#Marlena Cesaire
zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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Coming up with all this formal wear was also a lot of fun.
Main Cast Class Agreste Employees Adults 1 Grande Paris Friends and Employees Adults 2
Ko-fi | Patreon
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Members of the Cesaire family that appear at the beginning of the story. We never get too deep into the character of Marlena but hopefully people will like the direction taken here. 🫧🧑‍🍳
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faunusroman · 9 months
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Happy holidays, @miraculousmongoose! I'm your @mlsecretsanta this year! I drew Alya and her family, featuring the original five heroes!
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miraculous-prompts · 5 months
Take ML, the last video game you watched someone play and the last video game you played and smash them together to make a crossover AU featuring Rooster!Emilie, Andre and Marlena
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awholelotofladybug · 2 months
The Agreste Family Barbecue potluck continues. Now it’s time for Alya and her family to contribute. So with Marlena being a gourmet chef, would she try her hand at barbecue sides, or do something simple?
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plumsaffron · 5 months
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Ugh Fandom/Viewer Mob Mentality
They Wildin
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Tom and Sabine hang out with some of the other parents. 16/25 of Fanfic Wars (2023)
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Miraculous AU - Chapter 27 - Motherly Love
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Chat returned to his house as he slipped in through the window of his bathroom.
            “Plagg, claws in.”
            Plagg emerged from the ring and transformed Chat back.
            Adrien headed out of the bathroom as he heard a knock on his door. Plagg hid in his nightstand.
            “Come in.”
            Nathalie stepped in the room. “Good, you’re back. Your father has been waiting. I’ll escort you to his office.”
            Adrien nodded and followed Nathalie. “So, is this really about what I wanted for my birthday? You sure it wasn’t something else?”
            Nathalie looked back with a brow raised. “Do you doubt me?”
            “No! I mean, is it too much to ask for? A day off?”
            “Apparently it is. I hope you have something else in mind.”
            “Actually, I’m… not going to budge, this time.”
            Nathalie’s eyes widened. She smiled to herself as they arrived at Gabriel’s office. She knocked on the door. They waited until Gabriel gave the word to enter. Once inside, Adrien moved into the center of the office. Nathalie turned to leave.
            “Stay, Nathalie,” Gabriel commanded.
            “Yes sir.” Nathalie closed the door and stood in front of it. She moved her free hand behind her back and crossed her fingers.
            Gabriel got up from his chair and moved to stand in front of Adrien. “We need to discuss your choice in birthday presents, Adrien. Why would you ask for a day off?”
            Adrien held his hands behind his back. “I just wanted a day to relax without any of the schedules. It’s been rather stressful these past few weeks and I haven’t had a chance to really take it all in.”
            “What do you have to be stressed about? Nothing has changed in your life.”
            “The monster attacks?”
            “How is that any of your concern? I understand that storm, but no other monster came close to hurting you.”
            “There was the stone golem thing at the school.”
            “And that thing is exactly why you’re here where you’re safe.”
            “And why I know you’d never let me leave the house as a present.”
            “Absolutely not!”
            “Then may I have a day off?”
            “Why not anything else? We are running a business with deadlines that must be met. One day is too much.”
            “Please, this is all I want.”
            “Nonsense. There’s always something else.”
            “Father, there isn’t. All I want is a day off. Nothing more.”
            Gabriel clenched his jaw. “I want you to think of something else. I won’t approve of this ridiculous request. Do you understand?”
            Adrien didn’t answer.
            “Do you understand?”
            Adrien sucked in a breath. “My mind won’t change.”
            Gabriel’s eye twitched. “Nathalie, escort my son back to his room. I want you to assist him in picking something practical for his birthday instead of this nonsense.”
            Nathalie bowed her head. “Yes sir. Come along, Adrien.”
            Adrien left and with Nathalie. They walked in silence until they returned to Adrien’s room. Once the door was shut, Adrien turned to Nathalie.
            “Why is he like this? Is it really too much to ask for this?”
            Nathalie adjusted her glasses as she took a seat on the couch. “It’s not, but this is just how your father is. It’s how he’s always been. Come take a seat, Adrien.”
            “I’m not changing my mind, Nathalie. I don’t want anything else. Well, I do, but I won’t get it anyway.”
