#Magia and Noctis
arubeth · 1 month
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Regis Lucis Caelum - Final Fantasy XV
Regis Lucis Caelum es el rey de Lucis y el padre de Noctis, el protagonista de Final Fantasy XV. Es el último monarca en una larga línea de reyes que ha gobernado el Reino de Lucis, un reino que posee el Cristal, un artefacto mágico que otorga poder al linaje real para proteger su tierra.
Regis es conocido por su sabiduría, bondad y sacrificio. Durante su juventud, él fue un poderoso guerrero, pero los años y el uso constante de la magia le han debilitado.
A lo largo de su reinado, Regis ha mantenido a Lucis protegido del Imperio de Niflheim, que ha intentado conquistar el mundo utilizando tecnología y magia oscura.
Sin embargo este murió defendiendo a la oráculo Lunafreya y un conocido glaive llamado Nyx Ulric.
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ok4ru · 27 days
Me before the prototype trailer: Okay so Yozora, Aegis and Magia are definitely, Noctis, Gladiolus and Ignis!
Me after it: So..Aegis is Gladiolus and Magia is..Prompto??!
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blossattic · 19 days
Random nonsense I just paid attention to:
In one of the demo trailes for FFXV, the gameplay one for E3 (2013), there's no Ignis in sight... We only see Noctis, Gladio and Prompto against the bad guys.
In Kingdom Hearts 3, in the Verum Rex trailer, we only see 3 male characters: Yozora, Aegis and Magia
Yozora = Noctis Aegis = Gladio (shield, but with a hint of Ignis, or buff Ignis) Magia = Prompto
I kinda wish we got a different character for both "Gladio" and "Ignis" in Quadratum
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naemora · 7 months
Certes! Voici le même texte en latin :
-----In densa silvarum umbra, arbores susurri arcana oblivione condita loquuntur. Ventus inter ramos fluit, symphoniam mysticam creans quae universum in velo mysterii involvit. Inter folia mortua quae humum tegunt, vestigia furtim indicant praesentiam creaturarum elusivarum quae in obscuritate serpunt.
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Longinquo, stellae in caelo nocturno micant, testes taciti rerum quae sub eorum benigno aspectu geruntur. Luna, plena et lucida, silvam lumine argenteo perfundit, vias oblivione delitas et lucos arcanae ubi magia habitare videtur illuminans.
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Per frondes, bubo suum cantum melancholicum emittit, silentium noctis nota sollemni frangens. Flumina suam cantilenam aeternam blande susurrant, dum animantes nocturni suam agitatio in obscuritate exercent.
In hoc mundo fascinante, imaginatio evolat, ubi omne susurrus folii et omnis umbra mota sensus ad incredibilem naturae agrestis pulchritudinem excitat. Et in hac symphonia vitae et mysterii, errabunda anima requiem invenit, in silvarum profunditatibus amplexum reperiens confortativum et aeternum.
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ltc-vinculoseternos · 8 months
Historia completa
En Forks, un antiguo pacto se rompe, desencadenando la aparición del "Clan Swan". El misterioso "Luminari", un clan italiano, emerge para desafiar el equilibrio sobrenatural. Mientras tanto, un nuevo clan de licántropos, los "Colmillos de la Noche", llega a Forks, buscando reclamar su territorio y desafiando a los Quileutes.
La realeza vampírica "Luminari" conformada por las líderes Jessica Luminari, Angela Luminari, Renée Luminari. Su guardia está conformada por Eric Luminari, Esme Luminari, Alice Luminari, Sulpicia Luminari, Victoria Luminari, Sue Luminari, Mike Luminari y Emmett Luminari. Las tensiones aumentan entre el Clan Swan y los Luminari, mientras cada lado lucha por imponer su influencia en Forks.
Los Quileutes, se encuentran en medio de esta lucha, tratando de preservar su existencia. Mientras tanto, los "Colmillos de la Noche", un nuevo clan de metamorfos, llega a Forks buscando establecer su territorio. La competencia por el control de la ciudad se intensifica.
En la penumbra, un enigmático aquelarre de brujos, llamado Umbra Noctis, lanza una maldición ancestral. Esta oscura magia fuerza a todas las criaturas sobrenaturales a enfrentarse en guerras, desatando un torbellino de drama, traiciones y alianzas inesperadas. Dentro del aquelarre, algunos brujos, retenidos bajo voluntades no deseadas, comienzan a cuestionar los caminos oscuros trazados por Umbra Noctis.
