#Male Located Deceased
bones4thecats · 1 month
Whoops! I forgot to add an emoji, sorry!
I'm the anon who made the Record of Ragnarok request regarding a goddess of fortune and luck s/o. I'd like to be called 🐢 anon, please.
RoR w/ Goddess of Fortune + Luck! S/O
Characters: Poseidon, Qin Shi Huang, and Hades Requester: 🐢Anon A/N: This was a nice thing to write, each of them have their own story, which basically never happens anymore, lol. Anyways, hope you like this! And have a sparkling rest of your days/nights! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of death, insinuated assault, SWEARING in Poseidon's part, murder, blood, and slight description of death (tiny gore warning) ⚠️
Disclaimer: The Reader is a FEMALE and based on Yaoshi (HSR)
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╚═════ Poseidon ══════════════════════════════╝
🔱 You were his beauty to his beast. While that might not be physical on his behalf, his emotionless and cold demeanor made everyone, including his own family, believe him to be a devil in an angel's skin
🔱 On average, you would visit your believers in your temple, waving each ahead before gifting them with luck and a small fortune every time. But, as your reputation grew, so did your follower's egos
🔱 Poseidon was pissed when he found out one of your long-time followers had a son whom was trying to get into your pants so you would gift him with an unbelievable fortune and unbelieving amounts of luck just for being 'yours'
🔱 He decided to visit your temple one day, stabbing his trident into the stone flooring as he walked, alerting all that surrounded the area, and making them bow in respect to the God of the Sea. Poseidon just scoffed and kept walking, not giving any human any glance, they, in his eyes, did not deserve a perfect being like himself's attention
🔱 As he strode through, he found Aphrodite and Heracles outside of your temple, watching over the many children in the surrounding garden. They smiled as they caught Poseidon walking, as he just asked for your location
"Y/N went to her chambers with this guy... I think he said his name was... Dolion?"
"Yes, that was his name Heracles. They've been gone for about 10 minutes, I was about to send Heracles to check on them, but since you're here!"
🔱 Poseidon nodded and walked to your chambers, his trident making the same clack noise as he heard a man yelling at someone, which made your husband furrow his brows slightly as he listened in
"Get out of here, Dolion."
"Oh go fuck yourself, you whore! Just manipulating my emotions like that?! Making me feel such a strong connection just for you to take it away because you're married to that bastard, Poseidon?! How could you?!"
"Dolion. I will not tell you again. Get the fuck out."
"Don't tell me you never felt the connection with me, Goddess of Fortune and Luck? Come on, Y/N."
"You have no right to call me by that name. Do not make me kill you where you stand."
🔱 The sound of you screaming made Poseidon burst in the room, his trident pushing against the male's neck as you fell to the ground, your long hair pooling around your small frame on the ground
"You have five second to apologize, worm."
"Who the fuck are you?!"
"Seriously, man! Who are you?!"
"Oh for the love of Olympus. Answer me!"
🔱 You closed your eyes as Poseidon stabbed the man's neck, plunging his trident's three tips into the stone wall and causing blood to begin drip down the body of the now-deceased young male
🔱 Standing up and listening to your chain-wrapped foot hit the ground as you hugged Poseidon from behind, your grip tightening around his stomach, making him look back at you and breath out, providing your ears with the familiar echo of his breathing. He then grabbed your arm and wrapped his own around your midsection, keeping you in a protective grasp
"Thank you, 'Seidon."
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╚═════ Qin Shi Huang ═══════════════════════════╝
👑 Qin Shi Huang knew that you and him being in a relationship was bound to start some kind of controversy within the Einherjar, as they distrusted pretty much any God they came across. Yep, that means they distrusted Buddha for quite a while
👑 You merely sat up with the rest of the fighters as Qin fought, and you smiled gently as Hades walked in, causing Leonidas to look at you with narrowed eyes
"What are you smiling at, Goddess?"
👑 Chuckling at his animosity, you reached outwards, pointing towards the tall, white-haired God of the Dead before speaking up again
"That man caused many issues between me and my old human friend, Tamaki. Honestly, seeing such an enemy fight against my husband is a fight I cannot tear my eyes from for a second."
👑 Kojiro smiled as you spoke, looking back down at the Emperor. He then looked at you and asked you how you had met the royal and gotten into a relationship, after all, being a Goddess of such a high-caliber in the Shinto Pantheon must have been hard to deal with a human
"It's quite the detailed story. But if you wish to know so badly, Sasaki, I shall tell you the shortened version."
👑 The others adjusted their positions to listen to you, curiosity spread through their tough and chiseled forms as you began to speak, recanting your love story with your husband
"One night, I had decided to take a walk through a garden, but this garden was owned by the Emperor's family. It was there that I noticed a young man walking around, a blindfold over his eyes, much to my confusion at the time. I walked to the man and asked him if he could see and needed assistance, the man, whom I later learned to be Qin Shi Huang, had merely waved me off with a smile before asking if I needed help since he never saw me around the building."
"Wait- he can see through that thing?" Buddha asked.
"Correct, Buddha. But, after I left, I had given him a peony and a orchid. The peony, in Chinese culture, stands for good fortune, while the orchid stands for wealth and fortune. I began to come by nearly weekly, which allowed us to grow closely before he proposed and we married. I revealed my identity as a divine being a mere few days before he proposed, so imagine my shock when he asked for my hand in marriage!"
👑 The others chuckled as you finished your story, allowing you to look back down as your husband readied his form for the fight. You allowed a single tear to fall down from your eye, but before it hit the ground, you picked it up and tossed it onto the ground, making a four-leaf clover pop up from the flooring. Grabbing it, you blew it to your husband, in your own, silent way to wish him luck in the battle for Humanity's safety
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╚═════ Hades ════════════════════════════════╝
💀 As you pat the young deity's head, your husband watched from a distance. You had been bonding with Zeus' family a lot more after the birth of Ares, his youngest brother's oldest son, and after Hermes' birth, you had just doubled down on your Auntie-responsibilities, even as the two aged
💀 Hades smiled as you looked at the middle of Zeus' boys, using your magic to tie tiny golden fabric-strands onto his body, around the arm like a bow for Hermes, he lightly adjusted it to his style while you smiled and pat his head lightly
💀 Laughing as you saw Ares began to mess around with his father, Zeus, as he tried making a speech as if he was going to lead another army to battle, you gave one of the most beautiful smiles in Olympus
💀 Hermes then told you he needed to go visit with his mother, you nodded and allowed him to go speak to Hera. You then clasped your hands in front of your hips and walked towards your husband, stopping by his side and laying your head on his shoulder
"Good afternoon, my love."
"Good afternoon, my King of the Netherworld."
💀 Chuckling and laying his head on your own, Hades smiled gently. He could feel your welcoming and warm aura pulse through his own cold and noble one, and it was a feeling he didn't want to let go of anytime soon
"Aunt Y/N, Uncle Hades! It's good to see you both!" A voice rung out, snapping both you and Hades out of your peaceful moment.
💀 Looking back up, you saw two of your three nephews. Heracles and Ares walked up and shook their Uncle's hand while they hugged you delicately, making sure they didn't accidentally damage any of the golden accessories that dawned your figure
"It's good to see you both as well. How has training been?" Hades asked.
"Alright. Dad almost destroyed the arena last week, though." Ares answered while Heracles nodded with a tired expression.
"Well that sounds like fun, calming your father down and all." You teased, making the three guys smile and chuckle at the thought of Zeus acting like a child in need of discipline from his parents.
"Y/N!" Aphrodite yelled out, waving you over to her and her nymphs.
💀 You peered back at your husband, who just nodded and kissed your forehead, allowing you to walk over to your old friend. Aphrodite was excited about something, and he knew you were naturally a curious being
"You really love her, don't you, Uncle?" Heracles asked.
"That I do. That I do..."
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todaysbird · 2 years
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the jabiru is a large stork found from mexico to argentina; they are also semi frequently found as vagrants in the united states. their name comes from a tupi–guaraní language and means "swollen neck". the jabiru is the second-largest bird in south america, and the largest flying bird (they fall behind the flightless rhea in size). their wingspan is also the second largest on the continent, just behind the andean condor. while colorations and markings are the same between males and females, the species is easy to differentiate by sex; males are notably larger, up to 25% larger than females. this species feeds primarily on fish, frogs, insects, and other aquatic prey; however, they are opportunistic feeders, and will feed on carrion and even have been documented eating house mice. they can be helpful in the bodies of water they live in, as they will eat recently deceased fish, preventing them from contaminating the water. they feed mainly by tactile sensing, not by visually locating their prey; they will snap up prey from the water as soon as their bill brushes against it. the jabiru is believed to mate for life. jabiru build massive stick nests, which are reused for future clutches; however, it usually is several years after a successful breeding before jabiru will have another clutch of eggs. this is due to their young fledging at approximately 110 days, then sticking with their parents for around another three months. jabiru have been known to live until their mid-thirties.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 1 month
Fear. (Angsty plz😊)
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I’ve combined two prompts here because they both played into an idea I had for a fic.
It’s a little more on the whump side than angsty but I hope you’ll both enjoy them anyway.
Thank you 🩶
They knew it would happen eventually. Statistically it was an inevitably. They were born firefighters - men whose purpose in life was to walk into danger to save others.
Every good firefighter has a healthy level of fear doing the job. A fearless firefighter is a dangerous firefighter. A firefighter with no fear doesn’t respect the danger they’re in and can make reckless decisions that put their lives, and others lives, at risk.
Though Tommy and Buck both had that healthy level of fear, they each knew that it was an inevitability that they both, at some point, would get injured. Which is why, when things began to get serious between them - which was quicker than either of them had expected, they’d made sure to have conversations about each of their wishes should something happen.
They made sure to prepare as much as they could for when something did happened to one of them.
However, they’d both assumed they’d get injured on the job.
They were wrong.
Athena raced down the street after the suspect vehicle. The car thief was weaving dangerously through traffic; near miss after near miss.
As the vehicle approached a cross section, Athena prayed he would slow down. But he didn’t. He drove through it full speed, T-boning another vehicle with such force it flipped multiple times before somehow landing upright 50 feet away.
Athena hit the brakes and jumped out of her car and ran towards the accident calling into her radio.
“Dispatch this is 727-L30. Suspect vehicle has crashed into another vehicle at the cross section of Main and 7th. We need R.A units this location. I’m approaching the suspect vehicle now.”
She drew her weapon, holding it pointed down as she stepped slowly toward the drivers side. Immediately she could tell that that the man’s injuries were severe. She reached through the open window and placed two fingers on three man’s neck.
“Dispatch, Suspect is deceased. I’m checking on the other vehicle occupants now.” She quickly ran to the other vehicle. Dents and scraps covered the entire car. The windshield and both driver and passenger windows so badly cracked that she couldn’t see through them. She tried to open the drivers door but the roof had bent in too much jamming it in place. She ran around to the passenger side and was able to open that door.
That’s when she saw the occupants of the car.
“Oh my god.”
For a second she was immobilised. How would she tell Bobby? Thankfully she was pulled out of her stupor by a woman running up to her.
“I’m a nurse.” She said.
“Can you get in the back and check the drivers pulse?” The woman ran around the car and thankfully was able to open the back drivers side door. Athena reached for man’s neck in front of her, praying she’d find a pulse. She blew out a breath when she felt it.
“I got a pulse! It’s strong.”
“This guy has a pulse but it’s really weak. He’s in really bad shape, sergeant.” The nurse called out.
“Help is on the way ma’am.” She lifted her radio up to her mouth.
“Dispatch this is 727-L30. Update on the vehicle collision on main and 7th.” She prayed that it wouldn’t be Maddie taking the call and was relieved to hear Josh’s voice.
“Go ahead.”
“We have 2 male occupants ages 33 and 40 with severe injuries… Josh is Maddie anywhere near you right now?”
“No, Sergeant she’s on her lunch break.”
“Good. The victims are.. Evan Buckley and Thomas Kinard.”
There was a beat before Josh responded.
“Copy that sergeant. Can you update on the status of the victims?”
“What’s your name?” She asked the nurse, who was behind Tommy seat with her hands stabilising his head.
“Okay Sarah, from what you can assess from where you are now how bad are their injuries?”
“This guys pulse is weak and getting weaker. He’s got lacerations to his face and arms from the glass, a probably broken nose form the air bag, and obvious dislocated right shoulder and I would hazard a guess at some serious internal bleeding from the steering wheel.” Sergeant if you could help stabilise this man’s head I can check the other guy out.” Athena nodded and took over holding Tommys head.
“This guy has the same cuts and the same probable broken nose, and judging by the lump and blood on the leg of his sweat pants im guessing compound fracture of his right leg.”
