#Magna made some wrong decisions
colucana · 7 months
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“How long you two plan on keep going like that?”
“1706” “86” “1707” “74” “170…huuuuu…8!” “68!” “69!! Wait no damn it!” “HAHAHASHSSHGAAHSHS”
“Grey that’s soo pffff”
“HMMMMM cherry flavoured”
“Didn’t know the gremlin or you were into bondage, kehehehe”
Hey the Black bulls week started, and here i am with sketches yet again!! Someday i will do one of these events with full color i promise
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bionicle-ramblings · 9 months
Don't mind me
Just imagining Takua being made and one of the Great Beings taking care in making him because he's a prototype, the others will be mostly carbon copies, so there's wiggle room. When he's made and awakens, there are mixed reactions. The one that made him is overjoyed, happily welcoming him to life even if he isn't fully sentient. Some are surprised to see that he was made at all and more so when his purpose is to work on the GSR. Others think his creation was too ambitious and the rest need to be easy to replicate and not as carefully crafted as him; the Matoran may be small workers, but they can't all be so intricate because it would be a shame to see such beautiful creations destroyed
Imagining Takua being taught what his purpose is and working like a deligent robot until one of the Great Beings, who will later become Velika, gives him sentience and Takua stops for a good few minutes and stares ahead of him. The Great Being that made him notices him and he asks them what he's doing and what he's supposed to be doing, as he feels different. It raises red flags immediately and they check on him, seeing if there's anything wrong. They believe it to be a mistake in his creation, but Takua, becoming scared because he doesn't know what's going on, asks to see Spherus Magna at least once; he only caught a glimpse of it and he wants to see more of it. One of the Great Beings argues to have him decommissioned entirely and make another Matoran, but before anyone can make any decisions, Velika offers to help and try to figure out what's going on. All he really does is take Takua aside and actually show him Spherus Magna, letting the Matoran experience nature, see flowers and birds, feel rain as it falls on him, hear music and birdsong, and all the amazing things that Takua missed for a while because he never noticed it before
Imagining Velika telling a fearful Takua that he won't tell the others about what Takua's experiencing and Takua can keep experiencing what feeling, but he has to hide it; he will be taken apart if the other Great Beings know, so he needs to keep it all under wraps. Takua agrees and collects himself, having avoided being killed, as far as he knew
Imagining Velika showing Takua things and Takua noticing the sounds of the war on Spherus Magna and Velika telling him that living things fight for what they think is theirs and sometimes that fighting gets messy
Imagining the Great Spirit Robot activated and Takua is on it, leaving Spherus Magna as it becomes Bara Magna, fearful, but ultimately resigned to keep going and to continue on woth his fellow Matoran, who have also gained sentience
Imagining Takua trying to disguise himself the same way the other Av-Matoran must and he goes from white and gold to red with a blue mask. Maybe a member of the Order of Mata Nui tries to get him to fix his disguise so he blends in better, but time has run out
Imagining Takua realizing he's about to have his memory wiped and asking if he'll still be himeself, if he'll still be able to do what he's been doing, looking and seeing, experiencing things life has to offer, and one of the Order of Mata Nui members hopes that he still is himself
Imagining Takua having his memories of Spherus Magna taken/hidden away and sent away and as it happens, he mutters to himself, "My name is Takua," because if he is about to forget everything, he wants to at least try and hold onto his name. Maybe in his weakened state, he can only wander and mutter his own name to himself and hide for a short time before ultimately falling into a chute system and being carried around for a while before he's dropped in a reclamation yard in Ta-Metru
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buhtercups · 2 months
Birthday S*x With Magna
((OBVIOUS NFF / NSFW TAG) below the cut))
Magna Swing x OC, Magna Swing x Reader (Any Gender)
Smut, Fluff, Romance
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It was the end of the day on Magna's birthday. You all had hung out together as a family.
The Black Bulls family. It was such a great day.
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But for the entirety of the day, you had something planned. You wanted to confess your feelings for Magna in a bold way. And you were entirely sure of your decision to do this. He would either flatly reject you or this would be the start of a romance neither one of you would ever forget...
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Your heart was racing as you approached Magna. "Hey birthday boy." Magna smirked at you. "That's 'birthday man' to you," he chuckled, "What's up (Y/N)?"
You let out a soft laugh. "I wanted to give you your birthday gift. But not in front of everyone else. Could we go somewhere alone?"
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Zora, Luck, and Finral all gave each other a knowing glance. Captain Yami looked up from reading his newspaper for a brief moment, then shook his head, chuckled, and continued reading. "Uh, sure! I don't see why not!" Magna agreed, "Let's go to my room." Zora patted him on the back before you both walked away. "Good luck tonight." Magna gave Zora a puzzled look and shook his head while chuckling as he followed you. "He's gotta be playing dumb, right?" Zora asked, looking at Finral. "He has no fucking idea," Luck laughed. "Who knows?" Finral answered.
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Magna takes you to his room and shuts the door behind you both.
"Well, what is it you wanted to give me?" Magna asked. "Oh...well...could you just...turn around for a moment? It will add to the surprise."
You inwardly cringed. Is that the best excuse you could come up with? "Sure. I'm sure I'll love whatever it is you've brought for me" he smiled, amused by your antics. He turned around. Your heartbeat could be heard in your ears as you gently started to take off your robe. Next, you started taking off your shirt. Magna made some type of noise.
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"I won't be much longer," you squeaked, "Just be patient." You inwardly cringed again. What was wrong with you? "Take your time," Magna said, very softly.
Your arousal went up tenfold from hearing his voice. You couldn't help but start breathing heavier as you took off your pants next. He abruptly took off his sunglasses, never once turning around to honor his word to you, then he stood back up in the exact same spot he was in. You were in your underwear now and it was the only thing covering your body. You began to wonder if he knew what present you were going to give him. You could hear him breathing a little heavier than before. He was also standing there, barely moving. You noticed he was clenching his fists on both sides of his body, like he was holding back. You had this moment all figured out in your head before tonight. You'd get completely naked in front of him, you'd ask him to turn around, and he would be aroused by your boldness. Then he'd take you in his arms and make love to you....
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But now? You couldn't move. You were too shy to undress the rest of your clothing. You tried to give yourself a few more minutes to muster up the courage to get completely undressed, but Magna broke the silence first. "(Y/N), can I turn around and help you?" You looked up and finally noticed the mirror. Magna has been watching you undress this whole time. You caught each other's gaze in the mirror and noticed his eyes were intently gazing at your reflection. As you both looked at each other through the reflection of the mirror, he soon revealed his bedroom eyes. His eyes were half lidded, his smile was wide yet seductive, and he looked entirely irresistible. "You know, (Y/N), I tried to push away any dirty thoughts and give you the benefit of the doubt tonight because I know you're such a kind, sweet person. But when I saw you start to undress in the mirror, I must say—" He turns around, his erection obvious in his pants. "I like this new side of you."
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He walks up to you pressing his arousal against your body, causing you to moan. He starts swearing, loving how your voice turns him on, and you both start kissing with hunger and passion. Magna's got a big mouth and a large tongue and it's overwhelming at first...
"Wait. Magna. It's going down my throat."
He chuckled.
"That's what she said."
You both laughed as he pulls you back in for a kiss. He tried not to shove his tongue down your throat as much and he's learning as he goes. You love how he tastes. He used some type of cinnamon and clove toothpaste that makes his breath taste good.
He suddenly broke off the kiss, giving you a somewhat serious expression.
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"I'm not gonna lie to you, Y/N. This is my first time. I'm not gonna last that long. So let's take our time and I promise I will take good care of you since you're so kind to gift me your body on my birthday."
You tensed up. That isn't what you meant.
"What? What did I say?" he asked, quickly noticing you were tensing, "Is it because I told you I'm a virgin?"
"No. That's not it at all."
"Then tell me what's wrong, please," he said, frowning.
"Magna, I really like you a lot," you gush, "I wanted to make love to you to show you how much I care about you."
He smiled at you, "Well, correct me if I am wrong, but I think if you just 'liked me' you wouldn't want to necessarily seduce me into birthday sex."
You were silent, not sure how to respond.
"I know you've had feelings for me for a while," he said, "To be honest, I've been getting feelings for you too. When I saw you get naked, I felt like my wildest fantasies were coming true."
"But why? I'm nothing special—"
He frowns and quickly pulled you in closer to him.
"Don't ever say that again. You are one of the most special people I know."
"I need to know," he continued, "Do you just like me or...is it something more than that?"
"No," you said, "It's something more than 'like'. I'm...I'm falling in love with you."
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He kissed you and you knew he felt the same way you did.
"(Y/N) if we do this tonight, there's no going back. After tonight, you'll be mine. I'll never let you go. You'll be my first and last love."
"I had my mind made up before I came to you," you answered, "I want this with you, Magna. Let's make love."
He smiled at you, holding you close to him. He moved his hand over your lower back and gently guided you to his bed...
He had you lay down on your back while he ripped off his robe, vest, and shirt. He smiled at you as you admired his bare chest. Next, he removed his shoes and trousers. He left on his dark red briefs, proudly displaying his erection.
Soon, he moved onto the bed started removing your underwear with his hands and teeth. You felt his hands shaking while also trying to seem confident. Once he had gotten you naked, you quietly asked him to take off his black half gloves and he obliged. You felt his full hands over your body and you eagerly placed his hands in yours as he rested his body, including his warm erection, in-between your legs.
You two kissed deeply and you felt Magna rub himself up and down over you. Dry humping you. You both grunted and whimpered from your building sexual tensions. Magna kept rubbing his cock over you, going faster and faster. It almost felt like sex.
As Magna started making arousing noises, he slowed down and started moaning over you. You quickly realized that Magna had ejaculated in his underwear. Your sex was fully aroused from feeling Magna dry hump you up until this point. You had never felt this turned on before.
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"We're not done yet," he managed, before quickly moving downwards. Soon, he was diving down in-between your legs.
You made new noises that you had never heard yourself make before. Magna Swing was going down on you and making you feel really good. He was licking, sucking, and kissing all over your sex. The louder you got, the more intense his action would become. Since you were already worked up from earlier, you soon started to reach your own climax.
You cried out his name as you cum. The rush of pleasure overtakes you as you gasp and pant for breath. You heard Magna slurping, swallowing, and enjoying every drop of you.
"Fuck. You taste amazing, (Y/N)."
You say nothing, too flustered to respond.
Magna comes up and gave you another kiss.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," you responded.
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The night continued as you wrap yourselves in each other's arms and kissed and held each other. Magna pulled back to kiss and suck your neck. Soon, he is sucking and gently biting you. You return the favor and also lick, suck, and gently bite his neck. He groans deeply and you start feeling his erection come back to life.
"Don't stop," he breathlessly pleas.
You traveled lower and kiss and suck over his chest. When you suck and bite his chest, he groans again. You rubbed your hands all over his chest, back, and waist. You enjoyed every inch of him. He returned the favor and rubbed all over your body too. As you start moaning, Magna bites gently over you.
"I'll be right back."
Magna abruptly gets up and gets something from his dresser. It's a condom.
When he returns, you get into a position that feels comfortable for you and spread open your legs. Magna takes in the sight of you, his eyes darkening and biting his lower lip. After another moment, he moved towards you and starts guiding his cock towards your entrance.
As soon as he felt your flesh connecting, he quickly shoved himself inside of you. You both moaned from the sensations. Magna got right to work and started pumping his cock inside of you. In and out. In and out. He clung onto you as he kept penetrating you over and over again.
Magna activated his stamina conservation skills as he continued to give it to you. Hearing you moan and cry out in pleasure, however, was pushing him closer to his second orgasm already.
He stopped to lean down and give you a kiss before rubbing your body gently. As soon as he calmed down, he started back up again.
You cried out his name and he called out yours.
He completely let himself go as he gave you all that he had left to give. He held on as long as he possibly could before he was about to explode again. He grunted, moaned, then felt a great release from his groin. Cumming the second time felt even better than the first.
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He grabbed the condom and slowly removed himself from you. When he came back, he held you in his arms and over his chest. You could hear his racing heartbeat as you enjoyed the afterglow of your lovemaking.
"This probably has to be one of the best birthdays I've ever had," he admitted to you, smiling, "Thank you for your gift."
"Thank you for loving me," you said.
Covered in each other's sweat, you continued to rest in each other's arms in silence...
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Okay, a what does it mean? post as requested. Hopefully, it covers what you wanted to know :)
These kinds of interviews, like the EW one, where you have to attempt to explain away unsound decisions that were made above your pay grade, are always so fun to do -_- As a showrunner, you're expected to toe the company line and take the hit for any fallout, regardless of whose idea it was. Your apple cart is hitched to this ill-tempered and mean-spirited donkey that you have to manage.
So, what's the deal with those contracts?
The studio makes a commitment to put an actor in a certain number of episodes, which does limit what character features in which story line. Each actor in that huge cast has to get their minimum and that means you're left with a puzzle of whom to stick where, so everyone gets their due. For example, if Christian has a minimum of 15, then she has to be in that number of episodes or the studio is in breach of her contract.
Melissa's contract is based on a shorter run than 24 episodes, so her minimum is low relative to the length of this season. That is in no way a justification for how she's been used in the episodes she's in and as #2 on the call sheet, she should have been featured as the leading lady that she is.
"Some people" in the response, though, does not mean Melissa because the topic in question is her scenes with Lauren C. "Some people" are all the other actors whom you have to cram into an overcrowded narrative.
For example, Lauren R has to be inserted somewhere, as per her contract, so where do you fit Connie when Yumiko is dealing with Eugene's court case, and Magna and Kelly are at Outpost 22? (Luke is in the wind woods with Aaron et al.) She has to go after her sister—this season is all about family and belonging, but the only person who signs and is still at large is Daryl.
That means we can't pair him up with Carol to trudge through the colon of Alexandria (and we wouldn't want to since the symbolism would be wrong for Caryl) because Maggie and Connie don't know each other. Connie was lost when Maggie came back and she went to Meridian before Connie returned. Connie then went to the CW and Maggie stayed at Hilltop. Zero connections. The scene would have no emotional weight with those two and they can't even communicate.
At the same time, visibility is important and female friendships haven't been shown much on TWD. In the first two seasons, people were still getting to know one another, so we just see the beginning of bonding among the women, and Maggie and Carol are the only two left, so it's important to show that they do have that familial bond. There's more to them than their relationships with the men in their lives. So, this is a chance to show Carol and Maggie being friends and close family, just like earlier in the season when we saw "big brother" Daryl with Maggie.
There's a Janus-faced quality to the answer because it's trying to obfuscate the studio/network responsibility in specifically limiting Caryl interaction by mixing in Eugene and Rosita, the other longstanding male-female friendship, at the same time as it's acknowledging that Carol and Daryl are "a pairing" and it's popular. Note that this isn't in direct response to a query on Caryl—the interviewer just uses Carol and Daryl as one of two examples and there's no "romantic" context—so there's a reason for its inclusion and the phrasing.
The ship-baiting, if you can call "whatever thing [Carol]'s got going on with Daryl or Ezekiel" that, is annoying (to everyone, not just the viewers), but it's been franchise policy since S4 and you do as you're told once you've exhausted your means of protest.
The reader can (but shouldn't) infer that it's the same kind of "whatever" that Carol's got going with both men. She's very firm and specific (not to mention verbal) with Ezekiel that they're no longer "like that" whereas her feelings for Daryl are all expressed through her eyes while she's trying to make more of Daryl's relationship with Connie than it is. As a showrunner, you intentionally do that juxtaposition, so the "whatever" between Carol and her men isn't the same at all, but you can't say that in an interview without the mangy donkey kicking you in the kidneys.
I'm pressed for time, so there might be logical leaps in here, but let me know if it doesn't make sense. I'll have to address TTD separately (not enough time atm), so I can add any clarifications or additions to that post.
Thank you for taking the time to give us more insight. Very helpful.
My own thoughts coming soon!
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magnaswingwritings · 7 months
Black Bulls Month 2023 Prompt 7 : Trust
Magna's POV:
"I'm not too sure about this." Lilah eyed the broom in front of her with uncertainty. Today Luck and I decided it's time she learned how to fly on her own. The broom we bought her for her grimoire acceptance ceremony hasn't been used yet and it would be a waste to just leave it on the ground.
"Oh don't be a baby Lilah this will be so much fun!" Luck chimed, already floating a few feet off the ground on his own standard broom.
"It will be fine. Luck and I will be nearby to help. We won't let you get hurt."
"You make it sound like I'm destined to fall off this thing." She grumbled. The slight pout forming on her face made Luck laugh. I had to fight to keep my own lips from curling.
"Everyone falls for the first time. But that's usually the thin standard broom. Yours is wider with cushion. You should be fine in terms of balance. It's more learning to control it. It takes a bit more precise magic to move it accurately."
The broom was very similar to my own Crazy Cyclone. It was purple though instead of red. Luck thought she was going to give me a hard time for the design. But she loved it.
Problem was she's afraid to fly it.
"What if I do fall off it?"
"Then we catch ya! A real man wouldn't let you fall without any backup."
"He's right Lilah! We'll catch you!" Luck's smile curled ear to ear. Like the cat who's been busted for something.
"Okay umm let's do this then." She straddled the broom and carefully began to flow her magic in. I could feel the cool energy that came with her mana. Like fresh snow falling. It wasn't long before she floated off the ground just enough for her feet to no longer touch the ground. "You sure you guys can catch me if I drop this thing?" Her hazel eyes glowed a bit due to the angle of the sunlight.
"Of course. You trust us don't ya?" I quipped back as I finally flowed my own magic into the Crazy Cyclone to match her height off the ground. Luck circled a few feet above her head. Occasionally teasing the poor girl for not going high enough.
Finally, she let out an exhale, "I trust you Mags. Okay let's do this." Her magic still steady as she floated higher off the ground. I stayed slightly below her just in case she lost her balance. Eventually we made it several feet above the treeline. Luck floated beside her, standing on his own broom, encouraging her to try the same.
"Hey!" I shouted from my position below them, "Let her get used to flying seated first! We haven't even moved yet!"
"You're just saying that because you don't like standing on the Crazy Cyclone."
"That's because you keep knocking me off balance!" The crazy mage would zap me off my broom. He always caught me before I made impact with the dirt but not before scaring the hell out of me first.
"You worry too much! Get up here and fly with us!" He chirped happily.
We flew slowly around the forest area close to the hideout for a while. Using the time to let her get used to flying, correcting her technique as necessary. Luck would occasionally encourage some type of chaos in good fun of course.
Until it was time to get serious.
I noticed the way the front of her broom was shaking. By itself it wouldn't be that big of a deal. It was the look of sweat and exertion she was exhibiting.
"Hey.." I floated until I was level with her left side. Our knees barely touched. "You wanna take a break? We've been up here a long time."
Wrong decision. I must have broken her concentration because the entire broom was shaking now. Quickly a grabbed hold of the handlebar closest to me and flowed a bit of my own mana into the broom to stop the shaking. My fingertips felt like ice touching the frost mages broom. I look over to Luck and nod. This isn't the first time we've given lessons and we know what to do in this situation. The lightning mage nodded back and flew out of my line of sight.
"Okay I think it's time we descend. Do you think you can do that?"
She was clearly anxious but nodded anyway.
"Okay keep your mana as steady as you can. When you're ready, slowly lower the amount of mana you're inputting into the brooo-!"
She lowered her mana too fast. The backend of the broom dropped from under her. The front end was upright barely from my own strained mana input. She was dangling from the handlebars. I lowered the Crazy Cyclone. While trying to keep her broom in the same spot. "Lilah can you hop onto the Crazy Cyclone?"
"What about-"
"Don't worry about the broom. Just hop on!"
I could see one of her hands starting to slip. She wasn't gonna make it on in time.
"LUCK!" I called out.
"I got it!" I looked down and he was a few feet below her.
"Okay new plan! Let go of the bars!"
"Are you insane!?" She screamed while trying to adjust her grip.
"You gotta trust me! Just let go!"
She scanned my face briefly. "I trust you." Was barely a whisper before she let go. Her following screams drowning the prior sentence out. Luck caught her in his arms and with that her screams cut off. There was a brief moment of silence as we all floated in place before their laughter was the only sound that could be heard. I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
Eventually we all made it to the ground okay.
"That was fun! When can we do it again?" Luck was already zipping around us like nothing happened.
"No way, battle freak. Give us a break before we go back up." I quipped back before facing Lilah, "Are you okay?"
She looked thoughtful, "I'm fine Magna. The scare aside I had a lot of fun. Thank you."
All in all it was a good day for the three of us.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“...On June 26, ad 4, Augustus adopted Tiberius. Livia’s son, forty-four years old, now became officially the son of her second husband. Henceforth he is called Tiberius Julius Caesar and is clearly the man designated to succeed the emperor. As he had in the past, Augustus made provision for the possibility that Tiberius might not necessarily survive him. Agrippa Postumus had not given any evidence of being temperamentally suited for high office, but Augustus perhaps hoped that in the general way of things an unruly youth could mature into a responsible adult. Hence the emperor adopted Postumus on the same occasion.