Además, los cazadores Vulturis, liderados por Aro Vulturi y acompañados por sus letales seguidores, entre ellos Rosalie Vulturi, desencadenan una amenaza mortal sobre Forks.
Las noches en Forks se sumen en la oscuridad de "La Tua Cantante: Vínculos Eternos", donde los destinos están entrelazados en una red de amor, odio y misterio. ¿Quién prevalecerá en esta nueva era de conflictos sobrenaturales?
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Especiales de Halloween Masterlist
Versión en español/ Spanish version
Publico mis fanfics en español e inglés.
If you wanna read the English version here.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
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Noctis et tenebrae
Pareja: Steve Rogers (eventualmente Dark! Steve) X OC Vampiresa (Agatha Rouwens).
Palabras: 4777 palabras
Sinopsis: Steve conoció a una mujer misteriosa de su pasado, con la cual se obsesionó, así que él no descansará hasta encontrarla.
Advertencias: Menciones de muerte y tortura, asesinatos, acoso, traición, dub-con no explicito, violencia, perdida de la virginidad, abuso, mención de sangre y obsesión. SI TIENES MENOS DE 18 AÑOS, NO LO LEAS.
Especial de Halloween 2020.
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Pareja: Ninguna
Palabras: 1915 palabras
Sinopsis: Tu internado lo estabas haciendo en la Torre Baxter, pero en realidad es parte de tu plan para vengarte
Advertencias: Menciones de sangre, objetos malditos, maldiciones, hay zombis y muertes aunque ninguna es explicita, quizás se puede considerar +18.
Especial de Halloween 2020.
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Pareja: Sorpresa, es algo engañoso.
Palabras: 1039 palabras
Sinopsis: Tú, Brock, Wanda y Pietro se unieron a los Vengadores después de lo que pasó con HYDRA, ¿realmente son parte de los buenos?
Advertencias: Muerte de un personaje, traición y pesadillas.
Especial de Halloween 2021.
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El plan de las brujas
Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora Bruja.
Palabras: 1491 palabras.
Sinopsis: Tu aquelarre iba a conquistar el mundo, sin embargo, tú tenías otros planes para Steve.
Advertencias: Lemon, Smut como le conozcan, no tan explícito. La lectora es algo malvada.
Especial de Halloween 2022.
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Sueño Z
Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora mutante
Palabras: 664 palabras.
Sinopsis: ¿Cómo podrán sobrevivir a un apocalipsis zombi? ¿Es real?
Advertencias: Angst, zombis.
Especial de Halloween 2022.
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora.
Palabras: 1010 palabras.
Sinopsis: Una serie de eventos extraños comenzaron a ocurrirte, ¿acaso Steve guarda algún secreto?
Advertencias: Terror, llamadas extrañas, doppelgänger.
Especial de Halloween 2022.
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Parada nocturna
Pareja: Dark!Steve Rogers X Lectora X Dark!Brock Rumlow.
Palabras: 1505 palabras.
Sinopsis: Te detuviste en un viejo hotel en la noche, pero el alojamiento no es tan bueno como parece.
Advertencias: Terror, dub-con, Smut no tan excplitico, acecho, mención de crímenes.
Especial de Halloween 2022.
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Halloween Flash 2023 Bingo Card Masterlist En Español
Especial de Halloween 2023.
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No lo leas
Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D.
Palabras: 400 palabras.
Sinopsis: Steve leyó un libro que no debía.
Advertencias: Libro prohibido, magia.
Especial de Halloween 2023.
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Algo más Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D.
Palabras: 1049 palabras.
Sinopsis: En la noche de Halloween, cosas raras pueden suceder.
Advertencias: Demonios, alucinaciones, horror, Smut.
Especial de Halloween 2023.
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Pesadillas de Halloween
Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora exagente de HYDRA.
Palabras: 714 palabras.
Sinopsis: Las pesadillas no pueden volverse realidad, ¿verdad?
Advertencias: Pesadillas, espejos mágicos, oscuridad, regreso de la muerte, horror
Especial de Halloween 2023.
