#Made my nite🤣🤣🤣
90363462 · 3 months
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spdrvyn · 6 months
Hello, dear. I hope you are doing well. Might I make a Miguel x fem!reader request?
So, for context.
I had this idea today when I was sketching out someone's spidersona to practice anatomy and I couldn't find any good references for the poses I wanted to do. I just so happen to also be an aerialist so I immediately changed into some work out clothes and hung up my aerial silks onto my rig.
I was able to film myself doing the exact poses I wanted to draw on the silks to use as a reference.
This all kinda made me realize how similar aerial silks is to web swinging. And it gave me this juicy idea.
Scenario where the reader is the charismatic, flirtatious, and quippy owner of a popular, high-class nightclub in universe 2099. She is a bit more hands on than normal owners because she actually performs at her own club. The theme for the night is "superhero nite". She is the final performer of the night and is in a skin tight feminized outfit of Miguel's spiderman costume. She gives a sultry aerial silks performance on stage that includes both aerial silks and interacting with the audience (think Jessica Rabbit). Taking photos, walking across tables, giving men a run for their money. Paired with displays of extreme strength and flexibility as she weaves between the fabric silks effortlessly and gracefully.
It also just so happens that Miguel himself is there for that performance either scouting out the location or tracing a lead on a series of crimes that seem to center around this night club. So he gets to personally witness this hedonistic performance in his image. Idk I just think his reaction to it all would be juicy 🤣. Especially if the reader spots him in the crowd mid performance or after the fact and decides to approach and make a spectacle out of it.
Thank you for your time! You're really good at keeping Miguel in character and I really appreciate it.
sacred silk — MIGUEL O'HARA
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☆ you're a quaint little owner on your own little stage, unfortunately your club has drawn some attention from nueva york's #1 vigilante.
tension packed. romantic. miguel is miguel. i loved this request sm! i added my own little spin to it so i hope that's okay ^_^ dividers by @/cafekitsune
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Kingpin's lackeys have been scattered all around the city, not much of a problem for Miguel. The only issue being that they're planted in the most densely packed areas, markets, malls, sometimes churches when you thought he couldn't get any worse. It caused Miguel's frustrations to deepen with every single case.
At least, there was some sort of pattern in the locations of these agents. All up until this very night where Miguel found himself crouching over the glass roof of a tranquil night club.
His sharp eyes wandered over what he could find. The crowd looked young, nobody over the age of 27 in sight, there was a bartender hastily serving drinks, but the most eyecatching of them all was a rather suspicious looking old man enjoying himself a martini.
It looked... almost pathetic at this rate, however his suspicioums grew higher. This was too easy for a catch, there had to be something that he was missing in this.
"Lyla," Miguel muttered, holding his watch up close to his mouth. "What is this place exactly?"
"Can't find any records on it, I don't think that it's a registered establishment. How fun!"
Not fun. Not fun at all! The small crowd, the shady guy sitting alone at that table, the fact that this building wasn't even registered in the first place?! Crime bells were ringing in Miguel's ears.
He skittered along the edges of the roof, making sure that he isn't noticeable despite the dim lights. Soon enough, he's able to find an open panel to slip into. He digs his talons into one of the ceiling beams, which what even is the point of having a glass roof if the view is going to be obscured by these things anyway.
Miguel keeps his weight steady atop the structure, his gaze locks onto the creepy gentleman before he's blinded by the sudden flicker of the stage lights. What in the world?
When he thought that events couldn't get any weirder, you come flying down from a secret compartment in the ceiling, silk stringing your body up as you manuever and fly across the stage and club. The crowd cheers and livens up, raising their hands to which you respond by high fiving as many people as you can.
That's when he noticed something familiar about what you were wearing. The sharp geometric shapes carefully stitched into your suit, that recognizable navy blue, that straining bright red. You were wearing his colors, designed in his suit.
It's only when your feet hit the floor of stage with a resounding thud does Miguel remember why he's here in the first place, he's gotten used to seeing his face (well, his masked one) on all different kinds of merchandise. From regular to disgusting, but he's never seen something of this caliber before. He couldn't deny that he wasn't at all intrigued by your display of talent and costume.
"Thank you all for coming tonight," the breathlessness in your voice is prominent, a sign of your draining yet enamoring performance. "Do any of you want to guess who I'm dressed as?"
The crowd rallies and cheers.
"Spider-Man! Obviously!"
"Is there anyone stupid enough to not get it?"
"It's Spider-Man!"
Miguel rolls his eyes, don't get him wrong, he does want to appreciate the praise but everyone sounds like an overenthusiatic toddler. Depsite that, you feed into their firey spirits. Not before shushing them with a slight raise of your hand.
