#Mae did seem to like trains
jojotier · 7 months
can dogs get dementia or is my elderly little dog just pacing around bc titi isnt home so she doesn't want to sit
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amarmoria · 2 months
Nepenthe Ⅱ
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٠ ࣪⭑Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a Padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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"Where did you go?" The dark timbre of his voice makes you shiver. "I, out, t-to get groceries and, and ingredients—"
"Ingredients for what?"
"Restock ou— y-your, uh, shelves"
"And since when was that your job?" He tilted his head, or helmet, you don't know. Mae was nowhere to be seen, it was only you, your master and the fire crackling. "I, you were running out of them so I assumed—"
"Assumed," he chuckled, the cave seemed to bounce off his voice, making it sound more intimidating than it is. "You and your big words huh?"
"B-big words? I don't—"
"That's right, don't. Don't ever disobey me like that"
"Disobey?" You scoff inwardly, since when did you even? Because out of the goodness of your heart you decided to buy a few goodies for your master? Make him proud? and you're here getting lectured about being disobedient?
"I'm, I'm not, you were running out and, and I didn't want them to empty completely, so I wanted to help you restock for the.. f-future .."
Your words die down on your tongue when he approaches you, his long strides opposed to your little attempts at backing away, your back hits the ropes keeping you from falling, the wind violently howling as the sun settles down.
"I leave you for a day and you go dallying to some, some planet?"
"I, I went to O—"
"Oh I know where you went," he pauses, locking your arms in his deadly grip, you gulp at the muscles flexing on his biceps. "W-what? Did Qimir—"
"No." His response came out a little quick, and shaky, but you didn't have to know that. "You really don't think I'd let my padawans go around freely do you..?"
You bite your tongue, you've never seen him angry like this, angry at training yes, but not this angry, maybe he's having a bad day, that's why you bought additional groceries when you left Qimir earlier.
"Answer me!" He shakes you, the wind howling louder once again, you shiver in his hold, you weren't exactly wearing thick clothes, especially when it was so hot during the day, but you guess the rain is coming, or even a possible storm, yet neither gets you distracted at your fuming master in front of you.
"N-no!..no, you don't.."
"Exactly" he growled. "Then tell me why you'd left here with your little ship across the space for something so, so small, so little, so simple"
You wanted to yell at him, tell him you're not a prisoner, that you could leave the planet anytime for all he cares, but you bit your tongue and fight back the argument.
"Something on your mind, Bee?"
That nickname again, you've been called everything, princess, lady, little girl, padawan, daughter, not bee, you're starting to hate the nickname already.
"Hm," his grip on you loosens as is the breath you've been holding since you came, you rub the sore spot on both your arms when he disappeared from your line of sight, he's aggressive, very aggressive, but only during combat, this was different, it almost felt like you were a child getting scolded, almost.
"Hey" your head whips to your left, the tension on your shoulders leaving when you see Mae approaching. "M-Mae,"
"What are you doing out?"
"I, it's, it's hot inside.. haha" you chuckle nervously, Mae only brushed you away and headed inside.
Sleep did you no good, you can still hear his voice in your head when you laid down. After Mae came, your bed was taken by her, so now you're sleeping on the cold hard ground, only two pillows and a blanket supporting you every night.
You didn't get to sleep the first few nights, still freshly used to the soft warm bed Mae was sleeping soundly in, you wondered that night if you were going to be able to build your own, but he quickly shut down the idea, naming it as a waste of materials.
Sometimes you pondered about asking for help from Qimir, but you didn't want to bother him, although the thought always stayed in the back of your mind.
You sighed and peeked at the entrance of the cave.
The sky was already starting to brighten up, you gently got up from your lying position, careful not to move any trinkets that might cause alarm.
Would Qimir be up by now? You didn't want to face your master today, the thought of being near him makes you shiver slightly.
You pause when you hear rustling, your eyes quickly scanning the room for the source, no way any of them are up during this time, your shoulders drop in relief when you see a small rabbit at the entrance, phew, you thought you were about to be a goner.
You resume, quickly slipping into your shoes and additional protection from the sun, or rain. You hope Qimir is awake, or you'd be going there for absolutely no reason.
You gathered only little things, water, small knife, enough credits to last you at least a few hours, you hope your master wouldn't be too angry now, since Qimir was a friend he wouldn't worry about you running away.
You hurriedly tiptoed around the cave and up to the entrance where you find the bunny still there. You poke it with the blunt end of your knife.
"..hello?" You whisper, you didn't want to scare the bunny, it might make a sound and sabotage your whole escape mission.
You frown as you tilt its tummy, its full and round, and obviously breathing, maybe it's hibernating?
You shrug and resume with your agenda, carefully, you navigate through the treacherous rocks and calm waves, leading you to a small ship, it was advanced, a very new model from the last few months, your master agreed to let you keep it because it had only little buttons to press, you were too confused with what to do with his big ship, although when Mae came, she only had to learn all about it for a day then boom! She can already fly it, so much for buttons, you would've done it too if you didn't have your small ship, but you do.
The tension on your shoulders went away when your ship soared in the air, zooming up to the space, that's when you heard chittering out the back, you frown, you don't remember the engine breaking yet, or screws loose, you flick the auto-pilot switch and pull out your knife, going into battle stance.
"W-who's there!"
No answer.
"You, you better not be armed!"
You clenched around the knife when there was still no answer, you approached the arch connecting to the hallway. An ambush! Aha! You raised your knife, preparing to stab whoever it was when you were met by the same bunny from the cave.
"Wha.." you knelt down, letting it smell your hand. "Now what is a little thing like you doing here?"
You hid your knife back, carrying the bunny in your arms. "It's cold out huh?"
Chitter, chitter
"Let's get you warmed up then"
Moments before you arrived you found a box somewhere inside the ship, you poked holes in it and put the bunny there, you decided you'll let it go when you come back.
The chirping of the birds filled your ears, the bustling planet Olega wasn't so bustling during the wee hours of the day, you could clearly see how big and empty it is without the crowds. Your heart beats louder as you approach the apothecary, you hope he's there, he had to be.
You gulp nervously when you notice the door barricaded from inside.
You sighed, rubbing your temples. What now?
You bit your tongue, you for sure didn't want to go back yet, you could stay in your ship and wait for Qimir, but it would bore you so bad, exploring Olega isn't a bad idea, except someone might snitch again..
You groaned and rolled your eyes, why'd you have to suffer today. The hair on your nape suddenly tenses up, you look around your peripheral but there was no one there, you couldn't feel any signatures, so why..
"Hey, miss?"
You yelp and cross your arms in front of your face, shutting your eyes closed.
"W-who's there!"
"Uh," the male voice pauses. "That's my line but uh... Thanks? I guess?"
Your other eye slowly peeks open, the first thing you saw was the beige clothing, with a little orange on the sides, maybe even yellow, by now both your eyes were already open, although your arms still stayed crossed.
"I won't hurt you"
"How would I know that," the last few words came out shaky, you inwardly curse yourself, the first rule was to not look meek and weak!
You heard him chuckle, seemingly amused by your guard. "If you would just take a moment to look at me clearly then you'd know."
You don't answer, your eyes were darting everywhere trying to find an exit.
"Don't think for a second that you can escape, missy"
"I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"I can see you, you know?"
You curse, hitting the barrel behind you, you hesitate for a moment before dropping your hands down.
"Now, do I look like I would hurt you?"
Jedi. You grip the ends of your robes, you haven't encountered a Jedi ever since that night your master took you in, that was the first and last time you even saw one, and now your face to face with a Jedi. Alone.
You search for Qimir or your master's signatures, but none you can reach, you weren't that good when your master dropped you out of his Sith school of learning, so all you can do right now is try to find your way out, peacefully.
"I, uh," you gulp, he's definitely handsome, pretty even, his hair twists upwards on his head, you're sure it would look horrendous on others, but he makes it look good on him, his facial structure reminds you of Qimir, only his was sharper, and the Jedi's was a little softer, and plumper.
"Yord" he says, taking a step forward which makes you step back, the barrels loudly dropping to the ground with a domino effect. "Don't, don't be scared."
He raises his hands up, showing he had no weapon hidden somewhere. "I'm- w-we're here to patrol the planet for a while,"
No answer.
"But," he pauses, frown etching on his face. "You don't look like a local from here, are you not?"
You shake your head. "Quiet now are we?"
You almost thought you were talking to Qimir, but this isn't him. A jedi. With you. Alone.
"So what brings you here?" He tilts his head, trying to look friendly, which you learned a lot of Jedi use that kind of trick when it comes to coaxing a criminal. But you're not a criminal right now huh? Not to him. He doesn't know you does he?
"I, I wanted to buy, something, medicine! Yes medicine, for my friend at home"
"Why so early though?"
"Uh, he needs them asap, or else he's gonna die" you made a dying gesture, and awkwardly tried to brush it away. "Dying friend then?"
"Uh— yes"
"Hm, I might know someone open right about now" he says, moving past you like you weren't there. "If you want to come that is."
You looked over to his shoulder to you, raising his eyebrows. "Uh,"
"It's fine if you don't," you don't see it, but you know he's laughing somewhere inside. "But won't your friend have to die for that?"