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legiongamerrd · 2 years
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#Gamefemerides Hace 6 años fue lanzado @FinalFantasy XV. Es un RPG de acción desarrollado por @squareenixusa Business Division 2 (Luminous Productions). Fue lanzado originalmente para @playstation 4 y @xbox One, para @microsoft @windows en 2018. El juego contiene un entorno de mundo abierto y sistema de batalla basado en acción, incorporando el intercambio rápido de armas, magia elemental, y otros aspectos como viaje con vehículo, y acampar. La campaña base fue luego extendida con contenido descargable, añadiendo más opciones de gameplay como personajes jugables adicionales y multijugador. Final Fantasy XV sucede en el mundo ficticio de Eos; aparte de Insomnia, la capital de Lucis, todo el mundo es dominado por el imperio de Niflheim, que busca controlar el Cristal mágico protegido por la familia real Luciana. En la cúspide de las negociaciones de paz, Niflheim ataca la capital y roba el Cristal. Noctis Lucis Caelum, heredero al trono Luciano, se embarca en una misión para rescatar el Cristal y derrotar a Niflheim. #LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #SquareEnix #FinalFantasyXV #FinalFantasy #PlayStation #PS4 #Microsoft #Windows #Xbox #XboxOne #JRPG #ARPG #RPG #Mundoabierto https://www.instagram.com/p/Cli38T0M_c4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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verumcordibus · 5 years
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This wasn’t the first, or the last time Magia would be chunked into a dumpster by General Loqi. He merely rolled his eyes and began to look around for his precious hat before he would dare to attempt to climb out. This time however just as he was about to stand up and open the lid to do just that, Loqi went and tossed in someone else with him, naturally colliding right on top of him.
With a yelp Magia couldn’t help but to blink once he got his bearings back, for it seemed Loqi had done him a favor and tossed the Lucian Prince in with him as well. Though perhaps the tiny General just wanted him off his back in the long run. Now he just needed to play his cards right…
“Heh, guess Niflheim isn’t all too fond of you either huh? Mind handing me my hat?”
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alphabaymax · 2 years
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Final Fantasy Versus XIII | Verum Rex | Kingdom Hearts
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It's also nice to know that we're for sure getting a Verum Rex game, I guess, since there was some translation confusion before about whether Nomura was saying he was conflicted upon whether to name Kingdom Hearts IV "Kingdom Hearts IV" or "Verum Rex" or to make Kingdom Hearts IV or Verum Rex first, and apparently it was the latter.
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drazavonia · 4 years
Versus XIII Re:Born (Theory)
"His heart replaced with another's."
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ok4ru · 6 months
oh wait also I know you have thoughts about Stella and yozora and those guys, I have like zero clue what goes on/is implied about them (I know nothing about versus XIII), so if you’d like to rant about that use this an an opportunity:>
Okay, I read this wrong at first and went into a whole rant about Yin and Yang and they’re connected Yozora and Stella then I reread the question and put down this but now lets to the point.
I have some many feelings towards Yozora and Stella since they seem to be connected to Sora and Riku, not to mention the old Final Fantasy 15 too..
Now let's talk about Stella and Yozora:
My favorite thing is that the two of them are based off the old version of Noctis and Luna which I think is pretty cool cause you can see it in the design choice.
Yozora- Now from what we know about Yozora is not that much but I find him really interesting and hope that he is similar to the OG Noctis. I love his design even though he looks like a deviantart verison of Riku which I FIND SO FUNNY.
I feel like he’s gonna be the evil version of Namine, trying to replace Sora's memory with his and Stella or put Sora in Stella's place while also maybe making a false memory of him and Riku.
I feel like Yozora is gonna make Riku to be like some bad person in his memories and replace the good ones with bad and fake ones instead. 
I don’t trust Yozora but I do love him.
Stella- I love her! She is so pretty!! She looks really similar to Sora which at this point I'm convinced that Quadratum may be an alternative Universe maybe??
I wonder what her and Yozora relationship was like and if it was a close relationship like Sora and Riku.
Now, I'm gonna give you some info about the OG Noctis and Luna. Now it was kinda like Romeo and Juliet but it was mostly a kinda unknown one sided relationship? 
Noctis was the one to pined for Stella and tried to pursue her. Noctis doesn’t know how Stella feels for her and you don't know what Stella feels for Noctis. 
