zoe-oneesama · 8 months
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Every party needs a pooper that’s why they invited you~
Episode 49 Part 6 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission
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itisin · 7 months
We have been CHEATED
While rewatching the Miraculous show- at season 2 episode frightningale, I realized, that we deserved a better dancing fight sequence of ladynoir than what we got- something like The Owl House- Grom night, for example...
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I demand justice😭😭😭
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itsawritblr · 7 months
Gabriel grants Andre Bourgeois' wish.
Keep in mind Hawk Moth is Gabriel, and in canon he's known Andre and Audrey since he was a poor unknown designer living in "a dismal cramped apartment" until Audrey discovered him.
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So when he akumatizes Andre he knows exactly what the man's been putting up with, and how he once went from his dream of being a movie director to Mayor of Paris -- which may have been Audrey's ambition for him, not his for himself.
When Andre transforms he's everything he isn't in normal life: Buff, commanding, wielding absolute authority, and receiving adulation from his daughter and his wife.
Notice Chloe is delighted that her father wants her to stay and she's not akumatized. She wants her father's love and to be with him in Paris. She even calls the idea "excellent," though with hesitation, as if she knows this is too good to be true.
Gabriel/Hawk Moth is actually giving the Bourgeois family a gift: to be a happy family.
Also we get to see what a saint of tolerance Adrien is. He's just too squeaky clean for my taste.
I miss when MLB's writing was this nuanced and interesting.
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minoudrien · 8 months
malediktator was so real for making chat noir act like a real cat. more villains should do that to him i think
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flightfoot · 3 months
This is the same anon as before, the one who brought up the unusual value system of Miraculous Ladybug. I took a break, but now I'm back to watching the show, and I'm on the episode "Malediktator", the one where Adrien says he's disappointed in Marinette for being happy that Chloe's leaving. Again, the miscommunication is because Marinette's being judged on her "motive" instead of her behavior; she has every right to want her tormentor to leave, but "taking pleasure in it" is a "selfish motive".
That does seem accurate, yeah.
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miraculous-prompts · 7 months
Grab a dictionary, flip to a random page and point, use that word to create a scene using Shadybug, Furious Fu, Aeon as Simpleman, Malediktator, and Marc
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ziananami · 9 months
André Bourgeois
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buggachat · 1 year
it was always kind of a weird, fun fact that Kim was like the only miraculous holder that was never chosen by Ladybug (Fu chose him, not her). and... now.... well........... yeah............
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abittersweetraisin · 1 year
Whenever i talk in favor of Chloé there have always been people telling me how she did nothing to deserve the miraculous, that she doesn't deserve a redemption, that she never showed any signs of wanting to be better. I don't agree and in this post i go in detail on why.
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Since day one they've written her as a horrible person and I've never denied that. But i do say that there have been more than just signs of her being written as someone who could be better. I'm just not being blinded by hate. Let's recap some episodes... I'll try to be as brief as possible.
-Despair bear. How many of us know someone stinking rich? Maybe just from the distance? Do you really think that rich people allows their employees to talk to them the way Chloe's butler talked to her in that episode? Sure, when Chloé felt humiliated she yelled at him, but that doesn't take away that she had allowed him to get emotionally close to her. He knew her, what she had lived and how she felt. And she listened to him.
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People say that her effort in this episode doesn't count because she only did it because it was convenient for her. She cared about Adrien. Even then it shows good in her. She cared about him. Adrien. Not his money, not his position, not his fame. This goes against what the writers forced on her later on season 3 finale when they said she only loved herself. - Zombizou. Oh, i love this one. People saying that she only apologized to Miss Bustier because of Chat Noir and Ladybug were there. Apologized only so she could get her miraculous again. Look at her facial expressions:
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She even felt self conscious when she noticed Ladybug and Chat Noir watching them. And that wasn't an act. The character's acting is supervised by the show's director. Look how the show portrays when someone is lying, here is Lila in Protection:
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And it's more than just the visuals. Go watch the episodes, listen to the music. Chloé apology do was sincere. I've also been asked "Then why didn't she apologize to Marinette?" Well, a truly shoehorned redemption arc would had her changing just like that, from one moment to the next. It feels more natural if it happens little by little, step by step.