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Notes: Yord?! He's here?! Hello?!
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fen-luciel · 1 month
To bite one's tongue
Warnings: blow job/forced submission/verbal humiliation
Summary:Furious about Mae's promotion to acolyte, you vent to Qimir about your master's questionable choices.
In hindsight, it was better not to joke about it.
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I don't like romantic stories-
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I watched Mae leave the store, the poison in her hand as she didn’t even say goodbye.
I remained silent for a few seconds, staring at the entrance before slowly turning toward Qimir, who pressed his lips together before returning my gaze.
"Charming, the acolyte" I said, obvious disdain in my tone. He rolled his eyes while grabbing two more glasses "I know you don't like her. But acting as a team is best for everyone and pleases the master" he poured some of the liquor left from the previous evening into the glass before handing one to me.
I grabbed it before downing it in one gulp.
"The master has gone mad. I can't believe he replaced me with that little girl"
I slammed the glass on the table, irritated, causing Qimir to flinch beside me "Don't talk like that. The master knows what he's doing, it's all part of the plan, and—" he started stammering, but I pounded the table, got closer to him menacingly, technically, Qimir was taller than me, but he was always slouched or drooping, giving me a few centimeters that I used every time to tower over him "Stop with this nonsense. I've followed him for years without asking questions, obeying every rule, then that spoiled brat shows up and takes my place"
Qimir nervously handed me his glass, which I grabbed without breaking eye contact, downing that shot as well without flinching.
"We only need to show her his face and that would be the last straw, "At that point, he really had me completely fooled" I turned, kicking the chair in front of me. It bounced off the wall with a crash, and there was another flinch behind me.
"You know he'd never—" he tried to calm me once more, a hand on my shoulder, but I snapped, turning to grab his wrist and slam it against the wall. I didn't miss how he held back from grabbing me in return, his reflexes still terrifyingly quick.
"You always talk as if you've known him forever" I brought my face close to his, our noses brushing as Qimir shifted uncomfortably against the wall. "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you know more than you say" I slowly put my hand around his neck, my thumb pressing against his protruding Adam's apple.
"Tell me, Qimir. What did you do to earn his trust like this?" I whispered against his lips. "Could it be that he finds you so useful just because of some smuggling and poisons?"
I could see his gaze harden slightly, but he remained silent. It was absurd how that day just seemed to get worse, even Qimir was pissing me off.
I had always had a strange suspicion about him, reflexes too well-trained, the relationship so close with the master, I knew he was hiding something, but I was missing a piece.
"Tell me the truth. What did you do for him?" an ironic smile tugged at my lips as I tightened my fingers slightly around his neck. "You spend a lot of time with him, after all. Neither Mae nor I have entered his refuge, but you..."
He looked at me frowning, breath short as he kept staring at me with those deep dark eyes. "What are you insinuating?" he responded in an unusually firm voice.
In return, I squeezed my fingers even more, the irony dripping from every word "That maybe... you please our master in more than one way—"
Qimir jerked away, shoving me hard enough to make me bump into the counter behind me, but I chuckled.
"Come on, there's nothing wrong with that. He's certainly a fascinating figure, and you always seem so relaxed, it all adds up, right?" I spread my arms theatrically, raising an eyebrow to emphasize the point. "You don't even have to tell me, just let me see your knees—"
Qimir stormed off, not even glancing at me as he headed toward the back of the store "You have a mission, do it."
I shrugged, knowing I had irritated him enough for one day. In return, I felt much lighter after teasing him, so I grabbed my bag and left, the thought of my master shelved for another moment.
We landed on Khofar without problems. Mae stepped out with her shoulder bag to take a look outside while I finished shutting down the engines.
"Hey, you have something to do" Qimir said out of nowhere, appearing from the ship's corridor. I turned, raising an eyebrow at him.
Since I teased him the other day, he'd been sulking the whole time, not to mention the mess Mae made with the Jedi and the miraculously alive sister.
I would have liked to joke about how he got tricked too, but he wasn't exactly in the mood, and given how quickly things were deteriorating, I wanted to at least follow one of Qimir's pieces of advice to stick together.
"I thought I was supposed to keep the ship ready for escape—" I began, but Qimir held an holo map in front of my eyes, turning it on to show a scaled-down version of the forest, a path illuminated in yellow at the center.
"You need to go here. To Kelnacca" I looked at the small red light blinking at one end of the line "Wait, what do you mean? Am I supposed to wait for you there? Is it to help you with the Jedi?" I got up, taking the map from him, but he shook his head "I'll take a different path with Mae, a longer one, while you'll follow this one I've marked. You'll reach the Wookiee's refuge before us and kill him"
I stopped and looked at him completely confused.
"Wait. I thought she was supposed to do that. What's going on?" I turned off the map and tucked it into my pants pocket.
"Mae has failed enough. We'll handle this the old-fashioned way. And you can take the opportunity to show your skills to the master" we exchanged a knowing look.
I understood the hint.
We were going to get rid of her.
I nodded before clearing my throat.
"Any other information from the master I should know?" I looked at him as he slung his bag over his shoulder and nervously pushed his hair behind his ears "No. Just kill him. It doesn't matter how. He's a Wookiee, use your imagination, you've never lacked it" he walked toward the exit with me following, stifling a laugh as I caught the jab he had clearly thrown at me regarding the other day. I stopped at the door just as Mae was coming back toward us, Qimir went to meet her.
"Then I'll wait for you here. Don't keep me waiting too long" I said casually, crossing my arms under my chest.
Mae made one of her usual faces before walking beside Qimir, who glanced at me over his shoulder, and I nodded to him.
I waited a few minutes before starting to walk into the dense forest.
I didn't have much trouble killing the ex Jedi.
One of my best abilities was hiding my signature and presence with the help of the dark side. I slipped into his house through the open window, he had his back to me when, with a quick move, I called his lightsaber to me from where it was resting on the shelf. He turned surprised to face me, but in less than a second, I activated the weapon and with a single strike, killed him, making him stagger back and fall onto the chair behind him.
I left the lightsaber on the ground before leaving knowing they weren't far away, but I needed to ensure everything went well. Mae was better off dead than captured by the Jedi, and although I trusted Qimir's reflexes, he was still just a foolish.
I decided to hide among the tree branches, my presence even better concealed in the early evening light.
I didn't have to wait long before Mae showed up... alone.
I cursed her silently, had Qimir tried to attack her and failed? Had she killed him?
The mere thought twisted my stomach, I liked teasing him, sure, but I genuinely felt a sincere friendship toward him, after all I'd known him for a few years by now.
I watched her enter the house quickly while that creature fled into the forest. I moved to follow her, but then I heard them.
The Jedi.
Fortunately, they were too focused on Mae to look around, and the darkness played more and more to my advantage every second. I still had some knives up my sleeves I could take advantage of the confusion of the fight to kill her and then slip away to search for Qimir.
If I found him dead, I would at least give him a proper burial.
Just as this thought crossed my mind, a cold shiver ran down my spine.
I looked up sharply into the dense forest and saw him.
The master.
It was a matter of a moment, the shockwave he unleashed reached me too, and I had to cling tightly to the tree bark, the Jedi scattered like ants in panic beneath me.
I thought of Mae hiding in the house, but I ignored her, even if she had the map I would have the advantage of the shorter path over her, and I could attack her at the ship if she attempted to flee.
I followed the trail of the fight below me, jumping nimbly from branch to branch. I wanted to help, but clearly the master didn’t need me.
When Osha shot him with the blaster, I tensed for a second but he seemed unfazed. He began to chase her and I was just a little behind him. However, the trees were starting to thin out, and just as I decided to descend, the master stopped a few meters from me and turned in my direction, his gaze fixed upward to where I was perched.
I froze like an animal caught in headlights, the intensity of his gaze even though it was hidden by the mask was suffocating.
In a slow movement, he brought his finger in front of his face, signaling me to stay silent, hidden. I swallowed nervously and nodded.
I ignored the shiver of fear or the fact that he probably knew where I was all along. I wanted to tell him about Qimir, but it wasn't the right moment.
I climbed higher, waiting obediently for his signal. I didn't make a sound when I saw him clash with the Jedi, nor did I intervene when he started chasing Mae. I knew he could easily kill her, he was toying with her before delivering the final blow.
I didn't like that Sol at all, and together with that padawan, they indeed proved to be a challenge even for the master. I took a knife in my hand, ready to move if needed, when my breath caught in my throat.
The mask fell to the ground with a thud as the girl was stabbed three times by the red lightsaber.
The master's lightsaber.
Qimir's lightsaber.
A white noise filled my ears as I pieced everything together.
I finally understood why I couldn’t find the key to decipher it, there wasn’t a missing piece, I just had to connect what was already there.
It was all in front of my eyes.
I continued to watch the scene until I saw those insects latch onto Qimir, who struggled in the air before being carried away. At that moment, I followed him through the trees, distancing myself from the Jedi before intervening to help him.