            Plagg emerged from the nightstand. “So, the talk didn’t go well?”
            “When does it ever? Why should I even bother with him if he’s not going to listen?”
            “Adrien, please, take a seat.”
            Adrien sighed and sat on the couch.
            “Duusu, Plagg. Will one of you keep watch?”
            Duusu crawled out from Nathalie’s suit jacket. “Leave it to me, Precious. I wouldn’t trust that cat with anything.”
            Duusu stuck his tongue out at Plagg before he vanished into the Unseen.
            Plagg bristled and laid out on Adrien’s shoulder.
            “Now then. If you want to really get under Gabriel’s skin and prove your point, you’ll need to kick up the rebelliousness. Disobey him, give him attitude, that kind of stuff.”
            “Won’t that get me in trouble?”
            “Oh, it will, but what do you have to lose?”
            Adrien opened his mouth, then shut it. Plagg snorted and laughed.
            “What’s so funny?” Adrien asked.
            “She got you. You really have nothing left to lose. Well, nothing he knows about that is. You’re basically a princess trapped in a tower. Y’know, just like earlier.”
            Nathalie raised a brow. “What happened earlier?”
            “Oh, you should have seen it! Adrien here got put under a sleeping spell, then got himself kidnapped by a dragon.”
            Adrien pursed his lips as he blushed. He grabbed Plagg and put his hand over Plagg’s mouth. “I don’t know how you know all this, but not another word.”
            Plagg smirked and phased through Adrien’s hands. “And he had to rescued just like those fairytale princesses.”
            Adrien growled and lunged at Plagg. Plagg moved up higher out of Adrien’s reach.
            “And then he was waken up by Ladybug’s kiss. The kiss of true love, or whatever.”
            “Plagg, claws out.”
            “No fair!” Plagg yelled as he disappeared into the ring and transformed Adrien.
            Chat sighed and slid from his seat onto the floor. “Why didn’t I do that sooner?”
            “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
            Chat leaned on the couch and crossed his arms. “There’s not much to talk about.”
            “Not even about Ladybug?”
            Chat buried his face in his hands. “Nathalie, what am I going to do?”
            “That depends on the context.”
            “I’m going to be seeing her tonight before training. We’re going to talk.”
            “Our feelings for each other.”
            “Is that all?”
            Chat’s cat eyes flicked, and his tail lashed. “Is that all? Nathalie, I don’t know how I feel. I just know there’s been feelings and I don’t understand any of them. It could be love, or it could be something else. Regardless, the only thing I do know is that what I feel for her, as Ladybug and Marinette, is different than the other people I’ve come to call friend.”
            Nathalie leaned on the arm of the couch. “Then, you’re in luck. We’ve got a few hours before dinner. Let’s discuss this.”
            Chat’s ears and tail perked up. “Really?”
            “I can’t think of a better time. Better than trying to convince you to pick a birthday gift that will satisfy your father.”
            “What will you tell him then?”
            “That you seem to be hitting your rebellious phase and wouldn’t budge on the matter. And that I spent three hours trying to reason with you.”
            Chat smiled. “Thank you.”
            “Of course. Now, let’s talk.”
            Alya climbed the stairs to her apartment. She placed Fang on her shoulder.
            “That was fun. I haven’t done that in ages.”
            “Yeah? Was it something you did a lot?”
            “Not as much as Kaalki. It’s easier for her after all, being a horse. People tend to get a tad freaked out when they see a giant wolf charging about.”
            “I can imagine.” Alya pointed to herself.
            “What are we going to do about this anyway?”
            “Well, apparently this is just like the tale of Beauty and the Beast, so I just need to find someone who’d fall in love with a beast.”
            “Does it have to be romantic? If so, that feels like it’d take a while.”
            “I hope not. But I know it needs to be stronger than just platonic love. Otherwise, Marinette’s love should have turned me back.”
            “Maybe your family?”
            Alya considered, then smiled. “The twins.”
            “Oh, good idea.”
            Alya hurried inside. She ran to the twin’s room but stopped dead when she heard a shriek. She turned to see Nora staring at her.
            “Hey there, Nora. How’re you?”
            Nora’s shocked expression twisted into rage. “Are you kidding me? What the hell happened to you this time?”
            “I might have gotten cursed?”