Then that reminded me of Sora and Riku. We know how Riku feels toward but we don’t how Sora feels toward Riku. (I don’t even think Sora know, lmao)
With this information it makes me think ‘OMG, what if Yozora was that deeply in love with her?? WHAT IF?!?!’ Knowing this is a Nomura game has me hoping that Yozora and Stella Relationship is shown like that.
Yozora gets ready to tell his feelings for Stella just for her to rip away from him. (Honestly, Nomura would do that…)
Also In the OG story of FF13 Noctis and Luna's families are against each other. So it's kinda enemies to lovers? But Noctis flopped and fell in with his enemy…BEAUTIFUL!
Fun fact: Noctis and Stella out represent white and black too which love that design choice cuz Light and Darkness elements..
Not to mention, Sora being light to Riku darkness which I think will have the same Yozora and Stella thing going on for the both of them...
Cuz, what if Yozora's heart gets taken by darkness and Stella would use the power of light to get it back?? 
Proving to be her light to his darkness!! But I think unlike the OG Stella and Noctis they’re being enemies to lovers. It's gonna be Friends to lovers then to enemies…
Have a KH1 Soriku thing going on but no lover thing included!
As for Aegis and Magia, Yozora Goofy and Donald. They’re pretty cool. I hope to see them in KH4 being helped by Sora during some battles!
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santamadrecasino · 6 years
@starxwalker, from ♚:
Keith geralmente não era alguém que sentia medo por qualquer coisa ou em qualquer lugar, afinal ele já havia estado em diversos lugares mais assustadores que aquele, porém o tom alarmado do outro assustara um pouco o mago. O garoto virou-se para encarar Louis, a expressão um pouco desconfiada pelo fato dele ter parado de falar no meio da frase. —Aquilo é um? — Ele perguntou, aproximando-se mais do recém conhecido com certa agonia. — Louis, o que você viu?
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Os treinos incessantes o haviam preparado para as mais diversas situações; Mas uma coisa é a teoria e simulação, encarar a realidade nua e crua na prática era algo completamente diferente. Ainda que tivesse alguma confiança em si mesmo ( mas talvez nem tanto em seu controle sobre os próprios poderes ) não podia garantir a segurança do outro... Além de ter, sim, um bocadinho de medo de lugares tenebrosos como aquele. “E- Eu vi alguma coisa se mexer alí...!” Na verdade, até tinha alguma certeza, mas tinha receio de quão maluco poderia soar se dissesse o que de fato vira; Os escudos lumiescendo num azul ciano cintilante conseguiam iluminar as imediações da dupla, mas não eram o bastante para ver tudo com clareza. “Tem certeza que esse aqui era o lugar certo?” Quero ir emboooooooooooora, era o que ele repetia internamente para si.
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ffxivakyi · 6 years
Third Sun of Third Umbral Moon
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Book I found you!! Willow booknaped you! I was so worried I had left you someplace and someone was reading all the things. You have a few bite marks where she dragged you around, perhaps I should make her some toys. I had a good sennend with my Moon, we started in Limsa and walked some. Camp Bronze Lake was a nice place for us to relax in the hot springs. He showed me the Wander’s stone the symbol of Oschon, and the floating city. He said it is called Wanderer's palace, perhaps I will go there someday. I took him to Thalaos and showed him the old dragon bones there. Then we went to Fool’s falls, I do not know why it is called that. It is a lovely lush waterfall though, and I played in the water and had a water fight. It was fun even though he was a touch pouty afterwards. There was also a walk on the beach, and another sand castle, we borrowed a cup from the Del Sol and I showed him how to make watchtowers. We used sticks and some twine to makes small walking bridges between them.
Once the sennend was done I had a night to myself, and I was restless. I wanted to hunt, but on my way I went by the Lane on my way to Cross House. I found a Keeper male, his name Noctis Venator. The name sounds very Garlic to me, but his title Favored of Menphina the Mistress of the Moon, is very Keeper. He and I chatted a bit, I could tell a few things about him. He clearly comes from a place of darkness or shadow, so he could be Garlic raised. His calling being a Favored, it means priest. He was interesting, perhaps I will cross his path again.
I visited Ensei, and he noticed I was restless. I told him I was visiting before I hunted, I guess he wanted to hunt as well. We went and cleared out a den of those big two legged dragon guys in the sands, ones that worship Ifrit. I do not know how he feels about the hunt, he seemed .. down when we talked once we got to the mountain bridge. I went home satisfied, curled on up Faysal’s fur rug by Sparky and read some of the herb book I borrowed from Magia.