He threw me his lightsaber as soon as we were at a safe distance. I jumped onto the insects, starting to cut them in half to free him from the bulk of them. Finally with the help of the Force, he freed himself from the last creatures.
I touched the ground, the dawn’s light illuminating us as I looked at Qimir uncertainly.
"Qimir— I mean, Master... I thought... when I didn’t see you return with Mae—"
He turned to me with a terrifying look. I had seen the kind of personality he showed when his face was uncovered and the one he used with the mask, but now that I knew the truth, I couldn’t reconcile the two extremes.
"It's too late to get her now. But we can deal with the sister"
He gestured towards Osha’s body lying a few meters away from us.
I took a few hesitant steps towards him, the unease twisting my stomach as the memory of that afternoon shook me "Qim— Master. I just wanted to... apologize for the other day—"
Suddenly, a grip around my neck cut off my airways, pulling me into his hands, his fingers pressing against the skin of my neck.
"You're right. We need to clear up the misunderstanding that has arisen"
I was forcefully shoved to the ground, my knees hitting hard from the impact.
Instinctively, I put my hands around his wrist trying to free myself, but his grip was like steel. The muscles in his arms were tensed and gleaming under the morning light as my breath shortened.
"Please, forgive me for my insolence" I whispered with half-closed eyes, my voice choked and my heart pounding wildly.
The smile he gave me almost made me vomit from fear.
"No. You were right. I’ve neglected you. And yet you’ve always been so obedient to me..." with his free hand, he caressed my cheek and then my lower lip, his dark figure blocking the view of the dawn's rays.
"I’ve put you in the background. And yet Mae has been nothing but a disappointment" He smiled again, sweetly, yet there was nothing kind in his gaze.
"You deserve a reward. You’ve seen my face without any favor" His tone was ironic as my chest burned, struggling to get air into my lungs. My fingers trembled as I tried to grasp the hand tightly clenched on my skin, causing painful pressure, I knew he would leave bruises if I survived.
"You deserve a greater reward for being such a good student" Suddenly, he let me go with a slight push backward. I gasped uncomfortably coughing in big gulps of air, my eyes burning. I rubbed my neck uneasily, and when I turned towards him, I saw just in time his hand grabbing my hair forcefully. A hiss escaped through my teeth, but I tried to maintain some composure not knowing what would make him angrier. His fist was so tight on my scalp that I feared he would tear the hair from my forehead.
"Open my pants" he said in a rough voice, moving a few centimeters closer. I looked at him in shock, my lips trembling, hoping I had misunderstood his words.
"Master... please—"
A slap hit me squarely in the face, stunning me, the ringing in my ear drowning out any surrounding sounds.
I made a small, surprised noise, my breath caught in my throat, but his grip on my hair kept me in place.
"You only speak when I command you. Do you understand?" he roared. I nodded as much as I could in response, the sensation of burning and dull pain on my cheek "Open my pants, acolyte"
I took a trembling breath as I began to untie his pants, not daring to look up, so I just stared at his dark underwear.
The loose fabric had fallen around his ankles.
"Come on. Pull it down" he ordered. I bit my lip before moving closer on my knees, almost flinching at the sensation of my fingers brushing the smooth skin of his sculpted abs. I slowly pulled down the fabric, exposing his semi-erect penis.
I blushed at the sight. The truth was, I knew nothing about sex. I liked to use it as a topic to make others uncomfortable, with blunt jokes or derogatory insults, but I had barely kissed a man in my life. This was the first penis I had seen in person.
He took his erection with his free hand and began to stroke himself slowly in front of my trembling eyes, the discomfort growing every second. But that dark red tip was the only thing in focus in my field of vision, drawing me in like a moth to a flame, the whisper of the dark side surrounding us "Look at you. You’re almost drooling. You were born with this desperate craving for cocks"
I bit my lip in shame, the words choked at the back of my throat as I focused on other things, like the throbbing of my bruised cheek or the scratching of my sore throat.
"Come on. Lick it." The erection had swelled and hardened in front of my eyes, the tip stopping less than an inch from my mouth. I trembled slightly, the pressure of his gaze and the veiled threat dripping from each syllable he spoke were enough to make me act without complaining.
I exhaled through my nose helplessly as I stuck out my tongue to give a small lick to the warm flesh "Good girl, just like that, slowly" he held my head steady, the cock barely touching my lips, forcing me to extend my tongue to reach it.
He brought my head close enough for me to lick the red tip with the full length of my tongue, the salty, sweet taste flooding my taste buds. I wasn’t sure what I was doing or if I was doing it right, but he didn’t seem displeased.
"You like it, don’t you? On your knees for your master. The honor of licking my dick, that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?" It was instinctive to think to say no, but I didn’t have the courage to speak, much less look him in the eyes. Instead, I focused on wetting his cock hoping to make him less angry.
Meanwhile, Qimir stepped closer, allowing me more access to the taut flesh, shifting his hand to only hold the base to position it better near my face.
"Keep going, slut" The insult gave me chills, whether from the harshness of his tone or because the weaker part of me found it exciting, I continued to caress the length from base to tip with my tongue, trying to reach every angle I could, sucking the thin, warm, pulsating flesh, the protruding veins, the color... and the smell.
I felt my head fog up, my hands were free I could at least try to rebel, but I kept my arms relaxed by my sides as I let myself be used like a doll. Maybe I actually liked it. Maybe I was truly a slut.
"And now take it in your mouth" He moved it down again, pointing it straight at my lips.
I exhaled through my slightly parted lips, still too uncomfortable to look at him in the face. At that moment, I knew I would never have the courage to rebel. He moved the taut flesh around my lips and then, in a clear derogatory gesture, slapped it lightly against the cheek that had burned so much earlier.
What burned the most was that I could feel something wet forming between my legs.
I stuck out my tongue again and finally rested the tip on my flesh enough to close my lips around it. I began to suck, occasionally moving my tongue to envelop it, hoping I was doing it right. Qimir above me groaned slowly as he moved his hips imperceptibly.
"I knew you were a natural bitch. I should have trained you to take my cock from day one" He pushed my head further forward, at least half of his dick was in my mouth. My jaw hurt, but I dared not make a sound. He used his grip on my hair to fuck my mouth, a stream of saliva falling down my chin. I had to dig my nails into my palms to keep from touching myself. I was already in enough trouble, I didn’t want to give him more reasons to torture me.
He continued like this for a while, at a torturously slow pace, then, stepping forward, he shoved the full length down my throat. I moaned in panic as my breathing was obstructed, my nose pressed into his dark pubic hair, choking noises escaping as I struggled not to cough, the burning in my throat worsening the situation.
"Take it like a good slut. Look at you, clutching your legs in heat while sucking your master’s dick." some tears fell from my eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was from the undeniable excitement dripping from my core or the shame of being used like this by Qimir.
"I should keep you like this forever, with your mouth ready to warm my dick" He began to thrust deeply into my throat, pulling out until only the tip touched my tongue, and then pushing back in to the base, firm and resolute.
"Beg for it, slut. Submit to the pleasure I give you in body and mind" His thrusts grew faster, with streams of saliva connecting his cock to my mouth.
"When we get home, I’ll break you until the only thing you can think about is my load filling you every day"
Suddenly, he stopped with the tip brushing my swollen lips "Say it" he ordered.
I hadn’t even realized I was crying profusely by this point, too focused on taking his dick in my throat without choking. But now I felt it, the wetness between my legs, the itch in my stomach, and the racing heart. I stared at that swollen tip like a starving woman.
I... I wanted it.
"Please, Master, fill me with your cum" I finally looked him in the eyes and almost lost myself in those languid, pleasure-filled pools.
I wondered what I must look like from his position. Held by the hair while I prostrated myself submissively to his will, eyes swollen with silent tears, my cheek red and sore, maybe with the mark of his hand on it and trembling lips.
"I will be your good slut forever, I will never dare to insult you again. Please, fill me with your cum" I parted my lips wider and stuck out my tongue to emphasize my words.
He, on the other hand, smiled.
"Good girl"
He returned to touching himself, his erection tensed in his fist as he grunted more and more "Swallow it all, slut" he whispered hoarsely. He made a strangled noise, and the first thick spray hit my face in a hot jet. He shoved it back into my throat with force, his hips moving quickly while his iron grip kept my head still. Thick ropes of cum were forced to the back of my throat. I moaned, feeling the warmth reach the pit of my stomach. I didn’t even realize how my hips were trembling as an orgasm hit me dry.
By now, whatever little dignity I had left was shattered as I moaned around his cock, my eyes closed while my brain stopped functioning and remained silent, a victim of the explosive sensation of the orgasm.
Qimir pulled out one last time to release the remnants on my mouth and tongue, and finally let go of my hair, allowing me to collapse to the ground.
I lay still with trembling limbs, my brain trying to process the events of the past few hours.
Qimir adjusted his clothes and walked towards Osha, who had remained unconscious a few meters away.
"Get up. We're going home. You still have much to learn" he picked her up in his arms and walked away without waiting for me.
I took a few seconds to catch my breath, humiliation embedded in my bones, the sweet, thick taste on my tongue as I spoke with a broken voice.