Athena relayed the information back to Josh and Sarah took over holding Tommys head still.
“Copy that sergeant. And I will inform the.. family member.”
She took out her phone, called the number and took a deep breath and she put the phone to her ear.
Maddie rushed into the waiting area to find Chim, Hen, Bobby, Eddie and Lucy as She immediately ran to Chim who embraced her in a hug.
“Where’s Jee?” He asked
“She with Mrs Lee. Do we know anything yet?” Tears were already filling her eyes threatening their escape.
“Vehicle thief drove through a cross section and t-boned them. We’re still waiting on an update.”
“What about the person that hit him?” She asked.
“Dead.” Athena’s voice came from behind. “Any news yet?”
Bobby shook his head. “Not yet.”
“Guys..” Lucy pointed to a doctor walking towards them.
“Evan Buckley?”
“That’s us.” Maddie walked over to him with everyone else coming behind.
“Are you family?
“Sister. How is he?” Her voice was trembling. She’d been in this position twice before (his injuries when he was younger not withstanding) and the third time is not any easier.
“Evan sustained a concussion, and the metal rod in his leg snapped and broke through the skin, which we need to go in and replace, probably tomorrow morning. He’s also got a small laceration on his forehead and some minor cuts and bruises.”
“So, he’s gonna be alright? Eddie asked.
“We’ll need to monitor his concussion, and barring any complications with the surgery, he should be able to go home in maybe a week.”
You could feel the tension in the room release a bit at hearing the doctor’s words. But they couldn’t relax just yet.
“Any news on Tommy? Uh, Thomas Kinard?” Lucy asked. “I’m emergency contact if Bu— Evan is unavailable.” The doctor’s face turned more serious.
“Thomas has more serious injuries. A large amount of internal bleeding and a dislocated shoulder are the biggest injures as well as a broken nose and also cuts and bruises. We’re closely monitoring his internal bleeding and we’ll likely have to go in with surgery to fix the bleeding later today.”
“Jesus.” Eddie said running his fingers through his hair.
“Can we see either of them?” Bobby asked.
“Evan can have one visitor at a time and be warned he’s on some heavy meds so if he’s awake he’ll be quite a bit sluggish.” The doctor informed them. “As far as Thomas goes at the moment he’s not up for visitors, right now. Tomorrow perhaps once we have a clearer picture of his health.”
“Doctor, does my brother know about Tommy?”
“Not as yet. He’s been pretty in and out of consciousness because of the meds. It’s probably best if you’re the one to tell him.”
“I will keep you updated on Thomas.” He said to Lucy.
“Would you like to see Evan first? I’ll take you too him.”
“Yes, please.” Maddie said and followed him down the corridor.
Maddie was immediately reminded of when his leg was crushed by the engine . Lying on the bed, bandaged up and half asleep. The difference this time is all the cuts and bruises decorated his body.
She pulled a chair over and sat down taking his hand. The sensation of which woke him.
“Tom… Tommy?”
“No, sweetie it’s Maddie.” She rubbed his hand.
“Where’s… Tommy?” His eyes were opening and closing heavily.
“Do you remember what happened?” She asked.
“Sort of… car acc-accident… leg hurts.”
“That’s right. You and Tommy were in a car accident. The metal rod in your leg snapped so the doctors need to go in and replace it.”
“Blood clots.”
“Don’t worry. The doctors are aware of the blood clots from your old screws. They’ll give you different ones.”
“S’good… where’s To-tommy? He turned his face to Maddie but he still couldn’t keep his eyes open for longer than 2 or 3 seconds at a time.
“Buck.. Uh, Tommy.. The doctors are taking really good care of him.” Was all she could think of saying to reassure him.
“How bad?” He mumbled.
“He’s going to be fine, Buck.” She told him but her tone of voice was far too high and Buck knew her well enough to know she was deflecting.
“Maddie.. truth.”
Maddie sighed. “He has pretty bad internal bleeding. They’re taking him to surgery later.”
Bucks heart rate monitor gave away his biggest fear and tears pooled in his eyes. “Can’t..lose him.. mad..”
“I know, I know.” She took his hand in both of hers. “But we’re going to stay positive and we’re going to believe that he is going to make it through, okay.”
“How is he?” Bobby asked Maddie
“Physically he’ll be fine, but he’s terrified he’s going to lose Tommy. The doctors won’t let him see him before either of them go in for their surgeries.”
“What? Why?” Eddie asked
“It’s his leg. They have to keep it stable until they can fix it - they can’t risk moving him.” She explained. Eddie nodded, understanding. Then an idea flashed across his mind.
“I’ll be right back.” He quickly walked away.
He knocked on Doctor Salazar’s door and waited to be told to come in.
“Mr Diaz. It’s nice to see you. How are you? No more panic attacks I hope?”
“Uh, no. No, I’m good, thanks. I’m not actually here for me - I have a favour to ask..”
“Is he ready?” Eddie asked Maddie on the phone.
“Yeah, but this has to be quick - he’s refused his pain meds so he’s not groggy so he’s in quite a bit of pain.”
“That’s fine Doctor Salazar only managed to get us 5 minutes anyway. Give the phone to Buck.” Maddie handed the phone to him. “Okay bud, I’m putting the phone to Tommys ear now, give me a sec.”
He propped his phone up as close as he could to Tommys ear.
“You’re good to go, Buck. I’ll come back in a couple of minutes.” He left to stand outside Bucks room.
“I’m gonna go get a coffee.” Maddie told Buck and left the room. Buck took a deep breath trying to push past the pain so he could speak.
“Hey, you. I hate that we have to talk over the phone but the doctors won’t let me come see you until they fix my leg. I wish I could be there holding your hand so you could feel me. You’re going into surgery in a few minutes and I just.. I need you to know that..” He sniffed and wiped his eyes “that-that.. the last 7 months with you have been the most incredible of my life. And I’m not ready to give any of that up. I love you so much, Tommy. More than I thought I could ever love a person. You.. you need to come back to me okay? Come back to all of us. You have a home, now. With all of us. With me, with Eddie and Christopher, with Chim and my sister and Jee, With Bobby and Athena, and Hen and Karen and Denny and Mara.. we all need you back here. So-so you get through this surgery, okay. Because I want us both to be there when we tell everyone we’re getting married. I love you sweetheart.” He hung the phone up
Maddie had arrived back and he waved through the window to her. Before she’d made it to his bed he was already breaking down. She leaned over and held him tightly.
“I can’t lose him, Maddie. I can’t.”
“I know, Buck. I know.”
3 days later Buck was sat in a wheelchair at Tommys bedside; the rod in his leg having been replaced. Tommy had come through his surgery and the doctors said this prognosis was good. But he still hasn’t woken up yet.
Buck had been insistent that Tommy not be left alone. If he wasn’t being ordered to his own room, he’d be there by Tommys bedside all day.
He’d spent most of the time just talking to Tommy. Updating him on his leg, telling him funny stories of the 118, trying to keep things positive. But the more time went on the more frustrated he was getting that Tommy hasn’t woken up.
“Come on, babe. You have to wake up. I miss you. Everyone mis-“ He felt a delicate squeeze of his hand. “Tommy?”
Tommy breathed heavy and a very light hum sound came from his mouth.
“Tommy, baby I’m here!” He squeezed his hand tight. Tommy swallowed and opened his mouth. It took his a few tries to find his voice.
“I’m here, baby. I’m here. God you scared me.” He admitted. “How are you feeling?”
“Ouch.” Was all he could muster. Buck let out a tear-filled chuckle as he felt a whoosh of relief flow through him. Tommy managed to open his eyes and turned his head to Buck, his brow furrowing as he saw his injuries.
“You okay? What.. happened?” He sluggishly reached out to touch Bucks face, gently caressing the cuts on his cheek.
“Car accident. Some guy hit us on the drive home from our weekend away. Docs had to replace the rod in my leg but I’m alright. I’ll be back to normal in a month or two.”
“Good.” Tommy said with a relieved sigh. “What about.. me?”
“Uh, you had some pretty serious internal bleeding. They managed to fix it, thankfully. You also dislocated your shoulder. And your face is pretty bruised up.”
“Still think.. I’m handsome?” He asked. Buck was relieved that he still had his sense of humour.
“If it wasn’t for my leg I’d be in that bed showing you how handsome you are.” He teased. Tommy tried to laugh and groaned at the pain. “Oh God I’m sorry. I’ll call a nurse and get you some pain meds.”
“No, wait a minute. I just want.. you for a minute.”
“I’m not going anywhere, babe.” Tommy held Bucks hand tight, his thumb caressed his fingers.
“Where’s your ring? He asked
“Hidden in my room.”
“Hidden?” He asked confused. “Why are.. you hiding it?”
“The docs took it off and I didn’t want to put it back on yet. Not until you’re better and we can tell everyone together.” He lifted Tommys hand up to kiss his knuckles.
“You.. don’t have to.. wait.”
“Yes I do. This is an important moment for both of us. So both of us should be part of it. It’s okay though, we have plenty of time. Just need you to get better first.” Tommy reached up again and cupped Bucks face.
“I can’t wait to marry you, Evan Buckley.”
“I can’t wait to marry you either.”
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Surrounding Characters: Mr. Raymond
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Age: 39
Status: Deceased
Cause of Death: Unknown
Occupation: Renowned art collector
Residence: Three-story mansion in Linkon City's southeastern suburbs
Appearance: Based on his silhouette, he likely has scraggly hair and some amount of facial hair on his chin?
We meet Mr. Raymond on the protaganist's very first mission (Mission HM- U-0048-3015). En route, she finds Zayne on the side of the road with his broken-down car. She gives him a lift to Raymond's residence and learns Mr. Raymond is one of Zayne's former patients.
The mission details mention a person named Henry, who is one of the Hunter's Association's clients. They also note that Mr. Raymond is Henry's employer.
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During her Wanderer inspection, the protaganist detects Metaflux and follows the Resonance Trail to the collection room. There, she finds Mr. Raymond is lying unconscious on the floor.
After the Wanderer is dealt with, the protaganist notices a Metaflux-infused painting that causes hallucinations. They reasoned it could be where the Wanderer had been hiding and the reason why Mr. Raymond had been acting so strange.
Mr. Raymond is still unconscious when the helicopter arrives and Zayne accompanies him to the hospital. The protagonist then reports the painting to HQ as needing special treatment.
Key Details:
Mr. Raymond had a serious congenital heart disease, hence Zayne's medical visit.
Zayne mentions that, based on the improvement of his vital signs, Akso's equipment determined his age to be "far younger than what it actually is"
Seems to have some connection to Xander Sciences, since the protaganist overhears him trying to convince to Zayne to work for them.
The painting in question was made by Rafayel and was sold by Flux Arts.
Mr. Raymond's Mansion:
Built near the sea and mountains, the southeastern suburbs of Linkon City are home to various luxurious villas and holiday resorts. The entrance to his mansion has an ornate iron gate. Architecturally, his three-story mansion has a style of modern design and simplicity.
The exterior courtyard (left) is surrounded by a large pool (right) and the water's surface covered in blue-green algae.
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First Floor:
The central feature of the first floor (below) is a large fish tank containing what appears to be a Lemurian skeleton. It is surrounded by a spiral staircase to the next floor. The room also includes a sofa set and a grand piano.
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Second Floor:
(We don't get any images or description of the second floor)
Third Floor:
This floor is where his art collection room (below) is located. One of his collected items is a painting by Rafayel.
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Murder Details:
The case of his murder is currently unsolved and has little known information to work with. But, through multiple accounts from other characters, I've gathered the following information.
Zayne's Statements:
When Zayne calls for medical backup, he mentions the following:
"Male, 39 years old, he collapsed from shock because a Wanderer appeared five minutes ago. No external injuries. His heart rate is normal, and his pupils react normally to light,... The address is..."
Rafayel's Statements:
When the protaganist visits Flux Arts, a digital version of the painting Mr. Raymond bought was displayed in the original's place. Rafayel's disembodied voice says the following regarding the painting:
The story behind it was a dream he'd had in childhood. In it, he had turned into a fish and swam in search of a place beyond the water's surface.
But despite his efforts, he only ended up in blood-red seawater.
That dream was the first time he'd ever seen such a color and he spent many of the following years trying to recreate it. But he never really could get that same shade of red. It was always a slightly different hue.
Thomas' Statements:
When the protaganist tells Thomas what happened to Mr. Raymond and mentions a connection to the painting, his face turns pales before he quickly regains composure. He mentions the following about Mr. Raymond:
Was a renowned art collector famous for his discerning taste
He visited Flux Arts last month, was utterly smitten with the painting, and needed to buy it.