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chilledfoodtin · 3 years
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Many people have  noted that Verum Rex appears to be a reference to FFXV and Versus XIII.  I won’t focus much on this, but here are a few compelling reasons to believe it.  The name itself more or less means “True King” which is Noctis’ official title by the end of FFXV.  Further, the main character is called “Yozora” which means “Night Sky” in Japanese.  This is a pretty clear reference to Noctis Lucis Caelum (the “noctis” and “caelum” giving you “night sky” in botched Latin).  Finally, one of the Verum Rex cinematics with Yozora riding in the back of a car matches an early Versus cinematic quite closely (I won’t go into detail on this, though, it just sets the context for the Ignis references).
Now for Ignis.  I believe that Yozora’s bespectacled companion in the Verum Rex commercial is an Ignis reference (with a nested Gladio reference)  We know the two companions are named Magia and Aegis (thanks to a deleted scene from the Toy Story world).  The glasses-wearing one is able to cast a shield magic so it would make sense for him to be named after the mythical Greek shield).  This is where the nested Gladio reference comes in--Gladio is the king’s shield after all.  But why do I think the character is primarily an Ignis reference?  There are four main reasons:
First, the most obvious Ignis reference are the glasses.  In numbered Final Fantasy, there are only two other games with glasses-wearing party members, Tellah from FFIV and Quistis from FFVIII (in non-numbered FF you have Queen in Type-0).  Given that Verum Rex itself is a Versus/FFXV reference it’s pretty clear these glasses want us to think of Ignis.
Second, the eye color.  Aegis has green eyes.  They are a slightly different shade from Ignis’, but sharing eye color helps cement the connection.
Third, the hair.  Aegis’ hair comes to a moderate peak--nothing like Ignis’ luxurious spike, but it could be easily seen as a mild reference to Ignis’ spiked-up hair do.  Additionally, there is a sligthly similar sideburn pattern:
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Fourth, the sound of the name.  This is more of a stretch, but if you pronounce “Aegis” like “ee-jus” you can hear how it echoes the cadence of “ig-nis”.  I checked how “aegis” is translated into JP (sorry I have no skills here, just had to use google translate, if anyone has any knowledge of how this term would actually be translated that would be great!):
(Aegis / Ijisu)
So in JP it sounds like “ee-ji-su”
Here is the JP for Ignis for comparison:
(Ignis / Igunisu)
Again, this is more of a stretch but in both JP and EN I feel there is a similar cadence to the names.  That said, obviously “Ignis” is a Latin word meaning fire, while “Aegis” is a Greek word that has nothing to do with fire.  Both the names and in “-is” though!
Most of this is wild conjecture, but it’s pretty clear to me that Aegis is meant to remind us directly of Ignis (with a hint of Gladio) given that Verum Rex itself is a larger reference to FFXV and Versus XIII.
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databoyreekoo · 4 years
yozora twitter threads
incase you don’t follow me on twitter, i made a few threads about yozora
thread one
“from toy box we know; verum rex takes place in shibuya, yozora has two companions; aegis and magia (basically goofy and donald), nameless star is also present - she looks eerily similar to 2013 stella before she was scrapped and replaced with luna (same face and hair)...”
(visit the thread link for the rest)
thread two
“i've said this before, but the yozora boss feels like a mix of final form xion and kh2 roxas; kh2 roxas boss: roxas calls sora into his heart station in order to confront him - sora physically disappears from TWTNW, during roxas' dm the sky becomes twilight - which is thematically connected to roxas, sora is able to steal roxas' keyblades; yozora boss: yozora calls forth sora's heart station in order to complete his objective - they "disappear" from the final world, during yozora's dm a planetarium appears - night, stars, galaxies, space - these are all thematically connected to yozora, yozora is able to steal sora's keyblade...”
(visit the thread link for the rest)
thread three
“i dunno why i didn't think of this before but ventus-vanitas is the merged form of ventus and vanitas, but vanitas is in control. ventus's appearance is altered, if only slightly. if we apply that same idea to yozora...that would mean yozora is the merged form of yozora (a dark refelction of sora, analogous to versus 13 noctis) and riku, with riku's presence affecting yozora's appearance, but yozora is still in control...”
(visit the thread link for the rest)
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