"Yes Master"
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ofstarsandvibranium · 2 months
Take Me Back to Us
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Qimir x GN!Reader
Summary: You were content on being a Jedi healer. You found comfort in helping your fellow Jedi as well as anyone else that needed your expertise. However, you come across a stranger that seems all too familiar, and you're not sure why. Based off this request.
A/N: this is a lil more on the platonic side if you really look at it but its whatever
Qimir Masterlist
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It was clear that you and Qimir were special. People around you treated you two differently, especially when they got to witness you two using your...powers.
Your village said you two were blessed by the gods or something. You two felt like you were children of gods when you used your minds to move things around or even start floating mid-air.
Then they arrived, these Jedi, who promised to train you so that you knew how to better use and control your powers.
The only problem was that you would be separated. Qimir would be going to Corrusant and you to Olega.
You hugged Qimir tight before you two departed. After pulling away, you two made a pinky promise, "Together or apart, you're always in my heart." A childish rhyme yet conveyed the deep rooted feeling of love and companionship. You two had a bond, one so deep that even the Jedi training the both of you didn't know how to sever.
You had a Force bond. Whatever the you felt, Qimir felt, and vice versa. Even planets away, you could feel each other's pain, yearning, loneliness. The Jedi Knight training, Master Ekwall, felt the disturbance and pain in you.
It became unbearable one fateful night. You felt a deep searing pain and anger within you, that you didn't know what to do. Master Ekwall, knowing your attachment to Qimir, felt it was him that was causing you to struggle in letting go of your emotions. So he did what he thought was right, he removed your memories of Qimir.
The last thing you remembered was leaving your home planet. A few years lost, but your Master continued to help you hone in on your connection to the Force.
Turns out, you're a natural healer. Although trained in the Jedi art, you moreso work in the medbay in Olega, aiding Jedi, padawans, and locals whenever they're hurt.
Occasionally when you work, you feel a heaviness in your heart, or a shooting pain in your head. You're not sure why and Master Ekwall said that when he took you in, you suffered a head injury that must have some lingering effects.
The local apothecary provides you a concoction that dulls the pain. The storeowner, Ohnell, is a kind older man that gives you a discount on whatever you need since you helped heal him years ago.
However, Ohnell isn't behind the counter today. It's a young man you've never seen before.
"Hell-" the man looks up and his words get caught in his throat. He clears his throat, "Hello."
You look at him curiously, "You're not Ohnell," you state as you cautiously approach the man behind the counter.
He gulps, "No, I'm not. Ohnell had some emergency and asked me to watch the shop while he's away."
You feel that heaviness in your chest again, the searing pain in your head. You hiss, grabbing the side of your head, leaning against the counter.
The man immediately rushes around to steady you, "What's going on? What's wrong?" Once he touches you, the feeling simmers down.
You look at him with confusion, "I-How did you do that?"
"Do what?" the man asks.
For years, I've been experiencing headaches and chest pains. I've been coming to this apothecary because Ohnell provides a concoction to numb the pain. But as soon as you touched me, it went away."
The man looks you in the eyes, "You don't remember me, do you?"
"Remember? Do I know you?"
Before the man answers, another person enters the shop. A young woman with a purple hooded cape. You take the opportunity to leave, the young woman eyeing you as you cross each other's paths.
As the distance between you and the man, grow, the pain starts coming back.
Mae eyes you through the window before you're out of view and then turns to Qimir, "Do you know them?"
He shakes his head and gives a little chuckle, "No, of course not. Just a customer asking about some products. Anyway, how'd it go?"
Qimir listens intently as Mae recalls her encounter with Master Torbin. He proceeds to make her concoction that will help her in killing the Jedi.
You stand back, leaning against the wall as Osha tells Jecki about bunta from her home planet.
"Is this the only apothecary in town?"
Kear nods, "It is but..." he sees the man that enters the shop, "That's not our regular guy. I don't know who that guy is."
You speak up, "I went in the other day. That man said Ohnell was away due to an emergency." You shake your head in shame, "I should have known something was wrong."
"Any suggestions of a plan?" Master Sol asks.
Yord steps up, offering his suggestion. However, Jecki dismisses it and provides a better plan. You cover your mouth to hide your smile when Master Sol takes up Jecki's idea. You pat Yord on the shoulder in pity, winking at Jecki, feeling proud for the padawan.
Osha heads down, buying a wrap to make herself look more like Mae. You all huddle around the comm in Jecki's hand as Osha speaks through her PIP droid, "I hope you guys can hear me."
She walks into the shop and hear through the droid her conversation with the man inside.
"Mae, uh, are you okay? Did the poison work?"
"That's all we need. Let's pull her out." Jecki, Yord, and Kear are ready to move, but Sol stops them, "Wait!"
"Wait, you killed Torbin without the poison. He will be so pleased."
"Go!" all of you rush down towards the shop. While you're not skilled enough to be a Jedi Knight, you never know if someone will get hurt.
You follow Master Sol and Yord into the apothecary after Osha's attempt at getting information from the man.
The man goes rigid, being surrounded by Jedi. When you step into view, he stares at you for a moment before Jecki speaks.
"We know you supplied her the posion that killed Master Torbin. We have your confession," the padawan holds up the comm.
"Wait, wait, wait. That isn't my thing. This is her. I didn't know what she was going to do with that stuff!"
Master Sol steps up to him, "If you cooperate, we will consider letting you go with a warning."
The man nods and distances himself from Sol, "Thank you, sir! Please don't do the memory wipe thing or whatever it is you guys do."
You continue to watch the man suspiciously. You feel a pulling at your chest and, as if, the man feels it too, he rubs at his own chest for a brief moment. The gesture has you even more confused about who this man is.
"What is your relationship to Mae?" Sol asks.
"I'm just her supplier. I started out gunrunning for the Hutts, now I supply people like her with what they need. For the right price."
"Well maybe you can supply us with the truth." Yord says which makes you want to roll your eyes.
"Who is 'he'?" Sol asks.
The man looks confused and points to Yord, "Uh, I thought he was with you."
You look at Osha confused and she shrugs. Sol continues to interrogate the man and then he provides something of interest, "All I know is that she wants revenge on four Jedi. If you wanna get to her, she'll be back here tonight. I'm holding some things for her."
Master Sol proceeds to list off orders to each of you. Jecki goes back to the ship. Yord secures the perimeter. Osha accompanies Sol and you are to go back to the Temple. The four exit the shop in haste, but you stay back for a moment.
The man's shoulders sag when the leave, "That was...intense."
"Who are you?"
The man gives you a crooked smile, "Qimir."
In your mind, you hear children's laughter. Your own and...someone else's.
"Together or apart, you're always in my heart."
"..always in my heart," you murmur out and Qimir's eyes widen, "What did you say?"
You shake your head, backing away, "Nothing. I need to return to the Temple," you hurry out of the shop in a rush.
You were knocked out in the battle. Thrown back by an incredible power of the Force. Surrounding you are various bodies of fallen Jedi. You look for any search of life, hoping that you could help and heal any that survived. You find none.
During your search, you come across the man behind it all...Qimir.
You unsheathe your lightsaber, causing him to stand from an unconscious Osha, his hands out, "I'm not going to hurt you."
"You killed my friends, fellow Jedi. How can I trust you?"
"You know me, Y/N, and I know you."
"I don't know you!" you exclaim in frustration and hurt.
Qimir remains calm, "Yes, you do. When we met, you felt something in your chest and you felt it again during that interrogation. You even said our promise, 'Together or apart, you're always in my heart.'"
You grip tightens on your saber, "If I know you then why don't I remember you?"
"The Jedi probably wiped your memory, made you forget about me."
You shake your head in disbelief, "But why would they do that?"
Qimir slowly walks closer to you, hands still up, "Jedi aren't allowed to have emotional ties to people. They probably wiped me from your memory because of the bond that we have. But it's clear our bond is so much stronger than them."
"They told me my memory problems and my head pains were due to a head injury."
"The Jedi are liars. They lied to me, to Osha, to you." he stretches his hand out to you, "Come with me. I can help you get your memories back and show you exactly what our relationship was. No lies."
You hesitate, weighing out your options. What if he kills you? What if he's also lying?
"I promise, I'm not."
Against your better judgement, you sheath your lightsaber, clipping it to your belt. You slowly reach your hand out.
Qimir immediately grabs you, pulls you in, and places his hand on your head.
The world goes black.
"Qimir! Get down! You'll fall!" a much smaller, younger you shouts up at your childhood friend in the tree.
"I'll be fine," the young boy replies, climbing higher up the tree. His foot suddenly slips and he loses his grip. Falling back with a cry, waiting for impact.
But he doesn't. He's floating in mid-air, slowly floating down until his feet touch the ground.
He whips around to face you and you drop your arms with an exasperated sigh, "Told you."
He rushes up to you with a wide grin, "That was amazing! How did you do that?! All I can do is lift rocks!"
You shrug, "I don't know. All I know is that i was really scared of you getting hurt. I held my arms out and the Force caught you."
"Thank you for saving me," he wraps his arms around you in a tight hug.
You giggle, "What're friends for? Now will you listen to me about being careful?"