-Malediktator. Last week i showed a video of Marinette choosing to trust Chloé with her miraculous. Let's now take a look at this scene:
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Again, look at her facial expressions. She dreamed of being a hero along side Ladybug. She was so into the moment that she almost slammed against the chimney. She admired Ladybug. She wanted to be her. That was shown since season 1:
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Again, more than once i've been told she only wanted the spotlight and Queen Wasp is brought as the source for that. Have we forgotten the Queen Wasp episode or are we choosing not to see what happened back then? Audrey couldn't even remember her daughter's name. She was praising Marinette, offering her the opportunity of a life time. Offering to take her to New York with her, when she hadn't even taken her own daughter with her. May the first stone be cast by whoever wouldn't truly feel jealous and hurt by something like that. Chloé had tears in her eyes. Audrey said the only exceptional thing about Chloé was being her daughter. Chloé replied (and i quote): "I'll show you how exceptional i can be!". It was then that she transformed into Queen Bee for the first time and it was after that that she did the thing where she put the train in danger so she could be the hero to save everyone. Wrong, yes. But again, this was a character that was just beginning a redemption journey. She didn't want fame, she was looking for her mother's love.
-Miraculer. Come on... How can people say she didn't try to be better? She was being offered power and she rejected that.
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Yes, later she embraced the akumas, but till before season three's finale she had been written differently. That was a character that could truly become a good person. That didn't happen not because she didn't have the potential, but because the writers didn't allow that to happen. Let's not forget she's a fictional character. I mean, in Lilo and Stitch. Stich was genetically designed to want to destroy everything and even for a character like him there was redemption. It comes down to whether the writers want to write that path for a character or not.
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Then Mayura tried again, she offered her the chance to retain the bee miraculous. If Chloé had truly only wanted the spotlight she could had accepted the offer. She wanted to be a hero and this time not to impress her mother. Not because she wanted the attention from the media. Come on, she's super rich. If she only wanted to be famous she could have easily made that happen. This scene was a huge mistake from the writers and they tried to patch it up with Miracle Queen episode:
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They knew they were going to keep handing the same miraculous to same people. Alya has been even trusted with the Ladybug miraculous twice! So, of course they had to write the Miracle Queen episode to say "Look, she's bad, she can't be trusted." I don't know how much of the fandom didn't like that, so what did they do: "Chloé hate campaign" all along season 4. And now what they're giving us for season 5. And all this,... Why? For what? To represent people who will never change? That's an excuse and season 2 and most of season 3 are proof of that.
If after this recap you still think that she was never written trying to be better,... I'm sorry, but it would be that you don't want to see it, not that it wasn't there.
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thethiefinwhite · 7 months
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I wanted to draw a cute pic of Adrien with his childhood bestie. :)
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stripesandblossoms · 1 year
Marinette is a literal fucking saint who has never done anything wrong in her life
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itsawritblr · 7 months
More Chloe bitching from me.
Not about Chloe, but about what the writers did to Chloe.
In Season 2's "Malediktator" Audrey actually wants to make Chloe happy. She makes demands of her husband on her behalf.
After Season 2 the new writers and Astruc hated Chloe so much they turned her into an insufferable monster, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Both her parents hated her, as if they weren't the reason she was a terrible person.
The Bourgeois family was so much more interesting when they were complex. But complex characters requite complex writing, and after MLB's creators decided they wanted multiple universes and for Gabriel to be an insane MCU villain all the writing went to shit.
Chloe, Audrey, and Andre deserved better.
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kittygirl346 · 7 months
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This is the future mayor Chloé Bourgeois wants!!! Cat boys in captivity!!
Adult Chloe sketch inspired by Malediktator where chat acts like a real cat and is owned by the Bourgeois family
This is dumb . Lol.
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weirdgirl92 · 4 months
You know, after rewatching the “Queen’s Battle” trilogy, I can’t even be mad at Marinette for tricking Audrey to bond with Chloe over their horribleness at the end of “Queen Wasp”. Sure, she did end up further enabling Chloe’s more toxic behavior (until midway into “Malediktator”), but keep in mind, this was Season 2 Marinette. She hasn’t been exposed to a lot of toxic parents like Audrey before, and she still knew very little about Adrien’s home life with Gabriel at that time (which kinda makes sense, given that this was only the 2nd season).
If anything, I’m mad at the writers for never following up on that mistake Marinette made at the end of “Queen Wasp”, given that they never had any intention of redeeming Audrey.
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Write a fic about Juleka saving Dragon!Marlena and Armand as Malediktator from an ambush
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