#Mallozzi’s series
zaighumdaha · 6 months
Mickela Mallozzi To Co-Host Dublin St. Patrick’s Day Parade Telecast
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Mickela Mallozzi, host of the public TV series Read more
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judgeverse · 2 years
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Joseph Mallozzi confirmed on Twitter "Amazon definitely planning a new series". we'll see what the future holds
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noybusiness · 2 years
Dark Matter Fanfic Prompts
These are the prompts I have for Dark Matter fanfics. The first one comes from a friend and the others are my own imaginings. If you use one of the prompts listed here, please come back and put a link to your fic in a note or reblog so that we can check it out. Please note that more than one person can do their own version of any of these prompts and in fact I encourage it; the more the merrier. If you think of a way to combine any of them, that's okay, too.
And of course, if you have prompts of your own you can post them in a note or reblog.
* The one that I'd most like to see realized comes from a user on Tumblr called RavenMcbainMonkeymouse who asked me to shop it around because she doesn't feel she can write conversations well (the working title she gave it was "Mind Games"). Instead of killing Jace Corso, the crew capture him and use One's neural imprint on him (either from when they took Transfer Transit in "Episode 8" or a later upload they discover in the ship's computer). Either replacing his own memories or giving him both sets. And what happens after that (identity issues!). I'd really like to see this realized.
* During their conversation in the hotel in "Welcome to Your New Home", One and/or Six either get a vision of what is going to happen or are snapped back in time to that moment. If One gets a vision that includes all of Seasons 2 and 3, then he should be impressed by Three's character development.
* Inspired by the fact that the crew weren't told which of them was the traitor in the Season 1 finale until shortly before that last scene was filmed, a series of AU vignettes where One (and/or Corso posing as One), Two, Three, Four, Five and the Android each turned out to be the traitor instead of Six. Could be from the perspective of the betrayed or the traitor.
* One of the crew wishes for One and Three to be polite to each other, which is magically granted with hilarious results such as being stuck because each insists on holding the door open for the other to go first.
* An AU where Marcus Boone's life is different because his parents were never killed.
* AU for the pilot where the Raza crew don't recover their last plotted destination (the mining colony) right away or find their Wanted Files in the ship's log, and thus are untethered in the galaxy with even less idea who they are than in canon.
* An accident or head trauma causes One to regress to Derrick Moss before his wife died and he infiltrated the Raza, so he has to learn about her death all over again and is understandably freaked out to be surrounded by infamous criminals and told he's part of their crew.
* When Two laid claim to Alternate Portia's jacket at the end of "Stuff to Steal, People to Kill", there was a spy fly on it that now secretly flies around the ship and relays audio and video of our crew's doings to the alternate crew (that's why Portia didn't put up much of a fuss about the jacket). Could be played for laughs.
* Something that incorporates the sentence "One and Five shrieked. Two and Four reached for their weapons. Three and Six did both."
* The Android throws the crew a surprise birthday party on the anniversary of their awakening. Half of them shouldn't even know their birthday birthdays anyway. Since it was her awakening, too, perhaps she'd even wipe her own memory of doing the planning after it was all set up, so that she could be surprised as well. Preferably in an AU where One wasn't killed off or he's head of CoreLactic again. This came to me because Alternate Wexler said in Season 3 that it had been a month since his counterpart died in Season 1, and Mallozzi confirmed that this is accurate and relatively little time passes between episodes, so it occurred to me that their birthday hadn't passed yet. (A user I gave this prompt to a while ago has used it in a fic on AO3, but as I said, the more the merrier.)
* What each of the crew's original selves was dreaming about at the moment that the amnesia hit them in stasis. This occurred to me because of a scene cut from "We Were Family" where the Android asked Four about when he first started dreaming, because people without memories to process can't dream. That and the pilot episode script saying we start by focusing in on One in his pod oblivious to his surroundings, and Five explaining in Season 3 that when someone is in stasis their digital consciousness is uploaded to keep their mind active, which is how she saved Sarah.
* The crew realize that Five (per another cut scene from "We Were Family") has a crush on Devon, and the guys mess with him by doing the inevitable big brother "if you ever hurt her" speech thing. Two eyerolls at them and acts like she's exasperated with their behavior.. but then turns around and makes the scariest threat yet.
* Two puts off an annoyingly helpful salesperson in a shop on a space station by pointing to One and Three across the shop and saying her friends are a married couple ("You can tell they're married by the way they argue.") shopping for their little girl and they could really use the salesperson's assistance much more than she could. One and Three are unable to get a word in edgewise return to the Raza laden with bags of little girl's clothing ("Don't. Ask.")
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timotey · 1 year
There's going to be another Stargate series on Amazon!
Me: YAY! 🥳🥳🥳
Wright and Mallozzi are working on it.