During the process of arranging, displaying, and selling the painting, more than a dozen people were in contact with it. None of them mentioned anything about a Wanderer.
Notes that Rafayel mentioned often hearing strange noises in the studio late at night, but Thomas thought he was trying to trick him.
When the protaganist detects Metaflux from the coral stones in the Flux Arts office, Thomas says Rafayel uses them to make his paint.
Joe's Statements:
Joe is a reporter from Weekly Art who was following Rafayel in hopes of getting a scoop for a future article. He mentions the following about Mr. Raymond's case:
Mr. Raymond had drowned in his bathtub
Was found by his butler Herman. But by then, it was too late.
Before he died, Mr. Raymond had made a bunch of cuts into his arms and legs that resembled "a bunch of fish scales"
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snowblossomreads · 10 months
Day 1: Chimney Full Of Soot
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Pairing: Detective David Friedman x UnhingedFem!Reader
Summary: David gets radioed in to check on a house fire. When he gets there he finds someone unexpected at the scene.
Tag(s)/Warning(s): Cop things, house fire, vague ref of murder.., roughish! Smut (oral M receiving, penetrative sex, multiple orgasms, etc etc reader is a bit of a slut [affectionate] so take that as you will, implied age gap)
Word Count: 6.2K
A/N: WELCOME WELCOME TO THE BEGINNING OF RICKMAS! Thank you to @deepperplexity for hosting this wonderful event again I'm so excited for all the stories that are to come!!
A/N+: We are starting of hot and heavy today though! Shout out to the detective friedman simp anon who directed me to the song dangerous game by lana del rey which is what this fic is loosely based on LOL. I hope you guys enjoy this warm start to the season!
“Unit 340 we need someone to go down to Panola Street. We got a call about a house fire that needs investigating. Over.”
“10-4 I’ll head that way. Over.”
The drive to the location was less than 10 minutes and when David got there he was greeted by the remains of a smoldering house fire and fire trucks. There were also some regular beat cops talking to a few of the neighbors no doubt trying to figure out what had happened.
What captured his attention though was a young woman clad in a short nightgown who seemed more inconvenienced than any of the others as one of the cops questioned her. He could also hear her over everyone else as she was being interviewed, and her tone could only be described as annoyed and slightly offended as she crossed her arms against her chest and glared.
Foot tapping the ground and a scowl on her features, it seemed that she had felt him staring or at least noticed the arrival of someone new as she turned her head in his direction and caught his gaze.They locked eyes for a moment, her own narrowing at him before she went back to talk to the officer in front of her who was trying and failing to calm her down.
“Whaddya’ got?” David asked raising an eyebrow in the woman's direction before turning his attention to the approaching officer who held a clipboard of statements that had been taken thus far.
“Two deceased when we got on the scene and a whole bunch of shit burned down as you see,” the man responded nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders and handing the clipboard over to David who caught a glimpse of the man’s name tag ‘P.Williams’ before he looked over the details. 
Two deceased male and female. Cause of death possible smoke inhalation not confirmed yet. Apparent victims Raymond and Martha Broussard. 
Those names rang a bell in the older man’s mind as he read over the rest of the report quickly to get up to speed about what may have happened.
“Raymond Broussard ain’t he some representative or something in the state house?” David asked rubbing his chin in thought, eyes flicking over to the woman before back to the officer in front of him who hummed in affirmative. “Media’s gonna have a damn field day with this when they find out.”
“You tellin’ me, surprise none of them are down here yet. They damn near beat the us sometimes.”
Nodding in agreement with the other man’s statement, David continued looking at the scene before his attention returned to the woman who was still talking to the other officer. Yet this time her voice was much lower and her arms were uncrossed from her chest as she spoke to the man whose demeanor had taken her original one. 
This time he seemed to be aggravated and the hostility could be sensed from where David was standing.
“Any reason your partner over there is questioning that girl so hard though? I’ve only just got here but seems like they didn’t just get into it.”
“Well, apparently she’s the niece and was the only one to get out of the fire. Both Broussard and his wife got trapped. Or so she says,” Williams explained as he looked over in the same direction. “Thinking about taking her down to the precinct and asking some more questions.”
A noise of intrigue left David’s throat as he raised an eyebrow at that before asking, “you really think she’s got somethin’ to do with it?”
“Nah probably not but can’t ever be too sure with these things. They didn’t have no kids so maybe there’s an insurance policy out there and she wanted to cash out sooner than later.”
“Hmph, well look I’ll handle her from here,” David grunted. Looking around and noticing the increase of people who seemed to come out of nowhere to rubber neck he let out an irritated sigh. “You just get these nosy people out of here, they’re walkin’ all over a potential crime scene.” He huffed, handing the clipboard roughly back to the officer who muttered a ‘yes sir’ before going to clear the crowd out.
Shoving his hands in his pockets to warm them up a bit from the seasonably cool New Orleans air, David approached the woman and officer who were still in conversation which he could hear better as he got closer.
“Look officer I’m telling you that’s all I know! I was downstairs and then I started smelling smoke and when I went up to let my auntie and uncle know their room was already on fire.”
The man gave her a skeptical look, long having stopped taking her statement and more interested in letting her weave her tale around herself. Each time it made her look guiltier and guiltier as she tried and failed to explain what had happened.
“So you’re telling me you didn’t hear any screaming or nothin’? You just went up there found the door lock and could smell smoke coming out of the room?”
“Yes that’s what I said and then-.”
“That’s enough officer I’ll handle it from here,” David stepped in not very much interested in hearing the woman spin a tale that was probably, no, most definitely not true as she looked up at him with surprise at his sudden appearance next to her.
“But sir-.”
“I said I’ll handle it, officer,” he repeated eyeing the man who was silent for a moment as they had a brief stare down before he let out a disgruntled noise and threw his hands up in defeat.
“All yours detective,” the man sighed noisily before walking away but not without muttering something under his breath about needing a drink after this shift.
Wouldn’t they all?
“A bit cold out here to be wearing that ain't it?” He asked as the officer was finally out of earshot and he could examine her more closely. 
His eyes roamed up and down her nightgown clad body before he gave her a quizzical look. Noticing his steady gaze on her, she couldn’t help but smile bashfully looking down and realizing she was dressed a bit light to be outside. It hadn’t been the first time though.
“Yeah but I’m alright,” she answered rubbing her arms as the chill of the air finally registered against her skin and she shivered a bit. “Well with most of my clothes probably burnt to a crisp I guess I’ll have to be alright.”
“I guess so,” he replied. “So any other friends or family we can get you in contact with here? 
“No already called my parents but they live up in Natchitoches so ‘bout time they get here it’ll be morning so I’m a bit stuck.”
“Then how about I take you back to the precinct it’s better than staying out here and I’m sure you’re tired.”
“Well thank you detective that’s mighty kind of you, I mean it’s better than nothing so I guess I’ll have to take you up on that offer.”
“Mhm come on then, don’t want you catching a cold,” he said about to turn around and guide her to his vehicle keen on getting out of here even if he had just gotten there. 
It would just be a quick trip. 
“Oh?” Her questioning noise stopped him and he raised an eyebrow at the woman who mimicked his action before she asked, “don’t they usually handcuff people and put them in the back?”
Another sigh.
“No, only if we’re arresting someone we do, and I’m not arresting you am I?”
“No but,” she paused tilting her head subtly to the side, causing David to look over to see the two officers he talked to earlier staring at them. Realizing they had been caught staring, they were quick to turn their attention back down at some papers that were in their hands. “Well, I think some of your boys are thinkin’ you should arrest me and for the sake of show you may want to.”
The boldness of her statement had him pausing, quirking his eyebrow at her as a tiny smirk appeared and disappeared in that one moment on her lips.
“I guess I should, though I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone ask to be handcuffed.”
“Really?” Her voice pitched with surprise before she tilted to the side as to look at something on his left. “I was gonna say your wife is missing out but…” She uprighted herself and continued with an air of no consequences, “I don’t see a ring! Lucky me I guess.”
The alarm bells in anyone's head would have been ringing at this point yet David only felt the beginnings of a migraine coming on.
“Uh-huh, right,” he mumbled ignoring her little attempt at flirting, if that’s what it was called. “You might want to also make a show of it since you got us out here playing cops and robber,” David said, reaching behind him and pulling out the handcuffs.
He could have sworn she winked at him before her posture changed completely from being open to antagonistic. Her eyes narrowed at him and her hands flew to her hips before she began to loudly shout at him about how she was being unfairly accused of something she didn’t do. 
It seemed to have been realistic enough that it had the officers from earlier calling out to him,
“Need some help over there detective? Can take her downtown if she’s acting up.”
“No I got it,” he shouted at them as he grabbed her arm roughly and turned her around causing her to hiss at the pressure he placed on her wrist as he cuffed her. “Alright alright calm down since you wanna act up we’ll handle you down at the precinct.”
“Hey stop it I didn’t do nothin’!” She yelled as she tried to wiggle in his grasp only finding that it was solid as he began to push her towards his car. “This is fucking ridiculous let me go! Do ya’ll see this!” She continued whipping her head to the side and looking at some of the neighbors who began to talk amongst themselves while David ignored her and the onlookers.
The commotion continued all the way up to the car where he opened the door and practically shoved her in the backseat. It was so rushed that she didn’t bend down quick enough and tapped her head against the top edge of the door frame. And while it was only a tap she made sure to let him know she was not enjoying the unjust manhandling she was receiving.
“Ow Jesus could you be a little gentler,” she yelped as she shimmied herself onto the seat before throwing a threatening glare at him.
“Sorry doll criminals don’t get gentle treatment.”
“Hey I told you-!”
Before she could get her sentence out he slammed the door causing her to jump in place and shout again as he turned and walked over to the driver's side.
When he got in he could still hear her grumbling in the backseat before she was huffing out a,
“That hurt you know!”
Rolling his eyes he glanced at the rear view mirror and he could see the scowl on her lips as he turned the ignition.
“You’re the one that wanted to put on a show for ‘em so I put one on,” he stated matter of factly as he began to pull off from the parking spot, “don’t go blaming me for you smackin’ your head.”
She had muttered something to herself but all he caught was a soft ‘meanie’ which caused him to smirk just slightly before focusing his attention on the road. 
They were only about 15 minutes into the drive when David pulled into the driveway of an unassuming house on the end of a street cutting the car off and hopping out of it. Going back over to the woman’s side he opened the door and held his hand out only for her to feign concern as she leaned away from his help.
“Well detective, I may be young but I’m not a dummy and this is not the precinct!” She blurted out loudly for the world to hear and it caused him to glare at her as he went to slap his hand on her mouth to shut her up.
“Enough would you be quiet? And you don’t gotta keep puttin’ on whatever this is,” he hissed already feeling more exhausted than he would be on a regular night.
Her laughter was muffled by the hand on her mouth and she could only nod as David internally cursed himself for getting into situations like this more often than he wanted to admit. Dropping his hand the same way she dropped her charade, she wiggled close to the door allowing him to help her out of the car before closing the door behind her.
“They got you burning down people's houses now do they? [Y/n].” David asked as he turned her around to unlock the handcuffs and put them back in the holster as she rubbed her wrists.
“Maybe maybe not,” [Y/n] grinned tiptoeing up and kissing him on the cheek and giggling a bit at the feel of his perpetual five o’clock shadow on her skin. “But I promise it’s always for a good cause!”
“Really and what was the good cause this time,” he sighed as he rubbed his temple and leaned against his car door. “You know what never mind don’t tell me. I’m too damn old to be still gettin’ pulled into inside jobs I swear I need to just go ahead and retire.”
“Oh hush I know you like it, plus isn’t getting to spend time with me nice?” Leaning against him she began playing with his tie before looking up at him with doe eyes and pouty lips. “All handcuffed in the back of your car, with a little nightgown on. Gosh! I’m so glad that none of those other officers tried to arrest me! But I bet they couldn’t handle me as well as you do,” she purred this time planting a brief kiss on his lips.
“Don’t be so uptight Dave,” she threw right back at him with a devious smirk as her hand traveled down his front before stopping on the very obvious tent in his pants. 
The involuntary sharp intake of breath from him had her licking her lips in anticipation of the scene that always seemed to play out with them. Him somehow coming last minute and bailing her out of trouble and then her offering to…reimburse him for his troubles.
“Mmm so you do like spending time with me, don’t you? Now,” with a raise of an eyebrow and a tilt of her head, she wore the coyest expression that somehow only spelt trouble from him.  
“What do I owe you for tonight?”
The fact that he gave any of this consideration was very telling and honestly, he probably needed to get some help of his own as he stared at [Y/n] who held his gaze. Jesus Christ Friedman, you’re a lunatic.