            “Great! So now what? You gonna be a wolf monster all your life?”
            “No. Just until someone who loves me breaks the curse. And clearly that won’t be you.”
            “If you’re looking for the twins, they aren’t here.”
            Alya’s ears flicked. “I see. When will they be home?”
            Nora shrugged. “Hard to say. Mom took them grocery shopping.”
            “Ah. Then, let me know when they get back.” Alya moved towards her room, but Nora stood in the way.
            “I don’t think so, little sis. You’re not getting out of this so easily.”
            Alya crossed her arms. “Get out of what? A pointless lecture?”
            Nora smirked. She pulled out her phone and called ‘Stringbean.’ Alya grimaced. That was her nickname for Nino.
            “Don’t use him against me.”
            Nora held up a finger as Nino picked up. Nora turned the phone’s front camera towards Alya. Nino shrieked when he saw Alya’s beastly form.
            “Alya? What happened?”
            Alya bristled. “What the fuck do you care?”
            “Now, Alya, don’t be that way. You know Stringbean still cares about you.”
            “Is that what we’re calling it? Being overprotective and overbearing over your ex-girlfriend?”
            “You’re still my friend, Alya. Doesn’t that count for something?”
            “Friend? Then why don’t you treat your other friends this way? Why is it only me?”
            Nino frowned as he rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re special. I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you. Not like my mother. But you know this. Why are you acting like you don’t already know this?”
            “First of all, you can go fuck yourself. Second, if I’m so damn special, why don’t you trust me. You did once. What happened to that? Or did your trust go when your mother did?”
            “Why can’t you understand the danger you’re in? Why can’t you see you can get killed? You almost did once! And now look at you.”
            “See? Stringbean gets it. It doesn’t matter how ‘safe’ you claim to be, you’ve put yourself into dangerous situations. Why? What’s worth your life?”
            Alya barred her teeth. “My friends. My family! Everyone I care about! I fight to protect you all. Even you fucking assholes and your fucking guilt trips! Why won’t you trust me with this?”
            “Because you have no right to be fighting. No business to be risking your life. What if something were to happen to you? What would we do then? Do you even care?”
            “Do you even love us, Alya? I mean, if you did, you’d stop all this foolishness.”
            Alya’s jaw dropped. Tears stung her eyes. “How could you? How could either of you say that? How could you accuse me of that? Don’t you trust me? Trust that I know what I’m doing?”
            Nora moved the camera and looked at Nino. They shared a look, then shook their heads.
            “Alya, face it. You don’t always know what is right.”
            Alya snarled. Tears fell from her eyes. “You know what? Fuck you both!”
            “Can it, Nino. I don’t fucking need you anymore. I want you out of my life for good you worthless, inconsiderate, hypocritical, paranoid son of a bitch! And Nora, you can fuck off! You need to accept that I don’t need your protection and that I can protect myself. Until then, I’m done. With both of you. Fang, let’s hunt!”
            Fang disappeared into the chain ring bracelet as Alya ran for the balcony. She transformed into Louve as she stepped onto the balcony. She jumped onto the nearby buildings and used Trail. She focused on her mother and sisters. Once she had their trail, she ran to them. She found them in the parking lot of one of the stores as they finished packing the car. She landed and dashed to her mother.
            Marlena turned when she heard Ella and Etta call out Alya’s name. Her eyes widened as Alya as Louve dashed towards her in the form of a wolf. Louve embraced her and cried.
            “Alya? What’s wrong? What happened? Why are you more of a wolf than usual?”
            “Yeah. And can we play? Please?” Ella asked.
            “Girls, can you get in the car, please?”
            “But Alya is sad. She’s never sad,” Etta said.
            “Nora. Nino,” Louve said between sobs.
            Marlena sighed. “Say no more, I already understand.”
            “We don’t!” The twins yelled in unison.
            “Girls. Car, now. Or we won’t get ice cream.”
            The twins gasped and rushed into the car.
            “Thank goodness. Now, are you okay? They didn’t say anything too terrible, did they?”
            Louve took a step back. “Why don’t they trust me? Why do they worry? Why can’t they be like you and Dad?”
            “I can’t answer all your questions, but I know they do it out of love.”
            Louve snorted. “They have a funny way of showing it.”