Can't these two just finally go away and never, ever, EVER touch anything Stargate related ever again? I hate them with the power of thousand suns and I will never, ever, EVER forgive them for how they stomped the whole SG franchise in the ground with SGU which spit on everything that made Stargate what it was: the best of the best working towards protecting earth from evil space dudes. Their arrogance - especially Wright's - knows no bounds.
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web-tisney-com · 6 months
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tvsotherworlds · 2 years
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sassycordy · 2 years
What is the sga debacle?? Did he do something specific?? I only know that he also made the shows Dark Matter and Utopia Falls which both have diversity and representation so that makes me hopeful for the same treatment in a new stargate series.
hi! whew im so sorry im just getting to this lmfao. truthfully ive been rly busy and this is such a serious topic that i wanted to make sure i chose my words carefully and laid everything out in the best way possible. 
disclaimer section! im not the best person to speak on this topic ahha. I just got into the fandom last year and it was only a few months ago that i started to hear some of these issues that existed previously (so if any veteran stargate fans wanna hop in on this and explain things in greater detail, please do)! also this is not a call out post or canceling thing. this is simply a hey-these-things-happened-and-maybe-we-should-be-careful-with-who-we-interact-with-and-trust type thing. anyways without further ado, here’s some of the sketchy shit that went down behind the scenes of stargate atlantis! (all sources are posted in the comment/replies btw)
> let’s start with the decision to kill off carson beckett because thats where the first weird comment pops up. now a lot of people claim that this was a move made by writers & producers to shake up the show and “make the actors feel less secure.” i’ve never been able to find that direct quote although ive heard people say that someone openly admitted it on the audio commentary/bonus features on the atlantis dvds soo take that however you like aha.
> after the sudden exit of paul mcgillion, tori higginson left the show a few episodes later anddddd ok this is where things escalate. this is an interview she gave where she openly talks about everything that went on behind the scenes. but to summarize, the writers ignored all of her input and refused to grow the character further when she had clearly outgrown the “Hammond” role. joseph mallozzi states in his blog post that brad wright himself was very fond and loved the weir character and he claims that the decision to write her out was because of “just simple logic.”(1) however, torri tells a different story. (2) 
“Honestly? I found that quite shitty, to be honest (laughs).Oops. But I found out, because I kept going to them, I kept going up to them saying ‘I have a feeling my character, you’re not doing anything with me, and you guys have me for six years and I don’t want to, you know, be here not doing anything. Let me know what’s going on.’ And they kept saying “no, no, no, it’s great. We love you. We love you. Things can be great.’ And I said ‘well, if that’s the case, can we do something with her’ and they kept reassuring me that nothing - and the very last day of filming season three, as I finished filming the last scene on the last day I was called up to the office and was told that my character was going to become recurring if I chose to be. So, I thought that was not very, um, dignified, way to deal with it, and I was a bit surprised. So I was—so my reaction was one of yeah, I was a little bit surprised. I was a little bit upset by how it was dealt with. But I wasn’t upset at the decision because I understood it. I kept going to them saying ‘I get, I get what’s going to happen, just give me some notice so I can pack my apartment and move back to L.A. Really. So I wasn’t upset with the decision. I was upset with how it was handled.”
she was led on and told her role would be reduced after the filming of season three which is uh. absolutely insane to think about considering she’s the main female lead of the show. And this is just my personal opinion but i think its interesting timing that as soon as brad stepped down, joseph mallozzi and his writing partner, paul mullie got rid of her. It’s also pretty telling that there was some bad blood behind the scenes because she didn’t even reprise her character in season five for the ghost in the machine aka the episode where they “kill elizabeth” off. although i do wanna mention that since then, jm has posted that he believes elizabeth would actually still be alive today and is just in stasis somewhere waiting to be found …which is nice. i guess. maybe they shouldn’t have fired her in the first place but hey whatever. 
and to end the torri section, here’s another quote that i think is the real reason she was let go from atlantis.
Question: And now Amanda Tapping seems to be doing exactly the same… just filing an episode. Torri said “Well, no. I understand that it’s a club, and you know, some people.. .you know. I think they didn’t like me constantly rapping on the doors saying ‘excuse me, why aren’t there any women writers or any women producers on the show?’ I think it bothered them. And so, Amanda, bless her, just had a kid so... bless her, man, she needs that gig more than [me]… you know what I mean? So I have no issues with any of them. I understand how it works. It is a bit of a political game and… I’m not very good at politics (laughs). I’m like Weir. I just want to act.”