Moreover, Tiberius was obliged, before his own adoption, to adopt his nephew Germanicus, who would thereby become Tiberius’ son and would legally have the same relationship to Tiberius as his natural son, Drusus. The marriage of Germanicus and Agrippina followed soon after, probably in the next year. There is no reason why the unconcealed manoeuvring on behalf of Germanicus should have upset Livia unnecessarily, despite the clear implications of Tacitus that it did. Germanicus, after all, was her grandson as much as was Drusus Caesar. The arrangement reinforced rather than weakened the likelihood of succession from her own line, as was to be demonstrated by events. 
The marriage would prove extremely fruitful. In time Agrippina bore Germanicus nine children, six of whom survived infancy. The first three were sons, great-grandsons of Livia: Nero, the eldest (not to be confused with his nephew Nero, the future emperor); Drusus (to be distinguished from the two more famous men of the same name: Drusus, son of Livia, and Drusus Caesar, son of Tiberius); and Gaius (destined to become emperor, and known more familiarly as Caligula). She also bore three surviving daughters, Drusilla and Livilla, and, most important, the younger Agrippina, mother of Livia’s great-great-grandson, the emperor Nero. The adoption of Tiberius in ad 4 would have been an occasion of joy and satisfaction for Livia, and would have helped to efface any lingering grief that still afflicted her over Drusus’ death.
If we are to believe Velleius, not only Livia but the whole Roman world reacted jubilantly to the new turn of events. Needless to say, his account should be treated with due caution. There was, he claims, something for everyone. Parents felt heartened about the future of their children, husbands felt secure about their wives, even property owners anticipated profits from their investments! Everyone looked forward to an era of peace and good order. A colourful exaggeration, of course, but there probably was considerable relief among Romans that the succession issue seemed at long last to be settled.
…In the immediate aftermath of the adoptions the ancient authors inevitably tend to focus on Tiberius and the campaigns he conducted in Germany and Illyricum, and they virtually ignore Agrippa Postumus, whose name was to be invoked later by sources hostile to Livia. A few details about Postumus emerge. In ad 5 he received the toga of manhood. The occasion was low-key, without any of the special honours granted Gaius and Lucius on the same occasion. It also seems to have been delayed. Postumus would have reached fourteen in ad 3, and under normal circumstances might reasonably have been expected to take the toga in that year. Something seems to be wrong. Augustus had certainly endured his share of problems with the young people in his own family. The pressures facing the younger relatives of any monarch are self evident, given the sense of importance that precedes achievement, to say nothing of the opportunists attracted to the immature and malleable, and prepared to pander to their self-importance. 
As Velleius astutely remarks, magnae fortunae comes adest adulatio (sycophancy is the comrade of high position). These pressures must have been particularly intense in the period of the Augustan settlement, when no established standards had yet evolved for the royal children and grandchildren. Gaius and Lucius, the focus of Augustus’ ambitions and hopes, caused him endless grief by their behaviour in public, clearly egged on by their supporters, and on at least one occasion Augustus felt constrained to clip their wings. Gaius’ brave but distinctly foolhardy behaviour during the siege of Artagira is surely symptomatic of the same conceit.
There is no reason to assume that Postumus would have been immune from the pressures that turned the heads of his siblings. Whatever traits of haughtiness Postumus might have displayed in his early youth, they were not serious enough to have entered the record, and the exact nature of his personal and possibly mental problems is far from clear. The ancient sources speak of his brutish and violent behaviour. Some modern scholars have suggested that he might have been mad, but the language used of him seems to denote little more than an unmanageable temperament and antisocial tendencies. 
For whatever reasons, eventually Augustus decided to remove him from the scene. The details of this expulsion are obscure. Suetonius provides the clearest statement, recording that Augustus removed Postumus (abdicavit) because of his wild character and sent him to Surrentum (Sorrento). The historian notes that Postumus grew less and less manageable and so was then sent to Planasia, a low-lying desolate island about sixteen kilometres south of Elba. Tacitus has no doubt about where the ultimate responsibility for Augustus’ actions lay. Postumus had committed no crime.
But Livia had so ensnared her elderly husband (senem Augustum) that he was induced to banish him to Planasia. Tacitus’ technique here is patent. The use of the word senem is meant to suggest that Augustus was by now senile, even though the event occurred eight years before his death. Incapable of making his own rational decisions, he would thus be at the mercy of a scheming woman, just as later Agrippina the Younger reputedly ‘‘captivated her uncle’’ Claudius (pellicit patruum). No reason is given for Livia’s supposed manoeuvre—which as usual, according to Tacitus, was conducted behind the scenes—except the standard charge that her hatred of Postumus was motivated by a stepmother’s loathing (novercalibus odiis). 
Yet nothing in the rest of Tacitus’ narrative sustains his assertion, and the historian himself admits that the general view of Romans towards the end of Augustus’ reign was that Postumus was totally unsuited for the succession, because of both his youth and his generally insolent behaviour. Moreover, Augustus had made the strength of Tiberius’ position so patently evident that Livia would hardly have considered Postumus a serious candidate. This seems to be confirmed in a remarkable passage of Tacitus which uncharacteristically reports public reservations about a potential role for Germanicus, supposedly Tiberius’ rival.
After reporting the popular view that Postumus could be ruled out, Tacitus says that people grumbled that with the accession of Tiberius they would have to put up with Livia’s impotentia, and would have to obey two adulescentes (Germanicus and Drusus) who would oppress, then tear the state apart. Tacitus concedes that even the prospect of the reasonable Germanicus and Drusus being involved in state matters caused consternation. This surely offers some gauge of how far below the horizon Postumus was to be found. The precise reason for Postumus’ removal to Sorrento, if it was not simply his personality, is not clear. The initial expulsion may have been provoked by nothing more serious than personal tension between him and his adoptive father. 
Whatever the initial reason, it soon became apparent that if Augustus had hoped that sending his adopted son out of Rome would solve the problem, he was mistaken. Dio places Postumus’ formal exile to Planasia in ad 7. If, as Suetonius claims, he was sent first to Sorrento, what might have precipitated the change in the location and the more grave status of his banishment? We have some hints in the sources. Dio suggests that one of the reasons for Augustus’ giving Germanicus preference over Postumus was that the latter spent most of his time fishing, and acquired the sobriquet of Neptune.
Now this could point simply to irresponsibility and indolence, but the picture of Postumus as an ancient Izaak Walton serenely casting his line does not fit well with the very strong tradition of someone wild and reckless. His activities may well have had a political dimension. The choice of the nickname Neptune could allude to the naval victories of his father, Marcus Agrippa. The fishing story might well belong to the period after Postumus’ relegation to Sorrento. This could have proved a risky spot to locate Postumus, because it lay just across the bay from the important naval base at Misenum that his father had established in 31 bc. The innocent fishing expeditions might have covered much more sinister activities. 
Augustus may well have concluded eventually that Postumus was too dangerous to be left in the benign surroundings of Sorrento. During Postumus’ second, more serious phase of exile, on the island of Planasia, he was placed under a military guard, a good indication that he was considered genuinely dangerous rather than just a source of irritation and embarrassment. This final stage of banishment was a formal one, for Augustus confirmed the punishment by a senatorial decree and spoke in the Senate on the occasion about his adopted son’s depraved character. Formal banishment enacted by a decree of the Senate would be intended to make a serious political statement and should have buried completely any thoughts that Postumus might have been considered a serious candidate in the succession.
We cannot rule out the possibility that Postumus became involved, perhaps as a pawn, in some serious political intrigue, if not to oust Augustus then at the very least to ensure that he would be followed not by a son of Livia but by someone from the line of Julia. If Postumus was being encouraged to think of a possible role in the succession, it might reasonably be asked who was doing the urging. Although there is no explicit statement on the question in the sources, many scholars have accepted the notion that there existed a ‘‘Julian party,’’ responsible for much of the ‘‘anti-Claudian’’ propaganda directed against Livia and Tiberius that is found in Tacitus in particular and possibly derived from the memoirs of Agrippina. 
…Whatever the intrigues in Rome, Livia’s son was able to keep himself aloof and to play the role that suited him best, that of soldier. Tiberius conducted a brilliant series of campaigns in Pannonia for which a triumph was voted in ad 9. (This was postponed when Tiberius was despatched to Germany in the aftermath of the disastrous defeat of Quinctilius Varus, in which three legions were lost.) When the Pannonian triumph was voted, Augustus made his intentions crystal clear. Various suggestions were put forward for honorific titles, such as Pannonicus, Invictus, and Pius.
The emperor, however, vetoed them all, declaring that Tiberius would have to be satisfied with the title that he would receive when he himself died. That title, of course, was Augustus. It also appears that a law was later passed to make his imperium equal to that of Augustus throughout the empire, and in early 13 his tribunician power was renewed. His son Drusus Caesar received his first accelerated promotion, designated to proceed directly to the consulship in ad 15, skipping the praetorship that should have preceded this higher office.
The virtual impregnability of Tiberius’ position should be borne in mind in any attempt to understand the final months of Augustus’ life. In the closing chapter of her husband’s principate, Livia reemerges in the record to play a central and, according to one tradition, decidedly sinister role. This is perhaps the most convoluted period of her career, where rumour and reality seem to diverge most widely. To place the events in a comprehensible context, it is necessary to note one later detail out of its chronological sequence. As we shall see, after Augustus’ death there was a rumour reported in some of the sources that Livia had murdered her husband.
In the best forensic tradition, a motive would have to be unearthed to make the charge plausible, especially since sceptics could hardly have failed to notice that Augustus had never enjoyed robust health and was already in his seventy-sixth year. Death from natural causes could hardly be considered remarkable under such circumstances. The requisite motive would indeed be produced, and the kernel of the intricate thesis that evolved is found in a brief summary of Augustus’ career by Pliny the Elder. Among the travails that afflicted the emperor, Pliny lists the abdicatio of Postumus after his adoption, Augustus’ regret after the relegation, the suspicion that a certain Fabius betrayed his secrets, and the intrigues of Livia and Tiberius. 
Pliny’s summary observations are clearly based on a more detailed source, which suggested that Augustus felt some remorse about Postumus. This simple and not improbable notion is developed by other sources into a far more complex scenario that creates an apparently plausible motive, because it could be claimed that Livia would have wanted to remove her husband before he could act on his change of heart. This reconstruction of the events is clearly reminiscent of the closing days of the reign of Claudius, when the emperor supposedly sought a rapprochement with his son Britannicus, to the disadvantage of his stepson Nero, and thereby inspired his wife Agrippina to despatch him with the poisoned mushroom.
But it is important to bear in mind that as Pliny reports the events he limits himself to the claim that Augustus regretted Postumus’ exile, without further elaboration, and although Livia and her son supposedly engaged in intrigues of some unspecified nature, Pliny assigns no criminal action to either of them. Pliny’s ‘‘skeleton account’’ is to some degree validated by Plutarch. In his essay on ‘‘Talkativeness,’’ Plutarch, in a very garbled passage, relates that a friend of Augustus named ‘‘Fulvius’’ heard the emperor lamenting the woes that had befallen his house—the deaths of Gaius and Lucius and the exile of ‘‘Postumius’’ on some false charge—which had obliged him to pass on the succession to Tiberius. He now regretted what had happened and intended (bouleuomenos) to recall his surviving grandson from exile. 
According to Plutarch’s account, Fulvius passed this information on to his wife, and she in turn passed it on to Livia, who took Augustus to task for his careless talk. The emperor made his displeasure known to Fulvius, and he and his wife in consequence committed suicide. This last detail was perhaps inspired by the famous story of Arria, who achieved immortal fame in ad 42 when she died with her husband Caecina Paetus, who had been implicated in a conspiracy against Claudius. Plutarch’s confused version of events does not inspire confidence, and in any case, although he gives Livia a more specific role than does Pliny, he follows Pliny in not attributing to Augustus any action, only supposed intentions.
Dio’s account is a much contracted one, but derived from a source that has added a very important wrinkle to the story and has Augustus taking action on his change of heart. Dio says that Livia was suspected of Augustus’ death. She was afraid, people say (hos phasi), because Augustus had secretly sailed to Planasia to see Postumus and seemed to be on the brink of seeking a reconciliation. This bald and surely implausible story, involving a round trip of some five hundred kilometres, is given its fullest treatment in Tacitus, clearly drawing on the same source as Dio. 
He says that people thought that Livia had brought about Augustus’ final illness, because a rumour entered into circulation that the emperor had gone to Planasia to visit Postumus, accompanied by a small group of intimates, including Paullus Fabius Maximus. Fabius, clearly Plutarch’s ‘‘Fulvius,’’ was a literary figure of some renown, a close friend of Ovid and Horace. He was also an intimate of Augustus, consul in 11 bc, governor of Asia, and legatus in Spain (3–2 bc). He would thus be a plausible participant in this mysterious expedition. Tacitus reports that the tears and signs of affection were enough to raise the hopes of Postumus that there was a prospect of his being recalled. (It is striking that Tacitus is ambiguous about the meeting’s purpose and is too good a historian to bring himself to claim that Augustus had gone there to commit himself to Postumus’ rehabilitation.)
Fabius Maximus supposedly told the story to his wife, Marcia, and she in turn passed it to Livia. The text of the manuscript is corrupt at this point, but Tacitus seems to say that this indiscretion came to the knowledge of Augustus (reading the text as gnarum id Caesari). The subsequent death of Fabius, Tacitus says, may or may not have been suicide (the implication is that Augustus ordered it, as Plutarch suggests). Marcia was heard at the funeral reproaching herself as the cause of her husband’s downfall (this presumably is how the story got out). 
After this detailed account Tacitus undercuts his own case when he goes on to say that Augustus died shortly afterwards, utcumque se ea res habuit. The force of this phrase is essentially ‘‘whatever the truth of the matter.’’ It hardly inspires conviction. The story of the adventurous journey to Planasia and the tearful reconciliation has generally been greeted with scepticism by modern scholars. Jameson is an exception. She uses the Arval record to argue that Augustus did take the trip, noting that on May 14 there was a meeting of the brethren for the cooption of Drusus Caesar, the son of Tiberius, into their order. Fabius Maximus and Augustus were absent from the ceremony, and submitted their votes, in favour of the co-option, by absentee ballot. But is there anything remarkable in their absence?
Clearly, the election of Tiberius’ son was not in reality a particularly important occasion, for Tiberius himself failed to attend. Moreover, Syme notes that no fewer than five other arvals were absent from this meeting, and that there could be a host of explanations for Augustus’ absence. Also, if the co-option was seen as an important family event, then it would surely have been the very worst time for Augustus to try to slip away unnoticed. The emperor was by this time in declining health, so weak that he even held audiences in the palace lying on a couch. In ad 12 he was so frail that he stopped his morning receptions for senators and asked their indulgence for his not joining them at public banquets. 
Yet we are supposed to assume that he made the arduous journey to Planasia, and that he did so without Livia realizing what he was up to. It is also important to observe that both Tacitus and Dio drew on a source claiming that Augustus was on the verge of making amends with Postumus. An actual reconciliation seems to be ruled out by the later sequence of events. Certainly he did nothing whatsoever on his return to strengthen Postumus’ position or to weaken that of Tiberius. Finally, one might ask whether Augustus could ever have seriously considered recalling Postumus. He had put him under armed guard. There were plots to rescue him. His supporters published damaging letters about the emperor. It all seems implausible. Syme suggests that the details of the journey might have been added soon after Augustus’ death, a ‘‘specimen of that corroborative detail which is all too apparent (and useful) in historical fictions.’’ Syme bases his argument in part on aesthetic considerations. The episode as it appears in Tacitus is introduced in an inartistic fashion and appears to have been grafted on as an afterthought, introducing two names, those of Fabius Maximus and his wife, Marcia, that will not be mentioned again in the Annals. Moreover, neither Pliny nor Plutarch mentions Planasia. 
…The plot described by Suetonius might then have been a last desperate effort to rescue her. In any case it seems to have come to nothing. In addition to the supposed political intrigues in the period immediately before Augustus’ death, there was no shortage of signs that the gods, too, were feeling distinctly uneasy, ranging from the usual comets and fires in the sky to more opaque portents, like a madman sitting on the chair dedicated to Julius Caesar and placing a crown on his own head, or an owl hooting on the roof of the Senate house. But Augustus seems to have had no premonition that he had little time left when he set out from Rome in August 14.
At that time Tiberius was obliged to leave the city for further service abroad, and he departed for Illyricum with a mandate to reorganise the province. Livia and Augustus joined him for the first part of the journey. This very public gesture is an affirmation of the emperor’s faith in Tiberius—a very odd signal to send if only a few months earlier he had become reconciled to Postumus and had changed his mind about who would succeed him. The party went as far as Astura, and from there followed the unusual course of taking a ship by night to catch the favourable breeze. On the sea journey Augustus contracted an illness, which began with diarrhoea. 
They skirted the coast of Campania, spent four days in Augustus’ villa at Capri to allow him to relax and recuperate, then sailed into the Gulf of Puteoli, where they were given an extravagant welcome from the passengers and crew of a ship that had just sailed in from Alexandria. They passed over to Naples, although Augustus was still weak and his diarrhoea was recurring. He managed to muster up the strength to watch a gymnastic performance. Then they continued their journey. At Beneventum the company broke up. Tiberius headed east. As Augustus began the return journey with Livia from Beneventum, his illness took a turn for the worse. Perhaps he had a sense that his end was near, as he made for an old family estate, in nearby Nola, where his father, Octavius, had died.
Augustus was not to leave Nola alive. His condition quickly grew worse, and on August 19, 14, at the ninth hour, in Suetonius’ precise report, he died. According to Tacitus, as Augustus grew more sick, some people started to suspect (suspectabant) Livia of dirty deeds (scelus). Dio is more specific, but is still cautious about the charge. He notes that Augustus used to gather figs from the tree with his own hands. She, hos phasi (as they say), cunningly smeared some of them with poison, ate the uncontaminated ones herself and offered the special ones to her husband. As can be seen in his handling of other events, Dio does seem to relish rumours of poisoning. 
He relates, for instance, that Vespasian died of fever in ad 79, but adds that some said that he was poisoned at a banquet. It was similarly said that Domitian murdered Titus in ad 81, although the written accounts agree that he died of natural causes. In the case of Augustus it may be possible to discern the origins of the rumour. Suetonius confirms that the emperor was fond of green figs from the second harvest (along with hand-made moist cheese, small fish, and coarse bread). Given Livia’s interest in the cultivation of figs (she even had one named after her), she may well have had an orchard at Nola to which she would have given special attention during her stay.
Dio in fact seems to have had little personal faith in the fig rumour, for he goes on to speak of Augustus’ death as ‘‘from this or from some other cause.’’ By its nature the fig story is unprovable yet impossible to refute. It falls in the grand tradition of such deaths, the best-known being the supposed despatch of Claudius by a poisoned mushroom. If Livia murdered Augustus, then her timing was oddly awry, for she had to go to considerable trouble to recall Tiberius, who was by then en route to Illyricum. Why not do the deed when he was still on the scene? 
It is perhaps worth bearing in mind that Livia had an interest in curative recipes. It is possible that she would have inflicted one or more of her own concoctions on her husband. In the unlikely event that he was poisoned, alternative medicine might be a more plausible culprit than the murderer’s toxin. From Beneventum, Tiberius headed for the east coast of Italy, where he took a boat to Illyricum. He had barely crossed over to the Dalmatian coast when an urgent letter from his mother caught up with him, recalling him to Nola. There are different versions of what happened next. Tacitus describes Augustus in his final hours holding a heavy conversation with his entourage about the qualifications of potential successors. Dio and Suetonius allow him a lighter agenda.
They recount that he first asked for a mirror, combed his hair and straightened his sagging jaws. Then he invited the friends in. He gave them his final instructions, ending with his famous line of finding Rome a city of clay and leaving it a city of marble. In conclusion, he asked how they would rate his performance in the grand comedy of life. He seems to have taken a high score for granted, because just like a comic actor, he asked them to give him applause for a role well played. (The curious coincidence of the comic actors brought in during Claudius’ last hours should be noted.) 
He then dismissed his friends and spoke to some visitors from Rome, asking about the health of Tiberius’ granddaughter Julia, who was ill. The most serious discrepancy arises over the part that Tiberius might have played during the emperor’s final hours. Dio preserves one tradition, which he says he found in most authorities, including the better ones, that the emperor died while his adopted son was still in Dalmatia, and that Livia for political reasons was determined to keep the death secret until he got back. Tacitus reflects a similar tradition, reporting uncertainty about whether Tiberius found Augustus dead or alive when he reached Nola. The house and the adjoining streets had been sealed off by Livia with guards, and optimistic bulletins were issued, until she was ready to release the news at a time dictated by her own needs. 
The story is reminiscent of Agrippina’s arrangements after the death of Claudius. She was similarly accused of keeping the death secret and posting guards as Claudius lay dying. The suspicions about Livia do not appear in the other extant accounts. Velleius reports that Tiberius rushed back and arrived earlier than expected, which perked up Augustus for a time. But before too long he began to fail, and died in Tiberius’ arms, asking him to carry on with their joint work.
Suetonius is even more emphatic about Tiberius’ role. He says that Augustus detained Tiberius for a whole day in private conversation, which was the last serious business that he transacted. His final moments were spent with Livia. His mind wandered as he died—he thought that forty men were carrying him away—but at the last instant he kissed his wife, with an affectionate farewell, Livia nostri coniugii memor vive, ac vale (Livia, be mindful of our marriage, and good-bye), then slipped into the quiet death that he had always hoped for.