            Marlena smiled and wiped away Alya’s tears. “I know, but I’ll speak with Nora again. I can’t do much about Nino, but I will make sure she doesn’t pull this stunt again. Especially if she wants a free place to stay.”
            Louve’s ears flicked. “I think I went too far this time. I told him I wanted him out of my life. I don’t really, but I don’t know.”
            Marlena hugged Louve. “Maybe it’s for the best. He’s gotten worse these past few weeks and it’s not fair to you. I know you still love him and hope for something between you two again, but perhaps it’s time to let go.”
            “I’m afraid to. What if I lose my friend?”
            “Sometimes we have to let go of those we once loved. It’s always difficult but can be the best thing. I know Nino is a good boy, but what he’s doing to you isn’t fair to you. I know he’s dealing with a lot, but you shouldn’t have to be his punching bag.”
            “What should I do?”
            “Start with some distance. Don’t talk with him, hang out, or anything. If he pushes, you may have to block him.”
            “Should I just do that now? Save that bit of trouble.”
            “If that’s what you want to do.”
            Louve sighed and looked at the ground.
            Marlena smiled. “Hey, join us for ice cream. You know what I say, right?”
            “Ice cream and chocolate is the cure for sorrow,” Louve and Marlena said together.
            “Sounds wonderful.”
            “Then get in the car. We wait too long, and the twins will tear each other apart.”
            Louve laughed. Marlena brushed Louve’s bangs and kissed her forehead. Marlena left to get in the car. Golden light surrounded Louve and she transformed back into a human. She gasped when she saw her reflection in a car window.
            “Fang, let’s rest.”
            Fang emerged from the bracelet and Louve transformed back. They got in the car in the passenger seat. Fang flew to the backseat with the girls and transformed into a wolf. The twins squealed as they pet Fang. Alya hugged Marlena.
            “Thank you. For everything.”
            Marlena hugged Alya. “I’m always here for you, Alya. What you’re doing is terrifying, but I’m here. Now, who’s ready for ice cream?”
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years
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Happy International Chef Day!
Whether you cook for yourself, your family, or a wide range of people as a profession, we appreciate your cooking skills!
What is a food you’ve seen in Miraculous that you’d really like to try? Let us know!
Graphic by Bee <3
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silentmagi · 2 years
(Cheng-Forger Connection AU) Sabine Cheng and Yor Forger and Nadja Chamack and Marlena Cesaire - The Mothers' Club
While the children spend time with their fathers, the mothers get together for tea and gossip. Okay, enough joking, it was to train unarmed combat skills uninterrupted by kids, it had been years since they'd all gotten together after all, not since they went on assignment.
Time to tease their cute little kohai.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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thenadnerb02 · 1 year
As a Miraculous Ladybug fan who just finished binging Fringe, I find it interesting that both shows have a pair of related girls named Ella and Etta (Alya’s sisters in the former, Olivia’s niece and daughter in the latter).
I know that in real life, the entire Césaire family is named after musicians so it must be just a coincidence, but in-universe I’m picturing Alya’s parents watching Fringe when it airs and then they name their twins after the Dunham girls ‘cause why not?
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trashyangelic · 1 year
Oooh I have a good prompt if anyone wanna try it. The tags says it all.
Nino had finally realize that Lila has been lying to him about a DJ. So he apologize to Marinette but also breaking up with Alya after finding out from Rose, Juleka, and Alix that they had witness Alya bullying Marinette. Rose, Juleka, and Alix had already apologize to Marinette.
Lila thought of bullying Chloe Bourgeois with Alya Cesaire. What they don't know won't hurt them if both of them land a single hand on Chloe she can tell this to her father who is the Mayor to get both of their parents fired on spot. While Lila still blames Marinette for something she didn't do except being Chloe's new best friend and protective.
Adrien, Luka, Kagami, Chloe, Rose, Juleka, and Alix knows that Marinette is Ladybug due to them having their miraculouses to be keep safety in case of another akuma is available or not. It took Adrien a couple hours to figure out that Ladybug is Marinette due to Chloe showing him pictures on her phone to see they look the same.
Chloe also found out that Felix who is Adrien's cousin has been dating Marinette since middle school is what Nino had told her since she didn't know after what happen in Middle School when she got sick of a flu she missed alot of whats going on.
