to find a small, empty box carved from ancient coral. It looked extremely old, crusted a little with the fossils of other sealife around the edges. The strangest part was that I saw, carved into the inner lid of it, a sigil - the same sigil printed on all the leftover containers and equipment in my Apothecary. Kevyn’s personal sigil.
Except this time, in addition to the signature swirling pattern, there was a word engraved around the symbol - “Orendal.” If this were written anywhere else, I would have taken this for something in a language I didn’t understand…But the way this was written matches too exactly with the way ancient master witches left their marks. Nowadays people tend to forego the name and only leave the sigil, but in more ancient times they almost always used both, according to my studies. “Orendal” is almost certainly a name...although why it’s written along with Kevyn’s personal sigil is a mystery to me. It can’t be that Kevyn copied the sigil - every witch must have their own, and every one must be unique, like a fingerprint.
When I retuned home, I compared it to the versions I have around the cottage, and confirmed - this is absolutely Kevyn’s sigil, but for some reason paired with a different name. Could “Orendal” actually be Kevyn’s real name? Or perhaps, a previous name he’s long since left behind? But if so, how on earth did it come to be on such an incredibly ancient object? I had no time to fully dwell on this, since I still had a remedy to make, but I set the box in a safe place to contemplate at a later time.
“Cough Quencher”
Crush the dried Gull-Drake guano into fine dust
Boil the the resulting powder and strain well
Spoon in raw Dentist Crab claw gell until the mixture thickens and smooths
End result should be something like a vaguely fishy yogurt
Paid: 30 silver Despite the strange taste, it works fast, and Susan was already breathing better as she left.
Additional Notes:
I spent the next several days going back up the mountain and repairing Dwayne the stone golem, and at last I deemed him fully healed, to the best of my ability. He can’t speak, but he seemed very grateful, and  nearly crushed me in an earnest but uncomfortable hug. Unexpectedly, he ended up following me back down the mountain. I didn’t protest, as long as he was careful where he stepped, although I wasn’t sure what more he wanted of me. After a complicated game of pantomime, I gathered that he wanted to stay with me and repay me for my help. I certainly don’t mind the company, so I agreed, and was able to direct him to an uncluttered portion of the land left to me by Kevyn. I’ll have to teach him to write if we want any extensive conversations, though.
I also went to Hero’s Hollow this week in search of powerful painkillers, and with Shadow’s help I was able to procure a bit of Vampire Venom without issue. While sneaking away from the coffin room I did end up triggering a trap and falling into a stone cell for a while, which was frustrating, but I was thankfully rescued not long after. A beautiful woman with hair like spilled ink and eyes like pale glass showed up and looked in on me, calling down to ask if I needed help. I expected her to throw down a rope, but instead I found myself levitating all the way back to the top to greet her. Her skin was a deep cerulean blue. She wore a lavishly embroidered gown and glittered with gems and jewelry, looking as elegant as a queen - which is certainly not what I expected in a dungeon.
I thanked her for her help, and she asked what my business was in the Hollow. I could have asked her the same, but instead I told her I was looking for ingredients to create a remedy for Bàs Bàta. I guess this was the right thing to say, because she immediately turned from aloof and suspicious to charming and courteous. She introduced herself as Yeza, Dark Ruler of the Underlands and Master of Shadows. It was quite a title, and I suddenly felt silly and shabby, but she was very sweet to me from then on. She apologized for the inconvenience of my falling into one of the many traps, and invited me for dinner in her throne room. I’ve never been in a throne room before.
I follower her safely through the deepest parts of her domain - protected from its various threats only by her presence, I suspect - and we entered a much more lavish and elegant wing of the Hollows than I ever imagined was there. It was less “dank dungeon” and more like a hidden underground palace. She clapped her hands for attendants and we were served one of the strangest and yet most decadent meals I have ever eaten. We ended up getting along very well. I told her of my explorations in the Hollow and how I’ve helped people with the things I’ve collected, and she was surprisingly eager to assist in my endeavors. She said the last witch, Kevyn, had been too obsessed with his own convoluted dealings, and never would have wanted to help poor Bàs Bàta. Apparently Kevyn hated Bàs Bàta, but when I asked her why she kept changing the subject.