That Livia might have kept the news of Augustus’ death secret for a time is certainly plausible—there are all sorts of sound reasons why the announcement of a politically sensitive death might be postponed, although the similar delay after Claudius’ death is disturbingly coincidental. She also may well have put pickets around the house, but no sinister connotation need be placed on the action. The final hours of Augustus would doubtless have attracted the concerned and the curious, who in such situations follow a herd instinct to keep crowded vigils. After Agrippina the Younger had been shipwrecked near Baiae in ad 59, crowds of well-wishers streamed up to her house, carrying torches.
The same would surely have happened in Nola, and some sort of control might have become necessary to give the dying emperor some peace. The house certainly became a place of pilgrimage afterwards, and was converted into some sort of shrine. The romantic account of Augustus expiring in Tiberius’ arms may be highly coloured, and Suetonius’ claim that Augustus and Tiberius spent a whole day together sounds exaggerated, given that Augustus’ health was fading so fast. 
But it is difficult to see how that whole sequence of events could simply have been invented if it did not have at least a basis of truth. In any case, rumours surrounding the events at Augustus’ deathbed were totally eclipsed by dramatic developments across the water. As an immediate consequence of the emperor’s death, Postumus also lost his life: primum facinus novi principatus fuit Postumi Agrippae caedes (the first misdeed of the new principate was the slaying of Agrippa Postumus), as Tacitus words it.
The events of this first and possibly murkiest episode of Tiberius’ reign have been much debated, and it is probably now impossible to disentangle fact from rumour and innuendo, since there is considerable ambiguity in the ancient accounts of the incident. The general outline of the events is not particularly controversial. The officer commanding the guard at Planasia executed Postumus after he had received written instructions (codicilli) to carry out the deed. Postumus had no weapons other than his powerful physique, and he put up a valiant but ultimately futile struggle. A desperate attempt by a loyal slave, Clemens, to save him was frustrated when the would-be rescuer took a slow freight ship to Planasia and arrived too late. 
After the execution, the officer then reported to Tiberius, presumably still at Nola, that the action had been carried out. He did so, as Tacitus describes it, ut mos militiae (in the military manner), presumably in the sense of a soldier reporting to his commander that his orders have been discharged. Tiberius denied vehemently that he had given any such orders. According to Tacitus, he claimed that Augustus had sent the order, to be put into force immediately after his death, and insisted that the officer would have to give an account to the Senate. Tacitus at this point adds a new wrinkle to the story, and gives a role to a figure not mentioned in any of the other sources in the context of this incident.
The codicilli, he claims, had been sent to the tribune by Augustus’ confidant Sallustius Crispus. This man was the great-nephew and adopted son of the historian Sallust. Although his family connections had opened up the opportunities for a brilliant senatorial career, Sallustius chose to fashion himself after Maecenas and seek real influence rather than the empty prominence of the Senate. He rose to the top through his energy and determination, which he managed to conceal from his contemporaries by pretending a casual or even apathetic attitude to life. 
He acquired considerable wealth, owning property in Rome, and among other landed estates he could list a copper mine in the Alps producing high-grade ore. More importantly, at least until his later years, he had the ear of both Augustus and Tiberius, as a man who bore the imperatorum secreta (secrets of the emperors). When Sallustius learned that Tiberius wanted the whole matter brought before the Senate, he grew alarmed, afraid that he personally could end up being charged. He interceded with Livia, alerting her to the danger of making public the arcana domus (the inner secrets of the house), with all that would entail—details of the advice of friends, or of the special services carried out by the soldiers—and urged her to curb her son. Beyond this general framework the details are highly obscure, and, it seems, totally speculative.
Tacitus says that Tiberius avoided raising the issue of Postumus’ death in the Senate, and Suetonius observes that he simply let the matter fade away. There would thus have been no official source of information. Yet fairly detailed narratives have been passed down, which could have come only from eyewitness accounts. In particular one has to wonder how the supposed secret dealings between Livia and Sallustius could ever have become known. This uncertainty over the source and reliability of the information clearly makes it impossible to determine who was ultimately responsible for Postumus’ death. 
Suetonius summarises the problem nicely. He states that it was not known whether Augustus had left the written instructions, on the verge of his own death, to ensure a smooth succession, or whether Livia had dictated them (dictasset) in the name of Augustus, and, if the latter, whether Tiberius had known about them. Dio categorically insists that Tiberius was directly responsible but says that he encouraged the speculation, so that some blamed Augustus, some Livia, and some even said that the centurion had acted on his own initiative.
Tacitus found Tiberius’ claim that Augustus had left instructions for the execution hard to believe, and describes this defence as a posture (simulabat), suggesting that the more likely scenario was that Tiberius and Livia hastily brought about the death, Tiberius driven by fear and she by novercalibus odiis (stepmotherly hatred). Velleius may have been aware of these speculations, for he is very cagey about Postumus’ death. He insists that ‘‘he suffered an ultimate fate’’ (habuit exitum) in a way that was appropriate to his ‘‘madness’’ ( furor). Velleius may well have been deliberately ambiguous to avoid becoming enmeshed in a contentious and sensitive issue that might reflect badly on Tiberius. 
Scholars have generally been inclined to exonerate Livia, and only Gardthausen has held that Livia was totally responsible, without even Tiberius’ complicity. Syme accuses Tacitus of supporting an imputation against Livia ‘‘which he surely knew to be false.’’ The implication of Livia has been challenged by Charlesworth in particular. He sees it as emanating from the same tradition that had her poisoning Augustus. Certainly Pliny’s brief summary imputes no criminal action against her. She seems on principle to have refrained from taking independent executive action. (The picket she set up around Augustus’ house would be the only known counterexample.)
At most, it is possible that she knew of such an order, but it seems highly unlikely that she initiated it. Even if a meeting did actually take place between Sallustius and Livia, as Tacitus alleges, this need not mean that anything sinister had necessarily been underfoot. Sallustius may have wished simply to appeal to the wisdom and experience of Livia to counter the political naïveté of a son who had spent his career on military campaigns and had not yet become adept in the complexities of political intrigue. The suppression of information about the activities of the soldiers could just as easily have been meant to refer to Augustus’ instructions as to Livia’s, in a system where secrecy for the sake of secrecy was considered a vital element in the fabric of efficient government. 
If Livia had somehow been involved with Sallustius in carrying out Augustus’ instructions, there would have had to be secret and dangerous communication between Rome and Nola, unless Sallustius was also with Augustus at the end (and Tacitus would surely have mentioned his presence). Tiberius seems largely exonerated by his own conduct. If he had been guilty, he would hardly have wanted an investigation by the Senate, and could simply have claimed that the execution was carried out on Augustus’ orders or even have reported officially that Postumus had died from natural causes. We can surely eliminate Dio’s barely tenable suggestion that the guard might have executed Postumus on its own initiative, and the hardly more convincing notion that Sallustius Crispus similarly might have acted on his own initiative.
On balance, the most plausible suspect is Augustus, although plausibility is far different from conviction. Augustus might well have issued standing orders to the tribune to execute Postumus the moment news of his own death arrived. Sallustius could well have sent the announcement of the emperor’s death in Tiberius’ name (with or without his knowledge), which could account for the centurion’s coming to Rome to make a report to Tiberius.
When he needed to, Augustus could behave quite ruthlessly against those who threatened him. He put to death Caesarion, the supposed son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, for purely political motives. He also could be harsh towards his own family. He swore that he would never recall the elder Julia from exile, refused to recognise the child of the younger Julia, and would not allow either Julia burial in his mausoleum. It was he who had set the armed guard over Postumus. Moreover, Augustus did make meticulous preparations for his own death.
He left behind three or four libelli, with instructions for his funeral, the text of the Res Gestae, a summary of the Roman troops, fleets, provinces, client-kingdoms, direct and indirect taxes—including those in arrears— the funds in the public and in the imperial treasuries, and the imperial accounts. There was also a book of instructions for Tiberius, the Senate, and the people. Augustus went into considerable detail, with such particulars as the number of slaves it would be wise to free and the number of new citizens who should be enrolled. 
He was clearly a man determined not to leave any issues hanging in the balance, and the future of Postumus would have been an issue of prime importance. Postumus’ death was the final blow for Julia the Elder. From this point on, she simply gave up and went into a slow decline, her despair aggravated by her destitution. She received no help from Tiberius, although he had earlier tried to win leniency for her from her father.
According to Suetonius, Tiberius, once emperor, deprived her of her allowance, using the heartless argument that Augustus had not provided for it in his will. As we have seen, Livia might well have helped the exiled Julia at one point by giving her one of her slaves, and she certainly helped Julia’s daughter when she was sent away from Rome. But she does not seem to have tried to intercede on this occasion. Julia died in late ad 14 from weakness and malnutrition. The new reign had got off to a bloody start.”
- Anthony A. Barrett, “The Public Figure.” in Livia: First Lady of Imperial Rome
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mcbride · 3 years
TWD S11 Predictions - Carol/Daryl focused
disclaimer: i don't know anything. i have no sources. just my predictions, thoughts and wishful thinking based on filming tracking, intuition, some theories, images from the teaser/promo trailers and more wishful thinking!
solely focused on Carol and Daryl's storylines, cause apparently that's all my heart cares about anymore! as a wise person once said (Espy, my positive fairy! if you're reading this, ilysm), our baes need to be dealing with their own issues and demons, separately, while getting some closure with other people, so they can finally move forward together.
so i don't expect many actual caryl scenes in part 1 of s11, but i fully expect them to keep each other in mind, and even make some decisions based on a future they wanna have together even before they resolve the awkward tension between them atm.
imo the perfect caryl arc in 11a would include a lot of emotional encounters, drama, disappearances, fake deaths, torture, tragedy, dog, closure and make up and make out... after the jump....
it appears that Carol and Daryl will be involved in different missions at the start of the season - he will head out with Maggie's group to search for food when they are caught up in a storm and have to hide out in the subway tunnels; while i presume she stays back to defend and help clean up ASZ or goes on her own mission with Kelly and Magna.
Carol, Kelly and Magna end up stumbling upon Connie's journal, a symbol of hope for all of them. they might even decide to search the area for any more signs of Connie. i really want Carol herself to find Connie and bring her back to Kelly. and not cause Carol is a hero who saved Connie, nooooooo cause Connie can save her own self. she is strong, not a damsel in distress. she went through hell but she made it back. i think we will see Connie and what she has been through, however, i don't believe she will reunite with anyone from team family before the MSF (11x08) or even MSP (11x09). no idea who she and Virgil are running from in the trailer - it could either be a whisperer, a stray reaper or just some crazy random motherf*cker they run into.
while Maggie's group are in the tunnels, dog runs off and Daryl goes to search for him, never making it back to the group for some reason. after the storm is over, Maggie and the group search for Daryl but not having been able to find him (?) they just assume he is gone, possibly dead? i don't know why Maggie would give up so easily searching for family, but it seems like her current MO to just leave people behind.
along the way, Carol and Magna will find common ground and actually become besties cause she desperately needs some female friends. please and thank you. they can bond over the hope to find Connie alive and well, or the fact, both of them are currently in a very awkward position with their boos while having no idea where the heck they are.
Daryl probably got separated from the group while escaping a small herd in the tunnels (cue to Daryl's face covered in blood in the woods) and when he finally finds dog, he comes face to face with a masked reaper formerly known to him as Leah. he is shocked to learn she's part of the group that targeted Maggie. Leah is probably bitter Daryl chose his family instead of her a few years ago cause she has no idea he came back for her... so she and her friends take (willingly or not!) Daryl prisoner... possibly torture him and play mind games to gather information on team family.
in the sdcc trailer, there are some very heartbreaking scenes with Carol (and Aaron?), i cannot wait for it. i know it's gonna make me cry so hard and i've been needing Carol/Aaron friendship for years. at the same time, i expect Carol to also have some badass fighting scenes with her daughter-in-law and new bestie, Lydia, and tia Rosita! YES girl power!! people need Carol and she's totally there for them.
Aaron seems to be in a bad place emotionally (possibly something happened to Gracie, or just the fact they lost a lot of people in the whisperers war!) and Carol will be there to urge him not to make the same mistakes she did. hopefully, these 2 can join forces and come up with a masterplan to defeat the reapers.
Daryl being Daryl who always wants to save people even from themselves, tries to convince Leah to change sides, join team family, or convince her own family to leave his family alone. he's unsuccessful and when Daryl tries to escape, setting the whole place on fire and killing a few men on his way out of the reapers compound, Leah threatens to harm dog. cause why not? she obvi loves nothing or no one! they take Daryl back to another cell, and dog manages to escape.
meanwhile, Maggie's group returns to ASZ, where they tell Carol they believe Daryl is lost or dead. please give me all the angst that comes with Carol thinking she may have lost Daryl forever! she has been pretty committed to the group and rebuilding their home, but i believe her first instinct will be to run, to leave... TO FIND DARYL!!! cause no way in hell would Carol just accept he's gone unless she sees it with her own eyes.
WELL in true 'if you can't beat them, then join them' fashion, after a few brainwashing sessions with Leah, Daryl tells her all about the note (FIND ME) he left for her at the cabin, how he knows he made the wrong decision then, declares his loyalty to her and joins the reapers...
dog arrives at ASZ just as Carol is about to leave to search for Daryl. good boy always comes back home to mama and together they will find and save dada. (bear with me! from now on i'll be totally running wild with my wishful thinking... it will pretty much read like some fanfic plot!)
Daryl keeps trying to fit in with the reapers group, but he's only taking a page from Carol's undercover book - fake it till you make it + destroy them from the inside. what he doesn't know is that Leah and her new/old bf (Pope!?) have been planning an attack on ASZ behind his back. they simply let him know, this is his chance to prove himself to the reapers. he has to go along with the plan (or DIE!), but he hopes to be Alexandrians' inside man, helping them protect their family at all costs (ironically, exactly what Negan did when he joined the whisperers and they attacked Hilltop... just not the same motivation! i guess Carol wasn't so wrong about Negan after all!)
at night, Daryl puts on his reaper costume and they head to ASZ. reapers learned the location of the place by tracking dog. the plan was much bigger and more explosive than Daryl expected, the reapers destroy a big part of ASZ brand new rebuilt wall and set fire to a bunch of houses and the mill before Daryl can even react.
Alexandrians and reapers fight as Daryl sneaks out to lead the kids to safety. he finds Maggie, asks for Carol, and is glad she is out there looking for him, relatively safe, rather than around to fight and watch ASZ fall.
while out looking for Daryl, Carol hears the explosions, sees the fire and she and dog return to ASZ as fast as they can. they are greeted by Leah at what used to be front gate...
i realize this is getting extremely long, so i'll just say that i absolutely don't want Carol to have anything to do with Leah's possible imminent death. i don't want that guilt on her conscience, and i don't want her to feel like Leah is just another person she took from Daryl (like Connie!). i don't even want Leah to die! unless she's trying to hurt or kill Daryl.
somehow i think it would be a good twist, if for a quick second Carol thought Daryl had betrayed them and joined the reapers for Leah. of course, Carol knows better. SHE KNOWS DARYL. he would never, but for a brief panicked moment, it would be good to see her react to that. i can only imagine the pain in her eyes. but she also trusts Daryl with her life.
we have no idea what Leah knows about Carol, but i'd like the pocketknife Daryl regifted to come back. how would Leah react? likely angry to see another woman with something that was hers. i want to believe Daryl would never tell Leah anything about Carol because she is just too important and too personal to share. but maybe Leah can tell there was someone else !? who knows.
i just want it to be completely clear Daryl is done with that part of his past. Daryl is not alone and lost in the woods anymore without his brother Rick and his bestie Carol. ever since Carol brought him back, Daryl has acted like he knows exactly what he wants and he's done playing games. and what he wants is not Leah or Connie. he wants for ALL his family to be safe and happy, and he wants to run away with Carol and see the world. AND i want both Carol and Daryl to feel free to be free and live freely.
as for the make up and make out part... (that's saved for 11b, hopefully!)
team family won, most of the reapers are dead, except for Leah. Daryl (with Carol's nod of approval!) decides to spare her, gives her some supplies and tells her to get lost. at the same time, Eugene arrives with the troopers from CommonWealth to help with the whisperer war. WHOOPS. 2 wars, 2 late, bruh! but the group leaves to join the good people at CW.
Carol and Daryl have a very long conversation about everything that happened and what they have been feeling. Daryl telling her exactly why he was so mad at her (she kept leaving, can't commit!), her actions (almost getting herself killed!) since Henry's death and how he needs her in his life. no matter how she sees herself or whether she thinks she's worthy or not, he just wants her to be there next to him for whatever is to come.
plus Carol realizing she needed to get closer and let people in without fear, not give up hope and actually fight for a better future for herself. and finally, admitting to Daryl that it was horrible to think he might've been gone forever, promising to never make him feel the way she felt. basically, a promise to never ever leave him again (cue to making out!)
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shimmershae · 3 years
Just watched the episode and I’m going to have a lot of thoughts for you, most of them probably bordering on incoherence (LOL) so this is your last chance to nope on out of this post because I’m going to go ahead and put everything else behind a cut to save the eyes that do not want to see any  spoilers at all.  Unlike mine, that very much wanted to see but in a lot of cases?  Could not see shit, but I digress.
Shae’s stream of consciousness coming at you in 3-2-1.  
First of all, can I saw how good it is to have my show back again?  Like, no.  I don’t quite have Season 5 levels of excitement about the new/last season, but it is definitely nice to have all these characters back.  
So all these thoughts of mine.  Okay.  Bear with me because there be a whole lot of them, lol.  
My immediate impression as the episode opened was WHOA.  Such a cool shot of Daryl with one light wing, one dark wing (representing the two sides to Daryl maybe--the man of honor versus the man he was raised to be, hmm?) looking out over some dark vista of something.  Seriously.  It’s dark.  My room is also dark at the moment and still I was squinting to see.  To make out what I’m “looking” at.  I really, really hope the rest of this season isn’t this hard to make out.  
Is that a tank?  Kinda sorta a callback to Rick’s first episode?  If so, cool.  If not, well.  Us fans have always put way more thought into things.  For real.  Change my mind.  
Holy intense eye contact, Batman!  Daryl Dixon has literally never looked at anyone--not BethusConLeah--in quite the same smoldering way as he looks at Carol.  It’s next level.  I don’t know why people be fooling themselves into thinking different.  
Let’s see.  I can make out--besides Daryl, Maggie, and that face mask dude I already forgot the name of--Kelly, Magna, Jerry (who’s that with him?), and Carol.  Sorry.  My world, like Daryl’s, inevitably narrows to Carol.  She’s loking fierce and fine AF per usual.  
Was that Rosita I noticed rewinding to relive Daryl eye-fucking Carol?  
I’m guessing this is the army base they talked about in 10C.  
That Walker perking up like “I smell food--pancakes and bacon and oohhhh” has me giggling inappropriately right off the bat.  WTF.  
Look at all my fabulous ladies tiptoeing through that Walker minefield.  And Carol spotting that gun that might be useful right away.  Listen, if you don’t think her mind ain’t always ten steps ahead of everybody else’s, you’d be wrong.  
So.  Are these Walkers just so old and feeble not even the call of fresh meat attracts them?  Because just tiptoeing through their midst without the knockoff Lady Gaga meatsuits or skin masks has never really worked before that I can remember.  
I just want to see most of this season.  Is that really too much to ask?  Don’t X-Files and Game of Thrones us, Angela.  Please and thank you very fucking much.  
Okay.  Is the one drop of blood thing making anybody else have 28 Days Later vibes?  Kinda?  Sorta?  No?  Just me?  Okay then.  Carry on.  
Wait a minute, though.  How they be explaining how Daryl keeeps acquiring all these new tats all the time?  Hmm?  It’s like they just quit giving a shit about continuity in these latter seasons.  
I mean.  Do Walkers sleep now?  LMAO.  What is this?  I guess they’re constantly evolving?  
There’s my baby Lydia.  Love my smol bean.  
Alright though.  I love to see the ladies of TWD kick some ass.  It’s very gratifying.  Gimps would never.  Thank you, Angela.  
Clever, resourceful, calm and collected, quick thinking Carol to the rescue!  Seriously.  Her haters must be withering away inside with absolute envy.  
Hey, ya’ll.  Remember when Carol was still mastering her sharpshooting skills at the Prison yard and shot at Rick’s feet?  Her little “sorry, sorry”?  LOL.  If Rick could only see her now.  Wait.  He already knew what so many of his stans refuse to acknowledge--Carol=ultimate survivor and true savior to the group many times over.  
Maggie’s got herself a gun, too.  Go my badass girls.  
Of course, Carol’s got everybody’s back.  Of fucking course, Daryl’s got hers even when everybody else seem frozen in some kind of awe or stupification or something.  Microcosm of the whole damn show right there.  
Carol’s like “here’s your knives, love of my life.”   
Eh.  Maybe that’s just me.  
Nah.  She’s totally thinking it, too.  
YAS!  YAS!  Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride with the top billing.  How very far my babies have come.  
Listen.  I miss all the characters we’ve lost.  Absolutely.  But I love the ones that are still with us, that have been with us for so very long so hard.  Whether I love their stories or decisions or not.  
Is that THE Alexandria sign?  That sign’s been through some shit.  
DOG!  Daryl kneeling to embrace our Grimes babies has me all up in my feels.  And how cute is Dog getting all excited and making sure he’s the first one there to welcome back, Daddy?  