“Get up in the house I’ll be in there in a minute,” he grunted as he dug into his pocket before handing her a set of keys, “I need to make a call don’t need folks gettin’ suspicious do we?”
“No sir that we do not,” she answered taking the keys, her innocent looking demeanor dropping to a very pleased one. “Don’t make me wait too long though detective,” she added stroking him once more causing him to groan lowly. “Who knows what I’ll get up to all alone in bed?”
Winking at him she took the keys and made her way towards the house but not without swaying her hips more than usual as she walked away from him. 
The phone call was indeed only a minute long and he wasn’t really sure what he thought was going to happen. All the chief told him was that he didn’t know what he was talking about and that [Y/n] being where she had been was just a coincidence pure and simple. It was the same game as last time and David honestly didn’t understand why he hadn't turned in his badge the first time it happened. 
The conversation went in circles for a short moment and ended with him more frustrated than to begin with as he kicked the tire of his car before sulking into the house mulling over his current predicament. 
Walking through the front, he was met with silence and the warm glow of the lights that were turned on in the living room. The TV that he had turned off before he left was on playing some late night show but [Y/n] was nowhere to be found. Granted he did have an inkling of where she would be hiding as he began to make his way through the house stopping when he found her.
Laid out on his bed there she was, nightgown discarded in a pool of fabric at the entrance of the room and her casually lounging against the pillows clad only in a skimpy set of underwear. While she could definitely be considered the stuff wet dreams were made of for some, to him she was a bit of a nightmare. A very pretty nightmare that he occasionally dabbled in when things like this happened yes, but a nightmare no less. 
While it sounded like an insult he was sure she would agree with him whole heartily as she surely knew that she was also a cause of the grays that were appearing in droves in his hair. The thoughts stopped though when she saw him appear the little simper that she wore whenever they were in these situations showed up immediately. 
“Finally coming to join me,” she purred as she got up from her position and began to crawl on all fours to the foot of the bed swaying her hips seductively side to side as she moved. “Good because I was getting lonely,” she continued as David began to stalk over to her, loosening his tie and kicking his shoes off in the process.
“I’ve been needing somethin’ to warm me up all night,” she finished as the older man stood in front of her looking down at her with an expression of apprehension yet there was no missing the way his pupils were dilated with ill hidden lust.
“Really? That fire didn’t warm you up enough?” He mused while reaching out to thumb the side of her lips causing her to turn slightly just to kiss the digit before her eyes traversed downward.
“Mm yeah, but not enough, not the way you do it.” Her tone was low and sweet as honey as she practically salivated at the tent in his pants that she was eager to unwrap. “Plus.” She turned her gaze up at him, brows furrowed and a feint look of sorrow on her features. “I just lost my poor aunt and uncle ‘cause they didn’t clean all the soot out in the chimney so I’m feeling a bit down. But I think you can help me feel better.”
Had it been another man, they would have probably turned tail with how easy it was for her to be so nonchalant about maybe being the cause of a fire that just killed two people. There was little to no empathy yet for whatever twisted reason it hadn’t bothered him. Maybe the first two times but at this point it was just par for the course. Plus they had to be doing something that caused them to deserve it, all of the past ones had. 
‘Making an excuse for your murdering friend now are we Friedman?’  
Ah yes, he was definitely going to be having a drink after this. 
Letting out a flustered sigh and running his hands through his slightly disheveled hair, David looked down at her before his shoulders sagged. 
“Fuck,” he breathed out before relenting. “You better make this worth my while.” 
Her eyes lit up at his permission and before she could even get the words ‘yes sir’ out of her lips, she was reaching to undo his belt buckle and zipper to free him from the confines of his pants. A deep groan left his lips as she stroked the outside of her boxers squeezing the silhouette of his arousal before giving it a quick kiss. Fingers gripping the edge of his boxers, she carefully dragged the piece of garment down along with his pants and couldn’t help the low moan that left her as his cock sprang free. 
“Mmm just as big as I remembered,” she breathed out before leaning down and spitting on the already glistening head of his cock. “Shame you don’t let me take care of it as often as it should be.”
“Didn’t know the offer was on the table,” he grunted half jokingly yet intrigued as she took him in her hand, making a fist before stroking him causing a throaty moan to leave him. His hips jerked in her direction and a pleased hum left her lips as she began to stroke him with a firm yet comfortable grip. 
“Oh detective, the offer is always on the table for you,” she purred thumbing the slit of his head, smearing the wetness all over the darkened tip before leaning down and licking the salty fluid that had already begun to pool there. 
“You didn’t think me giving you my number was just for business did you?”
He didn’t have a chance to answer that as the moment he had opened his mouth to respond, she was wrapping her lips tightly around his cock sucking noisily as she stroked the rest of him that wasn’t in her mouth. The shocked shout of her name morphed into a loud groan as she bobbed her head up and down, tongue darting out her mouth and licking the underside of his shaft each time she could.
The wet noises of her mouth being filled along with his groans and grunts echoed around the room as she expertly sucked him off with a fervored glee. Pulling away for a quick moment with a soft ‘pop’, she began swirling her tongue inside the sensitive tip again, purring at the taste of the liquid that was constantly leaking from him.
While it probably wasn’t on the top thing on everyone’s list, [Y/n] had to admit that her favorite thing when it came to sex was getting on her knees and sucking cock. Especially the one that was in between her lips right now as she began to suckle at the head.
This caused David to let out another moan as he bucked his hips in her direction causing her to giggle and lap at the angry pulsing head. She was more than happy to be the one making the usually sullen man make such noises if indicated by the fervor of her actions.
“Fuck! You suck cock like a damn slut,” he groaned as she gave him a sly look before she took him back into her mouth. 
This time she hollowed her cheeks in an attempt to get as much of him in her mouth as possible to savor. It was a struggle and while she wasn’t one to give up, it seemed that David was more impatient than he let on as his hand shot forward and found a tight grip in her hair. 
Her muffled gasp of surprise was cut short when he began to force her forward on his cock setting the vicious pace himself as he slid down her throat causing her to gag noisily. Yet she didn’t pull away as he cut off her airflow only looking up at him with red rimmed doe eyes that were wet before letting out an enthusiastic,
Agreeing happily to his statement as he began to fuck her mouth. Doing her best to widen her mouth and breathe through her nose she relaxed her throat causing him to slip further down. And the moan he let out as he began to thrust his hips forward while pulling her towards him in tandem had her stomach clenching and pussy throbbing.
She had to say, she quite liked when he was riled up this way. Hair disheveled, full of annoyance and downright rough with her, that she wasn’t surprised one bit when she snaked a hand down into her underwear and found herself completely soaked. Her nimble fingers brushed over her clit lightly causing her to groan, sending those vibrations straight to the older man’s cock as he continued to fuck her face without pause. 
He honestly had great stamina, she thought absentmindedly as she rubbed tight circles against herself causing more moans and sighs to leave her lips. The movements were not missed by David who let out a humorless chuckle as his eyes spotted her fingers in between her legs. 
“Sucking cock got..ugh..got that greedy pussy of yours…fuck…wet huh?” He asked only pausing his movements for a moment to let her get her answer out. Though his cock still sat heavy in between her lips.
“Mhmh yeshh.” She tried to answer around his cock only able to garble out her response before he began anew with his assault. 
Saliva and cum dribbled from the corner of her mouth as he buried himself down her throat again all while her fingers danced against her sensitive clit before finding their way to her soaking lips. With one push her digits easily slipped inside of her and the lewd whine she made as she fucked herself on her hand had caused his cock to throb even more at the sight and sound of her.
This noisy symphony of theirs went on for a bit, both of them too high on adrenaline and pleasure to care as they only had one goal in mind. His cock was borderline suffocating her each time he stuffed himself down her throat yet she only whined when he pulled out completely from her mouth.
She would give chase like a hungry kitten wanting milk. Going to suck and kiss it before it was filling her mouth again with the salty tang of his precum that was leaking profusely and the sound of his chuckle filling her senses. He could be as devious as she was and it somehow made her wetter which she didn’t think was possible. All this while her fingers filled her pussy that was aching for something bigger to hit the spot that was crying for attention as she felt herself close to the edge yet not having enough to go over.
An irritated whimper of his name left her lips the moment he pulled away again and a bemused look blanketed his expression.
“Oh what’s that?” He drawled, wiping the sweat from his brow as he went to grab her jaw. He hooked his thumb on her bottom lip causing her to lean down just a little to suck on the digit. Tongue swirling around it like it was his cock, which at that moment pulsed at her little action, she tried to muster up an innocent look. Well as much as one could in the position she was in. “Fingers ain’t good enough for you? Need somethin’ else?”
“Mhmm,” she mumbled, her fingers still thrusting shallowly inside of her warm channel as he removed his thumb from her lip only to replace it with the tip of him. “Need your cock, please Dave just fuck me I need it.” Her little plea was met with him pushing himself just barely past her lips and again she sucked the warm flesh without complaint in hopes that if she did good enough he would oblige her.
“You need it huh? And here I thought I was the one that was supposed to be getting paid back,” he groaned as her tongue teased the sensitive slit of the tip dipping into it and lapping the salty liquid up.  
Pulling away from him she threw one more pathetic looked at him, and with her red rimmed eyes courtesy of him fucking her throat she truly looked pitiful. Though the words coming out of her lips were anything but.
“Mmm please!” She whined wanting to feel that familiar burn and stretch that her fingers couldn’t give her no matter how hard she had tried. “I’ll make it good I promise,” she begged as she pulled away only to hoist herself up to her spread knees. 
Fingers slipping out of her with a slick noise she continued stroking herself while looking at David with lidded eyes. Biting her bottom lip and lightly fondling her breast with her free hand in an attempt to look seductive in all her dishevelment she let out a breathy whine.
“Please detective please teach me a lesson,” she sighed breathlessly, looking him up and down, admiring how good he looked with his thick strong thighs that she had fantasized about being bent over on many times. 
His slight belly that had dark hair trailing down to his cock that stood erect and heavy. Dark hair that had begun to grey on the edges and amber eyes that were darkened by lust as he watched the show she was putting on for him. He was fucking gorgeous. And a gorgeous man like him deserved to have a warm and willing body writhing underneath him until he had his fill and was filling them up.
“I want you so bad, please you can do anything to me,” her voice soft yet her eyes alight as he made a move towards her and she knew she had him. “Just want you to fuck and come in me as much as you want I promise I’ll be good. Please?”
He had heard enough and lucky for her no sooner had she gotten those words out the David was on her with incredible speed that had her squealing in surprise.
“Dave!” She squeaked as he turned her around with such force that she was disoriented as he spun her around and pushed her face down on the bed. 
Pulling her soaked underwear off and tossing it to the side, he knocked her hand away from her folds that glistened with her arousal before he replaced the hand with his cock. Tapping the tip at her entrance, she let out a clipped whine before he slid into her with zero resistance and a very loud broken moan from them both.
“Oh fuck oh shit yes!” [Y/n] slurred as David’s hips were pressed closely against hers as he held her still for a moment groaning loudly at the wet heat that enveloped him greedily.
“Fuck [Y/n]!” David hissed as her cunt squeezed and sucked him in as he began to viciously and quickly snap his hips against her backside causing her to slide further into the mattress with an incoherent cry. “Gonna come all in this tight little cunt,” he groaned as he pulled her towards him while thrusting, causing his cock to bully the rough area inside her that had her crying and begging.
Desperate little chants of ‘fuck me,’ and ‘please,’ left her lips as she clawed at the sheets and let him abuse her aching pussy that fluttered the moment he began talking about filing her with his cum. He felt it of course and couldn’t help but let out a broken chuckle as he began to thrust faster leaning over her body and causing his cock to slider deeper into her channel.
The action had her shattering as a sharp wail was ripped from her lips just as he ripped an equally world shattering orgasm from her trembling body. Her pussy bared down on him trying to force his cock out with the sheer intensity of her climax but he only continued his assault on her.
“That’s it,” he moaned still thrusting into her regardless of the over stimulation he was causing her shaking form as juices began to leak all over his cock. Her little cries fell on deaf ears as he sped up, “that’s my little slut…fuck…that’s it, that’s it…mmmh..[Y/n]!” 
Her name left his lips before it transformed into a loud and elongated pleasured groan. He snapped his hips one final time before he was stilling against her body as he shot his seed into her coating her insides. The warmth spreading in [Y/n]’s body had her whimpering and burying her face into the blankets as she felt his arms wrap around her waist and hold her tight as they both tried to catch their breath. 
Had she thought he was done with her, she was thankfully wrong as while he had come, his cock hadn’t softened only meaning that he had another round in him. It didn’t take much before he was thrusting into her again with his body on top of hers like a weighted blanket. This time everything was much slower and less in a rush as they had been but just as good as he explored her even more. 