"I know you're all thinking why I decided to dress up as our beloved spider tonight," you reach for one of the silks hanging from the ceiling, resting your body atop it as you're slowly lifted from the stage again.
"Well, it's simple really. He's the hero of our city, the face of crime fighting, the face of justice." the crowd's heads follow your hanging body, your arm droops down to brush against the many hands that wish to touch yours. "He's made so many sacrifices for us, the least we could do is put on a show. All for him."
Miguel freezes for the nearly the entire duration of your heartfelt speech, he's overheard a lot of those whether it's a drunkard's rambling as he's swinging back home or on a podium and recited by a government official.
From the corner of his eye, the man that he was slowly inching towards rises from his seat and begins to slyly move through the crowd, bumping and slipping past people. When he enters through the backstage doors, all kinds of red flags are waving through the air.
The sudden blast of music nearly deafens him, but gives him a good distraction as he crawls with more fervor across the ceiling beam. He notices the small crevice to an entrance in the ceiling, presumably the one that you entered through.
It's dark and a little dusty, Miguel has to fight back a sneeze before finding yet another latch to enter through and behold, he's successfully infiltrated the backstage area!
"Lyla," he huffs. "Scan."
Bright yellow lights emerge in his vision, behind each room there's a bountiful amount of props and some people chatting with a drink in hand, it seemed like you weren't the only performer in this establishment. The thermal energy spikes when he catches sight of a man hunched behind one of the doors, supposedly with a crowbar in hand. Miguel rolls his eyes, "How dumb does he think I am?"
"Want me to run an IQ test?"
"I was being— ugh, nevermind."
Miguel shies over right next to the door, the blades hidden in his suit release with an audible shing. It cuts into the drywall without a struggle, Miguel can hear the man fall back onto the floor with a thud and a scream. He kicks his way into the room, before pouncing onto him and knocking him out cold.
"That was fast," Lyla chimes, illuminating the darkness. Miguel digs through the pockets of his coat, there's no sign of an ID, but he was carrying a shiv and a small revolver. How was this guy let in?
Miguel ties him up and makes a swift exit, before anyone could notice. This mission felt a little too easy for his liking, like a twist was going to sneak up on him at any minute now, but he wasn't going to complain about having an easy target this time.
His never ending train of thought brings him towards a building's edge later on, even deeper into the night. Waiting, thinking, contemplating. Miguel had no such thing as a spider sense, but he did have a gut and it was practically screaming at him that something was wrong.
He doesn't get any more time to let that thought marinate any further when his ears pick up on the latch of the door to the roof clicking, his head turns immediately he thinks he might strain it until he sees—
Just you.
Though, you weren't wearing the same get-up when you had your show. No, you were in simply nightwear along with a flimsy pair of slippers and fuzzy socks to complete the look. That nonchalant attitude that you held during the show faded for a split second, before a small smile creeps onto your features as you raise a brow.
"Spider-Man? On my roofdeck?"
"I'll leave–"
"No!" you say it a little too loudly, reaching a hand out to him but never actually touching. You scold yourself internally for being too abrupt, before clearing your throat. "No, it's okay. Please stay."
Miguel sighs, as usual, he's going to make a decision that's going to kick him in the ass later. He gives in and decides to indulge your need for company, but the look on his face tells you to keep a distance.
You slowly walk over to the ledge that he's sitting on, leaning your body on the railing but still far enough to be comfortable.
Silence stretches out the distance between the two of you, that for once Miguel feels compelled to say something.
"There was someone suspicious at your club," he explains bluntly. "I took them out. You're welcome."
"Ah, yeah, I could tell from the webs and you know..."
Now, it's back to silence.
Miguel normally isn't disturbed by it, but this just made him uncomfortable. He thought that maybe you'd carry some bravado even outside your profession as a stage performer, he couldn't imagine that he'd end up talking that was so timid.
"I liked your performance," it's soft-spoken, his words fast and deliberate. "Your costume, too. It was... nice."
Even if the praise sounds like a 5th grader complimenting a painting, you found your face red and heart beating fast. Your grin returned with a "thank you". It's hard to tell exactly what Miguel's thinking under that mask, you can't even read his facial expression, but you hope that now it's less awkward.
It falls to silence again, the only difference being that there's no obligation for conversation. You and Miguel stare at the overhead view of the city from your penthouse, it gets so quiet that you swear you can hear him breathing.
