#Malum Kranus
camilitamaellard · 2 months
I can't decide :v (my mistake in first one, I mean "Yea they both live"
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medukathemeguca · 1 year
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Rob says to vote for Anti Pops
Anti Pops will avenge my son
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Today’s character of the day is: Anti-Pops aka Malum Kranus from Regular Show
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edgyxd06 · 2 months
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Paul's reference:3
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Fact about Paul 🍭
Paul is the only child of pops and Helen(oc)
He's 6.3 feet tall same height as pops in the show and fact pops in my au is 6.5 feet tall
Paul mostly inherited his father's appearance and personality but his singing voice inherited from his mother Helen
He's classmates with Mordecai in art school and sometimes they make art together in highschool
Him and Mordecai and Rigby mostly cause most of the trouble in the park but Paul got grounded when he gets in into trouble with Mordecai and Rigby
When Paul ask his father/pops for art supplies Mr maellard buys Paul's art supplies because Mr maellard sometimes spoiled Paul and sometimes when Mr maellard buy those art supplies he thinks it's too much and he can't say too much to Mr maellard because he's shy
Paul can wrestle ofc like his father pops but he sometimes break someone's bones when he wrestle;D
He dislike or likes his uncle anti pops/Malum kranus
Pops and Helen and Paul have their records on the tapestry on lolliland
He likes to dance or play rhythm games
His nationality is British🇬🇧/Filipino🇵🇭
He speaks Tagalog when he gets disappointed or angry
He doesn't know swear words
He loves to sing footloose when he draws or make an art or painting
Paul mostly inside of the house mostly of his childhood
Paul is actually 50 or 40 years old but he perfer to call himself as a 23 year old and a adult and fact lollipop or lollilanders have a long life span
Paul is sometimes naive and childish
Paul have a connection to astronomy the same with his father him and pops have a bonding time when they watch planets on pop's telescope
Paul unlocked his powers when pops finished his training and Paul can't control his powers so he needs a training from Earl
Paul and Earl are close since he's pop's son
Mr maellard and Paul and pops have a bonding time when they fishing together on a lake
Paul like or dislike pop's titan form he thinks it's intimating he sometimes liked pop's titan form because how cool it looks
When Paul gets angry he gets in a tantrum and activated his powers and loses control over them and his hair changed into a bit white and his hair turns into a fire like hair like titan pops on the show
Paul have his father's jacket when pops was a teenager in the 1950s
He sometimes wear pop's jacket when he goes to college
Paul and skips are close since skips is there when Paul was born and skips always gives him advice when Paul needs help
Paul and Benson are close because Benson cares about Paul like Benson cares about pops because since Mr maellard is his boss
Paul can drive his father's car Carmenita when he goes to college or go stores to get art supplies he have a driver's license
Paul is a great swimmer because Helen is a good swimmer
Paul and muscle man and high five ghost are close
His shoes are highcut shoes
Paul knows a technology
Paul loves to eat Filipino food
Paul's full name is Paul Bautista Maellard
Bautista is Helen's last name
Paul loves reading books especially history books
Paul sometimes bake or cook when he's bored and gives it to Mordecai and Rigby
He's Also in guys night same with pops too
He trusts Mordecai and Rigby even though they cause trouble
Paul and pops and Helen sometimes go to Helen's home country Philippines
Paul can stand the heat on the Philippines same with Helen but pops can't handle the heat on the Philippines
In Thanksgiving he loves to spend more time with his family and friends
His birthday is on June 10th
That's all the facts on Paul ^^🍭💜
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karaboutmyart · 3 years
I need some anti pops okay
I miss him 🥺
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anything for you ❤
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elaskmaligno · 5 years
Videos de orientación para Villanos: Los casos perdidos del parque | Vil...
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cutiegrumpycerym · 5 years
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Here are finally some concepts for my Villainous School AU ! Welcome to Villainous Gakuen !! So yes, it'll be kinda anime-stylish school AU, but it'll be for sure very funny ! And very angsty. And yes, they have japanese uniforms. Even Black Hat~ About this girl with Demencia, it's an OC of mine called Lenga. I already introduced her in my blog ! ^^ Also, heroes will be mixed with villains, so that's why Flug is talking to Sunblast. There will also be some villains from the orientation videos, such as Bonnivet, Mawrasite or Dark Phantom~ Aaaaaaaand ! Last but not least, some villains of the lost cases in the orientation videos will be the teacher. And some heros too. Let me explain with a list of what i can remember right now : Mojo Jojo : Maths Teacher Princess Bubblegum : Science Teacher Peridot : Informatics Teacher Jasper : PE Teacher Vilgax : Economy Teacher (?) Malum Kranus : History Teacher The Lemon Nightmare (jk, I don't remember his name) : Language Teacher And the funniest I could think of : Aku will be...the Philosophy Teacher. And Rob will be the "Always forgotten student. As usual" Welp ! I'll post more concept art for this AU maybe tomorrow or the next day ! I hope you'll enjoy the idea as much as I do ! It'll be a series of shorts I think, cuz I'm already working on two full comics and I don't have the time nor the motivation (for now) to imagine an complete story for it ! There might be Paperhat and other ships ! (Click for better resolution !) -------------- Villainous by Alan Ituriel Villainous Gakuen and design by me Lenga by me Art by me PLEASE DON'T REPOST, COPY NOR TRACE MY ART ! REBLOGS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED ! ^-^ ASK ME PERMISSION TO USE MY ART !