His fingers pinched and pulled at her nipples massaging the nubs that had her a moaning and drooling mess as his thrusts while slow were powerful. One hand then found its way to her clit and before she knew it she was clamping down on him once more as she spasmed around him once again. She came with a muted cry as her eyes fluttered closed and she writhed underneath him. 
A few more thrusts and he was releasing into her already filled body but she couldn’t stop the noisy pleasured moan that fell from her lips when he laid on top of her. His cock softened yet still plugged her messy pussy full of him while his weight rested on top of her keeping her pinned down. 
God did she love this. Was the only thought in her mind as her eyes fluttered closed while taking in the moment her body buzzing and still high on from her multiple orgasms.
Heavy breathing filled the room along with nosy groans as they lay unmoving for what seemed like hours. And only when her bones began to ache and the warmth of his seed began to cool and dry did she make a move to signal to him that she needed to get up.  
A low groan filled her ear as he slipped out of her causing her to hiss quietly as remnants of their transaction spilled out of her.  Without a word or question, she tiredly dragged herself off the bed and waddled toward the ensuite bathroom to clean herself up only stopping halfway there before turning 
“Dave~” His name came out in a sing-song manner that had him opening his eyes even though he hadn't realized he had closed them 
She stood there naked only with her bra on that somehow managed to survive the encounter and he could see the remnants of his seed leaking down her thighs in the dim light of the room. Had he been younger, he probably be hard again though he did feel his cock twitch once again and he wanted to glare at it for giving him away.
Noticing this, [Y/n] just grinned mischievously as she gave him one last showing before she went to clean herself. Fingers dipping down her body she swiped at her opening collecting the mixture of their arousal before bringing it up to her lips and sucking the digits with an exaggerated sound of delight.
His breath caught and a groan that was between one of annoyance and one of woefully hidden desire slipped from him and he could see how her eyes lit up at the sound.  Giving her fingers one last suck and one more obvious swirl of her tongue, she popped the digits out her mouth cheekily purring,
“See, told you it be worth your while, detective.” Before she disappeared into the bathroom closing the door behind her.
God was she a fucking menace. But from the way his cock twitched as blood began to flow back to it because of her little show, he was sure he was even worse.
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When he returned to the office a few days later, there was a case folder sitting on his desk with the name: Broussard written on it in all uppercase. Letting out a grunt as his memories replayed the meeting between him and [Y/n], he had to quickly shake it off not wanting to be fired for public indecency as he felt himself stir in his pants. 
Sitting down he opened the file to review it and the thing that caught his eye was the cause of death and findings. Crime scene investigators had found soot buildup in all of the chimneys in the house (or what remained) after figuring out that the bedroom chimney was the source of the fire. With that in mind, they had inferred that the soot obstructed the smoke from leaving and ended up suffocating the couple before causing a fire to break out.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he muttered to himself tossing the file down and leaning back against the chair. 
Huh, apparently she hadn’t been just teasing about the chimney soot.
A/N: EHEHEH I hope you lovelies enjoyed that nice warming up! ❤❤❤
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midnitestory · 5 months
Ghost Trick
Code Name: Sissel the Phantom Detective
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedure: SCP-XXX and its owner are located at Site-12, and are provided with necessary accommodation. SCP-XXX receives specialized treatment for its abilities and physical condition. The living area comprises anti-spectral material to prevent SCP-XXX from escaping via telephone lines.
Description: SCP-XXX (Sissel) is a male black domestic cat (Felis catus) currently owned by ██████ and her family. SCP-XXXX displays human intelligence in problem-solving and communication but cannot comprehend human objects or the ability to read.
SCP-XXX has displayed physical and abstract anomalous powers, a physical trait being immortality. According to its owner, SCP-XXX is ten years old despite being a juvenile cat. This physical trait is due to the pieces of the Temsik meteor lodged to SCP-XXXX during its kitten age.
In terms of abstract powers, one of the most significant powers of SCP-XXX is what it calls a 'ghost trick'. By possessing inanimate objects, it can operate and control them. It can do so by moving its soul to the object's core. There, SCP-XXX can perform 'tricks', AKA manipulating the movements of the objects, usually for quick navigation to another core.
SCP-XXX can also communicate with deceased individuals as long as the person's consciousness is still responsive during death. SCP-XXX would perform its influential ability, which is to rewind time. It can only rewind time to 4 minutes before the person's homicide, where SCP-XXX can prevent the person's murder or other tragedy.
The Foundation discover SCP-XXX while investigating the meteor crash site at Temsik Park after detecting a unique anomalous radiation. When a deceased individual is near the radiation, they become conscious and gain ghost trick abilities.
When questioned about the incident, the rookie detective, ████, retold the events of when she was a child. She was a hostage of [DATA EXPUNGED], where strange occurrences occurred, which saved Lynn in the process. According to ████, SCP-XXX was present during the incident who incidentally died and received fragments of the meteorite.
Because of its problem-solving skills, abilities and continued cooperation, SCP-XXX will participate as a member of the Mobile Task Force Alpha 9 ‘Last Hopes’.
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kk095 · 1 year
The Drive By
Adriana Torrez was a 22 year old Latina with a fiery, outgoing personality. She stood at 5’2 with a pleasantly plump build, had dark curly hair, brown eyes, a naturally tan complexion, and colorful tattoo sleeves up and down both arms. Adriana was always a little rebellious and had the tendency to hang out with a rougher crowd.
A few nights ago, Adriana was hanging out at a friend’s apartment with a few people. It was her, her friend Crystal, a guy Diego who was a drug dealer in the neighborhood, and a guy Jay who’s gang affiliated. The group was just hanging out in the living room of the first floor apartment drinking, smoking weed, and listening to music. Out the living room window, a black SUV pulls up, kind of idling in front of the apartment. “who the hell’s that?” crystal asks. Suddenly, the back passenger side window of the SUV lowers, and out is an Uzi sub machine gun. The gunman sprays a few quick bursts into the apartment through the living room window. Diego is struck twice in the head before he even has a chance to react, dropping dead to the floor. Adriana unfortunately gets caught up in the crossfire, being struck twice in the chest, and once in the left shoulder, collapsing to the floor bleeding profusely. Jay pulls his gun from a drawer in the living room table and heads outside attempting to confront the shooter, but the SUV had already sped off into the night. “oh my God, oh my God! Adriana?!” crystal shouted, on the verge of tears. Adriana laid on the floor, gurgling on her own blood while bleeding out. Adriana had a terrified look in her eyes, but couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. “jay! We gotta call 911!” crystal shouted in a panicked tone. “no no no, fuck that. I got weed and guns in here. I don’t want the cops coming!” Jay protested. “her and Diego got fuckin shot! Come on bro!” crystal cried out. “naw, fuck this shit. I’m outta here.” Jay said, grabbing his car keys and heading out the door, heading to God knows where. Crystal decided to call 911 on her cell phone once Jay left.
“911, what is your emergency?” a female dispatcher’s voice asked. “Help! Help! There’s been a shooting at my friend’s apartment! You gotta hurry!!!” crystal shouted into the phone, practically on the verge of tears. “what is the location of your emergency?” the dispatcher asks in response. “I don’t know! It’s the apartment complex off conway boulevard near the liquor store. You gotta hurry! My friend’s dying!” crystal yelled into the phone, sobbing at this point. “alright ma’am, I have police and EMS en route. Please remain on the line for me.” The 911 operator replied.
In a few minutes, officer Natalie was first on scene. She entered the residence with her gun drawn. “hey! Over here! Help!!!” crystal shouted. Natalie put her gun back in her holster and headed over. “I have 2 victims. One deceased male Hispanic, early 20s, one Hispanic female early 20s, multiple gsw’s. Requesting EMS and homicide on scene.” Natalie said into her radio. “10-4. EMS is already en route. We’ll reach out to homicide.” A male voice on the radio replied to officer Natalie. “hi sweetie, I’m officer Natalie. Can you tell me who did this?” Natalie asks Adriana. The terrified girl gurgles on her own blood, spitting some up, with tears rolling down her face. “I… I don’t know. There was a black truck outside…” Adriana replied to officer Natalie. “great job sweetie, that’s really helpful. Do you know whose truck it is? Have you seen it before?” Natalie replied, holding the mortally wounded young lady’s hand. “I don’t know… I’m so scared…” Adriana replied, squeezing the officer’s hand tightly. “it’s ok sweetie, I have help on the way. The ambulance is gonna be here soon.” Officer Natalie says, trying to keep the girl calm. “What’s your name hunny?” Natalie asks the girl, trying to keep her calm. “adriana…” she replies. “I’m Natalie. I wish we met under different circumstances sweetie.” Natalie says back to the young lady, still holding her hand.
Finally, medics Tracy and Stephanie show up. “whoa, what happened here?” Stephanie asks, looking at the hectic scene. “drive by shooting. Guy over there didn’t make it, coroner and homicide are coming. But this is Adriana. She got hit a couple times and needs some attention.” Officer Natalie tells the two medics. “pleaee… don’t go anywhere… I’m scared…” Adriana says to officer Natalie. “it’s gonna be ok, I’m not gonna go anywhere.” The cop tells Adriana. “is she gonna be ok?!” crystal shouts, standing in the background. “she’s in good hands. I’m sure they’ve seen worse before.” Officer Natalie replies.
Tracy and Stephanie snip off Adriana’s top and bra, examining the bullet trajectory. “all 3 rounds have entry and exit wounds. Went clean through her.” Medic Tracy says. “yeah, tons of blood loss. Let’s get an IV set up and get her going on fluids and pain meds.” Medic Stephanie replied. With that said, IVs were set up in both arms, with fluid resuscitation commencing immediately, along with a dose of pain meds. Tracy stuck some EKG electrodes onto Adriana’s bare, blood soaked chest and set up the heart monitor while Stephanie removed Adriana’s pants, socks, and pair of Jordans she was wearing. “vitals unstable. BP 60/palp, heart rate’s 140, O2 saturation 91%. We gotta get her to the ER ASAP.” Tracy said. Tracy and Stephanie got Adriana onto a gurney, and brought her out of the living room, wheeling her into the ambulance nearby. Officer Natalie was allowed to come into the ambulance with Adriana since homicide and the coroner’s office arrived on scene to begin their investigation, talk to crystal, and take Diego’s body.
The heart monitors beeped loud and fast during the ambulance ride, with no sign of improvement in Adriana’s vital signs. “natalie… am I gonna die?...” Adriana asked the cop, tears running down her face. “it’s all gonna be ok, I promise.” Natalie replied calmly, trying to reassure the girl. “it hurts so much…” Adriana replied, spitting up more blood. “I know sweetie. It’s all gonna be ok.” Natalie replies, holding the girls hand, while stroking her hair with the other hand.
Adriana remained conscious the entire way to the hospital, and was wheeled into the trauma bay where Dr Lindsay, Dr Jose, nurse Nancy, and nurse Heather waited. “22 year old female, multiple GSWs to the chest and shoulder. Hypotensive, tachy, started fluids on scene.” Medic Tracy summarized to the trauma team. “ok thank you, let’s transfer her on my count. 1..23!” Dr Lindsay ordered. Adriana was now on the trauma room table underneath the large, bright overhead light. Officer Natalie and the two medics were asked to wait behind the yellow line in the trauma room so the doctors and nurses could have space to work. “natalie?... You there?...” a terrified Adriana asked. “I’m just over here. They want me to wait here while they work, ok?” the cop replies.
“Diminished breath sounds left side.” Dr Jose calls out after listening to Adriana’s heart and lungs with his steth. “alright, she probably needs a chest tube. Let’s get that set up. And let’s get her started on the MTP. 4 units packed RBCs unmatched, 2 of platelets, 2 of plasma.” Dr Lindsay barked out, taking charge of the stressful situation. “doctor… am I gonna die?...” a terrified Adriana asks Dr Lindsay. “you’re in good hands, ok?” Lindsay replied, not exactly reassuring the young lady. Jose begins placing the chest tube on the left side. Adriana yelps at the top of her lungs, several octaves above her normal speaking voice, feeling the scalpel’s every move, and the large plastic tube being jammed into such a small space. Blood shot out of the chest tube and onto Dr Jose’s trauma gown. Her oxygen saturation improved, but her vitals did not. “please… I’m so scared… I don’t wanna die…” Adriana begged the trauma team after the brutal, painful procedure was finished up.