> now this is where the joe flanigan of it all starts to come in. he’s been vocal about defending torri higginson and openly saying how bad of a decision it was to kill her off. (3) and his interview with dial the gate was enlightening on a few topics. (4)
his character didn’t get a backstory until season 3. tptb literally told him, “john likes ferris wheels” and called it a day. which is actually mind boggling. they gave him nothing to work with and somehow he turned it into gold. 
he’s also said many times and in different interviews how terrible it was that the writers carried over from sg1. the cast would pitch ideas but would be shut down because they would sound “too much like an sg1 ep” which is ridiculous considering how many atlantis scripts are just a rip off of sg1 eps anyways.
> and finally the whole whispers debacle. now i don’t really know a lot about this, so I'll just link the tumblr post that first brought this to my attention! (5) there’s also the whole “the writers stopped taking notes from the cast after season 3 and specifically started to shun joe out”  thing (which is very obvious in seasons 4 and 5) so i’ll also link another great tumblr post because they explain it so much better than i can. (6)
> there’s also the fact that once it became clear that universe was not doing well, both bw and jm turned and blamed it on atlantis and even sg1 fans.
“I don’t think if we, for any reason, go away, it is an issue necessarily of the quality of the product that we’ve been making. I think getting moved on the schedule has hurt us. And the fact that some of the fans that liked SG-1 and Atlantis were so angry that they have deliberately hurt us, which is unfortunate.” (7) Brad Wright. 
Jaso967060 writes: “Heck I think alot of people from “that other site” could be won back if some changes are made. (Finding out the Destinys Mission and the crew working together more instead of tearing each other down…and having more action…changes like that.)” 
Answer: Disagree. Given that their deluded mission statement is to see SGU cancelled in order to pave the way for an SGA return, I doubt that very much. (8) Joseph Mallozzi
this post is getting too long so i won’t go into the whole “stargate atlantis viewers were not the right demographic the writers wanted” thing. because yes this may have been said by one of the writers (i don’t have a source but so many people bring it up and it makes sense considering the type of show universe is). also joe flanigan talked about how the writers and producers disrespected atlantis fans and he sorta mentions this quote too so im gonna link it. (9) also i would just like to say huge shoutout to joe for not caring to be diplomatic lol. 
but yea. please take this post however you would like. all of this happened years and years ago so one can only hope people have learned from their mistakes. and if a fourth stargate show is ever made, I just pray they'll finally have women and poc writers/producers/directors as main contributors. also joseph mallozzi has done so many interviews with dial of the gate in recent years, so i would check those out if anyone would like to hear his current thoughts on stargate. (if you do, please message me because i would love to know if he acknowledges any of these topics ahah). 
and to end this lovely post, let's reminisce on that one time joe flanigan called the writers of atlantis “rodney mckays” <3
“Because the writers are all McKays – they are the collective Rodney McKay. It’s a whole load of little McKays running round up there in the offices.” (10)
so sorry this took a million years to respond to ahha. and i may have gotten a bit sidetracked but i hope i answered your question !!
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jenngeek · 2 years
Hahaha I’m so mad about Brad Wright and Joe Mallozzi potentially getting a new Stargate series and using BTS videos and photos to drum up interest that I am CRYING on this nice April afternoon but also fuck them fuck them FUCK THEM…fuck
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bitnspaycprod · 3 years
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Dark Matter (Science fiction t.v series, Syfy).
Wallpapers (Characters:1-6). 
 Dark Matter aired from  2015- 2017. 
Dark Matter is from Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie. 
  All Desktop wallpapers can be found here: https://www.Fanpop.com and https://www.Facebook.com
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Powder Mage and Joseph Mallozzi
Oh, didn’t know you were a Powder Mage stan!  I was thinking of reading the books because Joseph Mallozzi signed on to showrun and he’s my second-favorite writer [along with his writing partner Paul Mullie] on Stargate SG1.  The reviews I read of the books were mixed and the premise sounded… strange?  But it makes sense now it being military scifi because that’s exactly what the Stargate franchise is too, military + scifi (except the spinoffs but SG1 is about the USAF so) so it makes sense why they got Joe.
Don’t worry about the tv series then, I think you’re in excellent hands with Joe, only thing better would’ve been having Brad Wright himself do this show, he’s my #1 favorite writer/showrunner and massively talented and underrated - he did the Stargate shows and also Travelers on Netflix and The Outer Limits.  But Joe is great and he wrote my most favorite episode of SG1, “Window of Opportunity” which had scenes like this (but it wasn’t just a comedy show):
You should really watch Stargate SG1 in fact if you want to get a good idea of Joe’s work, he didn’t showrun but and his writing partner wrote a bunch of episodes for it - I would suggest just his episodes but the show is semi-serialized so it’ll be too confusing without watching it all.  I think he did showrun the spinoff Stargate Atlantis but I haven’t watched it.  Amazon Prime and Netflfix have SG1 here, not sure if Poland has it but it’s pretty fun.  I just hated the last two seasons for cast reasons, also ship reasons (SIGHHHHH), 10 seasons total but most of it is great (okay, I found the last two seasons skippable).  He also did Dark Matter (Netflix) and wrote for a show called Utopia Falls but not showrun it.