He pulls back, giving you a mischievous grin, "Never."
Your eyes shoot open and you take a look at your surroundings. You're in a cave of some sort. You don't think you're on Khofar. You suddenly realize you hear waves crashing. You're near water.
A bowl of stew appears in your line of sight and you look up to Qimir holding it, "You need to eat."
You sit up and see Osha across the cave, eating in silence, eyes on you and Qimir. You apprehensively take the bowl, "Where are we?"
"Can't tell you," he replies.
"How long have I been asleep?"
"Two days," he replies, sitting beside you on the bedroll.
"Two days?!"
"Your mind and body is catching up to everything you've forgotten. Honestly, I'm surprised it didn't take you longer to wake up," he looks at you with a smirk "But you were always a persistent person."
You roll your eyes, "And you always seem to be reckless and impulsive."
His brows raise in interest, "What do you remember?"
"You were climbing a tree. I told you to get down or you'd hurt yourself. You slipped, falling to the ground, but I caught you, saving your life."
Qimir chuckles, "That happened a lot when we were young, up until we were separated."
"So you two have known each other since you were young?" Osha asks.
Qimir sighs, "We grew up on the same planet. We discovered we were strong with the Force and Jedi took us away, from our home," he looks at you, "From each other." He looks back at Osha, "I'm not letting them do that to us again." He reaches over and takes your hand in his.
A familiar warmth and comfort filled you, like you knew you were safe and cared for.
You didn't know what was to become of you now. You've abandoned the Jedi, the way of life that you went a majority of your life learning and following. But being with Qimir, having him at your side? It felt right and you knew you'd follow him anywhere and everywhere.
"Together or apart," Qimir starts.
"-you're always in my heart," you finish the phrase.
A promise that you made when you were children and, seemingly, has lasted time and space to bring you back together again.
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sunflower-chai · 4 months
THANK YOU the acolyte for disproving the “jedi steal kids” sentiment held by so much of the fandom. they ask for permission from a guardian before children can be tested! and even if they pass it is their choice to go or not!
also thank you for giving me more physically affectionate jedi!! other than kanan and ezra, and one time with anakin and ahsoka after ahsoka literally died, i feel like we never see masters hug their padawans. sol and osha’s hug gave me LIFE.
really curious about what exactly the coven on brendok is. they don’t seem to be nightsisters yet they call themselves witches. they seem a little sus since they discourage osha from going into/learning about the outside world, which feels slightly cultish. but also mother aniseya clearly loves her girls and they clearly love her. she does not physically harm them (other than the force push during the training exercise) and she is warm and nurturing. it’s very complicated and i hope the show delves into that further. also what is it with force-sensitive children not having fathers?? lol.
i liked the contrast of mae wanting to share everything with osha while osha wants to discover who she is as an individual, creating some interesting tension in their relationship. i also feel like mae was a really good example of what unhealthy attachment actually looks like. if she cannot have osha, no one can. and she does not care about the potential repercussions for everyone else. i think mae might have realized she went too far near the end when she begged osha to jump over to her, but then she fell and it was too late. and her hatred for the jedi has twisted her mind so much that she does not blame herself for what happened but projects it onto them. they are the ones who wanted to take osha away. they are the reason osha is (presumably) dead. she is not at fault. they forced her hand.
it’s a really intriguing thought process, and i’m wondering where it came from. has mae always been this way? did the ascension ceremony change her nature in some way? this sort of goes back to my questions about the coven. mother aniseya said they were exiled for using “dark” powers. so are they dark side users? it’s interesting how they refer to the force as “the thread” and place more emphasis on individual agency over destiny (i.e., “the will of the force”). but mother aniseya also criticizes those who see the force as a “power” to wield rather than something that connects the galaxy. which is just… misinformed? the jedi also don’t see the force as a power? literally “the force surrounds us. it penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together.” so maybe they have some incorrect assumptions.
wondering if mae’s current master finds her on brendok after the fire. i feel like that would make sense. she’s eight years old and the only person left alive on the planet, she would need someone to find her. and continue to cultivate that hate within her and form her into the living weapon she is today.
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maul-of-shame · 2 months
Spoilers for the Acolyte Finale: (spicy)
Maybe this is me being picky, a bitch, or just using braincells but this didn't make sense on so many points???????!!!!!! You want me to believe Osha, who witnessed the deaths of the Jedi, INCLUDING HER FRIENDS JECKI AND YORD, right in front of her in the most BRUTAL WAYS, realized her sister had been/was being manipulated by Qimir, who got basically kidnapped by him, THIS OSHA, would go hand in hand off into the sunset with the man who murdered her friends right after she choked her master to death and they wiped the memory of her twin sister after finally finding her after years thinking she lost everyone and leave said AMNESIC sister into the hands of people she thinks are awful ?????
Don't even get me started on the Vernestra stuff because- Sol was not the only one on Brendok. They were 4. 4 damn people. One went into exile, one took the vow of silence, one didn't seem that affected by it (hello she was the one saying they should cover it up) and Sol did his very best to train Osha for YEARS. He wanted her and Mae to be safe. He tried to save them both and it backfired. Did he go about it the right way ? No. Did he deserve to die for it ? Definitely not.
Sol did try to redeem himself, tried to be the best teacher and parental figure he could be for Osha, taught younglings to not be like him (visible in the lesson he's giving, also he was the only one back to teaching, JUST SAYING) and there's no point in denying that. He thought Mother Aniseya was going to kill Mae. His heart got the best of him and he acted without knowing what was happening. But don't you dare try to say they went there to "steal children" because this wasn't the damn point of the MISSION. They have been seent to EXPLORE the planet, not to STEAL CHILDREN, or MURDER PEOPLE.
Their actions were not the best, yes, but there is no need to make it seems like it was part of a "grand plan" or even more messed up.
What happened was a kid tired of spending time on a planet for god knows what was starting to get restless and a man worried about two CHILDREN, thinking something terrible was about to happen with two other people trying to shut them down messed up big time.
The miscommunication caused all of this, this could have been avoided if everyone involved TALKED.
And what was the point of making the "twins" reunite only to wipe Mae's memory and do ANOTHER cover up??? Like my sister in the Force, WHAT THE HELL ????
Mae's character, the growth, realizing he should go and be judged for his crimes, her character was beautifully written and to just end this like that: this disminish her character, Sol's character, Jecki's, Yord's and all the others.
Osha snapping after learning the truth, I can understand it, but would she just go like this? Full darkside and believe the man who manipulated her twin, killed her friends and all to just run off into the sunset with him? Would she go that easily with him????
This genuinely feels like a fanfiction someone wanted to end quickly, no matter how far off the ending and characters seemed. But, with Leslye saying she loves "enemies to lovers", I'm not surprised she did this, just heavily disappointed.
If the Jedi are this bad... Why leave an amnesic Mae with them then?
Mae, Sol, Yord, Jecki, Torbin... They all didn't deserve this. If you have to kill two potential love interests (Jecki & Yord) + downplay the villain's actions to make sure your ship (Oshamir) happens, then there is an issue here.
How in the Hell becoming a Sith and going on a rampage is liberating? Genuinely, how is that good and freeing?
Haven't you guys watched the prequels??? And Anakin's downfall???
This series was so good, genuinely great with beautiful decors, scenes, fighting choreography etc and it just... It feels like an empty ending. Idk what she thought she did with this but this ain't it.
Again, this is just my rant about it, you don't have to like it. If you loved this episode, then good for you! Congrats!! I loved the show, I really did. Until episode 5. Then it just went downhill.
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dealingdreams · 1 month
Qimir's motivations might be a little uncertain. Like all we really know for sure is what he's told us. He wants freedom, freedom to be allowed to practice his power as he sees fit, he wants an acolyte, and he wants the power of two. That said, here just my thoughts.
I think when Mae was asking Qimir about his master aka him, he was actually answering her with some truths about his actual master Plagueis. "He collects people...i owe him" etc...best lies have some truths. Which i have concerns cause we know Palps ends up being Plagie's apprentice and later murderer. Plags did go thru some folks before he found the perfect fit for his world domination plan.
Qimir just doesn't really strike me as someone who is power hungry tbh. i know we techically dont know him well enough yet...but i mean the dude really only attacks when he's threatend. he seems more wounded animal than sith mastermind. so why the power of two...why an acolyte? i think his speech about an acolyte killing the dream...is in relation to how the Jedi at this point in time are the authority on teaching younglings how the force works. they say how and if that power can be used, even going so far as to say that without their teachings, your connection to the force weakens. so having someone showing force capabilites without being a Jedi is kinda a slap in the face to that teaching. Especially if that person can kill a Jedi without the use of a weapon. Like damn..the Jedi aren't that powerful after all yaknow. I think it's just a big fuck you to the Jedi tbh.
He's just wants to be a hot philosophy professor guys
As for the power of two, that is basically the Sith end all be all. He's not a Sith Lord yet...he hasn't taken/been given a name. I really think the only reason he would want the power of two is for his safetly...again he reads as wounded and lost to me...not power hungry. A lot of his choices seem to be made with whatever happened with Vernestra in mind. His shoto blade, which is similar to a saber Luke had in the comics(?) i think...was built to block lightsaber whips. His helmet blocks a Jedi's ability to read his mind or sense him fully. Add in the genuine fear on his face when he sensed Vern...something happened there and it left him so wrecked it's still effecting him all these years later.