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rcginaxgnis · 5 years
And in turn, you and Dharkon are also like Malum Kranus from Regular Show.
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  “…I guess?”
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burritodetodo · 7 years
Burrito Reviews: Regular Show Season 8 (final season)
Regular Show is done. After seven years of surrealistic stories, the crew decided to serialize the final season into a big space adventure with Pops as the main character. It went with a bang, closing almost all stories. But something is pretty sure: we won't forget one of the best animated series of this decade for sure and part of the Pantheon of 2010 Cartoons.
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Serializing Regular Show was a big change that went well in order to tell the final story properly. There were lots of fourth wall breaks and demolitions, meta moments, emotion, fun, references/parodies and licensed songs. New characters, like Rawls or even one-hit-wonders like Roxy, were nice additions.
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The introduction of the first half had many good episodes, mostly funny ones (Lost and Found, Can You Hear Me Now?) but also deep and emotional ones (Stuck in an Elevator, The Dream Warrior, Welcome to Space), and don't forget the action ones (The Space Race, The Brain of Evil, Cool Bro Bots).
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On the second part the serialization was notorious with the quest of the key to the Universe, in which emotional and action moments took the lead on the arc while Pops found out the purpose of his existance and why his sibling was hunting him.
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The finale left us with our jabs on the floor. Killing off a main character is a huge and polemic move. But it was the final episode, anything could happen and believe me that everything happened on those three part episode. Obviously it hit right on everyone’s feels not only with those scenes, but also with the future moments after the Park musicalized with David Bowie's Heroes.
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At least 80% of the main and secondary characters got their stories closed. There was some controversy on how it was handled (I'm watching at Pops, Benson, Mordecai, CJ, Thomas' endings eh), but in general they were okay. There was also time of self-criticism/fans point of view on Meet The Seer, or some epic meta moments on No Train No Gain and Christmas in Space.
This final season had heavy stories. But @bentonconnor/ @yeaboiiiii duet did the best episodes (without counting the finale, that isn't rated). First, Space Escape had all kinds of emotions in 11 minutes giving us the heaviest moment to end the first part of the season. And second, Meet The Seer broke the fourth wall like never in the show (it was broken after that episode, but The Seer analysis was incredible). Special mentions to @oweeeeendennis /Sean Glaze for the amazing The Space Race, and @madelinequeripel /Alex Cline for the beatiful, emotional Welcome To Space.
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Voice acting was great as usual, and Robert Englund (aka Freddie Krueger) joined the party as Anti Pops/Malum Kranus that was pretty well done.
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Storyboarder Madeleine Queripel did a series of comics with Margaret Smith as the main character called "Dear Eileen". They were letters written to Eileen about things that happened in Earth while she was on Earth. According to her creator, those were non-canon, but I think they were nice aditions to the main story in space.
On the finale, we could see the return of Andrés Salaff as a storyboarder after three years (he went to work on Adventure Time and voice Princess on Harvey Beaks). And do you remember that smooth animatic of Anti Pops rising? It was animated by the one and only Jaaaaaaames Baxter. The day of the finale, Regular Show was trending topic on every social media: Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook... Even on Google+ (?).
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The last season of Regular Show was the end of not only a seven-year series, but also of a process that began on late Season 6 which was the strong development of many characters:
Rigby finally matured, dated Eileen and got his GED. He became more serious, although he still did some dumb things, and made better decisions. And his dad was finally proud of him!
Mordecai recognised he was depressed and began a road to overcome it. It took him many years, but he could do it and he finally found a life partner (Steff the bat)
Pops had to leave his comfort zone to save not only the fate of the universe, he had to save his friends. So he chose sacrificing himself
Benson knew Dumptown wasn’t the end of the road and he had to do stuff to leave the depression zone. Also make other know he was the boss and he had to make others to show respect to him, no matter if they were from the Park or out of it
Muscle Man and Fives strengthened their friendship like never before, no matter if there was a fight or a lightning strucked them. They couldn’t be away from each other
Margaret used all her skills to become a very important reporter and then an anchorwoman
Eileen finished her college studies but also found a new, big challenge on space that tested her skills (and she succeeded)
Maellard understood that sacrifices must be done, despite he wasn’t prepared yet to send his son he loved so much to his probably death
Seven years, +250 episodes, a movie, many shorts, comics, loooooots of merch, countless OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHS, threats of fireing, my mom jokes, angry rants, fanciness, awkwardness and punchies. Regular Show left us with an unforgettable bang, like many of the animated shows born on this decade (besides, it left the stick very high for other shows like Adventure Time, that ends next year). I would like to thank all the people who worked on this jolly good show, that was anything but regular, that made me believe again on cartoons after many years. And I wish them good fortune on the projects they're going to work on.
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yahoo201027 · 7 years
Mega-Kranus...Malum-Kranus...huh...I never understand names from other planets
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medukathemeguca · 8 months
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Get Undertaled
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medukathemeguca · 10 months
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medukathemeguca · 1 year
The ultimate battle will commence tomorrow
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medukathemeguca · 1 year
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Antipopssweep please
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medukathemeguca · 3 years
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Little children sing with innocent voices
What will they hide, what will they destroy?
Time burns with the scent of secret flowers
I am here
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medukathemeguca · 3 years
when your brother won’t let you erase the universe:
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