He has to leave soon enough, he wished he could've stayed with you for longer because believe it or not, that's the only taste of peace he's had in a while. Your goodbyes are bittersweet, you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
When you're back on the stage again a few days later, hopping off of the platform and holding onto your silks, you're more than happy to that faint red glow coming from the glass panes on your roof.
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elliemyun · 1 year
Wednesday, 5/17
SLEEP: 3 hours (5:00 AM - 8:00AM)
Lunch: jake's pizza, matcha 🍵
Dinner: pulled pork, yogurt, strawberries, potato
good morning. today i had an interview at 9am but i slept through a couple of alarms and literally woke up at 8:45am 🤣but i made it! i got study bagel w/ jasmine. she is so sweet and kind. then i went to my room and took a quick nap because i was so tired and slumped. then i went to kerckhoff and spent time with friends. i went to chem and my head hurt a lot. then i went back to kerckhoff and spent time with the mu's. we ate pizza and sat in the sun. we are very tired and overwhelmed and it is a bit too much these days. but we got this 🦭i went back to the hill and went on tours of BPlate and Epicuria for my food cluster. it was super cool & we went into the back kitchens. i got dinner w/ ethan at bplate it was bbq nite. we had some funny convos 😹 & acted like bots. there were so many people inside it was sensory overload. then i went to workout with my friends. it was a bad time. like very bad personally. we went to de neve & :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((
JP Update: Kelly had some tteokbokki chips from her big that she shared with the class. It was yummy. Kelly is feeling very tired. She had an interview for a club today. I hope it goes well!
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Predictions Guaranteed …… W&K increases commitment …… 🎼”no other love have i”🎼……… mummy serves a Christmas ace……4-0-tee-love…… advantage HMTQ …… nutmeg, FAULT!! …… DOUBLE FAULT!!…… Game, Set and scratch🤣🤣🤣…… “ these are actors,as I foretold you “………” thar’s gold in them thar Hills”………… 🎼”HOLLYWOOOOOOOD”🎼……… “An exit strategy LG.”……🎄seasonal Sandringham🎄…… “I WANT A POOOOOOOOONY” ,please.🎅🎅😘😘😘………… “ ask your father!!……… ask your mother!! ……… ask Gan Gan. !!😂😂😂
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
DECEMBER 11/2019 riddle sent December 10/2019
0155 hrs CST
 Predictions Guaranteed …… W&K increases commitment 
Well hints and interpretations are 100% guaranteed! For the millionth type l shall type OUR CATHERINE IS PREGNANT!! CONGRATULATIONS-GLORIOUS-WONDROUS-BLESSED-LATIONS!!
With PA off the roster, they both, despite their growing family needs will need to pick up the slack, as it were, left by PA absence. It’s going to be a mighty big juggling act to be sure! 
🎼”no other love have i”🎼
The unbeatable team of Rodgers and Hammerstein, in fact listening to Perry Como right now.  He sings the lyrics of true love so beautifully, his voice is like liquid floating through the lyrics and notes. This is definitely magic how the two intertwine. It is an absolute reference , the team of R and H, Perry Como’s liquid intertwining of the nites and lyrics, absolute comparison to how William and Catherine’s love and the relationship intertwines. That’s so beautiful MM ANON!THANK YOU!
mummy serves a Christmas ace……4-0-tee-love…… advantage HMTQ 
Well an ace is a tennis term, a serve so good, no matter how skilled the opponent is, or thinks they are, it cannot be returned. MM ANON has used a number of tennis terms in this riddle. Forty love mean one person has 40 score and love means zero. Advantage means the one player needs just one more to take the game! Ok let’s interpret! We will all know, well l have already know based on observation alone,not by  consultation of spirits, that Catherine is pregnant! The palace will release an official announcement as a Christmas gift to all! Forty  love? Well Catherine will have four and madam zero OF THE BODY!! ! Remember that little law, that will be important in legal days in the future for madam! Thusly, the advantage is ours of course but it further secures the Monarchy!!! Plus it’s marvellous!
nutmeg, FAULT!! …… DOUBLE FAULT!!
A fault in tennis is simply that, a serve that hits the net etc. Archificial fault one, is she planning another fauxmegnancy?  Madam has made so many mistakes/faults, l have no doubt she will be seething to find out. Catherine is pregnant and will pull another fauxmegnancy!
 Game, Set and scratch🤣🤣🤣
The Crown wins if course,due to the law l just spoke about. MM ANON is being cheeky here because of all the photos we see of madam , sometimes in gowns, scratching her vag. It’s disgusting, there are always people around too. I have never in my life seen any woman do that EVER! Except her!