Now here is where i think he's fucked.
I do think that he cared about Mae. In fact i think he wanted Mae to succeed and had she not betrayed him I do think he would have continued to train with her. I do also think that he was interested in Osha from the jump, but i dont think at any point he would have tossed Mae to the side for Osha. I think this for the same reason I dont think Qimir was trying to replace Mae with Osha. I think he sees the twins as very different people and has a very different dynamic with them. I think he seized the opportunity with maybe pulling Osha to his side...weither he would have done that had Mae remained his pupil who knows.
Qimir and Mae's dynamic is basically In-Laws lol.
I joke but no i think there was a distance between Qimir and Mae. There was a power imbalance between them. Simply master and pupil. Why he never showed her his face we could only guess. Personally I think it was a combination of him not trusting Mae fully and in case she got caught and a Jedi like Sol or Vernestra went into her Mind. He was simply protecting himself once again. Still he created the persona of Qimir to be a companion to Mae. He still taught her, still assisted her, but did it in an unitimitating way. So yeah I think he cares about Mae. Also just fyi, no I don't think he would have killed her when he found her and Osha at the tree in the aftermath of Sol's death.
So back tho to how he's fucked...Osha...hopefully literally fucked by Osha in the future but also like...he's fucked lol. He never had the choice with showing Osha his face, but he did have a choice on how vulnerable he was with her. We know from literally everyone confirming it that he wasn't manipulating her. He felt a connection to her, felt like she would understand him and he could understand her. That they were the same. I dont for one second see a power imbalance playing out between them. I think many of his actions prove that he views her as his equal. So thats one of the many ways he's fucked. the rule of two doesnt like that very much so i think Plagie might have some issues with that.
I think i could see them like playing master and pupil cause it's safer that way...but honestly they are fucked truly.
anyways ending the rant kinda abruptly lol :P
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superectojazzmage · 3 months
I really dig Qimir's characterization. He's a Sith and a lot of the brutality of Sith culture is on full display, but he doesn't really come off as necessarily evil or even especially malicious, at the very least no the in the typical way Sith villains are portrayed.
Mae's hunting of the Brendok Jedi seems to have been more of a personal thing for her that he reluctantly went along with as part of her training, and Qimir himself is evidently more concerned with keeping his culture alive than perpetuating old grudges. He hates Jedi because of all the bad blood between them and Sith and the ideological differences and has no issue with killing them, but also mostly just wants to be left alone to practice his faith, use his powers, and rear his own students/children as he sees fit rather than being forced to follow the laws of the nation that destroyed his own.
He bears no delusions about the Sith's current predicament as a tiny husk of it's former self hiding in the cracks of a society dominated by ancestral enemies, like many of the Baneite Sith do. He isn't interested in fantasies of revenge and conquest. As he says to Sol, the only reason he kills the hunting party is because Mae has caused them all to discover the Sith, and if the Jedi Council and Republic learn about Sith still existing they'll default to slaughtering or depowering them all for being "tainted by darkness", the exact same way they've done after every prior conflict with the Sith.
And while he disagrees with the Jedi Code, he also despises when Jedi fail to follow their own stated principles and gladly points out when they're being hypocrites (like how he mocks Sol for being upset over Jecki's death because she's "a child", as if he didn't personally lead said child into lethal combat after rearing her as a warrior and as if the Jedi in general don't use their padawans as child soldiers as a rule). His obvious disdain Sol and the Brendok Jedi specifically over even the other Jedi seems less motivated by the Jedi-Sith feud and more by him knowing about the very bad thing they almost assuredly did on Brendok and being livid about them continuing to act like they have the moral high ground despite it.
In a lot of ways, he's in the same position as the Brendok Coven, someone who wants to be free to live their own way and not be bashed into line by the Jedi and Republic, which would certainly explain why he and Mae gravitated to working together. They see each other as kindred spirits, both people left alone and in hiding by the imperialism of the Republic and the Jedi's refusal to let anyone who challenges their view of the Force exist in the long term, if at all. And that also adds to his anger with Mae when she turns on him; she was trying to throw him under the bus so she can ingratiate herself with the people who killed both her and his people. Even in a culture that values cunning and deceit, that sort of betrayal would probably be seen as unimaginable, the kind of dishonor that can never be atoned for.
All in all, the show is such a nice throwback to the more morally nuanced and even-handed works you used to see more of during the Legends EU days, showing the flaws and issues with all the involved groups while not coming down too hard and deeming any one pure evil, as well as treating the individual characters within those groups as varied in nature but usually sympathetic or at least understandable. The Jedi as an institution and a part of the governmental system are deeply flawed at even the best of times, but most of the Jedi come off as decent folk who are genuinely just trying to do the right thing. The Brendok Witches had their issues, but also justified reasons for everything they did and at the end of the day they just wanted to be allowed to live their lives without fear of outsiders storming in to take their children away and forbid them from passing their ways on. And now, with Qimir, yeah, the Sith culture is shown to be very harsh, ruthless, or even downright savage by the standards of the Jedi (and our own real world values), but they're still people at the end of the day.
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jreads · 2 months
They were both panting, coated in a light sheen of sweat. He had a wooden staff to her throat, feeling the rise and fall of her breaths, her heartbeat reverberating through his arms, his chest. Over the weeks, she had been improving: movements getting quicker, blows turning more lethal, gaze more rapidly assessing. It was mesmerizing to watch Osha move. Like him, she had that mix of Jedi training as well, and it refined each step. She was violently calculating, unlike Mae’s rage-fueled offensive barrages. She was perfect. And beautiful.
“You’re distracted,” she huffed in his grasp, before twisting and bringing her ankle behind his own, knocking him off balance for just a moment…
But it was long enough. She pushed out with the force and he faltered. The impact of his back meeting rough rock face was enough to knock the breath from him. 
She didn’t miss a beat, leveling the point of her staff just under his chin. Qimir could tell she was trying to hide a smile of defiance. 
Osha tossed her hair over one shoulder. “That didn’t even feel like a fair win. I could tell your mind was elsewhere.” 
The sun on this planet had darkened her skin and it seemed to glow now. Her body was more toned and corded with muscle, and her lips seemed… impossibly fuller?
“Qimir?” she raised a brow.
Maker, the way she said his name. 
Bad idea. Fantastic idea.
He had her up against the rock in a second, wrists pinned at her side, staff forgotten at their feet. She was still heaving.
“Push me away,” he commanded, preparing to fight against the familiar weight of her force push. But it never came.
“I said push..." he tightened his grip for emphasis.
"me..." and pressed his weight further into her.
"Away.” She was looking at him with some new expression, hooded, dark, thrilling, dangerous. And when she angled her head, he knew he was done for. 
He tried to step back then, to put some distance between them, to dampen that red hot shot of lightning now spiderwebbing through his chest. Too late.
He couldn’t move.
The force was an unbreakable barrier against his back. Thrumming. So powerful. She was trapping him.
“Osha.” It was barely a whisper. She looked like she was lost, like she couldn’t even hear him. But she was close, so impossible close…
She leaned forward first, eyes fluttering closed. At the barest brush of her lips on his they both knew there was no coming back from this.
And it was a mess. Tongues and teeth and he could swear he tasted blood. She was a livewire, hands fisting in his hair, against his robes. It was like she wanted to tear him apart, and maybe she did, and honestly, in that moment, he couldn’t have cared less. 
i'm so normal about them can you tell? more to come, watch this space <3
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stephanythedramaqueen · 2 months
Hi! I love your Osha and Qimir posts sm! I am obsessed with them and really hope the show gets a S2. 😭
Sorry if this dumb a question, but why is Qimir so desperate for a pupil? I’m rewatching the season and the way he says that line to Sol just sounds so angry and frustrated.
Is it just because he’s lonely or because he’s following darth plagueis orders?
Hi! I’m obsessed with oshamir too, dw. The brainrot set in deep!
Okay so the simple answer here is that Qimir wants the Power of Two. And he was angry in that scene not bc he was super frustrated about not having one, but more likely bc he invested all that time and energy training Mae, which might have been years for all we know, and she ended up betraying him and thus ending her apprenticeship under him. That’s years and time and energy wasted. I would be angry too.
Going into depth about this, in Sith theology the Rule of Two is one who holds the power and one who craves it. A master and a pupil. A teacher and student. A paragon and acolyte. It’s a very power grabbing impersonal dysfunctional power dynamic.
However, I find it very important that the wording here in the show should be taken into account. Qimir doesn’t want the Rule of Two, which is what the Sith crave. What Qimir wants is the Power of Two. And the way the Power of Two is described in this show in particular sounds more like a Force Dyad, before this term was invented. The Rule of Two has always been about power imbalance. The master who holds all the power and the pupil who wants it. But the way the season ended between Osha and Qimir is that they’re equals. As per Leslye Headland’s own account:
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Mind you, the Rule of Two never affords any equality whatsoever.