While Marlena finds out herself after her boss fired her for what her daughter had done to Chloe after asking what she did but the Mayor told her that her daughter bullied his daughter. This made Marlena very angry towards her daughter Alya for this mess.
As for Mrs. Rossi well her job was fired due to her boss and the Mayor itself after telling the head ambassador what was going on. Then Mrs. Rossi recieved a message from both her boss and the Mayor saying that she is fired. She was confused but when she asked what she did wrong the Mayor shown the video clip thanks to Marinette to show her that her daughter was involved of bullying his daughter. She looked absolutely livid and willing to ground her daughter for this mess. But she is accepting lawsuits from many people despite of how much trouble her daughter was in right now they are in thick ice with Paris and between Italy.
You can do whatever you want on Alya and Lila at the end.
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howhow326 · 1 year
Half Tamaranean Alya Au
(Just a silly idea I had after seeing aus with half Kryptonian Marinette)
So after Alya's parents had Nora they went on a year's long relationship break (no divorce, but definitely considering it) and they were both seeing other people during this time so no hard feelings.
Then one day Marlena (Alya's mom) met this really mysterious guy at a bar who was saying stuff like "I'm the king of an alien planet that's being invaded" but Marlena was too drunk out of her mind to process that and the next day she thought it was a fever dream lol
Marlena eventually gets back together with Otis and gets pregnant... a bit faster than normal. Marlena still thinks it's Otis child until Alya is born with flaming red hair and emerald green eyes. She thinks it might ruin her marriage, but Otis assures her that Alya is his daughter now and nothing will come between them anymore (needed to shoehorn in my supportive husband agenda)
Alya's parents still think she's human until Alya's 4th birthday where she starts flying and shooting fire from her hands. Yeah. She almost burns their house down. Marlena also realizes that her OnS partner was real and actually an alien prince.
The expirence freaks Alya out and she voluntarily swears off using her powers. She eventually starts dying her hair brown and wearing hazel contacts to seem more normal. Of course, this breaks her parents hearts because screw fantasy parents that do the Frozen shitw.
Deep down, Alya does wish to learn how to use her powers and become a superhero. She starts doing tons of research on superheros all around the globe (superman is her favorite) and starts a superhero blog. Her parents and siblings encourage this side of Alya, but they never push her to use her powers until she feels she is ready.
The Cesaire's move to France where Alya becomes best friends with Marinette. Marinette is the first person outside of Alya's family that she trusts with her super secret. Oh, I guess Alya also tells knock-knees, I mean Nino, her secret to when he boyfriend traps I mean dates Alya. Marinette's not a half alien in this au but the idea of the two of them being half aliens and then finding each other is so slay
Alya eventually does a DNA test with the hope that her alien dad *might* have taken one... and she gets a match. STARFIRE FROM THE TEEN TITANS IS HER HALF SISTER!!! (Stars dad is a cheating ass slut). The two immediately hook up and it's just a nice day. Alya gets to reconnect with her Tamaranean heritage and Starfire goes from having one sister that hates her to 4 sisters that love her! And parents that won't sell her into slavery!!
Anyway, Raven tells Nino that she will give him a fate worst than death if he doesn't treat Alya like the queen she is.
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Who else is on that list? Genuinely curious as to who hasn't been akumatized yet?
Let's see! Characters who have appeared that have surprisingly not been Akumatized!
Mireille Caquet
Alim Kubdel
Marlena Cesaire
Prince Ali(or at least his bodyguard)
The art teacher I'm forgetting the name of
The other Vincent (the one at Adrien's photoshoots, not the stalker)
Like all the NY Heroes tbh.
Socqueline and also Giselle are also on the list, but they've only been in a single season so I'm giving them a break. So if they're not Akumatized in Season 6 they're on the list proper.)
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miraculous-prompts · 1 month
Take ML, your favorite movie and the last video game you played and smash them together to make a crossover AU featuring Max, Marlena as Volpina and Colt
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awholelotofladybug · 3 months
Stammering Adrien AU: Adrien when meeting his classmates’ parents: Marinette’s parents, Alya’s parents, Juleka’s mother, Mylene’s dad, Alix’s dad, Max’s mother, Sabrina’s father, and Kagami’s mother, and how would they react to him being incredibly shy and his stuttering.