Hershel is literally just as puppy dog cute as Glenn ever was.  Really some Grade A casting.  
What did Maggie call Mr. T?  Ducky?  Dougie?  Sometimes with Maggie?  I really cannot tell.  Anyway.  He’s Mr. T. for me until I find out differently, probably through rewatching with close captioning, lol.  
Maggie’s got more people.  So.  Some new redshirts to sacrifice for plot purposes.  I don’t know if I should bother learning their names or not. 
I seem to remember Meridian being mentioned in one of the episode synopses.  
Sophia’s hair tie around Carol’s neck will never fail to be an emotional throat punch.  My heart.  
“They come at night and by the time you see them, you’re already dead.”  Welp.  Guess that means we ain’t seeing shit for at least this first third of the season, lol.  Very horror-eque though.  
“You’re leaving to fight ghosts.”  Aaron, to Maggie.  So I see Aaron’s the type to get the hell outta Dodge when the Boogeyman comes calling, hahaha.  Least he was.  In the old world.  
Rosita’s pissed off expression at Gabe’s decision to volunteer for the so-called suicide mission gives me life.  
My baby Carol is tired AF of suicide missions.  You can tell.  Also?  Methinks she has something to prove to Daryl here.  Or at least feels like she does.  
Dog with his little tactical vest.  I love it.  
I guess I get why they had Carol and Rosita stay behind.  They had to more evenly split up the badassery to make things more fair and balanced, lol.  
Okay.  So Negan’s definitely earned everybody’s disdain.  But they’re being woefully short-sighted by not at least hearing the dude out.  Isn’t he at least native to the area?  
“That is God telling us to turn around.”  I’m actually on Negan’s side with this one, but Gabe answering him with “I’m pretty sure he would have run that past me first” has me howling with laughter.  Father Gabe has gone straight up savage in these last couple of seasons.  Rosita’s influence, perhaps?  
I see what Angela is doing.  Trying to make Negan the voice of reason.  In this particular case?  It’s kind of working.  I’m still ultimately on Maggie’s side with this though BECAUSE GLENN.  
Imagine showing up to work and unironically dressing like a storm trooper every day.  Excuse me while I LOL.  
Even in the ZA, there’s bullshit paperwork.  
“Pumpkin colored spacesuit.”  Good one, Ezekiel.  
LOL forever.  I love Princess.  
“Michonne.  Our Michonne shut people out of Alexandria for years.”  Timely reminder that choices aren’t always perfect.  Neither are people.  
WTF is reprocessing?  Sounds ominous.  LMAO at Eugene’s “Okay.  We gotta go.”  
What in the actual hell with all those bagged, squirming undead?  Creepy AF in that subway tunnel.  
Should I just go ahead and call that the Easter bunny?  We’ve had some version of it pop up since Season 1.  
Is it stubborn pride with Maggie or what?  Why go through with something when all signs point toward the wisdom of stopping?  You can argue that she’s acting similarly to Carol last season, but there’s a huge difference here folks.  Carol did her damndest to Lone Wolf that shit and minimize the danger to those she loved.  Maggie’s straight up enlisting those she “cares about” to carry out her mission of revenge or vengeance, what have you. Let’s see if she gets near the amount of hate for it.  Personally, I don’t blame her for her feelings one bit.  They are valid.  But her knowingly drawing the others into the game?  That’s my sticking point.  That’s how she and Carol differ, even if some people refuse to see or accept it.  Anyway.  Hopping right on off my soapbox.  
“Why don’t you get up on your little tippy toes and try?”  Omigosh, I’d dying.  When I tell you I about passed out with laughter, I do not exaggerate.  I should hate Negan forever and I do.  Really.  But I adore JDM and he frequently makes me LOL.  He’s made Negan entertaining if not completely redeemable since Angela took over and more layered so I say kudos.  
He has a point about Maggie playing dictator.  Damn you, show, for slanting the writing just that smidgen that makes Negan make sense over his victim.  I guess, though, it’s better this way.  Gives both characters more shades of gray.  
“He’s a dick but he makes sense.”  I feel like this is Angela calling us all out when we dare to harbor any lasting resentment toward Negan for what he did to Glenn.  
Speaking of--Negan.  You deserved Daryl’s punch to the mouth.  You just went a bridge too damn far.  
“Keep pushing me, Negan.  Please.”  Warning shots fired, Asshole.  You better watch yourself around the Widow Rhee.  
Have I mentioned how much I love Princess?  Her shipping the Commonwealth guards is killing me, lol.  I can’t wait ‘til she meets Carol and Daryl.  She’s going to have their number in two seconds flat.  
I like Ezekiel and Princess as a duo.  I’m not saying romantically necessarily.  I just like them in scenes together because they’re fun.  There’s sort of a protective indulgence Ezekiel seems to telegraph whenever they’re in scenes together.  Like he’s like don’t hurt this one.  I don’t know.  For all these words I’ve written, I can’t quite find the ones to adequately describe what I mean.  
The wall of the lost gives me such Battlestar Galactica feels.  What sad thoughts it inspires.  
Eugene in that Commonwealth gear.  Omigosh, lol.  So did they just sneak up and take Princess’s little Commonwealth ship’s gear when they were sneaking off on their own to have a quickie?  
Princess finding that note for Yumiko on the wall actually gave me chills.  Yeah.  I’m easy.  Just the suggestion of someone getting reunited with lost family gets me all up in my feels.  Yumiko saying “I have to stay”?  I felt that.  
Oh no.  Dog ran off!  Somebody protect my favorite fictional puppy.  Of course, Daryl goes after him.  He’s always been the sweet one.  Merle said it.  
Eh.  Negan taking Maggie’s hand at the end there would have smacked too much of Negan Sue and Maggie’s biggest plot of the season would have been prematurely dealt with so I get why they did what they did.  But c’mon.  It’s not really that big of a cliffhanger, is it?  
Okay, so Angela calls those sleeping beauty Walkers “Lurkers” and I get it.  Apparently they’re a bigger deal in the comics, but I really don’t remember seeing them all that much on the actual show.  Somebody jog my memory.  
Of fucking course, you can actually see what’s happening in the inside the episode clips.  I wish we could choose to view the episode with that lighting because some of us be blind.  And this time I mean in the more literal sense.  Not the figurative one.  
Anyway.  I’m going to stop trying to write a novel for ya’ll and move on to better things.  Like maybe a nap.  Maybe some early dinner.  I don’t know.  I’m tired AF and need a little recharge.    
Before I go, though?  Overall impression of the episode?  I liked it.  There were parts that I loved (all the ladies being badass, every second of Carol, Daryl reuniting with the Grimes babies and Dog, all things Princess, some of Negan’s one-liners about had me busting a gut, Rosita serving looks, Kelly and Lydia getting to be badass too) and parts I didn’t love (not being able to see a damn thing, Angela trying to tip the scales in Negan’s favor, not enough Carol or Aaron or Rosita, no reunion between Aunt Carol and the Grimes babies even though that picture floating around suggests it was at least shot, not being able to see a damn thing, all the Alexandria people playing follow the leader for Maggie when she’s been gone 6 years and Daryl’s right there--hell, even Father G deserves the honor over her because it’s obvious they’re not exactly on the same wavelength anymore).  
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m just glad to have our show back.    
Later, lovelies.  
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Right of Law, Section XXVII
(Zaekura meets again with the Le-Koronans, while the situation surrounding Civitas Magna’s kolhii tournament begins to escalate.)
“Everyone will be so happy to see you!” Tamaru said as she bounced down the path.  “We were all worried sick!”
Zaekura walked a few steps behind her, flanked by Charla, Antroz, and Emsar.  “Yeah, dealing with Atero wasn’t exactly easy, but we managed.  I’m hoping it’ll go a little smoother when we have to take the fight to them.”
Tamaru hummed.  “That’d be nice...you controlling Atero.  Ah, here we are!”
They arrived in a clearing lined with scores of people: Matoran, Toa, Glatorian, and Agori of all kinds, some on solid ground while others perched in the surrounding trees, creating a circular wall of eyes all trained on the visitors.  Zaekura felt like she was trying to walk underwater.
“Okay, everyone’s here!  Go on, Zaekura.”
“Right, of course.  Um…”
She found herself unable to recall the words she had prepared.  Charla set a hand on her shoulder then, reminding her to breathe, and she was able to relax a little.
“First of all,” Zaekura said, “I’d like to thank you all for welcoming us.  It isn’t lost on me how out of the ordinary this gesture is, nor the implicit risk my being here carries.  My name is Zaekura.  Up until recently, I lived a very quiet life...but now, the Great Beings have it out for me, since I’m one of the rare few who possess the same potential as them.  I’ve had to fight to defend myself, and it’s been…quite an adjustment.  But now I realize this isn’t just about me.  Countless lives have been destroyed by the Great Beings, and countless more live in constant fear of them.  And I want that to end.  So now, we’re fighting to stop the Great Beings and take control of Spherus Magna, to reform it into a place where nobody has to live in fear.”
Quiet murmurings rippled through the crowd.  To Zaekura, it was nearly deafening.
“I know that I can’t do something like this on my own, so I’m asking for help from anyone who’ll listen.  We’ve approached you because we think Bota Magna’s natural resources would be a big help to our cause, but if anyone wants to join the fight, we’ll gladly take you.  No matter what, though, I want you all to know this: you are welcome any time.  Even if I go back empty-handed, each and every one of you will be free to come and go from my territory as you please, and we’ll fight just as hard to defend you.  I don’t need anything in return for that.”
The chattering grew louder.  Kiina emerged from the crowd then, saying, “You say you’ll defend us?  How do you plan to do that?  You’re provoking the Great Beings, fighting nonstop against an insurmountable enemy.  That doesn’t sound safe in the slightest.”
Zaekura breathed.  “I understand your concern.  There will absolutely be risk, I won’t deny that.  Our current forces include several Makuta, a few hundred Rahkshi, the militia of both Xia and Mahri-Nui, and a large number of Vorox under the command of the Sand Lord.  Several individuals have already requested to be part of a team dedicated to protecting Bota Magna, if you’ll have them.”
Kiina grumbled—not a very clear response, but it was the only one she offered.  Taipu was next to emerge, waving and calling, “Hey, Zaekura!  Did you get a chance to try out Nuparu’s invention yet?”
She smiled.  “I was able to take a look at it and test it out.  That’s one impressive machine!  We’re still working to reproduce and install them, but we should be using it in a matter of days.  Thanks again, Nuparu.”
Taipu shook Nuparu, who tried to hide his grin.  Zaekura waited while the chatter continued.  Soon, Takua came forward, saying, “I can’t speak for everyone, but...I think you make a pretty good case, Zaekura.  The fact is, we are living in fear—I don’t think that’ll change much whether we stay here or come back to the city.  Being that close to the fight is definitely scary, so I understand why someone might prefer to stay here.  But, a chance to change things, to make a future where we don’t feel like we have to hide...that sounds pretty good too.  If you show me a team that I’m convinced can keep Bota Magna safe, I’ll be willing to fight alongside you.”
New energy rushed into Zaekura.  “Thank you!  I’ll bring them out to meet with you as soon as possible!”
The Le-Koronans talked amongst themselves.  Taipu and Nuparu came into the clearing, the former saying, “We’re definitely coming back with you!  This is so exciting!”
Gradually, more and more Le-Koronans followed suite.  One of them, a Toa of Earth with weathered black and purple armor, came up to Zaekura and smiled at her.
“I can tell that you have a good heart, dear,” she said.  “I’m a bit too attached to these woods to leave now, but I want to offer you what help I can.”
“Oh, thank you very much, uh…”
“The name’s Korgot, dear.  I’ve become very familiar with the lay of the land here, so if you’re looking for spots to mine or to log, I’ve got a few in mind.  Just promise me you won’t overdo it.  The people are important, but we have to take care of the jungle itself, too.”
“Korgot.  Yes, I promise.  Thank you so much!”
They briefly discussed when would be a good time to send a mining team, and then Zaekura answered the questions of a few more Le-Koronans until it seemed everyone’s decision had been made.  She gazed over them all, ultimately turning to Charla.
“I’d say this went well.”
Charla giggled.  “I’m inclined to agree.  Is there anything more you wanted to add, or do we just have that final matter?”
Zaekura glanced back at Emsar, and the Vortixx came to her side.  Turning back towards the Le-Koronans remaining behind, she said, “There’s one last thing before we go.  I wanted to let you know that Emsar here is venturing deeper into Bota Magna; she’ll be fine on her own, I just didn’t want anyone to be surprised if they saw her.”
Takua looked up at Emsar.  “Alright.  Where’s she headed, if you don’t mind me asking?”
The clearing grew eerily still.  Quietly, Takua repeated, “Valwahi?”
Zaekura nodded.  “Like I said, I’m asking anyone who’ll listen.”
“Do you think they will?  The Valwahans aren’t exactly the most understanding bunch.”
“I have to try.  Even if we can’t become allies, maybe I can at least make peace with them—that’d be one huge load off my plate when getting things in order once this is all over.  Though, I could be thinking a little far ahead with that...”
“Heh...I guess a little optimism doesn’t have to hurt.”  Facing Emsar, Takua said, “Good luck, then.  Don’t hesitate to ask for help if things go wrong.”
“Much appreciated, but you needn’t worry about me,” Emsar said.  “I’m quite prepared should events take a dire turn.”
The Le-Koronans began to scatter, as did Emsar.  Antroz said, “Emsar.  Please do be careful.”
She grinned back at her.  “You too, Makuta?  I thought you of all people would know better.  Your lack of faith in me is demoralizing.”
“It is precisely because I have faith in you that I’m letting you go alone.  This is something that only you can do.”
Emsar paused, then turned away.  “Hmhm...you’re still no fun.”  She disappeared before anything else could be said.  
Zaekura turned back to her party, now far larger than the one she had entered with. “Alright.  Let’s get everyone back to Xia!”
She realized Tamaru had come up behind her.  “What’s up?”
Tamaru fidgeted, eyes scanning back and forth over the dirt.  “I, uh...I’ve been giving it a lot of thought...I didn’t say anything before because I hadn’t really decided, but now, I…”  She shut her eyes tight.  “I-I want to come with you!”
“Really?  If you need more time to think, that’s okay.”
Tamaru shook her head.  “No...I need to go before I lose my nerve.  I mean, I am nervous, but...if I can really be myself around everyone...I guess I feel like I just have to know.”
Zaekura nodded.  “I’ll do whatever I can to help.  Are you ready to go?”
After taking one last look back into the jungle, Tamaru nodded.  “Yeah.  Let’s go!”
Hewkii raced down the field, battling for control of the ball with a Toa of Earth.  He pulled back his kolhii stick; the Toa of Earth, expecting him to knock the ball forward, shifted his weight to block.  Hewkii then swung his stick around, hit the ball back the way they had come, and immediately leapt back to scoop it up.
“The Hydruka’s Hewkii has finally wrested the ball away from Dosne!  He’s headed right for Kazi, and the Iconox Iron Wolves’ goalie sure doesn’t look ready for him!”
Hewkii carefully observed the Toa of Ice he needed to aim around.  Kazi was laser-focused, but stiff in his movements.  He could hear Dosne approaching—at the last second, he threw the ball with all the force he could muster, and it sailed just past Kazi to the cheers of the crowd.
In a special balcony high up the arena’s wall, Ekimu laughed at the spectacle.   “That Hewkii’s pretty good!  Maybe I shouldn’t kill him after all.”
Standing next to him, Ahkmou chuckled.  He busied himself jotting down notes for an article, but his thoughts were elsewhere.  This is the opposite of what I wanted.  The tournament was supposed to distract these common idiots from the rebellion, but everyone’s heard that Hewkii’s defected—with him center stage, I’m sure it’s all they’re thinking about!
He joined Ekimu’s cheer as another ball was set into play.
Sure, no one’s stupid enough to speak out while Lord Ekimu is right here, but that’s ignoring the bigger picture.  This is long-term, delicate work.  If I don’t think of something fast, it’s all going to go right down the drain…
Hewkii leapt in to intercept Dosne’s shot.  Swinging around, he then sent the ball flying back across the court, catching Kazi completely by surprise.  The crowd roared.
“Incredible!” the announcer cried.  “The Mahri-Nui Hydruka have won by a landslide!  Looks like they’ll be moving onto the next round, folks!  I know I don’t want to be the team unlucky enough to go up against them!”
Ekimu applauded with the crowd, but his hands steadily fell still.  “Alright, game’s over.  You can come out now.”
Ahkmou looked over his shoulder, expecting to see one of the Makuta coming to join them.  But he couldn’t quite make out what he was looking at.  The shadows in the balcony moved strangely, almost as if they had a will of their own, refusing to surrender the visitor to the light; all Ahkmou could see clearly was an organic purple face with numerous ridges over where a nose and mouth should have been.  Confused and terrified at the sight, Ahkmou could only remain silent.
“Forgive the intrusion, Lord Ekimu,” the face said.  “We wanted to consult with you, to clarify our orders before acting.”
Ekimu continued to watch the field as the two teams exited.  “Who are you?”
“I am Eliminator, of Odina.  The Keeper’s realized that the operatives sent previously failed to carry out Lord Heremus’s orders, so my partner and I have been dispatched to rectify the situation.”
“So that’s it.  You want Hewkii, I take it?”
Eliminator’s face moved, the shadows moving with it.  “He seemed like a good place to start...but, since you haven’t intervened thus far, we suspected you had another plan.”
“I wouldn’t say that.  I just don’t want the kolhii tournament interrupted.  Once his team’s done, take him if you want.”
Ahkmou jumped as a sudden burst of energy appeared in the space next to Eliminator.  The energy grew into a swirling portal, and out of it stepped another being: he was tall, at least twice the height of a Matoran, clad in blue and gold armor that shone through the darkness that clung to his companion.  Ahkmou didn’t recognize the gold mask he wore, but he found his eyes more drawn to the enormous double blade he carried.
Kneeling, he said, “If I may, Lord Ekimu.  I think there is a much more fruitful route we can take.”
Ekimu grunted.
“Once the tournament has concluded, we will see that Hewkii and his team remain here in Civitas Magna...and be sure that the whole planet knows it.  I have heard that Zaekura is quite the bleeding heart, and I am certain that if she knows one of her allies is being held here, she will march in an effort to save him.  Once we have lured her in, Eliminator and I will capture her and bring her to Lord Heremus—what happens to her associates will be no concern of ours then.”
“So we bait her out.  What was your name?”
The being grinned.  “I am Brutaka, my lord.”
At this, Ekimu finally turned around.  After staring at Brutaka for a few moments, he said, “I thought you sounded familiar.  Good.  If you’re here, then the Keeper must be done messing around.”
The crowd began to cheer as new teams took the field.
“Go ahead,” Ekimu said as he turned back to watch.  “As long as you don’t make a move before the tournament’s over, I couldn’t care less.”
Brutaka nodded.  “Of course, Lord Ekimu.  If you’ll excuse us.”
Another portal opened, and Brutaka disappeared into it.  Eliminator was already gone by the time Ahkmou turned to look.  Facing the field once again, the Toa thought, Odinans...and they’re going to draw Zaekura here...how am I going to cover that up?  Can our public opinion survive something like this?  If we lose control of the people…
The Toa started.  “Y-Yes, my lord?”
“You’re nervous.”
“Ah...I was just shaken by such a sudden arrival.  I’m sorry, my lord: I’ll focus on my job.”
Ahkmou watched as two new teams met in the center of the field.  If we lose control of the people...then that means I failed to do what the Great Beings asked.  What will happen to me then?
Outside the stadium, Gaaki and Tarduk regrouped near the south entrance.  Flipping through her notes, Gaaki said, “Well, that should be enough of a sample size.  Any favorites among the people you asked?”
Tarduk squatted next to the wall with a sigh.  “The Hydruka are the talk of the town, surprise surprise.  Remains to be seen if Ahkmou will even let us publish all this.”
“Same on my end.  A couple of die-hards for the other teams, but they hardly have enough to say to fill a feature.  A full day’s work and we’re probably going to end up with a block under the horoscopes…”
Tarduk craned his neck.  A particularly dense section of crowd had gathered on the other side of the street, thick enough that he couldn’t see exactly what had drawn them.  He went to push his way closer, Gaaki following for lack of any other distraction, but the Ga-Matoran soon began to fall behind.  Glancing back at her, Tarduk saw that her eyes had gone wide.
“What’s the matter?” Tarduk asked.
“You mean you don’t…”  She shook her head.  “Er, right, you can’t see from here.  Come on!”
Gaaki dove into the crowd.  Tarduk began to have second thoughts, but, figuring it was too late now, went in after her.  At the epicenter was a Toa of Stone wearing a Komau, with various stone carvings laid out before him on a blanket.  The sign behind him made the Agori stiffen: “CARVINGS FOR SALE!  ALL PROFITS HELP NYNRAHN REFUGEES!”
“Gaaki,” Tarduk said, grabbing her by the arm.
“I’m just looking,” she said, picking up a small carving.
“With your hands?”
The Toa of Stone turned towards them.  “Anything you’re interested in?” Gaaki set the carving down.  “Just browsing.  This is impressive work, uh…”
“Onewa...oh, you made the statue they added to District 2458’s historical center!”
“So someone does remember!  Maybe that commission was worth it after all.”  He turned away for a moment to make a sale.