The witch coven describes the Power of One, the Power of Two, the Power of Many, a connection between each other through the Thread (aka The Force) which makes them stronger too. Now it’s interesting that the Jedi would call their power of the dark side. The same way Qimir is. But not all Darksiders are Sith, the way he never technically identifies as a Sith. The way its described, this unique bond through the Force/Thread is more aligned with a Force Dyad. And if we’ve seen anything what Rey and Ben over there has shown in the movies, it’s a strength and bond capable of great feats. And that is what Qimir wants. The strength, the power, the capability of greatness with another through the Force, so he could have the freedom to exercise his Force the way he wants without restriction from the Jedi or the Sith. And in order to get that, he would’ve needed someone who knows his craft and has the strength in the Force the way he does; someone who needs to learn this.
Now is Qimir lonely and suffering? Yes. Does he recognize this pain and despair in Osha? Yes. Is he eager in his connection for someone to understand him the way he understands her, like no one else ever would? Also yes. Did Darth Plaguis sent him to do it? Unclear. Unlike what the internet has been spreading as per yesterday, it is not confirmed that Plaguis is Qimir’s master. Leslye Headland, the showrunner, has been vague about Plaguis role in this. In one interview she seems to imply Qimir doesn’t know Plaguis is there at all and Plaguis is just spying on them. In another, there’s a hint that there’s more going on between Plaguis and Qimir.
Either way, that’s an answer that can only be answered in season 2. Leslye isn’t so foolish as to spoil that.
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jabbasyogainstructor · 3 months
Ok, new theories forming:
I still think Qimir did at some point seek out the Brendok witch coven. I’m guessing that since they were all women, they turned him away. But that didn’t stop him from sneaking around and watching them. That “power of 2” line is double sided. It alludes to the Sith *and* the witches chant of “the power of one, the power of two, the power of many.” I still think he was there for the fire. It would explain the mysterious noise they heard during the girls training season. (I think that because we saw Sol sneak around after the twins. We didn’t see this person.)
I wonder if Mae has ever been to this cozy little beachside cave of his. I’m guessing probably not.
Will we see Bazil pull out more adorable rodent martial arts? God I hope so
I want to know who Qimir’s master was. Vernestra is a good candidate with the saber whip, but it also reminds me of force lightning. I don’t think he’s just a failed jedi, I think he also backed out of the sith, somehow.
He knows the sith code, but no indication of his own master. Sith hide in secret, so he’s likely not self taught. And the way he talks to Sol is like a cult leader. A lot of cult leaders bounce around collecting ideas from different religions before starting their own. Seems likely he bounced around a few different force wielding groups before he went looking for his life partner (again the witches)
I want to know why Vernestra was so quick to think Sol would have killed the whole group. Does Sol have documented anger problems with the order? Betting the fire on brendok is related…
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saturnville · 7 months
Can you write a fic where John and Amelia meet each other’s families?
promise of love, major john egan
pairing: major john "bucky" egan x amelia mae
content: john meets amelia's parents, but one of them is reluctant to give him their blessing.
an: hope you enjoyed, anon!
tags: to maintain your place on the taglist, you're expected to interact! @turn-thy-paige @neeville @ineedafictionalman @ihe4rtisa @lovebyceleste
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“I believe any man that she is with should be bringing something to her life. If you aren’t a positive addition to her life, then what are you? What are you contributing to her life?” 
Amelia’s eyes closed at the question of her father. Her chest heaved as her heart rate increased. She prayed like a saint day and night, begging God to ensure that the meeting would be beneficial, filled with love and understanding. Yet, the tension was thicker than the snow outside. 
Thankfully, Amelia’s mother adored John; she welcomed him with a warm hug and gentle kiss. His charm swept her mother off her feet and had her just as weak in the knees as Amelia often found herself to be. Her father was the opposite. His stare was stone cold and his handshake was stiff. The one thing she wanted to avoid, failed to be avoided. 
Amelia glanced at her lover, who seemed not affected by the stoic nature of her father. John Egan was a soldier. He wasn’t easily intimidated. He was strong mentally, emotionally, and physically. He knew how to fight for what he wanted and was trained to never back down from a challenge. With a soft sigh, John leaned pressed his back against the wooden chair. 
“With all due respect, sir,” he started. Amelia inhaled sharply. “Relationships are necessary in every aspect of life. You know, you learn, grow, and experience life with another person on a deeper level. Amelia doesn’t need me at all; if anything I need her. I can’t offer her a million dollars and the newest car, but I can give her the love, honor, and respect she deserves. She’s the most important person in my life and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. I swear by my life.” 
Amelia's father remained silent, his stern expression unchanged. He recognized where Amelia got her strong gaze from. Her father’s deep eyes bore into John's much lighter ones with an intensity that could intimidate even the bravest of souls. Yet, John held his ground, his gaze unwavering as he spoke from the depths of his heart. Amelia felt a mixture of anxiety and pride swell within her chest, grateful for John's unwavering commitment to her. Her hand dropped to his thigh, giving him a reassuring caress. 
After what felt like an eternity, her father finally spoke, his voice gruff but tinged with a hint of begrudging respect. "Words are easy, son. Actions speak louder. You say you'll honor and respect my daughter, but can you prove it?"
Without hesitation, John met her father's gaze head-on. "Sir, I understand that trust is earned, not given. I may not have all the answers now, but I promise to show you through my actions that I am worthy of your daughter's love and trust. I'll stand by her side through thick and thin, and I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy."
Amelia's heart swelled with uinsung pride. She reached out and gently squeezed his hand, silently conveying her gratitude and love. In that moment, she knew that no matter the challenges they faced, they would overcome them together.
From the corner of her eye, she saw her mother nod in approval. Slowly, his father did the same, saying lowly, “I hold you to that, son.” 
John nodded. “Yes sir, you’ve got my word.”
“Now that that’s out of the way,” Amelia said slowly with a small smile. She pointed toward the velvety dessert in the middle of the table. “Cake?”
Amelia's invitation to broke the tension in the room, providing a much-needed moment of levity. John flashed a grateful smile at her, relieved to move past the intense scrutiny of her father. With a nod, he accepted the offer, knowing that this simple gesture was a step towards building a bridge between himself and Amelia's family.
Soon, the atmosphere softened, filled with the warmth of familial love and acceptance. Amelia's mother beamed at the sight of her daughter and John, her heart filled with joy at seeing her child happy and loved.
With a sense of hope and commitment, John reached for Amelia's hand, intertwining their fingers as they shared a silent vow to face whatever challenges lay ahead together. 
With her father's reluctant approval and her mother's warm encouragement, Amelia felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that John was the one for her, and together, they would navigate the complexities of life no matter what.
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nocteacakes · 2 months
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Oshamir, 209 Words, Post 1x08
He hadn't touched her since that sunset.
Osha was familiar with Jedi training, but she wasn't prepared for what Qimir — her Master — had in mind for her.
"I've never had a pupil before. An Acolyte." He said the word like an caress across her neck — with a knife.
Osha shivered despite herself. She hid it behind annoyance. "So what you're saying is you don't know what to do with me." She didn't speak to him like she spoke to Master Sol — with deference and respect — but he didn't seem to mind. It made her bold.
"We're going to work on harnessing your emotions." He held no malice or hurt or even disappointment in his tone. So unlike Master Sol.
It had been only a week since his death. She couldn't think about it clearly still. Her heart was a maelstrom of emotions, anguish and guilt warring with each other over what she had done to Mae and Sol.
Qimir hadn't pushed it, for which she was grateful. He didn't treat her like glass — didn't coddle her and let her mope — but nor did he seem willing to face her turmoil directly.
He hadn't touched her since that sunset. She didn't want to think about why it mattered to her.
A/N: I wrote this last night, but it's funny to post now in light of what we know about the cut kiss. ANYWAY. Follow @osha-mirweek !!
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bookishdaze · 6 months
My too long theory post about Mae as Reverse Caesar? This is multiple theories, really...
My theories on Mae's origins have ranged from her just being a lone smart girl among feral humans, to her coming from an underground civilization living in a bunker (My personal favorite. I like Fallout, lol).
Here's one that came to mind recently. It's not my main theory for her, (I still think she's just from some colony of smart humans) but it's my most "creative" and "crazy" one, but if people are allowed their crazy astronaut theories, THEN I'M ALLOWED THIS ONE 🤪
I'm gonna be calling her Mae/Nova for this.
Feel free to poke holes in this theory by the way, hehe.
This theory came to me after watching the new trailer, where we hear her being called "Nova," and we also get a shot of her riding on horseback with Raka. It reminded me a lot of Nova from War riding with Maurice.
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So I thought, 'Huh, we're getting another blonde girl named Nova riding on horseback with an orangutan in the exact same way. It almost looks like the characters and plot for KOTPOTA could be a reworked version of what a plot could look like for a direct War sequel following a grown up Cornelius with Nova and Maurice and ohhhhhh-'
*puts on tinfoil hat* So my weird train of thought led me to this wacky theory: Mae/Nova is a human that was taken in by Raka as a child, and he has been raising and taking care of her. Just like Maurice did for Nova. She's kinda like Tarzan.