The Dupain-Chengs
Tom: So you're this Adrien I've heard so much about.
Adrien: *gulp* Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes, sir...
Sabine: *sees Adrien shaking* Adrien, sweetie, are you okay?
Adrien: No... I-I-I mean Yes! Wait, no! I mean... I mean...!
Tom: Adrien, kiddo, take it easy. I take it you're nervous, huh?
Adrien: *shrinks into his seat* Yes...
Sabine: Oh honey, don't be nervous. This is a safe place.
Tom: Safe as safe can be.
Adrien: O-Okay...
Tom: *has an idea* You know, you're awfully thin. A growing boy like you can use some freshly-baked croissants.
Adrien: *immediately perks up* Croissants? Yes, p-p-please!
Tom: There's the ticket. Wait right here. The latest batch should be ready. *goes to get them*
The Cesaires
Marlena: You seem nervous, Adrien. Is everything alright?
Adrien: *peeking behind one of his textbooks* I-I-I'm... I'm...
Alya: He's a little shy.
Otis: Aw, don't worry, son. Hey, you ever been to the zoo?
Adrien: A-A-A few t-t-times...
Otis: Well, I work there. I'm a zookeeper.
Adrien: Really? S-S-So you get to be around the animals all day?
Otis: Pretty much.
Adrien: Cool!
Marlena: *to Alya* Let's go whip up some lunch while they chat.
Alya: Works for me, as long as I get first dibs.
Marlena: Don't you always?
Anarka: Juleka tells me you're a bit of a land-lubber.
Adrien: Huh?
Juleka: *blushing* Mom! Can you please tone down the pirate speech?! I said he was shy!
Anarka: What's he have to be shy about? It's not like that stutter of his is a secret anymore.
Adrien: W-W-Well, I...
Anarka: You're among friends here, lad. No need to be nervous. Now, since it's almost lunch, why don't we try to put some meat on those bones of yours? We're having fish 'n chips
Adrien: Oh, is that what that s-s-smell is? I love fish.
Fred: So, you seem awfully shy, son.
Adrien: S-S-S-Sorry...
Fred: Oh, and you stammer too?
Adrien: *very self-conscious* Sorry...
Fred: No, no, no. Don't be sorry, son. There's nothing to be sorry for. You know, I was a lot like you when I was your age.
Adrien: You... You were?
Fred: Oh yeah. I was hopelessly timid when I was a boy. Would you like to hear?
Adrien: Uh... S-S-Sure. I'd love to.
*Fred proceeds to tell Adrien about his youth while Mylene makes them tea*
Alim: You seem right at home here in the museum, Adrien.
Adrien: This stuff is p-p-p-pretty neat, Mr. Kubdel. *accidentally bumps into a vase* Oh no!
Alim: Oh dear! *catches it* Phew, that was a close one.
Adrien: I'm s-s-s-s... I'm s-s-s-sorry, Mr. Kubdel! I-I-I-It was an accident, I swear! I'll just leave b-b-before I break anything else...
Alim: Adrien, calm down, it's okay. It's just an Athenian vase. And you didn't break it. *holds up the vase* See? No cracks other than what was already there.
Adrien: *hyperventilating*
Alim: Oh dear... *gets a paper bag from his jacket* Adrien, here. Take this, and breathe.
Adrien: *starts breathing into the bag* How... *panting* How did you know I needed paper bags?
Alim: I asked your mother. She and I are old friends, you know.
Adrien: Really?
Alim: Absolutely. *pats his back* Why don't I buy you a soft drink and tell you a story or two?
Adrien: O-Okay.
Roger: You feeling okay, today, Adrien?
Adrien: Y-Yes, Officer Raincomprix, s-sir.
Roger: Adrien, I told you, you don't have to call me "officer." Just call me "Mr. Raincomprix," or even just "Roger." I've known you since you were 6.
Adrien: O-Okay...
Roger: You seem tense. *suspicious* Did anybody give you trouble today?
Adrien: Huh? Oh! N-No, sir. No trouble. Not today.
Roger: Good. But if they do, let me know. It's my job to keep everyone safe, and that includes you.
As for Adrien meeting Tomoe for the first time... Here you go.
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