She asked if I’ve ever met someone like her before - blue, that is - and I said no. She asked if I’ve ever heard of something called the Strange, and I said no again. She said that she wanted to help me by granting me passage to her original home plane, for the purpose of finding other kinds of reagents that might be useful to me, and I got extremely excited. I’ve read about the possible existence of other planes but never dreamed I’d get to see one in person. When we finished dinner, she led me back up into the shabbier side of the Hollow and showed me the way to an incongruous fancy archway standing empty and useless in the middle of a hall. After Yeza chanted a while in a language I couldn’t understand, the empty air beneath the arch began to swirl with deep blue and violet-black light
This is the portal to the Strange.
I wanted to explore it right away, but for once my better sense held me back, and I told Yeza that I would rather return with the proper equipment for a full expedition. She wrote down instructions on a scrap of parchment to instruct me on how to open the portal myself, for which I thanked her profusely, and we parted ways. I cannot wait to actually go through, when I can set aside the time. I am absolutely thrilled.
OOC: Rep – 12 [Intermediate] Silver – 126 Tools – basics / coracle Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper – getting settled Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x2) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x10) *** Vampire Venom [curse] [pain] [mood] — (x1) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 6 (SPRING 6/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Note — This morning I found an old staff under the bed, made of some beautiful glittering oak wood. It was cracked and nearly split lengthwise down the entire center - I have no idea what could have done this strange kind of damage. It must have belonged to Kevyn. I wonder what happened? I’m going to see if I can repair it eventually.
Patient: Alexander Pumel, tavern bartender
Ailment: Bard Boils [boils**] [pain*] (T4) Caught from, as the name suggests, a bard, who Alexander refuses to name. Not pleasant to look at, but less fun to have, probably. This kind of thing is intimate and highly contagious, and I’m not especially thrilled to come across it.
Recommend: Simple Shockfish soup is the best thing for this
Field Notes:
I went on a successful hunt for an extra Shockfish, as I was loath to deplete my stores so rapidly, but on my way back to shore I nearly died of fright as I ran into Bàs Bàta itself - the famous local sea dragon, enormous, red-scaled, and roaring in agony as it broke the surface. I got an up-close and personal glimpse into its mouth and saw that it looked to have shattered a tooth. I fled for my life, of course, but I must consider what can be done for the poor suffering creature.
Much later, I was cautiously diving in more shallow waters and I found another treasure chest from the wreck of that pirate ship from before. This one contained a plethora of colorful blown glass octopus figurines, which I was astonished to see were unbroken. I decided to keep them all and hide them around the cottage. I also picked up a few Slime Shells that I found around the chest - they’ll be useful in brewing something to fight off infection for Bàs Bàta’s shattered tooth, and using ingredients from its own lake might make the remedy more palatable to it.
After gathering a second batch of Slime Shells, I spotted an impressively large bird’s nest in the rocks along the shore. When I climbed up to peek inside, I was delighted to see that a good chunk of Amethyst Antler had been dropped among the eggs. Alas, when I reached in to retrieve it I got viciously pecked away by the just-returning mother, and had to give up the fight.
“Shockfish Soup”
Distill Shockfish fluid & strain out the remnants (fed fish bits to Shadow)
Boil Skullcaps in the Shockfish broth for added pain relief
End result is savory and salty with a bit of a numbing zing
Paid: 30 silver Alexander left without hardly a word, likely too embarrassed for goodbyes, but later that week I found a pouch of an extra +20 silver on my doorstep with a flourishy note expressing thanks. The note was unsigned, but as it definitely wasn’t Alex’s hand, I assume it was from the bard responsible.
Additional Notes:
I spent the entire week carting supplies up Moonbreaker Mountain and repairing my new stone golem friend, who does not have a name that I can suss out, so I have decided to call it Dwayne. It just felt fitting somehow. He seems to respond to it.
OOC: Rep – 11 [Intermediate] Silver – 100 Tools – basics / coracle Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) Golem repair progress – 8/10
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x2) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x2) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x1)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 9 (SPRING 9/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient #1: Yolanda Harrison, antique dealer
Ailment: Dragon Sickness [senses*] [wound*] (T4) The shop has been getting extremely cluttered lately, as poor Yolanda now refuses to sell any items at all, instead keeping them all for herself.
Recommend: A hearty dose of Come-To Brew
Patient #2: A stray cat my brother Edhaas brought home to Nana Dorea last week. She named him Muffins.