Not too long after the chest tube was placed, Adriana began to deteriorate rapidly. She spit up more blood, and her eyes started to roll back into her head. “adriana? Stay with us hun.” Nurse Nancy said, doing a sternal rub. Adriana groaned, her eyes opening slightly in response as she fought with everything she had left to remain conscious. Adriana’s eyes were open slightly, letting out a calm exhale followed by a bit of blood before fading away. “I lost a pulse.” Nurse Heather called out, her blue eyes trained on the heart monitor to confirm. “starting compressions.” Nurse Nancy stated to the team. The veteran nurse delivered deep, strong, forceful compressions while nurse Heather grabbed an intubation tray. Officer Natalie was still watching behind the yellow line in the trauma room, absolutely sick to her stomach watching the young lady receive cpr. With CPR ongoing, Heather begins sliding the ET tube into Adriana’s airway while her head bobbed and lolled a bit, making it a bit of a moving target. Heather had to really concentrate, which was easier said than done in the chaotic situation of monitors chirping, CPR ongoing, and people shouting. Finally, Heather gets the tube in, and secures it with a blue tube holder. “I’m in!” she says confidently, then starts ambu bagging. PEA was on the monitors, so epi and atropine were injected intravenously in an attempt to obtain a shockable rhythm. Adriana’s eyes remained half open, staring blankly off to the room as her bare, busty chest is rocked with harsh compressions.
Several minutes of unsuccessful resuscitation efforts and another dose of meds are pushed, but PEA persisted. “thoracotomy tray. I’m gonna open her up.” Dr Lindsay called out decisively. Betadine was squirted into Adriana’s bare chest, with an incision being made no more than a second after the brownish-orange liquid hit her skin. Dr Lindsay made a quick, crude incision in the 5th intercostal space starting just shy of the sternum. The cut was extended laterally across her chest, underneath her large, plump breast, and ending just shy of her left armpit. In the coming moments, Dr Lindsay did her thing and cracked Adriana’s chest wide open.
There was a large rush of blood that exited the incision area upon entry to the chest cavity. The area was suctioned out multiple times, and a vascular clamp was placed on the descending aorta near the girl’s diaphragm. Lindsay performed a quick pericardiotomy and relieved a massive cardiac tamponade with clots that were able to be suctioned out. At that point, Adriana’s heart began to fibrillate. The internal paddles were charged to 20, lowered into her chest, and a shock was delivered. A dull, wet thump was heard. From Natalie and the medics’ position, you could see Adriana’s toes curl, showing off the deep, thick, soft wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 7 feet. “Nothing. Charging to 30.” Dr Lindsay called out. The electric whining of the paddles charging could be heard, followed by a wet ka-thunk. “no change, charging again to 30.” Dr Lindsay called out, eyes trained on the heart monitor for a moment. The large, spoon shaped paddles were lowered back into Adriana’s chest around her twitching heart, and a shock was delivered. Her torso jolted a bit and her large, d cup breasts jiggled for a moment. “still nothing. Let’s hit her again at 40.” Dr Lindsay called out, shaking her head. The paddles were lowered back in, and a shock was delivered. Adriana’s torso twitched sharply in response to the dose of electricity, while her eyes remained half open, staring upwards in an expressionless gaze. Dr Lindsay reached her hands back into Adriana’s chest, firmly wrapped her hands around the dying girl’s heart, and began vigorously massaging it. Another dose of meds were injected intravenously, hoping to stimulate cardiac activity.
A few cycles of internal massage and meds failed to restore spontaneous circulation, so the internal paddles were recharged and called for once again. The blood soaked paddles were lowered back in, and another shock was delivered. “no change. Shocking again at 40.” Lindsay called out, lowering the paddles back in as the electric whining sound was heard. The same dull, wet thump was heard, but the high pitched droning of the monitors going flat was heard almost instantaneously after the shock. Lindsay looked down and saw the girls heart sitting completely motionless and still inside her chest. “pupils fixed and dilated.” Dr Jose added, shining a pen light into Adriana’s eyes. Lindsay sighed, “she’s gone. Time of death, 1:36am.”
The ambu bag was detached from the ET tube and the flatlined monitors were shut off. Nurse Nancy gently shut Adriana’s eyes for the final time. “no! She’s young! Come on, shock her again!” officer Natalie shouts at the team, on the verge of tears. “nat…come on…” medic Stephanie says discretely, putting her hand on the cop’s shoulder. “she can’t be gone! She was talking to me on the way over!” Natalie cried out, trying to plead with Lindsay. “I’m sorry Natalie, but she’s gone. We did the best we could, but she lost so much blood in such a short timespan.” Lindsay replied, trying to be sympathetic towards the upset cop. “then give her more blood! Do something!” Natalie yelled, tears rolling down her face. “nat, I’m sorry. We all did our best.” Lindsay replied. Natalie collapses to the ground and cries “no…”
The drive by shooting of Diego Ortega and Adriana Torrez is still under investigation. Detectives still don’t have any leads on the whereabouts of the black SUV, or the location of Jay. If you have any information critical to this case, please reach out to the authorities. We also would like to keep the family and friends of the victims in our thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.
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beastkeeper91 · 8 months
(My Hazbinsona)
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[True Name]
• Matthew
• Matt
• The Crimson Ripper (Alias)
• The Fear Demon (Title)
• Maniac Matt (By his bullies)
• Sweetie, My little cupcake (By Charlie)
• Matty, Squirt, Little Nerd (By Cherri)
• Pipsqueak, Twerp, Loony Boy, Sparky, Kid, Dork (By Angel)
• Kid (By Husk)
• Kiddo, Sweetheart, Mijho (By Vaggie)
• Little Rascal, My Dear Boy, Sport (By Alastor)
• Youngman (Sir Pentious)
• Bloodthirsty Brat (By Vox)
• Blazing Inferno, Goat Boy, Homicidal Maniac (By Velvette)
• Psychotic Prick, Troublesome Little Shit (By Valentino)
• Darling (By Rosie)
• Little Fella (By Mimzy)
• Forsaken Child, Filthy Brat (By Lute)
• Fucking Dweeb (By Adam)
• Human (Formerly).
• Sinner Demon.
• 18.
• Male.
• Pansexual.
[Date of Birth]
• September 14th, 2003.
[Date of Death]
• August 5th, 2022.
• Wrath and Gluttony.
[Cause of Death]
•Smoke suffocation.
• Animals, Murder, Torture, Killing those who he deemed "guilty", The Color Red, Fire, His adoptive parents, His Friends, Pain, His stuffed bear "Teddy", Marijuana, Pizza, Sweets, Video Games, Reading, Listening to Music, Drawing, Snuff Films, Vintage Antiques, History, Halloween, Mythology, Sci-Fi, Horror, Cooking, Helping Others, Swimming.
• Loud Noises, Crowded Areas, Summer, Hardcore Drugs, Hardcore Parties, Alcohol, Gambling, Someone taking his things without permission, Innocent people getting hurt, His friends & family getting hurt, Bigots, Animal Cruelty, Bullies, Pedos, Rapists, Perverts, Pornography, Needles, Angel Dust's Pranks and Insults, The Vees, Katie Killjoy, The Exorcists, Adam & Lute, Heaven's Hypocrisy.
• Charlie
• Vaggie
• Angel Dust (Sometimes)
• Husk (Sometimes)
• Alastor (Sometimes)
• Sir Pentious
• Egg Bois
• Niffty
• Rosie (acquainted)
• Zestial (acquainted)
• Carmilla Carmine (acquainted)
• Cherri Bomb (Sometimes)
• Emily
• Teddy (His stuffed bear)
• Kodak (OC)
• Giggles (OC)
• Viscera (OC)
• Adam
• Lute
• Velvette
• Valentino
• Vox
• Mimzy
• Katie Killjoy
• Helsa Von Eldritch
• Seviathan Von Eldritch
• Viscera (OC)
• Melanie (Mom)
• Joseph (Grandpa; Deceased)
• Charlie & Vaggie (Adoptive Parents)
•Kind Hearted, Respectful, Polite, Generous, Protective, Sensitive, Enthusiastic, Sympathetic, Friendly, Anxious, Psychotic, Sadistic, Homicidal, Obsessive.
[Physical Description]
• Normal Form: An average and short body with light-grey skin and forty tallymark scars, curly desert sand-colored hair along with two black horns, red eyes with a white sclera, including a third eye, black-hoofed feet, and distinguished fangs that stick out from his lips.
• Full Demon Form: A slender and tall body with red glowing tallymarks all-over,dark flaming hair with black elongated horns, elongated fingers and limbs with the legs being bended back, elongated claws, a long prehensile tail, a red eye located on his chest, black spike protrusions on his body, fully red eyes with a black pupil, and a wide mouth having complete rows of vicous sharp teeth.
• 5"11 (Normal Form)
• 10"11 (Full Demon Form)
• Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
• Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Schizophrenia
• Pyromania
• High School Student (Formerly).
• Serial Killer (Formerly).
• Asylum Patient (Formerly).
• Hazbin Hotel Resident.
• Oakwood, Washington (Birth Home, Formerly)
• Spring Valley, Arkansas (Formerly)
• Pentagram City, 9th Circle, Hell (Currently)
• Intellect, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Lock Picking, Weapon Proficiency, Murder Intuition, Torture Intuition, Cooking, Singing, Demonic Transformation, Hypnosis Immunity, Weapon Summoning, Typhokinesis, Hallucikinesis, Night Vision, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Strength, Hypnosis, Pyrokineses, Zoolingualism, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Fire Breath.
• Due to his ADHD, it's hard for him to stay focused when using some of his powers. He would easily get distracted by something he either finds interesting, adorable, or unique.
• When creating illusions, it'll slowly drain him due to the need for concentration in order to create them.
• There were times where he couldn't control his full demonic form due to either panic attacks or uncomfortable rage. To prevent this, however, whenever there were signs of him transforming, he would take cannabinoids to keep him calm.
[Other/ Fun Facts]
• Whenever in a conversation he'll sometimes bring up references and facts.
• He has a lot of favorite animals in hell, though his most favorite are Dragons.
• Despite his murderous intentions and psychotic behavior, he's actually very genuine and kind once you get to know him better.
• His teddy bear acts both as a comfort item and as a memory of his mom back in the living world.
• Has a knack for bringing in animals and collecting antiques.
• Whenever he teleports, creates illusions, and manipulate or generates smoke. The color of the smoke will be Black & Red.
• Most of the overlords, except for the Vees, developed respect for him due to how powerful he is, which they'd never seen before, not since Alastor.
• His stuffed bear is sentient, meaning he can walk, eat, and understand people. Though he can't talk, he does make cute bear cub noises.
• Matthew was a very good person in his early life. He was considered to be the sweetest, kindest, and most compassionate young man anyone has ever met, but that was before he moved to Spring Valley, Arkansas, which is one of the worst towns in America. There he became a target of bullying and prejudice to the point where he would get badly assaulted, harassed, and abused every day at school or in town for being both autistic and pansexual, but then one day he finally snapped and started killing not only his tormentors, but those he deemed "Guilty". From October 31st, 2021, to May 13th, 2022, he killed, butchered, tortured, and mutilated a total of 200 people and was later arrested and sentenced to "Spring Valley Sanatorium," where he would spend the rest of his life, but that was until a horrific fire happened in August, which killed half of the patients and staff, including Matthew. When he manifested in Hell, he arrived in the "Doomsday District" of Pentagram City where he stayed in for about a year till he saw a news report about a place called "The Happy Hotel" for those seeking redemption, but that wouldn't be the only thing he would find there, as it'll also be where he will start a new life and, possibly, a new family.
(Note: Might Edit once the show progresses.)
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atlas-hephaestus · 4 months
Some Grimmsnarl headcanons :3
Grimmsnarls are highly intelligent creatures, they use their superior sense of smell to find food, they are opportunistic eaters meaning they’ll eat things like carcasses if they can’t find any food in their territory.
When it’s cold out, multiple Grimmsnarls will huddle up in a tight spot like a corner for warmth, they use their heat and hair as insulation, these “knots” or “clumps” can also include Morgrems and Impidimps that have no shelter from the cold.