Joe said he’s a fan of the books and the author is a fan of his so it’s a mutual lovefest and hopefully will make for a good adaptation.  He’s also a super nice guy and very interactive with fans so I’m hoping there are no ships in these books and the toxic crazies stay away.  His blog mentionings of Powder Mage to check him out and his Twitter:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/barondestructo
Just, it’s not scifi, no scifi elements there, just military/political fantasy ;D
SG is forever on my to watch list and I will watch it for sure one day. Just... too many books to read, too many shows too watch, too less time, sniff.
But you made me less nervous about the future of the show, nice to knows it’s in a good hands ^^
I have seen their conversations on twitter i think, they are both excited xD
Anyway, thanks for the messasge and info! <3
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speedygal · 4 years
How close are Stargate fans to getting a brand new, fourth series on the air? According to former Stargate executive producer Joseph Mallozzi, we’re about five chevrons into the 7-chevron dialing sequence.
“How much progress and how close are we?” Mallozzi said on Reddit today. “Well, someone asked me how many chevrons have been locked. I told them five.”
It echoes sentiments that Mallozzi wrote on his blog back in July — that “truth be told, we’ve never been closer to a fourth Stargate series. … Long-suffering Stargate fans may finally be rewarded. Provided a few crucial pieces fall into place.”
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mumbal33 · 6 years
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Excerpt from Joseph Mallozzi’s Weblog Jan 11, 2013:
Sometime near the end of Atlantis’s fourth season, actor Jason Momoa swung by our offices to talk about his character.  Over the course of our discussion, he told us that there was one thing he would love to see Ronon do in season 5, and that was to go darkside.  Well, it just so happened that I was looking to do a sequel to season 4’s Reunion and the notion of writing an Evil Ronon story was just too enticing to pass up.  I wrote the script over the hiatus, including a scene in which Ronon shaves his head to complete his bad-ass transformation.  It was the ideal opportunity to present a logical, in-story explanation for the change in hairstyle (over the hiatus, Jason ended up losing the dread locks).  As it turned out, however, the network felt strongly about the Ronon character’s trademark dreads and so we ended up losing the scene – and wigging Jason for the rest of the season.  That wig, by the way, was woven from his real hair.
Anyway, playing the part of a bad guy is something almost every actor longs for and Jason threw himself into the role.  He was, in a word, magnificent.  And he was magnificent not only because he was so damn scary-convincing as Ronon gone darkside, but because he was so damn good conveying a range of emotions: fear, anger, anguish, and, ultimately grief.  Jason demonstrates incredible depth and range in this episode – in my opinion, his best performance of the series.
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joseph--hirst · 6 years
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Dark Matter is a Canadian science fiction series created by Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, based on their comic book of the same name and developed by Prodigy Pictures in association with Space channel. Dark Matter was filmed on location in Hamilton, Brampton and Cambridge, Ontario  in Canada.
A group of six people awaken in stasis pods with amnesia aboard a starship called the Raza. They have no memories of their identities or their lives before awakening so they assume the names One through Six, in the order in which they left stasis. They stabilize their vessel and set about trying to determine who they are and what happened to them.
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xpressbus · 2 years
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Downtown Brooklyn Live Summer Series @300ashland - July 7, 2022 Mickela Mallozzi | Bare Feet @travelbarefeet Masala Bhangra @masalabhangra with @sarinajain #DowntownBrooklyn  https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzYYvG (at 300 Ashland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRb9BzAgwX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sfcrowsnest · 2 years
Stargate Universe's TV series abruptly came to an end (executive producer TV interview: video).
Stargate Universe’s TV series abruptly came to an end (executive producer TV interview: video).
Being just 40 episodes into a projected 5-year plot, Stargate Universe‘s Season 2 cliffhanger was obviously never supposed to conclude. When Syfy Channel cancelled the programme just as it was about to become very excellent, the authors of the show were as stunned as the viewers. In addition to writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi, David Read also speaks with Paul Mullie, a fellow…
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goodtobegeeking · 2 years
Stargate Universe's TV series abruptly came to an end (executive producer TV interview: video).
Stargate Universe’s TV series abruptly came to an end (executive producer TV interview: video).
Being just 40 episodes into a projected 5-year plot, Stargate Universe‘s Season 2 cliffhanger was obviously never supposed to conclude. When Syfy Channel cancelled the programme just as it was about to become very excellent, the authors of the show were as stunned as the viewers. In addition to writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi, David Read also speaks with Paul Mullie, a fellow…
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