“What brings you here?” Tarduk asked.
“I’m an old friend of one of the players in the tourney.  You know Hewkii?”
Tarduk stiffened further.  “...I’ve heard quite a lot about him.”
“We go way back.  Though, I ended up not being able to get a ticket...but, at least I have a chance to sell some of this work.  We need all the help we can get.”
Gaaki prepared to ask something.  Tarduk tugged on her arm.  She debated continuing anyway, but then the crowd began to quiet, and they both turned to see why.  Their spines turned to ice at the sight of Vamprah cutting through the masses.
“Ah,” Onewa said, climbing to his feet, “that took longer than expected.  Not the Makuta I was prepared for, either.”
Vamprah stalked forward without a word.  Just as Onewa was about to say something more, the Makuta snatched him up in his claws and hurled him against the arena wall.  Total stillness fell over the crowd.  Turning to the remaining carvings, Vamprah waved one hand and unleashed a burst of Plasma, melting them in a matter of seconds.  Then, he turned around to see Onewa slowly getting to his feet.
“Heh...you live up to your reputation,” the Toa said.  Blood could be seen dripping from the gashes left in his armor.  “Guess that’s what I get for pushing my luck, huh?”
Vamprah advanced towards him again.  Tarduk struggled to keep Gaaki still.
“But...I’m not gonna make it that easy for you.”  Onewa took something in his hand, a pellet of some kind, and grinned as he crushed it.  In the next instant, he was gone.
Vamprah froze.  He scanned his surroundings, but saw no trace of his target.  Giving one last look to the crowd, Vamprah unfurled his wings and took to the skies, slowly coasting towards the inner city.  Gradually, the crowd scattered, while Gaaki just stood staring at the still-warm slag that had been beautiful carvings mere seconds ago.
“He got out,” Tarduk said.
“Yeah...this time.  But with Vamprah hunting the Nynrahns, their chances look pretty bleak, don’t they?”
Tarduk sighed.  “What can we actually do, Gaaki?  If we step out of line, we’re going to disappear just like Kodan.”
“I know!”  Gaaki turned and rubbed her temples.  After a bit of thought, she said, “Tarduk...don’t tell Ahkmou we were here to see this.”
The Agori raised an eyebrow.  “Why not?”
Gaaki locked eyes with him.  “Please, just don’t.  He can’t know.  If he does...then nobody else will.”
It took Tarduk a long time to decide on his answer.  “Alright.  But there’s nothing else I can do to help you, Gaaki.  Terrible as things are getting, I just don’t see an opening yet…”
Gaaki nodded.  They parted ways then, Tarduk heading into the stadium while Gaaki found a secluded bench to rest on.  She glanced around, making sure no one was looking, and then pulled at the corner of her breastplate, opening it just long enough to remove a small crystal she quickly tucked into her bag.
A few witnesses are easy to dismiss.  But if everyone sees what happened, then at the very least they’ll have to work a lot harder to lie.  I’ll need to be careful about exactly what footage I use...but by this time tomorrow, I’ll make sure everyone can see the truth.
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
In Another Universe: Chapter 8 part 1 - The Hotel Dumort
(tsc and tmi belong to Cassandra Clare, and so do the characters, a lot of it is very similar to the original, especially the hotel Dumort part)
They were walking down the sidewalk, Jayce walking beside Clar, Alec and Isidore a few feet ahead of them. Clar pulled his backpack in front of him to get Simone out and check on her.
When he opened the bag, she wasn't in there. "Oh no!". "What?" asked Jayce. "Simone's gone.". "She must have fallen out, or jumped out," she said. "Hey, Alec! Iz!." Alec and Isidore looked behind them at Clar and Jayce. "We lost Simone! Me and Clar are gonna go back find her!" she shouted. Isidore nodded, Alec wss about to come back but Isidore dragged her along with him.
They went back to Magna's loft, Jayce rang the doorbell.
"Who dares disturb the Magnificent Magna Bane's sleep!?" she said. "It's me, the Shadowhunter from the party," said Jayce. "Oh! the one with blue eyes?" "No." "Oh, that one."
Jayce looked like one of those anime characters when they had a fake arrow go through them, Clar thought. He found it funny. Magna opened the door, and was leaning against the entryway.
"What do you want?" asked Magna. "Simone is gone," said Clar. "I think she may have jumped out of the bag when we were leaving.". "I didn't see any rat when I was cleaning up, my dear.". "Perhaps one of your guests took her then?" said Jayce.
Clar remembered that Vampire that bumped into him. "I think maybe a vampire took her when he bumped into me," he said. Jayce looked at him. "Where can we find the vampires that were at your party?" asked Jayce.
"And why would I want to piss off the vampires by telling you where they are?" said Magna. "Because this is Shadowhunter business and you could get in trouble," said Jayce, in that threatening tone. "Fine," said Magna with a sigh. "The Hotel Dumort is where you'll find them.". "Thank you," said Jayce, she put on a charming smile, tried to sound as sincere as possible. "Now goodnight, and don't come back or I'll turn you into a coatrack," she said.
As she closed the door, Clar thought he heard her mumble something like "Clucking Shadowhunters"
"So," said Isidore. "Magna Bane likes you. I think you should try to get to know her.". "No. and she doesn't," said Alec. "Really? Why did she say call her then?" "She was just fun flirting, nothing serious." "Why can't you accept that someone is interested in you?" "You know why." "Alec..."
"Look, Iz, even if she were interested in me and I in her, it wouldn't matter. You know nothing could ever happen between us for several reasons." Iz sighed sadly. It was true, Magna Bane did say call her, but surely she didn't actually mean it, surely someone as pretty as her wasn't actually interested in Alec.
"I don't like that Jayce went off on her own," she said. "She'll be fine." "How do you know that?" "Cause she's Jayce," said Iz. "You know how strong and badass she is." "Yes, but..." "But what?" "She has Clar with her, I'm not trying to sound jealous or anything, it's just Clar doesn't have any experience fighting and I don't want him getting Jayce killed cause of his stubbornness," said Alec.
"I know, I have my own feelings about Clar, but Jayce is gonna make her own decisions and we can't always be there," he said. "Believe me, I want to be just as bad, to have her back." "I'm her parabatai, I am supposed to be there.". "I know, but you can't always be with her Alec, even if you are parabatai." "It's always been us three, Iz," she said quietly. "I know."
"I don't want Jayce getting herself killed for some boy," whispered Alec under her breath, so quietly she wondered if Iz even heard her.
They walked the rest of the way home.
Jayce needed to get weapons before going to the vampires lair, so they went to the nearest church. There was always a place where the Nephilim have left weapons and other stuff, for when a fellow Nephilim needed it.
She was exhausted with having to help Clar with Simone, she didn't know why she was even bothering but she felt responsible for Clar, and he was going to go with it without her, she knew that, so might as well go with so he didn't get himself killed.
"So you said Nephilim just leave weapons in churches?" asked Clar. "Churches and other religious places. And the people who run these places, are the ones who pay and supply things to Shadowhunters often. They believe in demons and we kill them, so to thank us for our service they pay us and supply us with weapons when we need it, and let us hide weapons here. And sometimes Shadowhunters secretly hide weapons." she told him.
She looked at him, he seemed to be looking around at the church oddly. "I've never really been in a Church before.". "Why not?". "My mom was never the type of woman who believed in that stuff." He thought back she had always said there was no magic and that she never felt connected to any god so she couldn't believe. Though now he wondered if she was angry at some god that may exist. "She probably wanted to stay away from anything that had to do with the Shadow world even a little," she said. "Yeah, probably."
She knelt down where the compartment that had the weapons as nd holy water was, she pulled her Stele out and drew an open rune over it. She opened it and Clar jumped a little. "Jesus," he said. "He wouldn't fit in here," she said. "Do you believe?" he asked. "No," she answered. "But why not? If there's the Angel then there must be—". "A God?" "Yeah."
"I don't believe. but my father did," she told him. "He believed in a great almighty god. But the day he died I realized it wasn't that I didn't believe in god, I just thought if he is real, he doesn't care, and we are on our own." Clar stared at her a little shaken. "Oh," was all he said. She smiled at him, god doesn't care about her she thought to herself that day.
"Isn't the fact that it's right there, isn't that dangerous?" he said trying to change the subject, Maybe she supposed, by asking about the compartment. "Only Shadowhunters can open it, it requires an open Rune." "Oh," he said. Now lets go," she said.
Joan was starting to grow tired of the waiting, the waiting for battle, the waiting for the hunt, the waiting for the kill. There was still a part of her that expected to be saved though she couldn't understand why she wanted to be saved.
These last couple months of her training have been intense. she felt connected with her demon blood now in a way she hadn't before, she understood the evil queens she used to read about now, why they loved the darkness, why they loved evil. Being evil was so much more fun, and you didn't have to feel remorse for the terrible things you did.
No wonder Lucifer chose to fall, and become the devil himself. Falling was so much more fun.
Joan couldn't completely remember the old her and how it felt to feel like she did before she was dragged away with Lilith, she sometimes fought something inside her that said what she was doing was wrong but she couldn't say it bothered her, she was now who she was always meant to be. She was meant to be this monster and villian.
Lilith was proud of her, her father was as well, he said he'd have a gift for her soon enough. That there was a girl who had not pleased him like she had, he said she would be welcome have a go at her and mess her up a little when he got his hands back on her. Apparently he had sent her away years ago after growing tired of her, apparently she was too weak and gentle to ever be of use to him, and apparently she was very breakable. The old Joan would have thought it was terrible to speak of a person like this but that Joan was very far away these days, perhaps she was even almost gone.
Her father said he'll have her back soon enough, and he'll have Clar as well to bring to her, he said they'll be a family. All she really cared about was Clar now, her brother who could always be great company and make her laugh. despite her loving her new self, she wanted him by her side, he could join with their father and they would have the world.
Or it would be fun to watch it burn. There was a voice saying that she didn't really want that, but didn't she?
They got to the Hotel Dumort, Jayce looked at it, trying to see if there was a way to get in. Vampires had flying motorcycles, so they could fly to the roof and get in. They didn't have one though, which made things more complicated.
"The Hotel Dumort," she said. "Cute isn't it?" Clar gave her a look. "Du mort," he said. "Meaning, Of death." "Yes," she said.
"How can this be the hotel," he said. "All the windows are boarded up and the door's bricked up— oh," he realized as she gave him a look. "Right, they are vampires. How do they get inside then?" "They fly,". she said, and pointed to the roof. The hotel had clearly once been very elegant and beautiful, but now was not so elegant. "But we don't fly," Clar pointed out. "You're right, we break and enter," she said and smirked. She made her way down the street towards the hotel.
Clar caught up to Jayce and followed closely behind. "Flying does sound more fun," he said. "Everything sounds more fun now." He wondered if she was serious. She had excitement about her, anticipation for the hunt that didn't seem to him like she was as unhappy as she claimed. She did say once she has killed more demons than anyone else her age. He supposed you didn't kill that many demons by hanging back from a fight
They walked down the alley, the wind blew trash in several directions. The streets were deserted, it was odd, usually there was at least someone on the streets of manhattan at 4 in the morning. Many of the streetlights were out, but there was one closets to the hotel that was on, casting it's yellow light across the pathway, to what had been the front door.
"Stay out of the light," said Jayce, as she pulled him away and towards her by his sleeve. "They may be watching from the windows. Also don't look up." But he had already looked up and could have sworn he saw someone move away from the window. "Come on." Jayce pulled him with her to blend in more with the shadows, closer to the hotel. It was odd having someone who was shorter than you drag you around like you were nothing, but she was strong he reminded himself.
He felt nervous chills go down his spine, the sounds of the city seemed very far away, all he could hear clearly was the crunch of trash under his shoes. He wished he could be like Shadowhunters and be soundless, maybe he could ask Jayce to teach him someday. They slipped around the corner of the hotel down an alley that had probably been for deliveries once. It was covered in garbage, empty bottles, trash bags, cardboard boxes, scattered things that Clar had thought were toothpicks, but when they got closer he realized that they were— "Bones," said Jayce with a flat tone. "Cat bones, rat bones, dog bones. Don't look to closely it's not pretty, going through a vampires trash that is."
"Well I guess we're in the right place," he said. Jayce glanced at him with a look of respect for a flicker of a moment. "Oh, we're in the right place," she said. "We just gotta find a way in."
There clearly use to be windows that were now bricked up, there wasn't a fire escape. "When this was a hotel," said Jayce. "This must have been where trucks made deliveries." Clar thought about the shops near his house in brooklyn, how they would get deliveries in the morning when he walked to school, they had delivery areas like this, had seen the owners open the metal doors that were set into the pavement outside the front. "I bet that the doors are in the ground. Under the garbage."
Jayce, a little behind him, nodded. "That's what I was thinking as well," she said with a sigh. "I suppose we need to move all this trash. We should start with the dumpster." she didn't look enthusiastic. "You'd rather fight a horde of demons, instead, wouldn't you?" "At least that wouldn't be covered in bugs and mold and angel knows what else. Well," she added thoughtfully. "I did track down this demon one time that was in the sewers under Grand Central—" "Stop," he said. "I am in no mood to hear about that right now." "That's gotta be the first time someone has said that to me," she mused. "Well, if you stick with me, it won't be the last time." Her mouth twitched. "This is hardly the time for pointless banter. We have lots of garbage to haul."
She walked over to the dumpster, grabbing one side. "You get the other side. We'll tip it," she said. "Won't that make too much noise," he argued. He walked over to the other side, and grabbed it. The smell made him want to gag. "We should push it."
"Look—," began Jayce, but a voice spoke out of the shadows. "Should you really be doing that?" it said. Clar was frozen in place, staring at the shadows, he panicked a little and wondered if it was just him but he looked to Jayce and saw she was frozen as well, and had a look of astonishment on her face. It was rare to see her look like that, even rarer that anyone snuck up on her. She reached for her belt as she stepped away from the dumpster. "Is someone there?" she said.
"Dios mío," said a female voice, it sounded amused, speaking softly in spanish. "You're not from around here, are you?" She stepped forward out of the shadows, a few years younger than Jayce, and probably six inches shorter than Clar. She was thin and had big dark eyes, and brown skin. She wore black slacks and a white dress shirt opened at the neck, a gold chain around her neck. "yeah, your might say that," said Jayce meticulously, her hand still on her belt where her seraph blades were.
"You should not be here," the girl said. "It's a very unsafe place." She must mean it's a bad neighborhood. He would have laughed in other circumstances. "We know," he said. "We're just lost." "And what," she gestured towards the dumpster. "Are you doing with that?" Clar was not good at lying on the spot, he needed time to come with a good one, he hoped Jayce was excellent at it. "We were trying to get into the hotel," she said. "We were thinking maybe there was a cellar entrance under this dumpster." She didn't just flat out say that? Did she?
She looked at them like she couldn't believe what she just heard. "Puta madre—and why would you be doing that?" Jayce gave an innocent shrug. "We thought it would be fun to do a prank. Have some fun, mess around," she said. "This place is haunted, it's bad luck," the girl said. She said several things in spanish Clar didn't understand, but assumed probably had to do with stupid kids. "Come with me, I'll show you to the subway." "We know where the subway is," said Jayce. "Claro. Of course you do, but if you walk with me no one mess with you. You don't want trouble from anyone around here," she said.
"That depends, we may want a little trouble," said Jayce. "How much are they paying you to keep people away?" The girl glanced back at Jayce. "Who do you mean? How much is who paying me?" "The vampires, who else?" said Jayce. "Are they paying you a lot? Or offering to make you one? Cause let me tell you eternal life is such a long time, especially when you can never see the sun again."
She looked at Jayce expressionless. "My name is Raphaela." "So you know what we're talking about The vampires? you know about them?" said Clar. Raphaela went on telling a story about a group of boys that were taken by the vampires here, one of them was her brother, she said she walks by here some nights. And how if you go in there you'll never come out.
"My friend is in there we came to save her," said Clar. "So I take it I can't warn you away?" said Raphaela. "No," said Jayce. "But don't worry about us, what happened to your friend won't happen to us." she pulled out one of her seraph blades from her belt and held it up to the light, the dim light shining on it, her eyes were shadowed. "I've killed plenty vampires, they can die."
She took a sharp breath and said something low in spanish. "I know what you are," she said. "I have heard stories about your kind, from the old Padre at St. Cecilia's. I thought they were just stories." "All the stories are true," said Clar quietly. She looked at Jayce her fists clenched. "I want to come with you," she said. "No way, absolutely not," said Jayce. "I can show you how to get in." Jayce looked a little tempted. "You can't come.". "Fine," said Raphaela.
She walked by them and kicked some trash away, there was a rusted metal grating there, she knelt down, grabbed the bars and lifted it away. "This is how my brother and his friends got in that night, it goes down to the basement, I believe." Jayce and Clar joined her by the grate. Clar held his breath not wanting to smell the garbage anymore. He glanced at Jayce who now had a thin smile on her face. She still had the seraph blade out, the witchlight that cast off it, gave her face a ghostly glow, it reminded him of when he and Simone were eleven and she held a flashlight up to her face telling ghost stories that Clar could never take seriously.
"Thanks," she said to Raphaela. "This will work just fine." She looked at them with a pale face. "You go in there and save your friend, do what I could not do for my brother," she said. Jayce put her Seraph Blade back in her belt, she looked at Clar. "Follow my lead," she said, and slid down through the grating in a gracefully smooth move, feet first. He expected a shout of agony, but he only heard the a soft thump of feet landing on the ground. "It's fine," she called up to Clar. "Jump down and I'll help you."
He looked to Raphaela. "Thank you for all the help." She said nothing, only held her hand out to help Clar, he used her strong grip to steady himself as he got into position to jump down, her hands were very cold. She let go of his hand as he dropped down. It only took a second or two of falling before he landed and Jayce was there helping him steady himself, he thought as a boy he shouldn't need this kind of help but he had never been that muscular, not like some of the boys in his school. She let go immediately after he was steady. "You ok?" "Fine."
Jayce put her Seraph Blade back out and lifted it, it lit up their surroundings. They were a small space with cracked concrete floors. Vines had begun to grow along the walls. A doorway without a door, lead to another room. He heard a loud thump behind him, he turned to it and saw Raphaela. She ha followed them through the grating. And grinned at them manically.
Jayce looked angered. "I thought I told you—" She held her hand up in a gesture that said shush. "I heard you," she said. "But what are you going to do about now? I can't get back up the way I came and you can't leave me for dead . . . Can you?" "I'm contemplating it," said Jayce, she looked tired, she had shadows under her eyes. Raphaela pointed. "That way, they are up the stairs. They stay on the higher floors." She went past them. Jayce looked after her shaking her head. "I am beginning to be tired of mundanes," she said.
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @replayfootsteps @magnus-the-maqnificent @bookfast-at-tiffanys @simply-ellas-stuff @my-archerboy @jazzkaurtheglorious
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succulentsunrise · 3 years
First: congratulation for the milestone & keep up (y) ! Second: who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic)? talk about them! (yes I already sent you this ask earlier this year but you were behind in the anime and I thought you may enjoy answering this again)
Hello again! 🥰🥰 I'm glad to hear from you again! I hope you've been well! ❤️
My top ten are obviously affected by those characters that we have seen more of recently. That's why some characters have dropped off the list in favour of new characters or have dropped further down / gone further up. (Sorry Mimosa and Noelle, I still love you!)
It became a little long, so I put it under a readmore!
1. Mereoleona Vermillion
Mereoleona continues my strong favourite due to her passionate way of living, fiery attitude and absolutely chaotic nature! She is strong, encouraging (though not always in kindest way) and she steals my heart away.
Honorary mention: As I like Mereoleona, so do I like Fuegoleon, and their dynamics together. Fuegoleon is the charismatic leadertype, and I'm glad they let it show in the manga/anime!
2. Charlotte Roselei
Especially now that I've written for her, Charlotte has a special place in my heart. I really think she is an amazing character, and her slowly modifying and overpowering her own curse is just - badass. I quite like my own headcanons for her (her being a perfectionist / really caring for the girls in her squad and being protective of them / having a tendency towards wanting to be in control) and they've solidified my image of her.
3. Finral Roulacase
Finral is such a sweet and caring boy, who is really growing to his powers. The recent chapters where he fights alongside Langris got my really excited: I really liked them and would've liked to have seen more! I am a sucker for "I'm good for nothing" characters starting to believe in themselves and prove others wrong and for sibling dynamics.
Honorary mention: Langris has really started to grow on me as well. What an arrogant, sweet boy. Stop insulting your brother and tell him you love him too.
4. William Vangeance
There's something about tragedy that compels me. William made horrible decisions in his life while trying to still be kind and do his best for the nation. It's fascinating to me how he thought this would work out. I like to imagine that he really is a gentle soul, but just horribly, horribly mistaken about some steps he took in life. Like...a lot of them.
5. Nacht Faust
See above: there's something about tragedy. He is such an edgy character and reminds me of a friend I knew once - never believed in good in people, but believed that people can do good things. Maybe that's why I like Nacht.
Honorary mention: Morgen, Morgen, Morgen, I loved you and I wish you were still here. He would easily be at the top of this list if he just...you know, appeared.
6. Grey
Grey is another one of those characters who are slowly growing on me. She is so adorable and sweet, and she is slowly coming out of her shell. It's amazing! I can't wait to figure out what's going on with her powers.