“ these are actors,as I foretold you “………” 
Huh, this makes me wonder as our dear skipoy has often said, are her ‘family’ paid a tors and not really her family? This would be unbelievable but then London Scoop told us this several years ago. I think we should be prepared for everything and anything. As far as JE too, expect anything because l think the world will change once all that information is out. Just as Prince Andrew and HE GAS NOT EVEN BENN INTERVIEWED OR CHARGED!!
thar’s gold in them thar Hills”………… 
That goes back to 1849, used to. All them the 49 ‘res, no l did have to look that up, just sing oh my darling clementine, it’s in there. They went in droves to the west both Canada and America seeking their fortune, some made it, most didn’t. Is madam hoping to live in the Hollywood Hills like a star and live the life? She is sadly delusional!
🎼”HOLLYWOOOOOOOD”🎼……… ““An exit strategy LG.”……
HMTQ with LG, in discussion, are they using this as an exit strategy to rid themselves of madam?? Setting her up there, or telling her this, the law will come a calling, for certain the IRS. This confuses me, l think these clues are for Miss Rachel! Are you salivating Rachel? Thinking HMTQ, or what do you call her again? Refresh me? Rachel, they are going to put you in the most gorgeous massive mansion, fill your bank and simply let you and archficial leave, after the terror you have wrought. Ok Rachel stop reading now, your part is done. after the terror you have wrought. IF YOU THINK THAT, YOU’RE MORE DELUSIONAL THAT I THOUGHT!
🎄 seasonal Sandringham🎄
The usual traditions of a Sandringham Christmas will be marvellous and enjoyed by all. No madam, the first time after two years of her being there!
“I WANT A POOOOOOOOONY” ,please.🎅🎅😘😘😘………… “ ask your father!!……… ask your mother!! ……… ask Gan Gan. !!😂😂😂
Yes dear Charlotte continues her jonesing for a pony!! Did they take her to see Santa and she begged as hard as she puked and as loudly as she coukd🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Santa , as Santa does with requests such as this, redirected her to ask her mum her dad, if that fails ask again Gan who loves horses to bits, pardon the pun!! 
0230 hrs CST
Thank you death PG...this looks great..Charlotte wants that pony!  Thank you for always getting our riddles done!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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kira-quartz · 2 years
My Sims Yu-Niverse: Rest of the Nerd Herd
Previous: Ryo and Tristan | Next: The Kaibas
Happy Sim Sunday/Saturday, cornflakes! They’re finally here!
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Téa, Miho and Duke are all living in student housing: Téa and Miho at U.Brite, and Duke at Foxbury, as I mentioned in Yugi’s post. Téa is studying drama, since that’s the closest I could get to something dance-related. Her aspiration is Friend of the World, and her traits are Outgoing, Encouraging, Dance Machine and Ambitious (not that she can really do anything until we get some kind of performance-themed pack, :/)
Two years after the Ceremonial Duel, she thought she’d moved on from Atem - but then he inexplicably came back as his own person, and turned everything upside-down. Not too convenient, considering how she’s started to feel towards Yugi lately... What are three floof-heads to do? *coughRevolutionShippingcough* Hmm, I feel like I’ve had this exact crumb stuck in my throat before. Weird. (🤣)
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Miho is working towards a language and literature degree. Her aspiration is Fabulously Wealthy, and her traits are Bookworm, Cheerful, Materialistic, Romantic and Teasing (by Chingyu).
I’m not sure what her endgame ship will be, but the day I aged everyone up, I moved her and Duke into the main household with Yugi and the others and they were in love? Just out of nowhere? I’m not entirely sure what to do with that. I’ve had them go out a couple of times, but I didn’t understand their characters as well then, so I’ll have to think about it (translation: sit around and do nothing  until I happen to find a headcanon I can steal, 😅)
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As I mentioned on Yugi’s post, Duke is currently living in student housing at Foxbury, where he’s completely missed about three Computer Science classes in two years. (Don’t blame him, blame the stairs, 🤣.) His aspiration is Computer Whiz and his traits are Genius, Geek, Outgoing, Romantic and Slow To Warm Up (by Chingyu).
There is not enough long hair for masc-framed Sims around, ^^;. That’s one of the most accurate ones I could find, but it was made for fem-framed Sims, so it looks a bit distorted at the back. If only I had the patience to actually make my own floof...
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Atem has been living with Yugi’s family since they re-Yu-nited *sandwich to the head* outside the San Myshuno Arena last year, and since he’s still adjusting to his new life, he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet. His aspiration is The Curator (same as Yugi’s, and probably even less fitting) and his traits are Genius, Encouraging, Competitive and Bashful (by Chingyu - I was thinking of his date with Téa, XD).
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