Ailment: Restless Bones [magic**] [bones*] The poor thing must have come across a bad miasma in a dungeon somewhere to catch this kind of curse - its skeleton has come alive inside its little body and is (ineffectually) trying to escape. Not as deadly as it sounds like it could be, but very uncomfortable.
Recommend: Coldrust to dispel the magic, Hermit Snail shells to soothe the bones
Field Notes:
My most immediate task was finding some Coffee Caps for Yolanda, as it’s always dangerous to leave the Dragon-Sickened unattended with your possessions for very long. It was a harrowing forage this time around...full of mishaps, even as short as it was.
First I had to forge a rather feisty river and lost my footing, falling straight into the arms of its resident naiad. So embarrassing. She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on, although she seemed flustered by my lack of coordination. I introduced myself and apologised profusely as she helped me back to shore. She told me her name is Nelofar, but that I could call her Nel if I liked. She was keen on conversation, and we spoke for a little while, but in time I had to explain my search to her and say my goodbyes. She seemed shy, but almost flirtatious? I don’t want to assume, but I think we hit it off. It’s really a shame that I had to move on in such a hurry. I wonder if I’ll see her again.
Soon after, I was fortunate to find what I was looking for - and yet, not so fortunate, as the mushrooms I was picking were probably growing in a fairy ring that I was too occupied to notice. I say this because halfway through my harvest I fell into a familiar fever and lost my footing again, blacking out to the sound of whispers in the strange and beautiful language I’ve only heard once before. I awoke just outside of town in another fairy ring - although, thankfully, still holding onto my Coffee Caps.
I was able to serve Yolanda her Come-To Brew in good time, despite everything, and she perked right out of her fixation. She even complimented me on the taste. She suggested I could start selling this concoction for purely recreational purposes as well, but I don’t think it would work out. It’s far too expensive to make.
Paid: 28 silver
My next destination was Hero’s Hollow to replenish the ingredients for Muffins’ remedy (I have them in the storeroom but it’s always good to keep stocked). Again, my trip was full of mixed luck. The very first thing I did was step into an acid trap and get badly burned, and I had to go right home again to heal myself. Of course then it felt like a challenge, and my stubbornness compelled me to return and try again.
This time I found the Coldrust I needed on a suit of armor in the old ruined library, and was able to gather Hermit Snail shells along the path outside of Rufus’ little dungeon shop. He asked if I was there to buy today, but I told him I’d better not. I wanted to see if I could gather a little more Vampire Venom on my way out. Sadly, all I did next was fall into yet another trap. I had to go home with a good deal less blood and no painkillers at all, neither for me or for Bàs Bàta.
I don’t know what I’ve done to bring this upon myself. Maybe that weird “Orendal” box I found in the lake was cursed.
“Chillixir Mix”
Crush Hermit Snail shells into a fine powder
Crush Coldrust & mix together with the shell dust
Dissolve powder into any beverage
End result will be cold & refreshing without the need for ice
Paid: 60 silver When my raven returned I saw that Nana Dorea passed along double payment as compensation for the burden of extra duties, which I’m certainly not going to refuse, especially if this is going to be the norm. I was already nearly regretting the new arrangement, after everything, but this might make just it all worth it.
Additional Notes:
I bought a sickle in town for 70 silver in hopes of improving my foraging a bit on bad-luck days. I also went and paid a visit to the Lunar Tower, in case the problem was that my equipment needed purification. After that I felt a little bit better, and I eventually managed to get up the gumption to head out to Hero’s Hollow again.
Already my luck was much better this time around, as I was able to get a good dose of Vamp Venom within the first few hours or so of the expedition. I was also startled by the sight of a wooden chest walking around and sniffing things as I rounded the corner. It seems to be a mimic, I assume - I know of them but this is the first time I’ve ever seen one in person - and it was very friendly. It shuffled right up to me and allowed me to give it a few pats. It seemed hungry, but when I offered some of my trail rations it was utterly disinterested, and it eventually wandered off. I wish I’d had something else to give it.