7. Gadjah
He is dutiful, he is almost deadpan, he is protective and just...a good person. I really like that. He is loyal, and I like loyalty. His good looks definitely add to the picture as well...
8. Dorothy Unsworth
I'm a little sad that we haven't gotten as much from Dorothy, but I am hoping it is still coming...maybe? Please? She is intriguing with her bright persona in dream-space (and sometimes out of it), and I really like her design. She is so fluffy!
9. Vanessa Enoteca
Vanessa is given the flirty stereotype, but I am so glad she was given so much more than that: she is resourceful and independent despite her origins (where becoming dependent on other people could've happened very easily!). I wonder where her story will go.
10. Marx Francois / Magna Swing
I have a soft spot for Marx, but also for Magna. Both are hard-workers who I feel are not always appreciated as much as they should be. They are very different characters, but this one part really endears them to me. Go Magna! Go Marx!
Then to relationships. These are a little more difficult for me, and majority might be platonic! I didn't quite have 10 that came to mind, so have 8 instead
1. Platonic Finral & Langris
The brothers are slooooooowly bonding! I talked about this already at Finral's place, but I just really, really like that they are slowly reconciling the trauma their parents gave them.
2. Platonic Finral & Vanessa
They have great synergy whether just joking around or actually fighting. I've loved the composition of them for such a long time. I can just imagine them complaining to each other while lying on the sofa, or Vanessa teasing Finral, or her giving him tips to style his hair - the possibilities are endless!
3. Platonic Mereoleona & Fuegoleon
They butt heads, they argue, they protect each other, they care for each other. A truly feisty sibling dynamic, but one that still lets it shine through that they like each other. They grew up together and had normal sibling rivalry and jealousy and stuff. It makes me feel bad a little for Leopold, who had to grow alone with older siblings. It's hard to catch up to them.
4. Platonic Nacht & Morgen
I'm not sure what to say or why they are this high up - I like sibling dynamics, maybe because my own sibling dynamics are a burning dumpster fire. They are so different, and yet they are close to each other. It's such an interesting relationship and I wish Morgen appeared more so we could've seen more of it.
5. Romantic (?) Grey x Gauche
They encourage each other to be better. I could easily see them as platonic or romantic, but lean slightly towards romantic. They have already history of helping each other, play well off of each other, and the recent events have really cemented their connection. They are the "intimidating partner and shy partner" trope all over.
6. Yami x Charlotte (romantic):
They are kind of a cute pair, aren't they? In my headcanon, it's like a waltz: Yami is leading, though he doesn't quite know the steps, and Charlotte follows along uncertainly, because while she knows the steps, she is trying to figure out where Yami is leading this dance to. The result is a mess.
7. Platonic (?) William & Yami
I put a "?" because I could also see them romantically, but for now, I will discuss them mostly as platonic buddies. They've risen in the ranks together and clearly care for each other: Yami didn't feel much hesitance in asking William rather sensitive questions, and he didn't mind answering them. They are so opposite in some ways, it's a fun dynamic.
8. Romantic Gadjah x Lolopechka
They are a canon couple now, but I've seen relatively little of them, which is why they are so down here. They are cute, I think!
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lonelypond · 3 years
Parent Trap, Ch. 6
NicoMaki, Love Live, 3.8K, 6/?
Summary: More things happen in the wrong order.
Girls On Film
Eli had texted that Nico had stopped by the office, upset, so Eli would be home too late for dinner. Nozomi frowned as the evening went on and the twins restlessness increased. So she sat them down with their own decks of playing cards, pulled out her Tarot cards and focused on Eli.
Lovers, always The Lovers, always connected with Eli. Magician Reversed, that was a little concerning. Something not going according to plan...followed by a reversed Ten Of Cups, the idyllic family scene overturned, conflicting values...Nozomi frowned and dealt another card: Queen Of Wands. That was a relief. Or a call to face up to something. But definitely an argument that even if Nozomi’s current path hit a few bumps, there was confidence in her decision.
Vik, ever sensitive to mood, sat next to Nozomi. Teddy was using both decks to build a card tunnel.
“Yes, Vik.”
“Is Mama mad at you?”
Vik always got to the point. They were extremely reliable about finding the one nagging weakness in either Nozomi or Eli’s arguments about anything and skewering it, directly on target.
“No, Auntie Nico just wanted to talk to her.”
“Is Auntie Nico mad at you?”
Nozomi chuckled, that was the question that kept coming back to her mind. “I don’t know, Рыбка (sweetie), maybe…”
Vik pointed at the Queen Of Wands, “That’s a Queen? She has short hair like me.”
“Yes, she does.”
“Is she friendly?”
Nozomi bobbed her head, debating how to reply. Vik had been showing more interest in the Tarot recently, “Friendly, but firm if you’ve messed up.”
“Like Mama.”
Nozomi couldn’t hold in the belly laugh as Vik spoke exactly what she’d been thinking.
“MOMMY!!! Look at this.” Teddy was waving frantically at her tunnel, tilting precariously at the start. “Take a picture for Mama.”
“Okay, Солнце (Sunshine).” Nozomi grabbed her phone, Vik sliding into her seat to examine the cards closer.
Nico hadn’t texted or called. Maki had to force herself to stop pacing next to Dia’s crib when she got her tucked in for the night. Dia had been fussy all day, but with no nap, actually fell asleep easily. Maybe a long soak was would be relaxing. Maki turned on the baby monitor, set up candles, dropped a lavender bath bomb, but couldn’t get Nico out of her mind. The mood had been so strange. Nico and her mother had obviously been having a private, complicated conversation and Maki couldn’t ignore the gut feeling that it was about her.
Maki really liked Nico. And although that morning in Philly had been intense, it hadn’t felt rushed. Nico had just made a safe space for them, for Maki to express what she wanted. What she really wanted. And really wanted again and again, which was an unusual feeling for her. The few times she’d been physically intimate with a potential partner, there had been affection, but no urgency about what next. Not seeing Nico, thinking maybe that this time Nico was the one indifferent, lacking urgency, that actually seemed to hurt. And Maki needed to know that she was guessing wrong about Nico’s feelings.
Panic stripped away subtext. And she sent the text before she could reread it.
M: Was today too much? Dia just really wanted to see you.
M: So did I. I’ve been looking forward to you being back in Chicago so we could ….
M: But we didn’t have to rush into the family thing...with your Mom...I can do casual…
Maki reread what she’d sent. And dropped her phone on the tray next to the bath. Too much, too clingy...Nico was going to forget Maki’s number and be on the way to her next, non clingy post concert groupie as soon as she could…
Nico stared intently at the screen of her phone, willing Eli to text her that Nozomi was crushed by the weight of guilt and Maki was fine with Nico continuing to court her....court her. Nico raspberried herself...this wasn’t courting, this was Nico wanting everything with the hot, fascinating, really into Nico Maki Nishikino...but what if Dia already happened to be theirs? Because of something Nozomi did. That would weird Maki out, make everything strange, and Nico had been sensing Maki leaning toward psyching herself out. Nico had been hoping getting back to Chicago would let Nico get them back on track, but what could Nico say if she saw Maki, without stumbling over Dia.
Maki’s text tone. Eli was weak and hadn’t done anything yet, she was probably driving around in circles pyching herself up to talk to Nozomi. And Eli had impressed upon Nico exactly how much grief Maki’s parents' lawyers could make for both of them, making Nico swear not to talk to Maki until Eli did. But Eli was weak… And Maki was texting.
M: But we didn’t have to rush into the family thing...with your Mom...I can do casual…
Nico had done casual a couple of times. She didn’t want it. She wanted the connection she felt when Maki looked at her, the openness, the vulnerability, the trust....and from what little Maki had said about her dating life prior to Nico, Nico guessed that intimacy had led to cooling off, so Maki was probably freaking out ‘cause Nico had been blowing her off all day. But not because of Maki reasons…
Nico’s promise to Eli wasn’t as important as Maki. Maki obviously needed emotional aftercare. Nico hit call.
Maki sounded like she’d been caught mid yawn. It was adorable.
“Hi, Maki. Sorry I didn’t get back to you about takeout. Had to talk to Eli.”
“Is everything all right, Nico?” Nico heard a splash? Was Maki in the bath? The phone was obviously on speaker.
“Nico would like to join you in the bath.”
Maki laughed, it was euphoric, Nico was so hooked, Maki's voice hit Nico in all the good places. “They used to do that in movies, talk on the phone in their separate bubble baths, put their feet up, show off some leg.”
“Nico would love to see that.”
“So would I.” A little bit shy. Nico was beginning to forget why she’d been reluctant to call Maki.
“I’m in bed…”
“What’d you have for dinner.”
“You sound like me in med school.”
“What were you like in med school? Were you buried in books? Or bodies? Dating cute nurses? Would you even have noticed Nico ten years ago?”
“How could anyone not notice Nico?”
“That’s what Nico always says…” Nico seized on an idea, maybe she could actually keep their conversation clear of things that Nico wasn’t ready to talk about, “What would we have talked about ten years ago?”
“I had this terrible roommate.”
“Really. Wild party animal, had to barricade myself in my room.” Maki sounded more amused than upset.
“You snuck into the parties, didn’t you?”
A pause, what might be towel noises. Nico desperately wanted a video call, “Maybe…but then my grades dropped and I moved back home.”
Keep this vibe going, Nico told herself. “So what did you do for fun after your brush with the wild side?”
“Piano. And Rin and I played soccer in a league. That was fun.”
“Nico bets you looked cute in your uniform.”
Sexy indignation that made Nico want to rip off whatever Maki had covered herself with, “ I looked HOT, Nico, I was 22 and in great shape.”
“You’re still in great shape, Nico knows.”
A giggle, a pause, two people syncing up again.
“What were you like ten years ago?” Maki asked softly, her voice a frisson in Nico's ear.
“Too busy for anything. Constantly on tour. Studying finance on the side. I got my economics degree over six years. Magna cum laude.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Nico planned to be a success. Now the suits can’t say Nico doesn’t know how business works.”
“Impressive.” Maki breathed.
‘Nico strives.”
10 p.m. Nozomi was getting worried. Eli was never out this late. Nozomi had let the twins roughhouse past their bedtime because whenever Eli got home, there was going to be a serious conversation. Although the cards had been full of warnings about that, Nozomi knew the truth in her gut before she dealt out the spread.
Key in the door, sigh as Eli closed it behind her. Eli, looking tired, wearing glasses, she’d been crying. She stopped, clear gaze meeting Nozomi’s.
“I’ve hurt my oldest friend, exposed myself to litigation, and could lose my practice. Was that what you meant to happen, Nozomi?”
Nozomi winced.
Eli had her hands shoved in the pockets of her overcoat, “What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Eli. Has Nico been lying about me?”
Eli glared, her jaw set, nostrils flared. “If this is how you’re going to behave, I’ll be in the guest room.”
“That upsets the twins. Can’t you just pretend to fall asleep on the couch again?” Nozomi knew this was not the ideal way to react, but with Eli so serious, she found an edge of panic pushing her to impulsive speech.
“Nozomi…” Eli’s hands were warm and strong as she held Nozomi’s, “Please just explain why you altered Nico’s paperwork.”
“I had a feeling.”
“Nico was crying. Maki’s going to be livid.”
Nozomi felt a twinge of guilt, sure, but she also knew that everything would work out. This must be about Dia. Nico and Maki were getting along, that was obvious from Nico’s texts to Eli. Surely they could sort it out.
“I’d like to say something to Maki that doesn’t just sound like my wife played a stupid prank. Please, Nozomi, help me understand.”
Nozomi giggled, “I had a feeling, Eli. The cards had told me there would be a change in Nico’s fortunes and then I saw her in your office…she obviously wants a family, Eli, she always has, you told me that. I just want to help the universe give her one. Just let them work it out."
Eli had no reply. When Nozomi doubled down on ‘the cards’ and intuition, there was no opening for Eli to logic her out of her beliefs. And the damnable thing was, it always worked out. But this wasn’t their life, this was Nico and Maki and Dia’s. Nozomi had been wrong to meddle. And left Eli terribly vulnerable.
Too exhausted to argue or strategize any more, Eli tossed her coat on the couch. “I’m going to bed. I have to talk to Maki tomorrow.”
“Did you eat?”
Eli shrugged.
“It will work out, Eli. Have faith."
Eli shook her head, “Good night, love.”
A too quick kiss on the cheek, leaving Nozomi alone, to curl up in Eli’s coat, on a corner of the couch, unpleasantly surprised by Eli’s intransigence. Had she gone too far this time?
A long afternoon, Maki finally getting a chance to look at her phone. Message from Raye, Dia’s nanny. Dia fussy and running a fever, over a hundred. Maki bit her lip. That might explain yesterday’s fit of temper and how easily Dia fell asleep last night.
“Dr. Nishikino?” The lab tech came around the corner.
“What’s up, Kadir?”
“Do you want to see the results of Mx. Nabe’s bloodwork?”
Maki glanced at her smart watch. Her shift was over twenty minutes ago. And the late dinner with Nico was now probably not going to happen. “Let me check something.” Maki walked confidently to the call board. Tonight’s on call orthopedic surgeon was Dr. Wilhimena Mae Tompkins. Top of the line. Maki’s first or second choice. “Just send them to Dr. Tompkins. The patient’s already been moved to a room, right?”
“Orderlies just took her upstairs.”
“Guess I’m done here then. Dia’s running a fever so I’ve got one more patient to see.” Maki winked, Kadir grinned.
“See you in a couple days then, Doc. And I hope Dia feels better.”
“Thanks. I’m sure it’s nothing. She’s probably teething.”
Now to text Nico.
Nico hadn’t heard from Eli all day. Obviously Eli had chickened out. Like Nico expected. Time for a call. Eli picked up.
“Are you hiding from your wife in your office?”
“Shut up, Nico.”
“Don’t talk to Nico like that. You promised Nico you’d talk to Maki. Have you talked to Maki?”
No reply.
“I’m still working out what to say.”
“Start with, I really didn’t mean for my nosy, pushy, annoying hussy of a wife to…”
“Don’t talk about Nozomi like that.”
NIco sighed, “C’mon, Eli. Nozomi is currently on the bottom of Nico’s friend list. I’m not going to be nice.”
“She’s my wife, Nico. It’s complicated.”
“What is happening to Nico is complicated. You’re just not willing to deal with the consequences of your wife’s intrusive, illegal, apocalyptic meddling. Nico could sue.”
“Yes, you could.” Eli sounded so tired, but Nico had zero sympathy for the enabler.
“Talk to Maki or I will.”
End call. Before Nico could put her phone down, Maki’s text tone pinged.
M: Dia’s got a fever. I’m heading home. We'll have to postpone dinner ●︿●
N: Nico will bring dinner over (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
M: Pizza?
Nico chuckled.
N: Whatever the sexy doctor wants.
M: Pizza ᕕ[ ᓀ ڡ ᓂ ]ㄏ─∈
M: And you (^_-)
N: Is an hour good?
M: Sure.
N: See both my best girls then.
Nico hit Eli’s number.
“Tell Maki.”
“I’m drafting a presentation to explain right now.”
“Include a big picture of Nozomi with an arrow pointing to guilty.”
“Good night, Nico.”
“Talk to Maki, Eli. Or Nico talks to lawyers.”
Eli seemed more concerned about Nico and the Nishikino’s lawyers than what Nozomi’s action had cost Nico. Eli continued to fail, freefalling down Nico’s friend list. Another call. Mama. Nico let that go to voicemail. Maybe she should forward that voicemail and the three before it to Eli. Maybe then Eli would realize some of the pressure Nico was feeling.
Nico knocked. Maki was right there, opening the door, in a showcasing all her curves casual combo of black leggings and a mostly undone gray henley. She waved Nico into the wide open family room that seemed to make up at least 70% of the first floor of the carriage house. A baby grand was tucked into a windowed corner, a huge sectional sofa was centered and facing the fireplace, and the walls were decorated with seasonal photos of a shrine and what looked like birds and dragons restored from antique wooden screens. Set a calm, classy mood.
“So are the Disney movie posters in your bedroom, Cinderella?” Nico bounced up to kiss Maki.
Maki smiled, “I took these photos myself, during some visits to Kyoto and Tokyo, before med school, and the screens are damaged family heirlooms I restored sections of.”
“Hands on decorating.”
“I want Dia to grow up with her heritage around her.”
Silent, Nico walked around the sectional, putting the pizza boxes on the wood and glass table, not sure what to say about Dia.
“She’s feeling better, I think. Her fever went down.” Maki leaned on the sofa back.
“Want to check in on her and say hello before we eat?”
Nico deflected. “Pizza first?”
Maki opened the box with Carmen’s excellent stuffed pesto pizza. A garlic smell wafted out with the steam, filling the room, “It’s still hot.”
“Nico delivered pizzas for a summer. I know the tricks.”
“Nico knows a lot. Let's say good night to Dia.” Maki slid her arm through Nico’s, stealing a quick kiss and half dragging Nico to the stairs.
Dia’s nursery was blue and green and white, with a sea and lighthouse theme. Fish and mammals and turtles played on the walls. In the low light of the nightlight, there was an almost bioluminescent glow to the undersea residents.
“Nico is surprised Little Mermaid wasn’t a choice when we talked Disney movies.”
“Don’t like that one…” Maki muttered.
“No, it’d be hard to lose your voice.”
“And music.”
“Yeah. Nico would hate that.”
They stood at the crib, Nico staring down at Dia, Maki watching Nico, Nico trying not to remember Cotaro in his crib, dark hair, serious face...Dia was relaxed, arms flung out, a tiny smile on her face.
What if they were in their house, standing together, Maki and Nico, both of them, looking at a child they’d had together after a whirlwind courtship and marriage? What if this were Nico’s house and when Dia woke up, she looked at Nico, saying “Momma,” and reaching up for a hug? What if…?
“She’s beautiful.” Nico whispered and then her breath hitched and sudden water in her eyes stung. She let go of the crib and rushed to the door.
“Good night, Dia. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Maki left the lightest of kisses on her daughter’s forehead, wondering if she’d seen tears in Nico’s eyes. But Nico was already downstairs, considering the stuffed pizzas.
“Do you want pesto or sausage? And we need plates. And forks. And…”
“I’ve had stuffed pizza before, Nico. Just give me a minute to find the pie server.”
Cocoa had raved about a movie called The Half Of It so Nico suggested they watch that. Maki had recognized it, but said Nico needed to watch Saving Face, director Alice Wu’s first movie, about a doctor and a dancer and their families.
“You’ll love the mom. She’s so funny.”
“And the main character’s a doctor? So Nico will find out what doctoring is like?”
The movie progressed; the pizza was eaten, with occasional garlic flavored kisses shared, but Maki kept picking up unease from Nico. Was it lingering from yesterday, the obvious tension between Nico and her mom? Or whatever Nico and Eli had talked about last night? Something obviously had claimed some of Nico’s attention. But after pizza, Maki had curled up next to Nico, encouraging Nico to drop her arm around Maki’s shoulder. And as the flirting between Wil and Vivian got sexier, kisses and more intimate gestures right there on the screen, building a mood, Maki could feel Nico pull her closer. Maki nudged Nico on the cheek, getting her to turn, tempting her into a luring, longing kiss. Whatever worries had been on Nico’s mind had been eclipsed, Maki smiling as she felt agile hands slide under her shirt, warm against bare skin, Nico murmuring endearments between kisses and shiver inducing nibbles along Maki’s neck and jaw.
And then Nico’s phone went off, one of her raps.
“Damn it.” Nico grabbed for her phone, Maki falling down on the couch when Nico let go, “It’s Cocoro’s emergency tone. Sorry.” And all Nico’s attention was on the call, “What’s up? Nico’s super busy....Yes, Maki and Dia came to the house yesterday. Did Mama tell you?”
Dia? Alert, Maki sat up.
Nico was listening. “What did Mama say...why...no, we can’t say that….Nico won’t let…”
Maki had no idea why Nico’s sister had anything to say about Dia. Nico had turned away, about to get off the couch, Maki reached over Nico’s shoulder, pulling the phone away, switching it to speaker.
“Why are you talking about my daughter?”
“Dr. Nishikino?” Cocoro’s voice was tense, “You’re there? Good, then we can settle what the language should be.”
“What language? Why does Nico have anything to do with Dia?”
Nico grunted, it reminded Maki of someone stubbing a toe.
“Pictures have been circulating on TWIG of Nico Yazawa’s secret daughter.”
“Nico doesn’t have a secret daughter…” Maki suddenly realized she was doing all the talking, “Nico?”
Nico took her phone back, leaving it on speaker, but switching to the TWIG app. A quick search of “#Nico” brought up a snap of Nico hugging Dia in front of her house, Nico’s mother in the background, Maki nowhere to be seen.
Nico stared. Cocoro continued to panic chatter, “All we need to do is release a picture of you, Dr. Nishikino, Dr. Nishikino’s daughter, and the statement that you and Dr. Nishikino are dating and Dia is not your daughter. People are running facial match software and getting confirmation. Next they’ll be wondering who the father is…”
“Dia doesn't have a father,” Maki’s fists clenched. No one but Eli was supposed to have any details of her pregnancy with Dia.
“Shut up. Both of you.” Nico snapped, the phone dropping to the couch, Nico’s head dropping into her hands.
“Just tell them Dia’s my daughter.”