A group of Grimmsnarl is called a “knot”, referring to their hair covered bodies
Grimmsnarls can show affection in many ways, they’ll rub up against you, they kiss by licking either your hand or face depending on how much they trust you, they can hug you (be cautious when letting one hug you since their grips can be very strong)
Wild Grimmsnarls live in dens and other similar spaces, a den mostly consists of a pair of male and female Grimmsnarls, mating pairs stay with each other for life
Some behaviour of Grimmsnarls is reminiscent of cats, they groom themselves, their mates and their young, as a result of this they sometimes cough up hairballs, they purr when they feel content or happy
Some Grimmsnarls communicate by vocalizations while others are capable of speech
Grimmsnarl mothers are incredibly protective and loving towards their young, baby Grimmsnarls are called “pups” or “puppies” a Grimmsnarl’s lifespan extends 500 years or more, an average Grimmsnarl litter contains 1-6 pups
Grimmsnarl mothers use their sheddings similar to how birds use down for nesting material
Grimmsnarl sheddings can be used to create clothing like fur coats, fur boots etc
There’s different breeds of Grimmsnarl, normal (wild), show/beauty, ensnarement/catch assist, battle/labour and alpha which are Titus and Aphrodite, and Atlas since he’s their offspring
Most show Grimmsnarls are shinies with hair that almost glows, the gem in their chest may be brighter and shinier than a normal Grimmsnarl’s gem
Grimmsnarls are very loyal towards their owners, they’ll do anything to ensure the safety of their trainers, they are also very affectionate
Here’s a age chart for Grimmsnarls
1-2 = newborn
2-15 = baby
15-30 = toddler
30-70 = preteen
70-100 = teenage
100-380 = adult
380-500+ = elder
A Grimmsnarl’s hair needs to be properly maintained to ensure its healthiness and effectiveness in battle, a Grimmsnarl must be bathed at least once a day with shampoo and conditioner that has little to no harsh chemicals, their hair must be brushed three times a day
So called ‘Glimwood Imps’ love shiny objects, if you ever anger a Morgrem or Grimmsnarl, get something shiny and toss it aside, they get distracted easily.
Grimmsnarls clean their young with their tongues, like a mother cat cleaning her kittens.
Half shiny Grimmsnarls are a common amongst trainers who look for beauty in their Pokémon, their unique hair and skin patterns are sought after as well
Chimerism is almost 50% guaranteed if one parent is normal and the other is a shiny
Morgrems have a very rare chance of being born with fully functional wings, each winged Morgrem has a unique and distinct pattern on their wings
There’s an obscure breed of Grimmsnarl that only exists through a royal bloodline of sorts and that’s the alphas, Titus and Aphrodite are the current alphas, Atlas is known as the young Prince
A Grimmsnarl has been located as far as the shores of Alola, she’s the only documented Grimmsnarl on the islands and considered the only native Alolan Grimmsnarl since she was born and raised there by a since deceased parent, she lives in a old warehouse with a gang of young wayward Ultra Beasts
A Grimmsnarl’s fur will poof up if it has been frightened
Grimmsnarls pose no direct threat to humans unless provoked, a Grimmsnarl’s claws are sharp enough to slice someone’s head clean off
Grimmsnarls will eat pretty much anything food wise, they’re omnivorous and sometimes opportunistic eaters meaning if they’re actively starving they’ll eat anything they can find
Their diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables and meats
Pixie mainly eats fruits and some raw fish every once in a while
Atlas is a little picky, he’ll eat certain things only if they’re cut up into bite sized pieces
Titus is a big meat lover, as an active hunter he brings home deers and other animals he’s hunted and makes meals for himself and the other sanctuary residents though most of its for him, he stores some of the bones he gets from his carcasses and stored them in his family den just outside of sanctuary boundaries for later since he likes to chew on them and clean off some meat he missed
Atlas likes his meat cooked, he’s afraid of getting parasites from raw meat, though a Grimmsnarl’s gut bacteria helps to mitigate the chances of any parasites doing any harm, he also meat if it’s cut up into little pieces, he hates the taste and texture of gristle and cheap $1 meat cuts
A Grimmsnarl’s stomach acid is much stronger than a human’s, some say it can burn through titanium with ease
It also makes for one hell of a heartburn, Grimmsnarls often stop eating when they have heartburn because of how uncomfortable and painful their gut feels, it can become a problem if they haven’t eaten anything for days on end, there have been some antacids made specifically for a ailing Grimmsnarl though some might refuse to take it fearing that it’ll make their heartburn worse
In winter or somewhere with cold climates, a Grimmsnarl’s hair grows to be very thick to shield them from the cold and snow, paired with their extreme sense of smell and hearing, Grimmsnarls have been used to aid in rescue teams in the arctic and after avalanches. As the seasons turn to spring and summer, the temperature starts to warm up, since they have no use for their winter fur they shed it off to make way for thinner hair that makes it easier to tolerate the hot climates, winter Grimmsnarl sheddings are highly sought after for their thickness and softness, sheddings have been used for stuffing, sewing material, a substitute for fur coats/boots and more
Titus has trouble keeping cool in the summer since his hair is naturally dense, Azimuth gives him ton of frozen treats and keeps a fan or two by his favourite resting spot in the living room
Atlas loves the heat, he can’t wait for summer when he can play outside and bask in the sun, he likes to take like naps by the pool and soak up the sun, he also takes his new buddy Masky out to sunbathe with him, he thinks she’ll grow big and beautiful if she gets lots of sunlight
Pixie also likes to sunbathe and nap in the sun, her pure white hair repels heat, the sun also reflects the sunlight off her hair which will make it appear that she’s glowing if you look at her at the right angle
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Can you please do Loona x Short Nerdy Male Reader? Like his walls are covered various collectibles and things. Thanks for your time!
Loona with a Short and Nerdy, M! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Name: Loona with a Short and Nerdy, M! S/O Characters: Loona Buckzo Requester: Anonymous
A/N: This ended up being nearly three pages long and around 950 words! I'm pretty sure this is the longest thing I've written so far, lmao. Anyways, I hope you male and gender-neutral readers love this thing with our favorite gothy-hellhound!
⚠️ TW: Swearing, mentions of murder, stillborns, miscarriages, and neonatal-deaths ⚠️
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Male-Envy-Ring-Hellborn! Reader ; How You Both Met (Seeing Stars Episode)
🐺 You were the heir of one of the most powerful families in the Envy Ring, but despite the pressure to become the perfect sadist, you were far from it
🐺 Unlike your constantly flowing stillborn/miscarriages/neonatal-death caused younger siblings, who produced from both your father and mother’s infidelities, you were far from interested in the power that comes from the corrupt system of Hell's, you were more interested in human things such as comics
🐺 When your parents were sent to the Greed Ring for a meeting with the Knolastname family leader and were found deceased mere weeks later, you decided to stay with one of your godfathers, Stolas Goetia and his wife, Stella, and daughter, Octavia
🐺 Eventually, Stolas had come to keep you in the home with his family, much to Stella’s annoyance. But, at least Octavia had someone to rant with!
🐺 The Goetia male was now dragging both you and Octavia throughout the ordeal of his and Stella's divorce, and only you and her seemed to realize just how desperate she was to see these stars in the human world
🐺 You were there when Stolas burst into the room in an anger because Octavia had gone missing with the grimoire, and seeing Stolas' and your demon forms almost made the three imps and the hellhound piss their pants in both fear and shock
🐺 Loona was not happy to be in the human world, and when you just offered her a hand and pulled her up, she saw just how you really looked. Your hair looked like it was made out of the fins of a fishes' and your skin had littered amounts of scaled
🐺 You really were from the Envy Ring, weren't you?
" Now! First things first if we're gonna do this the old fashioned way, we're gonna need disguises. "
🐺 The next thing you knew, you were staring at a humanoid Stolas and Loona while the three imps stood out like sore thumbs
🐺 Staring at Loona made you flustered and look away shyly, causing her to chuckle when she caught sight of you. You looked just as cute in this form as you did in your demon one
🐺 As you walked through this city Loona called LA, you had noticed that Moxxie and Millie had randomly disappeared while Blitzo and Stolas were kicked into a van and drove off after the head of I.M.P. gave you and Loona the order to find Octavia, making her and you flip him off
🐺 Okay, maybe this was getting out of hand…
" Hey. Ya' want one? " " Sure- uh, what're you listening to? " " Eh, the norm'. Blistering Skulls and whatnot. " " Oh! That's nice… I guess. " " Heh, you sound a lot like Stolas when he’s around my da- I mean Blitz. "
🐺 Loona and you were getting tired. You've been running around the city trying to find Octavia by her posts on Sinstagram, much to no avail, as she always was one location ahead of you all
🐺 Now you were here, at some random building that you couldn't remember the name of, but they way it looked out and onto the city reminded you of the old hellborn-comic series, Inked Blood, which had gone out years prior to your birth
🐺 Looking around slightly, you both came to see Octavia. And you looked and Loona and slightly bowed, allowing her to go in first, after all, females get females better
🐺 You just sat behind the building's large curve as Loona and the young Goetia female spoke, and your heart warmed at hearing her words. Dads really did have issues, like yours did back when he was alive…
" If he cares, where is he? " " He's somewhere down there. " " He’s here? " " Looking for you. I mean… try to cut your dad some slack. He may not always get it right, but he's trying. That's more important than you think. " " Ain't that the truth? " " Y/N? " " I agree with Loona here. Dads aren't always gonna be the best, but, despite the either minor or major flaws they have, the fact that yours is actually actively trying to connect with you before it's too late is something you need to hold dearer than now. "
🐺 Loona stared at you as you spoke, despite you looking silly wearing a demon-version of a Hatsune Miku shirt, the way you looked so lovingly and soft at the one you viewed as your sister made the hellhound flush slightly
🐺 As the smog and clouds cleared to allow the moon to shine, Loona stood and held a hand out to Octavia, making her drop the magical book into her hand as she stood and readied herself before smiling at you
🐺 All of a sudden, Octavia tackled you and Loona into a hug, making you wrap your webbed hands around the two, landing your left on Octavia's shoulder blades while your right laid on Loona's side
🐺 Why was your touch making her flustered so much?!
🐺 Seeing Stolas and Octavia finally discuss things was heartwarming for you. Now that that disgusting bitchy cunt Stella was out of the picture somewhat, they could finally connect like a father and daughter should
🐺 Looking up for a second as you stood beside Loona, you saw the fireworks that burst in the sky in multiple colors, and the sight of your eyes opening widely in admiration of the effect caused Loona to smile gently and sneak a photo of you, saving it to her camera roll in a folder she named to remember this day for a while
Y/N L/N - the best nerd i’ve ever met <3
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slcwshow · 6 months
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the gentle warmth of the rising sun. love in the form of a home-cooked meal. meeting people where they are. motes of dust in a beam of light. the comforting presence of an animal companion. deep-set laughter lines. taking your time. the smell of fresh hay. the velvet hide of a newborn calf. offering someone a taste of whatever you’re cooking. keeping the door open and leaving the light on. coming when you’re called. the unshakeable belief that people will always deserve another chance.
full name:  joshua alain bennett nickname(s)/alias(es):  josh, jay name meaning:  god is deliverance age:  thirty-six date of birth:  october 16th star sign:  libra place of birth:  pelican town, stardew valley current location:  pelican town, stardew valley gender:  cis-male pronouns:  he/him sexual orientation:  bisexual occupation:  rancher family:  thomas bennett (father), dominique bennett (mother, née alain), lisette alain (maternal grandmother), katherine ‘katie’ bennett (wife, deceased) education level:  high school graduate living arrangements:  lives by himself at sweet pea ranch loved gifts:  hashbrowns, apples, honey hated gifts:  rabbit foot, parsnips, ginger
biography. (death of a spouse tw)
Joshua was born in Stardew Valley, and had no intention of ever leaving it.
He’s a farm boy through and through - Sweet Pea Ranch is his family home, and he’s worked there since he was old enough to toddle around on his own. One of his earliest memories is of a calf being born.
Even as his childhood friends grew up and moved away, Joshua was content to keep treading water, going through the motions of small town life as naturally as breathing.
Things changed when he met Katie. She blew into town for the Stardew Valley Fair, and he was smitten with her right away.
Katie was only supposed to stay in town for a week, but a week quickly became a month, and months became a year, until it was as if she’d always been there.
After three years of dating, Joshua finally asked Katie to marry him. The ceremony was held in the Pelican Town Square, and you couldn’t’ve asked for a happier couple.
A year after Joshua and Katie got married, the couple relocated to the suburbs of Zuzu City, to be closer to Katie’s parents.
For five years, everything seemed certain. Life wasn’t easy, but it didn’t matter because they were happy - they were together. And then, with one telephone call, everything fell apart. Katie had been hit by a car as she cycled into the office she worked at, and died of her injuries en route to the hospital. Joshua didn’t get to say goodbye to her.
After Katie died, Joshua went home to his family in the Valley. He didn’t recognise himself, couldn’t make sense of his life in the city without his wife, and he couldn’t think of anything to do except go back to what he knew.
It took a long time to get back to himself, but Joshua threw himself into his work at the ranch, and as the hurt grew less, made increasing efforts to engage with the community that had always taken such good care of him.
Four years ago, Joshua’s parents left the Valley and moved south to care for his grandmother, Lisette, in her old age. He runs Sweet Pea Ranch by himself now, and he is happy… but sometimes the old farm house feels a little big for just him and his dog.
other things.