Further down the corridor I accidentally stepped on a skeleton again - why do they insist on sleeping in the middle of the floor? - and as his loud, droning complaints filled my ears I recognized the voice as the same one I’d stepped on last time. I called him out and asked where the helmet was that I’d given him, and his whining quieted instantly into a mutter as he told me he’d lost it. I asked his name (it’s Paul), then explained to him at length why it was a bad idea for him to sleep sprawled across the middle of a corridor if he didn’t want to get stepped on, and this time I think I might have gotten through to him. At least he was tired enough of my lecturing to agree and move along somewhere else.
When I accidentally entered the puzzle room, it was filled with mirrors, and it waylaid me for a long while as I tried to find my way out. The upside is that I discovered a vampire taking a nap in one corner - it seems it was lying in wait for a victim and dozed off. Taking my chance, I extracted a second dose of venom before taking my leave and heading back home.
OOC: Rep – 14 [Intermediate] Silver – 54 Tools – basics / coracle / sickle (+2 foraging points) Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper: getting settled
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x2) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x1) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x10) *** Vampire Venom [curse] [pain] [mood] — (x6) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 8 (SPRING 8/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: Susan Chert returned this week, cough-free but oddly sheepish as she asked for a private meeting.
Ailment: Bard Boils [boils**] [pain*] (T4) Oh no. It’s getting around.
Recommend: Good old Shockfish soup, of course
Field Notes:
I have a Shockfish and Skullcaps in my storeroom already, but I have a hunch this may be turning into an epidemic, so I went hunting for more to stock up. On my search I spotted those odd footprints in the sand, but I knew better than to try and follow them this time - I was in a hurry. In my haste I tripped over beach debris again, but in time I managed to eventually retrieve two additional Shockfish for storage. While on the water, I ran into Mr. Gabbro as well, and although I couldn’t stay to talk long, he kindly pointed me toward where I could retrieve a clump of Mermaid’s Gift that had washed up on one of the rocks.
I was able to distill the soup for Susan in no time (see my earlier entry for instructions), and although I didn’t pry, I was hoping perhaps she might let slip any kind of hint of who could be spreading this infection so quickly. She did not.
Paid: 30 silver Later that night I once again found a pouch waiting alone on my doorstep, containing +20 silver and a lavish thank-you note from the anonymous culprit. It was irritating, but I suppose money is money.
Additional Notes:
I spent the rest of the week in Hero’s Hollow, determined to collect enough painkillers to concoct a remedy for Bàs Bàta’s shattered tooth. As much as I’m itching to go explore somewhere new, I feel I have a duty to prioritize the suffering creature, both for its own sake and for the sake of those it terrorizes in the Loch.
Near the entrance of the dungeon I had no luck (unsurprisingly), but I did find another outdated-looking map, hand-drawn and messy. It was useless, but it was dropped right in the middle of a patch of Coldrust that was eating away at a mostly-disintegrated breastplate, so I collected what I could on my way past. Not wanting to waste time, I went straight to the imprisoned demon Bap’s confinement chamber, as they have been very helpful on previous expeditions, and traded gossip for information on where the vampire nest had been moved that day.
Thanks to Bap’s advice I was able to extract three doses of Vampire Venom before I saw one of them stirring and had to beat a hasty retreat. Before I left the room, however, I spotted a young man in the corner, looking absolutely frozen with fear as he stared at the cluster of sleeping vampires hanging from the ceiling. I got his attention and was able to quietly lead him away from the chamber. He introduced himself as Tybalt Potter and begged me to lead him back to the exit; apparently he had gone in on a dare, to prove he was a brave enough adventurer to risk the Hollow by himself, and then got hopelessly lost. He was so pitiful I had to give in, which cost me a lot of time - but he did give me +10 silver in thanks when we finally came into the sun again.
When I returned to High Rannoc, I spent 150 silver on the construction of a raven loft for the cottage. Nana Dorea has been sending near-constnat telegrams with pleas for my return, claiming she’s overwhelmed on her own. Perhaps with this I can take on a few of her cases long-distance, so I can stay out here without her moaning about it. The postal coach is far too slow for such work, but a few trained ravens should do the job nicely.
OOC: Rep – 13 [Intermediate] Silver – 36 Tools – basics / coracle Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper – getting settled
Upgrades: – Garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap) – Raven Loft (take 2 jobs; if both on time, x2 pay for second draw)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Coldrust [hot] [magic] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Mermaid’s Gift [hair] [+1p] — (x1) ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x2) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x1) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x10) *** Vampire Venom [curse] [pain] [mood] — (x4) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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