Cocoro's tone brightened. “Dr. Nishikino is being unexpectedly helpful, Nico. We can get ahead of this.”
“Just release the statement, Cocoro. Nico and I can talk to the press.” A practical solution, Maki decided.
“Let Nico think. Both of you. Just be quiet. Nico needs quiet.” Nico ended the call.
“Nico, Dia is my daughter. We can just tell everyone. We don’t have to keep us dating a secret. I don’t care what my parents think.” Maki sat next to Nico, brushing fingers through Nico’s hair.
There was a long pause, Nico enjoying Maki's touch. Then she pulled away. “Maki could just marry me. That might save Nico.” Nico sounded like someone hanging onto a building ledge by a ladder made of split fingernails and cruel laughter.
Nico’s tone and odd behavior scared Maki, “How can you joke about that, Nico?”
Nico raised her head, tears streaming down her face, “You don’t know this yet, but Nico is a terrible liar.”
“What does that mean Nico? Do you have a secret daughter…”
Maki’s ringtone went off. She glanced at her phone, “It’s Eli.”
Nico dropped her head again, “Answer it. We might as well blow everything up.”
Maki hit speaker, snarling, “What is it, Eli? Want to let me know Dia is Nico’s daughter too?”
“Oh good,” Eli sounded relieved, “Nico told you.”
Maki was on her feet, shouting, “NICO TOLD ME WHAT?!!!???!!!”
“About her paperwork? And Nozomi? I'm really sorry, Maki.”
Maki felt pale. Her knees wobbled. The room unfocused. Black spots dotting everything. Nico ended the call.
Before Maki could fall, Nico was there, “Maki? C’mon, breathe. Take it slow, breathe for Nico.”
Maki shook off Nico, and ran upstairs to Dia, pulling her out of her crib, holding her tightly, Dia blinking, confused. Nico was there, almost instantly.
“Can we talk?”
“Go away, Nico.”
“Maki. Please.”
“GO AWAY NOW, NICO!” Maki screamed. “Leave us alone.”
Dia started to cry.
Nico stepped back, “Call me later, please, Maki. Or let Eli explain. I’ll have Cocoro tell everyone Dia’s your daughter. I’m sorry this happened like this." A pause, Nico reaching a hand out, almost touching them. "It’ll be all right, Dia.”
“Don’t tell Dia anything.” Maki growled, Dia pressed against her as she glared at Nico, daring her to come any closer.
Retreating into the hall, Nico forced tears back, or she’d be wailing as loud as Dia. How had this gone so wrong?
A/N: Rainy, moody weather.
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carmenxjulia · 4 years
do you ever just think about how carmen's first reaction after hearing julia's voice in the fashion caper went from mild surprise to a smile? or how after she quickly disarmed julia, she gently put her gun back in her coat. or how carmen grabbed julia's hand? or how she made julia iin charge of her group despite barely knowing her? im still thinking about it and i cant fully explain why these small moments are so good? can you, please?
Absolutely. You’re talking to a person who created a 20,000 word fanfic based on a 45 second interaction. You want a Carmen and Julia analysis? I’d say you’ve come to the right place.
Yes, I do think about that scene a lot.
Let us begin.
Last season, Carmen and Julia interacted for less than a single minute. In that time, Carmen came to know and trust her enough to pass off the Magna Carta to her for safekeeping. And Julia got to have a real conversation with someone who was an international criminal and by some, might have even been branded as dangerous.
But Julia had always believed in her innocence and clung to the idea that there was more to each theft that most people didn’t see. Carmen leaving the Magna Carta was solid proof towards her theory that Carmen was one of the good guys. And it was a show of goodwill, a symbol of trust, that Carmen was banking on Julia doing the right thing and not taking full credit for its safe return (at least among her colleagues).
Then we get to season 2. Julia has, almost inexplicably, doubled down on her insistence that Carmen Sandiego is doing good in the world and is not actually a criminal at all. From the very first moment that we see her, she is trying prove her innocence. She asks Chase to wake up so that he can clear her name. She tries everything she can to wake him, and we as the audience are made to think it’s because she is concerned for his well-being… until the scene ends with, “we need you to tell us that she did not do this to you.”
Now, while I’m sure Julia would never wish death or permanent damage to Chase, she’s not trying to wake him because she particularly cares about him. He was rude and selfish and constantly dismissed her and yeah, Julia is the type of person who would still care after all that (refer to the first sentence of this paragraph), but it’s really really important to recognize that she’s not there for him. She’s there on behalf of Carmen.
So, what does that have to do with “The Fashionista Caper”?
We, the audience, are privy to Julia’s private conversations with Chief and other members of A.C.M.E. We get to see her defending Carmen, over and over, in the episodes leading up to episode 4. It’s not just speculation anymore! In Season 1, Julia had her theories, but was actively open to being proven wrong when provided with evidence to the contrary of her hunches. In Season 2, she is certain she’s right, and she stands by her belief that Carmen is good.
Carmen doesn’t see/hear any of that. She has literally no idea Julia has been defending her behind her back. No idea just how hard Julia has been fighting to clear her name with A.C.M.E. Not a single clue how conflicted Julia actually is, with having a job to do versus wanting to stand by the facts right in front of her.
She doesn’t see Julia again after the train incident (“The Chasing Paper Caper”) until they meet in Italy (”The Fashionista Caper”). All Carmen knows is that Julia is not as hellbent on catching her as Chase was, and that the Magna Carta were returned safely.
We, the audience, have a front row seat to watch Julia go from shaky theories to boldly proclaiming Carmen Sandiego is not who everyone thinks she is, despite seeming to be the only person who actually believes that.
Legitimately, Carmen has very little reason to trust Julia other than a gut feeling. There is no explanation for not only roping her into the caper, but immediately giving Julia her gun back and fully trusting she wouldn’t use it. Any other agent would have ignored Carmen’s request for help and gassed her right then and there. Carmen just inherently knows Julia is different.
We actually see an example of this just a few moments earlier. When Agent Zari tells Carmen to freeze, Carmen sets the gun off and turns it on her right away. When Julia shows up and demands more or less the same thing, the two have a little back and fourth banter. Carmen, no doubt, notes Agent Argent’s hesitation.
Carmen’s surprise no doubt came from her not expecting another agent, or at least, not expecting an agent to give her a chance to respond. Whereas Zari wasn’t afraid to get up close and point the gun directly at her face, Julia is standing quite far off. It probably took Carmen a moment to register who was speaking to her, and once she realized it was Julia, she relaxed, and smiled.
Julia helped her before, with the Magna Carta. So, why not seek her help more directly? Test the waters with the one agent who was willing to give her the time of day.
Not only that, but undoubtedly Carmen was re-formulating her plan to include Julia in it, right at that very moment. Honestly, the whole thing went far better with 4 people instead of the initial 3 (Carmen, Ivy, and Zack). So Carmen was probably like ‘oh hey that very reasonable agent from the train that I can probably count on to help me out if I also present myself as a sane and reasonable person.’ And then it actually worked.
But we can dissect this small change in her expression even further. Carmen is genuinely happy to see her/hear her voice. Not just because she knows Julia is raw and untrained and easily disarmed, no. Upon their first meeting, Carmen gave her the nickname “Jules”. In fact, Carmen has literally never spoken her full name, “Julia”. Even when passing off leadership in front of Ivy and Zack, Carmen still sticks to the Jules nickname. She doesn’t do this with anyone else. (Sure, Player is “Player”, but that’s purely upon his own request.) Maybe this is a reach, but, it feels like this indicates a completely different type of relationship and level of intimacy that Carmen shares with Julia and no one else.
Getting back on track.
Carmen probably took her hand as an extra precaution to prevent Julia from deciding to whip out her gun again. I mean, sure, it was also faster and easier to lead her by holding her hand. But also consider that the gun was holstered against her left hip, making it awkward to try to maneuver around her jacket with her left hand to try and grab it. With her right hand occupied, it would have taken too long for her to pull it out again, even if she’d tried. Honestly, taking her hand was the most practical action in this scenario, even if it was a bit intimate. It doesn’t have to mean anything, but it can.
It is also worth noting that although Julia believes Carmen is on the same side as A.C.M.E., she is probably rightfully confused starting from the moment Carmen takes her gun and then doesn’t gas her.
Julia’s orders from A.C.M.E. were to capture Carmen Sandiego in order to protect the Medici gowns. So when it turned out Carmen wasn’t planning to take the gowns, Julia had to decide that saving the dresses overruled the order to capture Carmen. The original mission she was given changed in a matter of seconds, making her have to pick a priority (Carmen or dresses). It also gave her an opportunity to work with Carmen and show A.C.M.E. she’d been right all along. But Julia, much like Carmen, had to trust her gut about this woman she barely knew, but had the utmost faith in.
As far as putting Julia in charge of getting the gowns to safety, that was probably the easiest decision of the evening for either of them. Carmen already knows Julia is one of the good guys. She doesn’t need to question her motives, at all. Not only that, but as mentioned above, Julia had already proven she could be trusted by ensuring the safe return of the Magna Carta.
Carmen knew V.I.L.E. wouldn’t be far behind, and dividing her attention could have been disastrous for the mission overall. I mean, she’s Carmen Sandiego, so, she could have probably handled it. But it was a much smarter move to put Julia in charge. She knew that Ivy and Zack were better at taking orders than giving them. She knew Player wouldn’t be able to coordinate well enough from his location. Carmen needed someone on the ground, right there, right then. Julia was available.
One final piece of this scene, that although it was not mentioned in the original ask, I feel is worth noting. Julia is actively worried about Carmen Sandiego’s safety. She outright asks, “what about you?” when Carmen instructs the others to get the gowns to safety. Why should she care? Her mission, saving the  Medici’s, is about to be complete. She’s about to really and truly prove herself to A.C.M.E. by being the agent responsible for saving the gowns. And yet she pauses, wanting to ensure Carmen is safe before she goes anywhere. A person that is supposed to be her enemy, although Julia has never truly believed that.
This is followed by Carmen pushing Julia back, not only urging her to leave with the gowns and Carmen’s own team, but moving her further away from danger as well as physically putting her body between Julia and potential harm. There are smashing sounds coming from the ceiling; clearly something bad is on its way. As usual, Carmen puts the safety of her friends before her own, which is a completely new experience for Julia. She is getting to see a caring and protective side of the super thief, one she was previously unaware of. Even for someone she barely knows, she’s willing to put her life on the line to save that of someone else.
And finally, even after Julia runs after Ivy and Zack, she turns back one last time to see how Carmen is doing. She doesn’t want to leave her behind, but ultimately realizes she has no choice. She certainly wouldn’t be any use in a fight. Plus, her number one objective is to save the gowns. Carmen Sandiego is probably going to get away. But the items she was sent to protect are now in A.C.M.E. hands. Job well done.
But Julia is left with the knowledge that Carmen Sandiego played an integral part in the success of the mission. She and Zari could not have saved the gowns alone (especially with the knowledge that Carmen was being attacked). Carmen Sandiego did in fact steal things- but it was to get the jump on another person or organization before they could do so themselves, smuggling the valuables away and returning them at a later date. Just as was the pattern Carmen laid out in Season 1.
Julia not only had her long-standing theory validated, but she got to see just how self-sacrificing Carmen could be. Putting herself in harms way while everyone else was encouraged to find somewhere safer. For someone labeled as a criminal, that was probably completely unexpected. Among a multitude of other unexpected things that had just happened. But that one may have been the most surprising.
All in all, there is a lot to say about this scene, and I could honestly go through it frame by frame and write a comprehensive essay. But hopefully this will sufficiently answer your query, and if not, feel free to send another ask.
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konboyblues · 4 years
it is late enough so i shall write....... tis my opinion but i dont see yami bein anybody father in the black bulls, and it rubs me wrong when he’s perceived as such cuz it reminds me of how people parentify leorio (and to some extent, kakashi) when he’s just bein nice, vs gintoki who IS a parental figure, but i digress, onto the meta.
yami reminds me of telenovela heroines, and all the other emotionally tortured types where dude just radiates “i dont know how to make frens so imma befriend everyone” energy. i think asta, noelle, and magna have a relation closest to “rowdy lil siblings” with yami, but besides that, i think everyone else in the black bulls is in some shape or form someone yami really desired to become friends with. we still dont have his backstory, but i can only imagine how tragic it was. he landed in clover illiterate to the land’s language and isolated off in his beach hut. someone like that would obviously have socialization issues. lettuce also not forget how easily julius bribed him aka heady empty, no thoughts.
when i remember how he promised henry a new life, i feel like part of the promise was also his. every member of the black bulls is yami’s choice in making a friend. technically it’s favoritsm, but pre-asta, it was a poorly managed team on PURPOSE. yami’s decision to open a frathouse might have been approved by julius, but the bulls are, ultimately, yami’s found family, the family HE founded and got together and made a part of his heart.
however, in no way shape or form did he establish a parental bond with a majority of the folks his brought in. i think it also serves to remember that parental bonds often dictate a power dynamic as well. he’s barely 30, and he chainsmokes in his bathroom most of the time, and while the squad is definitely devoted to him, i dont think the bonds are represented as parental as much as they are loyality. he gave them a home, and for that, they love and respect him.
but is he their pappy? tbh it just dont sit right with me, especially when you consider the whole vanessa conundrum with her being in love with him, and henry hangin out in the back as the all-knowing protector who strategically stayed in the shadows on purpose. one thing abt yami is that he keeps a healthy emotional distance from EVERYONE. daft as he might be towards charlotte’s feelings, i cant imagine he hasnt noticed vanessa drunkenly hitting on him, and i cant imagine he thinks someone like henry needs hand-holding when mans is finally able to control his life after having almost starved to death.
for yami, i believe all the bulls are a part of his soul, his found family, but i dont think he sees himself as a father-figure to nobody, not even asta. at best, he’s a mentor, at worst a passing ship in the night. it also begs to question - why the only nice colored man gotta be everybody pappy? i get men of clover kingdom are garbage, but just cuz acier’s husband aint raise noelle dont mean yami her pappy now. if anything, she the lil brat sis who he’ll guard with his life, but at the end of the day, her life is her own.
i forgot the point of this post but tl;dr: yami is not nobody daddy, asta has a pappy and that mans name is padre orsi, vanessa being in love with yami is valid and henry by pattern should also be in love with yami, magna/asta/noelle can be his lil siblings, but gauche/gordon/charmy are ABSOLUTELY the assholes he hangs out with on the roughest nights, and luck is a crackhead and his sometimes fight therapist
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lost-inthedream · 4 years
Discovering Youngbin sub side - part 3
Part 1
part 2
Warning: this is nsfw, (+18), light degradation, light bdsm.
Pairing sub Youngbin × dom female reader.
words: 1,7k
You saw so many items in that sex shop that it was almost impossible to choose what to use on your boyfriend.
You had asked the seller to show you some BDSM items and now you were looking at that section with your mouth a bit opened. You were so new to that experience but everything sounded more and more atractive. You should initiate a collection of toys!
“Lady?” the seller called you, dragging you out of your lustful daydream. “Will the toy be used on you or on…”
“It’s for my sub.” You interrupted her abruptly. Your cheeks automatically got red.
You had told that to someone else for the very first time. Yes, you had a sub and he was adorably. He treated you so well out of the bed that you felt like a flower, whose he provided all of the best just to maintain your colors bright. However, when it came to sex, lately he used to make also your mind more vivid. He enjoyed being at your mercy, having his body manhandled by you, his hair pulled, his mind blew up by pleasure. It all was so clear on his face when he got all wrecked and exhausted but still wanting to be brutally loved by you.
Only you.
“I would like to get this one and those two there" You pointed so the seller could take the toys for you.
You had not showed the toys to Youngbin yet. The bag was inside your dresser and he had you laying your head on his lap. You both didn’t really have any important task to do, so experimenting your new purchases wouldn’t be bad.
“Baby?” You called him. “ I have a surprise for you. Do you wanna see it?”
“Of course, my dear.” He answered pressing the flesh of your side a bit.
You put your hand over his and explained “To receiving this surprise, you have to call me madam once more.”
He immediately took his hand off of your body, entering his role right away. He couldn’t even think about the idea of doing something wrong to his lady.
“Oh” you said in admiration. Empting his lap. “Have we already started?”
“I guess we should start as soon as possible.”
“You shouldn’t take decisions. Anyway, you’re right. This time.”
“Sorry, Madam.”
You didn’t look to listen to his apology, just stood up and opened the dresser. He couldn’t see what was inside thanks to the angle, so you limited to take the blindfold first.
Youngbin got visible curious, you could see many questions popping in his mind, almost leaving his mouth. Even so he didn’t dare to ask you anything, since he had been already scolded for taking decisions before you say anything.
You got closer and kneeled on the bed. “Let me try it out  on you.”
He even lowered his head to make it easier.
“Good little slut”. You praised and he reveled you his beautiful smile adorned by the satin blindfold covering his eyes . You pressed his torso onto the headboard and held his face firmly. "I see that I won't need gag you today".
"Actually I'm not against it."
"I know. You're too good." Now you played with his v-neck, spying on his sic parvis magna tattoo.
"Does it bother you?" He searched for your face even though he couldn't see it.
"Not at all. I like you the way you are. Punishing you is even better when you're behaving." You laughed.
He bit his bottom lip almost smirking
"Listen" you spoke again "I went to a sex shop earlier and I told the saleswoman about you.
"Did you told her that I love being marked?"
"What a pity. You should have told"
You slapped him on the face so fast that he got confused.
"Are you telling me what to do?" You asked harshly close to his face.
"I'm so sorry, madam." He pouted.
You caressed the red skin. "I know what you mean. The idea of everybody knowing the slut you are turns you on."
He nodded in a hurry and you couldn't help kissing his lips. You loved the role he liked to play. You loved the way the two of you turned into something so new and exciting at those times. You were a strict dom with your good unashamed and also obedient boy.
"Imagine if one of you friend saw me leaving that store with a bag..." You supposed getting off the bed. "Imagine if I told them what I bought for you. They would never look at you in the same way. It would be a shame for you, Youngbin."
"But the truth is t-that I like your treatment." He stuttered.
"Well." You opened the dresser again. "Take tour pants off. Only. The. Pants."
You stoped with a body tickler in your hands to look his action.
Unzipening the pants, slidding them through his hips while raising it and finally getting rid of it.
"Are you gonna take your clothes off too, madam?"
You werent thinking about it but decided to tease him about it too.
"I'm gonna be only on my underwear."
During the time you took to undress, you observed his fingers clenching on the sheets, clearly avoiding to palm his member through the boxers.
You sat at his side making your bare thigh touch his, but moved his hand away from touching you in other way.
"Can you tell me which lingerie are you wearing?"
"Yes. Since you're asked me so politely. It's that red set you like."
“That little thong?”
"Correct." You breathed the word close to his ear making him shiver. “Do you wanna have your cock pumped, lovely?” You asked smoothly touching his waistband boxers.
“Yes! Pretty please,Madam.” He whimpered.
You got the body tickler close to his clad member, but choosing to drag the feather along his crotch instead. Your breath was still on his ear. His reaction was curious this time like he was trying to figure out silently what the hell was touching him. Even so, his body was shuddering a bit. You lifted his t-shirt and moved the curious toy to his sensitive nipples. He gasped and finally asked not what that toy was but why were you using that instead of hurting him with something fancy”
“Do you think I will always mark you? I already know you love it, so I’m gonna punish you with this black soft feather.”
He turned his head for you. “ But I’m doing as you said…”
“Don’t argue with me.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized with some bitter in his voice.
You hummed and took his t-shirt off paying attention to not remove the blindfold too. You made him think you would take his boxers out too but you just lowered it enough to have the head passing the waistband out. You spread his legs in order to straddle one thigh, your covered core touching the skin close to his knee. Also your own knee went to lay lightly on his balls.
“you’re still on the red thong.” He noticed bythe touch on his flesh.
“yes”. You answered while rubbing the feather on the tip of his dick. “Tell me: do you touch yourself when I’m not with you?”
“Really? I know when you lie, slut.”
“Hm.. Actually sometimes when I’m on a tour.”
“Yes? Bad behavior. You play the obedient slut in front of me but do this on my back.”
You pressed your knee a little between his legs without paying attention. You were getting upset. But still the body tickler was on his dick.
“I know you don’t like it but even so, I do it when I’m too horny to wait.” He added with the intention to provoke you, maybe you would give up of teasing him with that fucking toy and would actually hurt him in the heat of your feelings. “You wouldn’t ever discover it if you didn’t ask because I always fool you with my good behavior. I’m pretty good at controlling myself when I want to.”
You listened in silence feeling dumb.
“I am smarter than you thought, right?”
You threw the toy against the wall and left the bed to get you last secret.
“I accept that you are smart, but you’re going to regret it.”
You slapped his thigh with a small paddle. The subtle attack made him scream and take the blindfold off to see what had hit him. You slapped him on the face. “Shit! You’re stressing me out”
He pouted “If I am doing wrong, just hurt me” there was a red circle on his cheek and he looked about to cry.
You pulled him a bit wanting to have his body laying on the bed with bent legs and took his dick out of the boxers gripping it firmly,  you said harsh words “I didn’t like what you told me. Why did you fool me?”
He shrugged.
“Touch yourself now.”