Joshua only stopped wearing his wedding ring in the last year.
He’s a big gridball guy, and proudly supports the Zuzu City Tunnellers. He was there with his dad when they won the league a few years back.
Never let this man think you’re going hungry - he will turn up on your doorstep with a bag of groceries and half a dozen foil-covered dishes, no questions asked.
All of Joshua’s cows have southern belle names (Adelaide, Beatrice, Clementine, Delia…), and his bull is called Bruce.
Work permitting, Joshua tries to speak on the phone with his family at least once a week. He also writes them frequently, and mails photos of how things are going at the ranch.
He rescued his dog, Cricket, three years ago. She’s the ranch’s only other full time employee.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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Ghosts That Are Unaware They Are Deceased
Ghosts that are unaware that they are deceased, go about their business as if they are still living. They do not understand they have passed. A great example is the movie “The Others”. The ghosts portrayed in the movie believe the living are the ghosts. Sometimes, ghosts cant see the living but instead feel their presence. This can cause stress on the ghost as well as the living and happens often when people move into the house of a recently deceased person, usually an elderly person who lived and died alone in the final years. The ghost sees the new comers as invaders, but simply talking to the ghost about their death can help them cross over.
Ghosts With Unfinished Business
Ghosts with unfinished business can linger in this world for numerous reasons. Like a father making sure his children succeed in life despite his sudden death. There are many cases involving victims of foul play unable to cross over until justice has been served. Another example would be of a recently deceased lover making sure their partner finds happiness and moves on.
Ghosts that are trapped or lost
These types of ghosts usually know they are dead, but for one reason or another cannot cross over yet. Some may fear moving on because of the person they were in life, or they fear leaving what is familiar to them. Some ghosts may be trapped in fear and held captive by another ghost or evil spirit, like in a murder-suicide haunting. Other ghosts may be trapped at a location because an evil spirit or ghost may have driven them to suicide. Dark entities feed off the fear energy of ghosts and the living. A common example of a lost ghost could be someone who died abroad and is now trying to find their way home.
Vengeful Ghosts
An example of a vengeful ghost would be if a woman was murdered by a male and now as a ghost only torments or attacks males when they are present at the haunted location.
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Don't let the TQ+ use this tradegy to raise the alarm about violence against trans people. Not only are both victim and suspect bio men the suspect was also part of the TQ+ community.
A trans-identified suspect from Iowa was criminally charged on Tuesday after being found with the dead body of murdered Minneapolis transgender activist, Liara Tsai, 35. Both the victim and suspect are trans-identifying male.
Myles "Margot" G. Lewis, 32, of New Liberty, Iowa, was arrested on Saturday around 7 am after Lewis crashed into a guardrail on I-90 near Eyota, Minnesota. Authorities discovered Tsai's dead body in Lewis's car while responding to the crash site. Tsai was located deceased on the back seat wrapped in a bed sheet, blanket, futon-style mattress, and a tarp, police said, per the Star Tribune.
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Suspect Myles "Margot" Lewis - Jail booking photos
A deputy noted that Tsai was found with a large wound to the neck near the carotid artery, and a Minneapolis police officer's report filed that evening classified Tsai's death as murder by a deadly weapon, such as a knife or "cutting instrument," according to police documents.
"It was apparent [to the deputy] that the death was not a result of the traffic crash," the complaint read.
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Victim Liara Tsai - Instagram
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Victim Liara Tsai - Instagram
Lewis was arrested at the scene of the crash and taken into custody. Lewis was charged with felony interference with a dead body on Tuesday in Olmsted County District Court and is being held on a $1 million bail.
Court documents do not state whether Lewis or another suspect killed Tsai, who worked as a techno-electronic DJ and was involved in Minneapolis transgender activism.
After authorities discovered Tsai's dead body, Minneapolis police conducted a welfare check requested by the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension at Tsai's home. Officers found a "scene indicating violence" at the victim's home, according to a police statement.
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Victim Liara Tsai - Instagram
Lewis reportedly refused to speak to investigators and jail staff after being booked. Lewis, who reportedly took a vow of silence, requested a sign language interpreter and only communicated via written message or hand signal communication.
Steven Seuling, who works at the Pourhouse in downtown Minneapolis, told police he had hired Tsai to play at his bar on Sunday but Tsai was a no-show. The victim reportedly told Seuling on Friday that a friend was coming to town to visit.
Lewis will appear back in court on July 5.
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kresnikcest · 9 months
in honour of Bisley being the Xillia 2 representation for the Shittiest Parent Poll, here's his character profile from the 20th anniversary encyclopaedia.
mtl as always, though thank you @lastthroes for suffering with me again and revising for me! (i swear there's something about the way the 20th anniversary stories are written that are just hard to understand…)
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Bisley Karsci Bakur
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Height: 192cm
Weapon: Lance
Fighting style: Unknown
Birthplace: Trigleph (Elympios)
Profession: Spirius Corporation Leader
First-person pronoun: "watashi"/"ore"
Voice Actor: Tsutomu Isobe
Elympios' Great Leader
Surrounded by wealth, fame, and a two-thousand year pedigree, he is a man who has obtained a fearless way of life.
The Strongest Fist
He keeps the strength of his Chromatus hidden from everyone, but it surpasses the powers of his sons'. A trump card of fate must be kept secret to remain a trump card.
The Blade's Edge of the Clan
His coat is decorated with buttons that appear to be a motif of swords or spears. The collar and tiepin feature the same accompanying design.
Leader of the top-most company in Elympios, the massive Spirius Corporation, and Ludger and Julius' father. Behind his immense power and influence in politics and business, he leads the agents of his company to destroy the Fractured Dimensions. His ultimate goal is to sever the fate that has bound the Kresnik clan since the time of their ancestors, for which he will even use his own biological sons, like Ludger, to obtain the Key to reach the Land of Canaan.
A Fist to Break the Rusted Curse of the Spirits
As the heir to the Bakur family name, the founding family of Spirius, the leading company that had free reign over the country, he's a man who was allowed anything since his very birth. The greatest of luxuries. The greatest of indulgences. The greatest of powers. He was surrounded by everything and anything one could want. The sole final cost was shouldering the fate of the world. The man located the "Key of Kresnik", someone who shared in his fate, to free those who inherited the Kresnik title from the unbroken shackles of the spirits that had persisted since their founder's generation.
Many believe that, be it the "Chromatus" bestowed by the Great Spirit Origin, or the "Key of Kresnik" whose power could break through the Great Spirit Chronos' hindrances, they were both privileges passed on by bloodline. For the sake of reward, several generations of blood killing blood ensued, and this foolish infighting only resulted in birth of many Divergence Catalysts and the spread of countless Fractured Dimensions. And for what benefit? They say it was a game for the spirits. As a matter of fact, the man's partner who bore his first-born son was said to have the condition of the Key of Kresnik. Lured in by fate, he involved her in the fight, and lost her as a result. Before he became conscious of that love, he confronted the fate tied to the meaning of his family's name, which was etched into his body like a curse. Offering flowers, tears of grief poured from his eyes, at the same time as curses left his mouth, as sharp as the whetted edge of a blade.
The child left behind by his deceased wife embraced rebellion and left him when he was 13. As long as the child did not neglect his duties as an agent and as a pawn, then entertaining his wishes made no difference to the man, be it to change his surname, or whatever life he spent with a foster parent as caretaker--none of it was of the man's interest. The fate/effort* commanded by blood that pulsated for 2000 years ran strong. Even if it meant sacrificing two sons who fought each other over fate, even if it meant sacrificing a granddaughter from a fractured world, the clan's dearest wish took priority over any emotion, covering up everything like pus flowing from a wound.
Despite crushing even morality and feelings beneath his feet in pursuit of his goal, in the end the man failed. The only way to overcome fate, as he had wanted, was to change the fist that punched at detested spirits into a loving embrace for family.
* = rip if either of us could figure out which definition this uses...
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amischiefofdeets · 2 months
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Researcher of the strange and mysterious, Ford dedicated his life to studying anomalous phenomena and paid the price for it. Stuck between dimensions for years in an accident, he spent years trying to get home, trying to make sure Bill could never destroy his universe. Upon returning he tried to fight Bill, ultimately being saved by his brother - the two of them now adventure together on their boat, exploring mysteries and catching up on all the things he's missed while trapped in different dimensions.
Name: Stanford Pines Nicknames: Ford, Fordsy, Six fingers Race: Human Born: Unknown Age: 63 Height: 5'7 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pan Location: All over the place Occupation: Paranormal researcher Abilities: Very intelligent, agile and strong for his age, capable with many weapons - including those from different dimensions. Reputation: Across various dimensions he's considered a criminal and a force to be reckoned with, he did whatever it took to survive and that left quite a mark. Within his family he's known as a scientific man with more heart than you'd expect, even if he struggles expressing it. Mental state: Fairly stable, occasional nightmares and possible PTSD but he handles it well.
Scars: Many littered across his body from his adventures. Tattoos: Has a hidden tattoo of a star with arms giving a double thumbs up with the text 'hey now, I'm an all star' with smaller plain stars around it. [x] Alignment: Chaotic good Goals: Protect their dimension (people he cares about especially), explore and catalogue the unknown. Hobbies: Journaling, drawing, DD&MoreD, exploring, building various machines Likes: Mysteries (as long as they're not world-ending), spending time with his family, getting time to wind down, building complex machines, math Dislikes: Bill Cipher, people being ignorant of scientific fact, being ignored at all really, sweet food Family: Stan Pines - Twin Brother Shermy Pines - Younger Brother Filbrick Pines - Father [Deceased] Unnamed niece or nephew (Mabel & Dipper's parent) Dipper Pines - Great Nephew Mabel Pines - Great Niece
#Free At Last - Set post-weirdmageddon.
After Stan's heroic act saved the town, it took some time to get things back to normal - or as normal as things could get in Gravity Falls. However, Ford can't stay still for long, he grows too restless and figures what better way to reconnect with his brother than to do the trip of a lifetime they've always dreamed of? The two of them now travel the world, mostly by boat. Their time is spent looking into mysteries and stopping any threats that might be arising to threaten the world again.
#World's End - Set from his return to Gravity falls to the end of Weirdmageddon.
After years stuck traversing the various dimensions looking for home, he's finally offered a chance to return thanks to Stan turning the portal back on. Unfortunately that means Bill Cipher has a way to get into their dimension. The rift eventually breaks, the end of the world comes and he's stuck encased in gold until Bill needs answers from him. Which is where the torture begins.
#In The Rift - Set during his time stuck in different dimensions.
This verse is perfect for crossovers, just Ford traversing various dimensions on his quest to get home.
#New Arrival - Set just as he arrives in Gravity Falls the first time.
Intent on exploring anomalous things, he goes to Gravity Falls due to it being a natural pocket of countless phenomena. He spends his time exploring, noting down unique things he finds in his journals.
#Combing Beaches - Set during his childhood
Young Ford spends most of his time exploring with his twin brother, as long as he's not busy studying that is! Generally he's a regular curious kid, if a little brighter than most, though he often faces bullying for his six-fingered hands.
Main tag - Headcanons - Ask tag  Likes - Aesthetics - Musings - Wardrobe
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Meet the employee’s
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Name: Sarge
Info: Fought in World War II hence his nickname he no longer knows his real name anyone who did is now deceased. Sarge is the only generation one besides a phone at the other location that can swear. DO NOT GIVE UTENSILS HE WILL FIND A WAY TO HURT SOMEONE (Specifically Grif).
Age: 74
Gender: Male
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Name’s: Grif & Simmons
Info: These two are practically the same person with a few differences. We know these two were dating before the accident and they continue to now. These two are gen two models who are rumored to only remember eachother. Do not try to separate we have tried they will scream untill reunited.
Grif: 21
Simmons: 20
Grif: Male
Simmons: Trans Masc. 
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Name: Donut
Info: The youngest of the crew but not by much Donut is the only generation One and remembers most of his life except how he died as it was so traumatic he blocks it out. Freddy’s was Donut’s first job and would be his last before he died. Donut is his real name oddly enough and he seems to have a close relationship with Doc. WARNING you will find glitter for days after meeting him.
Age: 20
Gender: Male?
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Name: Doc (O'Malley)
Info: Doc also known as O’Malley doesn’t actually work here he is from the other location but he is convinced he is more than one person. Doc was present when Grif and Simmons died and seems to know how they died something neither of them remember. He was sent to this location to make sure nothing goes wrong but. WARNING with him around everything that can go wrong will go wrong.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
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Name: Lopez
Info: Lopez is a vacuum that's just it. He only speaks in Morse code and belongs to Sarge specifically
Gender: Male
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