At first I had thought Raka met Mae/Nova because she was separated from her human colony and he was helping her get back home before they ran into Noa.
I also thought that maybe they come from a place where humans and apes already coexist, and I honestly still think either of these is the case tbh, but this part of a recent article made me think otherwise.
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The "rabbit-in-headlights" bit makes me doubt she comes from a place where there are intelligent humans. (It's still possible she could be. I'll get to that later). To me this sounds like she's smarter, but still has some "animal" behaviors.
As for why Raka took her in, it can totally just be coincidence that we have another friendly orangutan who adopted a young girl.
Or maybe it became some sort of, ehh, tradition? Him wearing a necklace with Caesar's symbol and talking about how apes and humans used to live side by side makes him sound like a religious person. Maybe somewhere along the line, it became custom for those who follow his faith to "adopt a Nova" to raise and take care of, like Maurice did.
There is a difference, though. Raka could have been taking care of Mae/Nova, but he still sees her as an...well, an animal. A very smart animal that he feels a responsibility towards. I know him viewing her as an animal sounds pretty harsh, but keep in mind that humans have regressed to be like animals at this point.
And there's also this scene where he just....tosses her some food. It's no different from the way humans toss a friendly animal some food, really.
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"But why does she seem frightened by the apes at the fireplace if she's been raised by Raka?"
I think she's scared of Noa here.
Orangutans are actually solitary creatures (I googled, lol), so it's very possible that it's just been her and Raka, and any newcomer makes her nervous.
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Ok ok ok, so he's a guy who has taken in an animal that shows signs of intelligence and has taken it upon himself to nurture and care for this animal because his personal beliefs tell him that in doing so, he could potentially make the world a better place.
Like Will did with Caesar.
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"So she's reverse Caesar." Yeah. That's pretty much what I've been trying to get at with all my rambling. Yay, parallels!
And we know Will cared for Caesar, but he always saw him as an animal. A very smart animal, but an animal nonetheless. He had him on a leash, and as much as he didn't want to, he still took him to the primate shelter. It wasn't Will being cruel, he just treated Caesar the way any human would have treated an animal, no matter how close they are.
Of course, like Caesar, Mae/Nova is gonna go through some changes. She's a young girl growing into adulthood. She'll have "needs and wants," as this article states.
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Those needs and wants could be many things. To be regarded as equal. No longer wanting to feel inferior. And if she truly is some lone smart girl among a world of feral humans, she's also gonna feel really really lonely. (Think about it. If she does not come from a colony of smart humans and she truly is the only one, that's tragic. I'd be depressed, man).
So she'll also want friendship and companionship. To have a friend or anyone she can relate with. She'll most likely find this with Noa, since the article says, "...there are far more parallels and commonalities between the two of them than they might have originally imagined."
Okay, one question came to mind when coming up with this theory.
Why is she smarter than other humans? I got a few theories.
Theory 1. She could still be someone who grew up in a colony of intelligent humans, whether it be a colony in an underground bunker or anywhere else. It doesn't matter. But something terrible may have happened, like her colony was killed off, or she was separated from them as a little girl. Then Raka found her and took her in. Like Tarzan!
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Theory 2. This one and the third one won't be as satisfying to fans, I assume. But maybe Raka noticed a lone child that was smarter than most, and he decided to take her in and help her intelligence grow.
Theory 3. She started off as an unintelligent feral girl, but being raised by an ape allowed her to slowly gain her intelligence back. I actually like this one. For starters, it's similar to the Planet of the Apes novel from 1963, where one of the astronauts became feral and unintelligent because of spending too much time in a cage with feral humans at a zoo, and Nova actually gained the ability to speak and became intelligent after spending a year or two in space with Ulysse, the protagonist.
Theory 4. She's like Megamind where she was launched into space from an alien planet as a baby while her homeworld burned all around her and she crash landed onto Earth. THERE'S YOUR ASTRONAUT THEORY.
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I'm kidding. That was a joke. I know April Fool's was two days ago.
As for her name, we've gotten three so far. Mae, Nova, and Echo. I like to think of her name as a sort of symbol or indicator of her character growth, where I assume she'll gain the ability to speak at the end, or will have grown into herself as a person.
She'll start off as Nova. A common generic name given to all humans, given to her by Raka.
Then Echo. A more unique name given to her by Noa, but still not her own.
Then, finally, Mae. Her true unique name that she was either born with, or she picks out for herself.
Aaaaand I think that's it. I'm done. I know that was long, but I wanted to gather all of my thoughts and theories on Mae/Nova somewhere before I watch the movie in a month. Whatever her story is, I cannot wait to see it unfold. Now it's time for me to SLEEP.
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tremendouskoalachild · 3 months
Sol is so getting framed for the jedi murders (and probably killed in the finale, if i may be so bold)
whatever he and his three colleagues did or witnessed was so bad they kept it a secret for 16 years, Torbin and Kelnacca at the very least lived in isolation afterwards, and Torbin literally killed himself from the guilt. Mae and possibly Osha are about to find out the full truth and the information getting back to the Jedi will kill Sol's credibility, whether there was any wrongdoing on his part or not.
since he is now the sole (heh) survivor of the Brendok mission, it may look like he has been trying to silence the others, by sending Mae to kill them. the fact that he has almost intercepted her twice certainly looks suspicious.
he was on an off-the-books mission that went horribly wrong. the group that sent him are very interested in containing the information for the greater good, and he is conveniently the only jedi survivor once again.
the transmissions the Jedi got from the ship are: 1) Sol being obviously messed up and saying his whole team is dead and 2) a distressed person that sounds like their civilian companion contacting the Jedi before being interrupted by a stun blast. incredibly concerning whether the receiver believes this person to be Osha or Mae.
the locals talk to the Jedi investigators and definitely saw Sol and Osha getting back to the ship. maybe they didn't take much notice but they would have at the very least seen significantly fewer people, one in jedi mission robes, boarding the ship than the 10 that arrived, and leaving right away.
the crime scene bears clear evidence of the jedi team fighting a powerful Force user and getting killed by a lightsaber - clear enough that a novice can reliably tell. Sol's friend Kelnacca was killed in his home, apparently sitting down in his chair. if Vernestra's team shares the mission objective with the wider order, they will find out that the dead Jedi were there to apprehend a young woman who is skilled but not nearly that dangerous, and doesn't seem to fight with a saber at all.
this young woman has a personal connection to Sol going back to her childhood, her survival and very existence was covered up by Sol or his colleagues, and Sol has argued several times to 1) have faith in her/try to help her and 2) personally be the one leading the mission to bring her in. she also has been noted to have the marks of unofficial jedi training.
Sol's ship, which he recently sent a transmission from, cuts off all communication and disappears the second he is told to leave his transponder on and that the rescue team will imminently arrive in the area.
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xx-maemae-xx · 2 months
So is Qimir’s insistence that to pass his trails and become his acolyte someone has to kill a Jedi without a weapon due to how he was betrayed by the Jedi?
I pose this question because in episode four Mae says that The Master told her: “[…]you will kill a Jedi without a weapon. Attacking a defenseless person goes against everything the Jedi stands for,” which implies some greater goal than just testing Mae’s skillset, he already knows she can kill, what he wants is for her to force a Jedi to break their vows too (which is basically what he says at the end of episode one as well).
He wants an absolute death, if you will (and using the force to do it is just the cherry on top).
My two theories —
He’s trying to recreate a similar circumstance to the moment he was tossed aside by the Jedi; likely meaning that Vernestra did physically stab (whip?) him in the back at some point while Qimir was unarmed and vulnerable. Going against Jedi code but justifying it because she had to get rid of Qimir for the “greater good” or something.
EDIT: I should add, he’s recreating that happenstance with his acolyte now to relive it and get some form of release from watching other Jedi break because he can’t get to Vernestra yet.
At some point during his training or while on a mission Qimir fucked up and, letting his emotions get the better of him, killed an unarmed person. So requiring his acolyte to kill a Jedi without a weapon and get a Jedi to fight back against someone else who’s unarmed even though they’re wielding the force to kill (technically going against Jedi code) is his way of trying to prove that his fall from the light wasn’t some fluke. Trying to prove that he’s not defective and the Jedi aren’t perfect entities who can’t act on emotion ever either, another Jedi could break the same rule as him.
Yeah, at the end Osha’s killing of Sol wasn’t as metaphorical as Qimir made “killing without a weapon” & “killing the dream” seem, but idk.
Like, Mae’s proposals for Torbin and Sol to confess to the Council align more with what Qimir said (when referencing his philosophy or the perimeters of Mae’s mission) in episodes one, two, and four in theory; what better way to kill a dream without a weapon than to destroy an institution’s credibility? But Osha killing Sol by force choking him was her killing without a weapon, and she certainly did kill her dream of being a Jedi there too so…there’s that. Plus, Osha’s kill is ultimately the one Qimir accepts in the end, so really I’m likely just talking a whole bunch of shit but whatever.
Feel free to add your own theories or general thoughts if you’d like, idk.
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