You looked his hand going to his dick, wrapping his fingers over yours, still gripping his length. His thumb rubbing your skin while his eyes were locked on you asking for forgiveness. You took your hand off and he moved his up and down leisurely, his teeth sank on his bottom lip. You used the paddle again to hit him on the thigh. He stop for a second, only to let a small gasp escape. You hit again. “ Pump it without interruptions.”
He tried to nod but his breath was starting to get heavy so he looked a bit lost.
Your next slaps were harder, he couldn’t help minimal interruptions on his hands movements but it was cute. He just wasn’t able to scream, because of the impact, and pump his cock at the same time. You had an idea before he reached the climax. You passed two fingers inside his half open mouthed and felt his lips instinctively closing to them. He wanted to suck it.
You smacked the paddle on him a last  time. This gave the best view ever. His mouth opened with your fingers inside, the scream was full of pain and his hand tightened around his dick making the cum pour. Your mouth smashed his while he finished himself draining all the seed he had. You swallowed his whimpers and caressed his tense abs.
“I didn’t know you cummed so good without me.”
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Surviving The Walking Dead - Wanted (Chapter 17)
Author: @stilessdylanobae-ddixonlove
Characters: Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier, Michonne, Lydia, Evan, Will Barbor, Magna, Aaron, Rosita, Eugene, Alden, Mary, Negan, Beta, Dog & Reader. 
Summary: Y/n and Dog struggle with recent changes, Daryl meets with the council, Aaron learns where the horde is being kept and a group sets out to find you. 
Note: I hope this chapter comes together okay. I wanted it to be a group decision to find you.
Also, consider the idea that certain people are so forgiving of you because you aren’t the only one who knows of this secret plan with Negan. (;
Warning: Cursing, graphic violence, death, painful losses/flashbacks, fluffffff.
Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen
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You were in and out for a bit, slowly forced awake by Dog’s constant whining. When your eyes finally fluttered open, you reached an arm out beside you but felt nothing but a wad of blankets and empty bed. You sat up, noticing Daryl’s vest laid perfectly in his place.
He was gone.
You felt the devastation building, the pain in your chest and throat as you tried to hold back the tears. You succeeded in keeping all but one; a single tear fell in unbelievable despair, as you quietly wept over the thought of never seeing him again.
You were on your own now.
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Daryl was in a daze back at Alexandria. It’d been another three days and he’d spent most of it quiet and closed off. He sat inside Carol’s house that afternoon, incessantly tapping his leg while he waited for Lydia to get back from school. He thought long and hard about a way out of this mess. Michonne was on her way to Oceanside to help there for awhile, so he couldn’t talk to her yet.
Carol descended the staircase and noticed the back of his head resting against her couch. She paused.
“Aaron's going to talk to that Whisperer again tonight.” She said to him. He groaned. “Are you okay?” She asked.
Daryl turned and reached for his crossbow. “Mhm.” He mumbled. “Are you?”
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He stared a moment, then stood and made his exit. Carol stepped out on the porch and watched him stop and chat with Lydia for a moment as she returned. He patted her shoulder and walked away.
“Where’s he going?” Carol greeted.
Lydia shrugged and sat down underneath the window. Her face was still covered in cuts and bruises. “I don’t know.” She stated, simply. Carol nodded and went to sit next to her with a long and drawn out sigh. “One of these days, he’s gonna leave and not come back here.” Lydia’s lips quivered.
“No.” Carol turned to her. “He’ll always come back. Is that what you’re worried about?” She asked.
“I’m worried that none of us will be the same without her.” Lydia swallowed harshly. “Negan did save my life and yet, she was the only one who could see any good in him.”
“You don’t understand the pain he’s inflicted.” Carol informed the teen.
“Maybe he’s changed. I did.” She said. Carol looked to her, reeling. She wondered if what she said had some truth to it as she looked to the young girls wounds. She thought about what they could have been and reached for her antibacterial cream in her pocket that Siddiq gave to her. She rubbed her thumb over the lid, lightly.
“Here. It’ll help with the bruises.” Carol ultimately handed her the container.
“I’ve had worse.” Lydia replied, taking it anyway.
“So have I.” Carol said with a harsh stare. “So what do you know about Mary?”
“Just that the one’s who watch the horde are loyal.” Lydia winced. “It’s like, I hate them but I still know them.” She rested her head back against the brick wall with a sigh.
Carol shook her head. “Yeah but Alpha drew a line and you have to choose a side.” She urged.
Lydia sniffled. “I wish I’d left when Henry asked me to. I wish we all did, like we talked about.”
“So do I.” Carol lamented. “I want you to come with me somewhere tonight, help me with something.” Lydia hesitantly agreed.
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That night, Aaron met with Mary again as planned. But she seemed off this time-more distant. And to his surprise, after he got close she grabbed him from behind and put a knife to his throat. She was feeling beyond overwhelmed, growing afraid and desperate to see her nephew.
“Don’t do this. It isn’t you.” Aaron told her as she pushed the blade a little harder into his neck.
“You have no idea who I am.” She spit in his ear. Carol , who was spying on them from afar, hoping to hear the location of the horde quickly appeared through the trees with her bow drawn.
“Let him go!” She yelled. Lydia, who came with her upon request showed her face next while Mary was suddenly blindsided with confusion and betrayal at the sight of her. She dropped the knife and ran. Carol couldn’t help but smile for a split second, wanting her to see Lydia all along. She wanted to send a message of uncertainty. She wanted to make the Skins question their loyalty to Alpha. Lydia quickly stepped in front of Carol, panic stricken. “Your mother told her people that she killed you.” Carol explained Mary’s behavior. Lydia’s heart dropped and a tear rolled down her cheek.
“You said you wanted my help!” Lydia hollered. “You used me to get to them.” She cried.
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“I’m sorry.” Carol admitted. Lydia looked back and forth between Carol and Aaron, unsure what to do next. Her tears burned the cuts on her face but she was too angry to care.
“You said earlier you wanted me to choose a side.” She muttered. “Well fine, I choose mine!” She concluded, preparing to leave.
“You can’t go out there, it’s dangerous!” Carol tried to stop her. Lydia shook her head in disbelief. “Listen, I’m sorry about what just happened but it will help us. All of us! You, Daryl and Y/n too.” Lydia huffed and turned to walk away. “I want to go find Y/n and bring her home! I want to keep her safe too, can you help me do that?” Carol begged. “We can go to Hilltop, get Evan and Will. They will fight for her to stay.” Lydia’s breathing slowed as she finally began to calm down. “Okay?”
“Fine. I’ll go. Alone, I don’t want to be anywhere near you right now!” Lydia hissed before disappearing into the woods. Aaron looked to Carol questionably with disapproval. 
Daryl stood in the middle of the latest council meeting, his arms tightly crossed against his chest and his head hung low. Michonne returned home only a few hours prior, bitter and frustrated over the details of Siddiq’s death. She sat impatiently listening to the other discuss Dante and all that they had trusted him with; how he helped treat the people here, many times. It was truly repulsing. Aaron leaned back in his seat and rubbed at his beard. 
“Alright, enough.” He cringed, throwing a hand up to silence the noise. “Dante will pay for his actions, Michonne already said he will be put down. We are here to simply say that we need to take different precautions when it comes to allowing new people into the communities.” 
“Clearly.” Rosita grumbled from her seat, looking directly up at Daryl who scowled uncontrollably. 
The room was finally dead silent.
“If you got something to say, say it!” Daryl angrily threw his arms down as he skimmed the council members with his tired and heartbroken eyes.
Michonne took in a deep breath from her seat at head of the table. “Daryl, we’re all just trying to make sure everyone is safe. After Dante and after what Y/n did, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the people here are worried.” Daryl shook immensely and went to lean against the windowsill. 
“No.” He spoke firmly. “Get it all out of your heads because Y/n ain’t like that. You’re all scared and I get it. But you are wrong about her!” His voice grew louder. Rosita shook with frustration as Eugene put his hand on top of hers. She grunted while Daryl glared her way for several quiet moments. “This is why she left!” He muttered.
“Maybe that means she had something to hide.” Alden spoke up, placing his hands together firmly on the table in front of him. “The guy never should have been allowed to live and that’s on Rick. But now, it’s on us.” 
“You better stop talking, kid.” Daryl snapped. Alden sighed heavily in response. 
Michonne made her way over to where Daryl stood, hunched over near the window. “Listen, you are the best damn judge of character I know.” She turned to the group but she only spoke to Daryl. “I trust you and as I mentioned before she let him out, Negan is not our biggest problem anymore. Now, Hilltop and Maggie...” She paused, looking back to him. “They might be a different story but for now I promise you that no one here is going to go after her.” Michonne reassured her friend. Aaron stood and left the room, forcefully slamming the door behind him while Michonne winced.
Daryl crossed his arms again. “Lydia is still out there too. We don’t know what that means yet.” He motioned to Carol who stood in the back of the room quietly. 
“I know.” Michonne paused as Carol stepped out of the shadows. 
“Mary came back, she told Aaron where the horde is.” Carol spoke about the only thing that interested her during today’s meeting. 
“We’re gonna trust a Whisperer now?” Daryl questioned, looking to Michonne.
“You wanna do nothing?” Carol scowled. 
“Alright, I have to go back to Oceanside for a bit.” Michonne said. “But I know I can’t stop you from checking on this. It’d be better if you got a group together.” She suggested. “Maybe you’ll see Lydia along the way.” Daryl ultimately nodded in agreement, knowing Carol would go alone otherwise. 
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You finally felt hungry. Finally felt good enough to get out of bed. You decided it was time to pull yourself together and go hunt. You slipped a sweater over your head, your body aching and your head still slightly spinning. You weren’t sure if you had came down with the flu or if your anxiety and stress was physically attacking you. Maybe it was both. Your long y/h/c hair was greasy and matted, therefore driving you crazy. So you threw it up into a messy bun and thought about heading for the edge of the border. If you remained patient and quiet, you could possibly check up on Negan and wash at the river without running into any Whisperers. You gathered some supplies while Dog sat down and stared up at you, his head cocked to the side. 
“You gotta stay here. This could be dangerous and I have to be quiet. No running, no barking. I’ll come back for you, boy.” You spoke out loud for the first time in days, your voice harsh and raspy. You cleared your throat and made your way up the stepladder and out of the bunker. The outside world was bright and hurt your eyes at first. You stared into the empty field surrounding you, wondering what was in store for you next. Regardless, you had to see this plan with Negan through.
You made your way deeper into the forest, the ground getting softer and muddier under your boots as you got closer to water. All was quiet, except for the sound of the river. You could see it now, from behind a tree where you sat and watched for almost an hour to make sure it was safe. 
No walkers. No Skins.
You opened your bag and pulled a large piece of bread from it, still savoring what you took from Alexandria, and you took a bite. Next you took a sip from your water bottle and then decided to attempt a bath. You pulled out a small bar of soap in plastic wrap you’d been saving for this moment, held it tight and stepped out into the open.
You found a spot where the river was shallow and well shielded by large bushes and proceeded to remove your shoes, jeans and sweater. You left your tank top and underwear on and slowly climbed into the freezing river. Though, it felt good and refreshing. You dipped your head back into the water and scrubbed your hair with the bar of soap generously. Then you rinsed. As you sat there for a minute soaking, you began to hear soft whispers. You slowly moved to the edge of the water and under a cliff of dirt and exposed roots. You could hear them above you, Beta and a few others.
You remained completely still. 
“Hey, you see that?” You heard one Skin say from behind his mask. Beta looked over to see your backpack laying against a stump below them. They turned around to make their way down the hill and you quickly reached for your belongings, grabbing your knife and pistol first before running behind some thick bushes. You covered your mouth, your hair dripping wet down your shivering body. 
“You, Jolly Green Giant! The Queen is asking for you.” You suddenly heard in the distance. It was Negan, you knew his voice. The men skimmed the area, then gave up and left. Beta grunted the whole way and once it was quiet again, you stood from the bushes, stealthily making your way farther out. You could see Negan now, he was wearing his infamous leather jacket, covered in dirt and blood and staring off in the distance. “You’ve got some serious lady balls.” He said a little louder. “Come on, I saw you.” 
You stepped out in front of him in your underwear, soaking wet and he looked you up and down, smiling. 
“You look like shit.” You greeted. 
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“I can’t say the same, Princess.” He laughed.
“So?” You harassed, pulling your wet hair back up into a bun with the hair tie on your wrist. Then you set your bag back down to slip your jeans on while Negan watched your every move. 
“Well, seeing as I’m sure you can’t stay for dinner I’ll make it quick. These sickos have me digging holes to roast big ass pigs for them, they’ve sent walkers to kill me...oh, and let’s not forget Alpha's booty call yesterday.” He shrugged. “It’s been awesome.” 
“You had sex with Alpha?” You frowned. He smiled. 
“Jealous?” He teased. 
“No, that’s just disgusting.” You shook.
He grinned uncontrollably. “Listen, you don’t have to worry about me. Everything is going according to plan.” You stared. He got closer, forcing you backwards until your back stopped against a tree. He grinned. “Now, get out of here before you get seen and I can’t help you.” He spoke quieter. You scowled, picked up your bag and turned to leave. Negan quickly began covering your footprints. 
The next day when the sun was at it’s highest point in the sky, Daryl watched fellow Alexandrian’s finish setting up for Siddiq’s service that would happen in the next few minutes. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked over to where their fallen friend was now buried in the dirt. But Daryl quickly fell distracted when he spotted Lydia re-enter Alexandria’s front gates accompanied by Will, Evan and Magna. He raised his right hand up to shield his eyes from the bright light, making sure he was seeing correctly.
Daryl then eagerly approached them. “Hey, what’s going on?” He yelled. “Did you go to Hilltop alone?”
Lydia guestered to those she brought with her. “They needed to know what happened with Y/n and that Negan wasn’t here anymore.” Lydia explained herself. “Carol thought-” 
“Carol asked you to do this?” Daryl questioned and she nodded. “Why?” Lydia rubbed her hand, awkwardly as Magna stepped forward impatiently. 
“We wanna help with the horde." She announced. Daryl stared for a moment. “We heard you needed people so here we are.”
“If you’ll have us.” Will added, remembering the circumstances of the last time they spoke.
“Alright.” Daryl hesitantly replied.
“So, where is Y/n?” Will then changed the subject, awkwardly.
Daryl painfully eyed the tall blonde. “She won’t want you out looking for her, trust me. But I promise she’s safe.”
Will gulped. “Does she know about all this though?” He wondered. Daryl nodded. “Look, not to step on any toes here but her and Negan’s relationship was always complicated, she saw things in him that no one else ever did. It was infuriating and the bastard wanted me dead but I have to believe that if she helped him, it was for a good reason. Y/n’s loyal but she’d never put me or anyone in danger.” Will defended you in front of everyone.
“I know that.” Daryl spoke firmly.
“So do we.” Carol suddenly appeared with Aaron. 
Daryl looked to her best friend as she smiled up at him. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Daryl quickly asked her. 
“We’re gonna go get Y/n.” Lydia finally announced. “On the way to find the horde.”
“What?” Daryl questioned. His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. 
Magna huffed. “Yeah, I always liked her. And honestly now none of us have to see Negan’s creepy face again.”
Daryl turned to Aaron and simply raised an eyebrow. “I don’t like it, but she’s family. I don’t think she did it to hurt anyone.” Aaron struggled to admit.
“You said Y/n wanted to help and honestly we could use it.” Carol noted and all of Daryl’s confusion and stress left his face instantly. “She’s one of us.” She shrugged, then grinned at Lydia sincerely with her lips pursed as if to apologize once again.
“Does Michonne know about this?” Daryl wondered. 
“Yes.” Aaron answered for her.
“And Maggie?” Daryl continued, looking to Evan and Will. He knew she would never agree to it, you were too close to Negan. “Eugene, Rosita, Ezekiel? You could piss a lot of people off here, maybe put her at risk.” Daryl voiced his concerns.
Evan furrowed his brow. “She wouldn’t want to sit on the side lines.” He quickly replied.
“She’d want to help keep you safe. And me,” Lydia stepped forward. “All of us.”
“Enough of us want her here, she’ll be okay.” Carol went on. “We can deal with Maggie and Hilltop later.” Daryl’s heart fluttered with relief and knew he couldn’t help but give in. “You don’t have to be alone, Daryl. Let’s bring her home.” She finished. Daryl nodded.
“So where’s this horde supposed to be at?” Evan asked, wanting to protect the place they happily called home just as much as everyone else.
“Sunken field on the edge of the national forest.” Aaron responded.
“We can leave right after the funeral.” Carol mentioned. “We good?” She asked before embracing Daryl in a big hug. He smiled gratefully.
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Daryl led the way back to the bunker-back to you. The anticipation was growing rapidly within him but he remained focused. Carol and Lydia followed closely behind while Magna, Aaron, Evan and Will stayed a little farther back to keep their eyes open for anything unfriendly.
Daryl pulled away some small weeds, revealing the large metal door below. “Y/n!” He called as he made his way inside.
Silence. Not even Dog was there to greet him. “Daryl?” Lydia questioned from the field above.
“She’s not here.” He hollered back, looking around the empty room. His vest was gone, along with Dog and your backpack. He rubbed his chin in thought before climbing back up the ladder. 
The truth was you were running low on supplies and still needed to hunt. So after your run in with Negan, you went back for Dog and left for your old neighborhood. As you made your way through the deserted area, seeing a couple more walkers than the last time you were here, you decided to once again head for Will’s house. You hoped your remaining stored items would still be there. The houses continued to crumble and rot away around you more and more each time you came. 
When you reached Will’s kitchen, you began opening and sifting through cupboards. Each one empty. Until the last one on the end. It had a jar of peanut butter, half empty with the marks of Daryl’s fingers still in it from last time. You scooped out a fair amount and let Dog lick it from your fingers. Then you stuffed the jar in your bag. The only other thing was a single can of peaches. You stuck your knife in the top and cut away at the lid as much as you could before drinking it’s contents. When you finished and set the can down, you noticed the fridge had been knocked over in front of the entrance to the living room. You stared out passed it, where the living rooms far wall and part of the roof had completely caved in and now littered the couches. You could see the outside world and how it had begun to take over. Weeds and other plants that were pushing through the broken wood floor and climbing the walls as well as a corpse, one of a man who couldn’t of died too long ago that laid under the rubble. You could just barely see his arms and the side of his head. People had been here since your last visit. Suddenly, Dog began growling as a walker spotted you and tried to enter the house. You stepped over the broken boards and to the opening where it was crying out for you. Then you jammed your hunters knife into it’s already cracked skull. You stared out into the world after it fell, waiting for the possibility of others. But none came. 
Will’s house was no longer safe. Exposed and taken over, it belonged to the dead now. You lowered your head and closed your eyes, giving yourself a moment to grieve before climbing back over the fallen fridge. You opened the front door and suddenly found yourself staring at your house. You hadn’t been there since the start, unable to go inside. 
Until now. 
Your breathing increased, the thought of seeing your childhood home again frightening you way more than the dead. You and Dog crossed the street and stepped onto the porch. You looked to the familiar white door and thought about your sister. You could see the child version of herself running out of it to find you riding your bike on the sidewalk. Then they both disappeared as you came back to reality and Dog whined. 
You peered inside the large window, passed the dirt. But all you could see was a tent, blue in color that was blocking the rest of the room. With your knife still firmly in your hand, you slowly turned the doorknob and went inside. You fiercely looked around, your good memories quickly being overtaken by the bad. You looked to the cream colored carpet that was now dark brown. Except in front of the sliding back door, where it was still red tinged. It took you back to when your neighbor came rushing in to warn your family before being eaten alive in front of you all. You remembered your father locking the rest of your family in the pantry while he successfully killed the dead and removed your neighbors body, even though you’d eventually all come to see much worse. You thought about how he then guided you to his truck, where you abandoned this place all together.
Only to end up back here, alone. The lone survivor of your family. 
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You suddenly heard a rustling at the door and crouched to hide behind the abandoned tent, clearly left here by a stranger sometime between then and now. Will and Evan barged in, almost frantically. You stood with shock, your weapon lowered. You let out a large breath of relief, instantly losing your stiff posture. They turned to you, Evan with a slow smile and Will with a serious and fixed gaze until he too lowered his weapon-a rusty lead pipe. You smiled as they ran to hug you. Then you looked up to see Daryl step inside with Lydia, Aaron, Carol and Magna. Your eyes focused on only his, the air being stolen from your lungs. You swore your heart stopped momentarily as Will and Evan stepped away and he got closer. 
Your face hardened but a tear escaped your left eye. “How?” 
“I’ll always find you. That’s what you said to me once.” Daryl replied, swinging his crossbow back onto his shoulder. You looked to Lydia with a smile and she ran to hug you next. You held onto her, resting your cheek against hers until your eyes moved to Daryl again, who pulled you in by your clothing-by his vest you were wearing. “It looks good on you.” He said, wrapping his muscular arm around you tightly. Your body fully relaxed against his. He kissed the top of your forehead and let his lips rest there for several minutes as you breathed in his familiar scent. 
“Y/n, we want your help.” You heard Carol say as you let go of Daryl and looked to your friends, questionably awaiting their reason for being here. 
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@jodiereedus22 @dashesoflipstick @theunofficialduke @dixonluvv @nikki082489 @jordangdelacruz​ @lunatheumbreon @dbtvluv​I
Thanks for reading! I am super excited about what’s to come. 
<<Chapter 16, >>Chapter 18
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